分类存档: MMA

跆拳道传奇人物唐·“龙”·威尔逊参加在马里兰高地戴夫举行的 BELLATOR MMA“粉丝节” & 巴斯特周四, JUNE 23

Wilson 加入 Bellator MMA 重量级拳手“King Mo” & 轻量级竞争者本森·亨德森 (Benson Henderson) 加入“史迪仔”杜兰 (Stitch Duran) 以及 MMA 传奇人物兰迪·库卓 (Randy Couture), 万德雷·席尔瓦 (Wanderlei Silva) 出席 Bellator MMA 粉丝节之前周五Bellator: 炸药 2” 史考特中心活动


活动专为 Bellator Nation 会员开放 – 立即加入 Bellator Nation



什么: Bellator球迷盛会在戴夫 & 巴斯特的

所有年龄段的球迷被邀请戴夫和巴斯特在马里兰高地, MO. 与综合格斗界的一些顶尖人物会面并获得签名. 球迷们也将有机会赢得门票和大奖, 以及捕捉与Bellator环女孩的照片.

球迷盛会是专门为只Bellator国家成员, 成为正式Bellator国家会员是简单而且免费. 点击这里 登记和RSVP为球迷盛会. 如果您已经Bellator民族的一员,您将收到一封电子邮件,邀请RSVP.


WHERE: 戴夫 & 巴斯特的

13857 河港博士.

马里兰高地, 你. 63043


什么时候: 星期四, 六月 23 在 8 P.M. CT


WHO: 被广泛认为是有史以来最伟大的跆拳道冠军, 唐·“龙”·威尔逊 是唯一获胜的人 11 三个不同重量级别的世界跆拳道冠军. 一路上, 他打败了 11 其他世界冠军, 12 排名第一的竞争者, 15 四大洲冠军,并且是第一位成为跆拳道世界冠军的功夫练习者. 具有专业记录 72 胜, 5 损失和 2 绘制—— 48 通过淘汰赛的方式来—— “The Dragon” 将他在擂台上的成功转化为银幕上多个备受瞩目的角色, 尤其是传说中的 “血拳” 系列. 总体, 威尔逊曾主演过 29 电影并以其切实的魅力赢得了全球粉丝. 如果您不熟悉 5 级跆拳道黑带的一些格斗运动项目, 别再犹豫了比这个激动人心的精彩片段.


有史以来最知名的综合格斗选手之一, 名人堂成员 兰迪时装 在他的格斗生涯结束后,很好地过渡到娱乐界, 主演多部电视节目和电影, 最引人注目的是敢死队系列和与星共舞. 笼子里面, 时装界是一个无所畏惧的失败者, 经常击败拥有巨大体型优势的男人. “The Natural”是 UFC 多次重量级和轻重量级冠军.


“King Mo” 自此以来一直是 Bellator MMA 的中流砥柱 2013, 战斗大家都轻重量级和重量级所提供的. 这将是拉瓦尔首次出现在 Bellator MMA 的“粉丝节”活动中, 让球迷有机会第一次见到这位爆发力前锋. 在他最近与 菲尔·戴维斯, “Mo”现在将目光投向其他“金钱重量级”比赛来满足自己的渴望.


本森亨德森 作为一名综合武术家,他在 10 年的职业生涯中取得了巨大成就. 前 WEC 和 UFC 轻量级冠军, “Smooth”拥有跆拳道和巴西柔术黑带, 并荣获 NAIA 全美最佳球员两项荣誉 2005 和 2006. 多家媒体将亨德森评为年度最佳拳击手 2012, 并参与了几场史诗般的战斗,这些战斗受到了“年度扑灭” 荣誉: 唐纳德·塞罗内 (2009), 安东尼佩蒂斯 (2010), 羊羊埃德加 (2012), 和布兰登·萨奇 (2015).


大约二十年前第一次参加这项运动, 很少有人比他拥有更传奇的履历 万德雷·席尔瓦. “斧头杀人犯”是 Pride 和 UFC 的老将, 每次踏入笼子时都会带来一种令人生畏和气势的存在. 目前是这项运动中最大的自由球员之一, 席尔瓦可能很快就会重返赛场,希望在已经令人印象深刻的胜利清单上再添一笔,其中包括: 盖伊·梅兹格, 丹·亨德森, 樱野合, 里卡多·阿罗纳, 藤田幸, 迈克尔·比斯平, 贡乐, 布莱恩·斯坦恩和昆顿·“狂暴”·杰克逊两次


观看任何格斗运动赛事时, 没看到才奇怪 雅各布·“史迪奇”·杜兰 作为值班的专业剪辑师. 最近, Bellator MMA 很高兴在可预见的未来独家获得他作为剪辑师的服务, 在“Stitch”与 Scott Coker 主导的推广活动签订了一份多年合同之后. “史迪仔”随处可见格斗运动赛事的举办, 并在最近的红极一时的大片中发挥了至关重要的作用, “信条。”


FIGHT INFO: “Bellator: 炸药2” 发生在 星期五, 六月 24, 并在 SPIKE 上免费直播 8 P.M. AND/7 P.M. CT 并设有重量级主赛事 “狂暴”杰克逊石井敏. 门票开始只是 $30 现已在 Ticketmaster 发售, 和史考特中心售票处.


路易斯顿, 缅因 (六月 16, 2016) – As the only girl in a rough-and-tumble household with three older brothers in Mexico, 缅因, Nicole Burgess learned how to fight for pride, for respect, sometimes even just for fun.

Sometimes such sibling rivalries are a challenge and burden. In Nicole’s case, 然而, the arrangement furnished three built-in fans and best friends. And the closest bond of all naturally formed with the family’s youngest boy, 瑞安, exactly one year and three days older than his sister.

“We were born pretty much back-to-back,” said Ryan Burgess, the pride becoming perceptible in his voice. “She’s always been tough. She’s really strong, just very athletic.”

瑞安, 22, has backed up his three high school championships as a wrestler with a pair of impressive mixed martial arts wins and the New England Fights amateur flyweight title.

Not to be outdone, multi-sport athlete Nicole, 21, finished fourth against primarily male competition in the state wrestling meet her sophomore, junior and senior years of high school. She has carved out a successful college field hockey career at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire.

Similarly accomplished, so close in age, rarely seen apart from one another in childhood, Ryan and Nicole’s athletic and life stories remain intertwined as young adults. Nicole will follow her brother into the NEF cage on 星期六, 六月 18, making her debut against Alex Walker (0-1) in a 115-pound women’s bout at “NEF 24: Promised Land.”

Anybody who grew up with a brother or a sister probably can imagine the good-natured ribbing that has taken place in training camp.

“He thinks I’m probably going to want to throw up,” Nicole said with a laugh.

瑞安, who will defend his strap on the same card against Dustin Veinott in a rematch of their split-decision title tilt from November 2015, knows there is no substitute for experience in the cage.

Although he was one of the most accomplished wrestlers in the history of his proud community, Ryan discovered in his first two cage confrontations that the variety of skills and size of the crowd at an MMA event demanded a quantum leap.

“You don’t know what to expect,“他说,. “Before my debut, I had never been in a fight in my life. I thought I had, but I really hadn’t. I told myself ‘It’s just another wrestling match,’ but it’s not.”

Burgess stuck with what he knew best and ground out a unanimous decision over Justin Witham in June 2015.

He was introduced as an independent. His studies at Kennebec Valley Community College interfered with his training schedule, and Burgess’ coaches at Berserkers MMA didn’t want him representing the stable until he spent a full cycle under their watchful eyes.

The same night, he scouted out Veinott’s win over Norman “Sleepy” Fox and felt that he compared favorably to both fighters. He proved it in a championship setting five months later, albeit by an on-paper verdict that most cage-side observers felt could have gone either way.

After struggling to find an opponent worthy for the title shot in his weight class, Burgess was eager to extend Veinott (4-4) a second chance.

“I’ve already been in the cage 18 分钟, which is more fight time than a lot of guys who’ve been in four of five fights can say they’ve had,” Ryan said. “I’m completely confident now with the venue, 球迷. The only person I hear now is my coach.”

He doesn’t even hear Nicole, although little sister was so enamored with the environment as a spectator that she couldn’t wait to resume her own combat sports career.

“I always watched UFC and stuff like that,“ 她说. “I actually started boxing before Ryan even got into it.”

Nicole donned the gloves in high school after giving up softball. In sixth grade, she made a similar transition from basketball to wrestling after waiting for a ride home, watching one of Ryan’s grueling mat practices and deciding that it looked fun.

“It was weird at first. I didn’t want to touch the guys,” Nicole said. “Then you heard things like, '哦, it’s just a girl.’ Often times the guys would be stronger, but I had good technique.”

Walker brings experience, in the form of a loss to Randi Beth Boyington, and a tough stand-up game.

Speaking with the typical subtlety of a big brother, Ryan said that Nicole “should be OK as long as she doesn’t get kicked in the head.”

He quickly noted that she has the poise and talent to enjoy a successful debut if she can shake off the requisite whirlwind of emotions.

“As long as she can put together everything she’s learned. You have to overcome the nerves and the adrenaline dump,” Ryan said. “I remember that from my debut. It stunk.”

Nicole said she would like to end the fight early but predicted that it probably will go the distance.

Her brother aims for his first stoppage and forecasts that his improved striking will catch Veinott and everyone else by surprise.

“Up until now, I was focused on school, just graduating in May, and trying to get my career started,” Ryan said. “I was working 40 hours a week for free as an internship and working 20 more hours on the weekend trying to make ends meet. Dustin is going to see a completely different fighter this time.”

开盘上 六月 18 被设定为 7 P.M. 目前的日程包括五场职业拳击比赛, four pro MMA bouts and eight amateur MMA skirmishes. “NEF”门票 24: 应许之地》开始于 $25 和可在www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.

有关事件和战斗卡更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

M-1的挑战 68 官方WEIGHTS

M-1的挑战 68
星期四, 六月 16 在 11 A.M. AND / 8 A.M. PT 在美国.
MAIN EVENT – M-1 大奖赛中量级锦标赛 – 5 X 5
亚历山大 “风暴” SHLEMENKO (52-9-0, M-1的: 3-0-0), 俄罗斯 184 1/2 磅. (83.7 公斤)
维亚切斯拉夫·华西列夫斯基 (28-4-0, M-1的: 10-2-0), 俄罗斯 185 磅. (84.0 公斤)
共同特征 – M-1挑战重量级冠军 – 5 X 5
亚历山大 “德拉戈” 沃尔科夫 (25-6-0, M-1的: 9-3-0), 俄罗斯 238 磅. (108.0 公斤)
阿提拉 “回转” 血管内皮生长因子 (11-1-0, M-1的: 7-1-0), 斯洛伐克 220 磅. (100.1 公斤)
welterweights的 – 3 X 5
谢尔盖·罗曼诺夫 (8-1-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 俄罗斯 169 1/2 磅. (76.9 公斤)
安德烈亚斯·伯格尔斯 (12-9-0, M-1的: 0-0-0), 德国 169 1/2 磅. (76.9 公斤)

Abukar YANDIEV (4-1-0, M-1的: 1-1-0), 俄罗斯 175 磅. (79.5 公斤)
托尼·克里斯托杜卢 (12-6-0, M-1的: 0-0-0), 美国 177 1/2 磅. (80.5 公斤)
middleweights的 — 3 X 5
ENOC解决TORRES (18-9-0, M-1的: 5-6-0), 西班牙 183 1/2 磅. (83.7 公斤)
VALERY “俄罗斯锤” 米亚斯尼科夫 (10-1-1, M-1的: 1-1-1), 俄罗斯 184 1/2 磅. (83.7 公斤)
权重股 – 3 X 5
丹尼尔·阿列皮耶夫 (5-0-0, M-1的: 0-0-0), 俄罗斯 271 磅. (123.3 公斤)
安东·维亚济金 (5-1-0, M-1的: 0-0-0), 俄罗斯 249 磅. (113.5 公斤)
welterweights的 – 3 X 5
达尼拉DISPLAY (3-0-1, M-1的: 2-0-0), 俄罗斯 169 1/2 磅. (77.0 公斤)
马克西姆GRABOVICH (3-2-0, M-1的: 3-0-0), 俄罗斯 169 1/2 磅. (76.9 公斤)
轻量级 – 3 X 5
费利佩·雷戈 (7-2-0, M-1的: 0-0-0), 巴西 154 1/2 磅. (70.2 公斤)
ALEXEY “分配” Makhno (10-4-0, M-1的: 2-1-0), 俄罗斯 154 1/2 磅. (70.1 公斤)

穆罗德忠·科季罗夫 (1-0-0), M-1的: 0-0-0), 俄罗斯 151 1/2 磅. (68.9 公斤)
马克西姆·普加乔夫 (2-0-0, M-1的: 0-0-0) 154 1/2 磅. (70.2 公斤)
羽量级 – 3 X 5
安德烈 “铁的” LEZHNEV (7-5-0, M-1的: 1-2-0), 乌克兰 145 磅. (65.9 公斤)
MIKHAIL KUZNETSOV (5-1-0, M-1的: 2-1-0), 俄罗斯 144 1/2 磅. (65.6 公斤)
什么时候: 星期四, 六月 16, 2016
WHERE: 圣. 圣彼得堡, 俄罗斯
LIVE STREAM: www.m-1global.tv (11 A.M. AND / 8 A.M. PT 在美国)
叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

顶 5 Tips On Choosing Martial Arts Training Camp

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, choosing a martial arts training camp is a tough decision. I’d like to share with you the top 5 tips on choosing the right camp from 8 martial arts experts that will help you simplify the daunting selection process. Read on!

  1. Class size

Similar to any other kind of training, if you happen to be a beginner in MMA, it’s best to stick to a smaller-sized class. Regardless of your level, the smaller the class, the more 1-on-1 attention and supervision your trainer is able to give you. 理想的情况下, a training class only consists of 3-4 trainees per coach. You should steer clear of any class that has more than 10 students for each trainer.


As MMA is considered one of the most ‘brutal’ combat sports out there, your trainer will need to closely supervise your techniques and provide you with more guidance to minimize the likelihood of injuries during your practice. With a large-sized class, it’s unlikely that they would be able to give the attention you need.


  1. Equipment

According to Aaron of Fight Quality, the most important equipment in an MMA gym is properly padded mats on the floor. This way, you are likely to minimize injuries when you get knocked down during a fight. Most MMA establishments should have a cage; 然而, some may have a ring instead.


MMA gyms should also have high quality pads to hold. Good gyms will have a nice selection of pads, from boxing mitts, to Thai style kick pads to strike shields. These will be used by either one of the gym’s instructors or students in partner exercises.


When practicing striking, another important thing to look out for are heavy bags. Bags come in all shapes and sizes, and most gyms will have a selection of several types. These are great for perfecting techniques on your own.


To recap, a good MMA training camp should also have the following:


  • Rings or cages
  • Punching or spar bags
  • Boxing equipment
  • Full weights equipment
  • 身体素质 & cardio machines


Quality training camps and gyms may also offer ‘spare’ gear available to use or rent. This may be an alternative if you are only going to be using it only a couple of times. Even though these gears are probably cleaned after every use, it’s always best to buy your own in order to ensure the best quality and hygiene.


  1. 价格

Prices for MMA training camps vary greatly depending on the level of trainers, location, facilities & 设备, and so forth. 然而, it doesn’t always mean that a cheaper training camp has less qualified trainers than more expensive one. 例如, to give you a better idea on the price range, a budget option of Super Pro’s 1 month MMA & Muay Thai training in Thailand is priced as low as US$ 344 (包括 30 days/29 nights acommodation) whereas a more luxury option such as Evolve MMA retreat in Singapore would cost you US$ 2490 (also includes 30 days/29 nigths acommodation). Despite on different price ranges, there are positive reviews for both types of camps, and their visitors have shared that they significantly developed their skills after their training, which illustrates that lower-priced training camp doesn’t necessarily equal to low quality of training.


  1. Training program

In order to evaluate the price range, you might want to compare the training program that is offered. 通常,, you will undergo at least 3 training sessions in different martial arts training disciplines. Some training courses offer additional classes such as yoga, meditation, or cross training sessions. Whether you are a beginner, an intermediate, or a pro, it’s advisable to always carefully weigh out the fee of the training camp against what is being offered. Take your time and feel free to ask around and make comparisons in determining whether the price tag is ‘worth it’ to invest in.


  1. 地点

If you are more serious about your training and looking to hone your skills in MMA, location may not be a huge variable that you need to take into account in making your selection. You can instead focus on evaluating which options would best assist you in becoming the great MMA champion you are striving to become. Sean of Muay Thai Guy also shared his insights in terms of location: “The people and the coaches make the place doesn’t matter if you are training in a remote place or in a busy city it all comes down to the people and how they treat you as an individual, but if the camp is near a beach, that’s always a plus!”

If you are curious and want to learn more on choosing an MMA training camp, check out the full version of ‘The Definite Guide On Choosing the right MMA training camp’ created by BookMartialArts.com in collaboration with 8 top experts in MMA and related disciplines!


Newest Bellator MMA acquisition Joey Davis

SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亚州. (六月 15, 2016) – Bellator MMA is thrilled to announce the signing of NCAA Division II wrestling star 乔伊·戴维斯, 以独家多年, 多打合同. The signing was first reported by FloWrestling.com’s Jeremy Botter.


Davis joins a string of recent signings by Bellator president Scott Coker including standout wrestlers the likes of three-time All-American 贾罗德·特里斯 and Olympic contender 泰瑞尔财富. The 21-year-old standout wrestler competed at Notre Dame College, where he accumulated an incredible undefeated 131-0 record and four consecutive NCAA Division II Championships during his college tenure, becoming the only Division II wrestler to ever win four national titles and go unbeaten in a career. Davis will look to compete in Bellator MMA’s stacked welterweight division and will make his professional debut before the end of this year.


“With God you can achieve anything, and I’m gonna do it with high fashion,” Davis said. “Joining Bellator is my latest achievement to date. I don’t remember what it’s like to lose, and I’m not planning on finding out any time soon.”

(从左到右) 乔伊·戴维斯, Antonio McKee and A.J. 麦基


Named 2016 “Man of the Year” by Wrestling USA Magazine, the Compton, 加利福尼亚州。, native began his stretch of domination as early as the ninth grade, when he attended Sante Fe High School. Davis was crowned the California State champion at 152-pounds in his junior year and followed that impressive campaign with a second State Title at 160-pounds in his senior year.


Davis will train at Antonio McKee’s Body Shop Gym in Long Beach, 加利福尼亚州. alongside childhood best friend and Bellator featherweight wrecking machine AJ麦基. Davis joins a budding roster of Bellator MMA talent, with recent signings that include: Matt Mitrione, 本森亨德森, Jarrod Trice, 谢尔盖Kharitonov, and recent re-signings the likes of Darrion考德威尔迈克尔·钱德勒.

Weight Training for Fighters

In the past fighters would stay far away from weight training, thinking it would make them slow, but research has proven otherwise, mainly because there are different kinds of strength. Any fighter, from all styles, is looking to develop speed strength and explosive strength.

The highly regarded sports bio-chemist Vladimir Zatsiorsky, was a well-recognized strength coach/consultant for the Olympic teams that were competing for the Soviet Union many years ago. He said the ability for any athlete to produce the most maximal force in minimal time is known as explosive strength. He says that a strong body does not necessarily mean strong explosive strength.

It is clear that developing one type of strength like max strength will not guarantee development of another type of strength like explosive strength or speed strength. Speed strength is defined as the ability to execute any unloaded movement against a small resistance very quickly.

A good example would be punching a heavy punch-bag which would be considered a small external resistance. The few ounces of weight that your gloves weigh would be insufficient to qualify as minimal resistance. 但, all fighters should note that excessive max strength training may eventually impair strength speed, reducing the technical speed of a good boxer.

Strength endurance is different as it is defined as maintaining the muscular function/integrity of the muscles for longer periods. No matter what style a fighter uses, strength endurance is vitally important for any competitive combat fighter. Having a whole lot of power and speed with no stamina is not going to get a fighter very far.

Combat sporting events require the athlete to be multifaceted and well-rounded when it comes to strength preparation. Developing max strength at the expense of other strengths is not going to help the athlete. A fighter needs a completely unique blend of these strengths.

It does not mean that fighters should never do max training to improve their strength, a fighter needs to understand a bit of muscle physiology to be able to appreciate how important max training could be for a fighter. Muscle fibers are always grouped into different motor units.

These motor units each contain one nerve and hundreds of separate muscle fibers. The nerve delivers the signal for a muscle to fire, slow or fast twitch, depending on how many reps, the weight used and the muscle(s) isolated. The muscle fibers are then contracted when the signal is delivered.

Training specifically for power development, a fighter needs to target only the fast twitch muscle-fibers. But unfortunately, not all of the motor units will be activated at once. Any and all low intensity exercise will not activate the important fast twitch fibers.

If the exercise that a fighter performs does not stimulate any fast-twitch motor units, then the muscle fibers inside that motor unit will not be able to adapt to the training. If the motor unit isn’t being recruited, no response will happen. But when the athlete lifts heavy loads they’ll be activating fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Strength coaches across the world recognize the importance of maximal strength training because it is the best way to improve both intramuscular and intermuscular coordination, required for any fighter.

Despite what you might have heard about heavy weight training, it’s a common myth that all heavy weight training will only result in unnecessary bulk, which will then reduce the range of motion and the speed development. This is totally false, any fighter considering strength training will improve his/her competitiveness in the ring.

The well-known Russian coach Yuri Verkhoshansky, said in one of his manuals that when any effective methodology is used for planning a weight training routine, the resistance used will promote an increase in speed of a movement but will also improve muscle coordination, motor-reaction plus the quickness and the frequency of the movements.

He continues by explaining that the primary function of a muscle is not to increase size when strength training, but rather to increase the contractibility for effective nervous stimulation. He explains that strength training correctly will increase the ability of your muscle to relax while developing local muscular endurance and it will increase the maximal anaerobic capacity of that muscle group.

About The Author:

Paul Becker is a natural (steroid free for life) bodybuilder and fitness consultant. Visit his website at HTTP://www.bodybuilding-store.com

迈克·阿兰特 (Mike Arrant) 替换受伤的蒂亚戈·梅勒 (Thiago Meller) 对阵约翰·霍华德 (WSOF31): 伊万诺夫VS. 科普兰在 NBCSN 上从马山图基特进行直播, CONN. 在周五, JUNE 17

霍华德VS. 同意参加中量级比赛

加上不败的马库斯·苏林 (MARCUS SURIN) 参加战斗
克里斯蒂安·托雷斯参加 WSOF31 预赛

LAS VEGAS (六月 15, 2016) - 世界系列的战斗 (WSOF.com) 今天公布 蒂亚戈·梅勒 已退出他预定的次中量级 (170 英镑) 比赛反对 约翰“大限”霍华德 (23-12), 谁现在将面临“疯狂”迈克·阿兰特 (15-10) 在中量级 (185 英镑) 备受期待的 WSOF31 比赛: 伊万诺夫VS. 科普兰世界锦标赛双打综合格斗 (MMA) 事件, 住在NBCSN (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT) 从康州快活大赌场在马山, 康涅狄格州. 上 星期五, 六月 17.

此外, 不败 马库斯·苏林 (3-0) 斯坦福德, 康涅狄格州. 已被标记为介入 山姆沃特福德 在预定的轻量 (155 英镑) 预赛卡牌比赛对阵 基督教的“终结者”托雷斯 (0-0) 恩迪科特的, 纽约州.

最初来自奥兰多, 佛罗里达州。, 5尺9寸, 28-岁阿兰特, 巴西柔术棕带, 居住在拉斯维加斯, 他是传奇冠军的成员 兰迪“自然”时装的 Xtreme Couture 战斗小队.

阿兰特在八月份的最后一次首发中一致判定失败后,希望重返胜利行列 7, 2015, 出自两届UFC老将之手 布洛克·贾丁.

在损失之前, 阿兰特取得六连胜, 他在第一轮就打出了其中的五个, 通过 (牛逼)KO或提交. 至今, 12 他 15 职业胜利已经结束.

六连胜期间, 阿兰特在第一轮就夺得了他的第一个冠军——地区晋级钢拳格斗之夜的次中量级冠军 (5:00) WHO (退休) 的 卡尔·迪克曼 七月 12, 2013.

像阿兰特, 5英尺7英寸, 33-岁的霍华德拥有惊人的完成率 15 他 23 职业胜利是通过 (牛逼)KO或提交.

霍华德将在世界格斗系列赛上首次亮相,此前他已经第二次参加 UFC,参加了七场比赛,其中包括战胜 乌利亚大厅, 西娅·巴哈杜尔扎达(Siyar Bahadurzada) 卡萨尔·彭德雷德.

从价格 $39.99, 门票WSOF31: 伊万诺夫VS. 科普兰有售的WSOF.com和Foxwoods.com.

大剧院的门快活大赌场将打开 5 P.M. AND, 七场初步纸牌比赛中的第一场比赛将于 5:45 P.M.


在五回合的重头戏中, 住NBCSN转播, 卫冕世界格斗大赛重量级冠军 Blagoy伊万诺夫 (13-1) 将把他的头衔置于危险之中 乔希“可爱熊”科普兰 (12-3).

在轻量级的合作主要事件, 超级巨星 杰森“堪萨斯城强盗”高 (19-5) 和 迈克“火星”利玛窦 (11-4) 将广场下车与他们部门的头号竞争者危在旦夕排名.


主卡 (住在NBCSN)

Blagoy伊万诺夫 (冠军) VS. 约什 - 科普兰 (挑战者)

贾森高VS. 迈克·里奇

中量级: 霍华德VS. 迈克·阿兰特
羽量级: 路易斯·帕洛米诺VS. Sheymon莫赖斯
中量级: 菲尔·霍斯VS. 乔希关键

初步CARD (住在WSOF.com)

轻量级: 汤姆马尔切利诺VS. 德文 - 鲍威尔
重量级: 利亚诺科蒂尼奥VS. 贾斯汀·威利斯
重量级: 泰勒VS国王. 洛伦佐胡德
次中量级: 罗伯特·丰塞卡VS. 肖恩·拉里
轻量级: 布鲁斯Boyington VS. 索尔·阿尔梅达
最轻量级: 罗德里戈·阿尔梅达VS. 本皮埃尔·圣
轻量级: 马库斯·苏林 VS. 基督教托雷斯



路易斯顿, 缅因 (六月 15, 2016) – Fighting anyone, 随地, anytime and under any circumstances has become Mike Hansen’s calling card with New England Fights.

No surprise, 然后, that the 30-year-old father of three from Rumford, ME will gladly entertain the idea of a mixed martial arts contest … against an opponent about whom he admittedly knows precious little … on the eve of Father’s Day.

汉森 (4-4) will take on Robert Laroski in a heavyweight clash at “NEF 24: Promised Land” on 星期六, 六月 18 位于刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆.

There is no fear of the unknown in a man who has carved out his reputation confronting substantially bigger foes since his days as a state champion wrestler at Mountain Valley High School. During his relatively short time in NEF, Hansen has fought as a middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight.

“When I took the fight (at NEF 23 in Massachusetts) against Brendan Battles, people were saying, ‘You’re crazy! He’s going to bust your head!’ I understand why the weight classes exist, and I respect that it’s about safety and all that, but I’ve always felt that a fighter should be ready to fight anybody, 无论,” Hansen said. “In high school, I would drink two gallons of water and put lead in my uniform just so I could get to the minimum weight for the unlimited class.”

That’s the attitude of a fighter whose skill and talent level far exceed his current record as a professional.

Hansen’s docket includes a stoppage win over former NEF “Fighter of the Year” Crowsneck Boutin. His record also includes TKO losses to Battles and Cody Anderson and a choke-out at the hands of Zach Elkins.

When he reflects upon his unique life story, 汉森, who fought twice for the World Fighting League as a 20-year-old college student, marvels that he ever got back into the cage at all.

“I started the winter of 2004-05. I started training because I had gone from 187 到 242 pounds in a few months. I was seeing stretch marks,” Hansen recalled. “I was pretty upset with myself for allowing that to happen. I started doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu two nights a week to get in shape. Then I went home for the summer and ended up with my first fight in August. My friends got me the fight without my coaches knowing about it. They told me it was a good thing I won, or they would have kicked my butt.”

Hansen kept a promise to his father to quit the sport after a knockout loss to Alexander Chianurashvili in 2006. He was studying at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, with intentions to enter the medical field.

He was stabbed and attacked with a baseball bat by three men in a case of mistaken identity not long thereafter. “I walked out of the hospital the next day, and all three of them were still in there from the beating I gave them in self-defense,” Hansen said proudly.

That dogged determination served Hansen well in the United States Army, where he studied in the elite Combatives program.

“They ask you ‘Who wins the fight?’ and the answer is, ‘Whoever’s buddy gets there first to help him clean up.’ That’s what Combatives taught me: How to survive that extra 30 到 60 秒,” Hansen said. “Work ethic is what it taught me. It helped me grow and do things I might have questioned mentally whether or not I could do. Not many people find that extra little motivation. The Army taught me how to find it and utilize it.”

A few years later, Hansen found that inner fire again. Even as he returned to coaching wrestlers in his hometown, his own physical fitness suffered as work and fatherhood took precedence.

Hansen vividly describes sitting in a bean bag chair, eating snack food, watching TV at 2:11 A.M. when his phone rang. He assumed it was a friend in trouble.

“It was (NEF 共同所有者) 马特·彼得森. Our families grew up maybe 200 yards apart. My high school wrestling coach had called him, unbeknownst to me, to tell him he needed to get me back in the cage,” Hansen said.

Three weeks later 和 20 pounds lighter, Hansen dispatched super heavyweight fixture Artie Mullen at “NEF 16: New Blood Rising,” and the comeback was on.

在 15 months that have followed, Hansen has been instrumental in launching Berserkers MMA and building his reputation as both a fighter and an instructor.

Life is blossoming at home, 也. Hansen is the father of two girls, 年龄 5 和 2, and a boy of four months. His older daughter, Kaydn, often accompanies Dad to the gym at Greater Rumford Community Center. He returns the favor by chaperoning field trips for her kindergarten class.

“She and her friends will be on the playground practicing boxing stances and stuff,” Hansen said. “Her teacher says it’s adorable. Hopefully she is learning to take care of herself so I don’t have to.”

Kaydn’s parents are making plans to take her to her first live NEF show after she turns 6. 目前, she is content to watch her Dad’s fights on YouTube.

“If we’re watching TV together,” Hansen said, “we have a thing where I get two shows and then she gets two shows. If I put in a fight tape, she’ll say, ‘Daddy, I know this doesn’t count as one of your shows, because this is your work.’”

开盘上 六月 18 被设定为 7 P.M. “NEF”门票 24: 应许之地》开始于 $25 和可在 www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.

有关事件和战斗卡更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”


路易斯顿, 缅因 (六月 14, 2016) – Like so many headline-grabbing heavy hitters with New England Fights, Maine native 布兰登·布肖 (1-2) had nothing left to prove in his combat sports career.

Bushaw parlayed his undefeated state championship season as a Westbrook High School senior in 1999 into a college wrestling career at Michigan State University, where he was a teammate of UFC light heavyweight champion Rashad Evans (19-5-1).

“I was with my high school girlfriend (辛西娅), now my wife, so I knew we would always have ties to Maine,” Bushaw said. “Other than being on wrestling scholarship, I thought I was done fighting.”

The couple settled in Myrtle Beach, 南卡罗, and opened Island Bar and Grill, which they have owned and operated for a dozen years.

It is a good, comfortable life. Extended family visited and found the area so alluring that they stayed permanently.

Those competitive juices never completely evaporated, 然而.

“I had teammates who turned to mixed martial arts,” Bushaw said. “I watched them, and as I approached 30, it became a bucket list thing. Now here I am, 17 fights later.”

Bushaw, 35, explained the journey in a phone interview as he prepared for his fourth professional bout, a featherweight clash with Auburn’s Matt “Ken Doll” Denning (3-2) 在“NEF 24: Promised Land” on 星期六, 六月 18 位于刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆.

The fight is Bushaw’s first on his original home turf since a 2014 loss to Elias Leland at the 135-pound limit. He ascends to 145 英镑, where he admitted he is more comfortable (“at my advanced age,” Bushaw quipped) for the confrontation with Denning.

“It’s weird, because I thought I was done competing up that way when I graduated from high school, but when I go home after all these years, all the old friends that I haven’t seen for years turn out to watch me fight,” Bushaw said. “I’ve fought all over, but any time I fight in Myrtle Beach or in Maine, it’s more special.”

Some athletes return to their competitive arena because they miss the allure of the cheering crowd.

That’s true of Bushaw, to a degree, although even the spectator interest he drew with the Blue Blazes and Spartans pales by comparison to what greets him surrounding the NEF hexagon.

“It’s nothing like high school or even college wrestling,” Bushaw said. “You show up and there’s two, 三, four thousand people watching. It’s so different. You don’t get multiple chances to fight in a week or even a single weekend. It lasts a few minutes and then it’s the highest of the highs or the lowest of the lows.”

The physical toll and the necessary complement of skills also exceed what Bushaw knew in his youth.

He made that discovery about a minute into his initial amateur bout.

“MMA is more dynamic than wrestling. I remember my first fight, the guy picked me up and threw me down and I landed on my head,” Bushaw said. “I remember thinking, ‘This was probably not such a good idea,’ but I found a way to get the win.”

“You can be better than a guy in four different categories, but if he’s better in just one, he’s capable of beating you,“ 他继续. “You think things are going your way and then it’s the biggest letdown in the world.”

There’s a camaraderie in that unpredictable realm that only veterans of the cage can fully understand. Bushaw, who has trained with the likes of childhood friend Jamie Harrison and Amos Collins, noted that he has become cordial with almost all his prior opponents.

丹宁 (3-2) is one of the few with whom Bushaw (1-2) became “friends” on social media before their fight.

“It’s kind of strange, but all those things go out the window,” Bushaw said. “He’s fought my buddy Dom Cofone. He’s a local boy. I know it’s going to be a tough challenge for me.”

In many respects it is a crossroads bout for Bushaw, who admitted that he has considered retirement from the sport.

“Probably my last five fights I’ve gone in saying, ‘One more fight and I’m done,’ and then I keep going. I don’t shy away from anybody,“他说,. “My last fight was against a kid who was 23 and he’d been in Thailand for two years or some (东西). That was one time when I might have said, ‘What am I doing?“

“For me it’s family, then business, then fighting. For a lot of these younger guys, fighting is first, and that makes it a challenge.”

开盘上 六月 18 被设定为 7 P.M. “NEF”门票 24: 应许之地》开始于 $25 和可在 www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.

有关事件和战斗卡更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”


路易斯顿, 缅因 (六月 13, 2016) – 格斗运动给予 迈克Bezanson (1-0) 方向. 他们还帮助他培养了与父亲的关系,这种关系是他一直渴望但似乎永远无法掌握的.

现在, 在父亲节前夕, 距离他父亲英年早逝四周年纪念日还有不到一周的时间, 贝赞森准备在他们共同梦想的职业生涯中迈出新的一步.

贝赞松, 21, 兰开斯特, 新罕布什尔州, 返回新英格兰六边形战斗队 肖恩·邦 (1-1) 奥本大学, 缅因, 在“NEF”的次中量级比赛中 24: 乐土(上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方。”他们的业余比赛是球场上众多景点之一星期六, 六月 18 刘易斯顿 Androscoggin Bank Colisee 银行卡.

“我认为这场战斗对我有好处, 因为我将能够向比我拥有更多笼内经验的对手展示我的技能,”贝赞森说. “还, 事实是 六月 18 父亲节的前一天让这对我来说是一场感伤和情感的斗争。”

距离贝赞森阻止杰夫·达斯汀近一年后的那一天,安可出现了 (0-1) 六月在综合格斗首秀中被技术击倒 13, 2015. Bang 在 NEF 笼子里对他的前两项判决有分歧.

贝赞森的表演, “先粘后动”的风格引起了目睹他新秀表现的大批观众的褒贬不一的评价. 一些人对相对缺乏行动表示不满, 或许怀疑贝赞森正在玩弄一个被击败的对手.


“说实话,我们有一个游戏计划来获得经验,”贝赞森说. “如果我有任何成为职业球员的想法, 我需要获得尽可能多的经验. 如果你进去并把一个人打晕了 10 秒, 别误会我的意思, 你被淘汰了,那太好了, 但你并没有学到如何才能在另一面感到舒服 10 秒. 你不知道自己需要多少能量。”

贝赞松从不缺乏活力, 或个性, 从小. 他形容自己是一个从未遇到过任何严重麻烦的年轻人, 从未尝试过毒品或其他扰乱治安的行为, 而是一个自由挑战权威的人.

他在高中一年级时就被拳击场所吸引. 这给了他方向. 也为日后的再次崛起奠定了基础, 与父亲的关系渐行渐远, 杰米.

“在我开始拳击之前, 我父亲并没有真正参与我的生活. 他会来来去去, 你知道, 出于个人原因,”贝赞森说. “当我开始拳击, 我们非常接近. 拳击和赛车是他的爱好. 他会告诉所有人我在拳击,他感到多么自豪, 这对我来说意义重大。”

杰米·贝赞森从未有机会亲眼目睹儿子成长为一名拳击手. 六月 15, 2012, 在拉科尼亚一年一度的“自行车周”期间, 他的摩托车越过中心线并撞上了另一辆车.

老贝赞森因伤重不治身亡. 他是 37.

“我有一段时间失去了它. 我停止了拳击. 精神上, 我只是处于一个非常情绪化的地方,”贝赞森说. “然后就在我家旁边, 风道场开业. 我说, “这是我能做的。”

贝赞森开始与格雷格·威廉姆斯一起训练巴西柔术. 他证明了自己的天赋, 在佛蒙特公开赛上首次亮相就获得金牌.

然后自然进展到 MMA, 事实证明,达斯汀的站立技巧太难防守. 贝赞森以退伍军人般的冷静和外科手术般的精准指挥着笼子.

“我是一个非常自信的人. 我真的没那么紧张. 我想如果你已经做好准备并且接受了所有的训练,为什么还要害怕呢??“他说,. “百分之九十的战斗在你进入笼子之前就已经失败了. 如果你让情绪影响你, 你不会发挥出自己最好的能力。”

此后不久,贝赞森在训练中遭受了灾难性的膝伤. 过去一年的大部分时间他都在修复撕裂的前十字韧带和半月板手术中恢复.

当他回到健身房后, 贝赞森大部分时间都专注于不断发展的地面比赛. 应该由 Bang 进行皇家测试, 来自著名地区格斗世家的前高中摔跤手.

“打击绝对是我的强项之一. 我是一个瘦长的家伙, 我尝试充分利用这一点,”贝赞森说. “但我在训练中非常努力地训练地面比赛. 在我的第一场比赛中我并没有真正有机会展示这一点, 但我知道这一次我会的。”


除了众多从北国来回四个小时来观看他比赛的球迷, 贝赞森知道他的角落里会有一双特别的眼睛.

“拳击教会了我很多纪律. MMA 是同一个东西. 人们可以随心所欲地使用它, 但这就是它对我的作用,“他说,. “这是我喜欢做的事情,而且我知道这同时让我父亲感到自豪。”

开盘上 六月 18 被设定为 7 P.M. 目前的日程包括五场职业拳击比赛, 三场职业 MMA 比赛和八场业余 MMA 小冲突. “NEF”门票 24: 应许之地》开始于 $25 和可在www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.

有关事件和战斗卡更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.