Luokka Arkisto: MMA


Wilson Joins Bellator MMA Moneyweight Fighter “King Mo” & Lightweight Contender Benson Henderson Join “Stitch” Duran as Well as MMA Legends Randy Couture, Wanderlei Silva at the Bellator MMA Fan Fest Prior toPerjantainBellator: Dynamiitti 2Event at Scottrade Center


Event is exclusively for Bellator Nation members – Join Bellator Nation now



MITÄ: Bellator Fan Fest Dave & Busterin

Fanit kaikenikäisille kutsutaan Dave ja Busterin Maryland Heights, MO. to meet and get autographs from some of the top names in all of mixed martial arts. Fanit on myös mahdollisuus voittaa liput ja upeita palkintoja, sekä snap valokuvan Bellator rengas tytöt.

Tuuletin Fest on yksinomaan Bellator Nation Vain jäsenille, hänestä tuli virkamies Bellator Nation jäsen on yksinkertaista ja ilmaista. Klikkaa tästä rekisteröityä ja RSVP Fan Fest. Jos olet jo jäsen Bellator Nation saat sähköpostia kutsun RSVP.


MISSÄ: Dave & Busterin

13857 Riverport Dr..

Maryland Heights, Sinua. 63043


KUN: Torstai, Kesäkuu 23 at 8 p.m. CT


WHO: Widely considered the greatest kickboxing champion of all time, Don “The Dragon” Wilson is the only person to win 11 world kickboxing titles in three separate weight divisions. Matkan varrella, he defeated 11 other world champions, 12 number one contenders, 15 champions on four continents and was the first kung-fu practitioner to become a kickboxing world champion. With a professional record of 72 voittoa, 5 losses and 2 draws — 48 coming by way of knockout —The Dragonparlayed his success in the ring to multiple high profile roles on the silver screen, notably the legendaryBloodfist” sarja. Yleinen, Wilson has starred in 29 motion pictures and gained fans all across the globe with his tangible charisma. If you’re not familiar with some of the 5th-degree kickboxing black belt’s combat sports work, look no furtherthan this exciting highlight reel.


One of the most recognizable MMA fighters of all time, Hall of Fame Randy Couture transitioned nicely into the entertainment world after his fighting career, starring in several television shows and movies, most notably the Expendables franchise and Dancing with the Stars. Inside the cage, Couture was a fearless underdog, often defeating men with great size advantages. “The Natural” was a multi-time heavyweight and multi-time light heavyweight champion in the UFC.


“King Mo” has been a mainstay with Bellator MMA since 2013, taistelemaan kaikkia sekä kevyessä että raskaassa sarjassa. This will be Lawal’s first appearance at one of Bellator MMA’s “Fan Fest” events, giving fans the opportunity to meet the explosive striker for the first time. After his recent main event bout with Phil Davis, “Mo” now sets his sights on other “Moneyweight” fights to satiate his thirst.


Benson Henderson has accomplished a great deal over the course of his 10-year professional career as a mixed martial artist. A former WEC and UFC lightweight titlist, “Smooth” holds black belts in both Taekwondo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and also earned NAIA All-American honors in both 2005 ja 2006. Multiple media outlets named Henderson the fighter of the year in 2012, and has been a part of several epic battles that have received “Fight of the Year” accolades: Donald Cerrone (2009), Anthony Pettis (2010), Frankie Edgar (2012), and Brandon Thatch (2015).


Having first fought in the sport almost twenty years ago, very few men have a more legendary resume than Wanderlei Silva. “The Axe Murderer” is a Pride and UFC veteran, who brings an intimidating and imposing presence with him every time he steps into the cage. Currently one of the biggest free agents in the sport, Silva may soon return to action in hopes of adding to an already-impressive list of wins that include: Guy Mezger, Dan Henderson, Kazushi Sakuraba, Ricardo Arona, Kazuyuki Fujita, Michael Bisping, Cung Le, Brian Stann and Quinton “Rampage” Jackson twice


When watching any combat sports event, it’s odd not to see Jacob “Stitch” Duran as the professional cutman on duty. Äskettäin, Bellator MMA was pleased to exclusively secure his services as cutman for the foreseeable future, after “Stitch” signed a multi-year contract with the Scott Coker-led promotion. “Stitch” is seen everywhere combat sports events take place, and played a vital role in the recent smash blockbuster, “Creed.”


FIGHT INFO: "Bellator: Dynamite 2” tapahtuu Perjantai, Kesäkuu 24, and airs LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 8 p.m. JA/7 p.m. CT and features a heavyweight main event of “Rampage” Jackson vastaan Satoshi Ishii. Liput alkavat vain $30 and are on sale now at Ticketmaster, and the Scottrade Center Box Office.


Lewiston, Maine (Kesäkuu 16, 2016) – Ainoana tytönä karkeassa kotitaloudessa kolmen vanhemman veljen kanssa Meksikossa, Maine, Nicole Burgess oppi taistelemaan ylpeydestä, kunnioituksesta, joskus jopa huvin vuoksi.

Joskus tällaiset sisarusten kilpailut ovat haaste ja taakka. Nicolen tapauksessa, kuitenkin, järjestely tarjosi kolme sisäänrakennettua fania ja parhaita ystäviä. Lähin sidos kaikesta luonnollisesti syntyi perheen nuorimman pojan kanssa, Ryan, täsmälleen vuosi ja kolme päivää vanhempi kuin hänen sisarensa.

”Olemme syntyneet melko paljon peräkkäin,”Sanoi Ryan Burgess, ylpeys tulee havaittavaksi hänen äänessään. "Hän on aina ollut kova. Hän on todella vahva, vain hyvin urheilullinen. "

Ryan, 22, on tukenut kolme lukion mestaruutta painijana parilla vaikuttavilla sekalaisilla taistelulajeilla saaduilla voitoilla ja New England Fights -matkustajaperhokilpailun tittelillä.

Ei olla ohittamaton, monilajiurheilija Nicole, 21, sijoittui neljänneksi pääasiassa miesten kilpailua vastaan ​​valtion paini tavata toisen vuodensa, lukion nuorempi ja vanhempi vuosi. Hän on rakentanut menestyksekkään yliopistokentän jääkiekkouran Plymouth State Universityssä New Hampshiressa.

Samoin saavutettu, niin lähellä ikää, harvoin nähdään toisistaan ​​erillään lapsuudessa, Ryanin ja Nicolen urheilu- ja elämäntarinat ovat edelleen kietoutuneet nuoriksi aikuisiksi. Nicole seuraa veljeään NEF-häkkiin Lauantai, Kesäkuu 18, debyytti Alex Walkeria vastaan (0-1) 115 kilon naisten ottelussa NEF: ssä 24: Luvattu maa."

Kuka tahansa, joka on varttunut veljen tai sisaren kanssa, luultavasti voi kuvitella hyväntahtoisen naarmuuntumisen, joka on tapahtunut harjoitusleirillä.

"Hän uskoo, että haluan todennäköisesti heittää ylös,”Nicole sanoi nauraen.

Ryan, joka puolustaa saman kortin hihnaa Dustin Veinottia vastaan ​​uudessa ottelussa heidän jaetun päätöksen otsikkokalletuksestaan ​​marraskuusta 2015, tietää, ettei häkissä olevaa kokemusta voida korvata.

Vaikka hän oli yksi menestyneimmistä painijoista ylpeän yhteisön historiassa, Ryan huomasi kahdessa ensimmäisessä häkkikoostumuksessaan, että MMA-tapahtuman joukon taitojen ja koon vaihtelu vaati suurta harppausta.

"Et tiedä mitä odottaa,", Hän sanoi. ”Ennen debyyttini, En ollut koskaan ollut taistelussa elämässäni. Luulin, että minulla oli, mutta en todellakaan ollut. Sanoin itselleni "Se on vain yksi painiottelu,"Mutta ei ole."

Burgess pysyi kiinni siitä, mitä tiesi parhaiten, ja perusti yksimielisen päätöksen Justin Withamista kesäkuussa 2015.

Hänet esiteltiin itsenäisenä. Hänen opintonsa Kennebec Valley Valley College -opistossa häiritsivät hänen harjoitteluohjelmaansa, ja Burgessin valmentajat Berserkers MMA: ssa eivät halunneet hänen edustavan tallia, ennen kuin hän vietti koko syklin heidän valppaansa alla.

Samana yönä, hän selvitti Veinottin voiton Norman "Sleepy" Foxista ja tunsi vertaansa suotuisasti molempiin taistelijoihin. Hän osoitti sen mestaruusympäristössä viisi kuukautta myöhemmin, tosin paperilla annetulla tuomiolla, jonka useimmat häkkipuolen tarkkailijat kokivat voivansa mennä kumpaankin suuntaan.

Taistellessaan löytää vastustaja, joka ansaitsee painoluokassaan ammutun otsikon, Burgess halusi pidentää Veinottia (4-4) toinen mahdollisuus.

"Olen jo ollut häkissä 18 minuuttia, mikä on enemmän taisteluaikaa kuin monet kaverit, jotka ovat olleet neljässä viidestä taistelusta, voivat sanoa, että heillä on ollut,”Ryan sanoi. "Olen nyt täysin varma paikan suhteen, tuulettimet. Ainoa henkilö, jonka kuulen nyt, on valmentajani. "

Hän ei edes kuule Nicolea, vaikka pikkusisko oli niin ihastunut ympäristöön katsojana, että hän ei voinut odottaa jatkaa taistelulajien uraansa.

”Katsoin aina UFC: tä ja vastaavia," hän sanoi. "Aloitin itse asiassa nyrkkeilyn ennen kuin Ryan edes aloitti sen."

Nicole puki käsineet lukiossa luopuessaan softballista. Kuudennella luokalla, hän teki samanlaisen siirtymän koripallosta painiin odotettuaan kotimatkan, katsomassa yhtä Ryanin uuvuttavista mattoista ja päättäen, että se näytti hauskalta.

”Se oli aluksi outoa. En halunnut koskettaa kavereita,”Nicole sanoi. "Sitten kuulit asioita, 'Vai niin, se on vain tyttö. ”Usein kaverit olisivat vahvempia, mutta minulla oli hyvä tekniikka. "

Walker tuo kokemusta, tappion muodossa Randi Beth Boyingtonille, ja kova stand-up-peli.

Puhuminen isoveljen tyypillisen hienovaraisuuden kanssa, Ryan sanoi, että Nicole "pitäisi olla kunnossa niin kauan kuin hän ei saa potkia päähän".

Hän totesi nopeasti, että hänellä on valmiudet ja kyky nauttia onnistuneesta debyytistä, jos hän voi ravistaa tarvittavan tunteiden pyörteen.

"Niin kauan kuin hän voi koota kaiken oppimansa. Sinun on voitettava hermot ja adrenaliinikaasu,”Ryan sanoi. ”Muistan sen debyyttini. Se haisi. ”

Nicole sanoi haluavansa lopettaa taistelun aikaisin, mutta ennusti, että se todennäköisesti kulkee etäisyyden.

Hänen veljensä tavoittelee ensimmäistä keskeyttämistä ja ennustaa, että hänen parannettu iskunsa saa yllättävän Veinottin ja kaikki muut.

"Tähän asti, Keskityin kouluun, vasta valmistunut toukokuussa, ja yritän aloittaa urani,”Ryan sanoi. "Olin töissä 40 tuntia viikossa ilmaiseksi harjoitteluna ja työskentelyä 20 lisää tunteja viikonloppuna yrittäen saada toimeen. Dustin tapaa tällä kertaa aivan toisenlaisen taistelijan. "

Avaaminen kelloa Kesäkuu 18 on asetettu 7 p.m. Nykyinen telakka sisältää viisi ammattilaisen nyrkkeilytaistelua, neljä pro-MMA-ottelua ja kahdeksan amatööri-MMA-riitaa. Lippuja tapahtumaan “NEF 24: Luvattu maa ”alkaa klo $25 ja ne ovat tai soittamalla Colisee lipputulot at 207.783.2009, laajennus 525.

Lisätietoja tapahtumista ja taistelukorttipäivityksistä, käy edistäminen verkkosivuilla osoitteessa Lisäksi, voit katsella NEF videoita, noudata niitä Twitterissänefights ja liittyä viralliseen Facebook-ryhmään "New England Fights."

Tietoja New England Fights

New England Taistelee ("NEF") on taistelu tapahtumia tarjouksia yritys. NEF: n missiona on luoda korkealaatuisia tapahtumia Maine taistelijoita ja faneille. NEF: n johtoryhmä on laaja kokemus kamppailulajien hallinta, tapahtumien tuotanto, mediasuhteet, markkinointi, oikeudellisia ja mainonta.


Heti julkaistavaksi
M-1 Challenge 68
Torstai, Kesäkuu 16 at 11 a.m. JA / 8 a.m. PT in U.S.A.
ALEXANDER “Myrsky” SHLEMENKO (52-9-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Venäjä 184 1/2 lbs. (83.7 kg)
Vyacheslav VASILEVSKY (28-4-0, M-1: 10-2-0), Venäjä 185 lbs. (84.0 kg)
ALEXANDER “Drago” VOLKOV (25-6-0, M-1: 9-3-0), Venäjä 238 lbs. (108.0 kg)
ATTILA “Pumukli” VEGH (11-1-0, M-1: 7-1-0), Slovakia 220 lbs. (100.1 kg)
Welterweights – 3 X 5
SERGEI ROMANOV (8-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Venäjä 169 1/2 lbs. (76.9 kg)
ANDREAS BIRGELS (12-9-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Saksa 169 1/2 lbs. (76.9 kg)

ABUKAR YANDIEV (4-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Venäjä 175 lbs. (79.5 kg)
TONY CHRISTODOULOU (12-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Yhdysvallat 177 1/2 lbs. (80.5 kg)
ENOC RATKAISEE TORRES (18-9-0, M-1: 5-6-0), Espanja 183 1/2 lbs. (83.7 kg)
VALERY “Venäjän Hammer” MYASNIKOV (10-1-1, M-1: 1-1-1), Venäjä 184 1/2 lbs. (83.7 kg)
Ajokoiraa – 3 X 5
DANIIL AREPYEV (5-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Venäjä 271 lbs. (123.3 kg)
ANTON VYAZIGIN (5-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Venäjä 249 lbs. (113.5 kg)
Welterweights – 3 X 5
DANILA PRIKAZA (3-0-1, M-1: 2-0-0), Venäjä 169 1/2 lbs. (77.0 kg)
MAKSIM GRABOVICH (3-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Venäjä 169 1/2 lbs. (76.9 kg)
Lightweights – 3 X 5
FELIPE REGO (7-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Brasilia 154 1/2 lbs. (70.2 kg)
ALEXEY “Toimeksianto” Makhno (10-4-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Venäjä 154 1/2 lbs. (70.1 kg)

MURODZHON KODIROV (1-0-0), M-1: 0-0-0), Venäjä 151 1/2 lbs. (68.9 kg)
MAKSIM PUGACHEV (2-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0) 154 1/2 lbs. (70.2 kg)
ANDREI “Rauta” Lezhnev (7-5-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Ukraina 145 lbs. (65.9 kg)
MIKHAIL Kuznetsov (5-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Venäjä 144 1/2 lbs. (65.6 kg)
KUN: Torstai, Kesäkuu 16, 2016
MISSÄ: St. Petersburg, Venäjä
PROMOTER: M-1 Global
LIVE STREAM: (11 a.m. JA / 8 a.m. PT Yhdysvalloissa)
Viserrys & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Ylin 5 Tips On Choosing Martial Arts Training Camp

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, choosing a martial arts training camp is a tough decision. I’d like to share with you the top 5 tips on choosing the right camp from 8 martial arts experts that will help you simplify the daunting selection process. Read on!

  1. Class size

Similar to any other kind of training, if you happen to be a beginner in MMA, it’s best to stick to a smaller-sized class. Regardless of your level, the smaller the class, the more 1-on-1 attention and supervision your trainer is able to give you. Ihannetapauksessa, a training class only consists of 3-4 trainees per coach. You should steer clear of any class that has more than 10 students for each trainer.


As MMA is considered one of the most ‘brutal’ combat sports out there, your trainer will need to closely supervise your techniques and provide you with more guidance to minimize the likelihood of injuries during your practice. With a large-sized class, it’s unlikely that they would be able to give the attention you need.


  1. Equipment

According to Aaron of Fight Quality, the most important equipment in an MMA gym is properly padded mats on the floor. Tällä tavalla, you are likely to minimize injuries when you get knocked down during a fight. Most MMA establishments should have a cage; kuitenkin, some may have a ring instead.


MMA gyms should also have high quality pads to hold. Good gyms will have a nice selection of pads, from boxing mitts, to Thai style kick pads to strike shields. These will be used by either one of the gym’s instructors or students in partner exercises.


When practicing striking, another important thing to look out for are heavy bags. Bags come in all shapes and sizes, and most gyms will have a selection of several types. These are great for perfecting techniques on your own.


To recap, a good MMA training camp should also have the following:


  • Rings or cages
  • Punching or spar bags
  • Boxing equipment
  • Full weights equipment
  • Kunto & cardio machines


Quality training camps and gyms may also offer ‘spare’ gear available to use or rent. This may be an alternative if you are only going to be using it only a couple of times. Even though these gears are probably cleaned after every use, it’s always best to buy your own in order to ensure the best quality and hygiene.


  1. Price

Prices for MMA training camps vary greatly depending on the level of trainers, location, facilities & equipment, and so forth. Kuitenkin, it doesn’t always mean that a cheaper training camp has less qualified trainers than more expensive one. Esimerkiksi, to give you a better idea on the price range, a budget option of Super Pro’s 1 month MMA & Muay Thai training in Thailand is priced as low as US$ 344 (sisältää 30 days/29 nights acommodation) whereas a more luxury option such as Evolve MMA retreat in Singapore would cost you US$ 2490 (also includes 30 days/29 nigths acommodation). Despite on different price ranges, there are positive reviews for both types of camps, and their visitors have shared that they significantly developed their skills after their training, which illustrates that lower-priced training camp doesn’t necessarily equal to low quality of training.


  1. Training program

In order to evaluate the price range, you might want to compare the training program that is offered. Tyypillisesti, you will undergo at least 3 training sessions in different martial arts training disciplines. Some training courses offer additional classes such as yoga, meditation, or cross training sessions. Whether you are a beginner, an intermediate, or a pro, it’s advisable to always carefully weigh out the fee of the training camp against what is being offered. Take your time and feel free to ask around and make comparisons in determining whether the price tag is ‘worth it’ to invest in.


  1. Sijainti

If you are more serious about your training and looking to hone your skills in MMA, location may not be a huge variable that you need to take into account in making your selection. You can instead focus on evaluating which options would best assist you in becoming the great MMA champion you are striving to become. Sean of Muay Thai Guy also shared his insights in terms of location: “The people and the coaches make the place doesn’t matter if you are training in a remote place or in a busy city it all comes down to the people and how they treat you as an individual, but if the camp is near a beach, that’s always a plus!"

If you are curious and want to learn more on choosing an MMA training camp, check out the full version of ‘The Definite Guide On Choosing the right MMA training camp’ created by in collaboration with 8 top experts in MMA and related disciplines!


Newest Bellator MMA acquisition Joey Davis

SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Kesäkuu 15, 2016) – Bellator MMA is thrilled to announce the signing of NCAA Division II wrestling star Joey Davis, eksklusiiviseen monivuotisen, multi-taistelua sopimus. The signing was first reported by’s Jeremy Botter.


Davis joins a string of recent signings by Bellator president Scott Coker including standout wrestlers the likes of three-time All-American Jarod Trice and Olympic contender Tyrell Fortune. The 21-year-old standout wrestler competed at Notre Dame College, where he accumulated an incredible undefeated 131-0 record and four consecutive NCAA Division II Championships during his college tenure, becoming the only Division II wrestler to ever win four national titles and go unbeaten in a career. Davis will look to compete in Bellator MMA’s stacked welterweight division and will make his professional debut before the end of this year.


“With God you can achieve anything, and I’m gonna do it with high fashion,” Davis said. “Joining Bellator is my latest achievement to date. I don’t remember what it’s like to lose, and I’m not planning on finding out any time soon.”

(L to R) Joey Davis, Antonio McKee and A.J. McKee


Named 2016 “Man of the Year” by Wrestling USA Magazine, the Compton, Kalifornia., native began his stretch of domination as early as the ninth grade, when he attended Sante Fe High School. Davis was crowned the California State champion at 152-pounds in his junior year and followed that impressive campaign with a second State Title at 160-pounds in his senior year.


Davis will train at Antonio McKee’s Body Shop Gym in Long Beach, Kalifornia. alongside childhood best friend and Bellator featherweight wrecking machine AJ McKee. Davis joins a budding roster of Bellator MMA talent, with recent signings that include: Matt Mitrione, Benson Henderson, Jarrod Trice, Sergei Kharitonov, and recent re-signings the likes of Darrion Caldwell ja Michael Chandler.

Painoharjoittelu taistelijoille

Aiemmin taistelijat pysyivät kaukana painoharjoittelusta, luulen, että se tekisi heistä hitaita, mutta tutkimus on osoittanut toisin, lähinnä siksi, että on olemassa erilaisia ​​voimia. Mikä tahansa taistelija, kaikista tyyleistä, pyrkii kehittämään nopeuslujuutta ja räjähtävää voimaa.

Arvostettu urheilubiokemisti Vladimir Zatsiorsky, oli tunnustettu voimavalmentaja / konsultti olympiajoukkueille, jotka kilpailivat Neuvostoliitosta monta vuotta sitten. Hän sanoi, että minkä tahansa urheilijan kyky tuottaa maksimaalinen voima lyhyessä ajassa tunnetaan räjähtävänä voimana. Hän sanoo, että vahva runko ei välttämättä tarkoita vahvaa räjähtävää voimaa.

On selvää, että yhden tyyppisen voiman, kuten maks. Voiman, kehittäminen ei takaa toisen tyyppisen voiman, kuten räjähtävän voiman tai nopeuden, kehittymistä. Nopeuslujuus määritellään kyvyksi suorittaa kaikki kuormittamattomat liikkeet pienellä vastuksella hyvin nopeasti.

Hyvä esimerkki on raskaan nyrkkeilysäkin lävistäminen, jota pidetään pienenä ulkoisena vastuksena. Muutama unssi painoa, jonka käsineet painavat, eivät riitä luokittelemaan vähäiseksi vastustukseksi. Mutta, Kaikkien taistelijoiden tulisi huomata, että liian voimakas voimaharjoittelu voi lopulta heikentää voimanopeutta, vähentää hyvän nyrkkeilijän teknistä nopeutta.

Voimakestävyys on erilainen, koska se määritellään lihasten toiminnan / eheyden ylläpitämiseksi pidempään. Ei väliä mitä tyyliä taistelija käyttää, voimakestävyys on elintärkeää kaikille kilpailukykyisille taisteluhävittäjille. Paljon voimaa ja nopeutta ilman kestävyyttä ei tule taistelijaan kovin pitkälle.

Taisteluurheilutapahtumat edellyttävät urheilijan monipuolisuutta ja monipuolisuutta voimaharjoittelussa. Maksimivoiman kehittäminen muiden vahvuuksien kustannuksella ei auta urheilijaa. Taistelija tarvitsee täysin ainutlaatuisen yhdistelmän näistä vahvuuksista.

Se ei tarkoita sitä, että taistelijoiden ei pitäisi koskaan tehdä maksimaalista koulutusta voimaansa parantamiseksi, taistelijan on ymmärrettävä vähän lihasten fysiologiaa voidakseen ymmärtää kuinka tärkeä max-koulutus voisi olla taistelijalle. Lihaskuidut on aina ryhmitelty eri moottoriyksiköihin.

Kukin näistä moottoriyksiköistä sisältää yhden hermon ja satoja erillisiä lihaskuituja. Hermo antaa signaalin lihaksen tuleen, hidas tai nopea nykiminen, riippuen kuinka monta toistoa, käytetty paino ja lihas(s) eristetty. Lihakset supistuvat sitten, kun signaali toimitetaan.

Koulutus nimenomaan tehonkehitykseen, taistelijan on kohdennettava vain nopeat nykimiset lihaskuidut. Mutta valitettavasti, kaikki moottoriyksiköt eivät aktivoidu kerralla. Kaikki matalan intensiteetin harjoittelut eivät aktivoi tärkeitä nopeasti nykimiä kuituja.

Jos taistelijan suorittama harjoitus ei stimuloi nopeita nykäyksiä, silloin kyseisen moottoriyksikön sisällä olevat lihaskuidut eivät voi sopeutua harjoitteluun. Jos moottoriyksikköä ei värvätä, mitään vastausta ei tapahdu. Mutta kun urheilija nostaa raskaita kuormituksia, he aktivoivat nopeasti nykäisi lihaskuituja.

Voimavalmentajat ympäri maailmaa tunnustavat maksimaalisen voimaharjoittelun merkityksen, koska se on paras tapa parantaa sekä lihaksensisäistä että lihasten välistä koordinaatiota, vaaditaan kaikille hävittäjille.

Huolimatta siitä, mitä olet ehkä kuullut raskaasta painoharjoittelusta, se on yleinen myytti, että kaikki raskaat painonnostot johtavat vain tarpeettomaan irtotavaraan, mikä vähentää sitten liikealuetta ja nopeuden kehitystä. Tämä on täysin väärää, kukin taistelija, joka harkitsee voimaharjoittelua, parantaa kilpailukykyään kehässä.

Tunnettu venäläinen valmentaja Juri Verkhoshansky, sanoi yhdessä hänen käsikirjoistaan, että kun mitä tahansa tehokasta menetelmää käytetään painoharjoitteluohjelman suunnittelussa, käytetty vastus lisää liikkeen nopeuden kasvua, mutta parantaa myös lihasten koordinaatiota, moottorireaktio sekä liikkeiden nopeus ja taajuus.

Hän jatkaa selittämällä, että lihaksen ensisijainen tehtävä ei ole kasvattaa kokoa voimaharjoittelussa, vaan pikemminkin lisätä kontraktiokykyä tehokkaan hermostimulaation aikaansaamiseksi. Hän selittää, että voimaharjoittelu oikein lisää lihastesi kykyä rentoutua kehittäen paikallista lihaskestävyyttä ja lisää kyseisen lihasryhmän maksimaalista anaerobista kapasiteettia.


Paul Becker on luonnollinen (steroiditon koko elämän ajan) kehonrakentaja ja kuntokonsultti. Käy hänen verkkosivuillaan osoitteessa




LAS VEGAS (Kesäkuu 15, 2016) -World Series of Fighting ( ilmoitti tänään, että Thiago Meller has withdrawn from his scheduled welterweight (170 kiloa) kilpailu vastaan John "Doomsday" Howard (23-12), joka nyt kasvot“Mad” Mike Arrant (15-10) in a middleweight (185 kiloa) bout at the much-anticipated WSOF31: Ivanov vs.. Copeland world championship doubleheader Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) tapahtuma, elää NBCSN (9 p.m. JA/6 p.m. PT) alkaen Foxwoods Resort Casino Mashantucketissa, Conn. päällä Perjantai, Kesäkuu 17.

Lisäksi, voittamaton Marcus Surin (3-0) of Stamford, Conn. has been tabbed to step in for Sam Watford in suunniteltu kevyt (155 kiloa) preliminary card contest against Christian “The Terminator” Torres (0-0) of Endicott, N.Y..

Originally hailing from Orlando, Fla., 5-jalka-9, 28-year-old Arrant, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt, resides in Las Vegas, where he is a member of legendary champion Randy “The Natural” Couture’s Xtreme Couture fight squad.

Arrant is looking to return to the win column following a unanimous decision defeat in his last start on August 7, 2015, at the hands of two-time UFC veteran Brock Jardine.

Prior to the loss, Arrant had reeled off six consecutive victories, five of which he produced in the first round, by way of (T)KO tai jättämistä. Tähän päivään mennessä, 12 hänen 15 professional wins have been finishes.

During the six-fight win streak, Arrant seized his first championship – regional promotion SteelFist Fight Night’s welterweight title – with a first round (5:00) WHO (eläkkeelle) of Carl Dieckmann heinäkuuta 12, 2013.

Like Arrant, the 5-foot-7, 33-year-old Howard boasts a phenomenal finish rate with 15 hänen 23 professional victories having come by way of (T)KO tai jättämistä.

Howard will make his promotional debut with World Series of Fighting following a second stint with the UFC that spanned seven fights and included wins over Uriah Hall, Siyar Bahadurzada ja Cathal Pendred.

Hinnoitellaan $39.99, tickets for WSOF31: Ivanov vs.. Copeland are on sale at and

Doors at The Grand Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino will open at 5 p.m. JA, and the first of seven preliminary card bouts will begin at 5:45 p.m.

Koko alustava taistella kortti tulee virtaamaan suorana upotettava videosoitin

In the main event of the five-bout, elää NBCSN televisiointi, reigning World Series of Fighting heavyweight champion Blagoy Ivanov (13-1) will put his title on the line against Josh “Pehmoinen Karhu” Copeland (12-3).

Vuonna kevyt yhteistyössä päätapahtuma, supertähdet Jason "Kansas City Bandit" Korkea (19-5) ja Mike "Marsin" Ricci (11-4) ottavat osuutensa divisioonansa ykkössijoittajien kanssa.


Pääkortti (Live on NBCSN)

World Series of Fighting Heavyweight Championship Main Event:
Blagoy Ivanov (Mestari) vs. Josh Copeland (Haastaja)

Kevyt Co-Main Event:
Jason Korkea vs. Mike Ricci

Keskisarja: John Howard vs. Mike Arrant
Höyhensarjalainen: Luis Palomino vs. Sheymon Moraes
Keskisarja: Phil Hawes vs. Josh Key


Kevyt: Tom Marcellino vs. Devin Powell
Raskassarja: Juliano Coutinho vs. Justin Willis
Raskassarja: Tyler King vs. Lorenzo Hood
Välisarjan nyrkkeilijä: Robert Fonseca vs. Sean Lally
Kevyt: Bruce Boyington vs. Saul Almeida
Kääpiösarjalainen: Rodrigo Almeida vs. Ben Pierre-Saint
Kevyt: Marcus Surin vs. Christian Torres


Mike Hansen

Lewiston, Maine (Kesäkuu 15, 2016) – Fighting anyone, missä tahansa, anytime and under any circumstances has become Mike Hansen’s calling card with New England Fights.

No surprise, sitten, that the 30-year-old father of three from Rumford, ME will gladly entertain the idea of a mixed martial arts contest … against an opponent about whom he admittedly knows precious little … on the eve of Father’s Day.

Hansen (4-4) will take on Robert Laroski in a heavyweight clash at “NEF 24: Promised Land” on Lauantai, Kesäkuu 18 at Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.

There is no fear of the unknown in a man who has carved out his reputation confronting substantially bigger foes since his days as a state champion wrestler at Mountain Valley High School. During his relatively short time in NEF, Hansen has fought as a middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight.

“When I took the fight (at NEF 23 in Massachusetts) against Brendan Battles, people were saying, ‘You’re crazy! He’s going to bust your head!’ I understand why the weight classes exist, and I respect that it’s about safety and all that, but I’ve always felt that a fighter should be ready to fight anybody, no matter what,” Hansen said. “In high school, I would drink two gallons of water and put lead in my uniform just so I could get to the minimum weight for the unlimited class.”

That’s the attitude of a fighter whose skill and talent level far exceed his current record as a professional.

Hansen’s docket includes a stoppage win over former NEF “Fighter of the Year” Crowsneck Boutin. His record also includes TKO losses to Battles and Cody Anderson and a choke-out at the hands of Zach Elkins.

When he reflects upon his unique life story, Hansen, who fought twice for the World Fighting League as a 20-year-old college student, marvels that he ever got back into the cage at all.

“I started the winter of 2004-05. I started training because I had gone from 187 kohteeseen 242 pounds in a few months. I was seeing stretch marks,” Hansen recalled. “I was pretty upset with myself for allowing that to happen. I started doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu two nights a week to get in shape. Then I went home for the summer and ended up with my first fight in August. My friends got me the fight without my coaches knowing about it. They told me it was a good thing I won, or they would have kicked my butt.”

Hansen kept a promise to his father to quit the sport after a knockout loss to Alexander Chianurashvili in 2006. He was studying at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, with intentions to enter the medical field.

He was stabbed and attacked with a baseball bat by three men in a case of mistaken identity not long thereafter. “I walked out of the hospital the next day, and all three of them were still in there from the beating I gave them in self-defense,” Hansen said proudly.

That dogged determination served Hansen well in the United States Army, where he studied in the elite Combatives program.

“They ask you ‘Who wins the fight?’ and the answer is, ‘Whoever’s buddy gets there first to help him clean up.’ That’s what Combatives taught me: How to survive that extra 30 kohteeseen 60 sekuntia,” Hansen said. “Work ethic is what it taught me. It helped me grow and do things I might have questioned mentally whether or not I could do. Not many people find that extra little motivation. The Army taught me how to find it and utilize it.”

A few years later, Hansen found that inner fire again. Even as he returned to coaching wrestlers in his hometown, his own physical fitness suffered as work and fatherhood took precedence.

Hansen vividly describes sitting in a bean bag chair, eating snack food, watching TV at 2:11 a.m. when his phone rang. He assumed it was a friend in trouble.

“It was (NEF co-owner) Matt Peterson. Our families grew up maybe 200 yards apart. My high school wrestling coach had called him, unbeknownst to me, to tell him he needed to get me back in the cage,” Hansen said.

Three weeks later ja 20 pounds lighter, Hansen dispatched super heavyweight fixture Artie Mullen at “NEF 16: New Blood Rising,” and the comeback was on.

Vuonna 15 months that have followed, Hansen has been instrumental in launching Berserkers MMA and building his reputation as both a fighter and an instructor.

Life is blossoming at home, myös. Hansen is the father of two girls, ikäisille 5 ja 2, and a boy of four months. His older daughter, Kaydn, often accompanies Dad to the gym at Greater Rumford Community Center. He returns the favor by chaperoning field trips for her kindergarten class.

“She and her friends will be on the playground practicing boxing stances and stuff,” Hansen said. “Her teacher says it’s adorable. Hopefully she is learning to take care of herself so I don’t have to.”

Kaydn’s parents are making plans to take her to her first live NEF show after she turns 6. Toistaiseksi, she is content to watch her Dad’s fights on YouTube.

“If we’re watching TV together,” Hansen said, “we have a thing where I get two shows and then she gets two shows. If I put in a fight tape, she’ll say, ‘Daddy, I know this doesn’t count as one of your shows, because this is your work.’”

Avaaminen kelloa Kesäkuu 18 on asetettu 7 p.m. Lippuja tapahtumaan “NEF 24: Luvattu maa ”alkaa klo $25 ja ne ovat saatavilla tai soittamalla Colisee lipputulot at 207.783.2009, laajennus 525.

Lisätietoja tapahtumista ja taistelukorttipäivityksistä, käy edistäminen verkkosivuilla osoitteessa Lisäksi, voit katsella NEF videoita, noudata niitä Twitterissänefights ja liittyä viralliseen Facebook-ryhmään "New England Fights."


Lewiston, Maine (Kesäkuu 14, 2016) – Like so many headline-grabbing heavy hitters with New England Fights, Maine native Brandon Bushaw (1-2) had nothing left to prove in his combat sports career.

Bushaw parlayed his undefeated state championship season as a Westbrook High School senior in 1999 into a college wrestling career at Michigan State University, where he was a teammate of UFC light heavyweight champion Rashad Evans (19-5-1).

“I was with my high school girlfriend (Cynthia), now my wife, so I knew we would always have ties to Maine,” Bushaw said. “Other than being on wrestling scholarship, I thought I was done fighting.”

The couple settled in Myrtle Beach, S.C., and opened Island Bar and Grill, which they have owned and operated for a dozen years.

It is a good, comfortable life. Extended family visited and found the area so alluring that they stayed permanently.

Those competitive juices never completely evaporated, kuitenkin.

“I had teammates who turned to mixed martial arts,” Bushaw said. “I watched them, and as I approached 30, it became a bucket list thing. Now here I am, 17 fights later.”

Bushaw, 35, explained the journey in a phone interview as he prepared for his fourth professional bout, a featherweight clash with Auburn’s Matt “Ken Doll” Denning (3-2) at “NEF 24: Promised Land” on Lauantai, Kesäkuu 18 at Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.

The fight is Bushaw’s first on his original home turf since a 2014 loss to Elias Leland at the 135-pound limit. He ascends to 145 kiloa, where he admitted he is more comfortable (“at my advanced age,” Bushaw quipped) for the confrontation with Denning.

“It’s weird, because I thought I was done competing up that way when I graduated from high school, but when I go home after all these years, all the old friends that I haven’t seen for years turn out to watch me fight,” Bushaw said. “I’ve fought all over, but any time I fight in Myrtle Beach or in Maine, it’s more special.”

Some athletes return to their competitive arena because they miss the allure of the cheering crowd.

That’s true of Bushaw, to a degree, although even the spectator interest he drew with the Blue Blazes and Spartans pales by comparison to what greets him surrounding the NEF hexagon.

“It’s nothing like high school or even college wrestling,” Bushaw said. “You show up and there’s two, kolme, four thousand people watching. It’s so different. You don’t get multiple chances to fight in a week or even a single weekend. It lasts a few minutes and then it’s the highest of the highs or the lowest of the lows.”

The physical toll and the necessary complement of skills also exceed what Bushaw knew in his youth.

He made that discovery about a minute into his initial amateur bout.

“MMA is more dynamic than wrestling. I remember my first fight, the guy picked me up and threw me down and I landed on my head,” Bushaw said. “I remember thinking, ‘This was probably not such a good idea,’ but I found a way to get the win.”

“You can be better than a guy in four different categories, but if he’s better in just one, he’s capable of beating you,” he continued. “You think things are going your way and then it’s the biggest letdown in the world.”

There’s a camaraderie in that unpredictable realm that only veterans of the cage can fully understand. Bushaw, who has trained with the likes of childhood friend Jamie Harrison and Amos Collins, noted that he has become cordial with almost all his prior opponents.

Denning (3-2) is one of the few with whom Bushaw (1-2) became “friends” on social media before their fight.

“It’s kind of strange, but all those things go out the window,” Bushaw said. “He’s fought my buddy Dom Cofone. He’s a local boy. I know it’s going to be a tough challenge for me.”

In many respects it is a crossroads bout for Bushaw, who admitted that he has considered retirement from the sport.

“Probably my last five fights I’ve gone in saying, ‘One more fight and I’m done,’ and then I keep going. I don’t shy away from anybody,", Hän sanoi. “My last fight was against a kid who was 23 and he’d been in Thailand for two years or some (stuff). That was one time when I might have said, ‘What am I doing?'

“For me it’s family, then business, then fighting. For a lot of these younger guys, fighting is first, and that makes it a challenge.”

Avaaminen kelloa Kesäkuu 18 on asetettu 7 p.m. Lippuja tapahtumaan “NEF 24: Luvattu maa ”alkaa klo $25 ja ne ovat saatavilla tai soittamalla Colisee lipputulot at 207.783.2009, laajennus 525.

Lisätietoja tapahtumista ja taistelukorttipäivityksistä, käy edistäminen verkkosivuilla osoitteessa Lisäksi, voit katsella NEF videoita, noudata niitä Twitterissänefights ja liittyä viralliseen Facebook-ryhmään "New England Fights."


Lewiston, Maine (Kesäkuu 13, 2016) – Combat sports gave Mike Bezanson (1-0) direction. They also helped him cultivate the relationship with his father that he always coveted but could never seem to grasp.

Nyt, on the eve of Father’s Day, less than a week past the four-year anniversary of his dad’s untimely death, Bezanson is poised to take another step in the career that was their shared dream.

Bezanson, 21, Lancaster, N.H., returns to the New England Fights hexagon to take on Shawn Bang (1-1) of Auburn, Maine, in a welterweight bout at “NEF 24: Promised Land.” Their amateur bout is one of the many attractions on theLauantai, Kesäkuu 18 card at Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.

“I think this fight is going to be good for me, because I’ll be able to show my skills against an opponent with more in-cage experience than I have,” Bezanson said. "Myös, the fact that Kesäkuu 18 is the day before Father’s Day makes this a sentimental and emotional fight for me.”

The encore comes almost a year to the day after Bezanson stopped Jeff Dustin (0-1) by technical knockout via strikes in his mixed martial arts debut on June 13, 2015. Bang has split his first two verdicts in the NEF cage.

Bezanson’s showboating, stick-and-move style drew mixed reviews from the large crowd that witnessed his rookie effort. Some booed the relative lack of action, perhaps suspecting that Bezanson was toying with an overmatched opponent.

It was all part of his plan to relish the moment and take advantage of the opportunity.

“Truthfully we had a game plan to get experience,” Bezanson said. “If I have any thoughts of going pro, I need to get as much experience as I can. If you go in there and knock a guy out in 10 sekuntia, don’t get me wrong, you got a knockout and that’s great, but you’re not learning what it takes to get comfortable on the other side of that 10 sekuntia. You don’t know how much energy you’re going to need.”

Bezanson never lacked energy, or personality, from childhood. He describes himself as a young man who never got into any serious trouble, and never experimented with drugs or other disorderly conduct, but one who freely challenged authority.

He gravitated to the boxing ring as a freshman in high school. It gave him direction. It also provided a foundation for the on-again, off-again relationship with his father, Jamie.

“Before I took up boxing, my dad wasn’t really involved much in my life. He would come and go, Tiedätkö, for personal reasons,” Bezanson said. “When I started boxing, we got really close. Boxing and racing were his things. He would tell anybody and everybody that I was boxing and how proud he was, and that meant a lot to me.”

Jamie Bezanson never had the chance to watch his son develop as a fighter. Kesäkuun 15, 2012, during annual “Bike Week” in Laconia, his motorcycle crossed the center line and struck another vehicle.

The elder Bezanson succumbed to his injuries. Hän oli 37.

“I lost it for a while. I stopped boxing. Henkisesti, I was just in a very emotional place,” Bezanson said. “Then right next to my house, Kaze Dojo opened up. Sanoin, ‘That’s something I could do.’”

Bezanson began training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Greg Williams. He proved himself a natural talent, winning the gold medal in his debut at the Vermont Open.

Then came the natural progression to MMA, where his stand-up skills proved too difficult for Dustin to defend. Bezanson commanded the cage with the poise and surgical precision of a veteran.

“I’m a pretty confident guy all around. I really wasn’t that nervous. I figure why be scared if you’re prepared and you’ve put in all that training?", Hän sanoi. “Ninety percent of fights are lost before you even get into the cage. If you let the emotions get to you, you’re not going to perform to the best of your ability.”

Bezanson suffered a catastrophic knee injury in training shortly thereafter. He has spent most of the past year recovering from surgery to repair a torn ACL and meniscus.

Once he returned to the gym, Bezanson spent much of his time focused on his evolving ground game. It should be tested royally by Bang, a former high school wrestler from a renowned regional fighting family.

“Striking is definitely one of my strengths. I’m a lanky dude, and I try to use that to my full advantage,” Bezanson said. “But I’ve worked really hard on my ground game in training. I didn’t really get a chance to show it in my first fight, but I know I will this time.”

Bezanson sees his second foray into the cage as the true beginning of what he hopes will be a prolific career.

In addition to the many fans who will make the four-hour round trip from the North Country to watch him, Bezanson knows he will have one special set of eyes in his corner.

“Boxing taught me a lot of discipline. MMA is the same thing. People can use it however they want, but that’s what it does for me,", Hän sanoi. “It’s something I like to do and something that I know makes my father proud all at the same time.”

Avaaminen kelloa Kesäkuu 18 on asetettu 7 p.m. Nykyinen telakka sisältää viisi ammattilaisen nyrkkeilytaistelua, three pro MMA bouts and eight amateur MMA skirmishes. Lippuja tapahtumaan “NEF 24: Luvattu maa ”alkaa klo $25 ja ne ovat tai soittamalla Colisee lipputulot at 207.783.2009, laajennus 525.

Lisätietoja tapahtumista ja taistelukorttipäivityksistä, käy edistäminen verkkosivuilla osoitteessa Lisäksi, voit katsella NEF videoita, noudata niitä Twitterissänefights ja liittyä viralliseen Facebook-ryhmään "New England Fights."

Tietoja New England Fights

New England Taistelee ("NEF") on taistelu tapahtumia tarjouksia yritys. NEF: n missiona on luoda korkealaatuisia tapahtumia Maine taistelijoita ja faneille. NEF: n johtoryhmä on laaja kokemus kamppailulajien hallinta, tapahtumien tuotanto, mediasuhteet, markkinointi, oikeudellisia ja mainonta.