Категория Архив: MMA




NEW YORK – Август 2, 2016 – Combate Americas today announced that reigning Ultimate Fighting Championship® (UFC) women’s bantamweight (135 паунда) superstar Julianna “The Venezuelan Vixen” Peña, along with 14-time UFC veteran and Team Alpha Male standout Danny “Last Call” Castillo and journalist Andrea Calle, will host the first-ever open tryout for the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sports franchise, в Лос Анджелис, Халиф. на Събота, Август. 13.

All men and women, възрасти 18 и повече, who are interested in participating in the tryout with the opportunity to earn a multi-fight promotional agreement with Combate Americas, can pre-register online at www.CombateAmericas.com.

Castillo and Calle will preside over the event, while Peña, along with Combate Americas referee Mike Beltran and Combate Americas Fight Director Mel Valenzuela, will comprise the panel of judges for the tryout that will take place two days after the much-anticipated, 10-bout “Aspira A Mas Presents Combate Americas: Combate OCHO” event, live on UFC FIGHT PASS® from Exchange LA.

“We are on an aggressive hunt to give undiscovered, hungry talent the opportunity to shine on our big stage, and hosting an open tryout in one of the major cities of the U.S. that is also a hotbed for combat sports is one of the best ways to achieve this,” said Combate Americas CEO and UFC co-founder Campbell McLaren.

The tryout process will begin at 12 p.m. and will put candidates through a variety of drills testing speed, издръжливост и сила.

Basic boxing, kickboxing and grappling skills will also be examined.

На цена от $40, tickets for the “Aspira A Mas Presents Combate Americas: Combate Ocho,” 10-bout event are on sale at ItsMySeat.com as well as at The Exchange box office. UFC FIGHT PASS is available on personal computers, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Amazon Fire телевизия, iPhone, Ай Пад, Apple TV, андроид, Chromecast, Samsung Smart TV, LG Smart TV and Roku devices.

In the featherweight (145 паунда) Main Event, Urijah Faber protégé Erick Sanchez (7-2) Сакраменто, Халиф. will look for his third win in the Combate Americas cage, или "La Cage,” and fourth consecutive victory overall when he squares off with dangerous finisher Angel “Tito” Cruz (5-2) of Rio Piedras, P.R.

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Combate Americas, LLC. е първият U.S. Испанци Смесени бойни изкуства (MMA) спортни франчайз в историята, предназначена да изгради латино бойни шампиони и да служи Испанци фенове, един от най-запалените групи в света на награда бойни ентусиасти. Франчайз The Americas Combate включва риалити програмиране, събития на живо и мобилни програмиране. CEO на компанията, Campbell McLaren, е всеобщо признат като съосновател / ко-създател на Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). New York Magazine, описан като McLaren “маркетинговия гений зад UFC” и Yahoo! Sports провъзгласиха, че той “знае повече за спорта, отколкото почти всеки в нея днес.” С безпрецедентно продукт и собствеността и управлението на отбора на сините чипове, Combate Americas е на път да пробие нови хоризонти и да доведе до нова ера в нивото на световния шампионат MMA състезание.



Санта Моника, CALIF. (Август 1, 2016) - Съобщението за пристигането му в Bellator MMA имаше „Бебешко парче“ Кевин Фъргюсън-младши. тенденция в социалните медии за два поредни дни, и днес, Официалните представители на Bellator потвърдиха, че първото му предизвикателство като професионален смесен боец ​​ще бъде Джонатан Томасиан в атракция в полусредна категория на „Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Питбул."


В допълнение, Съотборникът на Фъргюсън в „Body Shop Gym," Джоуи Дейвис също ще направи своя професионален дебют, когато той поема Кийт Кътрон (1-0) на 170 паунда.


Подреденото събитие се провежда на Август 26 в Honda Center в Анахайм, Калифорния., и ще се излъчва НА ЖИВО и БЕЗПЛАТНО на SPIKE на 10 p.m. И/9 p.m. CT. Билетите започват от само $30 и може да бъде закупен сега на Ticketmaster и в касата на Honda Center. Врати за „Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Питбул"отворен 4:45 p.m. PT местно време и първият предварителен двубой - който предава на живо Bellator.com и В Bellator Mobile App — започва 5:00 p.m. PT.


Тези два срещи в полусредна категория се присъединяват към карта, която включва звездно главно събитие от 155 паунда между тях Benson Henderson (23-6) и Патрик "Питбул" (25-3). Допълнително, обявени са и две изявени битки в полутежка категория, виждайки младите и непобедените A.J. Маккий (4-0) отговарят на бившия титлист на KOTC Хенри Corrales (12-3) и Национален шампион по борба на NCAA Bubba Jenkins (11-2) поеме Георги “Луд” Караханян (24-6-1).


Подписан за сделка за развитие през април, „Baby Slice“ прави своя дебют като професионалист на излъчената от Bellator.com предварителна карта на събитието. Синът на покойника, страхотно „Кимбо на парче,”Фъргюсън младши. излезе на сцената много тихо по-рано тази година в аматьорски двубой в Западен Масачузетс, където той вкара победа с нокаут 83 секунди след началото на първия кръг. Репортерът от ММА Чък Минденхол беше на място покрийте историята. „Baby Slice“ тренира в „Body Shop Gym“ на Антонио Маккий в Лонг Бийч заедно с други състезатели „Bellator 160“ McKee, Дженкинс и Дейвис.


Томасиан прави своя професионален дебют под ярките светлини на Bellator в шумна ситуация, която се надява да използва максимално. 20-годишната Санта Клара, Калифорния., native има малко повече време за клетка от Slice, печелейки и двете му любителски излети, веднъж с нокаут, а другият с решение. Понастоящем Томасиан тренира с Мани Роча в Академията за джиу джицу Strive в Лоди Калифорния., където е спечелил лилав колан в изкуството.


Дейвис е 21-годишен отличен борец, който се е състезавал в колежа Нотр Дам, където натрупа невероятно непобеден 131-0 рекорд и четири поредни NCAA Division II Championships по време на неговия колеж, ставайки единственият борец от дивизия II, който някога е печелил четири национални титли и е бил непобеден в кариерата си. Сега, Дейвис очаква да сподели успеха си в борбата в клетката за смесени бойни изкуства на август. 26 в Анахайм, където Дейвис ще има много фенове в родния град.


Натрупване на 8-1 запис на любителската верига, Кътрон преди това е намокрил професионално краката си, печелейки своя професионален дебют чрез спиране през миналия март. „The Bone“ е ветеран от Strikeforce, състезавайки се на картата „Challengers 11“ на промоцията в 2010. Със здрава база по борба и джиу-джицу, Кътрон притежава регионална титла от 185 паунда, преди да се премести завинаги в полусредна категория като професионалист.


"Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Pitbull ”SPIKE - Телевизионна основна карта:

Лек №. 1 Основно събитие на претендента: Benson Henderson (23-6) срещу. Патрисио "Pitbull" Фрейре (25-3)

Лек двубой: Можете Ауад (19-7) срещу. Дерек Андерсън (13-2)

Перо в тежка категория: A.J. Маккий (4-0) срещу. Хенри Corrales (12-3)

Перо в тежка категория: Bubba Jenkins (11-2) срещу. Георги Karakhanyan (24-6-1)


Предварителна карта, предадена от Bellator.com:

Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Джоуи Дейвис (Pro Debut) срещу. Кийт Кътрон (1-0)

Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Кевин Фъргюсън-младши. (Pro Debut) срещу. Джонатан Томасиан (Pro Debut)


LAS VEGAS (Юли 30, 2016) – On the heels of the historic and long-awaited passage of legislation making professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) bouts legal in New York State, World Series на Fighting (www.WSOF.com) тази вечерannounced that it will bring its star-studded, championship fight series to Madison Square Garden along with a live broadcast of the show on NBC, наСъбота, Декември 31, pending the approval of the New York State Athletic Commission.

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring our exciting, world championship live event series to The Big Apple, where fans have been anxiously waiting for years, for live, professional MMA action to be able to happen in their city,"Каза World Series на Fighting CEO Carlos Silva тази вечер, during the live NBCSN telecast of WSOF32: Мораес срещу. Хълм II.

“We have been working diligently,"Продължи Silva, “with the staff at the New York State Athletic Commission as well as the executives at Madison Square Garden to complete all of the necessary steps to make this historic and great event happen on New Year’s Eve.”

Participating fighters and featured matchups for the New Year’s Eve extravaganza at Madison Square Garden are being worked on by World Series of Fighting President Отец Chiefs, and will be announced soon.

The event will mark the second live World Series of Fighting broadcast on NBC, which has also been airing one hour, taped programs featuring a collection of the league’s top fights and highlights, twice annually since 2013. Към днешна дата, the league has aired 31 live events on NBCSN.


Бангор, Maine (Юли 30, 2016) - Jarod “Last Minute” Lawton (4-2) има нов съперник този петък вечер в Бангор в “NEF представя Dana White: Погледни вътре’ за битка.” Първоначалният противник на Лоутън, Mike Hansen (4-4), изваден от състезанието в средна категория с контузия само дни преди началото на бойната седмица. Длъжностни лица от НЕФ претърсиха страната, за да може някой да се оттегли само преди седмица и да се изправи срещу бразилския джиу-джицу черен колан Лоутън. Не е лесна задача, меко казано. Сватовникът на NEF Мат Питърсън успя да осигури резервен съперник под формата на David “Redneck” Мундел (5-1) на Дънидин, Флорида.

Mundell е лилав колан, който се бие от Gracie Clearwater. Единствената му загуба като професионалист дойде в последната му битка през изминалата пролет. Фактически, Мундел не беше загубил нито един рунд в нито един от предишните си пет професионални битки до този момент. Той е действащият щатски професионален шампион по ММА в полусредна категория. Мъндел притежава няколко титли в аматьорските редици, преди да се превърне в професионалист.

Докато повечето състезатели биха се отдръпнали от перспективата да се изправят срещу черен колан на едноседмично предизвестие пред президента на UFC Дана Уайт, Мъндел подхожда към битката с майсторска перспектива.

“Това е просто още един ден в офиса,” каза Мундел, когато беше посегнат за коментар.

“Развълнуван съм, че все още съм част от шоуто и благодарен Дейв Мъндел беше готов да се включи в кратки срокове, за да се бие,” Саид Lawton. “Той е добре закръглен боец, и очаквам да организирам една от най-добрите битки за нощта, както винаги!”

следващо събитие New England Битки ", „NEF представя Dana White: Търси битка” се провежда в петък, Август 5, 2016 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Maine. Билетите са в продажба сега в www.CrossInsuranceCenter.с или като се обадите на касата на адрес 800.745.3000.

За повече информация за актуализациите на събитието и да се борят с карти, моля посетете уеб сайта на промоцията на адрес www.NewEnglandFights.com. В допълнение, можете да гледате видеоклипове в NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA иwww.flocombat.com, ги последват в Twitternefights и се присъедини към официалната Facebook група "New England битки."

За New England Битки

New England Битки ("NEF") е борба събития промоции фирма. Мисията NEF е да създаде най-качествени събития за бойци и фенове на Мейн, така. Изпълнителен екип NEF има богат опит в управлението на бойни спортове, производство събития, Връзки с медиите, маркетинг, правна и реклама.


Бангор, Maine (Юли 29, 2016) – Devin Powell was enjoying an evening off from his demanding life as a mixed martial arts instructor and fighter.

He was surrounded by food that probably isn’t on his normal training menu. There were celebratory beverages to fit the loud music and party atmosphere at Xfinity Center, the outdoor concert venue in Mansfield, Massachusetts.

Somehow, Powell heard his phone ring, or felt it vibrate in his pocket. The impending conversation altered his day-after plans considerably.

Powell accepted a return engagement with Jon Lemke at “NEF Presents Dana White: Търси битка,” to be held Петък, Август 5 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор.

“I found out my good friend Jesse Erickson got hurt,” Powell said, “and they asked me to fill in. I said ‘of course.’ Anybody representing UFC, never mind Dana White, if you ever have a chance to fight in front of them, it’s something you want to do if you’re able. It should be a nice, intimate setting.”

Пауъл (7-1) is the NEF lightweight champion, having secured the strap with a technical knockout of Erickson at “NEF 22: All Roads Lead Here” in April. Lemke (5-5) lost to previous champion Bruce Boyington in a bid for that belt.

The fight will take place five pounds above the lightweight limit at a catch weight of 160.

“It’s a huge opportunity,” said Lemke, who lives in neighboring Brewer. “I’m very grateful. I’m looking forward to fighting in front of probably the most influential person in MMA.”

Their bout is one of eight professional skirmishes to be showcased in front of White, a native of nearby Hermon, and cohorts Din Thomas and Matt Serra. The trio travels the country in pursuit of undiscovered MMA talent in a reality show that is broadcast on White’s YouTube page as well as the UFC Fight Pass subscription-based streamed video service.

Neither man is known to shy away from the spotlight. Lemke stopped Erickson at Bellator 93 in Lewiston two years ago. Powell pushed his winning streak to five with a split-decision triumph Юни 17 over Tommy Marcellino on the World Series of Fighting stage at Foxwoods.

“I know they’re probably here to watch the guys in the main event,” Powell said of White and his entourage, “but I plan to put on a show that they won’t be able to sleep on. With my fighting style, very aggressive and unorthodox, I believe I definitely will get their attention. This sport is a lot about getting the right opportunity and taking advantage of it.”

When asked if he perceived any edge because Powell took the fight on three weeks’ notice, Lemke politely pointed out that he only began preparing for Erickson two weeks prior to that.

Lemke lost to Josh LaBerge на Юни 10.

“I only had a couple extra weeks to prepare. I was still training, but that’s all. I was in pretty good shape but not in fight shape,” Lemke said. “It’s one of those things where they ask you and you’re like, ‘Oh, един, I really want to do this, but.’ It’s just too big an opportunity not to. It’s not necessarily ideal, but as a fighter, absolutely you’re looking for that challenge, and Devin is one of the best guys in the game around here.”

He learned that first-hand, and in resounding fashion, when the two fighters previously clashed on May 10, 2014. Powell prevailed via choke-out in only 23 секунди.

That setting was Lemke’s comeback fight after his abrupt withdrawal from a title match against John Ortolani eight months earlier.

“It didn’t go very well last time. There were a lot of distractions and different circumstances for me leading up to that fight. I had to pull out of a title fight before that, which you never want to do. Three-quarters of the battle for me was just getting back in the cage,” Lemke said.

“I’m a completely different fighter now,” he added. “I think I’ve progressed everywhere, not just with my skills but with the approach I take. I’ve had quite a few fights and I’ve learned from both the wins and the losses. You always learn. Sometimes you learn the hard way.”

Lemke and Powell each enter the cage for the fourth time in less than a year. That activity is the reason neither man feels uneasy about accepting such a stern challenge after an abbreviated training camp.

In Powell’s case, fighting is simply a natural extension of his everyday life as owner and head instructor at Nostos MMA in Somersworth, азот на h.

“I’m grateful for everything I have. I have a 4-year-old daughter and she likes to come to the academy and train jiu-jitsu,” Powell said. “I have a pretty amazing life. I only have to teach, train and fight. A lot of people don’t get more than a couple hours with their kids every night. We sacrifice a lot for this sport. People only see the 15 minutes of hell. They don’t see everything else.”

Powell is pleased to represent NEF for only the third time in his blossoming career.

“NEF is one of the biggest promotions in the country. They make superstars out of guys from Maine,” Powell said. “I fought for World Series of Fighting, and I don’t want to sound like I’m knocking them, but it was a much smaller show. NEF has a huge following, and now you see them going places like Cape Cod and Bangor, and that can only grow it even more. They do it right, and I’m glad to be able to step in there for them.”

Lemke faces the added pressure of fighting in front of not only White but his hometown fans from the Bangor area.

Many of them are not accustomed to the four-hour round trip for his encounters in Lewiston.

“A fight is still just a fight, and the next fight is the biggest fight regardless. You never know who could be there watching or what could happen as a result,” Lemke said, suggesting that he is more concerned with his opponent. “Devin is a phenomenal fighter. He has a great skill set. He’s highly touted and he has a great record to back it up. It’s definitely the challenge of a lifetime for me. He’s also a great guy outside the cage. I get along with him well. I think we respect each other.”

Powell confirmed those suspicions, although he reiterated that his objective is nothing less than another decisive victory.

“He’s a good guy. I don’t have to go to that deep, dark place. I understand that my job is to hurt someone so badly that the referee has to step in to save his life. It’s a beautiful, violent sport. I respect anyone who has the courage to get in there with the same goals as me,” Powell said. “I’m expecting a brouhaha with Lemke. Той е агресивен. Той идва да се бие. I like to do the same things. The first fight was short-lived. If I’m able to repeat that, I’m sure Dana White will be happy.”

“NEF Presents Dana White: Looking for a Fight” takes place on Петък, Август 5, 2016 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Maine. Билетите са в продажба сега в www.CrossInsuranceCenter.с или като се обадите на касата на адрес 800.745.3000.

За повече информация за актуализациите на събитието и да се борят с карти, моля посетете уеб сайта на промоцията на адрес www.NewEnglandFights.com. В допълнение, можете да гледате видеоклипове в NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA и www.flocombat.com, ги последват в Twitternefights и се присъедини към официалната Facebook група "New England битки."


Бангор, Maine (Юли 28, 2016) – The dedicated delegation from Young’s MMA of Bangor usually relish their reputation as road warriors in New England Fights.

Lewiston is long established as the hub city for the organization, drawing competitors and spectators from both directions on the Maine Turnpike. Fighters and fans from the Penobscot River valley find that staying engaged for those fight cards four or five times a year requires greater commitment than most.

For only the second time in its history, the regional promotion will bring its cage to the Queen City. „NEF представя: Dana White Lookin’ for a Fight” is slated for Friday, Август 5 at Cross Insurance Center.

Young’s, the gym located just a few blocks away at 127 Hammond Street, will celebrate by showcasing one of its fighters in four of the eight scheduled professional bouts. Battle-tested Ryan Sanders and relative newcomers Aaron Lacey, Josh Harvey and CJ Ewer all are poised to take their best shot with the support of a raucous, partisan crowd.

“That’s the most exciting part for me, being from Brewer. I went to Brewer High School,” Lacey said. “It was definitely a huge, huge draw for me, seeing it in person. I went to the fights when NEF came to Darling’s Waterfront Pavilion (Юли 12, 2013) and all I could think is, ‘Човече, I want to do this.’ This has been a goal of mine for a long time.”

Сандърс (10-7) will battle Derrick Kennington (11-7) in a clash of wily lightweights that will be on the featured attractions on the docket.

His three stablemates each emerged victorious in their only previous pro bout. Lacey will lock up with John Santos (3-3) of Derry, Н.Х., в категория перо битка. Harvey has an appointment at featherweight. Кана, who won an amateur bout at the outdoor concert venue in Bangor, will be tested by Ruben Redman (0-1) in a welterweight scrap.

Even with numerous friends in attendance, the four men know it is the presence of UFC president White, who grew up in nearby Hermon, which could have career-changing ramifications.

“It’s a great opportunity. It’s awesome to know that someone like that is going to be in the building on fight night,” Sanders said. “But for me it’s just another fight. I don’t want to get caught up in all that. Just let it unfold.”

White and cohorts Din Thomas and Matt Serra travel the country in pursuit of undiscovered MMA talent in a reality show that is broadcast on White’s YouTube page as well as the UFC Fight Pass subscription-based streamed video service.

Да, the entrepreneur’s Maine connections are well-documented. White also previously brought UFC Fight Night 47 to Bangor. Young’s talent pool suspects that the latest event is more than just a case of White throwing a bone to his home base, обаче.

“I’m grateful that he’s bringing it here. I’m sure he’s watched film from NEF in his spare time. He must see something in NEF that he likes in order to be doing this,” Harvey said. “It doesn’t make me more nervous. Развълнуван съм за него. I’m going to try to put that all aside and focus on the task at hand.”

Under the tutelage of co-owners Chris Young and Ernie Fitch, roughly five or six professionals and a dozen amateurs cycle through the gym in any given training camp.

“Four of us fighting, it just shows we’re the best gym in the area. Three of us are undefeated. We’re producing studs. People see that and want to train with the best guys they can,” Sanders said. “We definitely push each other. You have guys who kick your ass every day. We want the best for each other. That’s why we’re here.”

Harvey expects the numbers and commitment to grow after White’s visit. He has been training at Young’s for three years. The cage side seat at the waterfront inspired him to step up his own training regimen. It’s a built-in advantage, Harvey noted, that has belonged almost exclusively to Lewiston until now.

“That’s what gets most people started. They go and see the fights and they want to try it,” Harvey said. “That’s why you see places like Central Maine BJJ (Lewiston) and First Class MMA (Topsham) growing so much. The fights are right there in their backyard.”

Lacey characterizes Young’s as “a gym full of killers.”

The statistics underscore Lacey’s point. The three pros with unblemished records all won their debut in two minutes or less.

“Ryan has only gone to a decision I think one time in his career. He’s a finisher. Josh won his fight by submission in the first round. CJ is super strong,” Lacey said. “They challenge me to be the best I can be every day. They keep me focused not just in the gym but in the game of life outside the cage.”

Although he is facing an opponent with significantly greater experience, Lacey expects a helpful adrenaline rush from having so many familiar faces at his back.

“It is different. I fought I think seven times in Lewiston between amateur fights and my pro debut,"Той каза. “This gives me a chance to be in my comfort zone. And a lot of my fans can’t make it down there. By the time you figure in the travel, the price of the tickets, maybe staying overnight, they just can’t do it.”

Harvey agreed, pointing out that it’s the initial fight for which he hasn’t needed to pack a suitcase.

“This will be the first time I’ve slept in my own bed the night before a fight. I think it’s a huge advantage,” Harvey said. “Some people might think with more of your fans there that there’s more pressure, but I think it just builds you up.”

“NEF Presents Dana White: Looking for a Fight” takes place on Петък, Август 5, 2016 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Maine. Билетите са в продажба сега в www.CrossInsuranceCenter.с или като се обадите на касата на адрес 800.745.3000.

За повече информация за актуализациите на събитието и да се борят с карти, моля посетете уеб сайта на промоцията на адрес www.NewEnglandFights.com. В допълнение, можете да гледате видеоклипове в NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA и www.flocombat.com, ги последват в Twitternefights и се присъедини към официалната Facebook група "New England битки."

Вадим Finkelchtein: “The Emelianenko-Maldonado situation is getting ridiculous

MONTE CARLO, Монако(Юли 28, 2016)- Световна асоциация MMA (WMMAA) Вадим Finkelchtein has gone public to explain the recent WMMAA decision regarding Team Maldonado’s appeal, which resulted in the change of the official Fedor EmelianenkoFabio Maldonado fight result to a draw, in addition to terminating its Head of Judges, Radmir Gabdullin.

WMMAA president Vadim Finkelchtein
Vadim, talk us through the appeal process. Why did you accept it in the first place since Russian MMA Union rejected Maldonado manager’s appeal?
VF: “Everyone could see what was going on in the media and MMA community after the bout. Being the founder of both the Russian MMA Union and World MMA Association, I received tons of messages and calls from people demanding an explanation about how it was possible for Russian MMA Union employees to officiate their own boss’ борба. I read hundreds of negative comments disparaging the Russian MMA Union and WMMAA. Some even went so far to say it was about Russian Mafia doing business there, all Russian judges are bought, и т.н.. I tried to stay away from this debacle, since the fight occurred in another promotion, but when Maldonado’s manager sent an appeal to the WMMAA, asking to reassess the fight outcome, we couldn’t say no. WMMAA’s reputation was on the line as well as that of the Russian MMA scene, също.”
What did the process of choosing the reassessment commission look like and why was head judge Radmir Gabdullin suspended?
VF: “В основата си, I had to make Radmir, as the WMMAA’s head judge, responsible for the whole process. Обаче, since he was one of the reasons the appeal surfaced in the first place, the most logical decision was to suspend him temporarily and appoint WMMAA’s Secretary General (Alexander Engelhardt) to handle it.
In his recent interview, Radmir Gabdullin belittled the significance of WMMAA’s verdict, stating it was all unofficial and that he had never received any appeal.
VF: “There’s nothing to comment about here. It’s a pure lie. I don’t understand what he was trying to accomplish by saying something like this. If necessary, I can show the manager’s e-mail with Russian MMA Union employees, Kamil Gadzhiev and WMMAA employees as recipients. Saying he’s never received an appeal is absurd and a silly excuse.
At the same time he insulted the professionals that reassessed the fight by calling them incompetent.
VF: “When I read it my first reaction was vast disappointment. How could he, as the official head judge, state something like this towards his colleagues who he knows really well? He used to officiate multiple events with them. Their experience is ten or maybe even hundred times greater than Radmir’s. Marco Broersen has been officiating major European events, including KSW, M-1 Global and many others, за 15 години. He’d been working in this field when Radmir was still in school. It’s a shame for him to say something like that. It’s degrading for both Radmir and the Russian MMA Union.
Can you explain why 24-year-old Radmir had been chosen to become the head judge in both WMMAA and Russian MMA Union having no experience or appropriate education whatsoever?
VF: “Знаеш, it all started back in 2010-2011, when I decided to start developing amateur MMA in order to provide thousands of young athletes with career opportunities. For that to happen the MMA Union in Russia was necessary, as well as official recognition of Mixed Martial Arts as a sport. It was hard. I had no experience working in a Federation; plenty of paper work. We lacked a qualified staff when we started to look for people. I offered Fedor Emelianenko to be the Union president with me heading the WMMAA. Gabdullin’s name was mentioned by Fedor. He said there was this young and promising guy, let’s see what he can do. I agreed completely, although I realized he had neither experience nor knowledge.
What was your reaction to Kamil Gadzhiev’s comments claiming in each interview that a draw was the best outcome, but after the result was changed by Sherdog following the WMMAA’s verdict, he changed his mind and promised to call and mail Sherdog to protest its action?
VF: “I had a phone chat with Kamil. He made it clear that he trusts the WMMAA and Russian MMA Union, while repeating his personal opinion that the draw would be the most righteous decision. I don’t know why his words were not consequently supported by his deeds.
Russian MMA Union has a lot of officials. Още, no one would comment on the situation, including Fedor himself. Защо е, че?
VF: “I can’t answer this question. Most important for me is justice and reputation and that holds for Russian MMA and WMMAA, твърде. I couldn’t choose sides, which is the reason why an international commission of judges was created. No one tried to take the other man’s victory, as some have claimed in comments. As the WMMAA president, I feel ashamed the situation went that far. The vast majority of the leading MMA sites supported the WMMAA’s verdict; Sherdog changed the outcome. Another example is the Match TV poll result, in which 56-percent of Russian voters said Fedor didn’t win the fight. "Big’ John McCarthy said it. Sergey Kharitonov,Алексей Oleinik and many others have said the same. People who have been cheering for Fedor for years realized that. And now we have one person stating the opposite, saying our decision is unofficial, that experienced judges have become incompetent in no time, and he’d never received an appeal. That’s a sad situation and we need to handle it appropriately. The world awaits sound and reasoned decisions but gets excuses and lies instead. Our reputation is on the line because of that.
Schedule of Major 2016 MMA Events
Aug.3-8Asian MMA Championship in Hwasun, Южна Корея
Седем. 14-16European MMA Championship in Tbilisi, Грузия
Октомври. 7-9Inaugural Pan-American Championships in Santiago, Chile
Ноември. 18-20World MMM Championship in Macau, Китай
Кикотене: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa



Санта Моника, CALIF (Юли, 26) - А лек пристъп хлътване Можете Ауад (19-7) срещу Дерек Андерсън (13-2) е добавен към основната карта на наскоро обявения "Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Питбул" събитие Август 26 в Honda Center в Анахайм, Халиф.


В допълнение, дългоочакваните професионални дебюти на сензация по борба Джоуи Дейвис и „Бебешко парче“ Кевин Фъргюсън-младши. са определени за задължителни предварителни действия срещу опонентите, които да бъдат посочени по-късно.


"Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Питбул" ще се състои на Август 26 от Honda Center в Анахайм в Калифорния, и ще се излъчва НА ЖИВО и БЕЗПЛАТНО на SPIKE на 10 p.m. И/9 p.m. CT.


Билети за събитието започват от само $30 и могат да бъдат закупени сега на Ticketmaster и в касата на Honda Center. Врати за събитието отворен 4:45 p.m. PT местно време и първият предварителен двубой - който предава на живо Bellator.com и В Bellator Mobile App — започва 5:00 p.m. PT. Допълнителни състезания ще бъдат обявени през следващите седмици.


Леката среща се присъединява към карта, която вече включва още една звездна афера от 155 паунда в основното събитие, когато Benson Henderson (23-6) върви нагоре срещу Патрик "Питбул" (25-3). Допълнително, обявени са и две изявени битки в полутежка категория, виждайки младите и непобедените A.J. Маккий (4-0) отговарят на бившия титлист на KOTC Хенри Corrales (12-3) и Национален шампион по борба на NCAA Bubba Jenkins (11-2) поеме Георги “Луд” Караханян (24-6-1).


Ветеран от 11 битки на Bellator MMA, Понастоящем Awad е в разгара на втория си престой с ръководената от Скот Кокър промоция, публикуване a 7-4 марка, откакто направи своя промоционален дебют в 2009. Авад се надява да надгради впечатляващата си победа над бразилския отличителЕвангелист "Киборг" при "Bellator 154: Дейвис срещу. King Mo," където „Убиецът“ успя да избяга от свирепия опит за подаване на заключване на глезена на Сантос и да излезе победител с поредица от удари. Сега 33-годишният Сан Бернардино, Халиф. родният ще се стреми да постави уникалния си набор от умения на пълен дисплей пред приятелите и семейството си, когато влезе в клетката в Анахайм, Халиф.


Подобно на опонента си, Андерсън успя да си направи име в началото на професионалната си кариера, избухвайки от портата с победи в 11 на първата си 12 краища. По време на дебюта му в Bellator MMA през 2013, "Barbaric" спечели победа над умния ветеранПатрики „Питбул." От тогава, 26-годишният Андерсън направи още пет участия под ръководството на промоцията, включително втора победа над по-големия брат „Pitbull“. Приветства се и от района на Южна Калифорния, Андерсън очаква да има голям роден град, който да присъства на него Август 26.


Джоуи Дейвис е 21-годишен отличен борец, който се състезаваше в колежа Нотр Дам, където натрупа невероятно непобеден 131-0 рекорд и четири поредни първенства на NCAA Division II, ставайки единственият борец от дивизия II, който някога е печелил четири национални титли и е бил непобеден в кариерата си. Повечето скорошно подписване на Bellator’s „Нова порода,”Група от топ продукти за борба, които промоцията е подписала, включително Aaron Pico, И Рут, Джарод Трис и Terrell Fortune, ще бъде първият, който направи своя дебют в промоцията. Дейвис тренира в „Body Shop Gym“ на Антонио Маккий заедно с други състезатели „Bellator 160“ A.J. Маккий, Буба Дженкинс и „Baby Slice.“


Подписан за сделка за развитие през април, Фъргюсън младши, известен също като „Baby Slice“ ще закотви излъчената от Bellator.com предварителна карта заедно с Дейвис, гореспоменатия му съотборник в „Body Shop Gym“. В зловещо подобна сюжетна линия на хитовия филм „Creed,”Синът на покойния, страхотно „Кимбо на парче,”Тихо излезе на сцената по-рано тази година в аматьорски двубой, който се игра в Западен Масачузетс, където той вкара победа с нокаут 83 секунди след началото на първия кръг. Репортерът от ММА Чък Минденхол беше на място покрийте историята.

"Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Pitbull ”SPIKE - Телевизионна основна карта:

Bellator MMA Лек №. 1 Основно събитие на претендента: Benson Henderson (23-6) срещу. Патрисио "Pitbull" Фрейре (25-3)

Bellator MMA Lightweight Feature Bout: Можете Ауад (19-7) срещу. Дерек Андерсън (13-2)

Bellator MMA перо Feature Bout: A.J. Маккий (4-0) срещу. Хенри Corrales (12-3)


Предварителна карта, предадена от Bellator.com:

Bellator MMA Welterweight Предварителен Bout: Джоуи Дейвис (Pro Debut) срещу. TBD

Bellator MMA Welterweight Предварителен Bout: Кевин Фъргюсън-младши. (Pro Debut) срещу. TBD



Санта Моника, CALIF (Юли 25, 2016) – Two high-profile featherweight attractions have been added to the main card of the recently announced "Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Питбул" събитие Август 26 в Honda Center в Анахайм, Халиф. The first pitting the undefeated A.J. Маккий (4-0) срещу Хенри Corrales (12-3), and the second newly-announced bout will see Bubba Jenkins(11-2) attempt to avenge a previous loss against Георги Karakhanyan (24-6-1).


Билети за "Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Питбул" започне в $30 and can be purchased now on Ticketmaster and at Honda Center Box Office. Врати за събитието отворен 4:45 p.m. PT местно време и първият предварителен двубой - който предава на живо Bellator.com иВ Bellator Mobile App — започва 5:00 p.m. PT. Допълнителни състезания ще бъдат обявени през следващите седмици.


The main event of the evening features a marquee matchup at 155-pounds, когато Benson Henderson (23-6) returns to the division that he reigned supreme over for the many years to face former featherweight champion Патрик "Питбул" (25-3), who is moving up in weight for the bout. Both men will be vying for a shot at Michael Chandler’s championship belt when they meet on Август 26 в Анахайм.


При 21 годишна възраст, McKee is undoubtedly one of the of mixed martial arts top young prospects. After beginning his career 7-1 като аматьор, “Mercenary” has made a splash on the professional circuit, recording a perfect 4-0 mark through his first four bouts. McKee has fought under the Bellator MMA banner since day one of his professional career, finishing all of his contests in the opening frame, including three knockouts and a rear-naked choke submission. Дългият плаж, Халиф. native will bring his flashy skillset just down the 91 Freeway to Honda Center, where he will have the opportunity to put on a show in front of his hometown fans.

After beginning his professional career 12-0, Corrales will enter the cage for the second time this year in search of his first win under the direction of Bellator MMA. Since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion, Corrales has fought nothing short of elite talent, challenging current champion Даниел Щраус, Emmanuel Sanchez, and Patricio “Pitbull” on short notice. От неговите 12 победи са, the 29-year-old featherweight has earned four knockouts and six submissions; including a brutal knockout of Gustavo Limon just 20 секунди в първи кръг. Fighting out of Whittier, Калифорния., Corrales will share the home floor with his opponent and fellow California native, A.J. Маккий, in Anaheim during the main card of "Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Питбул" на Август 26.


A longtime veteran of Bellator MMA, Karakhanyan will look to get back on track after dropping two closely-contested decision losses against Jenkins, who he handily defeated nearly two years ago via guillotine submission. Known to many mixed martial arts fans and pundits as “Insane,” the 31-year-old has finished 18 на неговата 24 победи като професионалист, winning titles in multiple regional promotions along the way. A product of Millenia MMA in Rancho Cucamonga, Калифорния., where he trains alongside close friend Saad Awad, the Russian fighter is finally healthy following multiple setbacks to his knee. Karakhanyan now looks to climb the 145-pound ladder, in a stacked division that he once sat atop as the No. 1 претендент.
Just a few years ago, Bubba Jenkins was widely regarded as the top MMA prospect in all of the sport, though the title became tainted following the aforementioned loss to Karakhanyan at “Bellator 132.” The former NCAA National Champion wrestler with Arizona State University now has three consecutive wins under his belt, and is looking for redemption. Heading into his 11th fight under the Bellator MMA banner, the 28-year-old “Highlight Kid” looks to put on a stand-out performance in Bellator’s incredibly deep featherweight division.


Обновено "Bellator 160: Henderson срещу. Pitbull” Main Card:

Bellator MMA Лек №. 1 Основно събитие на претендента: Benson Henderson (23-6) срещу. Патрисио "Pitbull" Фрейре (25-3)

Bellator MMA перо Feature Bout: A.J. Маккий (4-0) срещу. Хенри Corrales (12-3)

Bellator MMA перо Feature Bout: Bubba Jenkins (11-2) срещу. Георги Karakhanyan (24-6-1)



Тук попълнете снимките на събитията

Mulvane, KS. (Юли 22, 2016) – In the main event of the evening, Darrion Caldwell (9-1) was submitted by Joe Taimanglo (23-6-1) in an absolutely shocking upset :09 seconds into the third and final frame.

With the defeat, на 2009 NCAA Div. 1 National Champion was handed the first loss of his career, докато “Juggernauthas the entire Island of Guam rocking with his guillotine submission win. “Вълкът” was cruising heading into the third and final frame, but after shooting for a takedown, Taimanglo slapped on a choke and didn’t relinquish the hold until Caldwell tapped. The fight was slated to be a title eliminator, but because of Taimanglo failing to make weight, it remains to be seen who will challenge next for Eduardo Dantas’ заглавие.

Guillard Assassinates ‘Cavemanin Front of Hometown Faithful

Melvin Guillard (33-16-2) put Dave Рикелс (17-5) to sleep in front of his hometown fans during the co-main event of "Bellator 159: Колдуел срещу. Taimanglo.” След 90 seconds of closely contested action, “The Young Assassin” caught “The Caveman,” then followed with a series of vicious elbows that ended the action at 2:14 на първи кръг.


След борбата, Guillard made it clear that he is done as a lightweight and will carry on his Bellator MMA career at 170-pounds, and hopes to fight renowned welterweight Paul "Semtex" Daley.

Ducote Taps Vargas in Flyweight Bout

Емили Дюкот (3-1) ръце Bruna Vargas (2-1) the first loss of her short career, landing an overhand right that she quickly followed up with a rear-naked choke, forcing the referee to call a halt to the action at :29 на втори кръг. След борбата, Ducote dedicated the fight to her grandmother, who has helped her a great deal throughout her upbringing and supported her decision to pursue a career in mixed martial arts. Look for Ducote to make waves in the flyweight division in the future.

Weichel ‘WeaselsOut Split Decision Win

In a fight that had plenty of title implications for both 145-pounders, Daniel Weichel (37-9) weaseled out a close decision victory against Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3) в петък вечер, receiving the benefit of the doubt from two of the three cage side judges. Weichel has now been on the positive end of 10 straight decisions, while Sanchez has been involved in four straight consecutive split decisions.

Предварителните резултати карти:

Брандън Филипс (6-1) победен Чука Уилис (8-3) чрез единодушно решение (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Крис Харис (7-0) победен Matt Foster (6-9) чрез представяне (Rear-Naked Choke) при 1:23 of R1

Трей Ogden (6-1) победен Manny Meraz (8-3) чрез представяне (Гилотина Choke) при 2:37 of R2

Филип Линс (10-1) победен Уилям Виана (7-3) направо KO (Punches) при 1:14 of R2

Джесика Мидълтън (1-0) победен Браун Елън (2-1) чрез единодушно решение (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Гастон Reyno (6-1) победен L.J. Hermreck (3-2) чрез TKO (Punches) при 3:57 of R3

Johnny Marigo (2-0) победен Andy Riley (2-2) чрез представяне (Armbar) при 2:44 of R1

Fernando Martinez (15-10-1) победен Marcio Navarro (14-13) чрез съдийско решение (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)