Category Archives: MMA



ANAHEIM, Kalif. (Gusht 26, 2016) – Bellator MMA is elated to formally announce the signing of mixed martial arts superstar Rory MacDonald për një ekskluzive, multi-year, multi-fight contract with the Scott Coker-led promotion, making “Red King” the latest in a long line of blockbuster acquisitions for Bellator MMA.

The former No. 1 contender to the UFC welterweight crown is undoubtedly one of the premiere free agent signings in the history of the promotion. The “Red King” has totaled nine career victories under the UFC banner, including wins over current welterweight champion Tyron Woodley, in addition to B.J. Penn and Nate Diaz.

“There’s no denying that Rory MacDonald was the cream of the crop when it comes to free agents in MMA,” Bellator President Scott Coker said. “As I say all the time, if there is a free agent out there, we’re going to talk to them, if they fit our model we’re going to make a hard push to bring them over here. I’m very happy that we were able to work out a deal with Rory, and I can’t wait to see him bring his menacing style to the Bellator cage.”

MacDonald is clearly the most popular active Canadian mixed martial artist since the former UFC welterweight Champion and teammate Georges St. Pierre, whom MacDonald has trained under for years at the world renowned TriStar Gym in Montreal.

There are multiple reasons why I choose to fight for Bellator MMA and Scott Coker,” Rory MacDonald said. “One, they have given me the opportunity to develop and grow a business together. Two, because I already feel respected by the promotion as a professional athlete. And last but not least, because Bellator is offering a setup that no-one in the world can offer me.

At only 27-years-old, MacDonald joins the fray with an impressive professional record of 18-4 and enters a stacked welterweight division of fighters already signed with Bellator, that currently has a world-class champion in Andrey Koreshkov.

Rreth Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA është një organizatë udhëheqëse Mixed Martial Arts shfaqur shumë nga luftëtarët më të mira në botë. Nën drejtimin e promotor veteran lufta Scott Coker, Bellator është në dispozicion për gati 500 milion shtëpitë në mbarë botën në mbi 140 Vendet. Në Shtetet e Bashkuara, Bellator mund të shihet në Spike TV, Udhëheqësi televiziv MMA. Bellator MMA është i përbërë nga një ekip ekzekutiv që përfshin profesionistë të lartë të industrisë në prodhimin televiziv, jetojnë orkestrim ngjarje, zhvillimit luftëtar / marrëdhëniet, prokurimit vendi, Krijimi sponsorizimi / zhvillimi, licencimit ndërkombëtar, marketing, reklamat, publicitare dhe komisionit marrëdhëniet. Bellator është i bazuar në Santa Monika, California dhe në pronësi nga gjigandi argëtim Viacom, shtëpi të markave Kryeministri argëtuese në botë që e lidhin me audiencën përmes përmbajtje imponues nëpër televizion, film, platformat online dhe celular.


SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Gusht 26, 2016) – After originally being slated to compete against one another at “Bellator 151” dhe "Bellator 158," Michael "Venom" Faqja (11-0) has once again been booked to fight Fernando Gonzalez (25-13), this time on Nëntor 19 at SAP Center in Bellator MMA’s stomping grounds of San Jose, Kalif.


The card will mark the second time this year that Bellator MMA has taken its show to the beautiful SAP Center, which is home to the NHL’s San Jose Sharks. The welterweight pairing makes up one fight of the event’s main card, which will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE. Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.


Tickets for this stacked MMA card go on sale E premte, Shtator 2 në, as well as SAP Center Box Office and Ticketmaster. Bellator Nation presale offer will take place Gusht 31 dhe shtator 1.


Faqe, a highlight reel king before and after the bell rings, was at it again earlier this year, when Bellator MMA invaded the United Kingdom at "Bellator 158: London.” During his bout, “MVP” took care of business the only way he knows how, with an early stoppage and unforgettable celebration that was heard and seen around the world. Page’s impressive flying knee knockout i Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos was his ninth stoppage in the opening frame. Tani, the seven-fight Bellator MMA veteran looks to put to rest the opinion that he cannot defeat the always game “Menifee Maniac.”


Gonzalez enters the cage currently riding a string of five consecutive victories, all of which have come under the direction of the Scott Coker-led promotion. The 32-year-old Menifee, Calif., native has been competing professionally since 2003, me 25 wins under his belt, duke përfshirë 16 of the KO/submission variety. After a brief pause from MMA action to challenge Pali "semteks" Daley in the kickboxing portion of the groundbreaking "Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " event in 2015, Gonzalez returned to the sport of MMA, where he recently defeated Gilbert Smith in a split decision win at"Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell.” The win improves his overall record under the Bellator MMA banner to 5-0 and now puts him in a position to officially proclaim himself as the only man to beat “Venom,” and further his case for a 170-pound title shot.


“Bellator MMA in San Jose” Main Card:

Welterweight Feature Bout: Michael "Venom" Faqja (11-0) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (25-13)

FITE TV shpall marrëveshjen e karrocave televizive për Kampionatin Pan-Amerikan të Divizionit WMMAA në tetor 8-9 në Kili

Shkoni në intervistën FITE TV me prezantuesin Jim “J.R.” Ross dhe
Presidenti i Divizionit Pan-Amerikan të WMMAA, Thomas Yu
NEW YORK, NY (Gusht 26, 2016) — TV FITE, në bashkëpunim me Shoqatën Botërore MMA (WMMAA), njoftoi sot se do të transmetojë kampionatin inaugurues të Divizionit Pan-Amerikan WMMAA drejtpërdrejt në FITE TV duke filluar me ndeshjet paraprake E shtunë, Tetor 8, dhe finalja e diel tetor 9, 2016.
FITE është një rrjet televiziv, nëpërmjet një aplikacioni të shkarkueshëm, që specializohet në të gjitha gjërat që luftojnë, duke përfshirë boksin, mundje, MMA dhe Arte Marciale. FITE është një aplikacion falas që disponohet për shkarkim në dyqanet e aplikacioneve Google Play ose iTunes.
Tetor. 8-9, WMMAA po sjell në Santiago konkurrentët më të mirë amatorë të MMA nga e gjithë bota, Kili për një garë dy-ditore. Më shumë se 12 vendet do të përfaqësohen në tetë kategori të ndryshme peshash (6 burra, 2 klasat e grave). Michelle Bachelet, presidenti i Kilit, është planifikuar të marrë pjesë në ceremonitë e hapjes dhe të kryesojë mbylljen e veprimtarisë. Përveç garës MMA në ring, fundjava do të shfaqë një ekspozitë fitnesi dhe Ring Girl Latina 2016 konkursi. Që nga sot, 12 vendet janë zotuar të marrin pjesë në këtë ngjarje, duke përfshirë Shtetet e Bashkuara, Meksikë, Kubë, Aruba, Nikaragua, Kosta Rika, Kolumbi, Kili, Paraguaj, Argjentinë, Bolivia, dhe Brazili.
“Ne jemi të emocionuar që mund të ofrojmë shikim falas të një prej ngjarjeve më të pritura MMA në rajonin Pan-Amerikan çdo vit në aplikacionin inovativ FITE TV,” Presidenti i Divizionit Pan-Amerikan të WMMAA Tomas Yu komentoi. “Tani, nëse nuk jeni në gjendje të jeni në ngjarje për të parë drejtpërdrejt aksionin, tani mund ta shihni kudo në botë.”
“Me shtimin e një ngjarje kaq prestigjioze në FITE TV, ne vazhdojmë të rrisim diversitetin e programeve luftarake, tani ofrohet drejtpërdrejt dhe në bazë VOD në aplikacion,” tha Michael Weber, Zëvendës President i Lartë i Marketingut për FITE. “Është nder të punosh me profesionistë të MMA si Tomas Yu dhe ekipi i tij, të cilët vazhdojnë të rrisin dukshmërinë e organizatës së tyre në mbarë botën.”
Orari i programeve televizive dhe vendet e tjera pjesëmarrëse do të shpallen në të ardhmen e afërt.
Rreth FITE TV: FITE TV është një produkt i Flipps Media dhe është një aplikacion celular falas që është një dyqan me një ndalesë për të parë të gjitha sportet brenda disiplinës luftarake globalisht duke përfshirë MMA, mundje profesionale, boks, dhe artet marciale tradicionale. Me qasje vetëm në një smartphone dhe një televizor të lidhur, me aplikacionin FITE, shikuesit mund të shikojnë ngjarje të drejtpërdrejta, programim sipas kërkesës, intervista dhe filma dhe dokumentarë të lidhur me sportet luftarake në ekranin e madh televiziv. Më shumë informacion mund të gjeni në
Rreth Flipps Media: Flipps ofron argëtim sipas kërkesës për çdo televizor të lidhur aty pranë nga pajisja juaj celulare pa ndonjë pajisje shtesë. Kompania ka zyra në San Mateo, Nju Jork dhe Sofje, Bullgaria dhe mbështetet nga Tim Draper, Earlybird Venture Capital, Aslanoba Capital dhe LAUNCHub. Flipps’ teknologjia e patentuar funksionon menjëherë me mbi 350+ milion televizorë të lidhur dhe është i pajtueshëm me mbi 7,000 Modelet e prodhuesit që nuk kërkojnë konfigurim, nuk ka pajisje çiftimi, pa kabllo, pa dongles dhe pa set top box. Aplikacioni celular Flipps është falas dhe i disponueshëm në iTunes dhe Google Play. Më shumë informacion mund të gjeni në
Rreth WMMAA: Qëllimi i Shoqatës Botërore të MMA është të sigurojë një strukturë të paanshme dhe të mbrojë rritjen e MMA si organi zyrtar qeverisës botëror për Artet Marciale të Përziera.. Një organizatë jofitimprurëse e themeluar në 2012, WMMAA është në një mision për të zhvilluar një organizatë të standardizuar dhe të rregulluar, duke përfshirë konkurrencën, formim, duke zyrtarizuar, testimi dhe rritja kur është e nevojshme. Më shumë se 50 vendeve u është dhënë anëtarësimi në WMMAA.


Lewiston, Maine (Gusht 26, 2016) Lufton-NEW Angli (NEF) today announced the addition of a professional featherweight mixed-martial-arts (MMA) bout to the fight promotion’s next event, “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS.Aaron “I pamëshirshëm” Lacey (2-0) ka nënshkruar në fytyrë Cory Trial (0-0) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


Lacey, the former NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion, recently signed a multi-fight developmental deal with the fight promotion. He amassed an amateur record of 6-1 prior to turning professional. Since entering the pro ranks, Lacey is undefeated. His pro debut saw him submit veteran Derek Shorey (3-7) in the first round last April. Earlier this month, Lacey waged, dhe fitoi, a war with John Santos (3-4) before UFC President Dana White in Bangor at theNEF Presents Dana White: Lookinfor a Fighttaping. Many observers agree that Lacey, a product of Young’s MMA, is but a few victories away from fighting permanently in front of White.


I’m very happy to be signing with NEF,” said Lacey. “It’s a big step forward in my career and it shows that they have the utmost confidence in my ability! My last fight was an absolute war, but I was fortunate enough to get out of it without any serious injuries. If I’m healthy, I’m fightingit’s my passion! I’m anxious to welcome Cory to the pro ranks. He has a dangerous skill set that has to be acknowledged and respected. Kjo u tha, so do I! I like to be the guy who comes in and puts on a fight that fans don’t forget and that is exactly what I will do Shtator 10.”


Cory Trial makes his professional debut after a memorable amateur career with NEF. Në qershor 2015, Trial scored the fastest knockout in NEF history when he rocked Corey Hinkley (2-4) a mere seven-seconds into the first round. In his final amateur performance, the 41-year-old Trial defeated Angelo Rizzitello (0-1) via split decision this past spring. He is a member of the tough, gritty team of Ruthless MMA & Boxing based out of Benton, Maine.


I wanna thank NEF for giving me the opportunity to take the next step in my career,” tha se gjyqi. “My coach and I have been talking and it’s time. We’ve been putting the work in and I’m ready to take the next step. This fight will really tell me where I’m at. Aaron is a well rounded fighter that likes to push the pace and I’ll be right there looking to do the same! Mos e humbisni atë – ajo do të jetë fishekzjarre!”


Ngjarja tjetër Lufton New England ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on E shtunë, Shtator 10, 2016 në COLISEE të ANDROSCOGGIN Bankës në Lewiston, Maine. Biletat fillojë në vetëm $25 dhe janë në shitje tani në ose duke telefonuar në zyrën kuti COLISEE në 207.783.2009 x 525.


Për më shumë informacion mbi ngjarje dhe luftën përditësimet e kartës, ju lutem vizitoni faqen e internetit Promovimin-së në Veç kësaj, ju mund të shikojnë video në NEF, ndjekin ato nënefights Twitter dhe të bashkohet me grupin zyrtar Facebook "New England lufton."


Lewiston, Maine (Gusht 26, 2016) – He has one of the largest and most passionate fanbases of any New England fighter, dhe tani John Ortolani (0-0 boks, 8-10 MMA) will return to New England Fights (NEF) after a two-and-a-half year absence at “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS” në Shtator 10 në Lewiston. Ortolani, megjithatë, will not be competing in the NEF MMA cage. He will make his professional boxing debut that evening, stepping in to replace Connor Barry (0-1) kundër CaseyBuzzsawKramlich (4-0-1, 2 KO) in a four-round middleweight contest.


John Ortolani has been a fixture of the New England MMA scene since 2009. It is well-documented that Ortolani is a two-sport athlete. In addition to fighting MMA, he is a midfielder in Major League Lacrosse (MLL) where he has played for the Boston Cannons, Rochester Rattlers and Florida Launch. Recent years have seen Ortolani take up residence in Tampa, Florida where he has continued competing in MMA out of South Tampa Jiu-Jitsu & MMA. A native of Billerica, Massachusetts, he looks forward to making the trip north to New England where he will have the opportunity to once again fight closer to home in front of his friends and family.


I am excited to be fighting back in Maine again,” said Ortolani. “I’d like to thank (NEF owners) Mat (Peterson) and Nick (DiSalvo) for having me back. This will be my first time stepping in the ring and I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve wanted to test myself in a boxing match for years and now is my chance. Casey is a great opponent and I’m happy I could fill in and give him a good fight. I am a true martial artist and can’t wait to test my hands. It’s been almost three years since fighting for NEF. Get ready for an exciting fight.


At the other end of the spectrum, Casey Kramlich has made a second home of the boxing ring. Training out of the Portland Boxing Club in Portland, Maine, Kramlich had an extensive amateur boxing career prior to turning professional in 2014. This past spring he gave Jason Kelly (5-1, 3 KO) his first taste of defeat in the ring. Kramlich followed up that win with a dominant technical knockout victory over Zenon Herrera (0-2) in the third round of Kramlich’s NEF debut atNEF 24.


I’m looking forward to fighting on an NEF card again,” said Kramlich. “I’ve been training hard and ready to put my talent on display. My opponent has a little weight advantage on me, but I plan on using my speed and angles to pick him apart.


Ngjarja tjetër Lufton New England ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on E shtunë, Shtator 10, 2016 në COLISEE të ANDROSCOGGIN Bankës në Lewiston, Maine. Biletat fillojë në vetëm $25 dhe janë në shitje tani në ose duke telefonuar në zyrën kuti COLISEE në 207.783.2009 x 525.


Për më shumë informacion mbi ngjarje dhe luftën përditësimet e kartës, ju lutem vizitoni faqen e internetit Promovimin-së në Veç kësaj, ju mund të shikojnë video në NEF, ndjekin ato nënefights Twitter dhe të bashkohet me grupin zyrtar Facebook "New England lufton."



Heavyweight standout Ashley Gooch also inked to exclusive, marrëveshje multi-lufta
LAS VEGAS (Gusht 24, 2016) - World Series luftimeve ( announced today that it has signed seasoned, heavyweight Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) star and former NCAA Division I wrestling sensation Jared “The Big Show” Rosholt (14-3) për një ekskluzive, multi-fight promotional agreement.

The world championship MMA league also announced that it has inked streaking heavyweight standout Ashley “Gio” Gooch (10-4) për një ekskluzive, marrëveshje multi-lufta. Each athlete’s promotional debut will be announced soon.

“We are excited to welcome one of the sport’s top, free-agent heavyweight stars in Jared Rosholt, as well as veteran Ashley Gooch, who has been on fire of late, to the World Series of Fighting roster and look forward to seeing how each is able to contend in the decagon cage where we have a growing number of exciting and fast-rising stars vying for our coveted championship that is held by Blagoy Ivanov,"Tha World Series luftën Presidentit Ati Shefat.

Një 2010 NCAA Division I national wrestling championship runner-up and three-time All-American for Oklahoma State University, 30-vjeçari, 6-foot-2, 245-pound Rosholt of Arlington, Texas arrives at World Series of Fighting following an eight-fight stint with the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) where he posted a strong, overall record of 6-2.

During his stretch with the UFC, Rosholt, the younger brother of fellow MMA standout Jake ROSHOLT, notched a unanimous decision over the league’s tallest fighter, seven-foot giant Stefan Struve, nëntor 15, 2015.

The hard-hitting, 6-foot-3, 265-pound Gooch of Glendale, Ariz. will enter the decagon cage riding an eight-fight win streak that dates back to September 28, 2013 when the 41-year-old decimated Allan Sullivan with a one-punch KO in the first round (1:30) e betejës.

Deri më sot, Gooch has earned 7 e tij 10 fitoret e karrierës me anë të (T)KO dhe 2 wins via submission. Five of his eight consecutive victories have come inside of one round.

Gooch is coming off a third round (1:10) OBSH (grushta) i Greg Rebello in Lincoln, R.I. në gusht 12.

Jetojnë World Series për të luftuar veprimit kthehet në NBCSN në E shtunë, Tetor. 7, with an unprecedented, three-hour telecast, duke filluar nga 11 ores. DHE/8 pasdite, from Kansas City Memorial Auditorium in Kansas City, Mund.

In the main event of WSOF33: Gaethje vs. Dugulubgov, reigning, undefeated world lightweight (155 £) kampion Justin "Highlight" Gaethje(16-0) i Safford, Ariz. will risk his title against number one contender Ozzy Dugulubgov (8-2) of Ridgewood, N.J.

559 Fights brings 50th event to Visalia

VISALIA, Kalif. – When 559 Fights first opened it’s cage doors to amateur mixed martial artist in 2012 the vision was simple – grow and develop local talent.

E premte, September2 at the Visalia Convention Center the locally-grown and operated MMA promotion will host it’s 50th event.

“When Joey (Perez), Mots (Jon Motsenbocker) and I sat down and started the idea of 559 Lufton, we knew that this day would come,"Tha 559 Fights president Jeremy Luchau. “Our goal from the beginning was not to have the biggest, brightest, fanciest, but rather to be the most consistent and give more opportunities for young, local amateurs to compete.”

Që prej 2012 559 Fights has hosted the California Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Organization State Championships, Northern California Regional Championships twice and had hundreds of competitors step foot in their cage.

“559 Fights has become the most consistent MMA platform in the country which is demonstrated by the vast number of rising professional stars that developed their talent in the 559 cage,” CAMO President JT Steele said.

559 Fights has produced events in 18 different venues over the past three years and in cities all across the Central Valley from Bakersfield to Fresno.

Biletat për 50th event can be purchased at the Visalia Convention Center box office and start at just $25. Për më shumë informacion vizitoni

“Often times we’ve done things against the grain. We charge a much smaller ticket price than other shows throughout the country and we put together sometimes triple the events,” Luchau said. “We try our best to give these fighters and fans the best possible experience. We’ve fought in venues all over the Valley trying to promote mixed martial arts and our fighters to a variety of different communities.”

Long-time 559 Fights staple Visalia’s Jonathan DeLeon will headline the event in a Featherweight Title bout against Bakersfield’s David Mendoza. Në rast bashkë-kryesor, Visalia’s Steven Robinson takes on Ridgecrest’s Jacobo Longoria for the Welterweight Championship.

“There’s so many great amateurs throughout the Valley that it’s been really easy to showcase these fighters, get them the exposure that they need and have them move on to the professional level,” Luchau said. “We’ve had a large number of fighters essentially graduate from amateur ranks at 559 Fights and into the pro ranks.”

559 Lufton 50 will have over 10-action packed bouts.





LAS VEGAS (Gusht 23, 2016) – Following its highest-viewed live event of the year on July 30, World Series luftimeve ( announced today that it has pegged new dates to its four remaining 2016 Ngjarjet, beginning with an unprecedented, three-hour, jetojnë NBCSN emision televiziv (11 ores. ET / 8 p.m. PT) of WSOF33: Gaethje vs. Dugulubov from Kansas City, Mund. në E premte, Tetor. 7, and concluding with the recently announced WSOF36 mega-event at The Theater at Madison Square Garden in New York City on E shtunë, Dhjetor. 31, live on NBC.

WSOF34 and WSOF35, both of which will air live on NBCSN, will take place on E shtunë, Nëntor. 12 at Budweiser Event Center from Loveland, Prehër. outside of Denver, dhe në E shtunë, Dhjetor. 3 at XFINITY Arena in Everett, Laj. The main event and co-main event for each of these two fight cards will also be revealed soon.

“We are excited to head into the fall season of our busiest year to date, with a full schedule of live television events that will see us bring the World Series of Fighting brand of MMA action to new, major media markets; produce a three-hour, live show for the first time ever; and return to broadcast television on NBC from Madison Square Garden’s Theater venue on New Year’s Eve,"Tha World Series e luftimeve CEO Carlos Silva.

World Series of Fighting President Ati Shefat deklaroi, “We have in store for MMA fans, some phenomenal, world championship bouts as well as other star-studded matchups, and I think these last four events of 2016 will firmly put an exclamation point on what has been a banner year for the league.”

Veç kësaj, the world championship fight series will air a two-hour replay of WSOF32: Moraes vs. Hill II on E shtunë, Shtatë. 24. The WSOF32 world championship doubleheader event that took place at XFINITY Arena in Everett, Laj. garnered over 250,000 live viewers on NBCSN on July 30, and an immediate replay of the show drew an additional 107,000 shikuesit.

WSOF33 will take place at Kansas City Memorial Auditorium and will be headlined by a world lightweight (155 £) championship showdown between undefeated, fuqi Kingpin Justin "Highlight" Gaethje (16-0) i Safford, Ariz. dhe të vështirë-goditur, number one contender Ozzy Dugulubgov (8-2) of Ridgewood, N.J.

In the co-main event of WSOF33, Blackzilians star Luiz “Buscape” Firmino(19-6) of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil will put a six-fight win streak on the line against former world championship challenger and the first-ever World Series of Fighting eight-man tournament winner, Brian Foster (25-9) i Sallisaw, Okla.

Additional WSOF33 bouts will be announced soon.



Lewiston, Maine (Gusht 19, 2016) Lufton-NEW Angli (NEF) today announced the full fight card for the promotion’s next event, “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS.It is scheduled to take place onE shtunë, Shtator 10, 2016 në Lewiston. The dynamic card will feature professional boxing bouts, as well as both professional and amateur mixed-martial-arts (MMA) konkurseve.


On the boxing portion of the card, Brandon Montella (4-0) do të takohet Tollison Lewis (2-1) në një katër-rrumbullakët konkurs dritë-peshë e rëndë, while longtime Maine middleweight Nevojtore “Rumble” Webster (8-7-1) returns on the eve of his 48th birthday to battle Zenon “K-Bar” Herrera (0-2). Rounding out the pro boxing portion of the card will be CaseyBuzzsawKramlich (4-0-1) dhe Connor Barry (0-1) in a four-round bout.


The professional side of the MMA card will feature a total of three Bellator and one Invicta veterans. Jesse “Viking” Erickson (7-5) dhe Jon Lemke(5-6) will rematch their previous bout won by Lemke at Bellator 93 në 2013. Bellator 144 competitor Walter Smith Cotito (3-4) returns to Maine after a three-year absence to meet Elias “Danger Mouse” Leland (2-1), ndërsa ValerieValociraptorAspaas (0-0) herself returns to Maine after three years to make her pro debut against Invicta 16 veteran SarahSwitchKick” Kliko (0-1).


The amateur MMA card will be headlined by two title fights. Rafael “Deez NutsVelado (3-0) merr Jimmy Jackson (3-2) for the vacant amateur lightweight title. Amateur bantamweight champion Johnny Mjeshtëri (4-0) steps up in weight to challenge Caleb Hall (7-3) for Hall’s featherweight crown.


The amateur card will also feature two women’s bantamweight bouts with Brianne Genschell (0-0) dhe Melissa Trahan (0-0) making their respective cage debut against one another, ndërsa JessicaThe Black WidowBorga(2-1) do të takohet Rachael Joyce (1-0).


The fullNEF 25” kartë luftë (subjekt për të ndryshuar):




175 Paund: Brandon Montella vs. Tollison Lewis

160 Paund: John Webster vs. Zenon Herrera

155 Paund: Casey Kramlich vs. Connor Barry



205 Paund: Mike Hansen vs. Matt Andrikut

155 Paund: Jesse Erickson vs. Jon Lemke

145 Paund: Matt Denning vs. Taylor Trahan

135 Paund: Elias Leland vs. Walter Smith Cotito

125 Paund: Sarah Click vs. Valerie Aspaas

Amator MMA

155 POUND*TITLE: Rafael Velado vs. Jimmy Jackson

145 POUND*TITLE: Caleb Hall (c) vs. Johnny Mjeshtëri

155 Paund: Caleb Swoveland vs. Frank Johanson

135 Paund: Walt Shea vs. Joel Downing

135 Paund: Brianne Genschell vs. Melissa Trahan

135 Paund: Jessica Borga vs. Rachael Joyce


Ngjarja tjetër Lufton New England ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on E shtunë, Shtator 10, 2016 në COLISEE të ANDROSCOGGIN Bankës në Lewiston, Maine. Biletat fillojë në vetëm $25 dhe janë në shitje tani në ose duke telefonuar në zyrën kuti COLISEE në 207.783.2009 x 525.


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M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Alexey Kunchenko to make first title defense vs. Maxim Grabovich at M-1 Challenge 70

Shtator 10 in Syktyvkar, Rusi
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusi (Gusht 19, 2016) – M-1 Challenge welterweight Alexey Kunchenko will put his title belt and undefeated record on the lineShtator 10 versus upset-minded challenger Maxim Grabovich, headlining M-1 Challenge 70 in Syktyvkar, Rusi, M-1 Global ka njoftuar.
M-1 Challenge 70 do të jetë Transmetuar jetojnë nga Rusia në definicion të lartë në www.M1Global.TV. Shikuesit do të jetë në gjendje të shikojnë lufton paraprake dhe kartë kryesor nga prerjet mbi të regjistrohen në www.M1Global.TV. Tifozët mund të shikojnë të gjitha të veprimit në kompjuterët e tyre, si edhe në Android dhe Apple telefonat e mençur dhe tableta.
The 32-year-old Kunchenko (13-0-0, M-1: 6-0-0), fighting out of Tyumen, Rusi, captured the title in his last fight, when defending M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Murad Abdulaev retired during the fourth round this past April at M-1 Challenge 65. Kunchenko (pictured below) is a Muay Thai specialist originally slated to defend his title in a rematch with Abdulaev, who was unable to accept the challenge at this point do to an injury.

Kunchenko is a feared, powerful striker
Grabovich (4-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), a fellow Russian, earned his title shot by going undefeated in thre M-1 Challenge fights to date. Known for his Greco-Roman wrestling skills, Grabovich’s last action was in June at M-1 Challenge 68, in which he took a decision against Danill Prikaza në Luftën e Natës.

Talented wrestler Grabovich hopes to pull off a major upset
Other fighters expected to be in action Shtatë. 10M-1 Challenge 70card include former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Maxim Divnich(12-1-0, M-1: 6-0-0) and former M-1 Challenge lightweight title challengerArtem Damkovsky (20-10-0, M-1: 10-7-0), along with Russian fighters such as light heavyweight Andrey Seledtsov (5-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), featherweight Timur Nagibin (7-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) dhe mesme Artem Frolov (6-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0).

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