Category Archives: mešane borilne veščine




ZA TAKOJŠNJO OBJAVO: Lewiston, Maine (April 30, 2015) - New England Fights (NEF), Ameriški številka ena regionalna promocija boj, bo imel svojem osemnajstem mešane borilne-umetnost (MMA) Dogodek, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki,” na Sobota, Junij 13, 2015 na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine. Že danes, spodbujanje napovedal dodajanje strokovni bantamweight dvoboj za boj kartice. Tekmovanje bo funkcija Elias “Danger Mouse” Leland (2-1) odskočna v kletki nasprotje Chad “Strojna Gun” Kelly (3-2) na meji bantamweight 135-funtov.


“Chad Kelly in Eli Leland sta dva fanta, ki ne bi dal na dolgočasen boj, če so poskušali,” dejal NEF solastnik in promotor Nick DiSalvo. “Chad je imel "boj noči’ na enem od prvih kartic, kar sem jih kdaj napredoval v Massachusettsu leti. Sem sledil kariero leta in videli, kako daleč je prišel. bori Eli je vedno ukradel show o dogodkih NEF. Oboževalci bodo morali samo rob svojih sedežev za to.”


Kelly je bila nazadnje pojavil v NEF kletki v jeseni 2013 pri “NEF X.” Tisto noč, je premagal NEF redno Ernesto Ornelas (1-5) po drugem krogu oddaje. Kelly je redno tekmoval v Optimizacija učinkovitosti 125 funtov delitev vsej svoji karieri, ampak on in njegovi trenerji v hotelu The Fighting Arts Academy (FAA) v Leominster, Massachusetts odločila, da bo prehod do bantamweight začetek s prihajajočo boju proti Leland.


“Zelo sem navdušena, da se borijo za NEF v Lewiston, ponovno Maine,” navedeno Kelly, ko je dosegel za komentar. “Boril sem se za njih mojega drugega pro boj in sem ljubil, kako obravnavajo svoje borce in kako gladko je šlo vse – bolj, pridobivanje "W’ je bilo lepo. Ta boj sem se gibljejo do bantamweight. Moje trenerji in sem mislil, da je pravi čas. sem začel boj na 19 in so le zredila in imajo veliko rez na 125, plus treniram z dobrimi 35ers in 45ers in bolje, ko sem težji. Elias Leland je težka grappler z dobrimi vlog. Prepričan sem, da bo težko, ampak mislim, da bodo imeli prednost povsod boj gre.”


Leland, brazilski Jiu-Jitsu rjav pas na Akademiji za MMA v Portlandu, Maine, bo videti, da bi maščeval izgubo je utrpel v začetku tega meseca Jay Perrin (2-0) pri “NEF XVII.” Izguba je bila njegova prva od svojega amaterskega prvenec proti Ray Wood (5-1) v septembru 2011. Leland je postal znan kot končno obdelavo v preteklih letih, predložitev štiri nasprotnike in premagal enega preko tehnične Knockout (WHO) na prejšnjih NEF dogodkov.


“Nimam nič drugega kot spoštovanje vsakogar, ki je pripravljen za boj me,” Said Leland. “Vendar, snele izgubo, Sem jezen in lačen kot hudič. To bo zanimiv boj za vsakogar, ki ga vidi. Torej si vse bolje, je bilo videti neverjetno predstavo.”


Naslednji MMA dogodek Nef je, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki” bo izvirajo iz ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine junija 13, 2015. Vstopnice za “NEF XVIII” začeti na samo $25 in so v prodaji zdaj ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525. Za več informacij o posodobitvah dogodkov in boj kartic, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

Poškodbe sile Georgi Karakhanyan od peresno naslov boja – Champion Patricio Pitbull zdaj sooča Daniel Weichel na "Bellator: Unfinished Business "


Easy Tweet: "NEW FIGHT: @danielweichel soočiti @PatricioPitbull za #Bellator peresno prvenstvo v juniju 19 #UnfinishedBusiness "


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (April 28, 2015) - Zaradi poškodbe kolena po nazivu izzivalec utrpela Georgi Karakhanyan, Bellator MMA lahka stvar svetovni prvak Patricio Pitbull (23-2) bo sedaj soočajo z nemško oddajo as Daniel “podlasica” Weichel (35-8) v so-glavni primeru “Bellator: Unfinished Business,” ki poteka Petek, Junij 19 na St. Louis’ Scottrade Center.


Poleg enega najbolj pričakovanih bojev v zgodovini tega športa z Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, "Bellator: Unfinished Business "ima tudi Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14) in Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4), s peto in zadnjo izrazit dvoboj bo objavila v kratkem.


27-year-old "Pitbull,"Natal, Brazilija, je 13-čas veteran promocije, ki je zajela Bellator MMA lahka stvar svetovnega naslova s ​​septembrom zmago nad takrat prvak Pat Curran. "Pitbull" in nato ubranil pas v januarju z grozo oddajo zmago nad nekdanjega prvaka Daniel Straus. V 24 karierne nastopov, "Pitbull" je izgubil le dve borbi, in tako so bili posledica britev-tanek, split-odločitve.


"Pitbull" zdaj izpolnjuje Nemčije Weichel, ki je pravkar 30 let že lahko pohvali z več kot 35 profesionalne zmage. V svoji zadnji boj, Weichel zaslužili trdo borili zmago nad nekdanji prvak Pat Curran prinaša svoj zapis 12-1 v njegovi preteklosti 13 izleti. Weichel je turnir zmagovalec Bellator MMA, polic do zmage nad Desmond Green, Matt Bessette in Scott Cleve V procesu. od tistih, 35 zmaga, neverjetna 21 od njih so prišli s pomočjo oddaje.


5-boj televizijskem kartice sporedu v živo na Spike na 9 p.m. IN / 8 p.m. CT, z predhodni bori pretakanje na na 7 p.m. IN / 6 p.m. CT.


Vstopnice za “Bellator: Unfinished Business,” ki se začnejo na samo $30, Trenutno na naprodaj


“Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” - Petek, Maj Junij 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, You.

Glavni Card

Bellator Težji Main Event: Kimbo Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Bellator lahka stvar Naslov Fight: Polje Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Oblikovan Težji Boj: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Oblikovan Lightweight Boj: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4)


Predhodni Card

Bellator Velterska kategorija Prelim Fight: Justin Guthrie (17-8) vs. Steven Mann (10-1)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Fight: Miles McDonald (0-1) vs. Dan O'Connor (5-4)

Bellator Lahki Prelim Fight: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Bellator lahka stvar Prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)


Lewiston, Maine (April 28, 2015) - New England Fights (NEF), Ameriški številka ena regionalna promocija boj, bo imel svojem osemnajstem mešane borilne-umetnost (MMA) Dogodek, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki,” na Sobota, Junij 13, 2015 na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine. Že danes, spodbujanje napovedal dodajanje amaterski lahek dvoboj na boj kartico. Ta dvoboj bo funkcija Jason “Second Chance” Lachance (1-1) ob o vrnitvi “Dangerous” sodba “Hands of Stone” Cofone (5-5) pri teži, boj za 155 funtov.


Jason Lachance Brunswick, Maine je svojo MMA prvenec v maju 2014 pri “NEF XIII.” Je padla odločitev, da je noč, vendar Lachance navdušil mnoge s svojim nastopom proti bolj izkušenega Jarrod Tyler (3-1). On bi se vrnete na NEF kletko to preteklost februarja z zmago nad Steve Bang, Jr. (3-3) po soglasnem sklepu. Lachance je produkt Ryan Cowette je (2-2) MMA Athletix fitnes in Victory Church ministrstvo, nahajata v Bath, Maine.


“Bog me je blagoslovil z drugo priložnost za korak v notranjosti NEF kletko in to, kar sem ljubezen storiti,” dejal Lachance. “Priložnost sem resnično hvaležna za. Jaz sem osredotočena na nalogo pri roki in 13. junija, Bom pripravljen za vse, kar prihaja svojo pot.”


Res veteran od amaterskih vrstah NEF, Dom Cofone je pripravila številne nepozabne trenutke v kletki promocijo v preteklih letih. Cofone osvojil državno prvenstvo razreda A v 2001 borili za Westbrook High School v Westbrook, Maine. On je dal skupaj Zvezdno zapis 117-28 v času svojega srednji šoli wrestling kariero. Cofone je sprejela v zadnjih nekaj mesecih off iz MMA konkurence, da se osredotoči na napada na Westbrook mladih wrestling ekipo. S svojim prejšnjim telovadnice, Uravnotežena Ground MMA, na hiatus, Cofone je pred kratkim začelo usposabljanje na Jay Jack (12-7) in Amanda Buckner je (11-5) Akademija za MMA v Portland, Maine.


“Vzel sem nekaj časa, da bi treniral mojega sina mladih wrestling ekipo – kričati na vse otroke v Westbrook Wolfpack,” dejal Cofone. “Prav tako je potrebno zdraviti gor a košček od zelo aktivnih dve leti v in iz kletke. Sem občutek pomlajena. Pravkar sem začel usposabljanje nazaj na Akademiji in sem super navdušena, da toliko, kot sem lahko učijo iz tako veliko ekipo. Srečal sem Jason pred – je, kot se zdi res super fant. Bil sem na obeh njegovih bojev, tako da sem vedel, da se bo težko-as-nohti, igra nasprotnik. Bil sem na tribunah za zadnje NEF dogodka in to le ni zdelo prav, ne da bi "Dominick The Donkey’ zvonjenje iz zvočnikov. To je velik match-up za oboževalce in upam, da vidite ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisee pakirano. Hvala vsem, ki pride ven, naj podprejo lokalne MMA.”

Naslednji MMA dogodek Nef je, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki” bo izvirajo iz ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine junija 13, 2015. Vstopnice za “NEF XVIII” začeti na samo $25 in so v prodaji zdaj ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525. Za več informacij o posodobitvah dogodkov in boj kartic, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

“Bellator: Unfinished Business” gets touch of local flavor with Malcolm Smith vs. Luke Nelson and Kain Royer vs. Enrique Watson


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (April 27, 2015) - Junij je blockbuster “Bellator: Unfinished Business” event is getting a little local flavor, as two new preliminary contests feature fighters fromThe Show Me State.


The new all-Missouri contests include lightweights Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1) in middleweights Kain Royer(1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0).


Poleg enega najbolj pričakovanih bojev v zgodovini tega športa z Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, “Bellator: Unfinished Business” poteka petek, Junij 19, na St. Louis’ Scottrade Center in airs živijo na Spike.


Vstopnice za “Bellator: Unfinished Business,” ki se začnejo na samo $30, Trenutno na naprodaj


Dodatne tekmovanj bo objavljen v kratkem.


A five-time Shamrock FC veteran, Smith makes his Bellator MMA debut as he looks to rebound from a split-decision loss to Cory Hunter in March. Prior to the disappointing result, Smith je bil 4-1 in his previous five fights – a run that included two TKO victories and one submission.


Smith now meets three-time Shamrock FC fighter Nelson, who turned pro in December 2013 and also competes under the Bellator MMA banner for the first time. Nelson has earned both of his career wins to date via first-round stoppage, while his lone career loss went the distance, when he came up just short via split decision.


Royer and Watson have also spent the early stages of their professional careers competing exclusively under the Shamrock FC banner.


A submission specialist, Royer built an impressive amateur record fighting on Missouri’s regional scene before turning professional in 2013. An action-first fighter, oboje njegovega pro contests have ended in the first round. Royer now meets Watson, who made his professional debut this past June with a first-round TKO victory.


“Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” - Petek, Maj Junij 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, You.

Glavni Card


Bellator Težji Main Event: Kimbo Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Bellator lahka stvar Naslov Fight: Polje Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Georgi Karakhanyan (24-4-1)

Bellator Oblikovan Težji Boj: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Oblikovan Lightweight Boj: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4)


Predhodni Card

Bellator Velterska kategorija Prelim Fight: Justin Guthrie (17-8) vs. Steven Mann (10-1)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Fight: Miles McDonald (0-1) vs. Dan O'Connor (5-4)

Bellator Lahki Prelim Fight: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Bellator lahka stvar Prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

BOJ NETWORK MMA & Kickboxing programsko shemo (April. 27-Maj 3, 2015)

Boj Network je 24/7 televizijski program namenjen za dokončanje pokritosti borilne športe. To airs programe za celotno področje bojne športne zvrsti, vključno z živimi bojev in up-to-the-minute novice in analize mešanih borilnih veščin, kickboxing, profesionalna rokoborba, tradicionalne borilne veščine, boks, Boj novice, kot tudi iz boja temo dramske serije, dokumentarnih in igranih filmov.


Spodaj najdete vrhunce programiranja ta teden:

Ponedeljek, April. 27

6:00 p.m. IN – 2014 Judo Svetovno prvenstvo – Poudarki iz 2014 Judo Championships from Avgust. 25-31 v Chelyabinsk, Rusija.

7:00 p.m. IN – 5 Rounds – Voditeljice John Ramdeen in Robin Črno povabijo posebne goste razčleniti vikend ukrepov MMA.

7:30 p.m. IN – Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

8:00 p.m. INEnfusion v živo #27: Cingel vs. Boustati Featuring Mirko Cingel vs. Ibrahim El Boustati for the -85kg world title from Apr. 25, 2015 in Zilna, Slovaška.

10:00 p.m. INBorbenosti MMA Sezona 4 – Zbirka mednarodnih bojev iz SFL, Legend, FFC, M-1 in več.

Torek, April. 28

1:00 a.m. IN – Da 2 Toe z Michael Bisping – Sit-down intervju z UFC srednji zvezdicami Michael Bisping.

1:30 a.m. INHip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-team MMA znotraj 12m s 12m areni z oviro strukture tristopenjskega.

2:30 am. IN – XPTV – Pokritost regionalnega U.S. pro in amaterski MMA.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. INXtreme Fighting Championship – Florida, ki temelji profesionalni MMA ponaša vrhunske ameriške perspektive, mednarodne zvezde in UFC veterani.

8:00 p.m. IN – 5 Rounds – Voditeljice John Ramdeen in Robin Črno povabijo posebne goste razčleniti vikend ukrepov MMA.

8:30 p.m. IN — Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

Sreda, April. 29

12:00 a.m. INBAMMA USA: Badbeat 12 Featuring Terrion Ware vs. Eric Winston in Chris Beal vs. Keith Carson in MMA action from Mar. 28, 2014 v trgovino, California.

6:00 p.m. INBest of Cage Rage – Poleg klasičnih borb, ki temeljijo na UK organizacije Cage Rage s Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley in drugi.

7:00 p.m. INBoj News Now Extra: MMA Edition – Zajema vse dogajanje v MMA svetu z izključno analizo in funkcijami.

8:30 p.m. INCage Warriors Fighting Championship 73 – Featuring Stevie Ray vs. Curt Warburton for the Cage Warriors lightweight title froim Nov. 1, 2014 v Newcastlu, Anglija.

11:00 p.m. INMMA Meltdown Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency pokvari vse dogajanje v MMA, razpravljanje kvote, Napovedi, plus posebni gostje na teden in ekskluzivne intervjuje.

11:30 p.m. INTakedown Wrestling – Obsežna pokritost amaterskih rokoborba dogodkov, vključno z najnovejšimi novicami, zadaj-the-scenes pokritost dogodkov in ekskluzivnih intervjujev.

Četrtek, April. 30

1:30 a.m. INUltimate Challenge MMA 5: Heat – Featuring Dino vs. Gambatesa. Brad Whjeeler from Julij 11, 20-9 v Londonu.

6:00 p.m. INPrvenstvo Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA iz Floride featuring všeč Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, So McCorkie, Luis Palomino in drugi.

7:00 p.m. INBoj Rookies – Nadebudni tekmovalca vzpenjali uspeha v športu, kot novinci tekmujejo za priložnost, da postanejo strokovnjaki in dobili izkušnje, potrebne za uspeh na višji ravni.

8:00 p.m. INBoj News Now: MMA Edition – Zajema vse dogajanje v MMA svetu z izključno analizo in funkcijami.

8:30 p.m. IN Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

Petek, Maj 1

2:00 a.m. INPancrase Classics – Klasične pionirska MMA bitke odlikuje Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen in drugi.

4:00 a.m. INBest of DEEP – Poleg vrhunskih borb od zgodovinskega japonskega GLOBOKO promocijo vključno Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai in Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. INBest of Jewels – Klasične bojev iz all-ženski japonski MMA ligi, Jewels.

6:00 – p.m. IN – M-1 Challenge Professional MMA from Europe featiurionmg top rising prospects and international stars.

7:00 p.m. INBoj News Now. MMA Edition – Zajema vse dogajanje v MMA svetu z izključno analizo in funkcijami.

7:30 p.m. IN Boj News Now Extra – Zadnje novice, recaps, značilnosti in znotraj analiza boj igre.

9:00 p.m. IN — NSS 15 – Featuring vs Mamed Khalidov. James Irvin and Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou vs. Jan Blachoiwicz from Mar. 19, 2011 v Varšavi, Poljska.

Sobota, Maj 2

1:00 a.m. INSuperKombat: World Grand Prix Romunija 2014 Featuring Dawid Kasperski, Ciprian Schiopu, Errol Koning and Noureddinbe Echiguer in a one-night, single-elimination 85kg tournament from Apr. 12, 2014 v Romuniji.

6:00 a.m. INBest of TKO – Featuring Shonie Carter vs. Jason MacDonald iz TKO 21.

7:00 a.m. INBest of Gladiator Challenge – Poleg Jake Shields vs. Randy Velarde od Gladiator Challenge 49.

10:00 a.m. INBest of SportFight – Vrhunska kakovost MMA iz Pacific Northwest, ga UFC veterani Matt Lindland in Chael Sonnen gostila. Ta epizoda ima vzpon SportFight prvak Enoch Wilson.

2:00 p.m. INM-1 Challenge 57: Clash of ChampionsLIVE MMA action from Orenburg, Rusija, featuring Marcin Tytbura vs. light heavyweight Stephan Puetz in a champion vs. champion superfight.

Nedelja, Maj 3

6:00 a.m. INPancrase Classics – Klasične pionirska MMA bitke odlikuje Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Ime Marquardt, Chael Sonnen in drugi.

10:00 a.m. INBest of ADCC – Featuring kompilacije največjih spoprijemajo tekmah doslej potekala, ponaša Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza in Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. INElite Muay Thai: Tajska vs. Challenger – Največji Muay Thai serija na svetu, ki vsebuje premium mednarodne stand-up borcev takingon znani Thai National ekipo.

7:00 p.m. INUSA Wrestling Tedenski – Host Scott Casber daje tedensko novice in analize centriranje okoli USA Wrestling, nacionalni upravni organ športa v, vključno z intervjuji, funkcije in pogled nazaj v preteklost.

7:30 p.m. INJudo Grand Prix Zagreb 2014 – Poudarki iz 2014 Judo Zagreb Grand Prix from Sept. 12-14, 2014 Hrvaška.

11:00 p.m. INKing of Kings: World Grand Prix Plock 2014Featuring Eike Schwatz vs. Marc Schroeder in Umm Erdogan vs. Marta Chojnoska from Nov. 28, 2014 V Pobiranje, Poljska.





Twitter & Instagramfightnet


O FIGHT NETWORK: Boj Network je premier borilni športi omrežje na svetu, posvečen 24/7 pokritost, vključno s pretepi, borci, boj novice in boj življenjski slog. Kanal je na voljo v U.S.. na Cablevisión v delih New Yorku, Connecticut in New Jersey, Temeljijo na Texas Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable v Pensilvaniji in vzhodni Ohio, kakor tudi na Shentel Cable v Virginiji, West Virginia in dele zahodne Maryland. Boj Network je tudi Roku dekoderji v ZDA. in Kanada, predvajale v živo na spletni strani, in na voljo v vseh večjih prevoznikov v Kanadi in več kot 30 države v Evropi, Afrika in Bližnji vzhod.



RFA’s Kevin Gray To Face Legacy’s Brian Hall

Legacy’s Yuri Villefort Replaces Injured Feist


LOS ANGELES – April 24, 2015 – As AXS TV Fights gears up for its first ever co-promoted event broadcast Maj 8, the network today announced Burt Watson, the “Babysitter to the Stars,” will make his first nationally televised return to MMA since leaving the UFC on AXS TV FIGHTS: RFA VS. LEGACY SUPERFIGHT. During this historic broadcast that features four Resurrection Fighting Alliance versus Legacy Fighting Championship match-ups, Watson will be seen and heard driving the backstage area and motivating the fighters before their bouts. Watson will also be present at the weigh-ins on Četrtek, Maj 7.

AXS TV FIGHTS: RFA VS. LEGACY SUPERFIGHT airs live on Petek, Maj 8 pri 10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT on AXS TV, headlined by a flyweight superfight between RFA champion Alexandre Pantoja (15-2) and Legacy champion Damacio Page (19-9). In two co-main events, undefeated RFA bantamweight champion Luke Sanders (9-0) puts his belt on the line against RFA contender Terrion Ware (13-3) while top Legacy contenders Dave Burrow (13-5) and Mike Bronzoulis (17-8) face off for the vacant Legacy lightweight title.

AXS TV Fights also announced Resurrection Fighting Alliance (RFA) flyweight fighter Kevin Gray (5-1) is scheduled to face Legacy Fighting Championship’s Brian Hall (8-2) on the televised main card. Gray previously appeared on AXS TV FIGHTS: RFA 22 Jan. 9 defeating Joey Eisenbraun (3-2) by way of guillotine submission in the first round.

Poleg tega, Legacy lightweight Chris Feist (8-1) has been forced out of his scheduled fight versus RFA’s Adam Townsend (12-3) due to injury. Former UFC and Strikeforce veteran Yuri Villefort (6-4) will make his promotional debut for Legacy and will now face Townsend. Prav tako, the previously scheduled heavyweight fight between RFA’s Jan Jorgensen (6-1) and Legacy’s Joe Cason (9-1) has been cancelled.

The scheduled televised main card is as follows (se lahko spremenijo):

Flyweight Superfight Championship

RFA’s Alexandre Pantoja (15-2) versus Legacy’s Damacio Paige (19-9)

RFA Bantamweight Title Fight

RFA Champion Luke Sanders (9-0) versus RFA Contender Terrion Ware (13-3)

Legacy Lightweight Title Fight

Legacy Contender Dave Burrow (13-5) versus Legacy Contender Mike Bronzoulis (17-8-1)

RFA vs. Legacy Lightweight Fight

RFA’s Adam Townsend (12-3) versus Legacy’s Yuri Villefort (6-4)

RFA vs. Legacy Flyweight Fight

RFA’s Kevin Gray (5-1) versus Legacy’s Brian Hall (8-2)

RFA vs. Legacy Welterweight Fight

RFA’s Bojan Velickovic (9-3) versus Legacy’s Charles Byrd (7-3)

Mednarodni spopad v polni težki kategoriji je premagal Michaela "Venom" proti Rudyju "Bad News", ki so ga dodali Medvedi “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov”


Easy Tweet: "SLABE NOVICE! Britanska superzvezdnica @ Michaelpage247 vrne proti Rudyju “Slabe novice” Medvedi ob #Bellator140, v živo in brezplačno naprej @Spike

SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (April 24, 2015) - Michael Page "strup" (7-0) se bo trudil, da bo njegov nepremagljiv niz ostal živ, ko bo srečal veterana Rudy "Bad News Bears" (16-13) v nagibnem nagibu pri “Bellator: Lima vs. Koreshkov,” ki poteka Petek, Julij 17, na Mohegan Sun Arena v Uncasville, Conn.


The Julij 17 dogodek se oblikuje kot izjemen prikaz dobrega talenta, že predstavljajo že napovedane dvoboje med svetovnim prvakom v Bellatorju MMA v težki kategoriji Douglas “Fenomen” Lime (26-5) in ruski knockout umetnik Andrey “Špartanski” Koreshkov (17-1), kot tudi Chris Honeycutt (6-0), ki prevzame Paul Bradley (22-6).


Dva 170 funtov se srečata na glavni kartici “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov,” ki je na sporedu v živo in brezplačno na Spike na 9 p.m. IN / 8 p.m. CT.


Vstopnice za dogodek so zdaj v prodaji, in so na voljo v blagajni Mohegan Sun Arena oz


Page je nedvomno ena najhitreje vzhajajočih zvezd v vseh mešanih borilnih veščinah. Pokaže hitrost utripa in natančnost, "Venomov" neortodoksni presenetljiv slog se je skozi življenje učil v različnih samostojnih disciplinah. 28-letnik ima že tri zmage Bellator MMA, vključno z odločitvijo o zmagi nad Nah-Shonom Burrellom lani oktobra, pa tudi knockout zmage nad Rickyjem Raineyjem in Ryanom Sandersom. Šest od sedmih zmag na strani v karieri je prispelo v končnici prvega kroga.


36-letni domačin iz Missourija, Medvedje je začel svoj bojni športni trening v srednji šoli. Boj profesionalno, saj 2007, Medvedi so se že sedemkrat pojavili pod zastavo Bellator MMA in se zdaj vračajo k napredovanju, potem ko so na regionalnem prizorišču prikolesarili z zmagami od zadnjega kova.. Medvedi so tekmovali proti MMA-jem, kot je Zak Cummings, Paul Daley, Jason Visoka, Ryan Jensen, Isaac Vallie-Flagg in Tyron Woodley, med drugim.


Dodatni natečaji za “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” bo objavljen v kratkem.


“Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” - Petek, Julij 17, Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Conn.


Bellator Velterska kategorija Naslov Fight: Champ Douglas Lima (26-5) vs. Andrey Koreshkov (17-1)

Bellator Velterska kategorija Feature Fight: Chris Honeycutt (6-0) vs. Paul Bradley (22-6)

Bellator Velterska kategorija Feature Fight: Michael Page (7-0) vs. Rudy Bears (16-13)


Lewiston, Maine (April 24, 2015) - New England Fights (NEF), Ameriški številka ena regionalna promocija boj, bo imel svojem osemnajstem mešane borilne-umetnost (MMA) Dogodek, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki,” na Sobota, Junij 13, 2015 na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine. Že danes, the promotion announced that the inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Flyweight Champion will be determined that evening when Dustin Veinott (3-3) rematches “Sleepy” Norman Fox (4-1) at the flyweight limit of 125-pounds. Veinott and Fox initially met in their double amateur debut at “NEF IX” v BIDDEFORD, Maine nearly two years ago with Fox taking the win via first-round technical knockout (WHO).


Dustin Veinott, a striking coach at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) v Auburn, Maine, got off to a slow start in his MMA career, losing his first three bouts in the NEF cage. Not one to give up due to a setback, Veinott came roaring back and is currently on a three-fight win streak. Dejansko, he has defeated all three of his most recent opponents in the first round, two by submission and one by TKO. Veinott was considering retiring from the cage after his most recent victory over Dave Brown (1-3), but decided against it when the chance to fight for the flyweight title was presented. Regardless of the outcome this time around, Veinott predicts an exciting contest against Fox.


This is going to be a very entertaining fight,” said Veinott of the rematch. “Don’t blink though because this fight will not go the distanceeither Norman or myself will be finished during the fight. So expect a high-action fight between two guys that are at the top of their game right now.


Norman Fox is undefeated in the NEF cage. The only loss of his career to date came on a fight card in Plymouth, Massachusetts on which Fox was competing for a regional title. He is currently a member of Ryan Cowette’s (2-2) MMA Athletix gym, as well as Cowette’s Victory Church ministry. Fox realizes that he and Veinott are not the same fighters who stepped into the cage for the first time on that balmy night in the summer of 2013.


Normally I don’t like rematches, but Dustin and I have grown as fighters so anything can happen,” said Fox when reached for comment. “Once they lock the cage door, it’s all in God’s hands.


Naslednji MMA dogodek Nef je, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki” bo izvirajo iz ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine junija 13, 2015. Vstopnice za “NEF XVIII” začeti na samo $25 in so v prodaji zdaj ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525. Za več informacij o posodobitvah dogodkov in boj kartic, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.



Lewiston, Maine (April 23, 2015) – It sounds like the plotline of a two-star 1980s action flick. This story, vseeno, is not playing out on basic cable on a weekday afternoon. There are no explosions, no car chases, no semi-automatic weapons. Brian Dennehey plays the role of neither the villain nor the heroic patriarch. Namesto, this story is playing out in the New England Fights (NEF) mešane borilne veščine- (MMA) cage, and it stars not one but two middle-aged men possessing the drive, ability and athleticism that most men half their age can only dream of.

Coach Pat Kelly after defeating Steven Bang, Jr. at NEF XV
Coach Pat Kelly after defeating Steven Bang, Jr. at NEF XV

50-year-old Pat Kelly (2-0) is a true legend of Maine wrestling. A teacher and coach at Camden Hills Regional High School in Rockport, Maine, Kelly was inducted into the Maine Amateur Wrestling Alliance Hall of Fame in 2007. With numerous state and regional wrestling titles as a competitor and coach to his credit, he made his MMA debut as a member of Young’s MMA in 2014.


Dr. Steve Bang arrives for his fight at NEF XVI
Dr. Steve Bang arrives for his fight at NEF XVI

Kelly’s opponent on Junij 13 v Lewiston, Maine, 45-year-old Dr. Steve Bang (1-0), has a wrestling background himself, as do his sons Steven Bang, Jr. (3-3), Sheldon Bang (2-2), Shawn Bang (1-1) and Skylar Bang. Na “NEF XV” novembra lani, Dr. Bang watched from cage-side as Pat Kelly finished his son Steven via technical knockout (WHO). It will be that loss Dr. Bang will seek to avenge when he meets Kelly on Junij 13 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee at “NEF XVIII: Made in America.


My son Steven and Pat have previously met in the cage and Pat took that victory,” je dejal dr. Bang. “I see myself as already being down 0-1. NEF 18 is about redemption and showing the boys how it’s done. As I always say, in the end, we will embrace with a bond of brotherhood and respect that is unique to combat but until then, it is war.


I am excited and honored to once again enter the cage on Junij 13th. This will be one for the record books. Skupaj, Pat and I bring over 95 years of life experience to the cage. We bring the fights to a different level because of all that we have at stake. This is for real and certainly not your mid-life cattle drive across the plains with Curly nor your week on a Harley with The Wild Hogs. I truly hope all will be entertained but when I enter the cage, I enter with nothing but bad intentions. As a result of training with Central Maine Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (CMBJJ), every move, every combination, every strike is dealt with the intent to finish and that may be in the first round. Vendar, if this goes to the latter rounds, you will see the genius of Central Maine Conditioning Clinic and Prime Variable Athletics. They have equipped me with the nonstop cardiovascular system used by world class Ironman triathletes.


This fight is between two gentlemen that still embrace the warrior mentality,” said Coach Kelly when reached for comment. “Osebno, I will train for this fight with a driving force that cannot be put into words. Prav tako, with a sense of gratitude that Young’s MMA has taken the time to train me and appreciation of NEF for offering me this opportunity to enter their cage.


An accomplished bariatric surgeon by day, Dr. Bang had the opportunity to fight alongside his sons Steven and Sheldon on the “NEF XVI” card this past February. When he steps into the cage at “NEF XVIII” against Kelly, vseeno, it will be Dr. Bang, in dr. Bang alone, representing the family.


I try to identify and truly appreciate those singular opportunities that come along in life,” stated Dr. Bang. “‘NEF XVIwas one of those rare opportunities when all the pieces fell into place. Fighting on the same card as two of my boys was epic. Steven is now rehabilitating from a devastating training injury and Sheldon will be leaving the state in May for a two year service mission for the church. Shawn has one year remaining on his mission and Connor (Murphy) is in the Coast Guard in California. A similar opportunity may be a long time coming, so for ‘NEF XVIII,’ it is all about me. I alone will represent the Bang Clan.


Trash talking doesn’t suit me well. I even tried it once just for effect. Nope, still doesn’t suit me. I like Pat. I definitely respect him and I’m sure we will be great friends but right now, he’s just got something that doesn’t belong to him. I am actually very thankful to Pat. In response to those who have tried to reconcile the dichotomy of my life, I maintain that this has always been a part of my life at some level. Making the leap into the MMA venue, vseeno, was huge and the stakes are high. It took a while before the time was right and even then, I didn’t recognize it until I watched Steven and Pat fight. There is nothing like watching your son battle while you are only feet away and helpless. As stressful as it is to prepare for and execute your own battle, it is ten times worse for me to watch them. I would much rather fight the fights than watch my sons fight them. It was during that fight that I knew it was time and what better way than a redemption match? It has taken some time to make it happen but I’m gonna get what I asked for. Thank you for that Pat.


To win is to overcome others, victory is to overcome yourself,” je dejal dr. Bang in conclusion. “On 13. junij I will be looking to do both.

Naslednji MMA dogodek Nef je, “NEF XVIII: Izdelano v Ameriki” bo izvirajo iz ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine junija 13, 2015. Vstopnice za “NEF XVIII” začeti na samo $25 in so v prodaji zdaj ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525. Za več informacij o posodobitvah dogodkov in boj kartic, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

“Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” gets another clash between welterweight standouts as Chris “Cutt” Honeycutt meets Paul “Gentleman” Bradley

Easy Tweet: .@ChrisTheCutt and @PaulBradley184 set for welterweight war at #Bellator140 live & free on @spike”




SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (April 22, 2015) – Undefeated welterweight prospect Chris “Cutt” Honeycutt (6-0) gets the toughest test of his career, as he meets fellow former All-American wrestler and nine-year MMA veteran Paul “Gentleman” Bradley (22-6).


Featuring Bellator MMA World Champion Douglas “Fenomen” Lime (26-5) putting his title on the line against Russian knockout artist Andrey “Špartanski” Koreshkov (17-1), “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” poteka Petek, Julij 17, na Mohegan Sun Arena v Uncasville, Conn.


The two decorated grapplers meet on the main card of “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov,” ki je na sporedu v živo in brezplačno na Spike na 9 p.m. IN / 8 p.m. CT.


Tickets for the event go on sale this Friday, April 24th pri 10 a.m. IN, in so na voljo v blagajni Mohegan Sun Arena oz Bellator Nation presale is currently taking place. Join the Bellator Newsletter list or follow us on social media (Twitter / Facebook) to gain access to the presale code and details.


The 26-year-old Honeycutt is a two-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler out of Edinboro University. Following his collegiate wrestling career, which ended with a runner-up finish in the 2012 NCAA Division I Wrestling Championship, Honeycutt enlisted the help of fellow Edinboro wrestler Josh Koscheck and now trains at the longtime MMA veteran’s Dethrone Base Camp in Fresno, Kalifornija.


Honeycutt made his Bellator MMA debut in September 2014, scoring a TKO victory over Aaron Wilkinson. He picked up his second win for the promotion in February, scoring a TKO win over Clayton MacFarlane.


The 31-year-old Bradley is an Iowa native who also earned a pair of NCAA Division I All-American honors while competing at the famed University of Iowa. Bradley turned to MMA in 2006 and earned 11 consecutive victories to open his career, picking up the Ring of Combat middleweight title along the way.


Bradley made his way to the Bellator MMA cage in 2013, and in three appearances to date, he has picked up decision victories over Josh Neer and Karl Amoussou. While Bradley’s base is firmly entrenched in wrestling, he’s developed into a complete martial artist during his time in the sport and now owns seven of his career wins by knockout with another seven coming by way of submission.


Dodatni natečaji za “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” bo objavljen v kratkem.


“Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” - Petek, Julij 17, Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Conn.


Bellator Velterska kategorija Naslov Fight: Champ Douglas Lima (26-5) vs. Andrey Koreshkov (17-1)

Bellator Velterska kategorija Feature Fight: Chris Honeycutt (6-0) vs. Paul Bradley (22-6)