Kategoria Artxiboak: mistoa arte martzialak


OHARRA berehalako: Lewiston, Maine (Maiatza 6, 2015) - New England Borrokak (NEF), Amerikako zenbaki-ko erregional borrokan sustapena, bere misto borroka-arteen XVIII ospatuko da (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF XVIII: Amerikan egina,” on Larunbata, June 13, 2015 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Lehenago, gaur egun, the promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the fight card. “Shatterproof 2.0” Derek Shorey (2-1) will make his debut in the 135-pound division against Canadian Jeremy DiChiara (1-0).


Shorey is a fitting choice to face the native Ontarian on the patriotic-themed event. A 2000 graduate of Foxcroft Academy in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, where he won a Class-C state wrestling title in 1998, Shorey is a veteran of the United States Navy. He served four years of active duty in the branch, and did a tour of Iraq as a member of SEABEE Battalion NMCB 27.


Currently the head coach of the Shatterproof Combat Club, Shorey is coming off a victory over John Raio (2-7) azken hilabetea “NEF XVII.” The win gave Shorey the upper hand in the three-fight rivalry between the two athletes dating back to their amateur days. While he has gotten off to a good start to his professional career, Shorey will be the first to admit he has more work to do, and the upcoming battle with DiChiara will be a real test of his skills, especially on the mat.


It is truly an honor to fight in front of the NEF fans and represent this rapidly growing brand against a very dangerous opponent,” Said Shorey. “I feel that I still have a lot to prove to the fans, as well as myself in regards to the fighter I’m becoming, and distancing myself from my amateur days. Jeremy is an undefeated purple belt in Jiu-Jitsu, which everyone knows has been my biggest weakness. I see this as an opportunity to show everyone that I’m fixing the problem, and hand a very game opponent his first loss.


Holding a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), DiChiara will undoubtedly test Shorey should the fight go to the ground. DiChiara is undefeated in MMA competition, joan izana 2-0 as an amateur and now 1-0 profesional gisa. He is accustomed to fighting in hostile territory with previous bouts in Michigan and half a world away in Thailand. While in Thailand, DiChiara trained with Phuket Top Team. He is presently a member of Canadian team Wulfrun MMA.


NEF hurrengo MMA gertaera, “NEF XVIII: Amerikan egina” Lewiston-eko Androscoggin Bank Colisee-k sortuko du, Maine ekainean 13, 2015. Sarrerak “NEF XVIII” besterik etan hasiko $25 eta salgai daude orain www.TheColisee.com edo Colisée kutxa bulegoa deituta207.783.2009 x 525. Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web gunean www.NewEnglandFights.com. Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, horiek jarraitu Twitternefights on eta Facebook talde ofiziala batzeko "New England Borrokak."


Buruz New England Borrokak


New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.

Former Bellator MMA World Featherweight Champion Daniel Straus looks to work his way back to the belt at “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” against undefeated challenger Henry Corrales

SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 5, 2015) – Former Bellator MMA World Featherweight Champion Daniel Straus (23-6) begins his trek back to a world title when he meets undefeated promotional newcomer and former King of the Cage titlist Henry Corrales (12-0) at June’s blockbuster “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” Ekitaldia.


The contest serves as the fifth and final Spike TV-broadcast main card matchup of the star-studded fight card.


Featuring one of the most anticipated heavyweight fights in the history of the sport with KIMBO Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” takes place Friday, June 19, St at. Louis’ Scottrade Center eta doinu Spike TV bizi.


Sarrerak “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business,” besterik etan hasiko bertan $30, Une salgai Ticketmaster.com.


With the night’s featured bouts now complete, additional preliminary contests will be announced shortly.


A consensus pick as one the best 145-pounders on the planet, Straus is anxious to rebound from a disappointing January loss to current Bellator MMA Featherweight Champion Patrick “Pitbull” Freire. A member of American Top Team, Straus was ahead early in the fight and appeared to be on his way to reclaiming the belt he lost in 2014 before suffering a knee injury that limited his capabilities and eventually led to his late submission with 11 seconds left in the fourth round.


Orain guztiz berreskuratu, Straus plans on working his way back to a title bout as quickly as possible, and a victory on a high-profile card like “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” would certainly help him stake his claim as the division’s No. 1 contender.


Profesionalki borroka geroztik 2011, Corrales began his career primarily as a Brazilian jiu-jitsu stylist, as witnessed by his five consecutive submission wins to begin his career. Hala ere, he’s since worked diligently to improve his striking game, and of his past six victories, four have come by way of knockout. Corrales boasts an unblemished professional mark through the first 12 contests of his MMA tenure, including recent wins over big-show veterans Jerod Spoon and Seth Dikun.


“Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” - Ostirala, June 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, You.

Txartel nagusia

Warrior Heavyweight gertaera nagusia: KIMBO Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Warrior Featherweight Izenburua Fight: Eremu Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Nabarmendutako Heavyweight Fight: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Nabarmendutako Featherweight Fight: Daniel Straus (23-6) vs. Henry Corrales (12-0)

Warrior Nabarmendutako arin Fight: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek eremuak (15-4)

Aurrematrikula Txartela

Warrior Welterweight prelim Fight: Justin Guthrie (17-8) vs. Steven Mann (10-1)

Bellator Strawweight prelim Fight: Mila McDonald (0-1) vs. Dan O'Connor (5-4)

Warrior arin prelim Fight: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Warrior Featherweight prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

Bellator MMA adds heavyweight sluggers Ewerton Teixeira and Lorenzo Hood

Bellators newest heavyweights Ewerton Teixeira (Ezkerretik) and Lorenzo Hood


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 4, 2015) – Bellator MMA’s heavyweight division will now play host to a pair of the hardest-hitting heavyweights in the game, as promotion officials are proud to announce the addition of Brazilian K-1 champion Ewerton Teixeira (3-0), as well as Blackzilians slugger LorenzoThe Samoan SilverbackHood (9-2).


Debut dates and opponents will be announced for both fighters in the near future.


A third dan black belt in Kyokushin karate, 33 urteko Teixeira du martxan lehiaketak deigarria izenburuak racking, hamarkada bat baino gehiago nahi izanez gero. Teixeira standup itzaltze Pinnacle iritsi ere 2008, betiere ekitaldi horretan K-1 World Grand Prix irabazi zuen Fukuoka izenburua eta gero bere K-1 World Grand Prix Final txapelketan bout modu borrokatua, where he would come up just short against Errol Zimmerman (though Teixeira would avenge that result in 2010).


Teixeira then turned his attention to MMA in 2012, and he has remained undefeated through his first three professional contests in the sport and is now ready to try his hand at MMA’s highest level.


Bien bitartean, 6 metroko 3 Hood profesionalki ditu lehian izan zenetik 2009 and has never had a fight go past the first round. Bere bederatzi karrera garaipenen, all nine have come by knockout. Hood U.S osoan borrokatu du. bitartean, eskualdeko zirkuituan lehian, earning himself recognition as one of the top heavyweight prospects in the sport.


Competing under the tutelage of former world champion Rashad Evans, the 26-year-old Hood’s work at Florida’s Blackzilians camp has prepared him for an opportunity to compete against the world’s best fighters, and Bellator MMA will now offer him a platform to prove his talent.


FIGHT NETWORK MMA & Kickboxing programazioa Agenda (Apr. 27-Maiatza 3, 2015)

Fight Network da 24/7 telebista kate eskainitako borroka kirol estaldura osatzeko. Borroka kirol generoaren esparrua osoa bideratuta programak Airs It, zuzeneko borrokak eta barne-to-the-minutuko albisteak eta analisia mistoa arte martzialak for, kickboxing, borroka profesionala, Borroka-arteak tradizionalak, boxeo, borroka albisteak, baita borroka-gaikako drama seriea bezala, Dokumental eta film luzeen.


Jarraian aurkituko aste honetan programazio nabarmenenetako:

Astelehena, Maiatza 4

6:30 p.m. ETA – 2014 Judo Grand Prix Zagreb– Ibilbidearen puntu esanguratsuenak 2014 Judo Zagreb Grand Prix from Zazpi. 12-14 Kroazia.

7:00 p.m. ETA – 5 Bueltak – Ostalariak John Ramdeen eta Robin Black gonbidatzen gonbidatu bereziak behera hautsi MMA ekintza asteburuan.

7:30 p.m. ETA – Fight News Orain gehigarria – Azken berriak, recaps, ezaugarri eta borroka jokoa analisi barruan.

8:00 p.m. ETAFight Final Txapelketan 3: Jurkovic vs., Catinas – Igor Jurkovic vs Featuring. Raulk Catinas in a kickboxing bout and Ante Delija vs. Michail Lamprakis MMA ekintza Apr bertatik. 19, 2013 in split, Kroazia.

Asteartea, Maiatza 5

1:30 a.m. ETAHip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-taldeak MMA 12m baten barruan 12m arena arabera hiru maila oztopo egiturekin.

2:30 Ni. ETA – XPTV – Eskualdeetako U.S pro eta amateur MMA Estaldura.

4:30 a.m. ETA – Fight News Orain gehigarria – Azken berriak, recaps, ezaugarri eta borroka jokoa analisi barruan.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. ETA – Xtreme Fighting Txapelketan – Florida oinarritutako MMA profesionala goi American irtenbideak protagonista, Nazioarteko izarrek eta UFC beteranoak.

8:00 p.m. ETA – 5 Bueltak – Ostalariak John Ramdeen eta Robin Black gonbidatzen gonbidatu bereziak behera hautsi MMA ekintza asteburuan.

8:30 p.m. ETA — Fight News Orain gehigarria – Azken berriak, recaps, ezaugarri eta borroka jokoa analisi barruan.

Asteazkena, Maiatza 6

1:30 a.m. ETA – Ultimate Challenge MMA 6: Payback – Jimi Manuwa vs. Like Blythe and Brad Pickett vs., David Lee from Aug. 22, 2009 Londresen.

6:00 p.m. ETA – Cage Rage of Best – Anderson Silva batera Erresuma Batuan oinarritutako Cage Rage erakundearen borrokak klasikoa Featuring, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley eta beste batzuk.

7:00 p.m. ETA – Fight News Orain gehigarria: MMA Edition – Happenings guztiak estaltzen MMA munduan analisi eta ezaugarri esklusiboak.

7:30 p.m. ETA – Spirit MMA Fighting – Nazioarteko MMA borrokak bildumak ONE FC batetik, UCMMA, NSS, WFC, FFC, Bamma, EFC Afrika eta gehiago.

8:30 p.m. ETA – Cage Warriors 73Featuring Alex Enlund vs. Nad Narimano for the vacant featherweight title from Nov. 1, 2014 Londresen.

11:00 p.m. ETA – MMA Gabriel Morency batera Meltdown – Gabriel Morency hausten behera MMA happenings guztiak, odds eztabaidatzen, iragarpenak, plus astero gonbidatu berezi eta esklusiboa elkarrizketak.

11:30 p.m. ETA – Baja Wrestling – Borroka amateur ekitaldiak estaldura zabala, azken berriak barne, atzean-eszenak ekitaldiak eta elkarrizketak esklusiboak estaldura.

Osteguna, Maiatza 7

1:30 a.m. ETA – Ultimate Challenge MMA 5: Heat Featuring Dino Gambatesa vs. Brad Whjeeler from July 11, 20-9 Londresen.

6:00 p.m. ETA – Txapelketan Fightling Aliantza – Florida Pro MMA Josh Sampo gustuko protagonista, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Are McCorkie, Luis Palomino eta beste batzuk.

7:00 p.m. ETA – Rookies Fighting – Aspirante kickboxers igo arrakasta eskailera kirol rookies profesionalak izan daitezen eta esperientziari arrakasta beharrezko goi mailako aukera bat lortzeko lehiatuko gisa.

8:00 p.m. ETA – Fight News orain: MMA Edition – Happenings guztiak estaltzen MMA munduan analisi eta ezaugarri esklusiboak.

8:30 p.m. ETA Fight News Orain gehigarria – Azken berriak, recaps, ezaugarri eta borroka jokoa analisi barruan.

9:00 p.m. ETA — MMA Gabriel Morency batera Meltdown – Gabriel Morency hausten behera MMA happenings guztiak, odds eztabaidatzen, iragarpenak, plus astero gonbidatu berezi eta esklusiboa elkarrizketak.

10:00 p.m. ETA – Super borrokatzea Liga 2Featuring Todd Duffee vs. Neil Grove and Alexander Shlemenko vs. Ikuhisa Minowa from Apr. 7, 2012 in Chandigarh, India.


Ostirala, Maiatza 8

2:00 a.m. ETA – Pancrase Klasikoak – Classic aitzindaria MMA borrokak Ken Shamrock protagonista, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate MARQUARDT, Chael Sonnen eta beste batzuk.

4:00 a.m. ETA – DEEP Best – Klase borrokak Featuring historikoa Japoniako DEEP sustapena barne Shinya Aoki batetik, Hayato Sakurai eta Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. ETA – Bitxiak Best – Guztiak emakumezkoak Japoniako MMA Ligako tik borrokak Classic, Bitxiak.

6:00 – p.m. ETA – M-1 Challenge – Europako MMA profesionala goranzko etorkizun handiko eta nazioarteko izarrak ditus.

7:00 p.m. ETA — Fight News orain. MMA Edition – Happenings guztiak estaltzen MMA munduan analisi eta ezaugarri esklusiboak.

7:30 p.m. ETA Fight News Orain gehigarria – Azken berriak, recaps, ezaugarri eta borroka jokoa analisi barruan.

8:30 p.m. ETA – Hip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-taldeak MMA 12m baten barruan 12m arena arabera hiru maila oztopo egiturekin.

9:00 p.m. ETA — NSS 16 – Parte-vs Mamed Khalidov. Matt Lindland and Mariusz Pudzianowski vs. James Thompson from May 21, 2011 Gdansk, Polonian.

11:30 p.m. ETA – To 2 Toe with Firas ZahabiSit-down interview with Tristar Gym head coach Firas Zahabi, trainer to the likes of Georges St. Pierre and Rory MacDonald.

Larunbata, Maiatza 9

1:00 a.m. ETA – SuperKombat: New Heroes Opatija 2013 – Ivan Stanic vs Featuring. Laurent Attrifi, Mladen Brestovac vs. Andy Van Steen and the opening round of the heavyweight tournament from Feb. 23, 2013.

6:00 a.m. ETA – TKO Best – Shonie Carter vs protagonista. Jason MacDonald TKO bertatik 21.

7:00 a.m. ETA – Gladiator Challenge of Best – Jake Shields vs Featuring. Randy Velarde Gladiator Challenge 49.

10:00 a.m. ETA – SportFight Best – Pazifikoko Ipar kalitate Top MMA, Matt LIndland eta Chael Sonnen UFC beteranoek antolatuta. This episode features the rise of SportFight champion Enoch Wilson.

1:30 p.m. ETA – Combat Eraztun 46 – Brendan Barrett vs Featuring. Mlodrag Petkovic and Frankie Perez vs. Rafael Machado Sept-tik. 20, 2013 Atlantic City, NJ.

4:00 p.m. ETA – DEEP: 62 Eragina – Satoru Kitaoka vs Featuring. Daisuke Nakamura, Daiki Jata vs. Yoshiro Maeda, Dan Hornbuckle vs. Yuya Shirai and Akihiro Gono vs. Taisuke Okuno Apr-tik. 26, 2013 in Yokyo.

7:00 p.m. ETA – M-1 Challenge 57: Clash of ChampionFeaturing heavyweight champ Mrcin Tybura vs. light heavyweight champ Stephan Puetz in a champion vs. champion superfight from May 2, 2015 Orenburg, Errusiak.

10:00 p.m. ETA – UFC Fight Night: Miocic vs. Hunt Pre-Show – LIVE pre-borrokaren UFC Fight Night estaldura: Miocic vs. Hunt from Adelaide, Australia.

11:00 p.m. ETA – Fighting Spirit MMA denboraldia 4 – ELEko nazioarteko borrokak Compilation, Kondairak, FFC, M-1 eta gehiago.

Igandea, Maiatza 10

1:00 a.m. ETA – UFC Fight Night: Miocic vs. Hunt Post-ShowLIVE post-fight reaction and coverage of coverage of UFC Fight Night: Miocic vs. Hunt from Adelaide, Australia, including live post-fight press conference.

6:00 a.m. ETA – Pancrase Klasikoak – Classic aitzindaria MMA borrokak Ken Shamrock protagonista, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Izena MARQUARDT, Chael Sonnen eta beste batzuk.

10:00 a.m. ETA – ADCC Best – Inoiz ospatu grappling partiduak handienetako compilations Featuring, Tito Ortiz protagonista, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza eta Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. ETA – Elite Muay Thai: Thailandia vs. Challenger – Handiena Muay Thai munduan seriean premium nazioarteko stand-up borrokalari protagonista ospetsuak taldearen Thai National takingon.

7:00 p.m. ETA – USA Borroka Weekly – Ostalari Scott Casber astero albisteak eta analisia zentrotzat USA Borroka inguruan ematen, kirola, bere nazio organo, elkarrizketak barne, Ezaugarri eta atzera begiratu iraganari.

7:30 p.m. ETA – Judo Astana Grand Prix 2014Highlights from the Judo Astana Grand Prix from Oct. 10-12 Astana, Kazakhstan






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ABOUT BORROKA NETWORK: Fight Network da munduko ataria borroka kirol sare eskainitako 24/7 estaldura, Borrokak barne, borrokalari, Albiste borrokatzeko eta bizimodua borrokatzeko. Kanala da U.S eskuragarri dauden. Cablevision New York zatiak on, Connecticut eta New Jersey, Texas-oinarritutako Grande Komunikazioak, Armstrong Kable Pennsylvania eta Ohio ekialdeko, baita Shentel Kable Virginian bezala, West Virginia eta Maryland mendebaldeko zatiak. Fight Network da ere on Roku top kaxak ezarri AEBetan. eta Kanada, webgunean zuzeneko streaming KlowdTV.com, eta Kanadan eramaile garrantzitsu guztietan eskuragarri baino, eta gehiago 30 Europa osoko herrialdeetan, Afrika eta Ekialde.



Lewiston, Maine (Maiatza 4, 2015) - New England Borrokak (NEF), Amerikako zenbaki-ko erregional borrokan sustapena, bere misto borroka-arteen XVIII ospatuko da (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF XVIII: Amerikan egina,” on Larunbata, June 13, 2015 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Lehenago, gaur egun, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight bout to the fight card. It will be the fifth amateur title awarded on the June 13 Epaileak txartel. The bout will feature Johnny Artisautza (3-0) going one-on-one with Jeff Watts (5-2) at the bantamweight limit of 135-pounds.


Voted the “Urteko Rookie” egiteko 2014 by NEF fans, Johnny Crafts has dominated in all three of his prior bouts. For those familiar with his background in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), it comes as no surprise that the brown belt has submitted each of his opponents. Joan den otsailean, Crafts handed the previously-undefeated Mike Crespo (2-2) his first loss in the NEF cage. He is currently a member of Team New England United (NEW) – the largest BJJ team in the northeast.


I’m very excited to be fighting for the first ever NEF ammy bantamweight title,” said Crafts. “This is definitely my hardest fight to date and I am ready to show everyone my progression. Jeff seems like a very well-rounded, experienced fighter and this should be a battle for the NEF fans to enjoy.


Jeff Watts is a product of western New York state where he developed a reputation at a young age as a tough street fighter. With a background in Karate and wrestling, Watts began training in MMA in 2009. A familiar face to New England MMA fans having competed twice in Plymouth, Massachusetts, June 13 will be his debut in the NEF cage. Watts is known internationally as writerKarmaatemycaton major MMA website Cagepotato.com. Currently residing in Wausau, Wisconsin, he trains out of Rising Son MMA.


I’m incredibly excited to be fighting the caliber of Jiu Jitsu that John brings to the cage,” said Watts. “I’m even more excited to see how he handles being punched in the face. First ever Bantamweight title for NEF. What an honor! Irabazi, lose, or drawit’s going to be a crazy night. I’m excited to show some skills I’ve never shown before. Let’s put a show on John. Bang with me.


NEF hurrengo MMA gertaera, “NEF XVIII: Amerikan egina” Lewiston-eko Androscoggin Bank Colisee-k sortuko du, Maine ekainean 13, 2015. Sarrerak “NEF XVIII” besterik etan hasiko $25 eta salgai daude orain www.TheColisee.com edo Colisée kutxa bulegoa deituta207.783.2009 x 525. Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web gunean www.NewEnglandFights.com. Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, horiek jarraitu Twitternefights on eta Facebook talde ofiziala batzeko "New England Borrokak."


Buruz New England Borrokak


New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.



SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 4, 2015) - Bellator MMA funtzionarioek harro daudela MMA fan-gogoko sinatu dute iragarriko Melvin "The Young Assassin" Guillard (32-14-2) urteko multi bati, anitzeko borroka kontratua.


Debut data eta aurkari izango Guillard iragarri egingo du etorkizun hurbilean.


At bakarrik 32 urtetik, "The Young Assassin" etniko 50 datak itzuli karrera batean bouts profesionalak 2002. With 21 garaipenekin datozen KO arabera, Guillard bere borroka estilo zirraragarria batera fan base handi bat sortu du.


New Orleansen jaioa, Azken artistak bere gaitasunak honed du gora MMA munduan Jacksonen MMA barne gimnasioak batzuk, Blackzilians, Grudge Training Center eta American Top Team, Bertan entrenatzen. Bere 22-borroka Ultimate Fighting Txapelketan stint zehar, Guillard hautsi MMA handia BJ Penn en KO gehienen errekorra zatiketa arinen zortzi, bultzada bikaina horrek berak oraindik ere egun hau dauka.


"Ez gara, ilusioa izan Melvin onboard datozen,"Esan Bellator presidente Scott Coker. "Lightweight txapelduna Will Brooks gustuko Withcompetitors, Michael Chandler, Marcin Held, Derek Anderson, You Awad, Dave Jansen eta Patricky Pitbull zerrendari dagoeneko, matchup hura bezalako borrokalari zirraragarria aukerak anitzak dira. "


Guillard jabea izenak Nabarmentzekoak dira, besteak beste, Marcus Davis garaipen, Dennis siver, Gleison Tibau, Evan Dunham, eta Jeremy Stephens.

M-1 Challenge 57 emaitzak & pictures – Puetz defeats Tybura, Barnaoui upsets Divnich



MARCIN Tybura, M-1 Challenge Heavyweight txapelduna


STEPHAN PUETZ, M-1 Light Heavyweight Champion


M-1 Challenge Lightweight Championship

Maiatza 2, 2015 ● Orenburg, Errusiak

On berehalako

M-1 Challenge 57: Kontinente Heart Battle

Puetz stops Tybura in Heavyweight Superfight

Barnaoui takes Divnich’s title belt

Emaitza ofizialak

Stephan Puetz defeated Marcin Tybura in Heavyweight Super Fight

ORENBURG, Errusiak (Maiatza 2, 2015) – M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title holder Stephan “T-800” Puetz defeated previously undefeated M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Marcin “Tybur” Tubura in Gauean heavyweight super fight that headlined M-1 Challenge 57: Kontinente Heart Battle Orenburg, Errusiak.


Co-Ezaugarri In, CHALLENGER Mansour “Tarzan” Barnaoui upset defending champion Max Divnich to capture the M-1 Challenge lightweight championship.


Puetz (13-1-0, 6 KO / TKO, 4 SUB) established himself as a genuine MMA star by defeating the larger Tybura (12-1-0, 3 KO / TKO, 4 SUB). The ultra-talented German won his fourth straight M-1 Challenge fight with a third-round technical knockout of the Polish heavyweight, who was unbeaten in six previous M-1 Challenge bouts, resulting from the doctor’s stoppage.


Barnaoui (12-2-0, 4 KO / TKO, 7 SUB), fighting out of France, stopped previously undefeated champion Divnich (11-1-0, 6 KO / TKO, 1 SUB), Errusiako, in the second round via punches.


Txartel nagusian Era borrokan, Russian welterweight Alexei Kunchenko (9-0-0, 6 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) knocked out British challenger DezThe Arm Collector” Parker (4-2-0, 1 KO / TKO, 3 SUB) inaugurazio txandan, Russian luma Magomed Idrisov (5-0-0, 2 KO / TKO, 0 SUB) won a three-round decision over German invader Max Coga (11-4-0, 2 KO / TKO, SUB), eta Errusiako luma Nikita “Piraña” Chistyakov (4-1-0, 0 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) took a hard fought three-round decision from Frenchman MoktarLe Benkaci” Benkaci (11-6-0, 3 KO / TKO, 7 SUB).


In preliminary bouts, Arina Murad Mirzabekov (2-1-0, 0 SUB) knocked out fellow Russian Fabrice Dato (6-2-0, 2 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) lehen txandan, Russian heavyweight Kurban Ibragimov (3-2-0, 2 KO / TKO, 0 SUB) punched his way to a second-round victory over Spaniard David Trallero (1-2-0, 1 KO / TKO), Errusiako argi heavyweight Rashid Yusupov (5-1-0, 1 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) registered an impressive first-round KO of Russian Mitry Medvedev (7-5-0, 3 KO / TKO, 3 SUB), Adam “Bizar” Yandiev (6-0-0, 3 KO / TKO, 3 SUB) remained undefeated with an opening-round submission (gillotina choke) win against Dmitriy Adeev (1-2-0, 1 KO / TKO) in a battle of Russian light heavyweights, Damir Ismagulov (2-1-0, 1 KO / TKO, 0 SUB) took a three-round unanimous decision from fellow Russian lightweight Sergey Andreev (5-4-0, 2 KO / TKO, 2 SUB), Kazakhstan welterweight Shaukat Rakhmonov (2-0-0, 1 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) punched out Bartos “Hulk” Chyrek (4-2-0, 4 SUB) lehen txandan, eta Errusiako luma Timur Nagibin (7-1-0, 2 KO / TKO, 0 SUB) errondan Akhmandjon Mamurov (0-1-0), Tadjikistan, bat txandan.


Emaitzak osatu eta irudi galeria behean:


Txartel nagusia



Stephen Puetz (13-1-0), Germany WTKO3 (3:48) Marcin Tubura (12-1-0), Polonian



Mansour Barnaoui (13-2-0), Frantzian (WKO1 (punches – 4:48) Maxim Divnich (11-1-0), Errusiak

(Barnaoui won M-1 Challenge Lightweight Title)



Alexei Kunchenko (9-0-0), Russia WKO1 (punches – 2:55) Dez Parker (4-2-0), Ingalaterra



Magomed Idrisov (5-0-0), Russia WDEC3 Max Coga (11-4-0), Alemanian


Nikita Chistyakov (4-1-0), Russia WDEC3 Moktar Benkaci (11-6-0), Frantzian




Kurban Ibragimov (3-2-0), Russia WTKO2 (punches – 2:00) David Trallero (1-2-0), Espainiako


LIGHT heavyweights

Rashid Yusupov (5-1-0), Russia WKO1 (punches – 1:32) Mitry Medvedev (7-5-0), Errusiak


Adam Yandiev (6-0-0), Russia WSUB1 (gillotina choke – 1:14) Dmitry Adeev (1-2-0), Errusiak



Shavat Rakhmonov (2-0-0), Kazakhstan WKO1 (punches – 2:50) Bartos Chyrek (4-2-0), Polonian



Damir Ismagulov (2-1-0), Russia WDEC3 Sergey Andreev (5-4-0), Errusiak



Murad Mirzabekov (2-1-0), Russia WKO1 (punches – 2:50) Fabrice Dato (6-2-0), Errusiak



Timur Nagibin (7-1-0), Russia WKO1 (punches – 1:05) Akhmandjon Mamurov (0-1-0), Tajikistan



The great Fedor Emelianenko addressed the crowd


MMA sperstar Stephan “T-800” Puetz

Mansour vs. Divnich fight is all over

New M-1 Challenge 57 lightweight champion Mansour Barnaoui


Murad Mirzabekov ends fight with Fabrice

Kurban Ibragimov and David Trallero exchange kickx

Shavkat Rakhmonov controls Bartos Chyrek

Adam Yandiev has hold on Dmitriy Adeev

Moktar Benkaci and Mikita Chistyakov mix it up


Rashid Yusupov put Mitry Medvedev to sleep

Damir Ismagulov and Sergey Andreev








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Ekitaldi nagusia:
Ben Smith vs Gilbert Smith

LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Resurrección Fighting Aliantza (RFA) president Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will be returning to the state of Colorado next month. RFA 26 – Smith vs. Smith will feature a main event between two RFA fan favorites. RFA welterweight champion Benjamin Smith returns to face man similar in name and talent. Bere lehen titulua defentsa egingo aurka izango #1 contender Gilbert Smith, who will be looking to keep the title from leaving his home state. Ekitaldia gertatzen ostiralean, June 5th at the 1STBANK Center in Broomfield, Colorado. Txartel nagusia osoan zuzeneko telebistaz egingo dira eta AXS telebistan nazionala 10 p.m. ETA / 7 p.m. PT.

“Smith vs. Smith will be a fantastic welterweight title fight at RFA 26,” Esanda Soares. “Benjamin Smith was completely dominant in winning the title, while Gilbert Smith was valiant in his last title fight by going 5 rounds with a guy who missed weight by 5 kilo. Smith and Smith will give Colorado a title fight they deserve.
RFA sarrerak 26 – Smith vs. Smith are available for purchase NOW through AltitudeTickets.com. Sarrerak hasteko $25.00. A limited number of catered 8-seat cageside VIP tables are available by calling 303-521-0966.
Benjamin Smith (14-2) returns to the RFA octagon after winning the vacant RFA welterweight strap with a dominant TKO victory over Tat Romero in March. That win came after he bested Josh Cavan in the co-main event of RFA 20 to close out last year. Smith has been perfect in MMA for the past two years and is currently riding a 6-fight winning streak. The surging Minnesota based fighter now looks to solidify his control of the RFA welterweight division with his first title defense.
It feels great to be defending my title in Coloraddu, geroztik I had a great experience fighting there in November,” esan zuen Smith. “I won the title back in March and this is a great opportunity. It gives me holding status. Gilbert Smith has a great last name. He’s also a really physically strong competitor. I look forward to finishing him and keeping the belt at RFA 26 on June 5th.
Gilbert Smith (10-4) enters the title fight looking for redemption and some vindication after his first shot at the title in January was hindered when his opponent egregiously missed weight by 5-pounds. The always-game Smith agreed to take the fight anyway, but the brazen weight advantage that his opponent possessed, played a pivotal and unfair role in the outcome of their 5-round affair. Smith is now eager to get his shot at the title on a level playing field.
“Lehenik eta behin,, I am really excited to be getting this opportunity,” Smith azaldu. “It will be nice to get redemption. I do wish my opponent made weight in the last fight, but I ended up learning a lot from that fight. I was back in the gym on the Wednesday after the fight and I have filled in the holes that I needed to fix. Benjamin Smith is a deserving champion. He’s a good grappler that has been working on his boxing, but he has a similar style to me. That will play to my advantage. I don’t know how, but I will finish him, and get that belt strapped around my waist in front of my friends and family in Colorado.
RFA 26 will also see the return of former RFA bantamweight title challenger JarredShutoutMercado (12-2). He faces fellow two-time RFA vet Bruno Frazatto (6-2). Mercado has NCAA Division I wrestling credentials, while Frazatto is a highly-decorated jiu-jitsu black belt. The main card will feature another pair of RFA bantamweights that are both known for their exciting and action-packed fights. Hawaiian striking sensation Boston Salmon (3-0) will look to keep his flawless record intact with a fourth straight TKO win. He will face collegiate wrestler and three-time RFA vet Danny Mainus (3-3) in a bout that has “Gauaren Fight” idatzi gainean.
The co-main event, feature fight, and additional bouts RFA at 26 Nahil be announced soon. RFA 26 will be the promotion’s sixth event to take place in the state of Colorado. It will be the second time the RFA has visited “Mendeurreneko Estatua” in 2015. The RFA txartel nagusia osoan 26 – Smith vs. Smith will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 10 p.m. ETA / 7 p.m. PT ostiralean, June 5th.
Please visit RFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. RFA is also on Facebook at Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram at @RFAfighting, and Twitter at @RFAfighting.
RFA buruz:
RFA profesionalean mistoa arte martzialak izar goranzko eta goi contenders aukera beren zale eta liderrak talentua frogatzeko industrian ematen duen sustapena da. RFA zuzeneko United States inguruan hilero barne Las Vegas on ekitaldiak aurkeztu du, Los Angeles, Denver eta Milwaukee. RFA zuzeneko ikus daiteke baino gehiagotan 43 milioi etxe nazionalean bere telebista AXS TV akordio bidez. Oinarritutako Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA aktiboena eta errespetatu MMA azkarrena hazten kirolean erakundeek munduko nagusietako bat da. (Octagon, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, and the eight-sided competition mat and cage design are registered trademarks owned exclusively by Zuffa, LLC. Eskubide guztiak erreserbatuta).
AXS TV Borrokak buruz:
AXS TV Borrokak bere unibertsalki aitortu Ostirala Night Mixed Martial Arts and Kickboxing ekitaldiak ezagunak. As Your Home MMA For, AXS TV promozioak sare zabala aurkeztu dute Estatu Batuetatik darabil, Kanadan, eta Europan. And Asia to broadcast more LIVE fights than any other television network. “Ahots” Michael Schiavello eta bost aldiz MMA mundu-txapelduna Pat Miletich ematen ikusleek aditua play-play, sakona borrokalaria estaldura, eta borroka-txartel bakoitzari azterketa zabala. AXS TV emititzen RFA batetik, mundu-mailako LIVE borrokan ekitaldiak, Lion Fight, Legacy FC, eta MFC Ostiral gauero 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. ETA.

Official weights and pictures for M-1 Challenge 57 Errusian



MARCIN Tybura, M-1 Challenge Heavyweight txapelduna


STEPHAN PUETZ, M-1 Light Heavyweight Champion


M-1 Challenge Lightweight Championship

Maiatza 2, 2015 ● Orenburg, Errusiak


On berehalako

Marcin Tybura vs. Stephan Puetz headlines Maiatza 2 Orenburg, Errusiak

Stephan “T-800” Puetz


Txartel nagusia



(L-R) M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Marcin Tybura &
M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Stephan Puetz



MARCIN “Tybur” TYBURA (12-0-0), M-1 Challenge Heavyweight txapelduna, Polonian 251 ½ kgs. (114.2 kg)

STEPHAN “T-800” PUETZ (12-1-0), m-1 Challenge Light Heavyweight Champion, 229 kgs. (104 kg)



(L-R) – Mansour Barnaoui & Maxim Divnich



MAXIM DIVNICH (11-0-0), Txapelduna, Errusiak 154 kgs. (70 kg)

Askapena “Tarzan” BARNAOUI (11-2-0), Challenger, Frantzian 154 kgs. (70 kg)


(L-R) – Dez Parker & Alexei Kunchenko


ALEXEI KUNCHENKO (8-0-0), Errusiak 169 kgs. (76.8 kg)

DEZThe Arm CollectorPARKER (4-1-0), Ingalaterra 169 ½ kgs. (77 kg)



(L-R) – Max Coga & Magomed Idrisov


MAGOMED IDRISOV (4-0-0), Errusiak 144 ½ kgs. (65.6 kg)

MAX COGA (11-3-0), Alemanian 144 ½ kgs. (65.7 kg)



Moktar Benkaci & Nikita Chistyakov


MOKTARLe BenkaciBENKACI (11-5-0), Frantzian 145 kgs. (65.8 kg)

NIKITA “Piraña” CHISTYAKOV (3-1-0), Errusiak 145 kgs. (65.8 kg)




Frabrice Dato & Murad Mirzabekov

Lightweights – 3 X 5

MURAD MIRZABEKOV (1-1-0), Errusiak 153 ½ kgs. (69.8 kg)
FABRICE DATO (6-1-0), Errusiak 154 ½ kgs. (70.3 kg)


David Trallero & Kurban Ibragimov

Heavyweights – 3 X 5

KURBAN IBRAGIMOV (2-2-0), Errusiak 213 ½ kgs. (97.0 kg)

DAVID TRALLERO (1-1-0), Espainiako 235 kgs. (106.8 kg)



Rashid Yusupov & Mitry Medvedev


LIGHT heavyweights – 3 X 5

Rashid Yusupov (4-1-0), Errusiak 202 ½ kgs. (92.0 kg)

MITRY MEDVEDEV (7-4-0), Errusiak 205 kgs. (93.0 kg)



Adam Yaniev & Dmitriy Adeev

LIGHT heavyweights – 3 X 5

ADAM “Bizar” YANEIEV (5-0-0), Errusiak 202 ½ kgs. (92 kg)

DMITRIY ADEEV (1-1-0), Errusiak 202 ½ kgs. (92 kg)


Sergey Andreev & Damir Ismagulov


Lightweights – 3 X 5

DAMIR ISMAGULOV (1-1-0), Errusiak 154 kgs. (70.1 kg)

SERGEY ANDREEV (5-3-0), Errusiak 153 ½ kgs. (69.8 kg)


Bartos Chyrek & Shaukat Rakhmonov



SHAVAT RAKHMONOV (1-0-0), Kazakhstan 169 kgs. (76.8 kg)

BARTOS “Hulk” CHYREK (4-1-0), Polonian 169 kgs. (76.9 kg)


Timur Nagibin & Akhmandjon Mamurov


TIMUR NAGIBIN (6-1-0), Errusiak 144 ½ kgs. (65.7 kg)

AKHMANDJON MAMUROV (0-0-0), Tajikistan 144 kgs. (65.5 kg)


ZER: M-1 Challenge 57: Kontinente Heart Battle

NOIZ: Larunbata, Maiatza 2, 2015

9:15 a.m. (New Yorken), 5:15 p.m. (Mosku)


NON: Orenburg, Errusiak 1:30




Live korrontea: WWW.M1GLOBAL.TV

M-1 Challenge 57 streaming bidez emango Errusia definizio altuko on www.M1Global.TV. Ikusleak borrokak ikustera saioa hasten den izena eman ahal izango dute www.M1Global.TV.Ikusleak aurretiazko borrokak eta txartel nagusia ikustera saioa hasten den izena eman ahal izango dute www.M1Global.TV. Zaleak ere ekintza guztiak ikusi ahal izango dute beren ordenagailuetan, baita Andriod eta Apple smart telefono eta pilulak gisa. The Epaileak txartel osoa ere egin daiteke zuzenean eskainiko du, Honela hasten 2:00 p.m. ETA, Fight bidez Network Cablevision en Optimum TV, Grande Komunikazioak, Shentel Kable eta Armstrong Kable AEBetan, Kanadan, nazio mailako, eta Ipar Amerikan zehar Roku gailuetan, eta orokorrean baino gehiagotan 30 Europa osoko herrialdeetan, Afrika eta Ekialde.






Twitter & Instagram:

@ M1Global


@ M1GlobalNews




ABOUT M-1 GLOBAL: Urtean sortu 1997, M-1 Global finkatu da Mixed Martial Arts in (MMA) ataria ezagutzeko eta munduko Superstar borrokalari belaunaldiko garatzeko entitateak gisa. Bere St Petersburg bulego With, Errusiak, M-1 markaren baino gehiago taularatu ditu 160 Mundu osoko ekitaldiak, M-1 Hautaketa barne, M-1 Challenge, M-1 globala eta M-1 Global HWGP ekitaldiak, gain Strikeforce gertaera eta M-1 Global US on co-sustapenaren alde. sarea, Showtime. Liluragarria zuzeneko, telebista eta banda zabaleko bere ekoizpen superior balioak eta match-ak dituzten ikusleak, M-1 Ekitaldi orokorrak kirola, bere goiko izen batzuk nabarmendu dute, mitikoaren heavyweight barne Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid gastuak eta Stephan Struve. 2015 konpromisoa beste mundu-mailako lehiaketa urtea apartekoa izango da kirol borrokalari handiena artean M-1 Global Champions ranking talentua aberatsak contention sistema bat elikatzen Challenge Agenda osoa batekin.

GARA M-1GLOBAL.TV: Gozatu MMA ekintza orain definizio altuko ekarri M-1Global.tv arabera, M-1 globala eta MMA beste erakunde borrokak bakarrik onena eskainiz. M-1Global.tv zehazki garatu plataforma handi bat bildu nahi gehien zehatza borrokan video datu-basea da. Gainera, interfaze erraz eta intuitibo bat ematen du, denek laguntzen dute inolako spoilers saihestuz plataforma erabiliz denbora ez hasteko. Eskatuta, iraganeko borrokak bezeroak eroso behaketa noiznahi gain, ikusleek ekintza LIVE gozatu ahal dira, guztiak M-1Global.tv erabiltzaileen eskura hilabeteko harpidetza digitalari hilabetea behe-tasatuak baten bidez. Zure ekintza mundu. Edonoiz!




OHARRA berehalako: Lewiston, Maine (Maiatza 1, 2015) - New England Borrokak (NEF), Amerikako zenbaki-ko erregional borrokan sustapena, bere misto borroka-arteen XVIII ospatuko da (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF XVIII: Amerikan egina,” on Larunbata, June 13, 2015 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Lehenago, gaur egun, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the fight card. The bout will feature Corey Hinkley (2-3) aurka Cory Trial (0-1) at the lightweight limit of 155-pounds.


Cory Trial made his NEF MMA debut this past February at “NEF XVI.” While Trial came out on the losing end of the fight, he showed powerful striking skills in a wild slugfest with Ricky Dexter (3-0). It is a fighting style that Trial and his teammates at Ruthless MMA & Boxing of Benton, Maine have become known for. It is a style that has also produced some of the most memorable fights on the last several NEF events. Ruthless head coach Josh Parker (4-8) is confident in Trial’s ability to finish the bout coming up on June 13.


When Cory walked into my gym, I knew I had something special,” Said Parker. “The guy is an animal, and in June he will be looking to show everyone that in his last fight the lights killed him. This fight won’t be going out of the first round.


“Borroka hau hunkituta nago,” exclaimed Trial. “Excited to get another chance to show people who I am as a fighter. Azken ordua, I was overwhelmed with the lights and the crowd. Oraingoan, the real Cory will be in the cage, and I’ll be looking for the finish.


When they meet at “NEF XVIII,” it will have been nine months since the last time Trial’s opponent, Corey Hinkley, stepped in the cage to compete. After starting his amateur career at 2-1, Hinkley has dropped his last two in a row. He and his coach at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ), Jesse Erickson (3-3), say that Hinkley has been training harder than ever for his return and has put personal issues behind him since his last appearance for NEF.


I’ve had a lot of personal things going on in my life in the past, but I’m now able to train the way I’ve been needing to and I’m coming back stronger than ever,” said Hinkley.


I have never seen Corey so focused,” stated Erickson. “He’s training harder than he has for any of his previous fights, and I can’t wait to watch him do his thing in June!”


NEF hurrengo MMA gertaera, “NEF XVIII: Amerikan egina” Lewiston-eko Androscoggin Bank Colisee-k sortuko du, Maine ekainean 13, 2015. Sarrerak “NEF XVIII” besterik etan hasiko $25 eta salgai daude orain www.TheColisee.com edo Colisée kutxa bulegoa deituta207.783.2009 x 525. Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web gunean www.NewEnglandFights.com. Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, horiek jarraitu Twitternefights on eta Facebook talde ofiziala batzeko "New England Borrokak."


Buruz New England Borrokak


New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.