Category Archives: e tsoakiloeng libetsa


Lewiston, Maine (July 7, 2015) - New England ho loana ka (NEF), Amerika oa nomoro ya-e mong o lebatowa ntoa ntshetsopele, tla ahlola eona ea leshome le metso e robong e tsoakiloeng-sesole-bonono (MMA) ketsahalo, “NEF XIX,” ka Moqebelo, September 12, 2015 a le Androscoggin Bank Colisée a Lewiston, Maine. Pele ho moo kajeno, the promotion announced a fight on the card that will determine the first-ever NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion. Arone ba “Khaotseng” Lacey (5-1) e ho lokiselitsoe ho tobana le Dylan Lockard (3-0) ka loana boima ba ea 145-lik'hilograma tse le mohlodi ho crowned le kgakolwa tsenwe featherweight kingpin.


Aaron Lacey has been a standout of the NEF amateur roster since debuting with the promotion in the fall of 2013. He is undefeated in the NEF cage, o nang le ditulo tlhōlo e le like ea Dom Cofone (6-5) le Kalebe ba Hall (5-3). His only loss to date was on a fight card in New Hampshire to Matt Tullos (7-0). Lacey represents Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


“Ke bartolomeo thabile bakeng sa ntoeng ena,” hooa Lacey. “It’s a tough matchup between two top ten guys. I have a new secret weapon on my side and her name is Vanessa Sanders. Vanessa has been transforming my strength and conditioning, e le tla September bo12, I’m going to display a side of me that no one has seen before. I’m a different, kotsi le ho feta oke. Don’t miss this one – Ke tlisa hore lebanta la hae.”


Dylan Lockard nang le feela tlhōlo ho letsatsi fetang Lacey ea teammate, le ea busang NEF MMA Amateur bobebe Champion, Josh Harvey (4-1). Lockard burst onto the regional scene last year and, joaloka Lacey, also holds a win over Caleb Hall. He is a member of Tim Barchard’s Professional Martial Arts Academy (PMA) a Derry, New Hampshire. Prior to competing in MMA, Lockard wrestled bakeng sa Timberlane Regional High School a Plaistow, New Hampshire 'me hamorao Univesithing ea New Hampshire (UNH).


“Ke thabile ho nyolohela le loana bakeng sa NEF lebanta la khahlanong le thata lireng joaloka Arone Lacey,” o ile a re Lockard. “Ha kea o ne a e bonolo loana leha ho le joalo, le enoa ke ha fapaneng. We’re going to steal the show on September bo12.”


New England ho loana ka’ latelang ketsahalo, “NEF XIX,” etsahala ka Moqebelo, September 12, 2015 a le Androscoggin Bank Colisée a Lewiston, Maine. Ditekete tsa “NEF XIX” qala ka feela $25 'me li ka Sale hona joale ka kapa ka bitsa ea Colisée lebokose le reng ofisi ea207.783.2009 X 525. Bakeng sa boitsebiso bo eketsehileng ka ketsahalo le ho loana karete ya diapdeite, ka kōpo etela ntshetsopele oa setsheng sa inthanete sa Holim'a moo, o ka shebella NEF livideo ka, latela ba ba ka Twitternefights le ho ba setho ya semmuso ya Facebook sehlopha "New England loana."

Loantša Network MMA, JUDO & KICKBOXING PROGRAMMING Shejulu ya (July 6-12, 2015)


(U.S. feela kemiso ea. Bakeng sa Canada kemiso ea, ka kōpo etela ho hao sebakeng seo.)


Loantša Network ke 24/7 thelevishene banana a nehela ho tlatsa fana ka kgaso ea loantsa lipapali. E airs mananeo a tsepamisa maikutlo eohle kagologo ya loantsa lipapali ya ka mofuta, ho akarelletsa le phela lintoa le ka-ho-e metsotso tse molemo le go sekaseka bakeng sa tsoakane libetsa, kickboxing, setsebi loane, setso libetsa, papading ya ditebele tsa, ntoa tse molemo, hammoho le ntoa-Luxury Spa tšoantšiso letoto, documentaries le tšobotsi lifilimi.


Mona ka tlase fumana lintlha tsa sehlooho tsa ea beke ena a lenaneo la:

Mantaha, July 6

6:30 p.m. LE – Samsun Judo Grand Prix 2015 E totobatsa – Lintlha-kholo tsa Judo Samsun Grand Prix ho Leoatle. 27-29 Turkey.

7:00 p.m. LE – 5 O garela – Mabotho John Ramdeen le Robin Black mema khethehileng baeti ba heletsa mafelo a beke ea MMA bohato.

7:30 p.m. LE – Loantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

8:00 p.m. LEHo qetela Ntoa Championship 12 MMA: Staring vs.. Simonic – Featuring Dion Staring vs.. Tomaz Simonic ho Apr. 24, 2014 le Ljubljana, Slovenia.

10:00 p.m. LEHo qetela Ntoa Championship 12 Kickboxing: Daley vs.. Fabjan – Featuring Pauluse Daley vs.. Miran Fabjan ho Apr. 24, 2014 le Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Labobeli, July 7

1:30 a.m. LEXPTV – Fana ka kgaso tsa dikgaolo U.S lan le tsenwe MMA.

5:00 & 5:30 p.m. LEXtreme Fighting Championship – Florida e thehiloeng setsebi MMA featuring holimo American monyetla, machaba linaleli le UFC kileng ba sebeletsa.

8:30 p.m. LE – 5 O garela – Mabotho John Ramdeen le Robin Black mema khethehileng baeti ba heletsa mafelo a beke ea MMA bohato.

8:30 p.m. LE — Loantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

10:00 p.m. LE5 O garela Kajeno – Podcast ya video le John Ramdeen le Robin Black ho tlōla fatše le dintsi tse di farologaneng a le MMA lefatše, ho akarelletsa le previews ea liketsahalo tse tlang le bohle ba morao-rao litaba tsa bo-le dihlooho.

11:00 p.m. LEM-1 ba-Bothata ba 59: Kharitonov vs.. GarnerFeaturing Sergei Kharitonov vs.. Kenny Garner ho July 3, 2015 a Astana, Kazakhstan.

Laboraro, July 8

3:00 a.m. LETexas Ntoa Night – MMA khato ho Texas featuring le Lone Star State ka holimo-limo tebello a gorole.

6:00 p.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa Cage khalefo – Featuring khale lintoa ho tswa ho UK e thehiloeng Cage khalefo mokhatlo o nang le Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Pauluse Daley le ba bang ba.

7:00 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehileng: MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

7:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

8:00 p.m. LECage bahlabani ba FC: Loantša Night 4 -Featuring Lena Kraniotakes vs.. Mike Hayes bakeng sa Cage bahlabani ba heavyweight sehlooho foromo ya Mar. 16, 2012 a Dubai, U.A.E.

11:00 p.m. LEMMA Meltdown le Gabriel Morency – Ana gabriel Morency roba fatše tsohle se ntseng se etsoa a MMA, buisana hanyetse, boletsoeng esale pele li, garena khethehileng beke le beke baeti le khethehileng lipuisano.

11:30 p.m. LETakeDown loane – A pharaletseng a fana ka kgaso ea tsenwe loane moodle moodle moodle, ho akarelletsa le tsa morao-rao tse molemo, ka mor'a-e-litšoantšo fana ka kgaso ho tloha liketsahalo le khethehileng lipuisano.

Labone, July 9

1:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. LEPhahameng ka ho fetisisa Bothata ba MMA 15: Makhaola-khang – Featuring Ben Smith vs.. Amokrane Sabet and John Maguire vs, Henrique Santana ho Sept. 18, 2010 London.

3:30 a.m. SE KE UA – Loantša Moea MMA Season 4 – Pokello ea machaba lintoa ho tloha SFL, Legend, FFC, M-1 le ba bang ba.

6:00 p.m. LEChampionship Fighting Alliance – Pro MMA ho tloha Florida featuring ea like ea Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Ba McCorkie, Luis Palomino le ba bang ba.

7:00 p.m. LELoantša Rookies – Ipeetseng boramabole ba tlōla ea lere a katleho nakong ea ya dipapadi e le rookies phehisana bakeng sa le monyetla oa ho e be litsebi le ho boiphihlelo ne ho hlokahala hore atleha ka boemong bo phahameng.

8:00 p.m. LELoantša News Joale: MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

8:30 p.m. LE Loantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

9:00 p.m. LESuperKombat New Heroes Bucharest 2015 – Featuring vs. Claudiu Badoi. Asoltani le Adrian vs. Zsolt Benedek. Bogdan Nastase ho tloha ka May 23, 2015 a Bucharest, Romania.

Labohlano, July 10

12:00 a.m. LEHo Showtime Special – Ea lefatse Tonakgolo kickboxing mokhatlo o hlophisitsoeng featuring Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef le Giorgio Petrosyan.

2:00 a.m. LEPancrase Classics – Classic le pula-maliboho MMA lintoa featuring Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Ka bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen le ba bang ba.

4:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa ea moriti – Featuring nano lintoa ho ea bohlokoa, e Japanese tse tebileng ntshetso pele ya ho akarelletsa le Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai le Gerard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa mahakoe – Classic lintoa ho tloha bohle-e motšehali Japanese MMA League, Mabenyane.

12:00 p.m. LEBookie Beatdown – Preview ya becha mela le Top Picks bakeng sa ka sehloohong UFC liketsahalo.

6:00 p.m. LEM-1 ba-Bothata ba– Pro MMA ho Europe le Russia featuring holimo tebello le tsa machaba linaleli.

7:00 p.m. LECANADA FEELAUFC 189: Mendes-McGregor Sekaseka Ins – LIVE kgaso tsa semmuso sekaseka ins bakeng sa UFC: 189 Chad Mendes- Conor McGregor ho la Las Vegas.

8:00 p.m. LEHo 2 Toe le Rory Macdonald – Lula-down le le puisano le bochaba-Canada UFC welterweight naleli Rory Macdonald.

8:30 p.m. LEHip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-sehlopha MMA ka hare ho 12m ka 12m lebaleng la boithabiso le tse tharo boemong ba tsitiso mehaho e.

9:00 p.m. LE — NSS 25: Khalidov vs.. Sakurai – Featuring Mamde Khalidov vs.. Ryuta Sakurai le Aslambek Saidov vs.. Daniel Acacio ho Dec7, 2013 a Wroclaw, Poland.

Moqebelo, July 11

5:00 a.m. LELoantša News Joale: MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

5:30 a.m. LE Loantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

6:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa TKO – Featuring Uria Faber vs.. Ivan Menjivar ho TKO 24.

7:00 a.m. LE – Molemo ka ho fetisisa Gladiator Bothata ba – Featuring Uria Faber vs.. Charles Bennett ho Gladiator Bothata ba 46.

8:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa SportFight – Top boleng MMA ho tswa ho Pacific leboea-bophirimela, tšoaroa ka UFC kileng ba sebeletsa Mat Lindland le Chael Sonnen.

9:00 a.m. LEPancrase Classics – Classic le pula-maliboho MMA lintoa featuring Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Ka bas Rutten, Lebitso la mokgatlo Marquardt, Chael Sonnen le ba bang ba.

4:30 p.m. LEEnfusion LIVE #30 Dublin: Philpott vs.. Entertainment – LIVE lan kickboxing ho Dublin, Ireland, featuring Alan Philpott vs.. Mohammed Jaraya le Ilias Bulaid vs.. Simon Santana a 'mampoli lintoa.

7:00 p.m. LEUFC 189: Mendes-McGregor Pele ho Show – LIVE pele ho ntoa tsireletso UFC: 189 Chad Mendes vs.. Conor McGregor ho la Las Vegas.

8:00 p.m. LELoantša News Joale: MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

8:30 p.m. LE Loantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

11:00 p.m. LERing ea Combat 50 – Featuring George Sheppard vs., Jeff Lentz, Phillipe Nover vs.. Le Cion, Arce vs. July. Thomas Vasquez le Chris Piriz vs., Leo Muniz ho Jan. 23, 2015 a Atlantic City, NJ.

Sontaha, July 12

1:00 a.m. LEUFC 189: -Mendes- McGregor Pele ho Show – LIVE morago ga loana kgaso, lintlha-khōlō tsa le molao boraditaba bakeng sa UFC: 189 Chad Mendes- Conor McGregor ho la Las Vegas.

6:00 a.m. LEPancrase Classics – Classic le pula-maliboho MMA lintoa featuring Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Ka bas Rutten, Lebitso la mokgatlo Marquardt, Chael Sonnen le ba bang ba.

11:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa ADCC – Featuring lipokello ho fetisisa ho loantsana mollo leha e le neng e tshwerweng, featuring Tito Ortiz, Mat Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza le Royler Gracie.

12:00 a.m. LEElite Muay Thai: Thailand vs.. Challenger – Kholo ka ho fetisisa Muay Thai letoto a lefatše featuring Premium machaba ema-up bahlabani ho ka ea tummeng haholo Thai National Team

11:00 p.m. LEEnfusion Live #22: Souwer vs., Sheikholeslami – Featuring Andy Souwer vs., Ardalan Sheikholeslami Mohammed Jaraya vs.. Mark Vogel Andrew Tate vs.. Orhan Karlioglu le Max Baumert vs.. Galshi valdet ho Oct. 4, 2014 a Jeremane.



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KA loantša Network: Loantša Network ke ea lefatse Tonakgolo loantsa lipapali ya netweke inehetseng ho 24/7 fana ka kgaso, ho akarelletsa le lintoa, bahlabani, loantša molemo 'me a loantša phelang ka eona. Kanale ke fumaneha ka U.S. ka Cablevision likarolong tsa New York, Connecticut le New Jersey, Texas e thehiloeng Grande Dikgokahano, Armstrong Cable a Pennsylvania le e ka bochabela Ohio, , mmogo le go Shentel Cable a Virginia, Ka bophirimela Virginia le likarolo tse ling tsa ka bophirimela Maryland. Loantša Network e boetse ke ka Roku beha holimo mabokose a US. le Canada, phallela phela ka websaeteng, mme e fumanehang ka tsohle tse ka sehloohong bajari Canada 'me ba fetang 30 bikolo Europe, Afrika le Bochabela bo Hare.

WELTERWEIGHT Leo Sehlooho se Hlahang QUALIFIER ekeletsoa NEF XIX loantša KARETE EA

Lewiston, Maine (July 6, 2015) - New England ho loana ka (NEF), Amerika oa nomoro ya-e mong o lebatowa ntoa ntshetsopele, tla ahlola eona ea leshome le metso e robong e tsoakiloeng-sesole-bonono (MMA) ketsahalo, “NEF XIX,” ka Moqebelo, September 12, 2015 a le Androscoggin Bank Colisée a Lewiston, Maine. Pele ho moo kajeno, the promotion announced an amateur welterweight title qualifier had been added to the fight card. Ricky Dexter (3-1) tla kopana CJ Ewer (3-2) ka loana boima ba 170-lik'hilograma tse. The winner of the bout will get a shot at becoming the inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Champion at a later date.


Ricky Dexter e leng setho sa Team Irish a Brewer, Maine le le protégé ya tsomo Marcus “The Irish Hand Grenade” Davis (22-11). Dexter got off to a remarkable 3-0 qala a hae tsenwe mosebetsi, finishing all three of his opponents in the first round. Khoeling e fetileng, Dexter tobana le CJ Ewer ea teammate Josh Harvey (4-1) in a losing effort for the NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Title. Dexter will look to avenge that loss on September 12.


“Tatso ea ho hlōloa sebele ile a siea e litsila tatso a molomo oa ka,” recalled Dexter of his most recent fight. “You better believe I’m more hungry than ever to get this win. Expect to see a Ricky Dexter you’ve never seen before.


Ka tsela e tšoanang, CJ Ewer boetse theoha ho le 3-0 qala a hae tsenwe mosebetsi. The summer of 2013 saw Ewer defeat his first three opponents in a matter of a mere ten weeks. He would put his MMA career on hold to serve his country in the United States Air Force security forces before returning to NEF this past spring to face Connor Barry (5-1). Barry would be Ewer’s second loss in a row. He recognizes that to get back on the winning track will not be easy with Dexter standing in his way. Ewer is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


Ricky Dexter seems like a really tough fighter,” a re Ewer. “You can’t judge him on his last fight because Josh Harvey is elitehe’s the next Ray Wood. I feel like this will be a great match up.


New England ho loana ka’ latelang ketsahalo, “NEF XIX,” etsahala ka Moqebelo, September 12, 2015 a le Androscoggin Bank Colisée a Lewiston, Maine. Ditekete tsa “NEF XIX” qala ka feela $25 'me li ka Sale hona joale ka kapa ka bitsa ea Colisée lebokose le reng ofisi ea 207.783.2009 X 525. Bakeng sa boitsebiso bo eketsehileng ka ketsahalo le ho loana karete ya diapdeite, ka kōpo etela ntshetsopele oa setsheng sa inthanete sa Holim'a moo, o ka shebella NEF livideo ka, latela ba ba ka Twitternefights le ho ba setho ya semmuso ya Facebook sehlopha "New England loana."


Ka New England ho loana ka


New England ho loana ka ("NEF") ke ho loana moodle moodle moodle ho phahamiswa khampani. NEF thomo ea ke ho bopa phahameng ka ho fetisisa boleng moodle moodle moodle bakeng sa Maine oa bahlabani le Fans ka tsela e tsoanang. NEF oa phethahatso sehlopha o na le a pharaletseng a le phihlelo ea ho loantsa tsa tsamaiso ya dipapadi, moodle moodle moodle tlhahiso, metswedi ya dikgang, tsa mebaraka, molao le papatso.


M-1 ba-Bothata ba 59: Battle of Nomads 5 Results: Kharitonov khaotsa ho Garner a 1st ho pota-pota

M-1 Global Prsidet Vadim Finkelchtein congratulates Sergie Kharitonov

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (July 4, 2015) – Ka lekhetlo la bobeli a ka tlaase ho likhoeli tse robeli, Russia striker Sergei “Paratrooper” Kharitonov a hlōla pele e neng e M-1 Bothata ba 'mampoli Kenny Garner a le Heavyweight SuperFight, ho emisa le kotsi American a a qalang ho pota-pota sena se fetileng Labohlanobosiu a M-1 ba-Bothata ba 59: Battle of Nomads 5 ka sehloohong ketsahalo a Astana, Kazakhstan.


Kharitonov (23-5-0, 13 KO / TKO, 9 SUB) a hlōla Garner a le 4:11 letšoao la ga tikologo ya ntlha ka tsela punches, ho beha sethaleng bakeng sa bokgoni makhaola-khang le M-1 Bothata ba heavyweight Marcin Tybura


A para ya tsepisa SeKazakh tebello, Shaukat Rakhmonov le Sergey Morozov, o ile a fa ba habo bona neng ba le teng hongata hoo ba ho hlasimolla ka. Rakhmonov (3-0-0, 1 KO / TKO 2 SUB), ea 2013 WMMAA welterweight 'mampoli, e notletsoe a le guillotine bipetsa ka Polish welterweight Michael Wiencek (5-3-0, 0 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) feela 49-metsotsoana e ka ba loanela le hlola ka ho ikokobelletsa. A M-1 Bothata ba ea kgakolwa bantamweight loana, Morozov a lula a Krrish le ya bobedi ho pota botekgeniki knockout ya United Kingdom ea Andy “Affectation” Young (6-7-0, 0 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) ka tsela ea le ho ohla khutlela seatla le punches.


A tse ling tse peli ka sehloohong ketsahalo lintoa, American middleweight Luigi “The Setaliana Tank” Fioravanti (26-13-0, 10 KO / TKO, 7 SUB) o ile a sebelisa ka morao-hlobotse bipetsa ho qobella ya bobedi-fumana a ho tlisa pele e neng e Krrish Sergey Kovalev ,(5-1-0, 2 KO / TKO, 2 SUB), ha a ntse a Azerbaijan heavyweight Zaur Hajibabayev (4-1-0, 3 KO / TKO, 0 SUB) otla tsoa Spaniard David Trallero (2-4-0, 2 KO / TKO) a ho pota-pota tse peli.


Ka selelekela karete, SeKazakh welterweight Rashid Dagaev (3-1-0) hlōla a mararo ho pota tsebahatsa qeto ea fetang Daniele “The Gladiator” Taber (18-8-3), ea Spain, Russia bobebe Damir Ismagulov (4-1-0) ngolisoa ka molao le hlola ka pele ho pota botekgeniki knockout (punches) khahlanong le Spain ea Pedro Eugenio Granjo (3-2-0), Segeorgia middleweight Nodar Kudikhashvili ntlafala tlaleho ea hae ho 10-1-0 le ho etsa qeto fetang lan-debuting Seukraine Aleksander Boyko (0-1-0), Russia leseli heavyweightBatra Agnaev (3-0-0) a lula a unbeaten le le pele ho pota botekgeniki knockout (punches) ea SeukraineAnton Pazenko (2-1-0), le Serussia middleweight Artem Frolov (4-0-0) o ile a sebelisa kgutlotharo bipetsa ho hlōla ka ho bula ho pota-pota qeto fetang lan-debuting Russia Inshell Erkimbek (0-1-0).

Feletseng ditshupetso tse dingwe dipoelo le ya ditshwantsho la gallery mona ka tlase:



HEAVYWEIGHT Super loantša

Sergei Kharitonov(23-5-0), Russia WTHO1 (Punches – 4:11) Kenny Garner (16-9-0), USA



Zaur Hajibabayev (4-1-0), Azerbaijan WTKO2 (Punches – 4:37) David Trallero (2-4-0), Spain



Luigi Fioravanti (26-13-0), USA WSUB2 (A holisa Naked a bipetsa – 1:56) Sergey Kovalev (5-1-0), Russia



Shaukat Rakhmonov (3-0-0), Kazakhstan WSUB1 (Guillotine a bipetsa – 0.49) Michal Wiencek (5-3-0), Poland



Sergey Morozov(6-0-0), Kazakhstan WTKO2 (Ho ohla Back lere & Punches – 3:50) Andy Young (6-7-0), UK






Batra Agnaev (3-0-0), Russia WTKO1(Punches – 3:00) Anton Pazenko (2-1-0), Ukraine



Nodar Kudukhashvili(10-1-0), Georgia WDEC3 Aleksander Boiko (0-1-0), Ukraine

Artem Frolov (4-0-0), Russia WSUB1 (Triangle a bipetsa – 1:15) Inzhel Erkimbek (0-1-0), Russia



Damir Ismagulov(4-1-0), Russia WTKO1 (Punches – 2:53) Pedro Eugenio Granjo (3-2-0), Spain



Rashid Dagaev (3-1-0), Kazakhstan WDEC3 Daniel Tabera (18-8-3), Spain




Kenny Garner & Sergei Kharitonov


Kharitonov (tokelo ya) lihamore Garner

(L-R) Shavka Rakhmonov & Michel Wiencek

Luigi Fioravanti (tlase) koala bontsha vs.. Sergey Kovalev

Zaur Hajibabayev & David Trallero

Sergey Morozov leleka Andy Young


Damir Ismaguluv & Pedro Eugenio Granjo

Nodar Kudukhashvili

Batra Agnaev (holimo) & Anon Pazenko



Artem Frolov & Teba Erkimbek

Daniel Taber & Rashid Dagaev

FIRST Leo Sehlooho se Hlahang loantša ANNOUNCED FOR NEF XIX

Lewiston, Maine (July 3, 2015) - New England ho loana ka (NEF), Amerika oa nomoro ya-e mong o lebatowa ntoa ntshetsopele, tla ahlola eona ea leshome le metso e robong e tsoakiloeng-sesole-bonono (MMA) ketsahalo, “NEF XIX,” ka Moqebelo, September 12, 2015 ka Androscoggin Bank Colisee a Lewiston, Maine. Pele ho moo kajeno, the promotion announced the first amateur title bout on the fight card. Josh Harvey (4-1) tla sireletsa NEF MMA Amateur bobebe Championship khahlanong le Ryan Dibartolomeo (4-3). The fight will take place at the lightweight limit of 155-pounds.


Harvey hlōla tlotla kwa “NEF XVIII” khoeling e fetileng ka a hlōtse Ricky Dexter (3-1) via first-round submission. He is a perfect 3-0 in the NEF cage since debuting with the promotion in the fall of 2014. All of Harvey’s victories in Lewiston have been first-round stoppages. He is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


“Nako efe kapa efe o ka fumana tse peli sehlooho-tsoara, top-ranked fighters, e oa tlameha ho tlhōrō mesebetsi e amanang le le ho fumana hloko,” re Harvey. “Since that is exactly what this title defense is, I believe we have all the necessary ingredients for the fight-of-the-night. This will be yet another step in the right direction. Ryan ella elle la, itokisetse ho hook ka, Bub.”


Ryan Dibartolomeo is no stranger to the NEF cage. He fought for the promotion at “NEF X” ka September 2013, Nermin a hlōtse Zilic (0-2) ka tsela ntsoe-leng qeto. It was the start of a four-fight win streak that Dibartolomeo will look to continue on September 12 a Lewiston. He recently captured his first amateur MMA championship on a fight card in New Hampshire. Dibartolomeo represents Team Triumph/Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire.


“Ho loanela le NEF lebanta la ke e khōlō a ee ka pele a le tataiso e nepahetseng a ke mosebetsi,” o ile a re Dibartolomeo. “Kamehla ho e le tlotla ho loana hore e mong oa top lebatowa ho phahamiswa, 'me hona joale lahlela le monyetla oa a le lebanta la a a le tlhōrōng ea hore – I couldn’t be more excited to go out and put on a show for the fans. Josh Michael Harvey is arguably the best ammy 155 fighter coming out of Maine right now. I’m going to have to be ready in all aspects of the game and look to eliminate as many mistakes as possible. I am going to show up ready to fight. I’m looking to bite down on my mouthpiece and press forward until he has had enough of me up in his face and looks for a way out. There is no room for error, but I am extremely confident in the fact that I have Coach Fain and Coach Olsen standing behind me in my corner.


New England ho loana ka’ latelang ketsahalo, “NEF XIX,” etsahala ka Moqebelo, September 12, 2015 ka Androscoggin Bank Colisee a Lewiston, Maine. Ditekete tsa “NEF XIX” qala ka feela $25 'me li ka Sale hona joale ka kapa ka e ipiletsang le Colisee lebokose le reng ofisi ea207.783.2009 X 525. Bakeng sa boitsebiso bo eketsehileng ka ketsahalo le ho loana karete ya diapdeite, ka kōpo etela ntshetsopele oa setsheng sa inthanete sa Holim'a moo, o ka shebella NEF livideo ka, latela ba ba ka Twitternefights le ho ba setho ya semmuso ya Facebook sehlopha "New England loana."


Fight Network Presents M-1 Bothata ba 59, RFA 27 PHELA ena Friday, July 3


Toronto (July 2, 2015) — Ntoa Network, ea lefatse Tonakgolo 24/7 thelevishene banana a nehela ho tlatsa fana ka kgaso ea loantsa lipapali, fana ka para ya ho phatloha e tsoakiloeng libetsa liketsahalo ena Friday, July 3, qala ka 11:30 a.m. LE le M-1 ba-Bothata ba 59: Battle of Nomads 5 ho Astana, Kazakhstan. Hamorao, ka 10 p.m. LE, Tsoho Fighting Alliance o khutlela ho primetime le RFA 27: Murphy vs.. Brock ho CenturyLink Arena a Boise, Idaho.


Fight Network ea phela phatlalatsoa ea M-1 Bothata ba 59 tla Air ka Cablevision oa Optimum TV, Grande Dikgokahano, Shentel Cable le Armstrong Cable ka US, naheng ka bophara Canada, Roku disebediswa ka mose North America, le lefatseng ka bophara tse fetang 30 bikolo Europe, Afrika le Bochabela bo Hare. Ntango wana, RFA 27 tla Air in Canada le matjhabeng ka Ntoa Network, ha a ntse a tse ruuoang U.S. phatlalatsoa airs ka AXS TV.


A le M-1 Bothata ba 59 ka sehloohong ketsahalo, Sergei “The Paratrooper” Kharitonov (22-5) le Kenny “Deuce” Garner (16-8) kopana le a haholo ka ha ho lebeletswe heavyweight superfight katie. Tse ling telemetro bouts, Poland ea Michal Wiencek (5-2) tobaneng le Ukraine ea Shaukat Rakhmonov (3-0) ka welterweight gia, UFC veteran Luigi Fioravanti (25-13) o ho nehelana Russia ea Sergey Kovalev (5-0) la hae la pele lan sekoli middleweight khato, England ea Andy Young (6-6) kopana le Ukraine ea Sergey Morozov(3-0) a le bantamweight matchup, mmoho le Masepanishe a David Trallero (2-3) le Daniel Taber (18-7-3) tla collide le Zaur Gadzhibabayev (3-1) le Rashid Dagaev (2-1), ka ho latellana.


A ka sehloohong ketsahalong ea RFA 27, pele setjhabeng ka televised MMA ketsahalo ho e le boemo ba Idaho, bochaba-tebello le Fan ratang ka ho fetisisa Joe Murphy (8-2) khutlela ho tobana le surging veteran Jesse Brock (20-8), ba ke e mong oa ka ho fetisisa finyelloa MMA bahlabani ho bitsa Idaho hae. Ho sebdisana ha ka sehloohong Ketsahalo eo e tla bontšang tse peli tsa dipapadi ho fetisisa tsepisa flyweight tebello ha Idaho ka boeena Czar makhoba a (11-4) lintoa Jeremy Horn protégé Nick Burgos (9-3). Tse ling bohato, Jan Jorgensen (7-1) leleka theoha le JR Lugo (7-1) a heavyweight bohato, featherweights Daniel Swain (12-4-1) le Scott Thometz (7-4) ba a beha ho tobana le tima, Miles Hunsinger (4-0) beha ea hae e phethahetseng rekoto le mola khahlanong le Austin Miller (3-1) a welterweight khato, hape Darrell Flores (5-4) nka ka Stephen Martinez (10-3) a le bobebe sekama.


Bakeng sa e tletseng thathamisitse Ntoa Network oa hasa kemiso, ka kōpo etela, latela re on Twitterfightnet, e se e le Fan on Facebook le re etela ka Instagramfightnet.


THE Chase BAKENG SA BELLATOR MMA HEAVYWEIGHT Leo Sehlooho se Hlahang HEATS UP LE ho saenela OF TITAN FC 'mampoli Chase GORMLEY


Santa Monica, Dorella. (July 2, 2015) - Bellator MMA o thabela ho ho phatlalatsa ya go saena heavyweight, Chase Gormley(12-4, 1 NC), ho a ikgethileng a, selotlolo loana sebetsana.


Gormley ea qalo letsatsi le lireng tla o ile a phatlalatsa haufinyane.


The Los Angeles habo joins sehlopha se seholo se lenane la tsa morao tjena signings bakeng sa Scott Coker-se ile sa etsa ntshetso pele ya, mabitso a hore akarelletsa: Josh Koscheck, Le Ruthe, Melvin Guillard, Phil Davis, Arone Pico le Justin Lawrence har'a ba bang.


"Ke tlala boitume-lo ho na le monyetla oa hore a qothisane lehlokoa bakeng sa Bellator MMA le Scott Coker a le bawa helm,"Gormley o ile a re. "Nke ke ka nahana ka tsela e molemo ho bontša hore Ke e mong oa molemo ka ho fetisisa heavyweights a lefatše ho feta mona, le le sethala joaloka Spike e ba ke ke ba nako e telele pele mong le e mong tseba ka lebitso la ka. "


Gormley o ile a litsebi MMA qalo a 2007, ho hapa hae pele tse tšeletseng linako le fumana ea sebakeng se tlas'a Ultimate Roshan Championship banner banner. Ka mor'a a utloa bohloko ho hlōloa ka lekhetlo la pele, le khale Puso MMA sehlahiswa a khutlela lebatowa oa potoloho 'me o hlōla hae tse hlano tse fetileng litlhōlisano.


Morao ka ho fetisisa, Gormley o khahloa a Tsoho Roshan Alliance le Titan Roshan Championship, moo a ileng a scored le March 20go th tsebahatsa qeto ea ho hlōla Jon Madsen hore e sebelelitseng mo le lolea Titan FC heavyweight sehlooho.
Gormley tla ho ba setho Bellator ea heavyweight karohano, eo ke lehae la linaleli joaloka Champion Vitaly Minakov, Kimbo Slice,Cheick Kongo, Bobby Lashley, Ewerton Teixeira le Lorenzo Hood.


Lewiston, Maine (July 2, 2015) - New England ho loana ka (NEF), Amerika oa nomoro ya-e mong o lebatowa ntoa ntshetsopele, tla ahlola eona ea leshome le metso e robong e tsoakiloeng-sesole-bonono (MMA) ketsahalo, “NEF XIX,” ka Moqebelo, September 12, 2015 ka Androscoggin Bank Colisee a Lewiston, Maine. Pele ho moo kajeno, the promotion announced the first amateur bout on the fight card. Kagiso Lear (3-1) e ho lokiselitsoe ho kopana le Henry Clark (2-1) ka catchweight ea 140 lik'hilograma tse.


Lear made his amateur debut with NEF in the summer of 2013. He has accumulated a perfect record of 3-0 a le NEF gorole, his only amateur loss coming outside the promotion on a fight card in New Hampshire this past spring. Two of Lear’s three victories in NEF have come by strikes while in mount position. He has exhibited one of the most effective ground-and-pound offenses of any amateur currently on the NEF roster. Lear is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


“A itokisetsa ho Clark, re tla be re batla ho fumana 1% molemo letsatsi le letsatsi,” o ile a re Lear ea a loana kampong ea Young ea. “E le ka tloaelehileng, ena e tla ba be boiteko ba 'me ke hlokomela le ho hlompha phephetso pele ho re. Henry is dangerous and versatile.


Lear is correct in his conclusion. Henry Clark represents the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine, and he has shown a wide array of abilities in his first three bouts both on his feet and on the mat. In his debut fight at “NEF XV” ho qetela ho oa, Clark e ne e le bohale le hae otla a ga tikologo ya ntlha khahlanong le Sheldon Bang (2-2) prior to submitting Bang off his back in the second with a triangle choke. Clark recognizes that Lear is especially deadly in top position, empa o kholisehile hore a ea ka tlang a ho felisoe hlola ka September 12 a Lewiston.


“Ke ka ho feletseng ka bohlanya ka ntoeng ena,” hooa Clark. “Sena ke e tobileng loana Ke batla e le hōla sesole moetsi oa litšoantšo. Fred is super tough and a nightmare once he gets on top of you. Ileng a re, I feel as though I have the skill and ability to ruin Fred’s night on September bo12. I’m hungry for this challenge.


New England ho loana ka’ latelang ketsahalo, “NEF XIX,” etsahala ka Moqebelo, September 12, 2015 ka Androscoggin Bank Colisee a Lewiston, Maine. Ditekete tsa “NEF XIX” qala ka feela $25 'me li ka Sale hona joale ka kapa ka e ipiletsang le Colisee lebokose le reng ofisi ea207.783.2009 X 525. Bakeng sa boitsebiso bo eketsehileng ka ketsahalo le ho loana karete ya diapdeite, ka kōpo etela ntshetsopele oa setsheng sa inthanete sa Holim'a moo, o ka shebella NEF livideo ka, latela ba ba ka Twitternefights le ho ba setho ya semmuso ya Facebook sehlopha "New England loana."

WSOF 22 Adds bobebe Bout le hore Phela ka ho NBCSN Telecast

“WSOF 22: Palhares vs.. Shields” Phaella ka ho re bobebe Main Card Matchup
le Jimmy Spicuzza vs.. Islam Mamedov

Live NBCSN telecast ho bontšang tse hlano linako, ho akarelletsa le lefatše 'mampoli ka sehloohong ketsahalo pakeng tsa Rousimar Palhares le Jake Shields

Moqebelo, Aug. 1 kwa Planet Hollywood bath Resort & Casino ho la Las Vegas

Las Vegas (July 1, 2015) - World Series ea Fighting ea ( logika belom ketsahalo ka Moqebelo, Aug. 1 tla hona joale bontšang tse hlano litlhōlisano bosiung boo ea phela NBCSN telecast, le go tlaleletsa ka le bobebe (155 lik'hilograma tse) matchup pakeng tsa tse 'nè nako papatso veteran Jimmy Spicuzza (6-2) le ho ikokobelletsa ace Islam Mamedov (11-1).

The bobebe tlholisanong joins bosiu ka sehloohong e ketsahalo makhaola-khang pakeng tsa ea busang WSOF World Welterweight (170 lik'hilograma tse) Mampoli Rousimar Palhares (17-6) le challenger le tse peli nako lefatše 'mampoli Jake Shields (31-7), hammoho le ho sebdisana ha ka sehloohong ketsahalo pakeng tsa WSOF World Bantamweight (135 lik'hilograma tse) Mampoli Marlon Moraes(14-4-1) le Krrish challenger Sheymon Moraes (7-0), le haholo-ka ha ho lebeletswe, leseli heavyweight (205 lik'hilograma tse) ntoa pakeng tsa loantsa lipapali phenom Tyrone "Morena oa le Ring" Spong (2-0) le gritty veteran Mike "Mak" Kyle (21-12-1).

Ea bohlano gia tla o ile a phatlalatsa nakoana, e le Magomed Bibulatov (9-0) o 'nile a tlameha ho ikhula le pele e neng e o ile a phatlalatsa, kgakolwa WSOF lefatše flyweight (125 pounds0 'mampoli matchup le-'moho le eena Krrish contender Donavon Frelow (4-0), ke mang ea tla Ha hoa makhasi aghoror loana mantsiboeeng a ea ka selelekela karete khahlanong le e ncha lireng.

Spicuzza, ea Las Vegas, Nev., ke Drysdale Jiu-Jitsu oke le tse 'nè nako WSOF veteran. A debuted bakeng sa nyolloa mosebetsing WSOF 9 ka March 29, 2014, le romelwaGil Guardado with a rear-naked choke in the first round (3:14), pele a khutlela kwa WSOF 10 ka June 21, 2014, le scoring phetho yeo se dumelelanago hlōla fetang Justin Jaynes.

Ka WSOF 12 ka Aug. 9, 2014, ileng a utloisoa bohloko le TKO (punches) tahlehelo ho Lucas Montoya, empa bounced khutlela WSOF 19 ka March 28, moo a ileng a e sebelelitseng ba le karohano qeto hlōla fetangBenny Madrid.

Ntango wana, tse 25 ea lilemo li Mamedov ke Dagestani ditswantle eo hona joale a e reng ke Jersey City, N.J. ea lapeng la hae. Competing ya seporofesenale ho tloha ka 2009, Mamedov a utloa bohloko ho lahleheloa ke la hae la bobeli litsebi go tswela ntle moo, empa o na le ho tloha rattled tima 10 tse latellanang tlholo, ho akarelletsa le tse tšeletseng ka ho ikokobelletsa le tse peli ka tsela TKO.

Mamedov o ile a WSOF qalo ka April 10, scoring e senyang tikologo ya ntlha (4:42) TKO ka Leon Davis le le barrage ea punches.

E phelang NBCSN telecast ea "WSOF 22: Palhares vs.. Shields "qala ka 11 p.m. Et / 8 p.m. PT ka Aug. 1.
Turu ho $29.99, ditekete tsa ketsahalo ba ka Sale at le

Mamati at AXIS kwa Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino tla bula kwa 4 p.m. PT, le pele selelekela karete gia tla qala kwa 5 p.m. PT.

Additional linako bakeng sa ketsahalo tla o ile a phatlalatsa haufinyane.

WSOF World Welterweight Championship Main Event:
Rousimar Palhares (Mampoli) vs.. Jake Shields (Challenger)

WSOF World Bantamweight Championship Co-Main Event:
Marlon Moraes (Mampoli) vs.. Sheymon Moraes (Challenger)

Light Heavyweight: Tyrone Spong vs.. Mike Kyle
Bobebe: Jimmy Spicuzza vs.. Islam Mamedov

Ka “World Series ea Fighting” (WSOF)
“World Series ea Fighting” (WSOF) ke lefatše ka bophara Tonakgolo litsebi Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) loana ntshetso pele ya inehetseng ho ho fana ka molemo ka ho fetisisa khato-tletse tsoete! lintoa bakeng sa loana Fans ka ho hlahisa molemo ka ho fetisisa a bapisoa baholo pakeng tsa ba phahameng sechabeng bahlabani tsoang lefatšeng lohle. Fumana boitsebiso bo eketsehileng o kotjwa hore o etela Latela “World Series ea Fighting” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries le “World Series ea Fighting” Mopresidente Ray Marena SugarRaySefo.

NBCSN, karolo ea NBC Sports Group, Ho neheloa ho sebeletsa takatso e matla lipapali Fans. Hona joale tse fetang 85 limilione tse malapeng a, le Emmy khau-ho hapa netweke ke kabel thelevishene lapeng ha Summer le Winter Liolimpiki, National Hockey League (NHL) - Ho akarelletsa le tse peli lipapali tsa ya Stanley Cup Final — Premier League, Formula One, IndyCar, Tour de go Fora, le 34th America ea Cup, le qala a 2015, NASCAR. Holim'a moo, NBCSN Features k'holejeng bolo ea maoto, k'holejeng ya basketball, k'holejeng baseball, golf <br>, ka ntle porokerama, horse racing surrounding the Triple Crown and Breeders’ Cup, Loantša Night papading ya ditebele tsa, Ironman, le Dew Tour le USA Sevens Seteishene. Tsa netweke e boetse e hae ho pele mananeo a tse kang Costas bosiung bona, NFL retelehela Point, Pro Football Talk, The Dan Patrick Show, le NASCAR America. NBCSN e aba ka tsela kabel tsamaiso le li-satellite bagwebi ho pholletsa le United States.

Ngata haholo 'ka leboea-bochabela talenta tlatsang e "Bellator: Lima vs.. Koreshkov "Undercard



Santa Monica, Dorella. (July 1, 2015) - Tse 'nè selelekela linako featuring ka sehloohong bochabela lebōpo la leoatle bahlabani ba' nile ba phaella ka ho re hore a phethe ka botlalo karete ea "Bellator: Lima vs.. Koreshkov,"E leng etsahala July 17 ho tloha Mohegan Sun Arena a Uncasville, CT.


Tse ding tse linako akarelletsa le featherweight faceoff pakeng tsa Waylon Lowe (15-6, 1 NC) le Ryan Quinn (10-5,1 NC), Billy "Wolverine" Giovanella (8-3), ea tobaneng le Rodrigo "The Young Lion" Almeida (12-2) kwa bantamweight, Kaline "The Dark Angel" Medeiros (4-4), ba ba loanela Sarah "Soulja" Payant (1-0) a ea basali strawweight sephephechaneng, le lightweights Dean "The Hammer" Hancock (1-0) khahlano Alex Dunworth (2-1,1 NC).


Bellator 140 Features tse hlano maemo a lefatshe welterweight linako ho akarelletsa le World Champion Douglas Lima (26-5) le Zhenya Koreshkov (17-1), Chris Honeycutt (6-0) vs.. Pauluse o ile a Bradley (22-6), Michael "Venom" Page (7-0) ho jara Rudy libere(16-13), Brennan "The Irish Bad Boy" Ward (10-3) scrapping le Gavin "Ntoa ea Horse" Sterritt (6-1), le knockout moetsi oa litšoantšoPauluse o ile a "Semtex" Daley (36-13-2) e phepetsang Dennis Olson (14-8). Ketsahalo ena e boetse ithorisa ka tse 'maloa eketsehileng pele e neng e o ile a phatlalatsa selelekela litlhōlisano featuring feta holimo tebello ho ka leboea-bochabela United States.


Ka sehloohong karete airs phela le ya mahala ka Spike kwa 9 p.m. LE/8 p.m. CT, ha a ntse a le o ile a phatlalatsa selelekela linako phallela ho ka kwa 7 p.m. LE.


Ditekete tsa “Bellator MMA: Lima vs.. Koreshkov,” e leng qala ka feela $25, ba tsa rekisoa hona joale le ka rekoa a le Mohegan Sun Arena Box Office kapa


Bellingham, MA ea Billy Giovanella ke 4-1 hae ea ho qetela tse hlano lintoa sehlooho ea hae bantamweight gia. Hae ea ho qetela tse 'nè hlōla akarelletsa tse tharo dipehelo tsa le le knockout tseleng e eang hae Uncasville gia. Giovanella ea challenger Remo Cardarelli ea Framingham, MA tla talima ho itšetleha ka tlaleho ea hae-proven ho ikokobelletsa talenta ho hlōla. Se Lebellang ka bobeli bahlabani ho sa khaotse ho phehisana ho senya ho tsa morao tjena tahlehelo ka tlaleho ea tsona.


Danbury, CT ea Dean Hancock wowed Fans le le tikologo ya ntlha ho ikokobelletsa tlhōlo Bellator ea "British tlhaselo" ketsahalo. Hancock tla talima ho pheta hae bodutu matsoho ka a hlōtse challenger Dunworth ea Bridgewater, MA, ea etsang hae Bellator qalo palame tse peli loana ho hapa streak.


E 'ngoe Danbury, CT oke Ryan Quinn, ba koetlisang le American Top Team a Connecticut o fumane katleho e kholo ho le Bellator gorole, hlahella phethahetseng a botselela ba hae ho hlaha ha. Hona joale o tobaneng le sa e thehilweng veteran ya dipapadi a Philadelphia ea Waylon Lowe, ba ba loanela tlas'a Bellator ntshetso pele ya ka lekhetlo la pele ho tloha 2009, ha a scored le hlola a hae papatso qalo.


Kaline Medeiros ea Fall River, MA, e nkile tse tharo tsebahatsa qeto ea hlōla a hae la ho qetela tse 'nè linako, le scored e tsotehang knockout supileng feela metsotsoana e ka loana. O ile a nka ka Sarah Payant ho West Springfield, MA, ba etsa hore a Bellator qalo tse latelang ea hae pele litsebi gia sena se fetileng March, moo a scored kgutlotharo bipetsa ho ikokobelletsa tlhōlo.


Main Card (9 P.M. EST)

Bellator Welterweight Title Ntoa: Douglas Lima (26-5) vs.. Zhenya Koreshkov (17-1)

Bellator Welterweight Feature Ntoa: Chris Honeycutt (6-0) vs.. Pauluse o ile a Bradley (22-6)

Bellator Welterweight Feature Ntoa: Michael Page (7-0) vs.. Rudy libere (16-13)

Bellator Welterweight Feature Ntoa: Brennan Ward (10-3) vs.. Gavin Sterritt (6-1)
Bellator Welterweight Feature Ntoa: Pauluse Daley (36-13-2) vs.. Dennis Olson (14-8)


Selelekela Card (7 P.M. EST)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Ntoa: Josh Neer (36-14) vs.. Matt Secor (6-2)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Ntoa: Blair Tugman (7-5) vs.. Rodrigo Almeida (12-2)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Ntoa: Ilya Kotau (qalo) vs.. Nicolas Sergiacomi (1-0)

Bellator Heavyweight Prelim Ntoa: Parker Porter (5-4) vs.. Eric Bedard (6-5)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Ntoa: Billy Giovanella (8-3) vs.. Remo Cardarelli (4-2)

Bellator bobebe Prelim Ntoa: Modini Hancock (1-0) vs.. Alex Dunworth (2-1,1 NC)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Ntoa: Kaline Medeiros (4-4) vs.. Sarah ya lefang (1-0)

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Ntoa: Waylon Lowe (15-6, 1 NC) vs.. Ryan Quinn (10-5, 1 NC)