Kategoriaj Arkivoj: Miksita militajn artojn

Monda Serio de Batalado aldonas du REZERVO atakojn al unu-NOKTO Turniro vendrede, NOV. 20, LIVE SUR NBCSN EL Comerica THEATRE en Phoenix, Ariz.

WSOF 25 ricevas novajn NBCSN komenci tempo de 11 P.M. Et / 8 p.m. PT

LASa VEGAS (Oktobro 27, 2015) -World SeRies de Batalado (WSOF.com) hkiel konfirmis la aldono de du alternaj atakoj - LaRue "La Cannibal" Burley #Kontra?. Joe Condon Kaj Benny "La Filo" Madrido #Kontra?. Ramil Mustapayev - Por lia tre atendita, unu-nokto, ok-vira malpeza (155 Funtoj) turniro vendrede, Nov. 20, vivi sur NBCSN ĉe 11 P.M. Et / 8 p.m. PT de Comerica Teatro en Fenikso, Ariz.

Okaze se iu de la turniro kvaronfinalon stadio lukton gajnantoj povos re-eniri la kaĝon por sia duonfinalo stadio devontigo pro lezo subtenitaj survoje al venko, la perdanto de la bout avancos al la sekva turniro ronda anstataŭ la malfelicxan batalanto.

Se nek la gajninto nek perdinto estas sana sufiĉe por denove eniri la kaĝon, Tamen, unu el la rezervo lukton gajnintoj servos kiel anstataŭaĵo en la turniro kampo.

"Nia turniro vicigo estas oficiale kompleta kun la aldono de tiuj matchups, kaj ni antaŭĝojas havi la kvar talentaj batalantoj selektitaj por tiuj du gravaj bataloj, konkuri sur tiu historia karto kaj esti pretaj eniri la ununura-elimina konkurso se necese,?? Dirita Monda Serios de Fighting PrezidantoPatro Chiefs.

La 31-jaro-malnova Burley (6-1) de Gilbert, Ariz. serĉas reveni al formi post suferado lia unua kariero blemish, unua ronda (:32) KO (stampilon) al manoj de plenumebla veterano kaj unu el la ok turniro konkursantoj, Brian Foster, ĉe WSOF 23 septembro 18.

Antaŭ la malvenko, Burley estis naskita unu el MMA plej varmaj perspektivoj, registrante venkojn en siaj unuaj ses profesiaj bataloj, inkludante tria raŭndo (3:40) TKO (Stampiloj) de samrangaj leviĝanta stelo Bubba Jenkins, post unbeaten career as an amateur. Four of Burley’s six caReer gajnas venis tra (T)KO aŭ submetado.

Condon (12-8) de Victorville, Calif. estas ankaŭ rigardanta al return al la venko kolumno en kiu estos lia tria komenco por Monda Serio de Batalado, sekvante unuaniman decidon defmanĝi Al Nick Newell ĉe WSOF 20 Sur aprilo 10.

En sia varba debuto sur Januaro 17, the 29-year-old Condon submitted Jonatan Nunez kun gilotino ĉokilo en la tria raŭndo (4:22) de batalo ĉe WSOF 17.

La 35-jaro-malnova Madrido (8-3) de Phoenix venas suferintojn grandioza, unua raŭndo (1:26) submetiĝo (malantaŭ-nuda ĉokilo) venko super Jeff Fletcher ĉe WSOF 23. The win snapped a three-fight skid that came after Madrid had reeled off wins in his first seven professional career fights, strion kiu daŭris dum kvar jaroj inter 2009 Kaj 2013.

Mustapayev (3-1) De Albuquerque, N.M. tra Moskvo, Rusio faros lian World Series of Fighting debut kaj riskos perfekta, 3-0 run ke li estas meze de ĉi tiu jaro.

Membro de Greg Jackson'S kaj Mike Winklejohn'S fama lukton teamo, Mustapayev estas freŝa ekstere impresa, unua raŭndo (3:10) TKO (Stampiloj) De Jarel Askew en konkursparigo kiu okazis de aŭgusto 29.

Alprezigita el $29.99, biletoj por "WSOF 25: Ok-Man Lightweight Tournament "estas sur vendo ĉe la Comerica Teatro giĉeto kaj ankaŭ rete ĉe Ticketmaster.com kaj WSOF.com.

En unu krampo de la ok-vira turniro amafero, Ludoviko "Baboon" Palomino (23-11) de Miami, Fla. Kvadratos ekstere kun Riĉaj Patishnock (6-2) de Oriento Stroudsberg, Pa., Dum Brian Foster (23-7) de Sallisaw, Okla. estos kolizias kun Joao Zeferino(18-6) de Florianopolis, Sankta Catarina, Brazilo.

En la kontraŭa krampo, Brian "La Bandito" Cobb (20-8) De Bakersfield, Calif. Batalos Mike "La marsano" Ricci (10-4) De Montreal, Kebekio, Kanado, DumIslamo Mamedov (12-1) de Jersey City, N.J. tra Derbent, Dagestano, Rusio alfrontos Georgo "Makako" Patiño (38-15-2, 1 NC) De Houston, Teksaso tra Sao Paulo, Brazilo.

La gajnanto de la contienda inter Palomino kaj Patishnock renkontos la gajninton de la lukto inter Foster kaj Zeferino en la duonfinalo stadio de la turniro, dum la gajninto de la batalo inter Cobb kaj Ricci estos akordis for kun la venkinto de la batalo inter Mamedov kaj Patiño en la duonfinalo stadio de la evento.

La du semifinal stadio winners alfrontos niajn championship ronda.

En la malpeza ko-ĉefa okazaĵo, Jason "La Kansasurbo Bandito" Alta (18-5) De Kansasa Urbo, Mo. volo duko ĝi eksteren kun Estevan "El Terrible" Payan (16-8, 1 NC) de Tempe, Ariz.

Pordoj ĉe Comerica Teatro malfermos je 6 P.M. MT, Kaj la unua vico komencos #?e 7 P.M.

Pliaj vicoj estos anoncita baldaŭ.

Pri Monda Serio de Batalado (WSOF)
“Monda Serio de Batalado” (WSOF.com) estas mondo larĝe ĉefranga profesia Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) batali promocio dediĉis al liveranta la plej bonan agon-plenplena luktojn por lukton ŝatantoj de produktanta la plej bona ebla partio-ups inter elitaj batalantoj el la tuta mondo. Por pli da informo bonvolu vizito WSOF.com. Sekvi “Monda Serio de Batalado” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries Kaj “Monda Serio de Batalado” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.

Weekly Fight Network MMA programming schedule (Oct. 26-Nov. 1, 2015)

(Usono. nur horarojn krom alie indikitaj. Por plena kanada horaro, #Pla?i viziton Tv.Fightnetwork.Com from your region.)
Batala Reto Estas 24/7 Televida kanalo #dedi?i kompletigi priraportadon de militaj sportoj. ?i aeraj programoj koncentrita sur la tuta amplekso de la milita sporta varo, Inkluzivanta vivajn batalojn kaj supre-al-la-eta sciigo kaj analizo por #memkontra?a militaj artoj, Kickboxing, Profesia luktado, Tradiciaj militaj artoj, Boksanta, Batala sciigo, Tiel kiel batalo-themed drama serio, dokumentarioj kaj #?efa?o filmoj.
Malsupre trovi #?efa?o de #?i tiu semajno’s programaro:
Lundo, Oct. 26
7:00 P.M. ET – 5 Rondoj – Batalu Network John Ramdeen kaj Robin Black invitas specialaj gastoj al rompo la semajnfino de MMA ago.
7:30 P.M. ET & 11:30 P.M. ET– Batala Sciigo Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
Mardo, Oct. 27
1:30 .M. ET – XPTV – Priraportado de regiona Usono. Profesia kaj amatora MMA eventoj.
5:00 & 5:30 P.M. ETXtreme Batalada #?ampioneco – Florido-bazita profesiulo MMA featuring supro amerikaj perspektivoj, internaciaj steloj kaj UFCaj veteranoj.
6:00 P.M. & 10 P.M. ET — – 5 Rondigas #Hodia? – Video podcast kun John Ramdeen kaj Robin Black detruado larĝan varion de temoj en la MMA mondo, Inkluzivanta #anta?prezento de okazontaj eventoj kaj #?iuj la plej lastaj onidiroj kaj fraplinioj.
8:00 P.M. ET – 5 Rondoj – Batalu Network John Ramadeen kaj Robin Black invitas specialaj gastoj al rompo la semajnfino de MMA ago.
8:30 P.M. ET – Batala Sciigo Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
11:00 P.M. ETHard Knocks Batalanta 46Featuring Jesse Arnett vs. Dimitri Waardenburg for the Hard Knocks bantamweight title from Oct. 24, 2015 En Calgary, Kanado.
Merkredo, Oct. 28
5:00 P.M. ETTeksasa Batalo Nokto – MMAa ago de Teksaso prezentanta la Solan Stelan Staton’s pintaj perspektivoj en la kaĝo.
6:00 P.M. ETPlej bone de #Ka?o Kolerego – Prezentanta klasikajn batalojn de Britio-bazita #Ka?o Kolerego organizo kun Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Viktoro Belfort, Paul Daley kaj aliaj.
7:00 P.M. ETBatala Sciigo Nun Kroma: MMAa Eldono – Kovrante ĉiuj okazintaĵoj en la MMA mondo kun ekskluziva analizo kaj trajto.
7:30P.M. ET – Batala Sciigo Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
8:00 P.M. ET#Ka?o Batalantoj Batalanta #?ampioneco 59 Featuring Jim Alers vs. Martin Svensson for the featherweight title, plus bantamweight grand prix, from Sept. 14, 2013 in Cardiff, Kimrio.
11:00 P.M. ETMMAa Disfalo kun Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompas malsupren #?iuj la okazoj en MMA, Diskutanta probablecojn, Prognozoj, Plus specialaj #?iusemajna gastoj kaj eksklusivaj intervjuoj.
11:30 P.M. ET2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Championships: Parto 4 / 4 Coverage of the 2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Championships from Las Vegas, featuring the men’s lightweight, men’s middleweight, female featherweight and Men’s super-heavyweight divisions.
#?A?do, Oct. 29
2:00 .M. ETFinfina Defia MMA 31 – Prezentanta Neil Bosko #kontra?. Tomasz Czerwinski en superpezula ago de Dec. 1, 2012 En Londono.
4:30 .M. & 10:30 .M. ETTakeDown Luktado Eztensive coverage of amateur wrestling events, Inkluzivanta la plej lastan sciigon, #Malanta?-la-scena priraportado de eventoj kaj eksklusivaj intervjuoj.
6:00 P.M. ET – #?Ampioneco Batalanta Aliancon – Profesia MMA de Florido prezentanta la #?ati de Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Sean McCorkie, Luis Palomino kaj aliaj.
7:00 P.M. ET – Batalanta Novbakitojn Aspiring kickboxers climb the ladder of success as rookies compete for a chance to become pros and get experience needed to succeed at a higher level.
8:00 P.M. ETBatala Sciigo Nun Kroma: MMAa Eldono – Kovrante ĉiuj okazintaĵoj en la MMA mondo kun ekskluziva analizo kaj trajto.
8:30P.M. ET – Batala Sciigo Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
9:00 P.M. ETEnfusion Viva #21: Belgio Professional kickboxing featuring Nordin Ben Moh vs. Sergio Sanchez, Brice Guidon vs. Dexter Suisse and Anke Van Gestel vs. Aleide Lawant for the -61 kg world championship from Oct. 10,k 2015 in Gent, Belgio.
11:00 P.M. ETMMAa Disfalo kun Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompas malsupren #?iuj la okazoj en MMA, Diskutanta probablecojn, Prognozoj, Plus specialaj #?iusemajna gastoj kaj eksklusivaj intervjuoj.
Vendredo, Oct. 30
12:00 .M. & 11 .M. ET?i’s Showtime #Speciala?o – La monda’s superega kickboxing organizo prezentanta Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef kaj Giorgio Petrosyan.
5:00 P.M. ET – Batalanta Novbakitojn Aspiring kickboxers climb the ladder of success in the sport as rookies compete for a chance to become professional and get experience needed to succeed at a higher level.
6:00 P.M. ET – M-1 Defio Pro MMA from Europe featuring top rising prospect and international stars.
7:00 P.M. ETBatala Sciigo Nun Kroma: MMAa Eldono – Kovrante ĉiuj okazintaĵoj en la MMA mondo kun ekskluziva analizo kaj trajto.
7:30P.M. ET – Batala Sciigo Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
9:00 P.M. ETPiedfingro 2 Toe with Chung Lee Sit-down interviews with Sanshou specialist and UFC middleweight star Chung Lee.
9:30 P.M. ETKSW 23: Khalidov #kontra?. Manhoef Featuring Mamde Khakidov vs. Melvin Manhoef, Sean McCorkle vs. Mariusz Pudzianowski and Kendall Grove vs. Michal Materia from June 8, 2013 En Gdansk, Pollando.
Sabato, Oct. 31
6:00 .M. ETPlej bone de TKO – Featuring George St-Pierre vs. Travis Galbraith de UCC 11.
7:00 .M. ETPlej bone de Gladiatora Defio – Prezentanta Urijah Faber kontraŭ. David Velasquez de Gladiatora Defio 27.
8:00 .M. ETPlej bone de SportFight – Pinta superkvalita MMA de la Pacifika Nordokcidento. Hosted by UFC veterans Matt LIndland and Chael Sonnen. This episode features Brian Caraway and Ian Loveland in action.
2:00 P.M. ETKSW 32: Road to WembleyLIVE MMA featuring Mariusz Pudzianowski vs. Peter Graham, Borys Mankowski vs. Jesse Taylor for the KSW welterweight title, Tomasz Narkun vs. Goran Reijic for the KSW light heavyweight title, plus James McSweeney vs. Marcin vs. Marcin Rozalski, from London’s Wembley Stadium.
8:00 P.M. ETBatala Sciigo Nun Kroma: MMAa Eldono – Kovrante ĉiuj okazintaĵoj en la MMA mondo kun ekskluziva analizo kaj trajto.
8:30P.M. ET – Batala Sciigo Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
9:00 P.M. ET2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Championships: Parto 1 / 4 Coverage of the 2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Championships from Las Vegas, featuring the the men’s flyweight, female strawweight and men’s heavyweight divisions.
10:30 P.M. ET2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Championships: Parto 2 / 4 Coverage of the 2015 IMMAF Amateur MMA Championships from Las Vegas, featuring the men’s bantamweight, female flyweight and men’s light heavyweight division.
#Diman?o, Nov. 1
6:00 .M. ETPancrase #Klasika?o – Klasika pionira MMA bataloj prezentanta Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nomi Marquardt, Chael Sonnen kaj aliaj.
11:00 .M. ETPlej bone de ADCC– Trajtoj compilaciones de la plej granda Grappling matĉoj iam tenis, Prezentanta Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza kaj Royler Gracie.
12:00 P.M. ETElita Muay Thai: Tajlando #kontra?. Kontestanto – La plej granda Muay Thai serio en la mondo featuring premio internacia stand-up batalantoj prenante sur la renoma Tajlando Nacia Teamo.
5:30 P.M. ET – 2014 Ĵudo Tyumen Grandŝlemo – Ĉefaĵoj de la 2014 Judo Tyumen Grand Slam from Julio 12-13, 2014 En Rusio.
6:00 P.M. ET – Batalanta Spiritan MMA Sezono 4 – Kompilo de internaciaj bataloj de SFL, Legendo FFC, M-1 kaj pli.
11:00 P.M. ET – Enfusion Viva #18: AmsterdamoPro kickboxing from Amsterdam, Nederlando, featuring top international and rising prospects.
Pepi & Instagram @fightnet




UNCASVILLE, Conn. (Oct. 23, 2015) ? Rafael Carvalho (12-1) won the title that was vacated by Brandon Halsey (9-1) after missing weight in his last appearance, finishing the former undefeated fighter during an enthralling middleweight encounter in the main event of ”Bellator 144: Halsey #kontra?. Carvalho. "

Carvalho had the belt wrapped around his waist by Bellator MMA President Scott Coker after sending Halsey to the mat in a heap, with a perfectly placed liver kick in front of a packed house at the Mohegan Sun Arena.


“I want to thank my team for everything,” Carvalho said after the win. “I have believed in myself from the beginning and I knew this time would come.”


The 29-year-old Brazilian fighter was an exorbitant underdog heading into the matchup, but as the saying goes, that’s why they fight. The next time Carvalho enters an arena, his banner will now hang from the rafters.

Ward Stops Olson to the Delight of Partisan Crowd

Much like the last time Brennan Kvartalo (12-3) competed in his homestate of Connecticut, “Irish” caught Dennis Olson (14-10) with a right hand that sent“The Menace” to the mat, where Ward quickly pounced and forced the hand of referee John McCarthy. The finish came at 4:37 de la malfermaĵrondo.


Olson proved to be tough enough to withstand multiple flurries from Ward, even landing an upkick that seemed to hurt Ward when he tried to score a finish early. But Ward refused to let up, making sure he sent his friends and family home with a smile on their faces.


“I’m a hometown guy. Dennis and I talked a lot of stuff before the fight, but it was a battle in there. I have nothing but respect for him. He’s tough as hell. He almost knocked me out off his back with an elbow.


“I love this arena and my hometown fans, I was just trying to be patient, but he’s tough on the ground. My coach and dad told me that if I’m patient and land the right hand then the rest would be history.” Ward said. ?[Andrey] Koreshkov is a tough dude, if I’m next in line then hopefully we can bang out.”


There are plenty of matchups that make sense for a striker the caliber of Ward, Bellator MMA fans will need to keep close tabs as 2016 quickly approaches.

Yamauchi Equals Featherweight Submission Record

The Bellator MMA debut of Isao Kobayashi (17-3) didn’t go as planned at “Bellator 144: Halsey #kontra?. Carvalho,? Kiel Goiti Yamauchi (19-2) finished the Japanese fighter with a rear-naked choke submission at 3:50 of the final frame.


Kun la gajno, Yamauchi tied former Bellator MMA Featherweight Champion Pat Curran, Daniel Straus, Alexandre Bezerra and Marlon Sandro for most submissions (15) in 145-pound history.


After the contest, the 22-year-old had some pointed words for current featherweight champion Patricio Freire.


“It feels great to get the victory, Kobayashi is a tough opponent. I feel my performance was good. We trained hard to improve my technique and I had a big performance today,” Yamauchi said. “Patricio, I know you will beat Daniel Straus. Accept my fight afterwards. I will be the next champion.”

”Venom” Showcases Ground Game in Opening Round Finish

In the opening main card bout at “Bellator 144: Halsey #kontra?. Carvalho,? Mikaelo #Pa?o (9-0) remained undefeated after finishing Charlie Ontiveros (6-4) with vicious elbows at 3:20 en la unua raŭndo.


Antaŭe, “Venom” has usually showcased his striking while standing upright, but on Friday, Page quickly took dominant position on the mat against his opponent and dropped perfectly placed elbows to the jaw of Ontiveros, forcing the Bellator MMA newcomer to verbally submit.


“I know I can finish anyone. I know I don’t have to prove anything. Mi esperas ke li estas bone, I’m sorry I finished it like that, but you know I like to impress people,” Page said following the fight. “It’s down to Bellator and my coaches as to what happens next, but whoever they put in front of me the same thing is going to happen.”


Kun la gajno, Page has now finished eight of his nine wins as a professional in the opening round, a trend that the 28-year-old hopes to parlay into a title shot sooner rather than later.

Prepara Karto Rezultoj:

Kemran Lachinov (1-1) Def. Ilya Kotau (1-0) tra submetado (Kneebar) 2:57, R2

Damien Trites (7-6) Def. Keenan Raymond (2-2) tra submetado (Kimura) 1:17, R2

Kin Moy (8-2) Def. Walter Smith-Cotito (3-4) tra submetado (Rear-Naked Choke) 3:53, R3

Billy Giovanella (9-4) Def. Brandon Polcare (1-1) tra submetado (Triangle Choke) 2:19, R1

Matt Bessette (16-7) Def. Kevin Roddy (15-16) tra submetado (kalkanhoko) 3:47, R1

Kevin Haley (4-3) Def. mike Zichelle (7-4) Tra unuanima decido (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

matt Secor (7-2) Def. Jeremie Holloway (7-1) tra submetado (kalkanhoko) 4:54, R2

Marius Enache (3-3) Def. Pete Rogers Jr. (3-2) tra submetado (Americana) 2:37, R2

sam Watford (1-0) Def. TJ Hepburn (4-2) Tra unuanima decido (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Lewiston, Majno (Oktobro 23, 2015) ?? Novaj Angliaj Bataloj (NEF), Ameriko’s nombro-unu regiona batala #anta?enigo, tenos lian proksiman okazaĵon, “NEF Jarcento: Historio de Perforto” Sur Sabato, Novembro 21, 2015 ĉe la Androscoggin Banko Colisée en Lewiston, Majno. The event will feature a first for Maine – #Memkontra?a-milita-artoj (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. Pli frue hodiaŭ, the promotion announced the full fight card for the event.


The professional boxing portion of the card will be headlined by Northeast Junior Welterweight Champion Brandon “La Cannon” Bero (9-1) in an eight-round bout against former Mexican Pacific Coast Super Featherweight Champion Roberto “El ViejoValenzuela (73-69-2, 56 KOs). Berry triumphantly returned to action last summer after suffering a severe shoulder injury in a November 2014 Vico.


A very hungry Josh Parker (0-1) Revenoj al la ringo alfronti Elias “#Dan?ero Muso” Leland (0-0) in a four-rounder. Parker and Leland are well known to NEF fans as regulars on the promotion’s MMA events. Parker is the founder and head coach of Ruthless MMA & Boxing in Benton, Majno. Leland is a member of Jay Jack and Amanda Buckner’s Academy of MMA in Portland, Majno.


Krome, Ernesto Ornelas (0-0), a professional MMA fighter from the Choi Institute in Portland, returns to his boxing roots in his pro ring debut against Brandon Ali Garvin (0-4). Ornelas was a multiple time Golden Gloves champion as an amateur boxer in his native state of California.


Middleweights Tollison Lewis (1-0) Kaj ZenonKa’Bar” Forĝistino (0-0) will round out the boxing card. Lewis won his pro boxing debut in the first NEF boxing event in October 2014 over veteran John Webster (8-7-1), while Herrera, an experienced MMA fighter and kickboxer, is a nine-year veteran of the US military, having completed numerous tours of the Middle East where he saw combat in the Battle of Fallujah in Iraq.


On the professional MMA portion of the fight card, Bruce “#Sufi?e Knabo” Boyington (11-8) will defend the NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Title in a five-round bout against the challenge of Jimmy “Jimbo Slice” Davidson (7-1). Boyington is coming off a huge win last weekend against Rodrigo Almeida (12-3) on the undercard of a World Series of Fighting (WSOF) nationally-televised event. The challenger Davidson is no stranger to gold, having captured other MMA titles in the New England region. He represents world-renown Muay Thai team Sityodtong.


In one of the most highly anticipated MMA fights in New England history, former NEF MMA Professional Featherweight Champion Ray “#?Iuj Komerca” Wood (6-1) Prenas sur VovkaKGBClay (3-0). Recognized as two of the most promising prospects in the area, Wood and Clay are both predicted by pundits to be future candidates for the major leagues of the sport.


Crowsneck Boutin (1-1) will look to rebound from his first professional loss last month when he meets Matt Bordonaro (2-0). The bout will be a rematch from their amateur days when Bordonaro defeated Boutin by submission at “NEF IX” en Biddeford, Majno. It will also be Boutin’s debut in the 170-pound welterweight division.


Two title bouts will headline the amateur MMA portion of the “NEF Jarcento” lukton karto. Dustin Veinott (4-3) defends the NEF MMA Amateur Flyweight Title against Ryan Burgess (1-0), Dum Aaron “Malcedema” Lacey (5-1) does battle with Caleb Horner (6-2) to crown an inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion. A women’s strawweight fight will feature Randi Beth Boyington (1-1) alfrontanta Erin “Fun Size” Lamonte (3-0).


This card has something for everyone,” said NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “You like MMA? We got it. You like boxing? We got it. You like the heavyweights? We got ’em. You like women’s fights? We got ’em. This is like the Super Bowl of NEF events. This is the one event you simply cannot afford to miss.


Promotion executives further announced that the “NEF Jarcento” event will be dedicated to the memory of NEF staff member Susan Isham, 47, who lost her life in a tragic car accident last weekend in Bethel, Majno. Susan had worked backstage for the promotion beginning in 2013, handling check-ins at the backdoor of the Colisée. She was a beloved mother and grandmother, known for her hard work ethic and charming, upbeat personality. Susan was involved in many causes in the Bethel community.


We’re all still in shock at Susan’s sudden passing last Friday,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “She was a valued member of the NEF team, a good friend, and a kind, charitable person. She will be missed by all who knew her. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this difficult time. ‘NEF XXwill be proudly dedicated to her memory.


La “NEF Jarcento” lukton karto (Submeti #?an?i kaj aprobo de la Milita Sporta #A?toritato de Majno):


Profesia boksado


140 Brandon Berry 9-1 (West Forks) vs Roberto Valenzuela 73-69-2 (Romanza Gym)

155 Tollison Lewis 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Zenon Herrera 0-0 (Sendependa)

140 Josh Parker 0-1 (Senkompata MMA & Boksanta) vs Elias Leland 0-0 (AMMA)

118 Ernesto Ornelas 0-0 (Choi Institute) vs Brandon Ali Garvin 0-4 (Frazier’s)


Profesia MMA


155*TITOLO Bruce Boyington 10-8 (C) (Boyington’s TKD) vs Jimmy Davidson 7-1 (Sityodtong)

205 Matt Andrikut 1-0 (Conviction MMA) vs Jesse Baughman 0-0 (Team Link)

170 Crowsneck Boutin 1-1 (Choi Institute) vs Matt Bordonaro 2-0 (Victory MMA)

150 Jon Lemke 4-3 (Teamaj irlandanoj) vs Matt Denning 2-0 (CMBJJ)

145 Ray Wood 5-1 (Juna?? MMA) vs Vovka Clay 3-0 (Boston BJJ NH)

145 Derek Shorey 3-2 (Shatterproof Batala Klubo) vs Damon Owens 2-0 (Juna?? MMA)

125 Kevin Barrett 0-0 (Juna?? MMA) vs James Alexander 1-10 (F2 Areno)


Amateur MMA


145 *TITOLO Aaron Lacey 5-1 (Juna?? MMA) vs Caleb Horner 6-2 (F2 Areno)

125 *TITOLO Dustin Veinott 4-3 (C) (CMBJJ) vs Ryan Burgess 1-0 (Berserkers MMA)

265 Bryce Bamford 0-0 (Unua Klasa MMA) vs Bryce Locke 0-0 (Sendependa)

200 Jacob Cameron 1-5 (Sendependa) vs Victor Irwin 0-0 (Juna?? MMA)

225 Joe Krech 0-0 (Sendependa) vs Mike Williams 0-0 (CMBJJ)

185 Ruben Redman 1-3 (Mass Effect MMA) vs Caleb Farrington 2-0 (Teama NEU)

185 Dominique Bailey 0-1 (Sendependa) vs Anthony Spires 0-0 (Sendependa)

175 Caleb Swoveland 0-0 (Senkompata MMA & Boksanta) #Kontra? TBD

155 Ricky Dexter 3-2 (Teamaj irlandanoj) vs Steve Bang 3-3 (CMBJJ)

155 Rafael Velado 1-0 (Unua Klasa MMA) vs Ken Dunn 0-2 (Maine Kyokushin Karate)

155 CJ Ewer 4-2 (Juna?? MMA) vs Jason Lachance 2-2 (MMA Athletix)

155 Matt Hanning 1-1 (Sendependa) vs Levi Sewall 0-0 (Juna?? MMA)

145 Caleb Halo 5-3 (Choi Institute) vs Matt Tamayo 0-0 (F2 Areno)

140 David Thompson 0-1 (Shatterproof Batala Klubo) vs Pierce Wiegman 0-0 (Unua Klasa MMA)

125 Justin Witham 0-3 (Shatterproof Batala Klubo) vs Brent Ouellette 0-0 (CMBJJ)

115 Erin LaMonte 3-0 (Gracie Prepariteco) vs Randi Beth Boyington 1-1 (Boyington’s TKD)


Novaj Angliaj Bataloj’ sekva evento, “NEF Jarcento: Historio de Perforto,” Okazas sur Novembro 21, 2015 ĉe la Androscoggin Banko Colisée en Lewiston, Majno. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Biletoj por “NEF Jarcento” Komenco #?e nura $25 Kaj estas sur vendo nun #?eWww.thecolisee.com #A? de vokanta la Colis?E skatola oficejo #?e 207.783.2009 X 525. Por pli da informo sur la evento kaj batala karto ĝisdatigoj, bonvolu viziti la retejon de la promocio ĉe Www.newenglandfights.com. Krome, vi povas rigardi NEF-filmetojn ĉe Www.youtube.com/nefmma, Sekvi ilin sur Pepi @nefights kaj #ali?i la oficialan Facebook grupo ??Ew Angliaj Bataloj.?


Pri Novaj Angliaj Bataloj


Novaj Angliaj Bataloj (??EF?) Estas batala eventa #anta?enigo firmao. NEF?? Misio estas krei la plej altajn superkvalitajn eventojn por Majno?? batalantoj kaj fervoruloj egale. NEF?? Administra teamo havas vastan sperton en milita sporta administrado, Eventa produktado, Amaskomunikilaraj rilatoj, Merkatumanta, #La?le?a kaj reklamado.


IMG has secured distribution for World Series of Fighting programming
in over 70 countries and territories internationally since 2013

LASa VEGAS (Oktobro 21, 2015) – IMG, a global leader in sport, fashion and media, and world championship Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sports franchise World Series of Fighting, have renewed their international media rights distribution agreement, ?i estis anoncita #hodia?.

“IMG has been a tremendous partner for our growing MMA sports franchise, so we are thrilled to continue our relationship that has helped expand World Series of Fighting’s footprint on television all over the globe,"Diris World Series of Fighting CEO Carlos Silva.

Hillary Mandel, SVP, Head of Media North America for IMG said, “We are delighted to be extending our relationship with World Series of Fighting, and help them continue to grow their worldwide audience. The events have proven to be extremely popular with fight fans and viewers all over the globe, and we are looking forward to continuing to expand the reach and awareness.”

Since the two companies initially struck a deal in 2013, IMG has effectively placed World Series of Fighting programming in over 70 countries and territories around the world, including Australia, Brazilo, Germanio, Japanio, Peru and Russia. The U.S. rights are held by NBC and NBCSN.

In June, combat sports television channel, Batala Reto, signed on to distribute World Series of Fighting events in Canada as well as in over 30 countries in Europe, Africa and The Middle East.

World Series of Fighting boasts a stellar, fast-growing roster of both elite level MMA talent, including renowned superstars Jake Shields, Jon Fitch, Yushin “Thunder” Okami, David Branĉo Kaj Tyrone "Reĝo de la Ringo" Spong, as well as a collection of home grown world champions and rising stars, such as undefeated Justin “The Highlight” Gaethje, Okazaĵo Palmer, Marlon MoraesKaj Timur Valiev.

Live World Series of Fighting action returns to NBCSN from Phoenix, Ariz. SurVendredo, Nov. 20 #?E 9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT when, for the first time in its three-year history, the company will roll out a one-night, eight-man elimination tournament in its lightweight (155 Funtoj) divido. The winner, who will have fought three times that night, will be named the number one contender and next challenger for Gaethje’s lightweight crown.

Pri Monda Serio de Batalado (WSOF)
“Monda Serio de Batalado” (WSOF.com) estas mondo larĝe ĉefranga profesia Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) batali promocio dediĉis al liveranta la plej bonan agon-plenplena luktojn por lukton ŝatantoj de produktanta la plej bona ebla partio-ups inter elitaj batalantoj el la tuta mondo. Por pli da informo bonvolu vizito WSOF.com. Sekvi “Monda Serio de Batalado” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries Kaj “Monda Serio de Batalado” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.


PRO TIO KE TUJA ELKARCERIGO: Lewiston, Majno (Oktobro 20, 2015) ?? Novaj Angliaj Bataloj (NEF), Ameriko’s nombro-unu regiona batala #anta?enigo, is proud to announce that the promotion’s reigning professional mixed-martial-arts (MMA) middleweight champion will compete on the Bellator card this Friday, Oktobro 23, 2015 #?E la Mohegan Suna Areno en Uncasville, Konektikuto. Reigning NEF MMA Professional Middleweight Champion Ruthless” mike Zichelle (7-3) Alfrontos Kevin Haley (3-3) on the preliminary card of “Bellator 144: Halsey #kontra?. Carvalho.The bout will take place in the light-heavyweight division at a weight of 205-pounds. For those unable to make it to Mohegan Sun #?I tiu vendredo, the preliminary card will begin streaming live at 7:00 Pm Sur www.Bellator.com.


Zichelle joins NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion Bruce “#Sufi?e Knabo” Boyington (11-8) and NEF MMA Professional Heavyweight ChampionTylerThe Marauder” King (9-4) as the third NEF titleholder to compete on a national fight card in a six-day period. Both Boyington and King fought on the World Series of Fighting (WSOF) event last Saturday at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Konektikuto. Zichelle has held the NEF middleweight title since winning it atNEF XII” en februaro 2014. He is a member of Boston BJJ of Nashua, Nov-Hampŝiro.


Fighting for NEF gave me a platform to make a name far from home, and it gave me a chance to establish relationships with some amazing people from the state of Maine,” said Zichelle. “I am honored to represent the people of Maine because I absolutely love how passionate they are about fighting, so to be their champion is awesome. Time and time again, champions from NEF get the call to fight in the big show and I’m another example of that. I have only been taking this sport seriously for three fights and with a 3-0 record and being the NEF Middleweight Champion, I got the call up to the big leagues! I am so excited to showcase everything that I have been working on and if there is anything I look forward to, it’s the reaction from everyone when they see me fight in just a couple weeks and people compare the version of me that fought for the title in 2014 because a lot has changed between now and then. Thank you to Matt Peterson (NEF co-owner and matchmaker) and thank you to NEF for the opportunity to become a champion in this sport and most importantly thank you to the fans! Stay passionate! I look forward to putting on a show for Maine down the road!”


Novaj Angliaj Bataloj’ sekva evento, “NEF Jarcento: Historio de Perforto,” Okazas sur Novembro 21, 2015 ĉe la Androscoggin Banko Colisée en Lewiston, Majno. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Biletoj por “NEF Jarcento” Komenco #?e nura $25 Kaj estas sur vendo nun #?eWww.thecolisee.com #A? de vokanta la Colis?E skatola oficejo #?e 207.783.2009 X 525. Por pli da informo sur la evento kaj batala karto ĝisdatigoj, bonvolu viziti la retejon de la promocio ĉe Www.newenglandfights.com. Krome, vi povas rigardi NEF-filmetojn ĉe Www.youtube.com/nefmma, Sekvi ilin sur Pepi @nefights kaj #ali?i la oficialan Facebook grupo ??Ew Angliaj Bataloj.?


Pri Novaj Angliaj Bataloj


Novaj Angliaj Bataloj (??EF?) Estas batala eventa #anta?enigo firmao. NEF?? Misio estas krei la plej altajn superkvalitajn eventojn por Majno?? batalantoj kaj fervoruloj egale. NEF?? Administra teamo havas vastan sperton en milita sporta administrado, Eventa produktado, Amaskomunikilaraj rilatoj, Merkatumanta, #La?le?a kaj reklamado.


Plus: Jason High faces Estevan Payan in WSOF 25 co-main event

Biletoj sur vendo nun

LASa VEGAS (Oktobro 17, 2015) -World Serio de Batalado (WSOF.com) announced #?I-nokte during its live NBCSN telecast of “WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami,” the quarterfinal stage matchups and brackets for its historic, unu-nokto, eight-man tournament that will crown its winner the new number one contender in the promotion’s coveted lightweight (155 pound) divido, at “WSOF 25: Eight-Man Lightweight Tournament,?? Sur Vendredo, Nov. 20, vivi sur NBCSN ĉe 9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT de Comerica Teatro en Fenikso, Ariz.

Cetere, a lightweight co-main event pitting Jason "La Kansasurbo Bandito" Alta against fellow battle-tested star and World Series of Fighting newcomer Estevan "El Terrible" Payan was announced for WSOF 25.

“We are excited about the star-studded lineup and incredible matchups we have assembled for the first World Series of Fighting one-night tournament in history,"Diris Monda Serio de Batalado Prezidanto Patro Chiefs. “Combined with an outstanding co-main event between Jason High and Estevan Payan, this is a must-see event for any fight fan.”

En unu turniro krampo, Ludoviko "Baboon" Palomino (23-11) de Miami, Fla., eksplodanta alia "Lukto de la Monato" prezento ĉe WSOF 23 En septembro, estos akordis for kun leviĝanta stelo Riĉaj Patishnock (6-2) de Oriento Stroudsberg, Pa., Dum Brian Foster (23-7) de Sallisaw, Okla., freŝa suferintojn tondran, unua raŭndo (:32) KO de antaŭe unbeaten LaRue Burley ĉe WSOF 23, estos kolizias kun strieco submetiĝo sorĉisto Joao Zeferino (18-6) de Florianopolis, Sankta Catarina, Brazilo.

En la kontraŭa krampo, luktado kaj submetiĝo as Brian "La Bandito" Cobb(20-8) De Bakersfield, Calif. Batalos Firas Zahabi-trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt Mike "La marsano" Ricci (10-4) De Montreal, Kebekio, Kanado, Dum Islamo Mamedov (12-1) de Jersey City, N.J. tra Derbent, Dagestano, Rusio metos sian fenomenan, 11-batali venksinsekvo sur la linion kontraŭ kvin-tempaj, unu-nokta turniro gajninto kaj Ĵudo kaj brazila ĵuĵicuo nigra zono Georgo "Makako" Patiño (38-15-2, 1 NC) De Houston, Teksaso tra Sao Paulo, Brazilo.

La gajninto de la kvaronfinalon stadio bout inter Palomino kaj Patishnock renkontos la gajninton de la lukto inter Foster kaj Zeferino en la duonfinalo stadio de la ununura-elimino amafero, kaj la gajninto de la konkursparigo inter Cobb kaj Ricci alfrontos la gajninton de la vico inter Mamedov kaj Patiño en la duonfinalo stadio de la turniro.

The two semifinal stage victors will face off against each other for the tournament championship and the right to challenge reigning, undefeated World Series of Fighting lightweight champion Justin Gaethje.

High (18-5) De Kansasa Urbo, Mo. will look to establish his presence in the World Series of Fighting lightweight division after defeating top-level competition elsewhere in the U.S. as well as in Japan, where the 34-year-old made his initial mark in the sport by collecting wins in the now defunct DREAM and K-1 promotions, and followed up his stellar performances overseas with a perfect, 3-0 run in the Strikeforce cage.

Another former Strikeforce standout, the 33-year-old Payan (16-8, 1 NC) de Tempe, Ariz. has also scrapped with notable adversaries, and has imposed his will with dangerous punching power. Payan is looking for his second straight victory after scoring a third round (2:45) KO sur Roberto Young with a barrage of punches on Junio 6.

Alprezigita el $29.99, biletoj por "WSOF 25: Ok-Man Lightweight Tournament "estas sur vendo ĉe la Comerica Teatro giĉeto kaj ankaŭ rete ĉe Ticketmaster.com kaj WSOF.com.

World Series of Fighting will announce additional details concerning the format and rules of the tournament soon.

Pri Monda Serio de Batalado (WSOF)
“Monda Serio de Batalado” (WSOF.com) estas mondo larĝe ĉefranga profesia Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) batali promocio dediĉis al liveranta la plej bonan agon-plenplena luktojn por lukton ŝatantoj de produktanta la plej bona ebla partio-ups inter elitaj batalantoj el la tuta mondo. Por pli da informo bonvolu vizito WSOF.com. Sekvi “Monda Serio de Batalado” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries Kaj “Monda Serio de Batalado” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.




Sixth annual event raises funds for wounded soldiers and their families

Sabato, Oktobro 17, 2015 Porda turniro #?e 5 P.M.


Biletoj Sur Vendo Nun!!!


Aĉeti biletojn, #Pla?i viziton www.tuffnuff.com or the Brooklyn Bowl box office.


LASa VEGAS – The nation’s premier amateur mixed martial arts (MMA) organization, Tuff-N-Uff Uff is teaming up with Randy Couture for its sixth annual Round 6: Operation Knockout event Saturday, Oktobro 17, 2015.


Now in its sixth year, “Round 6: Operation Knockout” is an annual Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event that was created to help raise funds and awareness for wounded soldiers and their families. This year’s event will be held at the Brooklyn Bowl. Porda turniro #?e 5 P.M. and tickets are available starting at just $25 through www.tuffnuff.com or online Http://www.brooklynbowl.com at Brooklyn Bowl or by visiting the Brooklyn Bowlir box office.


Following five successful years, Operation Knockout continues to grow in size and finds a new home at the Brooklyn Bowl. This exciting, unique charity event features a night of amazing fights and a fabulous silent auction. There will be something for everyone with eight amateur MMA bouts.


Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation provides necessary support and services for wounded soldiers and their families, many of whom return with traumatic amputations, gunshot wounds, burns and blast injuries.


Operation Knockout continues to build on its efforts to raise more money and help more wounded soldiers and their families. The event has raised over $133,000 since its first year and with help of their generous sponsors and donations, the event returns this October 17th at the Brooklyn Bowl for its biggest year to date. For more information about this great event, contact Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation at 702-616-1022 or please visit www.xcgif.org.




The Xtreme Couture GI Foundation, oni 501 (C) 3 non-profit corporation, was founded by Randy Couture in 2009 to honor the veterans of America’s armed forces. The foundation was especially formed to raise money and awareness for those wounded in action and their families.

Many of the injuries are traumatic amputations, gunshot wounds, burns and blast injuries that will retire these brave men and woman from the armed forces. Even though some of these men and woman are severely injured, they have the courage, strength and determination to win this battle.

For more information on the foundation please visit: Http://www.xcgif.org.

Randy Couture served in the Army for 6 years within the 101st Airborne, is a former 6x World MMA Champion, TV and Actor Movie star who was in the Sylvester Stallone movie seriesThe Expendables I, II and III.



A 21-year old combat sports organization, the Las Vegas-based Tuff-N-Uff has presented the best amateur mixed martial arts (MMA) action in the nation since 2003, giving rise to the biggest star in the sport today, UFC bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey, as well UFC and Strikeforce veteran Ryan Couture and newly-signed UFC welterweight Alan Jouban. Tuff-N-Uff has helped grow the careers of many other MMA athletes including Jessamyn Duke, Ashlee Evans-Smith, Tonya Evinger, Jon Fitch, Jesse Forbes, Chris Holdsworth, Brad Imes, Jimmy Jones and Jesse Taylor. Je 2013, Tuff-N-Uff became the first combat sports organization to be included on the UFC International Fight Week schedule of events. Je 2014, Tuff-N-Uff presented a second event Thursday, Julio 3 live from Texas Station, earning status as the first event promotion to be listed on the UFC International Fight Week schedule three years in a row. Tuff-N-Uff celebrated its historic 21st anniversary Saturday, Junio 27, 2015, with over 16,000 fans, in a sold-out live event inside the Thomas and Mack Center. Je 2014, Tuff-N-Uff partnered with the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) to present, as part of UFC International Fight Week 2014, the first-ever amateur MMA World Championships. #Anka? je 2014, Tuff-N-Uff’s CEO, Jeff Meyer, was inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame and honored with the Crystal Award for his contributions to martial arts. Dedicated to its founder, the late Barry Meyer, Tuff-N-Uff is committed to the sport of MMA and building theFuture Stars of MMA.


Por pli da informo, visit TuffNUff.com and Follow on Twitter and Instagram/Facebook @TuffNuff and LIKE us on Facebook.com/TuffNUff.



During Operation Knockout’s ’first year in 2010, the event drew close to 300 people at Randy Couture’s Xtreme Couture Gym that featured a 10-fight exhibition with up-and-coming fighters. Additional entertainment and auction items donated from sponsors, including gym owner and MMA legend Randy Couture, helped to raise $12,000 for the charity. The event proved that MMA supporters were not only very interested in seeing excellent fights, but also in supporting those in need in their community. Continuing to grow, year two brought a partnership with Tuff-N-Uff showcasing 10 fights sanctioned by the Nevada State Athletic Commissioner, adding a new layer of legitimacy for the event. The event was also televised for the first time. Due to these efforts and great people volunteering their time and services, the event raised more than $17,000 with close to 700 people in attendance. In year three, the event brought on a new partner and a new venue with The Pearl Theatre and The Palms Hotel & Kazino. The third annual event raised even more money with $34,000 and more than 750 people in attendance. The fourth annual event was at the Texas Station in which it raised $42,000 and more than 850 people in attendance.



Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas is where locals and tourists go for a nightly eclectic blend of live music, 32 bowling lanes and five bars with an all-house made menu created and executed by brothersBruce and Eric Bromberg’s Blue Ribbon Restaurants. When there is a live show, there can be more than 2,000 concertgoers enjoying live music programming from the general admission area, as well as the multimedia bowlers’ lounges adjacent to the lanes, or the private lounge boxes overlooking it all. Since opening in March 2014, notable performances include Elvis Costello & The Roots, Jane’s Addiction, Phil Lesh & Friends, O.A.R., Smashing Pumpkins Robert Plant, and Jack White. Brooklyn Bowl is also located in Brooklyn and London, making Las Vegas its third location. Rolling Stone calls Brooklyn Bowlone of the most incredible places on Earth” Dum Usono Hodiaŭ Diras “Music lovers and food lovers finally have a spot to share the night: Brooklyn Bowl at The LINQ.” Por suplementa informo, including the most up- to-date show lineup, Vizito www.BrooklynBowl.com. To be added to the email list for information regarding upcoming shows, retpoŝto LasVegasNewsletter@BrooklynBowl.com.

Voted Best Live Music Venue in Las Vegas by Travel + Leisure

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Following in the footsteps of our original Brooklyn location, noted as “one of the most incredible places on Earth,” by ROlling Stone, we’ve stacked the deck for a truly unforgettable experience.

With three levels spanning nearly 80,000 square feet, it’s one of the largest music venues in America. Come for live concerts throughout the day and late into the night, 32 lanes of bowling, and food from New York’s famous Blue Ribbon restaurant. This is a Las Vegas experience like no other.


WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami LIVE Sat., Oct. 17 #?E 8:30 P.M. ET on Fight Network

TORONTO (Oct. 16, 2015) — Batala Reto, La monda’s #?efministro 24/7 Televida kanalo #dedi?i kompletigi priraportadon de militaj sportoj, Prezentas vivan elsendon de WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okamifrom Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Conn., #Tio ?i Sabato, Oktobro 17 #?E 8:30 P.M. ET.
Fight Network’s Monda Serio de Batalado broadcast will air live nationwide in Canada and globally in over 30 Landoj trans #E?ropo, Afriko kaj la Meza Oriento. The domestic U.S. broadcast airs on NBC Sports Network.
In the star-studded welterweight main event, Jon Fitch Bataloj YushinTunderOkami in a clash of experienced superstars.
We are excited to return to Foxwoods Resort Casino and the state of Connecticut, where we showcased our brand of world championship MMA action in front of a highly passionate audience earlier this year,” said WSOF president Patro Chiefs.
Beginning with Jon Fitch and Yushin Okami, two of the best 170-pound athletes in our entire sport,” continued Sefo, “we are assembling another card loaded with some of the top superstars and emerging stars in MMA, and we look forward to giving fans another memorable night of fights.
En la co-#?efa evento, WSOF heavyweight champion Blagoy Ivanov will put his coveted title on the line for the first time when he squares off with seasoned contender DerekCavemanMehmen.
In other action on the live Fight Network telecast, supersteluloj Vinny Magalhaes Kaj Matt “La Martelo” Hamill will make their respective WSOF debuts against each other in a light heavyweight contest.
Also returning to the cage will be local favorite “Fifama” Nick Newell, who will take on Tom Marcellino en malpeza ago.
The promotion will also crown its first flyweight champion in history as surging stars MagomedGladiatorBibulatov Kaj Donavon Frelow throw down for the crown.
All the action kicks off at 8:30 P.M. ET on Fight Network in Canada and globally in over 30 Landoj trans #E?ropo, Afriko kaj la Meza Oriento.
Por plena listero de Batala Reto’s elsenda horaro, #Pla?i viziton www.fightnetwork.com, Sekvi nin sur Pepi @fightnet, #Fari?i fervorulo sur Facebook kaj viziti nin sur Instagram @fightnet.

Video: Chael Sonnen Speaks with WSOF 24’s Vinny Magalhaes, Ali Abdelaziz


Chael Sonnen speaks with WSOF 24 star Vinny Magalhaes

Click on the image above to be re-directed to the video


MMA superstar and World Series of Fighting analyst Chael Sonnen spoke with light heavyweight (205 Funtoj) star Vinny Magalhaes as well as World Series of Fighting Senior Vice President Ali Abdelaziz before the “WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami” world championship doubleheader event that takes place tomorrow, Sabato, Oct. 17, vivi sur NBCSN ĉe 8:30 P.M. ET/5:30 P.M. PT from Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Conn.

Magalhaes (12-7) De Las Vegas, Nev. via Rio de Janeiro, Brazil will take on Matt “La Martelo” Hamill (11-5) of Loveland, Ohio in a featured bout on the five-bout NBCSN telecast.

Sonnen will call his second World Series of Fighting card on Saturday night, alongside veteran play-by-play man Todd Harris.
Chael Sonnen chats with
World Series of Fighting executive Ali Abdelaziz

Click on the image below to be re-directed to the video

Sonnen speaks with Abdelaziz about the star-studded “WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami” lukton karto.