Kategorija Arhīvs: jauktās cīņas mākslas


Lewiston, Maine (Janvāris 5, 2016) - New England cīņas (NEF), Amerikas numurs, viena reģionālā cīņa veicināšana, rīkos nākamo notikumu, “NEF 21: Nemirstīgajiem” par Sestdiena, Februāris 6, 2016 pie ANDROSCOGGIN Bank COLISEE Lewiston, Maine. The fight card is scheduled to feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Agrāk šodien, NEF announced the main event of the professional boxing portion of the “NEF 21” Cīņa karte. Northeast Junior Welterweight Champion Brandon “Cannon” Oga (10-1) will take on the undefeated Tollison Lewis (2-0) in a super welterweight contest scheduled for six rounds.


This is a classic battle of size and strength against technique,” teica NEF līdzīpašnieks un veicinātājs Nick DiSalvo. “In one corner you have a polished boxer with a solid amateur background in the form of Brandon Berry, and he will be fighting in a heavier weight class in this bout. In the other corner you have a powerful brawler with an MMA background in the form of Tollison Lewis, and he has fought most of his career at 155 and 170-pounds. You can’t script a better contrast in styles for a bout like this. Just about anything could happen. It’s anyone’s fight. It’s going to be wild in the Colisee when this one goes off.


Berry is coming off what many consider to be the defining win of his still-young professional career over gritty Mexican veteran Roberto Valenzuela (73-70-2) last November at “NEF XX.” Despite suffering a bad cut above his eye early in the fight, Berry maintained his composure and looked sharp on his way to a unanimous decision victory in the first eight-round fight of his career. The West Forks, Maine native was a 2013 Northern New England Golden Gloves champion as an amateur. The fight with Lewis is expected to be the last Berry will compete in above his usual 140-pound junior welterweight division.


It’s great to be getting back in action inside the ring so soon, especially after suffering such a nasty cut over my eye from my last fight in November,” said Berry. “Thank you NEF for putting yet another very tough opponent in front of me. Tollison is a class act in and out of the ring, and I think our styles will make a crowd pleasing bout. I remember being undefeated still and I know how important keeping the ‘0’ on the record is. Tollison is a big, strong athlete and I’m sure he will be more than prepared. Both him and I understand competition, and will most likely be friends after this event. I’m glad to be sharing this main event fight with him, and may the best man win!”


Tollison Lewis’s foray into the boxing world was unplanned. Oktobrī 2014, just 24-hours prior to the start of the firstNEF Boxing” notikums, Lewis stepped in to face boxing veteran John Webster (8-7-1) after Webster’s previous opponent fell out. NEF executives, familiar with Lewis’s striking prowess in his MMA bouts, asked Lewis to take the fight at the last minute and Lewis did not hesitate to oblige. He went on to bully Webster for four rounds, (including knocking Webster out of the ring onto the timekeeper’s table), scoring a unanimous decision victory. This past November, in yet another dominant performance in the NEF boxing ring, Lewis stopped Zenon Herrera (0-1) with a third-round TKO. A win over a boxer of Berry’s caliber, bez šaubām, would propel Lewis to the next level in the sport. Lewis is a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) in Lewiston where he trains under boxing coach Scott Frost.


Brandon is a tough guy and a good boxer,” Teica Lewis. “I’m expecting a war. I’ll be bringing everything I got, and I know he will too, but I’m planning on staying undefeated. I’m not going to run my mouth. I have a lot of respect for Berry, but fans do not want to miss this. This fight will be a war and steal the night. Thank you NEF and Brandon, let’s do it man!”


New England cīņas’ Nākamais pasākums, “NEF 21: Nemirstīgajiem,” notiekSestdiena, Februāris 6, 2016 pie ANDROSCOGGIN Bank COLISEE Lewiston, Maine. Biļetes “NEF 21” sākas tikai $25 un ir pārdošanā tagadwww.TheColisee.com vai zvanot COLISEE kasē pie 207.783.2009 x 525. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas par notikumu un cīņu karšu atjauninājumi, lūdzu, apmeklējiet veicināšanu tīmekļa vietni: www.NewEnglandFights.com. Turklāt, Jūs varat skatīties NEF videoklipus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekot viņiem Twitternefights un pievienoties oficiālo Facebook grupu "New England cīņām."


Par New England cīņās


New England cīņas ("NEF") ir cīņa notikumi akcijas kompānija. NEF misija ir radīt augstākās kvalitātes notikumus Maine ir cīnītāji un atbalstītāji. NEF izpildvaras komandai ir liela pieredze kaujas sporta vadība, notikumi ražošana, mediju attiecības, mārketings, juridisko un reklāma.


Four of 2015’s most action-packed events to air on New Year’s Day
LAS VEGAS (Decembris 30, 2015) -World Series of Fighting (WSOF.com) and NBCSN will treat fans to an action-packed, eight-hour television marathon featuring four of the world championship Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) league’s most memorable events of 2015, šis Piektdiena, Jan. 1, sākas 5 p.m. UN/2 p.m. PT.

The New Year’s Day run will kick off with a replay of WSOF22: Palhares vs. Shields, which was highlighted by a welterweight world championship fight between then-reigning champion Rousimar Palhares and superstar Jake Shields, and will conclude with a re-airing of WSOF25: 8-Man Lightweight Tournament, featuring the first one-night tournament in World Series of Fighting history.

“We are excited to head into our fourth year of league operations in 2016 un, thanks to our great television partner, NBCSN, look forward to kicking off the New Year in full force with an extensive run of programming featuring some phenomenal action from our 2015 library,"Sacīja World Series of Fighting CEO Carlos Silva.

“We are excited to provide fans with the opportunity to relive some of the incredible, world championship MMA action that highlighted a tremendous year for World Series of Fighting in 2015,” said Gary Quinn, NBC Sports Group’s vice president of programming.

The marathon will include WSOF23: Gaethje vs. Palomino that was headlined by one of the most talked about battles of the yearthe world lightweight (155 mārciņas) championship matchup between reigning, undefeated čempions Justin "Izcelt" Gaethje un Challenger Luis Palomino. The title bout was named Fight of the Month in March, and led to a worthy rematch between the two stars six months later.

Also slotted into the eight-hour programming run is WSOF24: Fitch vs. Okami, which saw two former top 10 papildsvars (170 mārciņas) superstars and decorated veterans, Jon Fitch un Yushin Okami, battle in the main event.

Live World Series of Fighting action will return to NBCSN from Memphis, Tenn. parSestdiena, Jan. 23 pie 10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT, with a four-fight telecast headlined by a lightweight collision between rival stars Caros "Nākotne" Fodor un Mike "Marsa" Ricci.

Complete World Series of Fighting programming schedule on NBCSN forPiektdiena, Jan 1:

5 p.m. UN/2 p.m. PT – WSOF22: Palhares vs. Shields
7 p.m. UN/4 p.m. PT – WSOF23: Gaethje vs. Palomino
9 p.m. UN/6 p.m. PT – WSOF24: Fitch vs. Okami
11 p.m. UN/8 p.m. PT – WSOF25: 8-Man Lightweight Tournament

Par World Series of Fighting (WSOF)
“World Series of Fighting” (WSOF) ir vispasaules premier profesionālās Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) cīņa veicināšanu veltīta sniedzot vislabāko rīcības iepakotu cīņas par cīņu faniem, uzrādot labākos iespējamos spēles-ups starp elites cīnītājiem no visas pasaules. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, lūdzu apmeklējiet WSOF.com un izpildiet “World Series of Fighting” Twitter MMAWorldSeries. WSOF un World Series of Fighting ir reģistrētas preču zīmes MMAWC, LLC.


Papildsvars pasaules titulu

Middleweight kāršu atklāšana
Piektdiena, 15 janvāris, 2016 LIVE ON AXS TV
LIVE no 1STBANK centra, Broomfield, CO
Biļetes pārdošanā tagad at ALTITUDETICKETS.com
LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Augšāmcelšanās Fighting Alliance (RFA) prezidents Eds Soaress šī mēneša sākumā paziņoja, ka akcija atgriezīsies Kolorādo ar RFA 34 – Velickovic vs. Smits janvārī, lai sāktu 2016. Tagad galvenā karte ir paziņota. Pasākumu vadīs serbu vidējā svara cīņa par tituluian sensation Bojan “Serbu Steel” Velickovic (12-3) un bijušais RFA pusvidējā svara čempions Bendžamins Smits (15-3). Galvenajā pasākumā redzēs Colorado natiun Adam Stroup (10-2) un bijušais RFA titula pretendents Džons Popijs (6-2) satikt vidējā svara kāršu atklāšanā. RFA 34 – Velickovic vs. Smits notiks piektdien, 15. janvāris 1STBANK centrā Broomfield, Kolorādo. Visa Galvenais karte tiks tiešraidē, un visā valstī AXS TV at 10 p.m. UN / 7 p.m. PT.
Biļetes uz RFA 34 – Velickovic vs. Smith ir pieejami iegādei TAGAD līdz AltitudeTickets.com vai arī jūs varat atbalstīt savu iecienīto cīnītāju, iegādājoties biļetes CageTix.com. Biļetes uz RFA 34 sākas tikai $30.
VIP tabulas ir pieejamas, zvanot 303-521-0966.
Galvenais karte RFA 34 iekļaus arī pāris RFA un Kolorādo fanu favorītus vieglā svara kategorijā. Kodijs Mumma (8-2) šobrīd brauc ar trijām KO uzvarām pēc kārtas. Šī sērija sākās ar mirdzošu Koltona Vona 11 sekunžu KO RFA 20. KO ir piesaistīts otrajam ātrākajam KO RFA vēsturē.
Mumma tiksies ar citu RFA veterinārārstu Džeremiju Kimbolu (11-5), kurš piedalīsies šajā konkursā, iegūstot savu zibens ātro KO uzvaru. Šī uzvara pārspēja Džeisonu Kleitonu tikai 22 sekundes pagājušajā vasarā. Tomēr, Kimbola līdz šim visizcilākā uzvara tika izcīnīta RFA galvenajā turnīrā 7, kad viņš iesniedza Čidi Njokuani caur aizmugurējo kailo aizrādi.
Bantamweight divīzijā, seškārtējs UFC veterinārārsts Hugo “Āmrija” Viana (8-3) un divkārtējs RFA vetārsts Zaks “Svaidītais karotājs” Railija (3-3) kopīgi dalīsies RFA astoņstūrī. Gadā Viana uzlēca uz globālo MMA skatuvi 2012 kā pusfinālists UFC realitātes šova TUF pirmajā sezonā – Brazīlija. Pēc tam viņš uzvarēja savās pirmajās divās UFC cīņās, pirms zaudēja pašreizējam UFC čempionam pusvidējā svara kategorijā T.J.. Dillashaw, kurš tagad ir viens no viņa komandas biedriem.
Railijs iekļūs šajā cīņā ar lielu uzslavu un fanfariem pats par sevi. Pagājušajā oktobrī RFA 31, Railijs nokļuva virsrakstos pēc tam, kad bija pieņēmis cīņu Lasvegasā ar neuzvarēto Havaju izlases pārstāvi Šai Lindsiju tikai 48 stundas’ paziņojums. Ļoti slavenā Lindsija, kurš bija pabeidzis visus savus pretiniekus, Kolorādo dienvidu jaunākā zvaigzne pie sākuma zvana. Railijs beidza cīņu tikai 59 sekundes ar hermētisku trīsstūra droseli.
Pie pusvidējā svara, Brian Camozzi (4-2) debitēs ilgi gaidītajā RFA. Kamoci ir UFC zvaigznes Krisa Kamoci jaunākais brālis un cīnās ārpus fabrikas X Muay Thai lielākajā Denverā, Kolorādo apgabals. Viņš stāsies pretī Taileram Milneram (7-2) kurš ir ilggadējs izcilais spēlētājs Aļaskas FC akcijā. Milners tagad trenējas Jackson-Wink MMA Albukerkē, Ņūmeksika un pirmo reizi karjerā cīnīsies ārpus Aļaskas.
Galvenais karte RFA 34 startēs spalvu svara divīzijā ar pāris pieaugušo svara izredzēm, kas vēlas debitēt nacionālajā televīzijā. Korijs sandhagēns (1-0) debitēs reklāmas pasākumā pēc izrotātas amatieru karjeras baudīšanas. Viņš ir UFC čempiona bantamweight T.J galvenais treniņu partneris. Dilašava Denveras Elevation Fight Team komandā, Kolorādo. Sandhāgens saskarsies ar neuzvarēto Džeksona-Vinka MMA izcilnieku Endrjū Tenesonu (3-0) cīņā, kas noteikti jau pašā sākumā sajūsminās RFA komentētājus Patu Miletiču un Maiklu Skjavello. Tenesona, tāpat kā viņa pretinieks Sandhāgens, ir finišētājs, jo abi vīrieši ir noslēguši visus savus pretiniekus pirms pēdējā zvana.
Pilns RFA 34 iepriekšēja karti un sīkāka informācija par šo notikumu tiks paziņoti tuvākajā laikā. RFA 34 būs veicināšanu jau septīto pasākumā, kas notiks valstī Kolorādo. Visa Galvenais karte RFA 34 tiks tiešraidē un visā valstī par AXS TV at 10 p.m. UN / 7 p.m. PT piektdien, 15. janvāris, 2016.
Lūdzu, apmeklējiet RFAfighting.com par Trasējuma atjauninājumus un informāciju. RFA ir arī Facebook at Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram at RFAfighting, un Twitter at RFAfighting.
Par RFA: RFA ir profesionāls jauktās cīņas mākslas veicināšana, kas dod uzlecošās zvaigznes un top sāncenšiem iespēja pierādīt savu talantu līdzjutējus un līderiem šajā nozarē. RFA iepazīstina dzīvot notikumiem uz katru mēnesi ap ASV, tostarp Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Denver un Milwaukee. RFA var redzēt tiešraidē vairāk 43 miljons mājas valsts līmenī, izmantojot savu televīzijas nodarbojas ar AXS TV. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA ir viens no aktīvākajiem un jāievēro MMA organizāciju visstraujāk augošo sporta pasaulē. (Octagon, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, un astoņpusīgā kommazsuz paklāja un būra dizaina ir reģistrētas preču zīmes, kas pieder tikai Zuffa, LLC. Visas tiesības aizsargātas).

Par AXS TV cīņās: AXS TV Cīņas ir slavens ar savu vispāratzītām piektdienas vakarā Mixed Martial Arts un kikboksa notikumiem. Kā jūsu mājas MMA, AXS TV izmanto ekspansīvs tīklu akcijas no Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm, Kanāda, un Eiropā. Āzija pārraidīs vairāk LIVE cīņu nekā jebkura cita cits televīzija tīkls.“Tviņš Balss” Michael Schiavello un piecu laika MMA pasaules čempions Pat Miletich sniegt skatītājiem ekspertu play-by-play, padziļinātas cīnītājs pārklājumu, un plašu analīzi katrai cīņu kartei. AXS TV raidījumi pasaules klases LIVE cīņu notikumus no RFA, Lion cīņa, Legacy FC, un MFC katru piektdienas vakaru pie 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. UN.

Mansour “Tarzan” Barnaoui To defend M-1 Challenge lightweight title vs. Artiom Damkovsky


Alexander Volkov vs. Denis Smoldaraev for
Vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight championship
M-1 Challenge 64, Februāris. 19 Maskavā
(L-R) Artiom Damkovsky & Mansour Barnaoui
ST. PETERSBURG, Krievija (Decembris 29, 2015) — M-1 Challenge viegls čempions Mansour “Tarzan” Barnaoui will make his first title defense, Februāris 19 at Olympic Stadium, pret Artiom Damkovsky pie M-1 Challenge 64 Maskavā, Krievija.
M-1 Challenge 64 will be streamed live from Moscow in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Skatītāji varēs vērot sākotnējos cīņas un galveno karti, piesakoties uz reģistrēties www.M1Global.TV. Fani var skatīties visas darbības uz viņu datoriem, kā arī uz Android un Apple viedtālruņiem un tablešu.
In a previously announced title fight, newly M-1 Global-signed Alexander “Drago” Volkovs (24-6-0, M-1: 8-3-0), Krievijas, takes on Estonian challenger Denis Smoldaraev (11-1-0, M-1: 7-1-0) for the vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight championship.
Barnaoui (12-3-0, M-1: 2-2-0), cīnoties no Parīzes, will be making his first title defense against a dangerous challenger. After defeating previously undefeated Maksima Divnich(10-0-0) (see picture below) by way of a first-round stoppage via punches, Maijs 2, 2015 pieM-1 Challenge 57, Barnaoui dropped down in weight and he unsuccessfully challenged M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Ivan BUCHINGER this past October by five-round decision at M-1 Challenge 57.
Belarus-native Damkovsky (20-9-0, M-1: 10-6-0), shown below on mat, is riding a four-fight win streak to become the top contender going into his title fight showdown with Barnaoui.


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Main Event: Mike Ricci vs. Caros Fodor
Co-Main Event: Teddy Holder vs. Shamil Gamzatov

Biļetes pārdošanā tagad
LAS VEGAS (Decembris 21, 2015) -World Series of Fighting (WSOF.com) will kick off the New Year with its 27th live event and first trip ever to the FedExForum in Memphis, Tenn. par Sestdiena, Jan. 23, tiešraidē NBCSN at 10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT.

In the WSOF27 lightweight (155 mārciņas) Galvenais notikums, Mike "Marsa" Ricci būs kvadrātveida off ar Caros "Nākotne" Fodor kamēr, in the light heavyweight (205 mārciņas) co-galvenais notikums, heavy-handed finisher Teddy Holder will battle undefeated Shamil Gamzatov.

“We are excited to make our debut in Memphis thanks, in great part, to V3 Fights, which has a stellar reputation for putting together great events in that market and is helping us bring our brand of live, world-class MMA action to new fans,"Sacīja World Series of Fighting CEO Carlos Silva.

Biļetes uz notikuma sākas tikai $39.99, and are on sale at WSOF.com, visi Ticketmaster vietas, ticketmaster.com, the FedExForum Box Office, vai pa tālruni (800) 745-3000.

Mike Ricci vs. Caros Fodor

The 29-year-old Ricci (11-4) Monreālas, Kvebeka, Canada will enter the World Series of Fighting decagon cage on a three-fight win streak after scoring a highlight reel KO on Joe Condon with a head kick in the first round (2:41) of their matchup in the quarterfinal stage matchup of the WSOF25 one-night, eight-man tournament.

Fodor (10-4) no Kirkland, Mazgāšana. is looking to notch his third consecutive win in his World Series of Fighting debut after concluding a successful, four-fight run in Asia. The 31-year-old protégé of Matt Hume and brother of fellow World Series of Fighting competitor and costumed superhero Phoenix Jones exploded onto the national MMA scene in 2010 when he ran to five consecutive wins with the now defunct Strikeforce promotion.

Teddy Holder vs. Shamil Gamzatov

Īpašnieks (9-2) no Bartlett, Tenn. is a former high school football star turned MMA machine who made his first big mark in the sport at WSOF19 on Gājiens 28 after being bumped up from the event’s undercard to a co-main event matchup with established star Thiago Silva, on the day of the event due to the withdrawal of Silva’s original opponent, Matt Hamill, from the matchup.

Īpašnieks, whose nine-career victories have all come by way of (T)KO vai iesniegšana, scored an upset, pirmā kārta (2:00) TKO on Silva with a barrage of punches.

The unbeaten Gamzatov (9-0) Makhachkala, Russia will make his debut in the U.S. after finishing all of his professional opponents to date in either the first or second round. The 25-year-old is the number two ranked light heavyweight in the Ukraine and the number 24 ranked light heavyweight in Russia.

Additional matchups for WSOF27 will be announced soon.

Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, vizīte fedexforum.com, ‘like’ FedExForum on Facebook or follow on Twitter (@FedExForum).


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Decembris 21, 2015) – A heavyweight contest pitting Cheick Kongo (23-10-2) against the undefeated Augusto Sakai (9-0) has been added to the main card of “Bellator 150: Galvão vs.. Dantas 2 " at Kansas Star Arena Mulvane, Kansas, par Februāris 26.


Turklāt, Bellator MMA’s Bantamweight Championship will be on the line in a rematch pitting Marcos "Loro" Galvão (17-6-1) un bijušais čempions Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (17-4) and hometown favorite, David Rickels (16-4, 1 NC) atgriezīsies uz rīcību pret pretinieku, kas tiks atklātas vēlāk.


The contests will take up three slots of the televised portion ofBellator 150: Galvão vs.. Dantas,” kas airs tiešraidē Spike at 9 p.m. UN/8 p.m. CT, bet provizoriskie bouts būs plūsma dzīvot Bellator.com un Bellator Mobile App. Papildu cīņas tiks paziņoti tuvākajā laikā.


Biļetes uz "Bellator 150: Galvão vs.. Dantas 2 " kas sākas tikai $27, tiek pārdoti tagad plkst KansasStarEventCenter.com or Ticketmaster.com, kā arī Kansas Star Arena kasē.


Kongo will be making his eighth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, looking to add to his impressive promotional mark of 5-2. The Paris native has fought a who’s who in the mixed martial arts landscape, with notable wins against Mirko Cro Cop, Pat Barry, Matt Mitrione, and Alexander Volkov already on his record. In his last outing – which just so happened to be inside the Kansas Star ArenaKongo impressively defeated Volkov via unanimous decision.


Maintaining an unblemished record to begin his professional career, Sakai will face arguably his stiffest competition to date when he meets Kongo on Februāris. 26. With seven finishes in nine outings, the 24-year-old Brazilian most recently finished Alex Huddleston pie "Bellator 145: Ar atriebība. "

Atjaunots "Bellator 150: Galvão vs.. Dantas 2” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Title Main Event: Marcos Galvão (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)

Bellator MMA Lightweight Co-Main Event: Dave Rickels (16-4, 1 NC) vs. TBA

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Feature Bout: Cheick Kongo (23-10-2) vs. Augusto Sakai (9-0)



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Decembris 18, 2015) – The main event of Bellator MMA’s return to WinStar World Casino & Kūrorts Thackerville, LABI., par Gājiens 4 will feature undefeated Darrion Caldwell (8-0) challenging former two-division world champion and the self-proclaimed “Baddest Man on the Planet” Joe Warren (13-4).

Biļetes "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” go on sale this coming Monday, Decembris 21 and start at just $45. You can purchase tickets at the WinStar World Casino and Resort Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com. Durvis pasākuma atvērtas 5:00 p.m. CT vietējais laiks, with the first contest taking place one hour later.

"Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” airs dzīvot un bezmaksas smaile at 9 p.m. UN/8 p.m. CT, bet provizoriskie bouts būs plūsma dzīvot Bellator.com un Bellator Mobile App.. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.


With five impressive outings in a little over a year and a half under the Bellator MMA umbrella, it was only a matter of time before “The Wolf” found himself in a position to compete for a world title. There is still work to be done though, and the next stop on the road to championship gold goes through a man who has held Marcos Galvao’s belt already. A standout on the wrestling team at NC State University, the 27-year-old Caldwell most recently submitted Shawn Bunch via rear-naked choke in the first frame, adding to his tally of finishes (4). Initially a featherweight, Caldwell looks much more comfortable now at 135-pounds and as he proclaimed during a recent interview, “I foresee myself competing against Joe [Trušu rezervāts] with a No. 1 contender shot on the line, sooner rather than later.”


Warren has done just about it all under the Bellator MMA banner, winning titles at featherweight and bantamweight during his nearly six year promotional tenure. Tagad, Warren has his sights set on another run with the 135-pound title, a belt he lost during an intense encounter with Galvao early in 2015. A 2006 Pan American and World Champion in Greco-Roman competition, the 39-year-old will test himself against a young competitor who excels in the same skillset that Warren has used to his advantage for most of his career, cīkstēšanās. Will a win for “The Baddest Man on the Planet” propel him to a title shot against the winner of Galvao-Dantas 2 a week prior? Tune into SPIKE on Gājiens 4 to find out.



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Decembris 17, 2015) - Paul Bradley (22-6, 2 NC) un Chris Honeycutt (6-0, 1 NC) were in the middle of a great fight, when an accidental headbutt opened a gash on the head of Bradley, which led to the fight being called a no contest.


Tagad, the pair of welterweights will run it back during the main card of "Bellator 148: Koscheck vs. Secor” par Janvāris 29 at the Save Mart Center in Fresno, Calif.


Bellator officials previously announced two additional welterweight attractions featuring a main event of Josh Koscheck (17-10) pret Matt SECOR (7-2) and a co-main event pitting British slugger Pāvils "Semtex" Daley (37-13-2) pret Andy Uhrich (11-5).


Šodien, the preliminary portion of the card is filling up, with the news that Anthony Avila (12-4) saskarsies John Reedy (11-6), Javy Ayala (8-4) cīņas Carl Seumanutafa (9-6) un Art Arcienega (14-5) pret Justin Smiley (9-7). Papildu cīņas tiks paziņoti tuvākajā laikā.


"Bellator 148: Koscheck vs. Secor” airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT, bet provizoriskie bouts būs plūsma dzīvot Bellator.com un Bellator Mobile App pie 5 p.m. PT. Biļetes uz notikuma sākas tikai $25 and are on sale at the Save Mart Center Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.


Aptly nicknamed “The Cutt,” the 27-year-old Honeycutt is a two-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler out of Edinboro University. Following his collegiate wrestling career, which ended with a runner-up finish in the 2012 NCAA Division I Wrestling Championship, Honeycutt enlisted the help of fellow Edinboro wrestler Josh Koscheck, who he now trains with at the longtime MMA veteran’s Dethrone Base Camp in Fresno.


Honeycutt made his Bellator MMA debut in September 2014, scoring a TKO victory over Aaron Wilkinson. He picked up his second win for the promotion at "Bellator 133: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko,” scoring a TKO win over Clayton MacFarlane.


The 32-year-old Bradley is an Iowa native who also earned a pair of NCAA Division I All-American honors while competing at the famed University of Iowa. Bradley turned to mixed martial arts in 2006 and earned 11 consecutive victories to open his career, picking up the Ring of Combat middleweight title along the way.


Bradley made his way to the Bellator MMA cage in 2013, and in four appearances to date, has already picked up decision victories over Josh Neer and Karl Amoussou. While Bradley’s base is firmly in wrestling, he’s developed into a complete martial artist during his time in the sport and owns seven of his career wins by knockout with another seven coming by way of submission.


Atjaunots "Bellator 148: Koscheck vs. Secor” Fight Card

Bellator MMA Welterweight Main Event: Josh Koscheck (17-10) vs. Matt SECOR (7-2)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: Paul Daley (37-13-2) vs. Andy Uhrich (11-5)

Bellator MMA papildsvars Feature Bout: Chris Honeycutt (6-0, 1 NC) vs. Paul Bradley (22-6, 2 NC)


Iepriekšēja Card:

Bellator MMA viegls Feature Bout: Anthony Avila (12-4) vs. John Reedy (11-6)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Feature Bout: Javy Ayala (8-4) vs. Carl Seumanutafa (9-6)

Bellator MMA viegls Feature Bout: Art Arcienega (14-5) vs. Justin Smiley (9-7)



Lewiston, Maine (Decembris 17, 2015) - New England cīņas (NEF), Amerikas numurs, viena reģionālā cīņa veicināšana, rīkos nākamo notikumu, “NEF 21: Nemirstīgajiem” par Sestdiena, Februāris 6, 2016 pie ANDROSCOGGIN Bank COLISEE Lewiston, Maine. The fight card is scheduled to feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Agrāk šodien, NEF announced the addition of a professional flyweight bout to the “NEF 21” Cīņa karte. “Miegains” Norman Fox (0-0) būs viņa pro debija pret Brandon Warne (0-1) pie cīņa svaru 125 mārciņas.


Fox put together an impressive 4-2 ierakstīt kā amatieris, starting his career in the NEF cage in the summer of 2013. He won his first four in the NEF cage, all via stoppage prior to losing his bid to become NEF MMA Amateur Flyweight Champion to Dustin Veinott (4-4) last June. The back-and-forth battle with Veinott ended in a split decision, and it has been nominated for “2015 NEF Fight of the Year.Later in 2015, Fox and teammate Jason Lachance (2-3) purchased the MMA Athletix gym in Bath, Maine from their former coach, Ryan Cowette (2-3). The upcoming bout with Warne will be the first of a multi-fight developmental deal Fox signed recently with NEF.


Brandon and I seem like a pretty even match up,” sacīja Fox. “Expect a fast-paced fight that could end at any moment.


Brandon Warne is a member of Team Bombsquad based out of Ithaca, Ņujorka. He excelled in the amateur ranks of the sport, amassing a record of 5-1 with three finishes. Warne made his professional MMA debut this past October in Rhode Island in a losing effort to David Baxter (2-0). He comes to Maine looking for his first win as a pro against Fox.


It’s an honor to be coming to Maine and put on a show at what I love in front of the NEF crowd,” said Warne. “Vairāk, it’ll be my parents first time back in Maine since their honeymoon. As for the fight, I’m not much for trash talking. Fighters fight and that’s I’m coming to do!”


New England cīņas’ Nākamais pasākums, “NEF 21: Nemirstīgajiem,” notiekSestdiena, Februāris 6, 2016 pie ANDROSCOGGIN Bank COLISEE Lewiston, Maine. Biļetes “NEF 21” sākas tikai $25 un ir pārdošanā tagadwww.TheColisee.com vai zvanot COLISEE kasē pie 207.783.2009 x 525. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas par notikumu un cīņu karšu atjauninājumi, lūdzu, apmeklējiet veicināšanu tīmekļa vietni: www.NewEnglandFights.com. Turklāt, Jūs varat skatīties NEF videoklipus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekot viņiem Twitternefights un pievienoties oficiālo Facebook grupu "New England cīņām."

Three World Champions Capture top honors in 2015 Russian MMA Super Cup

Living legend and WMMAA Honorary President Fedor Emelianenko served as color commentator for the broadcast of the recent 2015 Russian MMA Super Cup
CHELYABINSK, Krievija (Decembris 16, 2015) — Fresh off of their winning performances at last month’s 2015 Pasaules MMA čempionāts Prāgā, a trio of individual winners from championship Team Russia also captured top honors at the recent 2015 Russian Super Cup, sanctioned by the World Mix Martial Arts Association (WMMAA), Čeļabinska, Krievija
Bantamweight Khachali Bakhachaliev, middleweight Gamzat Khiramagomedov un gaismas smagiem Magomeds Ankalaev were the three World champions who were also victorious at the 2015 Russian MMA Super Cup.
Internationally renowned “Liels” John McCarthy served as referee.
Below find a breakdown of official results from each weight class with video links to corresponding matches:
2015 Russian MMA Super Cup
Bantamweights Championship (-61.2 kg, 135 lbs.)
Bakhachali Bakhachaliev WDEC3 Armen Gulyan
Featherweight Championship (-65.8 kg, 145 lbs.)
Nabi Ashurlaev WDEC3 Mansur Vitaev
Lightweight Championship (-70.3 kg, 154 lbs.)
Artur Zainukov WDEC3 Kamil Magomedov
Papildsvars čempionāts (-77.1 kg, 170 lbs.)
Alibeg Rasulov WDEC3 Ramazan Kuramagomedov
Middleweight Championship (-84 kg, 185 lbs.)
Gamzat Khiramagomedov WDEC3 Ramazan Gamzatov
Light Heavyweight Championship (-93 kg, 205 lbs.)
Magomed Ankalaev WTKO1 Nadyr Bulkadarov
Heavyweight Championship (+205 lbs.)
Amirkhan Isagadzhiev WTKO1 Georgy Sakaev