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Kickboxing on Spike TONIGHT at 11/10c

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HOXE Á NOITE kickboxing hits Espigão en 11/10c, and we’re bringing you the most exciting fights on the planet, featuring a five-round fight for the middleweight World Title between champ Artem Levin e #1 contendor Simon Marcus, máis o dunha noite, four-man heavyweight qualification tournament, and the return of human highlight reel Raymond Daniels. Mark your planner, set your DVR, and tell a friendIt’s time for GLORY 21 San Diego!


Loita de rede é un 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate. Vai ao aire programas con foco en todo o ámbito do xénero deportes de combate, incluíndo loitas en directo e up-to-the-minute noticias e análises para artes marciais mixtas, kickboxing, wrestling profesional, artes marciais tradicionais, boxeo, Noticias Loita, así como serie dramática temático-loita, documentais e longametraxes.


Abaixo atopar destaques da programación desta semana:

Luns, Maio 4

6:30 p.m. E – 2014 Judo Gran Premio Zagreb– Destacados do 2014 Judo Zagreb Grand Prix from Sete. 12-14 en Croacia.

7:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

7:30 p.m. E – Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. EFinal Fight Championship 3: Jurkovic vs., Catinas – Igor Jurkovic vs. Raulk Catinas in a kickboxing bout and Ante Delija vs. Michail Lamprakis en acción MMA de abril. 19, 2013 in split, Croacia.

Martes, Maio 5

1:30 a.m. EHip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

2:30 son. E – XPTV – Cobertura das rexionais U.S pro e MMA amateur.

4:30 a.m. E – Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. E – Xtreme Fighting Championship – Con sede na Florida MMA profesional con mellores perspectivas americanas, estrelas internacionais e veteranos do UFC.

8:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

8:30 p.m. E — Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

Mércores, Maio 6

1:30 a.m. E – Desafío Final MMA 6: Payback Featuring Jimi Manuwa vs. Like Blythe and Brad Pickett vs., David Lee from Aug. 22, 2009 en Londres.

6:00 p.m. E – Mellor Cage Rage – Presentando loitas clásicas da organización Cage Rage sede no Reino Unido, con Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley e outros.

7:00 p.m. E – Noticias Loita Agora extra: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. E – Espírito de loita MMA – As compilacións de loitas internacionais de MMA dende un FC, UCMMA, NSS, WFC, FFC, BAMMA, EFC África e máis.

8:30 p.m. E – Cage Warriors 73Featuring Alex Enlund vs. Nad Narimano for the vacant featherweight title from Nov. 1, 2014 en Londres.

11:00 p.m. E – MMA Meltdown con Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompe todos os acontecementos no MMA, discutir odds, predicións, ademais de invitados especiais semanais e entrevistas exclusivas.

11:30 p.m. E – Desmontable Wrestling – Ampla cobertura de eventos de wrestling afeccionado, incluíndo as últimas noticias, cuberta detrás das escenas de eventos e entrevistas exclusivas.

Xoves, Maio 7

1:30 a.m. E – Desafío Final MMA 5: Heat Featuring Dino Gambatesa vs. Brad Whjeeler from July 11, 20-9 en Londres.

6:00 p.m. E – Campionato Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA da Florida cos gustos de Josh Sampi, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Son McCorkie, Luís Palomino e outros.

7:00 p.m. E – Loitando Rookies – Kickboxers Aspirantes a subir a escaleira do éxito no deporte como rookies competir por unha oportunidade de se tornaren profesionais e adquirir experiencia necesaria para ter éxito nun nivel superior.

8:00 p.m. E – Loita News Now: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

8:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. E — MMA Meltdown con Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompe todos os acontecementos no MMA, discutir odds, predicións, ademais de invitados especiais semanais e entrevistas exclusivas.

10:00 p.m. E – Super Fight League 2Featuring Todd Duffee vs. Neil Grove and Alexander Shlemenko vs. Ikuhisa Minowa from Apr. 7, 2012 in Chandigarh, India.


Venres, Maio 8

2:00 a.m. E – Pancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

4:00 a.m. E – Mellor DEEP – Dispoñendo de loita de clases a partir da promoción profunda xaponés Shinya Aoki incluíndo histórico, Hayato Sakurai e Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. E – Best of Jewels – Loitas clásicas do todo-femia liga MMA xaponés, Xoias.

6:00 – p.m. E – M-1 Desafío Professional MMA from Europe featuring top rising prospects and international stars.

7:00 p.m. E — Loita News Now. MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:30 p.m. E – Hip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

9:00 p.m. E — NSS 16 – Presentando vs Mamed Khalidov. Matt Lindland and Mariusz Pudzianowski vs. James Thompson from May 21, 2011 en Gdansk, Polonia.

11:30 p.m. E – Para 2 Toe with Firas ZahabiSit-down interview with Tristar Gym head coach Firas Zahabi, trainer to the likes of Georges St. Pierre and Rory MacDonald.

Sábado, Maio 9

1:00 a.m. E – SuperKombat: New Heroes Opatija 2013 – Con Ivan Stanic vs. Laurent Attrifi, Mladen Brestovac vs. Andy Van Steen and the opening round of the heavyweight tournament from Feb. 23, 2013.

6:00 a.m. E – Mellor de TKO – Presentando Shonie Carter vs. Jason MacDonald de TKO 21.

7:00 a.m. E – Mellor de Gladiator Desafío – Con Jake Shields vs. Randy Velarde do Gladiador Desafío 49.

10:00 a.m. E – Mellor de SportFight – MMA de calidade superior dende o noroeste do Pacífico, hosted by UFC veterans Matt LIndland and Chael Sonnen. This episode features the rise of SportFight champion Enoch Wilson.

1:30 p.m. E – Anel de Combate 46 – Con Brendan Barrett vs. Mlodrag Petkovic and Frankie Perez vs. Rafael Machado from Sept. 20, 2013 en Atlantic City, NJ.

4:00 p.m. E – Profunda: 62 Impacto – Presentando Satoru Kitaoka vs. Daisuke Nakamura, Daiki Jata vs. Yoshiro Maeda, Dan Hornbuckle vs. Yuya Shirai and Akihiro Gono vs. Taisuke Okuno de abril. 26, 2013 in Yokyo.

7:00 p.m. E – M-1 Desafío 57: Clash of ChampionFeaturing heavyweight champ Mrcin Tybura vs. light heavyweight champ Stephan Puetz in a champion vs. champion superfight from May 2, 2015 en Orenburg, Rusia.

10:00 p.m. E – UFC Fight Night: Miocic vs. Hunt Pre-Show – Cobertura en directo pre-loita do UFC Fight Night: Miocic vs. Hunt from Adelaide, Australia.

11:00 p.m. E – Espírito de loita MMA Temporada 4 – Compilación de loitas internacionais de SFL, Lenda, FFC, M-1 e máis.

Domingo, Maio 10

1:00 a.m. E – UFC Fight Night: Miocic vs. Hunt Post-ShowLIVE post-fight reaction and coverage of coverage of UFC Fight Night: Miocic vs. Hunt from Adelaide, Australia, including live post-fight press conference.

6:00 a.m. E – Pancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nome Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

10:00 a.m. E – Mellor ADCC – Presentando compilacións dos maiores xogos de grappling xa realizada, con Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza and Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. E – Elite Muay Thai: Tailandia vs. Reto – A maior serie de Muay Thai no mundo con loitadores internacionais de stand-up premio takingon a renomada equipo Thai Nacional.

7:00 p.m. E – EUA Wrestling Weekly – Anfitrión Scott Casber dá noticias semanal e análise de centralización en torno EUA Wrestling, órgano nacional do deporte, incluíndo entrevistas, características e ollar para o pasado.

7:30 p.m. E – Judo Astana Grand Prix 2014Highlights from the Judo Astana Grand Prix from Oct. 10-12 en Astana, Casaquistán




Chilro & Instagramfightnet


REDE SOBRE LOITA: Loita de rede é rede de deportes de combate do premier do mundo dedicada á 24/7 cuberta, incluíndo loitas, loitadores, Noticias Loita e loita lifestyle. A canle está dispoñible na U.S.. en Cablevision en partes de Nova York, Connecticut e Nova Jersey, Gran comunicacións baseadas en Texas, Armstrong Cable en Pensilvania e Ohio oriental, así como sobre Shentel cabo en Virginia, West Virginia e porcións de Maryland occidental. Loita Rede tamén está Roku set top boxes en EEUU. e Canadá, transmitido en directo na web, e dispoñible en todas as principais operadoras en Canadá e máis de 30 países de Europa, África e Oriente Medio.


Fight Report – Allan Edges Wood In A True Thriller As Robb Just Pips Ellis At The Post.

Informe: Gianluca (Río) Di Caro.

Well known Scottish WKA Kick Boxing promoter Stewart Allan promoted his first pro boxing event o sábado noite, at his Rivals Gym venue in Wishaw, and boy oh boy did he do a fantastic job of it.


This was my first time north of the border for an event, I can promise it will not be my last. The venue was first class, the attending fans were highly vocal in their support of the boxers, not just the home boys either, as they enthusiastically showed their appreciation for each and every fighter.


Mind you, as each bout was a equally matched Battle Royale, I suppose that shouldn’t have come as a surprise, let’s face it all boxing fans appreciate a really good close fought contest, which is just what we all got from every fight o sábado noite.


Heading up the show was Stewart’s son, unified Kick Boxing World Champion Sam Allan, making his pro boxing debut against unbeaten Chris Wood from Middlesbrough.


The atmosphere was electric during the build up to this highly anticipated bout, I mean it was really bouncing, the fans were singing and cheering, then when the MC introduced Chris Wood they clapped and enthusiastically welcomed him into the ring.


Then when the MC then introduced their man Sam Allan the decibel level went through the roof, I didn’t think they could be any louder but it did when Allan began his ring walk, escorted by two beautiful girls in full showgirl outfits, every single person stood and cheered their man into the ring.


I couldn’t help but think at the time, I hope the fight is half as good as the pre fight build up, well it was, in fact it way exceeded any expectations.


Right from the opening bell these two young warriors began the skirmish at a frenetic pace, Wood went in hard and fast, forcing Allan on to the back foot.

With centre ground secured, Wood kicked up the pace even further, forcing Allan, with his back almost against the ropes, to rely on his excellent countering skills to keep the ever forward-moving Wood from coming in further.


Wood secured the first round in my eyes, but it was close, moi, moi preto, as these two really went for it for every second of the round.


Round two was a virtual repeat, Wood initially controlling centre ground as Allan countered, however Allan stepped up the pace after about thirty seconds or so and made a double handed attack in an effort to force Wood on to the back foot, however the Teesider was having none of it and what ensued was an all action toe-to-toe slug fest through to the bell.


The final couple of rounds were fought at an even higher pace, which resulted in control of the proceedings switching back and forth between the pair warriors throughout, much to delight of the fans ringside, who to a man, or woman, were on their feet egging their man on.


After four sensational rounds the crowd remained standing as they awaited the judges scorecards to be read out.


As Referee Mickey Vann stood waiting to raise the hand of the victor, the MC announced the result was a split decision, which nobody seemed surprised at, well it was a seriously close fight.


First up Judge Kevin Scullion’s card was read as 40-38 a favor de Allan, which prompted a highly vocal response from the crowd, then judge Billy Beattie, who scored the bout 39-38 in favour of Wood, which received a good round of applause and then finally judge Peter McCafferty’s card was read, a surprising shutout 40-36 a favor de Allan, which sent the crowd into a joyful frenzy.


Have to admit this bout was a true small hall classic, you don’t get to see fights like this that often that’s for sure. Congratulations to both Sam Allan and Chris Woods, these boys are genuine future stars, in some ways it’s a shame one had to lose, but then again that leaves it open for a rematch sometime in the future and if that does happen I’ll be there front row for sure as I wouldn’t miss it for the world.


Prior to the sensational Allan-Wood, Ronnie Nailen faced Nottingham’s Matt Scriven in a four round exhibition bout.


Another all action affair, which see both men going all out from start to finish, which is surprising as the bout was switched to a non-scoring exhibition bout, as Scriven has the opportunity to challenge for a title this coming weekend, as such it was decided not to risk a possible stoppage loss that would have cost him the title shot.


Before the Nailen-Scriven bout was a brief interval, as an auction of boxing memorabilia to raise funds for charity took place.


The second bout of the night featured Sandy Robb and Blackpool’s Matt Ellis battling it out in a six round Cruiserweight contest.


Initially both boxers tentatively tested the other but after about thirty seconds or so stepped up the pace and really started to go for it.


Initially it was Ellis forcing his way through Robb’s defenses with some solid jabs followed by big rights or neat combinations, however Robb is as savvy as they come and would often slip under the jab and let rip with a big left to the body.


For about half the bout it was Ellis that was the more aggressive of the pair, don’t get me wrong, Robb was putting in some good solid work, just Ellis was livelier, moving neatly around the ring and throwing long rights at will, to back Robb toward the rope before going in hard to the body.


However close in, even with his back to the ropes Robb seemed able to counter extremely effectively, in cases enough to make Ellis back off momentarily.


Around the midway point the pace slowed slightly, which seemed to suit Robb, as the elusive Ellis became easier to close down, giving Robb the opportunity to once again start working the Blackpool man’s body.


Referee Mickey Vann issued a number of warnings to both men, Robb for low blows and Ellis for holding, as each time they came close in Ellis would try and tie Robb up, whilst Robb would try to throw big lefts and rights to the body of Ellis, but many were a wee bit too low.


After six highly entertaining rounds it was to the scorecards – Judge Kevin Scullion scored it 59-57 and both Billy Beattie and Peter McCafferty 58-57 all in favour of Sandy Robb.


Have to admit I really liked this fight, for all the right reasons, they entertained, they worked at a high pace for a good amount of the time and put on one hell of a show.


I do love the Cruiserweight division and both these guys are very much my kind of fighters – EXCITINGand I for one can’t wait to watch them in action again.


The opening fight of the night see Mohammad Babazadeh take on Belfast’s Phil Townley in a four rounder.


This pair set the tone for the whole night, both lads really went for it right from the opening bell.


The younger Babazadeh set the pace, pushing forward at every opportunity, but Townley’s excellent countering on the back foot prevented the younger Babazadeh from being able to back him up to the ropes too often.


As the bout progressed Townley slowed, which in itself made the bout even more exciting as the pair would stand toe-to-toe slugging it out much to the audiences delight.


After four great rounds the judges scorecards unanimously read 40-36 in favour of Mohammad Babazadeh – without doubt the right result but doesn’t reflect just how close some of the rounds were or just how entertaining the bout was.


There was due to be another bout, Scott Allan versus late replacement Garfield Mushore, who had stepped in at just two days notice after Isaac Quaye pulled out, however due to a rather large weight difference it was decided to cancel the bout for safety reasons, which was a mighty shame as I’ve been waiting to see both these lads in action.


Congratulations to Stewart Allan and his team for putting on a first class, highly entertaining and memorable evening of boxing which I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed, I can’t wait to get back there for the next, which I have been reliably informed will be another Stewart Allan promoted event at the Rivals Gym on Saturday 27th June – so put that in your diary now as you’ll not want to miss it.


Loita de rede é un 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate. Vai ao aire programas con foco en todo o ámbito do xénero deportes de combate, incluíndo loitas en directo e up-to-the-minute noticias e análises para artes marciais mixtas, kickboxing, wrestling profesional, artes marciais tradicionais, boxeo, Noticias Loita, así como serie dramática temático-loita, documentais e longametraxes.


Abaixo atopar destaques da programación desta semana:

Luns, Abril. 27

6:00 p.m. E – 2014 Campionato Mundial de Judo – Destacados do 2014 Judo Championships from Agosto. 25-31 en Chelyabinsk, Rusia.

7:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

7:30 p.m. E – Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. EEnfusion Vivo #27: Cingel vs. O Boustati Featuring Mirko Cingel vs. Ibrahim El Boustati for the -85kg world title from Apr. 25, 2015 in Zilna, Eslovaquia.

10:00 p.m. EEspírito de loita MMA Temporada 4 – Compilación de loitas internacionais de SFL, Lenda, FFC, M-1 e máis.

Martes, Abril. 28

1:00 a.m. E – Para 2 Toe con Michael Bisping – Entrevista sit-down coa estrela do UFC medios Michael Bisping.

1:30 a.m. EHip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

2:30 son. E – XPTV – Cobertura das rexionais U.S pro e MMA amateur.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. EXtreme Fighting Championship – Con sede na Florida MMA profesional con mellores perspectivas americanas, estrelas internacionais e veteranos do UFC.

8:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

8:30 p.m. E — Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

Mércores, Abril. 29

12:00 a.m. EBAMMA EUA: BadBeat 12 Presentando Terrion Ware vs. Eric Winston e Chris Beal vs. Keith Carson in MMA action from Mar. 28, 2014 en Commerce, California.

6:00 p.m. EMellor Cage Rage – Presentando loitas clásicas da organización Cage Rage sede no Reino Unido, con Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley e outros.

7:00 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

8:30 p.m. ECage Warriors Fighting Championship 73 – Con Stevie Ray vs. Curt Warburton for the Cage Warriors lightweight title froim Nov. 1, 2014 en Newcastle, Inglaterra.

11:00 p.m. EMMA Meltdown con Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompe todos os acontecementos no MMA, discutir odds, predicións, ademais de invitados especiais semanais e entrevistas exclusivas.

11:30 p.m. EDesmontable Wrestling – Ampla cobertura de eventos de wrestling afeccionado, incluíndo as últimas noticias, cuberta detrás das escenas de eventos e entrevistas exclusivas.

Xoves, Abril. 30

1:30 a.m. EDesafío Final MMA 5: Heat Featuring Dino Gambatesa vs. Brad Whjeeler from Xullo 11, 20-9 en Londres.

6:00 p.m. ECampionato Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA da Florida cos gustos de Josh Sampi, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Son McCorkie, Luís Palomino e outros.

7:00 p.m. ELoitando Rookies – Kickboxers Aspirantes a subir a escaleira do éxito no deporte como rookies competir por unha oportunidade de se tornaren profesionais e adquirir experiencia necesaria para ter éxito nun nivel superior.

8:00 p.m. ELoita News Now: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

8:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

Venres, Maio 1

2:00 a.m. EPancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

4:00 a.m. EMellor DEEP – Dispoñendo de loita de clases a partir da promoción profunda xaponés Shinya Aoki incluíndo histórico, Hayato Sakurai e Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. EBest of Jewels – Loitas clásicas do todo-femia liga MMA xaponés, Xoias.

6:00 – p.m. E – M-1 Desafío Professional MMA from Europe featiurionmg top rising prospects and international stars.

7:00 p.m. ELoita News Now. MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. E — NSS 15 – Presentando vs Mamed Khalidov. James Irvin and Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou vs. Jan Blachoiwicz from Mar. 19, 2011 en Varsovia, Polonia.

Sábado, Maio 2

1:00 a.m. ESuperKombat: World Gran Premio Romanía 2014 Featuring Dawid Kasperski, Ciprian Schiopu, Errol Koning and Noureddinbe Echiguer in a one-night, single-elimination 85kg tournament from Apr. 12, 2014 en Romanía.

6:00 a.m. EMellor de TKO – Presentando Shonie Carter vs. Jason MacDonald de TKO 21.

7:00 a.m. EMellor de Gladiator Desafío – Con Jake Shields vs. Randy Velarde do Gladiador Desafío 49.

10:00 a.m. EMellor de SportFight – MMA de calidade superior dende o noroeste do Pacífico, hosted by UFC veterans Matt LIndland and Chael Sonnen. This episode features the rise of SportFight champion Enoch Wilson.

2:00 p.m. EM-1 Desafío 57: Clash of ChampionsLIVE MMA action from Orenburg, Rusia, featuring Marcin Tytbura vs. light heavyweight Stephan Puetz in a champion vs. champion superfight.

Domingo, Maio 3

6:00 a.m. EPancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nome Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

10:00 a.m. EMellor ADCC – Presentando compilacións dos maiores xogos de grappling xa realizada, con Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza and Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. EElite Muay Thai: Tailandia vs. Reto – A maior serie de Muay Thai no mundo con loitadores internacionais de stand-up premio takingon a renomada equipo Thai Nacional.

7:00 p.m. EEUA Wrestling Weekly – Anfitrión Scott Casber dá noticias semanal e análise de centralización en torno EUA Wrestling, órgano nacional do deporte, incluíndo entrevistas, características e ollar para o pasado.

7:30 p.m. EJudo Gran Premio Zagreb 2014 – Destacados do 2014 Judo Zagreb Grand Prix from Sept. 12-14, 2014 Croacia.

11:00 p.m. ERei dos Reis: World Gran Premio Plock 2014Featuring Eike Schwatz vs. Marc Schroeder e Umm Erdogan vs. Marta Chojnoska from Nov. 28, 2014 En Escoller, Polonia.





Chilro & Instagramfightnet


REDE SOBRE LOITA: Loita de rede é rede de deportes de combate do premier do mundo dedicada á 24/7 cuberta, incluíndo loitas, loitadores, Noticias Loita e loita lifestyle. A canle está dispoñible na U.S.. en Cablevision en partes de Nova York, Connecticut e Nova Jersey, Gran comunicacións baseadas en Texas, Armstrong Cable en Pensilvania e Ohio oriental, así como sobre Shentel cabo en Virginia, West Virginia e porcións de Maryland occidental. Loita Rede tamén está Roku set top boxes en EEUU. e Canadá, transmitido en directo na web, e dispoñible en todas as principais operadoras en Canadá e máis de 30 países de Europa, África e Oriente Medio.

Unified Kick Boxing World Champion Sam Allan Set For Pro Boxing Debut This Saturday

Sam Allan, one of the UK’s most successful professional Kick Boxers, is set to make the transition to the pro boxing ranks this próximo sábado, when he takes on Middlesbrough’s unbeaten Chris Wood on the Rivals Promotions event in Wishaw, Scotland on April 25th.


Son, who first began Kick Boxing when he was just five years of age, secured his first World title as an amateur at the tender age of thirteen and successfully defended the crown on numerous occasions before turning pro in 2011.


Since turning pro as a Kick Boxer Sam has had fifteen bouts, winning them all, including a World title unification bout against America’s then WKA World Champ Bobby Campbell in August 2013.


Son, who was just twenty two years of age at the time, showed a maturity that belied his tender age, the youngster knew exactly what he had to do and with his brother Scott in his corner, executed his game plan perfectly, so much so that after twelve sensational rounds he became the first person to unify the ISKA and WKA championships and what’s more it was via a unanimous points decision.


Sam’s opponent, Chris Wood, who only recently turned pro himself, comes into the bout with a first round stoppage win over Latvia’s Edgars Milevics.


Facing an unbeaten opponent on his pro boxing debut clearly doesn’t faze Sam at all, as he made abundantly clear when he spoke earlier about Sábado upcoming fight.


“This just kinda happened, my brother Scott turned professional last year, so when my dad wanted to do a pro boxing show here with Scott it seemed a good time as any for me to turn pro.


We’ve got the same friends and they were having to go to different shows, because when I was fighting, he’s not and the other way around. This time they will be able to watch us both fight on the same show.


The different style of fighting isn’t a problem, a punch is a punch and since my last fight I have been preparing for this, I’ve been working a lot on the bags and pads and had good sparring, I’m a fighter and do what I need to do.


I don’t know much about Chris Wood, I’ve heard he likes to fight, that’s good, I like to fight as well.


The fans are going to love it, it’ll be a real fight not a stand-off, the fans want to see real fights, a bit of a tear up, yeah they’ll love it.


The fans deserve good fights, without them we wouldn’t get to fight as often, o sábado they’ll get a good fight that’s for sure.


They pay their hard earned money coming and supporting us, I can’t thank them enough for that and the best way I can do that is to have a cracking fight, that’s the best way to thank them for coming and supporting us.”


Sam Allan versus Chris Wood features on the Stewart Allan (Rivais Promotions) event at the Rivals Gym in Wishaw, Escocia o sábado 25th Abril 2015.

Aprovadores para este evento será unha cortesía da Comisión de Boxeo Malta (MBC)

Os ingresos custa £ 30 e £ 40 están dispoñibles a partir de calquera dos boxeadores que participan, ou chame Stewart en 07711 725257.



Loita de rede é un 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate. Vai ao aire programas con foco en todo o ámbito do xénero deportes de combate, incluíndo loitas en directo e up-to-the-minute noticias e análises para artes marciais mixtas, kickboxing, wrestling profesional, artes marciais tradicionais, boxeo, Noticias Loita, así como serie dramática temático-loita, documentais e longametraxes.


Abaixo atopar destaques da programación desta semana:

Luns, Abril. 20

6:00 – p.m. E – EUA Wrestling Weekly – Anfitrión Scott Casber dá noticias semanal e análise de centralización en torno EUA Wrestling, órgano nacional do deporte, incluíndo entrevistas, recursos e unha mirada ao pasado.

6:30 p.m. EJudo Tyumen Grand Slam 2014 Highlights the Judo Tyumen Grand Slam from Xullo 12-14 en Rusia.

7:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

7:30 p.m. E – Noticias Loita Agora extra
– As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. E – Enfusion Vivo #27: Souwer vs. Risco – Presentando Andy Souwer vs. Jonay Risco e Mohamed Boubkari vs. Moises Baute for the -95kg world title from Apr., 18, 2015 en Tenerife, España.

10:00 p.m. EEspírito de loita MMA Temporada 4 – Compilación de loitas internacionais de SFL, Lenda, FFC, M-1 e máis.

Martes, Abril. 21

1:00 a.m. E – Para 2 Toe con Luke RockholdSit-down interview with current UFC star and former Strikeforce middleweight champion Luke Rockhold.

1:30 a.m. EHip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

2:30 son. E – XPTV – Cobertura das rexionais U.S pro e MMA amateur.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. EXtreme Fighting Championship – Con sede na Florida MMA profesional con mellores perspectivas americanas, estrelas internacionais e veteranos do UFC.

8:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

8:30 p.m. E — Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. EGFC 5: Saki vs. Clobanu – Pro kickboxing de Dubai, featuring Gokham Saki vs. Sebastian Ciobanu, ademais de Steve McKinnon vs. Zabit Samedov e Jafar Ahmadi vs. Dayno Ilunga from Apr. 17, 2015.

Mércores, Abril. 22

12:00 a.m. EBAMMA EUA: BadBeat 11 Featuring Mehdi Baghdad vs. Dionisio Ramierez and Jack May vs. Paul Karsky from Oct. 25, 2013 en Commerce, Califa.

3:00 a.m. ETexas Fight Night – Acción MMA de Texas con perspectivas mellores do estado estrela solitaria na gaiola.

6:00 p.m. EMellor Cage Rage – Presentando loitas clásicas da organización Cage Rage sede no Reino Unido, con Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley e outros.

7:00 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. EEspírito de loita MMA – As compilacións de loitas internacionais de MMA dende un FC, UCMMA, NSS, WFC, FFC, BAMMA, EFC Africa and others.

8:30 p.m. ECage Warriors Fighting Championship 72Featuring Nicholas Dalby vs. Gael Grimaud for the Cage Warriors welterweight title from Sept. 23, 2014 in Newport, Gales.

11:00 p.m. EMMA Meltdown con Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompe todos os acontecementos no MMA, discutir odds, predicións, ademais de invitados especiais semanais e entrevistas exclusivas.

11:30 p.m. EDesmontable Wrestling – Ampla cobertura de eventos de wrestling afeccionado, incluíndo as últimas noticias, cuberta detrás das escenas de eventos e entrevistas exclusivas.

Xoves, Abril. 23

12:30 a.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

1:30 a.m. EDesafío Final MMA 4: Implacable Featuring Jimi Manuwa vs. Ryan Robinson from May 9, 2009 en Londres.

6:00 p.m. ECampionato Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA da Florida cos gustos de Josh Sampi, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Son McCorkie, Luís Palomino e outros.

7:00 p.m. ELoitando Rookies – Kickboxers Aspirantes a subir a escaleira do éxito no deporte como rookies competir por unha oportunidade de se tornaren profesionais e adquirir experiencia necesaria para ter éxito nun nivel superior.

8:00 p.m. ELoita News Now: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

8:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. ESuper Fight League 1 – Presentando James Thompson vs. Bob Saap from Mar. 11, 2012 in Mumbai, India.

Venres, Abril. 24

12:00 a.m. EÉ Showtime Especial – Principal organización kickboxing do mundo con Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef e Giorgio Petrosyan.

1:30 a.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

2:00 a.m. EPancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

4:00 a.m. EMellor DEEP – Dispoñendo de loita de clases a partir da promoción profunda xaponés Shinya Aoki incluíndo histórico, Hayato Sakurai e Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. EBest of Jewels – Loitas clásicas do todo-femia liga MMA xaponés, Xoias.

4:00 p.m. EUFC 186 Pesar-In AO VIVO – Live coverage of the official weigh-ins for UFC 186: Johnson vs. Horiguchi from Montreal, Canadá.

6:00 – p.m. E – M-1 Desafío Professional MMA from Europe featuring top rising prospects and international stars.

7:00 p.m. ELoita News Now. MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. EPara 2 Toe with Mike Bisping – Entrevista sit-down coa estrela do UFC medios Michael Bisping.

8:30 p.m. EHip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

9:00 p.m. E — NSS 14 – Mariusz Pudzianowski vs caracterizando. Eric “Butterbean” Esch e Jan Blachowicz vs. Daniel Tabera de setembro. 18, 2010 en Varsovia, Polonia.

Sábado, Abril. 25

1:00 a.m. ESuperKombat: Novos Heroes Romanía 2014 Featuring Cedric Manhoef vs. Amansio Paraschiv and Jorge Loren vs. Bogdan Stoica from Mar. 30, 2014 en Ploiesti, Romania..

6:00 a.m. EMellor de TKO Featuring Sean Sherk vs. Claudinor Fontinele from UCC 6.

7:00 a.m. EMellor de Gladiator Desafío – Presentando Tyson Griffin vs. Chuck Kim from Gladiator Challenge 49.

10:00 a.m. EMellor de SportFight – MMA de calidade superior dende o noroeste do Pacífico, hosted by UFC veterans Matt LIndland and Chael Sonnen. This episode features Dave Jenson and Cam Ward.

3:00 p.m. EEnfusion VIVO #28: Cingel vs. O BoustatiLive pro kickboxing from Zilina, Eslovaquia, featuring Mirko Cingel vs. Ibrahim El Boustati for the -85kg world title.

7:00 p.m. EUFC 186 Pre-show en vivo – En directo a cuberta pre-loita para o UFC 186: Johnson vs. Horiguchi in Montreal, Canadá.

8:00 p.m. ELoita News Now. MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

8:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

Domingo, Abril. 26

1:00 a.m. E – UFC 186 Post-Show LIVELive post-fight coverage for UFC 186: Johnson vs. Horiguchi from Montreal, Canadá, incluíndo esto, reaction and the live post-fight press conference.

6:00 a.m. EPancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nome Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

10:00 a.m. EMellor ADCC – Presentando compilacións dos maiores xogos de grappling xa realizada, con Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza and Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. EElite Muay Thai: Tailandia vs. Reto – A maior serie de Muay Thai no mundo con loitadores de stand-up internacionais premio, tendo na famosa equipo Thai Nacional.

7:30 p.m. EJudo World Championship 2014 – Destacados do 2014 Judo World Championships from Agosto. 25-31 ion Chelyabinsk, Rusia.

11:00 p.m. ERei dos Reis: Heros’s Bushido Vilnius 2014 – Con Pavel Voronin vs. Sergei Maslobojev e Jordann Pikeur vs.. Tadas Jonkus de novembro. 15, 2014 en Vilnius, Lituania.

Fight Network Presents Global Fighting Championship 3 LIVE Tomorrow, Venres, Abril 17 en 11 a.m. E

TORONTO (Abril 16, 2015) – Rede loita, premier do mundo 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate, presenta unha transmisión en directo Fighting Championship global 3 from Dubai, United Arab Emirates this Friday, Abril 17 en 11 a.m. E, headlined by an explosive kickboxing showdown pitting Dutch-Turkish legend Gokhan Saki against Romanian veteran Sebastian Ciobanu.


Loita con transmisión en directo da Rede ha ao aire na TV Optimum da Cablevision, Gran Communications, Shentel Cabo e Cabo Armstrong en EEUU, en todo o país en Canadá, Dispositivos Roku na América, e globalmente en máis de 30 países de Europa, África e Oriente Medio.


In addition to the Saki vs. Ciobanu clash, Fighting Championship global 3 will feature a one-night, single-elimination heavyweight tournament. In opening round semifinal pairings, Scottish star Steve McKinnon battles Georgian standout Preguntas Samedov, while Iran’s Jafar Ahmadi meets Congolese-German sensation Danyo Ilunga. The two winners will collide for the top prize later that evening.


Para unha lista completa de horario de transmisión da Rede de loita, visite, siga connosco en Twitterfightnet, tornar-se un fan en Facebook e visita-nos no Instagramfightnet.



Loita de rede é un 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate. Vai ao aire programas con foco en todo o ámbito do xénero deportes de combate, incluíndo loitas en directo e up-to-the-minute noticias e análises para artes marciais mixtas, kickboxing, wrestling profesional, artes marciais tradicionais, boxeo, Noticias Loita, así como serie dramática temático-loita, documentais e longametraxes.


Abaixo atopar destaques da programación desta semana:

Luns, Abril. 13

5:00 p.m. E – Espírito de loita MMA Temporada 4 – Compilación de loitas internacionais de SFL, Lenda, FFC, M-1 e máis.

6:00 – p.m. E – EUA Wrestling Weekly – Anfitrión Scott Casber dá noticias semanal e análise de centralización en torno EUA Wrestling, órgano nacional do deporte, incluíndo entrevistas, recursos e unha mirada ao pasado.

6:30 p.m. EUlaanbaatar Judo Gran Premio 2014 Highlights from Judo Ulaanbaatar Grand Prix from Xullo 4-6, 2014 en Mongolia.

7:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

7:30 p.m. E – Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. EGFC 4– Presentando Badr Hari vs. Arnold Oborotov nunha tarxeta de MMA / kickboxing apilados desde outubro. 16, 2014 en Dubai.

Martes, Abril. 14

1:00 a.m. E – Para 2 Toe con Rashad Evans – Sente-down entrevista co ex-campión medio-pesado do UFC Rashad Evans.

1:30 a.m. EHip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

2:30 son. E – XPTV – Cobertura das rexionais U.S pro e MMA amateur.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. EXtreme Fighting Championship – Con sede na Florida MMA profesional con mellores perspectivas americanas, estrelas internacionais e veteranos do UFC.

8:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

8:30 p.m. E — Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. EProfunda: SOÑO Impact 2014Featuring Satotu Kitaoka vs. Yoshiyuki from Dec. 31, 2014 en Saitama, Xapón.

Mércores, Abril. 15

12:00 a.m. EBAMMA EUA: BadBeat 10 Featuring Jesse Newell vs. Chris Culley, Jesse Juarez vs.

3:00 a.m. ETexas Fight Night – Acción MMA de Texas con perspectivas mellores do estado estrela solitaria na gaiola.

6:30 a.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

6:00 p.m. EMellor Cage Rage – Presentando loitas clásicas da organización Cage Rage sede no Reino Unido, con Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley e outros.

7:00 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. EEspírito de loita MMA Compilations of international MMA fights from O NE FC, UCMMA, NSS, WFC, FFC, BAMMA, EFC Africa and others.

8:30 p.m. ECage Warriors Fighting Championship 71Featuring Jack Hermansson vs. Deyan Topalski from Aug. 23, 2014 en Amán, Xordania.

11:00 p.m. EMMA Meltdown con Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompe todos os acontecementos no MMA, discutir odds, predicións, ademais de invitados especiais semanais e entrevistas exclusivas.

11:30 p.m. EDesmontable Wrestling – Ampla cobertura de eventos de wrestling afeccionado, incluíndo as últimas noticias, cuberta detrás das escenas de eventos e entrevistas exclusivas.

Xoves, Abril. 16

12:30 a.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

1:30 a.m. EDesafío Final MMA 3: Unstoppable Featuring Brad Pickett vs. Dino Gambatesa from Mar. 28, 2009 en Londres.

6:00 p.m. ECampionato Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA da Florida cos gustos de Josh Sampi, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Son McCorkie, Luís Palomino e outros.

7:00 p.m. ELoitando Rookies – Kickboxers Aspirantes a subir a escaleira do éxito no deporte como rookies competir por unha oportunidade de se tornaren profesionais e adquirir experiencia necesaria para ter éxito nun nivel superior.

8:00 p.m. ELoita News Now: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

8:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. EM-1 Desafío 56 Featuring Tyacheslav Vasilvesky vs. Ramasan Emeev for the M-1 Challenge middle title from Apr. 10, 2015 en Moscova.

Venres, Abril. 17

12:00 a.m. EÉ Showtime Especial – Principal organización kickboxing do mundo con Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef e Giorgio Petrosyan.

1:30 a.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

2:00 a.m. EPancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

4:00 a.m. EMellor DEEP – Dispoñendo de loita de clases a partir da promoción profunda xaponés Shinya Aoki incluíndo histórico, Hayato Sakurai e Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. EBest of Jewels – Loitas clásicas do todo-femia liga MMA xaponés, Xoias.

11:00 a.m. EGFC 5: Saki vs. CiobanuLIVE professional kickboxing from Dubai featuring Gokhan Saki vs. Sebastian Ciobanu, ademais de Steve McKinnon vs. Zabit Samedoiv and Jafar Ahmadi vs. Danyo Illunga.

4:00 p.m. E UFC on FOX: Machida vs. Rockhold Weigin-InsLIVE coverage of the official weigh-ins for UFC on FOIX: Machica vs. Rockhold from Newwark, NJ.

6:00 p.m. EM-1 Desafío Professional MMA from Europe featuring top rising prospects and international starts.

7:00 p.m. ELoita News Now. MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. EPara 2 Toe con Luke Rockhold Sit-down interview with current UFC star and former Strikeforce middleweight champion Luke Rockhold.

8:30 p.m. EHip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

9:00 p.m. E — NSS 13 – Presentando vs Mamed Khalidov. Ryuta Sakurai, Mariusz Pudzianowski vs. Yusuke Kawaguchi, plus Jan Blachowicz, Daniel Tabera, Konstan Gluhov and Attila Vegh from May 7, 2010 en Varsovia, Polonia.

Sábado, Abril. 18

1:00 a.m. ESuperKombat: New Heroes Almere 2014 Featuring Errol Konning vs. Mohammed El Boulahiati and Kenneth Susanna vs. Yakupa Kaya from Sept. 27, 2014 in Almere, Holanda.

6:00 a.m. EMellor de TKO Featuring Brian Gassaway vs. Jose “PeleLandi-Jones from TKO 32.

7:00 a.m. EMellor de Gladiator Desafío – Con Jake Shields vs. Jeremy Jackson from Gladiator Challenge 6.

10:00 a.m. EMellor de SportFight – MMA de calidade superior dende o noroeste do Pacífico, hosted by UFC veterans Matt LIndland and Chael Sonnen. This episode features Dennis Hallman, Sean Sherk, Josh Burkman, Chris Leben and Benji Radach in action.

1:30 p.m. EUFC on FOX: Machida vs. Rockhold Pre-ShowLIVE pre-fight coverage of UFC on FOX: Machida vs. Rockhold in Newark, NJ.

4:00 p.m. E UFC on FOX: Machida vs. Rockhold Pre-ShowLIVE pre-fight coverage of UFC on FOX: Machida vs. Rockhold in Newark, NJ.

4:30 p.m. EEnfusion VIVO #27: Souwer vs. RiscoLIVE professional kickboxing from Tenerife, España, featuring Andy Souwer vs. Jonay Risco e Mohamed Boubkari vs. Moises Baute for the -95kg world title.

6:30 p.m. EMMA Meltdown con Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompe todos os acontecementos no MMA, discutir odds, predicións, ademais de invitados especiais semanais e entrevistas exclusivas.

7:00 p.m. EDesmontable Wrestling – Ampla cobertura de eventos de wrestling afeccionado, incluíndo as últimas noticias, cuberta detrás das escenas de eventos e entrevistas exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. EUFC on FOX: Machida vs. Rockhold Pre-ShowLIVE pre-fight coverage of UFC on FOX: Machida vs. Rockhold in Newark, NJ.

8:00 p.m. EGFC 5: Saki vs. Ciobanu – Pro kickboxing de Dubai, Gokhan Saki caracteriza vs. Sebastian Ciobanu, ademais de Steve McKinnon vs. Zabit Samedov e Jafar Ahmadi vs. Danyo Ilunga fromAbril. 17, 2015 in Dubaia.

11:00 p.m. EUFC on FOX: Machida vs. Rockhold Post-Fight Press ConferenceLIVE coverage of the official post-fight press conference for UFC on FOX: Machida vs. Rockhold in Newark, NJ.

Domingo, Abril. 19

6:00 a.m. EPancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nome Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

10:00 a.m. EMellor ADCC – Presentando compilacións dos maiores xogos de grappling xa realizada, con Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza and Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. EElite Muay Thai: Tailandia vs. Reto – A maior serie de Muay Thai no mundo con loitadores internacionais de stand-up premio takingon a renomada equipo Thai Nacional.

6:30 p.m. EJudo Tyumen Grand Slam 2014Highlights from the Judo Tyumen Grand Slam from July 12-13, 2014 en Rusia.

11:00 p.m. ERei dos Reis: World Grand Prix 2014 Gdansk – Featuring Arrtur Kyshenko vs. Radoslaw Paczuski, ademais dun one-night, single-elimination-93kg tournament from Oct. 17, 2014 en Gdansk, Polan



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REDE SOBRE LOITA: Loita de rede é rede de deportes de combate do premier do mundo dedicada á 24/7 cuberta, incluíndo loitas, loitadores, Noticias Loita e loita lifestyle. A canle está dispoñible na U.S.. en Cablevision en partes de Nova York, Connecticut e Nova Jersey, Gran comunicacións baseadas en Texas, Armstrong Cable en Pensilvania e Ohio oriental, así como sobre Shentel cabo en Virginia, West Virginia e porcións de Maryland occidental. Loita Rede tamén está Roku set top boxes en EEUU. e Canadá, transmitido en directo na web, e dispoñible en todas as principais operadoras en Canadá e máis de 30 países de Europa, África e Oriente Medio.


Loita de rede é un 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate. Vai ao aire programas con foco en todo o ámbito do xénero deportes de combate, incluíndo loitas en directo e up-to-the-minute noticias e análises para artes marciais mixtas, kickboxing, wrestling profesional, artes marciais tradicionais, boxeo, Noticias Loita, así como serie dramática temático-loita, documentais e longametraxes.


Abaixo atopar destaques da programación desta semana:

Luns, Abril. 6

5:00 p.m. E – Espírito de loita MMA Temporada 4 – Compilación de loitas internacionais de SFL, Lenda, FFC, M-1 e máis.

6:00 – p.m. E – EUA Wrestling Weekly – Anfitrión Scott Casber dá noticias semanal e análise de centralización en torno EUA Wrestling, órgano nacional do deporte, incluíndo entrevistas, recursos e unha mirada ao pasado.

6:30 p.m. EJudo Budapest Gran Premio 2014 – Destacados do Judo Budapest Gran Premio deXuño 21-22, 2014 en Hungría.

7:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

7:30 p.m. E – Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. EGFC 3: Aerts vs.. Tanoeiro– Kickboxing desde maio 29, 2014 en Dubai, presentando Peter Aerts vs. Dewey Cooper e Fatih Ulusoy vs. Singh Jaideep.

Martes, Abril. 7

1:00 a.m. E – Para 2 Toe with Thiago Alves – Entrevista sit-down con UFC brasileira welterweight estrela Thiago Alves.

1:30 a.m. EHip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

2:30 son. E – XPTV – Cobertura das rexionais U.S pro e MMA amateur.

4:00 p.m. E5 Roldas Hoxe – Podcast de vídeo con John Ramdeen e Robin Negro romper unha gran variedade de temas no mundo do MMA, incluíndo previews de eventos e todos os últimos rumores e titulares.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. EXtreme Fighting Championship – Con sede na Florida MMA profesional con mellores perspectivas americanas, estrelas internacionais e veteranos do UFC.

8:00 p.m. E – 5 Rounds – A anfitriona John Ramdeen e Robin Negro convida invitados especiais para romper o fin de semana de acción MMA.

8:30 p.m. E — Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. ELenda 3: Para homes – Con MMA acción / kickboxing híbrido de abril. 5, 2014 en Milán, Italia, Armen Petrosyan incluíndo, Andy Souwer e Pavel Zhuravlev e Paul Daley.

Mércores, Abril. 8

12:00 a.m. E – BAMMA EUA: BadBeat 9 Con Mikey Gómez vs. Ronald Jr Lebreton. e Ernest Chavez vs. Jorge Valdes a partir de maio 31, 2013 en Commerce, TAL.

3:30 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

6:00 p.m. EMellor Cage Rage – Presentando loitas clásicas da organización Cage Rage sede no Reino Unido, con Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley e outros.

7:00 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. ENoticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. ECage Warriors Fighting Championship 70 – Presentando vs. Joseph Duffy / Damien Lapilus de agosto. 16, 2014 en Dublín, Irlanda.

10:30 p.m. EHip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

11:00 p.m. EMMA Meltdown con Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency rompe todos os acontecementos no MMA, discutir odds, predicións, ademais de invitados especiais semanais e entrevistas exclusivas.

11:30 p.m. EDesmontable Wrestling – Ampla cobertura de eventos de wrestling afeccionado, incluíndo as últimas noticias, cuberta detrás das escenas de eventos e entrevistas exclusivas.

Xoves, Abril. 9

1:30 a.m. EDesafío Final MMA 2: Unbreakable – Con Mohamed vs Khacha. Mark Weir de febreiro. 7, 2009 en Londres.

6:00 p.m. ECampionato Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA da Florida cos gustos de Josh Sampi, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Son McCorkie, Luís Palomino e outros.

7:00 p.m. ELoitando Rookies – Kickboxers Aspirantes a subir a escaleira do éxito no deporte como rookies competir por unha oportunidade de se tornaren profesionais e adquirir experiencia necesaria para ter éxito nun nivel superior.

8:00 p.m. ELoita News Now: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

8:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. EProfunda: SOÑO Impact 2014 – Presentando Satoru Kitaoka vs. Yoshiyuki Yoshoida de decembro. 31, 2014 en Saitama, Xapón.

Venres, Abril. 10

12:00 a.m. EÉ Showtime Especial – Principal organización kickboxing do mundo con Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef e Giorgio Petrosyan.

2:00 a.m. EPancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

4:00 a.m. EMellor DEEP – Dispoñendo de loita de clases a partir da promoción profunda xaponés Shinya Aoki incluíndo histórico, Hayato Sakurai e Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. EBest of Jewels – Loitas clásicas do todo-femia liga MMA xaponés, Xoias.

2:00 p.m. EM-1 Desafío 56 – Live Action MMA con Vyacheslav Vasilevsky vs. Emeev Ramazan ao Desafío título M-1 dos medios a partir de Moscova.

7:00 p.m. ELoita News Now. MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

7:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

8:00 p.m. EPara 2 Toe con Rashad Evans – Sente-down entrevista co ex-campión medio-pesado do UFC Rashad Evans.

8:30 p.m. EHip Amosar: Área Combate – MMA Tag-equipo dentro dunha área de 12m por 12m con obstáculos estruturas de tres niveis.

9:00 p.m. E — NSS 12 – Featuring Vitor Nobrega vs. Aslambek Saidov, Dean Amasinger máis, Konstantin Gluhov, Daniel Omielanczuk, asnd Karol Bedorf de decembro. 11, 2009 en Varsovia, Polonia.

Sábado, Abril. 11

1:00 a.m. ESuperKombat: Novos Heroes Galicia 2013 – Con Felipe Michelette vs. Edson Lima, Thiago Michel vs. Miodrag Olar e Alex Pereira vs. Cesar Almeida from Mar. 23, 2013 in Sao Paulo, Brasil.

6:00 a.m. EMellor de TKO – Con Georges St. Pierre vs.. Pete Spratt de TKO 14.

7:00 a.m. EMellor de Gladiator Desafío – Presentando Urijah Faber vs. David Velasquez do Gladiator Desafío 27.

5:00 p.m. EAnel de Combate 45 – Con Phillipe Nover vs. Mike Santiago e Frankie Perez vs. Adam Townsend a partir de xuño 14, 2013 en Atlantic City, NJ.

7:00 p.m. EDesmontable Wrestling – Ampla cobertura de eventos de wrestling afeccionado, incluíndo as últimas noticias, cuberta detrás das escenas de eventos e entrevistas exclusivas.

8:00 p.m. E Loita News Now: MMA Edición – Abrangue todos os acontecementos no mundo do MMA coa análise e funcións exclusivas.

8:30 p.m. E Noticias Loita Agora extra – As últimas noticias, repescagens, características e análise dentro do xogo de loita.

9:00 p.m. EM-1 Desafío 56 – Presentando Vyacheslav Vasilevsky vs. Emeev Ramazan ao título M-1 Challenge medios de Abril. 10, 2015 en Moscova.

Domingo, Abril. 12

6:00 a.m. EPancrase Classics – Batallas pioneiras clásicos MMA caracterizan Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nome Marquardt, Chael Sonnen e outros.

10:00 a.m. EMellor ADCC – Presentando compilacións dos maiores xogos de grappling xa realizada, con Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza and Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. EElite Muay Thai: Tailandia vs. Reto – A maior serie de Muay Thai no mundo con loitadores internacionais de stand-up premio takingon a renomada equipo Thai Nacional.

7:30 p.m. EUlaanbaatar Judo Gran Premio 2014 – Destacados do Gran Premio de Judo Ulaanbaater desde xullo 4-6, 2014 en Mongolia.

11:00 p.m. ERei dos Reis– Gran Premio 2014 en Vilnius.




Chilro & Instagramfightnet


REDE SOBRE LOITA: Loita de rede é rede de deportes de combate do premier do mundo dedicada á 24/7 cuberta, incluíndo loitas, loitadores, Noticias Loita e loita lifestyle. A canle está dispoñible na U.S.. en Cablevision en partes de Nova York, Connecticut e Nova Jersey, Gran comunicacións baseadas en Texas, Armstrong Cable en Pensilvania e Ohio oriental, así como sobre Shentel cabo en Virginia, West Virginia e porcións de Maryland occidental. Loita Rede tamén está Roku set top boxes en EEUU. e Canadá, transmitido en directo na web, e dispoñible en todas as principais operadoras en Canadá e máis de 30 países de Europa, África e Oriente Medio.

Loita Rede Presenta Enfusion 26 LIVE this Saturday, Abril 4 en 3 p.m. E

TORONTO | Nova York (Abril 1, 2015) — Rede loita, premier do mundo 24/7 canle de televisión dedicado a completar a cobertura de deportes de combate, presenta a última edición do Enfusion Vivo este sábado, Abril 4 en 3 p.m. E, como o 26th parcela da serie kickboxing presenta un -60 campionato mundial kg enfrontamento poñendo Surinam Reda Narain contra Dutchman Tommy Dieckmann.


Loita con transmisión en directo da Rede ha ao aire na TV Optimum da Cablevision, Gran Communications, Shentel Cabo e Cabo Armstrong en EEUU, en todo o país en Canadá, Dispositivos Roku na América, e en Turquía en D-Smart.


Ademais do Narain vs. Dieckmann campionato cabeza de cartel, O evento contará con un one-night, de eliminatoria simple -70 kg torneo, presentando Marrocos de Nordin Ben Moh e Hafid El Boustati en acción contra a Holanda de Dennis Kabbedijk e Cabo Verde de Edson Fortes, respectivamente. Tamén na tarxeta, De Indonesia Shana Lammers atende Holanda de Roupa Manal, Francia de máis Brice Guidon xoga abaixo con Marrocos de Hicham Achalhi en acción pesado.


Loita con transmisión en directo da Rede comeza ás 3 p.m. E.


Para unha lista completa de horario de transmisión da Rede de loita, visite, siga connosco en Twitterfightnet, tornar-se un fan en Facebook e visita-nos no Instagramfightnet.