آرشیو دسته بندی: بوکس


توسط: تونی Penecale

Lock Haven Boxing

کلاس 1998

دکتر. Ken “Doc” Cox was a legend of a man. He was a teacher, a coach, a mentor, a confidant, and a friend. He passed away on February 5, 2022 در سن 88 ساله, leaving a void in the hearts of all who knew him and loved him.

I’ve pondered over the last 24 hours how we are going to navigate through a world without Dr. کاکس, aka “Doc”, a man who coached us, taught us, pushed us, and mentored us. He was a man that could light up a room and command attention. He could leave you hanging on every word as he shared life experiences or he could have you rolling on the floor, laughing until it physically hurt.

While his passing last night was not unexpected, it still hurt with the force of a thousand sledgehammers. I know I will likely break down and sob or flat out cry several times while I am writing this piece. There is definitely crying in boxing and tonight the Lock Haven Boxing and our extended collegiate boxing families are all in mourning.

دکتر. Cox came into my life in 1994 when I was a freshman at Lock Haven University. I decided to go to Lock Haven, in truth it was my only choice, because I had become so enamored with the dream of boxing. When I found out that Lock Haven had a nationally-ranked team with a well-known coach, I set my heart on attending.

When I arrived on campus that fall semester, my first point of business was to seek out and meet Dr. کاکس, armed with a list of excited questions. He agreed to meet with me a few weeks before he held the open meeting for prospective team members. I walked into the building where his academic office was located and it was then I saw a rotund man with white hair and a big smile on his round face walking towards me. I’m not sure who he was but it certainly couldn’t be this legendary coach. It was then he walked up to me and, in a voice that is so often imitated, he introduced himself. I did not realize then that I had just met a man who would so positively influence my life.

To know “Doc” was a true blessing in life. He could make you laugh or make you angry. He would call you out and put you on the spot. Being a professor, he valued education and he enforced that his student athletes, boxers at the time, and wrestlers before that, focused on their education. He would, without hesitation, withhold a competitor from a show or tournament if they were not keeping up with their academics.

He knew when to push you and exactly what buttons to push. He would bring the Lock Haven boxers to Rockview St. Penitentiary to train and spar with the inmates. The first time he brought me along, I was getting bullied and beaten up by an older and more experienced inmate. I was afraid and I kept looking over at him, in a way hoping that he would stop the sparring session. But he looked back and his eyes calmed me and I knew to throw a counter punch out of the corner. Dr. Cox believed in me at that moment when I didn’t believe in myself. A few years later, after me appointed me President of the Lock Haven Boxing Club, he asked me to submit the paperwork on which of his boxers he was selecting to compete in an upcoming show in New York. He also knew that I would see those papers so he wrote on there that I was “not nearly as talented” as another boxer on the roster. While we never spoke of it, he knew that he would ignite a fire in me to overcome my lack of natural ability through dedication and determination. It was just one of his many methods of motivation. As he would often say, he was “using a negative stimulus to produce a positive result.”

در اصل, دکتر. Cox was a giver. He shared his knowledge, تجربه او, and most importantly, his time to mold young men and women into competitive student athletes and decent human beings. He shared his family with us, including his wife Glenda, who was the driver (“the pilot”) of so many of our road trips. Those road trips, whether they were 45 minutes to Penn St. or several hours to Annapolis, were always entertaining life lessons. We were never allowed to sleep on those trips as “Doc” found this was the perfect time for education. He would discuss whatever topic hit his mind and they often came from left field. Those trips were never boring.

دکتر. Cox always implored us to give back to the sport that gave us so much. He encouraged his student boxers to go into coaching and officiating, often allowing us to assist him in working the corner of one of our teammates, or setting up seminars so we could get our certification. He would, without question, gladly write a recommendation for a job or internship. He asked me to sit in his office while he wrote a letter of recommendation for me. He educated me on how to effectively communicate through the written word and focused on using “power” and “impact” words that would command attention and respect. He was always willing to be listed as a job reference because he wanted to see those who had trained and mentored become successful in life.

Since yesterday, I have been thinking a lot about my favorite “Doc” stories, the ones that I tell the most often. Of course, you can’t tell a Doc story without imitating his voice and mannerisms. Every year, when the LHU boxing alumni would gather for the annual boxing homeshow and after party, we would all tell our favorite stories while doing the Doc imitation. Sadly, the next time we gather will be for his funeral. This is a way for me to cope with his death and smile through the tears. These are in no particular order. For the most part, I will avoid using any names in the event someone doesn’t want to be called out.

  • First Roadtrip and “Barnyard Beef” – My first roadtrip with Doc and the LHU team was October 1994 to the US Naval Academy. It was the annual season kickoff meeting and a round of sparring sessions with boxers from Navy, VMI, لاک پناهگاه, Shippensburg, and Mansfield. It was a relatively uneventful day except for one of the Haven’s novice boxers had taken a few solid punches and was now complaining how bad his jaw hurt. On our way home, we were expecting to make a quick dinner stop, likely a McDonalds, until Doc spotted a little shack-looking place on the side of the road called “Barnyard Beef.” Once he saw it, he implored Glenda to cut off the driver in the right lane so we could pull over as he boomed “Hun Hun… That’s where we need to stop. It’s called Barnyard Beef. It has to be good!” He gave us all a few dollars to order and we all went with roast beef sandwiches with Doc getting an extra-large selection which looked to be about as big as the moon. Our sulking boxer implored that his jaw was too sore to chew so he opted for a cup of soup. Doc took the first bite of his gigantic roast beef sandwich and rolled his eyes in delight “Oh My GodThis is the BEST roast beef sandwich ever” and looking over at his lone soup-eating boxer, he followed with “You gotta get one of theseForget about your jaw! Stop being such a pansy and get one!"
  • Mad in the Corner – As mentioned, Doc wanted to give his student boxers opportunities to learn to coach. There was a December card at Penn State my sophomore year where I and another teammate had our bouts canceled when our opponents from Buffalo were snowed in. Doc saw an opportunity to have us help in the corners with each of us taking two bouts and he would allow you to get in the ring and give the instructions. The first bout I worked with him was a clear Lock Haven victory. The second bout I worked with him did not go so well. The Lock Haven boxer was not doing well and certainly not up to his potential. Through the first round, I could tell Doc was getting angry. As the bell rang, he snarled “Let me have the ring” which was never a good thing. As I sat there, I made a vow that situation would never happen to me. Fast forward two months later, I am competing in that same PSU ring against a very sloppy and awkward opponent and the first round was going poorly, very poorly. The bell rung to end the first round and, as I started walking back to my corner, I saw Doc getting in the ring with a wild and angered look in his eyes. I almost considered walking to my opponent’s corner and asking if I could stay there for the next minute because I knew my corner was not going to be a fun place to be. In a crazy way, Doc’s unleashing on me actually forced me to refocus and allowed me to come back to win that one.
  • President’s Dinner – At the end of every year, the president of the university would have a dinner for the boxing team. As Doc had retired as a professor in 1996, they decided that year that the dinner would not just be for the current team but also for some selected alumni. After the boxing nationals had ended in April, Doc was flying to Fiji for a few weeks to participate in a boxing seminar. He was scheduled to return only a day before the dinner banquet. We were waiting for him at the gym so we could travel to the dinner as a team. When Doc walked through the doors, our collective jaws hit the floor. He was wearing a suit jacket and tie and a traditional Fijian sulu. In our eyes, he was wearing something that resembled a skirt. He just smiled back and said “These are so comfortable. I think I am going to start wearing them more often.” To say his attire was the talk of the dinner was an understatement for sure.
  • Pork & Beans – One of Doc’s defining characteristics in life was his generosity and willingness to help others. He had a close relationship with the local Salvation Army and every year, he would set up a day for the boxing team to ring the bells for the Salvation Army kettle. When Doc found out that one of his boxers was struggling financially and unable to afford food, he worked out a deal with the Salvation Army where they would donate some food for him. We were loading a box of groceries donated when this boxer who came from a Muslim family looked at the one item and declined it as it included pork. Doc picked up the can and said “Are you sureHow can you tell?” to which he was informed that it was a can of Pork & Beans. He pondered for a moment simply said “Hmmm… You know I never knew that had pork in it?"
  • Don’t Eat the Pizza – We were traveling to New York for the annual show at the New York Athletic Center a few days before Thanksgiving. This was a rare show with the weigh-in the day before the show and the whole ride to Manhattan, Doc was talking about how we were going out to eat after the weigh-in. Since it was my first year competing on the NYAC show, he allowed me to choose the ethnic food we would be indulging in later. Of course, I picked Italian. Doc had one more very important piece of advice. After the weigh-in, there would be pizzas there. Even though we were all hungry from making weight for the show, he advised that we do not eat the pizza because we were going out to dinner. The three Lock Haven boxers made weight and, after changing, we walked over to find Doc eating his third slice of pizza. A short while later, we are seated at the famed Luna’s restaurant in Little Italy and Doc is complaining that he shouldn’t have eaten that pizza and he was too full to order a meal. The legendary Dr. کاکس, the man who stories recount ate so much Chinese Food the year before, was reduced to ordering a side salad. As we were eating and laughing, Coach Ken Cooper made an astute observation. Doc had finished his salad and was now eating from his wife’s plate, all the while mentioning how he wasn’t hungry. Not missing a beat, Doc proceeded to take the extra meatballs from the one boxer’s meal.
  • Cigars and Vodka –This is one that I didn’t get to witness personally but he told it so often that I felt like I was there. As a highly-respected wrestling coach, Doc was often invited to wrestling seminars in Russia where that sport is God-like. Doc was often the recipient of many bottles of the finest Russian vodka. He would attend boxing seminars in Cuba. Before flipping truck tires became a trendy thing in most fitness centers, Doc borrowed the Cuban method and would have his fighters bounce on truck tires to increase leg strength and conditioning. He also came home from many of these trips with some authentic Cuban cigars. He would tell us how he would then go to the store and buy the cheapest cigars and vodka, only to switch the labels. He would then imitate those smoking the cheap cigars and drinking the cheap vodka thinking they were consuming the real goods. He would pantomime their sipping of the vodka and slow puffing of the cigars while commenting “how you can really taste the difference”, his whole time cackling at the knowledge that he knew they were really gushing over the lowest quality of both items.
  • Weight – It’s no secret, Doc wanted his boxers to compete in different weight classes. He also always envisioned a dominant heavyweight on his team and he would workout football players or wrestlers who had exhausted their eligibility in those respective sports. At the beginning of each school year, I would show up around 190-195 and Doc would envision me being his solution at heavyweight, despite the fact that I didn’t have the height, and once I started conditioning, the weight to sustain it. I still remember those conversations. “Ok Penecale, you weighed in at 185 for last week’s bout. What did you weigh today?” I would respond with “182” and he would shoot back “Ok, این هفته, I am going to put you in with a ‘small’ heavyweight.” When he meant “small”, it was usually anyone under 235 and I would show up to weigh-ins with rocks in my pockets. Then one day, only a few days before regionals, he decided to try another avenue. I had been between 178-180 and fully expecting to compete at 180 in the regionals when he asked “Do you think you can make 165 by Friday?” It was already Tuesday afternoon. He felt that was my best path to the National tournament so I agreed. In spring 1997, between January 30 and April 12, Doc had me compete in five separate weight classes.
  • My last homeshow – Fitting that this anniversary is tomorrow (فوریه 7) and I will be posting the Youtube video like I do every year. The homeshow was always a big event and Doc would want everything to be perfect. As Coach Coop would say to us, Doc would be very impatient or as so eloquently described “he would be a bear with a sore ass.” The last thing you wanted to do was annoy Doc before, در طی, or after the homeshow. My senior year, I was taking on a boxer from Army by the name of Michael Jordan. My friends and roommates showed up with custom signs and shirts and they were seated in the bleachers close to my corner. Earlier in the card, when I was getting changed, a boxer from Kentucky had knocked out an opponent from Penn State and drew the crowd’s ire by jumping on the ropes and showboating. I was unaware of this, so as the emotion hit me at the final bell, I banged my gloves and started a run to my corner to jump on the ropes and salute my cheering section. Doc read my mind and sternly said “NO!” which forced my momentum into an awkward gallop, looking like a bucking bronco that was just hit with a cattle prod.

The last two days have been emotional and difficult, from finding out that Doc was soon-to-be transitioning to the crushing news of his passing. Being an admin on the LHU Boxing Facebook page, one of the abilities is to approve posts. I saw so many posts submitted for approval from friends, خانواده, fellow alumni including so many photos. It was nearly impossible not to break down.

دکتر. Cox was a coach, an educator, a mentor, and a friend. As I first said in the post after his passing, he taught me so many lessons in and out of the ring. He believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. He pushed me to be better, a better boxer, a better student, a better son, a better friend, and a better human. Those life lessons still impact me every day and I find myself sharing them often.

Coach Cooper added in his tributeHe who is in the hearts of so many is never truly gone”.  That is a true statement. Dr. Cox will live on through the positive impact that he has made through so many of his students, ورزشکاران, خانواده, و دوستان.

You will certainly be missed, دکتر. Cox. Thank you and We Love You!!!

World Cup Boxing Series signs 2-time World title challenger “Mighty” Aston Palicte

Aston Palicite.jpg
لس آنجلس (فوریه 7, 2022) — سری مسابقات بوکس جام جهانی (WCBS), co-founded by CEO Terry Hollan and matchmaker Guy Taylor, has announced it has signed 2-time World title challenger “Mighty” Aston Palicte (28-4-1, 24 کوس) به یک قرارداد تبلیغاتی چند ساله.

The 31-year-old Palicte, who fights out of Bago City, Negros Occidental, Philippines is the two-time World junior bantamweight title challenger against a pair of future Hall of Famers, fighting to a draw with fellow Filipino Donnie Nietes (43-1-6, 24 کوس), losing to current World Boxing Organization (WBO) Junior Bantamweight Champion Kazuto Ioka (28-2, 15 کوس).

A veteran matchmaker, Taylor has known and had a working relationship with Palicte and his manager, Jason Soong, for the past six years.
“We had a great run,تیلور گفت. “Getting the old team together feels like and old music group coming back for one more hit album. I think we’ve all learned a lot during this experience and realize we are a better unit when this team is together.”

“I am very happy that they still believe in me,” Palcite commented. “I’m excited to make another run for a world title.”

“I am really excited to go on our next title journey at bantamweight with World Cup Boxing Series,” Soong added. “We have been working with Guy Taylor since day-one and it just feels right that we continue our next chapter with him.”

در خود 2016 United States debut, Palicte faced off in Las Vegas with former World Boxing Council (WBC) نکن. 5-rated contender and North American Boxing Federation (NABF) Super-Flyweight Champion Oscar Cantu (14-0) in Las Vegas Nevada. Palicte defeated the then-undefeated Texan by 10-round split decision to capture the NABF and WBO Inter-Continental Championships.

Nearly one year to the day, Palicte took on former world champion Jose Alfredo Rodriguez (32-6) در تگزاس, scoring an emphatic 5-round technical knockout victory.

The two aforementioned triumphs set-up the biggest fight in Palicte’s career September 8, 2018, when the stage was set in Los Angeles for an All-Filipino matchup with legend Nietes on HBO for the vacant WBO Junior Bantamweight World Championship.

In a very close and entertaining bout, in which both men had their moments, the judges couldn’t come to an agreement and rendered even scorecards to keep the title vacant. Nietes would claim the vacant title three-months later, defeating Ioka by way of a 12-round split decision.

The WBO ordered a “Title Eliminator” that Palicte won with a second-round stoppage of WBO No. 4 contender Jose Martinez (20-0), setting up a rematch between Nietes and Palicte. اما, Nietes vacated the world title just hours before the scheduled WBO purse bid, positioning Palicte versus Ioka in Japan for the vacant WBO Jr. Bantamweight Championship. In another all-action war, Palicte seriously hurt Ioka in the seventh round, only to get caught himself in the 10هفتم as Ioka caught and wobbled Palicte, prompting the referee to halt the action.

There are some great potential matchups in the bantamweight division for the powerful Filipino, including a showdown with Jason Moloney 22-2 (18 کوس), who is the current WBC “Silver” Bantamweight Champion and WBC #2 مدعی, but more notably would be against the Bantamweight King Pin and unified World champion (WBA و IBF), نائویا اینوئه 22-0 (19 کوس). Palicte is presently ranked No. 9 توسط فدراسیون بین المللی بوکس, و همچنین هیچ. 14 توسط WBO.

“I feel Aston can compete with anyone at 118 پوند,” Taylor concluded. “He was the strongest contender at 115 and that was after depleting himself. Can you imagine what he will be like at his natural weight of 118? My partner (تری Hollan) and I are already working on a bout in the late March / early April timeframe and, after that, we would like an eliminator bout for the mandatory position against anyone in the top 15.”
Palicte joins rising Mexican lightweight prospect Luis “Koreano” Torres (14-0, 9 کوس) in the relatively new WCBS stable.

فیس بوک: /WorldCupBoxingSeries
اینستاگرم: @World_Cup_Boxing_Series

بیانیه کیت "یک بار" تورمن با تصمیم برای پیروزی بر ماریو "ال آزتکا" باریوس

تسلط لئو سانتا کروز بر کینان کارباخال در ویژگی Pay-Per-View, عیسی راموس KO برد را به ارمغان می آورد, به علاوه لوئیس نری در اکشن Undercard Pay-Per-View از کارلوس کاسترو خارج می شود & لوک سانتاماریا & عمر خوارز پیروز در PBC در FOX Action
کلیک کنیداینجا برای عکس ها (به زودی آپلود می شود)
اعتبار: رایان هفی / برتر قهرمانان بوکس
LAS VEGAS (فوریه 5, 2022) -قهرمان سابق وزن یکپارچه جهانکیت "یک بار" تورمنبازگشت است.
تورمن ثابت کرد که هنوز یک وزنه بردار نخبه است, برنده شدن در یک تصمیم 12 دور به اتفاق آرا بر قهرمان سابق فوق سبک وزن جهانماریو "ال آزتکا" باریوس در رویداد اصلی یک رویداد FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View شنبه شب از Michelob ULTRA Arena در Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino در لاس وگاس.

این یک مبارزه بازگشتی پس از دو سال و نیم دوری بود,کلیروات گفت, تورمن فلوریدا. "ای کاش بهترین عملکردم را داشتم, اما من در این شرایط بهترین کار را انجام دادم. من به این اجرا C+ یا B نمره می دهم- برای خودم."
در اولین مبارزه خود در اوور 30 ماه, تورمن 33 ساله (30-1, 22 کوس) ویژگی هایی را نشان داد که او را به صدر دسته 147 پوندی رساند. تورمن شروعی قوی داشت و هرگز کنترل را رها نکرد, گاهی اوقات باریوس را با ضربات سخت تنبیه می کند.
محله (26-2, 17 کوس) لحظاتی را در اولین بازی خود در وزن کم داشت, به خصوص در هشتم زمانی که یک قلاب چپ به بدن باعث شد تورمن به عقب برگردد. تنبل 26 ساله اهل سن آنتونیو, تگزاس نیز از خود نشان داد, با وجود توپخانه سنگین تورمن، جنگیدن بازیگوش.
“امشب جنگجوی مکزیکی را در خود نشان دادم. کلاهم را برای کیت تورمن برمی دارم, او همچنین یک جنگجو است. ما به هواداران جنگ بزرگی دادیم,گفت: "باریوس.

با این وجود, برای غلبه بر عملکرد خوب تورمن بی امان کافی نبود.
ما او را تکان دادیم. ما نتوانستیم او را زمین بگذاریم و بیرون بیاوریم, اما ما عملکرد عالی و مبارزه ای عالی داشتیم,”گفت تورمان.
"من کمربندها را می خواهم. من قهرمانان را می خواهم. من می خواهم به اوج برگردم, بنابراین هر کسی که مایل است قرارداد را برای کیت تورمن بفرستد, بیا بریم!"
در مسابقه اصلی وزن فوق العاده, قهرمان جهان چهار دستهلئو "زلزله" سانتا کروز یک اجرای قدیمی دیگر ارائه کرد, غلبه بر ناملایمات برای برنده شدن در یک تصمیم گسترده 10 دور به اتفاق آراکینان “بیدو” کارباخال.
"من دورهای خوبی رفتم. اگر به آنجا رفته بودم و او را سریع تمام می کردم, من تجربه ای را که لازم داشتم به دست نمی آوردم,سانتا کروز 33 ساله گفت. "من کمی اخراج طولانی مدت را احساس کردم, اما من تمام تلاشم را کردم و امیدوارم هواداران آن را دوست داشته باشند و می خواهند دوباره من را ببینند.

سانتا کروز (38-2-1, 19 کوس) زیر چشم چپ و یکی در امتداد پلک راست هر دو بر اثر ضربه‌های تصادفی به سرش دچار بریدگی شد.
بی باک, "El Terremoto" بر اکشن مسلط بود, صدمه زدن به کارباجل (23-3-1, 15 کوس) چندین بار در راه خود برای بردن هر دور در هر سه کارت امتیازی (100-90).
"ما به باشگاه برمی گردیم, بهتر شویم و روی اشتباهاتمان کار کنیم,سانتا کروز گفت. ما می خواهیم متحد شویم و از عنوان خود دفاع کنیم. ما همه قهرمانان را می خواهیم 126 پوند است. "
اقدام پرداخت به ازای مشاهده نیز شاهد افزایش احساس وزن فوق العاده بودعیسی "میمون" راموس (18-0, 15 کوس) در بزرگترین مبارزه دوران حرفه ای خود عملکردی تماشایی ارائه کرد. راموس 20 ساله با ناک اوت کردن یک کهنه کار خطرناک شکست ناپذیر ماندولادیمیر هرناندز (13-5, 6 کوس) در 2:21 دور ششم.
او را هوشمندانه بوکس می کردم و واقعاً به دنبال ناک اوت نبودم,راموس گفت. "او آدم سرسختی است, مرد بادوام. دور به دور او را شکستم, یک شوت تمیز که به او آسیب رساند, بنابراین من کار را انجام دادم.
پایان به سرعت در دقیقه ششم به پایان رسید، زمانی که یک اورهاند راموس به سمت چپ رفت و باعث شد هرناندز کنترل پاهای خود را از دست بدهد.. راموس به سر و بدن او ضربه زد تا اینکه داور مایک اورتگا با مهربانی وارد بازی شد..
"ما می خواهیم رزومه خود را بسازیم, مانند فلوید می ودر,راموس گفت. او گتی را داشت, کورالس، نیومکزیکو, کاستیلو و همه بچه ها. این چیزی است که شما نمی توانید از او بگیرید و این چیزی است که من می خواهم انجام دهم. من می خواهم شهرت خود را به دست بیاورم. من اینجا نیستم که فالوور اینستاگرام داشته باشم. من اینجا هستم تا در بوکس بیانیه بدهم."
در بازکن پرداخت به ازای هر نمایش, قهرمان سابق دو دسته جهانلوئیس "پلنگ" نری کاهش یافته استکارلوس کاسترو در دور اول در راه رسیدن به پیروزی 10 راندی تقسیم تصمیم در نبرد تاکتیکی بین وزنه‌های فوق‌العاده.
تجربه من قطعاً یک عامل بود,"گفت نیری. من سه مبارزه قهرمانی جهان را در دست دارم و با حریفان سرسختی نسبت به او روبرو شده ام. امشب نشان داد.»
این اکشن در اولین بار زمانی گرم شد که پنجه جنوبی نری با یک چپ راست وصل شد که کاسترو را روی صندلی تنه‌اش نشاند.. ققنوس, بومی آریزونا توانست از فریم بلند شود و جان سالم به در ببرد.
این مسابقه در راندهای میانی به عنوان هر دو کاسترو به یک مسابقه شطرنج تبدیل شد (27-1, 12 کوس) و نری مکزیکی (32-1, 24 کوس) لحظات خود را داشتند. در پایان, دفاع و دقت نری با پیروزی ثابت شد 96-93 و 95-94 روی دو کارت, در حالی که داور سوم آن را برای کاسترو به ثمر رساند, 95-94.
می‌خواستم به همه نشان دهم که من فقط اهل یونجه نیستم,"گفت نیری. اگر بخواهم دعوا کنم و تاکتیکی باشم, من هم می توانم انجامش بدهم.
"می دانستم که می توانم او را ناک اوت کنم, اما من می‌خواستم برنده شوم تا ثابت کنم که می‌توانم بوکس هم کنم. من آنطور که می خواستم ضد مشت می زدم و حمله می کردم.»
قبل از پرداخت به ازای هر نمایش, PBC on FOX رویداد اصلی را دیدلوک سانتاماریا (13-2-1, 7 کوس) غلبه بر یک چالش سخت ازآبل راموس (27-5-2, 21 کوس) برای برنده شدن یک تصمیم 10 راند به اتفاق آرا در رویارویی خود در وزن متوسط. به دنبال شروعی آهسته, سانتاماریا جای خود را پیدا کرد, اغلب از ارتدوکس به پنجه جنوبی تغییر می کند و از هر دو موضع موفق می شود. راموس در تمام طول بازی بود, اما هر سه داور شاهد پیروزی واضح سانتاماریا با امتیاز 98-92 بودند, 96-94 و 96-94.
در رویداد مشترک اصلی در FOX, مدعی فوق العاده سبک وزنعمر "صاعقه" خوارز (13-1, 5 کوس) برنده یک تصمیم سخت 10 راندی تقسیم شد رایان "گاوچران" کارل. خوارز بازی اولیه را کنترل کرد, زنده ماندن از موجی که در میانه مبارزه از کارل رخ داد (19-4, 12 کوس) تا با پیروزی کنار برود. یک قاضی این عمل را به ثمر رساند 95-94 برای کارل در حالی که دو قاضی دیگر خوارز را با امتیازهای برتر بردند 96-93 و 95-94.
#         #         #
درباره تورمن در مقابل. باریوها
تورمن در مقابل. باریوس شاهد بازگشت کیت "One Time" تورمن قهرمان سابق وزن سبک وزن جهان به رینگ در برابر ماریو "ال آزتکا" باریوس قهرمان سابق سبک وزن جهان در یک مسابقه 12 راندی وزن سبک وزن بود که تیتر یک FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per- بود. مشاهده ترکیب در روز شنبه, فوریه 5 از Michelob ULTRA Arena در Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino در لاس وگاس.
در همکاری ویژگی, قهرمان چهار بخش جهان، لئو "ال ترموتو" سانتا کروز در یک مسابقه 10 راندی در وزن فوق العاده با کینان "بدو" کارباخال مبارزه کرد., در حالی که راموس بدون شکست عیسی "مونو" در حال افزایش دوئل با ولادیمیر هرناندز در یک مسابقه 10 راندی بود.. پخش تلویزیونی پرداخت به ازای مشاهده در ساعت آغاز شد 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. پی تی با قهرمان سابق دو بخش، لوئیس "پانتترا" نری در حال نبرد با کارلوس کاسترو بدون شکست در یک دوئل 10 راندی در وزن فوق العاده.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر: بازدیدwww.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage وwww.foxdeportes.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک درwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

“St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” changes New headliner is undefeated prospect Francis “Frank The Tank” Hogan Feb. 12th in Dedham, MA

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BOSTON (فوریه 3, 2022) – Undefeated super welterweight prospect Francis “Frank The Tank” Hogan (9-0, 9 کوس) has been elevated to the headliner on “St. Valentine’s Day’s Massacre” card, presented by Vertex Promotions, فوریه 12هفتم در Moseley’s On The Charles in Dedham, ماساچوست.

The cancellation of the original main event between Adrian Sosa and Zack Kuhn resulted in a few changes. Kuhn (10-10-1, 5 کوس) is now fighting another undefeated prospect, جیمز "درو باریک" پرلا (8-0, 6 کوس), in an 8-round Special Welterweight Attraction.

The 21-year-old southpaw Hogan, fighting out of Weymouth (MA), has knocked out each of his 9 professional opponents to date. The popular fighter was a celebrated amateur boxer, highlighted by his gold-medal performance at the 2019 New England Golden Gloves Championships.

“It’s Tank Time” once again, but this fight Hogan will be making his debut as a headliner, in addition to fighting in his first scheduled 8-rounder.

The 6-round fight between Dorchester (MA) lightweight Jonathan Depina (6-1, 4 کوس) and Jonathan “El Guapo” Hernan Godoy (5-12) has moved up to the co-featured event.
Perella’s (8-0, 5 کوس), منسفیلد (MA), was supposed to fight Mexican challenger Danny “Venado” Flores (15-26-1, 8 کوس), but he was injured during training, and he has been replaced by Kuhn. “The Slim Reaper” is a 4-time USA New England Championships and 4-time New England Golden Gloves Champion.

Irish light heavyweight Tommy “The Kid” O’Toole” (2-0, 2 کوس), of Galway, is matched against Greg Hackett (3-20-1) در 4 دور. O’Toole was the 2019 Irish Elite Championship gold medalist, who a powerful southpaw returning to the Boston area for his third pro fight.

Five 6-round bouts are on tap: South Boston super welterweight Joe Farina (7-1, 4 کوس) در مقابل. رینل گریفین (8-49-2, 2 کوس), Houston super lightweight Miranda “El Alacrana” Reyes (5-0-1, 3 کوس) در مقابل. Jaica Pavilus (1-4-1, 1 ضربه فنی), undefeated Philly welterweight Tahmir Smalls (6-0, 3 کوس) در مقابل. Leonides Fowlkes (2-7-1), popular Dorchester featherweight Troy Anderson, جونیور. (1-0, 1 ضربه فنی), a 2016 قهرمان مسابقات راکی ​​مارسیانو, در مقابل. مایک فولر (7-42, 2 کوس), and super lightweight Marcus Davidson (2-0, 2 کوس) در مقابل. Rakim Johnson (6-15-1, 5 کوس).

Also fighting on the undercard in four-round bouts is Southbridge (MA) super featherweight Alex Rivera (2-0, 1 ضربه فنی) در مقابل. Brandon Grimmett (0-5), as well as the Davidson’s older brother from Kansas City (KS), pro-debuting lightweight Marcell, a 2-time Ringside World and 2019 دستکش های طلایی ملی قهرمان, در مقابل. TBA.
جنگجویان در معرض تغییر هستند.

بلیط به فروش می $85.00 and up (در کنار صحنه ورزش), $75.00 (پذیرش عمومی) و $50.00 (اتاق ایستاده). Tickets are available to purchase online athttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/st-valentines-day-massacre-21222-tickets-243038654157?aff=ebdssbdestsearch or contact any of the competing fighters to purchase tickets.

درب در باز 6:30 PM. ET با اولین مسابقه برنامه ریزی شده برای شروع در 7:30 p.m. و.

Ruben Torres vs. Cristian Mino all set for February 18th Thompson Card

ORANGE, مانند (فوریه 2, 2022) – Thompson Boxing’s undefeated rising star, سبک وزن روبن “آس” تورس (17-0, 14 کوس), has an opponent for his upcoming main event bout as he will face the dangerous Argentine power puncher, Cristian Mino (20-4-2, 17 کوس). Torres vs. Mino, an 8-round main event bout, اراده تیتر Thompson Boxing’s “New Blood” event, در جمعه, فوریه 18, 2022.

میگل مادوئنو رویداد خونی جدید تامپسون بوکس را در ماه اکتبر عنوان می کند, مانند. درب در باز 6:30 میگل مادوئنو رویداد خونی جدید تامپسون بوکس را در ماه اکتبر عنوان می کند 8:00 PT PM. بلیط ها در قیمت $50, $75, و $100, برای خرید از طریق تماس موجود است 714-935-0900, یا بصورت آنلاین در ThompsonBoxing.com.

I’m happy to be back in the main event for the next Thompson Boxing show,” said Torres from his training camp. “I must be tested if I want to become a champion and I know my promoter will challenge every step of the way. Mino is a dangerous fight because he has a lot of power, but I have complete confidence in myself to be victorious. These are the type of fights I’ve been seeking.”

در 8 دور همکاری ویژگی, اسحاق “Dinamita” زارات (16-5-4, 2 کوس), از سن پدرو, کالیفرنیا., will square off in a rematch against Horacio Garcia (34-4-1, 25 کوس) in the featherweight division.

I’ve been waiting patiently to return to the ring and what better than a rematch against Horacio Garcia,” said Zarate. “I beat him the first time out and I’m sure he will be seeking revenge, so I’m expecting this to be a grueling fight. I’m ready to bring the best out of me for my hometown fans and get back in the win column.”

در نبرد بی‌شکل‌ناپذیر وزن‌های فوق‌العاده (www.thompsonboxing.com), as well as their Facebook and YouTube pages, in addition to Fight Hub TV, در نبرد بی‌شکل‌ناپذیر وزن‌های فوق‌العاده. میگل مادوئنو رویداد خونی جدید تامپسون بوکس را در ماه اکتبر عنوان می کند, توزین کردن, و مطالب پشت صحنه, via their new Mobile App downloadable on Apple and Google.

BOOTS زیر کارت:
سبک وزن Loui Lopez (9-1-1, 4 کوس) از تاج, کالیفرنیا. روبرو خواهد شد Cristian Dominguez (11-3, 6 کوس) از لاس وگاس, نوادا. (6-دور)

ورزشکار پروزن Japhethlee Llamido (10-0, 7 کوس) از نورواک, کالیفرنیا., جنگ Eric Barrios Santos (3-1, 3 کوس), of San Marcos Calif. (6-دور)

سنگین وزن Oscar Torrez (7-0, 4 کوس), of Rialto, کالیفرنیا., روبرو خواهد شد Daniel Najera (9-6-1, 4 کوس) of Monterey, مکزیک. (6-دور)

Opening the card will be super bantamweight clash between ایوان زارات از سن پدرو, کالیفرنیا (3-0, 1 ضربه فنی), و Sean Brewer (1-0), از لاس وگاس, NV. (4-دور)

در نبرد بی‌شکل‌ناپذیر وزن‌های فوق‌العاده, تغییر مکان در مکان های زیبا; محصولات امگا بین المللی, بزرگترین تولید کننده گچ در ایالات متحده است; هانری / استحکام بخشیدن, کنترل سیستم رطوبت به آسانی 1,2,3, و ماکیتا, در خارج از منزل حکومت کنید.

برای اطلاعات بیشتر, به روز رسانی منظم در مورد جنگنده های ما, وقایع, و تبلیغات, please visit ThompsonBoxing.com. همچنین می توانید مکالمه را در شبکه های اجتماعی دنبال کنید, در نبرد بی‌شکل‌ناپذیر وزن‌های فوق‌العاده.

Please check our Facebook Page, watch our YouTube channel on Thompson
تلویزیون بوکس, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter @ThompsonBoxing.

Toronto’s undefeated light heavyweight Kareem Hackett joins same 3 Point Management stable as 43-0 گیلبرتو "Zurdo" رامیرز

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(L-R) — گیلبرتو “Southpaw” رامیرز & Kareem Hackett

LAS VEGAS (فوریه 2, 2022) – Undefeated Toronto light heavyweight prospect Kareem Hackett (8-0, 7 کوس) امضاء کرده است قرارداد مدیریتی با 3 مدیریت نقطه (3PM), که نیز مدیریت می کند 43-0 گیلبرتو "Zurdo" رامیرز, قهرمان سابق سوپر میان وزن جهان, and today the top-ranked World light heavyweight contender.

“Kareem is a great talent that just needs an opportunity,"رامیرز گفت. “He’s been a good sparring partner for me in the past and I’m glad he can be in the same stable as I am, 3 Point Management.”

در کانادا, Hackett participated in combat sports like kickboxing, جوجیتسو, and boxing. او تا به حال 40-6 amateur boxing record, including a pair of Ringside International boxing titles, as well as being crowned a Canadian National kickboxing champion.

Now a resident of Los Angeles, where Kareem trains at Brickhouse Boxing Club, in which “Zurdo” is part of its ownership. Hackett is coached by Ramirez’ head trainer, جولیان چوا.

“I met ‘Zurdo’ through Julian,” Hackett explained. “We have the same trainer, جولیان. Sparring with ‘Zurdo’ is great. بعد از آن, we always talk about boxing. He has a lot of experience and he’s taught me so many different things. It also adds to my competitiveness. I try to bring different things I’ve learned from him into our sparring, and that’s been great for me.

“I work with Julian; he is here in Los Angeles. Because of the pandemic, it’s been complicated for me, so I haven’t been going home a (تورنتو) is much as I used to or want to. We’re super spoiled at Brickhouse. I grew up in a classic gym, and I was used to its griminess. I can’t believe how nice Brickhouse is.”

“Kareem is a very skillful fighter that has been under the radar too long,” Chua remarked. “He’s one of the best strategists in the ring I’ve ever seen. We started his professional career together and we’ve built a brother bond. He knows he can trust my eyes in the corner like I can trust his skills in the ring.”

Hackett, 31, is a southpaw from Toronto, who has learned from sparring sessions with world boxing champions such as “Zurdo,” Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin, سرجیو مورا, Mathew Macklin, دیوید بناویدز, و دیمیتری بیول. Hackett’s 3PM stablemate, "چپ" رامیرز, is the mandatory challenger for Bivol, the reigning World Boxing Association (WBA) نور سنگین وزن قهرمان جهان.

“What I’ve learned most from sparring all these world champions is, unlike a lot of guys who believe they need to knockout their opponent in one round,” Hackett noted, “it’s not a one-round fight and could go as long as 12 دور. I’ve learned long-term strategy. Boxing is more like a marathon-like mindset than a sprint.”

در جدیدترین اقدام خود, Hackett stopped 2-0 Giovanni Lizarraga Garate midway through the opening round last April in Mexico.
Self-described as using a strategic violence style, Hackett is a smart, گریزان, accurate, and opportunistic. Sounds as if he’s describing “Zurdo.” “We do have the same coach,” Hackett added.

Hackett’s goals in 2022 includes knocking out each opponent he faces, as well as capturing U.S. or Canadian regional titles. His first fight of 2022 is tentatively set for February 17 in Texas against an opponent to be determined.

“Kareem is a smart, intelligent fighter with a gifted physic to be a force in this game,” Ramirez concluded.

وب سایت: www.ZurdoPromotions.com, www.KareemHackett.com
اینستاگرم: zurdoramirez, zurdopromotions, @kareemwins
توییتر: ZurdoPromotions, GilbertoZurdoRamirez, @SupremeUncanny

Coyle to face Lopes February 19 in Melrose, MA

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لینک, MA (فوریه 1, 2022) – Connor “The Kid” Coyle risks his perfect record against Brazilian knockout artist Rodrigo Lopes Saturday, فوریه 19 at Memorial Hall in Melrose, MA.

کویل, who is from Northern Ireland but trains in St. پترزبورگ, FL, است 14-0 با 6 از پیروزی خود آینده توسط حذفی.
The 31-year-old was slated to face rugged contender Guido Nicolas Pitto of Argentina but he was forced to withdraw.

Since suffering his only career defeat, لوپز, 8-1 (7 در KO) has been in the gym working on his craft. Team Lopes claims their boxer will be a totally different fighter than the one previously seen since he’ll be competing as a full-fledged middleweight rather than a weight drained welterweight.

The eight round Coyle-Lopes matchup is for the ABF Continental Americas Middleweight title.

The bout serves as the co-main event of Reyes Boxing’s “Down & Dirty”. Presented by Reyes Boxing, بلیط برای
“Down & Dirty” are on sale now by going to Tinyurl.com/4TMZAWXE. The card will also be broadcast on Throwdownsports.com. More information is available by calling 978-745-4007 or going to ReyesBoxingClub.com.

درب در باز 6:30 and Melrose Memorial Hall is located at 590 خیابان اصلی.

Headlining this exciting evening of boxing is an international super middleweight battle featuring 2012 Olympic medalist Yamaguchi Falcao of Brazil and Fernando Ezequiel Farias of Argentina. Falcao and Farias are a combined 29-2-3 and will battle it out over 10 rounds for the WBC Latino 168 عنوان پوند.

Junior welterweight Joseph Fernandez of St Petersburg, FL by way of Springfield, MA fights for the first time in The Bay State when he meets Gonzalo Dallera in an eight rounder. Fernandez is 14-3-3 با 5 KO’s and is coming off an impressive 3سوم round KO of Jose Forero. Dallera hails from Argentina and is a veteran of 24 دعوا.

کویل, Falcao and Fernandez are promoted by Fire Fist Boxing Promotions.

“Down and Dirty” features a total of 12 fights including lightweight Alejandro Paulino, heavyweight Donnie Palmer, welterweight Eric Goff, cruiserweight Bernard Joseph and junior welterweight Marqus Bates in separate bouts.

همه دعوا در معرض تغییر است.

“We’ve got a nice mix of local boxers and world class global talent on this card,” said Michael Reyes of Reyes Boxing. “The Boston region has a large Irish and Brazilian population, so there should be strong support for Connor Coyle and Yamaguchi Falcao as well.”

برای اطلاعات بیشتر, visit Reyesboxingclub.com.

Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez fights back against Dmitry Bivol’s claim of turning down a title fight

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LAS VEGAS (ژانویه 31, 2022) – Back in December, right after Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez (43-0, 29 کوس) stopped Yunieski Gonzalez to become the mandatory challenger for World Boxing Association (WBA) Light Heavyweight World Super Champion Dmitry Bivol (19-0, 11 کوس) who suddenly and surprisingly went dark, until he recently make an unsubstantiated claim that “Zurdo” had turned down an offer to fight him.

Bivol was quoted in a recent boxing news report, which was also picked up by other media outlets, گفت, “I know for a fact that my team did offer Team Ramirez to fight me December 11هفتم در روسیه, and the purse offered was about the same as what I was offered to fight him on a (جوایز پسر طلایی) نمایش. He rejected the offer.”

“I don’t know why he’s saying they offered a fight to me,” Ramirez countered, “but he must be really confused. To be clear there was never a contract that was sent to my team or Golden Boy for a fight; unlike how a contract was delivered to him and his team from Golden Boy for the December bout. I’m confused why he continues to be a pawn and create false narratives and tries everything to hide from this fight. It’s just a matter of time before that belt comes to where it belongs.”

رامیرز, the first Mexican to capture the World super middleweight title, سازمان جهانی بوکس سابق است (WBO) قهرمان, who earned his title shot against Bivol by winning his WBA Title Eliminator versus Gonzalez.

“After Bivol, Joe Smith is my next target since he has my belt (WBO) that I had at 168 پوند,” Ramirez remarked. “I am the best light heavyweight out there and it’s not even close. There’s a reason why these champs are scared to call my name, but soon they won’t have a choice. I would end Smith in less than 6 دور. "

Bivol also said in the aforementioned story: “My motivation and my ambitions have not changed for a long time – I want to fight the best. I want to prove that I am the best in my division.”

Guess what, دیمیتری, 43-0 “Zurdo” is the best!

وب سایت: www.ZurdoPromotions.com
اینستاگرم: zurdoramirez, zurdopromotions
توییتر: ZurdoPromotions, GilbertoZurdoRamirez

درگیری ژسوس "مونو" راموس با ولادیمیر هرناندز در FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View شنبه, فوریه 5 از Michelob ULTRA Arena در Mandalay Bay در لاس وگاس

جوزیتو لوپز در تمرین مصدوم شد, مجبور به عقب نشینی در برابر آبل راموس در PPV Undercard

FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View با تیتر مسابقه بین قهرمانان سابق کیت تورمن & ماریو باریوس

LAS VEGAS (ژانویه 31, 2022) – ستاره در حال ظهور شکست ناپذیر عیسی "میمون" راموس با مدعی وزن فوق العاده سبک وزن روبرو خواهد شد ولادیمیر هرناندز در یک مسابقه 10 راندی در آندر کارت رویداد FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View در روز شنبه, فوریه 5 از Michelob ULTRA Arena در Mandalay Bay.

خوزیتو لوپز در تمرین مصدوم شد و مجبور شد از مسابقه خود مقابل آبل راموس در یک جاذبه پرداخت به ازای هر بازدید کنار بکشد.. خسوس راموس در مقابل. هرناندز جایگزین آبل راموس در برابر بازی شد. مسابقه Josesito Lopez در ترکیب pay-per-view.

رویداد FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View در ساعت آغاز می شود 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT و قهرمان سابق وزن سبک وزن جهان تیتر آن است کیت "یک بار" تورمن مبارزه با قهرمان سابق فوق سبک وزن جهان ماریو "ال آزتکا" باریوس, و همچنین دارای قهرمان چهار دسته جهان است لئو "زلزله" سانتا کروز مصرف در کینان «بیدو» کارباخال در رویداد شرکت اصلی. بیش, قهرمان دو دسته لوئیز نیری بدون شکست نبرد خواهد کرد کارلوس کاسترو در بازکن 10 دور پرداخت به ازای هر نمایش.

بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات TGB ترویج, در حال حاضر در فروش هستند و در دسترس هستند axs.com.

راموس (17-0, 14 کوس), برادرزاده آبل راموس، مدعی سبک وزن, راه خود را به سوی ستاره شدن با KO های برجسته هموار کرده است, اما در دو مبارزه اخیر خود توانایی خود را برای خروج از حریف نشان داده است. پس از برنده شدن یک تصمیم متفق القول بر خاویر مولینا در ماه مه 2021, راموس اخیراً در مسیر تصمیم گیری متفق القول دیگری در سپتامبر در FOX بر برایان مندوزا تسلط داشت. قبل از اون دعواها, Southpaw 20 ساله پنج پیروزی متوالی با ناک اوت به دست آورده بود.

هرناندز 32 ساله (13-4, 6 کوس) در طول پیروزی های پیاپی فعلی خود در سه مبارزه زندگی حرفه ای خود را احیا کرده است, اخیراً در ماه اکتبر در مورد قهرمان متحد سابق جولیان ویلیامز تصمیمی دوگانه گرفت 2021 مبارزه اکشن. بازی قبلی هرناندز باعث ناراحتی آلفردو آنگولو رقیب دیرینه او در ماه اوت شد 2020, با یک جولای 2020 تصمیم در مورد شروع بازی آرون کولی. در اصل اهل دورانگو است, مکزیک, هرناندز اکنون از استاکتون می جنگد, کالیفرنیا در حالی که به نظر می رسد در فوریه یک ناراحتی دیگر به وجود بیاورد 5.

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درباره تورمن در مقابل. باریوها
تورمن در مقابل. باریوس شاهد بازگشت کیت تورمن قهرمان سابق وزن سبک وزن جهان به رینگ خواهد بود تا با ماریو «ال آزتکا» باریوس قهرمان سابق سبک وزن جهان در یک مسابقه 12 راندی در وزن کم وزن که تیتر یک FOX Sports PBC Pay پرجمعیت است، به رینگ بازگردد. ترکیب Per-View در روز شنبه, فوریه 5 از Michelob ULTRA Arena در Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino در لاس وگاس.

در همکاری ویژگی, قهرمان چهار بخش جهان، لئو "ال ترموتو" سانتا کروز، در یک مسابقه 10 راندی در وزن فوق العاده با کینان "بدو" کارباخال مبارزه خواهد کرد., در حالی که قهرمان سابق دو بخش، لوئیس "پانترا" نری با کارلوس کاسترو شکست ناپذیر در یک دوئل 10 راندی در وزن فوق العاده می جنگد.. پخش تلویزیونی پرداخت به ازای نمایش در ساعت آغاز می شود 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. پی تی با ژسوس "مونو" راموس بدون شکست در حال دوئل با ولادیمیر هرناندز در یک مسابقه 10 راندی.

بینندگان زندگی می کنند می توانند جریان PBC را نشان می دهد در FOX ورزشی و FOX حال حاضر برنامه های یا در FOXSports.com. بعلاوه, تمام برنامه های موجود در FOX ورزشی در کانال SiriusXM به هستند 83 در رادیوهای ماهواره ای و در برنامه SiriusXM به.

برای اطلاعات بیشتر: بازدید www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Jeter Promotions Returns to Live Casino Hotel Maryland with Stacked Card on Saturday, ملادن تمام هدایایی که شما نیاز دارید را دارد."


Jordan “Short Dog” White takes on Gadwin Rosa in Main Event

Demond “D’Bestatit” Nicholson takes on Gabriel Pham in Co-Feature

Also Jeter Promotions Fighters Brandon Chambers, AJ Williams, Victor Williams and Mansaborie Conde

Appearances by Jaqeem Hutcherson, Tyrek Irby, کالبی مدیسون, Thyler Williams, Ahmad Muhammad Jones and Joseph Veazey

Hanover, MD (ژانویه 27, 2022)تبلیغات را کنار بگذارید بازده به The HALL at Live! inside Live! کازینو & Hotel Maryland بر شنبه شب, ملادن تمام هدایایی که شما نیاز دارید را دارد.".

Jeter Promotions is back at Live! کازینو & Hotel Maryland for the 7th time and 1st of 2022 on the heels of a near capacity show on October 23rd.

In the main, واقعه, اردن سفید, 12-1 با 10 knockouts of Washington, DC شروع می شود گادوین روزا, 11-2 nine knockouts of Ocala, Florida in a 10-round bout for the WBC USNBC Super Featherweight title.

The co-feature is a 10-round super middleweight clash will pit Demond نیکلسون (24-4-1, 20 کوس) لورل, Maryland battling گابریل فام, 15-2 with eight knockouts of Atlantic City, نیوجرسی.

White, 24, is a seven year-professional and has wins over Ronaldo Solis (4-0-1), Misael Lopez (11-0), and his last bout when he stopped Joe Perez on October 23rd at The HALL at Live!

رزا, 27, یک حرفه ای شش ساله است, and has a win over Jonathan Irizarry (3-0). Rosa is coming off a defeat to George Acosta on May 7.

نیکلسون, 28, is a nine-year professional, who has wins over German perez (11-1-3), جاشوا Okine (28-5-1) and Isaac Rodriguez (25-2). Nicholson is coming off a unanimous decision over Victor Darocha on October 23rd at The HALL at Live!

Pham, 32 هست یک 13 year-professional, has big victories over Michael Glenn (2-0), Chauncey Fields (4-1), Jaba Khositashvili (4-0), جرثقیل وبستر (28-2), Rafael Fernandez Sosa (8-0) and his last contest when he stopped Israel Valerio Nino(15-3) on October 16th in the Dominican Republic.

در حملات شش دور:

تبلیغات را کنار بگذارید signee, Brandon Chambers (6-0-1, 3 کوس) of Gwynn Oak, Maryland fights an opponent to be named in a super bantamweight bout.

Jeter Promotions signee and Penn State Graduate, AJ Williams (5-1, 2 کوس) بالتیمور, Maryland takes on an opponent to be named.

Jeter Promotions signee, and former Dartmouth star Wide Receiver, Victor Williams (3-0, 3 کوس) از واشنگتن, DC takes on an opponent to be named in a super welterweight fight.

Thyler Williams (5-0, 4 کوس) فیلادلفیا طول می کشد در Maurice Anthony (3-3, 3 کوس) of Ypsalanti, Michigan in a junior welterweight fight.

کالبی مدیسون (9-3-2, 6 کوس) بالتیمور, MD takes on an opponent to be named in a heavyweight.

تبلیغات را کنار بگذارید Signee Tyrek Irby (9-0, 3 کوس) از Landover, Maryland battles on opponent to be named in a junior welterweight contest.

In four-round fights:

Jeter Promotions signee, Mansaborie Conde (4-0, 3 کوس) لورل, MD takes on an opponent to be named in a middleweight bout.

احمد محمد جونز (1-0, 1 ضربه فنی) بالتیمور, MD takes on an opponent to be named in a junior welterweight fight.

Joseph Veazey (5-0, 3 کوس) of Baltimore fights an opponent to be named in a welterweight contest.

Tickets for this great night of boxing are priced at $65-$150 و قابل خریداری در AXS.COM

The HALL at LIVE! is a 75,000-square-foot, three-story multi-use concert and event venue that features some of the nation’s best touring acts, comedians, championship boxing and other show-stopping entertainment. With a capacity of up to 4,800 افراد, the state-of-the-art performance venue features three levels of seating: a main orchestra level, intimate loge-level boxes and a plush VIP Level with private bar, lounge and balcony. Each of these options afford spectacular views and immerse audiences in audio visual systems unparalleled in the region.

The $10 million state-of-the-art audio and visual system provides absolute acoustic perfection combined with stunning visual displays. The built-in performance stage, surrounded by massive, high resolution LED screens, است 60 feet wide by 40 feet deep and, from a technological standpoint, rivals the largest and most advanced performance venues anywhere. The HALL is the largest theater in any casino in the state of Maryland, as well as in Anne Arundel County. The HALL at Live! کازینو & Hotel Maryland is located at 7002 Arundel Mills Circle, Hanover, مریلند 21076.