Category Archives: boxing

Dmitry Salita, Star of David Boxing Promotions Team Up With Boxer Junior Wright To Honor NY Police Thursday Night, UJan. 22nd at Webster Hall e Manhattan

For Eliseduze Release

Brooklyn, NY (January 20, 2015)– Boxing and komthetho abasebenza tandem banomlando omude futhi ngimthande. Amaphoyisa labathandani Athletic ziye zanikeza indawo intsha eyihlongandlebe, futhi wavumela at-engozini kwentsha kanye komthetho nabasebenzi ukuze uxhumane futhi izibopho ngazo luzuzisa uqobo, futhi ekuqiniseni imiphakathi zintekenteke. Unalokho engqondweni, promoter Dmitriy Salita and his headliner on the Thursday, UJan. 22 pro boxing ikhadi at Webster Hall e Manhattan kuthiwa teaming up ukuhlonipha izinkumbulo amaphoyisa amabili NYPD ababuleweyo ngenyanga edlule isigameko esiyinhlekelele.

Junior Wright kuba a 12-0 Cruiserweight, kanye 10 Kos, olwela Texan ezinzima Rayford Johnson on the show Salita. Wasukuma futhi banquma wayefuna ukwenza ingxenye yakhe ukuhlonipha amaphoyisa’ memory, futhi ulolonge ukuhlukumezeka emphakathini, mhlawumbe aid in ububi ukungqubuzana phakathi amaphoyisa nentsha ezinye abangomakhelwane amathuba phambilini.

“Ngezwa New York City amaphoyisa amabili ukuthi behlaselwa ngoDisemba zonke izinkinga Kuye kwenzekani,” Wright uthe. “Ngakhulela Chicago and konke nenkhululeko. Zonke ngisebenzelana amaphoyisa bebelokhu ngenhla ibhodi. Babé bangisiza kakhulu nge career yami.” Imenenja yakhe Steve Clemente is a 25 Ngonyaka isosha the Illinois State Police ngenkathi co-trainer Pete George muva umhlalaphansi emva cishe 30 Eminyakeni njengoba suburban Chicago iphoyisa. Ngalokho, Junior ozinikezele le mpi ukuze inkumbulo NYPD. Izikhulu Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos.

Uma Salita wezwa plan, yena waba ngaphezu happy ukuza ebhodini. “Junior kuyinto enkulu indima model,” IZwi wathi. “Yena kunzima-working, enqunywe futhi wagxila ekwenzeni ithonya elihle ngokusebenzisa isibhakela.”

N.Y.P.D. amaphoyisa khona Thursday ebusuku uzothola ithikithi isigamu-price.

“Siyothola umcimbi 10 ukubala for the heroes liwile ngaphambi umcimbi main,” igama.

Webster Hall sise 125 East 11 Street, I-New York, NY 10003.

Doors evulekile for the ikhadi 10-iziqubu at 7 PM ET, nge ticket amanani ukuqala at $40.



Sicela ungene kwi

for up to date information on the UJan. 22 show.



Press Conference Quotes; Monday, UJan. 19, at MGM Grand

Las Vegas (UJan. 19, 2015) - Two nights ngemuva kokuba esibhedlela kulandela ukulahlekelwa kwakhe ukuba inselele unbeaten Deontay Wilder on ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO® ukusuka MGM Grand Garden Arena, former WBC Heavyweight Champion Gold Cup, Hall yakhe Fame umgqugquzeli, Don King, nomqeqeshi wakhe, Don House, sabamba sabezindaba sekwephuzile namuhla at the MGM Grand.


Nakhu engayisho:




"Sibize le sabezindaba ngoba Bermane sabona ngomgqibelo ebusuku wayengeyena Bermane sonke siyazi. Deontay Wilder wenza umsebenzi omuhle kakhulu; lokhu akuyona sabezindaba for izaba, kungenxa eqinisweni. Odokotela esibhedlela of the UMC wathi nesimo esinzima amanzi emzimbeni. Imisipha yakhe babengavunyelwe ukusebenza futhi babecabanga ayenakho igazi umchamo wakhe, kanjalo bathatha abanye izivivinyo futhi agcinwe esibhedlela kuze kube sekuseni.

"Sifuna zokuhalalisa Deontay Wilder ngokwenza umsebenzi wakhe, kodwa umuntu phambi kwakhe kwaba abagula futhi engakwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wakhe, kodwa lokho akufanele bathathe lutho kude ukunqoba kwakhe. Deontay eyenziwa futhi wenza umsebenzi omkhulu. Kuyishwa, kodwa Bermane kuyodingeka ukukwenza olunye usuku. Ukwazi ingqwele esinabo Deontay uye ukuze ngobuciko washo ukuthi uzothatha on muntu, Nginesiqiniseko ngaphandle equivocation wayebenza a rematch ne Bermane wangempela kunokuba umuntu owayebizwa abagula esiyingini, bengathathi away the ukunqoba ayenakho nendlela shined.

"Sidumisa Deontay futhi sethemba angaba iqhawe eside ngokwanele ukuba lapho singaba rematch of the 'Buyelani Glory.'

"Just like wezempi wethu omkhulu, lapho get angqongqoze phansi, bebuya up aphinde. Ngisho olunzima amanzi emzimbeni Bermane namanje ngema 12 emahlandla.

"Sifuna ukunibonga Richard Sturm, President of MGM Grand ukuzijabulisa and Stephen Espinoza with Showtime Boxing for ukudlala ingxenye enkulu ekutholeni lolu hlelo ndawonye. Sibonga kokubili abasebenzi bethu kanye nabasebenzi MGM ngokwenza umsebenzi kuncomeka ngokwenza lokhu kwenzeke. Umoya for 'Buyela Glory' laliphezulu. Thina ikhadi enkulu nge Amir Imam empini of the night, ukuthola abhidliza futhi bebuyela up. Zonke ukulwa zazingavamile. KwakungoLwesihlanu ebusuku ezinhle isibhakela for the abalandeli futhi yilokho esiyikho ngempela mayelana.

"Don House kangaka ngobuciko washo impilo Bermane kubaluleke kangaka kangaka lapho ngathola yena usesibhedlela, Ngaya ukuhlala usuku lapho naye ngoba sasivame nje uyithumele esibhedlela ukuze get ngahlola, kodwa banquma ukuba naye. Uma banquma ukuba naye, Kwadingeka ukuba ukuthanda khona futhi ubone fighter yami. Abasebenzi sasisihle kakhulu nomusa kakhulu kimi futhi esichazayo kakhulu ngalokho kungaba okungalungile nokuphenya zonke izici. Bathi yena enempilo futhi kufanele athathe off inyanga noma ukuthola ukuphumula bese asebenze ukuze alungiselele ukubuya kwakhe enkazimulweni futhi baphinde babe umqhele sosondonzima ukuthi njengamanje aphethwe iqhawe elikhulu okuthiwa Deontay Wilder. "

Gold Cup


"Ngifuna ukuxolisa hhayi ekwenzeni post-fight press conference. Ngeshwa angikwazanga ukwenza empini like ngangifuna ngenxa amanzi emzimbeni obukhulu futhi umonakalo muscle. Bengingazi kwaba ukuthi sína baze wangitshela. I wayengase bafa kulo. Ngiyajabula nje mina, walk and talk again. Thank God for this, lokho ngempela lokho okubalulekile kimi ukuba babe abaphilile okwamanje.

"Bengingazi kobukhulu kwalo Saturday ebusuku. Ngakwazi ukunikeza abantu a show omuhle, 12 nezinhlamvu ezingu boxing. Uma kwadingeka akwenze futhi ngingathanda ngiphinde. Lokhu akusona ukuphela kwami. I uzolinikela amasonto mbhangqwana bese uthole emuva emsebenzini. Nginombono for lokhu, kodwa manje kungcono nje ikhefu. It nje indaba isikhathi ngaphambi kokuba I uzothola emuva ezinyaweni zami ukutotoba. Uma kuziwa empilweni yami, I baye bakhululwa esibhedlela. Ayengeke Ake ngishiye ngaze ngokwanele amanzi amaningi. Ngiyambonga. Siyabonga ukuba umgqugquzeli yami nomqeqeshi, wonke umuntu oye ngemfudumalo.

"To fans yami, Ngiyaxolisa ngeke ukukwazi ukwenza like Bermane ngokuvamile enza. Ngiyazi ukuthi abantu abamazi ngempela mina, wazi kanjani ukuthi ngilwa. Fight My wokugcina Chris Arreola, I epha you show omuhle. Kuyishwa ukuthi ngangingakwazi ukwenza lokho Ngangifuna ukwenza nokulwa yami nge Deontay Wilder. Ngifisa ukuhalalisela kuye, walwa a ukulwa okuhle. Sethemba endaweni ethile esikhathini esizayo siyophinde sibonane.

"Thanks for everyone ephuma eya sabezindaba, I am back on izinyawo zami 100 Amaphesenti angu okwamanje. Ngidinga amasonto ambalwa noma inyanga lokuphumula ukuba emuva lapho ngashiya off. "

DON HOUSE, Trainer Stiverne sika

"Ngiyabonga guys for ephuma. Into ebaluleke kakhulu ukuthi Bermane KULUNGILE. Lokho Uyinto engiyikhathalela main. Ngaqaphela endaweni ethile fight, Cishe emhlabeni round lesithathu noma lesine, kukhona okungahambi kahle. Nakuba wangitshela kwaba OK, sonke siyazi Bermane. Angikhathazeki ukulahlekelwa a fight, kodwa ngangazi kukhona okungahambi kahle, kanjalo I wayekhathazeke kakhulu. Emhlabeni round lesishiyagalolunye noma 10 Bengicabanga ukuba ayeke ukulwa ngoba ungenawo ukuqhubeka, kodwa wayefuna ukuba balwe.

"Awuzange ukubona Bermane, wena wabona mhlawumbe 10-15 Amaphesenti angu Bermane. Ngikholelwa ngempela futhi ngazizwa lokhu kwakufanele balwe ohloniphekile Bermane, kodwa kwakuzoba eyeminyaka emahlandla lamane noma ngaphansi ngoba amandla akhe kanye nesivinini. Asikaze ibukelwe phansi him. Thina oqeqeshwe sengathi wayelwa King Kong. I aqeqeshe zonke fighter like ukuthi, okuyithinta muntu. Kodwa Saturdayebusuku, sasiba mayelana 15 Amaphesenti angu Bermane.

"Siya ukubheka emuva, bheka lokho esakwenza okungalungile, indlela esingakwenza ngayo izinto kangcono, lokho kufanele okwenzile. Sizothatha a look at kungenzeka kwamanzi emzimbeni kwenzeka kanjani. Sizothatha a look at the lwa kanye ezinye izinto esakwenza ekuqeqesheni ukuthola lokho esakwenza okungalungile. "

# # #


"Buyelani INKAZIMULO": STIVERNE VS. Wilder, a 12-round fight for Stiverne sika WBC esigabeni sosondonzima Championship zenzeka ngoMgqibelo, UJan. 17 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, futhi co-kugqugquzelwa Don King Productions futhi Golden Boy Promotions futhi kuxhaswe ngu Corona and Mexico - Live It To Believe It!. In the 12-round co-feature, unbeaten WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruzbavikela ngokumelene UJesu Ruiz futhi Ezingakanqotshwa Amir I bebhekene Fidel Maldonado Jr. in a 10-round iziqubu super engasindi for the WBC Continental Americas Title Super Esilula. Lesi senzakalo senzeka ngesikhathi MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nev., futhi ngeke senza live on ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO (10:00 p.m. KANYE/ 7:00 p.m. PT). The telecast zazitholakala nangesi Spanish via izinhlelo secondary audio (SAP). Iziqubu Preliminary abangu isiqephu live onShowtime obedlulele® (8:00 p.m. ET / PT, kwabambezeleka the West Coast).


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela, futhi, ukulandela on TwitterGoldenBoyBoxing, BStiverne, BronzeBomber, @SHOSports and @MGMGrand and become a fan on Facebook at futhi, noma vakashela Showtime Boxing Blog at

BOXCINO 2015 PAIRINGS SET; BOXCINO 2015 Ukhahlela Off Friday, February 13

Philadelphia, PA (January 19, 2015) – Lokhu esidlule Friday ebusuku, the matchups for Boxcino 2015 zidedelwe on ESPN sika Friday Night ayalwa.


Le midlalo izoba uqalise Friday, February 13 at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Connecticut ezine ukulwa quarterfinal e-Jr. Middleweight division.

Lo mdlalo ups alandelayo kanje:

1. Cleotis Pendarvis (17-4-2, 6 KO sika) ezolwa Richard Pinnell (10-1-1, 6 KO sika)
2. Stanyslav Skorokhod (8-0, 6 KO sika) ezolwa Michael Moore (13-0, 6 KO sika)

3. Brandon Adams (15-1, 10 KO sika) kuzothatha on Alex Perez (18-1, 10 KO sika)

4. Vito Gasparyan (14-3-5, 8 KO sika) ngeke izikwele off with Simeon Hardy (13-0, 10 KO sika).


Odle iziqubu 1 ngeke silwe owawina iziqubu 2 kanti winner sika iziqubu 3 futhi 4 ngeke ukulwa April 3 in the semifinals.
Ngesonto elilandelayo, The heavyweight quarterfinals will commence live from the Turning Stone Resort Casino e Verona, I-New York. Those match ups are:


1. Donovan Dennis (10-1, 8 KO sika) ukulwa Steve Vukosa (10-0, 4 KO sika)
2. Razvan Cojano (12-1, 7 KO sika) kuzothatha on Futhi Fountain (10-0, 4 KO sika)
3. Andrey Fedosov (25-3, 20 KO sika) ezolwa Nate Heaven (9-1, 7 KO sika)
4. Mario Heredia (9-1, 7 I sika) kuzothatha on Lenroy Thomas (18-3, 9 KO sika)


Odle iziqubu 1 ngeke silwe owawina iziqubu 2 kanti winner sika iziqubu 3 futhi 4 ngeke ukulwa April 10 in the semifinals.

Lonke Boxcino 2015 series uzobe isiqephu bukhoma “ESPN Friday Night ayalwa.”
Wasekela by Banner Promotions and Jimmy Burchfield sika Classic Entertainment & Sports (CES), amathikithi asele ukuze February 13 edition of Boxcino 2015, ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $125, $65, $40 futhi $30, kuhlanganise indawo Imali, angathengwa nge www.ticketmaster,kanye, ngocingo at 1-800-745-3000, bonke Izitolo Ticketmaster noma umuntu at the Office Mohegan Sun Box.
Host of the iziqubu February 20, the Oneida Indian Nation sika Turning Stone Resort Casino buyaqhubeka bubonakalisa ngokwaso njengoba uya khona uNdunankulu for professional imicimbi yezemidlalo, kuhlanganise kuzwelonke-isiqephu boxing emidlalweni and professional-level igalofu. The February 20th fight will mark Turning Stone’s 14th nationally-televised boxing event in less than two years, esiza ukusungula resort njengoba isikhungo esibalulekile sentuthuko yezobuchwepheshe for ukulwa Knockout isiqephu. Boxing legends Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather Jr. have promoted televised fight cards at the resort within the last year. Turning Stone has hosted televised boxing events on ESPN, Isikhathi Sombukiso, HBO, futhi NBC in the last emibili edlule. Akhiwe Upstate New York, the resort ezine-isizini unikeza-class bezokuzijabulisa and udlala, mix eclectic lokuphekiwe, okunethezeka spa facilities, nightlife, futhi imiklomelo indawo yokuhlala.


Amathikithi for the 20th February ESPN Friday Night ayalwa at Ukuvula Stone ezisendalini manje Turning Stone box office, mathupha noma ngokushayela ucingo 315.361.7469, noma online at Ticketmaster. Amathikithi $60 kwezihlalo ringside, $35, $25, futhi kuncike izimali ezengeziwe.


The Boxcino 2015 isizini DEBUT izoba iziqubu ezine quarterfinal kanye abawinile sidlulela semifinals oyokuba on April 3 & April 10.

The Boxcino 2014 mqhudelwano eyaqanjwa Breakout izinkanyezi Willie Monroe futhi Petr Petrov. Bobabili manje emhlabeni-ukalwe No. 3 kanye izinkanyezi esizayo Brandon Adams &Fernando Carcamo. Monroe zibe nengxenye kwenzeka main of telecast tonight bukhoma kusuka Turning Stone Resort Casino, ukuthatha ezimangelengele Bryan Vera ne Naba and nabo middleweight izihloko kusengozini.


ABOUT IMPI NETWORK: Fight Network uNdunankulu combat sports network emhlabeni anikezelwe 24/7 Ukusabalala, kuhlanganise ukulwa, fighters, ukulwa izindaba silwe yokuphila. Lesi siteshi itholakala the U.S. on Cablevision in izingxenye New York, Connecticut and New Jersey, Texas-based Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable ePennsylvania nasempumalanga Ohio, kanye Shentel Cable in Virginia, West Virginia and izingxenye western Maryland. Fight Network naye Roku setha amabhokisi top in the US. futhi Canada, bukhoma ku website, kuzo zonke abathwali emikhulu Canada futhi ngaphezu 30 amazwe yonkana Europe, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.


Fight Network, a 24/7 isiteshi sethelevishini abazinikezele ukuqedela izindaba combat yezemidlalo. It Akazikhukhumezi izinhlelo egxile yonke imikhakha uhlobo combat yezemidlalo, kuhlanganise ukulwa bukhoma futhi up-to-minute the-izindaba analysis for wesibhakela, ubuciko bokulwa exubile, Kickboxing, wrestling professional, ubuciko bokulwa yendabuko, fight izindaba, kanye fight-themed drama series, Imibhalo and feature films.


Ngezansi ukuthola amaphuzu avelele lwezinhlelo kuleli sonto:


Monday, UJan. 19

11:00 p.m. KANYEInterBox Classics: Brown vs. St. – Featuring Eric Lucas vs. Alex Hilton from Oct. 13, 1999 in Montreal.


Tuesday, UJan. 20

6:00 p.m. KANYEKOTV Boxing Classics – Reliving ongasoze walitshalwa boxing ukulwa kusukela emashumini eminyaka amabili edlule.

8:30 p.m. KANYEFight News Now Extra – Izindaba zakamuva, recaps, izici and analysis ngaphakathi the game fight.

11:00 p.m. KANYEFuthi Championship: Khiya vs. Gonzalez – Featuring Cornelius Lock vs. William Gonzalez for the isihloko singenamuntu Naba featherweight kusukela May 9, 2014 e Dover, DE.

Thursday, UJan. 22

5:00 p.m. KANYEKOTV Boxing Weekly – Ahlanganise zonke izindaba zakamuva boxing professional, featuring ukulwa full yamuva kanye avelele Science Sweet.

8:30 p.m. KANYEFight News Now Extra – Izindaba zakamuva, recaps, izici analysis ngaphakathi the game fight.

Saturday, UJan. 24

8:30 p.m. KANYE Fight News Now Extra – Izindaba zakamuva, recaps, izici analysis ngaphakathi the game fight.

Sunday, UJan. 25

7:30 p.m. KANYEKOTV Boxing Weekly – Lumboza zonke izindaba zakamuva boxing professional, featuring ukulwa full yamuva kanye avelele Science Sweet.

8:00 p.m. KANYEUltimate Classic Boxing: Gavilan vs. Davey – Featuring Kid Gavilan vs. Chuck Davey from Feb. 11, 1952 in Chicago.

9:00 p.m. KANYEEuropean Light Welterweight Championship: Vs. DiRocco– Featuring Lenny Keys vs. Michele DiRocco for the European ukukhanya welterweight title from June 8, 2013 kusukela Puglia, Italy.

11:00 p.m. KANYEBanner: Best of the Decade – Featuring Cristobal Cruz vs. Orlando Salido for the singenamuntu IBF featherweight isihloko kusuka Oct. 23, 2008 e Washington




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DEONTAY Wilder KULETHA wesibhakela Championship BACK TO AMERICA WITH isinqumo abavumelene ANGAPHEZU WBC Champion BERMANE STIVERNE


Catch The Replay NgoMsombuluko, UJan. 19 At 10 p.m. ET / PT On Showtime obedlulele; Futhi Itholakala Showtime ON IFUNA® futhi Showtime Anytime®

Chofoza LAPHA Thwebula ifotho From Esther Lin / Showtime

Chofoza LAPHA To Down ifotho From Hoganphotos / Golden Boy Promotions

Las Vegas (UJan. 17, 2015) – Futhi entsha WBC sosondonzima World Champion…


America ekugcineni has iqhawe layo emhlabeni sosondonzima njengoba Alabama sika Deontay Wilder kwasusa champion sivikele Gold Cup nge isinqumo ngazwilinye (118-109, 119-108, 120-107) Saturday on ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO® ukusuka MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.


Wilder (33-0, 32 Kos), ababengakaze balwa odlule round lesine futhi base akhishwe konke 32 kwabaphikisi bakhe professional, boxed brilliantly behind a stellar jab to become the first U.S.-born heavyweight champion in nearly a decade. The towering 6-foot-7 Tuscaloosa native capitalized on his reach advantage, jabbing consistently ukumisa ilungelo enamandla iqonde.


Ukulwa on Hall of Famer Muhammad Ali 73rd birthday, Wilder waba Ezingakanqotshwa American iqhawe lokuqala wesibhakela kusukela Riddick Bowe in 1992 futhi iqhawe lokuqala American kusukela Shannon Briggs won umqhele 2006.


“Angive ejabulile futhi happy ukuletha lo ibhande emuva America,” Wilder said. “It uya kusho okuningi. I think I answered a lot of questions tonight. We knew we could go 12 emahlandla. We knew we could take a punch. We knew we could do it.”


Ulibangise wokuqala esigabeni sosondonzima ubuqhawe fight at MGM Grand kusukela elidumile Mike Tyson-Evander Holyfield indlebe bite in 1997, kwakukhona imibuzo kusuka boxing wangaphakathi uma Wilder, ababengakaze ihlolwe ngempela, bangawenza lo amandla wesibhakela weqiniso futhi last in the emahlandla kamuva. But Wilder answered those questions with a disciplined game plan, kokufika ngaphezu kabili punches inani uphonsa 420 limgwaza to Stiverne sika 139.


“When I saw he could take a great punch we knew we were in for the long run. Twelve rounds is nothing. I want to bring excitement back to the heavyweight division. Whoever is ready, Ngikulungele.”


Stiverne (24-2-1, 21 Kos) wakwazi siyendayende Wilder nge isibhamu ezimbalwa, but he did not throw enough jabs or cut off the ring effectively. Wilder was allowed to circle the ring and pop his jab at will. Stiverne landed just 39 limgwaza kuqhathaniswa Wilder sika 120.


“Kwakungekhona ebusuku yami,” Stiverne Dirita. “Ngazizwa 100 Amaphesenti angu ngaphambi ukulwa kodwa uma ngifika e ring ngangingakwazi ukusika ring, I couldn’t move my head like I usually do. Yini ngithi? Congrats to him.


I knew I was trying to throw combos of four or five punches and I could only throw two of them. I just felt like I was flat in the ring. What I know I could do I didn’t do. I just have to go back and learn from my mistakes and find out what happened tonight.


WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz bavikela umqhele wakhe for the okwesine nge an yesishiyagalombili-round TKO uJesu Ruiz futhi wamagama avela ngemuva wamemeza izingqwele nabo Abner Mares no Guillermo Rigondeaux in the co-feature of Showtime Championship Boxing.


The emahlandla okuqala ayengabantu close wokuncintisana kanye Ruiz, a isinamumva esindayo, seemed to be a tougher test than he looked on paper. But it was clear that Santa Cruz was landing the cleaner shaper punches. The former bantamweight world champion landed some meaningful shots and had Ruiz in trouble in the seventh and, okokuqala, kubonakala sengathi aqedele Ruiz.


Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 Kos) waphuma bhe in the yesishiyagalombili, landed a big right cross to kick off the round and continued to tee-off on the challenger. In trouble against the ropes and not fighting back, unompempe Kenny Bayless wagxuma futhi wayeka the iziqubu nge Ruiz (32-6-5, 21 Kos) namanje ngezinyawo zakhe at :29 of the eighth round. The champion landed 43 Amaphesenti angu punches zakhe inani cishe 50 Amaphesenti angu amandla akhe punches, ngesikhathi kokufika an umxhwele 73 amandla isibhamu umzimba.


“Like I kulindeleke, kwaba impi,” Santa Cruz said. “He came prepared. We hurt him and we didn’t let the chance go away. We kept going after him and we stopped him. I hurt him with the right hand. I knew he was hurt so I went after him. I knew Kenny Bayless would stop it because he wasn’t throwing punches.


“I want the best and I want to please the fans. Ngifuna (Abner) Omama, Ngifuna (Bill) Rigondeaux. Sethemba fight esilandelayo kuphambene omunye the best.”


Ruiz, ngubani kuphela esesifundazweni 22 Amaphesenti angu punches zakhe inani, awavumelani stoppage.


“Ngifuna a rematch,” Ruiz wathi. “Angizizwa kufanele baye bayeka ukulwa, but I have to accept it. But I’m fine. Ngibheke – Angikho ukusika. Akazange ngisho ukulahla kwami.”


In the iziqubu ukuvulwa telecast Showtime Championship Boxing, Ezingakanqotshwa super engasindi Amir I ngamangala kabi Fidel Maldonado Jr. izikhathi ezine futhi amaphuzu okwesihlanu-round TKO sekusuke isidumo ukuthi iyavela knockdowns ezinhlanu inani.


Maldonado kwaba matasa nakakhulu fighter, kodwa Imam ngamangala kabi the Albuquerque ohlala for the okwesine emsebenzini wakhe nge short ilungelo nje isikhashana ngaphambi insimbi ukuqeda yesibili. Bese, in ikhandidethi ekuseni for Round of the Year ukuthi iyavela knockdowns ezintathu, Maldonado waphendula yikutsheyelela phansi Imam ngokokuqala emsebenzini wakhe 30 seconds into the third with a solid straight left. Imam bounced back and sent Maldonado to the canvas with a huge right with 20 seconds kwesokunxele in the lesithathu bese aphinde nge ngqo njengengxenye ukuhlaselwa ngonya nge esingaphansi 10 seconds kwesokunxele in the round.


Isenzo waqhubeka futhi Imam (16-0, 14 Kos) floored Maldonado for the fourth time in the fight with a short right followed by a left hook just seconds before the bell to close the fifth. Maldonado (19-3, 16 Kos) wasukuma kodwa kwaba Ukuzamazama futhi unompempe uRobert Byrd wakumisa emncintiswaneni at 2:59. Imam’s power was the difference, kokwehla 50 Amaphesenti angu amandla akhe isibhamu.


“Kwaba a knockdown ezinzima, kodwa Champions vuka aqedele ukulwa kanzima futhi yilokho Ngenza,” Imam wathi. “I just had to stay composed and do what I had to do. “I started timing him. When I hit him with that good shot he was out. I could see it. That was the rope-a-dope. I was swinging for the fences and that was it, baby.


“I’m ready for the title shot right now. I just want to fight for the title.”


Abane knockdowns amahlanu kwenzeka esingaphansi 30 seconds left in each round. Emva fight, Maldonado uvumile ukuthi umane wehluleka ukuvikela ngokwakhe lapho imizuliswano base ezehlela.


“I nje wabambeka nabaningana punches,” Maldonado said. “Wagcina ezolile futhi waphuma kanye W. I just got caught. I got lazy in there and he capitalized. He was the better man tonight. I got kind of bored at the end of the rounds and I paid for it.”


In the umcimbi main of Showtime Boxing on SHO obedlulele, Ezingakanqotshwa ukukhanya ithemba sosondonzimaVyacheslav Shabranskyy (12-0, 10 Kos) wagcina irekhodi lakhe ephelele abephule nge obukholisayo baphenyisise TKO yokunqoba Garrett Wilson (13-9-1, 7 Kos).


Shabranskyy wagcina ibanga lakhe futhi wawuphumelela kakhulu; kokwehla 48 Amaphesenti angu amandla akhe shot futhi waphonsa ngaphezu 60 punches in each round. The Ukrainian prospect scored a knockdown with a right in the closing seconds of the second and another with a clean right in the final 10 seconds of the yesishiyagalombili, sending Wilson face first to the canvas. Wilson beat the count but was saved by the bell as Shabranskyy unloaded more than a dozen consecutive punches.


The Wilson okuhlala wathatha eshaywe okukhulu eyesishiyagalolunye futhi ebonakala akazange nomhlaba a Punch, ukuphoqa unompempe Jay Nady ukunqanda iziqubu emva yesishiyagalolunye phezu kwama- udokotela ringside.


In the iziqubu ukuvulwa telecast SHO obedlulele, wesibhakela Eric Molina (23-2, 17 Kos) wanqoba Raphael Zumbano (32-9-1, 25 Kos) via yesishiyagalombili round TKO in a indaba eyodwa emaceleni.


Molina, abafika 76 Amaphesenti angu amandla akhe isibhamu futhi ngaphezu 50 Amaphesenti angu punches zakhe inani, kwaba oxhumanisa at intando lapho unompempe Russell Mora wakumisa emncintiswaneni at 1:28 wesishiyagalombili.


In a non-isiqephu swing iziqubu, Cesar Quinonez (1-0, 1 KO), ungowokuzalwa Las Vegas kanye fighter lokuqala ukuya professional kusukela Fernando Vargas’ gym Feroz Fight Factory, wenza DEBUT yakhe professional futhi amaphuzu win Knockout phezu Chula Vista sika Joan Valenzuela (1-2) in the round yesibili at 2:13.

# # #

“KUNGABUYELA INKAZIMULO”: STIVERNE VS. Wilder, a 12-round fight for Stiverne sika WBC esigabeni sosondonzima Championship zenzeka ngoMgqibelo, UJan. 17 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, futhi co-kugqugquzelwa Don King Productions futhi Golden Boy Promotions futhi kuxhaswe ngu Corona and Mexico – Live It To Believe It!. In the 12-round co-feature, unbeaten WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz bavikela ngokumelene UJesu Ruiz futhi Ezingakanqotshwa Amir I bebhekene Fidel Maldonado Jr. in a 10-round iziqubu super engasindi for the WBC Continental Americas Title Super Esilula. Lesi senzakalo senzeka ngesikhathi MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nev., futhi ngeke senza live on ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO (10:00 p.m. KANYE / 7:00 p.m. PT). The telecast zazitholakala nangesi Spanish via izinhlelo secondary audio (SAP). Iziqubu Preliminary abangu isiqephu live on Showtime obedlulele® (8:00 p.m. ET / PT, kwabambezeleka the West Coast).


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela, futhi, ukulandela on TwitterGoldenBoyBoxing, BStiverne, BronzeBomber, @SHOSports and @MGMGrand and become a fan on Facebook at futhi, noma vakashela Showtime Boxing Blog at



Photo Credit: Frederick Hawthorne/LA Watts Times

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Photo Credit: Golden Boy Promotions

Las Vegas (UJan. 17) – Golden Boy Promotions alongside Eye of the Tiger Managementheld an intimate roundtable at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, to discuss the recent signing of David Lemieux (33-2, 31 Kos) to Golden Boy Promotions. The impressive middleweight contender Lemieux, Umsunguli nomongameli of Golden Boy Promotions Oscar De La Hoya, Ikusasa Hall of Famer futhi Golden Boy Promotions Partner Bernard Hopkins, President of Eye of the Tiger Management Camille Estephan, and Senior Vice President of Golden Boy Promotions Eric Gomez were all in attendance.


The hard-hitting Montreal native’s next bout was confirmed to be broadcasted on HBO and Lemieux expressed his interest in fighting the best in the middleweight division. Below is what the Montreal native, his promoters and his management had to say:


DAVID LEMIEUX, Middleweight Contender


I have put in the work. What you saw in Brooklyn was only 50 percent of what I can do and I feel like I can be a lot better. I want to show that in my next fight.


I fear no man, I want to go after the top of the food chain. Oscar and Bernard came up fighting the best and I am of the same mind.


Canelo is a younger, hungrier fighter. He is explosive. He is a tough fighter and it would be a good match up.


Everyone is on the list. Ngifuna ukulwa best.


The reason I started so young was because I was a trouble maker. I was fighting in the streets. My neighbor was a boxer and he told me to come fight real fighters. I got my ass kicked a few times but I fell in love with it.


We want to make a good run at 160 and then think about moving up in weight.


I have always liked power punchers and I respect othersstyles and other champions, but I never mimic them.


Oscar de la Hoya, Umsunguli nomongameli of Golden Boy Promotions


We are exploring every option. We can go to Montreal, we can go back to New York City, we can come to Las Vegas; that’s the beauty of David. He can fight anywhere and people will come out to watch him.


He’s still growing. We haven’t seen his full potential which is very exciting. He has explosiveness and power.


We will be working hand and hand with Eye of the Tiger Management. We are partners and we want the best fights, the best deals. We will be working together in the best interest for David.


A future fight with Canelo is possible. Canelo wants to fight the best. Lemieux wants to fight the best. For now we want to focus on 160-pounds weight class and on Cotto, Andy lee and Golovkin.


Bernard Hopkins, Ikusasa Hall of Famer futhi Golden Boy Promotions Partner


We got this guy [Lemieux], he is tough. I know Gabriel Rosado and he handled him easily. I know what I am looking at. I have an eye for talent and he has it.


We are going to continue and show you that we will put on the best fights and give the fans quality. I’m in it to make the best fights. The ratings speak for themselves. The fans speak for themselves. Judge us by the quality of the matches you see and don’t get caught up in the ‘feelingsof it.


I want to put a call out to everyone, that is how Oscar was brought up, that is how I was brought up, fighting the best.


Three things about David: one, he signed with Golden Boy Promotions; ezimbili, he has talent in many ways, not only is he a fan favorite he is a good defensive fighter; three, he has good looks.


I am seeing now the molding of another legacy, his legacy. But at the end of the day he has an opportunity in the middle weight division, I am glad to be here with a middleweight who I feel already has a lot of respect.


CAMILLE ESTEPHAN, President of Eye of the Tiger Management


Canelo is on the list. Cotto is on the list. Golovkin is on the list. Andy Lee is on the list. Everyone is on the list.


I definitely think he is the most popular boxer, the numbers prove it. He has a lot of potential and the sky is the limit.


I got a call yesterday from someone in the boxing world about how exciting it is to be working with Golden Boy and he said ‘David is like a sunshine that beams on the world of boxingand it is very heartwarming. It’s heartwarming to sit down with Oscar, Bernard and Eric, whom I have gotten to know very well since the Rosado fight. This is great group of people and I think that we can build something together that will make a huge impact in the boxing world.


David is the one guy, that as soon as I saw him the first time in the gym, the first sit-up he did and the last sit-up he did were exactly the same, he doesn’t cheat. He has the ultimate confidence because he doesn’t cheat himself and I have the ultimate respect for him. I am very proud of him as a person.


ERIC GOMEZ, Senior Vice President of Golden Boy Promotions


After the Rosado fight, Lemieux was impressive and we began talks with Camille. People love David and it made sense. David has an exciting style.


We are looking at HBO, the ratings against Rosado were some of the best all year. They are very excited about David.

# # #


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela www.goldenboypromotions.kanye futhi on Twitter @GoldenBoyBoxing, OscarDeLaHoya, EOTMVD, lemieuxboxing, abe fan on Facebook at futhi or follow on Instagram @GoldenBoyBoxing, @OscarDeLaHoya and@DavidLemieuxBoxing.

Keystone Boxing Presents Capital City Boxing

Chofoza iphosta ngenhla oda lesi sehlakalo!


Ukukhuthazwa Keystone Boxing uyobe ezintathu ihlelelwe eziyisithupha-round imincintiswano. Laurel, MD middleweight Demond “D Best At It” Nicholson uyobheka belulama ukulahlekelwa yakhe yokuqala pro lapho ibhekene Rahman Mustafa Yusubov AKA “Genghis Khan” of Dallas, Tx ngendlela Azerbaijan. Nicholson (10-1, 10 KO sika) samiswa Lekan Byfield in the round wesithupha on November 1 in Chicago, IL. Yusubov (11-19, nine KO sika) ebukele ukuphula a ezine-iziqubu wokulahlekelwa streak.

Futhi, Ezingakanqotshwa Palmer Park, MD super featherweight Kevin “K-Smoove” Rivers, Jr. ayokulwa Stephon McIntyre of Jonesboro, GA. Rivers (10-0, eziyisikhombisa KO sika) last alwa on October 24 futhi amaphuzu a lesithupha-round TKO phezu Karl Garcia-Rios in Fort Washington, MD. McIntyre (2-4-2) iye yayeka wakhe wokugcina amabili iziqubu. Nokho, McIntyre wenza kahle kakhulu lapho kuziwa Region Beltway — yena balwa amabili ezinzima udvweba kanye Marcus Bates and Marc Johns in izimpi ezimbili in Fort Washington.

Forestville, MD junior welterweight Soft “The Professor” Fox kuyokwenza Ukuthutha esheshayo zibe eziyisithupha-round umncintiswano lapho ethatha Luis “Yena” Rodriguez of Carolina, E-Puerto Rico. Fox (4-0, one KO) wawina a ezine-round isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Sean Lockhart on November 1 eConstitution Hall e DC. Rodriguez (3-1, ezimbili KO sika) kuphazanyiswa okokuqala kude Puerto Rico and uzozama belulama silahlekelwa yakhe yokuqala pro emuva November of 2013.

Ngo ezine-round imincintiswano, Montgomery Village, MD middleweight junior Gerome Quigley ayokulwa Laurel, Norman MD sika “The Shadow” Allen. Quigley (5-0, ezine KO sika) amaphuzu a lokuqala round Knockout phezu Cedric Coney on October 11 e Springfield, VA. Allen (6-11, ezintathu KO sika) washonelwa abayisithupha-round isinqumo ngazwilinye to Brandon Quarles on April 26 e Springfield. Allen uyobheka aphule 10-iziqubu wokulahlekelwa streak.

Fort Washington, MD Super bantamweight Marq “The Monster” Johns izohlangana Jaxel Marrero of Puerto Rico. Johns (4-0-1, ezine KO sika) uyokwenza DC DEBUT yakhe ikhadi ngemuva ancintisanayo at Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington kuzo zonke ezinhlanu iziqubu yakhe yangaphambilini. Johns iye akhishwe wakhe wokugcina amane izimbangi. Marrero (1-3-1) lost a ezine-round isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Mario Barrios May 10 in Los Angeles, NJENGE. Marrero iye angqongqoze akakaze in a iziqubu pro.

DC Tyrone engasindi “Isikhathi Sombukiso” Wright iyobhekana Thomas Mattice of Cleveland, OH. Wright (2-1) wawina iningi isinqumo ezine-round phezu Enrique Vargas on April 18 at Rosecroft. Mattice (1-0, one KO) wawina DEBUT yakhe pro on September 5 nge lokuqala round TKO of Frank Jordan in Parsippany, NJ.

DC bantamweight Maurice “Mighty Mo” Adams, Jr. ethatha Gabriel Braxton of Red Oak, GA. Adams (1-0) wawina DEBUT yakhe pro on June 13 at Rosecroft Raceway neningi isinqumo ezine-round phezu Arthur Parker. Braxton (1-7) lost a ezine-round isinqumo ngazwilinye ku Jose Gomez on November 29 in Los Angeles. Braxton owodwa win befika Rosecroft on April 18 lapho wathola a ezine-round isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Rodrigo Gabriel.

Ikhadi liyohlala futhi uphawu ukubuya Renaldo engasindi “Misunderstood” Gaines of District Heights, MD. Gaines (4-2, one KO) wathatha zonke 2014 off emva kokulahlekelwa yesibili-round TKO to Anthony Smith in June of 2013 at the Washington Convention Center. Gaines izohlangana ngenhla Arthur Parker of Lancaster, PA (1-12-1, one KO). Parker ubuyela DC for the okwesibili iqonde. Parker wamiswa ngo round wesine by Nuwan Jayakody on October 23 at the Renaissance Hotel.

Hyattsville, MD welterweight junior Patrick Harris (3-0, ezimbili KO sika) libuye Kuhlelwe ukuba leli khadi, ukulwa okokuqala ngo Capital the Nation sika. No izwi nokho on umphikisi wakhe.

Keystone Boxing ngokukhombisa eyasungulwa esingumakadebona boxing umgqugquzeli nemenenja Gene Molovinsky in 1998 ngomgomo asathuthuka nokwakha-class emhlabeni championship fighters in the Maryland / D.C. endaweni.

ESINGAKULINDELA EZIJABULISAYO diego DE LA Hoya, Taishan, NICK Arce, And oscar NEGRETTE INHLOKO UP Randy Caballero VS. Alberto Guevara undercard AT FANTASY Springs Resort Casino ON FEBRUARY 27


Amathikithi On Sale Now!


I-LOS ANGELES (UJan. 16) – On February 27, EMexicali sika Diego De La Hoya (8-0, 6 Kos) kwenza aye phezulu ukulwa yakhe yokuqala nesishiyagalombili round in iziqubu umcimbi co-main kusihlwa lapho ibhekene Los Angeles’ Manuel “Suavecito” Roman (17-3-3, 6 Kos) at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio, Calif. Okuningi, Chinese isasasa wesibhakela Taishan (2-0, 2 Kos) luvula FOX Sports 1 futhi FOX Sports telecast in a ezine-round iziqubu ngokumelene Roy McCary (3-2, 3 Kos) of Houston. Futhi, elisha Nick Arce (1-0, 1 KO) kuphazanyiswa emdlalweni wakhe wesibili professional in a ezine-round super featherweight iziqubu benethemba lokuthi airwaves futhi Ezingakanqotshwa Oscar Negrete (7-0, 3 Kos) zizofuna in non-isiqephu eziyisithupha-round bantamweight iziqubu, kokubili nezitha nokho ukuba umemezele.


In the umcimbi main ngaphambilini wamemezela, IBF Bantamweight World Champion Randy “The Matador” Knight (22-0, 13 Kos) uyovikela isihloko sakhe okokuqala ngokumelene Alberto “Metro” Guevara (19-2, 7 Kos) of Mazatlan, Mexico.


“Golden Boy Promotions uye iminyaka athuthukiswe izinkanyezi isibhakela esizayo – nokuthi isiko uyaziqhenya izoqhubeka Feb. 27,” wathi Oscar De La Hoya, Umsunguli nomongameli Golden Boy Promotions. “Njengoba nje sasisebenza Randy Caballero kusukela ekuqaleni futhi wamsiza abe iqhawe, Ngiyaqiniseka ukuthi amasosha amaningi kokuvela undercard Randy sika walibangisa impumelelo efanayo.”


Amathikithi for the event, ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $105, $75, $55, $45 futhi $35 ezisendalini manje Office Fantasy Springs Box, ngokubiza (800) 827-2946 noma online at


With isibhakela fans emhlabeni wonke belindele ukubona lokho akwazi ukukwenza in the ring, 20-umnyaka owodwa Diego De La Hoya (8-0, 6 Kos) nokho ukudumaza; ukugxilisa izethameli kusukela ngesikhathi DEBUT yakhe professional in 2013 nge Isimo sokuqiniseka, power and exciting style. In 2014, nowokuzalwa Mexicali wabeka ndawonye kwi eziyisithupha, ezine Knockout futhi emva kokunqoba ukuthandwa of Miguel Tamayo and Ali Gonzalez, uye ngabomvu sandise inkonzo ngisho kulo nyaka njengoba uqala ukuncintisana nesishiyagalombili round iziqubu.


Manuel Roman (17-3-3, 6 Kos) of Los Angeles is a tough fighter ready to prove to critics that he is mainstay in the sport. A professional kusukela 2004 the veteran kanzima ukushaya kwaba yangaphambili sparring umlingani WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz, futhi walwa Santa Cruz in a ukuzivikela iziqubu isihloko on the undercard of Mayweather vs. Maidana II. The last time Roman was seen at Fantasy Springs he went up against hometown favorite and current IBF Bantamweight World Champion Randy Caballero and is looking to return to the venue to take on the rising star Diego De La Hoya.


Seven-foot-tall heavyweight Taishan (2-0, 2 Kos) uye lakwazi ukuthola a lot of ukunakwa ngokuba omunye amasosha oyisithabathaba esigabeni sakhe. His two professional bouts thus far have proven that there’s substance behind the hype as he’s knocked out both Alex Rozman and Tommy Washington Jr., ukuthola fight fans ngisho ejabulile more for fight the Beijing bomdabu oneminyaka engu-26 ubudala wokuqala 2015 on February 27.


Roy McCary (3-2, 3 Kos) of Houston is a rising heavyweight boxer who has gone up against the hard hitting Mario Herendia and Eric Newell. Looking to continue to build a reputation, osanda kufika lizobhekana Taishan ethemba ukunqoba February.


Ilungu Westside Boxing Club in Los Angeles, 18-oneminyaka engu-lightweight Nick Arce (1-0, 1 KO) kuyinto standout yangaphambili amateur owangena professional wesibhakela emhlabeni ngesitayela in November of 2014 with a fourth round knockout over Adalbert Valenzuela. Manje, yena izozama alenze amabili iqonde njengoba kuphazanyiswa komunye yokuncintisana kakhulu isisindo amakilasi lo mdlalo sika.


Ezingakanqotshwa bantamweight star, Oscar Negrete (7-0, 3 Kos), will make his third appearance at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino looking to continue his undefeated status. A professional kusukela 2013, osanda kufika seluvele eziyisikhombisa kwi igama lakhe, quickly climbing the ranks and becoming a feared fighter. Iningi muva, Negrete faced Salvador Perez in a four-round bantamweight bout. Negrete knocked down the Fresno based fighter in the second round for a technical knockout win.


# # #

Caballero vs. Guevara, a 12-round iziqubu for Caballero sika IBF Bantamweight World Championship wethulwa Golden Boy Promotions futhi yasekela by Corona Extra, O'Reilly Auto Parts, Mexico, Live It To Believe It! futhi Golden Ram Group. Doors evulekile at 5:00 p.m.futhi insimbi rings kuqala at 5:30 p.m. The FOX Sports 1 futhi FOX Imidlalo ukusakaza Akazikhukhumezi siphile10:30 p.m. KANYE/7:30 p.m. PT.


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, Ukuvakashela,,, ukulandela on Twitter atGoldenBoyBoxing, Swanson_comm, @FOXSports, @FOXSports1, FOXDeportes And, abe fan on Facebook at Boy Golden Facebook Ikhasinkomba, vakashela us on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing.

Stiverne vs.. Wilder: Press Conference Highlights – Showtime Championship Boxing

Buka zikhathi best of the press conference okukhulu featuring wesibhakela World Champion Bermane Stiverne and inselele unbeaten Deontay Wilder. Futhi Yenza. Not. Miss kulindelwe kakhulu fight the US sika wesibhakela cishe eyishumi, tonight, Saturday, January 17 at 10p ET / 7p PT bephila Showtime.