Category Archives: boxing

MBC koom Rog nrog WKA Yuav kom pom zoo Pro Boxing Nyob rau hauv Scotland

Malta Boxing Commission tus Managing Director thiab Vice Thawj Tswj Hwm, Gianluca Di Caro thiab ntiaj teb Kick Boxing thiab Karate Association (Kiag li) Scotland Thawj Tswj Hwm Stewart Allan hnub no tshaj tawm tias lawv tau koom rog mus pom zoo kev boxing cov txheej xwm nyob rau hauv Scotland.


Tus tshiab mus tom ntej yuav tsis tsuas tam sim no lub sij hawm rau Scottish Professional boxers yuav tsum tau sib tw ntau, tab sis kuj yuav pab kom neeg tua hluav taws los ntawm cov Kick Boxing ntiaj teb no mus sib tw ob yam li kev boxers thiab Kick boxers.


Whilst lub tswv yim ntawm no mus tom ntej yog pom zoo pro boxing cov txheej xwm nyob rau hauv Scotland, nws kuj yuav qhib lub qhov rooj mus rau lub tseem neej coj pro Boxing thiab ncaws Boxing cov txheej xwm, nrog rau cov boxing txiav los ntawm lub MBC thiab Kick Boxing txiav los ntawm lub WKA, tsis yog nyob rau hauv Scotland tab sis kuj nyob rau txhua cov kev tshwm sim txiav los ntawm lub MBC nyob rau hauv Malta, hauv lub tebchaws United Kingdom los yog Ireland.


Nyob ua lub tshaj tawm Mr. Allan hais tias.


"Peb yog heev siab heev yuav tsum tau ua hauj lwm nrog cov Malta Boxing Commission, nws yuav tsuas yog yuav zoo rau cov kev ua si nawv coj xws li ib tug hnyav kev boxing lub koom haum rau Scotland.


Mus koom nrog cov neeg los ntawm pro boxing lub ntiaj teb nrog cov uas nyob hauv ntiaj teb no Kick Boxing yog ib qho exciting prospect, mus txog tam sim no lub powers yuav nyob rau hauv lub UK heev zoo siab rau peb Champions hloov disciplines thiab lwv li pro boxers.


Tu siab nws tau yeej ib txwm tau nyob rau cov nuj nqis ntawm lub dav hlau tua rog lub Kick Boxing hauj lwm, uas tau vim hais tias ib zaug lawv tau hloov mus rau pro boxing lawv tsis pub mus sib tw raws li ib tug Kick Boxer.


Uas yuav hloov, nyob rau hauv peb sib koom tes mus tom ntej nrog lub Malta Boxing Commission peb tua hluav taws yuav muaj ntawv tso cai thiab lwv li pro boxers, raws li zoo raws li txuas ntxiv mus rau kev sib tw raws li Kick boxers nyob rau hauv lub WKA.


Rau peb neeg tua hluav taws no txhais tau tias li ntawd ntau npaum li cas, lawv xav sib tw nyob rau hauv ob qho tag nrho kev ua si thiab muaj heev npaum li cas mus rau ob qho tag nrho.


Qhov no tshiab kev sib koom tes yog tsis yog hais txog peb cov neeg tua hluav taws ua tau mus tua nyob rau hauv ob qho tag nrho disciplines, peb yuav tau nquag tau nrhiav los tsim lub pro boxing sab nyob rau hauv Scotland, muab Scottish boxers lub sij hawm yuav tsum tau ntau yam kom nquag plias tshaj lawv tau nyob rau hauv lub dhau los lawm, peb xav kom txhim tsa lub MBC tau txais txiaj ntsim fighters los ntawm ob disciplines.


Peb kuj xav coj ntau txoj 50/50 fights rau Scotland, peb tsis xav kom nws mus yuav ib tug extension ntawm qhov tam sim no scene, peb xav kom coj tus kiv cua txoj exciting kom haum fights, txhua yeeb. "


MBC tus koj. Di Caro ces ntxiv.


"Kuv yuav tsis pom zoo ntau nrog Stewart, qhov no yog ib tug tiag exciting kev loj hlob rau kev ua si nawv, ib tug uas yuav pab tau neeg tua hluav taws los ntawm ob Boxing thiab Kick Boxing.


Thaum Stewart mus rau peb nrog lub tswvyim peb tau qhib rau nws ncaj tseg, tsis yog rau yog vim li cas muaj coob tus neeg yuav xav hais tias, tab sis vim peb twb ua qhov kev txiav txim uas yuav tsum muaj ib tug neeg uas competes nyob rau hauv lwm pugilistic art uas tseem xav kom pro box, yuav tsum tau tso cai kom ua li ntawd.


Qhov kev txiav txim twb tau ib co sij hawm dhau los, nyob rau hauv qhov tseeb nws yog thaum lub sij hawm kaum peb lub ntiaj teb no tus yeej Marlon Hunt thawj mus rau peb txog pro boxing nyob rau hauv peb banner.


Marlon yog ib tug ntawm cov saum toj kawg nkaus competitors nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no Kick Boxing, yuav ua li cas yuav peb tau qhia rau nws hais tias nws tau muab li sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv lub Kick Boxing Circuit Court hais tias nws pro thawv, Kuv txhais hais tias nws muaj lub ntiaj teb no lub npe nyob rau hauv Kick Boxing, K1, Muay Thai, nrog peb nws yuav tiv thaiv cov neeg lub npe li zoo li pib nyuaj rau Championships nyob rau hauv boxing kuj.


Kuv puas yuav tau hais tias, txij li thaum kuv twb hais Marlon, hais tias thaum nws los koom nrog peb peb tsis heev paub dab tsi ib qho cuab tam nws yuav ua, nws yog ib tug zoo ambassador rau lub MBC, nrog tus kiv cua thiab boxer lub zoo tib yam nkaus, li ntawd ntau npaum li ntawd thaum ntxov xyoo tas los nws twb unanimously raug xaiv mus rau lub MBC Executive Committee.


Tam sim no, tsis tsuas yog peb muaj lub sij hawm kom muaj ntau tshaj ntawm cov rau sab saum toj Kick boxers sib tw nyob rau hauv lub pro boxing, tab sis kuj muaj lub cib fim ntawm Kick Boxing ntiaj teb Champions los ntawm ib ncig lub ntiaj teb no sib tw rau Championship honors li pro boxers.


Nyob rau hauv lub lag luam sab ntawm tej yam Stewart yuav yog tus Chairman ntawm lub tshiab MBC Scottish Thaj av, raws li zoo raws li koom nrog cov Executive Committee ntawm lub Malta Boxing Commission.


Stewart muaj loj cov kev npaj rau lub tshiab mus tom ntej thiab mus hais tias kawg twb kos npe rau ib ob peb ntawm Scottish promoters, ib tug neeg uas npaj los txhawb cov thawj MBC Scotland txiav kev tshwm sim heev sai, tej zaum nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis los yog May.


Kuv rau ib am li txaus siab yuav tsum tau muab kev koom tes nyob rau hauv no exciting tshiab mus tom ntej, Kuv ua siab ncaj xav tias qhov no yuav ua pov thawj yuav tsum yog ib qhov zoo tshaj plaws tej yam tshwm sim rau peb ua si nawv nyob rau hauv ib tug ntev, lub sij hawm ntev.


Dab tsi ntau nws yuav muab lub boxing kiv cua nrog ib tug tag nrho tshiab ib yam tsiaj ntawm genuinely koj World hauv chav kawm ntawv fighters tau qab, raws li zoo raws li tam sim no lub sij hawm rau Scottish boxers yuav ntau active, uas yuav tsuas yog yuav zoo rau cov kev ua si nawv. "


Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv lub Malta Boxing Commission thov mus rau:







Qhia undefeated Jr. Middleweight Christian Molina

Molina mus noj nyob rau pro debuting Stacey Anderson no hnub vas xaum nyob rau ntawm lub Econo Lodge nyob rau hauv Allentown, PA
Allentown, PA (Lub ob hlis ntuj 17, 2015)–Christian Molina tsis muaj ntau ntawm ib tug pib xyaum ua tom qab tab sis nws tau ib tug ceev kev kawm thiab tau ua ib tug ntawm cov saum toj kawg nkaus zeem muag nyob rau hauv lub Valley Lehigh.
Qhov no Saturday nws yuav saib mus rau 4-0 thaum nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv pro debuting Stacey Anderson nyob rau hauv ib tug 4-round Jr. Welterweight sib ntau sib tw nyob rau ntawm lub Econo Lodge nyob rau hauv Allentown, PA thiab yog nce los ntawm King lub Promotions.
Nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Frank De Alba yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv ib tug nrog sib ntaus yuav tsum tau muaj npe nyob rau hauv ib tug 8-round Jr. Sib sib ntau sib tw.
Molina, 27 xyoo ntawm Allentown, PA muaj tsib pib xyaum ua bouts tab sis tau raced tawm mus rau ib tug zoo meej 3-0 cim nrog impressive yeej tshaj Dominic Goode, Jordan Morales thiab Josue Rivera thiab nws tam sim no zoo rau ib tug zoo xws li cov kev kawm tiv thaiv Anderson.
“Kev kawm tau ploj mus zoo. Anderson yog ib tug tshiab tus nrog sib ntaus. Tag nrho cov kuv paub yog hais tias nws muaj ib tug MMA tom qab,” Hais Molina.
“Kuv qhia ib kuv ua tus sacrifices los yeej. Kuv saib mus rau lub thawv thiab kuv saib mus tua. Kuv cia li ua txawm nws yuav siv sij hawm los mus sib ntaus uas tus nrog sib ntaus.”
Lub southpaw twb ua li ib tug zoo li nram qab no thiab xav thrill tus kiv cua nyob rau hnub Saturday hmo ntuj.
“Kuv cia li xav ua tsaug rau tag nrho cov kiv cua thiab tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cov lus Mev kiv cua uas yuav tuaj tawm thiab txhawb kuv no hnub vas xaum.”
Nyob rau hauv 6-round bouts:
Juan Dominguez (17-0, 11 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav noj nyob rau ib tug nrog sib ntaus yuav tsum tau muaj npe.
Super Middleweight John Magda (8-0, 6 KO lub) ntawm Rutherford, NJ yuav noj nyob rau Jyog Williams (3-4) ntawm West Monroe, LA

Ivan Golub (5-0, 4 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav noj nyob rau David Lopez (4-11-3, 1 KO) nyob rau hauv ib tug Jr. Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.
Danny Kelly (6-1-1, 5 KO lub) ntawm Washington, DC yuav noj nyob rau Kevin Franklin (6-10, 3 KO lub) nyob rau hauv ib tug Heavyweight sib ntau sib tw.
Nyob rau hauv 4-round bouts:
Robert Irizarry (2-0-1) ntawm Cherry Hill, NJ yuav sib ntaus sib tua Benjamin Burgos (2-10-1) ntawm Mount Pocono, PA nyob rau hauv ib tug Featherweight sib ntau sib tw. Qhov no sib ntau sib tw yog ib tug rematch ntawm ib tug sib ntau sib tw los ntawm Tej zaum qhov twg Irizarry yeej ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab.
Christopher Booker ntawm Philadelphia yuav ua kom nws debut pro tiv thaiv Andrew Sosa(0-4-1) ntawm Teb ceg, TX kuv nyob rau hauv ib tug Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.
Paul Koon (2-0, 1 KO ntawm Philadelphia yuav sib ntaus sib tua Rex Harris (1-0-2) ntawm Wikes-Barre, PA, nyob rau hauv ib tug Heavyweight sib ntau sib tw.
Daim pib rau no kuj zoo kawg hmo ntuj ntawm boxing yog $45 rau General Nkag thiab $60 rau Ringside thiab yuav tau muas los ntawm txhaj: los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj 610 587 5950

Lub Econo Lodge yog nyob rau ntawm 1151 Tsev Drive nyob rau hauv Allentown, PA


Rau Tam Sim Tso

CBS kev ua si nthuav qhia los ntawm Premier Boxing Champions Yuav kom Cua nyob rau hauv nrog Marquee SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Txheej xwm

TSHIAB YORK (Feb. 17, 2015) – CBS kev ua si thiab kev ua si SHOWTIME® tau tshaj tawm ib multi-xyoo sib koom tes mus tom ntej los qhia nyob boxing nyob rau hauv lub CBS TV Network-thawj ntawm mus txog yim nyob txheej xwm nyob rau hauv 2015 yuav premiere rau Saturday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 4 ntawm 3 p.m. THIAB on CBS. Premier Boxing Champions on CBS will air in conjunction with marquee SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING events as part of a partnership that will cross-promote the live programs across multiple platforms.

Thawj thawj rau lub lis piam mus pib no mus tom ntej yuav feature ob ntawm lub biggest npe nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv-Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., thiab Adonis Stevenson-thiab bookend xyoo no feem ntau muab boxing kev tshwm sim, lub SHOWTIME PPV® kev nthuav qhia ntawm cov undisputed phaus-rau-phaus yeej Floyd Mayweather.

Txhua nyob boxing kev tshwm sim nyob rau hauv CBS thiab SHOWTIME yuav tau txais kev txhawb nrog luv luv- thiab ntev-daim ntawv xub pwg programming uas yuav pa ya thoob plaws ntau yam platforms xws li CBS, SHOWTIME and CBS Sports Network. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, ib tug tseem ceeb nyiaj txiag lag luam yuav tsum tau muaj nplooj siab los txhawb txhua tus nyob CBS broadcasts thiab tej yam loj SHOWTIME telecast nrog tsom advertising campaigns.

“Lub Premier Boxing Champions series on CBS yuav pab usher nyob rau hauv ib tug tshiab era nyob rau hauv lub storied keeb kwm ntawm boxing,” hais tias Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice Thawj Tswj Hwm & General Manager, SHOWTIME kev ua si. “Nrog kev pab los ntawm peb cov niam txiv lub tuam txhab, peb uniquely positioned rau ib tug peb-tiered ze uas muaj xws li nyob boxing broadcasts rau America tus Tsis. 1 network, lub cable ncav tsis cuag CBS kev ua si Network thiab, ntawm chav kawm, tus nqi TV thawj coj nyob rau hauv boxing, SHOWTIME. The benefit of elevating the sport across these platforms for all involved, xws li SHOWTIME, yog immeasurable.”

Lub sij hawm ntawm los tom ntej nyob boxing cov txheej xwm rau CBS thiab SHOWTIME yog raws li nram no:


Rau Saturday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 28, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING yuav nthuav ib tug doubleheader featuring ib tug featherweight showdown ntawm Qhov champion Jhonny Gonzalez thiab sab saum toj contender Gary Russell Jr., and a matchup of 154-pound contenders Jermell Charlo and Vanes Martirosyan. The live SHOWTIME telecast will preview the following week’s Plaub Hlis Ntuj 4 CBS debut of Premier Boxing Champions.

Premiere BOXING Champions RAU CBS

Lub CBS premiere rau Saturday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 4 (3 p.m. THIAB/Tav su PT) will feature light heavyweight world champion Adonis Stevenson defending his WBC title against former super middleweight champ Sakio Bika. Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, undefeated light heavyweight contender Artur Beterbiev will face veteran former world champ Gabriel Campillo. The CBS broadcast, nrog nws cov teb chaws ncav tsis cuag uas ntau tshaj 110 lab cov tsev neeg, will offer a broad platform to promote a major SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event just two weeks later.


Rau Saturday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 18, SHOWTIME pib lub network debut ntawm yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no yeej thiab Mexican superstar Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., as he takes on light heavyweight contender Andrzej Fonfara.

Premiere BOXING Champions RAU CBS

Rau Saturday, Tej zaum 9 Premier Boxing Champions rov qab los rau CBS rau lub thib ob phuv (4:30 p.m. THIAB/1:30 p.m. PT). This broadcast will pit undefeated Omar Figueroa, uas nyuam qhuav vacated nws Sib ntiaj teb Championship rau koj tsiv nyob rau hauv hnyav rau 140 phaus, against former champion Ricky Burns.

Lub Plaub Hlis Ntuj 18 SHOWTIME telecast thiab cov Tej zaum 9 CBS broadcast yuav txhawb-thiab tau txais kev txhawb los ntawm-covTej zaum 2 SHOWTIME PPV kev tshwm sim featuring tus undefeated, ntiaj teb no lub Tsis. 1 ranked fighter, Floyd Mayweather.

Ntxiv paub tseeb hais tias cov hnub rau Premier Boxing Champions nyob rau hauv CBS xws li nyob broadcasts nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj, Lub Xya hli ntuj thiab lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj, muaj txog li peb seem txheej xwm nyob rau hauv lub 2015 daim ntawv qhia hnub tsis tau yuav tsum tau tshaj tawm. Nyob boxing broadcasts rau CBS, lwm yam tshaj qhov aforementioned premiere, yuav tshaj tawm hauv xov nyob rau ntawm4:30 p.m. THIAB/1:30 p.m. PT.

Lub Premier Boxing Champions series yog tsim rau TV los ntawm Haymon kev ua si. Nws yog thawj raws li series nthuav qhia ntawm nyob boxing nyob rau hauv CBS nyob rau hauv 15 xyoo. The network aired a one-off live event featuring current WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz in 2012. Ua ntej ntawd, kawg nyob boxing nyob rau hauv lub network nyob rau hauv 1997 thaum ces-Middleweight yeej Bernard Hopkins khob qhov rooj tawm Glen Johnson.

Nyob boxing yog ib tug staple nyob rau hauv lub network nyob rau hauv lub 1980s, li qhia siv kuj featuring neej yav tom ntej nrog cov Famers Qab Zib Ray Leonard, Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini thiab lwm tus neeg. Boxing zaj keeb kwm rau CBS hnub rov qab mus rau 1948 thaum lub Pabst Blue Ribbon bouts premiered featuring legendary tshuab-by-tshuab commentator Russ Hodges.

Boxcino 2015 Heavyweight kev kawm camp quotes Qub U.S. Olympian Jason Estrada xyoo Mario Heredia

Rau Tam Sim Tso

Verona, NY (Lub ob hlis ntuj 17, 2015)–No hnub Friday yav hmo ntuj nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov, lub Boxcino 2015 Heavyweight kev sib tw yuav pib nrog plaub quarterfinal bouts.
Yav tas los U.S. Olympian, Jason “Loj Rau” Txoj kev yog ib tug hloov nyob rau hauv kev sib tw rau Mario Heredia uas nyo tawm ntawm txoj kev sib tw rau kev kho mob yog vim li cas.

Estrada ntawm Providence, Rhode Island yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm 2004 United States Olympic pab neeg thiab muab kev tom qab xyoo. He has solid wins over James Northey (11-1), Hmuv Whitaker (32-4), Moultrie Witherspoon (14-1) & Derek Bryant (20-4-1).

Hauv qab no yog quotes los ntawm cov neeg sib tw rau lub Heavyweight fights no hnub Friday.

Steve Vukosa--“Kev kawm yog mus zoo. I have been getting extra work shoveling all the snow here in Massachusetts. I haven’t really checked much on Donovan Dennis. I am excited to get in the ring and am excited for this opportunity.

Donovan Dennis “Kev kawm camp yog zoo. I had great sparring and am in good shape. I am ready and have been anxious for the last couple weeks. I am ready for whatever I have to do to win the fight.
Razvan Cojanu–“Txhua yam tau zoo. Kuv npaj txhij mus. I had top sparring and it went great. Yuav kom ncaj ncees, Kuv tsis paub ntau txog Ed Tug ciav lwm ces nws yog ib tug southpaw. That doesn’t matter to me as I just go in there and do my job.

Thiab ciav–“Kev kawm camp yog zoo nkauj zoo. Kuv yog tus underdog, thiab kuv yuav muaj kev lom zem. I hope he brings his best so I can prove myself. I know he is a veteran. I look forward to knocking him out and putting myself at the top of the tournament.

Lenroy Thomas–“Kev kawm mus zoo. I am disappointed by the change of opponents. I just believe in myself and my faith. I watched some videos of Estrada, thiab nws los mus tua. He brings the fight. It will be a good fight, thiab kuv yuav yeej xwb.”


Jason Estrada–“Kuv yog ib tug lig nkag, tab sis kuv tau nyob rau hauv camp. I am in pretty good shape. This is such a good opportunity that I could not pass it up, thiab kuv ntuav kuv lub kaus mom rau hauv lub nplhaib. I do not know much about my opponent. My dad did the research. I am just going in to fight my fight. From my amateur background, Kuv tau pom ntau yeej. It is not hard because I have seen so many styles. I can adapt and may the best man win.

Nate Saum ntuj ceeb tsheej–“Kev kawm yog mus zoo. I have had lots of sparring. I have been running, thiab kuv nyob rau hauv zoo mob hlwb thiab lub cev. I just keep charging along. From what I have seen, nws yuav sim muab tso rau ib tug ntau ntawm siab. He is aggressive and likes to go to the body. We are just preparing for whatever he comes up with. Training has been so well that we just want to take this from training to the ring.

Andrey Fedosov–“Kuv npaj txhij rau kuv zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv no kev sib tw! Kuv muaj ib tug yawm pw hav zoov.”

Lub luj nyob rau hauv yuav Thursday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 19 ntawm 5 PM nyob rau hauv lub Cypress Chaav.
There will be a post fight press conference immediately nram qab no kawm tiav ntawm lub xeem sib ntau sib tw nyob rau hauv lub Cypress Chaav.

Daim pib rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20th ESPN Friday Night Fights ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb nyob rau ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav Pob Zeb chaw ua hauj lwm, nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj 315.361.7469, lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster. Daim pib yog $60 rau ringside rooj, $35, $25, thiab no yuav ntxiv cov nqi.

Tswj tuav ntawm lub ob hlis ntuj 20th bouts, lub Oneida Indian teb chaws tus Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov tseem kom paub qhov txawv nws tus kheej raws li ib tug premier lo lus uas peb rau kev ntaus pob ncaws pob cov txheej xwm, nrog rau hauv teb chaws-uas tawm hauv TV boxing qhov yuam kev thiab PGA-theem golf. Lub ob hlis ntuj 20th sib ntaus yuav kos tus cim Txoj siav Pob Zeb lub 14th teb chaws uas tawm hauv TV boxing kev tshwm sim nyob rau hauv tsawg tshaj li ob lub xyoos, pab tsim kom muaj lub resort raws li ib tug Mecca rau knockout uas tawm hauv TV fights. Boxing legends Mike Tyson thiab Floyd Mayweather Jr. tau nce tawm hauv TV sib ntaus phaib ntawm lub resort nyob rau hauv lub xyoo tas los thiab txoj siav Pob Zeb tau tuav televised boxing cov txheej xwm rau ESPN, Showtime, HBO, thiab NBC nyob rau hauv ob lub xyoos dhau. Nyob rau hauv Upstate New York, cov plaub-lub caij resort muaj world-class kev lom zem thiab gaming, prestigious khw nojmov, khoom kim heev spa chaw, thiab puav pheej-winning accommodations.Tickets rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20th ESPN Friday Night Fights ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb nyob rau ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav Pob Zeb chaw ua hauj lwm, nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj315.361.7469, lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster. Daim pib yog $60 rau ringside rooj, $35, $25, thiab no yuav ntxiv cov nqi. Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 6:00 p.m., nrog rau cov thawj sib ntau sib tw teem rau 7:00 p.m. Nyob ESPN telecast pib ntawm 9pm.

Kev xov xwm thov ntawv rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20 sib ntaus yuav tsum hu rau Kelly Abdo, Xa Pob Zeb Public Relations Manager ntawm 315.366.9291 los

Hais txog Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov A premier plaub-lub caij, lo lus uas peb resort nyob rau hauv Upstate New York, lub Oneida Indian teb chaws tus Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov yog conveniently nyob txog 30 mais sab hnub tuaj ntawm Syracuse ntawm NYS Thruway tawm 33. Xa Pob Zeb twb muaj npe “Feem ntau cov zoo heev Golf Resort” nyob rau hauv 2010 los ntawm Condé Nast Johansens. Lub Academy ntawm teb chaws Music npe Txoj siav pob zeb “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau hauv 2009. Lub resort muaj world-class gaming, golf, kev lom zem, kev kho kom haum thiab spa chaw, thiab khwv tau AAA Plaub Pob Zeb Diamond ratings rau Lub Lodge, Ntauwd Hotel, thiab Wildflowers lub tsev noj mov. Yog xav paub ntxiv thiab reservations, hu (315) 361-7711 los yog (800) 771-7711. Mus saib lub web site ntawm

LUB Floyd MAYWEATHER JR. FOUNDATION pib lub “Sib ntaus 4 Qoj” 5K khiav / 2K taug kev, KIDS LOM ZEM khiav & COMMUNITY DAY SATURDAY, PLAUB HLI 19 Ntawm sunset COV TIAJ UA SI rau hauv Las Vegas

Las Vegas (Feb. 16, 2015) Lub Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation (FMJF) yog txaus siab qhia lub Sib ntaus 4 Muaj zog 5K Khiav / 2K Taug kev, Cov me nyuam kev lom zem Khiav thiab Community Day noj qhov chaw Saturday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 19 ntawm Sunset Park nyob rau hauv Las Vegas.


Lub 5K Khiav / 2K Taug kev thiab lom zem cov me nyuam khiav (ib tug ib nrab mais khiav rau cov me nyuam 12 thiab nyob rau hauv) pib ntawm 8 a.m. thiab yog raws li los ntawm ib tug khoom plig ceremony hwm tag nrho cov koom. Lub Community Day kev tshwm sim tam sim ntawd raws li cov awards ceremony yuav muaj xws li khoom noj khoom haus, music, ua si, raffled prizes thiab noj qab haus huv thiab kev nyab xeeb tso rau neeg pom muab lawv cov kev pab yuav txhim khu tau koj kev qoj hom phiaj.


“Kuv lub hauv paus genuinely mob siab txog lub Las Vegas lub zej lub zos, thiab peb ntxiv peb kev cog lus mus ua hauj lwm nrog zoo tej xwm txheej zoo li no,” Hais Mayweather. “Nyob haum thiab active yog li ntawd ib qho tseem ceeb. Peb cia siab tias qhov kev tshwm sim txhawb kom tus neeg ntawm tag nrho cov muaj hnub nyoog mus ua hauj lwm rau tau txais nyob rau hauv lub cev thiab kev ua neej ib tug noj qab nyob zoo neej.”


Lub hom phiaj ntawm Sib ntaus 4 Muaj zog is to form community alliances where awareness and empowerment serve as the nucleus for an improved quality of life. From children to adults, everyone is welcome to join the “sib ntaus” in reversing health trends that are adversely affecting our quality of life. Sib ntaus 4 Muaj zog is a movement toward good health through the possibilities of change that can enhance one’s own life and the lives of those around them. Koom nyob rau hauv lub Sib ntaus 4 Muaj zog kev tshwm sim yuav ua tau lub catalyst yuav tsum tau los ua ib tug si nyhav, zoo siab, thiab noj qab nyob zoo Las Vegas lub zej lub zos. This unique experience invites all members of the community to run/walk independently or with friends, tsev neeg, thiab muj.


Tag nrho lub sij hawm ntawm cov txheej xwm yog teev rau hauv qab no:

  • 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.5K Khiav / 2K Taug kev & Cov me nyuam kev lom zem Khiav
  • 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.Khoom plig Ceremony
  • 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.Community Day

Sau npe rau tej yam thiab tag nrho cov txheej xwm yog raws li nram no thiab yuav tau ua kom tiav nyob rau ntawm lub Tag nrho cov ntawv sau npe cov hnub thiab cov nqi uas teev hauv qab no *:

  • Jan 30th – Lub peb hlis ntuj 2nd$35 5K / $ 30 2K / $ 15 KIDS LOM ZEM khiav
  • Lub peb hlis ntuj 3rd – Lub peb hlis ntuj 16th – $40 5K / $ 35 2K / $ 15 KIDS LOM ZEM khiav
  • Lub peb hlis ntuj 17th Lub peb hlis ntuj 30th $45 5K / $ 40 2K / $ 15 KIDS LOM ZEM khiav
  • Plaub Hlis Ntuj 1st – Plaub Hlis Ntuj 12th$50 5K / $ 45 2K / $ 20 KIDS LOM ZEM khiav
  • Tib hnub sau npe – $60 5K / $ 45 2K / $20 KIDS LOM ZEM khiav

* Clark County Tsev Kawm Ntawv: Thawj 100 menyuam kawm ntawv yuav sau npe rau dawb. Tag nrho cov menyuam kawm ntawv thiab cov xib fwb yuav sau npe rau $20 kom txog rau thaum lub peb hlis ntuj 1st. Lub aggregate ntawm $3 los ntawm txhua cov ntawv sau npe rau qhov kev tshwm sim yuav raug muab faib thiab pub rau 10 xaiv CCSD tsev kawm ntawv uas muaj lub siab xav tau cov nyiaj them yug nyob rau hauv lub qab no: kis las cov kev pab cuam, lub cev kev kawm ntawv thiab kev kawm ntawv mus ua si.


For more information follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather and @TFMJ become a fan on Facebook at thiab raws li nyob rau hauv Instagram ntawm thiab thiab ntxiv rau txhaj tshuaj: Floyd Mayweather thiab TFMJF.

Sib ntaus NETWORK BOXING programming SIJ HAWM (Feb. 16-22, 2015)

Sib ntaus Network yog ib tug 24/7 TV channel nplooj siab mus ua kom tiav kev pab them nqi ntawm nqe ntaus rog kev ua si. Nws airs cov kev pab cuam teem rau tag nrho txhua cheeb tsam ntawm nqe ntaus rog kev ua si ib hom ntawv nyeem, xws li nyob sib ntaus thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb xov xwm thiab tsom xam rau boxing, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, kev sib mog, tsoos martial arts, sib ntaus xov xwm, raws li zoo raws li kev sib ntaus-themed ua yeeb yam series, documentaries thiab feature films.


Hauv qab no nrhiav tau highlights ntawm lub lim tiam no tus programming:


Monday, Feb. 16

11:00 p.m. THIABInterBox Classics: Diaconu vs. Newton – Featuring Adrian Diaconu lub pro debut vs. Mark Newton los ntawm ti. 2, 2001 nyob rau hauv Montreal.

Tuesday, Feb. 17

6:00 p.m. THIABKOTV Boxing Classics – Reliving nco boxing fights los ntawm yav dhau los ob xyoo lawm.

8:30 p.m. THIABSib ntaus xov xwm Tam sim no Ntxiv – Qhov tseeb xov xwm, recaps, nta thiab hauv tsom xam ntawm lub sib ntaus kev ua si.

11:00 p.m. THIABGFL: Zoo tshaj plaws Battles 4 – Highlights los ntawm boxing, raws li zoo raws li MMA thiab kickboxing, txheej xwm showcasing nco knockouts thiab submissions.

Thursday, Feb. 19

1:00 a.m. THIABKOTV Boxing txhua lub limtiam Npog tag nrho qhov tseeb xov xwm nyob rau hauv kev boxing, featuring tag nrho tsis ntev los no sib ntaus thiab highlights ntawm lub qab zib science.

8:30 p.m. THIABSib ntaus xov xwm Tam sim no Ntxiv – Qhov tseeb xov xwm, recaps, nta thiab hauv tsom xam ntawm lub sib ntaus kev ua si.

Friday, Feb. 20

7:30 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. THIAB Sib ntaus xov xwm Tam sim no Ntxiv – Qhov tseeb xov xwm, recaps, nta thiab hauv tsom xam nyob rau hauv lub sib ntaus kev ua si.

Sunday, Feb. 22

7:30 p.m. THIABQhov kawg Classic Boxing: Ua vs. Jones – Featuring Heavyweight Eddie Machen vs. Doug Jones los ntawm Dec. 2, 1961 nyob rau hauv Miami puam.


Monday, Feb. 23

1:00 a.m. THIABZoo tshaj plaws ntawm gym Boxing: Lucian Bute & Troy Ross thaum ntxov hnub– Racial thaum ntxov hauj lwm bouts los ntawm sab saum toj Canadian boxers Lucian Bute thiab Troy Ross.


Ntaub ntawv:


Twitter & Instagramfightnet

HAIS TXOG Sib ntaus NETWORK: Sib ntaus Network yog neeg ntiaj teb premier ntaus kev ua si network nplooj siab rau 24/7 kev pab them nqi, xws li sib ntaus, neeg tua hluav taws, tua cov xov xwm thiab sib ntaus kev ua neej. Lub channel yog muaj nyob rau hauv lub U.S. on Cablevision nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ntawm New York, Connecticut thiab New Jersey, Texas-raws li Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable nyob rau hauv Pennsylvania thiab sab hnub tuaj Ohio, raws li zoo raws li nyob rau Shentel Cable nyob rau hauv Virginia, West Virginia thiab feem ntawm thaj Maryland. Sib ntaus Network yog tseem nyob rau Roku teem sab saum toj thawv nyob rau hauv lub US. thiab Canada, streamed nyob rau website, thiab muaj nyob rau ntawm tag nrho cov loj muaj nyob rau hauv Canada thiab ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws nyob teb chaws Europe, Teb chaws Africa thiab Middle East.

UNDEFEATED nce STAR Tony Harrison yuav siv RAU sib ntaus sib tua-ntsuam qub tub rog ANTWONE SMITH RAU ESPN Friday yav hmo ntuj sib ntaus RAU ESPN2, MARCH 6 AT LUB Marquee Ballroom AT MGM neeg pej xeem nrog rau Las Vegas




Tus nrog sib ntaus yuav txiav txim

Las Vegas (Feb. 16, 2015) – Ib tug nkaus packed hmo ntuj ntawm fights headlined los ntawm undefeated junior Middleweight prospect Tony Harrison (19-0, 16 Kos) battling tej contender Antwone Smith (23-5-1, 12 Kos) los txog rau lub Marquee Ballroom ntawm MGM Grand nyob rau hauv Las Vegas nyob rau hauv Friday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 6 rau ib tug kev nthuav qhia ntawm ESPN FridayHmo ntuj Fights on ESPN2.


Tsis tas li ntawd nyob rau hauv featured uas tawm hauv TV kev txiav txim yog nce hnub qub Erickson Lubin (9-0, 6 Kos) battling Mexican warrior Rafael Cobos (15-5-5, 3 Kos) thiab undefeated prospect Ievgen Khytrov (7-0, 7 Kos) tawm tsam ib tug nrog sib ntaus yuav tsum tau txiav txim.


Lub hmo ntuj ntawm fights yog nce los ntawm Warriors Boxing nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Goossen Promotions thiab yuav feature ib tag hmo uas tawm hauv TV txiav txim pib thaum 11 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. PT rau ESPN2.


Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim yog luv nqi ntawm $100, $75, $50 thiab $25, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab cuam nqi thiab se, thiab yog muag Saturday, Feb. 14 ntawm 1 p.m. PT. Mus rau nqi los ntawm lub xov tooj nrog ib tug loj credit card, hu Ticketmaster (800) 745-300 los yog yuav hauv internet ntawm Daim pib yuav muaj hnub Saturday, Feb. 14 ntawm 3 p.m. PT thaum twg los tau MGM Resorts International chaw ua hauj lwm los yog hauv internet ntawm


“Nws yog ib tug npau suav los muaj tseeb tias kuv tau mus tiag tiag saib kuv muaj peev xwm mus rau lub ntiaj teb no,” Hais Harrison. “Kuv xav kom cia lub ntiaj teb no caij nplooj ntoos zeeg nyob rau hauv kev hlub nrog ib tug dav hlau tua rog hais tias lawv tsis tau ib lub caij nyoog los saib thiab kuv xav tias qhov no yog lub sij hawm kuv xav tau. Koj yuav tsum tau muaj peev xwm lom zem thiab kuv xav tias kuv coj uas. Antwone tau tiv thaiv ib co poj contenders thiab nws yog tawv kom tsis txhob tab sis kuv kev ua si kev npaj khomob tsis hloov. Kuv yuav tawm mus muaj, ua kuv tshaj plaws, muab tso rau hauv ib tug qhia thiab khob nws tawm.”


“Kuv twb tau tawm rau ib tug thaum lub sij hawm thiab kuv xav tias zoo li no yog ib lub sijhawm zoo. Nws yog zoo li kuv yeej tsis sab laug. Kuv mob siab thiab npaj txhij mus,” said Smith. “Kuv tuaj mus tua, Kuv npaj txhij mus 10 rounds. Nws tsis tau hais tias cov sib sib zog nqus. Kuv paub tias kuv yuav mus qhov kev ncua deb li ntawd tag nrho cov lus nug no rau nws.”


“Warriors Boxing yog txaus siab yuav tsum tau muab tso rau hauv xws li ib tug zoo tshwm sim nyob rau hauv Las Vegas nyob rau ntawm lub MGM Grand rau Lub peb hlis ntuj 6,” hais tias Leon Margules, Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm Warriors Boxing. “Lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim yuav pit ib tug hluas li-thiab-comer tawm tsam ib tug qub tub rog uas wily yuav tsis muab ib nti. Muaj tsis muaj tsis ntseeg nws yuav yog ib lub zoo sib ntaus.”


This show captures the true essence of what Friday Hmo ntuj Fights represents with three fighters on the verge of stardom in Harrison, Khytrov thiab Lubin,” hais tias Brian Kweder, ESPN senior thawj coj ntawm lub cajmeem thiab acquisitions. “Fight fans are going to want to tune in to see Tony Harrison. We’ve been following his progress and we are excited to get a chance to showcase him on national television in a true test against Antwone Smith.


Tsis muaj ib tug ceb rau nws cov ntaub ntawv, 24-xyoo-laus Harrison tau ntes tau lub qhov muag ntawm ntau nyob rau hauv lub sib ntaus kev ua si nrog nws impressive knockout hwj chim. Sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Detroit, nws tau nres 16 ntawm nws 19 tw, nrog rau cuaj nyob rau hauv thawj puag ncig. Nyob rau hauv 2014, Harrison tauj ib trio ntawm thaum ntxov stoppages noj down ntau txog tej neeg tua hluav taws Grady Brewer, Bronco McKart thiab Tyrone Brunson. Tam sim no, nws zoo nkaus li yuav ua rau nws ib tug zoo meej 20 rau 20 rauLub peb hlis ntuj 6 nyob rau hauv Las Vegas.


Ib tug 28-xyoo-laus, Smith tau nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib nrog ib co ntawm cov loj tshaj thiab zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv cov npe boxing. Nws kuj excelled raws li ib tug pib xyaum ua, winning lub Florida Golden hnab looj tes thaum 17-xyoo-laus. Lub Miami-haiv neeg tau ncaim ntiv taw-mus-ntiv taw xoo thiab yus tus kheej li victories tshaj Jose Luis Castillo thiab Ronald Cruz thiab losses rau Jermall Charlo, Kermit Cintron thiab Lanardo Tyner thoob plaws nws cov hauj lwm. Smith tsis tua nyob rau hauv 2014, tab sis zoo li rov qab mus nyob rau hauv style nyob rau hauvLub peb hlis ntuj 6.


Ntawm cia li 19-xyoo-laus, Lubin yog tab tom nrhiav ntxiv nws nce mus txog txoj kev qib rau Lub peb hlis ntuj 6 raws li nws npaj siab mus nyob twj ywm undefeated. Muaj twb tiv thaiv thoob plaws lub U.S., Lubin yuav tau ua nws Las Vegas debut thaum nws hits lub nplhaib rau ESPN2. Uas nyuam qhuav, lub Orlando, Fla. haiv neeg wiped tawm Michael Finney nyob rau hauv ib tug unanimous kev txiav txim siab yeej rau FEB. 6 nyob rau hauv Biloxi, Miss.


Yug nyob rau hauv Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, Cobos tau ib tug kws txij li thaum 2006 sib ntaus sib tua heev dua lwm yam nyob rau hauv Mexico ua ntej nws U.S. debut nyob rau hauv Cuaj Hli Ntuj Tim. 2014. Thaum nws poob ib tug txiav txim siab uas hmo ntuj Josesito Lopez, Cobos tau yeej peb fights nyob rau hauv ib tug kab uas li ntawd thiab twb tsis poob txij li thaum 2010. Tam sim no nws zoo tau rov qab rau nws yeej txoj kev rau Lub peb hlis ntuj 6 nyob rau hauv Las Vegas.


A 2012 Ukranian Olympian, Khytrov yog ib tug accomplished pib xyaum ua uas yeej ib tug kub puav pheej nyob rau ntawm lub 2007 European Junior Championships. Yug nyob rau hauv Kryvy Rih, Ukraine tab sis sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Brooklyn, lub 26-xyoo-laus tau yeej tag nrho yim ntawm nws kev sib ntaus los ntawm knockout thiab zoo kom uas streak mus rau Lub peb hlis ntuj 6.


Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas thiab, raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterIAmBoxing, WarriorsBoxingProm, ESPNFNF ThiabMGMGrand thiab ua ib tug kiv cua hauv Facebook,

Adams, Gasparyan, Thompson thiab Skorokhod ua ntej nyob rau hauv Boxcino Jr. Middlweight kev sib tw

UNCASVILLE, Conn (Lub ob hlis ntuj 15, 2015)Brandon Adams, Vito Gasparyan,John Thompson thiab Stanyslav Skorokhod tag nrho yeej lawv quarterfinal match-ups nyob rau Mohegan Sun thiab paub ntau mus rau lub semi-zaum kawg puag ncig ntawm lub Boxcino 2015 JR. Middleweight kev sib tw.
Tag nrho cov Boxcino bouts tau teem rau 6-rounds.
Txoj kev sib tw yog nce los ntawm heev dua lwm yam los ntawm Banner Promotions thiab muaj nyob rau ntawm ESPN lub Friday Hmo ntuj Fights.
Qhov no daim ntawv tau nce los ntawm Banner Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Jimmy Burchfield lub CES Boxing.
Adams, uas yog ib tug Boxcino 2014 Middleweight kev sib tw khiav mus,scored a 5th round stoppage over Alex Perez in what was an entertaining slug fest.
Lub sib ntaus pom ob mav tua sab hauv thiab tsaws ib co thudding txhaj tshuaj. It was Adams speed inside that proved to be the difference as it looked he landed the more authoritative blows and was slowly breaking down Perez.
Nyob rau hauv round tsib, Adams tsaws ib tug booming txoj cai hais tias xa Perez mus rau lub canvas. Perez got to his knees before the bout was stopped at 2:47 ntawm round tsib.
Adams, 155 phaus ntawm Los Angeles yog tam sim no 16-1 nrog 11 knockouts. Perez, 152 1/2 phaus ntawm Newark, NJ yog 18-2.
“Alex yog tawv heev. I appreciate the fight that he brought and it made me step up my game,” Hais Adams.
“Nyob rau hauv lub kawg, Kuv loaded kuv txhaj tshuaj. I showed that I have the speed and I established the jab. I had a lot of fun in there. I am looking forward to the next fight. I am going, tej zaum kuv yuav coj Monday tawm thiab kuv yuav rov qab nyob rau hauv lub gym.”
Vito Gasparyan tua nkag ib tug 6-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj yav tas los undefeated Xime-oos Hardy.
Gasparyan yog xav paub ntau tshaj kom nquag plias thiab outworked Hardy thiab yuam cov sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau sab hauv tiv thaiv cov siab Hardy, qhov twg Gasparyan yog tau txais lub zoo dua ntawm lub sib pauv.
Gasparyan, 155 phaus los ntawm Glendale, CA yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 60-54, 59-55 thiab 58-56 thiab yog tam sim no 15-3-5. Hardy, 154 1/4 phaus ntawm Brooklyn yog tam sim no 13-1.
“Nws yog ib tug zoo sib ntaus. I proved that I belong at this level,” Hais Gasparyan.
“Kuv tam sim no kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau lub tom ntej no kev sib ntaus. I am going to work hard and take one step at a time. I felt good and confident in there. I am dedicating this victory to my trainer Justin Fortune who couldn’t be here after just beating an illness.
Lig hloov John Thompson boxed nws txoj kev mus rau ib tug 6-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj Ricardo Pinell.
Thompson siv nws qhov siab thiab ncav cuag kom Pinell ntawm bay. Thompson was effective with quick combinations that never let Pinell get on track.
Thompson, 154 1/4 phaus ntawm Newark, NJ yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 60-54 on phaib thiab yog tam sim no 16-1. Pinell, 154 phaus ntawm San Francisco, CA yog tam sim no 10-2-1.
“Kuv outboxed nws rau feem ntau cov feem. I was able to know a little about him and I went off what I saw on youtube,” Hais Thompson.
“Kuv pom nws muaj ib tug ob peb cwj pwm tsis zoo. Now that I have time to prepare it will be a lot better. I know I have a lot to work on. I will take one week off and I will be back in the gym.
Syanyslav Skorokhod tua nkag ib tug 4 puag ncig stoppage tshaj Michael Moore nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm yav tas los undefeated neeg tua hluav taws.
Nyob rau hauv round ob, Skorokhod pib mus nrhiav txoj kev khwv nrog lub hwj chim txhaj tshuaj nrog ob txhais tes. Towards the end of the round, Skorokhod tsaws ib tug nyuaj txoj cai hais tias backed Moore mus txog rau lub ces kaum. Nyob rau hauv round peb, Skorohod poob Moore nrog ib tug zoo meej sab tes xis.
Nyob rau hauv round plaub, Skorohod poob Moore ib zaug dua nrog ib tug nyuaj cai. Morre got up only to eat a flurry of punches and the bout was stopped at 1:03 puag ncig plaub.
Skorohod, 153 3/4 phaus ntawm Los Angeles yog tam sim no 9-0 nrog 7 knockouts. Moore, 154 3/4 phaus ntawm Cleveland, OH yog 13-1.
“Kuv zoo siab hais tias kuv yeej. My next fight will be even better,”hais tias ib tug yeej xwb Skorokhod.
“Kuv twb npaj rau ib tug southpaw thiab kuv paub lub siab yuav sib txawv. Once I applied the pressure, Kuv pom nws ua tsis tau dab tsi. I can prepare for any kind of the style being that I train with some of the best fighters at Wild Card Gym.

Adams yuav ntsib Gasparyan thaum Skorokhod yuav tua Thompson rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 3 nyob rau hauv Corona, California.

Nyob rau hauv undercard txiav txim:

Nyob rau hauv dab tsi yog ib lub pob zeb em -sock em yi, Jimmy Williams yog muaj peev xwm phaus nws txoj kev mus rau ib tug 4-round stoppage tshaj Eddie Caminero nyob rau hauv ib tug teem 6-round Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.
Nws ntsia zoo li nws yuav ib tug luv luv thiab yooj yim hmo ntuj rau Williams raws li nws pheej mob Caminero nyob rau hauv thawj round mus rau lub point tau Caminero twb staggering thoob plaws lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv ob peb zaus. Caminero was able to gather himself and make the fight a two way brawl with each guy holding on at different points of the fight.
Williams steadied nws tus kheej txaus mus rau av ib tug zoo meej sab laug sib ntsib uas xa Caminero mus rau lub lawj ntawm 32-vib nas this ntawm puag ncig plaub.
Williams, 156 1/4 phaus ntawm Hartford, I yog tam sim no 9-0-1 nrog 5 knockouts. Caminero, 157 1/4 phaus ntawm Lawrenceville, MA yog 7-9.

Khiary Gray-Pitts ntaus thiab bloodied lub qhov ntswg ntawm Rodrigo Almeida nyob rau hauv thawj puag ncig thiab lub sib ntau sib tw tau nres nyob rau hauv lub ces kaum hauv qab no qhib ncej ntawm lawv tau teem 4-round teeb Heavyweight sib ntau sib tw.
Grey-Pitts tsaws thudding txhaj tshuaj uas muaj Almeida nyob rau hauv lub defensive los ntawm cov nyuam. Almeida’s nose was bloody and face was bruised up after just three minutes of action and could not continue after the first frame.
Grey-Pitts, 164 1/4 phaus ntawm Worcester, MA yog tam sim no 5-0 nrog 3 knockouts. Almeida, 172 1/2 phaus ntawm Woburn, MA yog 1-2.
Nyob rau hauv lub qhib sib ntau sib tw ntawm yav tsaus ntuj, Oscar Bonilla thiab Angel Martinez ua rog ib tug 4-round kos nyob rau hauv ib tug Sib sib ntau sib tw.
Bonilla yeej ib card 39-37 thaum ob cards twb txawm nyob rau hauv 38-38.
Bonilla, 133 phaus ntawm Tshiab Haven, I yog 3-0-2. Martinez, 132 1/4 phaus ntawm Austin, TX yog 5-1-1.
Nyob rau hauv lub walkout sib ntau sib tw Ray Oliveira Jr. tua nkag ib tug stoppage tom qab puag ncig ob ntawm ib tug teem 4-round Sib sib ntau sib tw tshaj Ralph Johnson.
Oliveira yog tam sim no 3-0 nrog 2 knockouts. Johnson yog 1-4

Yees duab los ntawm Shane Sims / Banner Promotions

Cov plaub quarterfinal Heavyweight faib bouts yuav tawm hauv TV nyob rau ESPN lubFriday Hmo ntuj Fights Tom ntej no Friday! Lub ob hlis ntuj 20, los ntawm Xa Pob Zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam povnyob rau hauv Verona, NY.
Xyoo tas los lub Boxcino khiav nyob rau hauv lub Middleweight faib, Willie Monroe Jr., tau ua ib tug Bona fide contender tsaug nws victories nyob rau hauv Boxcino 2014. Nws yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 3 by lub WBA, Ua Tsis. 7 los ntawm lub WBO thiab tsis. 10 los ntawm lub ntiaj teb Boxing Council (Qhov). Boxcino 2014 sib champion Petr Petrov yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 2 by lub WBA thiab tsis. 7 los ntawm lub WBO

Zoo siab ua Artie Pelullo, los yog ib yam ntawm cov neeg tua hluav taws muaj nyob rau koj los ntawm lub xov tooj. Lub pairings rau txhua faib, fighter BIOS (tsis txhob txhawj lawv nyuag) thiab tag nrho cov koom’ Sib ntaus Fax cov ntaub ntawv no muaj nyob rau thaum thov.


Mohegan Sun Arena yog tam sim no ranked li qhia siv kuj cov saum toj venues nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no raws li Billboard Magazine, Pollstar thiab venues Niaj hnub no. Nws tau yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub teb chaws Music txeeb nyob rau hauv 2008 & 2010 thiab nyob rau hauv 2013, twb tau pom zoo “Arena Ntawm Lub Xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub G2E ntiaj teb no Gaming sablaj nyob rau hauv Las Vegas. Tsis tas li ntawd nyob rau hauv 2013, Mohegan Sun yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau hauv 2 pawg nyob rau ntawm lub Academy ntawm teb chaws Music txeeb. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv concerts thiab lwm yam zoo kawg cov txheej xwm mus saib Mohegan Sun. Rau cov lus qhia txog lub lim tiam no tus sij hawm, hu rau Lom ze thiab Tshwj xeeb Txheej xwm tus xov tooj ntawm 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.

Trey Lippe-Morrison Headlines Lub peb hlis ntuj 7 ntawm twm khiav Twv txiaj yuam pov!

Miami, OK (Lub ob hlis ntuj 13, 2015) - Unbeaten Heavyweight knockout artist Trey Lippe-Morrison rov Saturday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 7 nyob rau ntawm lub twm khiav twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Miami, OK thaum nws muaj nuj nqis rau hauv lub "Plaub lub xeev Franchise" sib ntaus card.


Qhov no zoo heev hmo ntuj ntawm boxing yog nce los ntawm Holden Productions thiab daim pib pib thaum $30 yog muaj los ntawm hu xov tooj 918-542-9400 los yog mus rau


Tus tub ntawm lig Heavyweight zoo Tommy "Lub Duke" Morrison, Lippe-Morrison yog ib tug zoo meej 6-0 nrog rau tag nrho rau yeej los knockout. Zoo li nws txiv, Lippe-Morrison yog ib tug lossis loj kos nrog ntsoog loj heev xuas nrig ntaus hwj chim. Lub 25-xyoo-laus Tulsa, OK haiv neeg tua nkag tsib sib law liag ua ntej puag ncig knockouts thiab nws cov lus nyob rau hauv lub squared vajvoog tau chronicled los ntawm ntau yam xov xwm outlets.


"Trey yog 6-0 thiab kuv sim mus nrhiav tw uas tau muab nws ib co rounds,"Hais tias pab txhawb Tony Holden. "Nws tshuab tawm tw nyob rau hauv thawj puag ncig thiab nws yog ib tug lossis loj Puncher. Nws yeej rau kuv nco txog nws txiv, uas kuv nce, thiab kuv xav tias Trey yog tiag tiag deal!"


Lippe-Morrison lub tus nrog sib ntaus yuav tsum muaj npe tsocai.


Nyob rau hauv lub co-featured sib ntau sib tw ntawm yav tsaus ntuj, nrov Heavyweight Slugger Kenzie Witt ntawm Bartlesville, OKputs nws unbeaten cov ntaub ntawv rau ntawm txoj kab tawm tsam ib tug nrog sib ntaus yuav tsum tau muaj npe. Witt, 3-0 (3 KO lub), yog ib tug tub ntawm cov aforementioned Morrison thiab Lippe-Morrison lub ib nrab kwv tij.


Undefeated Jesse "Poob nuv" Ua noj, 14-0 (9 KO lub), yuav tshwm sim nyob rau hauv lub card nyob rau hauv ib tug rau round junior Middleweight sib ntau sib tw. Lub Seneca, MO raws li noj yuav ntsib ib tug nrog sib ntaus TBA. Welterweight Jarrett Rouse ntawm Bartlesville, OK yog tseem teem mus tshwm nyob rau hauv ib tug plaub puag ncig contest.


"Rau Lub peb hlis ntuj 7th, Kuv twb muab tso ua ke ib daim card ntawm feemxyuam neeg tua hluav taws los ntawm cov plaub lub xeev cheeb tsam,"Hais tias Holden. "Kuv hu cov hais mav Plaub lub xeev Franchise. Pab neeg no yog Lippy-Morrison, Witt, Rouse thiab cov noj kwv tij. Kuv tau ua qhia nyob rau twm khiav twv txiaj yuam pov rau ntau xyoo thiab txhua txhua lub sij hawm pab pawg neeg no yog nyob rau hauv lub card, daim pib muag tawm nyob rau hauv tsawg tshaj li 48 teev. Qhov no yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws tshuaj tiv thaiv kuv twb tau txais los ntawm ib tug tib neeg coob nyob rau hauv kuv 25 xyoo txhawb. "


Ntxiv bouts thiab tw yuav qhia tawm uas tsocai.