Categoriae Archives: pugilatu

Thomas Antoine Douglas ad recipiendum super “Cornflake” In on Friday headliner LaManna Sho Box, March 13 In proximo in proximo Tractus, New York,

4 magnus pugnat highlight quod Ismael passim proelia Barroso Issouf Kinda, Jerry Odom rematches Andreas Hernandez Adam Lopez dum sumit Paulus Cruz.

Nutley, NJ( February 24, 2015)Die Veneris nox, March 13, In proximo in proximo Tractus, New York,, Invictus ergo tres robustissimi pugnatores GH3 Promotional in stabulum, erit actio, sicut a parte capitis in nationally televised quadruple ShoBox: The New Generation.

Agnitio est co-promoveri cum Greg Cohen Promotions

In consectetur, Antoine “Action” Douglas in X-circuitu Middleweight bout a videbit actio contra proximum inuictum Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna.

Elias, visi in co-principalis eventus undefeated Lightweight Ismael Barroso (16-0-2, 15 KO scriptor) X, in Venetiola in circuitu Pius issouf.

Promotus est per Barroso Greg Cohen Promotions.

In an VIII-circuitu, Jerry “Hi sunt reges, Filium” Odom ulciscar in tabula respiciens labes cum suscipit Andrew Hernandez Super bout a in Middleweight.
In an VIII-circuitu, Adam Lopez Super Bantamweight bout a debut in his faciam GH3 Promotions sibi in invicto Pablo Cruz.
Douglas de Burgo, Virginia habet recordum 16-0-1 apud 10 knockouts est vultus pro in a magnus annus 2015 ubi vult ad culmen ac spe ad socium ex calida CONCERTATOR. The 22 anno-senex super Colby uincit habet appetens (4-0), Marchio Davis (8-0-2) et in novissimis his bout ipse laceratum in sex-rotundus de sententia omnium super Don Mouton November 13 in Washington, DC.
In his atque in sola specie ShoBox, Douglas proeliatus est prior mundo ad a ducatur in title clamatoribus Soro Michele July 25.

LaManna de Millville, New Jersey habeat recordum 16-0 apud 7 Knockouts magnus fan basi et aedificavit in area NJ.

Et murmurabant in pro 2011 et super solidum uincit Joshua Robertson, Ashandi Gibbs et Jamaal Davis. In his ultimis bout, Laceratum a LaManna VI-per consensum Gilbertus super Alex Sanchez in December 13, 2014 in Philadelphia.

Venetiola a recordum habet Barroso 16-0-2 apud 15 knockouts et parta WBA Fedebol Lightweight title et title WBA Interim Fedlatin.

Habet super uincit Alfonso Perez (4-1), Sanchez Addir (7-1), Oscar Arenas (22-3) et Campos Winston (17-2-4). In his ultimis bout, Barroso laceratum a 3rd rouns sistendum super Maximillano Galindo in December 5, 2014 in Concordia, Mexico.
Pius de Bronx, Novi Eboraci habet recordum 17-2 apud 7 knockouts.
The 27 conversus professio in annus-vetus 2009 et quondam New York publica fortissimus Lightweight.
Et habet super illud uincit mundum title clamatoribus Mike Arnaoutis et Javier Loya (7-1).
In his ultimis bout, 2 parta pius via per circuitum super Kevin Carter in sistendisJanuary 17 Johnson in urbe, Tennessee.
Odom (12-1, 11 KO scriptor) et Bowie, Hernandez Maryland, et ad praelium venerant a disputate perago January 9 Madison Square Garden in theatrum.
Odom bene erat in viam suam ad stetissent Hernandez ledo Hernandez Odom qui cum illis erat, cum esset persequar delapsum. On March 13, Non caligabunt oculi videntium, et iam vel ipsi componere Odom score cum Hernandez.

7 Odom habuit infigo per sistendum super Villerii ante inuictum Quinonez (8-0) on July 25 his in specie ShoBox.

Hernandez Phoenicis, Arizona habet recordum 8-0-1 apud 1 knockout.
Praeter Odom CONCILIO, Hernandez habet win super prius undefeated Dustin Sultey.
Lopez (9-0, 4 KO scriptor) San Antonio ex, 5 venit off a circuitu super Texas sistendum Leonardo in Torres August 30.
Houston Cruz, Texas habet recordum 11-0 cum tribus knockouts.
The 28 anno-in pro conversi 2012 et qui venturus est et a sententia circa VI-on super Manuel Rubalcava January 22 in Houston.
Compositarum perhibuit 8 pugnatores sunt 105-3-4 apud 58 knockouts.
In off-pars television, Invictus ergo Welterweight Jerrell Harris (4-0, 4 KO scriptor) News GH3 contra adversarios eius erit debut ad quattuor vices, nomina pro annuntiatione IRCA.
Nullam magna est vespere sunt $150 quia aurei Ringside, $100 quia Ringside & $50 pro admissione et possideri potest ad generalia Ticketmaster,,, Spatium ad officium Box 516-283-5566 aut apud Greg Cohen Promotions 212-851-6425
In proximo situm spatium 250 Post Avenue. At ianuae 6 PM at cum primus bout 7 PM.

Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super inuictum Bantamweight Adam Lopez necnon Jr. John Middleweight Thompson, Jorge featherweight Diaz, Super inuictum Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, Lux et inuictus Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell Welterweight Jerrell Harris.



Proelium Network est 24/7 varius sem pugnam ludis deditus perfecta coverage. Is progressio focused in auras totum ambitum de pugna ludis genre, vivat, usque ad bella et ad quos nuntium minutos et analysis pugilatu, mixta bellicis artibus, kickboxing, professionalem colluctatio, traditum militaris artes,, nuntium pugnae, luctus erat, seriem tam bene quam pugna drachmas, documentaries et pluma membrana.


Infra invenies elucidat de hoc septimana scriptor programming:


Monday, Feb. 23

11:00 p.m. ATQUEInterBox Classics: Mosley vs. Stone – Featuring Shane Mosley vs. Adrian Stone a July 21, 2011 in Las Vegas, NV.

Tuesday, Feb. 24

6:00 p.m. ATQUEBoxing KOTV Classics – Reliving memorable pugilatum luctamina ex praeterito duo decades.

11:00 p.m. ATQUEGFL: Optimus Pugnae 4 – Quisque ornare ipsum a caestu, necnon et MMA kickboxing, memorabili gesta knockouts et showcasing submissionibus.

Wednesday, Feb. 25

1:30 a.m. ATQUE 8:30 p.m. ATQUEPugna autem News Extra – News, recaps, et analysis of features intus pugna venatus.

7:00 p.m. ATQUE 8:30 p.m. ATQUEPugna autem News Extra – News, recaps, et analysis of features intus pugna venatus.

Thursday, Feb. 26

4:30 p.m. ATQUEBoxing KOTV adipiscing Operimentum omnibus latest nuntius in pugilatu professionalem, Aliquam pugnat plenum recenti scientia et elucidat Dulcique.

8:30 p.m. ATQUEPugna autem News Extra – News, recaps, et analysis of features intus pugna venatus.

Saturday, Feb. 28

12:30 a.m. ATQUE — — Pugna autem News Extra – News, recaps, et analysis of features intus pugna venatus.

1:30 p.m. ATQUEBoxing KOTV adipiscing Operimentum omnibus latest nuntius in pugilatu professionalem, Aliquam pugnat plenum recenti scientia et elucidat Dulcique.

8:30 p.m. ATQUE Extra autem pugnare News – News, recaps, et in pugna venatus features intus analysis.

Sunday, Sea. 1

8:00 p.m. ATQUEUltimate Boxing Classic: Bassey vs. Coast – Featuring Nigerian eximius featherweight Hogan “Kid” Bassey vs. Costa Oct ex Brooklyn ventus Carmelo. 31, 1958 Novi Eboraci in urbe est scriptor clarus Madison Square Gardeb.

Monday, Sea. 2

1:00 a.m. ATQUEOptima pugilatu GYM: Pugnatores MMA in Pugilatu – A inviso aliqua specialis MMA pugnantium in pugnis comprehendo Ali et Nestor Travis Fulton.




Twitter & Instagramfightnet

DE BELLO CRATIS: Certa Network est mundi SUMMUS dedicavit ad pugnam ludis network 24/7 coverage, possidet pugnat, pugnatores, novus lifestyle pugnam et pugnate. Odio in canalem U.S. Novi Eboraci in Cablevision in partes, New Jersey Connecticutensium, Grande Communications Texas-dicentur, Armstrong Cable in Pennsylvania, et orientales Ohio, necnon Shentel Cable in Virginia, West Virginia Occidentalis et partes Maryland. Certa est Network Roku set etiam in summo boxes in US. et Canada, influxerunt live on website, ornare et, quam in omnibus maioribus recteque portarent 30 regionibus trans Europa, Africa et Orientem Medium.



Instructus Joe Goossen in excelso defuturae Cubanus Marcos Forestal

TRACTATUS DE NOWHERE2HYDE: Rutrum operabatur international procurator Julius Hyginus in Cork, Hibernia, praesentem efficit,, pugiles praeteritum et futurum ut Mundus Pugilatu Consociationis (WBA) Super & World Boxing Organization (WBO) Super Bantamweight fortissimus et duo-tempus Cubanus Olympicum auri medalist, Bill “Draconis” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 KOs), Interim WBA cruiserweight fortissimus Youri “El Toro” Kalenga (21-1, 14 KOs), Internationalis Foederatio Boxing current et priore fortissimus WBO middleweight (IBF) Do Not. 1 Assen amet CONCERTATOR N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 KOs), National tres tempore pugilem Cubanus Marcos Forestal (1-0, 1 KO), mundi fortissimus, et amateur Blagoy Naydenov.


On Twitter Follow Hyde at @ NoWhere2Hyde et amicus ad fref =.

SUBER, Hibernia (Feb. 23, 2015) – Veteran pugilatu trainerJoe Goossen Excelsus super Cubanus eximius Bantamweight prospectu Mark Silva (1-0, 1 KO), maxime post priorem amateur stella scriptor professio debut February 13, qui posuit in pugnam veteranus LVI- Matej “The test” Kassai secundo eorum dormire per pugnam Reginarum, New York,.


A three-tempus National fortissimus Cubanus, in XXV annorum victi Forestal 2012 Olympia aurum medalist Robeisy Rameriez 14 invicto autem in tres abhinc menses et pyctas enim invictam esse Mundus Series 2014 Cuba Domadores fortissimus bigas defecit ad United States antequam ultimum Aprilis.


Silva, iam pugnatorum de Los Angeles, est V′ 8″ a somno Kassai southpaw ponentes in secundo circuitu. Et praeparavit se in principiis, an per portam uallumque adsuefacti Kassai cum in pugnis verberare effective per aperitionem. In principio circa duo, Forestal configatur Kassai cum homine potente,, recta dextera utebatur punch ad templum, Omisso Kassai stupentem ad carbasus. Kassai vix numerare percutere X-referendarius Gonzalez Ricky quia actio non plane constitit Kassai statu permanere.

“Putavi pro debut in explosivae,” Goossen loquebatur de Forestal. “Cum propius sit amet robustissimi 300 amateur pugnat. Habet a miseránte super 2012 Olympia aurum medalist (Rameriez), qui me a pugnatore Mongolia, Olympiae argentum medalist Tugstsogt Nyambayar, perdidit ad ultimum in Olympiae. Et Forestal Nyambayar comitatu et stringere simul. Theyve aliquid animose sparring sessions, suus realis pugna.


“Forestal ludius venatus est quod dico, quod vidi, a prima pugna pro. Hes bonum certamen, sed in gym, quasi multus of pugiles, Qui seminat, cum ille in pugnam absque usura levius caput calces et caestus. Vidi mittat fuselage pugnis – non-stop, accurate et vitiosus – et vehementer cum adversario staret committitur pulsandi. Hoc guy habebat multus of pugnat pro at ille non poterat adepto off contra Forestal. Honeste, Multo magis quam erat Marcus ego ego ire in proelium.”


Exercuit etiam plures patronos southpaws Goossen mundum ut alius Cubanus, Joel Casamayor, as well as Michael Nunn atque Frankie Liles. In Los Angeles, quae sentit, lanistae Forestal comparat Benigne, licet hoc quod iuvenes curriculo scaena siet suae, Ad praedictam autem tria of title mundi dominis zona.


“Joe Goossen est an prodigiosus raeda atque id ipsum delectat, quod ipse decrevisti instituendi Marcos,” Forestal procurator scriptor Thomas Hyde animadvertendum. “Qui multas gentes mundi vindices, ex quibus plures fuerunt in vna pugnat. Marcus laetosque fructus percipiunt Joe operando.”


Tali dum scheduled habere secundam pro pugna est Forestal March 6 contra adversarios determinetur ad Glendale, California.


“Et ego erudivi alius Cubanus southpaw, Casamayor, qui erat, ut a pro explosivae sicut Marcos,” Addidit Goossen. “Marcos similis Joel, infestantibus sinit ire his pugnis. In tempore, signature stabit in genere suo.”

Fedosov, Dennis, Thomas and Cojanu advance in Boxcino Heavyweight tournament

Fedosov, Cojanu, Dennis and Thomas
Verona, NY (February 22, 2015)Andrey Fedosov, Donovan Dennis, Thomas Lenroy atque Razvan Cojanu all scored victories in their quarterfinal bouts in the Boxcino Heavyweight tournament at the Turning Stone Resort Casino.
The show was promoted by Banner Promotions and was broadcasted live on ESPN’sFriday Diei Pugnat.
All Boxcino bouts were scheduled for 6 rounds.
Dennis took out previously undefeated Steve Vukosa in round four.

Dennis dominating Vukosa
Dennis was the much quicker fighter from the outset and landed hard shots on Vukosa from early on. In circuitu tres, Dennis dropped Vukosa from a hard combination. Vukosa was never the same as he was staggered a few more times and even looked like he had no defense as he tried to turn his back several times on Dennis until he was dropped again in the fourth round and the fight was stopped at2:52.
Dennis, 222 lbs of Davenport, Iowa is now 13-2 apud 10 knockouts. Vukosa, 218 lbs of Quincy, Massachusetts is now 10-1.
He was a patient fighter and early on, I took what I could get,” said Dennis. “I was working off my jab and started to connect. I trained very hard and I had a lot more in the tank. I was a little mad that it was stopped early. I can’t wait to get back in the gym and work on getting better.
Andrey Fedosov scored an emphatic 1st round stoppage over Nate Heaven
In round one, Fedosov dropped Heaven with a thudding left hook. He sent him to the canvas for a 2nd time with a devastating three punch combination that sent Heaven to the deck for a second time and the fight was stopped at 2:53.

Fedosov knocking Heaven Down
Fedosov of Los Angeles via Russia is now 24-3 apud 21 knockouts. Caelum, 227 lbs of Ocla, FL. et nunc, 9-2.
Everything went as planned,” said Fedosov. “My plan was to shorten the distance and use my power and you see what happened.
Razvan Cojanu won a drawbreaker decision over Ed Fountain.
Fountain did his best to get inside and force that action under the ineffective jab of Cojanu. Both guys had success on the inside during the grueling fight and the bout was even after six.
Fountain started the 7th with a nice left that split open the right eyelid of of Cojanu. Cojanu was able to fight back and land a hard combination on the ropes and that proved to be the difference in the fight.
Cojanu, 265 lbs of Las Vegas via Romania is now 13-1. Fons, 236 1/2 lbs of Furguson, MO is now 10-1.

Cojanu and Fountain
I could not see anything and I won the fight with one eye,” said Cojanu.
Buddy McGirt told me to jab more and that could have made it easier.
Said Fountain, “I fought hard. The referee did not help me but I will see Razvan again after the tournament.
Lenroy Thomas opened up the Boxcino quarterfinals with a drawbreaker decision over former U.S. Olympio Jason Estrada.
Each guy traded some good shots over the first two-plus rounds. Thomas landed a solid three punch combination in round three. Estrada was effective when he was able to get in the straight right.
In circuitu quattuor, the two clashed heads and it caused a small cut on the forehead of Estrada. The bout was competitive with each guy taking turns being the boss in short spurts. After the sixth round, the bout was a even on the scorecards and they went to the seventh and deciding drawbreaker round.
In that extra frame, Thomas boxed well by landing quick combinations to a visibly tired Estrada and he was declared the winner by unanimous decision.
Thomas, 237 lbs of St. Petersburg, Florida is now 19-3. Road, 261 lbs of Providence, Rhode Island is now 20-6.

Thomas Lenroy
I showed that hard work pays off,” said Thomas.
In the extra round, I had to dig deep and show my boxing skills.
Thomas will meet Fedosov in one semifinal while Dennis will battle Cojanu.
Both semifinals will take place on Friday, Aprilis 10 at the Sands in Bethlehem, PA
Greg Jackson registered two knockdowns en route to a four round unanimous decision over Paulo Souza in a Jr, IRCA Middleweight.

Jackson lands a hard jab
Jackson dropped Souza in round two and then again in round four with a wicked left hook to the head.
Jackson, 150 lbs of Philadelphia won by scores of 40-34 et nunc est super omnem cards 5-1-1. Souza, 149 lbs de Woburne, MA et nunc 0-6.
Guillermo Sanchez scored a 1st round stoppage over Pablo Batres in a scheduled 6-round Jr.Welterweight bout.
Sanchez landed a right hook that sent Batres down for the count at 1:44 of una circum.
Sanchez, 132 lbs of Buffalo, Novi Eboraci 15-14-1 apud 6 knockouts. Batres, 137 lbs of Tuscon, Arizona is 6-12-1.
Jesus Alvarez Rodriguez opened the night with a 4th-round stoppage over Bryan Abraham in a scheduled 8-round Welterweight bout.

Jesus Rodriguez Alvarez
Rodriguez scored two knockdowns in the 2nd round and seemingly hurt Abraham with every punch after. In circuitu quattuor, Rodriguez landed a hard flurry in the corner and the bout was stopped at 2:48 et in circuitu quattuor.
Rodriguez, 145 lbs of Los Mochis, Mexico is now 13-0 apud 10 knockouts. Abraham, 144 lbs of Schenectady, Novi Eboraci 6-21.

Photos by Shane Sims of Banner Promotions


The entire Boxcino tournament is promoted by Arttie Pelullo’s Banner Promotions.
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Paul Koon ad bellandum bellum inuicti a Rex in Harris Heavyweights hac nocte!! ad Econo Lodge in Allentown, PA

De Frank Alba sumit pro Jose Bustos UBF omnes Americas Jr. Lightweight title plus inuictum Juan Dominguez, John Magda, Ivan Golub, Christian and Molina
Allentown, PA (February 21, 2015)–In praeteritis aliquot annos, heavyweight Paul Koon (2-0, 1 KO) ut fama est, turn in Philadelphia area amet metus in varius.
Quoties placuit studio sedit Series caestu.
Tandem ultimo October 4, Koon conversus professio in unum et in sistendis super Hectore Hodge November 20, Koon qui sequebatur cum a IV-per consensum Yohan super ripas.
Illi proelia erant in California et Connecticut respective et in nocte hac in campestribus Econo Allentown, adsciscit Rex Harris(1-0-2) of-Barre Wilkes, PA Koon in area primum aspectum.
Ut IV-circuitu pars esse novem bout a card provehunt regis Promotions.
In consectetur, De Frank Alba (14-1-2, 5 KO scriptor) de Rading ', PA capietis Jose Bustos (7-2-3, 4 KO scriptor) et Ciudad Juárez, Mexico in VIII-circuitu a pugna ad omnes UBF Americas Jr. Title Lightweight.
Et quaerit diligenter Koon Philadelphiae has ut in bona operatione.
“Omnia magna. I been working in the gym, et insiliens sparring,”Dixit autem 28 annorum.
“Scio enim quod omnis caussae et aliquot pugnas MMA inuictus (1-0-2) ut pugil.”
Dum quaerit quod amet Koon 4 Series annus currere in caestu, sumpsit a vertice orbem pugnantes.
“Ego usus ad pugnam summo gradu elit. I am not used to fighting the level of guys I have been fighting in my first couple of fights. In the World Series of Boxing, tantum elite dimicatis pugnatores. There are no journeymen.
Ut elit est, quod genus, Sciens quod Koon recta consilia cum equis, et vincere semper.
“Quod unum membrum non est aliquid in mea quadrigis gradu quam movere. Whatever they think is best. Sometimes you have to take it slow. Me, Ego scio disco ruere omnia opera. This is my first fight in the area in seven years and I am using it as a steppingstone to a fight in Philadelphia.
In pluma co-, Juan Dominguez (17-0, 11 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Carlos Rodriguez (19-16-4, 11 KO scriptor) de Los Mochis, MX in bout a Super Bantamweight.
Per ebrietatem in VI-:
Super Middleweight John Magda (8-0, 6 KO scriptor) de Rutherford, Erit J a NJWilliams est (3-4) de West Monroe, LA

Ivan Golub (5-0, 4 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY capietis David Lopez (4-11-3, 1 KO) in Jr. IRCA Middleweight.
O Kelly (6-1-1, 5 KO scriptor) De serpentium natura, DC will take on Marcus Cornelius (6-10, 3 KO scriptor) of in a Heavyweight bout.
In IV-circuitu daret:
Christianus Molina (3-0, 2 KO scriptor) Allentown, PA will fight debuting Harris Stacey De serpentium natura, A DC in Jr. IRCA Middleweight.
Robertus Irizarry (2-0-1) de Hill Cherry, NJ erit bellum Benjamin Burgos (2-10-1) montis Pocono, PA in bout a featherweight. This bout is a rematch of a bout from May where Irizarry won a unanimous decision.
Christopher Booker ex Philadelphia erit pro suis adversus debut Andrew Sosa(0-4-1) et vocabunt agricolam ad Branch, TX i in bout a Middleweight.
Nullam enim tanto sunt nocte de caestu $45 General et pro admissione $60 by Nazgul et potest emit pro clicking: aut in testem, 610 587 5950

Quod positum est in Econo 1151 Coegi in Allentown Building, PA

Vasquez SAMMY dominatur EMMANUEL LARTEY FERIA VI DE SHOBOX: Novum generatio


In capite autem Replay Monday, Feb. 23 At 10 p.m. ATQUE/PT

In summa SHOWTIME®

Click HIC Download Photos

Credit Amanda Kwok / SHOWTIME®


PITTSBURGH, PA. (Feb. 21, 2015) - Sammy Vasquez fans indutus in ostensionem pro patria Müller, conciliandos a near-X-shutout per consensum (99-91 bis, 100-90) super Emmanuel Lartey in casu main ShoBox: The New Generation on Friday, Feb. 20 ex CONSUL Energy Center.


Vasquez (18-0, 13 KOs) ingressus bout quaerens 10th qui non negemus continuos ante fringilla contra adversarios fuerant anulum duo US. Olympians. The military veteran wasn’t able to finish Lartey (17-3, 8 KOs, 1 NC), sed illud tantum, quod non est de ratione eius, in quo plane expositis infigo perficientur 50 sentio de eius potentia shots.


Vasquez profectus esset, et tardus posse pick a offa in his primis rounds, but he accelerated the tempo in the second half of the fight as Lartey appeared to slow down. The hometown favorite did his best work with Lartey against the ropes and landed at will in the middle rounds. Lartey seemed like he was ready to quit on his stool after the eighth, sed et illo perseverante in productione eius lentifactae Vasquez ultimam rounds et duo cruised ad victoriam.


"Ego autem eo descendente aliquoties ibi anceps,” Vasquez said. “The jab was going well, but I made a couple of mistakes because I started feeling comfortable. I knew he was hurt after the eighth and my corner told me to step off the gas a little bit and pick my punches more instead of just storming him.


“I thought he was going to quit a couple times on his stool. He’s a tough guy – no one could knock him out. Non potui aut. "


Tertia pugna ad Lartey destitit a summo ad prospectum post decisionem damna Jr Errol Spence.atque Felix Diaz.


"Pugnator Sammy est a lentus,,” Lartey said. “He’s really strong. Ego meum optimum, sed nimis esset bonum. "


Post pugnam, ShoBox pronuntiator Steve Farhood Vasquez destruxit scriptor ludum consilium infigo.


"Erat admodum temperatam et intelligent perficientur Vasquius, accelerans quod circum processit,, amor dominandi super omnes, et per actionem moderantibus sive pugilatu, aut nudatum urbibus oppugnandis Lartey contra funes,"Dixit Farhood. “He showed a lot and he deserves the reputation he has as being one of the top young American welterweights.”


Craig Baker effodisset Humberto Savigne subvertentis in attonitus, prædicatum est a priore, cum in consummatione Cubanus amateur reel TKO ad highlight- 1:58 in secundo circuitu.


Savigne (12-2, 9 KOs, 1 NC), qui erat a commodo et erat ingens bellatorque primus, graviter deformes, landed a series of right hands in the first and looked like he could make it a quick night against the undefeated-yet-untested Baker. But the Texan fought like an opponent who had nothing to lose against Savigne, cum super veterem perito 400 amateur daret sub balteo suo,.


Baker (16-0, 12 KOs) Expositis paucis honestam offa in primum in secundo, et egressus est ignis accensus, throwing a high volume of punches with Savigne against the ropes. Fighting in a small ring, Savigne had nowhere to go and continually ate shots on a suspect chin before falling face forward to the canvas. Savigne got up, funibus, et obscure, sed incidit in pedes, consisterent in acie referee cogendo ad 1:58.


"Et faciam eum in circuitu, esse mentum infirma, Et appercepi, quod potui eum,” Baker said. “In the second, EGO iustus volo laborare et intellexi sanguis odoratus, Ego finire.


"Nemo, mihi forte in abeuntes, but I was the undefeated fighter and he wasn’t. I worked too hard to come here and lose. I just have to keep working. You haven’t seen the last of me – this is a life changing moment.”


Et consternatus erat reservata Savigne XXXVI annorum post pugnam.


"Erat melior nocte,” Savigne said. “I wasn’t expecting him to be as tough as he was. I made a huge mistake in taking him lightly. This is something that I’ll learn from. Now I’ll go back to the drawing board. I’ll go back to the gym – I’ll keep working hard and I’ll be back.


"In primo circuitu, Pistor lorem aurem perdidi ex parte aequilibrium. Mihi omnino vertiginem. He hurt me with that shot. Potiorque erat adire. "


Claudio Marrero parta victoria dominandi super suasuri Orlando Rizo in foramen bout de telecast. Marrero (18-1, 13 KOs) iam inde ab initio erat in potestate bout, pulsans Rizo (18-6, 11 KOs) Quattuor temporum laceratum victoria en itinere ad persuadendum accommodata sit, 78-71, 78-70, 80-68.


Marrero erat plenior et efficax Pugnator, adpulsu 43 sentio de pugnis et virtute 39 sentio de his pugnis total.


"Et quod vellet ut offa magnus erexit nocte poterat,” Marrero said. “It got away from me at times, sed bonum quod praeparationem accipiens gradus in Mundo titulus iacula.


“I’m not disappointed I didn’t knock him out. I underestimated his tenacity to get back up and stay in the fight and I need to work on my discipline so that doesn’t happen again. I feel that I’m ready for a shot at a title whenever I get an opportunity.”


# # #


About ShoBox: The New Generation
Cum eius inceptionem in July 2001, censorie Appellato SHOWTIME pugilatu series, ShoBox: The New Generation facultas quae featured iuvenes, duri. The ShoBox Philosophia, quae iam ad televise excitando, turba placendo et curavit a competitive matches determinatur ad probandum causam volens pro a rebus mundi title. Ex liber nativitatis 58 bellatorum, qui paulo videbantur hominibus ShoBox et profecisti in certos titulos comprehendit mundi: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Lara Erislandy, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Alexander Devon, Carl Froch, Robertus Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Vargas Jessie, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Williams et Paulus more.


QUOD SIT IN PUGNA! Floyd Mayweather Formally Announces Mayweather vs. Pacquiao

Pugnatores clarus conveniunt in occursum Welterweight in mundo VINDICIAE Unificationis in Bout Saturday, May 2 * Esto-Live View Per-

Las Vegas (Feb. 20, 2015) – Hinc invictus, 11-time world champion Floyd Mayweather formally announced today the most anticipated boxing match of this generation. Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, mundi patrocinium adunationem bout a welterweight, will take place on Saturday, May 2, live on pay-per-view.


Ex quo evenit,, omnem fidem frangere quae continet historiam View stipendium per-, est promoveatur per Mayweather Promotions et Top Rank Inc., et erit fieri, tribuebat vivunt SHOWTIME PPV®et HBO Redde-Per View-®.


“Gaudeo in occursum meum consilium cum Manny faciens et de hoc facto plurimum ad pugnam accidere adjutor impetro,” dicta Mayweather. “Dantes nisl semper quod volunt videre sentire. Hoc erit maximus in historia eventum ludibrio. Pugilatu fans alit atque testentur magnitudinem in orbem May 2. Ego sum optimus semper, TBE, et alias, ut pertendam ad hoc bellum illud erit mihi quod volo facere optimus solers, quod win. Manny is going to try to do what 47 himfailed ante facere, ipse autem non sit amet. Et erit numerus XLVIII.”


Pro magis notitia, on Twitter sequi at etfloydmayweathermayweatherpromo; on Facebook fan facta ad atque or go to www.mayweatherpromotions.apud.

Vasquez SAMMY vs. Emmanuel Lartey ShoBox: Novum generatio ULTIMUS WEIGHTS, QUOTES & PHOTOS


Ex CONSOL Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Click HIC Download Photos

Credit Amanda Kwok / SHOWTIME


PITTSBURGH, PA. (Feb. 19, 2015) - Ventus Pittsburgh et invictam welterweight Sammy Vasquez armatae autem in statera 147 ¼ libras atque Emmanuel Lartey mensurari 146 Dimidiam librarum dum Jovis scriptor ponderemus-in de eunuchorum cras ' ShoBox: The New Generation tripleheader.


Vasquez (17-0, 13 KOs), qui pulsavit ex novem recta adversarios, et Lartey (17-2, 8 KOs, 1 NC), ex Brooklyn, N.Y.. per Ghana, qui non negemus, et salutationes in X-circuitu welterweight consectetur, vivereSHOWTIME (10 p.m. ATQUE/PT, moram ad Occidentem Coast) ex Energy CONSOL Center in Pittsburgh, Pa.


In pluma co- Promotions Goossen tripleheader, current et priore stella longtime Cubanus amateur praeferebantur tertia-heavyweight WBC luxHumberto Savigne (12-1, 9 KOs, 1 NC), Miami de via Guantanamo, Cuba, capietis inuictum Craig Baker (15-0, 11 KOs), de Baytown, Texas, in circuitu a X-. Savigne measured 176 libras at et in Baker appensum 174 libras.


In foramen IRCA de telecast, et ingeniosi southpaw WBA No. 7 praeferebantur featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 KOs), Miami per Dominica, subibit southpaw Orlando Rizo (18-5, 11 KOs) de Managua, Nicaragua, an in octo circum par-. Marrero stepped-in at 126 ¼ libras dum esset Rizo 126 libras.


Ferte pretium turpis at $238, $100, $60, $40 atque $25 pro studentibus et militari valet ID (Box Office Only), plus applicabiles feodis, quia "Superbia Müller III" super venditionem per Dick scriptor Box Office Toys Vestibulum at CONSOL Center,, omnes exitus Ticketmaster iure aut ad phone 800-745-3000. Prices augere $5 in die exitus. Fores aperi facto in nocte 6 p.m. at cum primum bell 6:30 p.m.


Nullam ut ante pugnantium exposuerat Jovis scriptor ponderemus-in:


Vasquez SAMMY

“This fight is definitely going to be exciting. I can’t talk trash about Emmanuel – he’s a tough guy who has faced two U.S. Olympians and never been dropped. So there’s not much I can say about him.


“I’m looking to open up some flaws. I’ve seen a couple of things I can do to maybe make him hit that canvas.


“I hope everybody tunes in. We’ve trained hard and this is just the beginning. It’s the start of 2015 and by the end of the year I hope to be a top contender or get a title shot. But I have to get past Emmanuel first and that won’t be easy.”


Emmanuel Lartey:

"Non ego versisque signis genus guys; he hasn’t faced the opposition that I have. He’s going to be surprised when he steps in the ring with me.


"Do Not, I’m not worried about fighting in his hometown. I can win with a decision, Ego autem ad knockout imprimere et quaeramus et auditi.


“He’s definitely underestimating me. Sammy has built up his record with cupcakes.


“This is going to be a good test for him and a good test for me. I’m going to be the one walking out with a W.”


Humberto SAVIGNE:

"Ego non accipio qui ex adverso est, leviter. Scio me frangere conetur futura Becker, sed difficillimum est et docuerunt, in bona fide, Im 'melior illo est,. Ne quis me iniuria, I’m not overlooking him. I’m just determined to win, et ego, aut a knockout vel decisionem.


"Scio me pugnantes lenta guy, but I’ve trained hard and this is my year. I’m lucky to be surrounded by such of great team.


"Sentio 2015 meo annus est. Ego praeferebantur tertia in WBC, et hoc modo cessatio quia sex menses, alioqui fore secundus. Post Baker, Volo [Adonis] Flaccus.


"Ego suadeant ut paratus fans, sit back and enjoy because I’m going to give them a real show. I’m going to make Baker see fireworks.”



“This is the fight I’ve been waiting for. I’m finally getting an opportunity to make a statement and surprise some people. I know I’m the underdog, but that doesn’t bother me. I’m undefeated for a reason. He’s the one with a loss on his record.


“A win would do wonders for my career. It would open up the door to some great opportunities.


“It will be an interesting fight. I’ll play it by ear, sed in eo ego servus tuus ego servus tuus vadam, et uix 10 rounds. "



“I’m not intimidated by Rizo’s amateur accomplishments. If he says he trained hard, bene, Et ego erudivi et duriorem semper eum. Credo in unum iam non enim sciunt quid. Crede mihi - hoc non erit in die ortus. Hoc bellum futurum.


Inquit, 'mihi fortuna Orlando Rizo. Quam brevi eget placerat non destruatur.


"Nil nugas dicen. Suus 'non simpliciter stilo. Oportuit facere et colaphos et dicerentur in anulo. "



"Scio quod non sit facilis pugna. Scio Claudio Marrero est lentus, but I’m ready for him. I’ve been training very hard for him. Et melius, parati, quia scio ego sum.


"Non est quisquam similis mei pugnaverit. Mea sunt credentials amateur impeccabilem. Militum quattuor-tempus caestu fortissimus sum, Vestibulum et prioribus et tres tempore pugilem Centralis American FECARBOX Champion. Signum accepit et in Aere 2007 Pan-venatus in America Brasilia. Et sint parati in a lentus pugna melior, quia nolo ut facile.


"A-venatus in sua habere meliorem Marrero Claudio, quia veniam ad deponendum eum ".


# # #


Energy CONSOL Center est locus procul 1001 Quinto Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219. Plura potest situm suum website,


Social Media: Promotions on Twitter Follow GoossenGoossenBoxing, Sammy VasquezTeamSVasquez on Twitter, @ SHOsports Showtime Sports et CONSOL Energy CenterCONSOLEnergyCtr. Use hashtag #VasquezLartey sequi pro re,.


Pro magis notitia in eorum website ad considerandam Goossen Sports enim additional notitia in Showtime visit

About ShoBox: The New Generation
Cum eius inceptionem in July 2001, censorie Appellato SHOWTIME pugilatu series, ShoBox: The New Generation facultas quae featured iuvenes, duri. The ShoBox Philosophia, quae iam ad televise excitando, turba placendo et curavit a competitive matches determinatur ad probandum causam volens pro a rebus mundi title. Ex liber nativitatis 58 bellatorum, qui paulo videbantur hominibus ShoBox et profecisti in certos titulos comprehendit mundi: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Lara Erislandy, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Alexander Devon, Carl Froch, Robertus Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Vargas Jessie, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Williams et Paulus more.


WBC #17 Heavyweight Contender Bronco Billy Wright Speaks On Career

Las Vegas (February 19, 2015) – Heavyweight “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 KOs) speaks on his amazing career as a 50-year heavyweight contender and his upcoming fight against Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 KOs) on March 13, 2015. The fight will take place at the We Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona.
Nullam pretium $20 confessio generalis,, $35 atque $50, et nunc in venditionem potest redimi qui per vocationem ad Bronco Billy Wright (702) 524-3331.
Quod est sita in nobis Ko Pa Casino 10424 North Road Fort McDowell, McDowell Fort, THE 85264. At ianuae 6:00 P.m. prima pugna 7:00 P.m.

Boxcino Heavyweight quarterfinal pondera a Verona, NY

Verona, NY (February 19, 2015)–De Ponderibus Friday noctis Boxcino Heavyweight quarterfinal pugnat Conversus Stone Obstinatus Casino

Donovan Dennis 222 – Steve Vukosa 218

Andrey Fedosov 220 1/2 – Nate De Caelo 227

Razvan Cojanu 265 – Et fons, 236 1/2

Jason Estrada 261 – Thomas Lenroy 237

Greg Jackson 150 – Paulo Souza 149
Jesus Rodriguez Alvarez 145 – Bryan Abraham 144
Sanchez Guillermo 132 – TBA

Promotor: Banner Promotions
Venue: Conversus Stone Obstinatus Casino
1st Bell: 7 PM (Boxcino incipiat quarterfinals 9 PM de ESPN 2)
Ab imaginibus Shane Sims / Banner Promotions
Tota Boxcino tournament promotus est per Promotions Banner. Hoc Tuesday scriptorSuspendisse est ut pugnet vivunt televised Friday Diei pugnat incipientes 9 PM.
There will be a post fight press conference immediately followijectum autem expleto ultimo bout in Cypri Room.

Tesseras in February 20th ESPN Friday Diei Pugnat conversus ad lapidem super lapidem sale Conversus nunc ad buxum officium, in persona aut per excitationem 315.361.7469, aut online at Ticketmaster. Tesseras sunt $60 quia sedes ringside, $35, $25, ac in additional feodis.

Host temporis daret de February 20th, Conversus autem Oneida Indian Nationis Stone Obstinatus Casino pergit, ubi matrimonium, secundum quod distinguit professionali destinatio pro alludens eventus, possidet nationally televised-level-golf PGA et pyctas. February 20th, pugnae Conversus notare Stone 14th nationally televised pugilatu eventus in minus quam duos annos, ut a obstinatus succurro compleret tualias pro knockout televised pugnat. Boxing legends et Mike Tyson Mayweather Jr. promovimus televised cards ad pugnam obstinatus infra annum et vertentes Stone habet hosted televised pugilatu eventus in ESPN, Showtime, HBO, In blandit ac biennio. Aliquam Upstate New York, Obstinatus dedi quattuor-temporum mundi-genus ludum et hospitii, prestigious restaurants, luxuria spa facilities, et award-blandeque accommodations.Tickets pro February 20th ESPN Friday Diei Pugnat conversus ad lapidem super lapidem sale Conversus nunc ad buxum officium, in persona aut per excitationem315.361.7469, aut online at Ticketmaster. Tesseras sunt $60 quia sedes ringside, $35, $25, ac in additional feodis. At ianuae 6:00 p.m., cum primum bout scheduled 7:00 p.m. Vivum incipit Suspendisse at telecast 9pm.

Professio media postulans credentials in February 20 Abdo pugnaretur debet contact Kelly, Et conversus ad Stone Public Relations Manager 315.366.9291

A quattuor-temporum SUMMUS Obstinatus Casino de Se saxum, destination obstinatus in Upstate New York, Conversus autem Oneida Indian Nationis Stone Obstinatus Casino percommode situm est de 30 miles NYS Thruway exit ab oriente ad Syracusas 33. Conversus Stone nominatus “Most Excellent Satis Resort” in 2010 a Condé Nast Johansens. Instaret Academia, cui nomen tune Country Music of Stone “Anni Casino” in 2009. In conveniunt offert mundi-genus ludum, golf, hospitium, et accommodations spa facilities, Quattuor Diamond ratings de AAA et fecit moreris, Erat autem turris excelsa Hotel, et Wildflowers restaurant. Pro magis notitia et reseruatis, call (315) 361-7711 aut (800) 771-7711. Visit the web site ad