Category Archives: mekemeke

Kaiwhakahaere Gary Hyde ani WBA Hei uruhi whawhai taitara whakahauanga waenganui i Rigondeaux me Quigg


Puru, Ireland (March 12, 2015) – Kaiwhakahaere mekemeke International Gary Hyde, peresideni o te Whakahaere Nowhere2Hyde, kua ōkawa pitihanatia e te Ao mekemeke Association (WBA) ki te uruhi i te whawhai taitara whakahauanga i waenganui i toa o Hyde, WBA Super & Mekemeke Organization World (WBO) toa whā super Bill “Ko te tarakona” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Koó), a WBA “te wā” 122-pauna wehenga titlist Scott QUIGG (30-0-2, 22 Koó).


Kei raro kitea he kupu o te pukapuka a Hyde ki te WBA:



Dear Chairman Mendoza:


Tuhituhi ahau kia rite ki te kaiwhakahaere o Guillermo Rigondeaux, te hoê WBA / WBO Champion.


I write to request enforcement of the mandatory. Uniquely in the Super Bantamweight Division Guillermo Rigondeaux is the “Kotahi Champion” a Scott Quigg ko te “Champion wā.”

Clearly as the Regular Champion Quigg is the highest ranked contender in the division. While he was injured he is now back in training and there is no reason why Mr. Rigondeaux e taea e kore ranei e kore e whakarite i tana i herenga whakahauanga ki Mr. QUIGG.


We are aware that there are some discussions about a bout between Quigg and Frampton. Heoi, kua matou i roto i te pa ki te IBF, a e kore e whakatau i ratou i te whawhai whakakotahitanga ki te tetahi atu atu i te toa taumata teitei i roto i tenei take ko te Guillermo Rigondeaux.


Faka'apa'apa whakaaro tatou e ko te reira pai ki te mahi ki te take pūkete i teie nei, me te tono kia whakahaua Quigg me Guillermo ki te timata whiriwhiringa.


Te faatura,


Gary Hyde



Whakahaere hoki Hyde WBA toa cruiserweight Takitaro Yuri “El Toro” Kalenga(21-1, 14 Koó), mua whitu toa WBO me o nāianei International Mekemeke Federation (IBF) Kaua e. 1 nguha whakahauanga Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 Koó), a runga super whā amanaki Mark Forest (1-0, 1 KO).


A pee i Hyde i te Twitter i @ NoWhere2Hyde me te hoa ia = TS.

Marcus Upshaw Tonu he rota o te whawhai i mahue


Miami (March 12, 2015) – I roto i te akoranga o tona mahi mekemeke pro-tau iwa, whitu tautōhito Marcus “Arilli” Upshaw (17-13-4, 1 NC, 8 Koó) kua karangatia e te kaipahua, kaitiaki, hoariri ngaio, journeyman me te ara toa.


Kua Upshaw katoa o te runga ake, hoatu, engari neke atu i te tetahi mea kua ngā ia he toa faitotonu pai ki te tango i runga i te tangata, wā. E whawhai ia tonutia ana katoa i toa ao ki runga contenders me opuaraa fafau.


Katoa e hiahia ana ia inaianei, ahakoa, Ko te whawhai ki te hoariri-ao o te piha haapiiraa, tumanako te wikitoria i taea e hoe ia ia ki te whawhai taitara e pā ana ki te ao maha moe.


Ki te kumea, wahia tata parekura whakatau me / ranei, rawa ki te hua i te whawhai i roto i te iāri o te hoariri, E te tikanga whakaaro “toa” i roto i te mekemeke, Record o Upshaw i taea he rerekē nui 27-8 e kua whawhai tenei ra, me te Floridian-tau 34-tawhito i roto i te matua whawhai i runga i ngā whatunga taura nui.


Record mana o Upshaw ko te hua tika o te tango ia ia whawhai kia rite ki te whakakapinga mutunga, i runga i te ara i roto i ngā mākete kaikiri me te rītaha, ki whawhai tiakina me nga tama a kaimekemeke rongonui, wā i roto i te piha haapiiraa taimaha ki runga ake i tona wehenga 160-pauna tūturu.


Tana whawhai wiki whakamutunga tino tata i roto i Dallas mutu i roto i te ahua angamaheni, rite whawhai Upshaw ki te Unuunu waru-a tawhio (76-74, 74-76, 75-75) ki te pa tino Anthony Mack(12-1-1), i roto i te i kino ia Upshaw tona hoariri e rave rahi taime, toa e whitu rauna rite ki tona kaiwhakangungu matenga hou, Orlando Cuellar, kaiwhakahaere mauroa Si Star, a tika e pā ana ki nga tangata katoa i roto i te haereraa i te.


“Ko haurangi te ao mekemeke,” Na ka mea a Upshaw. “Kua ahau i teie nei e kumea i roto i te hoki-ki-hoki whawhai (te tahi atu ki Arona Pryor Jr.). E kore e tukua e ahau te tiki i te reira ki ahau, ahakoa. Te mana'o nei au i te reira i te rota ta e pā ana ki ahau, e taea e ahau te haere ki te iāri o te toa, i muri i te whakangungu pakeke, a ka haere mai ki waho ki te Unuunu i roto i te whawhai i tino kia kua whakauru. Na, E mohio ana ahau i ahau ki te tiki knockouts ki te riro me i toku whakaaro e haere ki roto ki te whawhai whakamutunga, no te whawhai e ahau i te taata Texas i roto i Texas. Wobbled ahau ia toru nga wa rerekē, ka riro katoa a tawhio noa, engari kotahi.”


Ko te tiketike o te mahi a Upshaw i roto i 2010 ka ka haere ia ki Quebec City me te miharo 21-1-1 hero rohe Renan St. Matau, toa i te whakatau 10-a tawhio noa ki te faateitei Upshaw i roto i te tūranga whitu te ao (IBF #6, WBO #9 a WBC #11). I mua ki te St. Whawhai noa, Derailed Upshaw te umanga o te reira 19-1 James McGirt, tama a toa rongonui ao / kaiwhakangungu whiriwhiri James “Buddy” McGirt, ki te 10-a tawhio noa nuinga Unuunu i tautohetia. Rua whawhai i muri mai, ka mutu ia 10-0 amanaki Ashandi Gibbs (10-0) i roto i te tuawha-a tawhio mo te whitu aito Florida State.


Kua whakaaturia Upshaw nui ana mau taleni na roto i te haere i te tawhiti oti i roto i te rauna, ahakoa i roto i te parekura, ki nga momo o Mario Antonio Rubio, Rawiri Lemieux, Gilberto Ramirez Sanchez, Edwin Rodriguez, Patrick Majewski a Tarvis Simms. Ko te hoariri whakamutunga tetahi tauira o te te kino kua Upshaw maha rawa wa fehangahangai. Simms ko 24-0-1 i roto i te 2009 ka whawhai ia Upshaw i Mohegan Sun, i te mea he puku poto i tona fare i roto i te Norwalk tata. Riro Simms te afa whakatau waru-a tawhio (77-74 X 2, 75-76).


L-R- Upshaw & Cuellar

Cuellar, pai mohiotia hoki ārahi i te toa huarahi taketake,Glen Johnson, ki te taitara ao, tāpiri, “Ma'u pē Marcus kua i roto i te uaua, tetahi toa ara a ia, whawhai atu mātanga, whawhai tiakina tae atu etahi i middleweights super. Ka haere tata ia ki whakarerea atu i te tahi mau taime rerekē i tēnei taata whakamutunga. Riro ia e whitu o e waru rauna, a tae noa ka mau te tohutoro he wāhi atu, i waho i te whakatūpato, ka Marcus’ ruarua hinga te auvaha parau tika i roto i. Te reira e kore e tino i hoko no te mea ko ia i roto i te raru.



“Anake tatou i rima wiki mahi tahi. Te hinaaro nei tatou Marcus ki te whakamahi i tana 6′ 3 ½” tiketike ki tona painga. He ia ki te whawhai i te tawhiti, te whakamahi i tana taea i te waho. Ka taea e te whakahaere e ia i te whawhai ki te werohanga rua, aru e te tika, rite tahi ki tana ki a Mack. Ne ongo kiate au e te ara whakangungua ia i roto i te omaoma me te noa atu inaianei kua i ahau ki a ia i roto i te whawhai. Whakaaro ahau e taea e ia te hoatu tangata raruraru, ki te whawhai ia ki runga ki te waho. Riro ia i roto i te runga hanga, whawhai atamai, a inaianei e nehenehe tatou e faanaho i te rautaki i roto i te mua, no te matau ana tatou tahi e te tahi. He ia ki te knockout hoariri ki te riro. Ako'i e ahau toku whawhai ki te maturuturu me te mutu, i te mea ko te aha e te mahi Marcus.”


Whakapono Upshaw Cuellar ko te hononga ngaro e hiahiatia ana e ia ki te tiki i ngā hoki ki te runga. “Kua kua e ahau ako he rota i Orlando,” Ua haamaramarama Upshaw, “engari te nuinga o nga mea katoa kua ako ahau e taea e ahau tetahi mea i roto i te whakakai. E kore e korero ki noa ia he toa ki te mahi i tenei ranei e; Homai Orlando he toa i nga taputapu, te patu ki te haere ki te whawhai, ki te waiho koutou pai. Ko ia ano he kaiwhakangungu tawhito-kura. Ko te wahi pakeke ki a ia he whakangungu, e kore e te whawhai. E hoatu e ia te ora ki toku mahi.


“Kua ahau i roto i ki te pai, me te hoki ako i aua whawhai. E kore toku raruraru te arotahi te whawhai katoa. E mohio ana ahau ki au tere, me te kaha ake i toku hoa tauwhainga e ahau, engari tiki ahau hōhā i ētahi wā, ka mutu i whiua e nifó. E kore ahau e mohio ki te aha ahau te mahi e engari kua ngā reira toku pakirehua. Ua haapii mai Orlando ahau e ki te noho hāngai, me te mataara i roto i te whawhai katoa me ahau.”


Ki te tona rahi me te taonga käwai sipoti – tona matua keke, te mutunga o Gene Upshaw, Ko te NFL Hall o Rongonui ino kaitiaki mo nga Raiders Oakland – Upshaw kore kua āta tae tona pūmanawa tonu, i te iti rawa e kore e ano.


“Ahau inaianei kei te whakangungu Marcus ki Orlando oaoa ahau,” parau kaiwhakahaere Stern. “Ko te roroa Marcus, kaha, me te atamai i roto i te whakakai. Ahau tumanako nui hoki ia i roto i te heke mai tonu.”


KŌRERO: / 260365894066319


Welterweight Prospect, 'Kauwhata’ Rashidi Ellis e tenei Rāhoroi whawhai mo te rua whitiki i roto i te Caguas, Puerto Rico

Whetu amateur mua, 'Kauwhata’ Rashidi Ellis ( 13-0, 10 KO o ) i Lynn, Ka hoki mai Massachusetts ki te mowhiti tenei Rāhoroi, March 14 i te Roger L. Mendoza Coliseum i Caguas, Puerto Rico. Ka KOROMO tona hoariri, Victor Gonzalez ( 12-9, 11 KO o ) i roto i te a'ee 8-a tawhio, hōtaka mo te vacants WBA FedeCaribe, a WBC taitara Welterweight Latin.
“Ahau rite ki te tango i aua taitara ki Puerto Rico a Massachusetts. Au rawa mauruuru ki taku iwi ka rangona, a ka taea e te pā e titau i te whawhai ki te toa KOROMO pakeke patu. Ko te whakangungu ki toku kaiako Alex Rivera kua nui, a ko matou tino māia”, Rashidi kōrero Ellis, ko wai Rātū muri Ka hono puni whakangungu Manny Pacquiao o i te Wild Card Faleva'inga rite ki tetahi o ana hoa mākutu.
Whakatairangatia ana te hui e Miguel Cotto Whakatairanga me Roc iwi Sports.
I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga i runga i Whiringa 14, Outboxed Ellis, a patua mā knockout a tawhio rima, hōia tought, Joseph De los Santos ( 18-14-9 KO o ) i Dominican Republic i roto i te 6 a'ee a tawhio i te wehenga whitu teina tū i roto i te San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Ellis, nei i tetahi wāhi o tona mahi amateur mekemeke i runga tau kotahi i te wehenga Welterweight (152 pauna) i roto i te United States, mutu ki te lekooti o ake 60-11, i ngā:
-2012 PAL National (Pirihimana Athletic League) Toa-toru wā New Ingarangi karapu Golden Champion

-Rocky Marciano Amateur Boxing Tournament Champion

-Medal Silver i te Kapu Independent i roto i te he Lepupelika

Mai Ellis i te hapu o kaimekemeke. Tona tuakana, Ronald “Akeem” Ko te tūturu amanaki whitu super. Tona tuahine, Rashida, Ko te he 2012 Toa PAL, me te mētara win tino mo te U.S. Team Women`s mekemeke i roto i te 2016 Summer Olympics.

Greg Cohen Whakatairanga ta maha-Whawhai Kia ki a CBS Sports Whatunga

Greg Cohen Whakatairanga (GCP) ta he maha-whawhai ki a CBS Sports Whatunga ki te telecast mekemeke ngaio ora.

“Championship mekemeke” will debut on CBS Sports Network on April 17 i 10:00 PM, ET at the Grand Casino in Hinckley, Minnesota. I roto i te hui matua 10-a tawhio, A Ireland WBA #12- a-rated 11 IBF # “Hurricane” Dennis Hogan (20-0-1, 7 Koó) Ka fehangahangai pakeke-ki pahaki Tyrone o Philadelphia “Young Pū” Brunson (22-4-1, 21 Koó) mo te WBA Oceana Championship.

I roto i te 10-a tawhio noa teata tahi-āhuatanga, Rated ao o Canada, e nohopuku-aranga Kōmāmā whetu Tony “Uira” Luis (19-2, 7 Koó) ka meinga e te korero tuatahi o tona WBC Continental Amerika Championship.

“Ko ahau tino whakakake ki te hura i tenei raupapa ki CBS Sports Whatunga,” Na ka mea a Greg Cohen. “Ko te mahi i muri i roto i te nui kunenga mai o toku kamupene tenei. Kei te ana tēnei e haere ana ki te waiho i te tau nui mō te mekemeke teata, a te reira he honore ki te mahi ki te taua hoa pouaka whaimana ki te hanga i tupu i te reira.”

CBS Sports Whatunga, te 24 haora home o CBS Sports, Ko wātea puta noa i te whenua i roto i te taura rohe, ataata me ngā ratonga telco me mā amiorangi i runga i DirecTV Channel 221 a te rihi Channel Whatunga 158. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, tae atu ki te rärangi hötaka tonu, me te ki te tiki CBS Sports Whatunga, haere ki te

Motuhake kēmu-ups, kia ka ua faaite atu rā, me wāhi i te rā i muri mai.

Whakahokia mua Welsh Champ Lee Churcher With A Bang

Mua Welsh o Newport, a British Masters Champion Lee Churcher hanga he hoki angitu ki te mowhiti pō o te Rāhoroi whakamutunga, A Nottingham Matt Scriven i te 40-35 ngā tawhē.


Churcher, kihai nei i whawhai mai tona wikitoria iwa mutu a tawhio noa ki runga ki Barrie Jones i roaa ia i te taitara Welsh i Mei 2012, tata kihai i whiwhi ki te whawhai i te katoa, i muri i tona hoariri Ratislav Frano, me te Elimer Rafael, ko wai te tika ki te kanohi Andy Bell, Julius Rafael, ko wai ko te ki te hei hoariri Matt Scriven o runga i te po, me to ratou kaiwhakangungu katoa i taka ki te hanga i to ratou rere i Slovakia.


Ki te wā e rere i roto i kaiwhakatairanga te tīmatanga tamata Wayne O'Hara ki te tiki i nga kaimekemeke Slovakian ko Kolianitoní i runga i tetahi atu rere, no te mea ka mārama e kore e haere ki te hoko ka tamata i roto i te noa ki te kimi UK hāngai hoariri.


Ki te wā nohopuku rere i roto i Matt Scriven, i whawhai Churcher hoki i roto i 2010, fokotu'u e nui atu i te ngaro katoa pāngia e toru atu i te whakaatu i taea e whawhai ia, a Churcher tahi e te tahi.


Ko reira mārama Matau i te atu i tautohe e rua i roto i te huru no te, he pai tau fest ngata pupuku.


I muri i te tahi mau ngā whakawhitinga mā pai ko reira Scriven ko te tuatahi ki te tuku rip i roto i te riri, ki te pere te tinana wera, Pahono Churcher i roto i te ahua me te ka ko reira mo te toenga o te a tawhio noa te rangi pugilistic parakore koromatua-ki-koromatua mo nga pā, rite te rua slugged te reira i roto i te wā nui.


Ētahi atu o te taua i roto i rua i te tuarua, me te tuatoru rauna, nui ki te ahuareka o te mano, nei i o ratou waewae ki runga ki hoki tata te rua katoa o te whawhai.


I roto i te tumanako atu puta mai Scriven i roto i nga poraka nohopuku, e loto i runga i whiwhi mowhiti pokapū ki etahi ārai ataahua, me e ngaahi kautaha e hōu, Heoi ko Churcher i roto i kahore huru ki te tākaro whira tuarua ki te tetahi, e haere mai ana i roto i te pakeke me te nohopuku i whiua e pupuhi te tinana kaha, me te uppercuts i faingamālie katoa.


Mō te hawhe te ara i roto i te taka noa u Churcher te pītiti o te tika, unga Scriven ki te koaka. Whakahokia ana Scriven te aroaro o te tatau mutu, ka pouaka atamai, rite haere Churcher katoa ki waho ki te whakaoti atu i te tangata Nottingham.


I te mutunga o te wha scintillating rauna mahi katoa, piro kaitautoko Lee Murtagh te a'ee 40-35 i roto i te manakohia o Churcher.


I mua ki te Churcher-Scriven a'ee pai, i reira nga pāngia whakaaturanga runga te piha haapiiraa e rima, ngā etahi o te kuao pū i a Nottingham Robin Hood Faleva'inga.


I hoatu enei pāngia te mano i te tirohanga poto wawe i etahi o nga whetu he kaha'ú e faataahia no te pee i roto i nga tapuwae o te whetu mekemeke tino rongonui o Nottingham, Mr. Carl Froch.


Ko te tuatahi o nga pāngia ngā Robin Hood o Jack Whitehouse ki a Will Smith i Leeds.


He aha te whawhai tata whawhai hangai, e rua pouaka nehenehe i roto i, engari i te mutunga o te a'ee ko reira Whitehouse i tū teitei i roto i te wikitoria tona ringa.


I muri i te Whitehouse-Smith te whawhai pai kite Carl Coulthard i roto i te mahi ki tetahi tamaiti rohe Arona Stark.


Haere tamariki e rua hama me kokopi mo tata nga rauna katoa e rua, engari ki te rua tekau noa e pā ana ki hēkona o te tuarua a tawhio noa, ki te haere Stark u te pītiti o te ringa matau ki te tonoa Couthard ki te koaka, kāore tamata Coulthard ki te tiki ki ona waewae, engari tika rahua ki te hanga i te tatau.


Muri ake kite Connor Riddick tango i te Tarona wikitoria ki tetahi tamaiti rohe Rana McCreedy.


Matau i te runga i te mea e kore i mārama Riddick hiahia i roto i te tetahi mea, engari i te wini pai, tuku ka ripiripia e ki te mana nui, me te uira tere rua flurries ringa.


Mō i waenganui o te a'ee pāwhiri ake McCreedy he kakari, i roto i te raveraa i te reira te whakatangihanga a tika tonu ki ki nga ringa o Riddick, rite ko ia ia te pai ki runga mo te koroheke he fest ngata pupuku me te mutunga hua te win tuarua o te po mo te Robin Hood Faleva'inga waka.


Ko te a'ee wha o te po, ko te autaia katoa kowaiwai ki te whawhai mahi i waenganui i Tom Mulligan me tini Dominic o Peterborough.


Nui atu te Ko te rauna tuatahi he rima tekau / rima tekau a tawhio noa, ki te hunga tautohe e rua neke atu i te hari ki te pouaka i te tere nohopuku, heoi e mea ana i ruia Mulligan tini o nga wa, he tokorua ki etahi wāhi titi exocets tika.


Rauna rua kite tini i roto i te ascendance, Heoi ahakoa i tautoko i te tangata Peterborough Mulligan ake mo te wahi pai o te whawhai, ko reira te tangata Nottingham i noaa i te a tawhio noa, i muri i te tuku tini ki te whakapaipai e rua.


Ki te toto ringihia i tona ihu, me i te tere tere waewae e tangata kua miharo ki te whakaritea e tini e kore e ki te haere mai i roto i mo te tuatoru, heoi peratia ana e ia, a kia rite ki te aroaro o ka mau ki te whawhai ki te tangata Nottingham.


Hoki e pā ana ki te rua hautoru o te a tawhio noa titiro te reira rite tini e tahuri i te tepu i runga i Mulligan, he ruia te Nottingham tangata ki te tahi ringa nui matau, heoi kihai i reira ki te kia rite te whakahaere Mulligan ki te whakatau ia ia i muri i ano tetahi atu puhipuhinga o ngā matā, me te whenua i te tino tika pakeke ki te matenga, na ka unga tangata tini ki te whakapaipai kotahi atu.


I mua i ara tini u ki runga ki te koaka faaoti tona kokonga i nui te nui, me te tino tika maka te tauera i roto i.


Ko te a'ee whakaaturanga whakamutunga ano tetahi atu stormer, tenei wa e whakaatu i te tino whakaongaonga Tom Langley tango i runga i te PORTSMOUTH Jules Phillips i roto i te wha a taka noa Super whā whakataetae.


He aha te whawhai, kahore he feaa tamariki e rua i te heke mai pai i roto i te hākinakina, rawa taitamariki Tommy Langley, nei te taitamariki, ki te paari e whakakahore tau i tona ngawari, te haapa'oraa i kiri tona tawhiti, me te tika takahi i roto i te wa pai e ia ki te whenua he tika hangai i te huinga mā ranei.


I muri wha fantastic rauna haere mai te reira rite kahore he ohorere ko reira Langley i whakaarahia i roto i te wikitoria tona ringa, tino deservedly i roto i oku kanohi.


Tom Langley Ko kotahi tangata taitamariki tino pūmanawa, taea tamaiti oh tamaiti tenei pouaka koati, tino ki tetahi mataara i roto i te heke mai, kupu te te te waru tau tawhito haere ki te tahuri pro i tēnei tau, Ahau hoki tetahi titiro atu ki te mekemeke a ia i runga i te ara iahiko pro, e te no te tino.


Ki te pera nui whakaari mua i te hui nei i taea kua tūmanakohia e kua haere na te pai, me te I reira te pro kotahi anake a'ee i roto i te mutunga o te whakaaturanga, pouri ana tangata ui mo ratou moni hoki e aore, me pehea i taea e ratou, te reira tino i te po pai o te mekemeke.

Warriors mekemeke Signs o Argentina Dario Pucheta ki te Contract Whakatairanga

Warriors mekemeke whakapehapeha ai ta te hainatanga o Argentina ka nguha Welterweight super Dario “Ko te Gallo” Pucheta (20-2, 11 Koó) ki te kirimana whakatairanga.

28-haere Pucheta tau-tau 102-8 hei runaruna i roto i Buenos Aires. Ka tahuri ia ngaio i roto i 2009 a ka kua riro kē te marama whitu WPC me South American Super Welterweight Toa.

“Ko ahau fiefia ki kua hainatia i tenei amanaki hou whakaongaonga i Argentina,” ka mea Warriors mekemeke te peresideni, Leon Margules. “E rua i tino tautohetia ana parekura, a whakaaro tatou ka hanga e ia he tohu nui i roto i te scene mekemeke te ao, ka whiwhi tatou itoito ia i roto i te US”

Pucheta, whakangungua e tona papa, he toa rawa manawanui e mahi muri i te werohanga a taea whawhai haere mai atu tokua counter ranei.

“Te tonu ia i roto i te āhua fantastic. Ko te tetahi o tenei kaha rahi,” Margules tonu. “Ko ia he kaimahi kaha i roto i te omaoma, takoto ki te riro i tetahi atu te toa nui i Argentina, a koe fiefia mo ki te faingamālie tauturu i te tiki ia ia i reira tatou.”

# # #

Mō Warriors mekemeke

I whakarewatia i roto i te 2003, Whakahaere Warriors mekemeke i raro i te kuware kaupapa-kawea te kaimekemeke pai i roto i te ao ki te whawhai pā, ōrite ratou i roto i te pāngia whakataetae, a i roto i te raveraa i te reira i te tauturu anō-whakapumautia te hākinakina o te mekemeke mo te whakatupuranga hou.


Ki te te raupapa o whakaaturanga Utua-Per-Tiro angitu, me nga whare Kikī ki tona nama, Kei te mahi i te tauira pakihi Warriors whakamiharo i roto i te hākinakina e he nui roto i te hiahia o te auahatanga me te pūngao e hopoi mai i te kamupene ki te tepu.


A, no te haere mai ki raro ki reira ahakoa, Ko anake rite pai rite ki nga whawhai he kamupene whakatairanga, me te whawhai whakatairanga i te reira. Warriors Kua tukua Mekemeke i runga i akina katoa, ki te pāngia tino pērā i Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Aperahama-Miranda ahau me II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana me Ibragimov-Holyfield.


Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i Warriors Mekemeke, visit their website at


Las Vegas (March 11, 2015) – Sports fans will be treated to the fight that has captured the attention of the entire world when boxing’s pound-for-pound king Floyd “Money” Mayweather steps into the ring to face eight-division world champion Manny “Pac-tangata” Pacquiao in an epic welterweight world championship unification bout. Ka tangohia te-whawhai mega nui-tapoko wahi Rāhoroi, Kia 2 i te MGM Grand Garden Arena i Las Vegas. Whakatairangatia ana e Mayweather Whakatairanga me Top Kapa Inc., the pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® a HBO Totongi-Per-Tiro® timata i 9:00 p.m. AND/ 6:00 p.m. PT.


Superstars Mayweather a Pacquiao, tono crossover nei i ô mai i te hākinakina, me kua hanga ratou ingoa whare, Ka whakataetae i roto i te kaupapa e tūmanakohia ana ki pounga tetahi me katoa te utu-ia-tirohanga, te kuwaha ora me ngā pūkete iahiko kati. Mayweather vs. Ka tō Pacquiao prizefights rongonui, me te fakangalongata'a roto i te aamu o te hākinakina o pērā i te “Thrilla i roto i te Manila,” te “Wiriwiri i roto i te Jungle” a Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Tommy Hearns.


“Mai i kauwhautia te whawhai i, kua te whakautu i te iwi whānui kua maere, a te reira noa mārama ake e ko te whawhai nga pā hiahia ana ki te kite i tenei,” Said Mayweather. “Ahau au mauruuru i taea ki te tupu te reira Manny Pacquiao me ahau. Tenei ka te hui nui i roto i te hītori o te mekemeke. E kore e taea e ahau te whakawhetai nui toku rōpū mō to ratou tautoko i te ra kotahi. Ahau atu hihiri atu ake ake ki te maka ki runga ki te whakaatu maere, and I’ll be ready for Kia 2.”

I will be ready for my date with destiny on Kia 2,” said Pacquiao. “I am very happy that Floyd Mayweather and I can give the fans the fight they have wanted for so many years. They have waited long enough and they deserve it. It is their mandate. It is an honor to be part of this historic event. I dedicate this fight to all the fans who willed this fight to happen and, rite tonu, ki te kawea mai te kororia ki te Philippines, me toku hoa Filipinos huri noa i te ao.”


Ko nga whawhai, kaiwhakatairanga me whakahaere whatunga mahi i roto i te mahi tahi tata ki te whakarite kia whakaae nga taipitopito i runga i a whakatakotoria i roto i te tikanga ki te whakaora i tēnei whawhai hītori.


“Tenei whawhai ko te mea katoa kua tatou i tatari mo te,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO o Mayweather Whakatairanga. Mea tonu matou e hiahia ana matou ki te hoatu i te pā ta ratou e hiahia ana, a ki runga ki Kia 2 they will get just that. “Mayweather vs. Pacquiao Ko te hui nui rawa i roto i te hītori o te mekemeke, a kei māia ka whati te reira utu-ia-tirohanga katoa tatou, te kuwaha ora, me ngā pūkete iahiko kati. Kua mahi Floyd pakeke tona mahi katoa, me te mana i tona ake hopea ki te tiki ki tenei wāhi. Whakatairanga Mayweather he hihiri hoki ia, a ki te wahi o tenei whai wāhitanga faahiahia no te whai wāhi katoa.”


“Kei te tatari na ki te ao katoa i tenei pakanga whakaongaonga,” Na ka mea a Hall o Rongonui kaiwhakatairanga Bob Harumu o te Kapa Top “I te tauturu o te Atua, Ka tatou ikuna.”


“Kua nga whawhai tino nui e rua i roto i te hākinakina o te mekemeke mo te tekau tau o mua Manny Pacquiao me Floyd Mayweather kua, a ka whawhai pā huri noa i te ao kua karangatia hoki ki a ratou kanohi tahi i te tahi,” Na ka mea a Ken Hershman, Te peresideni HBO Sports. “Na inaianei, i runga i Kia 2, i roto i te aha katoa e te hui mekemeke nui o te katoa-wā whakapono, fight fans have been granted their wish. Kia 2 will be a signature moment for the sport of boxing and HBO Sports is thrilled to be a part of this spectacular event. E mohio ana ahau ki nga whawhai, a ka primed ratou kapa kia ki te hira me te whakamahere tatou ki te mahi ngātahi ki te whai wāhi ki te whakaora i te taumata i taua o te mahi mai i te tirohanga pāhotanga katoa.”


“A, no te hainatia Showtime Networks Floyd Mayweather timata matou te whakamahere mō ngā kaupapa mīharo puta noa i te wā o to tatou kawenata. For both Floyd and for us, tenei whawhai ko te matua runga,” Na ka mea a Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice te peresideni & Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports. “Ko te anaanatae rahi no te tenei whawhai te peia ia tatou ki te mahi a tawhio noa te karaka i runga i tata āhuatanga katoa o te hui ki te whakaora i te whakaaturanga e tika ai te Mayweather vs-ao o te piha haapiiraa. Pacquiao.”


“Ka rite ki pā mekemeke te ao, ua oaoa roa matou e te Mayweather vs. Mai Pacquiao whawhai, kua ki te whaihua,” Na ka mea a Richard Sturm, peresideni o whakangahau me Sports mo MGM Resorts International. “Te oaoa nei matou ki te whai i te whai wāhi ki te manaaki i tēnei whawhai aito i MGM Grand, home to the sport’s biggest events. This May weekend will prove to be one of the most electric weekends Las Vegas has ever experienced.


Ko tētahi o nga whawhai tino whakapaipai i roto i te aamu o te hākinakina, te tūturu Floyd Mayweather (47-0, 26 Koó) Ko te toa 11-wā te ao i roto i te rima wehewehenga taimaha, me te aotia rite te No. 1 toa i roto i te ao pauna-no te-pauna. Ki te tona tere waitohu, te kaha ārai me te kaha ki te pānui i ana hoariri pae Mayweather kua toa i runga i 20 world champions in his already legendary 19-year career. I tua atu ki ana lavame'a i-mowhiti, Forbes, Fortune a Sports Illustrated Kua ko Mayweather rawa-utua kaitäkaro wa maha o te ao. Ana ngā takahanga

toharite neke atu i te kotahi miriona tirohanga utu-ia-hokona ia whawhai, i te mea te toharite rawa o tetahi kaimekemeke i roto i te aamu. Mayweather holds the all-time record in gross pay-per-view receipts and has participated in three of the top six highest grossing pay-per-view events of all-time. Ko te kupu i tawhiti, Kei te anake te toa ki te whai wāhi atu i Mayweather i te rua ngā kaupapa i te i hanga atu 2 million pay-per-view buys each. Mayweather has been decorated with awards for “Best Tāne kaipara” a “Fighter o te Tau” e ngā rōpū, tae atu e rima ESPN te tutei Tohu, e rua Mekemeke Writers Association o Amerika tohu.


Manny Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 Koó), te māngai ana'e congressional i te kawanatanga Sarangani i roto i te Philippines (I reelected ia ki te wā tuarua, rere whakaīngoa 2013), is the only fighter to win eight world titles in as many different weight divisions. A three-time Fighter of the Year and the Boxing Writers Association of America’s “Toa o te tekau tau,” Anō o Pacquiao ngā whakaora i runga i reira, me te heke mai Hall o Famers, tae atu Oscar De La Hoya, Ricky Hatton, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosley a Juan Manuel Marquez. Mai 2008 ki 2010, e rima o ana toa e whitu i taitara ao whakaora i roto i te akomanga taimaha rerekē e rima, i 130 ki 154 pauna. No active boxer has sold more live tickets in the U.S. i te Pacquiao, nei, ka kiia hoki ki neke atu i te 13 million domestic pay-per-view buys. Pacquiao regained the WBO welterweight title last year, i runga i April 12, mā te whakatau loto scintillating mo Timothy Bradley Jr., rapu utu ana i tautohetia 2012 afa mate whakatau ki te toa tūturu rua-wehenga te ao.


HBO Sports has brought the best in sports to television for four decadesfrom world championship boxing events, ki pakipūmeka tūmomo me motuhake, ki te täne hötaka mooni mālohi tino whakahonoretia me, and the most provocative sports magazine program on TV. Kua taupokina HBO te hākinakina o te mekemeke pērā tetahi atu i runga i te whakamutunga 40 tau. E toru raupapa Kei roto i te täne HBO Mekemeke, tae atu i te tino nui

World Championship Boxing® raupapa, teHBO Totongi-Per-Tiro® ratonga, e isthe ringa utu-ia-tirohanga o Office Box Home, me te kaiwhakarato pirimia o te hōtaka kaupapa ki te ahumahi utu-ia-tirohanga, and the late-night HBO mekemeke I muri Pōuri® raupapa, i whakaurua i roto i 1996.


Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), he āpiti whakapau ki te-ngā o CBS Corporation, nona a mahi nga kupenga moni pouaka SHOWTIME®, THE Whitiāhua Channel a Flix®, me te pai kia rite ki te awa multiplex SHOWTIME 2, SHOWTIME® Showcase, SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME TUA®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, SHOWTIME WOMEN®, SHOWTIME FAMILY Rohe® me te kiriata Channel Xtra. SNI tuku SHOWTIME HD hoki, THE Whitiāhua Channel HD, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® me te kiriata Channel ON DEMAND, me te motuhēhēnga ratonga SHOWTIME wā o te whatunga®. SNI whakahaere hoki Smithsonian Networks, he mahi ngātahi i waenga SNI me te Smithsonian MoE, e tuku Smithsonian Channel. Whāngai SNI katoa whakarato tangi whakarei te whakamahi i Dolby Digital 5.1. Markets SNI a tohatoha hākinakina, me ngā kaupapa whakangahau mo te whakaaturanga ki kaiohauru i runga i te kaupapa utu-ia-tirohanga i roto i SHOWTIME PPV®.
Ko te MGM Grand Garden Arena he te kāinga ki te konohete, tangaroa mekemeke me te pirimia hākinakina, me ngā kaupapa motuhake. Ko te Arena tuku tūru hāneanea hoki te hunga i rite 16,800 ki te sightlines pai, me te Fare Menemene e kāwanatanga-o-te-toi, lighting and sound. Prominent events to date have included world championship fights between Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson as well as Oscar de la Hoya vs. Floyd Mayweather a Floyd Mayweather vs. Canelo Alvarez; me konohete i te Rolling kōhatu, Madonna, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Paora McCartney, Bette Midler, George Strait, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, U2, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, Alicia Keys, Jimmy Buffett and the Barbra Streisand Millennium Concert. The MGM Grand Garden Arena also is home to annual events including Academy of Country Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, iHeartRadio Music Festival, Pac-12 tangata o Basketball Championship me te Frozen riri NHL mua-wa kēmu i whakahaeretia e nga Kings Los Angeles.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,,, a and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing ASwanson_Comm, a ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, / TopRankMannyPacquiao,,

Robert Guerrero – Ahau rite ki te kawe mai i tetahi po whakaongaonga o te mahi



Las Vegas, NV (March 11, 2015) – He torutoru nga ra i muri i tona kaha faaururaa ki WBA Welterweight Champion, Keith Thurman (25-0, 21 Koó), Robert “Ko te Varua” Warrior kua titiro atu ki tona whawhai muri. Guerrero is today’s version of a modern day gladiator who leaves everything in the ring. His never die fighting style is what fans of all ages are thriving to see. Sports fans around the world witnessed a “Whawhai o te Tau” candidate when Guerrero and Thurman left everything in the ring. Guerrero speaks on his future.


“Ahakoa haere Thurman, me ahau ki te whawhai, Kei te ora pai toku tinana,” Na ka mea a Robert Guerrero. “I haurangi rite te tangi te reira, I’m ready to get back to work and start training. I’m hoping I can get back in the ring by the summer and finish off strong by the end of the year. If I can get two more fights in this year, I’ll be happy. I know the fans are looking forward to my next fight, a ka au rite ki te kawe ia ratou tetahi atu po whakaongaonga o te mahi ahau.”


Bob Santos kī Guerrero nei tahi-whakahaere, “I muri titiro i te whawhai, Ite au i whawhai Guerrero he-taumahawaenga super i runga i te po, whawhai, which makes his fight with Thurman even more unbelievable. Guerrero who came up from 122 lbs. haere i te tawhiti ki te toa tūturu nei whawhai te nuinga o tona mahi i 154 pauna, that’s incredible. The fans got to see a true warrior in Guerrero last Saturday, a ka whiwhi ki te kite i ano ia i roto i te heke mai e tata ana.”

Ko te Fighting Irish: Tautuhi Tolan hoki Townley Title Showdown I Belfast tenei Rāhoroi

Whakaturia Belfast kaimekemeke Tommy 'te Tiger' Tolan me Piripi Townley e ki te haere koromatua ki te koromatua tahi i te tahi, mo te wātea Irish International Professional whitu taitara, i te matatini Devenish i Belfast tenei Rāhoroi e haere mai, March 14th.


Ko te huringa o te mahi a Tolan i runga i te tau kua pahure ake, kua maere, e whai ake nei i te string o te parekura haere hoki ki te 2011 ka anga tona mahi ki te tahuri a tawhio noa te mutunga i roto i 2014, ka whiua e ia a Matt Scriven i Leeds.


I roto i te Hui-tanguru ka hoki i tēnei tau Tolan ki Leeds ki te mau tetahi win pai, tenei wa i runga i te Slovakia Rastislav Frano, ko wai i taua wa i haere mai o te rua nui te whakauru ia ia.


Korero i tona fare mua ka mea a Tolan.


"Au tino titiro atu ahau ki a Rāhoroi, Te haere ki te waiho i te nui po.


Kua rua tau mai muri ahau i whawhai konei i roto i te Belfast na ahau tino ake hoki whawhai i roto i te mua o te mano home ano me te tūmanako ka kawea e ahau te fare i te whitiki ki te tino whakanui Day St Patrick o roto i te kāhua ".


Tautoko i te a'ee kupu matua Belfast katoa kite tetahi tamaiti rohe Eamonn Magee Jnr, te tama a te mua Commonwealth me te Ao Mekemeke Union World Champion o taua te ingoa, te tuarua tona faaoaoaraa pro ki Dinars Skripkins o Slovakia.


Haere mai Magee ki te whawhai nui i roto i te te māia, e whai ake nei i tona Tuhinga tawhio tuarua autaia riro mo Zoltán Horvath i runga i tona tuatahi hoki i roto i te Pipiri.


I roto i te tango i taua wikitoria, Whakamatauria Magee Jnr ki te waiho i te 'maramara o te poraka tawhito' tika, pouaka me te taitama nehenehe i roto i, engari te mea nui atu oti atu tona hoariri ake wheako ki te matau o te piha haapiiraa te ao mahue, i roto i te nui o te tikanga rite rite ki tona papa, rongonui i meatia e i runga i pera maha taime i roto i tona mahi rongonui.


Whetu amateur mua Matthew Fitzsimmons, ka hanga i tona tuatahi pro i runga i te whakaatu, ki Slovakian Alexander Birkenbergs.


Fitzsimmons i te mahi runaruna oranga, toa e wha tekau whitu o tona rima tetahi haerenga, a ka ko te moni atamai i runga i te taitama he ano ki tetahi whetu o te heke mai puta i te karapu Feia Mo'a katoa rongonui.


I tua atu ki te pāngia i runga, reira ka atu i pāngia ngā whawhai rohe.


Tommy Tolan versus a Piripi Townley, mo te wātea Irish International Professional whitu Championship, kupu matua te whakatairanga hui Fianna i te Complex Devenish i Belfast i te Rāhoroi 14th March 2015.

Hoki, mo tenei hui ka whakaratohia he angalelei o te Mekemeke Commission Malta (MBC) -

Tickets, utu £ 20 e wātea ana i te kaimekemeke tango wahi ranei karanga Tommy i runga i 07907 030852 Pita ki runga ki ranei 07516 260955.



Doors tuwhera 6:30pm, pere tuatahi 7pm.


A Ireland Stevie Quinn Jr. Mau titauraa hoki WBU Youth World Taitara I New Jersey tenei Rāhoroi

Tenei Rāhoroi e haere mai ana, March 14th, A Ireland Stevie 'te tangata Quiet' Quinn Jr. Ka wero mo tona accolade tuatahi Championship, ka e ia ki runga ki a Sōnasipolo Stephon McIntyre, mo te mekemeke Union Ao (WBU) Youth Super whā taitara i runga i nga Whakatairanga Global Mekemeke me LGM Whakatairanga tahi whakatairangatia ana ringa o te whawhai hui IRISH i Jersey City koki.


Me waiho ia angitu i roto i tona feinga i runga i Rāhoroi, Quinn Jr. e kahore noa te kotahi take ki te whakanui, engari e toru, rite ka te wā tuatahi i te tenei 22 tau tawhito i Newtownards, Airangi ki te Raki, whawhai i roto i te Amerika me o te akoranga rite Irishmen te Ao i runga i mohio te reira hoki te ra St Patrick o.


Ringa o THE IRISH Tuhinga he hā te ao, a ehara i te mea noa o te te tae ā Quinn Jr o, engari miramira ana hoki i te undercard nui e rua o RocNations opuaraa Jay Z o ka i runga i te kāri – A China Olympic Gold mētara Wang Zhimin me Chinese Heavyweight Zhang Zhilei – me te Te Ūpoko o te Ika Ramero Lepupelika o, e mea ana i tona faaoaoaraa pro whitu.


I tua atu ki te ope o te ao kaha, Kei te pai te kanohi hoki te USA i runga i te kāri e i roto i ētahi atu, Hinga kore whetu Kansas City a Super whā John Franklin, nei e runga i New Haven o Josh Crespo i roto i te waru rounder.


E whai ana te tino ake hinga kore Heavyweight Tyrell Wright Jersey City a ki te tāpiri i te tahi atu win ki tona record, ka haere ia upoko ki te matenga ki Washington DC a Alando Pugh i roto i te wha rounder.


Ka o Asbury hinga kore Hakim 'Braveheart' Bryant kia titiro ki te hanga i te reira e toru i roto i te toru, ka e ia ki runga ki Puerto Rico a Ihu Sosa Pagan i roto i te wha a taka noa taumahawaenga whakataetae.


Te tahi o Jersey City a pai rawa, Jose 'Prime Wā' Ortiz, Ka e whai ana kia ki te hanga i runga i tona rere te toa o te toru, ka tutakina e ia haona ki te pahaki o Middletown nui Tyrone Luckey.


Amanaki Welterweight tino Union City a Juan 'te kararehe' Lotilikuesí Jr. ka ngoikore hoki, ki te hoariri kia ano ki te kauwhautia.


I tua atu i te ringa o nga whawhai hui IRISH taurima te tuatahi pro tino tūmanako o te tu'e amateur Darren Goodall, nei anga hoa debutant Portland Pringle.


Brayon Rendon Ka hanga ano tona tuatahi i runga i Rāhoroi, ki Frank Horano.


I te kauwhau i te a'ee Mekemeke Union World Youth World Championship, Na ka mea a WBU te peresideni Don Lewis.


"E te po St Patrick o na he aha i taea e pai atu i te mea he Irish pakanga i te reira i roto i mo te taitara WBU World tamaiti.


Titau ahau ki reira, ka riro he rota o pā Irish reira ki te tautoko i Stevie taitamariki i runga i Rāhoroi po, a ki te toa ia, i taea te reira e te tino roa o te whakanui po e Stevie me nga pā Irish.


Te haere ia ki te whai ki te mahi hoki reira ahakoa rite Stephon McIntyre, ko ano hoki he battler.


Te haere ki te waiho i te po nui o te mekemeke, e haere i te pā ki te aroha ki nga meneti o te reira, e mo te WBU, pai ka whai ia tatou take ki te whakanui rawa rite ka to tatou, he papatu, hou karaunatia ".


Stevie Quinn Jr. versus Stephon McIntyre, mo te taitara Mekemeke Union World Youth Super whā World, kupu matua nga Whakatairanga Global Mekemeke me LGM Whakatairanga tahi whakatairangatia ana ringa o te whawhai hui IRISH, e e wahi i te Jersey City koki i te Rāhoroi 14th March 2015.


No te tīkiti karanga Nick Jayme i runga i (201) 314 8241.