Category Archives: feerka


Saturday, April 18, NOOSHAHAY on SHOWTIME® (10 p.m. IYO/7 p.m. PT)

Ka socota StubHub Center ee Carson, Message.

NEW YORK (April 8, 2015) – Top 10 kaalinta koowaad tartan culus oo fudud Amir I (16-0, 14 KOs) Waxay higsan doontaa inay u dhaqaaqdo hal talaabo oo u sii dhawaanta fursadda horyaalnimada adduunka markii uu bilaabay bilowgiisa labaad 2015 ka dhanka ah xoog-cadaate Walter Castillo (25-2, 18 KOs) 10-wareega wadajirka ah ee SHOWTIME Championship oo feerka on Saturday, April 18, Ku noolow SHOWTIME (10 p.m. IYO/7 p.m. PT)


Dhacdada ugu weyn ee ka socota StubHub Center in Carson, Message., Xiddiga reer Mexico Julio Cesar Chavez(48-1-1, 32 KOs) wajihi Brawler xiiso leh Andrzej Fonfara (26-3, 15 KOs), ee Chicago dariiqa loo maro Poland, 12-wareega iftiin xumad feerka.


Mid ka mid ah rajada feerka ee ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ka soo baxa, Imam 24-sano jir ah ayaa ku hartay 14 ee uu 16 Xirfad yaqaanno ilaa iyo markii loo soo jeestey 2011. Albany, N.Y., asalka u dhashay ayaa ka soo baxaya wareega shanaad ee TKO ee Fidel Maldonado Jr., si geesinimo leh u socda Jan. 17 SHOWTIME kaasoo soo saaray shan wadar oo garaacis ah. Waxaan leeyahay, hada kujira kaalinta No. 4 gudaha WBA iyo Maya. 7 in WBC ah, taabtay shaashadda markii ugu horreysay noloshiisa laakiin dib ayuu u soo kabtay wuxuuna ku tiirsanaa awoodiisa si uu u simo Maldonado wadar ahaan afar jeer.


“Waan ogahay in Walter uu yahay dagaalyahan adag, ayuu hore u socda oo tuurayaa ganaaxyo badan,” Imam yiri. “Laakiin si dhaqso leh ayaan u fahmi doonaa markaan helo giraanta gudaheeda. Waxaan uga shaqeeyaa waxyaabo badan oo kala duwan xeradan tababarka, dhaq dhaqaaqyo badan oo xeeladeysan oo farxad gelin doona taageerayaasha. Waa wax weyn in banaanka lagu dagaallamo StubHub Center iyo in lagu muujiyo kartideyda SHOWTIME. Waxaan halkaan u joogaa inaan ku madadaaliyo oo aan caddeeyo inaan diyaar u ahay tallaabadaas.”


Castle (25-2, 18 KOs), of Managua, Nicaragua, waxa uu guuleystay sagaal toos ah iyo lix ka mid ah toddobadiisii ​​ugu dambeysay ee uu ka hor yimid. 26-sano jirkan ayaa intiisa badan ku dagaalamay dalka Nicaragua qaladaadka kaliya ee ka soo gaadhay rikoorkiisa ayaa ah go aan goonni ah oo uu ku yeeshay kulankiisii ​​ugu horeeyey iyo muran muran dhaliyay. 2008 Go'aanka furitaanka wadada ka dhanka ah horyaalkii adduunka ee hore Vicente Mosquera ee Panama. Castle, kaasoo afarta koox ee ugu dambeysay ka garaacay afar jeer, wuxuu bilaabi doonaa bilowgiisii ​​labaad ee Mareykanka. ka dib markii uu ku guuleystay kulankiisii ​​ugu horreeyay ee Mareykanka iyada oo loo marayo wareega koowaad ee TKO bishii Oktoobar ee la soo dhaafay.


“Aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay, waayo, dagaalka this waxaan ahay. Muddo bilo ah ayaan si adag u tababaranayay mana sugi karo jalaska oo soo garaaco,” Castillo ayaa yidhi. “Meesha aan ka imid waxaan ku leenahay taariikh dagaalyahanno waa weyn sida Alexis Arguello iyo Rosendo Alvarez iyo April 18 Waxaan rabaa inaan dhaqaaqo hal talaabo oo kusii dhawaado magacayga liistada. Imaamku waa suuragal inuu noqdo mid aan guul daraysan laakiin waxaan diyaar u ahay dagaal.”


# # #

Qiimaha tikidhada dhacdo, taas oo la-soo dalacday wada by dalacaad Goossen iyo dalacaad Chavez, waxaa la qiime jaban ah $200, $150, $100, $50 iyo $25, oo lagu daray canshuurta lagu dabaqi, ujrada iyo kharashka adeegga, waa on sale hadda oo waa la iibsan karaa online at


Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara, waa xumad heysay 12-wareega ah in ka dhici StubHub Center ee Carson, Message. oo looga baahin doonaa on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. IYO/7 p.m. PT). The telecast SHOWTIME Championship oo Boxing Day ayaa sidoo kale laga heli doonaa Spanish via barnaamijyada audio sare (SAP).


Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo, raac on Twitter atSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter IyoSwanson_Comm, raac wadahadalka la isticmaalayo #ChavezFonfara, noqday taageere on Facebook at ama booqo Blog SHOWTIME Boxing at


In uu ShoBox: Generation Cusub markii ugu horeysay ee Janaayo 2014, Frank "caan" Oksajiiin ka diiwaangashan mid ka mid ah xidhitaannadii ugu xiisaha badnaa ee sannadka ee la door bidaa John Thompson. Oksajiiin, loo arkaa kuwo badan oo loo yaqaan “The Rocky Brooklyn,”Wajiyada Belgium Sheldon Moore thisFriday, April 10, at 10 p.m. IYO/PT on SHOWTIME®

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About ShoBox: Generation Cusub

Tan iyo intii la aasaasay bishii July 2001, taxanaha ah loo amaano SHOWTIME feerka, ShoBox: Generation Cusub ayaa ciyaaray dhallinyaro tayo kulan-adag. The ShoBox Falsafada waa in televise xiiso leh, dadkii badnaa ka farxisaa iyo kulan oo tartan rasmi bixinta halka dhulka ah caddaynaya ee rajada diyaar u go'aamisay in ay u dagaalamaan horyaalka adduunka ah. Qaar ka mid ah liiska sii kordhaya oo ka mid ah 59 dagaalyahaniinta ka soo muuqday on ShoBox iyo sare inay ku soo daraan horyaal oo adduunka ka mid ah: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams oo dheeraad ah.


Tigidhada munaasabadda DiBella Entertainment ayaa iib ah oo lagu qiimeeyaa $100, $70 iyo $35. Tigidhada waxa laga iibsan karaa adigoo wacaya DiBella Entertainment at (212) 947-2577. Albaabada furan 6:15 p.m. IYO, la duray ugu horeysay ee loo qorsheeyey 6:45 p.m. IYO.



Credit Photo – David Infante @ 787Films / Kooxda Dulorme

Puerto Rico (April 8, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions tartamaya sare, Dareenka Puerto RicanThomas Dulorme (22-1, 14 KO ee), waa cadaalad 9 rodol ka badan xadka miisaanka 140 lbs. isaga Saturday, April 18- caawa ee “2014 Fighter Sanadka” iyo horyaalkii adduunka ee khafiifka ahaa, Terence Crawford (25-0, 17 KOs).

“Aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay waxkasta oo ka dhacaya xerada tababarka,” ayuu yidhi Thomas Dulorme oo faraxsan. Chef Tom Gonzalez waxay qabteen shaqo aad u wanaagsan xagga nafaqada. Waxaan cunaa wax fiican, Cunno caafimaad qabta waxaanan arki karnaa natiijooyinka marka la barbar dhigo dagaaladeyda dhawaanahan. Tan iyo markii la ololeeyay 140 pounds, Waligey uma dhicin inaan sameeyo culeys maxaa yeelay hada waxaan ahay wax ka yar labo isbuuc. Waxaan dareemayaa aad u xoog badan oo cuntada aan cuno waxay ku yeelatay farqi aad u weyn qaab togan”.


“Dulorme aad ayuu diiradda u saaray dagaalkan waana wax iska cad in culeyskiisu saxan yahay halka loo maleynaayo inuu marxaladan ku jiro.” ayuu yidhi Soo-saaray Gary Shaw. “Kooxdiisa ayaa waxaa iga hubiyay in uu habeenka ugu fiican ciyaarta ka soo baxayo. Ma sugi karo inaan arko isagoo iftiiminaya kulanka Crawford.”

Kooxda Dulorme waxay ka kooban tahay tababarayaal Puerto Rican, Anthony Otero, Felix jaahilka Pintor iyo Oscar Seary, oo loo yaqaan Don Khan. Kooxda cusub ee lagu soo daray waa Jose 'Kike’ Rosa, oo hore u ahaa feeryahan olimbiko ah (Montreal 1976) in sidii tababarayaal feerka ah uu la soo shaqeeyey horyaalkii adduunka ee hore Nelson Dieppa, tartamaya horyaalka adduunka hore, Wilfredo Rivera, iyo Stephen Pizarro, kuwo kale.

“Isugeynta 'Kike’ aad ayey ugu fiicnaatay kooxda maxaa yeelay waxay u keentaa waayo-aragnimo iyo dhiirrigelin dhammaan xubnaha kooxda,” ayuu yiri taliyaha Dulorme ee Richy Miranda, madaxweynaha ADM (Artists naqshado Management). “Aqoontiisa ayaa lagu tijaabiyey tababarka, waxaanan dammaanad ka qaadaynaa in kooxdu run ahaantii wanaagsan tahay. Puerto Rico waxay lahaan doontaa horyaal cusub oo adduunka ah oo matali doona dhammaan Latinos waqti dheer”.


Tartanka Crawford vs Dulorme wuxuu noqon doonaa booska banaan ee WBO Junior welterweight title on Saturday, April 18-, xaruntaCollege Park Center oo ku taal Jaamacadda Texas, Arlington. Buuggu wuxuu noqon doonaa telefishan toos ah isagoo qayb ka ah wejiga labajibbaara ee HBO laga bilaabo 9:45 p.m. IYO/PT.


Gudbiyo By Top Rank®, oo ay weheliyaan Gary Shaw Productions, Foreman Boys dalacaad iyo Tecate, tigidhada Crawford-Dulorme hadda waa iib. Qiime jaban ah $200, $100, $60, $40 iyo $25, kharash lagu dabaqi, tigidhada laga iibsan karaa xafiiska sanduuqa College Park Center, online ama ama taleefan (817) 272-9595.


Wixii la dagaalanka updates aado, ama, on Facebook,,, iyo Twitter at,, ama Adeegso Hashtag #CrawfordDulorme si aad ugu biirto wada hadalka khadka Twitter.

Melson inuu soo laabto kulanka Ruiz May 8!

New York, NY (April 7, 2015) - Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson wuxuu ku soo laabanayaa giraan ka dib shan iyo toban bilood oo shaqo laga fadhiyey markii uu la dagaallamayay saaxiibkiisa caanka ah ee New Yorker Mike “El Cangri” Ruiz tobanka wareeg ee ugu weyn ee kaararka DiBella Entertainment iyo New Legend Boxing Card., May 8 garoonka Hilton Westchester ee Rye Brook, NY.


Tigidhada laga bilaabo $40 hadda waa iib


Waxqabad ayaa jiray tan iyo bishii Febraayo 2014, Melson wuxuu leeyahay rikoor xirfadeed oo heer sare ah 14-1-1 iyadoo afar jeer ay guuleysteen iyagoo garaacaya. Qofka degan Manhattan, oo ka mid ah sanduuqa ugu weyn ee xafiisyada laga soosaaraa Big Apple, Waxaa loo diyaariyay inuu wajaho ninka la tartamaya Glen Tapia bishii June ee la soo dhaafay ee Madison SquareGarden laakiin wuu ka soo noqday ka dib markii uu dhaawac garabka ah ka soo gaadhay tababarka.. In uu xumad la soo dhaafay, ka 2003 Darajada Koowaad ee West Point wuxuu ku sifeeyay Donald Ward asaga oo la dagaallamaya suuxdin. Dhaawaca, taas oo dhakhtarku sheegayo inuu weligiis ku arkin wax ka badan 30 sanado la shaqeynta dagaalyahanada, wuxuu sababay curyaannimo ku meelgaar ah gacanta midig ee Melson inta lagu guda jiray shantii wareeg ee ugu dambeysay ciyaarta.


Jasiiradda Long Island ee ku taal Puerto Rican, Ruiz waxay leedahay adag 17-8 xisabadka xirfad leh 9 guul ay knockout. Bishii July 2012, Ruiz wuxuu dhaliyay guushii ugu fiicneyd ee mustaqbalkiisa ciyaareed, u safraya Atlanta, GA oo u tartamaya hanashada horyaalnimada horyaalka Paul Delgado ee magaaladiisa. Markay soo wajahday xiisaha hore ee loo yaqaanay (Pressia), had iyo jeer looga fogaado Martin Wright (laba jeer) iyo tartamayaasha Charlie Ota, Ruiz waa ninka ugu khibradda badan Melson ilaa iyo hadda.


“Ruiz waa dagaalyahan adag oo qibrad badan leh,"Melson wuxuu ka hadlay cadawga xiga. Tani waa sidoo kale tobankeedii ugu horreeyay ee wareegaya aniga iyo aniga si aan ugu gudbo heerka xiga, Waa inaan si xun uga adkaado. Waan ogahay inan ka maqnayn dhawaaqa inyar laakiin marxaladan shaqadayda waa waqtigii aan talaabo qaadi lahaa. Xitaa iyada oo aan lagu jirin waxqorida warqad, Waqti badan baan ku qaatay qolka jimicsiga sidaas darteed waxaan filayaa inaan miridhku iman doonin May 8."


Melson wuxuu kaloo leeyahay xiriir shaqsiyadeed deegaanka, taas oo sii dhiirigelinaysa isaga sidii uu u soo bandhigi lahaa xirfad wanaagsan.


“The high school I graduated from is right down the road. (Team Fight to Walk Founder) Christan Zaccagnino lives a mile away from the venue and we’re expecting a great turnout on fight night.”


After his fight with Ruiz, Melson will continue his pledge assist in curing chronic Spinal Cord Injuries by donating 100% of his purse to Team Fight to Walk in support ofAmerica’s first trial of its kind.


Team Fight to Walk is comprised of Melson, Zaccagnino, former Rutgers football player/ESPY honoree Eric LeGrand, two division world champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams, two-time cruiserweight champion Steve “USS” Cunningham, Austin “No Doubt” Trout, title contender DeAndre “The Bull” Latimore, Edgar “El Chamaco” Santana, Sonya Lamonakis, Hector “Machito” Camacho Jr., WBA Middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, WBO Junior Middleweight titlist/2008 US Olympian Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade and fellow 08’ Olympian Shawn Estrada along with prospects Sid “The Messenger” El Harrak, Jeff “TNT” Spencer, Denis “Da Momma’s Boy” Douglin, Will “Power” Rosinsky, Floriano “Italiano” Pagliara, Danny “Little Mac” McDermott, Vinny “The Lion” O’Brien, Ahmed “Prince of Egypt” Samir and Delen “Sniper” Parsley.


For more information or to make a donation, tagtaa ama All specific questions about the nature of the Clinical Trial to cure Spinal Cord Injury can be sent to Fans can also interact with Melson via Twitter @BoydMelson


Credit Photo: Angela Cranford/Barclays Center

Brooklyn (April 7, 2015) – Xarakada tartamaya on Saturday ee Premier Boxing Champions on NBC night of fights participated in a media workout today at Barclays Center in anticipation of their upcoming bouts.


PBC on NBC main event bouts at Barclays Center feature undefeated superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 KOs) wajahaya Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 KOs) and the middleweight championship bout between “Irish” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 KOs) iyo badinin Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (31-0, 22 KOs). Qaybtii labaad ee PBC on NBC ka bilaabantaa 8:30 p.m. IYO.


Qiimaha tikidhada dhacdo live, taas oo loo dallacsiiyey by DiBella Entertainment, waxaa la qiime jaban ah $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 iyo $50, ma ku jiraan kharashyada adeegga ay khuseyso iyo canshuurta, oo waa ku now.Tickets sale waxaa laga heli karaa, www.ticketmaster.comiyo American Express Box Office ee Barclays Center. Si mas'uul ah adigoo taleefoon, wac Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Wixii tikidhada kooxda, fadlan soo wac 800-GROUP-BK.


Here are what the fighters had to say at Tuesday ee tababarka:


Danny Garcia


I just want to give the fans a great fight. I want them to see the best Danny Garcia. Dhammaadka maalinta, this is the fight the fans want to see. My main focus is putting on a great show for the fans.


I’ve faced a lot of skillful boxers in my career and I’m still undefeated. That should tell the fans around the world who has more skill. Sida April 11 when he’s feeling these two bombs on his face he’s going to forget about his skill.


I just want to give fans a great fight. I’m not too worried about the ‘0’ on my record. I fight hard to protect it but my main focus is to go in there and get the job done one fight at a time.


Everything I’ve done in my career is for a reason. Now I’m here on NBC fighting on this big playing field. This is great for boxing and a breath of fresh air for the sport.


I just want to be confident and humble at the same time. I want the fans to love me because I’m being myself. It’s very important for a young champion.


I’m going to try to dictate the pace, be smart, move my head, use my feet and land good punches. I can’t try to chase him down.


I used to love other great Puerto Rican boxers like Felix Trinidad, Miguel Cotto and Hector Camacho. I feel like I’m definitely working my way up into the ranks with them and following their footsteps.


I have to be smart in the ring. I have to go in there and be Danny Garcia. I’m here because I’m a smart fighter. Everyone knows that. Waxaan leeyahay amar aan. I’m going to find my opening and capitalize on his mistakes.



Lamont Peterson


This is just another fight for me. I’m not worried about being the main event. Kaliya waxaan jeclahay si ay ula dagaalamaan. As long as I’m fighting I’m happy.


A lot of people see us fight and see us take punches, but that’s just the easy part. The sacrifice in the gym and putting my body through punishment is the rough part.


I’m not trying to prove anyone wrong, but this fight is important to me and I want to win it. I want to be the top guy and that means beating the top guy.


People talk about him beating Matthysse and Matthysse beating me, but anyone who knows about boxing knows that doesn’t mean anything. Sida Saturday night I will prove to everyone that I’m a better fighter than Danny Garcia.


Angel Garcia has his opinion on this fight, and I respect it. He can go on record and say anything he wants, but if he says Danny Garcia is stronger than me, I’ll tell you that’s a lie.


We’re not worried about Danny’s power. A lot of people have asked me about that but I’m not worried. Danny Garcia had a split decision with Kendall Holt, who I knocked out. No one seems to mention that.


I’m comfortable with whatever way this fight goes. I’m almost guaranteeing the win.


I don’t think they’re taking me lightly. Dhammaadka maalinta, Garcia knows this is a fight and he knows he hasn’t fought anyone like me. I’m expecting a big victory Saturday habeen.


You never know what you’re going to see with me. Whatever I feel like I need to do to win, that’s what I’ll do. Diyaar ayaan u ahay 100 boqolkiiba. I’m in shape for 30 rounds and I’ll be ready for anything. ”


Andy LEE


We’ve made unbelievable progress in the last year on my skills and everything has really just clicked for me and my team and now we’re seeing the results in the ring.


I’m very proud to be an Irishman from Limerick defending his world championship in New York, it doesn’t get much better than that.


There’s been a huge weight lifted off my shoulders since winning the world-title. It’s what I always wanted to do and I’ve been touted as a champion for years and if I never got it I would have been disappointed. Now the monkey is off my back and I can just box and show people who I am.


We’ve made physical and tactical improvements in the gym since the last fight and hopefully they’ll show up in the ring on Saturday.


I think this could be a technical fight or it could be a bit of a fire fight. It’s going to be a little of both at times. There will be moments where we’re looking at each other, figuring each other out, but once we exchange it could be explosive.


Quillin is sure of himself, but he has to be, I have the same mentality. You have to be to compete in this sport.


Fighting at home like Quillin is on Saturday, brings a different kind of pressure to the table, it’s the pressure of expectations and people you know coming to the fights. That’s also pressure and I know all about that.


I haven’t needed to build up my confidence for this fight. It’s not time to think. It’s time to do what I’ve been doing every day in the gym.




I never trailed in a fight and came back and won like Lee. I’ve just won all the time right out of the gate. Those other guys aren’t ‘Kid Chocolateso I think that’s why this fight was made.


It’s a big fight for him and a big fight for me. He’s a smart fighter when he’s in trouble so I have to watch out for that. Most importantly I just need to be true to myself.


A lot of people had Lee as the underdog in his last fight but he came out and did great. That’s the thing about boxing; one punch can change the fight.


I’m getting paid for 12 rounds so I’m preparing for 12 rounds but if I can get him out of there early I will.


My whole life has been struggles and I’ve had to overcome every single one of those struggles. This is going to be no different from that.


Being a father of course made me more inspired and watching my uncle pass has made me more motivated than ever to accomplish everything I want.


When I gave up the belt I learned that I can be a bigger man and make tough decisions like that all of the time. People think losing is easy, but winning all the time is a different kind of pressure.


ERROL Spence Jr.


I am the best young prospect in the game. I’m on the borderline of contender status and I believe I’m one fight away from being a contender.


I’m a little bit of a mix style-wise. Waxaan ahay feeryahanka ah, I can punch and I can fight if I have to.


The fight I learned the most from was with Emanuel Lartey, he was undefeated along with me and it was my first real fight and first time going the distance.


I see myself fighting all the top guys in the welterweight division. I see myself with Keith Thurman, Amir Khan and any top welterweight.


I’m going to look good as always on Saturday habeen, It’s going to be fantastic and I’m going to come out with the victory.


Marcus Browne


I’m just blessed to have this opportunity to fight at Barclays Center for the eighth time in front of my hometown fans.


I love performing in in Brooklyn. The fans here are fantastic and they know when I get in the ring they’re going to see something special.


I have a tough opponent in front of me. Waxa uu soo maray, very lanky fighter but we’ve trained very hard and I’m ready for anything he’s got.


Saturday is going to be a great night for Team Browne, Staten Island and all of my fans. Don’t blink cause you might miss it!”


Luis Collazo


I’ve spent some time with the family, regrouping and making sure I still have the same passion for this sport. I’m excited to be back and I jumped at the opportunity to be on this card.


This is what I live for. Boxing waa nolosha.


After the Khan fight I took about a month off and then I went straight to the gym. I couldn’t go out like I did against Khan. Marmarsiiyo No, but it was time to go back to the drawing board and stay motivated throughout the whole year.


The fans can expect the same excitement I always bring. I’m more motivated now and hopefully after this fight I can get a big fight and give the fans what they want.


Heather Hardy


I have the same mindset going into every fight. I train to fight my fight and make adjustments when get in there.


I feel strong and I feel capable of whatever needs to be done.


I’ve only been boxing for four years so I’m still learning a lot of boxing technique in camp plus working three or four days a week with my strength and conditioning coach.


Fans can expect a good show and a big win out me on Saturday.”



Los Angeles (April 7) – The sure-fire ‘Fight of the Yearcandidate between former World Champions Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse iyo “Rocky Siberian The” Ruslan Provodnikov, just got more exciting as world class prospects got added to the non-televised undercard of the split site doubleheader live on HBO Boxing After Dark ® on Saturday, April 18 at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY.


In the non-televised co-main event of the night, exciting undefeated Brazilian prospect Patrick Teixeira (24-0, 20 KOs) will compete in a 10-round super welterweight bout against the hard-punching contender Patrick Allotey (30-1, 24 KOs) ee Accra, Ghana. Next, Tuapse, Russia ee Fedor “Knockout ManPapazov (16-1-0, 10 KOs) will fight in an eight-round lightweight match. Washington, D.C.’s standout undefeated fighter, Lamont Roach Jr. (6-0, 3 KOs) is scheduled to fight in a six-round lightweight fight. Vitor Jones De Olivera (8-0, 5 KO ee) of Salvador, Brazil will face Guillermo Sanchez (15-14-1, 6 KOs) ee Buffalo, New York in a six-round lightweight bout. Sidoo kale, from New York, Eddie “E-Boy” Gomez (17-1, 10 KOs) ee Bronx ah, is scheduled for a 10-round super welterweight bout against Jonathan Batista (14-5, 7 KOs) of San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic. Opening up the night, Vitaly Kopylenko(24-1-0, 14 KOs) of Kiev, Ukraine, qaadan on doonaa LekanLucky 13Byfield (6-7-2, 1 KOs) ee Atlanta, Georgia, in an eight-round middleweight fight.


Due to the unprecedented demand to see this surefire “Fight Sanadka” candidate ringside seats sold out in only 15 daqiiqo – and the entire event is now near sellout with Turning Stone Resort Casino releasing the last group of tickets in the $35 iyo $25 kala duwan oo qiimaha. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Turning Stone Resort Box Office at 315-361-7469 or online at


A professional tan 2009, the 24-year old Patrick Teixeira, wants to follow in the steps of the Brazilian three time world champion Acelino “Butt” Freitas iyo qori sheekadiisa u gaarka ah iyagoo qabsanaya horyaal oo adduunka ee mustaqbalkiisa ciyaareed. Dhowaan, Teixeira garaacday Ulises David Lopez ee horyaalka WBO Latino Super Welterweight garaacay Lopez hoos ku wareega labaad oo ku guuleystay dagaalka ka by knockout ee wareega seddexaad. In 2012, Xiddiga ugu yar ee dalka Brazil ayaa bilaabay in ay soo jeedin madaxda markii uu u safray Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico oo adkaaday Omar Vasquez via knockout farsamo wareega sideedaad. Hadda, Teixeira oo ujeedadiisuna tahay in tumata kala qeybinta super welterweight iyo noqdo horyaalka aduunka ah.


Welterweight contender Patrick Allotey, ee Accra, Ghana is a tough fighter who has kept his undefeated status since his professional debut in 2007 until his most recent bout against Charles Manyuchi in March 2014 for the WBC International Welterweight Title. Along his professional journey and his impressive record of 30-1, 24, the hard puncher has won and defended the WBC International Silver Welterweight Title and will be looking for redemption when he faces the tough Patrick Teixeira on April 18.


Tuapse, Russia’s FedorKnockout ManPapazov, is looking to make an impression in his first fight of 2015 on April 18. An exciting fighter since his professional debut in 2009, Papazov had a five-year undefeated streak until he faced eventual Boxcino 2014 lightweight champion Petr Petrov in February of 2014. Since then the Russian fighter has had two straight wins, a technical knockout win over Miguel Angel Mendoza and a unanimous victory over Felix Lora.


Undefeated newcomer, Lamont Roach Jr. is quickly becoming an exciting one-to-watch in the boxing community. Hailing from Washington D.C., Roach Jr, scored a knockdown and dominating a four-round decision over Puerto Rico’s Alexander Charneco in his Dec 6. dhamaadka. In January 20, the east coast native started off the year with an exciting fourth round technical knockout win over Herbert Quartey. Hadda, the 19-year-old is looking to continue his winning streak when he fights on April 18.


Exciting newcomer, Vitor Jones De Olivera of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil has remained undefeated since his professional debut in 2012. He is the nephew of former five-time world champion and Brazilian legend, Acelino “Butt” Freitas. De Olivera will be making his second appearance at Turning Stone Resort Casino when he faces Guillermo Sanchez on April 18. De Olivera was last seen at the resort in January when he met Michael Doyle, winning the bout via first round knockout.


At just 26-years-old, Guillermo Sanchez has already accumulated a total of 30 fights in his short career. Turning professional in 2007 the fighter quickly made a name for himself in the sport, winning most of his bouts via knockout and keeping his undefeated status until 2009. 2015 has already turned into a busy year for the lightweight contender, facing Michael Doyle in January winning the bout via unanimous decision and winning his second fight of the year via first round knockout against Pablo Batres in February. The fighter will be looking to continue his winning streak onApril 18 when he goes up against the undefeated Vitor Jones De Olivera.


22-year-old EddieE-BoyGomez is a hungry fighter, eager to not just get the victory, but to do it in spectacular fashion. Iyada oo ah 17-1 record which includes victories over previously unbeaten Daquan Arnett, Terrell Gausham Luis Arias and Daquan Arnett. Dhowaan, Gomez faced James Winchester at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center and won the bout via unanimous decision. Now the fighter is looking to continue his winning streak when he faces Jonathan Batista on April 18.


Dominican Republic native, Jonathan Batista has had an impressive career since he turned professional in 2010. Winning every bout from 2010 si ay u 2013 the fighter is will be looking to add a victory when he faces Eddie Gomez at Turning Stone Resort Casino.


Vitaliy Kopylenko is an exciting fighter out of Kiev, Ukraine who has been making a name for himself in the middleweight division. He was undefeated from 2008 si ay u 2014 and has held the World Boxing Federation Intercontinental Middleweight Titile and the EBU-EE Middleweight Title. On April 18, Kopylenko returns to the resort for the second time since his loss to eventual Boxcino 2014 middleweight champion Willie Monroe Jr. and will be looking to impress fans and critics as he takes on Lekan Byfield. Kopylenko is coming off a 2nd round stoppage over Sherzod Rahimov onAugust 24.


Fighting out of Atlanta, Georgia, LekanLucky 13Byfield is a tough fighter known for going the distance in his bouts. On April 18 the relative newcomer will be returning to Turning Stone Resort Casino for the second time in his career. Byfield, most recently fought Brandon Adams at the resort in January and will be looking for redemption when he faces Vitaliy Kopylenko.




Matthysse vs. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions in association with Arano Box Promotions and is sponsored by Corona Extra, Mexico, Waxaa ku Nooshahay u rumayn,! iyo Khortytsa vodka. Albaabada ayaa haatan la qorsheeyey in laga furo 6:00 p.m. IYO la duray ugu horeysay ee loo qorsheeyey 6:50 p.m. IYO and the HBO Boxing After Dark telecast will being at9:45 p.m. IYO/PT.


Warbaahinta Professional codsanaya shahaadooyinkooda ee April 18- dagaalka waa la xiriiri Kelly Abdo, Shiddo Manager Stone Resort Casino Public Relations at 315.366.9291


Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, booqasho,, iyo raac on Twitter at GoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @ Shiddo Stone oo noqday taageere on Facebook at Golden Boy FacebookPage,, Toner Black and visit us on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, @ Banner feerka, @ Dhagax Shiddo iyo ruslanprovod.




SANTA BARBARA, SIDA (April 7, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions Xiddiga baxna, welterweight Francisco “Share” Santana (22-3-1, 10 KOs), is riding a 10-fight winning streak going into his highly anticipated clash with undefeated 2008 Laga xoreeyo. Cayaaraha olombikada, Port “World Kid” Ma (21-0, 13 KOs). Santana gives his thoughts on this match-up, his training camp and fighting at Madison Square Garden on the undercard of Klitschko vs. Jennings. Doubleheader ayaa la nool on telefishanka doonaa HBO World Championship Boxing laga bilaabo 10:00 p.m. IYO/PT.


Training camp update

Training camp is going as planned. I’ve added a few new things that will be on display April 25-. Right now it’s about sharpening up the tools that got me here. There is nothing that needs to be changed. I’ve been active so I know I’ll be ready to showcase my talents on HBO come fight night.


Reflects on his journey to Madison Square Garden

It’s been a hard fought journey to get where I’m at today. After suffering a few losses I decided I was going to dedicate my life to this sport and give it my all. With a lot of hard work and support from my promoter Gary Shaw, I’m now fighting on the biggest stage at the most prestigious venue in boxing. Madison Square Garden is where every fighter dreams they can fight. It’s my time to show the world I’m on the championship level.


Relationship with Trainer JosephHossJanik

When you have the right trainer in your corner, it’s truly a blessing. Hoss is the man and he always tells me like it is. If I’m not doing something right he’ll let me know right away, he doesn’t beat around the bush. I’m on a ten fight winning streak and he has a lot to do with it. You couldn’t ask for a better man in the corner.


Sparring at Wild Card Boxing Gym

When you walk into the Wild Card gym you know going in its going to be a rugged day of sparring. The gym is filled with world champions and top prospects. You can’t replicate the work you get there.


On his matchup with Sadam Ali

Sadam Ali is a world class fighter with elite boxing skills, but I feel my style will give him problems. He puts his punches together well and he made a strong statement in his last fight against Abregu. A win against Ali will propel me into a world title fight. Believe me when I say I’m going to bring it on April 25-, it’s going to be a brutal war!”


Sadam Ali vs. Francisco Santana is a 10-round welterweight bout presented by Golden Boy Promotions and Gary Shaw Productions. The telecast HBO World Championship Boxing ka bilaabantaa 10:00 p.m. IYO/PT.


Vs. Wladimir Klitschko. Bryant Jennings ayaa la soo bandhigay by dalacaad K2 iyo dalacaad Gary Shaw oo ay weheliyaan Madison Square Garden.


Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, booqasho,, iyo, raac on Twitter atGoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing IyoHBOBoxing, noqday taageere on Facebook at Golden Boy Facebook Page, Gary Shaw Productions Facebook Page, ama oo na soo booqato on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing iyoHBOboxing.

SHOWTIME Sports® Award-Winning Series Returns With “ALL ACCESS: Chavez”; One-Episode Special Premieres This Friday, April 10 on SHOWTIME®

Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. & His Legendary Father In Training Camp, Preparing For His SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Debut on Saturday, April 18, ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME




“I had a hard life so yes, I am angry with him.” – Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr.

“I had all Mexico and the world at my feet at that time. But it still didn’t fill the void…So what was it that I looked for? The easiest and stupidest things…drugs and alcohol.” – Julio Cesar Chavez, Sr.


NEW YORK (April 7, 2015) –The Sports Emmy® Taxane Award-winning ACCESS ALL returns to examine the life of Mexican superstar Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr., as he prepares to make his SHOWTIME Championship oo feerka® debut against dangerous brawler Andrzej Fonfara on Saturday, April 18, ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME (10 p.m. IYO/ 7 p.m. PT) ka StubHub Center in Carson, Message.


ACCESS ALL: Chavez premieres Friday, April 10, isla markiiba ka dib noolaanayaan ShoBox: Generation Cusub tripleheader at 10 p.m. IYO/PT.


ACCESS ALL: Chavez is written and reported by SHOWTIME Sports contributor Mark Kriegel. Author of acclaimed biographies “The Good Son: The Life of Ray ‘Boom Boom’ Mancini” and “Pistol: The Life of Pete Maravich,” Kriegel has long focused on the conflicts and complexities that beset fathers and sons in sports.


With unprecedented access to the young star–Mexico’s first and only middleweight world champion–and his famous father, ACCESS ALLuncovers the stormy yet loving relationship between Junior and his legendary father.


No question remains unanswered in a series of interviews at Junior’s high-altitude camp in Lake Tahoe, where his father once trained. What was it like to grow up as the son of Mexico’s greatest fighter? What price does a fighter pay for drugs and alcohol? And what does it do to his family?


Only the ending remains in doubt: Is Junior being punished for the sins of his father, or is he doomed to repeat them?


“Fame can be a disease, like addiction,” says Kriegel. “And this family has battled both. Junior and Senior weren’t merely candid. They were confessional. Markaasuu, Waxaan qabaa, courageous, too.”


Iyadoo ACCESS ALL cameras entrenched in camp, viewers will meet three generations of Mexico’s most famous fighting family as the 29-year-old Junior navigates a crossroads of his career.


ACCESS ALL: CHAVEZ premieres on SHOWTIME with multiple encore presentations. ACCESS ALL will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, Mar walba SHOWTIME® iyo barta internetka


# # #


“Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara”, is a 12-round bout to takes place at StubHub Center in Carson, Message., iyo SHOWTIME hawada u noolaan doonaan (10 p.m. IYO/7 p.m. PT). The telecast SHOWTIME Championship oo Boxing Day ayaa sidoo kale laga heli doonaa Spanish via barnaamijyada audio sare (SAP).

Qiimaha tikidhada dhacdo, taas oo la-soo dalacday wada by dalacaad Goossen iyo dalacaad Chavez, waxaa la qiime jaban ah $200, $150, $100, $50 iyo $25, oo lagu daray canshuurta lagu dabaqi, ujrada iyo kharashka adeegga, tag on sale maanta ka 12 p.m. PT oo waa la iibsan karaa barta internetka ee

Championship Battle Headlines Wise Guys Promotions Inaugural Event On May 2nd

Eminent MMA promoter Mark Lyons has linked up with Britain’s youngest professional boxing promoter, eighteen year old Billy James-Elliott to create a new professional boxing promotions outfitWise Guys Promotions.


Their first event, titled LORDS OF THE RING, will take place at the famed York Hall, In Bethnal Green, London maalinta Sabtida, 2nd May 2015, and will be headlined by the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship battle between Siar Ozgul and Matt Scriven.


Hackney based Ozgul and Nottingham’s Scriven are old foes, having fought each other as recently as October last year.


It was an all action, closely fought small hall classic, an enthralling, intense four rounds of toe-to-toe action, so much so that when Scriven approached both the event promoters and Ozgul’s management asking if he could be considered as Ozgul’s opponent for the title fight, all parties agreed in an instant.


Who wouldn’t, these two put on a magnificent display of the pugilistic arts, not too dissimilar to the classic Mickey Ward-Arturo Gatti trilogy of fights from 2002/3.


Control of the fight switched between the two warriors throughout, both gave their all for every second of every round, much to the appreciation of those in attendance, as was clear when the bout was voted the Fight of the Night and a clear contender for the end of year Fight of the Year accolade.


On that occasion it was Ozgul that rightly emerged victorious, by a 39-37 point margin, however that score line just didn’t reflect just how close each round was or give any insight in to just how thrilling the bout was.


Main support, for the Ozgul-Scriven Championship bout, sees Bradford’s Tasif Khan return to York Hall, the scene of his sensational first round stoppage victory over Richard Voros in January.


On May 2nd Khan challenges Czech Republic’s Patrik Bartos for the International Masters Bantamweight title.


Adding an added element of intrigue to this particular match up, is that both Khan and Bartos have a recent opponent in common, Ladislav Miko, what’s more both stopped Miko early in their bouts, Bartos late in the second and Khan with a sensational one minute and fifteen second of the first round knockout.


Heading up the support card sees Chester’s WBF Intercontinental Super Bantamweight Champion Paul Economides against Doncaster’s former British Super Flyweight Champion Andy Bell.


Economides comes into the bout high in confidence, following a sensational second round stoppage victory, over former Commonwealth title challenger Isaac Quaye, just last month.


What makes this victory so special is that Economides became the first person to stop the gutsy thirty seven fight veteran, a major feat indeed considering Quaye had previously fought the likes of British and Commonwealth Champion Don Broadhurst, British, Commonwealth and European Champion Kevin Satchell and WBO European Champion Iain Butcher.


Another top class match up sees Siar Ozgul’s older sibling Onder in action against Scunthorpe’s highly entertaining Jody Miekle.


Ozgul, who is unbeaten in four pro outings, has been building quite a reputation for himself, following top class victories over the likes of Lithuania’s Dmitrij Kalinovskij, Bighton’s Iain Jackson, Lithuania’s Remigijus Ziausys and most recently over the Czech Republic’s big punching Karel Horejsek.


Siar and Onder Ozgul’s Champions TKO Gym mate Jerome Haywood is set to make his second pro outing, kulankii Scunthorpe ee Matthew Pepper.


Haywood came through a seriously tough test on his debut, when he faced and beat the highly experienced Lithuanian bruiser Rolandas Cesna at York Hall back in October.


Another of the Champions TKO squad, British #1 and reigning MBC International Super Bantamweight Champion Marianne ‘Golden Girl’ Marston will be undertaking her final domestic bout, before starting her preparations for her World title challenge against Australia’s WIBA Champion Shannon O’Connell, which takes place later this summer.


Back in October Marston clinically beat then European #3 iyo World #31 ranked Marianna Gulyas, to secure the coveted MBC International Crown, by a shut out unanimous points margin.


Former BBBofC Welsh Champion Lee Churcher will be making his first visit to the famed York Hall on May 2nd, where he will face a yet to be announced opponent.


Churcher comes into the fight off the back of a run of five solid wins, since last losing to Costas Osben back in July 2011.


Sensational unbeaten Featherweight David Agadzhanyan also makes his first visit to London on May 2nd.


Agadzhanyan, who has three stoppage victories from his four bouts to date, won the battle of the undefeated in his last fight, taking Czech Republic’s Daniel Bazo’s coveted ‘O’ with a superb 39-37 point victory in Liverpool in March.


Eric Mokonzo will be looking to secure his first pro victory, following his debut loss against Darren McKenna, when he faces debut boy Andy Cona, whilst Luton’s unbeaten Manny Muhammad, who was originally due to fight Mokonzo, will now face a yet to be named opponent.


On May 2nd Finsbury Park’s Mark ‘The Flash’ Alexander returns to York Hall, the scene of his magnificent third round stoppage victory over Lithuania’s Tadas Stulginkas back in October.


Making their pro debuts on May 2nd will be Nottingham’s Garfield Mushore and Canning Town’s Kimberley Leah.


Siar Ozgul versus Matt Scriven, for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship, headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James-Elliott falsan Guys dalacaad madaxdii reer dhacdo giraanta, in ka dhici Hall York ee Bethnal Green, London maalinta Sabtida 2nd May 2015.

Dhigaya ee dhacdadan la siin doonaa si xushmad of Malta Boxing Komishanka (MBC) -

Tigidhada fillooyinka £ 35 (Fadhiga Standard) iyo £ 65 (Ringside) waxaa laga heli karaa si toos ah uga soo mid ka mid ah feertanka ka qayb qaadato, on-line or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645

‘Championship Boxing on CBS Sports Network’ Event ee Grand Casino Hinckley qaab Qaadashada

Hogan vs. Brunson; Luis vs. Terry iyo Top Prospect Rob Brant in lagu arko Qayb telefishinku of Card


The “Championship Boxing on Network Sports CBS” dhacdo on Friday, April 17, ka Hinckley Grand Casino ee Hinckley, Minnesota, Suuraynay qaadashada.


Presented by Greg Cohen Promotions in association with Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Promotions and produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, “Championship Boxing on Network Sports CBS” la cinwaan doona Ireland ee WBA #12- iyo IBF # 11-qiimeeyo “Hurricane” Dennis Hogan (20-0-1, 7 KOs) qaadashada on Tyrone adag-feer Philadelphia ee “Young Gun” Brunson (22-4-1, 21 KOs) ee WBA Oceana Super Welterweight Championship.


In 10-wareega telefishanka co-feature, Canada ee adduunka lagu qiimeeyo oo dhakhso ka soo baxa oo khafiifa xiddiga Tony “Danabka” Luis (19-2, 7 KOs) dhigi doonaa daafaca ugu horeysay ee uu WBC Continental Ameerika Championship ka dhanka ah Memphis, Tennessee, halyeeyga Ira Terry (26-13, 16 KOs).


In furitaanka sideed-wareega telefishanka ee, badinin Saint Paul, Minnesota, dhexe Rob “Si wanaagsan baad yeeshay” Brant (14-0, 8 KOs) will face Miami via Colombia’s Dionisio “Mister knockout” Miranda (22-10-2, 19 KOs).


Qiimaha tikidhada “Championship Boxing on Network Sports CBS” bilaaban doono $35 oo waxay noqon kartaa iibsaday Hinckley Box Office Grand Casino ka 8 ahay in 10 pm (1-800-GRAND21) ama dhamaan warbaahinta Ticketmaster, ama online

30-sano jir ah Dennis Hogan ahaa afar jeer horyaalka hiwaayadda qaran iyo in ka badan 150 dagaallan in uu hooyo Kildare, Ireland. Hadda uu ku nool yahay iyo tareenada ee Queensland, Australia. Hogan waa hadda WBA Oceania Light dhexe Champion. In uu mustaqbalkiisa afar sano pro, Hogan ayaa sidoo kale ku guuleystay Queensland State Super dhexe, Queensland State dhexe iyo Australia dhexe Championships.

30-year-old Tyron Brunson holds the boxing record for consecutive first-round knockouts with 19. Rikoorkii hore waxaa qabtay horyaalka hore ee adduunka Edwin Valero. Sida hiwaayadda ah, Brunson won the youth tournament Silver Gloves and the Pennsylvania State Golden Gloves. Rikoorkiisa hiwaayadda u ahaa 82-12.

27-sano jir ah Tony Luis, ka Cornwall, Ontario, waxaa la yaab leh ku riyaaqayaa 2015 ilaa hadda. Bishii Janaayo, Luis jiido off ugu awood badan 10-wareega raacsanaa-go'aan ka murugoodo badiyeen markaas IBF #15 qiimeeyo Karl “Miinada” Dargan. Markaas on February 20, isaga iyo doone Manon Latulippe soo dhaweeyay dhalashada ilmaha ugu horeysay, wiil lagu magacaabo Miguel. Luis ayaa lagu qiimeeyaa #11 dunida ku WBA iyo #14 by IBF ah.

24-sano jir ah Rob Brant ahaa feeryahanka a si xoogan qurxiyey hiwaayadda hor jeestay xirfadeed ee 2012. Ka dib markii laga bilaabo feerka da ' 16 in 2007, kaliya labo sano ka dib, Brant ku tageen inuu ku guuleysto 2009 iyo 2010 Gacmo Golden Qaranka, iyo sidoo kale 2010 Gacmo Upper Galbeedka Golden. Brant ayaa sidoo kale ahaa 2009 USA National Champion oo ah 2008 Gacmo Platinum orodyahanka Up. Sida xirfadle, Brant trains with fellow Minnesota native and upcoming world-title challenger Caleb Truax at the Minnesota Top Team Eagan facility.

“Kaarka waxaa fiican ka heli doono taxanaha Network CBS Sports ku bilaabatay si cajiib ah oo aan ku faraxsanahay in aan awood u wada geliyey ahay,” ayaa sheegay in Greg Cohen ee dalacaad Greg Cohen. “Dennis Hogan waa xiddig mustaqbalka ee feerka iyo sida waxa fiican in ay isaga soo bandhigo in Maraykanka iyo dunida ka badan in ay isaga wajihi puncher ah dilaaga ah sida Tyrone Brunson? Tony Luis la difaacaneysa doono horyaalka oo aan heysano Minnesota ee feerka soo baxayo ayaa, Rob Brant ee furitaanka. Waxaan doonayaa inaan u mahad celiyo dhamaan kooxda wayn ee Casino Grand ee Hinckley ay taageero wayn oo aan ku hanweynahay inaan groundbreaking dhacdo heer caalami ah.”

Barnaamijyadan ayaa live ah “Championship Boxing on Network Sports CBS” bilaabi doono 10:00 PM, IYO. On dagaal habeenkii, albaabada u furi doonaa at 6 pm iyo ficil waxay ka bilaabantaa 7 pm. The Grand Casino Hinckley ku yaalaa 777 Lady nasiib Drive in Hinckley, Minnesota. Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, booqasho ama soo wac 800-472-6321.


About dalacaad Greg Cohen

Mid ka mid ah Premier dhiirrigelin dhisan feerka ee, Dalacaad Greg Cohen (GCP) waa magaca si fiican loo ixtiraamo ee diyaargarowga dhacdooyinka feerka xirfad heer caalami iyo kor u qaadida dagaal xirfad Kooxaha dunida oo dhan.


Aasaasaha iyo agaasimaha Greg Cohen ayaa ku lug leh feerka xirfad xilal kala duwan tan iyo 1980, fadaha uu farsamada iyo isaga qudhiisa u sameynta ganacsade u ahaanaysaa caalamiga feerka.


Kala duwanaayeen awoodda uu goobjooga iyo horumarinta tayo cayriin, Cohen sameeyey headlines ee ka hanuunsan khabiir ah, kuwo kale oo badan, hore WBA Junior dhexe Champion Austin “Waxaan shaki ku jirin” Kalluun, oo Cohen hage caawisay ka aan la garanayn New Mexico khayraadkeeda Kooxaha pay per--view heerka xiddiga.


Waxa intaa dheer in kalluun, Dalacaad Greg Cohen ayaa la soo shaqeeyay magac leh sida champion hore midaysan oo laba-time culus Hasim “Rock The” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 KOs); oo badan-miisaanka horyaalka dhan-time-weyn adduunka fasalka James “Nalalka Out” Toney (74-7-3, 45 KOs).


U Tartami adduunka lagu qiimeeyo ee hadda liis GCP waxaa ka mid ah Arash Usmanee, adduunka aqoonsan yahay, sida a top-10 featherweight super; hore WBA International dhexe Champion iyo tartamaha dhexe adduunka lagu qiimeeyo Jarrod Fletcher; top-qiimeeyo featherweight Joel Brunker; cruiserweight Lateef Kayode; Geesigii tallaabo miisaanka yar oo TV Canadian Tony Luis, iyo WBA iyo shan waqti Irish National Hiwaayadda ee Champion, Dennis Hogan; iyo kacaya dareen Welterweight Cecil McCalla.


Dalacaad Greg Cohen ayaa marti dhacdooyinka feerka-heer caalami ah goobaha ugu wanaagsan oo dhan Maraykanka iyo dunida iyo waxa uu sidoo kale kibir tayo iyo / ama ku qoran dhowr shabakadaha telefishan ay ka mid yihiin HBO, Showtime, ESPN, Network Sports NBC, MSG iyo FOX Sports Net.