Kategorija Archives: boksas



Bilietai parduoti Rytoj!

BROOKLYN (Balandis 15, 2015) – Boxing superstar Amir “Karalius” Hanojus (30-3, 19 Kos) returns to the ring to take on former world champion (20-1, 8 Kos) apie Penktadienis, Gegužė 29, "Barclays Center" Brukline, New York as the Main Event in an exciting Premier Boxing Champions (TSK) card on Spike TV.


The televised action begins live on Spike TV at 9 pm ET/6 p.m. PT. Doors at Barclays Center open at 6 p.m. IR.


I have happy memories of New York having made my successful U.S. debut there against Paulie Malignaggi in 2010,said Khan. “I’m delighted to now be fighting there once again against another champion in Chris Algieri. Algieri has shared the ring with some tremendous fighters and shown great skills in those fights so I know I will need to be at my very best when we meet. In all my fights I bring excitement, speed and skill and can guarantee more fireworks on Gegužė 29 at Barclays Center.


I am very excited to get back into the ring and to be fighting here in New York,” Sakė Algieri. “Fighting at Barclays Center, where I won my world title just under a year ago, is an added bonus. Amir Khan is a tested champion and is the matchup that I wanted. I believe this is a fight that will bring the best out of me.


I am thrilled to be returning to Barclays Center for another terrific PBC event,” stated Lou DiBella, Prezidentas DiBella Pramogos. “Amir Khan is hands down one of the biggest names in the sport. Coming off a huge win over Devon Alexander, Khan is on the short list to participate in a future mega fight. He must first get by the hometown fan favorite, Algieri. This is a fight that Chris wanted. He is looking to show the world that he belongs, at the arena where he shocked the world and upset Ruslan Provodnikov for a world title. We expect an electric atmosphere come May 29oji.”


We are excited to bring two outstanding fighters in Amir Kahn and Chris Algieri to Brooklyn,” sakė "Barclays Center" generalinis direktorius Brettas Yormark. “Khan is among the most talked about and dynamic fighters in the sport, and Long Island’s own Algieri had his career defining win at Barclays Center last June. Our first PBC event in Brooklyn on April 11 was a huge success and we expect another big night on Gegužė 29. After less than three years in existence, Barclays Center is cementing itself as the premier boxing venue in the country.


We are thrilled to present this must-see matchup between of one of the sport’s true superstars, Amir Khan, and the tough-as-nails New Yorker, Chrisas Algieri, fighting in front of his hometown fans,” sakė Jon Slusser, Vyresnysis viceprezidentas, Sporto, Spike TV.


Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, yra kaina $250, $150, $75 ir $45, neįskaitant taikomų paslaugų mokesčių ir rinkliavų, ir yra parduodamas rytoj, Ketvirtadienis, Balandis 16oji į 2 p.m. IR. Bilietus galima įsigytiwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com ir tuo American Express "kasoje" Barclays Center "pradeda Penktadienis, Balandis 17 at noon ET. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000. Dėl grupinių bilietų, skambinkite 800-GROUP-BK.


A 28-year-old star who first burst onto the scene with his silver medal-winning performance at the 2004 Olimpinės žaidynės, Khan is an exciting fighter who has shown incredible offensive skills and improved defensive technique since moving up to the welterweight division. His last two fights have come against former welterweight world champions Devon Alexander and Luis Collazo. He cruised to victory in those two contests and now looks to defeat another former champion when he battles the tough Algieri on Gegužė 29. Fighting out of Bolton, Jungtinė Karalystė, the former super lightweight world champion is eager to make an impression in his first start at Barclays Center.


Algieri išaugo iki šlovės birželio 2014 "Barclays Center", kai jis nusiminusi Ruslanas Provodnikov už super lengvos pasaulio čempiono titulą. The 31-year-old returns to the scene of his greatest triumph on Gegužė 29 to take on the British superstar Khan. Buvęs kikbokso čempionas iš Huntington, Niujorkas, built his undefeated boxing record on the strength of his excellent movement and skill with the jab. Jo pergalė Provodnikov uždirbo jam kulka Manny Pacquiao Lap. 2014, a bout that Algieri ultimately lost. He had previously defeated strong contenders Mike Arnaoutis and Emanuel Taylor on the way to his world title.


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Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-bokso-čempionai, www.barclayscenter.com irwww.dbe1.com. Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, @AmirKingKhan, @ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieri ir www.Facebook.com/Spike. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #BrooklynBoxing.

Komanda Dulorme eina į Texas

Today at the Luis Munoz Marin Airport in Carolina, Puerto Rikas, Puerto Rican world title contender, Tomas Dulorme ( 22-1, 14 Kos ) alongside with his team, are heading to Arlington, Texas for the biggest fight of Dulorme’s career schedule for this Šeštadienis, Balandis 18 against Terence Crawford ( 25-0, 17 Kos ) of Nebraska, for the vacant WBO World super lightweight title.
The fight will air live on HBO as part of its series ‘HBO Boxing After Dark’, which starts from 9:45 pm (EST) tuo College Park centre, located in University of Texas at Arlington.
I’m just two pounds over the weight limit. It is a matter of reaching Texas and continue the work plan for the fight,” said Thomas Dulorme who continued, “I will not let my people of Puerto Rico and the Latinos down”.
This fight is dedicated to all the Latinos and Caribbean people that day after day, and night after night, work very hard in the United States, especially those who work hard in the state of Texas,”, Dulorme concluded.

FLOYD “PINIGAI” Mayweather LAS VEGAS Iš treniruotės citatos ir nuotraukos ŠEŠTADIENIS, GALI 2, MGM GRAND GARDEN ARENA Las Vegase gyventi Mokama VIEW

Spauskite ČIA Dėl nuotraukas iš Esther Lin / Showtime

Spauskite ČIA Dėl nuotraukas iš Idris Erba / Mayweather Akcijos

Spauskite ČIA Dėl nuotraukas iš Will Hart / HBO

Spauskite ČIA Dėl treniruotės Highlight Reel

LAS VEGAS – (Balandis 15, 2015) – Daugiau nei 200 akredituotiems spaudos nariai iš viso pasaulio nusileido ant Mayweather bokso klubo už Antradienio Floyd Mayweather Žiniasklaidos diena. Tai buvo 11-pasaulio čempionas Mayweather pirmąjį ir tik atvirą treniruotę prieš jo Papildsvars Pasaulio čempionatas Susijungimas mega-kortų atvertimo prieš Manny Pacquiao apie Šeštadienis, Gegužė 2, MGM Grand Garden arenoje Las Vegase gyventi dėl darbo užmokesčio už peržiūrą.


Superstars Mayweather (47-0, 26 Kos) ir Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 Kos) skatinama Mayweather Akcijos ir aukšto rango Inc., gyva pay-per-view televizijos laidos bus bendrai gaminama ir bendro platinamas HBO Pay-Per-View® ir Showtime PPV® pradedant nuo9:00 p.m. IR/ 6:00 p.m. PT.


Keliasdešimt televizijos operatoriai, laikraščių Parinktys, bokso rašytojai, radijo transliuotojai, interneto reporteriai, fotografai ir (video) Bloggers stebėjo, kaip Mayweather ėjo per tempais per 90-plius minučių treniruotės, kad įtraukti darbo sunkiųjų maišą, trenkiesi greičio maišą, pataikyti puspirštinės, sokinejimo virve, tempimo ir daro Plastiko.


Prieš treniruotė transliuojamas didelės raiškos įvairiose platformose, įskaitant per palydovą pašarų, "YouTube" ir socialinė žiniasklaida, Mayweather atsakė klausimus iš vidaus specialiai pastatytas palapinėje žiniasklaidai automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė prie pat sporto salėje.


Kas Mayweather, Mayweather Akcijos Vadovas Leonardas Ellerbe, treneris Floyd Mayweather Sr. ir nenugalėtas WBC čempionas "Gaidys" Liūtas Santa Cruz, kuris bus kovoti viršutiniame pay-per-view undercard bijau dėl Gegužė 2, sakė Antradienis:


FLOYD Mayweather, 11-Pasaulio čempionas


“Mano mokymo stovykla esmės veikia taip pat, kaip. Manau, kad tai buvo lygesnis už kitus. Jaučiuosi labai patogus ir laimingas su mano pasirodymai. Jie stumti mane sunkiai stovyklos. Jie žino, ko man reikia.


“Šio kovos laikas yra teisus. Ši kova yra apie palikimo, ventiliatoriai ir šeima. Aš supa save su visais reikiamais žmonėmis.


“Aš negaliu pasakyti, kad tai matchup yra apie hype. Tai realus gyvenimas. Tai du būsimus Hall Valstiečių į mega-kovos.


“Aš padariau rekordiškai numerius prieš ir atrodo, kad mes ketiname tai padaryti dar kartą.


“Viskas gyvenime yra apie laiką. Turiu nesigaili, kad ši kova neįvyko prieš penkerius metus. Aš ne manau, tai buvo toks didelis, tada, bet ji ir toliau gauti didesni ir didesni. Ne tik bokso, bet ne sporto. Pacquiao ir toliau augti Už sportą. Mes nereikėjo skubėti nieko.


“Tai bus įdomi kova. Mūsų stilius yra visiškai kitoks. Jis yra labai, labai neapgalvotas. Kiekvienas žingsnis darau apskaičiuojamas. Aš visada 5-10 žingsnius į priekį mano priešininkas.


“Pamatysime, kas atsitinka, kai kova prasideda. Bet kai viskas pasakyta ir padaryta aš ruošiuosi būti nugalėtojas.


“Pacquiao yra tvirti ir patikimi, bet aš nežinau, ar jis gali atlikti koregavimus, kaip aš galiu. Jaučiu didžiulį.


“Tai buvo sunku kovoti, kad įvyktų, bet mes padarėme tai atsitiks. Ši kova yra viena iš didžiausių kada nors bokso.


“Aš vis dar vyksta stiprus. Paskutinį kartą aš mačiau, Buvau 47 ir 0.


“Kiekvienas gali gauti nukentėjo su dideliu smūgiu, bet aš galiu padaryti daugiau patikslinimus ir Manny negali.


“Nemanau, kad Pacquiao tikimasi man atrodo tokia pat stipri, ar didelis, kai susidūrėme išjungti (tuo L.A. spaudos konferencija).


“Aš vaikščioti aplink ne 150-152 svarų pasverti 147 svarų. Kitos boksininkai sveria maždaug 160-170 prieš leistis.


“Aš turiu dar vieną kovą dėl mano sutartis. Aš negalėjo būti laimingesnis su Showtime ir CBS.


“Las Vegasas yra bokso kapitalas. Per Floyd Mayweather kovos savaitgalį, galite apsipirkti, šalis, likti vėlai ir viską, ką nori daryti. Las Vegase miestas viską.


“Nebuvo pasiūlymų kovoti su kitų vietų, bet MGM Grand my home.


“Nieko aš prašė MGM Grand, jie padarė man širdies plakimas. Jie visi apie tai pramogų ir sportininkai laimingas.”


LEO Santa Cruz, WBC Gaidys pasaulio čempionas


“Esu labai dėkingas už galimybę kovoti dėl tokio neįtikėtinai didžiulį kortelės. Aš tikrai noriu padėkoti Floyd Mayweather.


“Bet boksininkas norėtų būti šios kortelės, kur milijonai žmonių žiūri. Aš laimingas atstovauti Meksika šią naktį ir šią kovą kortelės.

“Žiūriu jį kaip pagrindine galimybe man padaryti dar didesnę vardą sau, kuris yra mano tikslas, nes vieną dieną noriu tapti kaip Floyd superžvaigždė. Štai kodėl aš mokyti tikrai sunku visą laiką.


“Nėra mažai kovoja už mane. Aš manau, kiekvienas kovotojas pavojinga. Jūs prarasti, kai jūs manote kovotojas nėra jūsų lygis ir tada jis ateina alkanesni už tave. Tai niekada atsitiks su manimi.


“Aš nežinau, kas aš kovoju dar, bet aš treniruotės skirtingų vaikinai su įvairių stilių.


“Visada gresia daug už mane. Žmonės nuolat kalbame apie visų šių didelių kovų, bet jei aš ne laimėti dabar, nebus jokių didelių kovų ateityje.


“Aš žinau, kas aš noriu kovoti, bet nemanau, pasiimti savo priešininkus; Aš palieku jį iki savo komanda. Jie tuos sprendimus rūšių. Mano darbas yra kovoti ir laimėti.


“Turiu likti koncentruotas. Turiu išlaikyti dėmesį ir koncentraciją. Aš negaliu gauti prieš save. aš duodu 100 proc mokymo ir žiedas. Aš visada noriu įdėti į didelę kovą už gerbėjų.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Akcijos


“Boksas yra visų laikų rekordą metu. Yra daug puikių dalykų vyksta. Tarp šioje kovoje ir gauti bokso Atgal tinklo televizijos, visa tai puikiai tinka sportui.


“Ši kova bus ne tik pakelti apskritai sporto, tačiau ji atneš atsitiktinis ventiliatoriaus į sportą ir tai yra puikus dalykas.


“Poveikio kad Floyd Mayweather turėjo šiame sporte yra neišmatuojama. Žmonės negalės suprasti, kad kol jis išeina į pensiją. Jis padarė tiek daug šios sporto šakos. Jis skiriamas kovotojai platformą pasakyti kitiems rėmėjams, kad jie nusipelno liūto dalį pinigų. Jis atnešė daugiau rėmimo sportui.


“Floyd Mayweather yra aukščiausios mokama sportininkas visi sporto ir jis būna, kad boksininkas.


“Manau, kad paklausa iki šiol tik rodo, koks didelis šis renginys yra. Tai yra kova, kad buvo kalbėta apie Dabar penkerius metus, ir visi ketina gauti būtent tai, ko jie buvo prašydama.


“Manny Pacquiao yra puikus kovotojas. Jis buvo iš didžiųjų kovų skaičius ir jis turėjo siaubingas karjerą iki šiol. Tai yra du geriausi kovotojai šios kartos ir ateiti Gegužė 2 bus viena Man Standing ir jis bus Floyd Mayweather.


“Nėra jokios abejonės, tai bus puikus kova. Aš tikrai susijaudinęs. Matau iš pirmų rankų dienos į dieną rengimą, kad Floyd kelia ir jis dirba tik taip sunku, kaip kada. Ventiliatorių ketinate gauti didelę kovą, kad naktį.


“Aš nežinau, ką Manny Pacquiao turi daryti Gegužė 2, bet aš žinau, ką Floyd Mayweather turi daryti. Jis turi daryti tai, ką jis paprastai daro ir eiti ten ir vykdyti savo žaidimo planą ir aš tikrai tikėtis Floyd trankyti jį.”


FLOYD Mayweather SR., Mayweather anketa treneris & Tėvas


“Floyd, taip pat yra suapvalinti kovotojas kaip ten kada nors buvo, bet jis tikrai dar čia, nes jo gynybos.


“Kiti vaikinai kovoti su savo galva ir savo proto ir sugalvoti trumpas. Tai jo puikus gynybos, kuri nuolat jį ant taip ilgai.


“Noriu jums visiems jį pamatyti. Tai taip aiškia ir paprasta tai, ką jis ketina daryti. Net Ray Charles jį gali pamatyti.


“Aš sąžiningai niekada maniau, kad tai nutiks. Taigi daugelis žmonių bando pasakyti Floyd bijojo. Leidžia pamatyti Gegužė 2 kas yra baisu.


“Aš negaliu pasakyti jums, kodėl ir kaip, bet čia atnaujinimas, Floyd ketina ateityje jo A ** ir trankyti Pacquiao iš.


“Aš ne žiūrėti vieną juostą apie Pacquiao. Nėra jokios priežasties studijuoti jį. Jis ne šiame lygmenyje.


“Floyd yra geriausias, Prisipažinsiu. Nieko ketina sustabdyti Floyd Mayweather.


“Pacquiao anketa treneris Autobusų Roach (Freddie Roach) meluoja jums. Bandymas apgauti jus visus. Floyd negauna nuvertė salėje. Floyd yra viena beldžiasi žmonės žemyn. Kuojos pučia dūmus be vilties.”

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Daugiau informacijos rasite www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.lt / Boksas ir www.mgmgrand.com ir sekti Twitter nefloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing IrSwanson_Comm, ir tapti "Facebook" gerbėjasatwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiaowww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing,www.facebook.com/SHOsports andwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

Undefeated Chicago Prospect Ramiro Carrillo Signs with Warriors Boxing

‘El LobitoWill Make Warriors Debut on Blockbuster Balandis 24 Event at UIC Pavilion


Warriors Boxing’s newest exclusive promotional signee, Meksikos gimė, Chicago-based super lightweight RamiroEl LobitoCarrillo, will make his first appearance under his new promotional banner on the Penktadienis, Balandis 24, Premier Boksas Čempionų (TSK) “Dirrell vs. Domkratas” event at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago.


Carillo (7-0, 4 Kos) will be part of a jam-packed undercard in support of the Spike TV-broadcast Anthony “Šuo” Dirrell (27-0-1, 22 Kos) vs. Badou Džekas “Skerdikas” (18-1, 12 Kos) 12-round super middleweight main event.


In the night’s first televised bout, Danielis “Stebuklas Vyras” Jacobs (28-1, 25 Kos) will face top contender Caleb “Aukso” Truax (25-1-2, 15 Kos) in a 12-round middleweight bout.


Bilietus į renginį, kuri yra bendrai skatinti Warriors bokso ir Mayweather Akcijos, yra kaina $151, $101, $51, ir $31, neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių už paslaugas, ir yra parduoti dabar. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu su pagrindinių kredito kortelės, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000 arba UIC Pavilion Box Office ne (312) 413-5740. Bilietus taip pat galima rasti www.ticketmaster.com arba apsilankę UIC Pavilion kasose (Ketvirtadienis arba Penktadienis 9:00 tarifu. – 4:00 p.m.).


Televiziją veiksmai Spike TV prasideda 9 p.m. IR ir 8 p.m. PT (atidėtas vakarinėje pakrantėje).


Before getting off to an undefeated professional career, 24-year-old Carrillo was a heavily decorated amateur, vyksta 215-14. He was a four-time Chicago Golden Gloves Champion and a two-time National Silver Gloves Champion. He won the National Blue and Gold Tournament and was the runner up in the Mexican Olympic Trials.


Pravarde “El Lobito”, meaning little wolf, Carrillo is an aggressive boxer/brawler who loves to go to the body. So much so that a high percentage of his professional knockouts have come from body shots.


Carrillo is co-trained by his father Antonio and former world champion David Diaz and managed by Ernesto Pedroza.


I am very proud to be signing with Warriors,” said Carrillo. “All of the pieces are in place for me now. I have a strong team to help me reach my dreams of winning the world championship. All I have to do is train hard and win.


Ramiro makes an excellent addition to our roster,” said Leon Margules of Warriors Boxing. “He is an outstanding young fighter with a bright future. We will be looking to provide him with every opportunity he deserves in boxing. I love that he has the rare gift of being a debilitating body puncher in an age where so few fighters pay attention to the lost art.


We are all very excited about this opportunity,” said Ernesto Pedroza. “Ramiro is extremely serious about his career and works very hard. From what I see, competition wise, we feel that signing with Warriors will provide him with the platform to become a world champion soon.


Daugiau informacijos, apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-bokso-čempionai, arba www.warriorsboxing.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, and @SpikeTV. Or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo ir www.Facebook.com/Spike.


GCP Switches it Up in a Big Way!

Tony Luis to Face Derry Matthews for World Championship this Saturday in England; Ismael Barroso now Fighting Ira Terry on CBS in Hinckley, MN Šį penktadienį

Lack of time to obtain proper visas has forced the necessity for two of Greg Cohen Promotions’ (GKP) fighters to switch places on short notice for this weekend.

Apie Šeštadienis, Balandis 18, Kornvalis, Ontario’s Tony “Žaibas” Luis (19-2, 7 Kos) will now face UK veteran Derry Matthews (37-9-2, 20 Kos) for the Interim WBA Lightweight Championship at the Echo Arena in Matthewshometown of Liverpool, Anglija, as the main event of a night of boxing presented by Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions.

Luis was originally scheduled to face Memfis, Tenesis, Veteranas Ira Kilpiniai (26-13, 16 Kos) in the televised co-feature of the “Čempionatas Boksas CBS Sports Network” renginys, presented by Greg Cohen Promotions in association with Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Promotions and produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions onPenktadienis, Balandis 17, nuo Grand Casino Hinckley Hinckley, Minesota.

Unbeaten Venezuelan slugger Ismael Barroso (17-0-2, 16 Kos), who was originally scheduled to face Matthews, was unable to obtain the proper visas in time to fight on such short notice in England. He will now take Luisplace in Hinckley and will take on Terry in an eight-round attraction šį penktadienį.

It worked out well for everyone,” sakė Greg Cohenas. “Tony Luis was high enough in the ratings and ready to fight, so he’s one of the few fighters in the world who could have stepped into this important fight on such short notice. And fortunately, he is a GCP fighter as well, so we made it happen quickly and he is on his way to the UK as we speak. Tony gets his dream shot at a world championship and the fans in Hinckley, and on CBS Sports Network, will get their first look at one of the most fearsome punchers in boxing, Ismael JM Barroso. So it seems that everyone wins in this unique situation.

Boxing’s most avoided world champion Guillermo Rigondeaux heading to UK next month To publically confront Scott Quigg

CORK, Airija (Balandis 12, 2015) – Unified super bantamweight world champion Sąskaita “Šakalas” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Kos), arguably the most avoided reigning world title holder in modern boxing history, will travel to London next month in order to publicly confront his mandatory challenger, Scott QUIGG (30-0-2, 22 Kos), the World Boxing Association (WBA) “reguliarus” 122-svaras padalinys titlist.


A month ago in an unusual move, Rigondeaux’ vadybininkas Gary Haid formally petitioned the WBA to enforce a mandatory title fight between his WBA Super champion and Quigg. Hyde is awaiting the WBA’s decision. Rigondeaux is also the World Boxing Organization (WBO) ir Žiedas žurnalo super Gaidys čempionas.


A reigning world champion hasn’t been avoided by other world champions and top contenders like Rigondeux has for the past two years since, galbūt, Junior vidutinio svorio Sergio Martinez, or possibly all the way back to middleweight Mike McCallum.


The top three super bantamweights in the world outside of RigondeauxInternational Boxing Federation (IBF) ir Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) champions, Carl Frampton ir Liūtas Santa Cruz, atitinkamai, plus Quigghave avoided the Cuban great like the plaque. Once Santa Cruzpromoter at the time, Oskaras de la Hoya, announced that a Rigondeaux-Santa Cruz had to happen, Santa Cruz’ powerful adviser, Al HAYMON, exercised a contract option and bought him out to avoid a fight with ‘Rigo.Frampton’s promoter, Barry McGuigan, has proclaimed his fighter, not Rigondeaux, as the No. 1 super featherweight in the world. McGuigan, nors, is interested in Frampton fighting Quigg in a U.K. užbaigimas, rather than a world mega-fight for three of the four major sanctioning world titles. As the “reguliarus” WBA champion, Quigg is Rigondeaux’ privalomas varžovas, dar, he apparently wants no part of the two-time Olympic gold medalist because his promoter, Barry Hearn, not only hasn’t pushed the issue, he’s in negotiations with McGuigan for Frampton to fight Quigg.


Former world super bantamweight champions Nonito Doniare, after he lost a unification fight to Rigondeaux two years ago, ir Abneras Mares chose to move up one division to fight as featherweights. And now Donaire reports that his manager was contacted by a Quigg representative to discuss a Donaire-Quigg fight in England.


Another two-time Olympic gold medalist, WBO 126-pound champion Vasilijus Lomachenko, continually insists that “Linija” has to move up in weight for a fight to happen despite him having no problems making 126.


“QUIGG, Santa Cruz and Frampton have showed no desire to challenge Rigondeaux,” Haid sakė. “These three fighters are trying to fool the public into believing that fight Nėra. 1 guy in the world is not important. While they are lining their pockets with ridiculous amounts of cash for fighting below par opponents, Rigondeaux is forced to wait around until some Asian opponent steps up. This is a sport in which we are accustomed to seeing the best fighting the best but, in the super bantamweight division, it’s the best versus the rest.


Rigondeaux will travel to Manchester to fight Quigg, Belfast to fight Frampton, or Las Vegas to fight Santa Cruz. None of these so-called world champions, nors, will consider fighting the acknowledged world super bantamweight champion. They’re all much more content to hold onto their belts than beating The Man in their weight class.


Next month, Hyde reports, Rigondeaux will travel to the United Kingdom in a bold attempt to embarrass Quigg into fighting him. “I don’t like traveling overseas unless I have a fight lined up,” Rigondeaux explained, “but I will travel to England in May to publicly call out Scott Quigg. If he turns down the chance to fight our WBA mandatory, he will be remembered for that instead of being known as a great fighter. While I’m in the UK, I will also go to Belfast to checkout Carl Frampton to ask if he wants to prove himself against the best in his division.


Understanding that the top super bantamweight action is currently in Europe, noting a record purse ($2.2 million USD) offered for a Frampton vs. Quigg fight, Rigondeaux is considering a major change in the not too distant future, moving his base from Miami to the UK, if that’s what it takes for him to get in on the action.


Hyde also manages former WBO middleweight champion and current International Boxing Federation (IBF) Ar ne. 1 privalomas varžovas Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 Kos), former WBA Interim cruiserweight champion Jurijus “El Toro” Kalenga (21-2, 14 Kos) and Georgian super lightweight Levan “The Wolf” Ghvamichava (14-1-1, 11 Kos) , as well as top prospects such as Cuban super bantamweight Pažymėti Miško (2-0, 2 Kos), Irish heavyweight Su Sheehan and Bulgarian light heavyweight Blagoy Naydenov.



Sekite Hyde Twitter ne @ NoWhere2Hyde ir draugui juowww.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?fref = ts.




Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų

Nuotrauka kreditų: Estera Lin / Showtime

I am fighting [Andrzej] Fonfara now because I like big opponents. I like the challenge of fighting good, hungry fighters.

– Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

Julio wants credibility in this sport and that’s why he made the decision to take this fight, even though it’s a dangerous decision.

– Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.

Visi prieigos: H.Chavezas


Bilietus dar galima!


VAN NUYS, Kalifornijoje.(Balandis 13, 2015) – Buvęs pasaulio čempionas Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. surengė žiniasklaidos treniruotės penktadienį in front of a packed house at Ten Goose Boxing Gym in Van Nuys, Kalifornijoje., as the Mexican superstar prepares to make his Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® debiutas Šeštadienis, Balandis 18, ne StubHub centras Carson, Kalifornijoje., gyventi Showtime(10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT).


Pagrindiniame renginyje Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksasdoubleheader, Meksikos superžvaigždė Chavezas, Jaunesnysis. (48-1-1, 32 Kos) meets dangerous brawler Andrzej Fonfara (26-3, 15 Kos) per 12-apvalios šviesos sunkiasvoris bijau.


Per 10-apvalios bendradarbiavimo funkcija, viršus 10 užėmė jaunesnysis Papildsvars varžovas Amir aš (16-0, 14 Kos) bus siekiama perkelti vieną žingsnį arčiau pasaulio čempionų titulą proga, kai jis daro savo antrąjį pradžią 2015 prieš kolega elektrinės skylmušys Walteris Castillo (25-2, 18 Kos).


Julio Cesar Chavez, be abejo, didžiausias Meksikos kovotojas visų laikų, padarė per savo sūnaus treniruotės išvaizdą parodyti savo paramą ir pasiūlyti padrąsinančius žodžius.


Štai ką Chavezas jaunesnysis, Julio Cesar Chavez and Joe Goossen (treneris) turėjo pasakyti Penktadienis Los Andželo zonos salėje:


Julio César CHAVEZ JR., Buvęs pasaulio čempionas

I am very focused going into this fight. I have changed a lot mentally this past year.


I am fighting [Andrzej] Fonfara now because I like big opponents. I like the challenge of fighting good, hungry fighters. Just because Fonfara doesn’t have the name recognition of other fighters, it doesn’t make him an easy fighter. Jis kietas.


I feel comfortable at light heavyweight. Any time that you can add a couple pounds, you feel better. Although I will be fighting at 175, I feel most comfortable at 168 kaip boksininkas. Since I have had one year off, it was a better choice to fight at this weight so that I could see how my body feels.


Since I have added a few pounds, I have become a more physical and stronger boxer. The light heavyweight division has very big and physical contenders.


“Džo [Goossen] is a great trainer. He is a great motivator to his fighters and makes them better. I have worked very hard with him for the 35 days we spent together in Lake Tahoe.


When I was training with Freddie Roach, it was very different. I think Freddie is a great trainer, but Joe also has a lot of experience and we have made a connection together.


I really liked training in Lake Tahoe. The altitude, žiedas, everything I needed was there. I felt very comfortable up there and I would like to come back there to train for a fight again.


I promise a great fight, this is a very exciting fight. Fonfara isn’t an easy opponent, but he has never seen an opponent like me.



SR Julio César CHAVEZ.

I am here to support and be with my son. I try to give him good advice. I tell him to train and prepare hard, and fortunately he is doing that well.


I think Joe [Goossen] is doing a great job, we are on the same page. We are all focused on him [Chavez Jr.] getting to the fight well prepared. This fight requires great preparation because he is going into the fight at a weight that’s higher than his normal weight and he is facing a very tough opponent.


He must go in 100 percent to win this fight.


I think there has been a 180 degree turn in his career. I see this as a positive because he can really develop his ability and looks very well prepared.


I would’ve liked to have seen him take a tune up fight instead because of his long layoff; I particularly didn’t want this fight.


“Liepa [Chavez Jr.] wants credibility in this sport and that’s why he made the decision to take this fight, even though it’s a dangerous decision. He must be very prepared for this fight.


JOE GOOSSEN, Chavezas Jr.s’ Treneris

I’ve been asked over the years who the one fighter was that I would like to work and my answer was always Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.


I’ve always really admired his style. I had known him as a kid, his father is a legend. It had always seemed like a dream job for me, and out of nowhere I got it.


Lake Tahoe was tremendous for training camp. You are isolated and it’s not an easy thing. When you aren’t training you are sitting in a hotel room. You are deprived the comforts of home, but it really gives you that concentration and dedication factor and I think that will interpret into some positive results.


I matured over my years, once I had a kid and a family and I think the same has happened with Julio. Life becomes clearer when you put away the immaturity. You realize that you have a future and if you really want to access what’s available to you, then you are going to have to work hard and dedicate yourself to it.


Going to Lake Tahoe and really working hard is a sign of maturity and I think that’s what Julio is going through right now. He really showed it by leaving his home and spending an extended period of time up there. To me that is a great indicator that he is mature, dedicated and taking this fight very seriously.


Of course I believe Julio is ready to fight Fonfara. The fight was made before I even came on board, but that’s the challenge that I am presented with. You must figure out a good game plan and figure out what you’re up against.


Just because Julio has been out a year doesn’t mean that it’s going to be a cake walk for Fonfara. We went up to Lake Tahoe with one thing in mind, and that’s winning this fight and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.



# # #

“Chavezas jaunesnysis. vs. Fonfara”, 12-apvalios šviesos sunkiasvoris bijau bendrai skatinti Goossen Akcijos ir Chavez Akcijos kad vyksta StubHub centro Carson, Kalifas. ir transliuos nuo Showtime (10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT). Be bendro pagrindinis renginio, Amir Imamas susiduria Walter Castillo 10 turas jr. Papildsvars užbaigimas. Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas laidos taip pat bus galima ispanų per antrinę garso programavimą (SAP).


Bilietus į renginį yra kaina $200, $150, $100, $50 ir $25, plius taikomi mokesčiai, mokesčiai ir paslaugų mokesčiai, galima įsigyti internete adresu AXS.com.


Daugiau informacijos rasite www.sports.sho.com, sekti Twitter neSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter IrSwanson_Comm, sekti pokalbį naudodami #ChavezFonfara, tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing arba apsilankykite Showtime Boksas tinklaraštį http://theboxingblog.sho.com.



RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS (Balandis 13, 2015)Six-Time and Four-Division World Champion, Robertas “Vaiduoklis” Karys, will join Arkansas Tech University ir BeTheMatch.org in an effort to break the world record for bone marrow registries in a 24-hour period. Papildomai, the group will attempt to break the 1-hour world record for registries as well. Arkansas Tech’s Be The Match bone marrow registry event will begin at 9 p.m. apie Antradienis, Balandis 14, and continue through 9 p.m. apie Trečiadienis, Balandis 15, on the university’s campus.


Joining “Vaiduoklis” will be his wife, Casey Guerrero, who is a cancer survivor and a recipient of a bone marrow transplant from the BeTheMatch.org registry (National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP). Together they will inspire everyone on campus and help students register while relaying the important message of being a donor.


What an honor to be invited to this great event put on by Arkansas Tech University and BeTheMatch.org,” sakė Robertas Guerrero. “Casey and I are going to do our part to help register as many people as possible. I really believe we are going to break the records. Many lives will be saved and that brings me great pleasure. I’m super motivated and can’t wait to get on campus and go to work.


Dr. Jason Warnick, associate professor of psychology, ir Dr. Julie Mikles-Schluterman, associate professor of sociology, are spearheading the drive at Arkansas Tech.


Registering with Be The Match is a quick and painless experience,” sako dr. Jason Warnick. “There is a small amount of paperwork to complete, a cheek swab and then you are done. Iš viso, the process takes about 10 protokolas. It is amazing to think that such a small investment of time and effort on our part could lead to saving the life of another human being.


Pirmasis 3,000 individuals who register with Be The Match during the 24-hour drive at Arkansas Tech will receive a free T-shirt courtesy of the Arkansas Tech Student Government Association.


Be The Match registry drives focus on individuals age 18-44 due to medical research that indicates that age group is most likely to provide a successful bone marrow transplant. Be The Match registration is free for individuals age 18-44.


Individuals age 45-60 may register with Be The Match at www.bethematch.org with a donation of $100.


For more information about the Be The Match bone marrow registry drive at Arkansas Tech, send e-mail to jwarnick@atu.edu arba jmiklesschluterman@atu.edu.


About Be The Match

For the thousands of people diagnosed every year with life-threatening blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, a cure exists. Over the past 25 years Be The Match®, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP), has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world. We work every day to save lives through transplant.


Antradienis, Balandis 14

9 p.m.Kickoff Celebration, Baswell Techionery

10 p.m.-MidnightBlack Light Party, Young Ballroom


Trečiadienis, Balandis 15

Midnight-2 a.m.Vidurnakčio Pancakes, Baswell Techionery

2 tarifu.Movie Under the Stars, Crabaugh Lawn

3 tarifu.Donuts With Mayor Randy Horton, Young Ballroom

4-6 tarifu.Game Show Hosted by Thomas Pennington, Young Ballroom

6 tarifu.Bootcamp With Cora of Forca Martial Arts, Hindsman Tower

7 tarifu.Yoga / Breakfast To Go, Hindsman Tower (please bring your mat if you have one)

8 tarifu.Veterans Appreciation / Breakfast To Go, Baswell Techionery Patio

9 a.m.-NoonAg DepartmentHump DayCamel Photos, Hindsman Tower

9 tarifu.Boxer Robert Guerrero Speaks About Be The Match, Baswell Techionery

10 tarifu.Presidential Selfies With Dr. Robin E. Bowen, Baswell Techionery Patio

11 tarifu.Robert Guerrero Autographs and Photos, Baswell Techionery Patio

VidurdienisInferfaith Lunch, Hindsman Tower

VidurdienisRoundtable Discussion with Casey and Robert Guerrero, Hindsman Tower

1-3 p.m.Alumni Hours / Acoustic Music, Baswell Techionery Patio

3 p.m.Pie A Professor / Resident Director, Hindsman Tower

4 p.m.Photos With Jerry the Bulldog, Baswell Techionery Patio

5-7 p.m.BBQ Feast, Hindsman Tower

7 p.m.Concert with Some Guy Named Robb, Baswell Techionery

8 p.m.Countdown Party With D.J., Young Ballroom

9 p.m.Drive Completion Celebration, Young Ballroom


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"Facebook": https://www.facebook.com/ghostfans

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Adams, Thompson, Fedosov and Dennis reach Boxcino 2015 Finalas

Fedosov, Dennisas, Thompson and Adams

Dėl greito atpalaidavimo

Betliejus, PA (Balandis 13, 2015)

Brandon Adams ir Jonas Thompson won semifinal bouts in the Boxcino 2015 Jaunesnysis. Middleweight Tournament while Andrejus Fedosov ir Donovanas Dennisas scored impressive stoppage victories in the Heavyweight tournament, as all four punched their tickets to the finals in bouts that took place this past Penktadienis tuo Sands Casino Resort Betliejuje.
The bouts were televised live on ESPN Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų.
The show was promoted by Banner Promotions, Inc.
The finals of both weight classes will take place on Penktadienis, Gegužė 22 at the Omega Products International Outdoor Arena in Corona, California and will be aired live on ESPN Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų.

Brandon Adams lands the uppercut
Adams took out longtime friend Vito Gasparyan in round seven of their scheduled 8-round bout.
Adams worked very well on the inside as he landed some solid shots to the head and landed to the body nicely. Gasparyan hung tough against his one-time sparring partner but the amount of solid punches began to show on Gasparyan and the bout was stopped 35 seconds into round seven with a badly swollen left ear.
Adams, 155 1/2 lbs of Los Angeles moves onto the finals with a record of 17-1 su 12 Knockouts. Gasparyan, 154 lbs of Burbank, CA dabar 15-4-5. Adams will not meet John Thompson.
Jonas Thompson won an 8-round split decision over previously undefeated Stanyslav Skorokhod.

Thompson lands the right hand
Thompson boxed well early as he used his jab to set up three and four punch combinations, while Skorokhod landed some good power shots. Skorokhod was cut around his right eye in round two while Thompson suffered a cut in the same area in round four.
Thompson did well when the fight was in the center of the ring. Skorokhod landed several flush punches but it wasn’t enough as the judges preferred the boxing of Thompson to the tune of 78-74 ir 77-75 while Skorokhod won a card 78-74.
Thompson, 154 3/4 Svoris Newark, NJ dabar yra 16-1. Skorokhod, 153 3/4 lbs of Los Angeles via Ukraine is now 9-1.
I had to box him as he was swinging wild. I outboxed him. He was just swinging and not throwing any straight shots,” Sakė Thompson.

Dennis lands the knockout blow
Donovanas Dennisas

scored a highlight reel 2nd round stoppage over 6’7Razvan Cojnau.
Dennis landed a thudding straight left that landed flush on the chin of Cojanu and the big man fell flat on the canvas and the bout was stopped 59 seconds into round two.
I used my speed, quick feet and combinations,” said Dennis. “I saw an opening in the first round and then in the second I came with an overhand left that landed right on the button and he crumbled to the canvas.
The punch was so devastating that it was ESPN Sports Center top play of the night.
On fighting Andrey Fedosov in the finals, “It is going to be a tough fight and I will have to work harder.
Dennisas, 224 1/4 lbs of Davenport, IA is now 12-1 su 10 Knockouts. Cojanu, 255 1/2 lbs of Los Angeles via Romania is now 13-2.
Andrejus Fedosov shook off a first round knockdown to comeback and register a third round stoppage over Lenroy Thomas.

Fedosov works the body
Just seconds into the bout, Thomas landed a straight left and sent Fedosov to the canvas. Fedosov came back in round three and landed a ripping combination that led to Thomas to a knee and and he did not beat referee Gary Rosado’s count at 1:01 apvalios trijų.
Fedosov, 220 1/4 lbs of Hollywood, CA via Russia is now 27-3 su 22 Knockouts. Tomas, 236 lbs of St. Peterburgas, FL is now 19-4
He was a good opponent. He was fast. I look forward to fighting in the finals,”said Fedosov
Erikas Newelis won a four-round unanimous decision over Brandon Spencer in a Heavyweight bout.

Newell of Bethlehem, PA laimėjo balų 40-36 ir 39-37 dvigubai

Jonas Boldenas outworked EdTexFountain and scored a six-round unanimous decision in a Heavyweight bout.
Bolden of New York won by scores of 59-55 du kartus ir 58-56 ir dabar 7-10-1. Fountain of St. Juozapas, MO is now 10-2.
Atidarymo bijau, Curtis Morton upset Greg Jackson via a 6-round unanimous decision in a Welterweight bout.
Morton dropped Jackson in round five and won by scores of 60-53 du kartus ir 58-55.
Mortonas, 146 lbs of Myrtle Beach, SC is now 3-4-2. Jacksonas, 147 lbs of Philadelphia falls to 5-2-1.
Ricky Nuno made a successful pro debut with a 4-round unanimous decision over Pat Kehoe (1-2) į jr. vidutinio svorio bijau.
Mike'as Liberto won his pro debut with a 4th round stoppage over Darnell Hayes (1-2) į Sunkusis bijau.
Nuotraukos Emily Harney / Banner Akcijos

Sekite skydelis Akcijos socialinės terpės visa naujausia Banner ir # Boxcino2015 atnaujinimus:

BannerBoxing #TeamBanner ; @ Boxcino2015 #Boxcino

Facebook.com/BannerPromotions; instagram.com/BannerBoxing

Baltimorės Boksas įsiveržti į Ocean City Convention Center gegužės 9!

Baltimore, MD (Balandis 10, 2015) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions returns to Ocean City, MD for “Beatdown at the Beach” Šeštadienis, Gegužė 9 at the Ocean City Convention Center.


Tickets for “Beatdown at the Beach” from $25 are available on Ticketmaster.com and at the Convention Center Box Office.


“Ocean City is a great market and one I’ve enjoyed coming to every year,"Sakė Smithas. “There are a lot of great events taking place from May until August there and I’m glad that Baltimore Boxing is a part of it. We had a great turnout for our last few shows and am excited to see everybody on the 9oji."


Pagrindiniame renginio vakare, popular heavyweight Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed defends his East Coast Heavyweight title against an opponent to be named. The world record holder for fastest knockout, Crossed has shown steady improvement and looks to have a bright future.


Rising star Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazey will put his East Coast Junior Middleweight crown on the line when he squares off against an opponent TBA. With great fan support and a plethora of skills, Veazey’s won numerous tournaments while achieving national and international rankings from various organizations.


Welterweight Allen Burris is scheduled to risk his East Coast belt against an opponent to be announced and other bouts will be announced shortly.


In association with the fight card, Baltimore Boxing will assist the Worcester County Humane Society with their efforts in helping shelter animals find new homes. During the evening, there will be a 50/50 raffle with the proceeds going to the society and Baltimore Boxing is also donating tickets.


“There are so many great organizations out there that need help,"Sakė Smithas, who has provided funding through raffles and auctions for various charities in association with Baltimore Boxing’s fight cards. “Animal shelters receive little or no funding even though they literally save lives of animals and connect them with loving families. It’s my pleasure to be assisting them and hopefully the money raised can go a long way.”


For more information on the Worcester County Humane Society, apsilankykite http://worcestercountyhumanesociety.org. Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos apie Baltimorė bokso Akcijos, eiti į Baltimoreboxing.com