Kategorija Archives: boksas

Mayweather-Pacquiao Undercard Update: Sid El Harrak eagerly awaiting Pearson Showdown!

Los Andželas, PVZ (Balandis 22, 2015) – In less than two weeks, Sid El Harrak will have the chance to change his life and boxing career when he faces undefeated Chris Pearson as part of the historic Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao card at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.


To prepare for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, El Harrak’s dedicated all of his time to various aspects of training. From cardio to strength and conditioning, sharpening his skills in the gym and intense sparring sessions, the California based Londoner is covering everything imaginable. Svarbiausia, he believes the grueling training sessions he’s gone through at both Wild Card Boxing Gym locations is already paying off.


“It’s very important to have an ample amount of time to train for a fight and that’s not something I’ve had my whole career,"Saïd El Harrak, kas yra 12-2-2 su 7 Laimėta nokautas. "Psichiškai, aš jaučiu 100 percent ready to go out there and shine in the biggest fight of my life. I’m still working hard to balance everything out so the world sees the best Sid El Harrak kitą šeštadienį."


He also loves being considered the underdog against the 11-0 and heavily hyped Pearson.


“I have a lot of pride and knowing that I’m coming into this fight as the B-side pushes me that much more. I love the fact that Pearson’s supposed to be “the guy” in this fight. If I fought who he did, I’d be undefeated. Tuo pat metu, had he faced the opponents I did under the same circumstances, he’d have a few losses. Būti sąžiningas, I’m sick of thinking about him. This is the most eager I’ve been for a fight in my career and I can’t wait to show everybody what I can do on May 2II!"


The El Harrak-Pearson ten round junior middleweight bout will be televised on various networks throughout the world.


Canada’s Tony Luis Disappointed in Scoring of Controversial Loss, but Vows to Keep Fighting for his Goals!

Canadian lightweight Tony “Žaibas” Luis (19-3, 7 Kos) says he’s disappointed with the scoring of his controversial unanimous-decision loss last weekend to Derry Mathews (38-9-2, 20 Kos) for the interim WBA Lightweight title in Matthewshometown of Liverpool, Anglija, but won’t let it deter him from his goals.

Despite taking the fight on three days’ pranešimas, Luis seemed to outwork Matthews in most rounds and would probably be wearing a championship belt today, had the fight been contested on neutral ground. Deja, the European judges saw it another way, scoring it 114-112 (Jean Legland, FRA), 115-112 (Dave Parris, Jungtinė Karalystė) ir 114-112 (Stefano Carozza, ITA), all for Matthews.

I can’t say I feel good,” said Luis, home safely in Cornwall, Ontarijo. “This was my shot and I didn’t get the decision, but I know with my performance, I’ll get another one. Most of the press and the fans, especially in North America, know what’s up and saw the fight for what it really was. Derry did what he had to do to survive but not enough to win. He was cagey and made the fight look more competitive than it was, and that’s what a veteran is supposed to do.

Despite his disappointment in the scoring, Luis says taking the fight was still a good career choice. “It was absolutely the right decision. You don’t turn down a title shot. But taking it on three days’ pranešimas, we knew we’d have to shake off the jetlag quickly. My game plan was good, but on such short notice, it wasn’t muscle memory. I had to keep thinking about it in the ring. That’s why I think it took me three rounds to get going. Despite all this, I still won the fight. Now I know I belong among the champions in this division and that’s a good feeling.

Luis’ propaguotojas, Gregas Cohen Gregas Cohen Akcijos, says he’s pleased with his fighter’s strong performance and will immediately go to work for the 27-year-old.

Tony looked sensational šeštadienį,” sakė Cohenas. “Taking the fight on such short notice, you’d think fatigue would play a role, but he was a machine in there. That shows you how hard he works in the gym. Of course we’re disappointed in the scoring, but looking at the big picture, we now know we have a championship-caliber fighter in Tony. He responded perfectly to the pressure of a world championship fight. I will be petitioning the sanctioning bodies to keep Tony high up in the ratings and give him another title shot very soon. This time on neutral ground.

Luis will be returning to action quickly, he is set to fight for a regional title against an opponent TBA on Birželis 26 at the Seneca Niagara Event Center in Niagara Falls, Niujorkas, and live on CBS Sports Network.

I’m a bit discouraged from the politics,” toliau Luis, “but am I deterred from my goals? Absolutely not. The people have spoken, the fans know who won and that is consolation for me. I will keep moving forward!”

Two-time world champion Steve “SAS” Cunningham signs with Al Haymon

Filadelfija (Balandis 21, 2015)Former two-time world cruiserweight champion and current Heavyweight contender, Steve “SAS” Cunningham has signed with adviser Al Haymon.
Cunningham of Philadelphia is excited about the prospects for his future.
I’m looking forward to working with Al, he’s a genius at what he does. I’ve been watching him for several years and seeing all that he accomplishes for his fighters but have always been on the outside looking in due to contractual obligations. It finally lined up to where we can work together and it’s going to great. I believe my best fights have yet to be seen,”Sakė Cunningham
Cunningham has a record of 28-7 su 13 Knockouts. He won the IBF Cruiserweight championship when he traveled to Poland and defeated Krzysztof Wlodarczyk on May 26, 2007. He defended the title by stopping Marco Huck via 12th round stoppage in Bielfield, Germany on December 29, 2007. Cunningham became a two-time champion on June 5, 2010 when he stopped Troy Ross in five rounds.
Cunningham is coming off a controversial split decision defeat to Vyacheslav Glazkov on Kovas 14 Monrealyje.
Steve and his wife/manager Livvy will be honored šį penktadienį night at the 90th annual BWAA Awards dinner as they will receive the Bill Crawford Courage Award for their perseverance while their 9-year old daughter Kennedy went through a life saving heart transplant last December.
The awards dinner will take place at Capitale in New York City.

Legendinis teisėjas Mickey Vann šį šeštadienį vadovaus MBC inauguraciniam Škotijos renginiui

Legendinis ristūnų pasaulio čempionato teisėjas Mikis Vannas leisis į vieną trumpiausių tarptautinių kelionių per ilgą laiką, šį ateinantį savaitgalį, kai jis vadovauja pirmajai Maltos bokso komisijai (MBC) sankcionuotas įvykis Škotijoje, Stewart Allan reklamuojamas renginys „Rivals Gym“ Vishave šeštadienį 25oji Balandis 2015.


Vanduo, kuris nuo tada buvo MBC vyriausiasis teisėjas 2013, tarnauja beveik keturiasdešimt metų, pirmoji kova, kuriai jis teisėjavo, buvo Eddie Smith ir Joe Jackson Anglijos Amerikos sporto klube Mančesteryje. 11ojiSpalis 1976.


Praėjo maždaug septyneri metai, kol Vannas teisėjaus savo pirmajai vidaus čempionato kovai, BBBofC Central Area Featherweight titulo kova tarp Steve'o Pollardo ir Steve'o Farnswortho Tiffany's naktiniame klube Hull 29oji Kovas 1983.


Po trejų metų Vannas teisėjavo savo pirmajam tarptautiniam čempionatui, Sandraugos lengvaatlečių titulo kova tarp Zimbabvės Langtono Tinago ir australo Graeme'o Brooke'o Granada Studios Mančesteryje. 23rd Rugpjūtis 1986.


Su daugybe britų, Sandraugos ir Europos titulo konkursai po jo diržu 8oji Birželis 1990 Vannas teisėjavo savo pirmajai pasaulio čempionato kovai, Tokijuje WBC pasaulio minimalaus svorio titulo kova tarp japono Hideyuki Ohashi ir tailandiečio Napos Kiatwanchai, Japonija.


Iki šiol Vannas teisėjavo šimtui keturiasdešimt trims tarptautinėms grupėms, Tarpžemyniniai ir Pasaulio titulo konkursai Pasaulio sankcijų teikimo organizacijoms, pavyzdžiui, WBC, WBO, IBF, WBU ir tt, taip pat dar didesnis skaičius europiečių, Sandrauga, Didžiosios Britanijos ir Airijos nacionalinės kovos dėl titulo per savo aštuonis šimtus aštuoniasdešimt dvi kovas iki šiol.


Paskutinės iš šių dvikovų buvo WBO tarpkontinentinės kruizinio svorio kategorijos kova tarp ukrainiečio Oleksandro Usiko ir ruso Andry Knyazevo., kuris vyko Kijeve tik praėjusį savaitgalį.


Be to, Vannas taip pat teisėjavo šimtas septyniasdešimt trys čempionato varžybos 1978, perkelia savo teisėjo karjerą iki neįtikėtino tūkstančio penkiasdešimt penkių konkursų, Atsiprašome, surengti tūkstantis penkiasdešimt šešis konkursus, jei įtrauksime būsimą renginį šį savaitgalį.


Netrukus grįžęs iš Kijevo, putojantis Vannas trumpai papasakojo apie savo karjerą ir būsimą renginį, kuriam jis teisėjaus Škotijoje šeštadienį.


„Ką galiu pasakyti, kad nežinojau, kad teisėjavau tiek daug kovų,


Žinoma, įsimintiniausia mano kova būtų Lennoxas Lewisas ir Frankas Bruno Kardifo ginklų parke, tai buvo istorija.


Tačiau teisėjavo tiek daug įsimintinų kovų, nuo ko man pradėti, Shea Neary ir Mickey Ward, dabar tai buvo puiki kova.


Prisimenu keletą metų senumo, kaip Jeanas-Marcas Renardas prieš Faridą Benredjebą, oi, koks tai buvo karas, jie abu atsidūrė ligoninėje.


Dar viena įsimintina kova buvo Cassius Boloyi prieš Phillipą Ndou, Tai buvo karas, absoliuti karas


Jie buvo du pietų afrikiečiai, bet iš skirtingų genčių, jie norėjo, kad teisėjaučiau, ne pietų afrikietis, kuris buvo labai vertinamas.


Prisimenu, kaip teisėjavau WBC privalomai lengvo svorio čempiono titulo kovai, tarp Leavanderio Johnsono ir Miguelio Angelo Gonzalezo, bulių arenoje, kuri buvo patirtis.


Amerikoje teisėjavau Jorge'ui Paezui ir Angelui Manfredy, tai buvo nuostabi kova, iš tikrųjų tris ar keturis kartus teisėjavo Amerikoje.


Manau, kad jei suskaičiuosi juos visus, manau, kad teisėjavau trisdešimt devyniose skirtingose ​​šalyse, Aš išėjau iš mokyklos septynerių, grįžau trylikos ir vėl išėjau keturiolikos ir tada nežinojau, kad pasaulyje yra tiek daug šalių. Aš ne, dorai.


Tiesiog mėgaujuosi tuo, ką darau, žinai, kad buvau Rusijoje, Argentina, Japonija, visame, Ką tik grįžau iš Kijevo.


Žmonės ateina fotografuotis, net Kijeve, su šokėju Mikiu ir tada jie apsimeta, kad judate, tai miela.


Tikrai nieko neišsirenku, Aš tiesiog atsirenku, kokios buvo didžiosios kovos, kurios man patiko.


Aš įgijau žvaigždės lygio teisėjo kvalifikaciją 1978 ir aš vis dar einu, Iki tol buvau surengęs šimtus kovų, tai tikrai ne darbas, tai tik malonumas kaip toks.


Nebuvau labai geras profesionalus kovotojas, Buvau gana geras mėgėjas, Kaip mėgėjas turėjau šešiasdešimt šešias kovas ir pralaimėjau devyniolika, bet anksčiau čempionate turėdavai tris kovas per dieną, ryte kovojote, laimėjote, kad kovojote po pietų, o jei laimėjote, tai kovojote naktį, kad patektumėte į kitą etapą, kariuomenės čempionatuose ir vaikinų klubuose, tai mes visi darėme.


Kaip profesionalas turiu keturiolika kovų, bet pralaimėjau devynias, bet man patiko, Džiaugiuosi, kad tapau profesionalu ir džiaugiuosi, kad kovojau, Džiaugiuosi, kad kovojau su mėgėju ir profesionalu ir to pasiilgau, kai išėjau į pensiją ir norėjau ką nors padaryti, o mano vadovas pasiūlė man teisėjauti, Aš norėjau būti treneriu, bet Tommy Milleris, mano vadovas man pasakė: „Jėzau Mikai, ko galėtum ką nors išmokyti“, taigi jis man pasakė, kad nori būti teisėju, taigi įsidėjau, užtrukau dvejus metus ir aš įgijau kvalifikaciją.


Mėgavausi kiekviena jo minute, o kai kurie kartais buvo geresni už kitus, iš tikrųjų jie manęs nekentė Škotijoje, jie manė, kad aš nekenčiu škotų. Daug kartų tai girdėjau per radiją.


Alexas Morrisonas jums pasakys, jis manė, kad aš nekenčiu škotų, Nebuvau, tik atrodė, kad jie niekada nesulaukė manęs nuosprendžio, todėl tai gana ironiška šį šeštadienį tai Škotijos reklamuotojas ir Škotijos boksininkai paprašė manęs į šį pasirodymą.


Man ten visada buvo labai smagu, o mano visų laikų mėgstamiausias kovotojas yra škotas, Kenas BuchananasDaugiau, todėl labai malonu, kad jie nori, kad būčiau ten pirmame MBC sankcionuotame renginyje, Negaliu laukti."


Mickey Vann teisėjaus Sandy Robb ir Mathew Ellis bei Scott Allan ir Isaac Quaye, kurie buvo vienas iš Stewarto Allano vadovų. (Konkurentai Akcijos) renginys „Rivals Gym“ Vishave, Škotija šeštadienį 25oji Balandis 2015.


Bilietai įkainoti £ 30 ir £ 40 m galima tiesiogiai iš bet kurios iš boksininkų, dalyvaujančių, arba skambinkite Stewart ant 07711 725257.

Sankcijos už šio įvykio bus teikiama mandagumo Maltos bokso Komisija (MBC) – Daugiau informacijos apie Maltos bokso Komisijos eikite į:

Tinklas: www.maltaboxingcommission.com


"Facebook" www.facebook.com/MaltaBoxingCommission

"LinkedIn" www.linkedin.com/company/malta-boxing-commission

E.mail: admin@maltaboxingcommission.com

Boksas SALĖ Famer JOE Calzaghe tarnauti pakviestaisiais analitikas Premier Boksas ČEMPIONAI DĖL SPIKE TV kovoti kortelę UIC PAVILION vyksta penktadienis, Balandis 24 Čikagoje

CHICAGO (Balandis 21, 2015) – Tarptautinis bokso šlovės naujokas Džo “Išdidumas Banginių” Calzaghe buvo įtraukta į transliavimo komandai specialiame analitikas Premier Boksas Čempionų (TSK) apie Spike TV Balandis 24 kovoti kortelę vyksta Čikagos UIC Pavilion.

Prieš išeidamas į pensiją 2009, Calzaghe nustatyti įrašą kaip ilgiausią nuolat valdančiam pasaulio čempionas į bokso istoriją, priėmimo daugiau nei 21 gynybos jo super vidutinio svorio pavadinime pakeliui. Kai Calzaghe pagaliau pakabinti pirštines jis surinko stulbinantį nepriekaištingas įrašą 46-0, 32 Kos, kad matomas pastebimas pergales per Mikkel Kessler, Bernardas Hopkinsas Roy Jones Jr.

Calzaghe pateks į stendą už Spike TV padėti analizuoti pirmąjį pagrindinį renginį vakare featuring Danielis “Stebuklas Vyras” Jacobs (28-1, 25 Kos) kaip jis susiduria Kalebas “Aukso” Truax (25-1-2, 15 Kos), po to antroje televizijos protrūkio vakare tarp Anthony “Šuo” Dirrell (27-0-1, 22 Kos) ir varžovas Badou Džekas “Skerdikas” (18-1, 12 Kos).

# # #

Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuri yra bendrai skatinti Warriors bokso ir Mayweather Akcijos, yra kaina $151, $101, $51, ir $31, neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių už paslaugas, ir yra parduoti dabar. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu su pagrindinių kredito kortelės, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000 arba UIC Pavilion Box Office ne (312) 413-5740. Bilietus taip pat galima rasti www.ticketmaster.com arba apsilankę UIC Pavilion kasose (Ketvirtadienis arba Penktadienis 9:00 tarifu. – 4:00 p.m.).

Televiziją veiksmai Spike TV prasideda 9 p.m. IR ir 8 p.m. PT (atidėtas vakarinėje pakrantėje).

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-bokso-čempionai, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, MayweatherPromo IrSpikeTV ir tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions irwww.Facebook.com/Spike.

John Thompson reflects on Boxcino semifinal win and looks forward towards the final on May 22

Niuarkas, NJ (Balandis 21, 2015)Jonas “Apollo Kidd” Thompson has begun preparations for his Gegužė 22 Boxcino final bout against Brandon Adams. (17-1, 12 KO s).
Kova vyks Penktadienis, Gegužė 22 Corona, California and will live on ESPNPenktadienis Naktiniai Kovų.
Thompson is in Virginia, training under Kay Koroma and he is looking to win the prestigious tournament against Thompson in the 10-round bout at the Omega Products International Outdoor Arena in Corona, Kalifornija.
Thompson (16-1, 5 KO s) is coming off a 8-round split decision over previously undefeated Stanyslav Skorokhod on April 10 Betliejuje, PA.
I outboxed the guy,” Sakė Thompson. I focused on what I needed to focus on and that was using my jab. I also focused on not to exchange and bang with him and I did a pretty good job of that.
As well as I fought, I do not think that was even my best win.
Now he looks towards Adams. Adams of Los Angeles has experience in the Boxcino finals as his only loss was to Willie Monroe Jr. in last year’s Middleweight finals.
I am happy to be in the finals. This is an opportunity that will be the uprising of my career,” continued Thompson.
Brandon is a brawler. He will have a few weeks to come up with a strategy to beat me.
Said Thompson’s promoter, Vito Mielnicki of GH3 Promotions, “I believe we are longer, been in tougher and the better boxer. Brandon is a good fighter but I think he is too green. I know he had a brief amateur career and he could be too green for John.
GH3 Akcijos funkcijos undefeated vidutinio svorio Antoine Douglas, Super vidutinio svorio Jerry Odom & Derrickas Webster, nenugalėtas super Gaidys Adomas Lopez taip pat jaunesnysis. Vidutinio svorio John Thompson, Jr, nenugalėtas negu vidutinis svoris Jerrell Harris,nenugalėtas super Gaidys Qa'id Mahometas, nenugalėtas lengvas Oskaras Bonilla ir šviesos Sunkiojo Lavarn Harvell į GH3 Akcijos stabili.

Turkish Prospect Ozgul Set For London Showdown With Miekle On May 2nd


Champions TKO Gym’s unbeaten Light Heavyweight prospect Onder Ozgul is set to make his fifth professional outing in just over a weeks time, when he takes on the highly entertaining Jody Meikle, from Scunthorpe, in a six round contest, on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promotions LORDS OF THE RING event at York Hall in London on Saturday 2II Gegužė 2015.

Ozgul, has built quite a reputation, as a seriously tough and uncompromising boxer, over the past year or so, following top class victories over the likes of Lithuania’s Dmitrij Kalinovskij, Bighton’s Iain Jackson, Lithuania’s Remigijus Ziausys and most recently over the Czech Republic’s big punching Karel Horejsek.

With a boxing style and approach uncannily similar to that of a certain ‘Iron’ Mike Tyson, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that Ozgul’s Turkish fans have nicknamed their man ‘Little Mike’, a name that the British fans that have seen him in action have started to adopt too.

That aside, Ozgul’s resolve could be mightily tested by Miekle, who last time out scored a good solid draw against Portsmouth bruiser Sam Couzens, no surprise there as the Lincolnshire man not only likes a good old fashioned toe-to-toe slug fest, but also has a very entertaining mischievous streak.

Speaking at the famed Champions TKO Gym in Hackney, Ozgul spoke briefly about the upcoming showdown with the man they call ‘The Entertainer’.

“I’m happy I am fighting a six rounder, I’d be happy if it was an eight, I train for twelve rounds, so six is easy for me.


The way we look at it is if you can run a marathon, then running a half marathon is easy, that’s why we work so hard in the gym, so it is easy in the ring.


My last fight I trained hard, I trained for twelve rounds then too, the opponent was strong and durable but it was still an easy fight for me.


It will be the same next week, I will be ready for whatever Jody Meikle brings, I’ve been told Jody is tough, good that means we’ll have a very good fight.


I’m really happy that my brother Siar has got a title fight on May 2II and even happier that I will be fighting on the undercard of his title fight and hope that everyone comes out and gives us both their full support.


I want to thank my sponsors and all those fans that come and support me and my brother (Super Welterweight Siar Ozgul), Thank you for supporting us, gegužės 2II you’ll not be disappointed, I will be fighting at my best.”


Onder Ozgul versus Jody Meikle features on the undercard of Siar Ozgul – Matt Scriven MBC International Welterweight title fight that headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James-Elliott Išminčius vaikinai Akcijos LORDS žiedo atveju, kad vyksta York salėje Bethnal Green, Londonas šeštadienį 2IIGegužė 2015.

Sankcijos už šio įvykio bus teikiama mandagumo Maltos bokso Komisija (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Bilietai kaina £ 35 (Standartinė sėdimų) ir 65 £ (Ringside) yra prieinami tiesiogiai iš bet kurios iš boksininkų, dalyvaujančių, on-line metuwww.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645





Bilietai parduodami Dabar!

BOSTON (Balandis 21, 2015) – A Memorial Day weekend showdown takes center stage when Olympic stars battle it out as 2004 Bronze medalist for the United States Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) atitinka 2008 Gold medalist for Great Britain Jamesas DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos) in a super middleweight bout as Premier Boksas Čempionų (TSK) on NBC comes to Boston on Šeštadienis, Gegužė 23 live on NBC and NBCSN.

Tiesioginė transliacija šios specialios Memorial Day savaitgalis popietę leidimas PBC NBC prasideda 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT NBC ir eina iki 6:00 pm. IR / 3:00 p.m. PT kai veiksmas persijungia į NBCSN nuo 6:00 p.m. IR/3:00 p.m. PT iki 7:00 p.m. IR/4:00 p.m. PT.

“Aš pasiruošęs šioje kovoje,” Sakė Dirrell. “I’m so happy and honored to be fighting on NBC for a world title against a worthy opponent in James DeGale.

We are almost there, apie Gegužė 23 it’s my time to make history as the first Briton to win an Olympic gold medal and a world title,” said DeGale. “I’m excited about coming to the U.S for this fight, Boston is a great city and I will be bringing plenty of support from the UK. It’s been a frustrating period waiting for my shot but now it’s here and no one is taking it away from me.

I’m thrilled to bring Premier Boxing Champions to the Agganis Arena at Boston University on Gegužė 23,” sakė Lu DiBella, Prezidentas DiBella Pramogos. “Holiday fireworks will begin Šeštadienis afternoon when America’s skilled technician and Olympic bronze medalist Andre Dirrell takes on Britain’s Olympic gold medalist James DeGale for the world super middleweight championship. The card will also feature strong co-featured and undercard bouts, including Boston, New England and Irish title contenders.

An amateur standout who won two U.S. Amateur Pasaulio čempionatas be jo Olimpinis bronzos medalis, the 31-year-old Dirrell looks to keep up his recent win streak when he battles DeGale on Gegužė 23. A winner of his last six fights, Dirrell’s only blemish on his record is a split decision loss to Carl Froch in 2009. Naudojant iš titnago kovotojas, Michigan holds victories over Arthur Abraham and Curtis Stevens.

Gimė Londone, DeGale won a Commonwealth Championship Bronze medal in 2006 and an Olympic Gold medal in 2008. The 29-year-old turned pro in 2009 ir laimėjo savo pirmąjį 10 starts while ending eight of those opponents within the distance. Jo vienintelis praradimas atėjo 2011 when he lost to fellow countryman George Groves by a narrow majority decision. Since then he has won 10-straight bouts including his most recent victory over Marco Antonio Periban.

PBC and DiBella Entertainment are proud to be working in association with Ken Casey and his Murphys Boxing on this event. The Dropkick Murphys front man has been on the front lines of the boxing resurgence in Boston.

Boston deserves to have big time fight cards like this. We have rabid boxing fans and a ton of talented world class fighters, many of which will be featured on Gegužė 23,” said Casey.

Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas DiBella Pramogos kartu su Murphys Boksas, yra kaina $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 ir $35, neįskaitant taikomų paslaugų mokesčių ir rinkliavų, ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus bus galima įsigytiwww.ticketmaster.com. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com ir www.dbe1.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, AndreDirrell, @ JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, @DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, NBCSports IrAgganisArena ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports,www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys irwww.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Sekite pokalbį naudojant #PremierBoxingChampions ir #PBConNBC

Bryant Jennings Arrives in NYC for Klitschko Clash

Photo by Edward Jackson / Gary Shaw kūriniai


NEW YORK (Balandis 20, 2015) – Gary Shaw kūriniai nenugalėtas Sunkiasvorio varžovas, Bryantas “Šalutiniai Autorius” Jenningsas (19-0, 10 Kos) has arrived in New York City for his upcoming championship bout against Vladimiras Vardas (63-3, 53 Kos).


KLITSCHKO vs. JENNINGS yra pateikta K2 Akcijos ir Vardas valdymo grupė kartu su Gary Shaw kūriniai and will be televised Live on HBO World Championship Boxing®beginning at 10:00 p.m. IR/PT in the United States and RTL in Germany.


ALI vs. SANTANA is presented by K2 Promotions in association with Gary Shaw kūriniai ir Golden Boy Promotions.


Bilietai kaina $1000, $600, $300, $200 ir $100 may be purchased through the Madison Square Garden Box Office, www.TheGarden.com irwww.Ticketmaster.com.

WBC vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas MIGUEL COTTO KOVAI DANIEL GEALE birželio 6, 2015 "Barclays centras Brooklyn televiziją gyventi HBO®


Spaudos konferencija KVOTOS, NUOTRAUKOS & VAIZDO

Ketvirtadienį, Balandis 16, Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions hosted a press conference at The 40/40 Club in Manhattan to announce the next highly anticipated battle for Miguel Cotto (39-4, 32 KO s), the reigning WBC Middleweight and Ring Magazine World Champion and the first native of Puerto Rico to become world champion in four different weight classes. Apie Birželis 6, 2015, Cotto will defend his titles against former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 KO s) of Australia in a fight that will be televised live on HBO from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.


Here’s what the participants had to say…


Miguel Cotto: “All I have to say is I’ve been here for the past two days and I’m eager to get back to Los Angeles and get into another training session and get back to New York on June 6. All I have to worry about is my mindset during the fight. I know Daniel is a great fighter and I’m going to do my best as always to bring a good and exciting fight to all the fans. See you all on June 6.”


Danielis Geale: “I’m as excited as you can ever imagine. This is a great moment for me. Ir ateis Birželis 6, it’s going to be a hell of a fight and I can’t wait to walk away with the titles.”


Michael Yormark, Prezidentas & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation: “Today is a historic day for Roc Nation and our boxing division. Muhammed Ali once said ‘he who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.’ At Roc Nation, we decided to launch our boxing division in August of 2014. We knew we were taking a risk. We knew that we were entering a sport that was established with a long history in a deep-rooted culture. It took courage, but frankly Roc Nation is nothing if not courageous…we’re committed to promoting the biggest fights and the biggest fighters. Now just a few short months later, we stand here with one of the best fighters in the world, announcing a world championship bout inside the new mecca of boxing, "Barclays" centras, and broadcast on the standard bearer for live boxing telecasts, HBO. It took courage and risk to get here but this is a proud moment for all of us.”


Hector Soto, Miguel Cotto Akcijos: “Miguel Cotto is back and he’s in his second home in New York. As everyone knows, it’s been a tradition for the past couple of years that Miguel fights on the eve of the Puerto Rican Day Parade, so it’s an honor to fight during that time again. Apie Birželis 6, Miguel Cotto will defend his Middleweight WBC Championship against a tough opponent, Danielis Geale. Have no doubt, it will be a great fight at Barclays Center and everyone will enjoy the fight especially the Puerto Ricans. Miguel Cotto will be ready, will train as hard as always and be ready for the challenge Daniel Geale brings.”


Gary Shaw, Gary Shaw kūriniai: “If you look at Daniel’s fight against Sturm, when we went to Germany and lifted the belt and became the world champion, that’s the Daniel Geale you’re going to see on Birželis 6. You’re going to see a great fight. Miguel Cotto is a great fighter. Daniel understands that and we have a great deal of respect for him, bet Birželis 6on HBO at Barclays Center, it will be a whole new night. It will be a night when Daniel Geale takes the belt back to Australia.”


Brett Yormark, CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets: “Boxing is a big part of what we do at Barclays Center. We’re very passionate about it and very deeply committed. This will be our 13oji big night of Brooklyn Boxing in just two and a half years and I am proud to say that Barclays Center is the new mecca of boxing in this country. Miguel Cotto has a storied history in New York, so we are delighted that he is calling Barclays Center his new home in this city.”


Nuotraukos: http://mm.gettyimages.com/mm/nicePath/gyipa_public?nav=pr273638002

Video courtesy of TIDAL.com: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bap2lc8m6o73ki8/RNS-PressEvent%20H264.mp4?dl=0


Bilietai, kaina $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 ir $25, neįskaitant taikomų paslaugų mokesčių ir rinkliavų, pradėti pardavinėti Trečiadienis, Balandis 22 į 10:00 PM ET. Bilietus bus galima įsigyti www.barclayscenter.com,www.ticketmaster.com ir tuo American Express "kasoje" Barclays Center "pradeda Ketvirtadienis, Balandis 23 į 12:00 AM ET. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000.


Cotto prieš. Geale, 12 turas kova dėl Cotto anketa WBC ir žiedas Magazine vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionatas, vyksta Šeštadienis, Birželis 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. The fight is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate.


Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, apsilankykite www.rocnation.com. Sekite Roc Nation Twitter ir Instagramrocnation ir "Facebook" tuowww.facebook.com/RocNation.


Daugiau informacijos, apsilankymas www.hbo.com/boxing, sekti dėl Twitter ir Instagram ne @HBOBoxing ir tapkite gerbėju "Facebook" tuo www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


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