Category Archives: joylashtirish

Ozgul-Scriven II - 2-maydagi York Hall-ning javob uchrashuvidagi sarlavha

O'tgan yilning oktyabr oyida mag'lubiyatsiz Hackni asoschisi Turk Siyar Ozgul va kechikib kelgan raqibi Mett Skriven eng yaqin saylov kampaniyasida ishtirok etishdi., hamma harakat, yilning janglari.


Bu chindan ham "Yil jangi" mukofotiga nomzod bo'lishga loyiq bo'lgan haqiqiy kichik zal klassikasi edi., agar g'olib bo'lmasa, ammo bu qandaydir tarzda Britaniya ommaviy axborot vositalarining radari ostiga o'tishga muvaffaq bo'lgandek bo'lmasligi kerak edi.


Shanba may kuni 2nd, bu ajoyib jangchilar yana maydonga kirishadi, Bethnal Green York zalida, London, bu safar o'nta tur bellashuvida va chempionatning qo'shimcha rag'batlantirilishi bilan – vakant vakili bo'lgan MBC International o'rta vazn toifasida - Mark Lyons va Billi Jeyms-Elliottlar RING LORDS tadbirini ko'tarishdi..


Oktabr oyida Ozgul-Skriven jangi Boyale bo'lib o'tgan janglarning birinchi Mikki Uord-Arturo Gatti trilogiyasini eslatdi. 2002/3, without doubt one of the all time greatest trilogy of fights this sport has ever witnessed.


If Ozgul-Scriven II matches the intensity and drama of their first encounter, we could well have another action filled bout, one that equals any of the Ward-Gatti fights, right here in our own back yard, something no boxing fan, or British sports writer should miss.


To give an idea of just how sensational their first showdown was, here’s the write up on the bout from the published report by the Canadian Sports Channel


“Fifth bout of the night see London based Turk Siar Ozgul in action against Nottingham’s Matt Scriven.


Nima, bir jang, without doubt the fight of the night, as both protagonists went to war.


Ozgul came out hard and strong, dastlab Nottingem odamini orqa oyoqqa qo'ydi, ammo tez orada Skriven o'z vakolatlarini ishga sola boshladi, keyin esa fişekler boshlandi.


Uchinchi raundga kelib to'xtovsiz harakat turkiyalik yosh yigitga zarar keltira boshladi, bu Skrivenga o'ziga xos shov-shuvli kadrlarni tushirishga imkon berdi.


final bosqichi bir cracker edi, Ozgul Skrivenni burchakka bog'lab, katta o'ng qo'llari bilan yirtib yubordi, ulardan biri Skrivenning og'zini qo'riqchilarini olomon halqasiga uchib yubordi.


Bir marta og'zaki notog'ri qo'riqchi olinib, jang qayta boshlanganda hujumga qattiq kirishgan Skriven edi, Bunday hujumlardan birida kechqurun raundda "Skriven" katta huquqni qo'lga kiritdi, bu esa Ozgulni tubdan silkitdi, O'zgul beshinchi g'alabasini ta'minlash yo'lini ko'rish uchun qolgan soniyalarda oqilona himoyaga o'tdi.


Uchrashuvni hakam Li Murtag golga aylantirdi 39-37 Ozgul foydasiga, shubhasiz, to'g'ri qaror, ammo haqiqatan ham bu jang naqadar zo'r bo'lganini yoki har bir raund qanchalik yaqin bo'lganligini ifoda eta olmaydi. "


Matt Scriven qarshi shiyor solishtirma, bo'sh MBC Xalqaro yarim ortasiklet chempionati uchun, Mark Lion Unlimited & RING tadbirining Billy Jeyms-Elliott hikmatli Guys Aktsiyalar LORDS, deb Bethnal Green York zalida bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni London 2nd May 2015.

Ushbu tadbirda uchun sanktsiya Malta boks komissiyasi odobli taqdim etiladi (MBC)

Chiptalar baholi £ 35 (Standard yashash) va £ 65 (Ring) to'g'ridan-to'g'ri Siar-dan Hackneydagi Champions TKO sport zalida mavjud – Mehmetni chaqiring 07825 618018 - on-layn yoki TKO chipta liniyasi qo'ng'iroq 07960 850645

MBC & PBA Ink DealBritish Masters Title Fights For MBC UK Events

It was announced earlier today that Malta Boxing Commission (MBC) and the Professional Boxing Association (PBA) have inked a deal, that will not only mean that the hugely popular British Masters Championship, but also the as well as the all new European Masters Championship, that is being created specifically for the MBC, can now be campaigned for on MBC sanctioned events in the United Kingdom for the first time.


For the past sixteen years or so, both the British and International Masters Championships have only been available on British Boxing Board of Control (BBBofC) sanctioned events in the UK, however with the MBC’s rapid growth in the United Kingdom, projected to be sanctioning in excess of forty events in England, Uels, Scotland and Northern Ireland in 2015, it became clear to PBA Chairman Mr Bruce Baker that there was potential for further growth for the Championships if they were also available on MBC sanctioned events.


Over the past sixteen years or so there have been close to six hundred Masters title fights that have taken place in the UK, many of the Masters Champions have then gone on to campaign for major accolades on the domestic, international and even the World stage.


The most famous of these Masters Champions is no less than former two division WBO World Champion Ricky Burns, who after winning the International Masters Super Featherweight title against Romania’s Gheorghe Ghiompirica in May 2008, was catapulted onto the International stage, where in his very next bout the Scotsman successfully challenged American based Ghanaian Osumanu Akaba for the vacant Commonwealth title.


Burn’s successfully defended the Commonwealth crown three times before moving onto the World scene, where he then successfully challenged then WBO World Super Featherweight Champion Roman Martinez from Puerto Rico.


Once more Burn’s successfully defended his WBO World Super Featherweight crown three times before moving up a division and beating Australia’s Michael Katsidis for the interim WBO World Lightweight title in November 2011.


On his very next fight Burn’s secured the full WBO World Lightweight title, beating Namibia’s Paulus Moses at the Braehead Arena in Glasgow in March 2012.


Burn’s successfully defended his second World title four times before succumbing to the skills of Omaha, USA’s Terence Crawford in March 2014.


With such an illustrious Championship career blossoming from Burns’ first tilt at a title, there can be no doubt of the importance of the Masters titles on the domestic scene, something that now can also benefit the boxers, both British and those from overseas that box on the UK events sanctioned by the MBC.


The inaugural Masters Championship, that will take place on an MBC sanctioned event in the UK, sees Czech Republic’s Nikolas Botos challenge Bradford’s Tasif Khan for the International Masters Bantamweight title on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted event which takes place at York Hall in London on Saturday May 2nd.


Chiptalar baholi £ 35 (Standard yashash) va £ 65 (Ring) ishtirok etayotgan bokschilar har qanday to'g'ridan-to'g'ri mavjud, da-line bo'yicha yoki TKO chipta liniyasi qo'ng'iroq 07960 850645

Ushbu tadbirda uchun sanktsiya Malta boks komissiyasi odobli taqdim etiladi (MBC) – Malta boks komissiyasi haqida batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, iltimos, borib:








Las Vegas,, NV (Aprel 22, 2015) – After trekking a remarkable 500 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada to Phoenix, Arizona, 50-year heavyweight contender (WBC #17), Bronco Billy Rayt (47-4, 38 KOS), has a message to send to the boxing community and the heavyweight division.


I did this 500 mileTrek for Cures”, Run, Walk and Ride to help raise money for charities that are close to my heart,” Bronco Billy Rayt dedi. “In addition I wanted to send a message to the heavyweight division, letting everyone rated in the WBC top 15 know that I’m a serious athlete coming for their rankings. My next fight will be announced shortly, and my goal is to take out everyone in my path. I don’t think there is a heavyweight out there that can handle my power. I humbly want to thank the WBC Cares and everyone who supported me during this journey.


The trek ended at the Central Boxing Club in downtown Phoenix, where Bronco Billy was greeted by its members, which included undefeated super-lightweight Jose Benavidez Jr. (22-0, 15 KOS) boshqalar orasida.


The fighters and coaches at the Central Boxing Club were gracious enough to let me end my trek at their gym and it was fantastic.” Bronco Billy Raytlar davom. “There were some local TV cameras there to talk about my story. It was a great success and I’m ready to begin my march toward the heavyweight championship of the world.


Billy currently holds the WBC LATIN AMERICAN, FECARBOX , and United States (USNBC) Silver unvonlar. Right now Bronco Billy is riding a 18-fight knockout streak, 14 of which came by first round KO. With a few more first round knockouts he’ll break Shannon Briggs world record. Look for Bronco Billy to make his return to the ring this summer.

Premer boks Champions ON mix So'nggi matbuot anjumanida tirnoq & FOTOSURATLAR

Bosing BU YERGA Rasmlar uchun

Photo Kredit: Lukas Noonan / Premier boks Chempionlar

Chikagodagi (Aprel 22, 2015) – Fight week officially kicked-off Wednesday in Chicago as fighters on the Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha Spike fight card participated in the final press conference before entering the ring on Friday, Aprel 24 UIC Pavilion ot.


The night of fights features Entoni “Itlarni” Dirrell (27-0-1, 22 KOS) kurash Badou Jack “Ripper” (18-1, 12 KOS) va Doniyor “Miracle Man” Jacobs (28-1, 25 KOS) olib Xolib “Golden” Truax (25-1-2, 15 KOS). The televised action on Spike begins at 9 ET / 8 CT.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Warriors Boxing va Mayweather aktsiyalar bilan-targ'ib CO bo'lgan, fiyatlandırılır $151, $101, $51, va $31, Amaldagi xizmat xarajatlarni, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Asosiy kredit karta bilan telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000 yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office da (312) 413-5740. Chiptalar ham mavjud yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office tashrif buyurib, (Payshanba yoki Juma 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 p.m.).


Bu erda matbuot anjumani ishtirokchilari aytish kerak edi nima bor:




I’m a better fighter now because I’m working harder. You have to work harder to stay at this level. Now everybody is gunning for you because you have what they want.


I’m glad that because of this platform, everybody knows what I’ve been through now. People can see that anything is possible. Going through something like defeating cancer has helped me achieve my dreams.


Badou Jack is a good fighter, but he hasn’t fought a guy like me.


Juma Kuni night I just have to hope that Jack doesn’t run. I want him to stand in there with me and we’ll see who’s better. I’m going to test his chin like nobody else has.




I had the best training camp I’ve ever had and I’m ready to bring the title back to Las Vegas.


I don’t do the social media trash talking, I save it for the ring and Juma kuni I’m going to show the world why I deserve to be world champion.


I respect Anthony Dirrell for winning the fight against cancer. I lost two of my amateur trainers to that disease and I’ll be dedicating this fight to them.


His team likes to bark and talk a lot of trash but they can’t fight for him. Kabi Juma night it’s just going to be the two of us in the ring.


I don’t bark, I don’t talk trash, I let my fists do the talking.


Opportunities like this don’t always come around and I will make sure I don’t let this one slip away.


Doniyor JACOBS


Fighting here in Chicago serves as extra motivation for me. I’ve always been the guy fans favored at Barclays Center, and I may have gotten a little spoiled. So I’m excited to be the guy that people want to see lose. Truax will probably have a larger crowd supporting him, and those fans will motivate me to be stronger and fight better Juma kuni.


People love a great story. I’m extremely proud of my story and for having beat cancer, but let’s not forget about my skill set.


Truax can say he’s tired of hearing about ‘The Miracle Manall he wants, but he shouldn’t be thinking about my cancer when we get in the ring. He should just fear me. I’m going to be a cancer to him once we start fighting.


I’m not saying I’m going to knock him out. I’m just saying I’m going to win because that’s what I came to do. I’ll take a win however I can get it.




This is a huge fight and a huge opportunity for me. It’s a career-changer and life-changer for my career in boxing. I’ve got to be smart in this fight.


I couldn’t be in any better shape right now. Physically I’m mature at 31-years-old. This is the right spot for me and a great opportunity.


I want to thank all of my fans and you should expect to see a lot of people from Minnesota coming down to see me. It’s going to be great to celebrate with all of them.


# # #


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun,, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, MayweatherPromo VaSpikeTV va Facebook muxlisi,,

Omar Douglas to take on Jose Angel Beranza this Saturday night at Harrahs Philadelphia

Plus undefeated Kyrone Davis, Angel Ocasio, Kristofer Brooker, Earl Newman, Stephan Shaw, Adam Kownacki, Stiven Fulton, Jovontae Starks va Raynell Williams
Chester, PA (Aprel 22, 2015)–This Saturday tun, Aprel 25, Kingning aktsiyalar va XFE tomonidan lavozimga dahshatli karta bilan Harrahs Filadelfiya uchun boks bo'yicha qaytadi.


Asosiy tadbirda, engil Mag'lubiyatsiz Omar Douglas will see action in an six-round bout when he takes on 70-fight veteran Jose Angel Beranza (36-32-2, 28 KO) of Tepito, Meksika.


Wilmington Duglas, Delaver bir rekord bor 13-0 o'n knockouts bilan. He turned pro on May 27, 2011 Erik zalida ustidan 3 tur diskvalifikatsiya g'alaba bilan.


Duglas Jean Xaver Soto ustidan 2 tur to'xtab bilan Naba USA Super tuklar unvonini qo'lga kiritdi. Douglas also has a quality win with a 8-round unanimous decision over Jesse Carradine (8-2-2). Uning oxirgi Butning In, Duglas dekabr kuni Osnel Charlz ustidan portlovchi birinchi davra to'xtab qolishiga kiritdi 5, 2014 Harrahs Filadelfiya da.


“Yig'inini katta bo'ldi. I started preparing for this fight as soon as the last fight was over. I have been sparring with the best fighters in the area. When I started my camp, I was only seven pounds over the contract weight,”said Douglas.


Douglas knows very little about Ortiz.

I really only know that he is from Mexico and he has a pretty decent record.

This will be the first time that Douglas headlines in his home region and he not about to have any of the distractions to go with that.

I take it in stride. I consider it just another day at the office. The only difference is that I am closing the show.

This being his 14th pro fight, Douglas is now rounding into a situation where he knows what he has to do to continue to get better.

I have been very responsible with my defense. I always knew I had a pro style. It was my late trainer Lewis Lum who told me I was better suited to become a professional world champion than an Olympic gold medal winner.

Douglas sees himself continuing to grow and fighting on more high profile platforms as the year progresses.

I see myself on bigger cards. I am with Al Haymon so to fight on a PBC card is a goal for the year. By the end of the year, I should be considered a hot prospect and I should get in three or four more fights that should put my name out more.


Douglas finished by saying, “To'g'risida Aprel 25, expect a show. I will be smart and put everything together. I train for every opponent like they are the best. Once it all comes together it will be lights out!!”


Olti davra hamraisi xususiyati, Kyrone Davis (6-0, 3 KO) Wilmington of, DE kurashadi Karlos Garsiya (7-13-1, 7 KO) Aguada of, Bir super middleweight Butning ham PR.


Sakkiz-davra Butning In, Javonte Starks (11-0, 7 KO) Minneapolisdagi, MN. o'tadiEremiyo Wiggins (10-3-1, 5 KO) Newport News, A ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Butning ichida VA..


Bundan tashqari, olti-davra johillik ichida:


Angel Ocasio (7-0, 2 KO) Filadelfiya bo'yicha o'tadi Justin Johnson (6-7-4) Pittsburg, A Jr Zbekiston. ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Butning.


Adam Kownacki (8-0, 8 KO) Bruklinning, U jang qachon NY o'z mukammal nokaut xususiyat rivojlanish saqlashga harakat qiladi Randy Easton (3-6-1, 3 KO) Sunbury of, Bir og'ir vazn toifasida Zbekiston.


Stiven Fulton (4-0, 1 KO) Filadelfiya jang qiladi Jamal Parram (7-10-1, 5 KO) Sit. Louis, Bir tuklar Butning ham MO.


Sobiq U.S. Marhamatli, Raynell Williams (6-0, 3 KO) Klivlend, OH bilan off kvadrat bo'ladi Jose Del Valle (4-10-3) of Corozal, PR in a lightweight bout.


To'rt-davra johillik ichida:


Christpher Brooker (1-0, 1 KO) Filadelfiya, PA olishga Maurice Amaro (2-8, 1 KO) Filadelfiya, Bir super middleweight Butning Zbekiston.


Stephan Shaw (3-0, 3 KO) Sit. Louis, MO jang qiladi Zachary Bunce (2-1, 1 KO) Las-Vegas, NV in a heavyweight bout.


Earl Newman (4-0, 3 KO) Bruklinning, NY kurashadi Julio Garcia (6-8-3, 3 KO) of Rincon, PR in a light heavyweight bout.

Boks bo'yicha qiymati bu buyuk kecha chiptalar $100, $75 va $50 va kasb tomonidan sotib olish mumkin 610-587-5950 yoki


Store To Feature Unique Interactive Fan Experience, Official Gear and Merchandise, Art Gallery From Official Fight Artists, Plus Celebrity Appearances

Las Vegas, (Aprel 22, 2015) – With the historic Va boshqalar Floyd Mayweather. Menni Pacquiao match up just over a week away, fans will have a unique opportunity to engage in the pre-fight excitement at the officialMayPacpop-up shop opening this Juma, Aprel 24 at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd. va Fremont St.


The 1,700 square foot space will offer a one-of-a-kind fan experience featuring an interactive game, official merchandise and VIP meet and greets. The pop-up shop will remain open to fans through fight night onShanba, May 2.


The fight simulation experience will give fans the opportunity to step into the ring as either Mayweather or Pacquiao and take on the other as an opponent. Custom designed to resemble Mayweather and Pacquiao’s own training rings, each game is equipped with a high-impact punching sensor and a video screen over 10 feet tall, delivering an immersive experience like no other.


Onscreen elements direct the user through punch combinations that allow them to take down their opponent blow-by-bow, culminating in a final knockout punchthat is, if you don’t get knocked out first!


For each use that succeeds in delivering a knockout punch, the crowning moment will be captured with a 360-degree camera. All winners will go home with a looping image of their knockout punch.


Fans will also have the opportunity to purchase official fight gear, merchandise and art commemorating the historic matchup in addition to attending celebrity meet and greets.


More information including shop hours and celebrity appearances is available at



* * *

Mayweather vs. Pacquiao 12-dumaloq ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn jahon chempionati birlashish navbat Mayweather aktsiyalar va eng yaxshi daraja Inc. tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, va Tecate tomonidan homiylik qilingan. to'lov-ta-ko'rinishida teleko'rsatuv hamkorlik ishlab chiqarilgan, Showtime PPV tomonidan birgalikda tarqatiladi® va HBO to'lang-Per-Ko'rish® da boshlanadigan 9 p.m. VA/ 6 p.m. PT.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun,,, va vafloydmayweather da Twitter amal, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing VaSwanson_Comm, va Facebook muxlisi bo', / TopRankMannyPacquiao,,

Raging Babe Soiree benefiting the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame on April 29 Las-Vegas

Las Vegas (Aprel 22, 2015) – The Raging Babe Soiree: Reaching New Heights presented by RAGING BABE kuni bo'lib o'tadi Aprel 29, 2015, just three days before the fight of the century, Mayweather vs Pacquiao. Ustida 100 of boxing’s most prestigious and influential women have been invited to attend this exclusive event. The Raging Babe Soiree will be held at Chayo Mexican Kitchen + Tequila Bar, located in The Linq Promenade in Las Vegas. After dinner, the women of boxing will take in the best views of Las Vegas aboard the world’s tallest observation wheel, the High Roller which features 28 spherical passenger cabins which can accommodate up to 40 passengers each, and is illuminated with dynamic multicolored LED lights nightly. Concluding the night with custom cupcakes from Sprinkles Cupcakes.

I’m amazed at how far this event has come,” Mishel Rosado dedi, CEO of Raging Babe. “There were only about 30 invitees at our first event in 2013 va hozir, two years later, we have over 100 invitees and this is our ‘night outto celebrate our accomplishments. Each event we strive to continue developing a strong network and camaraderie amongst these amazing women in professional boxing. It is something that cannot be duplicated.

The event’s honoree is Mishel Corrales-Lewis, COO of the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame and widow of champion boxer, Diego “Bola” Corrales.

Hosting will be Jackie Kallen, “Boks birinchi Lady” and Boxing Insider correspondent. “I am thrilled to once again be joining forces with Michelle Rosado to host the premier female boxing event of the fight weekend. It’s a pleasure to do something to benefit the NVBHOF and give the women in a boxing an event of their own,” stated Kallen.

In addition to honoring Michelle Corrales-Lewis, Raging Babe will donate a percentage of all financial contributions from event sponsors to the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame organization. The NVBHOF is a nonprofit organization that prides itself in honoring the sport of boxing and celebrating to accomplishments of those within it. NVBHOF also supports several community programs, amateur boxing clubs, collegiate boxing programs and several boxing related causes. To learn more, tashrif buyuring

Sponsoring this wonderful event is the World Boxing Council (, Champs Boxing & Fitness Club (, 3-Point Tequila, DJ Nina9 (, Sprinkles Cupcakes (, Chayo Mexican Kitchen + Tequila Bar (, and Ramblin Ralph.

Aside from ring announcing, RAMBLIN RALPH’S main goal is to protect boxing superstars and prospects alike, along with their families, outside of the ring. RAMBLIN RALPH has aligned himself with sports biggest agencies to offer programs for boxers such as 401k, pension, and life insurance. He also brokers deals providing branding, licensing and promotional opportunities with the biggest companies in the world. The goal of RAMBLIN RALPH is to shorten the time of a boxer in the ring, and increase their portfolio outside the ring. You can contact RAMBLIN RALPH for more information at 602-695-5798 yoki elektron pochta orqali

For more information and/or to become a sponsor of the Raging Babe SoireeReaching New Heights, contact Michelle Rosado at

Limited tickets still available for this Sunday’s 4th annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame Induction dinner at Russo’s On The Bay, Govard Beach, NY


NYU YORK (Apr. 22, 2015) – Limited tickets are still available for this Sunday afternoon’s (Aprel 26, 12:305:30 p.m. VA) fourth annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) kirish kechki ovqat, Ring tomonidan homiylik 8, Govard Beach, Russo ning On The janob, Nyu York.



Ning NYSBHOF Class 2015




WBC yoshroq ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn chempioni & Vetnam Veteran Shoul Mamby Bronx / Bruklin

WBA yoshroq middleweight nom challenger Joey Giambra Qo'tos

1961 Milliy Oltin qo'lqop chempioni Johnny Persol Bruklin

Ikki karra jahon ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn nom challenger Harold Weston Nyu-York City

WBO middleweight chempioni Lonnie Bradley Harlem

(O'lgan olamdan o'tgan)

Jahon engil vazn toifasida chempioni Paul Berlenbach Astoriya

“Tugatilmagan” jahon ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn chempioni Billy Graham Nafasni ning Eastside

2-Time Jahon yengil vazn chempioni Frankie Genaro Nyu-York City

Jahon middleweight & ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn chempioni Tommy Ryan Redwood / Syracuse

Jahon engil vazn toifasida chempioni Jimmy Slattery Qo'tos




NYSBHOF & Ring 8 prezident Bob Duffy Nafasni / Massapequa Park

Jurnalist Mike Katz Bronx

Murabbiy Tommy Gallagher Govard Beach

Targ'ibotchisi / cutman Bob Miller Albany

Gleason ning Gym sohibiga Bruce Silverglade Bruklin

(O'lgan olamdan o'tgan)

Murabbiy Charley Goldman Bruklin

MSG sovchi Garri markson Kingston

Targ'ibotchisi Cedric Kushner Nafasni

MSG sovchi Jimmy Johnson Nyu-York City

Jurnalist Damon Runyon Nafasni

Manager / saviyada Al Weill Nyu-York City



Renown ring announcer David Diamante will once again serve as the event’s Master of Ceremonies.


The 2015 sunmaktadırlar NYSBHOF Nomzodlar Qo'mita a'zolari tomonidan tanlab olindi: Jack Hirsch, Stiv Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Genri Hascup, Ron McNair va Neil Terens.


Har bir inductee NYSBHOF uning induktsiya anglatishni buyurtmaga mo'ljallangan kamarini olasiz. Barcha NYSBHOF kafti Nyu-York davlat Atletik komissiyasi namoyish qilinadi.


Zarur barcha bokschilar kamida uch yil davomida faoliyatsiz bo'lishi uchun, tartibda NYSBHOF indüksiyon uchun huquqiga ega bo'lish uchun, va barcha sunmaktadırlar ularning boksyor bir muhim qismi uchun Nyu-York shtatidagi istiqomat qilgan bo'lishi kerak.


During the NYSBHOF ceremonies, Jahon boks kengashi (WBC) and Ring 8 will honor the late Joe Dwyer and Tony Mazzarella, both longtime Ring 8 members who passed away earlier this year. WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman will make a special presentation to Dwyer’s family. Ring 8 will make presentations to the Dwyer and Mazzarella families. Dwyer was president of the North American Boxing Federation (NABF). Mazzarella, who served many years as Ring 8’s treasurer, was a major influence in the founding of the NYSBHOF.


SINF 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Karlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emil Griffit, “Shakar” Ray Robinson, Gen Tunney, Benni Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Stiv Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Gen Fleischer, Bill kasa va Artur Mercante, Sr.


SINF 2013: Jack Dempsi, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Eron Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddi Mustafo Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larri Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard va Don Dunphy.

Sinf 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Xuan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafo Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terri McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Stiv Farhood, Gen Mur, Anjelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon va Tom O'Rourke.



Limited tickets are still available and priced at $125.00 kattalar bilan va $50.00 bolalar uchun (ostida 16), which includes a complete brunch and cocktail hour upon entry, da boshlangan 12:30 AM/VA, shuningdek, kechki ovqat sifatida (Bosh qovurg'a, baliq yoki parranda) va kun davomida ochiq bar. Chiptalar NYSBHOF / Ring chaqirib sotib olish uchun mavjud 8 Prezident Bob Duffy 516.313.2304.


Da liniyada borib of Fame, Nyu-York davlat boks zali haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.


Haqida RING 8: Shakllangan 1954 eks-prizefighter tomonidan, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 Milliy Veteran Bokschilarimizning uyushmasi deb nomlanuvchi nima sakkizinchi yordamchi bo'ldi – shuning uchun, RING 8 – va bugun tashkilotning shiori hali qolmoqda: Ravishda kutib Helping Bokschilarimizning.


RING 8 to'liq to'lab ijaraga jihatidan yordam talab qilishi mumkin boks hamjamiyatida kamroq baxtli odamlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun harakat qilmoqda, tibbiy xarajatlar, yoki har qanday asosli sabab ehtiyoj.


Liniyasi bo'yicha Go to RING haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun 8, ko'proq bilan Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari o'z turiga eng katta guruh 350 a'zolari. Yillik a'zolik to'lov faqat $30.00 va har bir a'zo va RING bir bufet kechki ovqat huquqiga ega 8 oylik uchrashuvlar, iyul va avgust tashqari. Barcha faol bokschilar, havaskor va professional, bepul fikrlovchilarning huquqiga ega 8 yillik a'zolik. Ring Mehmonlar 8 a'zolari faqat bir xarajat xush kelibsiz $7.00 kishi boshiga.

Yana bir bor, Televizor tomoshabinlar bilan Provodnikov bir hit

Filadelfiya, PA (Aprel 22, 2015)–HBO uning to'rtinchi ketma-ket kurash uchun, “Sibir Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov ustida to'plangan 1 million tomoshabinlar. Lukas Matthysse bilan Ruslan ning jang o'rtacha 1.243 million tomoshabinlar ajoyib o'ringa chiqadi va 1.380 to'qnashishi uchun million tomoshabinlar, buning uchun hozir etakchi nomzod 2015 Yilning Fight.

Butning tarmoq bo'yicha Provodnikov uchta avvalgi ko'rinish orqasiga keladi, qaerda u qaratdi 1.2 million (da avj 1.4 million) uning uchun 2013 Timo'tiyga Bradley bilan Yilning Fight; qaratdi Mayk Alvarado qarshi WBO sarlavha qozongan harakat 1.232 Million tomoshabinlar; va Chris Algieri uning munozarali split qaror ziyon qaratdi qaysi 1.046 million va avj 1.1 million tomoshabinlar.

“Ruslan yana u katta bir diqqatga sazovor ko'rsatdi,” Banner Aktsiyalar Prezident Artie Pelullo dedi. “U shubhasiz boks bugun eng qiziq qiruvchi emas, va uning janglari har biri uchun qanday baho tomonidan isbotlangan.”

Banner Aktsiyalar, Inc.
2501 Wharton Street, Suite L
Filadelfiya, PA 19146

Haywood Set For Pepper Showdown On May 2nd

Champions TKO’s Jerome Haywood is set to face Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promotions LORDS OF THE RING event, which takes place at York Hall in Bethnal Green, Shanba kuni London 2nd May 2015.


Jerome will be making his return to York Hall, the scene of his successful professional debut in October last year, where he scored a well earned points victory over Rolandas Cesna.


Orqaga oktyabr oyida, after a slightly hesitant start, Haywood soon settled down and took the fight to his more experienced opponent, pressuring the big Lithuanian with stiff jabs and heavy rights to the body.


Haywood’s work to the body began to take a toll on Cesna, so much so that by mid way through the third Cesna was clearly struggling to cope with the constant punishment to his ribs.


In the fourth Haywood stepped up the pressure even further, which in turn forced Cesna to cover up to protect his bruised and battered ribcage.


After four excellent rounds Referee Alf Sprung scored the bout 40-38 in favour of Haywood.


Haywood’s opponent on May 2nd is Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper, who will be making his first visit to the famous home of boxing in the Capital City.


Following a training session, under the watchful eyes of his coach Brian O’Shaughnessy at the Champions TKO gym in Hackney, Haywood spoke briefly about the upcoming showdown with Matthew Pepper.


“Glad to be fighting again, it’s been six months since my debut fight.


Mening oxirgi kurash keyin, I was hoping to get out again as soon as possible and I should have, I was due to fight in March, but had to pull out of that one as I came down with a bug about a week or so before I was due to fight.


My first fight, yeah I enjoyed that, I was well prepared for it, he was tough but nothing I couldn’t handle.


I don’t know too much about Matthew (Pepper), but we’ve been working hard in the gym, so hopefully I’ll put a good performance in for my fans, who I can’t thank enough for their fantastic support.”


Jerome Haywood versus Matthew Pepper features on the Mark Lyons & RING tadbirining Billy Jeyms-Elliott hikmatli Guys Aktsiyalar LORDS, deb Bethnal Green York zalida bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni London 2nd May 2015.

Ushbu tadbirda uchun sanktsiya Malta boks komissiyasi odobli taqdim etiladi (MBC)

Chiptalar baholi £ 35 (Standard yashash) va £ 65 (Ring) ishtirok etayotgan bokschilar har qanday to'g'ridan-to'g'ri mavjud, da-line bo' yoki TKO chipta liniyasi qo'ng'iroq 07960 850645