Category Archives: boks

4na godišnjoj njujorškoj Državnoj bokserskoj dvorani slavnih Indukcija večera časti Klasu od 2015 plus pokojni Joe Dwyer & Tony Mazzarella

Za Immediate Release

Sjedeći (L-R) – Lonnie Bradley, Bruce Silverglade, Tommy Gallagher, Joey Giambra i Saul Mamby; Stojeći (L-R) Bob Duffy, Bob Miller i Harold Weston

(Sve slike Peter Frutkoff / Prsten 8)

NEW YORK (April. 28, 2015) – Više od 300 ljudi su prisustvovali ovoj prošlosti Nedjeljapopodne četvrti godišnji Dvorana slavnih američkog državnog boksa (NYSBHOF) indukcije večeru, pod pokroviteljstvom Ring 8, na Russo Na Bay u Howard Beach, Njujork.

NYSBHOF Klasa 2015


WBC junior velter šampion & Vijetnam Veteran Saul Mamby Bronx/Brooklyn

WBA titulu u srednjoj kategoriji junior challenger Joey Giambra bizon

1961 National Golden Gloves prvaka Johnny Persol Brooklyn

Dva puta naslov svjetskog prvaka u velter kategoriji izazivač Harold Weston New York City

WBO prvak u srednjoj kategoriji Lonnie Bradley Harlem


World light šampion u teškoj kategoriji Paul Berlenbach Astoria

“Nekrunisan” world velter šampion Billy Graham Manhattan’s Eastside

2-Time World zamajcem prvaka Frankie Genaro New York City

World srednjoj & velter šampion Tommy Ryan Redwood/Syracuse

World light šampion u teškoj kategoriji Jimmy Slattery bizon


NYSBHOF & Prsten 8 predsjednik Bob Duffy Manhattanov Westside / Massapequa Park

Novinar Mike Katz Bronx

Trener Tommy Gallagher Howard Beach

Promoter / cutman Bob Miller Albany

Gleason je Gym vlasnika Bruce Silverglade Brooklyn


Trener Charley Goldman Brooklyn

MSG provodadžija Harry Markson Kingston

Pokretač Cedric Kushner Manhattan

MSG provodadžija Jimmy Johnson New York City

Novinar Damon Runyon Manhattan

Manager / provodadžija Al Weill New York City

Poznati najavljivač zvona David Diamante ponovo je poslužio kao voditelj ceremonije manifestacije.

The 2015 inductees su odabrani od strane članova odbora imenovanje NYSBHOF: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair i Neil Terens.

Svaki inducirani pacijent dobio je prilagođeni dizajnirani pojas koji označava njegovu indukciju u NYSBHOF. Svi NYSBHOF plakete su izloženi u New York State Athletic komisija.

Svi bokseri morali su biti neaktivni najmanje tri godine, kako bi bili prihvatljivi za NYSBHOF indukcije, i svi inductees mora da je boravio u New York State za značajan dio svojih boks karijere.

Harold Weston i Melvina Latham

Harold Weston: “Valjda za mene nema povratka jer mi je rečeno kad uđete u Kuću slavnih, gotovo je. Hvala na časti. Pitao sam se koliko dugo će to potrajati (u šali), ovaj put si shvatio. Boks je moja porodica. Moj otac, Gil Clancy i Emile Griffith, ovi momci su me odgajali. Boks me uvijek vodio do mjesta gdje sam trebao ići. Boks nas je učinio osobom kakva jesmo danas. Ovo je čast jer nema Kuću slavnih veću od New Yorka. Hvala puno. Radujem se budućnosti.”

(L-R) – Bob Duffy, Bobby Cassidy, Lonnie Bradley, Melvina Latham i Bobby Cassidy Jr. David Diamante je krajnje lijevo.

Lonnie Bradley: “Želim zahvaliti svima, posebno ova dva momka (Bobby Cassidy i Bobby Cassidy, Jr.). Nazvao sam Bobbyja za savjet. Upoznali smo se i tada se dobro vozili četiri godine. Želeo je svetskog prvaka, Želeo sam da budem svetski prvak, i maksimalno smo je iskoristili. Sretna sam što su dio mog života i što sam dio porodice Cassidy. Vez je tu jer je to porodična stvar.”

(L-R) – Henry Hascup, Saul Mamby i Melvina Latham

Saul Mamby: “Borio sam se širom svijeta; jedan način da se vidi svijet. Većina to radi na godišnjem odmoru. Ja, Obišao sam svijet boreći se s ljudima. Otišao sam u Južnu Koreju i osvojio svjetsku titulu, ali niko nije znao. U prvoj obrani naslova protiv Estefana Isusa, ljudi su bili zapanjeni kada su čuli da je Saul Mamby prvak svijeta. Veliki broj ljudi koji su se borili nikad nije imao priliku da se bori za šampionat sveta. Izgubio sam titulu, ali…Stvarno sam bila otrgnuta. Hvala što ste me stavili u Kuću slavnih. Čast mi je što nisam mislila da će se to ikada dogoditi. Prestar sam, 67, da se borim, ali ja i dalje idem u teretanu. Mislim da još uvijek to mogu, ali neću pokušati. Cijenim ovo.”

Mr. & Gđa. Bruce Silverglade

Bruce Silverglade: “Želim zahvaliti Ringu 8 i svi u nominacijskom odboru New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. Odrastao sam u Trentonu, Nju Džerzi, a moj otac je bio policajac koji je volio boks najbolje. Nakon završetka fakulteta, Radio sam u Sears Roebuck-u 16 godina. Zvao sam oca i pitao me kako se mogu uključiti u boks. Odstupio sam Sears Roebuck sutradan i kupio 50% teretane uz dijeljenje zarade. Preuzeo sam Gleason's teretanu u 1985. Moj koncept teretane nije bio samo treniranje boraca, ali za politiku, srce i sport da se spoje. Imali smo koncerte, off-Broadway igra, tamo su svadbe i komorna muzika. Osnovali smo dobrotvornu organizaciju, „Daj djeci san,’ u 1981 za djecu 8-18 godina starosti. Ta djeca su mogla dolaziti iz škola, sirotišta, uslovni otpusnici, ili od majki problematične dece. Boks je oko discipline. Mogu ići po tebe sedam dana u sedmici. Ne pravimo šampione kao boksere, ali šampioni građana u New Yorku. Inspiracija dolazi od moje supruge koja je pokretačka snaga teretane. Hvala vam na ovoj ogromnoj časti da budete Hall of Famer.”

Tommy Gallagher i njegova supruga, Maureen

Tommy Gallagher: “Hvala toliko ljudi. Boks je bio moj život i želio sam svoju prvu teretanu u 1951. Bio sam prijatelj sa Rockyjem Grazianom i Billyjem Grahamom, koji bi došao u moju teretanu da nam kaže o borcima. Ovo je divan period u mom životu. Želim zahvaliti svojoj ženi i porodici.”

(L-R) – Joey Giambra i njegov sin, Joey Giambra, Jr.

Joey Giambra: “Hvala svima što ste izašli. Želim zahvaliti Bobu Duffyju i Ringu 8. Počastvovana sam i zahvalim im što su me glasali. Tako sam počastvovan i ponižen.”


(L-R) – Bob Duffy, Bob Miller, Melvina Latham i Millerova supruga, Linda

Bob Miller: “Hvala vam što ste me uveli u američku boksersku Kuću slavnih. Ljudi koji su došli ranije vas shvataju što to znači, Trenirao sam, uspeli, unapređen i bio odsečen čovek. Najbolji dio su odnosi s borcima iz toliko različitih porijekla. Imam toliko priča. Zahvaljujem im što su mi omogućili da budem dio njihovog života i vidim stvari koje većina ne bi. Ponizno sam upisan u ovu klasu.”

Bob Duffy i njegova supruga, Mary

Bob Duffy: “Želim zahvaliti nominacijskom odboru Ringa 8 što me je glasao u Državnoj bokserskoj dvorani države New York i svima koji su pomogli da se ovo spoji kao Keith Sullivan, Ron McNair, Melvina Latham, Jack Hirsch i mnogi drugi. Želim da čestitam momcima koji sjede ovdje. Imala sam kancelariju u Gleason's teretani i radila na izložbama Bobbyja Millera. Jako sam ponizna. Odrastao sam na Istočnoj strani Manhattana u projektima. U 14, Imao sam priliku da idem na svađe u The Garden, jer sam živeo samo osam ulica dalje. Ovo je rad ljubavi. Želim zahvaliti svojoj porodici koja mi je oduvijek pružala podršku. Uvek sam se prvo osećao porodicom, boks drugi, i to je bio moj život.”

Tokom NYSBHOF ceremonije, the World Boxing savjeta (WBC) i Ring 8 odao počast pokojnom Joeu Dwyeru i Tonyju Mazzareli, i dugogodišnji Ring 8 članova koji su preminuli ranije ove godine. Predsjednik WBC-a Mauricio Sulaiman priredio je posebnu prezentaciju Dwyerovoj porodici. Prsten 8 održao prezentacije porodicama Dwyer i Mazzarella. Dwyer je predsjednik Sjeverne Amerike Boxing Federation (NABF). Mazzarella, koji je služio dugi niz godina kao Ring 8 je blagajnik, Bio je veliki utjecaj u osnivanju NYSBHOF.

Udovica Joea Dwyera, Linda, prihvata poseban NYSBHOF kaiš u spomen na svog supruga 

Prsten 8 predstavio predsjednika WBC-a Mauricio Sulaiman (centar, crvena kravata) sa svojim Ocem & Nagrada za sina 

Predsjednik WBC-a Mauricio Sulaiman i WBC Cares Jill Diamond prikazuju nagradu supruzi pokojnog Joea Dwyera, Linda, i sina, Joe Dwyer, Jr.


WBC je predstavio Ring 8 & Predsjednik NYSBHOF-a Bob Duffy sa svojim plaketom i medaljama sa certifikatom izvrsnosti

Upravni odbor kompanije Ring 8 predstavio je ovaj NYSBHOF pojas porodici pokojnog Tonyja Mazzarelle


NYSBHOF Notebook

U ime FDNY (Njujorška vatrogasna jedinica), Bob McGuire napravio je $1000.00 donacija za Ring 8.

Među boksačima koji su prisustvovali bio je Iran Barkley, Heather Hardy , Vito Antuofermo, Juan LaPorte, Vinny Maddalone, Alicia Ashley, Sonja Lamonakis, Shawn Miller. Ostali bokserski dostojanstvenici bili su izvršni direktor Roc Nation-a, David Itskovich, Analitičar HBO-a Harold Lederman, Predsjedavajuća Državne atletske komisije NY-a Melvina Latham.

Hirsch je najavio da će bilo koje područje Državne atletske komisije NY-a služiti kao dom NYSBHOF-a. Tamo će biti izloženi borbeni kugovi NYSBHOF i druge memorabilije.

Klasa 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Šećer” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo i Arthur Mercante, Sr.

Klasa 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, Džejms “Prijatelj” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard i Don Dunphy.

KLASE 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon i Tom O'Rourke.

Idi na liniji u Za dodatne informacije o New York State Boxing Hall of Fame.


O RING 8: Formiran 1954 od strane ex-borcu, Jack Grebelsky, Prsten 8 postao je osmi podružnica ono što je tada poznat kao National Association Veteran Bokseri – stoga, RING 8 – a danas moto organizacije i dalje ostaje: Bokseri Helping Bokseri.


RING 8 je u potpunosti posvećen podršci manje sreće ljudi u boksu zajednice koji mogu zahtijevati pomoć u smislu plaćanja najam, medicinske troškove, ili kako god opravdana potreba.


Idi on line na Za više informacija o RING 8, najveća grupa te vrste u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama s više od 350 Članovi. Godišnja članarine samo $30.00 i svaki član ima pravo na buffet večeru u RING 8 mjesečne sastanke, isključujući srpanj i kolovoz. Svi aktivni bokseri, amaterski i profesionalni, imaju pravo na besplatan RING 8 godišnja članstva. Gosti Ring 8 članovi su dobrodošli po cijeni od samo $7.00 po osobi.

Prvenstvo boksa u dvorani York praćeno Mayweather-Pacquiao uživo preko satelita ove subote.

Jeste li još dobili svoje karte za boksački događaj stoljeća? Ako je odgovor ne, tada promoteri Mark Lyons i Billy James-Elliott mogu jednostavno imati savršenu alternativu za boksačke navijače - noć prvenstva Boxing u York Hall, Bethnal Green, a slijedi MAYWEATHER-PACQUIAO uživo iz satelita iz Las Vegasa.


Izbacivanje cijele noći bezobrazne akcije, vidi punu kartu boksa u čuvenom Home Of Boxing u glavnom gradu, uključujući dve prvenstvene borbe.


Hackney, Turska neporažena zvijezda u Londonu, SIAR OZGUL, prvi se okitila titulom kada je preuzeo Nottingham-ov MATT SCRIVEN za upražnjeno MBC međunarodno prvenstvo u teškoj kategoriji..


Glavna podrška vidi Bradfordov senzacionalni TASIF KHAN izazov za krunu International Masters Bantamweight, protiv Gruzijca #1 MIKHEIL SOLONINKINI


Povećavajući podršku za dva dvoboja šampionata, Chester-ov WBF interkontinentalni šampion PAUL ECONOMIDES preuzima Nottingham-ov GARFIELD MUSHORE u šest kola koje nisu šampionski.


Nepobedivi izgledi za laku tešku težinu prvaka TKO-a ONDER OZGUL preuzimaju vrlo zabavan JODY MEIKLE, od Scunthorpe-a, u šest svestrani.


Prva poseta glavnom gradu će biti neporažena ruska zvezda sa sedištem u Liverpulu, DAVID AGADZHANYAN, koji će na Češkom čestitku JOSEF REDLICH učestvovati u takmičenju za šest kola.


Bivša američka košarkaška zvijezda, okrenuo se profesionalni bokser, MANNY MUHAMMAD će takođe biti u akciji protiv još imenovanog protivnika.


Debitirajući večeras, uzbudljivi su mladi lokalni talenti ANDY CONA i DANIEL MENDES u akciji jedni protiv drugih.


Jednom kada se akcija završi u York Hallu, tada sretni ljubitelji boksa koji prisustvuju događaju mogu ili otići na besplatnu zabavu u Spearmint Rhino, ili idite direktno u funkcionalne prostorije da biste pogledali cijelu izgradnju i, naravno, glavni događaj noći MAJWEATHER - PACQUIAO


Trošak ove čitave noći neba boksa, vjerovali ili ne, to je samo 45 ili 75 funti, kao što su troškovi za standardna sjedala za boks u York Hallu 35 £ (Standardno sjedi) i £ 65 (Ringside) a troškovi za dolazak u funkcijsku sobu da biste gledali Big Fight Live tek su 10 funti dodatnih (plaća se na noć)


Siar Ozgul protiv Matt Scriven-a, za upražnjeno MBC međunarodno prvenstvo u teškoj kategoriji, naslovio je Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije Lords of the event RING, koja se odvija u York Hall u Bethnal Green, London je u subotu 2ND Maj 2015.

Kažnjavanje za ovaj događaj će biti pod uslovom ljubaznošću Malta Boxing komisije (MBC)

Ulaznice po cijeni £ 35 (Standard za sjedenje) i £ 65 (Ringside) dostupni su noću, ili da osigurate on-line kupovinu sjediš ili nazovite TKO liniju karata 07960 850645


Samo smo nešto više od dvije sedmice od vjerojatno jedne od najboljih TV emisija koje se prikazuju u Londonu u mnogo godina.

16th Svibanj je masivni račun „Master Class“ Goodwin Boxing koji sadrži sedam borbi za titulu, uključujući četiri borbe za naslov južnog područja u 13 borbena karta dostojna TV pokrivanja.

Sa samo nekoliko ulaznica ovo je posljednja prilika da dobijete ulaznice za ono što će biti rasprodana emisija u noći.

26 godišnjak “Genijalac” Jamie Speight ostvario se želja 16th Maj 2015 kada je zajedno sa naslovom masovnog zakona o masterwinskom boksu „Master Class“ u York Hall-u odbranio svoju titulu u južnoj zoni u peteži protiv Iana Baileyja.

Speight je redovno putovao putem kako bi se borio protiv najboljih, uključujući Josha Warringtona, ali nakon potpisivanja sa Steveom Goodwinom, Jamie konačno dobiva priliku braniti naslov domaćeg borca. Njegov protivnik Bailey nalazi se iznad njega u britanskoj ljestvici, tako da će ovo biti jedna takmičarska borba.
Sukob Speight v Bailey je jedan od četiri 50/50 intrigantna titula Južnog područja bori se na računu sa tri titule majstora

Adam Dingsdale brani svoju južnu laku titulu protiv finalista nagradnog borca ​​Michael „Chunky“ Devine. Dingsdale ima samo dva poraza u karijeri, vodeći protiv trenutnog prijelaznog svjetskog prvaka Derryja Mathewa i bivšeg prvaka WBO evropskog prvaka Stephena Ormonda. Devine ide korak dalje u klasi nakon što je stigao do finala Sky Sports 'Prizefighter.

Philip „Quicksilver“ Bowes (9-1) izazovi za titulu južnog područja u lakoj kategoriji protiv neporaženog bivšeg prvaka Johnny Coyle

Johnny Garton odradio je svoju drugu obranu titule Welterweight Southern Area protiv bivšeg izazivača engleskog naslova Martina Welsha.

Karizmatični Danny Connor nadmeće se za međunarodni Master Masters Lightweight naslov dok se Hampshireov "Dangerous" Danny Goode bori za naslov Mastersa u srednjoj kategoriji.

Adam Salman upotpunjuje trio Masters naslova kada se nadmeće za Light Welterweight verziju.

Dvojica „Upton Clan-a“ Ricky Hatton-a Paul i Anthony nastavljaju uspon na vrh 6 takmičenja u krugu.

Uzbudljivi lagani srednje teški Joey Vaughan (1-0) ima svoj prvi konkurs od potpisivanja s Goodwinovim albumom, dok emisija očekuje nestrpljivo očekivane debi Andrew Joicey-a (Velter kategorija) i Mwenya Chisanga (Lagana težina).

Jamie Arlain (1-0) ima i svoje prvo takmičenje nakon duge godine pauze od sporta i nakon potpisivanja s Goodwinovim uzbudljivim, neporaženim Johnom Cashom, srednje teške kategorije (4-0) ima takmičenje u šest krugova.

Karticu popunjava Dean Byrne (4 kruga) i David Leo (4 kruga) svi okrenuti izabranoj opoziciji.

Ulaznice su dostupne od bilo kojeg boksera direktno ili putem interneta na adresi




Baltimore Boxing issues Statement on Baltimore Riots


Baltimor, MD (April 28, 2015) – As the rioters tear through the streets of Baltimore, MD, boxing promoter and gym owner Jake “The Snake” Smith remains extremely concerned for his friends, family and community. Like many other locals, Smith not only calls the Baltimore area his home but a place where he makes a living.


Having spent his entire life in and around Baltimore, Smith’s two children attend nearby schools and his Baltimore Boxing Gym is located on S. Broadway. For the safety of those that attend, Smith closed his gym yesterday and is keeping the doors shut today as well. Due the violent protests of Freddie Gray’s death, Smith isn’t positive when he will be able to continue training his boxers, many of whom use the Baltimore Boxing Gym as a resource to escape the preexisting dangers of the streets.


“In my forty-plus years in Baltimore, this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen,", Rekao je Smith, whose promotional efforts have helped many local organizations through raffles and donations. “We are all aware that there are issues with police brutality throughout the country and while I am extremely disappointed with the lack of prosecution following specific incidents, rioting only makes everything worse. I truly understand that emotions are at all-time highs in Baltimore and people want their voices to be heard but this is not the way to do it. Having worked with people from all walks of life, I wholeheartedly respect everybody’s point of view but I am pleading with the community as a whole to schedule peaceful and civilized meetings with city officials. This is the only way for everybody to get their thoughts and opinions out while hearing what the other side has to say. Riots are only going to tear apart and create further distance between police and citizens in this great city. I pray that everything calms down quickly and a resolution is met.”


Fight Report – Allan Edges Wood In A True Thriller As Robb Just Pips Ellis At The Post.

Izvještaj: Gianluca (Rijeka) Di Caro.

Well known Scottish WKA Kick Boxing promoter Stewart Allan promoted his first pro boxing event u subotu noć, at his Rivals Gym venue in Wishaw, and boy oh boy did he do a fantastic job of it.


This was my first time north of the border for an event, I can promise it will not be my last. The venue was first class, the attending fans were highly vocal in their support of the boxers, not just the home boys either, as they enthusiastically showed their appreciation for each and every fighter.


Mind you, as each bout was a equally matched Battle Royale, I suppose that shouldn’t have come as a surprise, let’s face it all boxing fans appreciate a really good close fought contest, which is just what we all got from every fight u subotu noć.


Heading up the show was Stewart’s son, unified Kick Boxing World Champion Sam Allan, making his pro boxing debut against unbeaten Chris Wood from Middlesbrough.


The atmosphere was electric during the build up to this highly anticipated bout, I mean it was really bouncing, the fans were singing and cheering, then when the MC introduced Chris Wood they clapped and enthusiastically welcomed him into the ring.


Then when the MC then introduced their man Sam Allan the decibel level went through the roof, I didn’t think they could be any louder but it did when Allan began his ring walk, escorted by two beautiful girls in full showgirl outfits, every single person stood and cheered their man into the ring.


I couldn’t help but think at the time, I hope the fight is half as good as the pre fight build up, well it was, in fact it way exceeded any expectations.


Right from the opening bell these two young warriors began the skirmish at a frenetic pace, Wood went in hard and fast, forcing Allan on to the back foot.

With centre ground secured, Wood kicked up the pace even further, forcing Allan, with his back almost against the ropes, to rely on his excellent countering skills to keep the ever forward-moving Wood from coming in further.


Wood secured the first round in my eyes, but it was close, vrlo, vrlo blizu, as these two really went for it for every second of the round.


Round two was a virtual repeat, Wood initially controlling centre ground as Allan countered, however Allan stepped up the pace after about thirty seconds or so and made a double handed attack in an effort to force Wood on to the back foot, however the Teesider was having none of it and what ensued was an all action toe-to-toe slug fest through to the bell.


The final couple of rounds were fought at an even higher pace, which resulted in control of the proceedings switching back and forth between the pair warriors throughout, much to delight of the fans ringside, who to a man, or woman, were on their feet egging their man on.


After four sensational rounds the crowd remained standing as they awaited the judges scorecards to be read out.


As Referee Mickey Vann stood waiting to raise the hand of the victor, the MC announced the result was a split decision, which nobody seemed surprised at, well it was a seriously close fight.


First up Judge Kevin Scullion’s card was read as 40-38 u korist Allan, which prompted a highly vocal response from the crowd, then judge Billy Beattie, who scored the bout 39-38 in favour of Wood, which received a good round of applause and then finally judge Peter McCafferty’s card was read, a surprising shutout 40-36 u korist Allan, which sent the crowd into a joyful frenzy.


Have to admit this bout was a true small hall classic, you don’t get to see fights like this that often that’s for sure. Congratulations to both Sam Allan and Chris Woods, these boys are genuine future stars, in some ways it’s a shame one had to lose, but then again that leaves it open for a rematch sometime in the future and if that does happen I’ll be there front row for sure as I wouldn’t miss it for the world.


Prior to the sensational Allan-Wood, Ronnie Nailen faced Nottingham’s Matt Scriven in a four round exhibition bout.


Another all action affair, which see both men going all out from start to finish, which is surprising as the bout was switched to a non-scoring exhibition bout, as Scriven has the opportunity to challenge for a title this coming weekend, as such it was decided not to risk a possible stoppage loss that would have cost him the title shot.


Before the Nailen-Scriven bout was a brief interval, as an auction of boxing memorabilia to raise funds for charity took place.


The second bout of the night featured Sandy Robb and Blackpool’s Matt Ellis battling it out in a six round Cruiserweight contest.


Initially both boxers tentatively tested the other but after about thirty seconds or so stepped up the pace and really started to go for it.


Initially it was Ellis forcing his way through Robb’s defenses with some solid jabs followed by big rights or neat combinations, however Robb is as savvy as they come and would often slip under the jab and let rip with a big left to the body.


For about half the bout it was Ellis that was the more aggressive of the pair, don’t get me wrong, Robb was putting in some good solid work, just Ellis was livelier, moving neatly around the ring and throwing long rights at will, to back Robb toward the rope before going in hard to the body.


However close in, even with his back to the ropes Robb seemed able to counter extremely effectively, in cases enough to make Ellis back off momentarily.


Around the midway point the pace slowed slightly, which seemed to suit Robb, as the elusive Ellis became easier to close down, giving Robb the opportunity to once again start working the Blackpool man’s body.


Referee Mickey Vann issued a number of warnings to both men, Robb for low blows and Ellis for holding, as each time they came close in Ellis would try and tie Robb up, whilst Robb would try to throw big lefts and rights to the body of Ellis, but many were a wee bit too low.


After six highly entertaining rounds it was to the scorecards – Judge Kevin Scullion scored it 59-57 and both Billy Beattie and Peter McCafferty 58-57 all in favour of Sandy Robb.


Have to admit I really liked this fight, for all the right reasons, they entertained, they worked at a high pace for a good amount of the time and put on one hell of a show.


I do love the Cruiserweight division and both these guys are very much my kind of fighters – EXCITINGand I for one can’t wait to watch them in action again.


The opening fight of the night see Mohammad Babazadeh take on Belfast’s Phil Townley in a four rounder.


This pair set the tone for the whole night, both lads really went for it right from the opening bell.


The younger Babazadeh set the pace, pushing forward at every opportunity, but Townley’s excellent countering on the back foot prevented the younger Babazadeh from being able to back him up to the ropes too often.


As the bout progressed Townley slowed, which in itself made the bout even more exciting as the pair would stand toe-to-toe slugging it out much to the audiences delight.


After four great rounds the judges scorecards unanimously read 40-36 in favour of Mohammad Babazadeh – without doubt the right result but doesn’t reflect just how close some of the rounds were or just how entertaining the bout was.


There was due to be another bout, Scott Allan versus late replacement Garfield Mushore, who had stepped in at just two days notice after Isaac Quaye pulled out, however due to a rather large weight difference it was decided to cancel the bout for safety reasons, which was a mighty shame as I’ve been waiting to see both these lads in action.


Congratulations to Stewart Allan and his team for putting on a first class, highly entertaining and memorable evening of boxing which I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed, I can’t wait to get back there for the next, which I have been reliably informed will be another Stewart Allan promoted event at the Rivals Gym on Saturday 27th June – so put that in your diary now as you’ll not want to miss it.


Unique event gives fans the opportunity to meet-and-greet top fighters, boks ličnosti i industrije ljudi u izbliza, lična podešavanja

Lkao Vegas (April 27, 2015) - Box Fan Expo organizers announced the second annual Box Fan Expo will return to the Las Vegas Convention Center Subota, Sedam. 12.

The novel event, što je omogućilo navijačima da se sastanu i pozdravi boks legende, bivših i sadašnjih šampiona i druge poznate ličnosti iz sporta, debitirao u septembru prošle godine. It will run from 10 sati. u 5 poslije podne. i još jednom, omogućiti fanovima priliku za prikupljanje autograme, snimanje fotografija i kupovinu robe i memorabilije.

Izlagača kao što su boks gear, odjeća, elektronskih medija i drugih brand kompanije koje žele da učestvuju će imati priliku da predstave svoje proizvode fanovima i cijeli boks industriji.

Prošlogodišnji inauguralni Box Fan Expo istaknuta neke od najpopularnijih boraca i boks ličnosti u novijoj istoriji. Fanovi su tretirani da posjete sa Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr, Sergio Martinez, Amir Khan, Zab Judah, Mikey Garcia, James Toney, Riddick Bowe, Leon Spinks Terry Norris, Shawn Porter, Chris Byrd, Jesse James Leija ,Lamon Brewster, Ray Mercer, Earnie Shavers, Mia St-John, Erislandy Lara, Peter Quillin , Jean Pascal i Austin Trout. Također se pojavljuju su trenutni WBC prvak Deontay Wilder, je karizmatični Vinny Pazienza, Paul Williams, noted commentator Al Bernstein and Roger Mayweather of Mayweather Promotions.

“There are few opportunities like this that allow the boxing fan to come face-to-face with their favorite boxers and boxing celebrities, which is what makes the Box Fan Expo a truly unique and must-see experience,” event organizer said. “Last year’s Box Fan Expo, was a big success and we were excited to bring boxing back into the spotlight by gathering the boxing industry all under one roof for one special day and for all the fans to enjoy. This is a great opportunity to show the world just how sweet the “sweet science” can be.

“We know this is going to be again an even more popular event this year with all the major boxing stars, so we advise people to get their tickets early, so they are assured of meeting and greeting their favorite fighters.”

The roster of attendees for this year’s Box Fan Expo will be announced throughout the next several months and weeks.

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Mayweather vs. Pacquiao In-Depth Preview and Analysis

Po: Tony Penecale

Find Tony on Facebook:

KONAČNO!!!! After six years of arguing, negotiating, finger-pointing, and the real possibility that it would never happen, the long-awaited superfight between Floyd “Money” Mayweather Jr. and Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao is finally about to happen. There is a possibility of grossing upwards of $300 million between them, easily the richest event in sports history. Mayweather is set to make $180 milion. He would earn $15 million per round, $5 million per minute, & $83,333.33 per second. Pacquaio would make $120 million and would earn $10 million per round, $3,333,333.33 per minute, & $55,555.56 per second. Las Vegas is a gambling town, and after years of bluffing, raising the ante, and calling each other out, both fighters have put all their chips in. Their legacies are on the table. Sada, it’s time to see who is really holding the Aces when they step in the ring.

AGE, REKORD, I statistika

Mayweather: Starost: 38 godina star

Rekord: 47-0 (26 Nokauta)

Visina: 5’8”

Težina: 146 * * Težina za posljednji nastup (9-13-14)

Dostići: 72"


Pacquiao: Starost: 35 godina star

Rekord: 57-5-2 (38 Nokauta)

Visina: 5’6”

Težina: 144 ** Težina za posljednji nastup (11-20-14)

Dostići: 67"




1996 Olimpijski brončana medalja

WBC Super Featherweight Champion (’98-’02)

WBC Lagane Champion (’02-’04)

Ring Magazine Lightweight Champion (’02-’04)

WBC Junior Welterweight Champion (’05-’06)

IBF Welterweight Champion (’06)

WBC Welterweight Champion (’06-‘07)

WBC prvak u srednjoj kategoriji Junior (’07)

WBA prvak u srednjoj kategoriji Junior (’12)

WBC Welterweight Champion (’11-Pres)

Ring Magazine Welterweight Champion (’06-‘07)

Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #1 Bokser (’05-’07, ’12-Pres)



WBC Flyweight Champion (’98-‘99)

IBF Super Bantamweight Champion (’01-’03)

WBC Super Featherweight Champion (’08)

WBC Lagane Champion (‘08)

IBO Junior Welterweight Champion ('09)

WBO prvak u velter kategoriji (’09-‘12)

WBO prvak u velter kategoriji ('14 -près)

Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #1 Bokser (’08-‘12)

Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #4 Bokser (Pres)




A pure boxer with great speed who does everything well with an arsenal that includes a snapping jab, accurate right hand and a left hook that can be doubled and tripled with tremendous effect. Uses feint moves to freeze opponents and open punching lanes. Tucks his chin well behind his shoulder to roll with punches. Even on the ropes, he is a difficult target to land a solid punch on. He doesn’t have great punching power. Most of his stoppage victories come from outpunching and outclassing his opponents but rarely scoring clean knockouts.



Pacquiao boxes from a southpaw stance, moving forward and bobbing and feinting his way in. Once in close, he uses his right hand to find the range and then unleashes his powerful left, either straight or looping, and he will often double and triple it to the body and head. Uses quick head shifts to slip punches while moving forward. Has soundly developed under the tutelage of Freddie Roach, developing a decent right hook, either as a lead punch or thrown behind the left. Uses quick head shifts to slip punches while moving forward. Is no longer the feared finisher he once was earlier in his career.




* Experience – Boxing is in Mayweather’s blood, and he’s been involved in the sport since his childhood. Completed an extensive amateur career by winning the bronze medal in the ’96 Olympic Games. He has been competing successfully on a championship level for the past 17 godina, facing and defeating fighters with a variety of styles.


* Conditioning – Mayweather is a fitness freak with an amazing work ethic when it comes to training. Few fighters push themselves as much as Mayweather does in the gym, even doing midnight training sessions. It is evident in the ring when his stamina carries him in the late rounds.


* Ring Generalship – Mayweather knows every inch of the ring and how to control a fight. He knows when to attack, when to box, when to turn up the heat, and when to coast. Mayweather owns the ring when he is in there. Even the rare times when he has been stunned in fights, he was able to quickly settle down and quell the threat.




* Unorthodox Style – Pacquiao is very unorthodox, even for a southpaw. He moves straight in but is hard to time with his bobbing and head feints. Before most opponents can time his onrushes, he is throwing whirlwind punches from a variety of angles.


* Speed – Pacquiao is fleet of foot and the owner of very fast hands, especially for a boxer with such considerable power. He quickly moves into position and fires rapid one-two combinations. He’s expanded his arsenal to include blinding combinations of hooks, uppercuts, and double or triple left hands.


* Stamina – Pacquiao is always in tremendous shape and fights just as hard in the last round as he does in the first. He applies a ton of pressure and is constantly punching, wearing opponents down in the process.




* Aging – Mayweather may have an unblemished record, but Father Time has never been defeated. Mayweather has been more flat-footed in recent bouts. His first encounter with Marcos Maidana was a rough and tumble affair where Mayweather looked very ordinary. The rematch was more definitive but unimpressive.


* Distractions – Maweather loves to be in the public eye and never shies away from controversy. Most notably are his public disputes and reconciliations with his father and trainer, Floyd Mayweather, Senior. The most recent camp turbulence came in the form of a training camp dispute between Floyd Sr. and Alex Ariza, working as the strength and conditioning coach. A non-harmonious training camp could lead to unnecessary distractions.


* Punching Power – Most of Mayweather’s stoppage wins came from an accumulation of punches. The usual result is the referee or opposing corner stopping the bout to prevent further punishment. Notwithstanding his controversial and explosive knockout of Victor Ortiz, it is rare to see Mayweather finish a bout with one punch, dating all the way back to his days as a 130-pounder.




* Killer Instinct – Pacquiao was once regarded as a ruthless buzzsaw, cutting through opponents until they succumbed. He has since lost that edge, failing to win a fight by stoppage since 2009. More of a concern is that on several occasions he eased up on outclassed opponents, allowing them to survive the last few rounds.


* Trouble with Counterpunchers – Pacquiao is an aggressive, offense-first fighter who will freely throw punches, but he can be timed and is often open to be hit with counters. Juan Manuel Marquez gave him fits with movement and counter punches, even scoring a spectacular knockout over Pacquiao with a perfectly-timed counter right hand.


* Starost – Pacquiao is no longer the phenomenon he was in his 20s. He is now in his mid-30s. As he has physically aged, he has also taken on a super human schedule with political aspirations in his home country, numerous personal appearances, and several difficult bouts.





(09-13-14) Mayweather neutralized and outboxed Marcos Maidana in a rematch from their closer-than-expected bout from four months prior. While the action was sparse, it was a case of Mayweather using his superior skills and intelligence to thwart his aggressive but limited opponent.



(11-20-14) Pacquiao won a dominating unanimous decision over the game but vastly inexperienced Chris Algieri. Pacquiao was in control from the start and scored a total of six knockdowns, somehow failing to score the knockout some experts thought he needed to be in position for the Mayweather fight to happen.





* Diego Corrales (1/20/01) – Experts were torn on who to pick in this one with many leaning towards Corrales to win by KO. Mayweather never let him in the bout, knocking him down five times before the referee halted the bout in the 10th round.


* Arturo Gatti (6/25/05) – Although Mayweather was a solid betting favorite, many expected Gatti to make things rough for Mayweather. It never happened, as Mayweather floored Gatti in the first round and dealt out a severe beating before Gatti’s corner stopped the bout after six one-sided rounds.


* Ricky Hatton (12/8/07) – Hatton was undefeated coming into the bout and set a gameplan of constant pressure to wear out Mayweather. After a few uncomfortable rounds, Mayweather was able to find his range and take over, flooring Hatton twice in the 10th round and forcing a stoppage.



* Oscar De la Hoya (12/06/08) – It’s hard to imagine now, but the consensus at the time was that De la Hoya would destroy the smaller Pacquiao in a landslide. It was a landslide, but it was Pacquiao dishing out the beating, ripping De la Hoya apart with both hands. After eight one-sided and brutal rounds, a swollen and bloodied De la Hoya was beaten into permanent retirement.

* Miguel Cotto (11/14/09) – Pacquiao impressively dismantled the larger and physically imposing Cotto. Pacquiao dropped the Puerto Rican superstar twice early. From the 6th round on, Pacquiao had Cotto in a defensive shell, battering him until the referee stopped the bout in the 12th round.

* Ricky Hatton (05/02/09) – Pacquio ran through Hatton in fast and destructive fashion. Hattonwhile still an underdogwas expected to provide a challenge with his strength and mauling tactics. Pacquiao unveiled an improved right hook and had Hatton down twice in the first round before crushing him with a devastating knockout in the second.




*Oscar De la Hoya

– Mayweather: Split Decision 2007

– Pacquiao: WHO 8th krug 2008


*Miguel Cotto

– Mayweather: Unanimous Decision 2013

– Pacquiao: WHO 12th krug 2009


*Ricky Hatton

– Mayweather: WHO 10th krug 2007

– Pacquiao: KO 2ND krug 2009


* Shane Mosley

– Mayweather: Unanimous Decision 2010

– Pacquiao: Unanimous Decision 2011


* Juan Manuel Marquez

– Mayweather: Unanimous Decision 2009

– Pacquiao: Nacrtati 2004, Split Decision 2008, Majority Decision 2011,

KO’d 6th krug 2012






* Get Pacquiao’s respect early, timing his rushes, and hitting him with straight right hands.


* Use clinches to smother Pacquiao and thwart any offensive momentum.


* Do not try to trade punches with Pacquiao.





* Use feints to get Mayweather to make the first move.


* Don’t aim strictly at Mayweather’s head. Focus on the body, arms, and torso?


* Do not let Mayweather control the tempo.




* Can the fight live up to the hype? Unless this turns out to be Hagler-Hearns, Gatti-Ward, and Ali-Frazier all rolled up into one, it will be nearly impossible to live up to the hype that has surrounded this match-up for over six years. The hype might be inflated and overbearing, but it can still be entertaining.


* Is the fight happening too late? Both fighters are in their late 30s. While these two phenoms are still elite competitors, they are past their primes. Even so, instances of fighters past their primes matching up perfectly and turning in an epic encounter have occurred on several occasions.


* Who has the most to lose? Mayweather without a doubt has the most to lose. Pacquiao is an icon in his home country, so no matter what happens, he will remain a beloved figure. Mayweather is boasting about himself as “The Best Ever” and relishes his undefeated record. He even said recently that he’s better than Muhammad Ali was. A loss obliterates the “0” on Mayweather’s record and will provide more fodder for the argument that he is not even the best of his generation.


* How will their styles match up? It figures to be a classic boxer vs puncher match-up. Mayweather is a consummate strategist. He is a master of figuring out his opponents, frustrating them, and setting up counter punches. Pacquiao will press the action, try to overwhelm, breaking through Mayweather’s defense with a high volume of punches. It will be a clash of Quantity against Quality. Pacquiao will throw more punches, more punches than anybody has ever thrown against Mayweather. Mayweather will throw less but land at a higher connect rate, with sharp counter punches.


* What are the chances of a Knockout? Pacquiao is known as the better puncher, but he has failed to score a stoppage victory since battering Miguel Cotto in 2009. Mayweather has scored only one stoppage victory since 2007 against the weak-chinned Victor Ortiz. The two most likely scenarios for a knockout win would either be Pacquiao becoming reckless and leaving himself open to Mayweather’s straight right hand or Mayweather suddenly becoming an old fighter and wilting under Pacquiao’s relentless pressure. Likely, this fight will go to the scorecards.



* Will the officials factor into the conclusion? Kenny Bayless has been assigned as the referee and is regarded as one of the best in boxing. He has worked as the referee in six previous Pacquiao fights and four previous Mayweather bouts. The only backlash he received from those ten total bouts was the Mayweather-Maidana rematch where he was criticized for breaking up the inside clinches too quickly, seemingly favoring Mayweather against the mauling style of Maidana. With Mayweather naturally bigger than Pacquiao, breaking up clinches quickly (especially if Pacquiao has any momentum) would serve more as a disadvantage to Mayweather. The judges are Burt Clements, Dave Moretti, both veteran officials in Las Vegas, and Glenn Feldman, based out of Connecticut. Moretti has worked nine Mayweather bouts and six Pacquiao bouts. Clements has worked three Mayweather bouts and one Pacquiao bout. Feldman has only worked one Mayweather bout early in his career.


* What happens next? If the fight turns out to be entertaining, blizu, or controversial, a rematch is possible depending on the outcome.

If Mayweather wins, on je 48-0 and can walk away from Pacquiao and seek a different challenge for his final fight. He could even seek a possible move up to grab a title at middleweight and another superfight with the next big sensation Gennady Golovkin.

If Pacquiao wins, a rematch is almost a given, especially with so much money on the table.

A draw would also most likely force a rematch for the final fight of Mayweather’s career sometime in September.



The anticipation as the fighters make their way to the ring will be electric. The growing crescendo of excitement will continue through the introductions with Mayweather sporting a confident smirk and Pacquaio fixated with an icy glare.


The waiting will be over when the bell rings and both fighters come out to the center of the ring. Mayweather will be moving to his left, rolling his hands and probing with a soft jab. Pacquiao will be like a coiled spring, bouncing back and forth and feinting with his jab. Pacquiao will throw a few wild left hands that Mayweather backs away from, his back hitting the ropes as he slides away to his right. The round will end without anything conclusive landing for either fighter, making it difficult to score.


Pacquiao will look to increase the pace in the second round and outwork Mayweather. While Mayweather is the center of the ring, he will dictate the pace and the action, keeping Pacquiao limited to throwing one punch at a time. When Pacquiao is able to cut the ring off and back Mayweather to the ropes, he will unleash combinations. The flurries for the most part won’t land, but the work rate will stir the crowd into a frenzy.


Pacquaio will continue the high volume of punches through the 3rd i 4th rounds until Mayweather lands a right hand while their feet are tangled, causing Pacquiao to sprawl to the canvas. He will protest while Bayless administers the count, but he will not be hurt. Mayweather will smile and move in, throwing a few right hands, truly seeing if Pacquiao is stunned. Pacquiao will respond with his own vicious left hand, bringing the crowd to their feet as the bell rings.


Mayweather will again box cautiously starting the 5th krug, staying on the outside and pivoting away when Pacquiao gets close. The fight will resemble a cat and mouse affair with Pacquiao trying to corner Mayweather and Mayweather trying to bait him into making a mistake. Pacquiao will be the aggressor, throwing far more punches. Mayweather will be timing him with single counter punches throughout the 6th i 7th kruga.


A sharp left hand by Pacquiao in the 8th round will startle Mayweather and cause blood to leak from his nose. Pacquiao will try to press the advantage and unleash another torrent of punches. Mayweather will pull away against the ropes, and Pacquiao will focus his attention to the body with a combination of punches to the chest and shoulder, forcing Mayweather to clinch and break the momentum.


Mayweather will get up on his toes in the 9th krug, using lateral movement to keep Pacquiao from setting his feet and unleashing more than one punch at a time. Pacquiao will step in with a few lefts that are blocked, but Mayweather’s movement will keep him from throwing any follow-up punches. As Mayweather slips out, he will land his own counter punches, making it another difficult round to score.


Throughout the 10th i 11th kruga, Mayweather will execute a plan to counter Pacquiao with single punches and avoid most of his counter flurries. Pacquiao will step in with a hard left to the body, forcing a Mayweather clinch. When the action resumes, Pacquiao will look to attack the body again, only to be met with a straight right hand over the top.


The final round in a very close bout will see Mayweather neutralizing Pacquiao’s rushes, landing single counter punches and pivoting away from danger, sharpshooting from the outside. Pacquiao will desperately try to corner Mayweather but he won’t allow it, moving on the outside and clinching in close, bringing an anticlimactic ending as the final bell rings.


It will take several minutes for the scorecards to be tabulated, with the consensus believing Mayweather won 7 kruga, including a knockdown. Pacquaio will pray in his corner while Mayweather smiles and laughs with his entourage.


The decision will be as follows. Glen Feldman will score the bout 114-113 for Pacquaio. Burt Clements will score 115-112 for Mayweather. Dave Moretti will score the bout a very curious 115-112 for the winner of the biggest superfight of the century…. MANNY “PACMAN” PACQUIAO!!!!


With the decision announced, a disgusted Mayweather will demand a rematch before storming out of the ring, setting up another lucrative event in September and a possible trilogy.



Young Stars Complement Epic Welterweight Championship Showdown
Between Floyd Mayweather & Manny Pacquiao

LAS VEGAS (April 27, 2015) – A full lineup of present and future boxing stars is set to entertain the MGM Grand Garden Arena crowd in pay-per-view and non-televised action before the history-making welterweight showdown between Floyd “Novac” Mayweather i Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao na Subota, Maj 2.


The pay-per-view undercard is topped by a pair of fights featuring two of boxing’s most talented and exciting stars as WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Lav “Zemljotres” Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 KOs) faces Mexican brawler Jose Cayetano (17-3, 8 KOs) and WBO Featherweight World Champion Vasyl Lomachenko (3-1, 1 KO) takes on Puerto Rican contender Gamalier rodriguez (25-2-3, 17 KOs).


The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® sa početkom u9 poslije podne. I/ 6 poslije podne. PT.


Exciting non-televised bouts round out the action in the arena as top undefeated prospects look to keep their perfect records intact.


The slick and undefeated Kris “Sweet” Pearson (11-0, 9 KOs) ispunjava Said El Harrak (12-2, 7 KOs) in a 10-round middleweight bout and heavy-fisted Jesse Hart (16-0, 13 KOs) takes on fellow unbeaten Mike Jimenez (17-0, 11 KOs) in a 10-rounder or the NABO, USBA i NABF naslovi srednje težine.


An undefeated knockout artist looking to make it 10-for-10, Andrija “The Beast” Tabiti (9-0, 9 KOs) lica Anthony Smith Caputo (15-4, 10 KOs) in an eight- rounds cruiserweight match.


Kicking off the night of fights is undefeated contender Brad Solomon (24-0, 9 KOs), ko će se protivila Adrian Rene Granados (13-3, 9 KOs) u 10-okrugli super srednjoj kategoriji bout.


Mayweather Promotions is looking forward to bringing some of boxing’s most exciting current and future stars to the fans on the biggest night in our sport’s history,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promocije. “Whether you are watching on pay-per-view or in the arena, you are in store for an electric night of fights.


Each undercard match could be a main event on another card,” rekao je Hall of Fame promotor Bob Arum Top Rank. “Fans can watch the exciting action as a warm-up to the most anticipated fight in decades.


Kako je ranije najavljeno, 26-godina Santa Cruz will be making his second appearance on a Floyd Mayweather pay-per-view undercard. The fan-friendly two-division world champion has defended his super bantamweight title numerous times in impressive fashion on his way to earning a reputation as one of the most exciting fighters in the world. Born in Huetamo, Michoaca de Ocampo, Mexico but fighting out of Los Angeles, Santa Cruz won his first world title in 2012. U 2013 he won his super bantamweight title.


Fighting out of Tijuana, Baja California, Meksiko, Cayetano okrenuo pro u 2009 and sprinted to a 10-0 record before dropping a narrow split decision to Ruben Tamayo in 2011. He most recently dropped a decision to Enrique Bernache in February after defeating Dennis Contreras and Eden Marquez in his previous two starts. He hopes to make a grand impression in his U.S. debiMaj 2.


Arguably the greatest amateur boxer of all-time, with two Olympic gold medals and two Amateur National Championships, 27-godina Lomachenko has already made a great impact in the professional ranks. He won his world title with a majority decision over Gary Russell Jr. prošle godine. Making the second defense of his 126-pound title, the fighter out of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine will be going for his third straight win overall when he battles Rodriguez.


An accomplished veteran from Bayamon, Portoriko, Rodriguez gets an opportunity on boxing’s biggest stage when he battles Lomachenko. The 28-year-old has not lost a fight since 2009 i ima 17 consecutive victories since a technical draw in 2010. He won twice in 2014, picking up a unanimous decision victory over Orlando Cruz and a second round TKO over Martin Cardona.


Borba od Philadelphia, Jelen was an accomplished amateur who was a 2012 U.S. Olympic alternate after earning a U.S. National Championship and a National Golden Gloves Championship. The 25-year-old will fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for the first time since his professional debut in 2005 when he stopped Manuel Eastman in the first round. Ovaj put, he will look to remain undefeated and catapult himself to contender status.


Undefeated and facing the biggest challenge of his career, 27-godišnjak Jimenez will make his Las Vegas debut on Maj 2. Having already delivered a second round knockout over Kevin Engel in 2015 the fighter out of Chicago will look to impress on the biggest stage of his career against Hart.


A three-time National Golden Gloves Champion, Solomon fights out of Lafayette, Louisiana and is aiming to maintain his perfect record.. The 31-year-old picked up victories in 2014 over Eduardo Flores, Freddy Hernandez and Arman Ovsepyan. Solomon takes on the 25-year-old Granados out of Cicero, Ilinois.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao je dvostruki dvostruki dvoboj za svjetsko prvenstvo, koji promoviraju Mayweather Promotions i Top Rank Inc., a sponzorira ga Tecate con caracter, Paramount slike i produkcije Skydance -Terminator Genisys, u kinima jul 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions predstavljaju MISIJU NEPOSREDNU: ROGUE NATION, u kinima & IMAX Juli 31st, Kompanija Weinstein i novi film Southpaw, glumi Jakea Gyllenhaala, in theaters everywhere Juli 24i Meksiku, Live ga Vjerovali. The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® sa početkom u 9 poslije podne. I/ 6 poslije podne. PT.


Za više informacija posjetite,,, i i pratite na Twitteru na @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing ISwanson_Comm, i postati fan na Facebooku, / TopRankMannyPacquiao,,



Unique Deal Ties Starlight Racing’s Thoroughbred and Prestigious Race to the World’s Most Accomplished Fighters and Boxing’s Biggest Event in Decades

Race For The Roses And Mayweather vs. Pacquiao Super Fight Subota, Maj 2

NEW YORK (April 27, 2015) – Talk about a winning, knockout daily double! From the Main Event on horse racing’s biggest day of the year to the main event of boxing’s most anticipated matchup in decades, Saturday May 2, promises to be a fast-paced, hard-hitting and special day for sports fans around the world.


For the Kentucky Derby, the Mayweather-Pacquiao promotion has signed an exclusive sponsorship deal with Starlight Racing’s Itsaknockout. Just a few hours after the race for the roses, 11-time world champion Floyd “Novac” Mayweather i osam-podjela svjetski prvak Manny “PacMan” Pacquiao will meet in a welterweight world championship bout that is expected to set new revenue records in virtually every category.


The sponsorship ofItsaknockout,” represents a convergence of leading entities in their respective fields: Jack Wolf i Starlight Racing; seven-time Eclipse Award winning trainer Todd Pletcher at racing’s most prestigious event; and boxing superstars Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, both of whom are destined for the boxing Hall of Fame; leading boxing promotional outfits Mayweather Promotions i Top Rank Inc.; co-producers SHOWTIME PPV® i HBO Pay-Per-View®; and boxing event’s host, MGM Grand u Las Vegasu.


The deal to sponsorItsaknockout,” brought about by Steve Rosner of 16W Marketing, is part of an aggressive campaign for “MAYWEATHER vs. Pacquiao,” that includes unprecedented support from PPV distributors, a national ad campaign and support from the television networks, promoters and the MGM Grand. Tim “Itsaknockoutwill show its support of the fight during Derby Week with the thoroughbred wearing a “MAYWEATHER vs. Pacquiao” branded blanket, branding on JockeyLuis Saez and branded apparel on Pletcher’s racing crew tending toItsaknockout.
The opportunity to sponsor a horse running in the Kentucky Derby appropriately named ‘ItsaKnockoutis a fantastic fit for the Mayweather vs Pacquiao fight and the magnitude of the promotion on all levels,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promocije. “It’s going to be a knockout of a sports weekend with both events the same day and we wish this champion horse well, hoping his name comes true with a victory in the Derby.


From Gate to Finish, beginning with the Kentucky Derby and ending with Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, Subota, Maj 2 will be the most exciting day in sports,” rekao je Todd duBoef, Predsjednik Top Rank. “Itsaknockout may be the horse we are sponsoring but it also describes the historic day fans will be talking about for years to come.


There is a natural and unmistakable connection between the Kentucky Derby and Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, two world-class sporting events that showcase the talent of athletes performing at the highest level and on the biggest stage,” rekao je Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager, SHOWTIME Sports. “Maj 2 will be an historic day in sports, one that has the potential to cement legacies and redefine what we consider to be legendary.


Jedan od najviše uređena boraca u povijesti sporta, neporaženog Mayweather (47-0, 26 KOs) je svjetski prvak 11-put u pet težine podjele i univerzalno priznat kao No. 1 pound-for-pound borac na svijetu. A four-time “Fighter of the Year,” Mayweather has defeated 20 svetski šampioni.

Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs) is the only fighter to win eight world titles in as many different weight divisions. A three-time Fighter of the Year and the Boxing Writers Association of America’s “Fighter Dekade,” Pacquiao is seeking to defeat his third consecutive unbeaten world champion. His last 15 fights have been against world champs.


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