分類存檔: 拳擊

Baltimore Boxing to bring Excitement this weekend to Ocean City!


巴爾的摩, MD (五月 6, 2015) - 論 星期六, 五月 9, Baltimore Boxing Promotions will provide a complete evening of entertainment to Ocean City, MD.


門票從 $25 are available on Tick​​etmaster.com and at the Convention Center Box Office.


8 PM, an Olympic style boxing card titled “Beatdown at the Beach” takes place at the Ocean City Convention Center. The card is headlined by a heavyweight title match including Baltimore Boxing Gym’s record holding knockout king Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed vsSalisbury’s KGC for the East Coast crown. Renowned Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazy of the Baltimore Boxing Gym squares off against Down Under Boxing’s Nigel Fennell. 此外, Donald Wallace of the Baltimore Boxing Gym meets Ryan Watson of Salisbury, MD, while young phenom Tommy Coe Jr., Ed Park and Omar Serrano will appear in separate bouts.


In association with this exciting night of fights, Baltimore Boxing is proudly teaming up with the Worcester County Humane Society’s efforts to find new homes for shelter animals. During the fights, there will be a 50/50 raffle with the proceeds going to the society and Baltimore Boxing is also donating tickets. The Humane Society will also be on hand to answer any questions and distribute information on their organization.


Throughout the evening, fans will have the opportunity to meet and greet a number of local notables. World rated cruiserweight Alex Guerrero of Salisbury and undefeated Steve “Show Stealer” Wheeler of Baltimore will be on hand along with legendary trainer Frank Gilbert and Virginia’s Andrew “Doo Man” Farmer. Following his nationally televised match on ESPN 2’s星期五 Night Fights the evening prior to “Beatdown at the Beach”, middleweight warrior Jessie “The Beast Nicklow” of Baltimore will be on hand as will Ocean City’s very own Brian Ziegler.


Following the fights, all ticketholders are invited to the exclusive after party at Abbey Burger, 位於 126 st in Ocean City.


“Beatdown at the Beach is not just a fight card, it’s a complete event,“史密斯說. “I want every ticketholder to have a blast from the time they enter the Convention Center until their evening is complete. This is why it was important for Baltimore Boxing not only to have an entertaining fight card, but also have special guests and an after party at a popular place. 星期六 evening is guaranteed to be a great time for everybody in OceanCity.”

欲了解更多信息, 到 Baltimoreboxing.com

Alyson DeRenzis wins Boxcino Bracket Challenge

費城, PA (五月 6, 2015)Banner Promotions is pleased to announce that Alyson DeRenzis has taken first place in the Boxcino Bracket Challenge.
Alyson will take home the grand prize of two ringside tickets to the Boxcino finals that will take place on 五月 22 科羅納, 加利福尼亞州, a full roundtrip for two to the finals, complete with a hotel stay and meals for two, as well as a guest invitation to the pre-fight weigh in and post fight press conference. Alyson will also receive two Boxcino t-shirts.
The runner-up is Matt Andrzejewski. Matt will have two tickets to the finals and two Boxcino t-shirts.
Banner Promotions would like to thank all contestants for their interest and participation!




紐約 (五月 6, 2015) - SHOWTIME體育 original documentary series “ALL ACCESS” earned a Sports Emmy for the second consecutive year 週二, 帶回家的榮譽“優秀體育紀錄片系列”在 36 在紐約市年度體育艾美獎頒獎典禮.


透出紀錄片, 其中記載了拳擊的最大prizefights的積累和後果, won its first Sports Emmy at last year’s ceremony for Outstanding Edited Sports Event Coverage with “ALL ACCESS: 梅威瑟VS. CANELO尾聲.”


在 2014, SHOWTIME Sports offered four multi-episode installments of ALL ACCESS, documenting the first and second showdown between Floyd Mayweather and Marcos Maidana, Canelo Alvarez vs. Alfredo Angulo and Canelo Alvarez vs. Erislandy拉拉.


SHOWTIME體育獲得了網絡最佳9體育艾美獎提名的保費網絡’ 在體育節目 2014. SHOWTIME has won 11 Sports Emmy Awards in the last five years.

打報告: 厄茲居爾汗安全冠軍的紐約廳驚悚

通過報告: 贊布羅塔 (江) 迪卡羅

讓我們面對現實吧, 與列英寸致力於梅威瑟,帕奎奧在過去幾個星期的量, 你可以很容易被原諒認為有這發生在五月沒有其他拳擊比賽 2ND.

很好, 還有一個戰鬥卡, 我很高興地說,我就是在那個事件 - 馬克里昂和比利·詹姆斯 - 艾略特在倫敦的推廣活動環上議院在標誌性的紐約廳.


行, 誠然紐約廳貝斯納爾格林並不具備處於在米高梅大酒店在拉斯維加斯這樣一個大型的戰鬥任何接近的純情, 但是,當涉及到戲劇和興奮, 抱歉,你不能打敗小禮堂拳, 特別是當它在紐約大會堂.


當事件被宣布這是由於功能14回合, 但之後立即-精靈宣布一個顯著數回合被取消, 作為戰士想成為馬戲團在拉斯維加斯, 然後在最後的建立進一步打架被關卡, 由於受到傷病困擾, 留下一個七拼牌上顯示的夜晚, 抑或是.


該卡進一步減少對天, 在戰鬥之一後取消基於安全理由 - 由於兩個戰鬥機首次亮相的重量5公斤的區別 - 如果這還不夠糟糕曼尼穆罕默德的對手, 拉斐爾雪沒有露面, 剩下短短五年打架的夜晚.


首先登場的是利物浦之間的六圓的俄羅斯熱的前景大衛Agadzhanyan, 對捷克的約瑟夫瑞德利奇, 誰踩在最後一分鐘,以節省回合, 下面加納的伊薩克·奧烏蘇被迫退出因病.






我已經在行動見過Agadzhanyan幾次, 包括優險勝然後不敗丹尼爾BAZO在三月, 所以真的很期待看到他在行動反對奧烏蘇, 強硬不妥協的前加納冠軍和英聯邦冠軍挑戰者消除, 但得等到本月晚些時候當改期回合發生在利物浦.


接下來是WBF洲際冠軍保羅·伊科諾米, 在非冠軍六圓, 對另一個後期更換, 捷克的切赫Gyna, 下面前英國冠軍安迪·貝爾一周前拉出來,然後把原來更換拉出兩天前戲.


伊科諾米是另一個類的行為, 所以毫不奇怪,Gyna是在畫布上只在30秒內, 就重啟Gyna決定攻擊防禦的最佳形式, 然而,在服用的鬥爭伊科諾米季他打出直入他的手, 字面上伊科諾米懲罰他,一個大的權利, 發送捷克下降到畫布上的第二次也是最後一次, 在一分鐘,25秒標記.


同時與開戰鬥結束年初播出的電視節目不是由於直到開始 9下午, 發起人沒有選擇,只能有相當長的時間間隔下一回合之前, 將軍澳冠軍的不敗哈克尼之間的六輪輕重量級比賽土耳其基礎奧德前景和厄茲居爾藝人本人喬迪米克爾.


縱觀前四輪厄茲居爾剛走到米克爾下降, 在讓每一個可能的機會,RIP進行大規模的右手, 因為他們來的米克爾一樣強硬,似乎很樂意吸收處罰拋出的人被稱為“小邁克”的土耳其球迷.


曾經開玩笑, 米克爾淡化懲罰他服用, 高高興興玩人群, 還有真氣他的對手, 通過拉臉和暗示,有在土耳其小伙子出手沒電, 然而,由事實米克爾已經淡化他的滑稽動作, 清楚地表明,厄茲居爾鏡頭確實具有所希望的效果.


米克爾在第五淡化他的戰術的嬉鬧更進一步, 作為厄茲居爾加強了他的攻擊, 把更多的力量到他的出手次數.


從一六開始,很明顯,厄茲居爾是有意懲罰米克爾更進一步, 讓大雙手飄雪RIP前備份的斯肯索普人到繩索, 其中之一, 裂解身體射門, 從字面上敲風出米克爾,並迫使他採取一個膝蓋.


就重啟厄茲居爾在去為完成, 此時米克爾防守去, 不再玩到人群, 通過看它最後的鐘聲.


經過六年娛樂性很強的輪裁判肯·柯蒂斯打進回合 60-53 贊成厄茲居爾的.


我非常喜歡打, 我知道這是不是一個經典, 但男孩男孩哦這是非常有趣.


第四回合的夜晚看到布拉德福德Tasif汗錦標賽行動的第一次, 對格魯吉亞的米哈伊爾·Soloninkini, 國際大師銀最輕量級冠軍.


汗啟動快, 拳背後精美他的刺拳布拉德福德男子保持他稍微有經驗的敵人後腳為廣大回合.


通過中間點汗放慢腳步稍微, 同時保持上Soloninkini壓力, 然而,關於通過第六中途, 在一次例行交流汗有點慢,把他的手套, 留下一個開口,格魯吉亞,讓撕裂與一個大的權利, 其中發送汗到畫布.


就重啟Soloninkini去全員出動攻擊, 汗依然平靜,並再次落後了他的刺拳, 格魯吉亞是好炒作,繼續挺身而出步伐投擲炸彈的巨大前.


在這些小衝突汗明智地揪住不放,直到裁判李Murtagh的發行順序突破. 這種戰術工作,汗是能夠清除他的頭,足以把控制權交還給圓自己.


雖然汗有他忙得不可開交的最後三輪, 作為Soloninkini有他的牙齒之間的位和被硬推, 但汗是一個很酷的角色,每一次的格魯吉亞作出了有力的突襲似乎很樂意回踩箱.


經過十個回合優秀拳種, 評委記分卡讀取 – 肯·柯蒂斯 99-94, 奧比加內特 98-90 和馬特漢密爾頓 98-91, 所有贊成Tasif汗.


珍妮弗·伯頓, 馬耳他拳擊委員會的北部地區秘書, 提出了熟悉的藍色國際大師皮帶勝利Tasif汗.


不得不說我非常喜歡打, 儘管這是相當一邊倒了很多的時間, 讓我們面對現實吧,這不是關於Soloninkini質量聲明, 因為他的血統是眾所周知的, 這小子是個難啃的突破, 為證明已採取傑米·威廉姆斯的距離, 當他們戰鬥的青銅大師在三月, 還有打煽情查理·愛德華茲在幾個星期後, 但在我看來片面性的鬥爭,以及結果顯示Tasif汗多麼好打.


夜的戰鬥頭條看到將軍澳冠軍的不敗哈克尼基於土耳其的前景SIAR厄茲居爾之間的複賽, 是的哥的奧德上述, 對諾丁漢大學的馬特·斯科利這個時候有一個冠軍就行了 - MBC的國際重量級冠軍.


當這兩個第一惡戰, 早在去年十月, 這是一個不折不扣的戰爭, 厄茲居爾贏了,但查房是如此接近它可能是一個非常不同的結果.


回合開始以非常類似的方式到10月份的對決, 沒有人想要承認任何理由, 然而,僅僅是第一輪厄茲居爾讓年底前翻錄了巨大的權利,斯科利的身體, 這迫使英國諾丁漢的人掩蓋看到一輪它的結論.


拍攝身體必須有真正傷害斯科利因為他似乎在防守上更意圖, 而不是全攻上, 從第二開始, 這仍然是回合的其餘部分的圖案.


厄茲居爾在整個製作大部分運行, 在眾多的小規模戰鬥的不過隨後斯克里芬多舉行自己的, 雖然不得不承認,他是一個小比在首輪更加謹慎.


經過十個回合的拳擊精湛的法官記分卡被讀出 - 李Murtagh的和馬特漢密爾頓拿下了回合 100-90 和奧比加內特 100-88 所有贊成SIAR厄茲居爾的.




所有的一切我非常喜歡的活動, 尤其是最後三回合, 然而,我有點失望的是,一些計劃中的戰鬥, 如那些具有伊恩·韋弗, 安東尼Counihan, 馬克王子, 喬治Hillyard和上述瑪麗安斯頓, 未能實現, 因為在我看來,如果他們發生了,我覺得這幾乎肯定會在今年得到的最好的節目之一,在紐約大會堂, 因為它是它仍然是拳擊行動非常愉快和有趣的晚上和一個合適的前奏5 - 精靈的戰鬥, 其中發起人馬克·萊昂斯和比利·詹姆斯埃利奧特安排了拳擊手, 他們的團隊和事件的參加者將實時通過衛星在私人活動室觀看.




Big Sean, 安吉馬丁內斯, and DJ Lobo Comprise Entertainment Line Up

Roc Nation Sports’ Dustin Flesicher, Junior Younan, 張志磊. Along With Miguel Cotto Promotions’

何塞·洛佩斯, Alberto Machado and Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. To Be Featured On Undercard

紐約 (五月 6, 2015) - Already a marquee event featuring 米格爾·庫托 (39-4, 32 KO的) defending his WBC Middleweight and Ring Magazine World Champion titles against former Two-Time World Champion 丹尼爾Geale (31-3, 16 KO的) in a 12-round main event, 六月 6 showdown will now include a live musical performance by Roc Nation and Grammy-nominated artist Big Sean before the main event.


Roc Nation will bring other major names to the boxing experience at Barclays Center including notable event emcee and “The Voice of New York” 安吉馬丁內斯, 誰將會成為該事件的主機, alongside hit master DJ Lobo from WSKQ La Mega 97.9 FM New York City, 該 #1 Spanish radio station in the United States. Martinez and Lobo will entertain together throughout the night to keep the energy up between bouts.


庫托與. Geale, 12輪的爭奪庫托的WBC和環雜誌中量級世界冠軍, is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate. The championship bout takes place星期六, 六月 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO beginning at 10:30 P.M. AND/PT.


Last year marked Big Sean’s first Grammy nomination and the release of his critically acclaimed sophomore effort, “名人堂” which once again held an impressive number three Soundscan debut in the U.S. 擁有超過 10 million records sold to date, Sean became the first rapper to ever perform at The White House earlier this year and has released three successful shoe designs in partnership with Adidas Originals. While his professional work as an artist keep him extremely busy, Sean makes the time to use his resources to give back through his Detroit based non-profit, the Sean Anderson Foundation. He is currently on a national tour promoting his third major label album, Dark Sky Paradise (G.O.O.D. Music / Def Jam Recordings) which debuted at number one.


“I’m so excited to be coming together again with Roc Nation Sports to host its next boxing event at Barclays Center on 六月 6 featuring Miguel Cotto’s return to New York City,” said Angie Martinez. “The event format, including a live musical performance by Big Sean, will ensure the night is one to remember.”


“As an active member of the Latino community in New York City, I’m proud to be kicking off the week of the Puerto Rican Day Parade festivities with Miguel Cotto’s long-awaited return to the ring and debut at Barclays Center,” said DJ Lobo. “I’ll be sure to keep the atmosphere rocking between bouts and hope I can count on the Latino community to show their support on June 6.”


另外一個令人興奮 六月 6 performance lineup, 一些拳擊最炙手可熱的新星將在非電視undercard特色. 大鵬民族體育的佼佼者 達斯汀·弗萊舍, Junior Younan, 張志磊, and Miguel Cotto Promotions’ 何塞·洛佩斯, 阿爾貝托·馬查多 維爾弗雷多·巴斯克斯JR. will look to keep fans on their feet from the opening bell through the main event.

New Jersey native and Two-Time State Golden Gloves Champion Dustin “The White Tiger” Fleischer (1-0, 1 KO), 年齡 25, is on a quest to become the first grandson of a Holocaust survivor to be crowned world champion. Fleischer, with an amateur record of 112-18, is a protégé of 1996 Olympic Head Coach Al Mitchell and the youngest graduate of the U.S. Olympic Education Center for boxing at the age of 16. Mitchell’s guidance helped to propel Fleischer to U.S.A. Boxing’s #5 open-fighter ranking at 132 lbs in 2007, with only standout professionals Sadam Ali, 特倫斯·克勞福德, 丹尼·加西亞, and Luis Ramos ranked ahead of him. Fleischer made his professional debut on January 9, 2015 during Roc Nation Sports’ inaugural 拳擊寶座 事件, scoring a second round technical knockout victory over Frank Jordan in a fight that was televised live on FOX Sports 1. Fleischer faces an opponent to be determined in a four round welterweight bout on 六月 6.


Brooklyn’s 19-year-old, undefeated Junior “The Young God” Younan (6-0, 5 KO的) is considered one of New York City’s best boxing prospects. Younan, trained by his father Sherif, a former professional boxer himself, began fighting competitively at age eight and only two years later was called a “boxing prodigy” by the New York Times. He compiled an amateur record of 90-5, racking up an impressive series of titles along the way including nine Junior Olympic championships, nine Junior Metro championships, eight New York State Silver Gloves championships and five Regional Silver Gloves championships. 在 2011, he was crowned National Junior Golden Gloves champion and was U.S.A. Boxing’s number one rated junior boxer in his weight class. Less than a month after his 18生日, Younan made his professional debut on November 9, 2013, at the Aviator Sports and Events Center in Brooklyn, 紐約, stopping Kenneth Schmitz in the first round. 上 六月 6, he will see action in a six round light heavyweight bout.


Zhang “Big Bang” Zhilei (3-0, 2 KO的) is a 6-foot-6, 260-pound southpaw who is poised to make a major splash in the heavyweight division. Born in Henan, 中國, home to the world famous Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Warriors, Zhilei began his amateur career in 2003, participating in the World Championships. He went on to compete in the World University Boxing Championship the following year where he made it to the finals. A breakthrough came in 2007 at the World Championships when Zhilei captured a bronze medal and, by finishing the competition in third place, qualified for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing where he reached the super heavyweight finals, proudly adding to the host country’s medal total with a Silver Medal. Zhilei returned to the Olympics in 2012 在倫敦, where he looked to better his 2008 performance. After a solid start, Zhang faced a stern test in the hard-hitting, eventual Gold Medal winning Brit Anthony Joshua and suffered a heart-breaking loss. 在 2009 和 2013, Zhilei captured gold medals at the China National Games, an event of equal prestige to the Olympics in China. 八月 8, 2014, Zhang made his professional debut by scoring a first-round knockout win over Curtis Lee Tate in Fallon, 內華達. 一月 17, 2015, Zhang overpowered Perry Filkins with another first round knockout at Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, 康涅狄格. 在他的最後一個回合上 三月 14, he scored a four round unanimous decision victory over Eric George in Jersey City, 新澤西州. The 32-year-old Zhilei will face an opponent to be determined in a four round bout at Barclays Center.


Hailing from Carolina, 波多黎各, Jose “Wonder Boy” Lopez (15-0-1, 11 KO的) is a bit modest when it comes to discussing his punching power, but that power was evidenced during the 21-year-old’s appearance on October 26, 2013 at the Ray G. Amalbert in Juncos, Puerto Rico when he faced veteran Nicaraguan Sergio Gomez and knocked him out in the eighth and final round. 三月 29, 2014, the undefeated powerhouse scored a first round technical knockout win over Leivi Brea of The Dominican Republic to capture the vacant WBC FECARBOX super bantamweight title at the Cosme Beitia Salamo Coliseum in Cataño, 波多黎各. Lopez successfully defend the title on June 7, 2014 against Raul Hidalgo via a near shutout eight round unanimous decision victory. Another defense came on August 16, 2014 when he faced Roberto Casteñeda in what became an instant classic with Lopez hitting the canvas four times in the first round and Castañeda getting floored once each in rounds one, two and three before Lopez emerged the victor via an eight round majority decision. 在他的最後一個回合上 二月 7, Lopez fought to a draw with Josean Figuroa at the Coliseo Guillermo Angulo in Carolina. 上 六月 6, Lopez will look to add another win to his record in a six round featherweight bout.


Alberto “El Explosivo” Machado (10-0, 8 KO的) started boxing at the age of ten in the Monte Hatillo Gymnasium located in San Juan. The 24-year-old Rio Piedras native compiled an amateur record of 145-21 and secured national championships in the junior, junior Olympics, cadet and adult categories. 十一月 11, 2012, Machado made is professional debut against Alex Nazario at the Coliseo Roger L. 門多薩的卡瓜斯, Puerto Rico scoring a third round technical knockout win. Seven consecutive wins would follow, and on November 1, 2014, Machado fought for his first professional title at the Coliseo Hector Sola Bezares in Caguas where he defeated Alvin Torres via a second round technical knockout to capture the vacant WBC United States super featherweight title. 在他最近的回合, Machado successfully defended his title on March 14 against Jean Javier Sotelo at the Coliseo Roger L. Mendoza in Caguas with a first round knockout. Machado faces an opponent to be determined in a six round junior lightweight bout on June 6.


維爾弗雷多·巴斯克斯JR. (24-4-1, 19 KO的) 從大的陰影父親的出現, 波多黎各傳奇維爾弗雷多·巴斯克斯, 使自己的名字平方圈裡面. The 30-year-old former World Champion from Bayamon is on a quest to recapture a world title belt now campaigning in the featherweight division. After storming out of the gates with an 18 打不敗的戰績, 巴斯克斯被通過第四輪淘汰賽上擊敗日再同胞不敗張建東Sonsona奪取了WBO初中輕量級世界冠軍 27, 2010. Two successful title defenses followed before Vazquez lost his title to Three-Time World Champion Jorge Arce in an all-out war that the judges had a draw at the time of the twelfth round stoppage. 另一個世界冠軍的挑戰來了反對六次世界冠軍nonito Donaire主場二月 2, 2012, 但巴斯克斯短了, 刪除一個分裂的決定,冠軍. In his last bout on November 1, 2014, Vazquez scored a majority decision win over Jonathan Arrellano in Caguas, 波多黎各. 六月 6, he’ll look to keep his winning ways going in an eight round featherweight bout against an opponent to be named.


庫托與. Geale, 12輪的爭奪庫托的WBC和環雜誌中量級世界冠軍, 發生星期六, 六月 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. The fight is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate. 除了環內的大動作, 該活動將有幾個顯著的大鵬民族接觸,這將進一步成為觀眾與增強型風扇體驗, including Roc Nation and Grammy nominated artist Big Sean taking to the ring for a special performance prior to the main event. The event will be hosted by notable emcee “The Voice of New York” Angie Martinez and will also feature hit master DJ Lobo who will serve alongside Martinez throughout the night. 門票分 $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 和 $25, 不包括適用的服務費和稅款, are on sale now and available for purchase at www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com 並在美國運通票房巴克萊中心. 要通過電話進行充電, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000. 門開處 6:00 PM, 第一次戰鬥開始於 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 PM ET / PT.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.rocnation.com. 按照國家大鵬在Twitter和Instagram的@rocnation並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/RocNation.


欲了解更多信息, 訪問 www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.



ROC國家體育, 一個細分大鵬民族, 在春季推出 2013. Founder Shawn “JAY Z” Carter’s love of sports lead to the natural formation of Roc Nations Sports, 幫助運動員以同樣的方式中華民國國家一直在幫助藝術家在音樂行業工作多年. Roc Nation Sports focuses on elevating athletes’ career on a global scale both on and off the field. 中華民國國家體育概念化和執行市場營銷和廣告代言, 社區外展, 慈善搭售, 媒體關係和品牌戰略. 中華民國國家體育推出了拳擊事業部, 一家提供全面服務的推廣公司,代表了世界冠軍米格爾·庫托和沃德, 八月 2014. Roc Nation Sports’ roster includes premiere athletes such as Robinson Cano, 斯凱勒迪金斯, 凱文 - 杜蘭特, 格諾·史密斯, 維克多·克魯茲, CC薩巴西亞, 楊國棟, 費爾南德斯科比, Ndamukong徐, Rusney卡斯蒂略, Yoenis塞斯佩德斯, Jaelen強, 托德·格利, 威爾森 - 錢德勒, 艾瑞克·艾巴, Justice Winslow, Willie Cauley-Stein and Frances Tiafoe.


Miguel Cotto Promotions is the leading promotional company in Puerto Rico founded by the five-time and four-division world champion Miguel Cotto and entrepreneur Hector Soto in 2005. Miguel Cotto Promotions has the vision of developing the best talent in Puerto Rico and Latin America, while searching for the best partnerships in the business to present the best quality shows in the industry. 在 2015, Miguel Cotto Promotions launched their most recent project namedBoxeo Al Maximoin partnership with Univision Puerto Rico network, capturing great ratings results on the new Saturday night fights’ platform.

About Gary Shaw Productions

Based out of New Jersey, Gary Shaw Productions was founded in 2002 by President and Chief Executive Officer, 加里·肖, a former NJ regulator. Having promoted boxing shows in China, 澳大利亞, Mexico and the U.K., GSP is known as an international enterprise, whose main objective is to bring excitement to boxing with competitive fights. Partaking in some of the biggest events in boxing history, which include Felix Trinidad vs. 費爾南多·巴爾加斯, Lennox Lewis vs. 維塔利·克里琴科, Winky Wright vs. 費利克斯·特立尼達, 迭戈科拉萊斯VS. 何塞·路易斯·卡斯蒂略, Shane Mosley vs. Winky Wright and Marquez vs Vasquez I, II & III, GSP has solidified its self as one of the top promotional companies in the sport.

About Barclays Center

Barclays Center opened on September 28, 2012, and is a major sports and entertainment venue in the heart of Brooklyn, 紐約. One of the most intimate seating configurations ever designed into a modern multi-purpose arena, Barclays Center offers 17,732 seats for basketball, 15,795 for hockey, and up to 19,000 seats for concerts, 並具有 101 luxury suites, four bars/lounges, four clubs, 和 40/40 CLUB & Restaurant by American Express.


Barclays Center hosts an extensive variety of events, including premier concerts, major professional boxing cards, top college basketball, family shows, the Brooklyn Nets and soon the New York Islanders.

Barclays Center has redefined the arena customer service and culinary experience. Its more than 2,000 employees are trained by Disney Institute, the business advisory arm of The Walt Disney Company, and its BrooklynTaste™ food program features selections from 55 well-known restaurants and vendors in the borough.


Barclays Center engages the customer with state-of-the-art technology to enhance the fan experience. As the first arena in the world to utilize Cisco StadiumVision mobile multicast streaming technology, Barclays Center allows fans to watch live video and instant replays from their mobile phones while connected to the arena’s free Wi-Fi.


Located atop one of the largest transportation hubs in New York City, Barclays Center is accessible by 11 subway lines, the Long Island Rail Road, 和 11 bus lines.



For more information on Barclays Center, 請訪問 www.barclayscenter.com

Juan Dominguez battles Jonathan Perez on May 22 在克拉里奇在大西洋城

Plus undefeated Bryant Perella, Gervonta戴維斯, 約翰·瑪格達, 卡里姆·馬丁, Jamontay克拉克, 迦勒廠, Keenan Smith and Antowyan Aikens
大西洋城, 新澤西州 (五月 5,2015)–

在週五 夜晚,五月 22, 拳擊返回Claridge酒店在大西洋城有一個完整的10回合卡由國王的促銷聯同DeeLee促銷推廣
在主要事件, 不敗超輕量級 胡安 “嬰兒鐵托” 多明格斯將在 喬納森·佩雷斯 定於8回合一個回合.

布魯克林多明格斯, New York has a perfect mark of 18-0 同 12 擊倒,

該 29 year-old has risen up the ranks with quality wins such his third-round stoppage over previously undefeated Gabriel Gomez (4-0). He also won the New York State Bantamweight title with a win over Arturo Santiago.

二月 16, 2013, Dominguez won the WBA Fedecaribe Super Bantamweight title with a 2nd round stoppage over Geyci Lorenzo. Dominguez also has a win over Camilo Perez (9-1)

Dominguez is coming off a fifth-round stoppage over Carlos Rodriguez on 二月 21 阿倫敦, PA.

Perez of Barranquilla, Colombia has a record 33-10 同 27 擊倒.
He has quality wins over Gustavo Sandoval (7-1) and Hugo Berrio (15-2) for the Colombian Bantamweight title.
He has been in the ring with world champions Abner Mares, Martin Castillo, Eric Ortiz and Cristian Mijares.
該 28 year-old is coming off a fifth round stoppage defeat to undefeated Horacio Garcia on 八月 16 在墨西哥.

There will be three eight-round co-features that will highlight a nine fight undercard
8 輪較量:

科比佩雷拉 (11-0, 7 KO的) 利哈伊畝, FL將爭奪 德國佩雷斯 (11-1-3, 3 KO的) 蒂華納, MX在次中量級回合.

約翰·瑪格達 (9-0, 6 KO的) 盧瑟福, 新澤西州將爭取 米格爾·安赫爾Manguia (31-32-1, 25 KO的) 在超中量級較量.

Gervonta戴維斯 (10-0, 9 KO的) 巴爾的摩, MD will take on an opponent to be named in Featherweight bout.

卡里姆·馬丁 (4-0-1, 3 KO的) 華盛頓, DC will square off with with an opponent to be named in a Welterweight bout.

中量級 迦勒獵人廠 (6-0, 5 KO的) 阿什蘭市, TN will fightRahman Mustafa Yusubov (11-20, 8 KO的) 達拉斯, TX.

Jamontay克拉克 (5-0, 3 KO的) 辛辛那提, OH將爭奪 喬納森·加西亞 (4-13, 1 KO) 阿瓜達的, 公關在次中量級回合.

Pro debuting light heavyweight 卡洛斯·貢戈拉 布魯克林, 紐約州將爭取 Jesus Gonzalez (0-3) 波多黎各.
JR. 次中量級 基南·史密斯 (6-0, 2 KO的費城) 將在對手被命名.
輕重量級 Antuwyan艾肯斯 (9-0, 1 KO的) .大西洋城, 新澤西州將爭取埃德加·佩雷斯 (6-13, 3 KO的) 芝加哥, IL.
門票可用於購買 $100, $75$50 點擊www.claridge.eventbrite.coM或撥打電話 610 587 5950609 868 4243

第1回合將開始 7 PM 與門開口 6 PM.



新澤西州 (五月 5, 2015) – 後 HBO的世界拳擊錦標賽 had one of their highest rated shows since 2012 with the Klitschko vs. Jennings championship bout on April 25th, 加里·肖 feels his fighters, 科比詹寧斯 (19-1, 10 科斯) 和 舊金山桑塔納 (22-4-1, 11 科斯), can make quick comebacks to the big stage.


There is no doubt in my mind that Bryant Jennings and Francisco Santana are fighters the fans want see,” 說加里·肖. “The viewership that HBO had on April 25th was fantastic and I believe Jennings and Santana had a lot to do with those high ratings. Jennings because of his activity on social media. Santana because he has a tremendous amount of Latin fans that support him. 有了這樣說, I believe both fighters, will be back on the big stage in the future.


Bryant Jennings gained a ton of respect for his gallant effort against Klitschko, in which he went the distance, giving Wladimir his toughest fight in recent years, proving he was deserving of a title shot. 舊金山桑塔納, who also went the distance with Sadam Ali, showed remarkable heart as he fought hard in every round, giving the fans their money’s worth.


Bryant Jennings proved he’s an elite heavyweight contender with his performance against Klitschko,” 加里·肖繼續. “Santana is a Mexican warrior and both fighters gained a lot of fans that night. Both fighters pressed the action, taking the fight to their opponents, bringing excitement to the bout. Many in attendance felt the scores for both Jennings and Santana were not reflective of their fights. It was a lot closer then what the judges scorecards read. Jennings and Santana both love being HBO fighters. I have plans to bring them back to HBO.

Boxcino 2015 Finals on ESPN “週五夜戰鬥” 五月 22, 冠, 例如


ORANGE, 加利福尼亞州. (五月 5, 2015) – 超次中量級 布蘭登·亞當斯 (16-1, 12 科斯) is returning to a familiar situation. After coming up short in last year’s Boxcino finals and suffering the only loss of his career, the Los Angeles-native dropped down one weight class and fought his way back to the 10-round championship fight.

Adams faces the smooth boxing skills of 約翰·湯普森 (16-1, 5 科斯) 的 紐瓦克, New Jersey on Friday, 五月 22, 從歐米茄產品戶外Arena在電暈, 加利福尼亞州. 在Boxcino 2015 junior middleweight championship.

The Boxcino Finals is televised on ESPN的 “週五夜戰鬥” (ESPN2 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT) and is co-promoted through Arthur Pelullo’s Banner Promotions and Ken Thompson’s Thompson Boxing Promotions.

“一切都很好, training is going well,” 布蘭登·亞當斯 說. “我‘m still in shape from my last fight and I’m coming to get what is mine. I’m going to put on a performance that will make everyone proud.

My training camp has been great,” 約翰·湯普森 說. “我‘ve been working hard, staying hungry. I have one day on my mind and that is May 22nd.

Tickets for the Boxcino Finals are priced at $50, $70, & $100, and are available for purchase online at ThompsonBoxing.com 或致電 714-935-0900.

在共同特徵, heavyweight talents 丹尼斯·多諾萬 (14-2, 11 科斯) 克利夫蘭, Ohio and 安德烈Fedosov (27-3, 22 科斯) of Russia will meet in a 10-round fight to determine the Boxcino 2015 heavyweight champion.

Dennis and Fedosov have electrified the crowds leading up to the tournament finals. They both showed off their freight train like power by knocking out their respective opponents in the Boxcino quarter and semifinals.

I’ve been in Los Angeles for training camp, getting good sparring,” 丹尼斯·多諾萬說. “我 know Andrey will be ready, 等會I.”

I’m glad that I’ve made it into the finals of this great tournament on ESPN,” 安德烈Fedosov 說. “我‘m training very hard in Los Angeles and I’m confident that I will win the fight.

I’m looking forward to the Boxcino finals,” said Artie Pelullo, president of Banner Promotions. “The finals will be terrific with two exciting and compelling fights.

We couldn’t be anymore excited to be a part of this wonderful tournament that has a long history of producing boxing stars,” 說肯·湯普森, 湯普森拳擊總統. “All four boxers understand what’s on the line, and I’m positive they’ll come out hungry and put on a tremendous boxing showcase.

Additional information on the undercard will be announced shortly.
The Omega Products Outdoor Arena is located at 1681 California Ave., 冠, 例如 92881 and can be reached at 951-737-7447. 門開處 5:45 P.M. PT and the first bout begins at 6:15 P.M. PT.

For additional information please visit www.banner-promotions.com& ThompsonBoxing.com 和. 有關我們的戰士定期更新, 事件, 和促銷, please check our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram@bannerboxing@ThompsonBoxing.

MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV Continues Friday, 五月 8, 在 10 P.M. AND


五月 5, 2015


MetroPCS的週五夜敲除對truTV series will feature its second consecutive week of live boxing coverage 星期五, 五月 8, 在 10 P.M. AND from Prudential Center in Newark, N.J. The card will feature two title fights, headlined by Top-10 contenders Glen “Jersey Boy” Tapia (23-1, 15 科斯) from Passaic, 新澤西州, 和 “Irish” Seanie Monaghan (23-0, 15 科斯). Tapia will defend his NABO junior middleweight title against 米歇爾·索羅 (25-1-1, 15 科斯) from France, with Monaghan defending his WBC Continental Americas light heavyweight title against Cleiton Conceicao (20-6-2, 16 科斯) from Brazil.

評論該事件將包括 凱文子彈 提供播放通過播放與分析師 雷“轟隆​​轟隆”曼奇尼 記者和 Crystina Poncher. Kugler 是一位資深播音員,他曾為 Westwood One 報導過大學籃球和 NFL 報導,為十大網絡報導過大學橄欖球賽. 曼奇尼是一個 2015 國際拳擊名人堂入選者,前 NABF 和 WBA 輕量級冠軍. Poncher 是 Top Rank 的評論員和記者, 以及主機, 記者和通訊員NFL網絡和NFL.com. 另外, closed captioning in Spanish will be available.


該網絡的演講將有繼續使用 “蜘蛛攝像頭”技術, 先河的現場拳擊國內轉播, 在系列期間提供動態報導. “Spidercam”在拳擊台角落以外指定點的四點電纜系統上運行. 懸浮相機具有提供的動作引人注目的360度的角度,包括在三個維度的移動能力的能力 - 左/右, 向前/向後以及向上/向下.


作為其對 truTV 拳擊系列的授權贊助的一部分,都市PCS 將在每場比賽中獲得相機可見的中心環和角墊品牌放置, 以及包含在 truTV 和其他特納廣播網絡的所有促銷信息中.


參觀特納體育 在線新聞發布室 用於額外的新聞材料; 在 Twitter 上關注特納體育 TurnerSportsPR.



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Network’s Distinctive And Award-Winning “Epilogue” Episode Focuses

The Spotlight On The Unpredictable Drama Of Fight Week


Click On The Image Below To Watch A Clip Lift: http://s.sho.com/1JmrDZ3


The fourth and final installment of INSIDE梅威瑟與. 帕奎奧 - 結語–premieres 這個星期六 immediately following the SHOWTIME premiere of the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao delayed telecast at 9 P.M. AND/PT. In this clip, witness Mayweather and Pacquiao’s trainer Freddie Roach arguing just moments before the fight. And tune in 這個星期六 to witness all the drama and intensity immediately before and after last Saturday’s historic showdown.