Category Archives: joylashtirish

Banner Aktsiyalar oyat-belgilar mag'lubiyati va dunyo Jr o'rinni. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Mauro Maximiliano Godoy

Filadelfiya, PA (May 20 2015)— Banner Aktsiyalar JR tartib mag'lub va dunyo imzolanishini e'lon qiladi. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn raqib Mauro Maximiliano Godoy eksklyuziv reklama shartnoma uchun.
Godoy, 25 Centenario eski yil, Argentina, bir rekord bor 19-0 bilan 8 knockouts va hozirgi Argentina Super yengillashtirilgan chempioni va WBO program Jr emas. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn sarlavha. U ayni paytda WBO tomonidan soni-9 o'rinni egalladi.
“Biz barobar, bu yosh yarışmacı olish xursandmiz,” Banner Aktsiyalar Prezident Arthur Pelullo dedi.
“U va u bilan birga ishlab kelmoqda Daniel Kastro katta tavsiyasi keladi. Biz ba'zi rasmlarni ko'rdik, va biz Mauro, Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari va butun dunyodagi bu erda bir yulduz bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan his. U ko'p imkoniyatlari bor, sifatida 140 funt bo'lish sifat iqtidori bilan qo'yiladi, va biz katta jang ar o'rniga, keyinchalik uni olish uchun kutyapmiz.”
Said Daniel Kastro, Godoy uchun vakili, “Mauro juda baxtli bo'ladi
Banner aktsiyalar bilan imzolash, qaysi dunyoda yirik promouterlar biridir. U kelajakda jahon chempioni bo'lishga yaxshi imkoniyat bor, qidirmoqda. U qattiq mehnat sport zalida har doim qiruvchi va jang qilish uchun tayyor. Biz Banner Ruslan Provodnikov bilan qilgan narsani ko'rdim, va Mauro balki yaxshi jang va Provodnikov jang qilish uchun yana bir imkoniyat talab qilmoqda.”
Godoy Argentina uning butun faoliyatini jang qildi, va u WBO program Jr qo'lga kiritdi. May kuni Federiko Malespina ustidan 5üncü to'xtab bilan ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn toj 9, 2014. U Cesar Inalef ustidan 10-dumaloq ovozdan qaror bilan bo'sh Argentina Super yengillashtirilgan nomga sazovor bo'ldi (18-3-1) sentyabr kuni 19, 2014. U Jorge Fredes to'xtadi qachon Godoy uning oxirgi Butning o'z faqat himoya qildi 6 noyabr kuni bosqichlari 21, 2014.

Boxcino Jr. Raqamlar bilan o'rta final

APELSIN, Calif. (May 20, 2015) – ESPN ning “Juma Tungi sur” final adabiyot qaror qabul qiladi og'ir vaznli va kichik o'rta bo'linmalari ikki mashhur jang xususiyatlari 2015 Boxcino Chempionlar.


10-dumaloq kichik o'rta final Boxcino musobaqa ishtirokchilarini namoyish Brandon Adams (16-1, 12 KOS) silliq boks ko'nikmalarini qarshi Los Anjeles John Thompson (16-1, 5 KOS) Tokio, Nyu-Jersi. finalchi Boxcino toj bo'yicha uchun kurashadi Juma, May 22, Omega dan Mahsulotlar Ochiq Arena Corona, Calif. Bundan tashqari, on line – The NABA muvaqqat Super yarim ortasiklet sarlavha, va WBO Intercontinental Junior o'rta kamar.


Boxcino final uchun chipta fiyatlandırılır $50, $70, & $100, va onlayn sotib olish uchun mavjud yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 714-935-0900.


double asosiy voqea og'ir vazn toifasida iste'dodlarni xususiyatlari Donovan Dennis (14-2, 11 KOS) Davenport of, Ayova shtati va Andrey Fedosov (27-3, 22 KOS) 10-dumaloq kurashda Rossiyaning aniqlash uchun 2015 Boxcino jahon chempioni. Dennis-Fedosovga ham jang qiladi WBA Fedelatin va WBO Intercontinental og'ir vaznli unvonlar.


Brandon Adams– 17-1, 12 KO John Thompson– 16-1, 5 KO

Los Anjeles, CA Tokio, NJ
Foydalanuvchi nomi–“Cannon” “Apollon Kidd”

Yosh: 25 Yosh: 26
Qo'lga kiritdi 3 to'g'ri o'yinlari (Barcha to'xtab tomonidan) Ikki to'g'ri johillik qo'lga kiritdi
66.7 KO % 29.4 KO%
Jang qildi 74 tur (4.1 Bosqichlari / Butning) Jang qildi 78 tur (4.59 Round / Butning)

5"9″ 61″

70″ Reach NA

Up Rec: 157-99-16 100-45-9

The Omega Products Ochiq Arena da joylashgan 1681 Kaliforniya Ave., Toj, KABI 92881 va erishilgan mumkin 951-737-7447. Ochiq eshiklar 5:45 p.m. PT. va birinchi navbat-da boshlanadi 6:15 p.m. PT.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun tashrif buyuring va. Bizning jangchilar ustidan muntazam yangiliklarni uchun, voqealar, va aktsiyalar, Bizning Facebook sahifasi tekshiring, va Twitter va Instagram bizni amalbannerboxing va ThompsonBoxing.

Chempionlar SAVDO nonushta The Titans AT xizmat ko'rsatgan SPORT sanoati Ilhom AYoLLAR

May 2 Yillik nonushta o'rnatilishi sport va o'yin ichida Hard Working professionallar nishonlanar

Las Vegas (May 20) – Mayweather Aktsiyalar tepib-off Shanba, May 2 Mayweather vs. Bilan Pacquiao festival Savdo Titans Nonushta huquqiga “Chempionlar nonushta,” sport va o'yin-kulgi qattiq mehnat professionallar nishonlanishida. Bu yil, Savdo qo'mitasi Titans sport sohasida muvaffaqiyatga o'z yo'llarini to'qib olgan uch ulkan ayollarni sharaf – mashhur Sportscaster Lesley Visser, sobiq jahon chempioni Mia Sit. John va Nyu-York davlat Atletik komissiyasi raisi Melvina Lathan.


“Men stavkalari duch va ularni kelib qilgan har bir kishi nomidan bu mukofotni qabul,” Said Visser. “Mandela bir marta aytdi, «Sport dunyoni o'zgartirishga qodir,’ Men bugun qabul ayting bu sharaf sport dunyoni o'zgartirdi qanday bir misol, chunki, men qo'shilaman.”


Faxriy tashqari,, Karnay va boshqa tadbirlar to'liq dastur bor edi. Guest ma'ruzachilar boks afsonasidagi va hududdagi fermer of Hall, jumladan, Lucia Rijker va Andrea Haynes va Dr. Rena Menard Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Ayol United States Milliy qo'mitasi (Houston bob).


Heynz va Menard haqida alohida gapirdi HeForShe, BMT Ayol tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan gender tenglik uchun birdamlik harakati advokatlar va gender tenglik erishish uchun o'zgarish agentlari va xotin-qizlar huquqlari kabi erkak va o'g'il shug'ullanish. kampaniya olib gapirish va ayollar va qizlar duch kelayotgan tengsizlik qarshi choralar da'vat.


“Nima uchun men HeForShe Aksiya haqida qizg'in komil, biz ishtirok erkaklar bizni qo'llab-quvvatlash olish muhim ahamiyatga ega, chunki emas,” Said Haynes. “Nima u shunday deb bo'lyapti, chunki BMT Ayollar va u biz hammamiz tan bu aziz zotdir, deb bizga yaxshiroq bo'lishi va yaxshiroq qilish uchun, biz ayollarni qo'llab-quvvatlash kerak.”


Savdo Titans hurmat faxriy platforma yaratdi, E'tiborli jihati ma'ruzachilar va munosib sabablari boks taqvim eng katta kunlarda old va markazi bo'lishi uchun va oldinga harakat buni davom etadi.


“Nima bilan ayollar-faqat voqea sifatida boshladi 25 Konferensiya ishtirokchilari ustidan bilan Floyd Mayweather kurash kuni an'anaga aylandi 100 ayollar va sport sohasida erkaklar va u voqea muvaffaqiyatli ko'rish uchun, bir zavq bo'ldi,” Nicole Craig dedi, Mayweather aktsiyalar uchun Marketing va operatsiyalari vitse prezidenti. “Bu yil biz uch favqulodda ayollarni sharaf va tarmoq va doimiy munosabatlarni shakllantirish uchun imkoniyat bor yangi mehmonlar kutib oldi.”

BIG-TIME boks Boston haqida shanba qaytadi, MAY 23 NBC Premer boks Chempionlar ligasining

Boston boy boks tarixiga A LOOK qaytarib olish

Boston (May 20, 2015) – Boston mamlakatda eng qizg'in sport muxlislari ba'zi uy bo'lgani uchun ma'lum, lekin ko'p u ham shirin fan bilan uzoq va boy tarixga ega bo'ldi, bir shahar, deb bilaman mumkin emas. To'g'risida Shanba, May 23, jahon chempionati boks Beantown qachon qaytarib rasman emas Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha NBC qog'ozlar ochiladi o'rtasida bilan qaytadi Andre Dirrell va James DeGale NBC boshida bo'yicha qamrovi da bilan Boston Universiteti Agganis Arena da 4:30 p.m. VA/1:30 p.m. PT.


jahon chempionati kurash ko'rdim Boston oxirgi marta May edi 23, 2006 ikki dunyo sarlavha janjal TD Bank jannat bo'lib o'tdi qachon, avval Boston Garden. Bu kecha Britaniya yulduz ko'rdim Ricky “Shaxsiy kabinetga” Hatton tor-mor qilish Luis Collazo a ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn dunyo nom kurashda, paytda Eric Aiken oldindan mag'lub xafa Valdemir Pereira tuklar dunyo unvoni uchun.

“Boston Garden qarshi kurash katta sharaf edi, jahon nom kurashda hechqisi yo'q, lekin hatto to'rt rounder,” dedi Tony DeMarco, kim ham ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn dunyo nomga sazovor bo'ldi 1955 Boston Garden. “Men hech kimga nisbatan ko'proq jang edi (28), mening pro debyut jumladan. Bu har doim uyda yaxshi jang bo'ldi. Siz uyda ko'proq qulay odamsiz. ShK ventilyatorlari bilaman va sizga hurmat. Boston muxlislari real kurash muxlislari edi.”


Boston chuqur erta beri boks investitsiya qilindi 20th asr. From 1902-1908 sport Amerika eng bo'ylab man kabi Boston chegaradosh Chelsi kichik shahar boks Makkadagi bo'ldi. Ammo, Chelsi boks qonuniy maxsus odat bor edi. Bu Jek Jonson, uning pog'onasida eng qiyin kurash edi tan nima bilan yuzma-yuz keldi bu vaqt davomida bo'ldi, u aprel kuni Sam Langford qarshi og'ir vazn toifasida unvonini munosib himoya qachon 6, 1906. Jonson 15-dumaloq ovozdan qaror bilan qo'lga kiritdi va yana Langford jang qilish uchun rad.


Bunga qo'chimcha, Fenway Park, Boston Red Sox mashhur home, bo'lib o'tdi 29 o'rtasida professional boks kartalari 1919 va 1956. Beyond faqat katta jang hosting, Boston ham ham Massachusetts tug'ilgan yoki davlat uyga chaqirib olingandi Fame iste'dodlar zalida bir qator ishlab chiqarilgan.


Shunisi e'tiborliki, nomlari Roxbury og'ir vazn toifasida chempioni o'z ichiga oladi John L. Sullivan, Brockton og'ir vazn toifasida Rocky Marcianova Brockton rezident va o'rta chempioni Ajoyib Marvin HAGLER. Boston o'z tuklar chempionlariSandy Saddler va George Dikson plus Boston promoter RIP Ushaqlar Barcha of Fame Xalqaro boks zali belgilab qo'yildi.


“Boston qarshi kurash katta tajriba bo'ldi,” dedi John Ruiz, Chelsi bir ikki karra og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni. “Har qanday sport kabi, Boston sport muxlislari taraqqiyot va amal haqiqiy fanatlar bor. Men jang qaerda bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, men ularning tuyg'u his. Men ularni hech qachon unutmaydi. Men Las Vegas ko'p jihod va meni qo'llab-quvvatlab, u erda har doim Boston muxlislari bor edi. Men har doim ularga mening janjal uchun mamlakat bo'ylab barcha sayohat taqdir.”


Arlington bir ota-o'g'il dueti, Massa. Har ikki bir-biriga, keyin og'ir vazn toifasida manzara o'n yilliklar ta'sir edi. Tom McNeeley jang og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Floyd Patterson ichida 1961 va nihoyat to'rtinchi davra nokaut berilib oldin chempioni tushib. Ustida 30 yil o'tib, uning o'g'li Butrus jang qilish uchun birinchi odam edi Mike Tyson u qamoqdan ozod etilganidan keyin, McNeeley ichida so'nggi jang bekor bilan.


Ko'proq noyob sportchilar biri Boston chiqib, Dr. Wilbert “Skeeter” McClure olimpiya Gold medali bo'ldi, psixologiya shifokor va Massachusetts boks komissari. Da esa 1960 Olimpiada, McClure Team AQSh uchun hamkorlik sardori sifatida xizmat va oshna oltin medali sohibi of xonadoshi edi Kassius Clay. U professional sifatida o'z salohiyatini etdi hech qachon vaqt, u dunyo sinf raqib qarshi imkoniyatlarini qabul Luis Manuel Rodriguez ikki marta vaJose Torres, qarori bilan barcha uch yo'qotib. U, shuningdek, qaror yo'qolgan va qarshi durang uchun kuch sinashdi Rubin “Dovul” Carter. Uning professional boks martaba keyin, McClure axir u shu kungacha istiqomat Boston sohada oddiy oldin bir Massachusetts boks komissari sifatida xizmat.


Boston-maydon chiqib yana bir qattiq hurmat qiruvchi Louell ning emas Micky Ward. Uning hayajonli tarzi uchun juda mashhur, Ward olingan bir 38-13 bilan pro rekord 27 knockouts. U eng oxirgi Arturo Gatti bilan yil mukofot-yutuq urushlar uch epik kurash uchun ma'lum qilindi. Ward hayoti va martaba mukofot-yutuq Filmda edi “Fighter”, qaysi Ward sifatida Mark Luqo Wahlberg o'rin oldi.


“Bu Boston katta jang bo'ldi. ShK ventilyatorlari juda qo'llab-quvvatlovchi va o'yin haqida bilimdon edi,” Ward dedi. “Men uyda kurash, edi…Bu kurashchi sifatida men uchun uy edi. ShK ventilyatorlari mening janjal uchun juda ko'p sayohat, ham. Ular bir oz aqldan edi, pivo ko'p ichdi va men hech jang eng joylarda ko'proq vokal edi. Men uni sevib qoldi.”


To'g'risida Shanba, May 23 yosh va och jangchilar yangi hosil chiziq ustida, uni barcha qo'yganda, Boston shahrida boks tarixida keyingi hayajonli bobni yozish uchun umid. harakat boshlanadi 1:30 p.m. VA Agganis Arena ichida.


* * *


Boston katta-vaqti boks qaytarish uchun chiptalar, qaysi Murphys boks bilan birgalikda DiBella Entertainment tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, fiyatlandırılır $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 va $35, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chipta mavjud bo'ladi Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun,, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AndreDirrell, @ JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, NBCSports VaAgganisArena va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib,,, va #PremierBoxingChampions Va #PBConNBC yordamida suhbat qiling

Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Bryant Perella Atlantic Siti Claridge bu juma kechasi mukammal qolishga ko'rinadi

Mario Antonio Macias qarshi Xuan Dominges gazetasi
Atlantic City, NJ (May 20,2015)–Bu juma tun,May 22, DeeLee aktsiyalar bilan hamkorlikda Qirol aktsiyalar tomonidan lavozimga to'liq 9-navbat karta bilan Atlantic Siti Claridge uchun boks qaytadi.
U qattiq nemis perez oladi qachon ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Bryant Perella uning birinchi sakkiz-dumaloq Butning ishtirok etadi.
Asosiy tadbirda, mag'lubiyati super bantamweight Xuan “Bolalar Tito” Dominges zimmasiga oladi Mario Antonio Macias 8-tur uchun rejalashtirilgan Butning ichida.
Perella, 26 Lehigh burilish yoshli, Florida bir rekord bor 8-0 etti knockouts bilan va besh to'g'ri to'xtadi.
U allaqachon Benito Tovar ustida sifat g'alaba bor (3-0-1), u to'rt turda Justin Jonson to'xtadi qachon qaysi birinchi davra to'xtatib va ​​uning oxirgi navbat bo'ldiFevral 20.
“Har bir narsa yaxshi bo'ladi. Men og'irlik qilish va biznes e'tibor jalb qilish uchun ketyapman,”murojaat qachon Perella dedi Seshanba kuni.
“Men Perez qiyin deb bilaman. U 11-1 va meksikalik. Men unga video ko'rmadim lekin men bir qo'pol kurash uchun tayyorgarlik qilaman. Men bolalar Tijuana juda ko'p oldinga kelib, tajovuzkor, deb bilaman.”
U ketdi qaerga Perella sifatli havaskor martaba kelgan 70-9 va juda bir necha milliy turnirlar joylashtirildi.
“Men o'zim tezlik va portlovchi kuch bilan aqlli bokschi o'ylab ko'ring.”
Perella, kim allaqachon Las-Vegas a to'xtatib g'alaba urgan, Atlantic Siti boks an'anaviy East Coast konidir harakat ko'rish uchun soladi.
“Atlantic Siti Mening birinchi kurash, bir tush haqiqat hisoblanadi. Keyingi Las-Vegas uchun u bilan jang qilish uchun eng yaxshi joy va u qarorgohga davomida meni undagan.”
Perez In, jang Tijuana tug'ilgan kabi bir qadam up uning oxirgi etti johillik ichida eng yaxshi va allaqachon sakkiz dumaloq Butning sinashdi qilinadi.
“Menga birinchi sakkiz dumaloq kurash ega bo'lishi uchun bir qadam yuqoriga emas. Bu qadam up, albatta, menga yordam beradi. Men dam olish uchun ketyapman va zarba keyin men uni yiqitish va u erda uni olish mumkin bo'ladi.”
Perella yaqinda avtohalokatda vafot 18-yoshli Devin Raynaer uchun kurashni bag'ishlangan qilingan.
“U mening bir do'stim bor edi va men unga bu müsabakayı bag'ishlangan qilaman. Men faqat, menga qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun mening muxlislarini minnatdorchilik bildiraman va men ajoyib kurash uchun tayyor emasman.”
Yilda 8 davra o'yinlari:

John Magda (9-0, 6 KO) Ruterford of, NJ kurashadi Migel Anxel Manguia (31-32-1, 25 KO) a Super Middleweight Butning ichida.

Gervonta Davis (10-0, 9 KO) Baltimor, MD bo'yicha o'tadi Alberta Mora (5-3, 1 KO) tuklar Butning ham Mexico City.
6-tur johillik ichida:

Super Middleweight Antuwyan Aikens (9-0, 1 KO) Atlantika City jang qiladi Edgar Perez (6-13, 3 KO) Chikagodagi, IOL
Jamontay Clark (5-0, 3 KO) Cincinnati, OH jang qiladi Jonathan Garcia (4-13, 1 KO) Aguada of, A yarim ortasiklet Butning ham PR.
Jr. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Keenan Smith (6-0, 2 KO Filadelfiya) o'tadi Luis Rodriguez (3-3, 2 KO) Karolina, PR.
4-tur johillik ichida:

Kareem Martin (4-0-1, 3 KO) Vashington, D.C. kurashadi Donald Sanchez (2-1, 1 KO) Albuquerque, NM. bir yarim ortasiklet Butning ichida.

Pro debuting Light og'ir Karlos Gongora Bruklinning, NY jang qiladi Efigenio Perez (0-4) Puerto-Riko.

Chiptalar uchun xarid qilish mumkin $100, $75 va $50 bosish yoki qiziqish Qo'ng'iroq tomonidan 610 587 5950 yoki 609 868 4243

1-navbat da boshlanadi 7 AM eshik ochilishi bilan 6 AM.



Las Vegas,, NV (May 19, 2015) – After getting Menni Pacquiao ready for his mega-fight with Floyd Mayweather, Gary Shaw Productions‘ va Antonio Leonard Promotions‘ undefeated super-lightweight prospect, Kennet Sims Jr. (6-0, KOS), is now preparing WBC Lightweight champion Jorge Linares (38-3, 25 KOS) for his upcoming title defense against Kevin Mitchell (39-2, 29 KOS).


Kennet Sims Jr. has been sparring with Linares, giving him great work, while learning from the best fighters in the world. The experience has been instrumental in the development of Sims Jr., who resides in Chicago, Illinoys.


“Training with Linares and Pacquiao has been a great learning process for me and my dad who’s my trainer,” dedi Kennet Sims Jr. “I want to thank Gary Shaw for setting up these sparring opportunities. I’ve preformed really well and my confidence is at an all-time high. After sparring with these great champions, I know I have the skills to become something special in this sport and I’m going to take it one fight at a time. Gary and Antonio Leonard are working on my next fight and I should be returning to the ring shortly.”


“Kennet Sims Jr. is a special talent with an amateur pedigree to take his professional career to championship level,” Gary Shaw dedi. “Antonio and I are going to continue to bring him up the right way, give him tough fights, so he can be prepared for the big fights that lie ahead. Everything I’m hearing from these training camps and the sparring sessions Sims Jr. is having is positive. Kenneth is only going to get better and that makes me very happy.”


Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun

Lou DiBella

Minnatdorchilik, everybody for joining us for Premier Boxing Champions on NBC press call. The card is Saturday, May 23rd. That’s the Shanba of Memorial Day weekend at Boston’s Agganis Arena. The start time on NBC is 4:30 p.m. VA/1:30 p.m. PT.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, which is being promoted in associated with Murphys Boxing are priced at $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 va $35, and they’re available at Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq 800-745-3000. Yana, the NBC broadcast goes on at 4:30 p.m. VA/1:30 p.m. PT.


We’re going to start the call by talking to our co-main event fighters, the guys are going to open the telecast. That’s light-heavyweight contender Edwin Rodriguez taking on undefeated light-heavyweight contender Craig Baker. Craig is 10-0 bilan 12 KO. He’s coming off a KO of highly regarded Umberto Savigne in his last fight and he’s looking to upset the apple cart and derail the career of Edwin Rodriguez who’s looking for another shot at a world title; this time at 175 funt.


Craig is promoted by Sampson Boxing. Craig, if you’d like to say a few words.


Kreyg Baker

Yaxshi, I’m just grateful to have the opportunity to fight on such a grand field again. It clearly is what I dream about. It’s one of those things I’ve always looked forward to since I was little bity kid.


L. DiBella

Rahmat. Edwin Rodriguez, the pride of Worchester, Massachusetts and is fighting in his home state. This is his second fight at light heavyweight. His only loss is to Andre Ward, one of the pound-for-pound fighters in the world and Edwin believes at light heavyweight he’s stronger, better and that he can win the title. Shunday, Edwin, Agar bir necha so'z aytish istardim?


Edwin Rodriguez

Ha. Birinchidan, I’d like to thank you, Lou, for bringing me back on NBC and giving me such a great opportunity and also to Al Haymon and the NBC crew. I’m ready to show the world that I’m one of the best or the best 175 pound fighter in the world. I just got to prove it and this is one of the steps to do it, fighting an undefeated fighter, Kreyg Baker, who’s hungry and I’m excited because I know that he’s hungry; I’m hungry to get at that elite level. Bu muxlislar uchun katta kurash bo'ladi xolos.



Ha, I have a question for each of you if you don’t mind. Craig, how do you feel about fighting Edwin so close to his hometown?


C. Novvoy ayol

At the end of the day that doesn’t really matter to me because everyone is out to pretty much beat the crap out of you. Shunday, it doesn’t matter where you fight. It’s the competition, and that’s how I take it.



Edwin, what will it mean to you to fight so close to Worcester?


Va. Rodriguez

It means a lot because I haven’t fought at home for about four years now. Shunday, I’m excited to come back and fight close to home with family and friends supporting me. It’s something that helps me and pushes me to take it to the next level.



Edwin, first question; how do you feel at light-heavyweight? Are you more comfortable now than you were at super middleweight? Do you feel stronger, and is your stamina a little better?


Va. Rodriguez

I feel great now. I feel like 175 is the weight that I belong at. I feel like I’m strong and I’m fast and I feel like I’m the best light heavyweight. I just need the opportunity to prove it, and this is one of them and I’m excited.



You’re with Al Haymon. Adonis Stevenson is with Al Haymon. Is that what boxing and fans can assume, that this is all building towards a fight with Adonis Stevenson for the title?


Va. Rodriguez

Hoziroq, I’m focused on Baker. He’s an undefeated hungry fighter, but that’s the goal. I want to fight the best guy so I can prove that I’m the best. Adonis Stevenson is a good fighter. He has proved he’s the world champion and that’s who I want in the future. Shunday, I’m just setting myself up and I’m working hard to look impressive against Baker and to get my opportunity to show the world that I’m on the best.



Craig, just what is it about Edwin that impresses you and what will you have to do to beat him?


C. Novvoy ayol

Yaxshi, I’m really impressed with the improvements that he’s made. I see him pushing forward, pushing issues and always in your face. That’s good. Menga yoqyapti. Kunning oxirida, I just have to show up and fight. That’s the way I take the game. I have to bring my A game at all times and that’s what I do.



I was looking at the records of a lot of your opponents. You fought a lot of guys with pretty poor records. Why is that and why did you make the step up a couple of fights ago?


C. Novvoy ayol

I just felt like it was time, bir.



Edwin, what impresses you about Craig Baker?


Va. Rodriguez

He’s a hungry fighter and it doesn’t matter who he’s fought. He’s undefeated and you can’t take an undefeated fighter lightly, especially one that defeated a guy that had over 400 amateur fights and was a big prospect in the pros, like Savigne. You can’t take a guy like Craig Baker lightly.



You’ve defeated undefeated fighters in the past. Shunday, how is your confidence level going in when you fight somebody who hasn’t lost?


Va. Rodriguez

I believe a lot of my skills and I’m very confident, but I’m not stupid. I know that a fighter who’s undefeated comes in with a very strong mentality and I’m ready. I’ve been working hard for this fight knowing that this guy is undefeated and I have to take that away from him. But at the same time, we’ve got to respect everyone because we’re all competitors and it’s all about looking good and winning and he’s just in my way right now.


L. DiBella

Rahmat. The main event of the evening is a super middleweight world title fight and it features two guys that have been engrained into boxing since they were amateurs. James DeGale is an Olympic gold medalist. He’ll be facing Andre Dirrell. James is from England; Andre from the US. Andre was a bronze medalist in the Olympics. This is a match of two of the very best super middleweights in the world and figures to be a terrific fight.


James is promoted by Matchroom Boxing and Eddie Hearn is on the call. When you go to Q&A, if anyone has a question for Eddie, Eddie is available. We’re going to start with James DeGale. James, Agar bir necha so'z aytish istardim? James is 21-1, bilan 14 KOS.


James DeGale

Yeah, my time is here. My time is here, keyingi shanba. I’ve trained extremely hard and you’re in for a treat because you’re going to watch two very talented hungry fighters keyingi shanba fight it out for a world title. I honestly think it’s going to be a hell of a fight, one I’m confident of winning. Shunday, fasten your seatbelts, bir. It should be good.


L. DiBella

Rahmat, James. Andre Dirrell, please say a few words.


Andre Dirrell

I agree with James. This is going to be a very good fight. I’ve trained my butt off as well. Everything went very smoothly this camp. He’s a hungry fighter. I’m a hungry fighter. We are both in desperate need or desperate want of a world title and I myself feel very confident and I’m excited about this match, bir. He feels like he’s an undefeated fighter. I feel like I’m an undefeated fighter, but we both have a lot to prove, bir. Shunday, we’re going to come to the full effect and I believe it’s going to be a great show.


L. DiBella

Rahmat, Boshqa. We’re going to open it up to questions now. One more time, it’s PBC on NBC broadcast. It will be on May 23rd, Shanba afternoon of Memorial Day Weekend, 4:30 p.m. VA/1:30 p.m. PT. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster, 1-800-745-3000 and we’re going to open it up for questions now.



This is for James. This is your first fight in the United States and also, this is the first time a lot of people are going to get to see you because you’re going to be on national television. What are you expecting in terms of the energy and what it’s going to be like performing in a completely new audience?


J. DeGale

Yeah. I’m looking forward to it. I’m used to it as well because obviously back in England I’m promoted by Matchroom, a well-known commercial company. Shunday, I box on big shows in front of 10,000-20,000 odamlar. It should be good. They have a lot of Irish and English over there. Shunday, I should have some good support and I’m looking forward to it.



Let me follow-up with another question. There was a time that you considered retiring from the sport and becoming a personal trainer. Can you talk about that a little bit and looking back, are you glad you made the right decision to continue to do boxing?


J. DeGale

Yeah. It’s pretty simple. I was going through a hard time with my promoter at the time and I was a bit depressed because I wasn’t getting my chances and I wasn’t getting the right fights and I boxed on small shows. I basically was a bit depressed and I couldn’t motivate myself properly. Shunday, ha, that was the way it was and then I made the change to Matchroom and things have just gone from pretty bad to really great.


Shubhasiz, my last two performances speak for themself. I boxed Brandon Gonzales, an undefeated American, a confident American. He come over to America and I boxed him front of 80,000 people and knocked him out in four rounds.


Then four months later, I boxed Periban. If you don’t know Marco Antonio Periban, he boxed Sakio Bika for the world title and lost on a split decision and I knocked him out in three rounds. Shunday, I’m confident. I’m feeling good, and I’m motivated very well at the minute.



Boshqa, when you brother lost, he lost a close decision .What was your conversation with Anthony like because you lost a close fight you thought you’d won. Shunday, how have you been able to converse with him about getting through that loss?


A. Dirrell

Yaxshi, I didn’t have to say much because he was confident after the fight, but I pretty much had him realize that you’ve had a bad night after he had a terrific camp, but I believe that’s where he left it. He left it in that. When it came to fight time, he had a few setbacks leading up to the fight and unfortunately, he lost, but we saw a lot of things that he needs to correct. I told him to watch the fight over and over again because that’s what I used to do in my fight, any fight that I feel bad about. Shunday, I just told him keep his confidence up, man and stay on that run, bir. Don’t lay off at all. That’s all we can do, bir. I’ve learned a lot from past experience and one thing’s for certain; you can’t take anything from the past and bring it to the future. Only confidence.


Shunday, I’m feeling good, bir. He’s excited for me and I’m going to keep that name alive and keep the Dirrell name going.



Everybody talks about the super middleweights, they talk about Andre Ward. But it seems like some people forget how good of a boxer that you are because you had to take this time off. With this being on NBC and getting in front of a large audience, are you looking at this as an opportunity to put your name back in that conversation for people who may have forgotten how good Andre Dirrell is?


A. Dirrell

People know and in the end, it’s my job to keep my name lean. I haven’t had the opportunity to do that as well. I had a major setback as well, but with that I stayed in the game, stayed sharp. I was sharp in my last couple of performances. I’m looking forward to the future and this is the breakout fight like I said. James is one hell of a fighter. He has a lot of heart, a lot of spunk, a lot of energy, bir, and he wants to win.


If you want to put me in front of a fighter for a world championship fight, then James DeGale is bar none one of the best to do it in front of. Shunday, I’m excited about this fight. I think this is probably one of the biggest fights from Premier Boxing Champion that they’ve had and I’m excited to be on that big stage. Shunday, I want a breakout performance and I did everything in camp to make sure I can do so.



How does it feel to be the first Brit on the verge of making some boxing history?


J. DeGale

Bu buyuk his, but I need to stay focused and keep my eye out on the prize. That’s what I have to do. Lekin, bilasizmi nima? A lot of people say I’m obsessed about making history, about becoming the first Olympic gold medalist from Great Britain to win a genuine world title. Lekin bilasizmi, nima? Men. I am because that’s what drives me and that’s what makes me train hard every day. Shunday, ha, I’m looking forward to it.



Xop, and you touched on a little bit there. I mean not so long ago you were boxing in front of a couple of hundred people at the shopping center in Blue Water and now you’re making noise on TV in America. How does that feel, the difference?


J. DeGale

Yaxshi, it’s fantastic. Sure a lot of credit has to go to Eddie Hearn. I’m a buzz fire. I like the big audience. I like the big lights. I’m just feeling real relaxed, chilled and ready to perform keyingi shanba. I’m buzzing. I really can’t wait; just being in America and knowing that I’m going to make my debut keyingi shanba in front of millions of Americans and back in the UK as well. It’s going to be fantastic.



Boshqa, this fight seems to be your highest profile fight since five years ago when you had the Abraham fight, when he got DQ’ed. You were leading at that time. Can you tell us at this point, where are you physically and mentally compared to where you were when you were obviously at the top of the division five years ago?


A. Dirrell

Yaxshi, I look at it all from a mental aspect. As of now, bir, I’m grown tremendously in my mind. I’ve realized how important boxing is to me and what it takes to become world champion, the work you have to put in and I just follow those guidelines every day. I’m a very motivated fighter, very self-motivated. A lot of fighters run with music, have to listen to music.


If I can hear my punches while I’m hitting the bag, I’m motivated. Shunday, nothing motivates me more than hard work and that’s all I look for. The fight is won in the gym, not on fight night. It’s what you do in the gym, not how hard you put up a fight.


I’ve done all of that and more. I feel very relaxed. I’m very energetic and I’m feeling the vibe already and I really can’t wait to make Shanba myself. I feel I have a lot to prove and I have a different Andre Dirrell to show, one that’s just as sharp, just as fast, just as brave, but just has a bigger mental capacity. I’m excited about next week.



What do you think your advantages are over James DeGale in this fight?


A. Dirrell

We’re pretty much evenly matched and I actually like that scenario because I know I’m faster. I know I’m smarter and I know I’m a better boxer. It’s just as simple as that. Lekin, none of that can come into play without hard work, and I know he’s worked his ass off, bir. He has to come over to America just like I went over there to England to try to fight for a world championship.


I know what kind of guy I’m going to face come the 23rd. I’ve worked my butt off like I said, , and with those advantages, I’ve put the hard work in so I can display that. I just feel like I’ll be the better man that night.



James, tell us why you think you’re confident that you’re going to be able to win this fight?


J. DeGale

Momentum is a big thing. Look at my last two performances against good, quality opponents and look his last three. Listen, I come from good pedigree and so does Andre. We’re good, quality, young fighters. But I just think overall, I’m better. I think he struggles. He doesn’t like it when it gets hard in there. He’s a competent fighter, but he likes it when he’s dictating the pace and he’s on the front foot.


Well listen, I’m not going to let him rest. He thinks this is going to be a boxing match. Yaxshi, this ain’t. I’m telling him now. This ain’t going to be a boxing match. I’m going in there and I’m taking the title. I’m taking it. I’m ripping it away from him.



Do you think you’re a really improved fighter? I know that the loss that you had to Groves was very controversial, but how much do you think you’ve improved since that fight with Groves?


J. DeGale

It’s like night and day. Listen, and another thing, I was in this for two years as well. I had two operations on my groin. Shunday, I couldn’t throw my shots with any power. I couldn’t run the ring properly. Even in the fight at Wembley in front of 80,000 Men emas edi 100% o'ng. Even against Periban I wasn’t 100% o'ng. Now I’m 100% o'ng, fully healthy, fully focused and mentally right. Shunday, you’re going to see me step up again keyingi shanba.



James, you mentioned about being a buzz fighter and this is the biggest stage, the biggest pressure you’ve ever been under. Shunday, does this mean we’re going to see your best ever performance?


J. DeGale

I honestly do. The way I’ve been in the gym training, sparring, yugurish, I honestly think you’re going to see the performance of my career so far. My last couple of fights after my injuries have been sorted and I just got better and better and I think this one is going to top it and winning my world title as well and making history.



Lekin, do you deal with the pressure and does that inspire you more?

JamesI thrive on it. Sen meni bilasan. I thrive in it. I’m just looking forward to it. As I say, it’s my debut as a professional in America. Shunday, I’m buzzing right now. You don’t understand. I’m just really looking forward to it.



Boshqa. You’ve obviously fought Carl Froch and you’ve watched video of James I imagine. How do they compare as fighters and who do you rate as a better fighter?


A. Dirrell

As far as skill, I can give it to James DeGale, but as far as toughness, mental toughness, physical toughness, that’s Carl Froch. We all know how mentally strong he is. Shunday, I have to give the edge to Carl Froch in that aspect, but as I said before, I know DeGale is coming to fight and no one gets in that ring and fights me as they want to fight. You know what I’m saying? Just like he thinks it’s going to be an easy fight. I feel like I have a lot more to prove as well.


Shunday, I’m looking to bring the fight as well and I’m working hard in the gym. I made it tough on myself. The more pressure you actually put on me, the more dangerous I become.


I’m really excited as well, bir. I have a lot to prove. He has a lot to prove. This is going to be the best fight yet on Premier Boxing Champions.



Basically for Andre, there was a chance obviously this fight could end up going to Britain. You’ve been to Britain before and you were very unlucky against Carl Froch. Was that something you were against, to face another title fight in Britain?


A. Dirrell

I’m not going to say that because I enjoyed my time over there. I believe I won the fight like I said and it just didn’t go my way unfortunately. I don’t like to judge my future fights based on past. I look forward to fighting in Britain again, in England again, the UK again whenever that day may come. I had a lot of fans over there; I have a lot of fans over there and I enjoy my time over there. I’ve been going over there since the amateurs. I enjoy it very much and I’m a world-class fighter. Shunday, I want to be displayed on a world-class level.


I’m definitely looking forward to it. If it was over there, if it had to be over there, Bas, unga bo'lish. I would have came over there to fight James. We are world competitors, world-class. We fight for world titles. Why should it be in America all the time? This is a world-class sport and we should treat it like one.



Arthur Abraham kind of robbed you of your great win when he hit you on the floor. That was looking like such a great performance that night. In the sort of layup after that, how close did you come to actually having to retire? Was there ever a time you thought you might not box again?


A. Dirrell

I was going through some stuff with my family. I actually wanted to. I knew in my heart that I’d get my time again. I knew my time would come. I knew I had a chance of getting out of my contract. Shunday, I kept training. Albatta, there were times that I would hit slumps and feel like I’m doing it for nothing, but it was quite a stressful time for me. I think I always knew that I would be able to get back in that ring. Shunday, I stayed busy and it didn’t really totally veer me away from the sport, but I do know the feeling.


I did feel like any moment could come up to where that it could be over just like that and I had to deal with it and I could easily retire. If it happened again, I just might. I knew that my time was coming again. There’s always hope there. I just kept pushing forward and here I am now.



One for you, James, quickly. You’re in Florida now. Can you tell us where you are and how’s it going?


J. DeGale

Yeah, bunday qilma, I’m in Miami. I’ve been training here for the past week. Shunday, we climatized and we adjusted and we’re ready to go.


L. DiBella

Just a couple of final words. Rahmat, Edwin, Craig, Andre and James. This is a great undercard that features a lot of New England talent and I want to acknowledge Murphys Boxing, our friend Ken Casey who’s with the legendary Irish band, the Dropkick Murphys, and is helping us with local promotion. We’re going to have a lot of announcements coming about some great fight week activities.


Premier Boxing Champions on NBC, PBC on NBC Saturday, May 23rd at Boston’s Agganis Area,4:30 p.m. VA/1:30 p.m. PT for the beginning of the broadcast. Tickets for the live event are available at Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq 1-800-745-3000. Tune into NBC on Saturday, May 23rd, but if you can be with us in Boston, join us at the Agganis Arena. Rahmat, har bir kishi, bizga qo'shilganingiz uchun.


* * *


Boston katta-vaqti boks qaytarish uchun chiptalar, qaysi Murphys boks bilan birgalikda DiBella Entertainment tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, fiyatlandırılır $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 va $35, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chipta mavjud bo' Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000.

Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, va, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AndreDirrell, @ JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, NBCSports VaAgganisArena va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib,,, va #PremierBoxingChampions Va #PBConNBC yordamida suhbat qiling

Atlantic City’s undefeated Super Middleweight Antuwyan Aikens set to return this Friday at the Claridge in Atlantic City Juan Dominguez headlines against Mario Antonio Macias

Atlantic City, NJ (May 19,2015)–Bu juma tun,May 22, boxing returns to the Claridge in Atlantic City with a full 10-bout card promoted by King’s Promotions in association with DeeLee Promotions.
In one of the featured undercard bouts, undefeated super middleweight, AntuwyanAikens makes his return after a 13-month layoff when he takes on tough Edgar Perez in a bout scheduled for 6-rounds.
Asosiy tadbirda, mag'lubiyati super bantamweight Xuan “Bolalar Tito” Domingeszimmasiga oladi Mario Antonio Macias 8-tur uchun rejalashtirilgan Butning ichida.
Aikens (9-0, 1 KO) of Atlantic City will be making his 7th appearance in his hometown and is ready to get his career on track after going throughThe Business Side of Boxing.
I had a good camp. We weren’t getting the right deals so we took the time off. We re-evaluated our career and wanted to see what direction we wanted to go in. We hope that this fight with King’s Promotions will bring us better fights, “dedi 26 yoshli Aikens.
Perez In, he is fighting a guy who not only has been with top competition as he has fought 10 undefeated fighters but also holds a win over previously undefeated Atlantic City based Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell.
I know that Perez is a brawler. I know he beat Harvell. So for that I know it is a challenge and I look forward to that but I plan on giving him a boxing lesson.
Harvell, has been busy working at the Tri-Care Medical transport Company but knows that he needs to look good in front of his hometown fans.
It means a lot to mean to fight here at home. I am glad to be back and make the most of it. I am looking forward to a good fight and please the fans.
8 davra o'yinlari:

Bryant Perella (11-0, 7 KO) of Lehigh Acres, FL jang qiladi German Perez (11-1-3, 3 KO) Tijuana, MX in a Welterweight bout.

John Magda (9-0, 6 KO) Ruterford of, NJ kurashadi Migel Anxel Manguia (31-32-1, 25 KO) a Super Middleweight Butning ichida.

Gervonta Davis (10-0, 9 KO) Baltimor, MD bo'yicha o'tadi Alberta Mora (5-3, 1 KO) tuklar Butning ham Mexico City.
6-tur johillik ichida:

Middleweight Caleb Hunter Plant (6-0, 5 KO) Ashland Siti, TN will fight an opponent to be named.
Jamontay Clark (5-0, 3 KO) Cincinnati, OH jang qiladi Jonathan Garcia (4-13, 1 KO) Aguada of, A yarim ortasiklet Butning ham PR.
Jr. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Keenan Smith (6-0, 2 KO Filadelfiya) o'tadi Luis Rodriguez (3-3, 2 KO) Karolina, PR.
4-tur johillik ichida:

Kareem Martin (4-0-1, 3 KO) Vashington, D.C. kurashadi Marques Jackson (3-15, 2 KO) Atlanta, GA in a Welterweight bout.

Pro debuting Light og'ir Karlos Gongora Bruklinning, NY jang qiladi Efigenio Perez (0-4) Puerto-Riko.

Chiptalar uchun xarid qilish mumkin $100, $75 va $50 bosish yoki qiziqish Qo'ng'iroq tomonidan 610 587 5950 yoki 609 868 4243

1-navbat da boshlanadi 7 AM eshik ochilishi bilan 6 AM.

Undercard Previewed for Boxcino 2015 Finals ESPN2 May 22

Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun

APELSIN, Calif. (May 19, 2015) – ESPN ning “Juma Tungi sur” final adabiyot qaror qabul qiladi og'ir vaznli va kichik o'rta bo'linmalari ikki mashhur jang xususiyatlari 2015 Boxcino Chempionlar.


10-dumaloq kichik o'rta final Boxcino musobaqa ishtirokchilarini namoyish Brandon Adams (16-1, 12 KOS) silliq boks ko'nikmalarini qarshi Los Anjeles John Thompson (16-1, 5 KOS) Tokio, Nyu-Jersi. finalchi Boxcino toj bo'yicha uchun kurashadi Juma, May 22, Omega dan Mahsulotlar Ochiq Arena Corona, Calif. Bundan tashqari, on line – The NABA muvaqqat Super yarim ortasiklet sarlavha, va WBO Intercontinental junior middleweight belt.


Boxcino final uchun chipta fiyatlandırılır $50, $70, & $100, va onlayn sotib olish uchun mavjud yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 714-935-0900.


double asosiy voqea og'ir vazn toifasida iste'dodlarni xususiyatlari Donovan Dennis (14-2, 11 KOS) Davenport of, Ayova shtati va Andrey Fedosov (27-3, 22 KOS) 10-dumaloq kurashda Rossiyaning aniqlash uchun 2015 Boxcino jahon chempioni. Dennis-Fedosovga ham jang qiladi WBA Fedelatin va WBO Intercontinental og'ir vaznli unvonlar.


The Boxcino Tournament is Promoted by Banner Aktsiyalar and televised on ESPN ning “Juma Tungi sur” (ESPN2 10 p.m. VA / 7 p.m. PT). The show Juma kuni is co-promoted through Thompson Boxing Promotions va Banner Aktsiyalar.


The undercard features crafty super bantamweight Isaac Zarate (10-1-1,1 KO) of Los Angeles against Fernando Fuentes (5-4-1, 1 KO) of Hemet, Calif. Outside of the two televised bouts, the 8-round fight between Zarate and Martinez is among the most eagerly anticipated fights of the night.


Zarate is one of the most exciting, young boxers in the 122 funt. taqsimlash,” dedi Ken Thompson, Thompson boks prezidenti. “He won’t blow you away with power, but his hand speed and work rate are definitely worth the cost of admission.


I’m looking forward to a great night of boxing,” dedi Artie Pelullo, president of Banner Promotions. “It’s a great card all around, and the Boxcino finals will be fan friendly fights where two new world title contenders will emerge.


Zarate, a southpaw, makes life difficult for opponents by using an unlimited energy supply to launch punches from all sorts of angles. He’s elusive in that he darts in and out of danger spots, which makes landing combinations on him a difficult matter.


I try not to stay in the same spot for too long,” said the 23-year-old Zarate. “By moving and changing the pace, my opponents typically can’t time my movements.


Boshqa kurashlarda, Colombian lightweight Andres Figueroa (5-0, 3 KOS) faces fellow prospect Angel Martinez (5-1-1, 1 KO) San-Antonio, Tex. in a 6-round fight.
Humberto Rubalcava (1-0, 1 KO), a Riverside native who turned professional in April, faces super bantamweight Richard Tallmadge, who will be making his pro debut (4-tur).


A pair of young welterweights in Eridani Leon (2-1) of Mexico and Isaac Freeman (1-1, 1 KO) of Los Angeles square off in a 4-round bout.


Shuningdek, Canadian junior middleweight prospect Cody Crowley (3-0, 2 KOS) keyinchalik nomidagi kerak raqibini kurashadi (4-tur).
Opening the event is undefeated super bantamweight Adam Lopez (11-0, 6 KOS) of San Antonio going up against the veteran Migel Tamayo (16-12-2, 14 KOS) Meksika (6-tur).

The Omega Products Ochiq Arena da joylashgan 1681 Kaliforniya Ave., Toj, KABI 92881 va erishilgan mumkin 951-737-7447. Ochiq eshiklar 5:45 p.m. PT. va birinchi navbat-da boshlanadi 6:15 p.m. PT.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun tashrif buyuring va. Bizning jangchilar ustidan muntazam yangiliklarni uchun, voqealar, va aktsiyalar, Bizning Facebook sahifasi tekshiring, va Twitter va Instagram bizni amalbannerboxing va ThompsonBoxing.





ROC XALQNING SPORT tomonidan taqdim + Migel COTTO reklama


Nyu York (May 19, 2015) – Migel Cotto (39-4, 32 KO), the reigning WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion and the first native of Puerto Rico to become world champion in four different weight classes will defend his titles against former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 KO) of Australia on Iyun 6, 2015 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn in a 12-round fight that will be televised live on HBO. Geale hosted a New York City media workout this afternoon at Mendez Boxing Gym in preparation for his title challenge against Cotto. Here’s what Geale, and his American promoter Gary Shaw, aytish kerak edi:


Daniel Geale – Former Two-Time World Champion


“Cotto has trouble in stages against guys that move and use their reach. He knows that’s what I’m going to be doing and he’s going to be trying to counter that with aggression and coming forward. I’m going to use my abilities and not get caught up in his game plan.”


“The game plan is to go in and fight my fight. It’s not to get sucked in. It’s not to get caught up in what he [Qaynatilgan] is doing. It’s to do what I do best.”


“This is going to be a huge fight for me. Fighting a guy like Miguel who’s fought some of the greatest fighters is going to be a great test. We’re going in very confident.”


“I want this one badly. It’s something that we have wanted for a while and I’m extremely excited. I’ve got guys like Gary Shaw and my team at the Grange from Australia and they are working very hard behind the scenes. I’m just going to worry about my job and they do their job greatly. I just worry about getting myself in perfect condition.”


Gary Shaw – President of Gary Shaw Productions


“If Daniel wins, Cotto has a rematch clause, so if Cotto wants the immediate rematch then that’s what he gets. Agar yo'q, according to WBC, it would be GGG again, but it doesn’t make a difference. Daniel will fight anybody, har bir joyda. We went to Germany and fought Strum on his territory. He’s coming to New York which is Cotto’s town. It just doesn’t make a difference when you have a great fighter.”


“It’s going to be a great show and the fans are going to get what they want. Tune in for a great fight on Iyun 6. It’s going to be a great night of boxing.”


PHOTO KREDIT: Ed Mulholland/Roc Nation Sports –


Cotto va boshqalar. Geale, Cotto ning WBC va Ring Magazine o'rta Jahon chempionati uchun 12-dumaloq jang, bo'lib o'tadi Shanba, Iyun 6 Bruklindagi Barclays markazida va HBO jonli televizion bo'ladi. The fight is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate and Venue Kings. Halqa ichida katta harakat bilan bir qatorda, Tadbir yanada rivojlangan fan tajribasi bilan tomoshabinni xizmat qiladi bir necha taniqli Roc Nation etadi etadi, Roc Nation va Grammy artist Big Sean asosiy voqea oldin maxsus ishlashi uchun fikrlovchilarning olib nomzod, shu jumladan,. Tadbir taniqli o'rnatilgan bechora konferanse topildi "Nyu-York Ovozi" Angie Martinez mezbonlik qiladi va ham kecha davomida Martines bilan yonma-yon xizmat qiladi master DJ Lobo turtki oladi. Chiptalar baholi $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $120, $100, $80, $50 va $25, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas, are available for purchase, va Barclays markazida American Express Box Office da. Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000. Ochiq eshiklar 6:00 AM, birinchi kurash boshlanadi 6:15 AM va HBO teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 10:30 AM ET/PT.


Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun tashrif buyuring Twitter va Instagramrocnation va da Facebookda Roc Nation qiling


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