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L-R: Mindi史密斯, 艾丽·史密斯, 杰克·史密斯, 象头神马丁 (参谋长巴尔的摩警察局), 黛比·拉姆齐 (曾任巴尔的摩警察侦探,方正一致努力的) 和安东尼·巴茨 (巴尔的摩警察局长)


巴尔的摩, MD (五月 27, 2015) - 杰克·史密斯, 巴尔的摩拳击推广公司首席​​执行官, 和他的家人最近与巴尔的摩市警察局官员会见.

工匠, 在魅力之城和前职业拳击手一个长期的启动子, 亲手骚乱影响他的健身房被暂时关闭. 已经度过了他的整个生命和周围巴尔的摩, 史密斯被称为最糟糕的事情他见过的骚乱,并担心对于那些认为有周边企业的安全. 在几天之内, 为了由巴尔的摩PD由于恢复到一个卓有成效的努力.

访问期间, 其中包括时间参谋长象头神马丁和安东尼专员巴茨, 史密斯亲自感谢他们英勇的努力. 他还捐出门票为他 五月 29 “血液, 汗 & 泪“在迈克尔的第八大道拼卡到部门,并会在晚上尊敬他们.

“警察是无名英雄几乎每个社区,” said Smith. “这是不幸的,某些孤立的事件时有很多人感觉像执法是坏. 我们都必须记住的好,他们已经在保持我们的安全做. 他们冒着生命危险继续犯罪, 毒品和枪支离开街头. 同样重要的是让人们在巴尔的摩记住它是如何可怕的骚乱期间住在这里. 警察部门的男女从字面上不得不面对暴力示威者,而显著寡不敌众. 对于所有的,他们没有恢复我喜欢这座城市, 绝对至少我能做的就是捐票和孝敬他们搏击之夜. 我相信大家都欠他们一个很大的感谢你保护我们。“

门票“血, 汗 & 泪“可以通过调用购买 410-375-9175 或去Baltimoreboxing.com. 个人门票开始 $25 和VIP的表 10 可用于 $500. 所有的VIP门票持有者可以享受免费的开胃oeurves 7-8 下午, 在房子和一个特殊的满足和最好的座位迎接五个世界冠军温尼拉巴斯.

除了履行警察和女人, 巴尔的摩拳击是自豪地联手与​​统一的努力. 由于他们在成立 2012 由前巴尔的摩侦探黛比·拉姆齐, 统一的努力是一个全方位服务的欺凌预防组织,帮助提高整个theCharm城市意识. 以协助与节目,

巴尔的摩拳击将捐出门票收入从 50/50 抽奖活动搏击之夜.

有关巴尔的摩拳击促销信息, 参观Baltimoreboxing.com


弗兰克·德阿尔瓦打贝尔纳多·戈麦斯·乌里韦在主赛事UBF轻量级冠军; 加法拉恩尼斯, Raynell威廉姆斯, 米格尔·克鲁兹, 塞缪尔·菲格罗亚, 克里斯托弗·布鲁克和狮子座堂
费城 (五月 27,2015)这个星期五 夜晚 体育场假日

客栈 费城, 国王的促销呈现拳击锦标赛,这将标题10轮UBF轻量级冠军布特之间的一个伟大的夜晚 弗兰基德阿尔瓦 (15-1-2, 5 KO的) 和 贝尔纳多·戈麦斯·乌里韦 (14-3, 10 KO的).
在8轮的共同特征之一, 史蒂夫Upsher钱伯斯 (24-4-1, 6 KO的) 返回到他把他的牙齿作为一个专业的承担城市 亚历杭德罗·罗德里格斯 (24-16-1, 14 KO的) 在JR. 次中量级回合.
钱伯斯, 谁最初来到费城与前重量级冠军挑战者, “迅” 埃迪·钱伯斯, 战斗 23 时间和著名的蓝色地平线在费城,将在几乎可以做他的第一个开始在市博爱 6 岁月.
“我一直在刻苦训练,并正与打开我的新的体操 (轻量级竞争者) 罗德Salka,” 说Upsher.
“我的体重已经和我感觉很好. 我们要在战斗 142 磅。”
Upsher准备展示球迷多远,他的能力已经增长,因为他在转为职业球员在费城 2003 当时他还只是 18 岁.
“我很高兴能回来费城. 我想向人们展示如何到目前为止,我已经来了,看到我做了作为一个战士的改善。”
尽管失去了三个回合前世界冠军路易斯·科拉佐和安德烈叶贝的喜好以及当时的不败前景埃迪·戈麦斯, Upsher在所有这些较量的竞争,并从这些经验增长极大.
“结果表明,我可以对战斗机的水平竞争. 比我加大家这些家伙是大. 我是一个天然的 140 磅,可以使 135 如果有合适的机会出现。”
钱伯斯又回到了他的家乡匹兹堡周边城市配煤中心训练, PA.
“我的心被设置在赢得世界冠军 140 英镑. 之后的三场失利, 我不能承受任何的失误. 人们看到的损失. 我知道我要成为世界冠军,并在能力 五月 29 将开始显示。”
在老牌对手, 罗德里格斯, Upsher说, “我知道他是坚韧,来自墨西哥. 我会看在战斗前的小电影,并从那里. 我真的不担心什么,他会做. 他应该为我担心. 这场斗争是救赎我. 这是一个开始,然后我想纠正所有的损失. 但首先,我要寻找一个统治级表现 在周五 然后,我要结束所有的疑虑。”
法拉恩尼斯 (21-2, 12 KO的) 费城会打 迈克尔Gbenga (20-19, 20 KO的) 阿克拉, 加纳在超中量级回合.
前者中美. 奥林匹亚, Raynell威廉姆斯 (7-0, 4 KO的) 克利夫兰, OH将在对手的轻量级回合被命名.
次中量级 米格尔·克鲁兹 (8-0, 7 KO的) 玛丽湖, 佛罗里达州的战斗 胡安·罗德里格斯 (6-2-1, 5 KO的) 干草市场的, VA。.
塞缪尔·菲格罗亚 (7-0, 4 KO的) ANSCO的, PR会打 何塞·瓦德拉玛 (4-9, 3 KO的) 阿雷西博的, 公关在次中量级回合.
布兰登·贝内特 (18-1, 7 KO的) 辛辛那提, OH将广场下车用 Rondale哈伯特 (10-1-1, 6 KO的) 明尼阿波利斯, MN在轻量级回合.
Demond尼科尔森 (12-1, 12 KO的) 桂冠, MD将争夺 德国佩雷斯 (11-1, 3 KO的) 在一个回合中量级.
狮子座堂 (5-0, 5 KO的) 底特律, MI风险将他完美的标志反对 劳伦斯·布莱基 (2-3, 1 KO) 宾夕法尼亚州的轻重量级的婚外情.
迦勒厂 (6-0, 5 KO的) 阿什兰市, TN将争取 杰森Zabokrtsky (3-1, 3 KO的) 堪萨斯州的中量级回合.
在4轮较量四舍五入出牌会 克里斯托弗·布鲁克 (2-0, 2 KO的) 费城的战斗职业的推出 Santario马丁 盖恩斯维尔, 佛罗里达州的超中量级回合.
该体育场假日酒店位于 900 派克大道. 费城
门票售价 $75 和 & $50 并可以在购买 www.stadiumboxing.eventbrite.com 或致电 610 587 5950

第1回合将开始 6:45 PM 与门开口 6 PM.


点击 这里 对于照片从埃德·迪勒/ DiBella娱乐

布鲁克林 (五月 26, 2015) – 争取一周 周五 总理拳击冠军 Spike 活动今天拉开序幕 阿米尔汗 (30-3, 19 科斯)和 克里斯Algieri (20-1, 8 科斯) 托管在布鲁克林大桥公园合影的机会才多过在巴克莱中心 五月 29.


覆盖在穗开始在 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT带之间的精彩对决哈维尔财神 (27-0-1, 20 科斯) 和 布赖恩·瓦斯奎兹 (35-1, 18 科斯).


门票现场活动, 通过DiBella娱乐和明星拳击推广, 售价为 $250, $150, $75, 和 $45, 不包括适用的服务费和税款, 与现已公开发售. 门票可在
www.barclayscenter.com, 万维网.ticketmaster.com 并在美国运通票房巴克莱中心. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000. 对于团体票, 请致电800-GROUP-BK.


下面是汗和Algieri不得不说训练营, 彼此更:




“Algieri是一名战士,有很多的技能和资产. 他的范围和高度,给他打击对手好等优点,但我相信,我的速度, 运动和时尚这将是他太多.


“每一天,我和维吉尔猎人越来越强,我们已经建立了一个非常良好的关系. 这需要时间来得到这一点,但他理解我的风格更是现在什么对我的作品,所以我们只是要保持增长.


“我的目标,因为我还是个孩子,上了这项运动是成为最好的. 我圆了梦,当我到了奥运会时 17 并带回一枚银牌. 后来我成为世界冠军,然后统一的轻中量级划分. 我现在的目标是争取最好的 147 磅,让我的印记这种划分太.


“我远在训练营的时候,我的女儿刚满一,上周. 很难远离她,但作为一个战士那些是你必须做出的牺牲. 我所做的一切是她的,我不能迫不及待地想看到她,这场战斗后花费时间与她. 她的生日庆祝活动被搁置,直​​到战斗后!


“我真的很期待回到纽约,并在巴克莱中心在布鲁克林的战斗. 我有这个城市美好的回忆,因为这就是我不得不对保利Malignaggi在美国国土上我的第一次战斗的地方 2010 而且,我结婚了. 我出去,使其另一个好时机这个周末。”




“我知道,它被说所有的时间, 但是这确实是我一生中最好的,最激烈的训练营. 与约翰·戴维·杰克逊合作已真正得到了祝福. 他带出了最好的克里斯Algieri有. 你会看到一个全新的战机来了 星期五 夜晚.


“我很高兴能回到纽约,并兴奋地向世界展示了什么我真的做的 在周五 夜晚. 我们是短短的几天远离战斗,我很急着要在那里开始工作.


“阿米尔是一个艰难的战斗机毫无疑问有关, 但我非常有信心在自己的能力和比赛计划,教练想出了给我.


“你将看到两个公认的冠军,在高强度,高水平的战斗, 上线敷设一切来 星期五 夜晚。”

# # #

星期五, 五月 29总理拳击冠军 Spike 特征 阿米尔汗 (30-3, 19 科斯)和 克里斯Algieri (20-1, 8 科斯) 在12轮次中量级的战斗之间的12轮初级轻量级战斗现蕾 哈维尔财神 (27-0-1, 20 科斯) 和 布赖恩·瓦斯奎兹 (35-1, 18 科斯).


此事件推动的DiBella娱乐和拳击明星与现场直播开始的尖峰 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳击冠军, www.barclayscenter.comwww.dbe1.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV和@BarclaysCenter,并成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieriwww.Facebook.com/Spike. 按照使用#PremierBoxingChampions和#BrooklynBoxing谈话.



新泽西州 (五月 26, 2015)加里邵氏制作 中量级竞争者, Tureano约翰逊 (18-1, 13 科斯), 现在是主要的陪练伙伴 丹尼尔Geale (31-3, 16 科斯) 为他准备了他与他即将到来的WBC的冠军交锋 米格尔·库托 (39-4, 32 科斯). 约翰逊, 谁抓住在他的最后一个回合的WBA国际和WBC银量级冠军, 目前排名WBC #2, WBA #5, IBF #8 和WBO #13. 他给他的思想与Geale陪练.


“丹尼尔Geale是一个特殊的战士,谁拥有了大量的拳技,” 说Tuerano约翰逊. “他看在健身房真正的锋利,他的力量是存在的. 我能感觉到他的拳捕捉,我认为米格尔·库托是一个巨大的惊喜. 每个人都指望Geale出来,但不是我. 加里·肖给我带来的测试Geale的技能和争吵之后的几天, 我相信丹尼尔将加冕冠军。”


“我带Tureano健身房晶石Geale,因为他是一个很好的外观模仿库托和他的顶级战斗机在中量级师之一,” 加里·肖说:. “我从约翰逊得到了约陪练Geale反馈是非常积极的. 我相信,丹尼尔将使用一切都在他的剧本走出来取得胜利。”


Tureano约翰逊目前正在骑4战连胜, 其中三个来了停工. 高排名的所有制裁组织的全线, 约翰逊是在着陆大干一场的风口浪尖.




星期六, JUNE 6 AT家得宝中心球场

覆盖在NBC开始于 3 P.M. AND/12 P.M. PT

吉尔罗伊, 例如 (五月 26, 2015) – 在进入训练营的最后几天, 四分裂世界冠军, 罗伯特· “鬼” 战士 (32-3-1, 18 科斯), 提供关于对阿隆马丁内斯NBC主赛事吸引了他即将到来的PBC他的想法. 10轮的较量将在StubHub的中心卡森, 加利福尼亚州。, 六月 6, 2015并将现场直播NBC开始 3:00 P.M. AND/12:00 P.M. PT.


“首先,我真的要感谢铝海蒙为使拳击回球迷. 这又是一个极好的机会,其中来自各行各业的粉丝可以看到我争取在NBC免费. 中国人民银行NBC采取拳击回到它的辉煌岁月,我荣幸地被领衔我的第二场演出. 每个人都知道我来打,当我踩在环马丁内斯可以预期的一样.


“当一个战士正在不断保持忙碌, 它使一个不同的世界. 我的时间是下跌, 我的身体习惯了严格的训练. 当我在磨, 我在一个更高的级别执行. 这将是我第一次不得不背靠背战斗在很长一段时间. 每个人都看着这场战斗会看到我的战斗作风的区别.


“该家得宝中心球场大概是我最喜欢的场地打的. 球迷们难以置信. 每个人都有一个伟大的座位,你可以在人群中感觉能量你战斗,而. 这就像有正确的对你没商量. 出于某种原因,家得宝中心球场带出每个人的武士精神. 这是一个伟大的地方打!”


“训练营已经进行了很大的. 就像我前面提到的, 你保持活跃时, 一切都在流动顺畅了很多. 我已经把我的陪练会议再上新台阶. 我快上我的脚,我的时间是现货上. 我的父亲鲁本谁列车我, 是真的很高兴我的进步. 一切都走到一起真的很好. 现在是时候去打仗!”

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, NBCSports, @GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & @VicDarchinyan成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, 和www.facebook.com/NBCSports.


Cotto Receives Honorary Title of “Athlete of the Year”

纽约 (五月 26, 2015) – The National Puerto Rican Day Parade (NPRDP) today announced that its 2015 Parade, 预定 星期天, 六月 14 on New York’s Fifth Avenue, will officially kick off a week of festivities with the WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Championship fight between Miguel Cotto and Daniel Geale on 星期六, 六月 6, 2015 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林. It was also announced that Miguel Cotto, Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions will be making a contribution to the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Scholarship Fund.

“Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions are thrilled to be aligned with the National Puerto Rican Day Parade and to kick off their week of festivities with our event on June 6 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林,” said David Itskowitch, COO of Boxing for Roc Nation Sports. “New York’s Puerto Rican community has supported Miguel throughout his career and we look forward to mirroring that support through our scholarship fund contribution and association with the Parade’s mission to promote education and empowerment.”

此外, to honor Cotto’s impressive athletic accomplishments spanning over a decade which include him becoming Puerto Rico’s first and only Four Division World Champion, the NPRDP has bestowed upon him the honorary title of “Athlete of the Year.”

“It’s a privilege for my June 6 fight against Daniel Geale at Barclays Center in Brooklyn to be named the official kick-off event of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Week and I want to express my deepest gratitude for being honored me as Athlete of the Year,” said Cotto. “New York is truly my second home because I have been embraced by its Puerto Rican community. I’m looking forward to seeing my New York fans at Barclays Center on 六月 6.”

The NPRDP established the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Scholarship Awards Program to help promote the pursuit of higher education within the community. 在 2015, the organization will double the total dollar figure and number of scholarships awarded from the previous year to 30 scholarships in the amount of $2,000 每. In celebration of the 2015 class of scholarship winners, 米格尔·库托, Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions will be contributing $5,000 to the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Scholarship Fund in support of helping other high school and college students pay for their educations.

“The mission of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade is to create an awareness and appreciation of Puerto Rican contributions to the United States by holding an annual parade that displays the culture and diverse achievements of the Puerto Rican community and by supporting the higher education of our youth through our scholarship program,” said Ululy Rafael Martinez, Vice-Chair of NPRDP. “We are proud to honor Miguel Cotto as Athlete of the Year and express our deepest gratitude to Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Productions for contributing to our scholarship fund.”

该 2015 National Puerto Rican Day Parade will take place on 星期天, 六月 14, 从 11:00 调幅5:00 PM on New York’s Fifth Avenue. The Parade’s overall theme will be a continuation of “Un Pueblo Muchas Voces” (One Community, Many Voices) with a special commemorative theme “Celebrating Afro-Boricua Heritage,” meant to coincide with the designation of the next decade as the “International Decade for People of African Descent” by the United Nations. Spectators can watch the Parade from any designated areas between E. 44th and E. 79th Streets. NPRDP 2015 official events include the following:

五月 27 – Education Leadership Awards
五月 30 – 152nd Street Festival in the Bronx
六月 6 – Miguel Cotto vs. Daniel Geale at Barclays Center in Brooklyn
六月 6 – Rising Stars Challenge
六月 7 – Annual Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
六月 12 – Annual Gala of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade
六月 14 – 58th National Puerto Rican Day Parade

For more information please visit www.nprdpinc.org. Follow NPRDP on Twitter: @PRparadeNYC, Instagram的: NPRDP, #PRparade, 并在Facebook上www.facebook.com/NationalPuertoRicanParade.

库托与. 罐, 12轮的争夺库托的WBC和环杂志中量级世界冠军, 发生 星期六, 六月 6 在巴克莱中心在布鲁克林,将在HBO电视直播. 战斗, 这是在与加里邵氏制作协会颁发由大鹏民族体育和米格尔·库托促销, 会的正式启动仪式 2015 全国波多黎各日游行一周,是由塔咖提Cerveza主办, Jaybird, TapouT, 龙舌兰酒CAZADORES和地点国王. In addition to the great action inside the ring, 该活动将有几个显着的大鹏民族接触,这将进一步成为观众与增强型风扇体验, 包括中华民国国家和格莱美奖提名歌手大肖恩取到环的专场演出前的主要事件. 本次活动将由著名主持人“纽约之声”安吉马丁内斯主持,还将打大师DJ路宝谁担任马丁内斯一起彻夜. 门票分 $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 和 $25, 不包括适用的服务费和税款, 现已公开发售,并可以转让的www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com 并在美国运通票房巴克莱中心. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000. 门开处 6:00 PM, 第一次战斗开始于 6:15 PM 和HBO的电视节目开始在 10:30 PM ET/PT.

For more information please visit www.rocnation.com. Follow Roc Nation on Twitter and Instagram @rocnation and on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/RocNation.

欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.hbo.com/boxing, 在Twitter和Instagram的在@HBOBoxing,并成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

安德烈Fedosov & John Thompson crowned Boxcino champions with stoppage wins


冠, 加利福尼亚州 (五月 26, 2015)--Memorial Day weekend started out with a bang as Andrey Fedosov and John Thompson were crowned Boxcino 2015 champions in the Heavyweight and Jr. Middleweight divisions with stoppage wins over Donovan Dennis and Brandon Adams this past 星期五 欧米茄产品户外竞技场之夜.

The Boxcino Tournament was promoted by Banner Promotions, 而 周五 card was promoted by Thompson Boxing and Banner Promotions.
The event also served as the series finale of ESPN 星期五 夜战斗.

Fedosov scored an 8th round stoppage, while Thompson got off the canvas in round 1 to score a 2nd round stoppage.

Fedosov landed some hard power shots in round 2 that Dennis was able to withstand. Fedosov dropped Dennis in round 3 from a left hook to the head. Dennis started being effective the jab in round 4, and he started mixing the straight left behind it.

在第二轮 6, Fedosov hurt Dennis again as he ripped two hard rights off the face of the southpaw. 在第二轮 7, it was more power shots that hurt Dennis and made him take a knee.

在第二轮 8, Fedosov landed a perfectly timed right hand that sent Dennis hard to the canvas. Dennis got to his feet but the fight was waved off 54 seconds into round 8.

Fedosov, 220 1/2 lbs of Hollywood, California via Russia is now 28-3 同 23 击倒. 丹尼斯, 219 达文波特磅, 爱荷华州现在是 14-3.
I was being patient and waiting for a counter, and I was able to hit him with it,” said Fedosov of the knockout blow. “Now I will look for a big fight.

John Thompson got off the deck in round 1 to come back and score an explosive 2nd round stoppage over Brandon Adams to win the Boxcino Jr. 中量级冠军.

Adams dropped Thompson in the opening seconds from a left hook. 在第二轮 2, Thompson landed a huge shot that sent Adams to the canvas. Thompson then pounded on Adams and a right hand wobbled Adams into the ropes and a knockdown was ruled. Thompson finished off a visibly hurt Adams with a heavy combination and the fight was stopped at 2:18 圆 2.

汤普森, 153.2 纽瓦克磅, 新泽西现在 17-1 有六个淘汰赛. 亚当斯, 154.8 lbs of Los Angeles, CA现在 17-2.

This is a new beginning for me,” Thompson said. “We’re in a whole different ball game now. This is where I’m suppose to be.

说横幅促销总统阿蒂Pelullo, “It was a great night, and John and Andrey earned these titles. We expect to have them in big fights very soon. 另外要注意的, I am glad that these two thrilling fights were part of the last ESPN 星期五 Night Fights show.

艾米丽·哈尼(Emily Harney)摄 / 横幅促销.


覆盖在NBC开始于 3 P.M. AND/12 P.M. PT

点击 这里 For Photos From Team Guerrero


吉尔罗伊, 例如 (五月 26, 2015) – 在进入训练营的最后几天, 四分裂世界冠军, 罗伯特· “鬼” 战士 (32-3-1, 18 科斯), 提供关于对阿隆马丁内斯NBC主赛事吸引了他即将到来的PBC他的想法. 10轮的较量将在StubHub的中心卡森, 加利福尼亚州。, 六月 6, 2015 并将现场直播NBC开始 3:00 P.M. AND/12:00 P.M. PT.



“首先,我真的要感谢铝海蒙为使拳击回球迷. 这又是一个极好的机会,其中来自各行各业的粉丝可以看到我争取在NBC免费. 中国人民银行NBC采取拳击回到它的辉煌岁月,我荣幸地被领衔我的第二场演出. 每个人都知道我来打,当我踩在环马丁内斯可以预期的一样.



“当一个战士正在不断保持忙碌, 它使一个不同的世界. 我的时间是下跌, 我的身体习惯了严格的训练. 当我在磨, 我在一个更高的级别执行. 这将是我第一次不得不背靠背战斗在很长一段时间. 每个人都看着这场战斗会看到我的战斗作风的区别.



“该家得宝中心球场大概是我最喜欢的场地打的. 球迷们难以置信. 每个人都有一个伟大的座位,你可以在人群中感觉能量你战斗,而. 这就像有正确的对你没商量. 出于某种原因,家得宝中心球场带出每个人的武士精神. 这是一个伟大的地方打!”



“训练营已经进行了很大的. 就像我前面提到的, 你保持活跃时, 一切都在流动顺畅了很多. 我已经把我的陪练会议再上新台阶. 我快上我的脚,我的时间是现货上. 我的父亲鲁本谁列车我, 是真的很高兴我的进步. 一切都走到一起真的很好. 现在是时候去打仗!”

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, NBCSports, @GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & @VicDarchinyan成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, 和www.facebook.com/NBCSports.

Lightweight Contender Tony Luis to Serve on Broadcast Commentary Team on CBS Sports Network, 这个星期五, 五月 29 在孟菲斯

Lightweight contender Tony “闪电” Luis says it’ll be the realization of a childhood dream when he serves as guest analyst on the broadcast team this Friday, 五月 29.

Luis will join Ron Kruck, Steve Kim and Patrick Ortiz for the live call of “拳击锦标赛在CBS体育网,” will air live on CBS Sports Network (10:00 PM, AND) from the WC Handy Pavilion on Beale Street in Memphis, 田纳西.

格雷格·科恩促销提出, in association with GH3 Promotions, Prize Fight Promotion and Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Productions and produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, Championship Boxing on CBS Sports Network will be headlined by a 10-round cruiserweight battle between Lateef “动力” 卡约德 (20-0, 16 科斯) 和 “华而不实的” 尼克·基斯纳 (14-1-1, 5 科斯).

在合作的主要事件, promising WBO #10 lightweight Josh King of Australia will make his US television debut against Batesville, 阿肯色州’ 罗赫略Cerdeño (9-3, 4 科斯). Also featured in televised action that night will be women’s superstar Amanda “真正的交易” 塞拉诺 (23-1-1, 18 科斯) in a six-round super featherweight showcase against Nairobi, Kenya’s Fatuma Zarika (24-10-2, 14 科斯), as well as super middleweight Derrick “把它带到银行” 韦伯斯特 (18-0, 9 科斯) putting his undefeated record on the line in a six-rounder against Mississippi’s William Johnson.

门票 “拳击锦标赛” 售价为 $20 General Admission and $30 VIP and are available by calling 901.900.2236. 搏击之夜, doors open @ 6:00 下午. The live television telecast will run from 10 时至 12 我有美国东部标准时间 在CBS体育网. 欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.gcpboxing.com.

It’s another childhood dream come true,” said Luis of doing commentary. “My mom was a stickler with me over reading when I was little, but once I got the hang of it and discovered boxing, look out! I drove her crazy reading my dad’s boxing collection to her all the time. And she would always say I had what it took to do what the guys on HBO were doing. I can hear the ‘I told you so,’ from heaven.

Luis will be joining a solid broadcast team of veterans. Blow-by-blow man Ron Kruck is an MMA correspondent for the longest-running Mixed Martial Arts news show on television, 里面MMA, on Mark Cuban’s AXS TV. Long-time boxing journalist Steve Kim is internationally recognized for his commentary and opinion preceding major pay-per-view boxing bouts. Patrick Ortiz is the President of Ringside Ticket Inc and Lords of the Cage, which specializes in providing Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing events for Tribal Casinos.

Max Kellerman motivated me when i was younger,” said Luis of his influences. “I saw a young guy with a passion for boxing. Max is a very good commentator and has developed a good eye for the sport, but I feel I have an edge because I actually live it and know what it is like to be in that ring.

路易斯 (19-3, 7 科斯), who lost a controversial decision in a world-title fight in England against England’s Derry Matthews in April, will next be seen, 在环, 六月 25 尼亚加拉瀑布, New York against an opponent that is TBA.

Seconds Out Promotions Signs Light Heavyweight Powerhouse Marcus Oliveira to a Promotional Agreement

Tony Grygelko of Minneapolis-based Seconds Out Promotions proudly announces the signing of hard-punching former world-title challenger Marcus Oliveira to a promotional contract.


From Menominee, 威斯康星, and of Menominee Nation, 本地人, heritage, 36-year-old Oliveira (25-1-1, 20 科斯) is also a former NABF and WBA Fedebol Light Heavyweight Champion.

The promotional agreement is a reunion of sorts, as Grygelko was Oliveira’s promoter for much of his early professional career.


I used to promote Marcus, prior to him signing with Don King, and it’s truly an honor to be able to promote him again and help position him for another world title shot,” said Tony Grygelko. “It seems that with his previous promoter not actively seeking fights, and his loss to Jurgen Brähmer, that Marcus has been written off, but the truth is he is extremely focused and has a burning desire to show all his fans that he has the talent to win a World Championship! He plans to shake off some ring rust off with a couple fights and then he’ll be looking to go after some of the big names in the division, such as Andrezj Fonfara, 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫, 伯纳德·霍普金斯大学, and a rematch with Brähmer.


奥利维拉, who was a heavily decorated amateur boxer before turning pro in 2006, said he feels his career had been stalled by an agreement he signed with another promoter. He says he happy to now be free of that contract and back to working with someone he trusts.


I was looking for someone who could get me to the next level in my career and Tony has already done that for quite a few guys, so it was an easy decision,” said Oliveira. “He’s always straight-up with me and treats me well. I have a great relationship with him. I’m very happy about this new direction.


We’re very excited to be back working with Tony,” said Oliveira’s Manager, Douglas Ward from the Underground Boxing Company. “It’s good to be working with a promoter that has our same set of goals.


Oliveira joins a Seconds Out stable that also includes Carson Jones and recent world-title challenger Caleb Truax.