Category Archives: joylashtirish

Mag'lubiyati Super Middleweight Derrick “Bank olib boring” Orqaga harakat bugun kuni Manfas Webster

Manfas, Tennessee ( May 29, 2015)Kecha W.C da. Manfas Handy Pavilion, Tennessee, mag'lubiyati Super Middleweight, Derrick “Bank olib boring” Webster uning birinchi boshlanishini qiladi 2015 U bir marta olti turda William Jonson oladi qachon CBS Sport Network jonli televidenieda bo'ladi karta qismi hisoblanadi.
Webster GH3 aktsiyalar va Greg Cohen aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi.
Glassboro of Webster, Nyu-Jersi, bir rekord bor 18-0 bilan 9 knockouts va u halqa bo'lmagan olti oy davomida bo'sh o'tirgan kelmadi.
“Training katta bo'ldi. Biz ba'zi sana bizga ko'chib edi, Shunday qilib, biz lager uchun uyda qoldi. Biz turli sparring hamkorlar ko'p ishlatiladigan va men yangi kuch va chiniqtirish murabbiy bor. Men bunday oqartuvchilarsiz ishlayotgan kabi yangi narsalar juda ko'p edi, Ba'zi katta ab ish, shuningdek, ” Webster dedi.
Webster odamlar sifatida ishdan hech qanday begona edi 6'4 duch tez ishlaydigan emas″ yaxshi boks qobiliyatini va kuch ko'rsatiladi qildi inch qatlu kuchli kutib oldi.
“Bu meni frustrates lekin men unga mening butun martaba bilan muomala qilingan. Men bilan birga yanada ko'p bo'lishi kerak bilaman, lekin hozir men promouterlar va rahbarlari bor (D & D boshqaruv) deb muammoni tinchlik yordam kerak. Yodda bilan So, Men kelib, nima ko'rish uchun kutish mumkin emas.”
Jonson In, Webster bir piyoda rekord bilan bir yigit kurash, lekin bu tanlov emas edi.
“Bu raqib uchun olish qiyin emas. Biz kamida edi 12 guys bir sababga yoki boshqa uchun kurash pastga o'girib. Men bolalar meni jang qilish uchun hech narsa yo'q,. Men faqat bir g'alaba va yuqori eshelon yigitlarni kurash boshlash uchun bu kurashda ichiga ketyapman. Men o'ng orqa iyul oyida keladi, deb o'ylayman va biz ba'zi mintaqaviy unvonlar uchun kurash bo'ladi.”
“I qo'llab-quvvatlash taqdir. Men oilamni va muxlislarini yaxshi ko'raman. Bu kurash bir nokaut bilan tugaydi bo'ladi. Men milliy televidenieda bu ko'rishingiz mumkin xursandman va dunyo nihoyat ular yo'qolgan qilingan narsani tan oladi va bu men boks bo'yicha eng yaxshi qatlu kuchli kutib oldi, deb hisoblanadi.”
GH3 Aktsiyalar Mag'lubiyatsiz Middleweight Antoine Duglas xususiyatlari,, Super Middleweight ning Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, mag'lubiyati Super bantamweight Adam Lopez, shuningdek Boxcino Jr. O'rta chempioni John Thompson, Mag'lubiyatsiz yarim ortasiklet Jerrell Harris,Mag'lubiyatsiz Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, mag'lubiyati engil Oscar Bonilla, GH3 Aktsiyalar barqaror uchun og'ir vazn toifasida ochishi Visinia va Light og'ir Lavarn Harvell.


Bosing BU YERGA For More Photos From Team Guerrero

Aromatlar, KABI(May 28, 2015)- Four-Division world champion, “Robert “Sade” Jangchi (32-3-1, 18 KOS) hosted a media workout yesterday at the CrossFit Ranch to shed light on his upcoming fight with Aron Martinez. The 10-round main-event bout will take place at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif., Iyun 6, 2015 va NBC boshlab jonli efirga 3:00 p.m. VA/12:00 p.m. PT.


Jangchi, who won the hearts of America with his gut wrenching performance against Keith Thurman in his last fight, is looking forward to another main-event attraction where he can showcase his entertaining fighting style to the fans.


All the hard training is done and now it’s time to zone in,” Robert Guerrero dedi. “Everyone should be watching the PBC on NBC June 6thbecause I believe this is going to be a crowd-pleasing fight. Aron Martinez is not coming to lay down. He’s had plenty of time to prepare for this fight and I’m expecting him to come out guns blazing. Bir narsa shubhasiz uchun, I’m going to be throwing some hard shots right from the opening bell. My goal is to bring an entertaining fight to the fans and let my hands go. Fight night can’t come soon enough.


Headlining his second PBC on NBC, Guerrero wants continue fighting on a regular basis. Known for being an all-out action fighter, Guerrero feels he can close out the rest of 2015 bo'lgan portlash bilan.


I can’t emphasize how important it is for me to be fighting back to back in just a couple of months,” Guerrero continued. “Staying active is crucial to any fighter. The more you fight the better you perform and I can feel the improvement in my whole fighting style. If possible, I want to fight two more times before the year ends, but first I must get past Martinez.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Va Facebookda muxlisi bo',

FarahQuiet StormEnnis ready to make a loud statement tonight against Michael Gbenga in Philadelphia

Frank De Alba headlines against Bernardo Gomez Uribe Plus Steve Upsher Chambers, Raynell Williams, Migel Cruz, Samuel Figueroa, Christopher Brooker and Leo Hall
Gbenga (L) faces Ennis
Filadelfiya (May 29,2015)Shu kecha da Stadium HolidayInn Filadelfiyadagi, King’s Promotions presents a great night of boxing that will headlined by 10-round Jr. Lightweight bout between Frankie De Alba (15-1-2, 5 KO) va Bernardo Gomez Uribe (14-3, 10 KO).
In a six-round Super Middleweight bout Farah Ennis (21-2, 12 KO) will make his return to the ring after a 22 month hiatus when he takes on Maykl Gbenga (20-19, 20 KO)
Ennis, who was last seen dropping a 10-round unanimous decision to new WBC Super Middleweight champion Badou Jack, is looking to get back into contention with a big outing over the veteran from Ghana.
“Training yaxshi bo'ldi. I only know that Gbenga is from Ghana,” said Ennis.
After what Ennis admitted was a lackluster performance against Jack, he needed some time away from the sport in order to get himself back on track.
I took the time off to get my mind together. In that fight I didn’t let my hands go. I was thinking too much and I know I could have beat him. It just wasn’t my night.
Ennis also took the time off to get into some training camps and improve on his own game.
I was in camp with David Lemieux for when he fought Gabriel Rosado. It was during that time I got my head back and now is where I need to be. I need to go out and listen to my dad (Trainer Bozy Ennis). I am in 32 yoshda endi. Bu u. It is either all or nothing.
I just hope everyone comes out and supports as I am looking to put on a show and start the next phase of my career.
Ennis weighed 167 pounds at Payshanba ning in vaznga. Gbenga checked in at 169.
8-tur Butning In, Steve Upsher Chambers (24-4-1, 6 KO) Filadelfiya jang qiladi Alejandro Rodriguez (22-16-1, 8 KO) Guadalajara, Mexico in a Jr. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Butning.
6-tur johillik ichida:
Sobiq U.S. Marhamatli, Raynell Williams (7-0, 4 KO) Klivlend, OH will take on an opponent to be named in a Lightweight bout.
Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Migel Cruz (8-0, 7 KO) Ko'l Maryam, FL battles Juan Rodriguez (6-2-1, 5 KO) of Haymarket, VA..
Samuel Figueroa (7-0, 4 KO) of Ansco, PR will fight Jose Valderrama (4-9, 3 KO) Arecibo of, A yarim ortasiklet Butning ham PR.
Brandon Bennett (18-1, 7 KO) Cincinnati, OH bilan off kvadrat bo'ladi Rondale Hubbert (10-1-1, 6 KO) Minneapolisdagi, MN in a Lightweight bout.
Demond Nikolson (12-1, 12 KO) Dafna, MD will battle German Perez (11-1, 3 KO) a Middleweight Butning ichida.
Leo Hall (5-0, 5 KO) Detroyt, MI will risk his perfect mark against Lawrence Blakey (2-3, 1 KO) of Pennsylvania in a Light Heavyweight affair.
Xolib Plant (6-0, 5 KO) Ashland Siti, TN kurashadi Jason Zabokrtsky (3-1, 3 KO) of Kansas in a Middleweight bout.
Rounding out the card in a 4-round bout will be Kristofer Brooker (2-0, 2 KO) of Philadelphia fighting pro debuting Santario Martin Gainesville, FL in a Super Middleweight bout.
The Stadium Holiday Inn is located at 900 Packer Ave. Filadelfiyadagi
Chiptalar fiyatlandırılır $75 va & $50 va sotib olish mumkin yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 610 587 5950

1-navbat da boshlanadi 6:45 AM eshik ochilishi bilan 6 AM.


Televised Coverage Begins on Shanba, Iyun 6 At 3 p.m. VA/12 p.m. PT

Card Also Features Exciting Featherweight Showdown Between
Iso Cuellar & Vic Darchinyan

Ko'proq! Hard-Hitting Alfredo Angulo Battles Delray Raines & A Full Slate Of Top Prospects & Local Favorites In Undercard Action

CARSON, CALIF (May 28, 2015) – 2012 U.S. Marhamatli Dominic “Tashvish” BREAZEALE (14-0, 13 KOS) janglar Consuegra Yasmany (17-0, 14 KOS) in an explosive matchup between two undefeated heavyweights that will kick off the Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha NBC teleko'rsatuv Shanba, Iyun 6 Karson ichida StubHub markazi, Calif. televidenieda matbuot boshlab bilan 3 p.m. VA/12 p.m. PT.


This eight round heavyweight attraction will support the afternoon’s main event, which pits former four-division world champion Robert “Sade” Jangchi (32-3-1, 18 KOS) qarshi Aron Martinez (19-3-1, 14 KOS). Also featured on the card is the 12-round featherweight showdown between Iso Cuellar (26-1, 20 KOS) va Vic Darchinyan(40-7-1, 29 KOS).


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $200, $150, $100, $50 va $25, Ortiqcha soliqlar, to'lovlar va xizmat to'lovlari, Endi sotuvga va onlayn sotib olish uchun foydalanish mumkin.


Also featured is Mexican warrior and former world champion Alfred “It” Angulo(22-5, 18 KOS) who returns to the ring to battle Delray Raines (20-10-1, 14 KOS) 10-dumaloq o'rta Butning ichida. Another former world champion returns to action as Marvin Sonsona (19-1-1, 15 KOS) oladi Jonathan Arellano (15-5-2, 3 KOS) 10-tur tuklar Butning.


Further undercard bouts pit 2012 Meksika ulug'vor Oscar Molina (12-0, 10 KOS) qarshi Todd Manuel (10-5-1, 1 KO) in eight rounds of super lightweight action while undefeated prospect Alejandro Luna (17-0, 13 KOS) sobiq jahon chempioni oladiKristobal Cruz (40-15-3, 24 KOS) in an eight round super lightweight bout.


Rounding out the undercard action is Carlos Morales (7-1-3, 2 KOS) pardoz Juan Ruiz(24-17, 7 KOS) sakkiz davra engil Butning, Mag'lubiyatsiz kelajak Fabian Maidana(6-0, 5 KOS) going up against Julius Dyes (3-1, 2 KOS) in six rounds of welterweight action and undefeated prospect Entoni Flores (7-0, 5 KOS)eng yaxshi o'rtoqlaring ustidan olibErick Bossler (3-0, 2 KOS) in a six round welterweight attraction.


A 2012 U.S. Marhamatli, BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 KOS) bir pro sifatida qayd knockouts deyarli mukammal bo'ldi, faqat bir kurashda yurmasdan. 29-yoshli bo'yicha butun uning mag'lubiyati yozib qo'yishni ko'rinadi Iyun 6 u pog'onasida qiyin muammoga duch kelayotgan bo'lsa,. Most recently the Glendale, California native survived an early knockdown against Victor Brisbal on his way to eventually recording a fourth round stoppage.


Undefeated Pro aylanish beri 2010, 31-yoshli Consuegra is looking to make a big splash when he faces fellow unbeaten BREAZEALE bo'yicha Iyun 6. Fighting out of Miami by way of Cienfuegos, Kuba, Consuegra got off to a good start in 2015 with an eight round unanimous decision over Tauraus Sykes in March. Before that decision, he had knocked out 13 straight opponents as he built up his perfect record.


Buenos-Ayres chiqib A tez-turish yulduz, Argentina, Cuellar uni amalga oshirish uchun ko'rinadi 10 victories in a row when he battles Darchinyan on Iyun 6. Ikki qo'li Uning kuch-sentyabr oyida Puerto-Riko icon Xuan Manuel Lopez ikkinchi davra qirg'in, shu jumladan, uning oxirgi to'qqiz g'alabalarni olti knockouts uni olib keldi. 2014. U StubHub markazida uzuk kirib, uning birinchi martaba Kaliforniya boshlash qiladi 28 yoshli.


Eng yaxshi featherweights muhokama qaytib o'zini qo'yish Looking, 39-yoshliDarchinyan portlovchi Cuellar to'ntarish uchun tajriba turdagi bilan keladi. A sobiq jahon chempioni, Glendale chiqib jang Armaniston qiruvchi, Kaliforniya, bu yil fevral oyida Xuan Jimenez ustidan to'qqizinchi davra oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut off keladi. Bunday Abnur Mares kabi uch talabgor qarshi jang qilib, Nonito Donaire and Nicholas


Monterrey'dan yilda tug'ilgan A qattiq kurash Meksika jangchi, Baja Kaliforniya, Meksika lekin Coachella chiqib jang, Calif., Angulo Uning qabul qilingan mamlakatni muxlislar oldida katta g'alaba uchun qidirmoqda. Sport eng yaxshi qarshi har doim tayyor, 32 yoshli dunyoning eng yaxshi jangchilar ba'zi barmog'i-to-oyoq ketdi va Gabriel Rosado ustidan g'alaba nokaut ushlab oldi, Joachim Alcine va Joel Julio. To'g'risida Iyun 6 he faces the 29-year-old Raines out of Oklahoma City.


A former world champion at super flyweight, 24-yoshli Sonsona most recently defeatedWilfredo Vazquez by unanimous decision in June 2014 Uning U.S ichida. debyuti. Fighting out of General Santos City, Filippin, he will take on the 27-year-old Arellano out of Commerce, Kaliforniya.


A 2012 Meksika ulug'vor, Molina now fights out of Norwalk, Kaliforniya. The 25-year-old is still undefeated as a professional and most recently defeated Jorge Pimentel in April. He returns to the ring to take on the 22-year-old Manuel out of Crowley, Louisiana.


At just 23-year-old, Luna has already put together an impressive 17 Pro o'girilib buyon professional g'alaba 2010. Bellflower chiqib jang, Kaliforniya, he takes on the former world champion Cross. The 38-year-old fighting out of Tijuana, Baja Kaliforniya, Mexico is coming off of a draw against Emanuel Lopez in June 2014.


Riding a seven-fight win streak into his Iyun 6 oxiri, 25-yoshli Morales hopes to keep his winning ways going. The fighter out of Tuloncingo, Mexico will do battle with the 36-year-old Ruiz out of Panorama City, Kaliforniya.


Nine years younger than his brother Marcos, the 22-year-old Maidana is currently riding a five fight knockout streak. Santa Fe vakili, Argentina, he will take on Dyes out of Memphis.


A issiq ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn kelajak, 24-yoshli Gullar will look to represent his hometown of Los Angeles when he takes on the fellow undefeated Bossler Chikago amalga.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Va Facebookda muxlisi bo'l,

Damon McCreary looking to upset undefeated Jarrell Miller next Thursday night at LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theater

Fight Card Part of Brooklyn Brawl Series
Promoted by Dmitriy Salita’s Star of David Promotions
Bruklin (May 28, 2015)Payshanba kuni tun, Iyun 4, Dmitry Salita’s Star of David Promotions will bring it’s Brooklyn Brawl series to LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theater with a terrific night of boxing.
Asosiy tadbirda, mag'lubiyati Og'ir Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller (12-0-1, 10 KO) will risk his undefeated mark when he takes on Damon McCreary (15-4, 11 KO) in a bout scheduled for 8 tur.
McCreary has been training hard in Detroit as Miller will be his 4th consecutive and 7th overall undefeated opponent.
He has previously been in with current WBC Heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder as well as Jordan Shimmell, Ali Mansour and Charles Martin.
“Mening ta'lim zo'r bo'ldi. Men ajoyib his qilaman. I know what I have going against me,” said McCreary.
In Miller, McCreary will be facing a guy who stands about 6’4and checks in around 260 lbs. McCreary has been preparing for that with regular sparring against huge men.
I know he is a big guy. I been sparring with guys who stand about 6’8and 6’9″. I know Miller is young, hungry and a puncher. His skills are OK but he hasn’t fought at the level I have been at.
McCreary has been a pro since 1998 and he feels that could be a big factor in his favor.
My experience is a huge factor. I know up until the last couple years that he has been an MMA fighter. I just hope he doesn’t kick me or put me in a headlock.quipped McCreary.
Despite being 41 yil-eski, McCreary is confident that a win in New York will catapult him into some great opportunities.
I have a few years left in me. This win will get me a bigger fight. It is great to fight in New York. I have fought in Los Angeles and Chicago but I have to treat this as just another fight.
Because of the his past opponents, McCreary is giving himself a great shot to pull the upset.
I am from Detroit. I am a soldier who won’t back down and I am coming to win. By the grace of god, I can pull the upset and further my career.
8-turda hamraisi xususiyati, Dimash Niyazov (7-0-3, 4 KO) Staten ho'l bo'lib ketdi, NY takes on Ariel Duran (8-7-1, 5 KO) Queens, A Jr NY. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Butning.
6-tur johillik ichida:
Steven Martinez (15-2, 12 KO) Bronx of, NY a Super yarim ortasiklet Butning nomlangan kerak raqib ustidan o'tadi.
Hikmatli Augusta (6-1, 5 KO) Bruklinning, NY kurashadi Quincy Brown (1-2, 1 KO) Millbrook of, A o'rta Butning ichida AL.
4-tur johillik ichida:
Steve Geffrard (10-2, 7 KO) Mayami, FL jang qiladi Eric George (3-9) Niagara Falls, A Cruiserweight Butning NY.
Baxtiyor Eyubov (5-0, 5 KO) Olmaota, Kazakhstan will take on Jason Thompson (5-9-4, 4 KO) a Super yarim ortasiklet Butning Nyu-York.


Dewayne Zeigler (4-0-1, 4 KO) Montgomery,, AL will fight Jeremy Graves (0-4) Niagara Falls, A yengillashtirilgan Butning NY.

Julian Sosa (1-0) Bruklinning, NY bir yarim ortasiklet Butning nomlangan uchun raqib ustidan o'tadi.
Super Bantamweight Michael Stoute Long ho'l bo'lib ketdi, NY ismli kerak raqib qarshi pro debyutini qiladi.
Chiptalar for the event are on sale and can be purchased online via Ticketmaster by visiting yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000.

USK Barclays markazi dasturchi Bryus Ratner va Onexim sport va Entertainment tomonidan aprel oyida ishga tushirilgan, Barclays markazi bosh direktori Brett Yormark tomonidan amalga barcha ish operatsiyalari bilan. USK va LIU Bruklin yaqinda e'lon LIU Bruklin Paramount teatri, deb, LIU Bruklin yotoqxonasida Flatbush va DeKalb Avenues joylashgan, bron rivojlanayotgan iqtidori ko'rib chiqamiz. LIU Bruklin Paramount yaqinda 24-oy yangilash davom etadi va ko'proq bo'lib o'tadi 120 Har yili voqealar.

DOVUD aksiyalarni haqida STAR
David aktsiyalar yulduzi yilda tashkil etilgan 2010 Dmitriy Salita tomonidan, a reklama shaxs ehtiyojlarini ko'rib professional bokschi va dunyo sarlavha challenger yorqin istiqbollarini xususiyati, shuningdek turgan pugilists, va Nyu-York City atrofida. Tomoshabinlar Spike televidenie kuni so'nggi yillarda David jangchilarning Star tomosha quvonch, ESPN2, MSG, va Universal sport Network. Tashrif buyuring Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.



Las-Vegas MGM Grand Garden Arena'ya

Plus Exciting Welterweight Showdown Between

Sammy Vasquez & Chandiq Omotoso

Las Vegas, (May 28, 2015)An action-packed showdown between former world champions Rances Barthelemy (22-0, 13 KOS) va Antonio DeMarco (31-4-1, 23 KOS) headlines the next installment Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha CBS sodir bo'layotganYakshanba, Iyun 21 live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas with televised action beginning at 4 p.m. VA/1 p.m. PT.


Also featured in televised bouts is an explosive welterweight matchup that pits the undefeated Sammy Vasquez (18-0, 13 KOS) Nigeriya nokaut ijrochining qarshi Chandiq Omotoso (25-1, 21 KOS).


I’m excited for this big opportunity and I can’t wait to show the world what I’m capable of,” Said Barthelemy. “A big fight like this is what I want. I know it will be very difficult, but I’m going to train hard to put on a show for the fans.


“Bu men uchun katta kurash bo'ladi. I’m going to leave everything I have in that ring,” DeMarco dedi. “The chance to fight on network television is once in a lifetime and I’m going to make the most of it.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, qaysi Mayweather aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi va TGB aktsiyalar fiyatlandırılır $100, $75, $50, va $25 not including applicable service charges and taxes go on sale Thursday, May 28. Asosiy kredit karta bilan telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000. Chiptalar ham mavjud


A Kuba havaskor milliy chempioni, the 28-year-old Barthelemy hali Pro o'girib buyon mag'lubiyatga tatib qildi 2009. Kubada tug'ilgan lekin hozir Las-Vegas chiqib jang, he won a super featherweight world title in July of last year by defeating Argenis Mendez in impressive fashion. Most recently he delivered a second round TKO over Angino Perez in March and looks to impress once again when he hits the ring in June.


Engil bo'linish bir sobiq jahon chempioni, 29-yoshli DeMarco steps back into the ring to face the undefeated Barthelemy. Los Mochis chiqib jang, Sinaloa, Meksika, he owns victories over John Molina Jr., Jorge Linares and Lanardo Tyner. He fights for the second time as a pro in the city of Las Vegas on Iyun 21.


29-yoshli Vasquez yildan beri professional jang qildi 2012 and served two tours of duty in Iraq as a member of the National Guard. U yarim finaliga yo'llanma qildi 2012 U.S. Olimpiya sinovlar va oltin medalga 2010 va 2011 Qurolli Kuchlar boks chempionati. Monessen chiqib qiruvchi, Penn., has not lost as a professional and is coming off of a unanimous decision over Emmanuel Lartey in February of this year.


Born in Nigeria, but fighting out of Oxnard, Calif., Omotoso is looking to make it three wins in a row when he battles Vasquez. His most recent victories were both knockouts as he defeated Abraham Alvarez and Eduardo Flores. The 30-year-old made his U.S. yilda debyut 2011 and has racked up a 7-1 record stateside.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, SHOSports, RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, MayweatherPromo , TGBPromotions VaMGMGrand va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib va yoki

Plus Steve Upsher Chambers, Farah Ennis, Raynell Williams, Migel Cruz, Samuel Figueroa, Christopher Brooker and Leo Hall

Frank De Alba headlines against Bernardo Gomez Uribe this Friday at Stadium Holiday Inn Philadelphia

Filadelfiya (May 28,2015)Bu juma tun da Stadium Holiday

Inn Filadelfiyadagi, King’s Promotions presents a great night of boxing that will headlined by 10-round Jr. Lightweight bout between Frankie De Alba (15-1-2, 5 KO) va Bernardo Gomez Uribe (14-3, 10 KO).
Reading De Alba, PA has been one of the hottest fighters on the East Coast as he has won 13 straight bouts and is unbeaten since dropping his professional debut in 2011.
The 27 year-old is coming into his own and has been training hard in preparation for this bout against Uribe.
“Training katta bo'ldi. Men his 100% and this truly has been one of the best camps I have ever had. I really feel like I am in the best shape in my career,” Said De Alba.
Like two of his last three opponents, Jose Bustos and Pablo Batres, Uribe is a tough yet unknown fighter from Mexico who sports a solid record.
He is a unknown guy with a decent record. Bundan tashqari, I don’t know much about him but that doesn’t matter as I train for any style that he may bring.
De Alba is on the cusp of some big fights in the Jr. Lightweight division and he can’t look past Uribe to get those opportunities.
“Bu kurashda keyin, I am ready for anybody they put in front of me.
De Alba, who works in an warehouse foundry, knows that the next year is a moving year and those big fights are on the horizon.
I know that in the next fight or two, I will be put in against another top prospect and I am confident that I have what it takes to come through against anybody. I am excited to be in the main event in Philadelphia. This is my first fight here and I am ready to put on a good show.
8-tur Butning In, Steve Upsher Chambers (24-4-1, 6 KO) Filadelfiya jang qiladi Alejandro Rodriguez (22-16-1, 8 KO) Guadalajara, Mexico in a Jr. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Butning.
6-tur johillik ichida:
Farah Ennis (21-2, 12 KO) Filadelfiya jang qiladi Maykl Gbenga (20-19, 20 KO) Accra of, Ghana in a Super Middleweight bout.
Sobiq U.S. Marhamatli, Raynell Williams (7-0, 4 KO) Klivlend, OH will take on an opponent to be named in a Lightweight bout.
Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Migel Cruz (8-0, 7 KO) Ko'l Maryam, FL battles Juan Rodriguez (6-2-1, 5 KO) of Haymarket, VA..
Samuel Figueroa (7-0, 4 KO) of Ansco, PR will fight Jose Valderrama (4-9, 3 KO) Arecibo of, A yarim ortasiklet Butning ham PR.
Brandon Bennett (18-1, 7 KO) Cincinnati, OH bilan off kvadrat bo'ladi Rondale Hubbert (10-1-1, 6 KO) Minneapolisdagi, MN in a Lightweight bout.
Demond Nikolson (12-1, 12 KO) Dafna, MD will battle German Perez (11-1, 3 KO) a Middleweight Butning ichida.
Leo Hall (5-0, 5 KO) Detroyt, MI will risk his perfect mark against Lawrence Blakey (2-3, 1 KO) of Pennsylvania in a Light Heavyweight affair.
Xolib Plant (6-0, 5 KO) Ashland Siti, TN kurashadi Jason Zabokrtsky (3-1, 3 KO) of Kansas in a Middleweight bout.
Rounding out the card in a 4-round bout will be Kristofer Brooker (2-0, 2 KO) of Philadelphia fighting pro debuting Santario Martin Gainesville, FL in a Super Middleweight bout.
The Stadium Holiday Inn is located at 900 Packer Ave. Filadelfiyadagi
Chiptalar fiyatlandırılır $75 va & $50 va sotib olish mumkin yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 610 587 5950

1-navbat da boshlanadi 6:45 AM eshik ochilishi bilan 6 AM.

Premer boks Chempionlar ON boshoq yakuniy press konferentsiya & MEDIA mashqlar tirnoq & FOTOSURATLAR

Bosing BU YERGA Lukas Noonan / Premier boks Chempionlar fotojamlanma uchun

Bosing BU YERGA Ed tillarda fotojamlanma uchun / DiBella Entertainment

Bosing BU YERGA Amir Xon bilan Barclays markazi TV intervyu uchun

Bruklin (May 27, 2015) – Uchun kurash hafta faoliyati Premer boks Chempionlarbo'yicha Spike davom Chorshanba jangchilar Barclays markazida final matbuot anjumani va media mashqlar ishtirok etdi, ular juma kuni uzuk kiriting oldin, May 29.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, DiBella Entertainment va Star boks tomonidan lavozimga, fiyatlandırılır $250, $150, $75, va $45, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar mavjud, va Barclays markazida American Express Box Office da. Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000. Guruh chiptalar uchun, qo'ng'iroq qiling 800-GROUP-BK.


Bu yerda ishtirokchilar aytish kerak edi nima Chorshanba:




“Men, albatta, men harakatini bor, deb ishonaman, ko'nikmalari va texnikasi Chris Algieri mag'lub etdi va buni ajoyib qarash.


“Shunday qilib, biz uni qo'rqitish emasmiz bilaman oldin Algieri katta nomlari bilan xalqqa bo'lgan va u asabiy olmaydi. Men u stolga olib narsa uchun tayyor bo'lishi uchun ketyapman.


“Bu, chunki bizning tarzini kulgili kurash bo'ladi. Biz ham musht juda ko'p tashlashga va harakati juda ko'p bo'ladi kabi. Bu yana bir mohir kurash bo'ladi va men muxlislar ular qarang nima bahramand bo'ladi, deb o'ylayman.


“Men har doim Barclays markazida bu erda jang bo'ldim ayting va men, albatta, butun Nyu-Yorkludan uchun katta ishlash qo'yish hayajondaman.


“Virgil Hunter bir kurashchi sifatida men uchun katta bo'ldi va u meni albatta boks sport tushunish yordam bo'lyapdi. Men texnikasi va mening mudofaa va, albatta, faqat har bir narsani ishlagan ayting.


“Men uchun o'quv oromgohi, albatta, yaxshi bo'ldi. Men raqib qaratilgan qilyapman va men har qanday xatolarga qilish niyatim yo'q. Bu men bir katta ishlash bo'lishi yog'adiganga Juma kuni.”




“Bu ikki tez gullab-bokschilar bilan katta kurash bo'ladi. Bu tomosha har bir kishi uchun juda qiziqarli bo'lishi yog'adiganga.


“John David Jekson bilan Florida pastga ishlash, albatta, men uchun boks bo'yicha juda ko'p narsa yangilanadi. Men yangi narsalarni ko'rish va yangi narsalarni sinab bor. Men juda ko'p narsa o'rgandim.


“nuqul o'zim uchun bir narsa isbot qilingan va men bir narsani isbotlash uchun bor kabi his qilaman. Men, mening oxirgi ishlash bilan baxtli emas edi. Men elita darajasida bu erda tegishli bilaman va u meni buni isbotlash uchun vaqti keldi.


“Men o'zimni rad qilish kabi va bu ajoyib imkoniyatdir. Men bu uchun tayyor emasman, Men ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Bo'limdagi kimni kiritadi.


“Men bu erda Nyu-Yorkda bo'lish juda qulay his qilaman va Barclays markazida qaytib hursandman.




“Men uchun u Bruklin bu erda bo'lish uchun sharafdir. Bu mening muxlislar hamma uchun bir katta kechasi bo'ladi.


“Men raqib har qanday uzr yo'q umid Juma kuni, Men uni urish uchun ketyapman, chunki.


“Bu erda har bir kishi, bir katta ish faoliyatini ko'rish uchun ketadi va men xalqqa olish uchun kutish mumkin emas.


“Men kuchli qiruvchi emasman va men qodir emasman nima hammani ko'rsatgan uchun qidiraman.”


Bryan Vasquez


“Men bu erda bo'lish juda xursandman va men bir katta kurash orziqib. Men bu urush bo'ladi va'dasi.


“Men har doim qarshi kurash uchun keladi ajoyib qiruvchi emasman. Bu mening vaqt va men xafa bo'lmaydi.


“Nyu-Yorkda sur ajoyib imkoniyatdir. Men odamlar Kosta-Rika buyuk jangchilarni ega ekanligini ko'rishni istagan.


“Men qattiq raqibini bor bilaman, lekin u menga o'xshagan hech kimni duch hech qachon. Men uni mening hamma berish ketyapman va men u bilan bir xil qilsa umid qilamiz.”




“Bir qizi bo'lgan menga, albatta, menga nima qilish kerakligini qaratilgan orqada zarbasini bergan kabi his qilaman, qaysi bir jahon chempioni aylanmoqda. Men hozirga qadar ko'ra men unga yaxshi hayot berish istayman.


“Mening tezlik va markaz oliy hech. boks qiziqarli qismi yana qaytib.


“Men daddy sizga dunyoni berish ketadi ", deb qizimni aytgan.’ Shunday qilib, men unga dunyoni berish uchun bir jahon chempioni bo'lishga ehtiyoj taxmin. Uning birinchi so'z "champ. Bo'lishi mumkin”


“Men bu go'zal bino mening iste'dodi va mahoratini ko'rsatish uchun davom ettirish imkonini beradi Barclays markazida barcha insonlar uchun juda xursandman.


“Bu Premer boks Chempionlar kartasida kurash, albatta, maxsus va ajoyib. Men Olimpiya o'yinlarida borgandi 2012 Biz Bolton qoldi va Amir Xonning sport zalida amalga ishlagan, Endi u aniq doirasini keladi.


“ShK ventilyatorlari "spizazz ko'rish uchun kutishlari mumkin’ mendan. Bu mening havaskor kunlarda orqa bilan kelgan bir so'z keldi. Men bu spizazz olib bu erda emasman’ orqa, Siz bu nima bilishni istayman, agar uchun chipta sotib olish kerak Juma Kechasi.”


Heather Hardy


“Men oldida nima o'tgan nazar emas. Men oldida, albatta, qiyin qiyinchilik bor Juma kuni. Men u g'alaba qozonish uchun aql bovar qilmaydigan bir istagi bor bilaman va men buning uchun tayyor emasman.


“Men juda tajovuzkor qiruvchi emasman lekin men papkasidagi ma'lum ayting. Men u erda borish va o'zgarishlar qilish, lekin men musht qilib chiqish qo'rqib emasman.


“Mening oxirgi kurash so'ng, albatta, tugallanmagan tuyg'u bor edi, Men, hafsalam pir bo'ldi. Men raqib ko'proq kutilmoqda. Men muxlislar eslash uchun bir namoyish qo'ygim.


“Men, albatta, mening oxirgi kurash bu vaqt uchun hosil qilish uchun va Mening raqibi biz bu sport olish borish kerak qaerda haqida men bilan bir xil sahifada kabi his qilaman.”



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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun,, TwitterPremierBoxing qiling, AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, SpikeTV VaBarclaysCenter va Facebookda muxlisi bo',, va #PremierBoxingChampions Va #BrooklynBoxing yordamida suhbat qiling.


ShoBox: Yangi avlod Tripleheader

Jonli 10:35 p.m. VA/PT From Little Creek Casino Resort in Shelton, Yuvish.


“My time has arrived…I’m ready for the next level.” – Dominic Wade

“My road to regaining the world title begins on June 26 against Dominic Wade.” – Sam Soliman

NYU YORK (May 27, 2015) – Young undefeated middleweight prospectDominic "Out bitadi" Wade will take on the toughest opponent of his career when he faces former world champion Sam "King" Soliman asosiy tadbirda ShoBox: Yangi avlod bo'yicha Juma, Iyun 26, yashash NAMOYISH VAQTI ushbudan boshlab: Little Creek Casino Resort Shelton, Yuvish.


Wade (17-0, 12 KOS), Vashington, D.C., and Soliman (44-12, 1 Shimoliy Karolina, 18 KOS), Melbourne, Avstraliya, will clash in the 10-round middleweight main event of the TGB Promotions tripleheader. In other televised bouts, former Marine and 2012 U.S. Olimpiya Team kapitan Jamel"Semper Fi" Seld (11-0, 7 KOS), of Rockville Centre, N.Y., and 19-year-old former amateur standout and unbeaten super welterweight Erickson "Hammer" Lubin (10-0, 7 KOS), Orlando Fla., will be featured against opponents to be determined in separate bouts.


G'olibona bo'lsa, Wade will begin to transition from promising prospect to legitimate contender in his quest to become the next ShoBox graduate to win a world championship. Hozirgi kungacha, 61 ShoBox alums have captured world titles.


While Wade is unbeaten, Soliman is vastly more experienced, having competed in four world championship fights. He held the IBF Middleweight World Championship before suffering a debilitating knee injury and losing via unanimous decision to Jermain Taylor in his first title defense last October. Soliman, who was leading on the judges’ scorecards at the time of the injury, will make his first start since losing the 160-pound title.


“This is a great opportunity for me to face a former world champion,” Wade said. “While he’s more experienced I truly believe my time has arrived and I plan to show the boxing world that I’m ready for the next level.”


“I know what it takes to be a world champion, the sacrifices needed to endure, the battles that need to be won. My road to regaining the world title begins on Iyun 26 against Dominic Wade,” said Soliman.


“We’re very excited to work once again with the terrific SHOWTIME and Little Creek Casino Resort teams on this exciting fight card,"Dedi Tom Brown ning TGB Aktsiyalar. “Wade vs. Soliman is an excellent cross-roads bout. Bundan tashqari, Lubin and Herring are two of the best prospects in boxing.”


Wade, 25, qilish bo'ladi uning 2015 debut and third appearance on the network. In his first ShoBox fight – and first 10-rounderhe stepped up in class and won a close but clear decision over Nick Brinson iyun oyida 2014. The aggressive-minded 5-foot-11½-inch Wade, a top amateur before going pro in March 2009, hisoblanadi 6-0 with four knockouts since returning to the ring in February 2013 after a two-year layoff due to promotional problems.


A well-conditioned, power puncher who is steadily ascending in the world rankings, Wade’s four stoppages have come inside two rounds (one in the first, three in the second). Wade, who had over 160 havaskor jang, is coming off a second-round TKO over Eddie Hunter oxirgi Dec. 20, Shelton.


The 5-foot-8½-inch Soliman keeps a relentless, almost non-stop pace and delivers punches from odd angles. Tough and durable, Soliman can be very awkward and he is always well-conditioned. This combination makes Soliman a very difficult fighter to face. U ketdi 0-2 in WBA 168-pound world title fights before dropping a notch in weight to capture the IBF Middleweight World Championship with a decisive 12-round decision over Felix Sturm in a rematch on May 31, 2014.


The 41-year-old Soliman, who lost the title in his first injury-marred defense against Taylor, hisoblanadi 9-1-1 with one No Contest since May 2008. A former kickboxing world champion, Soliman has been knocked out just once – in 2007 by then WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony Mundine. The veteran has had a successful yet unusual 18-year career that began with a four-round fight but then followed with three straight 12-rounders (all went the distance) in three different weight divisions over a period of five months.


The 5-foot-10-inch Seld edi 2012 United States National Champion at 141 pounds and captained the 2012 U.S. Olympic Games boxing team. The 29-year-old turned pro in December 2012 and has remained active since with five fights in 2013 and four in 2014. Seld, who will be making his ShoBox debyuti, is making his second start of this year, coming off a lopsided eight-round decision over Hector Marengo mart oyida.


Herring served nine years in the Marine Corps including two tours of duty in Iraq. The Long Island native enlisted about a year after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Herring considered giving up the sport multiple times, particularly after the death of his infant daughter, Ariyanah, due to sudden infant death syndrome in 2009 – three years to the day before the Olympic Games opening ceremony in London. But he was persuaded by coaches and teammates to stick with it.


At 19 yoshdan, Lubin is one of the youngest boxers to appear onShoBox (Francisco “Panchito” Bojado, da 18, was the youngest.). Lubin is a heralded blue-chip prospect who will be making his ShoBox birinchi va 11th noyabr Pro aylanish beri boshlash 2013. A southpaw with good punching power, skills and movement, Lubin will be making his third start this year and his fourth scheduled eight-round bout.


Lubin had a remarkable amateur career. U 2013 Milliy Golden qo'lqop chempioni 152 funt, The 2012 National PAL Champion at 141, The 2012 Junior Olympic National Champion at 138 pounds and the 2011 National Junior Olympic Champion at 132 funt.


Barry Tompkins atayman ShoBox blow by blow with expert analyst Stiv Farhood va sobiq jahon chempioni Raul Marquez ring tahlilchilar sifatida xizmat. ijro etuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi Gordon Hall bilan Richard GAUGHAN ishlab chiqarish va Rick Phillips yuborish.


Skookum Creek Voqealar markazida "Little Creek Brawl VII" uchun chipta da boshlanadi $20 va onlayn mavjud yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali1.800.667.7711. Da ochiladi Eshiklar 5 p.m. PT, birinchi kurash dastlabki tarzda boshlanadi uchun o'rnatilgan bilan 6 p.m. Live coverage will begin at approximately 7:35 p.m. mahalliy vaqt (PT).


Previously hosting boxing events broadcast on SHOWTIME, the 22,500-square-foot Skookum Creek Event Center provides unrivaled sightlines and acoustics for a televised fight. Boxing fans staying the weekend at the resort’s well-appointed rooms and suites may also complete their experience with a round of golf at world-renowned Salish Cliffs Golf Club, a treatment at Seven Inlets Spa or Vegas-style gaming on the casino floor.


Paul Rodgers o'z ichiga oladi Little Creek Casino Resort va yaqinlashib kelayotgan hujjatlarning to'liq yo'l-qadar haqida ko'proq ma'lumot olish uchun, Track Adkins, Dwight Yoakam, Cherry Poppin "onalar, YES va Toto, qo'ng'iroq qiling 800-667-7711 yoki online ziyorat


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Atrofida ShoBox: Yangi avlod
Iyul oyida tashkil etilganidan buyon 2001, olqishlar bilan kutib olingan kvplt_fan boks bo'yicha qator, ShoBox: Yangi avlod yoritilgan yosh iste'dod qattiq taalukli. The ShoBox falsafa qiziqarli televizion dasturini ko'rsatmoq iborat, Olomon-ma'qul va raqobatbardosh pas tayyor istiqbollari uchun isbot zamin ta'minlash esa jahon chempionligi uchun jang qilish uchun belgilangan. O'sib borayotgan ro'yxatida ba'zi 61 paydo bo'lgan jangchilar ShoBox va dunyo unvonlari yig'ish uchun ilg'or o'z ichiga oladi: Andre Uord, Deontay Uaylder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Gilermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figeroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Fröch, Robert Guerrero, Timo'tiyga Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Xuan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Pol Uilyam va ko'proq.






ROC XALQNING SPORT tomonidan taqdim + Migel COTTO reklama


Los Anjeles (May 26, 2015) – Migel Cotto (39-4, 32 KO), the reigning WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion and the first native of Puerto Rico to become world champion in four different weight classes, will defend his titles against former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 KO) of Australia on Iyun 6, 2015 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn in a 12-round fight that will be televised live on HBO. Cotto hosted a Los Angeles media workout Seshanbaafternoon at Wild Card Boxing Club in preparation for his title defense against Geale.



PHOTO KREDIT: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports



VIDEO KREDIT: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports


Here’s what Cotto and his trainer, Freddie Roach, aytish kerak edi:


Migel Cotto – WBC & Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion


“I feel good and in the best shape possible. I just feel ready. I know Geale is a tough opponent and he is going to bring his best on Iyun 6, but I trust in the work we have done here in Los Angeles and I’m going to bring my best too.”


“After 14 years in boxing, the best decision I could have made was to take the last year off. My mind was not in boxing, but since I got here with Freddie, everything is working perfectly again. Boxing is all I know. Boks mening hayotim. Through boxing, I raised my family and I work to provide the best future for them. They are the reason I love boxing.”


“Boxing at this point in my career is a battle with myself. Everyday I need to bring my best in the gym from morning to evening. Next week has to be better than last week. I need to ask myself to be better every day. I know that if I bring my best to the gym every day, I can bring my best the night ofIyun 6 against Geale.”

“Freddie comes here every day with the best attitude and he knows how to get the best out of me.”


“It will have been 364 days to the day on Iyun 6 since I have been in the ring. It’s not difficult to get back in after this long stretch. I’ve been focused on my work. I have gained more knowledge during my time off in order to get myself ready to fight again.”


“Daniel Geale is the next chapter in my career. After I get through him, I can talk about what comes next.”


Freddie Roach – Cotto’s Trainer

“Miguel’s sparring has been great. His movement has been very good. It’s hard on me in the ring! His body shots are very effective and the head shots come with it. I think we are going to get a late round knockout. Geale is tough enough to go some rounds, but a knockout in a late round…that’s my call.”


“One of Miguel’s greatest strength against Geale will be his body shots, but Miguel’s knowledge in the ring will be Geale’s ultimate undoing.”


“He has found a new home here at Wild Card and I’m glad I provided that for him. He loves this gym. He loves the atmosphere. He’s thrived in this environment and when a fighter is in a good mood and happy, he performs at the highest level.”


Cotto va boshqalar. Geale, Cotto ning WBC va Ring Magazine o'rta Jahon chempionati uchun 12-dumaloq jang, bo'lib o'tadi Shanba, Iyun 6 Bruklindagi Barclays markazida va HBO jonli televizion bo'ladi. jang, Gary Shaw Productions bilan birgalikda Roc Nation Sport va Migel Cotto aktsiyalar tomonidan taqdim qilingan, rasmiy kick-off tadbir bo'ladi 2015 Milliy Puerto-Riko Day Parade Week va Cerveza Tecate tomonidan homiylik qilingan, Jaybird, Chiqarmoq; qoqib tashlamoq, Tequila Cazadores va joyi Kings. Halqa ichida katta harakat bilan bir qatorda, Tadbir yanada rivojlangan fan tajribasi bilan tomoshabinni xizmat qiladi bir necha taniqli Roc Nation etadi etadi, Roc Nation va Grammy artist Big Sean asosiy voqea oldin maxsus ishlashi uchun fikrlovchilarning olib nomzod, shu jumladan,. Tadbir taniqli o'rnatilgan bechora konferanse topildi "Nyu-York Ovozi" Angie Martinez mezbonlik qiladi va ham kecha davomida Martines bilan yonma-yon xizmat qiladi master DJ Lobo turtki oladi. Chiptalar baholi $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $80, $50, $35 va $25, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas, Endi indirimdedir va sotib olish uchun foydalanish mumkin, va Barclays markazida American Express Box Office da. Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000. Ochiq eshiklar 6:00 AM, birinchi kurash boshlanadi 6:15 AM va HBO teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 10:30 AM ET/PT.


Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun tashrif buyuring Twitter va Instagramrocnation va da Facebookda Roc Nation qiling


Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif, HBOBoxing da Twitter va Instagram ta'qib va ​​Facebookda muxlisi bo'l