Category Archives: feerka

La dagaallama Report: Corito Reigns Supreme In Title ClashLaamouz Stops Mukhamadiyarov as New Stars Farrugia and Brown Shine.

Report: Gianluca (River) Di Caro

Sawirro: Viktor Vella



On Friday habeen, in the grounds of the incredibly beautiful Monte Kristo Estates in Hal Luqa, Malta, local boxing fans were treated to a magnificent night of International boxing.


Munaasabadan ayaa waxaa, which was headlined by the MBC International Heavyweight title clash between Malta’s very own ‘King’ Billy Corito and the big hitting (18 KO’s from 27 guul) Latvian Edgars Kalners, was the first event from new promoters Steve Carauna and Mark Calleja, along with a little help from experienced British promoter Stephen Vaughan.


Right from the opening bell Corito went straight on the attack, landing a big right to the head, Kalners stood his ground and shot out a strong jab, only to receive another big right hand that connected flush.


What followed next was a controlled exchange between both protagonists that had many of the highly vocal fans on their feet and cheering on their man.


After a fairly frenetic start both fighters settled into a slower pace for the rest of the round.


Round two was fought at a good pace, with both men exchanging big shots throughout.


Without doubt both the first couple of rounds were fairly close, although surely could only be scored in favour of Corito due to him not only being the busier but also his shots showed way more intent, but the third was a totally different affair.


Corito slowly ground his man down, forcing Kalners back constantly with a series of powerful salvos, a number of which shook the big Latvian to the core, each time the local crowd became more vocal in encouraging their man to step up the attacks, which on some occasions he did much to the delight of the partisan crowd.


More of the same from Corito in the fourth, however Kalners seemed to have lost the will to go toe-to-toe, which made the round very much a one sided affair, with Kalners covering up often and allowing Corito to let rip with big right hands.


During one of the exchanges Kalners seemed to be caught in the rib area and as he went to shoot out a right hand of his own let out a cry of pain, after which pulled his right arm across his chest and began to turn away from his forward advancing foe.


Corito cautiously moved forward and looked toward referee Lee Murtagh for guidance on whether he should continue the attack or not on the stricken Latvian.


Whilst a gentlemanly act from Corito, it almost cost him dear as Kalners turned and threw out a strong jab and looked set to throw a big right.


Corito responded with another salvo of big rights and kept up the pressure until the end of the round.


Coming out in the fifth Kalners seemed sluggish and was breathing heavily, clearly in some form of discomfort, however Corito was not going to make the same mistake as in the previous round and once again began throwing big right hands at every conceivable opportunity.


For virtually the whole round it was Corito walking his opponent down, throwing big right hands to head and body, then in the dying seconds of the round Corito stepped up the pressure once more.


When the bell rang Corito turned and headed straight to his corner, however Kalners appeared disoriented for a few seconds before finally heading back to his corner, referee Lee Murtagh showed some concern, as did MBC Chief Medical officer Dr Mark Xuereb, who immediately headed to Kalners’ corner and began checking over the distressed Latvian.


As the minute break was coming to an end the referee stepped forward, as it was clear that Kalners was in no position to continue and waved the bout off just as the opening bell for round six rang.


Have to say I’ve seen Billy Corito in action a number of times, he’s always been good for the money, but this time he was magnificent.


Credit in part must go to Corito’s coach, former WBU World Champion Shea Neary, who came up with a game plan that surprised most, gone were the big haymaker’s Corito is so well known for, instead Corito was controlled, good head movement and his punches were crisp, sharp and more importantly nearly always bang on target.


Word is that Corito’s team were so impressed with his performance that discussions are already underway for a mouth watering showdown later this year with a certain big name British Heavyweight.


The main support see Pieta, Malta’s Haithem Laamouz in action against Russia’s Ravil Mukhamadiyarov.


Laamouz took the fight to the more experienced Mukhamadiyarov right from the start and kept up the pressure throughout the first couple of rounds.


Early on in the second Laamouz landed a cracking body shot that sent Mukhamadiyarov to the deck, as referee Lee Murtagh reached the 8 count surprisingly the tough Russian jumped to his feet. The plucky lad surprised most observers by making it to the end of the round despite Laamouz’s efforts to finish the fight early.


From the third on the pressure from Laamouz was clearly proving too much for Mukhamadiyarov, the Russian covering up and only occasionally responding with an ineffective jab to keep the Maltese lad at bay.


Early in the fifth round Laamouz backed Mukhamadiyarov onto the ropes and began a non-stop assault, until referee Lee Murtagh stepped in to save the Russian from further punishment on the one minute and thirty seven second mark.


Supporting the pro bouts were a number of International Novice Pro and semi-pro bouts between local boxers and a team from the United Kingdom.


The Novice Pro is a recently introduced division featuring boxers with limited amateur or unlicensed boxing experience but wishing to compete in the professional division.


The Novice Pro division is operated under full professional boxing rules and with the same medical requirements as the professional division.


The main differences between Novice Pro and Pro bouts are that, only Novice Pro licensed boxers can compete against another Novice Pro Licensed boxer and that the rounds are of two minute duration, not three as in the pro ranks.


OK, so now that’s explained let’s get back to the action.


The final Novice Pro bout see Malta’s Malik Zinad against UK’s William O’Reilly in a six, two minute round contest for the vacant WBU Europe Novice Pro Light Heavyweight title.


These two warriors went to war right from the opening bell, both giving their all for every single second of every round.


In the fourth Zinad stepped up the pace, occasionally forcing O’Reilly onto his back foot, it was later during one of these forceful attacks that Zinad began letting rip with some mighty bombs, one of which was just a tad off target and the thumb of his glove accidently entered the eye socket of the English lad, no surprise that as it did O’Reilly let out a shocked scream of pain as he headed for the canvas.


Dr Xuereb and his medical team were by the clearly distressed Englishman’s side in an instant, literally as referee Lee Murtagh waved the bout off.


I’m pleased to say that I had spoken with William O’Reilly since and he is absolutely OK and there is no lasting damage to his eye.


Prior to Zinad-O’Reilly was Malta’s Kerstin Brown against the UK’s Nathan Lavery, for the vacant WBU Europe Novice Pro Super Bantamweight title.


Young Brown is definitely one to watch and judging on his performance on Friday night is destined to become a future star, think of a younger Carl Frampton and that’ll give you an idea of just how classy and exciting young Brown is.


From start to finish the youngster controlled the bout like a seasoned pro, his ring craft was supreme, cutting off the ring to keep Lavery pinned against the ropes before closing in and letting rip with lightning fast double handed flurries.


Nobody was surprised when the score cards were read out, a shutout 60-51 in favour of Brown, as he really dominated the bout from start to finish, outboxing his taller opponent in sensational fashion.


The first Novice Pro bout featured Malta’s Max Farrugia against the UK’s Lewis Burns in a four rounder.


As with young Kerstin Brown, Farrugia is another emerging star, this kid has it all, think Junior Witter in his younger days, slick, switch boxing with so much panache it is mouth watering to watch.


From start to finish Farrugia out boxed his tough opponent, at times he made it look too easy, but believe me it wasn’t as Burns is one tough cookie and gave his all for every second of every round, just Farrugia is a class act, one that will be a great addition to the pro ranks that’s for sure.


After four sensational round the ringside judges scored the bout 40-36 (laba jeer) iyo 40-37 in favour of the deserving Max Farrugia.


What a cracking fight and as with the other Novice Pro bouts, easily equal in quality to the full pro bouts.


The results for the semi-pro bouts are:


Noel Lebrun (Malta) vs Jonathan Dean (UK)


Judges Scores – Majority Decision in favour of UK’s Jonathan Dean.

Lee Murtagh 27-30, Darren Mairs 29-29 and Steve Farrugia 28-29


Goran Bogdanovic (Malta) vs Bradley McDonnell (UK)


Judges Scores – Split Decision in favour of Malta’s Goran Bogdanovic.

Lee Murtagh 29-28, Darren Mairs 29-30 and Steve Farrugia 29-28


Adkaada Michigan Feeryahannada yabooh Brooklyn garaaci-Downs!

La dagaallama Card Qayb ka mid ah Brooklyn Taxanaha markii Police-
Heerka by Dmitriy Salita ee Star ee David dalacaad
Brooklyn (June 2, 2015) -Promoter Dmitriy Salita waa ku faraxsan yahay in uu soo bandhigo habeen garoomada feerka xirfadeed ee Events muhiim Xarunta on Thursday, June 4. Kaarka waxaa kaalinta doona dhacdada ugu weyn oo ay mideyn Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller, puncher awood burjiga, ka Brooklyn, qaadashada on degan Detroit Damon “Bulldog” McCreary. Miller, kuwaas oo uu leeyahay pop in labada gacmood, sida laga arday uu 12-0-1 sumadda (10 KO ee), Waxaa la tijaabin doonaa by 15-4 Hooyo Detroit ee kulanka la saadaalinayaa.

“Detroit ayaa soo saaray qaar kamid ah dagaalyannada ugu fiican ee Maraykanka. iyo dunida,” ayaa sheegay in horumariyaha Salita. “Taariikhda hodanka ah ee Emanuel Steward oo Gym Kronk waa wax dhan Xarakada Detroit waa ay ka warqabaan oo doonaya in ay ku nool yihiin ilaa. Xarakada Detroit yimaadaan si ay ula dagaalamaan! Oo iyagu way iman doonaan si ay u “Xujaajtii” ee Brooklyn oo waxaan idiin xaqiijin karaa, Taageerayaasha feerka ku raaxaysan doonaa weyn, dagaal oo xiiso leh!”

Edward Williams, hooyo kale Michigan doonayaa in lagu daro in uu 9-0-1 sumadda (4 KOs) on Thursday, sida 4-0-1 khafiifa Dewayne Zeigler. Isagu waa in baabbi'iyuhu kale Detroit, iyadoo afar filaatay in uu mustaqbalkiisa gaaban. The feeryahanka Alabama dhashay kulmay Jeremy Graves ka upstate New York at dhacdo feerka hore garoonkaas cusub.

Tababaraha Theotrice Chambers III, kuwaas oo tababar IBF Jr. Champ dhexe Korneeliyos Bundrage, Tababar Williams iyo Zeigler oo sheegay in ay soo socda si ay u farun ee New York.

“Zeigler waa kid xiiso leh, aad qarxa, gacan qaad adag labada gacmood,” ayuu yiri. “Iyo Williams waa feeryahanka wanaagsan, leedahay wax badan oo wadnaha iyo go'aanka. Dadka Brooklyn waa qeybiso u jeclahay.”

PEC ayaa laga soo saarey April by Barclays Center sameeysa Bruce Ratner iyo Onexim Sports iyo Entertainment, oo dhan ganacsiga dusha CEO Barclays Center Brett Yormark.

“Aad baan ugu faraxsanahay in uu ku biiro PEC ahay in ay keenaan feerka si Liu Brooklyn muhiim,” Saciid Word. “Dhowrkii sano ee la soo dhaafay, Star of David dalacaad keenay taageerayaasha feerka New York muujinaya xiiso leh oo dagaal cajiib ah xagga Taxanaha xujaajta Brooklyn. Card Tani waxay noqon doontaa intaa dheer xiiso leh in ay naga taxanaha.”

“June Tani 4 Haddii ay dhacdo feerka nooleyno doonaa Liu Brooklyn muhiim u ah bulshada isboortiga,” ayaa sheegay in Brett Yormark, Maamulaha Guud ee Barclays Center. “Dmitriy ayaa la siiyaa fursado weyn oo ka go'neyd dagaal oo hore u anaga waxaan indhaha ku inaan la shaqeeyo oo ay u xoojiyaan dadaalka feerka grassroots ee Brooklyn.”

Waxaad ka iibsan kartaa tigidhada adigoo booqanaya ama adiga oo wacaya 800-745-3000.

Star of David dalacaad la aasaasay 2010 by Dmitriy Salita, feeryahanka iyo horyaalka adduunka tartame xirfad leh oo arkay baahida loo qabo isku dhaggan xayaysiis inuu ciyaaro rajada ifka, iyo sidoo kale pugilists inuu yahay, ee gudaha iyo hareeraha degaanka City New York. Daawadayaasha ayaa ku riyaaqay daawashada Star of David Xarakada sanadihii ugu dambeeyey on TV Spike, ESPN2, MSG, iyo Network Sports Universal. Fadlan Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah.


terrynorris_new4Kama dambaysta ah taageere Munaasabadan ayaa waxay waayo-aragnimo ku siinaya taageerayaasha feerka fursad ay ku kulmaan-iyo-salaama Xarakada top, caanka ah feerka iyo dadka warshadaha ee ah ilaa-dhow, goob gaarka ah

For Immediate Release

Las Vegas (June 2, 2015) - Four-time world champion “Terrible” Terry Norris has confirmed that he will appear and have a booth at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the second annual Box Fan Expo that will take place Saturday Sept. 12, 2015. The Expo Box Fan doono oo Floyd Mayweather Jr. ee dagaalka ee la soo dhaafay iyo todobaadkii Mexico Independence.


The Hall of Famer, Norris will have merchandise to sell to his fans, iyo sidoo kale sawiro iyo xusuus.


Tani waxay waayo-aragnimo u gaar ah taageere dhacdo, taas oo loo ogol yahay inuu la kulmo taageerayaasha ku salaama halyeeyada feerka, Kooxda heysata horyaalka ee la soo dhaafay oo hadda iyo caanka kale oo Isboortiga, RIVERA soo dhaafay September si ay u waaweyn, badnaa xamaasad. Sanadkan Expo ku ordi doonaa ka 10 a.m. si ay u 5 p.m. oo mar kale, ogolaan taageerayaasha fursad si ay u ururiyaan sawiray, sawiro iyo baayacmushtariga gadashada iyo xusuus qaado.


Bandhige sida qalabka feerka, dharkii, warbaahinta warbaahinta iyo shirkadaha kale ee brand oo raba inuu kaqaybqaato yeelan doonaan fursad ay ku soo bandhigaan waxyaabaha ay ku taageerayaasha iyo warshadaha ee feerka oo dhan.


Horreeya Expo Box Fan Sanadkii la soo dhaafay ayaa ciyaaray qaar kamid ah dagaalyannada ugu caansan oo caanka ah ee feerka ee taariikhda dhow. Taageerayaasha ayaa la daweeyey in booqashooyinka la Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr, Sergio Martinez, Amir Khan, Zab Yahuudah, Mikey Garcia, James Toney, Riddick Bowe, Leon Spinks Terry Norris, Shawn Porter, Chris Byrd, Jesse James Leija, Lamon Brewster, Ray Mercer, Earnie Shavers, Mia St-John, Erislandy Lara, Peter Quillin, Jean Pascal iyo Austin kalluun. Sidoo kale muuqashada ahaayeen hadda WBC Champion Deontay Wilder, ee burjiga Vinny Pazienza, Paul Williams, faallooda xusay Al Bernstein iyo tababaraha ugu sareysa Roger Mayweather ee dalacaad Mayweather.


Yiriin uu ka qaybgale ka sano ayaa maanta Box Fan Expo ayaa lagu dhawaaqi doonaa oo dhan dhowr bilood ee soo socda iyo todobaad ilaa ay dhacdo.

Tigidhada u Expo Box Fan waxaa laga heli karaa barta internetka ee:

View promo ah video rasmiga ah ee Expo Box Fan halkan:

View Promo Flyer halkan:

View Photos Gallery 2014 halkan:

Qof kasta warshadaha feerka ama Dhuxul Daba shirkadaha raba inay ku lug iyo leenahay waab sida exhibitor ama fursado xayaysiin, fadlan la xiriir Expo Box Fan at:

Lambarka telefoonka U.S.A: (702) 997-1927 ama (514) 572-7222

Faafahin dheerad ah fadlan email:

Macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Expo Box Fan waxaa laga heli karaa:

To view Terry Norris press release go to:

Waxaad raaci kartaa Box Fan Expo on Twitter at:

iyo Facebook ee:


Saadaalinayaa in World Championship Saturday, June 13,
® Laga soo bilaabo Bartow Arena ee Birmingham, Ala.;

ACCESS ALL: Deontay Wilder Premieres June 3 On SHOWTIME

Guji HALKAN Si Download Photos Of Deontay Wilder

Credit Photo: Bill Hoffman

Guji HALKAN Si Download Photos Of Eric Molina

Credit Photo: Joel Martinez / SHOWTIME

Guji HALKAN Si Download Photos Of Jose Pedraza

Credit Photo: Victor Planas / dalacaad Universal

NEW YORK (June 1, 2015) – Badin culus World Champion DeontayThe Qarax BronzeWilder, tartamaya la saadaalinayaa in kalsooni ku Eric “Durbaan garaace Boy” Molina oo aan laga badin yar oo khafiifa Jose “Toogte ayaa” Pedraza ka qayb-galay Media Day rabtay Thursday ee ugu danbeysay ee ay dagaal Saturday, June 13, on SHOWTIME Championship oo feerka® ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. IYO/6 p.m. PT) at Bartow Arena ee Birmingham, Ala.


The-feer awood, magaaladiisa caan ah oo jecel Wilder (33-0, 32 KOs), of Tuscaloosa, Ala., ka dhigi doonaa daafaca ugu horeysay ee uu horyaalka markii uu la kulmay Molina (23-2, 17 KOs), ee Raymondville, Texas, haddii ay dhacdo muhiimsan ee June 13. Pedraza (19-0, 12 KOs), ee Caguas, Puerto Rico, la kulmi doona Andrey Klimov (19-1, 9 KOs), ee Klimovski, Russia, ee ah 12-uriya u bannaanaatay IBF Junior khafiif World Championship ee co-feature.


Hoos waxaa ku qoran waxa Wilder, Molina iyo Pedraza ayaa sheegay in intii ay gooni ah Days Media ee Northport, Ala., Weslaco, Texas iyo Cidra, Puerto Rico, siday u kala horreeyaan:


DEONTAY WILDER, Culus World Champion

“Waa hubaal barako si ay u awoodaan inay la dagaalamaan in aan gobolka. Marka aynu ka dhigay gool uu horyaalka feerka ee adduunka in mid ka mid ah ujeedooyinka aynu dhigay ahayd, si ay u keenaan Alabama. Just in wax laga beddelo ilaa iyo siin Alabama qaar ka mid ah ka soo hadhay ee uunsiga udgoon kubada cagta, iyo ugu dambeyntii fursad u leedahay in dagaalka weyn ee gobolka Alabama heli. Tani waa kii horay naloogu raadinaya marka aan ka shaqeeyay in aan halkan keeno komishanka, oo annana waxaannu eryannay guul iyo helay u sameeyeen. Tani waa waxa aan ku doondoonaya.


“Waxaan doonayaa Alabama in ay territory gurigeyga. Waa sababta aan halkaan sii joogo. Dadka qaarkood ayaa weli isku dayaan in ay i tuur laakiinse qalbigaygu waa halkan oo aan wax qorshe weyn oo ka fiican. Tani waa uun bilowga.


“My kooxda ka qabtaa oo dhan jeediya ah (la dagaalanka guriga). Waxaan heystaa koox cajiib ah. Kaliya diyaar u ah inay tagaan waxaan ahay. Diyaar u ah inay hesho xisbiga bilowdey waxaan ahay iyo soo dhaweyn Molina si Alabama.


“My gacanta waa uu fiican yahay. Waxaan u baari shalay gashi 10-ounce sababtoo ah taasi oo miisaankiisu yahay tartanka. Waxaan ku dhejiyey iyo waxaan dareemay weyn. Waxa uu i siiyay Kalsooni badan. Diyaar u ah inay hesho in giraanta aan ahay oo sameeyo wixii aanan doonayn inaan sameeyo oo wuxuu oofin dadkayga.”


(on horyaalka adduunka isagoo)


“Waan ogeyn inaan loo sameyn lahaa wax badan oo safar ah kadib marka suunka laakiin ma aanaan ogayn awoodda sida badan. Waxay ahayd safar ii.


“Waxaan qabaa inaan keeno dhadhan kala duwan isboortiga ee feerka, waxaana doonayaa inaan ka sii keeno dunida.”


(on Molina)


“Anigu ma aan ka soo maqlay oo Molina laakiin taasi wanaagsan, in ka dhigan tahay waxa uu diirada. Waxaan doonayaa inuu yimaado aad diiradda. Waan ogahay inuu Waxa ay noqon doontaa dareenka iyo cabsi, laakiin waxay yiraahdeen haddii aad dib u bakayle ah ee geeska ah, ay dib ula dagaalamaan.


“Ugu khatarta badan waxaan ahay marka aan joogo guriga. Ma doonayo inaan si hoos laygaga dejiyey oo dadkii badnaa guriga iyo ha qof waxa aan u shaqeeyeen si aad u qaadato. Ma uu doonayo inuu soo gadaashiisa khadadka cadow iyo wax iga qaadin.


“Waxaan doonayaa in aan qaab ciyaareed fiican oo ka. Waxaan doonayaa inaan qaab ciyaareed weyn u geliyeen dadkii badnaa iyo dadka inay yiraahdaan, "Hey, Waxaan doonayaa in aan ku soo laabtay mid ka mid ah ee soo socda!’ iyo gaajadaba, waayo, mid ku xigta. Waxaan helay badan oo dagaal waxaan rabnaa in aan sameeyo Alabama, oo taasi waa uun bilowga. Waxaan doonayaa inaan u dhaqaaqo ka Bartow u Complex Birmingham Convention Jefferson (BJCC), oo waa ka weyn tahay Grand MGM ah.


“Horyaalka kasta waxaa caddaynaya wax. Waxaan ahay ee caalamka ugu doonayay, iyo qof kasta oo doonayo. Waxaan taaj WBC helay. Waxaa ugu fiican u yaqaan, suunka caanka ah ee feerka. Qof walba magacooda ku xidhkan doonayo, oo waxaan u leedahay. Dagaal kasta waa dagaal khatar ah marka aan gelinaya suunka khadka, oo waxaan u tababaraan sidii qof walba waa horyaalka aduunka ah.”


(sababta uu difaacaneysa ka dhanka ah Molina)


“Waxaan leenahay wax badan oo ka soo horjeeda kale, laakiin Molina ahaa mid ka mid ah si ay u fahmaan fursad ah in been dhow dahay. Dadka qaarkood waxay naftooda qiimaha karaa iyo qaar ka mid ah kooxaha ka dhigo ayey u adag tahay in la dagaalanka ma dhici doona. Waxay dhab ahaantii isu soo baxay xannibi karaa ka qaadan dagaalka. Waxaad heli kartaa lacag ama fursad. Molina ayaa ogaatay in xaalada ay tahay mid, oo intuu soo kacay casilay si saxan iyo fahamsan yahay fursad dhow dahay in ay la saadaalinayaa Adduunka Champion.


“My dagaalka ee la soo dhaafay waxaan cadeeyay inuu yahay qof walba waxa aan awoodna. Waxaan u tegi kartaa 12 wareeg iyo qaato feer. Waxaan noqon karaa oo kaliya sida cusub ee wareega 12-keedii sida 1aad.


“Samadana xadka ee waxa aan isku dayaya inuu sameeyo. Waxaan wakiil gobolka. Inkasta oo aan ka Tuscaloosa ahay, Kaliya ma ahan meesha aan jimicsiga waa in Northport ama Coffeeville. Waxaan wakiil gobolka Alabama. Waxaan u baahanahay dhulka guriga iyo gobolka guri ma aha oo kaliya halkaas oo aanu keeni kartaa in dadka deegaanka, soo dalka, laakiin sidoo kale keeni ee dunida oo dhan.”

ERIC Molina, Culus u tartamaya


“Kani waa dagaal ah in aan ku riyoon ku saabsan goorta la xidhaa shalash hore ee gashi iyo aad ah ayaan uga faraxsanahay fursad ay ku dagaalamaan abaalmarinta ugu weyn ee isboortiga, horyaalka WBC la saadaalinayaa. Waxaan diyaarinta iyo tababar aad u adag, oo waxaan ku dhowaad ahay barta halkaas oo aanu diyaar u nahay.


“Waxaan bartay wax badan oo Wilder, iyada oo la filayo dagaal aad u jireed. Waxaan qabaa in dad badan waxay dhayalsanayaan qalcaddayda xoogga badan. Iyagu way og Wilder feeraan karo laakiin waxa ay ku heyso awood aan ku haysta.


“Waan ognahay waxa ka socda noqon jawi colaadeed, dagaal ee asal ahaan uu marineysa, laakiin hadda waxa uu kooxda heysata horyaalka iyo in uu fursad u helo in uu horyaalka optional (si ay ula dagaalamaan oo uu doonayo, halkaas oo uu ka doonayo). Waxa uu helo inay ku raaxaystaan ​​fursado kuwa, laakiin taasi waa meesha aan soo.


“Dabcan, Kalsooni ayaan ku qabaa waxaan ku guuleysan karnaa horyaalka. Waxaan qabaa in dad eegto ii tan ama taas qabaa, laakiin ma dareemayaan in ay fahmaan mustaqbalkeyga ciyaareed oo dhan, waxyaabaha aan soo maray oo laga adkaado, xaglo kala duwan ee feerka in ka badan isha la kulmay.


“Waxba Against Deontay, kuwaas oo ka soo shaqeeyay adag si aad u hesho meesha uu yahay, laakiin ma matalaan nooca dagaalka, guud, inaan anigu ahay. Waxaan mar walba la dagaalamaan oo halgan ka dagaal si ay ula dagaalamaan. Waxaan marnaba lahaa xaalada dhabta ah xerada tababarka. Ma dhahayo inuu wax fudud, laakiin waxaan lahaa in ay ka shaqeeyaan iyo ku dhaqmo wax loo sii wado. Kaliya dagaalyahanada aan xaaladda u fahmi karo.


“Waxaan feerka muddo sagaal sano ah. Waxaan leeyahay BS ah iyo Degree Master iyo ayaan ahay in caruurta waxbaridda sano aan afaraad naafada ah. Everton iyo feerka, tani waa waxa aan sameyn. Tani waa qofka aan ahay, oo waxaan ka xishoon cida aan ahay mid ka mid ma ihi. Ku faani waxaan ahay. Haddii ay doonayaan inay i tixgelin nasiibka darani, ganaax. Laakiin waxaan sidoo kale ahay nin kuwaas oo helay reebtay in uu dagaalka ugu horeysay pro iyo dib ugu meesha aan hadda ahay dagaalamay, waxaana dagaalameyso horyaalka.


“Waa maxay dadku ma oga igu saabsan waa in mustaqbalkeyga uu ahaa oo dhan oo ku saabsan go'aan, xoog iyo halganka. Feertanka Kale, oo ay ku jiraan Bernard Hopkins, lumay dagaal ugu horeysay oo wuxuu ku guuleystay horyaalka adduunka. Waxaan wax badan ka bartay laba guul darro iyo haatan waxaan ku kalsoonahay, si wax.


“Gunteedu waa Anigu waxba ma aan isku dayay in uu ku qanciyo qof qofka aan ahay, Waxaan doonayaa kaliya dadka si ay u arkaan kuwa dhabta ah Eric Molina waa — inaan anigu ka badan waxa aan record warqad muujinaysaa. Waxaan ahaa horyaalka NABF in muddo ah, laakiin marnaba ma heli kartaa dagaal la isku sidaas ahayd in aan hoos uga dhacay qiimeynta bilaha ah. Waxa ay aheyd sida aan lahaa in ay mar kale bilaabaan ka badan. Laakiin waxaan ku xayiran in ay, iyo wax kasta oo kale waxaan ku socday meel ka baxsan giraanta, waxyaalahan ayaan ku lahaa in ay meel iska dhigaan, waayo, dagaalka this, weli suurtagashay in ay hesho galay booska Waan hubaa in hadda.


“Uma maleynayo waxaa uu mar uun u tartamaya la saadaalinayaa in aniga oo kale. Halkee ayaan tababar, ma jiraan xulalka kale ee dhabta ah marka laga reebo hal ama laba. Waxaan leeyahay inuu u duulo guys si ay gacan igu horay halkan guys shaqeeyaan. Waxaan ku jira xeryaha la Bermane Stiverne; Waxaan inta badan u lahaa in ay tagaan halkaas sparring xaqa ahaa si aad u hesho shaqada.


“Waligeey kaalinta halkaas wax ku jirtay mid ii fudud ee feerka. Waxaan marnaba u qalmay ila gees ah, qalabka, khayraadka. Laakiin weli waan ku dhigay ilaa hadda oo aad rabto inaad ka fog tago.


“Waxaan qabaa wareegga koowaad waa mid aad u muhiim ah. Waxaan filayaa in ka heli-tago in uu dareemi doonaa sida uu wax i yeelo laga yaabaa, laakiin waxaan sidoo kale dareemaan adag alla waxaan isaga ku dhaawacaya. Sidaas darteed waa muhiim inaad diyaar u dawan in ugu horeysay noqon.


“Tani waxa ay noqon doontaa dagaal weyn, badan, aad uga wanaagsan badan oo laga yaabaa in la filaya, oo waxaan diyaar u ahay.”


Jose Pedraza, Badin Junior-khafiif ah u tartamaya

“Sida Puerto Rican ah, Markasta oo aan la dagaalamaan, Waxaan u dagaalami sharaf dadkayga. Sidaas, on June 13, Waxaan ma aha oo kaliya u dagaalami doono inuu ku guuleysto horyaalka adduunka, Waxaan la dagaalami doonaa, waayo, Cidra, Puerto Rico oo dhan ku Purto waxaa ii daawashada. Puerto Rico u baahan yahay horyaalka kale oo aan rabaa inaan ku samatabbixiyo iyo dadkayga ku faanayaa. Aniguna ma awoodo in ay iyaga dejiyeen. Waxaan hoos u sii dayn maayo Puerto Rico. Waxaan soo laaban doonaa kooxda heysata horyaalka ah.


“Tani waa fursad weyn oo ku dagaallamaya show weyn SHOWTIME. Waxa uu ka qaaday shaqo adag, furitaankii iyo shaqada gym dheer si aad u hesho this gaadhista weyn SHOWTIME.

“My dagaalka ugu danbeysay ee Michael Farenas ahaa mid aad u muhiim ii sababtoo ah dagaalka oo ahaa mid eliminator horyaalka ah iyo, oo uu ku guuleysto, waxa ay u fureen albaabka dagaalka taas oo ugu dambeyntii riyada ee horyaalka aduunka noqday ku dhow yahay inuu yimid.

“Waxa uu ahaa xero tababar dheer oo adag — intensive. Waxaan furay xerada Las Vegas ee December. Xerada Kani waxa uu ahaa gaar ah sababtoo ah waa horyaalka adduunka.

“Andrey Klimov waa feeryahanka xooggan, had iyo jeer hore u socotay, ee jab iyo xaq toosan darbo uu ugu fiican. Waxa kaliya ee aan arko waa uu xoog badan yahay oo uu leeyahay taam wanaagsan. Laga soo bilaabo markii uu dagaalka ugu danbeysay ee Terrence Crawford Waan arki karaa in uu leeyahay dhibaatooyin markuu dagaalama feeryahanka ah ku wareejiyay bidix dhaqdhaqaaqa wanaagsan. Waxaan in tallaabooyinka dhinac iyo xawaaraha la shaqayn doonaan.

“Waxaan rajeynayaa in uu yimaado si fiican ii diyaarisay. Waa in aan ku dadaali doonaa inaanu ku siin taageerayaasha show wanaagsan. OnJune 13, Waxaan noqon doonaa champ cusub iyo in ka dib Waxaan rabaa in aan laba difaaca iyo dhaqaaqo 135.”

# # #

ACCESS ALL: Deontay Wilder, kaas oo qoraal taxane-taariikheed ee horyaalka ee January dagaalka ka dhanka ah Bermane Stiverne oo ay dejinaysaa heerka isagoo isku diyaarinaya inuu daafaca horyaalka soo socda, premieres on Wednesday, June 3 at 10 p.m. IYO/PT.
“Wilder vs. Molina,” a dagaalka 12-wareega ah ee Wilder ee WBC culus Championship, qaadataa meelSaturday, June 13, Arena Bartow ee Birmingham, Ala. DiBella Entertainment iyo Bruno Event Kooxda ayaa isku bahaystay inay soo dhacdadan in ay Alabama. In ka co-weyn ee dhacdo co-romoted by DiBella oo ay weheliyaan dalacaad Universal, Jose Pedraza wajihi doonaa Andrey Klimov in a xumad 12-wareega ah ee Jr IBF ah. Khafiif World Title. On SHOWTIME Waxaa hawada live doonaa® (9 p.m. IYO/ 6 p.m. PT). Telecast ayaa sidoo kale laga heli doonaa Spanish via barnaamijyada audio sare (SAP). Roonaadaan hordhac ah la nool on SHOWTIME Daran telefishanka doonaa (7 p.m. IYO/PT, dib u xeebta galbeed).


Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo iyo raac on Twitter atSHOSports, WilderVSMolina, BronzeBomber, LouDiBella IyoSwanson_Comm, raac wadahadalka la isticmaalayo #WilderMolina, noqday taageere on Facebook at ama booqo Blog SHOWTIME Boxing at



Cuban boxing sensation Erislandy “Dream The American” Lara (20-2-2, 12 KOs)returns to the ring on Friday, June 12 to face veteran Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 KOs) as Premier Boxing Champions heads back to Spike.


Intaa waxaa dheer, Russian knockout artist Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 KOs) is set to square off against the ring-savvy Doudou Ngumbu (34-6, 13 KOs) of Haute-Garonne, France.


Tani edition of PBC on Spike bilaabantaa 9 p.m. IYO. Albaabada ee UIC iyo taambuuggiisa furan 5 p.m. CT with the first fight set for 5:30 p.m. CT.


I’m very excited to be fighting on Spike TV on June 12th in Chicago.said Erislandy “Dream The American” Lara. “Delvin Rodriguez is a tough veteran fighter who I respect. He has a lot of heart and determination. But once the bell rings I’m looking for the knockout!”


“On June 12, I am going to change everyone’s mind about me and show that I can beat Lara,” Saciid Rodriguez.


Qiimaha tikidhada dhacdo live, kaas oo la dalacsiiyay by Warriors Boxing oo ay weheliyaan Group Yvon Michel (Gym), waxaa la qiime jaban ah $151, $101, $51, iyo $31, ma ku jiraan kharashyada adeegga ay khuseyso, ahd are on sale now. To charge by phone with a major credit card, wac Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 ama UIC taambuuggiisa Box Office at (312) 413-5740. Tikidhada ayaa sidoo kale waxaa laga heli karaa ama adoo booqda Xafiiska UIC taambuuggiisa Box (Thursday or Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).


The 32-year-old Lara is a slick boxer with the ability to deliver punishment while taking very little of it in return. Lara has notched victories over Alfredo Angulo, Austin kalluun iyo Freddy Hernandez mustaqbalkiisa ciyaareed oo dhan. Sida hiwaayadda ah, Lara ku guuleystay koobab badan oo ay ku jiraan horyaalka qaran ee welterweight iyo sidoo kale ka qayb qaadatay 2007 Kulan Pan Am-. Dagaalka ayaa asal ahaan ka soo Guantanamo, Cuba but fighting out of Houston most recently defeated former world champion Ishe Smith on his way to his 20th professional victory.


Already deep into an accomplished career, the 35-year-old Rodriguez looks to give Lara a stiff test and entertain the crowd at UIC Pavilion on June 12. Having battled the likes of Miguel Cotto and Austin Trout, Rodriguez has also picked up victories over Mike Arnaoutis, Pawel Wolak and Shamone Alvarez throughout his accomplished career. Born in Santiago de le Caballeros, Dominican Republic but fighting out of Danbury, Connecticut, Rodriguez will look to improve on his last outing, a draw against Joachim Alcine in May 2014.


Having floored every opponent he’s faced professionally, the now 30-year-old former amateur standout Beterbiev will be seeking to keep his knockout streak alive in Chicago. Having notched impressive wins over Tavoris Cloud in 2014 and Gabriel Campillo earlier this year, the heavy-fisted Russian knows he’ll be tested with an experienced opponent on June 12.


Following a hard-fought loss to Andrzej Fonfara in November 2014, France’s Ngumburebounded nicely with a knockout win in January of this year. The battle-tested 33-year-old veteran will look to use his wealth of professional experience at UIC Pavilion in order to emerge victorious.


Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo,, raac on TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm IyoSpikeTV oo noqday taageere on Facebook ee, iyo

Garrett Wilson to battle Anthony Caputo Smith for Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title on Saturday June, 20 at Valley oos Casino Resort

Plus Keenan Collins to battle Pavel Miranda in co-feature; Local favorites Coy Evans plus undefeated Earl Newman, John Magda, Stephen Fulton, Milton Santiago Jr. & Erik Spring
Valley oos, PA (June 1, 2015)On Saturday habeen, June 20, King’s Boxing will present a championship night of boxing at the Valley Forge Casino Resort.
Haddii ay dhacdo in ugu weyn, Garrett “Warrior Ultimate The” Wilson qaadan on doonaa Anthony Caputo Smith in a 10-round battle for the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight championship.
Wilson of Philadelphia has a record of 13-9-1 la 7 knockouts and has lived up to his nickname as he is willing to fight anybody at anytime. He has fought seven undefeated fighters and countless contenders.
Wilson, 32 won the USBA Cruiserweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over former world title challenger Omar Sheika. He defended the the twice with thrilling knockout wins over Chuck Mussachio (17-1-2) and Andres Taylor (20-1-2).
Those fights set him for an IBF Elimination bout against Alexander Alekseev (23-2-1).
Wilson fought well but came up just short on the scorecards. In his next bout, Wilson jumped up to Heavyweight to fight current number-one ranked Vychslav Glazkov. Wilson took the fight on two days notice and gave a good account of himself before dropping a decision.
Wilson will be looking to break a 4-fight losing streak.
Caputo Smith oo ah Kennett Square, PA ayaa heysta rikoor ah 15-4 la 10 group.
The 30 year-old is like Wilson as he willing to fight anybody.
He won his first thirteen bouts and then captured the Pennsylvania Light Heavyweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Dhafir Smith. Caputo Smith then stepped up and lost to undefeated Seanie Monaghan (18-0) on the Juan Manuel MarquezTimothy Bradley Pay Per View undercard in Las Vegas.
Caputo Smith moved up to win the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title with a 10-round split decision over Tony Ferrante.
Caputo Smith is on a two fight losing streak after dropping fights to BJ Flores (29-1-1) and former interim world champion Ola Afolabi (20-3-4).
In 8-wareega co-feature, Keenan Collins (15-9-3, 10 KO ee) ee York, PA qaban doontoPavel Miranda (19-10-1, 6 KO ee) ee Tijuana, Mexico in a Middleweight bout.
In 6-wareega roonaadaan:
Coy Evans (10-2-1, 2 KO ee) dagaallami doono Jose Bustos (7-4-3, 4 KO ee) of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in a Jr. Xumad cadaa.

Earl Newman (5-0, 4 KO ee) ee Brooklyn, NY dagaalami doonaa Lamont Capers (5-6) of Hawley, PA in a Cruiserweight bout.
John Magda (10-0, 7 KO ee) of Rutherford, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a Super Middleweight bout.
Stephen Fulton (5-0, 2 KO ee) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a Featherweight bout.
Samuel Quinones (8-3, 3 KO ee) ee York, PA will fight an opponent to be named in a Jr. Xumad Welterweight.
Cadaa Milton Santiago (10-0, 3 KO ee) ee Philadelphia, PA will take on an opponent to be named
In 4-rounds bouts:
Kevin Garcia (1-1) ee Phoenixville, PA dagaallami doono Jack Grady (0-1) ee Buffalo, NY in xumad khafiif.
Eric Spring (5-0, 1 KO) qaadan on doonaa Robert Sweeney (3-2) of Hampton, VA in a Jr. Xumad dhexe.
Tikidhada waxaa lagu jaban $100, $75 iyo $50 iyo iibsan karaa ticketmaster iyo
Xumad 1aad bilaaban doona 6:45 PM iyadoo albaabada u furan yihiin 6 PM.

Knockout Fitness to provide full day of entertainment with fight card!


Baltimore, MD (June 1, 2015) – Knockout Fitness and Nissley Promotions will give ticket holders a full day of entertainment with an Olympic style boxing card Saturday, June 6 at the Horseshoe Casino in Baltimore.

Dubbed as “Fighting the Odds,” this is the first fight card at a Baltimore Casino and a limited numbers tickets starting at $20 are still available by going to ama wacaya 443-848-6059. All VIP ticketholders can enjoy complementary food and drinks. Albaabada furan 1 pm iyo la dagaalanka ugu horeysay ka dhici 2.


A portion of the proceeds will go to the Show Your Soft Side campaign, which supports animal rights and features many marketing campaigns with Baltimore area professional athletes.


The fight is taking place outside in the plaza and will feature a red carpet style theme. Upon entering on the red carpet, professional photos will be taken with props. Midkii kowaad wuxuu u 100 attendees will also receive a free gift and Knockout Fitness will give away healthy meals and gym memberships throughout the event.


“Giving fans their money’s worth is extremely important to us,” said Chris Nissley of Knockout Fitness. “This is the first ever fight card at a Baltimore casino and instead of just celebrating that as is, I wanted this event to provide even more. Between the photos, giveaways and fights, everybody is going to have a great time.”


Headlining the card is Knockout Fitness’ very own Jason Nissley. A widely respected trainer, Nissley was named Baltimore’s Best Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor by Baltimore’s Best Magazine. He has participated in various charity events and is an ambassador for LuluLemon and Under Armor. Making the jump from trainer to boxer, Nissley hasn’t been matched soft.


Opposing Nissley is unbeaten knockout artist Omar Serrano. Fighting out of the Ocean City Fight Club, Serrano’s won all of his bouts by knockout and will enter the squared circle with a ton of confidence.


Jerome Featherstone of Knockout Fitness seeks revenge against Tavon Body of the Headbangers Gym in the semi-main event of the evening. Featherstone captured the Golden Gloves title a few years back, but Body took the title following the last two tournaments. In April, Body earned a hotly contested split decision over Featherstone in an action packed fight. This heated rivalry features the two top middleweight prospects in the Maryland/DC area. In addition to bragging rights, the winner of this highly-anticipated bout will claim the Maryland State Middleweight title.


“Jerome and Tavon had a great fight that a lot of people are still talking about,” said Nissley. “Jerome feels that he deserved the last fight and wants revenge while Tavon is poised to show that there should be no controversy as to who the better fighter is. This is turning into a great local rivalry for sure.”


In roonaadaan kale, Steve Layer of Knockout Fitness meets Adam Gabriel and Stephon Morris will compete in his final amateur match.


Following this exciting evening of action, Knockout Fitness and Nissley Promotions will host an after party at the 14Forty, which is located inside the casino.


Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, booqasho


Man on a Mission: Lippe continues knockout streak in Miami!


Miami, OK (May 31, 2015) – Renowned heavyweight up and comer Trey Lippe-Morrison remained perfect as a pro following yet another impressive knockout yesterday evening at the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, OK.


Fighting in front of a sellout crowd, something he’s become accustomed to as a member of Holden Productions’ “Four State Franchise”, Lippe-Morrison faced Thomas Jones in the six round main event. With legendary trainer Jesse Reid in his corner for the first time, Lippe-Morrison scored an impressive second round stoppage of Jones. After dominating the first round, Lippe-Morrison unleashed a vicious combination that badly staggered Jones, forcing his corner to throw in the towel just 35 seconds after the start of the round.


Dibno-Morrison, who lives in Tulsa, hadda waa 8-0 with all of his victories by knockout.


Kenzie Witt of Bartelsville, OK went the distance for the first time as a pro but improved to 5-0 following a four round unanimous decision over Kansas City MO’s Lucas Overcast. Witt was in control throughout but gained valuable experience against the game Overcast. Witt, who is the half brother of Lippe-Morrison, stopped his previous four opponents inside the first round.


“Trey and Kenzie continue to impress me,” said Promoter Tony Holden. “I’m going to continue stepping them up but both of them have incredible power like their father did. Our fans have been fantastic and I thank them for packing the house again. We will make it our duty to continue giving them exciting bouts with fighters they want to see.”


“Four State Franchise” member Jesse Cook (14-1-1, Seneca, MO) battled to an eight round draw in a welterweight contest against Kevin Womack (5-5-2, Baltimore, MD) and his brother Dillon Cook (14-0, Seneca, MO) stopped Joe Jiles (3-5, McAlester, OK) in the opening round of a junior middleweight bout. Undefeated welterweight prospect Jarrett Rose ofBartlesville upped his record to 7-0 by stopping Robert Seyam in the third round, while Kathina Catron and Juan Parra each won four round decisions.


The card was also broadcasted by Hall of Famer Al Bernstein and Oklahoma City boxing legend Sean O’Grady on KSNF and Cox Cable. Fans in the Four State Area (Missouri, Kansas Oklahoma and Arkansas) received the broadcast courtesy of a new television deal that will continue during the next card at the Buffalo Run Casino.


“It’s such an honor to have Al and Sean broadcasting my shows,"Ayuu yiri Holden. “Both men are incredible at what they do. This is another great outlet for those that can’t make it to the fights not only to enjoy the action live on TV but do so with two of the best broadcasters in the business.”


Holden Productions next card is scheduled for July 25.

Williams stops Bowles in six in Danbury Fight Night main event

For Immediate Release
Danbury, CT (May 30, 2015)--Prospect Tramaine Williams capped off a great night of boxing with a 6th round stoppage over Josh Bowles in the final scheduled round of their Featherweight bout at the Danbury Arena.

Tramaine Williams landing on Bowles
The show was the Inaugural Danbury Fight Night promoted by Prize Promotions.

The main event saw Williams show his quick hand speed to outpoint Bowles for most of the fight. In the final round, Williams landed a booming straight left that sent Bowles down hard on his back. Bowles did well to get to his feet only to take a barrage of punches and the fight was stopped at 1:36 of round six.

Williams, 124 lbs ee New Haven, CT hadda waa 9-0 la 3 group. Bowles, 123.75 lbs of Harrisburg, PA hadda waa 9-2.

Nate Green remained undefeated by pounding out a 6-round unanimous decision over Timur Shailezov in a Bantamweight bout.

Green lands a left
Dhibcaha ahaayeen 60-54, 59-55 iyo 58-56 for Green, 118 lbs ee New Haven, CT and is now 8-0. Shailezov, 118 lbs of Philadelphia is 17-10-1.

Josh Crespo scored a thrilling first round stoppage over Edgar Cortés in a scheduled 6-round Featherweight bout.

Crespo decked Cortes with a hard right hand in the opening seconds of the bout. Cortes got to his feet but ate a barrage of jarring punches before the bout was stopped at 2:20 ka mid ah wareega.

Crespo, 124.5 lbs ee New Haven, CT. hadda waa 4-2-3 la 1 knockout. Cortes, 121 lbs of Vineland, NJ. waa 1-1.

Wellington Romero had to work hard in winning a 6-round split decision overEvencii Dixon in xumad Welterweight.

Romero won cards by scores of 59-55 iyo 58-56 while Dixon took a card at 58-57.

Romero, 145 lbs of Newburgh, NY is now 7-0-1. Dixon, 145 lbs of Lancaster, PA hadda waa 5-7-1.

Rich Neves iyo Gilbert Alex Sanchez battled to a unanimous draw in a 6-round Jr. Xumad dhexe.

All three judges were in agreement of the 57-57 Dhibcaha. Neves, 154.5 lbs of New York, NY is now 8-2-2. Sanchez, 154 lbs of Camden, NJ hadda waa 5-6-2.

In thrilling 4-round war, Andrew Bentley scored a majority decision over previously undefeated Oscar Bonilla in a Lightweight bout.

The two slugged it out to the delight of enthusiastic crowd. Bentley was able to tag a hard charging Bonilla as he came in. There were several toe to toe exchanges were both guys ate heavy leather.

Bentley, 131 lbs of Jersey City, NJ ku guuleystay tiro 40-36, 39-37 iyo 38-38 iyo hadda waa 3-2. Bonilla, 132 lbs ee New Haven, CT. hadda waa 3-1-2.

Cassius Chaney landed plenty of power shots and dominated Ruben Ortiz and won a 4-round unanimous decision in a Heavyweight bout.

Chaney, 244 lbs of New London, CT won by scores of 40-36 on dhan kaararka iyo hadda waa 2-0. Ortiz, 210 lbs of Philadelphia is now 0-4.

Jair Ramos scored a 6-round unanimous decision over Osnel Charles in Jr ah. Xumad Welterweight.

Ramos, 139 lbs of Waterbury, CT won by scores of 59-54 on dhan kaararka iyo hadda waa 4-2-2. Charles, 138 lbs of Atlantic City, NJ hadda waa 10-13-1.
Photos by George Jimenez / Dalacaad Prize


Guji HALKAN Wixii Photos From Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

Guji HALKAN Wixii Photos From Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing Champions

Brooklyn (May 30, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on Spikereturned to Brooklyn’s Barclays Center on Friday night with another explosive night of bouts for fight fans. Haddii ay dhacdo in ugu weyn, Amir “King” Khan (31-3, 19 KOs) scored a crafty and hard fought unanimous decision over Chris Algieri (20-2, 8 KOs) iyo Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 KOs) won a crowd-pleasing unanimous decision victory over Bryan Vasquez (34-2, 18 KOs) in the televised opener.


Below are comments made by the televised fighters after their performances caawa:




I thought I worked well inside. I’ve never done a lot of work in the pocket like that and I plan to do more of that in the future.


I give Chris a lot of credit. He came forward a lot more than we thought he would and he had a big chin caawa.


Chris gave it his all caawa. This is the best Algieri we’ve seen in a long time, and if he’d have fought Manny (Pacquiao) that way he might have won.


Everyone knows I want Floyd (Mayweather) next after all the talk about it, but when you wait and hope for something for this long it can set you back. I don’t want to overlook any other fighters, including Chris.


My first show with PBC has been great. The New York crowd was awesome and really got into it. The promotion was excellent and I’m proud to be a part of this team.




I thought I pressured Khan well and got my touches. He definitely didn’t like it when I got into his body.


I thought I hurt him several times, but Khan’s a cagey fighter and he spins off. I guess the judges liked that caawa. I would think the cleaner, harder shots would get a little more respect.


I think PBC is fantastic. The focus is on the fighters, not the politics or the promoters. This is helping bring the sport back to boxing’s glory days of primetime events for the fans.


I haven’t thought much about after this fight. Waxaan ka xumahay, but I’ll watch the film from this fight and we’ll go from there.


JAVIER Fortuna


I’m very surprised that the fight went the distance. Vasquez is a strong fighter. After the fifth round, I was boxing to score points.


I was never really hurt by Vasquez, but I hurt my own hand on his head.


Vasquez didn’t really affect me throughout the fight. The swelling on my eye is from a headbutt.


The biggest key to my success caawa was my training. Before this I didn’t have the stamina that I needed. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, after my work with Hector Bermudez leading up to this fight I was more than ready.


Becoming a champion here in New York is huge for me. I’m very proud of my performance caawa.”




My style is to box and then move. Fortuna fought a smart fight caawa. He wouldn’t engage me and fight.


Fortuna used his head and elbows a lot caawa, but I don’t want to use that as an excuse. I tried telling the referee, but nothing was done.


I worked very hard for three months of training to get to this fight. I hope I won over some fans today because I fight to please them.


Hopefully I get a rematch because this is not the end of my career, and I’d love the chance to take that belt from Fortuna.


I want to thank PBC for this opportunity. It was great being a part of this show and I hope they’ll think of me again in the future.


# # #

The card was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing. Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo iyo, raac on TwitterPremierBoxing, @LouDiBella and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook at