Kategoriarkiv: boksing



Lou DiBella

Thank you very much for joining us for this call for the PBC on ESPN show on August 1 fra Barclays Center i Brooklyn. The show will be live on primetime on ESPN on Saturday, 1 august, med dekning begynner på 9:00 pm ET/6:00 pm PT.


The main event of the evening is Danny “Swift” Garcia against Paulie Malignaggi. The opening fight is a middleweight title bout between Danny Jacobs and Sergio Mora.


August 1 is the second PBC card on ESPN and the first one is going to be Keith Thurman against Brooklyn’s Luis Collazo. That’s going to be on July 11th in Tampa, Florida.


Tickets for August 1 er priset til $250, $150, $75 og $45 og er i salg nå. They’re available atwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. For å lade via telefon, you can call Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000 or to get group tickets from Barclays Center, 800-GROUPBK.


The opening bout is a terrific fight. Danny Jacobs is an inspirational fighter but also a super talented middleweight that’s risen to championship stature and holds the belt. He’ll fight at Barclays Center for the fourth time.


Danny rise from cancer to vie over the champion has been well documented. But frankly, at this point, he’s beaten that illness and he wants to focus to be on his boxing career and on being the best he can be and he’s taking on a huge challenge on August 1 in Sergio Mora, legitimately one of the best middleweight contenders out there and known very well as the winner of NBC’s “The Contender” Series a number of years ago. Sergio is a former world champion at super welterweight, looking to add a middleweight crown to his resume.


He owns victories over Ishe Smith, Peter Manfredo Jr.. og Vernon Forrest og går inn i denne kampen på en fem-kamp seier strek. And he most recently defeated Abraham Han in February of this year on ESPN.


So first, I’ll let Sergio Mora say a few words before we go to the champion.


Sergio Mora

Hey, gutta. Vel, I’m excited to be fighting on my first PBC card. It’s been a long time coming. The last time I fought for a world title was seven years ago and I was able to defeat Vernon Forrest as a 4-1 underdog.


I think I’m going to be an underdog for this fight again, fighting the younger, stronger champion in his hometown. So defeating him is going to be tough with all the cards stacked against me and that’s something that I grown used to and accustomed to.


There’s nothing bad I can say about Daniel Jacobs, absolutely nothing. I look for something negative to say and I can’t. The guy has overall talent. He’s far younger, raskere, stronger and hits harder than me and he has more momentum coming his way. He’s on a nine-fight win streak and he beats me in that as well. I have five-fight going for me.


But the thing that I can say is that he hasn’t faced opposition that I faced. I think he’s an emotional, athletic fighter. I’m a cerebral, intelligent, strategic fighter.


This is going to be a really exciting card because he’s in his hometown and defending the world title. I’m hungry for that world title and I know that I’m going to have to be extra sharp and do a lot more than just have a close victory in his hometown. So I’m going to have to press action and go out of my comfort zone and I think he’s going to have to go out of his comfort zone, which is going to make an interesting fight for everybody.


I’m very confident coming into this fight. I’m very happy on the team that I’m with now and this opportunity. I’ve always wanted to fight in Brooklyn. I always wanted to fight in a mega arena like Barclays Center. I’m blessed to have this opportunity and part of this PBC movement. Takk.


L. DiBella


Takk, Sergio.


And now to the champion, Brooklyn egen, Danny Jacobs.


Daniel Jacobs


Vel, after Sergio’s intro, what more can I say? That’s pretty cool.


I’m excited to have an opportunity to be back at Barclays Center a second time around as a champion. So this will be my second title defense. It’ll be against the most experienced guy I’ve faced thus far. I’m looking forward to testing my challenge against this slick, crafty veteran in Sergio Mora.


I’ve always said that I’m just trying to get that experience most importantly. It’s important to me as a young champion, I’m not where I want to be as a fighter thus far. You’re still growing, you’re still learning. I’m looking at this as just a really starting test. I’m trying to really gain as much experience as I can in fighting such a crafty, slick veteran.


He’s been in this position before. Så, he’s already accustomed to being in this position and being an underdog but I can’t take him lightly even though he will be an underdog and even though people will pick me as a favor to win. I’m looking at him as the most devastating opponent that I’ve had thus far coming up to middleweight.


So there’s not a lot of fear as far as power is concerned but where he lacks that he makes up in his craftiness and his slickness and awkwardness and sometimes he does engage in the action as well. So I’m looking forward to it. It’s really a starting test but something that I’ve been preparing for a while of any camp even though I’ve been working and doing my broadcasting which I’m very happy to announce. I’ve been keeping in the gym. I’ve been keeping fit and I’m really looking forward to this test and have it at Barclays I think there’s not a better place in the world I have. So I’m looking forward to testing my skills against a crafty veteran.



I’d like both of you to address when you receive this negative attention on Twitter and such, how do you deal with it and what’s your response to it.


S. Mora

Vel, listen, I’ve been dealing with this negative criticism for my entire career. It’s something that followed me. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a reality show winner or because people hate the way that I go in to fight and I can’t knock people out. I’m sorry I wasn’t born with power. You need to be born with power. If I have a way where I can ingest power and knock out and what people want to see into my arsenal, then I’ll do it, but I can’t. I was born the way I’m born. I got to do what I can with my abilities.


I think I’ve come a long way with all the other athletes that lack power and I think that makes me an even better fighter. It made me evolve into a different type of boxer. So these are the things that boxing needs to understand and the fight fans need to understand that, “All right, vel, listen, he’s fighting a guy with a lot of power but how come the guy with no power is actually doing better than the guy with power? Because this is the sweet science and that’s how I become a champion.


So it doesn’t bother me. I just continue educating people about the sweet science and letting them know that power is not the number one aspect you need to be successful it’s your agility, techniques, your defense, body shots, the strategy, it’s following that strategy it’s hard.


So I’m happy to answer those questions for people that don’t know. But people that do know, get over it.



Danny, what about you responding to people who want you to fight Golovkin? That say he isn’t tough enough, how do you deal with that stuff?


D. Jacobs

I’ve learned since my return back. I’ve got a lot of criticism on my positionwhy I’ve been facing people who wanted me to step up, people who wanted me to get in position to fight who they want me to fight. I’m passed that point. Now what I care about – vel, not to the extent where I don’t care about what the fans think but, if you support me, I look at it as, you understand the process, you understand that it’s not going to come when you wanted to come and if you’re a fan of the sport and if you’re a fan of myself, then you just go along with the journey.


I want to step up. I want to be able to get in there with the best of the best. Men tydeligvis, with everything going on in the sport of boxing right now, I’m not really in control of certain things, du vet. I may control who I step in there with but to a certain degree. So I really don’t tend to get into things like that. I do what I do. I stay ready. As a champion, I conduct myself inside and out of the ring. Whoever I’m in there with I give my best. If you are a fan of the sport, then you’re going to like the fights regardless. It’s all about putting on a show. That’s what I’ve been doingI felt like I’ve been put in good fights.



Is it a challenge for you that you want to take on to be the first person to stop Sergio Mora or is it pretty important for you to finally go the distance to go 12 runder?


D. Jacobs

I’d essentially wanted to go 12-rounds with Truax. I intentionally wanted to go 12-rounds with Truax. Because I felt like I could stop him a little bit earlier, maybe like in the 6th round but it was something that I wanted to prove to myself and knowing that I can go a full strong 12 rounds is something that I’m very confident with now and I feel like I’m answering my question. Så, the test with Sergio Mora iswhether that he can be stopped or whether or not I can go the distance with him, he’s never been stopped before, so it will be icing on the cake to be able to not only to defeat him but to stop him in the match.


Men, he’s a crafty veteran and if I can take a win over a guy like that, a win is a win to me. But at the end of the day, what the fans want to see is knockouts. What the fans want is spectacular fights. So my thing is if we could just produce a fantastic fight and a competitive fight, I’m content with that. A knockout is just icing on the cake. But it’s something that I’m looking for but if it happens, I’m pretty sure I know how to get the job done.



What do you think about his boxing skills? How do they match up with yours especially over the course of a 12-round fight?


S. Mora

That was a great question you asked Danny, forresten. I think he answered perfectly. I would want to knock someone out like me, du vet, because it puts something on your resume that Vernon Forrest and Sugar Shane Mosley, two Hall of Fame greats haven’t been able to do. So that was a great question.


Like I said, I think he possess everything that I don’t. But I have the experience. I think I take a better shot from experience with Danny and I think I follow my game plan more than Danny. A lot of boxers especially a lot of young athletic fighters they go out of their game plan and once they see that it’s not working. As a veteran, I know that it’s not working initially.


There’s a beginning, a midgame and an end game, kind of like in chess. But you just got to stick to what you practiced and don’t go out of your element and normally things go well for me. That’s how I’m going to continue doing.


Selvfølgelig, I’ve changed some things in my strategy. I’ve changed some things in my arsenal and the way I see opponents and I go about it. But ultimately, it’s still Sergio Morastill the guy that has that ability to upset a champion and that’s who’s going to be fighting August 1st.



Can you talk about your perspective on having it been a long time since you were at this level in terms of a belt being available to you?


S. Mora

Vel, anyone who’s been around the game for more than ten years or not even then. Anyone who’s been around the game will know that this is a political game. And if you’re not with the right side, you’re on the wrong side. And then even if you are on the right side, there’s another side I think that are right and they’re going to be butting heads.


Very political business and I think I turned a lot of people off when I fought Shane Mosley and an uneventful fight but I took all the blame for that and then after that, I was forced to go to Texas to fight a Texan. And I came up short against Brian Vera and then that just really hurt my career.


I was getting all the bad media, I wasn’t getting the right offers and that’s a good reason why fighters retire because they don’t have the offers coming in and it can be really depleting and depressing. I decided to go back to the drawing board and start off with a new team, have a new focus and I realized the change in the boxing as well, the same people that were in charge of courts in 2010, 2012, they’re not in charge anymore. There are new players in the game, there are new dates in the game and there’s new opportunity.


So because of all this new stuff that’s been added to the world of boxing, a person like myself has been able to make the comeback and I’m in a really good place and I am appreciative.



Sergio, do you feel that you get a bit of a bad wrap?


S. Mora

In my head, in my stubborn, ignorant head, I’m undefeated. I thought I beat Brian Vera both of those times and I beat Vernon Forrest the first time. He beat me the second time. That’s an even draw, du vet. So in a way, no one has really dominated, no one has really beat me convincingly. So in my head, I’m undefeated. There’s no rubber match to see who really has more wins over the other guy. But in reality, Vernon beat me the second time, I beat him the first time.


It’s a crazy business. People are waiting for you to just come down.



So when you take a look at Danny’s record, what is your take on what he’s accomplished or what you think of his ability?


S. Mora

Vel, exactly what you guys thought. I think with special talent and he got a piece of a world championship and he’s recognized as a champion. Så, everything that people thought of him came true. Now that he’s on top, he needs to fight top fighters. I don’t think he’s faced the opposition that I faced and other champions have faced. I think that’s the only thing that he’s limited in.


So I’m going to be the best name on his resume and we’re going to see how he’s going to be able to handle a guy as crafty like me and a former champion like myself. So it’s a bit of success for him and it’s the best for me fighting a young, hungry champ.



When you look over your resume of opponents you faced in your career so far, does he poses perhaps the most formidable test of your career given his experience and his crafty nature?


D. Jacobs

Vel, absolutt, coming into this thing I even said that I mentioned that he’s the most experienced fighter that I will be stepping in the ring with. The former world champion, beating the likes of Vernon Forrest, Shane Mosley, a couple other guys. He has that experience. He knows what it is to go the distance. He knows what it is to be in a dogfight. I’m a young champion and I haven’t seen those things thus far, rett, du vet.


I’m content – vel, not content but, I’m okay with the fact that I have fought those guys, those topnotch but that’s what I’m looking forward to is a ladder. You can’t skip the ladder. You can’t skip any steps, or you’ll fall.


So we take in a step by the time and we stepping up and every time you’re going to see great opposition. I’m just looking forward to this one. I don’t take him lightly whatsoever. I clearly mark him as one of the toughest, craftiest most experienced guy that I have faced.



Daniel, what is going to be the thing that gets you over the top and helps you win this fight?


D. Jacobs

I don’t know what will be the main thing. But I feel like I have a lot more advantages than he does in the fight. But whatever my advantages are and whatever gets me going, will be the deciding factor for me I would stick to. So if it’s my speed, then I’ll stick to using my speed. If it’s my power, backing him down, showing him what a real middleweight feels like, then that’s what I would do.


But it’s all about adjusting and getting in there because, du vet, not a lot of things may work according to the game plan. So you got to go to Plan B, Plan C and so on and so forth. So I’m just looking forward to seeing what works for me, figuring it out because it is a puzzle, it is a chess game when you fight a guy like Sergio and just making it work. I think that’s what a true champion does is just adjust and get the job done.



What are you doing in training camp to get away from that label of spoiler and be directly concentrated on winning that title from Danny Jacobs?


S. Mora

Ja. I’ve been labeled the spoiler. I’ve been labeled a lot of names that I actually consider as a good thing, du vet. You could see it as positive or negative. You come in the positive things that I’m going to go in there, I’m going to spoil Danny Jacobsplans and spoil his promotion plan and spoiler for the fans is the negative that I’m going to come in and win. I decided to go in therewhen the fight with Mosley and Vera, I decided to change my style a bit and I actually engaged a little bit more and be a little bit more offensive and take more chances to go for the knockout. But I think I’ve done that. Du vet, in my last five fights, I knocked down three of my opponents. So I’ve kept my word and I got this opportunity to fight for a world title again.


With Danny, I’m going to do the same. I’m going to try to go out there and do the same thing that got me into this position. I’m showing them that I can be and I can be crafty. I mostly want to let them know that, “Hey, listen, I got this other side to my game too that I added to that slickness and that craftiness.Danny also mentioned, if that’s not working, then I got to go to Plan B and C. I’m going to give him different looks just like he’s going to give me. But I’m an excited former champion and waiting to be a new champion August 1st.



Talk about the kinds of sparring partners you have into camp.


S. Mora

Ja, I like to have heavier sparring partners, harder punching sparring partners. But it’s not about the power because me and my sparring partners aren’t going to go in there and hit me with that power. So I like hitting guys with slickness, with speed, just in case Danny comes in there and he shows me a different style, I got to be ready for that. So I got younger guys, stronger guys, powerful guys, big guys, elusive guys and I like to mix it up.



You’re a tremendous fighter, and the same time, you are great announcer, can you talk about seeing that light at the end of the tunnel and a career after boxing?


D. Jacobs

Vel, thank you sir I really, really appreciate that. To answer your question, ja, det er spillet plan. To be able to talk and give my side on a national level. So one opportunity I don’t take for granted that I’m enjoying doing is giving me a different perspective on a sport that I love. And it’s something that it can set me up for the rest of my life as something to do post-boxing. Men, obviously not straying away from the main task at hand, boxing obviously is what I love to do and just the forefront. So I’m 110% focused on what we’re doing actually inside the ring.


But on my spare time in between fights, it’s something that I also like to do and stay busy. But the most part is just building the brand. Det er hva vi gjør. We’re building the Danny Jacobs brand and I’m having fun doing it but I’m taking it seriously because, du vet, boxing is a very short road and I’m going to fall back on this as well.


So just trying to take everything serious and trying to give the best that I have and seeing that it’s been working thus far. So God has definitely blessed me and I’m just looking forward to everything in the near future. This opportunity to fight Sergio is a heck of an opportunity for me in my mind. I think it’s one heck of a step-up as well.


So I’m just looking forward to what life has in store for me and my career in the future.


L. DiBella

We’re going to move on to the main event of the evening right now. But once again, this is Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN from Barclays Center on August 1. It’s primetime in ESPN, coverage beginning at 9:00 pm ET/6:00 pm PT. Tickets are from $250 down to $45 available at BarclaysCenter.com, Ticketmaster.com, the Box Office at Barclays or by calling Ticketmaster or calling Barclays Center.


The main event is a classic Philadelphia versus Brooklyn matchup, featuring two of boxing’s biggest stars. And it’s a must-win situation for both fighters when Danny “Swift” Garcia takes on Paulie “Magic Man” Malignaggi. Det er 12 rounds at welterweight at 147 pounds.


Interestingly, both of these fighters participated at Barclays Center inaugural boxing card in 2012.


Danny Garcia, the former Unified Welterweight Champion, made five defenses Junior Welterweight Champion, made five defenses of his belt. It’ll mark Danny’s official move up to welterweight and his fifth appearance at Barclays Center. On his last fight, he had a really tough win and a really hard-fought fight with Lamont Peterson.


August 1, he has his hands full with Paulie Malignaggi, former Welterweight and Junior Welterweight World Champion, har en registrering av 33-6. It’s Paulie’s fourth fight at Barclays Center. He defeated Pablo Cesar Cano and Zab Judah there and he lost close split decision to Adrien Broner.


Paulie, do you want to start by saying a few words?


Paulie Malignaggi

Takk, Lou. Ja, I’m just really feeling blessed to have the opportunity. It was an opportunity that I didn’t see coming my way after pulling out of the O’Connor fight earlier in the summer and then now trying to back up into the fall. I’m just really trying to sit back and enjoy the summer more so than training and whatnot.


This kind of opportunity just fell into my lap. It was unexpected. But I’m all about competing against the best. As surprised that I was, it was also an opportunity I couldn’t say no to. It’s a chance to, be back in the main spotlight with that kind of a fight, be at the forefront which are the kind of fights that I crave, anyway, and the kind of fights that really get my adrenaline flowing and get me motivated.


I’m fighting one of the best fighters in the world today at any weight. Like Danny Garcia, it’s a motivation to test myself against the best. I always want to test myself against the best, and so here I am.


L. DiBella

Takk, Paulie. Danny “Swift” Garcia, still undefeated, 30-0 med 17 KOs. Danny?


Danny Garcia

How are you guys doing? Første, I want to say good afternoon to everybody. I hope everybody is having a good day. Thanks for having me on this conference call.


August 1st this is going to be another great night at Barclays Center. It’s my fifth fight there and my first fight at 147. So I feel like this is a great matchup, stilistisk, to the fans all around the world.


Come August 1st, I’m going to be ready. I’m working hard. Jeg trener hardt. I can’t wait to get in there, showcase my skills and in the weight class.



How do you feel, Danny, now moving up to welter?


D. Garcia

Det føles fantastisk. For the first time in a long time, I could worry about training to get better and not training to lose weight. I’ve been fighting at 140 my whole career.


I just feel felt like losing the weight was affecting my performances, mostly in the later rounds of big fights because I will use a lot of my energy losing weight. I think I’m just going toI’ve been feeling a lot stronger and a lot better at 147. I think I should have been moved up maybe after the Mattysse fight.


But I’m here now and I feel good. Jeg føler meg sterk. Jeg trener hardt. And we’re working on new things just to get faster and stronger at 147.



Did the weight loss hurt you against Lamont Peterson you think?


D. Garcia

I’m not making any excuses. He had a good game plan. I just didn’t feel strong at that weight class anymore.


Før, when I hit guys, I could feel the power going through my arms. And when I land a shot, I knew I would hurt them. I just didn’t feel strong at the weight class no more. I just felt like I was hurt myself. I just didn’t feel as strong at 140 anymore.



Paulie, just talk about getting back in the ring after the Porter fight and this opportunity for you.


P. Malignaggi

I feel blessed just to get the opportunity and to get a chance to continue to test myself against one of the best fighters in the world.


You get to the point when you’re not in the ring for a while. It’s going through my mind that maybe I don’t want to fight. But as time went by and I started working out again, I started realizing that it was something I missed. It was something I was still craving. I wanted to be back in there.


I år, spesielt, has been different than a lot of years. I’ve always had my fight and then I’ve gone right back into just hanging out. I’ve spent almost the entire year in the gym. And I’ve been able to balance it out with all my travel with my commentating. I was in Sadam Ali’s camp for his fight.. I went right into my own training camp for Danny O’Connor and I got cut just two weeks before that scheduled fight. Then I got a call for this fight not long after that.


I’ve spent a large chunk of the year in the gym, which is something that hasn’t happened in a long time. And I feel sharp before that. If we’re going to talk about the layoff, people are going to talk about the fact that, I haven’t fought for a long time. But in reality, I actually haven’t trained this consistently in a decade, I mean literally a decade. Since I fought Miguel Cotto, I started making pretty good money after that and I haven’t stayed all year in the gym. Før det, I was in the gym all year, du vet.


I didn’t even mean to do it by design. It’s not like I said, “Oh, i år, I’m going to spend the whole year in the gym.” Det gjorde jeg ikke – it’s not something I planned. It’s just something that ended up happening going from one camp into another camp, into another camp. And I guess it’s just an accident.


But I do feel the sharpness in a gym. I do feel the timing is really good. Obviously my weight has come down. Så, that’s a good feeling knowing that I have to drop a lot of weight during the training camp just working on the sharpness and keep getting better.



Was there ever any serious consideration about retiring after the Porter fight or was that just suddenly flowing around out there?


P. Malignaggi

It wasn’t even something I considered. It was just something that I felt like I was going to do, du vet. I just felt like, I don’t really want to do this, in the time, the way I felt, where my mind was at. And it was just something I didn’t want to do anymore.


So I think that’s probably the best thing that happened to me in terms of thinking it like that. Not talking about the loss, but in terms of my mindset in that moment was probably the best thing because if you start to tell yourself you’re going to have a layoff and you’re going to come back, in the back of your mind, you’re never going to take that time off the right way. You’re going to be thinking about you should be back in a gym or when is the right time to get back in the gym.


But because I wasn’t thinking that, I was just thinking, “Du vet hva, Jeg er ferdig,” I gave myself plenty of time to kind of rejuvenate a little bit before I got back in the gym. And then I just decided, “Hey, vet du hva, I miss this. I want to get back in the gym.


So I think the change of my mind was probably a good thing as opposed to just telling myself, “Du vet hva, I’m going to take some time off and then come back.I really didn’t think I was going to come back. So when I took the time off, it was really like a time that I was legitimately, i mitt sinn, feeling rested and got myself rejuvenated without even realizing it. And then by the time I got back in the gym, it was like to try rebuilding a new me, så å si.



Did you think that this might be too much of a stepup after you’re going to be fighting Danny O’Connor after the long layoff?


P. Malignaggi

I was actually surprised. Første, I didn’t realize Danny was actually going to move to welter right away. I figured like he was having trouble making the junior welterweight limit. But I had heard rumblings that he still wanted to stay a junior welter for a little longer.


I was surprised just in general that he’s moving to welterweight. And then I was surprised, coming off the layoff, I thought maybe that we’ll get somebody else, instead of me to fight Danny.


When I got the call, Jeg ble overrasket. But it was almost like pleasantly surprised. And not because I don’t respect Danny because I do, I got a lot of respect for Danny and family and his father and everything, but I’m a competitor. I haven’t had a big fight in over a year. So it’s just like, ett, this is an opportunity for me to kind of put myself back in the mix with one really good performance as opposed to slowly getting back in the mix over the course of three, four fights.


I’m 34-years-old. I’m not 24. So I don’t really have that kind of patience anymore. Samtidig, when I got the call, I also realized how good I had felt in the gym sparring and how good I’ve been feeling in the gym just getting shaped or whatnot. So I felt like I could just flow right into another training camp, because I hadn’t taken that long a time off after I had been cut for the O’Connor camp. I actually still kept training.


So my weight was still good. It kind of made sense on a lot of fronts. I didn’t tell myself, “Oh, it’s a big step-up after a layoff.I didn’t look at it like that. I looked at it from more of a positive perspective.



Are there any health concerns for you or just heading into this fight?


P. Malignaggi

I don’t ever think about this stuff, ett. You have to have a short memory in boxing. And that applies to both when you look good and when you look bad. So whatever has happened to you in the past, it doesn’t matter whether it was good or bad. You can’t take that in the ring with you in your next performance. You’re starting a new chapter every time you step in the ring for round one in your next fight.


So I know as far as round one, it’s a new chapter for me. And so I don’t consider, I don’t think about what’s happened to me in the past, whether it was good or bad. But it’s something that I haven’t thought about in a long time and it doesn’t go through my mind.



Danny is this an effort for you to feel what a 147-fight feels like?


D. Garcia

This is a fight my manager wanted. He gave me the call. He made this fight. And like any other fight, he did ask me, “Hey, do you want to fight this guy?” And then we say, “Ja, we want to fight this guy.


So I didn’t go say, “Gee, I want to fight Paulie because he’s not a big puncher,” du vet, fordi, power is just one of the many skills you need in boxing. I don’t choose the opponent. I don’t hand choose the opponent. Men jeg tror at den samlede, this is going to be a great fight.



And what are you looking for this fight to do in terms of advancing your career should you win the fight? What would be next for you? What are you aiming to do in this division?


D. Garcia

Jeg vet ikke hva som skjer videre. Tydeligvis, en kamp om gangen. I got a task in front of me. I got to go in there 110% mentally and physically prepared and just get the job done. Then after that, we can see what’s next for us.



Paulie, how do you view a fighter like Danny, a former champion, coming up from 140 til 147?


P. Malignaggi

Oh, I think he’s a phenomenal fighter. I even told Danny myself, early on, I wasn’t high on him. Men, I know when he was in the prospect stages, he was beating some really good names and he was hitting a harder road up and a lot of prospects to do, in terms of a guy he has to fight. And he grew on me. I started realizing I’m not looking at this kid the right way. This kid is actually good on a lot of fronts, both from a physical perspective and from a mental perspective, really strong.


I’ve always had a lot of respect for him. But in terms of 140, 147, he’s no different than me. I was a junior welterweight champion; I moved into welterweight. So from that front, I don’t even look at myself as a bigger guy or anything. As a matter of fact, he moved up to welterweight at a younger age than when I moved up to welterweight, du vet. So his body grew into the division a little sooner than my body grew into the division.


So I think from that point of view, we both have that in common that we’re both ex-junior welterweight. So from a physical standpoint, I’m not looking at it as having any advantages. It’s just a matter of matching of my skills to his skills.



Moving up to 147, do you really feel like you’re going to be able to put a staple on a lot of people’s mouths to shut them up about all the criticism that comes with Danny Garcia?


D. Garcia

That’s just boxing. Because I’ve been the underdog before, I’ve been the underdog before and I won. And there was like, “Oh, he got lucky.So it’s either I’m the favorite or the underdog. I can’t listen to none of that stuff after just going through each fight like I was, mentally prepared, physically prepared going in and get the job done.


If it’s good enough for the media and it’s good enough for the fans, Jeg er glad. I’m still happy because, it takes a real man to go in there and put gloves on and fight another man for 12 runder. It takes a lot of discipline. It’s usually hard work for ten weeks straight waking up every day, doing the same thing, sweat, blod, tears, all that stuff.


So I would love for the fans and the media to love me. Men, it is what it is, they’re tough on me and that’s what keeps the chip on my shoulder and that’s going to make me train hard every day.



Do you see your craftiness advantages that you may have over him that Danny may have a little bit of difficulty with skilled boxers?


P. Malignaggi

I think styles make fight. From a style point of view there are things that I feel like I’ll be able to do against Danny. But I also expect Danny had made some adjustments since those fights.


When it comes to the Lamont Peterson fight, as I was watching that fight and Lamont started turning things around, I started thinking, maybe Danny, he got in his mind after the first three, four, five rounds that this was the kind of fight this is going to be all night.


And when you kind of get into that role in your mind where, hei, ett, this is going to be at a slow pace fight and you’re going to go through the motions in the fourth round. And then suddenly the script gets switched on you; you weren’t ready.


I felt like Lamont almost caught Danny in a sleep. And so from there, I don’t know that Danny would make a mistake again. The pace was so slow early on. I felt like I put myself in Danny’s shoes and I said, “Du vet hva, if I was Danny, I would probably be thinking two, three, four rounds. Det er alt. This is the kind of fight we’re going to fight for 12 runder. So I wouldn’t be ready when suddenly he got turned off. Because if in your mind you put inif you put in your mindset that’s how the fight is going to be and then things switched, then you kind of get caught sleeping.


So I felt like maybe it was a learning experience for Danny. But as far as from the stylistic point of view, yes I like the way my boxing skills match up to his. I’m sure there’s things he feels he can do to me as well. And that’s kind of why we get in the ring, we compete with each other and you match up skills. But I’m sure both of us have certain advantages over the other that we’re both going to try to apply once the bell rings on August 1st.



Do you see that as a must-win situation for you especially coming off the loss with Shawn Porter?


P. Malignaggi

I think it’s more must-win for me as far as my own boxing career is concerned. I think there’s no question that from my professional boxing career, not my commentating career; take everything else aside. For the life of my professional boxing career to continue, I feel like this is a must win for sure. I don’t think that there’s much of a must-win for Danny as it is for me.


At this level, they’re allyou always feel like it’s must win because you’re always in the mix for a bigger fight if you can win. So it’s always must win. But in reality, I feel like the burden falls on me more than Danny for it to be that kind of must-win.


But it’s also nothing new to me. I’ve been written off before. My career was supposed to end in 2009 when I went to Houston, Texas. I just came off the Ricky Hatton loss and I went to Houston to fight Juan Diaz. And no matter what I said in the press conferences, no matter what I’ve said in interviews, I remember just within one year they just kind of felt like this was going to be the end of my career. And so I had to go in there and prove it myself that it wasn’t yet, du vet.


So I had everybodyif I allowed myself to listen to what everybody says, I would have long gone a long time ago because you figure, you teach everybody their lessons and then it happened again in 2012. I got sent to Ukraine. I hadn’t really had a big fight in a couple of years and people just thought I was again sent to Ukraine as a fight just to make a little bit of money and be done. I was surprised that everybody was thinking about me like that again. I was like, “Wow. These people really don’t learn their lesson, you know.


And so I went to Ukraine and I’d come back with the WBA Welterweight title at that time. And I was able to turn things around again fromin my career. And those are really two key situations because losses in those two fights would really have erased me from the sport.


So I found myself again in this kind of situation. I’m not travelling to anybody’s hometown this time. I’m fighting in my own hometown. But it’s the same situation. It’s kind of the same thing. No matter what I say going into this fight, people are still going to look at it the same way that I’m the opponent and I’m the guy that Danny beats and this is my last fight and I’m just taking this for a payday and all this stuff.


So if I hadn’t already been through this, maybe I would worry about it. I remember in 2009, going to Houston, being kind of worried about it, complaining about all kinds of stuff and just not really knowing what I was walking into. I was walking into a dark room. But I’m not walking into a dark room on August 1st. I know exactly what’s going on. I know exactly what the rumblings are in the boxing world. And I know exactly what everybody is saying about the fight.


Regardless, det spiller ingen rolle. None of it matters. I go in the gym; I do my work every day. I know my mindset. It’s focused. It’s ready. And I know I’m going there to do work on August 1st. And nobody’s opinion is going to matter when the bell rings. But you can’t take people’s opinions in the ring with you, igjen, whether they’d be good or whether they’d be bad. Nobody’s opinion comes in the ring with you. It has absolutely no bearing on who wins each and every single round.



Danny, what things have you been able to do this time around doing training that you could not do in the past because you had to make 140?


D. Garcia

We added things to our workout now. We added a lot of explosive workouts, a lot of agility, a lot of footwork, a lot of things to making you more explosive, things I couldn’t do at 140 because I didn’t have the energy for it. But now the extra weight is really helping me. I’m eatingI’m adding more meals to my base to make me stronger, like before I had to skip meals. I was always weak.



When we’re thinking about this, your training in the gym, do you 100% know how good you’re going to be as far as the sharpness and what you have left at 34? Or does it remain to be seen, you’ll only know on fight night?


P. Malignaggi

Fight night you can feel any which way. You can have a good camp but sometimes have a bad night. You can have a bad camp and have a good night. You don’t know how you’re going to be on fight night until you wake up the morning of the fight.


But I will say this, I’m having a good camp. And it mainly has to do with the fact that I’ve flown from one camp to another to another and I’ve been able to keep working on my skills and keep working on my sharpness. My weight has stayed low because of the fact that I have consistent training, consistent sparring.


I really like the way I’m feeling right now. I like the rhythm that I’m in when I’m in the gym. I like the flow. We’re just going to try to bring this sharp camp into the fight.



Do you believe that you got the fight because they believed that you were a faded fighter?


P. Malignaggi

I didn’t go that deep into thinking. When I got the call, I was just surprised. Rhen I got the thinking, som, ett, that’s a big fight. Any competitor wants big fights and wants to be in the limelight and wants to be on the big stage. I was wondering if I would ever get a chance to fight on this stage again.


I was more just surprised than anything else. I didn’t really go into thinking as to why I got the fight or why I got offered the fight or whatnot. I think that’s more your guys’ jobb. And I’m sure they let me know about it on Twitter and in the media why I’ve got this fight. Even if I didn’t think about it, just seeing what everybody says about it, I kind of get the gist of it.


If that’s the reason I got offered the fight, it’s the same reason I got offered the Juan Diaz fight in Houston in ’09. It’s the same reason I got the Vyacheslav Senchenko fight in Ukraine in 2012. And my confidence comes from me knowing I have the mental capacity to not let that kind of pressure bother me and have the mental capacity to just go into my zone and eliminate all the negativity from my mind.


Danny said earlier he would love the media and the fans to love him. I couldn’t care less whether anybody loves me or hates me. And I think the body of my work throughout my career or the things that I said, the things that I do, shows that I could care less whether anybody loves me or hates. I go out there to do a job. I’m a competitor. I love competing. I love the adrenaline rush of combat at the highest level and testing myself against the best fighters in the world.


That’s why I do this. Jeg elsker å kjempe – I love to see where I’m at. And on August 1st, I’ll show myself.



Danny, where is dad, Angel Garcia?


D. Garcia

My dad is doing well. Akkurat nå, he’s at a shop. He owns and runs a business. Angel is just being Angel right now. I won’t see him until 5 o'clock. Only the Lord knows what he’s doing right now.



I would say some of the best work that you have done in the ring is by out-foxing heavy-handed opponents. How much of the old fox are we going to see? How is he again against Danny Garcia?


P. Malignaggi

I think for the most part, people know Danny’s style, people know my style. We’re going to make some adjustments to each other, both as part of the game plan and once we see each other in the ring.


I can’t really tell you exactly how I’m going to play it out until I’m in the ring myself. I plan on being the best me possible. I plan on being the sharpest me possible. And right now, in training, Jeg føler meg veldig bra. The plan is to flow this training camp into a sharp night on August 1st.



How long have you been thinking about the move up to welter?


D. Garcia

I believe right after the Matthysse fight I wanted to move up. I felt like that was a perfect time for me to move up because I beat the best 140-pounder at that time. I had beat Khan and then I came back and beat Morales and Matthysse.


I beat two of the best 140-pounders, so I feel like it’s time for me to go up to 147. But they had different plans for me. Me and my team, we decided to stay at 140 for a little longer to see how it played out. I just wasn’t fully strong at the weight class anymore. I just wasn’t fully strong anymore. So I felt like it’s time for me to go up to 147.



How confident do you feel that you can become world champion again against the likes of Thurman, Kell Brook, perhaps a rematch against Amir Khan?


D. Garcia

Jeg er veldig trygg. I faced a lot of good fighters. I faced a lot of great fighters in my career. I have a lot of experience. I was a big 140-pound fighter. I’ve never faced a 140-pound fighter who was taller than me or who looked better than me.


I was just squeezing my body down to 140. And I feel like I’m going to be a way better fighter at 147 and be able to use my legs more. Ved 140, I felt like I wasn’t strong no more, so I just had to walk forward all night and knock my opponents out.


But I feel like at 147, you’re going to see a more athletic Danny Garcia and be able to use my legs more, using my jab more and see punches clearer. When you drain yourself as hard to see punches, then you get hit with a lot of dumb punches because your vision is not clear.


I feel like my vision is going to be a lot clearer and be able to move my head, see the punches better, use my feet. And I think I’m going to be a champion at 147, også. I know so.


L. DiBella

Med det, takk, alle, for joining us for this PBC on ESPN call.


Igjen, it’ll be Danny “Swift” Garcia against Paulie “Magic Man” Malignaggi, and Danny Jacobs against Sergio Mora in the opening bout at Barclays Center, August 1, primetime on ESPN, coverage beginning at 9:00 pm ET/6:00 pm PT.


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I tillegg til kveldens main event og co-main event, velg undercard kamper vil bli gjennomført live på ESPN3. ESPN Deportes vil også tele kampen leve som en del av sin Night Fights serien og ESPN International vil presentere live-dekning på tvers av sine nettverk i Latin-Amerika, Brasil, Karibia og Stillehavskysten. Live-dekning vil også være tilgjengelig via WatchESPN på datamaskiner, smartphones, tabletter, Amazon Brann TV og Brann TV Stick, Apple TV, Chrome, År, Xbox 360 og Xbox One via en tilknyttet videoleverandør.


For mer informasjon besøk www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.com ogwww.dbe1.com. Følg på TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter OgSwanson_Comm og bli en fan på Facebook påwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia,www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi, www.facebook.com/barclayscenterogwww.facebook.com/ESPN. Følg samtale med #PBConESPN og #BrooklynBoxing.


NEW YORK (Juni 25, 2015) – Kreft overlevende og Mellom verdensmester Daniel “The Miracle Man” Jacobs (29-1, 26 KOs) fortsatte å spre sin motiverende historie om utholdenhet denne uken ved å gjøre besøk til Gilda Club i Warminster, PA på tirsdag og Morgan Stanley Children Hospital i New York onsdag som en del av sin Get In The Ring Foundation samfunnet oppsøk. Jacobs tok tid ut av trening for hans Lørdag, August 1 Premier Boxing Champions ESPN Tittelen forsvar mot Sergio “Det latinske Snake” Mora (28-3-2, 9 KOs) ved Barclays Center i hjembyen Brooklyn.


Bilde: Daniel Jacobs med barna på Gilda Club

Kreditt: Kathryn Brown / Get In The Ring Foundation


Jacobs vant hans bout med osteosarkom, en sjelden form for benkreft, og han håper at hans mirakuløse utvinning og comeback kan tjene til å motivere barn som har blitt rammet av kreft.


“Disse barna vet hvilke utfordringer som kreft kan bringe,” Jacobs sier. “Men når du ser noen i min stilling — en verdensmester som overvant kreften, og gjør så mye etter utvinning — det kan gi dem en følelse av håp. Jeg ønsker å dele kampene jeg har hatt, slik at den kan gi barna litt mer rolig i kamper og kjemper de står overfor nå.”


Som Jacobs gir opp for sin kamp tilbake inne i firkantede ringen på August 1, Han er optimistisk på at hans innsats denne uken vil hjelpe barna på Gilda Club og Morgan Stanley Children Hospital mener at de er vinnere i livet akkurat som han er i ringen.


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BILLETTER: Billetter til direktesendingen, som er fremmet av DiBella Entertainment, er priset til $250, $150, $75 og $45, ikke inkludert gjeldende avgifter og skatter, og er i salg nå. Billetter kan kjøpes på www.barclayscenter.com,www.ticketmaster.com and at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center now. For å lade via telefon, kalle Ticket på (800) 745-3000. For gruppebilletter, kan du ringe 855-GROUP-BK.


For mer informasjon om Get In The Ring Foundation epost kathrynbrown@getinthering.net.

Adam Lopez – Eliecer Aquino nå for WBA FEDELATIN & WBC Interim Latino Super bantamvekt tittel på ShoBox , Juli 17 på Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem

Antoine Douglas – Istavan Szili i 10-runde Mellom main event; Derrick Webster å ta på Arif Magomedov og Jerry Odom å kjempe Samuel Clarkson fremover anfall av tv quadruple-header

Betlehem, PA (Juni 25, 2015)–På fredag, Juli 17 på Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem, Adam Lopez (12-0, 6 KO s) San Antonio, Texas vil ta på Eliecer Aquino for WBA FEDELATIN & WBC Interim Latino Super bantamvekt tittel som vil tjene som andre bout av en stor firedoble-header som vil bli TV live på SHOWTIME prisbelønte ShoBox: Den nye generasjonen.

Kampen er fremmet av GH3 Kampanjer og vil støtte 10-runde Mellom main event event mellom ubeseiret fighter Antoine Douglas (17-0-1, 11 KO s) av Burke, VA Istavan og Silicones (18-0-2, 8 KO s) av Frenkendorf, Sveits. I co-feature, Derrick Webster (19-0, 10 KO s) av Glassboro, NJ vil ta på Arif Magomedov (15-0, 9 KO s) av Chekhov, Russland i en 10-runde Mellom bout. Åpningen bout vil pit Super Middleweights Jerry Odom (13-1, 11 KO s) av Washington, DC og Samuel Clarkson (14-3, 8 KO s) av Ceder Hill, TX i en kamp planlagt for 8-runder.

Noen av de beste talentene i landet vil bli utstilt på ikke-TV-undercard som skal møte vil være Boxcino 2015 Jr. Mellomvekt mester John Thompson (17-1, 6 KO s) av Newark, NJ; Lett tungvekt Lavarn Harvell (14-1, 7 KO s) av Atlantic City, NJ; Super Mellom Christopher Brooker (3-0, 3 KO s) av Philadelphia, PA; Super bantamvekt Manny Folly (4-0, 3 KO s) av Philadelphia, PA; Lett Samuel Seah (5-1, 3 KO s) og lett Bienvenidio Diaz (2-0, 2 KO s) av Paterson, NJ vil alle se handling.

Også på kortet vil være en 4-runde Jr. Mellomvekt bout mellom Ricky Nuno (1-0) Betlehems, PA tar på Tim Kunkel.

Billetter er priset til $100, $75 og $50 og kan kjøpes på Ticketmaster og www.ticketmaster.com

GH3 Kampanjer har ubeseiret Mellom Antoine Douglas, Super mellom Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, ubeseiret Super bantamvekt Adam Lopez samt Boxcino 2015 Jr. Mellomvekt mester John Thompson, Jr., ubeseiret weltervekt Jerrell Harris,ubeseiret Super bantamvekt Qa'id Muhammad, lett Oscar Bonilla, Tungvekts Natu Visinia og Lett tungvekt Lavarn Harvell til GH3 Kampanjer stabil.

Sonny Fredrickson er fortsatt perfekt ved å stoppe Juan Santiago i 2 runder på Andre Ward – Paul Smith kort i Oakland

Bilde av Tom Hogan / Roc Nation Sports

TOLEDO, OH (Juni 25, 2015)–This past Saturday night at Oracle Arena in Oakland, Calif., top lightweight prospect SONNY FREDRICKSON (9-0, 6 KO s) had to dig down deep and get up from the canvas on his way to stopping tough 29-fight veteran Juan Santiago in the second round of their scheduled six-round bout which took place on the Andre Ward vs. Paul Smith undercard.

Fredrickson dominated the first round and it was looking like an easy night as he scored a knockdown at the end of the frame. As Fredrickson went in for the finish, he was a little careless and got caught with a perfect counterpunch that sent him the canvas for the first time as a pro or amateur.

Fredrickson viste løse av en mester i å gjøre, came back in round two and landed some booming shots that hurt Santiago and the fight was rightfully waved off.

“Det var en flott erfaring,” sa Fredrickson av den første
round knockdown. “Santiago var tøft, I got a little reckless and paid the price. Selv en såret motstander er stilldangerous, så jeg vil definitivt ta denne leksjonen til hjerte til å gjøre meg abetter fighter.”

“Jeg er fornøyd med seier og for å gi fansen et spennende show. I’m going to get right back in the gym and look forward to fighting again very soon.

Fredrickson er administrert av boksing advokat Rick Torres of Victory Sports Entertainment.

Victory Sports & Entertainment er et nystiftet utøver forvaltningsselskapet med kontorer i New York og Las Vegas. Founded by noted sports attorney Rick Torres and boxing trainer Michael Leanardi, Victory har stadig bygget en imponerende stall av unge utsikter til at den håper å stelle for fremtidig stjernestatus. Victory Sports’ Nettstedet er www.victorysportsent.com


(Photo Credit: Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Kampanjer)

LAS VEGAS (Juni 24, 2015) – Tolv ganger verdensmester og boksing nummer én attraksjon Floyd “Penger” Mayweather fortsetter å samle opp karriere utmerkelsene som det ble annonsert i dag at han har blitt nominert til 2015 Espy Award for “Beste Fighter.” Med denne nominasjonen, Mayweather har mulighet til å vinne sin sjuende “Beste Fighter” Espy og fjerde på rad.


Fans kan stemme ikke på http://espn.go.com/espys/2015/. Avstemmingen stenger Onsdag, Juli 15 før Espy sin telecast på 8 pm. OG.


Mayweather er frisk av sin historiske seier i mai enn Manny Pacquiao i en kamp som fanget oppmerksomheten til verden mens bryte mange rekorder. Denne hendelsen genereres en forbløffende $600 millioner, noe som gjør den til den mest den mest lukrative en-dags sportsbegivenheten i historien.


I tillegg, Mayweather ble kåret til verdens best betalte idrettsutøver etter Forbes magasin for andre år på rad, mens nylig mottatt “TBE” (The Best Ever) Prisen på Spike sin Guys Choice Awards sist torsdag.


Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame har også hedret ham som en kandidat til “Fighter of the Year”, en pris han har vunnet hver av de to foregående årene ble det gitt ut.


“Det har vært en annen flott år for meg og teamet mitt og jeg er veldig takknemlig for å bli nominert til denne prisen,” Said Mayweather. “Mine fans har hjulpet få meg til denne stillingen i min karriere, og deres støtte har ikke gått ubemerket hen.”


Mayweather er også nominert til BET Award for Sportsman of the Year, sammen med NBA-stjerner LeBron James, Chris Paul, Stephen Curry og Seattle Seahawks NFL stjerne Marshawn Lynch. Vinneren av prisen vil bli annonsert dette Søndag, Juni 28 på BET Awards i Los Angeles.


“Det blir ikke noe større enn Floyd Mayweather,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO i Mayweather Kampanjer. “Floyd er nummer én attraksjon i kampen spillet og beviste at han er en av de største trekker i alle idretter. Da han og Mayweather Kampanjer fortsette å slå rekorder, Vi kan ikke takke fansen nok for deres støtte, og vi oppfordrer alle til å stemme Floyd for 'Best Fighter.”

Bryan Vera- Rocky Fielding Media Day sitater og bilder

Liverpool, England (Juni 24, 2015)– Super Mellom kandidat Bryan Vera (23-9, 14 KO s) og Rocky Fielding (20-0, 11 KO s) holdt en media trening tirsdag i forkant av deres bout på fredag.

Kampen vil finne sted på Echo Arena, og han er med sitt team som består av hans bror Gilbert, manager David Watson og Matthew Rowland, Visepresident i Banner Kampanjer.

“Vi gjorde en medie dag foran en god gjeng i Liverpool. Vi gjorde en liten treningsøkt for publikum. Rocky Fielding dukket opp etter meg og gjorde sin ting for publikum,” Said Vera

“Jeg er klar til å bringe tilbake beltet. Jeg er klar og føler som kjempet på 168. Jeg har kjempet mange flotte jagerfly. Jeg har blitt testet gang på gang. Rocky Fielding vet at dette ikke er hans typisk kampen. Han kjemper en kriger og jeg kommer til å vinne. Som jeg vet.”

Alexander Miskirtchian tiltrer Salita Stabil; Promoter Pleased To Add World Ranked Featherweight Contender To Expanding Roster

BROOKLYN (Juni 24, 2015)– – The roster at Dmitriy Salita’s Salita Promotions continues to grow, og bli mer imponerende med hver bestått uke.

Salita er glade og stolte over å annonsere signeringen av tidligere VM-tittel utfordrer Alexander Miskirtchian, en fjærvekt kandidat født i det tidligere Sovjetunionen republikken Georgia, som nå er bosatt i Belgia.

Miskirtchian, 29-år gammel, er en smart boxer med en 25-3-1 mark. He last fought in March, innskjæring en beslutning seier i Belgia. Før det, han imponerte overvåkere i sin tittel kampen mot Evgeny Gradovich mai 2014, som han sendte Gradovich til lerretet i runde seks, før de tapte en beslutning.

IBF og WBC har Salita nyeste talent rangert på Nei. 10 og 13 henhold og arrangøren forventer ham til å vise sine sanne farger ved å fortsette å vinne, og sikre en annen tittel shot.

Miskirtchian er en travel fighter, aggressive, med solide fundamentale. Han er smart defensivt og han besitter en irritabel jab, samt sleipe-rask venstre hook.

“Alex er en veldig talentfull fighter,” sa promotor Dmitrij Salita. “Han gjorde en meget sterk viser i sin VM-tittel utfordring mot daværende verdensmesteren Gradovich. Nå med at erfaring er han klar til å kjempe de beste featherweights i verden og erobre verden tittelen!”

Hvis du vil vite mer om Salita Kampanjer, gå her. http://www.salitapromotions.com/about/

Lær mer om Salita Kampanjer’ imponerende roster here.http://www.salitapromotions.com/fighters/

Star of David Kampanjer ble grunnlagt i 2010 av Dmitriy Salita, en profesjonell bokser og VM-tittel utfordreren som så behovet for en kampanje foretaket har de lyseste utsiktene, samt erfarne pugilists, i og rundt New York City-området. Seerne har hatt ser Star of David jagerfly i de senere år på Spike TV, Espn2, MSG, og Universal Sports Network. Vennligst visitwww.Salitapromotions.com for mer informasjon.

Vennligst logge på www.salitapromotions.com for mer informasjon om Salita jagerfly og kommende kampanjer.

Greg Cohen Promotions Signs Rob ‘Bravo’ Brant til en Promotional Contract

Greg Cohen av Greg Cohen Kampanjer kunngjør stolt signering av ubeseiret mellomvekt Rob “Bra Jobba” Brant (15-0, 9 KOs) til en kampanje kontrakt.

24-år gamle Brant, fra Oakdale, Minnesota, startet boksing i 2007 og etter 2009 var allerede en nasjonal mester. Han fortsatte med å bli medlem av det amerikanske National Boxing Team og vinne 2010 Nasjonale Golden Gloves, blant mange andre utmerkelser, før han ble profesjonell i 2012.

Primært en bokser, selv besitter over gjennomsnittet makt, Brant er en tekniker i ringen med en sterk evne til å improvisere og justere mid-kampen. Hans sterke conditioning tillater ham å presse tempoet og bryte sine motstandere ned, mentalt og fysisk.

Du startet boksing og ble raskt en nasjonal mester. Tell me about discovering you were a natural in boxing. Når skjønte du det?

Min far var en divisjon 1 kollegialt fotballspiller. Jeg vokste opp elsker fotball, Jeg vil ikke si jeg var fantastisk, men jeg fikk på feltet. Når jeg var 15, Jeg begynte å prøve seg i boksing. Meg og noen venner, hovedsakelig fotballspillere, ville møte opp på vårt quarter hus for å sparre. Hans far, Bob Mitchell, pleide å være en bokser og ville sparre med oss ​​i garasjen eller oppkjørselen. Jeg elsket hvert sekund av det. Jeg fant meg selv gå til min venns hus mer og mer, selv når han ikke var der, så jeg kunne boksen med sin far.

Når været stoppet tillater dette, Jeg måtte bare sette den i ryggen brennere, men jeg skjønte at det var noe jeg virkelig ønsket å gjøre. Jeg begynte å forske bokseklubber og ser mye boksing. Når jeg var 16 og fikk mitt førerkort, Jeg dro til White Bear Lake Boxing Club, der jeg ble møtt med en 87-år gammel mann ved navn Emmitt Yanez, samt Larry Goodman som var i midten av 70-tallet. Jeg ville, for at hele sommeren 2007, være den første personen i gym og den siste ut. Jeg tilskriver min suksess for de to mennene, for de neste årene tok de meg til hver turnering, og alle lokale show i Midtvesten. Jeg gjorde ikke slå ned en kamp, ​​og de var villig til å kjøre dit når.

Jeg tror jeg skjønte at jeg hadde talent da jeg vant US menn National Championship i 2009. Inntil da, Jeg var alltid å gi meg selv en unnskyldning for hvorfor jeg hadde vunnet turneringene som jeg vant, og vil fokusere på de jeg ikke konkurrere mot, i motsetning til de som jeg gjorde. I finalen i NM i 2009 Jeg slo en mann ved navn Siju Shabazz hvem i 2007 Jeg så vinne National Golden Gloves på TV. Jeg husker jeg tenkte at han var et oppkomme av talent. Da de løftet armen min, det gjorde ikke satt i før et par uker senere, da jeg innså at jeg var nummer én rangerte lett tungvekt i USA.

Hva gjorde du ønsker å starte boksing?

Jeg har alltid elsket å se alle sider av en bokse showet. Inngangen, samsvarhjørne uniformer, spenningen av to jagerfly står i motsatte hjørner å vite hva de er i ferd med å ha å gjøre, og hvordan når det ringer, hvordan de nærmer seg hverandre med tillit og forsiktighet. Da jeg skulle gå til min venns hus og boksen sin far, I figured it was something that I might be able to actually do one day and mentally, Jeg forpliktet meg før jeg kunne fysisk ta meg selv til en boksing gym.

Hvorfor gjorde du slår pro?

Etter en kort men tett amatør karriere, Jeg mistet i 2012 OL-forsøk. Jeg kjøpte nok erfaring til å jage det de fleste amatør boksere drømme om: å bli en profesjonell verdensmester og har alt som følger med det.

Hvordan fikk avtalen med Greg Cohen kommer om?

Greg Cohen gjorde et show boksing show i mitt hjem delstaten Minnesota på Grand Casino Hinckley. Jeg jobbet ekstremt hardt i forberedelsene til den aktuelle konkurransen fordi det var min nasjonalt TV debut som en proff. Jeg føler at jeg forberedt nok og spilte på det nivået at jeg skal ha foran GCP teamet. Mine hardt arbeid betalte seg, Mr. Cohen ønsket å fortsette å arbeide sammen.

Hva er dine mål i boksing?

Selvfølgelig, del av mitt hovedmål i boksing er å bli en legitim verdensmester i min divisjon. Men dypere enn det, Jeg ønsker å eie et hjem og være gjeldfri etter når jeg er pensjonert fra sporten. Jeg ønsker å gjøre de pengene som jeg har tjent fra boksing arbeid for meg.

Hvem er din trener?

Jeg trener 4-5 uker før konkurranser i Dallas, Texas. Hodet mitt trener er Derrick James. Han var en dyktig amatør samt en dyktig profesjonell bokser som har trent jagerfly som Errol Spence Jr og Anthony Mack, bl.a.. Min assistent trener er Nathan Pipitone. Nathan alltid går den ekstra mile for meg. Han vil møte meg på treningsstudioet på uansett tid og utelukkende ønsker suksessen av utøverne han jobber med, en klasse handle. Min cut mann og min styrke og conditioning coach er Jeremy Clark fra mitt hjem delstaten Minnesota. Han er en spiller utvikling coach for Los Angeles Kings hockeylag. Han dytter meg til neste nivå, atle ikke imponere ham, hardt arbeid gjør, og det er det jeg trenger.

Hvor skal trene deg?

Jeg bor i Saint Paul, Minnesota, hvor jeg gjøre min tunge styrke og condition med treneren min Jeremy Clark ved Minnesota Top Team Gym han eier i Eagan, Minnesota. En måned eller så ut fra kampen, Jeg hodet til Dallas for å trene med mine trenere Derrick og Nathan å skjerpe min teknikk og få tung sparring i. Selv om jeg hele tiden jobber hardt det vanskeligste arbeidet er gjort i Dallas.

Hva blir det neste for deg?

Jeg skal fullføre Juli 17 at the Sands Hotel and Casino in Bethlehem Pennsylvania on the non-televised portion of a talent-stacked ShoBox card. Jeg er for tiden i Dallas forbereder for at.

Du gjør noe annet enn boksing?

Jeg føler at når du virkelig og fullt forplikte deg til noe du ikke har mye tid til andre ting. Som blir sagt, Jeg prøver å lese så mye som jeg kan, og jeg ser mye på film, samt en ivrig Game of Thrones fan. De fleste mennesker som jeg forbinder med sosialt er også i stridslystne sportsbransjen, holder meg fokusert.

Hvordan fikk du navnet Bravo?

Det er faktisk en morsom historie. Jeg hadde trenere som pleide å kalle meg "Robbo.’ I amatørboksing ser du mange av de samme trenerne år etter år, og lett å snakke med dem og bli kjent med dem gjennom amatør karriere.

Det var ikke før min siste amatør turneringen jeg noen gang gjorde (2012 USA nasjonale mesterskapet, bronsemedalje) at en trener fra Bay Area nærmet mine personlige trenere og spurte hvor "Bravo’ var. Treneren min i forvirring forstod ikke før sa trener beskrev meg hvor han svarte "Oh, Mener du Robbo!’ For år, denne bussen hadde tenkt mitt navn var Bravo da treneren min fortalte meg historien jeg smilte og sa “det er det!”

Jeg føler ikke at du kan gi deg selv en bokse navn, Jeg har heller aldri, so it was meant to be that at my last amateur tournament somebody would give me my name.

Fortell meg noe du vil fansen skal vite om deg.

Jeg elsker alle aspekter av boksing. Jeg er ikke stor i å motta oppmerksomhet fordi jeg liker å være på flat mark med alle, og til tider kan jeg bli satt på en pidestall som jeg ikke altfor nyte. I like being regular. I am the most approachable person in the world I feel that everybody is equal. Jeg bare måtte ha en jobb som folk liker å se.

For mer informasjon om Rob Brant, besøk gcpboxing.com. Twitter robertbrantusa

Instagram robertbrantusa.


Om Greg Cohen Kampanjer


En av boksing fremste salgsfremmende antrekk, Greg Cohen Kampanjer (GCP) er et godt respektert navn for staging verdensklasse profesjonell boksing hendelser og fremme elite profesjonelle krigere over hele verden.


Grunnlegger og administrerende direktør Greg Cohen har vært involvert med profesjonell boksing i ulike kapasiteter siden slutten av 1980-tallet, finslipe sitt håndverk og etablere seg som en skarp internasjonal boksing forretningsmann.


Kjennetegnes av hans evne til å oppdage og utvikle rå talent, Cohen skapte overskrifter for hans kyndig veiledning av, blant mange andre, tidligere WBA Junior mellomvekt mester Austin “No Doubt” Ørret, som Cohen bidratt guide fra ukjent New Mexico prospektet til elite pay-per-view-nivå superstjerne.


I tillegg til ørret, Greg Cohen Kampanjer har jobbet med etablerte navn som tidligere enhetlig og to-tiden tungvekt Hasim “The Rock” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 KOs); og all-time-stor fler vektklasse verdensmester James “Lights Out” Toney (74-7-3, 45 KOs).


Nåværende verdens vurdert utfordrere i GCP roster inkluderer Arash Usmanee, universelt anerkjent som en topp-10 super fjærvekt; tidligere WBA International mellomvekt mester og verdens vurdert mellom kandidat Jarrod Fletcher; topp-karakter fjærvekt Joel Brunker; Cruiservekt Lateef Kayode; Kanadiske lette og TV actionhelt Tony Luis, og WBA og fem-tiden Irish National Amateur Champion, Dennis Hogan; og Rising weltervekt sensasjon Cecil McCalla.


Greg Cohen Kampanjer har vert verdensklasse boksing hendelser i de fineste stedene i hele USA og verden og har også stolt gitt talent og / eller innhold i flere TV-nettverk, inkludert HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG og FOX Sports Net.

For mer informasjon, besøk gcpboxing.com. Finn oss på Facebook påwww.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. Twitter: GCPBoxing.



Den ultimate fan erfaring hendelse som gir boksing fans muligheten til å møte-og-hilse topp jagerfly, boksing kjendiser og bransjefolk i en up-close, personlig innstilling

For umiddelbar utløsning

som Vegas (Juni 22, 2015) – Former WBO world champion Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin har bekreftet at han vil dukke opp på Las Vegas Convention Center for den andre årlige Box Fan Expo som vil finne stedLørdag september. 12. The Box Fan Expo vil falle sammen med Floyd Mayweather Jr. sin siste kamp og meksikansk Independence helg.


Quillin er en ubeseiret kubansk-amerikanske Mellom med en 31-0 rekord. Okt. 20, 2012, Han fanget den ettertraktede WBO 160 pund divisjon mesterskap. Quillin fikk sin nicknamea fra den opprinnelige “Kid Chocolate,” Eligio Sardinias-Montalbo, en cubansk fighter og eventuell Internationl Boxing Hall-of-Fame.


Quillin vil også ha på hånden hans unike kleskolleksjon og merchandise for sine fans til kjøp.

Quillin tiltrer Ruslan “Siberian Rocky” Provodnikov, Forferdelig” Terry Norris, Joel “Brush” CASAMAYOR og “El Feroz” Fernando Vargas blant tidlige forpliktelser til årets Box Fan Expo.


Denne unike fan erfaring event, som tillot fans å møte og hilse boksing legender, tidligere og nåværende vinnere og andre kjendiser av sporten, debuterte i september i fjor. I år Expo vil løpe fra 10 a.m. til 5 pm. og igjen, tillate fans en sjanse til å samle autografer, ta bilder og kjøpe varer og minner.
Utstillere som boksing utstyr, klær, kringkastingsmedier og andre merkevare selskaper som ønsker å delta vil ha en sjanse til å vise frem sine produkter til fansen og hele bokseindustrien.
Fjorårets åpnings Box Fan Expo omtalt noen av de mest populære jagerfly og boksing kjendiser i nyere historie. Fans ble behandlet på besøk med Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr, Sergio Martinez, Amir Khan, Zab Judah, Mikey Garcia, James Toney, Riddick Bowe, Leon Spinks Terry Norris, Shawn Porter, Chris Byrd, Jesse James Leija ,Lamon Brewster, Ray Mercer, Earnie Shavers, Mia St. John, Erislandy Lara, Peter Quillin, Jean Pascal og Austin Trout. Opptrer også var gjeldende WBC Champion Deontay Wilder, den karismatiske Vinny Pazienza, Paul Williams, bemerket kommentator Al Bernstein og trener Roger Mayweather av Mayweather Kampanjer.
Listen av deltakere til årets Box Fan Expo vil bli annonsert i løpet av de neste månedene og ukene frem til hendelsen.
Billetter til Box Fan Expo er tilgjengelig elektronisk på:http://www.boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com
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For noen i boksing industri eller merkevare selskaper som ønsker å være involvert, og reservere en messe som utstiller eller sponsing muligheter, vennligst kontakt Box Fan Expo på:
U.S.A telefonnummer: (702) 997-1927 eller (514) 572-7222

For eventuelle spørsmål vennligst send en epost: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

Mer informasjon om Box Fan Expo er tilgjengelig på: http://www.boxfanexpo.com


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