Category Archives: mekemeke

Julio Hiha Chavez JR., Alejandro Gonzalez JR., Chris ARREOLA, Julio Hiha Chavez SR., & Trainer ROBERT Garcia Quotes MEDIA īngoa & Whakaahua

Chavez Jr. Looks To Get Back On Track Against Marcos Reyes Next Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 18 I te Don Haskins Center, Ora i te SHOWTIME®

Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos

Credit: Jayne Kamin-Oncea / SHOWTIME

Ite e ahau kia rite ki ahau i roto i te wahi pai i teie nei. Me ahau ki te whai i te mahi ngoi ki te whakaatu i toku pā he aha ahau nehenehe o ahau.”

– Julio Hiha Chavez Jr.

Tickets tonu wātea!


Riverside, Calif. (Hōngongoi 9, 2015) – Toa o mua te ao Julio Hiha Chavez Jr., nguha super whā Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. me te nguha taumahamaha Chris “Ko te moepapa” Arreolawhai wāhi i roto i te īngoa pāpāho i runga i te Wenerei i Robert Garcia Boxing Academy i Riverside, Calif., mua ki o ratou whawhai ka ū mai i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i CBS a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®. The fights will take place as part of an afternoon-night doubleheader on Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 18, i teDon Haskins Center i roto i te El Paso, Texas, ora i runga i CBS Sports (4 p.m. AND/ 1 p.m. PT) a SHOWTIME(10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT).


PBC i runga i CBS e whana-atu i te mahi ki te doubleheader ngā i te US. tuatahi o te tūturu Airihi toaCarl Frampton (20-0, 14 Koó), ko wai ka tiakina e tona IBF Junior tekau mā World Championship ki nguha Mexican Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Koó) in the 12-round main event. I roto i te 10-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga, whetu taumahamaha Arreola(36-4, 31 Koó), o e Los Angeles i runga i te taumahamaha Cameroonian Frederic Cat(18-3, 10 Koó).


I roto i te hui matua o te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGdoubleheader i muri i taua ahiahi, Superstar Mexican Chavez, JR. (48-2-1, 32 Koó) tutaki hoa ngangau Mexican Marcos Reyes (33-2, 24 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa whitu tekau super a'ee.


Ka ngā te hui tahi-matua 12-a tawhio noa te rua o runga bantamweights, rite Puerto Rican Tuaro McJoe Arroyo(16-0, 8 Koó) a Arthur Villanueva (27-0, 14 Koó), o hoatu nga Philippines ratou lekooti tūturu i runga i te raina mo te IBF whā World Championship.


Julio Hiha Chavez Jr. Ko te toa tuatahi ki te whakangungu i Robert Garcia o wänanga mekemeke hou i roto i te Riverside, i puaki te Pipiri 8. Garcia formerly trained all of his boxers at his well-known gym in Oxnard, Calif.


Julio Hiha Chavez, Ninety te toa Mexican nui o te wā katoa, hanga he ahua i roto i īngoa o tana tama, ki te whakaatu i tona tautoko me te tuku kupu o te faaitoitoraa.


Tenei ta Chavez Jr., Gonzalez Jr., Arreola, Julio Hiha Chavez me Robert Garcia (Kaiwhakangungu Chavez Jr. o) i ki te mea Wednesday i te whare hākinakina Riverside:


Julio Hiha Chavez JR., Mua World Champion

“Whakaaro ahau Robert Garcia ko te kōwhiringa pai ki ahau i muri i toku whawhai whakamutunga. He speaks Spanish and knows the Mexican style. Kua whakangungua e ia he rota o te toa, me te whai i ahau he hononga pai ki a ia.


“Ngaro ahau i nga taketake o te whakangungu mekemeke mo te whawhai whakamutunga. Since I had such a long layoff, Hiahiatia e ahau ki te tiki i hoki ki nga taketake, me te kore ahau i.


“Ite e ahau kia rite ki ahau i roto i te wahi pai e tika i teie nei. Ko ahau māia i roto i toku malava mekemeke no te mea e matau ana ahau ko ahau i roto i te huru tika. I sparred 10 rauna inanahi, e kore tenei i roto i toku whawhai whakamutunga.


“Me riro ahau i tenei whawhai, a ka kite i nga tangata katoa e ahau ahei o te whawhai i te ingoa nui rite ahau [Gennady] Golovkin me [Carl] Froch.


I must stay prepared and focus on my current opponent. Te ia anake 27 a ka e te aravihi.


“Ua haapii mai au i te rota i roto i toku whawhai ki [Andrzej] Fonfara. I really felt his punches, Ka e ahau rawa ngenge. He taught me that I needed to spend more time in the gym and on my strategy. But I don’t think it was the wrong decision to fight him.


“Ahau e kore e whakangungu i tēnei wā e ahau tika mo toku whawhai ki [Marcos] Reyes, engari ano mo te rematch pūmanawa ki Fonfara.


“Ite e ahau kia rite ki te hiahia ahau ki te whai i te mahi ngoi ki te whakaatu i toku pā he aha ahau nehenehe o ahau. I must work my jab and use my defense.


“Hoki tenei whawhai e ahau i 168, otiia e kore e ahau te aha e paunatia ahau mo toku whawhai i roto i te heke mai pono. I’m ready for less than 168 ki te kanohi hoariri rite Canelo [Alvarez].”



Alejandro Gonzalez JR., Super whā nguha

“I ahau i te tupono nui, he whai wāhitanga nui. I am going to take advantage of it.


“Hoki tenei whawhai mahi matou i rerekē i roto i te whakangungu puni i te tahi atu i oku puni katoa. I worked more on my defense, toku whawhai me te counter nifó. Everything about this camp is different and focused solely on Frampton.


“Ngā wā tuatahi a Frampton haere mai te reira i ki te United States, e hiahia ana ia ki te waiho i te superstar. Ko, roto i te tikanga ki te riro i te superstar me te tuatahi tiki ia e ahau.


“E mohio ana ahau e te ia he toa nui ki te rota o te wheako me te tokua pakeke-patu, engari kahore e kore e ahau e taea e rahurahu.


“E kore e haere e ahau au ki te e wehi i te tetahi. Even though this will be the biggest fight of my career. E kore e ahau io.


“Ake mai i toku mate takitahi ki [Juan Alberto] Rosas whakamutunga tau, Riro mai i ahau te rota o te wheako. I think I am ready for this test.


“E titiro ia ki ahau, kia rite ki te toa nei i ngaro ki Rosas, engari au e ahau he toa rerekē i teie nei.”



Chris ARREOLA, Taumahamaha o nguha

“Tatari ahau ki te taahi i roto i te whakakai i roto i te 240s teitei. That’s about where I need to be. Just staying in shape and making sure I don’t balloon up like I have. My last fight when I weighed 263 Ngāwari i taea e ahau tapahia taimaha ki 255, engari he aha hoki? I’m a big heavyweight. I messed up by overeating and it’s my fault. No one else to blame but me. I’m not going to cut any vanity weight. Why would I? I’m a heavyweight.


“E kore e whakatane ahau i roto i te whawhai. Broken nose, rara pakaru, pakaru te mea. You would have to kill me in the ring before I ever quit.


“Titiro ahau whawhai whakamutunga a Kassi. He’s a good mover and switches a lot. The main thing I’m going to have to do is catch him when he’s flinching, no te mea te flinching ia i roto i te wahi.


“Kua hokona e ahau ki te hanga i te tauākī, me te whai ahau ki te hoatu ki ahau he pere mo te whawhai taitara ao. Title shots don’t come around every day so when they do you got to take them.


Julio Hiha Chavez

“Ko atu ngāwari, me te māia i roto i tona whakangungu Julio. It’s never too late to start over. I hope i runga i Rāhoroi e ka kite tatou i te Julio hou.


“E kore te mate ki a Fonfara i te tango ia ia ki raro, ka whakaara i te reira ia. Now he must take a new path and win in a dominant fashion.


“Kihai ahau i hiahia ki a ia te tango i te whawhai ki a Fonfara no te mea kahore ia ia i te kotahi taimaha, a ka haere mai atu e ia he tau o te hohekore.


“Whakaaro ahau e ko te taimaha tika mō Julio tenei. He is taking on a challenger who trains well and is young. Julio has the essential qualities to step ahead and forge a new path.



ROBERT Garcia, Chavez Jr.s’ Trainer

“Whakaaro ahau kua huihui mai nga mea katoa kia māmā nui ake i ahau e tūmanakohia. Julio is training every day, ngā sparring ia. He’s doing everything he has to do. It’s been easier than I ever expected.


“Tīmata tatou i 7:30 p.m. a haapii tatou noa 11 p.m. ētahi wā. He’s training so much. He loves to train. Sometimes he goes in my swimming pool and swims for 15 ranei 20 meneti.


“Junior kua tona kāhua ake, a kihai i haere au e ahau ki te huri i taua. I’m just correcting little things; te tino e kore e ia i tona matenga i roto i te mua o te hoariri i tana, a tuku patua ratou e ia kia rite ki ta ratou i tona tokorua whakamutunga o whawhai. I want him to use the jab a little more and move side to side.


“Aroha ana ahau ki te reira i roto i konei i roto i te Riverside. I own the whole property so my fighters all stay here. I nga hoiho matou, a te reira ata. It’s just so different than Oxnard where 40 ranei 50 whawhai i ahei te haere ki roto ki i tetahi wa.”




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Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Chavez Whakatairanga, i roto i te tahi TGB me Warriors Boxing, E utu i $200, $100, $75, $50 a $25 He tara a runga i te hoko inaianei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei te Center University Tikite i (915) 747-5234. Wātea i he hoki Tickets


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions MeSwanson_Comm, te whai i te aparauraa #ChavezReyes hei te tahi i runga i Facebook, i te whakamahi i a tirotiro i te Blog SHOWTIME Mekemeke ranei

Tuhinga o Los Angeles’ Whārangi e Center STAGE AS e WORLD tūturu Tuhinga LEO Santa Cruz ON o mua TUATORU-Tuhinga WORLD Tuhinga Apanere uwha ON PREMIER BOXING Champions ON ESPN 10 P.M. ET / 7 P.M. PT SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 AT Staples Center

Tīkiti I Sale Apopo!

Press Conference Hei Kauwhautia Ōkawa Whawhai e wahi NextRātū, Hōngongoi 14 I Plaza Mexico i roto i Los Angeles

Los Angeles (Hōngongoi 9, 2015) – Ko te tino tūmanako pupūtanga i waenganui i whetū tūturu Lion “Earthquake” Santa Cruz (30-0-1, 17 Koó) me te toa o mua toru-wehenga te ao Apanere Merehe (29-1-1, 15 Koó) Ko e pā rite ki nga whetu e arohaina ana e rua e karanga Southern California e whawhai te kāinga i roto i to ratou ake iāri i Center Staples i Los Angeles onSaturday, August 29 ora i roto i te primetime i runga i ESPN. Teata rohe hoki tenei kaupapa tatari roa e haamata i 10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT.


Ki te whana mea atu, he ka tuwhera-ki-te-tūmatanui tahi whakawhitiwhiti me te pēhi i te amuiraa e puritia muri Rātū, Hōngongoi 14 i 4:30 p.m. PT at Plaza Mexico in Los Angeles. Both Santa Cruz and Mares will be in attendance. E akiakitia ana te pā ki te tae wawe.


Tikiti mo te August 29 takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $25, $50, $75, $150 a $200, e kore e tae atu ki ngā utu e hāngai ana, me te utu ratonga, haere i runga i te hoko apopo Rāmere, Hōngongoi 10 i 10:00 a.m. (PST) i i te waea i ranei 888-929-7849 ranei i te tīmatanga Center Staples Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 11 i 10:00 ahau (PST).

“Ahau tino oaoa mo tenei whawhai, te reira i te whawhai i te pā tono hoki a ahau rite ki te hoatu ki a ratou ta ratou e hiahia ana – he whakaaturanga nui, me te nui atu te whakaoranga,” ka mea Merehe. “L.A. Ko toku fare, Ako'i ahau i konei, tupu ake i konei, me te ahau rite ki te whakaatu i tenei pa, me te ao nei e ko ahau te Sharing. I’m proud to be part of this great event on ESPN at Staples Centers. Boxing is bigger than ever. Whatever you do, e kore e mahue ki tenei whawhai.


Fanauhia i roto i te Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, e whawhai i roto i Downey, Calif., Whakamatau tuatahi uwha taitara ao koura i roto i 2011 ka whiua e ia a Joseph Agbeko ki te riro i te taitara whā ao. Tonu ia i tona ara ake te rārangi ki te whakauru ia mo Anselmo Moreno me Daniel Ponce De Leon pauna-no te-pauna ki te riro taitara ao i te whā super me te rima tekau mā whitu te whakaatu i. Ko te 29-tau-tawhito, kua riro whawhai e toru tae atu i tona ahua tuatahi PBC i roto i te wikitoria ki runga ki Arturo Reyes i Maehe tika. Ka titiro ia ki te tāpiri i tetahi taumata mahi, me te tango i te mana whakamanamana oire na roto i te hinga i te hinga Santa Cruz.


“Te tikanga kia nui tenei whawhai ki ahau, no te mea e matau ana ahau ki te mea te mea te pā kua tatari hoki,” Na ka mea a Santa Cruz. “Te whai wāhi ki te whawhai i Center Staples ki te toa Mexican, me te toa nui i roto i te Apanere Merehe ko tetahi e whakamahere ahau i runga i tango rawa fakamātoato. Kua matou faaineine mo tenei taime mo te wa roa, me te ahau na koa te reira te hopea konei. Kei te haere te win ki te tango i tetahi o tatou ki te taumata muri.”


He toa te ao e rua-wehenga ki te kāhua tahi-friendly, te-tau 26-tawhito Santa Cruz riro tana taitara tuatahi te ao i roto i 2012 i mua i te tāpiri i tetahi atu whitiki i roto i 2013, i awhina ia ia e wha nga wa. Hinga ano he pro, Ka neke Santa Cruz ake i roto i te taimaha i roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga, me te hoatu ngā patua Jose Cayetano i runga i te undercard utu-ia-tirohanga o te record-whawhati Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao whawhai. Whanau a whakaarahia i roto i te Los Angeles ki ngā mātua Mexico, Santa Cruz anga te wero uaua o tona mahi, ina ia tapawhā atu ki nga Merehe toa Mexico.


Haere mai ana tēnei whawhai taikaha ki te primetime i runga i ESPN i tetahi o nga wāhi tino wehi i roto i te Los Angeles i roto i te Center Staples. Santa Cruz vs. Uwha tonu te hītori tü o te runga whawhai rohe whakataetae i roto i te mua o te ino na pā mekemeke Los Angeles, e tohu te whawhai tuatahi i Center Staples i tata e toru nga tau. Ko te whawhai whakamutunga i te ao rongonui ka tango te wahi i runga i Noema 10, 2012 a ngā Santa Cruz, a Merehe e rua i roto i nga ngā matua, me te tahi-matua.


“Katoa o matou i konei i Center Staples kore i taea e atu oaoa ki te manaaki i tenei whawhai whakaponohia i roto i te Shortland Los Angeles,” Lee Zeidman, Peresideni, Pokapū Staples. “Ko te he honore ki te whai i enei toa pūmanawa e rua i roto i Merehe me Santa Cruz kawea i tenei a'ee ki to ratou kainga, me te ki o ratou kaiwhaiwhai katoa konei i roto i te Southern California, ka kore ai tena hei po hītori mō te mekemeke.”


We’re honored to bring this highly anticipated showdown between Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares to the great Southern California boxing fans,” ka mea a Tom Brown o TGB Whakatairanga. “Leo and Abner have risen to the top of the sport and this much talked about battle at the STAPLES Center is a fight not to be missed.


I tua atu ki te kaupapa, me te tahi-matua hui matua o te ahiahi, Ka e kauwhautia hohoro, Ka kawea kia ora pāngia undercard tīpako i runga i ESPN3. Ka televise ano ESPN Deportes te whawhai ora hei wāhanga o ona Whawhai Night ka tapae raupapa, me ESPN International kapinga ora puta noa i ona whatunga i roto i te Latin America, Brazil, te Karipiana me te-Kiwa. Ka hoki hei kapinga Live wātea i roto i WatchESPN i runga i ngā rorohiko, smartphones, papa, Amazon Fire TV a Fire TV Pou, Apple TV, Chromecast, Tau, Xbox 360 a Xbox One mā te kaiwhakarato ataata hono.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ LeoSantaCruz2AbnerMares, ESPNBoxing, STAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions ASwanson_Comm, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i, a A pee i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConESPN.

Antonio Tarver, JR. Whawhai i roto i te atarangi o tona papa

Amanaki ki te kanohi Julian Valerio tenei Rāhoroi i roto i te Tampa po

Antonio Tarver, JR. rite noa tona papa taea anganga


Tampa (Hōngongoi 9, 2015) – Amanaki whitu tekau Junior Antonio Tarver, JR. (2-0, 2 Koó), tama a toa e rima-wā te ao Anthony “Magic te tangata” Tarver, tonu ki te whawhai i roto i te atarangi i tona papa rongonui o tenei Rāhoroi i roto i te Tampa po.


-Tau 27-tawhito te Tarver anga Julian Valerio (2-3) i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa a'ee atu-pouaka whakaata i runga i te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i ESPN whakaatu, headlined e Keith Thurmanvs. Luis Collazo, i USF Sun Dome.


Tarver Jr. tupu-ake i roto i te tata Daytona Beach me ia tata nekehia i Tampa te wahi hoki e ora i tona papa. Kua ratou whakangungua e rua i roto i te Miami ki Orlando Cuellar. “Tenei whawhai te tikanga o te rota ki ahau,” Tarver Jr. mea. “Ahau he kuao, toa te tangata i te rave'a nui ki te whawhai ki runga-a-haere mai Rāhoroi i roto i te mua o te utuafare e, e mau hoa te po. Ko te anake te puku e rua haora-i Daytona Beach. Te hinaaro nei ahau ki te whakawhetai ESPN, Al HAYMON me te katoa atu o tei tauturu i te tiki i ahau i runga i tenei kāri. Sparred ahau ki a ia (Valerio) e rua tau ki muri. Pea ka mau ia i tenei whawhai, no te o taua wātū sparring, engari kua hokona e ahau he ohorere nui hoki ia Rāhoroi po.”


Ko te fightin’ Tarvers

He maha pai me ngā raruraru i “Magic te tangata” rite tou papa, tautautefito ki he taimi he kaha tonu ia, toa-te ao o te piha haapiiraa. “Ahau toku tangata ake,” Ua haamaramarama Tarver Jr. ko wai te kaitākaro poitūkohu kolisí tae noa whakamatauria e ia ki tona papa, i tino whakatapua ia ki te mekemeke. “Ko ia atu tātai; Ahau tere no te mea ahau ki te whitu tekau teina, me te te e ia he taumahamaha. Ko ia he poto ārai, me te au mahi ahau i uaua i nga ra katoa ki te whakapai ake i toku korero. E kore ahau e maka i tetahi pēhanga ki runga ki ahau i rite ki tana tama. Ka korerotia e tonu ia ki ahau ki te whakatutuki i toku moe, Kua hokona e ahau ki te pakeke te mahi, te ranea o toku take, whakawaha ana katoa ki toku pūkenga me toi.


“Kua anake ahau i 10 whawhai i roto i toku mahi katoa (2 ngaio, 8 amateur) a tamata e ahau ki te hopu-ake ki te katoa atu te hunga e nui ake wheako i roto i te whakakai. Ko e ahau toku papa korero i roto i toku taringa ki te whakaaro i te katoa o tona wheako, me he kaiwhakangungu nui i roto i te Orlando. E haere te iwi ki te kite i ngā rerekētanga nui i toku rua whawhai tuatahi. Au rite mo tenei whawhai!”


Papa o Antonio he fiefia e pā ana ki te whawhai ngaio tuatoru o tana tama,. “Ko te mana'o whakapehapeha ki te whai huringa o taku tama, ki roto ki te toa e hiahia ana ia ki te hei tenei,” uru ia. “Te mahi maro atu i Junior tangata. Ngā whakatapua e ia,, arotahi me katoa o taua homai ki ahau he ongo ngāwari tūturu. Katoa te mahi ahau he korero ki a ia ki te āwhina ia ia hinengaro. E kore e taea te whawhai ki ahau mo ia, engari e taea e ahau te arata'i ia, e ia nga akauroa tika tumanako. Kua mea katoa ia ia e haere hoki ia – taranata, me tona matenga i runga i tika. E kore ahau e manukanuka ki whiwhi ia i roto i te raru. Ko ia he momo rerekē o te toa, toku fakahoko nui rite te tangata, a ka ahau tino fiefia e pā ana ki tona heke mai i roto i tenei kēmu.


Nga Tarvers ki te kaiako

Jimmy Williams

“Ko ia hoa Keith Thurman te sparring matua mo tona whawhai, me i reira ko tetahi buzz i to ratou wā sparring. Keith ko tetahi i te rawa taitamariki whawhai i roto i te ao o, a hoatu ana Junior ia nga mea katoa i taea e ia hapai i. Korerotia e ahau ki a Junior te wa katoa e kore e ko te rite i te whawhai i taua sparring. E kore e Sparring tiki utua koe toa ranei. E mohio ana Junior e i roto i te whawhai e ia ki te mahi i te mea e ia mahi kia pakeke i runga i roto i te whare hākinakina. Ko te haapiiraa ia i haapii i te sparring ki a Keith hanga māia ake Junior.”

Tarver Jr. Kua whakaako kua i roto i Tampa i te kaiako i taua, 86-tau-tau Jimmy Williams, ko wai whakangungua Tarver Kaumātua hoki. i te ia 12.


“Nga whawhai ko te wero, me te whakamātautau rite Antonio te mahi ki tona ara ake te arawhata mekemeke,” Cuellar kōrero. “Ki tona iti wheako runaruna, A Antonio kua ki te ako i runga i te mahi, cramming hoki nga tamataraa hinengaro, me te tinana kia e ka te aroaro o. Te ngākau nui, me te whakatapua runga i te kaupapa ōrite ia. Mea Antonio ki te whai i nga taputapu katoa ki te hanga i te oma pai. E tika tatou kōeke tona Hōngongoi 11th mahi, me te haere atu i reira.”


Ka rite ki te mea Tarver Jr. e hiahiatia ana tetahi atu faaururaa, e ia tika e rite ki te matua ki-kia hoki te wa tuatahi i tenei Mahuru. “Ko te rā e tika ana mo toku tamaiti iti, ko te Mahuru 17,” ia tāpiri. “Kua i ue'i ahau noa atu.”


Antonio Tarver me te kaiwhakangungu Orlando Cuellar


Te reira te tikanga hoki e Tarver-tau 46-tawhito, Sr. e whawhai i muri i tenei tau, ano he papa ruau, i runga i tona titauraa ki te riro i te toa matamua ao taumahamaha i roto i te hītori mekemeke.


“Au na fiefia mo Junior engari hoko he papa ruau e kore e meinga e ahau ite tau,” Tarver Kaumātua. mutu. “Ko ia te ngeru rerekē. Au ārai ia e ahau i te hanga i te mau hape i hanga e ahau. Kua noho ia mō te rima tau me tona hoa wahine, me e inaianei, kua ratou i te tamaiti. Kihai i taea e ahau e fiefia. Ko te wa nui hoki ahau tenei. A, no te Ahau e whakatau ki te mutu, Ka ki a ia e ahau ringa i te rama, tonu wera, a kia kite a pehea tawhiti rere ia ki a reira.




@ Tarver25


@ MagicMan5XChamp

Roy Jones Jr. Vs Tony Moran Press Conference hoatu e no te Wenerei 22 Hōngongoi.

Kaiwhakatairanga Stephen Vaughan Jr. kauwhautia tenei ra e te amuiraa press mo te Roy Jones Jr. Tony Moran Championship a'ee versus, e e wahi i te Aintree Equestrian Centre, i roto i te Liverpool i runga i Rāhoroi 12th Mahuru, Ka tango i te wahi i te Bierkeller, 6 Thomas urungitia Way, Liverpool L1 8LW i 1:30pm i runga i te Wenerei 22nd Hōngongoi.


I te hanga i te faaararaa, Mr. Vaughan, mea. "Ko te tino honore ki te he i te rongonui Roy Jones Jr. haere mai i runga i a whawhai i roto i Ingarangi mo te wā tuatahi, ara pai e to tatou whawhai ki a ia tika konei i roto i te Liverpool i runga i tetahi o matou whakaaturanga, ki tetahi o tatou iho tamariki rohe, Tony Moran, i runga i te 12th Mahuru.


Otiia i mua i te whiwhi tatou ki te kite i te Poutohu ia i roto i te mahi, tuatahi to tatou i te amuiraa press, e tango i te wahi i te Bierkeller i Liverpool Kotahi.


Haunga Roy a Tony ka whai ano tatou i nga tamariki katoa i te taha te kāinga o te kāri, me te torutoru o ratou hoariri i roto i te tae atu rawa.


Tenei ka he tuwhera Press Conference kia katoa he mai ki mai haere. "




Time & Rā: 1:30pm i runga i te Wenerei 22nd Hōngongoi 2015


Tauwāhi: Amo Keller, 6 Thomas urungitia Way, Liverpool L1 8LW


I roto i te tae:


Roy Jones Jr. versus Tony Moran

MBC International Cruiserweight Championship


Paora Economides (17-5-0) versus kake Ankrah (24-5-0)

Mekemeke Federation World Intercontinental Super whā Championship


Tasif Khan (10-1-2) versus Ihaka Quaye (27-11-1)

Mekemeke Federation World International Super mā Championship


WBU Junior World Super whā Champion Stevie Quinn Jr. (7-2-0) (Hoariri TBA)


Hinga Kōmāmā Prospect Antonio Counihan (7-0-0) (Hoariri TBA)


Hinga Prospects tekau mā Jay Carney (2-0-0) versus Mathew Fitzsimons (1-0-0)


Hinga tekau mā Prospect Rawiri Agadzhanyan (5-0-0) (Hoariri TBA)


Hinga Heavyweight Prospect Rob Beech (5-0-0) (Hoariri TBA)


Whitu: Nick Quigley (13-2-0) versus Natana Katara (4-0-0)


Marama Heavyweight: Lee Boyce (2-1-0) versus Matthew Pepper (1-9-0)


Welterweight: Dayle Gallagher (1-0-0) versus Matt Scriven (14-89-1)


Tāpiri debuting boxers: Whā; Tom Bell, Marama Heavyweight; Liam Milner me Welterweight; Lee Monaghan


Tickets, utu £ 40, £ 60, £ 100 a VIP Ringside £ 150 mo te Stephen Vaughan Whakaū Roy Jones Jr. Tony Moran MBC International Cruiserweight Championship hui Poutohu haere i te Aintree Equestrian Centre i Liverpool i runga i Rāhoroi Mahuru versus 12th 2015 E wātea ana inaianei, karanga 0333 200 0905 te hoko ranei i runga i te raina i a


Hoki, mo tenei hui e angalelei o te Mekemeke Komihana Malta -

Antonio TARVER ME STEVE Cunningham ki te whakatau I taumahamaha Tuhinga ON PREMIER BOXING Champions ON te Koi AT PRUDENTIAL Center I Newark, New Jersey ON PARAIRE, AUGUST 14 AT 9 P.M. ET / PT

Cruiserweight World Champion Marco Huck Takes On

Tūturu nguha Kryzsztof Glowacki

Tīkiti I Sale Rāmere!

Newark, Nj (Hōngongoi 9, 2015) – Whakaturia toa mua ao e ki tutuku rite Anthony “Magic te tangata” Tarver (31-6, 22 Koó) e i runga i Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-7, 13 Koó) i roto i te pupūtanga 12-a tawhio noa taumahamaha rite Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i Koi haere mai ki Center Prudential i Newark, New Jersey i runga i Rāmere, August 14.


Kapinga teata i runga i Koi haamata i 9 p.m. AND/PT with cruiserweight world champion Marco Huck (38-2-1, 26 Koó) squaring off against undefeated Polish standout Krysztof Glowacki (24-0, 15 Koó) i roto i te 12-a tawhio noa a'ee taitara cruiserweight. Ngā ano e nguha taumahamaha o whakaongaonga Arthur Pin (19-1, 14 Koó) titiro hoki tona knockout tika te toru o.


Haamata mahi Undercard i 6:00 p.m. AND ki te tatau te whakatuwhera i 5:30 p.m. AND.


“Au fiefia ahau ki te hei wahi o tenei whawhai nui i runga i te Koi,” said Tarver. “Ahau e tango atu tetahi i Steve Cunningham, who is a proven veteran who is always in good shape. Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai nui. This is a challenge I wanted and needed. August 14, Kei te haere ahau ki te kia mohio te iwi ka ano e ahau te 'Magic.”


“Ko te whawhai kua hiahia ahau mo te wa roa tenei,” Said Cunningham. “Ko te ingoa nui i roto i te te mekemeke Tarver me au titiro atu ahau ki tenei pere. I do my talking in the ring. August 14, kia rite hoki he whawhai nui. The USS Cunningham will be prepared for battle because this is an opportunity of a lifetime.


Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, Ko $150, $100, $70 a $45, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te utu whare, ka haere i runga i te hoko Rāmere, Hōngongoi 10 i 10 a.m. mā, tiaki i te waea i 1-800-745-3000 tetahi ranei putanga Ticketmaster. Kia hoki kia hokona ngā tīkiti i te tari pouaka timatanga Center o Prudential Rāhina, Hōngongoi 13 i 11 a.m.


“I August 14, Ake Antonio Tarver o Koi e nga mea katoa i runga i te raina ki te ranga Steve 'USS’ Cunningham i roto i te matchup taumahamaha e ko te pau-win mō whawhai e rua,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. “He hunga whakakake e ka whakatuwhera i te whakaatu ki te whetu cruiserweight ao Marco Huck tiakina tona aoniu cruiserweight mo te wā tuatahi i runga i US tatou. oneone ki tūturu kaiwero Polish Krzysztof Glowacki.”


Antonio is a true champion behind the microphone and inside the ring,” Na ka mea a Jon Slusser, Senior Vice te peresideni, Sports, Koi TV. “It’s only fitting that Spike televise this great event between Tarver and Cunningham. We’re looking forward to an exciting night of boxing.


“He harikoa ki te pōwhiri Pirimia Boxing Champions ka Koi ki Center Prudential tenei raumati rite tonu tatou i ki te whakawhānui i to tatou hōtaka hākinakina ora tatou,” Na ka mea a Sean Saadeh, Executive Vice te peresideni, Fakafiefiá mo Center Prudential Papatonotanga. “Ko te rite whakaongaonga Live mahi taumahamaha rite riro te reira i roto i te mekemeke me te titiro tatou i mua ki te minenga tākare i Newark, a huri noa i te ao.”


-Tau 46-tau te Tarver, he toa te ao o mua i te taumahamaha te marama, nana nei i mahi rite ki te kaitātari ringside i runga i te katoa e wha PBC i runga i ngā kāri Koi, titiro ki te hanga i tana tohu i runga i te wehenga taumahamaha. He mētara parahi mo te U.S. i te 1996 Olympics, Tahuri pro Tarver i roto i 1997 a riro ana te tuatahi 16 whawhai ngaio. I roto i te 2003 riro ia tona taitara tuatahi te ao na roto i te hinga Montell Griffin, a i roto i 2004 ka waiho ia hei te tangata tuatahi ki te knockout Roy Jones Jr. Ko te Tampa, Kua riro Florida-Māori whawhai tika wha pane ki tenei matchup me tino tata patua Johnathon Banks i te knockout a tawhio whitu.


E tohu ana i te whawhai pa nui o Philadelphia, Ka titiro Cunningham ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu i te poto noa peia ake te he halá i tona pa. He toa te ao o mua i te cruiserweight, patua e ia a Krzysztof Wlodarczyk i roto i 2006 ki te hopu i tona whitiki i mua i te parururaa i tona taitara ki Marco Huck mā te TKO te tekau ma rua-a tawhio noa. Ka ano ia he toa ao i roto i 2010 ka mutu ia ia Troy Ross i roto i te rima o tawhio noa. Te nuinga tata te-tau 38-tau patua toa i mua hinga Amir Mansour me Natu Visinia.


He pro mai 2004, the 30-year-old Huck will make his U.S. waiata i runga i Aug. 14 ina tohe ia tona taitara cruiserweight i Newark. Tona kapiti tuatahi i te taitara te ao, ko te kotahi angitu rite patua e ia a Victor Ramirez i Aug. 2009. Ka haere ia ki runga ki ki te paruru i tona taitara waru nga wa i mua i neke ake i roto i te taimaha ki te wehenga taumahamaha. Hoki ia ki te cruiserweight i roto i 2012 a horo tetahi taitara ao na roto i te hinga Firat Arslan. Serbian-whanau, but fighting out of Berlin, ka meinga e ia te wha o nga korero o tona taitara i runga i Aug. 14.


He pro mai 2008, Ko te Whawhai, Ina tae mai ia ki a Newark i runga hanga Glowacki whanau Poland-tona tīmatanga tuatahi i waho o tona whenua Māori Aug. 14. Haere ana i te-tau 28-tawhito, kua i roto i contenders Matty Askin, Varol Vekiloglu a Thierry Karl i runga i tona ara ki te pere i te taitara te ao. Te nuinga tata riro ia i te whakatau loto ki runga ki te a'usia Nuri Seferi i Jan. 2015.


-Tau 26-tawhito te Szpilkawill titiro ki te hanga i runga i tona tino tata PBC i runga i te angitu Spike, i homai e iaRāmere knockouts te po i roto i te Paenga-whāwhā, me te Pipiri mo Ty Cobb me Manuel Quezada, aua. Haere mai nui wikitoria o te taumahamaha Polish i roto i te Noema 2014 ka patua e ia te nguha fuoloa Tomasz Adamek i te whakatau loto. Hoki ia ki te whawhai i roto i te New Jersey mo te rua o nga wa i roto i tona mahi i roto i te August.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, www.PruCenter.coma, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, AntonioTarver, USSCunningham, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, PruCenter, SpikeTV MeSpikeSports, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,


Mō Center Prudential

He wāhi hākinakina-ao te piha, me te fakafiefia kei roto i te taone Newark Center Prudential he, New Jersey. Ka puaki i roto i te Oketopa 2007, te ao kāwanatanga-o-te-toi, ko te whare o theNational Hockey League o (NHL) e toru-te wā Stanley Cup Champion New Jersey rewera, Hōtaka NCAA Division ahau nga tangata o Basketball Seton Hall University o, me te neke atu i te 175 kōnohete, whakaaturanga te utuafare me ngā motuhake ia tau. Runga i roto i te Runga 10 motu e Pollstar, Pānui me te wāhi o teie mahana, Mohio Center Prudential te rite ki tetahi o nga wāhi pirimia i roto i te United States, a ka manako 1.75 miriona manuhiri ia tau. Mō ētahi atu pārongo e pā ana ki Center Prudential, toronga a Facebook, a ka whai iPruCenter i runga i Twitter.


Brooklyn (Hōngongoi 8, 2015) – Toa o mua rua-wehenga te ao Paulie “Ko te Magic te tangata” Malignaggi, toa whitu tekau te ao Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment Lou DiBella me CEO o Barclays Center Brett Yormark ka mau te wā i tenei ra ki te matapaki i te Pirimia Mekemeke Champions ka ū mai i runga i ESPN whawhai tango te wahi Rāhoroi, August 1 i Center Barclays.


Malignaggi (33-6, 7 Koó) Ka fehangahangai tūturu Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 Koó)i roto i te hui headlining i runga i ESPN.


Jacobs (29-1, 26 Koó) ka tiakina e tona taitara ki te toa o mua te ao Sergio “Ko te Latin Snake” Mora (28-3-2, 9 Koó) i roto i te kaiwahi i afata teata i runga i ESPN te timatanga i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, E utu i $250, $150, $75 a $45, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E wātea ana i ngā tīkiti, a, i te American Express Box Office i Center Barclays. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. No te tīkiti rōpū, tēnā karanga 800-GROUP-bk.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, www.barclayscenter.coma Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter ASwanson_Comm, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,,, A pee i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConESPN me #BrooklynBoxing.




“Ite e ahau pai, tino pai e tika i teie nei. Kua tēnei kua tetahi o nga puni pai kua ake ahau i roto i toku mahi. Kihai i matou anake i mahi pakeke tino, engari ano hoki tino atamai. Kua haere mai ahau i runga i hoki-ki-hoki puni, me te ite pono ahau nui.


“To tatou te tahi mau tinihanga e firi i to mo tenei whawhai. Ko ahau rawa hari ki taua ara ahau titiro ahau me te ongo. Rā e haere i ahau i roto i reira, me te tika maka ana i roto i te mahi. Au e kore e overthinking ahau tenei whawhai, Au noa ahau e maka ana i roto i taua mahi i te whare hākinakina, a ki te ara ite ahau me te titiro, Ahau rawa māia. I ahau i te kaha whaiaro whakapono-. Whakapono pono ahau i roto i ahau, me toku aravihi. Ki te kahore i ahau, E kore e waiho e ahau i konei.


“E hiahia ana ahau ki te ora, me te mate i aku whakaritenga ake, me i he pehea i hanganga e ahau i tenei puni. Kua whakarongo ahau ki toku tinana, me te whakarongo ki ahau. Kei te mahi tatou i runga i nga mea rerekē i roto i rua whakangungu toku mekemeke me toku kaha, me te conditioning.


“Kua kite ahau i pakaritanga me ngā ngoikoretanga katoa i runga i Danny [Garcia]. A, no te mataara e ahau i te whawhai, I see it a lot deeper than most people. So when I watch Danny, Kite ahau i te rota o te mea rerekē. E kore ahau e hiahia whiwhi ki te rawa nui ki reira, engari i reira he mea i kite matou i e mahi tatou i runga i āta i roto i tenei puni ki te whakatinana me te whakanui ana hoki i tino August 1.


“Center Barclays i roto i toku whare. Whawhai konei homai ki ahau e hihiri anō. Fighting i Barclays, i roto i te mua o toku hoa katoa, me te te utuafare, te reira e kore e tika whiwhi pai i to taua.”



“Ko te puni nui tenei ka e rite ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu nui mai tatou August 1. I feel comfortable as a champion. Kaua tiki ahau he, ina ahau te tuatahi riro toku taitara ko reira tino surreal, engari ite tonu ahau kia rite ki te toa ki raro hohonu i roto. He he te tahi mea e te kaitahu i roto o ahau kua whakaaetia e ki ahau ikuna'i nga tutukitanga waewae i roto i toku ora, a ki ahau, e te aha hanga he toa.


“Ahau aroha he wahi o PBC. Kahore he feaa i roto i toku ngakau tupu e kua toku rongonui mai toku ahua tuatahi i runga i te kāri PBC. Kei te pa tatou i te mano nui teina, me te rerekē, me te tatauranga atu i te aroaro o, a he mea nui noa mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke.


“Ko te whawhai uaua tenei. Mora Ko te taata tamatahia, e matau ana ahau ko ia rawa hiakai mo tenei faingamālie. Ko ia rorirori, me he puare ia. Kei a ia tere pai, me te werohanga pai. To tatou ki te kia tupato, me te piri ki to tatou mahere kēmu. Kei te mea te iwi e taea e tenei e te whawhai uaua o toku mahi, me tatou e whakangungu ki taua pakirehua.


“Ki te he wini i roto i tenei whawhai, Tui mo'oni ahau e ko te rangi te rohe. He Kei te ki te rota o te whawhai nui i roto i reira e hanga i roto i te wehenga, engari mārama, te taata matua hoki ahau e Pita Quillin. Ko te whawhai i hiahia ahau mo te wa roa, a ka he te reira he whawhai nui mō te mekemeke, engari rawa hoki New York.


“Ko taku tukufakaholo i roto i toku ringa ake. Ētahi o nga whawhai nui i roto i te hākinakina kei roto i te wehenga whitu tekau tika i teie nei. I ngā tenei wāhi ahakoa, te whawhai Quillin ko te kōwhiringa tino moni hoki ahau. E kore ahau e titiro ahau mua tetahi tangata, rawa e kore e Sergio Mora, engari ko te whawhai e hiahia ana ahau, te hinaaro nei te ao mekemeke, Te hinaaro New York, e te hinaaro nei Center Barclays.”



“I tua atu ki enei whawhai nui e rua, Ko tatou whakakake ki te kauwhau i tapiritia matou ake tūturu tiaturiraa o Brooklyn taumahamaha Arama Kownacki (10-0, 9KO o) ki te kāri, me te rite ki tetahi o nga opuaraa runga i roto i te kēmu tika i teie nei, Ko te Brooklyn Rocky, Frank Galarza (17-0-2, 11KO o). He harikoa ki te kauwhau i te tua o te tino whai whakaaro mai ano tatou ki runga-a-haere mai Puerto Rican tiaturiraa Prichard Colon (14-0, 11KO o), ko wai e tānaki nui ki te undercard, e kua ngā whetu wahine tūturu Heather “Ko te Heat” Hardy, me te kopuratanga o nga opuaraa taumahamaha te marama tūturu, A Brooklyn Travis Peterkin (15-0, 7KO o) ki ma'ona Lenin Castillo (12-0, 7KO o).


“Ko te he honore hoki ahau ki te kia te whakatairanga i tetahi kāri i Center Barclays, kua meinga nei i roto i oku kanohi i te wāhi rongonui mō te mekemeke me te waiata i roto i te whenua katoa. Ko te he e pai nui ki ahau mo te mahi ki a Brett me nga tangata katoa i runga i tona kapa. Ko ratou nga pai i roto i te kēmu.


“Te whānui kei te haere ki te whai i te whai wāhi tūturu ki te kite i rua tino pai, whakataetae whawhai. Titiro, tenei (Danny Garcia vs. Paulie Malignaggi) Ko te whawhai rawa uaua. Kua titiro Danny he moka whakaraerae i roto i tona mua torutoru whawhai, a ka neke ia ki runga i roto i te taimaha ki te whawhai ki te Welterweight mahi tūturu. Mea atu ki ta te hiahia koe e pā ana ki Paulie, otiia e kore e taea e ui e koe tona ngakau hiahia ki te toa ranei. Ko te māhorahora ana ki te he underdog Paulie, kua ia te underdog tona ora katoa. Ki te Paulie, e mohio ana koe e kore e whiwhi koe i tetahi mea iti iho i te 110 ōrau. Wha tau ki muri i hanga e inanahi e ia tona pro-tuatahi i runga i tetahi o toku kāri, a ahau whakakake o taua meka ahau. Ko te pono he honore hoki ki ahau e te whakatairanga i tona whawhai ki a Danny Garcia i runga i August 1.


“Te tahi-āhuatanga ōrite-ake ko te whawhai rawa tūmomo. E koe e rua o nga middleweights pai i roto i te ao i roto i te Danny Jacobs me Sergio Mora. Just rite te hui matua, Ko te whawhai rawa uaua tenei. Sergio he tino hiakai. Kua tatari ia mo tenei pere mō tau. Ko te faahiahia noa kōrero o Danny. Kia pehea te pakeke kua mahi ia ki te tiki i konei, a ka riro he faahiahia noa te taitara ao. Ko ia he toa e rua roto me waho o te whakakai, a te reira pono he honore ki te kia mahi ki a ia. Ko te mea nui e pā ana ki te whakatairanga i enei ngā PBC. I ahau i te whai wāhi ki te mahi ki a te whakatairanga etahi nga toa rahi me te nuinga pūmanawa o roto i te hākinakina, i roto i te whawhai whakaongaonga, me te whakataetae.”



“He tino oaoa hoki tenei katoa o tatou i Center Barclays August 1 kāri. Ko tenei he tūāpapa nui mo tatou, me te whare whakatairanga i ano tetahi atu hui PBC faahiahia. Ko ahau fakatāutaha fiefia mo te takahanga. Rite te utuafare ki ahau Paulie me Danny e, me ahau lāngilangi'ia mo'oni ki te whai ia ratou i roto i te hanga to tatou. To tatou taumu'á ke hei te wāhi pirimia i roto i te katoa o te mekemeke, ā, e mātātoa hanga tatou i te pana mo e, ki to tatou kāri tuatoru nui PBC i to tatou wāhi i tēnei tau.


“Mekemeke Ko to tatou karapu tuatoru, me nga Nets me Moutere, a ko te hunga whakakake o nga ngā nei i taea e matou ki te whai wāhi ki a tatou, a i roto i to tatou wāhi ataahua. Aroha mahi ahau ki a Lou, me tona kapa, kahore he kaiwhakatairanga pai i roto i te whenua, me te e titiro whakamua matou ki tetahi atu hui nui i runga i August 1 i runga i ESPN.”

PREMIER BOXING Champions ON ESPN Fighter MEDIA workouts korukī & Whakaahua

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Przemek Garczarczyk

Tampa (Hōngongoi 8, 2015) -Whawhai whakataetae i runga i Rāhoroi o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i ESPN puritia kāri workouts pāpāho i roto i te Tampa i tenei ra i te aroaro o ratou Hōngongoi 11 showdowns i te USF Sun Dome ki te kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.


Ka rua hui headlining tūturu Welterweight World Champion Keith “Kotahi te Time” Thurman (25-0, 21 Koó) ki te toa o mua te ao Luis Collazo (36-6, 19 Koó). Ka kite i te kaiwahi i teata whetū maranga tūturu Tony Harrison (21-0, 19 PRICES) tango i runga i te tere-fisted Willie Nelson (23-2-1, 13 PRICES). Whai wāhi hoki i roto i te tūmomo i te tama a te toa o mua ao Antonio Tarver, Antonio Tarver Jr. (2-0, 2 Koó) ko wai e whawhai i runga i te undercard.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te Warriors Boxing, E utu i $200, $150, $75, $50 a $25, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei mā te toro i te tari pouaka Sun Dome.


Tenei ko te aha te whai wāhi i ki te mea Wenerei:


KEITH Thurman


“He he rota ki te kōrero e pā ana ki tenei whawhai. Ko te take i te reira i runga i ESPN, Kei te haere te iwi ki te rangi-i roto i, a ka whai i ahau te whai wāhi ki te hanga atu pā, ka whakawhānui i toku turanga tahi. Ko te tetahi whiriwhiringa mo te whakarongo motu.


“Runga anō i pehea mahi koe, tou rakau haere ake. He wikitōria faahiahia ahakoa, e riro koe i te tino peke. Kua mahi ahau uaua ki te tiki i konei, ka hiahia ahau ki te kia mīharo.


“E whakapono ana ahau ka haere mai i te oaoa no te ahau, ina tomo ahau te ao, a ka rongo ahau ki nga whakahari o te mano oire. Kua whakawhiwhia mai ahau e te rota o te here e te faatura i te wāhi rerekē kua ahau whawhai i, ko reira kua he wa roa mai kua kua e ahau hoki ki te kāinga ngā.


“He he rota o te iwi i aru nei i taku mahi kahore i i i taea ki te kite i ahau, ora i roto i te mahi. Ko te take e ahau kawea mai e ahau i tenei whawhai te kāinga, Ahau noa whakaaro e pā ana ki, ka i Winky Wright reira; I Jeff Lacy reira; I Antonio Tarver reira; he mea nui ki ahau te reira fakaeongo ki te e taea ki te kawe mekemeke-ao o te piha haapiiraa hoki ki Tampa Bay.


“E rapu ana ahau i mua ki te mahi nui, me te tūmanako e taea tonu tatou kawe enei whawhai nui hoki ki Tampa Bay.”


Luis Collazo


“Taku faaineineraa i hoki 15 Whakatata na kei rite ki te haere i te tawhiti matou. Au konei ahau mo te haonga roa.


“Te tamata nei au ki te e tihorea atu ana te pouri ano. Ka taea e tetahi mea tupu i roto i tenei hākinakina, kotahi tokua e taea te whakamutu i nga mea katoa, kia ka kite tatou i te mea e tupu i runga i Rāhoroi.


“Ki te whawhai Khan whakakitea e ahau ki ahau pehea weriweri nui tonu i ahau mo te hākinakina. Tenei whawhai i konei, katoa te haere ki te kite i te tawhito Luis Collazo ano.


“Ahau e kore e rite ki te whakamahere i mua i te momo o te taata. Ahau te underdog me aroha ana ahau ki te i te underdog. Kua ahau te underdog toku ora katoa. Faauru te reira ahau ki te haere i roto i reira, ka whakaatu i nga pā i he taea i tetahi e kore e tika i roto i te whakakai, engari i roto i te ora.


“Kei te haere ahau ki te homai i te reira i taku katoa, e te Ko ahau te momo o te tangata. Kihai ahau i haere mai ki konei, no te tohanga kia tumanako ahau te ia ineine.”




“Ka Nelson o te rota o te ngakau. Au e kore e underestimating ahau ki a ia. Ahau e haere mai ahau i roto i roto i te runga hanga. I ahau i nga mea e kore ahau e te tikanga e mahi i roto i te whakangungu. Haere kauhoe ahau mo tenei puni. E matau ana tatou ki ta matou ki runga ki.


“E ka e ia te ngakau o te toa. Kua te patototanga ia i te aroaro o raro, engari ko te tangata ia hoki ki runga, a tīmata whawhai ano, kia mohio ai tatou ki matou ki runga, ki te toa uaua tūturu.


“Rite ki te kanohi i te taata o tenei ërä mo te wa roa kua ahau kua. Kua kua ahau sparring Gennady Golovkin, Andy Lee, K9, a Luis Collazo. Kua ahau i roto i ki te toa i mua i ahau noa tahuri pro. Kua ahau i roto i ki te pai, a i te mea i mahara ahau ki te mahi ki a ratou.


“He kanohi waia ki ahau i enei takatu katoa. Luis Collazo a Willie. Kua takatu enei ki raro, ki Kronk, ki te rākau hoki ahau. Kua ahau i runga i taua atamira, me te i te hunga pakanga i roto i te whare hākinakina kē, na ahau rite.


“Mana'o te reira nui hoki ki a Detroit kia hoki i runga i te mahere, me te whiwhi i te aronga i kua ngā ngaro hoki nga tau e maha. Ki te mea e taea e ahau te tangata ki te āwhina i roto i te whakatupuranga i muri o te whawhai Detroit, ka hanga i taua mea māmā hoki ki te wahi i a ratou i roto i pera waiho.”




“Kua puni Training kua pai. Kua sparred ahau ki te rota o te eé rerekē, tautautefito ki te hunga i taimaha atu ia ahau, a kua homai ki ahau etahi mahi nui.


“E matau ana Tony ki te whakamahi i tana tiketike i roto i te whakakai, engari au e ahau he toa roroa kia kore e taea e ki te mahi i te ki ahau e ia. Ko ia te puncher, e te aha feinga ia ki te mahi.


“Fakafou e ahau i roto i tetahi o te korero e ia. Ahau whaiaro-hihiri, me te mohio ana ahau ki te mea e hiahia ana ahau ki te mahi i ki i roto i reira. E kore e taea e ahau te tiki haurangi i ona rēreretanga no taua mahi kahore hoki ahau.


“E hiahia ana ahau ki te kia kotahi o nga boxers angitu i Ohio e tino mahi tahi mea. E hiahia ana ahau ki te hanga i toku tohu i roto i te kore noa mekemeke Ohio, engari wā mekemeke.


“E kore te mea i te whawhai uaua o toku mahi tenei ko te wero uaua te reira, haere ake ki te kuao, taata tūturu. Kua uaua toku whawhai katoa i na au e ahau whakamahia ki reira.


“'Oku Oaoa ki te waiho i runga i te taua kāri nui ahau, tena ko ahau e ahau inaianei whakamahia ki reira. E kore e nga rama tiki ki ahau. Kua PBC kua nui hoki te hākinakina, no te taea e nga tangata katoa tune-i roto i te ki enei whawhai.”


Antonio TARVER JR.


“Kua kua ahau whakangungu ki te toa ao Keith Thurman, a puritia e ahau toku ake i roto i reira. Kua he wheako nui.


“Ngā te mea ataahua ki te whawhai i te reira i roto i te āhua i toku fare. Au hari ahau ki te kia whawhai i te Sun Dome.


“Ko taku papa tonu tika i roto i toku taringa. Ngā wā katoa ki runga ki ahau e pā ana ki te korero, me te tiaki i ahau i roto i te whakakai.


“Ahau he southpaw nei i te he hai nohopuku. Ka taea e ahau hit uaua, me te counter tokua. Whakaaro ahau o ahau kia rite ki te mōkihi katoa.”


No te toronga pārongo, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, RealLuisCollazo, WarriorsBoxingProm AESPNBoxing, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i


Historic 'Las Vegas Sampson Boxing o en el Radisson’ Mekemeke a Poker Whakaatu Taking Hanga


Ko te taha ki te mekemeke o te pairing auaha, me te hītori kaiwhakatairanga Sampson Lewkowicz o o te mekemeke hākinakina Casino tino hira e rua me te poker, e tika ana “Las Vegas i te Radisson,” a whakaritea mo te wiki o te Rāhoroi, August 8, i te Victoria marae Hotel Radisson Montevideo i Montevideo, Uruguay, Kei te tango āhua.


Hui matua o te po i teie nei e tohu i tetahi atu i te tuatahi hītori, rite te wahine a pehu rongonui mua te ao toa Cecilia “Ko te Kuini” Comunales o Paysandu, Uruguay (12-1, 8 Koó), ka whai wāhi i roto i te whawhai whakakotahitanga tuatahi i roto i-te tau 100 hītori mekemeke o tona whenua te kāinga, rite e ia i runga i te Lepupelika o Lina Milagros Tejada (10-2, 8 Koó) mo te WBA me WBC Women o Super Kōmāmā International Toa i runga i 10 rauna.


Te Rāhoroi takahanga mekemeke, ropu te āhua-whiringa me whiringa o te whakataetae poker ao e whā ra-,


Pāho e VTV Uruguay, TyC i Argentina (tae atu ki ngā wāhi i roto i te United States) a TV Canal 4 i roto i te Panama, i roto i te afata teata pāngia tautoko i, ka waiho i te “Katoa Panama City” kēmu mauahara, rite whā super Rafael “Ko te Bull” Concepcion (18-7-1, 8 Koó) o Panama City, Panama, Ka wero comebacking toa mua ao maha Roberto “Ko te Pūngāwerewere” Vasquez (32-6-2, 22 Koó), hoki o Panama City. I roto i te a'ee Ngā tuatoru, Braulio “Ko te Kid” Lotilikuesí (17-1, 16 Koó) o La Romana, Dominican Republic, ka tangohia i runga i tomo Rios, A Argentina Marcos “Maquinita” Martinez (17-2, 5 Koó) i roto i te-rounder 10 mo te WBC Latin Super tekau mā Championship.


Welterweight Paetata Azael “Turbo” Cosio (19-3-2, 16 Koó) ka whakatuwhera i te haapurororaa i roto i te whawhai 10-a tawhio noa ki a Argentina Cristian Nestor Romero (15-7-1, 7 Koó).


Ko te taha ki te poker o tenei doubleheader ahurei o hākinakina Casino ka timata i runga i Rāpare, August 6, a kei te whakaritea e te Cam Poker Organization. I te Rāhoroi po, te poker ka mutu i 7 pm a ka timata te whakaaturanga mekemeke i 9 pm. Ka tū te whiringa toa o te whakataetae poker i runga i te Sabati.


Enrollees pee'utari i roto i te whakataetae poker e taea rēhita i, Ko te utu ko te $800. Ka taea e ngā kaitākaro anō-whakauru ki te whakakorea. Te utu ki te haere ki te mekemeke anake, ko te $200 ia-nohoanga, e hoki ngā tina.


I muri i te oma tino angitu ano he matchmaker me te kaitohutohu, Whakawhiti i runga Sampson Lewkowicz ki te taha whakatairanga o te mekemeke ngaio i roto i te Hānuere 2008.

Kua tupu Sampson Mekemeke ki tetahi o umanga whakatairanga tino whaimana o te ao, māngai maha pai whawhai a te ao, me te tino whaihua kuao contenders o.

He Sampson mekemeke hoa whakatairanga katoa i runga i Te Tai Tokerau me te South America, Africa, Asia, Aotearoa, Ahitereiria, Kua ngā huihuinga Europa me Central America, me Sampson Mekemeke teata i te taua whatunga tuatahitia rite HBO, Showtime, ESPN, VU. a rave rahi whatunga ao.

Tūturu Mauro Maximiliano Godoy ki tiakina WBO Latin & Āketina 140 taitara pauna tenei Rāmere i Buenos Aires, Argenti

i runga i

Buenos Aires, Argentina (Hōngongoi 8, 2015)Tenei Rāmere i roto i te Buenos Aires po, Argentina, tūturu me te ao runga, JR. Welterweight Mauro Maximiliano Godoy ka tiakina e te WBO Latin me Āketina 140 taitara pauna, ina e ia i runga i Xavier Luques Castillo.
Godoy o Centenario, Argentina e ha lekooti o 19-0 ki 8 knockouts a kua runga i tēnei wā maha-9 i te WBO.
Castillo o Cordoba, Argentina Ko 13-4 ki 4 knockouts.
“Mauruuru nei au no te whai wāhi ki te whawhai mō te Banner Whakatairanga ahau, a ka pūmatua ahau i runga i te te tahi i te hui nui,” Said Godoy.
“I ahau tūmanako nui. Castillo has fought internationally, na ko ha faingamālie ia ki te whakamatau taea whawhai ahau i te taumata tiketike. This will be a good fight but I will win the fight fight cleanly and emphatically.
He wikitōria ki runga ki Castillo ka whakaturia ake Godoy mo te whawhai nui i roto i te United States.
“Kua teuteu e ahau ki te hei i te i runga i te atamira nui i roto i te United States. This is a new opportunity with Banner Promotions. I will prove that I have the qualities to become a star.
Godoy ka te kawemai hou i Argentina ki te e taea ki te hanga i te ingoa nui hoki ia, e whai ake nei i roto i nga tapuwae o nga momo o Lucas Matthysse, Marcos Maidana a Diego Chaves.
“Ko ahau rite mo te momo o te whawhai e kua ratou i roto i. I know I am on the same level as those fighters. I am on the level to take any fight and fight everybody. I just want to fight the best.
“Noa e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku rōpū. I am glad that the fight can be seen online so I can prove to a large audience that I have worked very hard to realize my dream to become world champion.
The fight will be shown live on i 10 PM Eastern.


Te hui wheako tahi hopea e homai pā mekemeke te whai wāhi ki te whakatau-a-te oha runga whawhai, rongonui mekemeke me te iwi ahumahi i roto i te ake-tata, tautuhinga whaiaro

rite Vegas (Hōngongoi 8, 2015) – Former IBF welterweight champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter and top trainer Kenny Porter has confirmed that they will appearand have a booth at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the second annual Box Fan Expo that will take place Rāhoroi Sept.12, 2015. Ka hāngai te Boxing Expo ki te whawhai whakamutunga Floyd Mayweather Jr. o me Mexican Independence wiki.


Wikitōria mīharo o Porter mo Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner i runga i Hune 20 kua whakapumautia ia e kotahi ano rite ki tetahi o te kānapanapa whetu, me te runga boxers Welterweight i roto i te ao. Kei te whakangungua e ia, ka whakahaere e tona papa, Kenny Porter. Shawn Porter riro te IBF Welterweight taitara aito i runga i Hakihea 7, 2013 na roto i te hinga Devon Alexander. Porter ka tiaki i tona take mā te patuki i tetahi o nga whetu te runga i roto i te wehenga Welterweight, Paulie Malignaggi, i roto i te wha o tawhio noa. Hailing i Cleveland, Shawn Porter Ko te 2006 Taaoto High School paetahi, a muri iho e takaro tetahi o te tino whakapaipai mahi amateur i roto i te hītori US, I hanga ano e ia he whakawhitinga maeneene ki hoko ko ha ngaio i roto i 2008.


Ka whai Porter i tona tihokahoka etahi mahi ngahau, me te hokohoko mo ona pā ki te oaoa i me te hoko.


Te whakauru mai i te kaitiaki Pita “Chocolate Kid” Quillin, Ruslan “Siberian Rocky” Provodnikov, Terrible” Terry Norris, Joel “Brush” Casamayor, Taku “Ko te knockout” St. John, a “El Feroz” Fernando Vargas i roto i te tīmatanga o fafauraa ki Pouaka Fan Expo o tenei tau.


Tēnei hui wheako tahi ahurei, i whakaaetia pā ki te whakatau, me te oha ki pakiwaitara mekemeke, toa mua, me te nāianei, me te tahi atu rongonui o te hākinakina, Räkau Mahuru whakamutunga. I tēnei tau, ka rere i te Expo i 10 a.m. ki 5 p.m. a kotahi ano, tukua pā i te whai wāhi ki te kohikohi tëneti, tango whakaahua, me te hokohoko hoko, me memorabilia.
Exhibitors pērā i taputapu mekemeke, kakahu, Ka whai pāpāho päpäho me ētahi atu kamupene waitohu te hunga e hiahia ana ki te whai wāhi i te whai wāhi ki te whakaatu i ō rātou hua ki te pā, me te ahumahi mekemeke katoa.
Tuatahi Expo Pouaka Fan o tērā tau ngā etahi nga toa tino rongonui, me te rongonui mekemeke o roto i te aamu tata nei. Tukinotia pā i ki toronga ki a Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr, Sergio Martinez, Amir Khan, Zab Hura, Mikey Garcia, James Toney, Riddick Bowe, Leon Spinks Norris, Mau, Chris Byrd, Hehe James Leija, Lamon Brewster, Ray Mercer, Earnie Shavers, St-John, Erislandy Lara, Quillin, Jean Pascal a Austin te taraute. Ano putanga ko Champion WBC nāianei Deontay Wilder, te whai mana Vinny Pazienza, Paora Williams, tuhia te kaikōrero Al Bernstein me te kaiwhakangungu Roger Mayweather o Mayweather Whakatairanga.
Kia ka kauwhautia te rārangi o tae hoki o tenei tau Pouaka Fan Expo puta noa i nga marama e rave rahi i muri, me te wiki nui ki runga ki te hui.
Kei te wātea tuihono i tīkiti ki te Expo Pouaka Fan:
Tirohia te ataata promo mana o Box Fan Expo konei:

Tirohia Promo Matarere konei:
Taiwhanga Tirohia Photos 2014 i konei: /
Hoki tetahi i roto i te ahumahi mekemeke waitohu ranei kamupene e hiahia ana ki te whai wāhi, ka waiho i te tihokahoka hei exhibitor whai wāhitanga tautoko ranei, tēnā whakapā Pouaka Fan Expo i:
Tau waea U.S.A: (702) 997-1927 ranei (514) 572-7222

Hoki tetahi pātai tēnā īmēra:

E wātea ana i ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i te Expo Pouaka Fan:


Ka taea e koe te whai i Pouaka Fan Expo i runga i Twitter i:

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