Category Archives: mekemeke

GH3 tauākī Whakatairanga i runga i Jerry Odom hinga

Nutley, Nj (Hōngongoi 20, 2015) – Tenei mua Rāmere po i te Sands Casino Resort Peterehema, Jerry Odom (13-2, 12 KO o) I mutu i roto i te toru rauna i Samuel Clarkson (15-3, 9 KO o) i roto i te mea i mahara ki te waiho i te whawhai whakataetaengia i roto i te wehenga Super whitu tekau.
Odom o Washington, Hanga te DC i mea ai tona wahi, ki te whakatau i tona here kirimana, me te 168 pauna kirimana taimaha. Unfortunately Clarkson checked in over 4 pauna teitei i 172.8
I te ata- i muri paunatia i roto i te, Clarkson i anake mahara ki te kia 10 pauna i runga i te taimaha kirimana me kihai i taea te haere mai i roto i te i runga i 180 engari kotahi ano i taumaha i 184.6 pauna. Odom ko 173 pauna.
A, no ka takahia e ratou i runga i te tauine unoffical noa i te tahi haora i mua i te whawhai, Odom ko 175.8 ia Clarkson 189.7.
I mohio hoki ko te whawhai ki te hei i runga i te pouaka whakaata motu hei wāhanga o ShoBox: Ko te Generation New, GH3 Whakatairanga te peresideni Vito Mielnicki, i te tango atu tetahi i nga hua e hinaaro te ao ki te mohio, e hanga e ia he whakatau pakihi kino, me pokohiwi whakahenga te ki runga ki a ia mo te tuku Odom haere i roto i tahi i te whakataetae.
“Kia hatepea atu e ahau te whawhai ki te paunatia i roto i te i engari kia ahau meinga e toku toa te whakatau whakamutunga a Jerry hiahia ki te whawhai. I thought about it but wanted to give Jerry the opportunity to showcase that he is one of the best Super Middleweights out there,” Said Mielnicki.
“Whakapono ana ahau tonu i roto i te Jerry rite nui, ki te kahore atu ka meatia e ahau i te aroaro o te whawhai. He showed that he wont back down from anybody. He was in there with a Cruiserweight and against my better judgement, Tukua ahau te whawhai tupu. I signed options with Clarkson and I am looking to do the rematch on television at the proper weight of 168 pauna. Ki te mohio hoki ia ki e kia ia haere mai i roto i na runga i te rohe taimaha, te ngaio taea e ia i tae mai ki a matou, a taea e kua mahi matou i te reira i roto i na kihai Jerry i te aroaro o te paunatia i roto i te werawera atu nga pauna whakamutunga mo te rua nga ra whakamutunga. Ko e tona ara o hoatu ia i te whai wāhi pai ki te riro i te whawhai. Look at some the pre fight pictures and interviews, Jerry i rite maroke i roto i, ka ringihia rite taea e kua eke ia, heoi ka titiro hou ano he daisy Clarkson. We will look to have a rematch on television in the next four months.
GH3 Whakatairanga ngā tūturu whitu Antoine Douglas, Super whitu o Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, tūturu Super whā Arama Lopez me te Boxcino 2015 JR. Whitu tekau Champion John Thompson, Jr., tūturu Welterweight Jerrell Harris,tūturu Super whā Qa'id Muhammad, ono tekau Oscar Bonilla, Taumahamaha o Natu Visinia, Marama Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell me Tamaiti. Kōmāmā O'Shanique Foster ki te GH3 Whakatairanga eu.
No te atu pārongo i runga i GH3 Whakatairanga, Whakapā:

JONES JR. Vs Moran Open Press Conference, Liverpool, Wenerei 22 Hōngongoi



Te tuwhera ki te amuiraa press tūmatanui mō te hui Stephen Vaughan Poutohu, headlined e te Roy Jones Jr. versus Tony Moran MBC International me Boxing Federation World (WBF) Intercontinental Cruiserweight toa a'ee, Ka tango i te wahi i 1:30pm tenei Wenerei e haere mai, te 22nd Hōngongoi i te BIERKELLER, 6 Thomas urungitia Way, Liverpool Kotahi, L1 8LW.


I tua atu ki a Roy Jones Jr, a Tony Moran i roto i te tae atu, ka tokomaha o te hunga e ka i roto i te mahi i runga i te po ano, whai wāhi;


Paora Economides, ko wai e te parururaa i tona WBF Intercontinental Super whā ki kake Ankrah.


Tasif Khan, ko wai e wero Ihaka Quaye mo te taitara WBF International Super mā.


Nick Quigley, te tangata e anga tūturu Natana Katara


Antonio Counihan, te tangata e anga Michael Ansah o Ghana


Tūturu Liverpool amanaki wera hāngai Russian Rawiri Agadzhanyan.


Lee Boyce, te tangata e ki runga ki a Scunthorpe Matthew Pepper.


Hinga Jay Carney, te tangata e anga hinga Mathew Fitzsimons i Belfast.


Amanaki Paetata Dayle Gallagher, te tangata e anga e fakafepaki uaua i Matt Scriven


Hinga Heavyweight Rob Beech, ko wai e tangohia i runga i te Blackpool Mathew Ellis


Plus pai rohe Lee Monaghan, Lee Milner a Carl Donohue, ka hanga katoa e kia ratou debuts pro i runga i Mahuru 12th.


Tickets, utu £ 40, £ 60, £ 100 a VIP Ringside £ 150 mo te Stephen Vaughan Whakaū Roy Jones Jr. Tony Moran MBC International Cruiserweight Championship hui Poutohu haere i te Aintree Equestrian Centre i Liverpool i runga i Rāhoroi Mahuru versus 12th 2015 e wātea mō te hoko i te amuiraa press e wātea ana ki te hoko i runga i te raina i ranei www.tkoboxoffice.coma


Hoki, mo tenei hui e angalelei o te Mekemeke Komihana Malta -


Two critical decisions paying Dividends for Beibut Shumenov


(L-R) – Kaiako Head Ihimaera Salas me Beibut Shumenov

(photo e Isaiah Gomez / Whakatairanga Mayweather)

Las Vegas (Hōngongoi 20, 2015) – Fatata te tau kotahi i mua, mua World mekemeke Association (WBA) Toa e Maama Heavyweight Ao Shumenov Beibu (15-2, 10 Koó) e rua whakatau nui e te aufauraa i te teie nei päkihi rite te 2004 Kazakhstan Tuaro faaineine no te tenei Rāhoroi po o (Hōngongoi 25) pupūtanga ki B.J. Flowers (31-1-1, 20 Koó) i nga nikau i roto i te fare tangohia o Shumenov o Las Vegas.

Tuatahi, i muri i fāinga ki te ngaro taimaha i roto i te tikanga ki te hanga i te 175-pauna rohe marama taumahamaha, e maha i mahue whakawarea Shumenov i roto i ona whawhai, faaoti ia ki te neke ake kotahi te piha taimaha ki te whawhai kia rite ki te cruiserweight. Na, i muri whaiaro-whakangungu ia ia mo te toru whawhai, Shumenov tīmata te mahi ki te tino-i hopohopo ki kaiwhakangungu upoko Cuban Ismael Salas, ko wai hoki hei whakaako Kaunihera Boxing World (WBC) World Kōmāmā Champion Jorge Linares. He has also handled present and past world champions such as Guillermo Rigondeaux, Yuriokis Gamboa, Danny Green, a Hehe Vargas.

Ki te Salas i roto i tona kokonga mo te wā tuatahi, Hanga Shumenov tona tuatahi cruiserweight Hakihea whakamutunga i MGM Grand i Las Vegas, i roto i te e Bobby Thomas, JR. (14-2, 9 Koó) mutu i muri i te rima o tawhio noa, te ahei ia te tango ia i tetahi te patu tawhito-pupuku.

Kua tūnga kē enei e rua i faahitihia whakatau nui WBA No. 1-runga ki a Shumenov te whawhai WBA No. 3-rated Flores mo te wā WBA taitara cruiserweight, headlining i te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions kaupapa ki te rangi e ora i runga i NBCSN.

Shumenov Ko te tauira tinana, impressively tapahia ki te uaua ngawha. Heoi, rite kaumatua ia, te kākahu tamau, me te roimata e pā ana ki te hanga taimaha – te reira nui uaua ake ki te ngaro uaua atu ngako – noa ka nui rawa ki a ia mo hinga. A, no ia te tuatahi ka tae ki te United States e waru nga tau i ma'iri a'e, ho'i,, whakaaro ia e pā ana ki te whawhai kia rite ki te taumahamaha cruiserweight ranei, ko ia te mutunga faaoti ki te whawhai kia rite ki te taumahamaha marama. Ka haere ia ki runga ki ki te whakaturia te marama ao taumahamaha record mo iti rawa umanga whawhai, 10, e hiahiatia ana ki te hei te ao toa te marama taumahamaha

“Mai te neke ki runga ki te cruiserweight,” Na ka mea a Shumenov, “Kua i ahau kahore raruraru hanga taimaha. I nga mea katoa kahore he ahotea! Whakaaro ahau e pā ana ki inaianei katoa pehea e taea e ahau hei toa pai. Tino pārekareka ki ahau he cruiserweight me i ahau noa te pūngao pai i te whare hākinakina.”

Salas whakaae ana e Shumenov he whawhai whakamarie, me te whai hua rite ki te cruiserweight-ao o te piha haapiiraa. “Kua taunga tino pai Beibut ki te whawhai i roto i te piha haapiiraa cruiserweight,” Salas tuhia. “He mea e tika ana ki tona ara hauora o te mahi pakeke me te kai pai. E kore e fāinga ia a muri ake ki te hanga i taimaha. Ētahi atu, ia e nekeneke pai, me te aravihi mana meke tonu.”

Ko te hononga i waenganui i Shumenov me Salas tonu, te nuinga e tika ana ki te hōtaka mekemeke rite ako Shumenov i Kazakhstan, Salas i roto i te Cuba, e arotahi ana ki te tumu.

“Ihimaera Ko te kaiako moe ahau i te imiraa i te,” Parau Shumenov. “To tatou he rota o ngā ōritenga i roto i to tatou papamuri kura mekemeke. I matou matū tika atu, i te ra tuatahi o te whakangungu. Ano i ahau kaiako kaiāwhina e rua, Jeff Grmoja a Rodney Crisler, a ki a tatou te matapaki me te faaite i to tatou matauranga mekemeke ano he kapa katoa tauturu i meinga ahau hei toa pai. Tatou i teie nei whakaaro katoa i rite ki tetahi.”

Whakaae Salas ki a Shumenov mō to ratou hononga inamata, tāpiri: “He pono te reira e haere mai tatou i te pūnaha whakangungu tino rite. Kua tapiritia e matou he huarahi ngaio ki te whakangungu, akiaki i te tumu o ngā pūkenga mekemeke. Tāpiri kaha hinengaro o Beibut me tana mahi pakeke katoa ki te rite i roto i te whakakai ki te whakarite, i roto i te āhua 10 marama, a ka to tatou he kapa hou e mahi pera pai tahi.”

I te pepa, Kia whai Flores he painga wheako mo Shumenov – 33 whawhai pro ki 17 – engari kua faaruru Shumenov ka whawhai te kounga nui teitei o te pato'iraa i roto i te waru (6-2) taitara ao whawhai. I roto i tona 17 pro whawhai, Kua whawhai Shumenov toa ao e rima, e rima challengers taitara ao. Ngaro Flores ki te toa ao anake ngā whawhai ia, ka-IBO cruiserweight Danny Green.

“E rite tatou ki te kanohi tetahi mea, ka kawea mai BJ Flores, na e whakapono ahau ka waiho hei whakaongaonga, whawhai whakataetae i waenganui i rua whawhai mātanga,” Mutu Salas. “Kia te tuatahi rauna torutoru he rite ki te kēmu rangatira whaikīngi.”

Kia Fans hoa Beibut Shumenov i runga i tona Facebook Fan Whārangi i

Ngoi ana amanaki tūturu Mario Barrios i roto i te a'ee 8-a tawhio noa te tuatahi

Photos By Lucas Noonan – PBC

STEP, TX (Hōngongoi 19, 2015) – I roto i tona a'ee 8-a tawhio noa tuatahi, sensation Super-tekau mā tūturu, Mario Barrios (10-0, 5 Koó), cruised ki te reo i te wikitoria ki Arturo Esquivel (9-3, 2 Koó), to record his tenth win. The impressive conquest took place this past Rāhoroi i te Don Haskins Center i El Paso, Texas i runga i te PBC i runga i te hui CBS, headlined e Carl Frampton vs. Alejandro Gonzalez Jr.


Mā te tona tiketike rahi, ka tae painga, Barrios controlled the action with a long jab and precise combinations. Esquivel, ko wai te tangata noatia nui, kihai i taea te whenua i tetahi nifó ma i runga i Barrios, who won every round. Scorecards read 80-72 puta noa i te poari.


“Haere e waru rauna mo te wa tuatahi, ko te wheako akoranga nui hoki ahau.” Said Mario Barrios, e te hunga e whakahaere te Al HAYMON. “I was able to pace myself throughout the entire fight and never got tired. I could have gone four more rounds if this was a twelve round fight. Esquivel is a very tough fighter and I’m glad we both came out healthy. I’ll be ready to get back in the ring as soon as Haymon has another date for me. I’m very thankful for all the opportunities Haymon Boxing has given me.

Julio Hiha Chavez Jr. Parekura Marcos REYESSATURDAY AT DON Haskins Center I El Paso, Texas ON SHOWTIME®

McJoe Arroyo riro ia IBF Junior whā World Championship & Pere Amir Imam mahi a I 140-Pauna Taitara I SHOWTIME Tuhinga BOXING®


Kia mataara te Replay Rāhina I 10 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME EXTREME


STEP, Texas (Hōngongoi 18, 2015) - Julio Hiha Chavez Jr. roaa te whakatau loto (97-92, 98-91, 96-93) mo Marcos Reyes i roto i te hui matua o SHOWTIME Tuhinga BOXING i runga i Rāhoroi i roto i te mua o te 9,245 i te Don Haskins Center i El Paso, Texas.


Reyes was the more active fighter – he doubled Chavez’s output – but simply couldn’t hurt his larger opponent. Following a loss at light heavyweight last April, Chavez faaoti ki te ngana ki te āpiti i te whitu tekau super.


Chavez (49-2-1, 32 Koó), i whawhai hoki ki te wa tuatahi i te kaiwhakangungu Robert Garcia, hangē ki te e taea ki te whenua i ona pupuhi kaha i te hinaaro, however he would pick his spots and had long bouts of inactivity. Although he was working with a new trainer, Tonu Chavez ki te bulldoze atu, ka whawhai, he whawhai tino rite rite i ia ki a Andrezj Fonfara i April, tenei wa ki te hoariri iti.


“I won. This is big for me and Robert,” Chavez said. “I can do it better, but I won and that is the important thing. I’m going to fight at 168 pauna. Little by little, I’m going to get down in weight. We know we’re doing much better work in the gym.


“In the third round I hurt my left hand. I think it’s broken, I don’t know. I’ll see the doctor. With all respect to Reyes, ki te kahore ahau i i kino ia i toku ringa e kua e ahau te patototanga ia ia i roto i.


“I connected on the best punches to the chin and the body. I mamae ai ahau ki a ia, but I couldn’t finish him because I hurt my hand. He threw a lot of punches but missed a lot. E kore ia tukino i ahau. I felt I hurt him every time I landed.”


I muri i te whawhai, Reyes (33-3, 24 Koó) kauwhautia tana take ki a SHOWTIME kairīpoata Jim Gray, a tohu i te rerekëtanga taimaha.


“I feel I won the fight. I showed him how I box,” Reyes said. “I made the weight at 168 and he didn’t make weight. He’s like a light heavyweight fighting a middleweight.


"Ko ahau ki te aroaro katoa - te kaitautoko, te taimaha, nga mea katoa. I think I won the fight. It’s OK – I did my best.”


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Riro McJoe Arroyo te whakatau hangarau i runga i Arthur Villanueva ki te riro i te wātea IBF Junior whā World Championship i muri i mutu i te a'ee i 2:10 i roto i te 10th round due to a deep gash over Villanueva’s right eye. The fight went to the judges’ scorecards and Villanueva was ahead 97-92, 98-91 i muri ngä nga kaiwhakawa te 10th.


Ko te Puerto Rican Arroyo (17-0, 8 Koó) ka ki te toru toa i te motu riro te taitara 115-pauna.


The lefty-righty matchup was at times highly technical and foul-filled. Referee Rafael Ramos deducted a point against Villanueva (27-1, 14 Koó) for leading with his head in the sixth. In a different clash in the sixth, a deep gash opened up over the right eye of Villanueva that ultimately led to the stoppage. Ramos ruled that the clash that opened the cut was unintentional.


Dr. Brian August inspected the cut midway through the seventh round and again after the eighth. Ramos again signaled for August to inspect the cut in the 10th and ruled that it was too deep to continue. In an interview with Jim Gray, Kī August i mutu ia te whawhai i roto i te moni pai o te toa, engari i kī Villanueva i whai ia kahore take titiro.


"I te tomo ia, he was entering low. He was clashing heads a lot,” Arroyo said. “Before the fight, I knew he was a tough fighter. All Philippine fighters come to fight. I knew I had to be ready for 12 rauna, boxing or brawling. It was a competitive fight but we just worked harder every round.”


A, no te ui e Gray ki te ko reira uaua ki te kitea e tona manawataki, Pahono Arroyo, “That’s a normal thing when a southpaw fights a right hander. We were both trying to be slick and smart. That happens when two boxers with the same style fight.”


Rite Villanueva ki te Tuhinga ka ka karanga hoki te rematch tonu.


"Ko te whawhai taratara, me te tino uaua hoki ahau i muri i te tukirae,” Villanueva said. “I thought I won the fight. I didn’t want them to stop the fight because it was just getting into the flow. I’m disappointed with the stoppage. E mohio ana ahau e taea e whiua e ahau a ia, e hiahia ana ahau he rematch tonu. "


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te ahiahi, patototanga tūturu nguha 140-pauna i roto i Fernando Angulo ki te tika haruru ki te whiwhi i te pere whakahauanga i te toa o te pupūtanga hinga whakaritea i waenganui i Viktor Postol me Lucas Matthysse mo te wātea WBC Super Kōmāmā World Championship.


Puta te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai uaua mō te Imam (18-0, 15 Koó), engari ko ia tonu i roto i te mana, me te tika lahi, tauranga 54 ōrau o ana nifó mana whakaritea ki noa 17 no te Angulo (28-10, 16 Koó). Imam ended the bout in brilliant fashion with a powerful right to Angulo’s ear, akina hoariri tona ki te hinga te kanohi-whakamua ki te koaka, me te kaitautoko ki tonu mutu i te whakataetae i :56.


“I take my hat off. He’s a good opponent,” Imam said. “I just hit him with a big shot on his ear and he was done.


“These guys get the belts and just hold it. I’m going to get the belt and hold it with pride.”


Kaiwhakatairanga Imam a Hall o Famer Don kingi ka mea a, "Ko te mahi pai - tika te mea e ahau tūmanakohia me te ake. You should never underestimate but pontificate when it comes to the ‘Young Master.We will take the belts and anyone that comes in front of us.

Whiwhi fakaveiveiua Ahitereiria Anthony Mundine waewae matao i muri i WBO Jr. Whakaae toa whitu tekau a Rimitiriu e Andrade ki ngā mo te taitara whawhai marama i muri i roto i te Ahitereiria

A Rimitiriu e “Boo Boo” ANDRADE

WBO Junior whitu Champion &

2008 Te. S. Häkinakina

No te Tonu Tuku

(pikitia e Shane Sims / Whakatairanga Kara)


Providence (Hōngongoi 18, 2015) – Te hoki mowhiti tatari roa mo Boxing Organization tūturu World (WBO) toa taumahawaenga teina A Rimitiriu e “Boo Boo” Andrade (21-0, 14 Koó) e, kāore, patua tetahi haamahutaraa i rite Anthony “Ko te tangata” Mundine (47-7, 27 Koó) Kua reneged i runga i te whakaaetanga ki te wero Andrade marama i muri i roto i tona Ahitereiria Māori.


“Whakaae matou ki ngā ki te kaiwhakatairanga o Mundine engari kua rongo tetahi hoki mai ka,” 27-faataa Andrade tau-tawhito. “Karanga Mundine i (Floyd) Mayweather, engari e kore e tangohia e ia te whawhai taitara WBO World tika i 154 pauna i roto i tona whenua ake? Same old story, Te mana'o nei au. Katoa e hiahia ana te tahi mea tae noa ki to ratou he whai wāhi ki te tino tiki i te reira.”

“I te kapa Anthony Mundine o tetahi o te hunga e tupato-koe-hiahia-no te aha-momeniti,” Kaiwhakahaere o Andrade Na ka Farris tuhia, “i roto i te i whakaae a Rimitiriu e te katoa o ratou ngā tono, tae a Rimitiriu e maka ana ake tona whitiki WBO ki te whawhai Mundine i runga i tona ake pūreirei te kāinga. After previously agreeing to fight Andrade, Kua inaianei kapa o Mundine i te huringa o te ngakau, a ratou āhua e rapu ana ki te whawhai ki te hoariri iti.”

E kore kua Andrade whawhai mai huna ia ia WBO No. 1 nguha whakahauanga Brian Rose (25-1-1) i roto i te whitu rauna i runga i Pipiri 14, 2014. Unable to lure either Mayweather or Miguel cotto ki te-whawhai mega, e kore WBO No. 1 nguha Haora “Canelo” Alvarez,ara i te whakakotahitanga ranei ki te toa WBA Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara, 2008 U.S. Whakapono ma'ona Andrade e hopea i ia kiia he korero taitara i roto i mo te marama i muri mai ki mua e rua-wā toa whitu tekau super ao Mundine.


“E kore ahau e matau,” tāpiri i te Andrade inoino. “Patua ana matou i tenei taata i te whai wāhi ki te riro i te taitara o te ao i roto i tona whenua whare, a titiro hoki te ara ia i roto i kē? What kind of fighter is he? Any real fighter would do anything for that kind of an opportunity.


A pee i a Rimitiriu e Andrade i runga i TwitterAndradeATeamBooBooBoxing ranei.

CARL FRAMPTON parekura Alejandro Gonzalez JR. I U.S. Tuatahi ON PREMIER BOXING Champions ON CBS

Chris ARREOLA ME Fred KASSI whawhai KI te utu

DOUBLEHEADER whana atu DAY Tuhinga o mua I El Paso, Texas

Credit Photo - Esther Lin / CBS

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos

Credit Photo: Esther Lin / CBS


Hipanga, Texas (Hōngongoi 18) - Tūturu Irish whetu Carl "Ko e tarakona" Frampton (21-0, 14 Koó) whakakitea ngakau nui, me te faaotiraa, rite pai ia awhina tona taitara tekau mā teina ki Alejandro Gonzalez Jr. (25-2-2, 15 Koó) i te Don Haskins Center i El Paso, ka ora i runga i te PBC i runga i CBS. Whawhai i roto i tona U.S. tuatahi. I te patototanga a rua Frampton iho i roto i te taka noa tuatahi, engari poipoia hoki i roto i te ahua faahiahia ki te riro mā te whakatau loto (116-108 rua me te 115-109).

I roto i te kaiwahi i afata teata, heavyweights Chris "Ko e Moepapa" Arreola (36-4-1, 31 Koó) a "Big "Fred Kassi (18-3-1, 10 Koó) whawhai i te tata 10-a tawhio noa a'ee mutu i roto i te Unuunu nuinga.


Gonzalez Jr. ka puta mai i roto i piu, ka patua Frampton ki te werohanga maui tika pakeke iti iho i te i te meneti ki te whawhai, sending the Northern Ireland-native to the canvas for the first time in his career. Frampton was knocked down again with less than 15 hēkona i mahue i roto i te rite ki te tuatahi, ka patua Gonzalez Frampton ki te koi ringa matau i muri i tona taringa. I tangohia Gonzalez he wāhi i roto i te toru a tawhio noa mo te iti pupuhi, me te ano i roto i te 11.


I noho "Ko e tarakona" ki runga ki te whakakake tūmanako o tona US. tuatahi, ka akiritia me te taunga 100 atu nifó atu Gonzalez Jr., tae tata reatoru te nui o ārai. Gonzalez Jr., maka atu nifó mana, Heoi, Ko Frampton atu tika ki ona matā kaha.


"Kihai ahau i ite nui i roto i te taka noa tuatahi. Whakatika ahau ki runga i knockdowns flash e rua ahakoa ka riro ano pai. Tino pai i taea e te koati Kilisimasi,"Ka mea a Frampton. "Ko te tino ngohengohe te kānawehi mowhiti. E kore e taea e ahau te tiki ake i runga i toku waewae, me e te toku huanga pai. Whakatika ahau ki runga, a faaite i te itoito. Ahau hoki i haere mai, ka riro te nuinga o nga rauna, a hoatu ana e te oaoa. "


Tonu Frampton, "Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te toa i te knockout. Kihai i tupu te reira. Au whakama ahau, engari ka-arotake i anō ahau, ka neke ki runga ki; ahu atu a whakarunga. Iti kia maha nga wa i patua e ia ki ahau, engari kua ka koe ki te mahi ki taua ka kawe ki runga ki a taua te mea i mea ai ahau. "


“Riro tino ahau te whawhai, Ko ahau nui atu whai hua,"Ka mea a Gonzalez. “E hiahia ana ahau ki te rematch me ahau fiefia ki te mahi i te reira i roto i tona whenua. Ka tango ahau nga mea e whawhai he pai hoki ki ahau rānei i 118 122 ranei.”


“Overreacted te tohutoro ki te iti whiu, I ahau e mahi tika ki toku mahi te tinana,"Tonu Gonzalez. “E kore ahau i te toa paru, Ahau te tākaro i te taha ki nga tikanga, a ko matekiri tenei. Ko ia te toa pai, engari au e ahau te pai ngā ake fehangahangai ia.”


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te telecast, Rite Arreola ki te hanga i te tauākī i te rite mo tetahi i pere taitara ao ia, ano i taea ki te whakaora i te mahi i tumanako ia e tika ana ki te mahere game totoka o Kassi me ringa taimaha-patu. Ko te kaute i 96-94 no te Arreola me 95-95 (rua).
“It was a good decision. It was just a tough fight,"Ka mea a Arreola. “Fred came to fight and he’s a survivor. He held right, he moved right. He came here with a good strategy and he got a draw out of it.”


Tonu Arreola, "E mohio ana ahau ki te mea e whiwhi ahau Deontay (Wilder), I’d be in much better shape and a lot better prepared. Not that I wasn’t prepared for Kassi, engari i haere mai ia i konei ki te whawhai pai, a kua rite. "


Kihai i Kassi tiki i tetahi mea i Arreola, engari mārama ongo'i e riro ia i te a'ee.


“E kore ahau e ahau hari ki te whakatau,"Ka mea a Kassi. "Ahau ite e riro ahau nga a tawhio noa o te whawhai. Whakakitea ahau te po nei Ko ahau te toa pai. Ahau e tango atu tetahi mea i Chris. Kua ahau tona hoa mo tau. Kahore e mohio ki te iwi ki ahau, na hinaaro noa e ahau ki te whakaatu i te ao e nehenehe e rave e ahau. Whakamatauria ahau e no ahau i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha. Whakakitea e ahau toku ngakau. Kua kua ahau whakangungu pakeke hoki nga tau e maha, ka whakakitea e ahau i te reira te po nei."



Arif Magomedov a Arama Lopez noho hinga,

Clarkson Beats Odom I te pouri o te po

Watch Replay I Rātū, Hōngongoi 21, i 10 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME EXTREME®


Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos

Credit: Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME®


Peterehema, Pa. (Hōngongoi 18, 2015) - ShoBox: Ko te Generation New E whakanui ana i ona 14th tau ki te kāri mahi-Kikī. Whitu tūturuAntoine "Hohenga" Douglas (18-0-1, 12 Koó) o Washington D.C. oti atuIstvan "Ko e Prince" Silicones (18-1-2, 8 Koó) o Frekendorf, Switzerland ki te TKO tuatoru faahiahia a tawhio noa i roto i te hui matua o ShoBox: Ko te Generation New, Rāmere, Hōngongoi 17 i Sands Casino Hotel i roto i te Peterehema, Pa. Teata i te hui i te ora i runga i SHOWTIME.


E rua Douglas me Szili, i tīmata kaha. Nana Douglas tona painga taea, me te tika te kaha, ia whakaaturia Szili he torutoru ngā pai. Heoi, Whakakitea Douglas mana puta noa i te a tawhio noa na roto i te outlanding Szili 18-ki-tetahi i roto i te ārai.


Tamata Szili ki te kakahu Douglas iho, engari whakautua taua te Washingtonian-tau 22-tawhito nganatanga te Swiss 'ki kautaha nui, me ngā tika kaha. Patototanga Douglas Szili iho ki te matau mahue me tika nui e rua ki iti iho i 10 hēkona ki te haere i roto i te tuarua, heoi kumea Szili ia tahi ki te whakaoti i te a tawhio noa. "Ko e Prince" e kore kakato ora ake, ka whakamahia Douglas tona tere, me ārai kaha ki te whakaora e rua atu knockouts ai i te Tuhinga tika 29 hēkona ki te tuatoru a tawhio noa.


"I teie pô, Ko te kaha kapa, me ahau tino whakakake o tatou. Whakawhirinaki ahau ki runga ki toku rōpū ki te āwhina i neke ahau i mua, ka haere tonu ki te kia angitu,"Ka mea a Douglas. "Ka hoki mai ano ahau ki te whawhai i raro i te kara SHOWTIME hohoro.


"Mahi ahau ki a ia [Istvan Szili] atu i te werohanga me kotahi mau ahau he wa torutoru ia, Ko ahau e taea ki te hoatu ki a ia nga ngā. I muri i taua i oku nifó mana whana i roto i te, ka kite koutou i te hua o taua. "


Douglas He toa hohe, hanga tenei tona win wha i roto i te rarangi mai i tona Unuunu ki Michel Soro i roto i te Hōngongoi 2014. No te Silicones, ko tenei tona wa tuatahi whawhai i roto i 11 marama.


"Kihai i taea e ki te whakaatu he aha i nehenehe o te mahi ahau i ahau. I ahau i te puni sparring nui, ka titiro rahi haere ake ki toa te ao, na e kore e au tino ahau te mea i tupu,"Silicones mea. "Kia i patua e ahau i roto i toku taringa, Ngaro ahau i toku toenga.

"Ua ere tupu. Ētahi o te iwi pai i whiua ki te aroaro o. Na i ahau ki te whakatau, ki te mea ka hoki mai ahau i muri ia i muri i tenei ranei engari e aroha ana ahau ki tetahi tupono ki te whakaatu he aha ahau e nehenehe e rave i ".


"Ko te wa tuawha kua whawhai Antoine Douglas i runga i tenei ShoBox, a ka whakaaro ahau [Istvan] E hoatu Szili ki a ia ake te raruraru. Whakaaro ahau Szili e tamata ki te tango ia ia ki te rauna muri, engari nui tere ko Douglas, nui tere i runga i ona waewae. Szili hanga titiro ia tino pai no te mea he kaha ki te mahi i nga mea katoa i hiahia ia Douglas,"Ka mea a mekemeke aamu me SHOWTIME kaitātari Steve Farhood."Kua kite ahau i Douglas e wha nga wa i teie nei, e toru toa, e kotahi Unuunu, me te wa katoa e tango atu e ahau i te mea ano: E hiahia ana ahau kia kite ia ia ano ".


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Derrick "Tangohia te reira ki te Bank" Webster (19-1, 10 Koó) o Philadelphia, Pa. tukua tona mate tuatahi ki te hoa hinga, 22-tau-tau Arif Magomedov (16-0, 9 Koó) o Glendale, Calif. i te ara o Russia i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa whitu tekau matchup tapa-kotahi.


Maongo Magomedov te mano i outboxing te southpaw-tau 33-tawhito te pŭpŭraa me te fakaaoao. Whawhai ia i runga i te roto, teke Webster me te tai'oe te arataki o te whawhai. Takatakahi Webster ki te urutau ki te kāhua o tana, engari tangohia ake ana i te manawataki i roto i te taka noa e wha anake ki te kia outboxed e Magomedov i roto i te rauna e whai ake nei. Ahakoa te patototanga Webster iho rua (whitu, me te whakatekau) te wikitoria hoki te Russian e kore e tae mai i te ara o te knockout, engari i scorecards o nga kaiwhakawa,. Riro Magomedov i te whakatau loto 99-89, katoa kaiwhakawa e toru.


"Ahau i whakaaro e patoto ahau [Derrick] Webster i ko ahau i taea e korero ki i whakaritea e ia i. No te mea o tona tiketike, I miharo ahau i te mea ohie i te reira ki te tiki i roto. I roto i te mutunga, I ahau te mea i mahara ahau ki te mahi. I ahau te mea e oti ia matou te ki te mahi i roto i te whare hākinakina - te tiki roto. I te tohutoro ki te mahi pai o te tuku whawhai ia tatou i runga i te roto. "

"Anake ka korero ki te wa i reira te mea te i roto i te taonga ki ahau i muri. I tonu ahau he rota o te ako ki te mahi. "

"Rawa rite mo te whawhai, engari ko ahau e tika ana ki taku huaketo puku, me te pona marara, Kihai i ahau 100 ōrau hauora whakaaro nui. Ko toku wā tuatahi hoki tenei i 160 i roto i te tau e pā ana ki e rima ranei ono. Kāore he ngatahi, ia [Magomedov] Ko te tangata pai te po nei. Ka tika hoki i roto i te whare hākinakina ahau i runga i te Mane."


"[Arif] Ko te hoki Magomedov 22, rite Douglas. Titiro ia pai rawa ki [Derrick] Webster – he ono waewae e wha southpaw – te toa e kore e he e faingofua ki te titiro i te pai ki,"Ka mea a Farhood. "Magomedov, āhua hou ki te whenua mekemeke American, Ko te tino tetahi o te pai taitamariki middleweights i roto i te ao nei. "


I roto i tona ahua tuarua i runga i ShoBox, Adamu "pata" Lopez (13-0, 6 Koó) ko te wikitoria i roto i tona 10-a tawhio noa a'ee whā super ki Dominican Republic-whenua Erietere "Campeoncito" Aquino (17-1-1, 11 Koó).

Pea tenei kua whawhai tuatahi o Aquino i roto i te United States, engari ka whakakitea e ia ko ia he whakataetae pono. Whiriwhiria e Aquino te huarahi ta'etuku mā te tangotango tokua i muri tokua, i taea e ki te strategize ka tango matā mātau Lopez. Tikanga, Kua Lopez kua taea ki te whakaoti atu ana hoariri i roto i te ono o nga taka noa, engari te po i te rua ka haere te tawhiti.

Ko ta'etuku Aquino tīmatanga, patu Lopez Linipeeki. Ko te mārama i te inoino Lopez, otiia kihai ia i pai ki te tuku Aquino nuinga hoki roa.

Riro Lopez i te nuinga whakatau, 95-95 a 96-93 rua.

"Tetahi mea e pā ana ki toku hoa tauwhainga e ahau i mohio. Nga a tawhio noa i ahau ki te ako i te iti moka e pā ana ki a ia. Ka e ahau i te maturuturunga iho wawe. I never thought that he was going to last the full ten rounds. I also thought I won by a bigger margin than that,"Ka mea a Lopez. "Ko ia te kaimekemeke pai, me te he rota o te kaha. Maka ana e ia he torutoru ngā matā totoka, kihai engari tino e ia he matau na i ahau fele e ngana ana ki te aukati i tona ringa matau.


"Ko toku whawhai 10-a tawhio noa te tuatahi tenei; he wheako akoranga pai. I mua, I ahau i haere kotahi anake ki te ono. He rota o te pūngao Aquino i a patua ahau ki te rota o ngā matā rorirori. Kihai i te mea ohie, heoi huarere e ahau i te tupuhi. "


"Ko te wheako akoranga nui mō tēnei [Arama] Lopez haere 10 rauna hoki te wā tuatahi ki te hoariri e kore e e mutu haere mai ki a ia,"Ka mea a Farhood. "Tino riro e ia te whawhai, engari ko te momo o te wheako e riro ia ki te taumata o te pato'iraa i SHOWTIME, taea te toa rite ki a Lopez tupu. "


Te whakatuwhera i te ShoBox:Ko te Generation New telecast, Hamuera "Takahanga te Main" Clarkson (15-3, 9 Koó) o Dallas, Hoatu Texas he pouri nui mā te patuki iho "Te Tama te a te Kingi" Jerry Odom (13-2, 1 NC, 12 Koó) o Washington, D.C. e toru nga wa i mua i te kaitautoko, Shawn Clark, stopped the fight at 1:15 o te toru o tawhio.


Tīmata kaha te super whitu tekau 10-rounder whakaritea, ki te mana nui ārahi me uppercuts i Odom me matā tinana kaha, me te hononga pai i Clackson. Odom te titiro ki te tango i te mata i roto i te tuarua, whawhati Clarkson iho, ū matā nui, me te titiro hoki ki te whai wāhi ki te hoatu i tona kaha ki te whakamahi i pai, engari whawhai hoki Clarkson, a oti te a tawhio noa na roto i te patuki Odom iho mo te wa tuatahi i roto i tona mahi ki te uppercut tika. I roto i te toru me te whakamutunga a tawhio noa, Clarkson arahina i te whiwhi haere patuki Odom raro rua atu i mua i te kaitautoko mutu te whawhai.


"Ko te manaaki tenei, ahau toku rōpū, ka uaua te rota ki te tiki i konei. Ko te tino tenei win he manaaki "ka mea a Clarkson. "I matou te mea i tatou ki te mahi, patua iho e tatou nga faanevanevaraa, a riro matou. E kore ahau i mahara ki te toa, otiia e kore e taea e koe te whakawa i te pukapuka i tona hipoki, me te toa i tona record.


"Ako ahau [Jerry] Odom i roto i a roto i, a ahau nga mea katoa e tika ana, i ia.


"Kua oti matou te mahi i runga i te uppercut hoki tata e ono wiki. Ka tutaki ahau he rota o te whawhai nui haratau i mua i, a kotahi te mea i kite ahau i te mea e, ina haere mai te toa ki te ringa matau, te mau bonus haere mai i muri i ki nga uppercuts tika. Na, no te kitenga o ahau ia ia [Jerry Odom] e okioki ana i roto i a kihai tona matenga i neke ki ona nifó, Tika ahau e paheke i, ka maka i te uppercut, a ko ia i reira i runga i te koaka.


"I roto i te ao o te mekemeke, ētahi wā kia koe mau. I teie pô,, Ua mau ahau,"Ka mea a Odom. "Noa e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku kaitautoko katoa, Ko te tika i te taime iti tenei, a ka hoki hei ahau. "


"[Samuel] Tahaetia ana Clarkson te whakaaturanga. Whakaaro ahau ko ia te underdog nui i runga i te kāri e haere mai i roto i, ka kitea e ia [Jerry] Odom,"Ka mea a Farhood. "Ko Odom te puncher nui; Clarkson Ko te tetahi ki te kauae pea. Puta ke i roto i ki te kia rite ki te ritenga, he tauira pai o te meka, 'E kore koe e matau i roto i te mekemeke.' "



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Barry Tompkins ka karanga te ShoBox mahi i te ringside ki Steve Farhood me te toa o mua ao Raul Marquez i te tavini ei tohunga kaitätari. Ko te kaihanga matua ko Gordon Hall ki Mike Arnoldaratai a Rich Gaughan te whakaputa.


ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ki āu fifi kua ngā taranata taitamariki. Te ShoBox kaupapa, ko te ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 62 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox me te matatau ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.

Hanga hinga Prodigy Mario Barrios taimaha ki te tārere a'ee hāparangi i runga i PBC i runga i CBS

Photo e Team Barrios


STEP, TX (Hōngongoi 17, 2015) – Prodigy Super-tekau mā San Antonio a tūturu, Mario Barrios (9-0, 5 Koó), hanga taimaha mo tona a'ee ka ū mai ki Arturo Esquivel Jose Porras (9-2, 2 Koó), whakaturia ki te tango i te wahi i te Don Haskins Center i El Paso, Texas. Barrios weight in at 131.2 i te nōhia te Porras te tauine i 131.8.


Barrios vs. Porras ka mahi rite ki te a'ee tārere ki te PBC i runga i te hui CBS, headlined e Carl Frampton vs. Alejandro Gonzalez Jr. Haamata kapinga teata i 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT ki te heavyweights Chris Arreola me Fred Kassi tuwhera ake te telecast.


“Ahau fiefia e pā ana ki ki te whai wāhi te whakaatu i toku pūkenga i runga i te atamira ao,” Said Mario Barrios. “I know there will be a lot a fans tuning in form the USA and the UK. Ki te taua te mea, E hiahia ana ahau ki te hoatu i runga i te mahi nui. Hopefully the fight makes it to the televised portion of the show so the fans can see what I’m all about.