Category Archives: boxing

GH3 Promotions daim ntawv qhia rau Jerry Odom yeej

Nutley, NJ (Lub Xya hli ntuj 20, 2015) – No yav dhau los Friday hmo nyob rau ntawm lub Sands Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov Npelehees, Jerry Odom (13-2, 12 KO lub) raug nres nyob rau hauv peb rounds los ntawm Samuel Clarkson (15-3, 9 KO lub) nyob rau hauv dab tsi yog yuav tsum tau ib tug sib ntaus contested nyob rau hauv lub Super Middleweight division.
Odom ntawm Washington, DC tau ua nws ib feem kom tau raws li nws contractual khi thiab ua rau cov 168 phaus ntawv cog lus hnyav. Unfortunately Clarkson checked in over 4 phaus siab dua hauv 172.8
Thaum sawv ntxov- tom qab hnyav nyob rau hauv, Clarkson tsuas yuav tsum tau 10 phaus tshaj lub cog lus nyhav thiab yuav tsis tuaj nyob rau hauv dhau 180 tab sis ib zaug dua tau nyhav dhau heev lawm ntawm 184.6 phaus. Odom yog 173 phaus.
Thaum lawv tshaj nyob rau hauv lub unoffical scale cia li ob peb teev ua ntej qhov kev sib ntaus, Odom yog 175.8 thaum Clarkson 189.7.
Paub txog hais tias kev sib ntaus yog yuav nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws TV raws li ib feem ntawm ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam, GH3 Promotions Thawj Tswj Hwm Vito Mielnicki, thaum noj tsis muaj dab tsi deb ntawm cov kev tshwm sim xav kom lub ntiaj teb no paub hais tias nws ua ib tug neeg phem ua lag ua luam kev txiav txim siab thiab lub xub pwg nyom liam rau nws tus kheej cia Odom mus nrog cov contest.
“Kuv yuav tsum tau txiav kev sib ntaus nyob rau luj nyob rau hauv tab sis kuv cia kuv fighter ua lub txiav txim zaum kawg thiab Jerry xav mus tua. I thought about it but wanted to give Jerry the opportunity to showcase that he is one of the best Super Middleweights out there,” Hais Mielnicki.
“Kuv tseem ntseeg hais tias nyob rau hauv Jerry ntau li ntau yog hais tias tsis ntau ces kuv tau ua ntej qhov kev sib ntaus. He showed that he wont back down from anybody. He was in there with a Cruiserweight and against my better judgement, Kuv cia kev sib ntaus tshwm sim. I signed options with Clarkson and I am looking to do the rematch on television at the proper weight of 168 phaus. Yog hais tias nws paub hais tias nws yuav tsum los nyob rau hauv thiaj tshaj qhov nyhav txwv, ua kev nws yuav tau tuaj rau peb thiab peb yuav tau ua hauj lwm nws tawm thiaj li Jerry tsis muaj hws tawm zaum kawg phaus rau lub ob hnub ua ntej lub luj nyob rau hauv. Hais tias yog nws txoj kev muab nws tus kheej ib tug zoo dua lub caij nyoog los yeej muaj cov sib ntaus. Look at some the pre fight pictures and interviews, Jerry yog li qhuav tawm thiab drained raws li nws yuav tau txais, tsis tau Clarkson ntsia tshiab raws li ib tug Daisy. We will look to have a rematch on television in the next four months.
GH3 Promotions nta undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight lub Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adas Lopez li zoo raws li Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight zus John Thompson, Jr., undefeated Welterweight Jerrell Harris,undefeated Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, khaub-ncaws nyias Oscar Bonilla, Heavyweight Natu Visinia, Lub teeb Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell thiab Jr. Hnav O'Shanique Foster mus rau lub GH3 Promotions ruaj khov.
Rau lus qhia ntxiv nyob rau hauv GH3 Promotions, Sib cuag:
Marc Abrams ntawm 856 287 7611 los yog

Jones JR. Vs MORAN Qhib xovxwm sablaj, Liverpool, Wednesday 22nd Lub Xya hli ntuj



Lub qhib rau cov pej xeem xovxwm rooj sab laj rau lub Stephen Vaughan lus dab neeg kev tshwm sim, headlined los ntawm lub Roy Jones Jr. tiv tiag Tony Moran MBC International thiab lub ntiaj teb no Boxing Federation (WBF) Intercontinental Cruiserweight Championships bout, yuav muab qhov chaw nyob 1:30pm no los Wednesday, lub 22nd Lub Xya hli ntuj nyob rau BIERKELLER, 6 Thomas Steers Way, Liverpool Ib, L1 8LW.


Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd rau Roy Jones Jr thiab Tony Moran nyob rau hauv kev mus kawm ntawv kuj yuav muaj ntau yam ntawm cov neeg uas yuav tsum tau nyob rau hauv cov kev txiav txim nyob rau hauv lub hmo ntuj, kuj muaj;


Paul Economides, uas yuav tsum tiv thaiv nws WBF Intercontinental Super Bantamweight title tiv thaiv huam vam Ankrah.


Tasif Khan, uas yuav tsum nyuaj Isaac Quaye rau lub WBF International Super Flyweight championship.


Nick Quigley, uas ntsib undefeated Nathan Decastro


Antonio Counihan, uas ntsib Ghana tus Michael Ansah


Undefeated Liverpool raws li Lavxias teb sab kub prospect David Agadzhanyan.


Lee Boyce, uas yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Scunthorpe lub Mathais kua txob.


Unbeaten Jay Carney, uas ntsib unbeaten Mathew Fitzsimons los ntawm Belfast.


Local prospect Dayle Gallagher, uas ntsib tawv txheem ntawm Matt Scriven


Unbeaten Heavyweight Rob Beech, uas yuav muab rau Blackpool lub Mathew Ellis


Plus zos zeem muag Lee Monaghan, Lee Milner thiab Carl Donohue, uas yuav tag nrho cov tau ua lawv cov pro debuts rau lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 12th.


Daim pib, luv nqi £ 40, £ 60, £ 100 thiab VIP Ringside £ 150 rau lub Stephen Vaughan Txhawb Roy Jones Jr. tiv tiag Tony Moran MBC International Cruiserweight Championship taws dab neeg tshwm sim nyob rau lub Aintree Equestrian Centre nyob rau hauv Liverpool rau hnub Saturday lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 12th 2015 yuav tsum muaj rau purchase ntawm cov xovxwm rooj sab laj los yog mus yuav hauv on line ntawm www.tkoboxoffice.comthiab


Sanctioning rau qhov kev tshwm sim yuav tsum courtesy of tus Malta Boxing Commission -


Two critical decisions paying Dividends for Beibut Shumenov


(L-R) – Lub taub hau cob qhia Ismael Salas thiab Beibut Shumenov

(yees duab los ntawm Yaxayas Gomez / Mayweather Promotions)

Las Vegas (Lub Xya hli ntuj 20, 2015) – Ze li ntawm ib xyoo dhau los, yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no Boxing Association (WBA) Lub teeb Heavyweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib Shumenov Beibu (15-2, 10 Kos) tau ob qho tseem ceeb heev kev txiav txim siab uas yog tam sim no them dividends li cov 2004 Kazakhstan Olympian npaj rau no hnub vas xaum hmo (Lub Xya hli ntuj 25) showdown nrog B.J. Paj (31-1-1, 20 Kos) nyob rau hauv Lub teg nyob rau hauv Shumenov tus saws tsev ntawm Las Vegas.

Thawj, tom qab tawm tsam kom poob phaus nyob rau hauv thiaj li ua rau lub 175-phaus lub teeb heavyweight txwv, uas feem ntau tshuav Shumenov tsis muaj zog txaus lub sij hawm nws ntaus, nws txiav txim siab tsiv mus txog ib tug ceeb thawj hoob kawm sib ntaus sib tua raws li ib tug cruiserweight. Ces, tom qab nws tus kheej-kev cob qhia nws tus kheej rau peb fights, Shumenov pib ua hauj lwm nrog co-ntshai Cuban lub taub hau tus kws qhia Ismael Salas, uas kuj u ntiaj teb Boxing Council (Qhov) Lub ntiaj teb no Hnav zus Jorge Linares. He has also handled present and past world champions such as Guillermo Rigondeaux, Yuriokis Gamboa, Danny Ntsuab, thiab Jesse Vargas.

Nrog Salas nyob rau hauv nws lub ces kaum rau tus thawj lub sij hawm, Shumenov ua nws debut cruiserweight kawg Hlis ntuj nqeg ntawm MGM Grand nyob rau hauv Las Vegas, nyob rau hauv uas Bobby Thomas, Jr. (14-2, 9 Kos) so tom qab lub thib tsib puag ncig thaum nws yuav tsis coj ib tug laus-fashioned ntaus.

Cov ob aforementioned tseem ceeb heev kev txiav txim siab twb positioned WBA Tsis. 1-ranked Shumenov mus tua WBA Tsis. 3-nyob Flores rau lub nruab nrab WBA cruiserweight title, headlining ib tug Premier Boxing Champions kev tshwm sim rau huab cua nyob rau NBCSN.

Shumenov yog ib tug cev tshem me me, impressively txiav nrog bulging leeg. Txawm li cas los, raws li nws hnub nyoog, lub qhov coj thiab tsim kua muag txuam nrog ua qhov hnyav – nws yog ntau npaum li cas yooj yim poob nqaij tshaj roj – tsuas ua heev npaum li cas rau nws los mus kov yeej. Thaum nws thawj zaug tuaj rau hauv lub tebchaws United States yim xyoo dhau los, Tiam sis, nws xav txog sib ntaus sib tua raws li ib tug heavyweight los yog cruiserweight, tab sis nws thaum kawg txiav txim siab los sib ntaus li ib lub teeb heavyweight. Nws mus rau teeb lub ntiaj teb no teeb heavyweight cov ntaub ntawv rau tsawg tshaj plaws ua hauj lwm fights, 10, yuav tsum tau mus ua lub ntiaj teb no teeb heavyweight yeej

“Txij thaum tsiv mus cruiserweight,” Shumenov hais tias, “Kuv twb tsis muaj teeb meem ua qhov hnyav. Tsis nyuaj siab rau tag nrho cov! Tag nrho cov kuv xav txog tam sim no yog yuav ua li cas kuv yuav ua tau ib tug zoo dua fighter. Kuv yeej txaus siab rau ua ib tug cruiserweight thiab kuv muaj tsuas zoo zog ntawm lub gym.”

Salas pom zoo tias Shumenov yog nyiam thiab zoo sib ntaus sib tua raws li ib tug lub ntiaj teb no-chav kawm cruiserweight. “Beibut tau txais zoo heev rau sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv lub chav kawm ntawv cruiserweight,” Salas sau tseg. “Nws yog vim nws noj qab nyob zoo ntawm kev ua hauj lwm nyuaj thiab noj zoo. Nws tsis tau ntoog lawm rau ceeb thawj. Ntau, nws tseem muaj zoo muaj thiab hwj chim xuas nrig ntaus muaj peev xwm.”

Cov kev twb kev txuas ntawm Shumenov thiab Salas yog tam sim ntawd, lom zem ntau vim ib tug uas zoo sib xws boxing kev pab cuam Shumenov kawm nyob rau hauv Kazakhstan, Salas nyob rau hauv teb chaws Cuba, uas siab rau fundamentals.

“Ismael yog tus qhia kuv ua npau suav uas nrhiav tau,” Shumenov remarked. “Peb muaj ib tug ntau zoo sib xws nyob rau hauv peb lub tsev kawm ntawv tom qab boxing. Peb muaj Science News for KIDS tam sim ntawd, los ntawm thawj hnub ntawm kev kawm. Kuv kuj muaj ob tug neeg pab tus qhia, Jeff Grmoja thiab Rodney Crisler, thiab peb tag nrho sib tham thiab qhia peb boxing paub raws li ib tug pab neeg los pab kuv ua ib tug zoo fighter. Peb tam sim no tag nrho xav tias raws li ib tug.”

Salas pom zoo nrog Shumenov txog lawv instant kev twb kev txuas, ntxiv: “Nws yog tseeb hais tias peb tuaj los ntawm heev zoo xws li cov kev kawm tshuab. Peb twb ntxiv ib tug kws mus kom ze rau txoj kev kawm, stressing cov qauv kev siv ntawm boxing kev txawj ntse. Ntxiv Beibut puas siab puas ntsws lub dag lub zog thiab tag nrho nws cov zog ua hauj lwm yuav tsum tau npaj nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib yuav tau kho, nyob rau hauv kwv yees li 10 lub hlis, thiab peb muaj ib tug tshiab pab neeg uas ua haujlwm zoo li ntawd ua ke.”

Rau ntawm daim ntawv, Flores yuav muaj ib qho kev kom zoo dua li Shumenov – 33 pro sib ntaus rau 17 – tab sis Shumenov tau ntsib ib tug ntau dua zoo ntawm lus tsis sib xws muaj tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv yim (6-2) lub ntiaj teb no title fights. Nyob rau hauv nws 17 pro sib ntaus, Shumenov tau tiv thaiv tsib lub ntiaj teb no champions thiab tsib lub ntiaj teb no title challengers. Flores poob rau lub qhov tsuas lub ntiaj teb champion nws tiv thaiv, ces-IBO cruiserweight Danny Ntsuab.

“Peb nyob nraum npaj rau lub ntsej muag dab tsi BJ Flores yuav coj, li ntawd kuv ntseeg tias nws yuav tsum yog ib tug exciting, kev sib tw kev sib ntaus ntawm ob txog tej neeg tua hluav taws,” Salas xaus lus. “Tus thawj ob peb rounds tej zaum yuav ib tug zoo li ib tug tswv chess kev ua si.”

Kiv cua yuav phooj ywg Beibut Shumenov rau nws Facebook Fan Page ntawm

Undefeated prospect Mario Barrios dominates nyob rau hauv thawj 8-round bout

Photos By Lucas Noonan – PBC

STEP, TX (Lub Xya hli ntuj 19, 2015) – Nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj 8-round bout, undefeated Super-Featherweight nov ntawm nqaij tawv, Mario Barrios (10-0, 5 Kos), cruised mus rau ib tug lub suab yeej tiv thaiv Arturo Esquivel (9-3, 2 Kos), to record his tenth win. The impressive conquest took place this past Saturday nyob rau Don Haskins Center nyob rau hauv El Paso, Texas rau lub PBC rau CBS kev tshwm sim, headlined los ntawm Carl Frampton vs. Alejandro Gonzalez Jr.


Siv nws zoo kawg li qhov siab thiab ncav cuag kom zoo dua, Barrios controlled the action with a long jab and precise combinations. Esquivel, uas yog tus lawm loj txiv neej, yog tsis muaj peev xwm mus tsaws tej huv si punches rau Barrios, who won every round. Scorecards read 80-72 thoob plaws lub Rooj Tswjhwm Saib.


“Mus yim rounds rau thawj lub sij hawm yog ib tug zoo kev kawm txawj kawm rau kuv.” Hais Mario Barrios, uas yog tswj los ntawm Al HAYMON. “I was able to pace myself throughout the entire fight and never got tired. I could have gone four more rounds if this was a twelve round fight. Esquivel is a very tough fighter and I’m glad we both came out healthy. I’ll be ready to get back in the ring as soon as Haymon has another date for me. I’m very thankful for all the opportunities Haymon Boxing has given me.


McJoe Arroyo Yeej IBF Junior Bantamweight ntiaj teb Championship & Amir Imam khwv Txhaj Thaum 140-Phaus Title Nyob Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®


Saib Lub Replay Monday Ntawm 10 p.m. THIAB/PT rau SHOWTIME huab


STEP, Texas (Lub Xya hli ntuj 18, 2015) - Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. khwv tau ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab (97-92, 98-91, 96-93) tshaj Marcos Reyes nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING nyob rau hnub Saturday nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm 9,245 nyob rau Don Haskins Center nyob rau hauv El Paso, Texas.


Reyes was the more active fighter – he doubled Chavez’s output – but simply couldn’t hurt his larger opponent. Following a loss at light heavyweight last April, Chavez txiav txim siab mus sim rau phiaj los nqis tes ntawm super middleweight.


Chavez (49-2-1, 32 Kos), uas tau sib ntaus sib tua rau lub thawj lub sij hawm nrog tus kws qhia Robert Garcia, seemed yuav tsum tau mus tsaws nws lub hwj chim txhaj tshuaj ntawm yuav, however he would pick his spots and had long bouts of inactivity. Although he was working with a new trainer, Chavez txuas ntxiv mus rau bulldoze rau pem hauv ntej thiab tiv thaiv ib tug heev zoo xws li cov sib ntaus raws li nws tau tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis Andrezj Fonfara, lub sij hawm no tawm tsam ib tug me me tus nrog sib ntaus.


“I won. This is big for me and Robert,” Chavez said. “I can do it better, but I won and that is the important thing. I’m going to fight at 168 phaus. Little by little, I’m going to get down in weight. We know we’re doing much better work in the gym.


“In the third round I hurt my left hand. I think it’s broken, I don’t know. I’ll see the doctor. With all respect to Reyes, hais tias kuv twb tsis mob kuv txhais tes kuv yuav tau khob qhov rooj nws tawm.


“I connected on the best punches to the chin and the body. Kuv mob nws, but I couldn’t finish him because I hurt my hand. He threw a lot of punches but missed a lot. Nws yeej tsis ua rau kuv mob. I felt I hurt him every time I landed.”


Tom qab kev sib ntaus, Reyes (33-3, 24 Kos) qhia nws cov ntaub ntawv mus Showtime reporter Jim Gray thiab taw tes tawm tus luj disparity.


“I feel I won the fight. I showed him how I box,” Reyes said. “I made the weight at 168 and he didn’t make weight. He’s like a light heavyweight fighting a middleweight.


"Kuv yog tawm tsam tag nrho cov yuav muaj tseeb - lub referee, qhov nyhav, txhua yam. I think I won the fight. It’s OK – I did my best.”


Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, McJoe Arroyo yeej ib kev txiav txim tshaj Arthur Villanueva los yeej muaj cov tsis muaj IBF Junior Bantamweight ntiaj teb Championship tom qab lub bout raug nres ntawm 2:10 nyob rau hauv lub 10th round due to a deep gash over Villanueva’s right eye. The fight went to the judges’ scorecards and Villanueva was ahead 97-92, 98-91 tom qab lub tsev hais plaub ua tau qhab nia rau hauv lub 10th.


Lub Puerto Rico Arroyo (17-0, 8 Kos) los ua lub thib peb fighter ntawm cov kob los yeej ib 115-phaus title.


The lefty-righty matchup was at times highly technical and foul-filled. Referee Rafael Ramos deducted a point against Villanueva (27-1, 14 Kos) for leading with his head in the sixth. In a different clash in the sixth, a deep gash opened up over the right eye of Villanueva that ultimately led to the stoppage. Ramos ruled that the clash that opened the cut was unintentional.


Dr. Brian August inspected the cut midway through the seventh round and again after the eighth. Ramos again signaled for August to inspect the cut in the 10th and ruled that it was too deep to continue. In an interview with Jim Gray, Lub yim hli ntuj tau hais tias nws nres lub sib ntaus nyob rau hauv qhov zoo tshaj plaws kev txaus siab ntawm lub dav hlau tua rog tab sis hais tias Villanueva tias nws twb muaj tsis muaj lub xub ntiag teeb meem.


"Thaum nws nkag mus, he was entering low. He was clashing heads a lot,” Arroyo said. “Before the fight, I knew he was a tough fighter. All Philippine fighters come to fight. I knew I had to be ready for 12 rounds, boxing or brawling. It was a competitive fight but we just worked harder every round.”


Thaum nug los ntawm Gray yog hais tias nws yog ib qho nyuaj mus nrhiav nws lub suab, Arroyo teb, “That’s a normal thing when a southpaw fights a right hander. We were both trying to be slick and smart. That happens when two boxers with the same style fight.”


Villanueva tsis pom zoo nrog cov stoppage thiab hu rau ib tug tam sim ntawd rematch.


"Nws yog ib tug ntxhib sib ntaus thiab tawv heev rau kuv tom qab lub headbutt,” Villanueva said. “I thought I won the fight. I didn’t want them to stop the fight because it was just getting into the flow. I’m disappointed with the stoppage. Kuv paub tias kuv tau tuav nws thiab kuv xav tau ib tam sim ntawd rematch. "


Nyob rau hauv lub qhib sib ntau sib tw ntawm yav tsaus ntuj, undefeated 140-phaus contender khob qhov rooj tawm Fernando Angulo nrog ib tug thundering cai mus khwv tau ib tug yuav tsum tua rau tus khiav ntawm cov teem lub caij nplooj zeeg showdown ntawm Viktor Postol thiab Lucas Matthysse rau lub tsis muaj WBC Super Hnav ntiaj teb Championship.


Nws nyob mus ua ib tug yooj yim sib ntaus rau Imam (18-0, 15 Kos), tab sis nws yeej ib txwm nyob rau hauv kev tswj thiab supremely tseeb, tsaws 54 feem pua ​​ntawm nws lub hwj chim punches piv rau xwb 17 rau Angulo (28-10, 16 Kos). Imam ended the bout in brilliant fashion with a powerful right to Angulo’s ear, yuam nws tus nrog sib ntaus rau lub caij nplooj zeeg lub ntsej muag-rau pem hauv ntej mus rau lub hom ntaub khov heev thiab lub referee rau instantly nres lub contest rau :56.


“I take my hat off. He’s a good opponent,” Imam said. “I just hit him with a big shot on his ear and he was done.


“These guys get the belts and just hold it. I’m going to get the belt and hold it with pride.”


Hais tias Imam pab txhawb thiab Hall ntawm Famer Don King, "Nws yog ib qho zoo heev zoo - vim li cas kuv yuav tsum thiab ntau. You should never underestimate but pontificate when it comes to the ‘Young Master.We will take the belts and anyone that comes in front of us.

Australian Waffle Anthony Mundine tau txais txias taw tom qab WBO Jr. Middleweight yeej Demetrius Andrade pom zoo rau cov ntsiab lus rau npe tua tom ntej no lub hli nyob rau hauv teb chaws Australia


WBO Junior Middleweight zus &

2008 Lub. S. Olympian

Rau Tam Sim Tso

(daim duab los ntawm Shane Sims / Banner Promotions)


Providence (Lub Xya hli ntuj 18, 2015) – Tos ntev ntev nplhaib rov qab rau undefeated ntiaj teb Boxing Organization (WBO) junior Middleweight champion Demetrius “Boo boo” Andrade (21-0, 14 Kos) muaj, hmoov tsis, ntaus lwm thaiv raws li Anthony “Cov txiv neej” Mundine (47-7, 27 Kos) tau reneged rau ib daim ntawv cog cam Andrade hlis tom ntej no nyob rau hauv nws ib txwm nyob teb chaws Australia.


“Peb pom zoo rau cov ntsiab lus nrog Mundine tus neeg pab txhawb tab sis tau hnov ​​tsis muaj dab tsi rov qab txij li thaum ces,” 27-xyoo-laus Andrade piav. “Mundine hu tawm (Floyd) Mayweather tab sis nws yuav tsis tau ib tug tseeb WBO ntiaj teb title sib ntaus ntawm 154 phaus nyob rau hauv nws tus kheej lub teb chaws? Same old story, Kuv twv. Txhua leej txhua tus xav ib yam dab tsi kom txog thaum lawv muaj ib lub caij nyoog los yeej tau nws.”

“Anthony Mundine pab muaj ib tug ntawm cov neeg ceev faj-what-koj-xav-rau lub sij hawm,” Andrade lub saib xyuas Thiab Farris sau, “nyob rau hauv uas Demetrius txais tag nrho cov ntawm lawv cov ntsiab lus thov, xws li Demetrius muab nws WBO siv mus tua Mundine rau nws tus kheej lub tsev turf. After previously agreeing to fight Andrade, Mundine pab tau tam sim no muaj ib tug kev hloov ntawm lub plawv, thiab lawv thaj tab tom nrhiav mus tua ib tug tsawg tus nrog sib ntaus.”

Andrade tau tsis tiv thaiv txij li thaum nws muab rhuav pov tseg WBO Tsis. 1 yuav tsum tau contender Brian Rose (25-1-1) nyob rau hauv xya rounds Lub rau hli ntuj 14, 2014. Unable to lure either Mayweather or Miguel Cotto rau hauv ib lub mega-sib ntaus, tsis WBO Tsis. 1 contender Xa-u “Canelo” Alvarez,los sis txawm ib unification nrog WBA yeej Erislandy “American npau suav” Lara, 2008 U.S. Olympian Andrade ntseeg hais tias nws thaum kawg muaj ib tug title tiv thaiv tub nyob rau hauv rau lub hlis tom ntej tiv thaiv yav tas los ob-lub sij hawm super middleweight lub ntiaj teb champion Mundine.


“Kuv tsis to taub,” ib tug tag kev cia siab Andrade ntxiv. “Peb muab lub txiv leej tub ib lub caij nyoog los yeej muaj cov championship ntawm lub ntiaj teb no nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub teb chaws thiab nws ntsia rau ib txoj kev tawm es tsis txhob? What kind of fighter is he? Any real fighter would do anything for that kind of an opportunity.”


Ua raws li cov Demetrius Andrade rau TwitterAndradeATeam los yogBooBooBoxing.


Chris ARREOLA THIAB FRED KASSI sib ntaus RAU ib tug kos


Duab Credit - Esther Lin / CBS

Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab

Yees duab Credit: Esther Lin / CBS


Kauj ruam, Texas (Lub Xya hli ntuj 18) - Undefeated Irish lub hnub qub Carl "Tus hma" Frampton (21-0, 14 Kos) tsom loj heev lub plawv thiab kev txiav txim, raws li nws ntse tiv thaiv nws junior featherweight title tiv thaiv Alejandro Gonzalez Jr. (25-2-2, 15 Kos) nyob rau Don Haskins Center nyob rau hauv El Paso thiab nyob rau PBC rau CBS. Sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv nws U.S. debut. Frampton tau khob qhov rooj cia ob zaug nyob rau hauv thawj puag ncig, tab sis bounced rov qab nyob rau hauv impressive zam los yeej ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab (116-108 ob zaug thiab 115-109).

Nyob rau hauv lub televised opener, heavyweights Chris "Tus npau suav phem" Arreola (36-4-1, 31 Kos) thiab "Loj "Fred Kassi (18-3-1, 10 Kos) tiv thaiv ib tug nyob ze 10-round bout xaus nyob rau hauv ib feem ntau kos.


Gonzalez Jr. tuaj tawm qev thiab ntaus Frampton nrog ib tug nyuaj ncaj sab laug jab tsawg tshaj li ib feeb mus rau hauv lub sib ntaus, sending the Northern Ireland-native to the canvas for the first time in his career. Frampton was knocked down again with less than 15 vib nas this nyob rau hauv lub li thawj, thaum Gonzalez ntaus Frampton nrog ib tug ntse sab tes tom qab nws pob ntseg. Gonzalez tau txiav ib tug taw tes nyob rau hauv lub thib peb puag ncig rau ib tug tsawg tshuab thiab dua nyob rau hauv lub 11.


"Tus hma" nyob mus txog rau lub lofty xav kom nws US. debut los ntuav thiab tsaws 100 ntau punches tshaj Gonzalez Jr., xws li muaj ze triple tus nqi ntawm jabs. Gonzalez Jr., txawb ntau hwj chim punches, Txawm li cas los, Frampton yog ntau yog nrog nws lub hwj chim txhaj tshuaj.


"Kuv tsis xav tias zoo nyob rau hauv thawj puag ncig. Kuv tau mus txog los ntawm ob flash knockdowns ho thiab zoo tu qab tso zoo. Cov me nyuam yuav tshum zoo heev,"Hais tias Frampton. "Lub nplhaib canvas yog heev mos. Kuv yuav tsis tau sawv rau hauv kuv cov ntiv taw thiab hais tias yog kuv zoo tshaj plaws attribute. Kuv tau mus txog thiab pom ua siab tawv qhawv. Kuv tuaj rov qab thiab yeej feem ntau ntawm cov rounds thiab muab kev zoo siab. "


Frampton txuas ntxiv, "Kuv xav los yeej yog knockout. Nws tsis tshwm sim. Kuv chim, tab sis kuv mam li rov ntsuam xyuas thiab tsiv mus nyob rau; onwards thiab upwards. Nws ntaus kuv tsis muaj ntau yam thiaj li lub sij hawm, tab sis koj twb tau txais nrog ntawd thiab nqa on thiab hais tias yog dab tsi kuv tau ua. "


“Kuv twv yuav raug hu yeej qhov kev sib ntaus, Kuv yog ntau npaum li cas zoo,"Hais tias Gonzalez. “Kuv xav tau ib rematch thiab kuv zoo siab ua nws nyob rau hauv nws hometown. Kuv mam li muab txhua yam uas sib ntaus yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau kuv yog thaum 118 los yog 122.”


“Cov me nyob overreacted rau cov uas tsis muaj blows, Kuv twb cia li ua kuv lub cev ua hauj lwm,"Gonzalez txuas ntxiv. “Kuv tsis yog ib tug qias neeg fighter, Kuv ua si los ntawm cov kev cai thiab qhov no yog disappointing. Nws yog ib tug zoo fighter, tiam sis kuv qhov zoo tshaj plaws nws puas ntsib.”


Nyob rau hauv lub qhib sib ntau sib tw ntawm cov telecast, Arreola npaj los mus ua kom ib daim ntawv qhia hais tias nws yog npaj txhij rau lwm lub ntiaj teb title txhaj tshuaj, tsis tau yog tsis muaj cuab kav mus xa cov kev ua tau zoo nws tau vam vim Kassi lub khoom ua si npaj thiab heavy-ntaus ruaj ruaj. Cov paj xyeem tau 96-94 rau Arreola thiab 95-95 (ob zaug).
“It was a good decision. It was just a tough fight,"Hais tias Arreola. “Fred came to fight and he’s a survivor. He held right, he moved right. He came here with a good strategy and he got a draw out of it.”


Arreola txuas ntxiv, "Kuv paub tias kuv tau Deontay (Wilder), I’d be in much better shape and a lot better prepared. Not that I wasn’t prepared for Kassi, tab sis nws tuaj ntawm no nrog ib tug zoo sib ntaus thiab twb npaj. "


Kassi tsis noj dab tsi deb ntawm Arreola, tab sis kom meej meej xav hais tias nws yeej lub bout.


“Kuv tsis txaus siab rau qhov kev txiav txim,"Hais tias Kassi. "Kuv xav tias kuv yeej txhua puag ncig ntawm qhov kev sib ntaus. Kuv pom hmo no Kuv yog tus zoo dua fighter. Kuv yuav tsis muaj dab tsi deb ntawm Chris. Kuv yog nws tus phooj ywg rau xyoo. Cov neeg tsis paub kuv, ces kuv cia li xav mus qhia lub ntiaj teb no kuv yuav ua li cas nws. Kuv muaj pov thawj tias kuv yuav nyob rau hauv lub heavyweight division. Kuv pom kuv lub siab. Kuv twb tau kev cob qhia nyuaj rau ntau lub xyoo thiab kuv tau qhia nws hmo no."



Arif Magomedov thiab Adas Lopez Nyob Unbeaten,

Clarkson neeg ntaus Odom Nyob Chim siab Ntawm Lub Hmo ntuj

Watch Replay Nyob Tuesday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 21, ntawm 10 p.m. THIAB/PT rau SHOWTIME huab®


Nyem NTAWM NO Download duab

Credit: Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME®


Npelehees, Pa. (Lub Xya hli ntuj 18, 2015) - ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam celebrates nws 14th ib nrog ib tug nkaus packed card. Undefeated MiddleweightAntoine "ua" Douglas (18-0-1, 12 Kos) ntawm Washington D.C. tiav lawm tawmIstvan "Tus tub huabtais" Silicones (18-1-2, 8 Kos) ntawm Frekendorf, Switzerland nrog ib tug impressive peb puag ncig TKO nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam, Friday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 17 los ntawm Sands Twv txiaj yuam pov Hotel nyob rau hauv Npelehees, Pa. Cov kev tshwm sim tau televised nyob rau SHOWTIME.


Ob Douglas thiab Szili, muaj muaj zog pib. Douglas exploited nws ncav tsis cuag kom zoo dua thiab muaj zog txoj cai, thaum Szili showcased ib tug ob peb zoo ob peb ua ke. Txawm li cas los, Douglas tsom dominance thoob plaws hauv lub round ntawm outlanding Szili 18-rau-ib tug nyob rau hauv jabs.


Szili sim hnav Douglas cia, tab sis lub 22-xyoo-laus Washingtonian countered lub Swiss 'cov me nyuam nrog zoo ua ke thiab muaj zog cai. Douglas khob qhov rooj Szili nrog ib tug tshuav sib ntsib thiab ob tug loj txoj cai tsawg tshaj li 10 vib nas this mus nyob rau hauv lub thib ob, tab sis Szili rub nws tus kheej ua ke mus tas lub round. "Tus tub huabtais" yeej tsis zoo tu qab tso siab thiab Douglas siv nws ceev thiab muaj hwj chim loj jabs kom xa ob tug ntau knockouts ua rau lub stoppage cia li 29 vib nas this mus rau hauv lub thib peb puag ncig.


"Hmo no yog ib pab neeg siab thiab kuv yeej zoo siab rau peb. Kuv cia siab rau kuv pab neeg los pab kuv mus tom ntej thiab mus txuas ntxiv muaj kev vam meej,"Douglas hais tias. "Kuv yuav rov qab los dua mus tua nyob rau hauv lub Showtime banner sai.


"Kuv ua hauj lwm rau nws [Istvan Szili] tawm lub jab thiab ib zaug kuv ntes tau nws ib tug ob peb lub sij hawm, Kuv twb tau mus muab nws lub ob peb ua ke. Tom qab ntawd kuv lub hwj chim punches ncaws nyob rau hauv thiab koj pom lub txiaj ntsim ntawm hais tias. "


Douglas yog ib tug active fighter, ua no nws plaub yeej nyob rau hauv ib tug kab txij li thaum nws kos nrog Michel Soro nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj 2014. Rau Silicones, qhov no yog nws thawj thawj lub sij hawm sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv 11 lub hlis.


"Kuv tsis muaj peev xwm los qhia tias kuv yog peev xwm ntawm ua. Kuv muaj ib tug yawm sparring pw hav zoov thiab ntsia zoo kawg li yuav tawm tsam lub ntiaj teb no champions, yog li ntawd kuv tsis paub hais tias dab tsi tshwm sim,"Silicones Hais. "Thaum kuv ntaus nyob rau hauv kuv pob ntseg, Kuv poob kuv tshuav nyiaj li cas.

"Loses tshwm sim. Ib txhia ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws cov neeg tau yeej ua ntej. Tam sim no kuv tau txiav txim tias kuv yuav rov qab los los yog so num lawm tom qab no tab sis kuv yuav hlub lwm lub caij nyoog los qhia tias kuv yuav ua li cas. "


"Qhov no yog lub sij hawm uas plaub Antoine Douglas tau tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv ShoBox, thiab kuv xav tias [Istvan] Szili yuav muab nws ntau teeb meem. Kuv xav tias Szili yuav sim coj nws mus rau hauv lub tom qab rounds, tab sis Douglas yog sai npaum li cas, ntau cuam sai rau nws ob txhais taw. Szili ua rau nws saib zoo tiag tiag vim hais tias Douglas muaj peev xwm los mus ua xijpeem nws xav,"Hais tias Boxing zaj liv xwm thiab Showtime analyst Steve Farhood."Kuv twb pom Douglas plaub lub sij hawm tam sim no, peb yeej thiab ib tug kos thiab txhua txhua lub sij hawm kuv yuav tau coj mus tib yam li: Kuv xav pom nws dua. "


Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, Derrick "Nqa mus rau lub sij hawm thaum" Webster (19-1, 10 Kos) ntawm Philadelphia, Pa. raug kev txom nyem nws tus thawj tsis tiv thaiv khub unbeaten, 22-xyoo-laus Arif Magomedov (16-0, 9 Kos) ntawm Glendale, California. los ntawm txoj kev ntawm Russia nyob rau hauv ib tug ib tug-ib tog 10-round middleweight matchup.


Magomedov qhuas cov neeg coob coob los ntawm outboxing lub 33-xyoo-laus southpaw nrog poise thiab Aggressiveness. Nws tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv lub hauv, pressuring Webster thiab dictating lub pace ntawm kev sib ntaus. Webster nyuaj rau hloov mus rau nws tus nrog sib ntaus style, tab sis khaws cov atherosclerosis hauv round plaub xwb yuav tsum tau outboxed los ntawm Magomedov nyob rau hauv cov nram no rounds. Txawm tias Webster raug khob qhov rooj cia ob zaug (xya thiab kaum) lub yeej rau Lavxias teb sab yuav tsis tuaj los ntawm txoj kev ntawm knockout tab sis los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub 'scorecards. Magomedov yeej los ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab 99-89, tag nrho peb cov txiav txim.


"Kuv xav tias kuv yuav khob [Derrick] Webster tawm tab sis kuv yuav qhia rau nws twb npaj. Vim hais tias ntawm nws qhov siab, Kuv twb ras los ntawm yuav ua li cas yooj yim nws yog tau hauv. Nyob rau hauv lub kawg, Kuv tau ua dab tsi kuv yuav tsum ua. Kuv tau ua dab tsi peb npaj mus ua nyob rau hauv lub gym - tau hauv. Cov nyob tau ib tug zoo txoj hauj lwm ntawm cia peb sib ntaus rau sab hauv. "

"Tib lub sij hawm yuav qhia rau qhov chaw uas dab tsi yog nyob rau hauv lub khw rau kuv tom ntej no. Kuv tseem muaj ib tug ntau ntawm kev kawm ua. "

"Kuv yog heev npaj rau qhov kev sib ntaus, tab sis vim kuv lub plab kab mob no thiab pob pob luj taws, Kuv tsis yog 100 feem pua ​​noj qab haus huv paub qab hau. Qhov no yog kuv thawj lub sij hawm nyob 160 nyob rau hauv hais txog tsib los sis rau xyoo. Tsis excuses, nws [Magomedov] yog tus zoo dua txiv neej hmo no. Kuv mam li yuav muaj cai rov qab nyob rau hauv lub gym rau hnub Monday."


"[Arif] Magomedov yog tseem 22, cia li zoo li Douglas. Nws ntsia zoo heev tiv thaiv [Derrick] Webster – ib tug rau taw plaub southpaw – ib tug fighter uas yog tsis ib qho yooj yim kom zoo tiv thaiv,"Hais tias Farhood. "Magomedov, tshiab mus rau lub American boxing toj roob hauv pes, yog twv yuav raug hu ib qho ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws cov tub ntxhais middleweights nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. "


Thaum lub sij hawm nws ob tsos rau ShoBox, Adas "Butter" Lopez (13-0, 6 Kos) yog yeej nyob rau hauv nws 10-round super bantamweight bout nrog Dominican koom pheej-haiv neeg Eliezer "Campeoncito" Aquino (17-1-1, 11 Kos).

Qhov no tej zaum yuav tau Aquino thawj kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, tab sis nws pom tias nws yog ib tug yeej muaj tseeb competitor. Aquino xaiv ib tug relentless mus kom ze los ntawm unloading punch tom qab punch, thaum Lopez yog tau strategize thiab coj smarter txhaj tshuaj. Feem ntau, Lopez tau muaj peev xwm los suaj kaum tawm nws tw nyob rau hauv lub thib rau lub round, tab sis hmo no lub ob mus deb.

Aquino yog relentless chiv, ntaus Lopez nonstop. Nws yog tseeb tias Lopez yog tag kev cia siab, tab sis nws yuav tsis cia Aquino tus thawj ntev.

Lopez yeej los ntawm feem ntau txiav txim, 95-95 thiab 96-93 ob zaug.

"Kuv paub tsis muaj dab tsi txog kuv tus nrog sib ntaus. Txhua puag ncig kuv yuav tsum tau kawm ib tug me ntsis txog nws. Kuv tau txais txoj kev nco thaum ntxov. I never thought that he was going to last the full ten rounds. I also thought I won by a bigger margin than that,"Hais tias Lopez. "Nws yog ib tug zoo boxer thiab muaj ib tug ntau ntawm lub hwj chim. Nws txawb ob peb khoom txhaj tshuaj, tab sis nws tsis tshua muaj ib tug nuv li ntawd kuv yeej ua los thaiv nws txoj cai txhais tes.


"Qhov no yog kuv thawj zaug 10-round sib ntaus; ib tug zoo kev kawm txawj kawm. Ua ntej, Kuv tau tsuas mus rau ib zaug. Aquino muaj ib tug ntau ntawm lub zog thiab ntaus kuv nrog ib tug ntau ntawm txawv txawv txhaj tshuaj. Nws yog tsis yooj yim, tab sis kuv weathered lub cua daj cua dub. "


"Qhov no yog ib tug zoo kev kawm txawj kawm rau [Adas] Lopez mus 10 rounds rau thawj lub sij hawm tawm tsam ib tug nrog sib ntaus uas yuav tsis nres los ntawm nws,"Hais tias Farhood. "Nws twv yuav raug hu yeej qhov kev sib ntaus, tab sis lub hom kev uas nws tau txais nrog rau theem ntawm lus tsis sib xws ntawm Showtime, pub ib lub dav hlau tua rog zoo li Lopez loj hlob. "


Qhib lub qhov ShoBox:Tshiab Tiam telecast, Samuel "Lub Main kev tshwm sim" Clarkson (15-3, 9 Kos) ntawm Dallas, Texas tauj ib tug lossis loj chim los ntawm knocking Jerry "The King tus Tub" Odom (13-2, 1 NC, 12 Kos) ntawm Washington, D.C. peb lub sij hawm ua ntej lub referee, Shawn Clark, stopped the fight at 1:15 ntawm peb puag ncig.


Lub teem super middleweight 10-rounder pib muaj zog, nrog loj lead cai thiab uppercuts los ntawm Odom thiab muaj zog lub cev txhaj tshuaj thiab zoo sib txuas los ntawm Clackson. Odom ciali mus muab cov hmoov txhuas nyob rau hauv lub thib ob, breaking Clarkson cia, tsaws loj txhaj tshuaj thiab tab tom nrhiav rau ib lub sij hawm muab nws lub hwj chim los siv zoo, tab sis Clarkson tiv thaiv rov qab thiab tas cov puag ncig los ntawm khob Odom rau lub thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm nrog ib tug cai uppercut. Nyob rau hauv lub thib peb thiab zaum kawg puag ncig, Clarkson coj tawm hauv lub tau mus khob Odom cia ob zaug ntxiv ua ntej lub referee nres kev sib ntaus.


"Qhov no yog ib txoj koob hmoov, kuv pab thiab kuv tsis yog ib tug ntau mus tau no. Qhov no yeej yog tiag tiag ib tug koob hmoov "hais tias Clarkson. "Peb tau ua dab tsi peb yuav tsum tau ua, peb kov yeej lub nrhoo thiab peb yeej. Kuv twb tsis yuav tsum yeej, tab sis koj yuav tsis txiav txim ib phau ntawv los ntawm nws npog thiab ib tug dav hlau tua rog los ntawm nws cov ntaub ntawv.


"Kuv kawm [Jerry] Odom nyob rau hauv thiab tawm, thiab txhua yam kuv yuav tsum, nws ua li ntawd.


"Peb twb tau ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lub uppercut rau yuav luag rau lub lim tiam. Kuv tau ntsib ib tug ntau ntawm kuj zoo kawg orthodox neeg tua hluav taws ua ntej, thiab ib tug tshaj plaws uas kuv pom yog hais tias thaum ib tug fighter los nrog ib tug txoj cai txhais tes, qhov tiag lawm los tom qab nrog rau txoj kev uppercuts. Yog li ntawd, thaum kuv pom nws [Jerry Odom] leaning nyob rau hauv thiab nws lub taub hau twb tsis mus nrog nws punches, Kuv yuav cia li plam nyob rau hauv thiab muab pov ib tug uppercut thiab nws yog muaj nyob rau lub canvas.


"Nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no ntawm boxing, tej zaum koj tau ntes tau. Hmo no, Kuv tau ntes tau,"Odom hais tias. "Kuv cia li xav mus ua tsaug rau tag nrho cov kuv UFW, qhov no yog cia li ib tug me me setback thiab kuv yuav tsum rov qab. "


"[Samuel] Clarkson nyiag tus yeeb yam. Kuv xav tias nws yog tus biggest underdog rau ntawm daim card tuaj nyob rau hauv thiab nws raug [Jerry] Odom,"Hais tias Farhood. "Odom yog lub loj Puncher; Clarkson yog ib tug nrog tus neeg phem ntawd lub puab tsaig. Muab tau raws nraim cov lus rov, ib tug piv txwv zoo ntawm cov fact, 'Koj yeej tsis paub nyob rau hauv boxing.' "



# # #


Barry Tompkins hu ua lub ShoBox txiav txim los ntawm ringside nrog Steve Farhood thiab yav tas los lub ntiaj teb champion Raul Marquez pab raws li cov kws muaj txuj tshuaj ntsuam. Cov thawj tsim yog Gordon Hall nrog Mike Arnolddirecting thiab Rich Gaughan ua.


Hais txog ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam
Txij thaum nws inception nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj 2001, lub critically acclaimed SHOWTIME boxing series, ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam tau featured hluas txuj ci sib phim nyuaj. Lub ShoBox philosophy yog televise exciting, neeg coob coob-pleasing thiab sib tw ntais thaum npaj ib qhov tseeb hauv av rau kam zeem muag txiav txim sib ntaus rau ib lub ntiaj teb title. Ib co ntawm cov loj hlob daim ntawv teev cov 62 neeg tua hluav taws uas tau tshwm sim rau ShoBox thiab advanced rau garner ntiaj teb no lub npe muaj xws li: Lwm Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams thiab ntau yam ntxiv.

Unbeaten prodigy Mario Barrios ua hnyav nrog viav vias bout looming rau PBC rau CBS

Duab los ntawm Team Barrios


STEP, TX (Lub Xya hli ntuj 17, 2015) – San Antonio lub undefeated Super-Featherweight prodigy, Mario Barrios (9-0, 5 Kos), ua qhov ceeb thawj rau nws tom ntej bout nrog Arturo Esquivel Jose porras (9-2, 2 Kos), teem yuav coj qhov chaw ntawm lub Don Haskins Center nyob rau hauv El Paso, Texas. Barrios weight in at 131.2 thaum porras tipped lub scale ntawm 131.8.


Barrios vs.. Porras yuav pab raws li lub viav vias bout mus rau lub PBC rau CBS kev tshwm sim, headlined los ntawm Carl Frampton vs. Alejandro Gonzalez Jr. Televised kev pab them nqi pib thaum 4 p.m. THIAB/1 p.m. PT nrog ib tug heavyweights Chris Arreola thiab Fred Kassi qhib li lub telecast.


“Kuv pog txog lub sij hawm los nthuav kuv kev txawj ntse rau ib tug thoob ntiaj teb theem,” Hais Mario Barrios. “I know there will be a lot a fans tuning in form the USA and the UK. Nrog cov uas raug hais tias, Kuv xav kom muab tso rau hauv ib tug zoo kev ua tau zoo. Hopefully the fight makes it to the televised portion of the show so the fans can see what I’m all about.