Category Archives: mekemeke

Pukapuka tuwhera FROM JOHN O'Donnell KI SAM EGGINGTON

O'Donnell ta "te tangata Up Sam, a kahore e ki te mahi pounamu"

Sam aroha,


Tuhituhi atu ahau ki te wero marama tonu koe ki te tiaki i tou taitara ki ahau i runga i Oketopa 17th. Ahau kakato mauruuru e kore ai koutou e hiahia ki te mahi i tenei e mohio ana koe e ngaro koe, a ka hiahia ki te tiki i te ohie e pa, engari te tangata ki runga, a i te iti rawa, ka ngaro koe, e kua whakakitea e koe kei te tangata whawhai koe!


Ka rite tu te reira e haere ahau ki te whai ki te whiua te taata nei i whiua koe, Dale Evans, i roto i te eliminator mo te taitara o Ingarangi. E mohio ana koe e whiua e ahau Dale, a pea ka kitea e koe i te kupu ki te Ukutoia ka tupu tenei, kaua ki te ahau fehangahangai.


Sam te mea katoa e pā ana ki ngā taumata, me te ko ahau taumata i runga a koutou. Ka tangohia e ahau ki a koutou ki te kura, me te hoatu ki a koe i te haapiiraa mekemeke, engari i te iti rawa, ka ako koe i reira.


Mea koe ki te hapa i te hoariri hoki Oketopa 17th. A ani i to koutou kaiwhakatairanga Eddie ki te hoatu i taku tīma i te karanga. Kei te tatari tatou ki te waea waea. Ka ara hoatu e ahau he rarangi rematch koe ki te hiahia koe ki te kia whiua rua i roto i te rarangi.


Kua mahia e koe tino pai hoki e haere mai, me ona kua nui ki te kite i te kuao tangata te ahunga whakamua, engari ko te wa inaianei i haere mai ki te kanohi i te mau nguha, te tangata nei i te mea hiakai ki te haere i te ara katoa. Ko iti rawa Glenn Waewae mo koutou, Ko Hohepa i Lamptey i roto i tona hohonu, a Shayne Singleton i te hanga ake record.


Ko ahau te toa Commonwealth mua. Te tangata ake Sam!


Te pai katoa



Utaina undercard tango āhua mō August 28 i te Walter E. Convention Center Washington i Washington, DC

E Brandon Bennett i runga i Honatana Maicelo i roto i te hui Main 10-a tawhio noa
No te Tonu Tuku


Washington, DC (August 6, 2015) I te po te Paraire, August 28 i te Walter E. Convention Center Washington i roto i te whakapaipai o te iwi o Washington, DC, Ka tapae Whakatairanga Kingi o te po mīharo o te mekemeke e ka ngā etahi o te taranata pai i roto i te United States.

I roto i te hui matua, Brandon Bennett (19-1, 8 KO o) Ka tapawha atu ki mua kaiwero taitara ao a Honatana Maicelo (21-2, 12 KO o) i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā whakaritea mō te 10-rauna.

Kei te tango te undercard faahiahia āhua e ngā etahi o nga opuaraa pai i roto i te whenua.

I roto i te pāngia 10-a tawhio noa:

Phil Jackson-Benson (15-2, 14 KO o) o Brooklyn, Ka tangohia NY i runga i Antonio Guerrero (8-5, 4 KO o) o Sucumbios, Ecuador i roto i te a'ee Super whitu tekau.

2012 U.S. Ma'ona Jamel Herring (12-0, 7 KO o) Ka whawhai te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.

Robert Aranga (14-0, 11 KO o) o Toledo, Ka tangohia OH i runga i Osumanu Akaba (32-8-1, 25 KO o) o Accra, Ghana ingoa i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.

I roto i te pāngia 8-a tawhio:

Demond Nicholson (13-1, 13 KO o) o Laurel, MD whawhai Antonio Baker (8-12, 4 KO o) o Fayetteville, NC i roto i te a'ee whitu tekau.

Rawiri Grayton (11-0, 8 KO o) o Washington, DC ka Jose Valderrama whawhai (4-10, 3 KO o) o Arecibo, Puerto Rico i roto i te tukinga Welterweight.

Ko Emanuera Aleem (13-0, 9 KO o) o Richmond, VA. Milton Nuñez ka whawhai (28-14-1, 25 KO o) o Baranquila, Colombia i roto i te whawhai whitu tekau.

I roto i te pāngia 6-a tawhio:

Kareem Martin (5-0-1, 3 KO o) o Washington, DC whawhai Anthony Prescott (5-6-2, 2 KO o) o Cherry Hill, NJ i Welterweight a'ee.

2012 U.S. Ma'ona Raynell Williams (8-0, 4 KO o) o Cleveland, E OH i runga i Jose Miguel Castro (5-5, 3 KO o) o Carolina, Puerto Rico i roto i te honga Kōmāmā.

Patrick Harris (6-0, 4 KO o) o Washington, Ka tangohia DC i runga i te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.

Jamontay Clark (6-0, 3 KO o) o Cincinnati, OH Donald Sanchez e whawhai (2-2, 1 KO) o Albuquerque, NM i roto i te whawhai Welterweight.

Leo Hall (6-0, 6 KO o) o Detroit, Ka pouaka MI ki Jonel Tapia (8-5-1, 5 KO o) o Aguas Buenas, PR i roto i te a'ee Light Heavyweight.

He tīkiti i runga i te hoko mo te $100 (Haupae Front); $75 (Ringside) $50 (Te kuhu General) na roto i te te karanga 301-899-2430 rānei, mā te takiuru ki

E wātea ana ētahi atu mōhiohio whawhai i


No te Tonu Tuku



FAAITEHIA NA omaoma, Cap, Lennox Lewis ME MLSE

Toronto (August 5, 2015) — Groupe Yvon Michel (Te omaoma), i roto i te tahi Global Legacy Boxing (Cap) a Maple Leaf Sports me Entertainment (MLSE), Ko te whakakake ki te mana kauwhau i muri i te korero taitara ao o te puncher wehi, A Tamutu “Superman” Stevenson, Mahuru 11, i te Ricoh Coliseum i Toronto. Ko te hui he wāhanga o te whaimana Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions raupapa, airing live on Koi TV i roto i te United States, i runga i Indigo a Bell TV i roto i te Canada.

Stevenson (26-1-0, 21 Koó),ofMontreal, tetahi o te kaha rawa pauna-no te- punchers pauna i roto i te ao, ka tiakina e tona Kaunihera Boxing World (WBC), Ko te Ring maheni, me te taumahamaha te marama lineal (175 pauna) whitiki taitara ao mo te ono o nga wa, ki WBC #9 nguha Tommy “Kryptonite” Karpency (25-4-1, 14 Koó), te mohio American southpaw whawhai i roto i a Araha, Pennsylvania. Ko te hiahia o Stevenson ki te paruru i ana taitara i roto i te Toronto:

“'Oku Oaoa ki te kauwhau i toku whawhai muri ki runga ki ahau Mahuru 11 i roto i te Toronto ki Tommy Karpency. Ahau rite ki te hoatu i te mamae ki runga i. Pakeke ahau e mahi me te noho arotahi”, Na ka mea te toa.

29-tau-tawhito te Karpency unuhia atu i te nui pouri o Oketopa 4, 2014 i te Foxwoods Resort o Mashantucket, Connecticut, hinga toa marama o mua taumahamaha o lineal Chad Dawson i te ara o te whakatau ritua. Karpency, nana nei i riro i tana e wha whawhai whakamutunga, Ko ano hoki te Pennsylvania nāianei, me te NABA-USA toa te marama taumahamaha. Ko ia ngā oaoa ki te tiki i tenei taitara faingamālie te ao.

Tukia e ahau te taua taata whiua Stevenson ki hei te toa ao. Whiua e ahau ki a ia [Dawson] tika i runga i te tau i muri whiua Stevenson ia ia. I muri i taua win, I mea ahau e ko te rangi te rohe, me te i hinaaro e ahau te pai i roto i te ao. Ko te win [mo Dawson] whakamatauria e no ahau i roto i te whiriwhiri i te taumahamaha te marama. Na ko reira toku mahi ki te riro i tēnei whawhai“, Ua haamaramarama Karpency.

“Trilled te omaoma ki te kawe i tenei whawhai aito te ao, me te 'Pirimia Mekemeke Champions’ raupapa ki Toronto mo te wā tuatahi,” Ka mea peresideni hākinakina Yvon Michel. “Kua matou fakakaukau tenei kaupapa mo te wa roa. Kua taea tenei kua no te mea i kitea e matou hoa nui ki Les Woods a Lennox Lewis, i CAP, a Wayne Zronick, i MLSE. To tatou i te iteraa ki te kawe i te kaupapa mekemeke nui e tika tenei hākinakina pa Nōna. Ahakoa atu, whakapono ana ano matou kua kitea e tatou i te hoa e hiahiatia ana ki te kī i te angitu o te kaupapa, ki te mahi i te reira ano i runga i te turanga auau.”

Ko te he haamaitairaa nui ki te kia mahi te taha MLSE me omaoma,” GLB president Les Woods tāpiri. “Kua meinga mana kōkiri Global Legacy o whakaora-ao te piha mekemeke ngaio i roto i te pa faahiahia o Toronto te mau. “Ki te haere tonu te faufaa ai'a i hanga toku papa ruau, e reignite he weriweri mō 'te pūtaiao reka’ puta noa i te pa, ko te kite, me te meatanga ano tumanako ahau, e tonu ki te waiho i te hāraunga pumau i teie nei me te i runga i te heke mai katoawhakatupuranga o te pā mekemeke.”

Ano te wahi o tenei whakatairanga, ko te toa taumahamaha motuhake o mua o te ao, Lennox Lewis. Ahakoa e kore e whawhai a muri ake, okiokinga ia kia rite ki te aroha ki tona hākinakina. Lewis patua Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Vitali Klitschko i roto i te atu atu rangatira i roto i tona mahi mekemeke rongonui.

“Te reira faahiahia ki te waiho i te wahi o GLB, mahi i roto i te taha ki te omaoma, me te MLSE, ki te whakahauora mekemeke i Toronto, e puta noa Canada ki te taumata teitei,” Parau Lewis. “Ka rite ki te toa motuhake o mua taumahamaha o te ao, Ahau whakakake ki te kia hanga i te tūāpapa motu i reira boxers ahau, pērā i te toa taumahamaha te marama te ao a Tamutu Stevenson, Ka taea e te whakaatu o ratou mau taleni i te kāinga, me te farii i te tautoko e tika ana ratou.”

I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, toa taumahamaha o Kānata nāianei Dillon “Whenua Big” Carman (8-2, 7 Koó), o Mississauga, Ontario, Ka fehangahangai mua hoariri Lewis me Tyson, Samaika-whanau Donovan “Heu” Ruddock (40-5-1, 30 Koó). Ka whakaritea te katoa o te waru pāngia i roto i te hui, whakaatu taitamariki taranata i Ontario, a Quebec.

Mekemeke i Toronto me Ontario

Toronto ko te wahi wera mekemeke rite wawe rite 1880.

Jake Kilrain, George Dixon, Joe Gans, Kid McCoy, Harry Lever, Sam Langford,Benny Leonard, Mickey Walker, Chocolate Kid, Max Baer, Primo Carnera,Joey Giambra, Archie Moore, Floyd Patterson, Bob Foster, Muhammad Ali, a Larry Holmes aroraa katoa epic pakanga i roto i te Toronto i roto i to ratou mahi mekemeke.

Ētahi atu standouts te hunga hoki whawhai i roto i te Toronto ngā Jimmy Wilde, Jimmy Welsh,Young Stribling, Rocky Kansas, “Panama” Al Brown, Sandy tera hōiho, Pakanga Levinsky, Sammy Angott, Tommy Loughran, Maxie Rosenbloom, Jose Napoles, Ernie Terrell, Jimmy Ellis, Nino Benvenuti, a Arona Pryor.

Kōrero Canadian George Chuvalo whawhai hoki taumahamaha te taitara ao Maehe 29, 1966 i te Maple Leaf Gardens ki paruru i toa, me te mekemeke iconMuhammad Ali, i roto i pea puritia ake te a'ee tino rongonui i roto i te pa. Roa te uaua tonu Chuvalo 15 Whakatata ki te tangata e mohiotia ana ko “Ko te rahi”.

Toronto taketake Nick Furlano pouaka me hoki a roa 15 rauna ki puai World mekemeke Association (WBA) te ao toa super ono tekau, me te International Boxing Hall o te mema Fame, Arona “Ko te Hawk” Pryor, Pipiri 22, 1984, i te Varsity Stadium o te Whare Wānanga o Toronto.

Mai i reira, Te tama a Sarnia Steve Molitor Ko te whā International Boxing Federation super ao (122 pauna) toa, i 2006 ki 2011. Whawhai ia i roto i te whitu taitara ao whawhai i roto i te Ontario, katoa i te Rama Casino.

More tata, Whiringa 15, 2014 i te Center Hershey i Mississauga, Brampton o ake Denton Daley toa cruiserweight te ao wā werohia WBA Youri Kalenga , he nativeof te Democratic Republic o te Congo, ngaro i roto i te 12th me te a tawhio noa whakamutunga.

Haere tīkiti i runga i te hoko tīmatanga Rāmere, August 7 i 10:00 a.m., i runga i, i te omaoma (514) 383-0666, Cap (416) 678-6957 ranei Ricoh Coliseum (416) 263-3900. Tīmata utu tīkiti i 40 $. E wātea ana hoki nga tepu i te whakapā GLB.

DON KING Productions E whakaatu ana taumahamaha hinga Trevor Bryan AGAINST DANGEROUS DERRIC ROSSY Aug. 28 ON SHOBOX: THE NEW whakatupuranga

Tripleheader Āhuatanga tūturu whitu tekau Juan Ubaldo Cabrera ki Kia-mongamonga Mike Gavronksi

& Hāmoa a Natu Visinia versus katoa-Action Heavyweight Joey Dawejko

Rāmere, Aug. 28, E ora i runga i SHOWTIME® (11 p.m. ET / PT)

Mai i Rō Las Vegas Events Center

NEW YORK (Aug. 5, 2015) - Fafau ake-a-haere mai taumahamaha Trevor Bryan (15-0, 11 Koó) ka hoatu e tona record kohakore i runga i te raina, ka anga ia tona hoariri uaua ki te rā, te mātanga ake Derric Rossy (30-9, 14 Koó), i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa hui matua o te ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ora tripleheader i runga i SHOWTIME® (11 p.m. ET / PT, roa i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru). Whakatairangatia ana e te Don King Productions, ka tango i te a'ee wahi Rāmere, Aug. 28, i Rō Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC), puta noa i i te D Las Vegas i roto i te Rō rongonui Las Vegas.


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, -wā e rua Dominican Republic Tuaro Juan Ubaldo Cabrera (23-0, 16 Koó), ka tangohia i runga i te pūkenga Mike Gavronski (18-1-1, 12 Koó), o Tacoma, Horoi., in a 10-round middleweight match. I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te telecast, 6-waewae-2 taumahamaha Samoa a Kaumatua Visine (11-1, 9 Koó) o Tacoma, Horoi., Ka kanohi 5-waewae-10 Joey Dawejko(14-4-2, 7 Koó), o Philadelphia, i roto i te matchup waru-a tawhio.


Ka meinga boxers e ono katoa ratou ShoBox debuts i roto i te mea moni ki te hanga-ranei-horanga whawhai mo ia. Utu Tickets e i $39.50, $59.50, $89.50, $149.50 a $500.00 no te VIP Ripanga me e wātea ana i


"Homai te reira ahau i pai ai nui ki te āwhina i te taitama, me te koroheke opuaraa, tangata me nga wahine, whai ratou moe, whai hoki i te whai wāhi ki te taui i to ratou moe ki te mau ora,” King said. “Trevor Bryan is such a prospect seeking an opportunity to fulfill his dreams. Well, Kei te hoatu Don kingi, a SHOWTIME ia e whai wāhi ki te hopu i te whakaaro o te iwi i runga iShoBox i runga i Aug. 28. Heoi, Derric Rossy, a great challenger and ‘Dreambreaker’ is blocking the door to greatness. And Trevor Bryan has to fight like hell to get through that door. The fight will be the power of dreams. I urge all fight fans to tune in on ShoBox a kahore e kimo. ''


"E hiamo matou ki te hoa ki a Don kingi Whakatairanga me ShoBox i roto i te mau mai i mekemeke waho ki te Shortland Las Vegas,"Ka mea a Derek Stevens, Tumu / Rangatira DLVEC me te D Las Vegas. "Ko e taranata āhuatanga kāri whawhai te fafau, e hanga e mo te kaupapa ngalongataa. "


Titiro ki te whakapumautia ia i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha United States, te Bryan pūmanawa, engari unproven o Pompano Beach, Fla., i te ara Albany, N.Y., Kei te tango i te tupeke nui i roto i te piha haapiiraa ki Rossy, o Medford, N.Y..


Na te pai o te tiaturiraa ko Bryan, te tangata e tahuri 26 i runga i Aug. 23? The former amateur standout

riro toa motu e rima i roto i tika 60 pāngia runaruna. While a close loss in the finals of a 2011 puritia ia whakataetae āhei i roto i o te U.S. Tamataraa Olympic, riro te taumahamaha wheako faufaa i Northern Michigan University i raro i te whakaakoranga o töna US mua. Olympic Coach Al Mitchell.


Mai tona waiata i 22 i roto i te Whiringa- 2011, noho te-waewae-4 6 Kua Bryan kaha, ka rēhita 10 o tona 11 whakaora knockout i roto i te toru rauna iti iho ranei. Bryan, who knocked out outmatched Stacy Frazier i roto i te rua o muri a tawhio noa Pipiri 20, Ko hoki ki te whai wāhi whakamatau ia ia ki te taumahamaha hōia oaoa.


"Pepa i te, titiro reira rite ka waiho whakaongaonga, me te au tino titiro ahau i reira, ano he whawhai horanga hoki ahau,'' Na ka mea a Bryan. "Ahau ite fiefia, not pressure. It’s time for people to start mentioning my name with the others. I’ve had a great training camp, Ki te ite māia ki te kaiwhakangungu tonu ahau Stacey McKinley a ite ahau kaha, mentally clear and confident. I’m ready to roll.”


Haere Bryan kua waru rauna kotahi, engari he mohio nui ki te kore e tau'a i te hōia mōrearea rite Rossy.


"E kore koe e ahei te tango i te tuke, taata fakapapau'i rite Rossy whakahawea ana,” Bryan said. “He’s scored a couple of upsets, whawhai etahi ko eé whakaaro ia whiua ia, has ring experience and he’s been there against all kinds. Like me, Ite e ahau te ia ahua o pau i roto i tona ara ake, me nga takatu nei i te hunga i te pau rawa ko te kino tino.


"E kore e taea e tenei taata whiua ki ahau, engari tatari ahau he uaua, whawhai uaua. I know Rossy’s not coming to lie down. Me? I’m just a young fighter trying to make his way and looking to showcase my talents. It’s time to fight somebody tough.”


Rossy, 35, e kore kua whakahaere ki te tiki journeyman tūnga mua / kaitiaki me te mo taua whawhai koropuku pepeha e catapults koe ki te taumata muri.

Kua Rossy i ki te toa taumahamaha o mua WBO Ray Mercer, contenders-ao taitara Eddie Chambers (rua) a Fres Oquendo me contenders te ao-runga pērā i Vyacheslav Glazkov in an 11-year career in which he seldom got the benefit of the doubt in tight fights. In his outing before last, Maturuturu iho Rossy te nuinga whakatau 10-a tawhio noa tino tautohetia ki 2008 Olympic mētara parahi, me te IBF No. 2-nguha whakatau Glazkov (17-0-1) i runga i Aug. 9, 2014.


"Kua ahau ta te tahi mau ringa Kāore i roto i te mekemeke, e kore ngā haere mai toku ara, otiia e kore ahau e noho, ka noho ki runga ki a ratou,'' Na ka mea a Rossy. “The bottom line is I can’t sit around and mope. I’ve got to win and leave no doubt in anybody’s mind. Ite e ahau kia rite ki kua i mea ahau i roto i maha whawhai, engari mo etahi take ratou whakaaro waiho ahau feaa. "


Ka haere mai tetahi okotahi i roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga ka rēhita Rossy te pouri i roto i te whakatau 10-a tawhio noa loto i runga mua tūturu, ngawari Akhor Muralimov (16-0, 13 Koó haere i roto i te). Utilizing smart separation and his considerable height and reach, Rossy triumphed by the scores of 97-93 a 96-94 rua.


Kei te rapu Rossy mo te mahi rite ki te tūturu Bryan.


"Bryan, Whakaaro ahau te hoatu e ia ki tahi pai,” Rossy said. “He’s a good boxer. It’s going be a good stylistic and action-packed fight. We’ll both try to establish our jabs. I think this is a formidable fight for both of us.


"E te tuatapaparaa ki pea hei mahana toa taumahamaha Bryan, but not now. In my eyes I feel he’s making a mistake, but anybody that fights me know they are looking at a war. I am a high-risk, low-reward kind of opponent. I’ve fought them all; Bryan Ko te matomato iti i roto i taua rohe kia ka kite tatou i. "


I mua i te riroraa i te kaimekemeke pro, Rossy was an All American high school football star who would go on to play at Boston College where he was an outstanding 248-pound defensive end. Hehad te tahi mau tryouts tautoko, engari i kitea ano he “tweener,” nui rawa hoki linebacker, too small to play end. So he turned to boxing and despite only 10 runaruna whawhai riro te 2004 New York Golden karapu whakataetae, and turned pro in October of that year. Haere ia ki 15-0 i te omuaraa o tona mahi pro i mua i ngaro ki Chambers te wā tuatahi.


Juan Ubaldo Cabrera, ko wai e tangohia i runga i Mike Gavronski i roto i te ShoBox co-āhuatanga, kanohi te Lepupelika i roto i te 2000 a 2004 Olympic Games. The 36-year-oldmay best be known for defeating future world champion Jean Pascal en huarahi ki te tango i te mētara koura i roto i te piha haapiiraa whitu tekau i roto i te 2003 Pan-American Games. During an excellent amateur career, Hoki, i kawea Cabrera whare he mētara hiriwa i roto i te 2002 Amerika Central a Karipiana Games rite te whitu tekau marama.


E rua tau i muri i tona ahua whakamutunga i roto i nga Olympics, i te tau o te 26, tahuri ia pro i roto i te Oketopa 2005 a riro 13 o tona tuatahi 15 fights by knockout. Cabrera is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision victory over Tim Hall i runga i te Deontay Wilder-Eric Molinaundercard whakamutunga Pipiri 13 i roto i te Birmingham, Ala. Cabrera has been inactive recently – the win over Hall was his first fight in a year and only his sixth since July 2009.


Ko te roa Gavronski, well-conditioned 29-year-old from the Northwest who combines boxing skill with KO power in both hands and also fought in MMA. He’s won four in a row – all in Tacoma – and is 3-0 i tēnei tau. I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga, tuhia e ia he TKO iwa-a tawhio noa tangi tiori i runga i tāwhai Tyrell Hendrix i runga i Kia 30 i roto i te rematch o ratou 2011 te utu.


He tino kāwanatanga Washington, tahuri pro te Gavronski 6-waewae-roroa i te ao o te 24 i roto i te 2010, a ka tukua tona mate takitahi mā te whakatau 10-a tawhio noa ki te Tureano Johnson (14-1) i roto i te 2011 i roto i te a'ee mo te taitara whitu tekau WBC tonu Amerika.


Ko te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te telecast - Natu Visinia vs. Joey Dawejko - Ngā te pupūtanga taumahamaha i waenganui i te tiaturiraa pūmanawa, me te runaruna angitu mua.


Visinia, 30, Ko pea te tino whaihua taumahamaha ki runga-a-haere mai Hāmoa mai nguha maoro mua Rawiri Tua. A true heavyweight with tremendous knockout power in both hands, he upoko me te ofa'i pahau toka-pakeke, te 4 6-waewae--tau 30-tawhito kei te haere mai atu i te knockout tuawha-a tawhio noa ki runga Hohua Clarke whakamutunga Kia 13. Seven of Visinia’s nine KO victories came in the first round.


Visinia was a former standout high school and college football player at Southern Illinois University. He began his fighting career in MMA, te wahi i waiho ia hei te No. 2 ranked amateur in the United States before making his pro debut. He then switched to boxing in 2006.


I muri i tona mekemeke pro tuatahi i roto i 2009, Riro Visinia wheako faufaa sparring ki nga momo o Wladimir Klitschko, Evander Holyfield a Lamon Brewster. Riro ia tona tuatahi 10 whawhai pro i mua i ngaro i te TKO whitu-a tawhio noa ki te rua-wā toa IBF cruiserweight o muaSteve Cunningham i runga i Oct. 18, 2014. In his first genuine step up in class, Maturuturu iho Visinia Cunningham i roto i te rima o, engari te piha mua, me te conditioning o Cunningham whakamatauria rawa nui ki te hinga.


Dawejko i te mahi runaruna whakapaipai i ngā he taitara World Junior Amateur i roto i 2008, te motu i raro i-19 karauna, me te wikitoria ki runga Bryant Jennings, ko wai tata ngā toa taumahamaha te ao Wladimir Klitschko April whakamutunga.


Ko 25-tau-tawhito te Dawejko i runga i te rārangi ingoa taimaha, toa e ono karapīpiti whawhai, e wha i roto i te rarangi i te Tuhinga matamua-a tawhio noa ki te aroaro o tona pūkenga toa e ono-whawhai mutu ka ngaro ia ia i te whakatau 10-a tawhio noa ki Amir Mansour (21-1) in a Pennsylvania State heavyweight title fight this past May. This will be the third start of the year for the 5-foot-10, -te tau e ono-pro, an all-action heavyweight who owns a victory over Rossy in January 2014. Two outings back, i runga i March 3, Hiahiatia Dawejko katoa o 27 hēkona ki te pānui i te Enobong Umohette.


Barry Tompkins Ka karanga i te ShoBox mahi i te ringside ki Steve Farhood me te toa o mua ao Raul Marquez i te tavini ei tohunga kaitätari. Ko te kaihanga matua, ko teGordon Hall ki Richard Gaughan te whakaputa me te Rick Phillips aratai.


# # #

Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions – Ko te Next Rauna i runga i Patupatu TV: “Wahia te waiata”


Atlanta (Aug. 5, 2015) – Ko te tuatahitia raupapa o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions – Ko te rauna Panuku i runga i Patupatu TV i runga i Aug. 2 Ko te angitu knockout.


Ko te telecast ora tukua 459,000 kaimätakitaki katoa a wawaenga 333,000 Whare i waenga i 9:00 P.M.-12:15 a.m., ki te whakarongo tihi o 667,000 kaimätakitaki katoa, me te 444,000 Whare. Tukua ano hoki tenei telecast ora 255,000 Ngā pakeke 25-54 a 195,000 A18-49.


Whakapāho Patupatu TV he encore tonu o PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku i muri tae te hui ora, me nga telecasts e rua ngā tata e rua miriona ngä kaimätakitaki ahurei.


Rere ano hoki te whatunga i te PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku ora i runga i te hua whakamahinga o neke atu i te i kite 300% i runga i te Sabati po. (Pāwhiritia i konei ki te whanga ki te telecast.)


Waiata Patupatu TV a o PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku I tutaki ki hoki ki te arotake pāpāho amipere, whai wāhi: “Wahia te waiata” (Bleacher Report) a “Te te waiata o PBC: Ko te rauna Panuku i runga i te Patupatu TV i te angitu i” (USA teie mahana).

Ko te tuatahiPBC – Ko te rauna Panuku Tuhinga o e toru whawhai whakaongaonga. The main event saw Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao” Payano (17-0, 8 Koó) hinga Rau'shee Warren (13-1, 4 Koó) i roto i te tata, 12-whakatau ritua a tawhio noa ki te pupuri hisBantamweight Taitara.


I roto i te a'ee tuatahi o te wha-tangata Welterweight super whakataetae, John Jackson(20-2, 15 Koó) riro te whakatau loto 10-a tawhio noa ki runga Dennis Laurente (49-6, 30 Koó). The second tournament bout featured a hard-hitting fight in which Jorge Cota (25-1, 22 Koó) patua Yudel Jhonson. The winners of this tournament, Cota a Jackson, Ka whawhai i runga i PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku i runga i Patupatu TV i roto i te Noema.


Fred Hickman (CNN Sports, ESPN) whakahaerehia PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku, Fran Charles(NFL Whatunga, MLB Whatunga) called the blow-by-blow action and former Super Welterweight World Champion Austin “No te feaa” Taraute matauranga e whakaratohia ana me te tātari.


PBC – Ko te rauna Panukuhoki Free. E whitu. 18 i 9:00 p.m. (AND) ki te hōtaka o te whawhai ki te kia kauwhautia hohoro.


Bounce TV is carried on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. Bounce TV is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) kötuitui i runga i te pouaka whakaata, me te ngā i te ranunga hötaka o taketake, me te atu-whatunga raupapa, pikitia nekehanga tapere, motuhake, ora hākinakina me te ake. Bounce TV has grown to be available in more than 85 miriona mau fare puta noa 90 hokohoko, 90% Awherika utuafare pouaka whakaata American o — tae katoa o te mākete pouaka runga AA. I roto i nga kaiwhakatū o te Patupatu TV he whika rongonui Amerika Ambassador Andrew Young, a Martin Luther King III. No te wāhi hongere rohe, toronga

Trey Lippe-Morrison hono ope ki Freddie Roach!

Lippe Suit Promo.jpg
No te Tonu Tuku
Tulsa, OK (August 4, 2015) - Whakangungu inaianei Heavyweight knockout kingi Trey Lippe-Morrison i raro Freddie Roach i te Kāri Gym Wild i Los Angeles.
He whitu-wa Boxing Writers Association o Amerika (BWAA) Trainer o te Tau, Anō o Roach he i roto i te nui i roto i te aamu. I roto i te rau tau hauwhā whakamutunga, Ako'i Roach ngahau rave rahi, tae atu Manny Pacquiao, Oscar De La Hoya, Bernard Hopkins, Mike Tyson, Wladimir Klitschko, James Toney, Michael Moorer, Ruslan Provodnikov Amir Khan me Guillermo Rigondeaux i roto i ētahi atu. I roto i te 2012, I whakawahia Roach ki te Mekemeke Hall of Fame.
"Freddie me ahau hono pai i roto i to tatou wātū tuatahi,"Ka mea a Lippe-Morrison, i whakaakona mua i te hoa kōrero Hehe Reid i te aroaro o logistics paitia mutu to ratou hononga. "Ko te tikanga o te reira i te ao e hinaaro nei Freddie ki te mahi ki ahau, no te mea ahau anake 8-0. Kei te taumata eke tangaroa te nuinga o ana whawhai, a kahore ahau i reira ano. Tatari ahau ki te tiki sparring nui i te Wild Kāri Gym, ka farii i urupare tonu i te tokotoko whakangungu ".
Ki te he tino 8-0 record, I te mana meke hihiri Lippe-Morrison o Roach haurangi i waenga i ona hoa i Wild Card. I Kia 30, Tonu Morrison tona ara o te whakangaromanga, tu Thomas Jones i roto i te rua o nga stanza. He whakataurite unu ki tona papa, te mutunga o Tommy Morrison, Trey o te mahi tino uaua ki te whakapai ake me te whakaatu i te ao mekemeke hanga ana pūkenga tika ia i te whakarongo, e kore tona ingoa whakamutunga. He tino kai i te Buffalo Run Casino i Miami, OK hei wāhanga o te "Franchise wha State", He Lippe-Morrison aha e te reira ki te riro taumahamaha nui i muri Amerika a kia rite ki Roach.
"Ahau tino titiro atu ahau ki te mahi kokonga o Trey mo te wa tuatahi i muri mai i tenei marama,"Ka mea a Roach. "Kei a ia te mana rahi i roto i rua ringa. E haere tatou i ki te patoto i te rota o te iwi i roto i!"
Kaiwhakatairanga Lippe-Morrison o Tony Holden o Holden Productions he hari e tona tiaturiraa moku he whakangungu ki te tangata whānuitia whakaaro te kaiako pai i roto i te hākinakina me te whakapono o te rangi te rohe.
"'Oku Fiefia ki te whai Freddie i runga i te poari ahau,"Ka mea a Holden. I mohio ahau i te motuhake Trey ko Freddie mahi tahi haapapu ia e. Pāpā o Trey he toa nui e ngā te mana huanga nui. Trey e nui atu raw mana i ta tona papa, me ahau te tikanga pono e. Te haere ki te kia nui ki te kite i te whakawhanake i tona mahi i raro i Freddie Roach.”
Ōrite tuatahi Lippe-Morrison o raro i te whakaakoranga o töna Roach haere mai August 29 i Memorial Hall i Joplin, MO.


A Karepe “HANDS SWEET” Te tipu hoki ki te mowhiti SATURDAY Ākuhata 15 I Quebec

Photo Na Team Plant



Nashville, TN (August 4, 2015) – Super-whitu tekau tūturu amanaki, Karepe “Sweet-Ringa” Plant (8-0, 7 Koó), hanga e tona ara hoki ki te mowhiti Rāhoroi muri August, 15, 2015i runga i te PBC i runga i te hui NBC, headlined e Lucian Bute (31-2, 24 Koó) vs. Andrea Di Luisa (17-2, 13 Koó). The fight takes place at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec. Plant, ko wai whakaritea ngā ana ki te whawhai i roto i te a'ee 6-a tawhio noa, Ka fehangahangai he TBA hoariri.


E whakahaeretia ana e Al HAYMON, Plant mana'o tona mahi te tango atu. Plant’s fight will serve as the swing bout for the PBC broadcast. Fighting in Canada for the first time, Hiahia ana Plant ki te hanga i te tauākī tangi.


“Ahau te tino makona ki te mea katoa e puta ana i roto i toku mahi,” Na ka mea a Karepe Plant, Maranga whetu Nashville Tennessee o. “This will be my fourth bout of the year and I’m very happy to be staying busy. Fighting for Al Haymon and the PBC is a dream come true for my team and me. This will be my first time fighting in Canada so I want to give the fans a great night of action while making a statement.


Kia mohiotia hoki he ringa taimaha, Kei te titiro Karepe Plant ki te whakawhānui i runga i tona knockout pūkenga 6-whawhai, e wha o te i haere mai i mua KO a tawhio.


“E kore ahau e haere ki te whawhai rapu mo te knockout, engari kua kua e ahau pupuri i aku hoariri i roto i te tīmatanga o te rauna,” tonu Karepe Plant. “Ki te kite ahau i te kino ki taku hoa tauwhainga te, then I go for the knockout. I love to pound the body in those situations. I know with a lot of hard work I can become a world champion. I’m going to take it one fight at a time and give the fans exciting fights. I August 15, Ka e tuku e ahau oku ringa rere!”

Floyd Mayweather ki te kanohi Andre BERTO SATURDAY, Mahuru. 12 AT MGM GRAND GARDEN ARENA ORA ON SHOWTIME PPV®



Tuatahi hei AUGUST 28 ON SHOWTIME®

Las Vegas (Aug. 4, 2015) – I roto i te te mea tūmanakohia ki te hei i te whawhai whakamutunga o tona mahi rongonui-tau 19, superstar mekemeke me te pauna-no te-pauna kingi Floyd “Money” Mayweather (48-0, 26 Koó) ka hoatu e tona record tūturu me WBC me WBA Welterweight Ao Toa i runga i te raina ki te kaha-meke, e rua-wā toa Welterweight te ao Andre Berto (30-3, 23 Koó) Rāhoroi, E whitu. 12 i te MGM Grand Garden Arena i roto i te Las Vegas, ora i runga i SHOWTIME PPV (8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT).


E haere mai ana i runga i o te Mayweather vs. Takahanga Pacquiao, i roto i te i noho tūturu tonu Mayweather mā te tango i te wikitoria whakatau loto, Ka whakamatautau Mayweather ia ki te toa hiakai mo tona faingamālie ki te piro i te pouri hītori pakeke-patu. I taea e hoki Mayweather hanga hītori. Ki te ikuna, e ōrite ia te lekooti o te toa taumahamaha o te mutunga o Rocky Marciano, nei i mutu i roto i te April 1956 ki ha lekooti o 49-0. Equaling record o Marciano, tetahi o te tapu tino i roto i te katoa o nga hākinakina, e whakaū te mana rongonui o Mayweather i roto i te hākinakina, me te koki o te kerēme a Mayweather rite “Ko te Best tonu.”


Ka whakaurua hoki e rua oranga taitara ao whawhai i runga i te telecast utu-ia-tirohanga.

Roma “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 Koó) ka aituä tona taitara WBO Junior Kōmāmā i roto i te rematch ki te kaimekemeke tera ia, toa-wā e wha te ao Orlando “Siri” Ka haere (42-13-2, 29 Koó). Ratou whawhai tuatahi, i roto i te April o tenei tau, Kei te whakaaro e te maha ki te waiho i te kaitono ārahi mo whawhai o te Tau. I tua atu, Badou Jack “Ko te Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 Koó) ka meinga e te korero tuatahi o tona taitara WBC Super whitu tekau World ki kaiwero whakahauanga “Saint” George Groves (21-2, 16 Koó). Ka te whawhai te wha i runga i te telecast utu-ia-tirohanga e kauwhautia hohoro.


Whakatairangatia ana e te Mayweather Whakatairanga, ka hua te wha-whawhai telecast utu-ia-tirohanga, ka wehea ora e SHOWTIME PPV a ka ko te whawhai ono, me te whakamutunga o te mahi record-whawhati i waenganui Mayweather me Showtime Networks Inc.SHOWTIME Sports® ka tautoko i te kaupapa ki nga Sports Emmy® Raupapa tohu-toa WÄTEA KATOA.


Titeti utu me i runga i te kōrero hoko he ahu i muri i tenei wiki.


“Ahau rite ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te mowhiti i runga i Mahuru 12 ka whakamatau ano ki te ao katoa he aha ahau te Best Ever 'e ahau,'” Said Mayweather. “Kawea mai tonu e ahau toku te-game me tenei whawhai mo Andre Berto kahore he okotahi. Ko ia te kuao, toa kaha te tangata he hiakai ki te tango ki raro i te pai. E wha tekau ma waru i tamata i te aroaro o, a ki runga ki Mahuru 12, Kei te haere ahau ki te hanga i te reira 49.”


I’m coming to kick Floyd’s ass on Mahuru 12,” Said Berto. “Whakapono Best e palani e ahau ki te kawe mai i te reira ki Floyd, a kihai ahau āwangawanga e pā ana te mea 48 other fighters have been unable to do. Somebody is getting knocked out and it won’t be me. You don’t want to miss this.


“'Money’ Mayweather he hoki, he rite ki te hanga i te katoa Mayweather rōpū Whakatairanga atu o te maere record-pakaru Kia 2 takahanga,” mea tumu o Mayweather Whakatairanga Leonard Ellerbe. “Te reira i te pai ai ki te kawe i tenei whawhai nui, me te undercard whakaponohia o te mahi, ki nga kaiwhaiwhai i Las Vegas i MGM Grand. Andre Berto is a powerful fighter who presents a real danger to Floyd. He will have to use all of his skills to slow Berto down.


“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai Showtime mo tenei faingamālie ki te whawhai i roto i tenei hui nui,” Said Martinez. “He rite, me te mahi pakeke ki te tino i roto i te Puerto Rico e noho tenei taitara tatou. Ka kite tangata katoa o te whawhai tuatahi ki Orlando Salido e matau ana ahau, e tenei a'ee te rua, ka waiho hoki i te pakanga. To tatou kotahi ano te tāwhainga i waenga i Puerto Rico, me te Mexico, e wakaae nui o te mahi. Whakangungu Kei te tino pai te haere, me te ko matou 100 ōrau tino e i runga i Mahuru 12 it will be another great victory to Puerto Rico.


“'Oku Oaoa hoki te rematch ki Rocky Martinez ahau,” said Salido. “Ko te whawhai tuatahi i roto i te Puerto Rico kihai i haere i toku ara e. Ka e ahau ki te tīmatanga puhoi a i ki te whawhai e rua whawhai – tetahi ki te kaitautoko me tetahi ki a Rocky Martinez. I Mahuru 12, I am going to take matters into my own hands and look to knock out Rocky to get my world title belt back. Mexico and Puerto Rico have had a great rivalry over the years and this September you will see me bring the belt home to Mexico where it belongs.


“Ahau rawa oaoa, me te au te whakarite e ahau mo te whawhai uaua o toku mahi ki a George Groves,” Na ka mea a Jack. “Tonu ahau haere ki te whawhai ki te mentality underdog, pera ano me te toa. Mana'o te reira nui ki te kia tiakina i roto i toku whenua whāngai o Las Vegas. Toku kaiwhakatairanga, Floyd Mayweather, Kua i toku hoki i roto i nga piki me ngā heke o toku mahi, me te hiahia ahau ki te hanga ia ia, me te katoa Mayweather rōpū Whakatairanga whakakake i runga i Mahuru 12.”


“Kua ahau waimarie nui ki te ite i te tahi o te mau mana'o rahi e nehenehe e te hākinakina e hoatu,” ka mea Groves. “Kua ngā ahau mo taitara ao, me te kua hokona e ahau i roto i stadiums, ko toku moemoea kōhungahunga pono o te taitara ao toa, ko te kia ano ki te rite. Whiwhi ahau e tupono i runga i te Las Vegas Strip – te crème de la crème mo tetahi toa i runga i te ao. E kore e taea e ahau e tatari ki te whakatutuki i toku whāinga, me te hei toa ao. E kore e he 'kino Badou Jack’ nui ki te tu i toku moe. Tona whitiki WBC ko nga mea katoa e he i runga i toku whakaaro ia, me nga taime te tafifi i. Kua ako matou Jack – Kua rite tatou mo ona kaha, me te rite ki te maka atu ana paruparu. Vegas Ko toku whare tuarua, me te kore e taea e ahau e tatari ki hoki ki te bang mai.”


“A, no te faaû ake Showtime Networks me Floyd Mayweather mo te wā tuatahi i roto i 2013, i huaina reira he mahi record-whawhati – me e te rite te mea i reira,” Na ka mea a Stephen Espinoza, Matua Vice te peresideni me Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports®. “Na roto i rima whawhai o te wā e ono-whawhai, Kua nui nga hua tatou tūmanako a'e. Floyd has never hesitated to take on the best of the best in his division. In Andre Berto, Floyd has chosen an opponent who always comes to fight and always entertains. Berto’s power and athleticism make him a legitimate threat against any opponent, a ki Floyd, tatari tatou Berto ki te kia rite riri rite ake. We’re also assembling an action-packed undercard, kitea e te rematch o tetahi o nga whawhai pai o 2015, Rocky Martinez vs. Orlando Salido.”


“E oaoa roa matou i te whai wāhi ki te manaaki te mea tūmanakohia ki te hei whawhai whakamutunga a Floyd i tona mahi faahiahia ki,” Na ka mea a Richard Sturm, peresideni o whakangahau me Sports mo MGM Resorts International. “Floyd Ko te toa rahi, me te titiro atu tatou ki whakaatu i tēnei kaupapa o mua ki a Andre Berto i MGM Grand.”


Ko tētahi o nga whawhai tino whakapaipai i roto i te aamu o te hākinakina, Mayweather, o Rapids Grand, Mich., whawhai i roto i Las Vegas, Ko te toa 12-wā te ao i roto i te rima wehenga taimaha. Ki te tona tere waitohu, toa ārai me te mowhiti generalship, Kua patua Mayweather inaianei 22 toa te ao.


I tua atu ki ana lavame'a i-mowhiti, Forbes, Waimarie a Sports Illustrated Kua ko Mayweather rawa-utua kaitäkaro wa maha o te ao. Te tönuitanga ana ngā tau record-whawhati; he has headlined four of the six highest-grossing pay-per-view events of all time and holds the all-time record in gross pay-per-view receipts.


Mayweather, anake te toa ki te i headlined toru ngā i hanga neke atu i te rua miriona tirohanga utu-ia-hokona ia,Kua whawhaki maha “Fighter o te Tau” tohu mo tona mahi faahiahia, tae atu e rima te tutei Tohu me rua Boxing Writers Association o Amerika tohu.


Roa whakaaro rite ki te hoariri taea hoki Mayweather, Berto, 31, o Winter Whangamata, Fla. Ko te angitu, runaruna mua, me te 2004 Tuaro mō Haiti. He hōia o te taitara e waru ao whawhai, katoa i 147 pauna, riro ia te Ingoa WBC Welterweight Ao i roto i te Pipiri 2008 a ka hanga taitara pa angitu e rima i runga i tau e rua me te hawhe o te muri i mua i ngaro i te taitara i roto i te April 2011. Riro Berto te Ingoa IBF Welterweight Ao i roto i te Mahuru 2011.


Hanga tonu te ino-ngakau Berto mō kongakonga autaia – tona 2012 slugfest ki Robert “Ko te Varua” WarriorKo te whawhai o te kaitono Tau. I roto i tona haerenga tino tata, piro ia e rua knockdowns en huarahi ki te TKO te ono-a tawhio noa ki rungaJosesito Lopez whakamutunga March 13.


Kāhua-whakaaro, tūmanakohia te 5-waewae-7 Berto ki te ohi i te huarahi kaitaua ki te putanga tokua teitei, rite ki te rautaki mahi e Marcos “Ko te Hainamana” Maidana i roto i tona whawhai tuatahi ki Mayweather. Ki te kore Mayweather ki te whakaatu i tona tere waitohu me te korero, Berto taea e faaohipa i tona tere kaha, me te ringa ki te hanga Mayweather fiemālie, ka faahepo i ia ki te whawhai.


Martinez, 32, o Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, ka meinga e te korero tuatahi i roto i tona ngārahu toru rite WBO Junior Kōmāmā World Champion. Riro ia te WBO 130-pauna karauna te rua o nga wa, me te afa whakatau 12-a tawhio noa ki runga Miguel Beltran Jr. i roto i te Mahuru 2012. Hanga te ultra-uaua Martinez rua parepare angitu, tae atu i te ngā tata’ e whakamanamana ki mua tūturu Diego Magdaleno, i mua i ngaro i te knockout tuawaru-a tawhio noa ki te hinga Mikey Garcia i roto i te Whiringa- 2013.

Ko te 5-waewae-8 Martinez riro tana whawhai tuatahi e whai ake nei i te a'ee Garcia, a ka, i roto i tona haerenga tino tata, ora ia i te wiwi mutunga pau ki kotahi outpoint Salido puta noa 12 pakeke-whawhai, rauna mahi-Kikī whakamutunga April 11.

Kī rite “Te Pakanga,” kua hipa ai te slugfest tona nama rite whakapaua toa e rua i te nui minamina o te pūngao i runga i te akoranga o te 36 meneti. Whakamahi ana painga i roto i te tiketike, ka tae, Ka tono tangata Salido Martinez ki te ie i roto i te toru me te rima, ka riro i nga kaute o 116-109, 115-110 a 114-111. Salido was docked a point in the 11th a tawhio noa mo te iti pupuhi, engari e kore te whakamutu whawhai, a ko i reira ki te mutunga.

Uaua, me te takoto ki te kāhua tika-atu e hanga mō ngā take mano-ahuareka, Martinez riro te WBO Taitara te wā tuatahi i roto i te Maehe 2009 a whai hua ka mau ia rua.

Ka haere, 34, o Sonora, Mexico, Ko te tamutu kaimekemeke-puncher pakeke-tere nei i te mea pai ki te tango i runga i te tetahi, me te kahore he tangata ke ki te tāwhainga mekemeke e ko Mexico vs. Puerto Rico.

Ko te 5-waewae-6 Salido riro te wā WBO Junior Kōmāmā World Championship i roto i tona haerenga ki te aroaro o te whakamutunga i roto i te hoki-a-atu 11th-knockout a tawhio mo Thailand o Terdsak Kokietgym i runga i Mahuru 1, 2014. Ko te whawhai nanakia e ngā whitu knockdowns (Ka haere ki raro, Salido e toru nga wa, E wha Kokietgym) ko te 2014 Yahoo! Hākinakina whawhai o te Tau.

Ko te hoki Salido he toa tekau mā te ao e rua-wā. Whawhai ia etahi o nga mea papai o tona whakatupuranga i 126, whai wāhi Mikey Garcia,Juan ManuelJuanmaLopez rua, a WBO toa 126-pauna nāianei Vasyl Lomachenko ko wai Salido whiua e toru whawhai ki muri i runga i te afa whakatau 12-a tawhio noa i roto i te Maehe 2014.

Jack, 31, he Māori o Stockholm, Sweden, te tangata e whawhai i roto i Las Vegas omaoma a Mayweather, riro te WBC 168-pauna whitiki ki te nuinga whakatau 12-a tawhio noa i runga i te parururaa i toa, me te mua hinga Anthony Dirrell whakamutunga April 24 i nga tatau o te 116-114, 115-113 a 114-114.

He runaruna angitu, Pākehā mua – ia ngā anake te kaimekemeke ake ki te tohu Gambia i roto i tetahi Olympic Games (2008) – tahuri pro te 6-waewae-1 Jack i Pipiri 2009 a riro ana tuatahi 16 pāngia i mua i te mamae i te tuatahi-a tawhio noa mate knockout rawa ki Derek Edwards i roto i te Hui-tanguru 2014.

He kaimekemeke ki te tere pai, me te kaupapa, Jack kua mai riro e toru i roto i te rarangi, tae atu i te wikitoria nui mo Dirrell.

Nga Groves whawhai-whakamatauria, 27, o Hammersmith, London, Ingarangi, ka whiwhi tona kapiti toru i te taitara 168-pauna te ao. Ko te koha anake i runga i tona record ka haere mai i roto i te hoki-ki-hoki whawhai ki ka-IBF toa / WBA me te teina Carl Froch i Wembley Stadium i London. I muri i ngaro i tautohetia TKO iwa-a tawhio noa i roto i te Noema 2013, I mutu nga Aherimi i tona tāwhai e mura i roto i te waru a tawhio noa o te Mei 2014 rematch mauahara i ngā 80,000 pā.

Kua rebounded Aherimi mai hinga ki Froch, toa tona rua whakamutunga. Aherimi riro te wātea WBC Silver Super whitu tekau taitara me te Pākehā Championship i roto i te Mahuru. 2014 ki Christophe Rebrasse, a piro te TKO whitu-a tawhio noa ki runga Dennis Douglin whakamutunga Nov. 22.

Mō Mayweather vs. Berto:

Mayweather vs. Berto, he 12-a tawhio noa a'ee aito te ao Welterweight mō WBC me WBA taitara 147-pauna o Mayweather, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, i te mea he rematch i waenganui Martinez Roma, a Orlando Salido. Also featured on the PPV telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, whakatairangatia ana e te i roto i te feohi ki Team Sauerland.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, sirisalido, mayweatherpromo, SHOSports MeSwanson_Comm ranei hei te mea powhiriwhiri i runga i Facebook,, / TheRealAndreBerto,

Tīkiti ATU tukua AT Staples Center FOR LEO Santa Cruz VU. Apanere uwha ki te whakatau ia tono nui FOR Whārangi âwhina WĀHI Showdown tango SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 I Los Angeles

Tīkiti atu Haere I te Sale teie mahana i 4:00 p.m. PT

Los Angeles (August 4, 2015) – Nā ki te tono tikite inä, ka uakina atu wāhanga ake i Center Staples mo te tukinga tino tapoko tekau mā i waenganui i Lion “Earthquake” Santa Cruz (30-0-1, 17 Koó) a Apanere Merehe(29-1-1, 15 Koó) tango te wahi i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i ESPN Rāhoroi, August 29 i roto i te Los Angeles.


E tūru atu e wātea ana i tenei ra i 4:00 p.m. PT. Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $25, $50, $75, $150 a $300, e kore e tae atu ki ngā utu e hāngai ana, me te utu ratonga, a kei runga i te hoko i i te waea i ranei 888-929-7849 ranei i Center Staples.

Ka rua whawhai 12-a tawhio noa te tūturu rua-wehenga toa ao Santa Cruz ki te toru-wehenga Merehe toa te ao o mua. Ora whawhai e rua i tēnei wā, ka ako i roto o Los Angeles, a ka titiro ki te tango i te mana whakamanamana te kāinga rohe i runga i August 29.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, www.staplescenter.coma Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ LeoSantaCruz2AbnerMares, ESPNBoxing, STAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions ASwanson_Comm, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i, A pee i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConESPN.

FIGHT Whatunga BOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (Aug. 3-9, 2015)

(U.S. hōtaka anake. No te hōtaka Canadian tonu, tirohia from your region.)


Whawhai he Whatunga 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō te mekemeke, whakauru toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.


Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:

Rāhina, Aug. 3

7:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

9:00 p.m. ANDTony Grano vs. Brian Minto – Ngā Tony Grano vs. Brian Minto i Jan. 28, 2012 i Verona, NY.

Rātū, Aug. 4

6:00 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.

8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

Wednesday, Aug. 5

7:00 a.m. & 10:00 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te mua e rua tekau tau.

7:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai Na Extra New – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

Rāpare, Aug. 6

1 a.m. AND, 2:30 p.m. AND & 5:30 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.

8:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

Rāmere, Aug. 7

12:30 p.m. AND KOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.

7:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

Rāhoroi, Aug. 8

4:00 a.m. AND & 11:30 p.m. AND KOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.

Rātapu, Aug. 9

3:30 p.m. AND — KOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.

7:00 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics– Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.

8:00 p.m. ANDUltimate Classic mekemeke: Tiger vs. Hank – Ngā Dick Tiger vs. Henry Hank i Mar. 31, 1962 i Madison Square Garden i roto i te New York City.




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ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland, a Suddenlink Communications i Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana a Te Tai Tokerau Carolina.. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada, rere ora i runga i te paetukutuku, me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, e hau atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.