Category Archives: boxing

Perennial gatekeeper Marcus Upshaw Opens rooj vag tshiab tshooj

Miami (Lub yim hli ntuj 19, 2015) – Perennial middleweight/super middleweight gatekeeper Marcus Upshaw thaum kawg qhib lub rooj vag mus rau lub tom ntej no tshooj ntawm nws cov hauj lwm tas hnub Saturday, khob tawm yav tas los undefeated Turkish prospect Bugra Oener ntawm chaw ntau pob nyob rau hauv Wynwood Miami, mus ntes tus tsis muaj lub ntiaj teb no Boxing Council (Qhov) ntus Mediterranean super middleweight title.
Lub 35-xyoo-laus Upshaw (18-4-4, 9 Kos) tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub xeev rau cov thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 2 ½ xyoo. He was on a seek-and-destroy mission against reigning WBC Youth super middleweight champion Oener (9-1, 3 Kos).
Upshaw txais xav tias cov laus tom qab nws tau ua yav sib ntaus, nyob rau hauv uas nws poob Las Vegas hometown nyiam Lanell bellows (12-1-1) peb lub sij hawm tsis tau poob ib yim-round kev txiav txim siab.
“Kuv twb tau lub gatekeeper ntev ua luaj li tab sis kuv thaum kawg qhib lub rooj vag,” Upshaw hais tias. “Qhov no sib ntaus muaj txaus, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tom qab kuv ntev, long journey. I was stressed out after my last fight. I beat myself up and felt there was no reason for me to continue my boxing career. I felt used and was ready to quit, tab sis kuv twb ntxias kom muab nws ib tug ntau txhaj tshuaj. Kuv yeej npaj txhij rau muab tso rau kuv lub neej nyob rau txoj kab, mus rau nws thiab tsis worrying txog tau ntaus los yog raug mob.
I knew that I had to finish this time. My opponent was related to one of the promoters and, nrog rau kuv cov keeb kwm, I knew that I had to keep going to finish the job. I knew I had to knock him out and I trained hard to do just that. I’ve put the past behind me. The problem was always me. This fight was fun. I stepped into the devil’s playground and that brought out the ugly in me to get the job done.
Nws kuj zoo li coj txawv txawv hais tias ib tug lub neej-ntev Floridian zoo li Upshaw yog lub ntus WBC Mediterranean super middleweight yeej, tab sis nws tau hais khov kho qhia nws ob title siv (saib nrog daim duab nrog Upshaw thiab saib xyuas Si Nyaum), mus nrog rau cov Florida lub xeev middleweight pluaj nws yeej nyob rau hauv 2009, thaum nws khob qhov rooj tawm rau lwm tus unbeaten prospect thaum lub sij hawm, Ahsandi Gibbs (10-0). Attendance coj txawv txawv yog cov cheers nws hnov ​​los ntawm cov neeg coob coob uas serenaded nws nrog chants ntawm “TEB CHAWS USA, TEB CHAWS USA” raws li nws nkag mus hauv lub nplhaib nrog Florida pab txhawb Dave Johnson waving ib tug American chij raws li nws coj pab neeg taug kev mus rau Upshaw lub ces kaum.
“Rau ib tug hloov kuv twb sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv kuv qab tsib taug thiab hnov ​​tus kiv cua qw, 'Teb chaws USA, TEB CHAWS USA’ kev mob siab rau kuv ib tug ntau,” Upshaw sau tseg. “They had my back. I was honored and it got me extra psyched for the fight. I knew had to prove myself. I’m really a middleweight but I took this fight at super middleweight because it was a good opportunity for me.
Upshaw yeej ib txwm paub txog nws toughness, yuav qhov kev ncua deb, albeit nyob rau hauv losses, nrog champions, contenders thiab zeem muag xws li Mario Antonio Rubio,David Lemieux, Gilberto Ramirez Sanchez, Edwin Rodriguez, Patrick Majewski thiab Tarvis Simms.
“Kuv zoo siab heev rau Marcus tom qab tag nrho cov nws tau los ntawm,” Upshaw tus neeg uas coj saib xyuasSi Star (SHS Boxing Management) ntxiv. “Marcus yog ib tug txawv fighter nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib no lub sij hawm….zoo li nws yog ib tug txawv kiag li txiv leej tub,” “Marcus tau raug tej kev phem los ntawm cov neeg nyob rau hauv thaum ntxov ib feem ntawm nws cov hauj lwm uas muab nws nyob rau hauv tiv thaiv hais mav uas mus txog 175 phaus, sib ntaus sib tua lawv nyob rau lig daim ntawv ceeb toom nyob rau hauv lawv cov backyards, thiab ib tug ntau ntawm nws losses nyob rau lub ntiaj teb no champions.
“Marcus tau yeej ib txwm muaj lub hwj chim nws tau qhia tiv thaiv Oner, tab sis nws twb tsis qhia yuav ua li cas kom siv nws lub hwj chim kom txog rau thaum nws pib ua hauj lwm nrog (lub taub hau tus kws qhia) Orlando(Cuellar). Marcus is very, muaj zog heev thiab nws yeej tsis tau nyob rau hauv ib tug phem sib ntaus. Nws poob tej fights nws yuav tsum muaj yeej, but that’s all behind him now. Coming off this fight, Kuv ntseeg hais tias peb muaj peev xwm tau txais nws mus tua rau ib cheeb tsam title, thiab ces peb mam li mus los ntawm muaj”
TwitterMarcusUpshaw los yogMarcusArilliusUpshaw

Wb Hnov Nws Los Ntawm Tus ntxhais – Marston, Smith & Brown Presser Quotes

Muaj ntau tshaj li ib tug hint ntawm glamour kawm ntawv hauv lub qhov tsis ntev los no xovxwm rooj sab laj, rau lub yavtom ntej Mark Lyons thiab Billy James-Elliott nce Lords NTAWM LUB NPLHAIB II kev tshwm sim, uas coj qhov chaw nyob rau hauv Lub Square ncuav qab zib nyob rau hauv Spitalfields ua lag luam, raws li tag nrho peb cov poj niam boxers uas yuav tsum tau noj ib feem nyob rau hauv kev mus kawm ntawv, nrog rau lwm yam boxers uas yuav tsum sib tw nyob rau ntawm no historic kev tshwm sim.


Lords NTAWM LUB NPLHAIB II yog ruaj nws yog qhov chaw nyob rau hauv lub keeb kwm phau ntawv ntawm lub ua si nawv raws li qhov no yuav yog tus thawj kws boxing kev tshwm sim, nyob rau hauv lub UK, feature peb poj niam combatants.


Tus thawj hais lus yog Team GB kis las Shaunagh Brown, los ntawm Peckham, London, ib tug vam meej kis las nyob rau hauv peb disciplines, Txhaj tshuaj Putt, Rauj Muab thiab Discus, uas ua rau nws tus kws debut rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29th.


"Kuv zoo siab heev yuav ua rau kuv pro debut tom ntej no lub lim tiam, Kuv tsis tau tos.


Kuv twb yeej ib txwm ua hauj lwm nyuaj los npaj rau ib tug sib txeeb, tab sis cov ua hauj lwm koj tau ua raws li ib tug boxer yog ib theem zoo rau nws.


Kuv cob qhia Mark (qub teb chaw tau zus ib Mark Reefer) tau ci ntsa iab, Kuv twb kawm npaum li ntawd los ntawm nws, nws yeej tau ua no txav los ntawm kis las rau boxing yooj yim npaum li nws yuav tsum tau.


Kuv cia li nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau tau txais nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib tam sim no thiab ua li cas Mark tau qhia kom kuv ua "


Tom ntej no mus hais lus yog Leeds, Yorkshire lub Sam Smith, uas tsis ntev los yeej Zsofia Bedo luag tus International Masters International title, nyob rau hauv cia li nws thib peb kev bout.


"Nws yog ib tug ntev txoj kev mus tau no hnub no tab sis nws tau tsim nyog nws, nws tau kuv tus npau suav sib ntaus sib tua nyob York Hall ib hnub thiab tam sim no kuv yog.


Qhov no tau tag nrho cov tshwm sim li ceev ceev, Kuv tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv lub yim hli ntuj 2nd thiab twb mus coj ib lub lim tiam tawm los ntawm kev kawm, tab sis thaum Lee (qub Irish zus Lee Murtagh) hais tias nws yuav ua tau kuv nyob rau lub qhia tias mus ncaj nraim tawm lub qhov rooj, Kuv yuav tsum tau siv sij hawm nws, yog li cia li coj ib tug ob peb hnub tawm thiab ces ncaj rov qab rau hauv lub gym yuav tau npaj.


Kuv npaj txhij thiab raring mus, yuav tsis txhob tos. "


Thaum kawg British #1 thiab reigning MBC International zus, Woolwich, London tus Marianne Marston coj mus rau lub Mike.


"Kuv yuav tsis tsuas nyiam ua tsaug rau Mark thiab Billy (promoters Mark Lyons thiab Billy James-Elliott) muab kuv tus kheej lub sij hawm los sib ntaus rau lawv lub yim hli ntuj 29th qhia tau tias, tab sis kuj ua lawv tsaug rau Nws tsis thim nws cov nyiaj them yug ntawm poj niam boxing.


Nws yog ib tug yawm yuav tsum tau muab kev koom tes nyob rau hauv xws li ib lub historic kev tshwm sim, tau hais tias nws tau ib tug es lub sij hawm ntev los.


Txhua leej txhua tus yuav tsum hais tias poj niam boxing yuav hle no, tom qab txoj kev vam meej ntawm kev ua si nawv nyob rau London 2012 Olympics, tab sis nws tsuas yog tam sim no hais tias nws yog, txawm hais tias hais tias kuv yuav tsum nyuaj siab hais tias qhov no yog tsuas tau vim hais tias ntawm lub MBC (Malta Boxing Commission), raws li lawv yog cov tsuas pro lub koom haum khiav hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lub UK uas nquag txhawb thiab txhawb cov poj niam uas tus Professional Boxing.


Hopefully no yog ib qhov pib ntawm loj tej yam rau peb, xyoo tas los peb muaj kuv tus kheej thiab Angel (McKenzie) sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv tib yeeb, tam sim no peb muaj Sam, Shaunagh thiab kuv tus kheej tag nrho cov sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv tib kev tshwm sim, hopefully by lub sij hawm no xyoo tom ntej peb yuav tsim txawm ntau keeb kwm nrog ib tug tag nrho cov poj niam cov kev tshwm sim.


Kuv yuav tsis tos kom tau rov qab nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib, nws tau ze li ntawm kaum lub hlis txij thaum kuv kawg tiv thaiv, uas yog txoj kev ntev ntev.


Kuv txaus siab hais tias qhov kev raug mob uas nres kuv sib ntaus sib tua ua ntej lawm nyob rau hauv lub xyoo tam sim no kho, li ntawd, kuv tau mus qhia siab rau tom ntej no Saturday sib ntaus.


Peb nyob nraum tag nrho cia siab tias yuav muaj ib co zoo txhawb nqa los ntawm tus kiv cua, tsis tsuas yog nws lub caij ntuj tshiab opener thiab cov thawj lub sij hawm mus rau catch ib co boxing txiav txim nyob rau hauv lub Capital tom qab lub caij ntuj sov so, tab sis kuj nws yog tus thawj lub sij hawm puas tau hais tias muaj peb cov poj niam uas tus boxing bouts rau ib tug pro qhia.


Thiaj tau koj daim pib tam sim no, qhov no yog twv yuav raug hu ib tug yuav tsum tsis txhob tu qhia. "


Lub Mark Lyons thiab Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys promotions Lords NTAWM LUB NPLHAIB II kev tshwm sim yuav muab qhov chaw nyob York Hall, Bethnal Green, London rau hnub Saturday 29th Lub yim hli ntuj 2015.


Qhov kev tshwm sim raug txiav courtesy of tus Malta Boxing Commission (MBC)


Daim pib, luv nqi £ 35 (txheem zaum) thiab £ 65 (Ringside) yog muaj nyob rau ntawm tej yam ntawm cov boxers noj ib feem, on-line thiab los yog hu rau 07960 850645 los yog 07807 282559.


Tas nrho cov Hmo ntuj Ntawm Undercard Action Nta Mexican Star Alfredo Angulo & Local Favorites Alejandro nkauj hnub nraug hli, Jessie Roman & Paul Mendez
LOS ANGELES (Lub yim hli ntuj 20, 2015) – Mexican hwj chim-punchers Hugo Ruiz (35-2, 30 Kos) thiab Julio Cesar Ceja (28-1, 26 Kos) square tawm nyob rau hauv ib tug super bantamweight ntiaj teb no title match li cov televised opener rau Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) rau ESPN thiab ESPN rau Saturday, Lub yim hli ntuj 29 los ntawm cov khoom sib khawb Center nyob rau hauv Los Angeles pib thaum 10 p.m. THIAB/7 p.m. PT.
Cov yav tsaus ntuj lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntseg mas muab featherweight showdown ntawm undefeated ob-division lub ntiaj teb champion Tsov ntxhuav “Av qeeg” Raug Cruz (30-0-1, 17 Kos) thiab yav tas los peb-division lub ntiaj teb champion Hlob Abner mares (29-1-1, 15 Kos).
Tsis tas li ntawd featured raws li ib feem ntawm no kuj zoo kawg hmo ntuj ntawm boxing yuav nrov Mexican lub hnub qub Alfred “Aub” Angulo (23-5, 19 Kos), uas yuav lwv nyob rau hauv ib tug middleweight bout tiv thaiv Hector Muñoz (23-15-1, 14 Kos).
Tsis tas li ntawd, ib tug slew ntawm sab saum toj zeem muag yuav featured xws li zos favorites Alejandro nkauj hnub nraug hli (18-0, 13 Kos) uas battles Yakubu Amidu (19-7-2, 17 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round sib attraction, Jessie Roman (19-2, 9 Kos) uas yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Hector Serrano (17-4, 5 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib yim-round welterweight sib ntaus sib tua thiab Paul Mendez (19-2-2, 9 Kos) uas squares tiv thaiv Saralegui andrik (19-2, 15 Kos) nyob rau hauv 10-rounds ntawm super middleweight txiav txim.
Ntxiv txiav txim yuav pom 25-xyoo-laus Argentine Brian Castano (12-0, 9 Kos) nyob rau hauv middleweight txiav txim tawm tsam cov Domincan koom pheej lub Jonathan Batista (14-6, 7 Kos), ntxiv nws tus tij laug, 22-xyoo-laus Alan Castano (8-0, 5 Kos) noj rau 23-xyoo-laus Michigan haiv neeg Thomas Howard (8-4, 4 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug rau-round middleweight bout. Pub muab kwv yees tawm qhov kev txiav txim yuav tsum sib ntaus featuring 25-xyoo-laus Anthony Flores (8-0, 5 Kos) tawm ntawm Los Angeles noj rau 32-xyoo-laus Tshiab Yorker Curtis Morton (3-4-3) nyob rau hauv ib tug welterweight sib ntaus sib tua, thiab cov pro debut ntawm Leo Santa Cruz tus nkauj muam nraug nus Antonio Santa Cruz uas yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Yaxayas Najera(0-1)nyob rau hauv ib tug plaub puag ncig bantamweight bout.
Ib tug 28-xyoo-laus sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Sinaloa Mexico, Ruiz nkag no sib ntaus rau ib tug plaub-sib ntaus yeej streak thiab raws li khiav ntawm 26 ntawm nws lub xeem 27 fights. Nws yus tus kheej li yeej tshaj cov yam koj nyiam uas Jean Sampson, Yonfrez Parejo thiab Francisco Arce thoob plaws ib tug pro hauj lwm uas pib nyob rau hauv 2006. Nws nyuam qhuav khob qhov rooj tawm Carlos Medellin nyob rau hauv Kaum ib hlis 2014 thiab yuav tsum ua nws U.S. debut rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29.
Lub 22-xyoo-laus Ceja tau yeej tsib-fights nyob rau hauv ib tug kab thiab yog tab tom nrhiav kom tau tshaj rau ntawm lub ntiaj teb no title sijhawm. Lub fighter tawm ntawm Atizapan de Zaragoza, Mexico yuav ua kom nws U.S. debut Lub yim hli ntuj 29 thiab yog los tawm ntawm ib tug yeej tshaj Oscar Blanquet nyob rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj ntawm lub xyoo no. Nws tau noj cia Yexus Acosta, Juan Jose Montes thiab Henry Maldonado raws li ib tug pro.
Ib tug nyuaj sib ntaus sib tua Mexican warrior yug nyob rau hauv Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico tab sis sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Coachella, California., Angulois nrhiav rau lwm loj yeej nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm nws yav qab teb Californian kiv cua. Yuav npaj mus tauj xub qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv, 33-xyoo-laus tau ploj mus ntiv taw-mus-ntiv taw nrog ib co ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no thiab tuas knockout yeej tshaj Gabriel Rosado, Joachim Alcine thiab Joel Julio thaum uas nyuam qhuav ua haujlwm tau nyiaj ib tug knockout kov yeej Delray Raines nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj. Nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub brawler Muñoz tawm ntawm Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Thaum cia li 23-xyoo, Lunahas twb muab tso ua ke ib qho impressive 18 kev yeej txij li thaum tig pro nyob rau hauv 2010. Sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Bellflower, California, nws nyuam qhuav yeej qub ntiaj teb no yeej Cristobal Cruz tshaj yim rounds nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj. Ua ntej hais tias nws tau muab tso ua ke yeej tshaj tej neeg tua hluav taws Daniel Attah thiab Sergio Rivera thaum khob tawm rau ntawm nws lub xeem cuaj tw. Nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub tej 30-xyoo-laus Amidu uas fights tawm ntawm Los Angeles los ntawm txoj kev ntawm nws haiv neeg Ghana.
Ib tug siab sib ntawm 5″10″, 24-xyoo-laus Roman zoo rau nws thib peb ncaj yeej rauLub yim hli ntuj 29. Sib ntaus sib tua tawm uas nyob ze ntawm Santa Ana, California, Roman twb yeej ob zaug nyob rau hauv yav qab teb California lub xyoo no, ua haujlwm tau nyiaj ib khub yim-round kev txiav txim siab tshaj Donald Ward thiab Evincii Dixon. Nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub 30-xyoo-laus Serrano tawm ntawm Huntingon Puam, California uas nkag mus rau qhov no kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv ib tug tsib-sib ntaus yeej streak.
Lwm zos prospect, sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Delano, California, lub 26-xyoo-laus Mendez zoo rau nws thib rau ncaj yeej thaum nws tau txais nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv Lub yim hli ntuj 29. Nws los rau hauv no sib ntaus tawm ntawm yeej tshaj David alonso Lopez, Santiago Perez, Raul Casarez thiab Ernesto Berrospe ob zaug. Nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Saralegui tawm ntawm Los Mochis, Mexico.
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas, www.staplescenter.comthiab Ua raws li ntawm TwitterPremierBoxing, @ LeoSantaCruz2AbnerMares, ESPNBoxing, STAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions ThiabSwanson_Comm thiab ua ib cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv Facebook ntawm, Ua raws li cov kev sib tham siv #PBConESPN.

GH3 Promotions Keenan Smith cov qhab nia 2nd round stoppage tshaj yav tas los undefeated Lavelle Hadley nyob rau hauv Atlantic City

Nutley, NJ (Lub yim hli ntuj 19, 2015) – This past Saturday night at the Playground in Atlantic City, Welterweight Keenan Smith (8-0, 3 KO lub) tseem zoo meej los ntawm ib tug xeem 2nd round stoppage tshaj yav tas los undefeated Lavelle Hadley nyob rau hauv ib tug bout teem rau-rounds.

Smith tsaws ib tug flurry ntawm lub cev thiab lub taub hau punches uas xa Hadley down mus rau ib tug hauv caug rau cov uas nws tsis tau tuav tus saib xyuas txoj count ntawm 1:56 ntawm round ob.

“Nws yog siab tab sis nws nws didin't muaj npaum li cas rau kuv. It was an easy fight. I used my jab and I saw he was open for the left hand. Kuv thov lub siab thiab kuv pom tias nws yuav tsis tua nyob rau hauv,” said Smith.

Nrog lub yeej, kiv cua thoob plaws lub teb chaws yuav pom ntau ntawm Smith raws li nws yog nyob rau hauv penciled mus tua rau lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 18 nyob rau hauv kev ua si CBS Network thiab kaum ib hlis 6 on ShoBox.

“Kuv pog. I get to show the world my talent. This is what I have been waiting for. It is a blessing. I want to thank GH3 Promotions for the opportunity to be on television. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve that I am ready to show everyone. I also want to thank my managers D & D Management and Hotty M & M Boxing Gym.”

Hais tias GH3 Promotions Vito Mielnicki, “Peb txaus siab nrog Keenan. He is always ready to fight. We are looking to move him at a nice pace and he is up for the two television fights that he will participate in the next three months. He has the talent to do big things.

GH3 Promotions nta undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight lub Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adas Lopez li zoo raws li Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight zus John Thompson, Jr., undefeated Welterweight Jerrell Harris,undefeated Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, Zoo siab txais tos Diaz sib, Heavyweight Natu Visinia, Lub teeb Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell, Jr. Hnav O'Shanique Foster & Super Middleweight Andrew Hernandez rau lub GH3 Promotions ruaj khov.


Peb cov kev faib ntiaj teb tau zus ib mares Yuav siv sij hawm Nyob Undefeated Leo Santa Cruz Nyob rau hauv sib ntaus sib tua Rau Los Angeles Nyob Premier Boxing Champions Nyob rau ESPN Saturday, Lub yim hli ntuj 29 Nyob Ntawm Staples Center Nyob rau hauv Los Angeles
10 p.m. THIAB/7 p.m. PT
Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Abel Madrid
LOS ANGELES (Lub yim hli ntuj 18, 2015) – Yav tas los peb sib faib lub ntiaj teb champion Hlob Abner mares tau koom los ntawm kaum ob ntawm Los Angeles tawm neeg niaj hnub no thaum lub sij hawm nws qhib tawm workout thaum nws Del mares Gym. Mares yog npaj rau nws Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) rau ESPN showdown nrog Tsov ntxhuav “Av qeeg” Raug Cruz rauSaturday, Lub yim hli ntuj 29 ntawm Staples Center nyob rau hauv Los Angeles.
Mares mus los ntawm ib tug tag nrho cov kev kawm kev sib kho raws li xov xwm neeg saib thiab muab sau cov kev tshwm sim. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, lub Mexican qhab Banda Culiacansito ua ib tug ntiag tug hais kwv txhiaj thaum nws mus los ntawm nws workout.
Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm TGB Promotions, yog luv nqi ntawm $25, $50, $75, $150 thiab $300, tsis xws li siv cov nqi thiab cov kev pab nqi, thiab yog nyob rau hauv kev muag khoom ntawm los yog los ntawm lub xov tooj ntawm 888-929-7849 los yog ntawm cov khoom sib khawb Center.
Ntawm no yog dab tsi mares yuav tsum tau hais Tuesday:
Hlob Abner mares
“Tag nrho cov ua hauj lwm yog ua. Kuv yuav mus no tag nrho lub lim tiam, tsis cob qhia thiab cia li rov qab vim hais tias kuv uas npaj. Kuv twb ua li cas kuv yuav tsum ua.
“Kuv xav tias zoo tiag tiag. Tsis raug mob, tsis muaj mob; Kuv yeej cia li npaj rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29.
“Kuv pog yeej. Kuv paub cov kiv cua muaj siab tab sis kuv kuj yeej pog mus yuav tau sib ntaus sib tua Leo Santa Cruz ntawm Staples Center. Kuv yeej nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau nws.
“Kuv tsis xav hais tias txog yav dhau los vim hais tias qhov no yog kev sib ntaus tshwm sim tam sim no. Nws yog thaum kawg no. Tsawg tshaj li ob lub lis piam mus.
“Peb mam li nrhiav seb peb yeej ntxaij rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29. Nyob rau hauv kuv lub siab, Kuv paub tias kuv yuav npaj thiab kuv paub nws cov style. Nws yog ib tug high-volume Puncher tab sis peb twb npaj zoo heev rau cov uas.
“Nws yog ob lub zoo-npaj neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lawv cov prime. Cia siab tias foob pob hluav taws. Qhov no yog ib yam dab tsi kev sib ntaus kiv cua tau nug rau. Kuv vam thiab cia siab kuv sib ntaus yuav suav hais tias ib tug ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws thaum nws yuav ua li cas.
“Nws yog zoo yuav no nyob rau hauv kuv gym nyob rau hauv kuv lub tsev turf. Kuv pib lub hashtag #ThisIsMyTown vim hais tias L.A. yog kuv lub zos. Leo yuav hais txawm nws xav, tiam sis kuv nyob rau hauv tsev thiab npaj txhij mus muab tso rau hauv ib tug qhia tau tias.
“Qhov no yog twv yuav raug hu cov biggest sib ntaus ntawm kuv ua hauj lwm. Kuv yuav npaj mus sib ntaus leej twg. Kuv xav Gary Russell Jr. thiab tag nrho cov poj fighters ntawm no qhov ceeb thawj. Nws yog ib tug teeb meem ntawm kev noj kev saib xyuas ntawm ua lag ua luam ib tug los ntawm ib tug.
“Nyob rau hauv kuv lub siab, tom qab tsis, Kuv sab laug lub sab saum toj theem ntawm qhov kev ua si. Kuv yuav tsum tau kov yeej tej teeb meem kev, tab sis tam sim no kuv rov qab zoo dua kuv puas tau tau. Kuv yuav mus nyob rau hauv lub yim hli ntuj muaj 29ready ua pov thawj tias. Kuv yuav mus ua ib daim ntawv qhia uas Abner mares yog rov qab.”
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas, www.staplescenter.comthiab Ua raws li ntawm TwitterPremierBoxing, @ LeoSantaCruz2AbnerMares, ESPNBoxing, STAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions ThiabSwanson_Comm thiab ua ib cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv Facebook ntawm, Ua raws li cov kev sib tham siv #PBConESPN.

Lewkowicz Tej yam tshwm sim Jonel 'Lub Kid Pacquiao’ Dapidran, Ob viv ncaus ntawm Manny Pacquiao, mus rau ib tug Promotional Daim ntawv cog lus

Pab txhawb Sampson Lewkowicz, tus txiv neej muaj nqi nrog discovering ib tug tsis paub txuj ci muaj npe Manny Pacquiao nyob rau hauv lub Philippines nyob rau hauv 2000, tau hais khov kho announces lub kos npe rau ntawm Pacquiao tus thib ob nkauj muam nraug nus, Jonel “Cov kas Pacquiao” Dapidran mus rau ib tug ntev-lub sij hawm daim ntawv cog lus promotional.
17-xyoo-laus Dapidran (6-0, 3 Kos) yog ib tug undefeated sib zeem muag los ntawm Digos lub zos nyob rau hauv lub Philippines. Manny Pacquiao tus niam txiv yawg thiab Junel txiv yog cov kwv tij.
“Ib tug kws lij choj San Francisco npe Sydney Hall coj Manny Pacquiao rau kuv xim 15 lub xyoos dhau los,” hais tias Lewkowicz. “Tsis muaj leej twg lub loj promoters them xim, tab sis peb pom ib tug dab txuj ci nws yog. Kuv tau ua hauj lwm raws li ib tug matchmaker rau (ces pab txhawb) Murad Muhammad, thiab kuv ntxias nws mus rau kos npe rau Manny thiab coj nws mus rau America. Tam sim no, raws li ib tug neeg pab txhawb, Kuv nqa nws nyob ze tsev neeg no yog lub thawj lub sij hawm thiab kuv xav ntseeg tus tub hluas no yuav ua rau ib tug loj nqe lus nyob rau hauv peb kev ua si nawv.”
Dapidran yog nyob rau hauv zoo ob txhais tes. Raws li sai raws li nws visa yog tiav, nws yuav nyob rau hauv hom txhua As Las Vegas, sib koom ib tug zoo nkauj chav tsev nrog qub ntau lub ntiaj teb champion thiab cov phooj Filipino, Jonriel Casimero. Nws yuav tseem yuav muab ib tug kws qhia uas muaj Casimero thiab koom nrog ruaj khov ntawm tus kws qhia Jun Agrabio.
“Jonel muaj cov txuj ci los ua ib lub hnub qub. Kuv pom nws nyob rau hauv nws zoo li kuv puas tau nrog nws tus viv ncaus. Nws yog los ntawm no los ua pov thawj rau txhua leej txhua tus yog ib tug Pacquiao rau lub tshiab tiam ntawm boxing. Kuv zoo siab heev los ua nws cov neeg pab txhawb thiab yuav ua hauj lwm nyuaj rau pab nws nce mus txog boxing txoj cai txoj kev.”

Tom qab 31 thib ob knockout, Dawejko looks forward to ShoBox date with Visinia on August 28

Philadelphia, PA (Lub yim hli ntuj 18, 2015)– Nyob rau lub yim hli ntuj 7 ntawm Ballys nyob rau hauv Atlantic City, Joey Dawejko ua ceev ua hauj lwm ntawm Robert Dunton rau lub suab ntawm 31 thib ob-1 punch stoppage thiab tam sim no lub Philadelphia Heavyweight zoo rau ib tug Lub yim hli ntuj 28 showdown uas muaj zoo phooj ywg Cov txwj laus Visine nyob rau hauv ib tug bout teem rau 8-rounds ntawm Lub D Las Vegas. The bout will be televised live on ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam.
Cia li hnub tom qab lub yeej tshaj Dunton, Dawejko boarded ib tug dav hlau nrog tus kws qhia Buddy McGirt thiab pab tus kws qhia Greg Hackett thiab mus muaj cai rov qab mus ua hauj lwm los mus pib npaj rau lub sib ntaus nrog Visinia.
“Peb coj uas sib ntaus xwb los tau Joey rov qab nyob rau hauv ib winning ncej ntawm lub siab. After the fight with Amir Mansour, Buddy pib kho mus tsis ncaj ncees lawm nyob rau hauv uas sib ntaus. The Mansour fight was the first fight with Buddy and by the time August 28 los nyob ib ncig ntawm, Joey thiab Buddy yuav yeej tau ua hauj lwm rau 10 ncaj lub lis piam. I believe that the familiarity will produce the results that we are looking for,” hais tias Dawejko tus neeg saib xyuas Kos Cipparone ntawm Club 1957 Tswj.
“Qhov no yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev sib ntaus rau Joey. He knows that this is the next opportunity to prove that he is a top Heavyweight contender on national television. It is also important because he is a promotional free agent and we have a couple of nice deals already presented to us and a good win over a tough opponent in Natu is another way to showcase himself to all those who are interested.
Joey Dawejko
Joey Dawejko

Travis Kauffman rov nrog 1 puag ncig puas tsuaj tshaj Carmack

Nyeem ntawv, PA (Lub yim hli ntuj 18, 2015)–Hnub Friday yav hmo ntuj nyob rau Prudential Center inNewark, New Jersey, Heavyweight contender Travis Kauffman (29-1, 21 KO lub) scored a first round stoppage over Richard Carmack in Kauffman’s first fight in 19 lub hlis.

Kauffman tsaws ib tug zoo meej txoj cai nuv los ntawm lub southpaw stance uas xa Carmack cia nyob rau hauv 2:07.

Lub bout coj qhov chaw nyob rau hauv ib daim ntawv uas tau headlined los ntawm ib tug sib ntaus ntawm yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no champions Antonio Tarver thiab Steve Cunningham uas twb nyob rau hauv ib tug kos.

“Kuv tsis xav tias Carmack yuav ntaus zog raws li nws tau. I went out there with the mindset of going some rounds to work off ring rust. As soon as he hit me with a right hand, Kuv paub hais tias nws muaj zog thiab xav kom tau nws tawm ceev. The gameplan that we worked on was to go to the body and once I dropped him, Kuv paub nws tau ua,” hais tias Kauffman.

Kauffman yog vim rov qab rau lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 18 nyob rau Claridge nyob rau hauv Atlantic City.

“Kuv tsis nkim sij hawm thiab yog twb rov qab nyob rau hauv lub gym nrog Naazim Richardson thiab kuv txiv thiab kuv yog npaj txhij yuav tawm mus rau pem hauv ntej uas loj sib ntaus. I expect this fight to be another tune up and then I will be ready for a much bigger fight.

Duab los ntawm Joe Tarlecky

Sab saum toj Venezuelan prospect Juan 'El Niño’ Ruiz yuav fim Juan Marquez nyob rau hauv Culiacan

Ib qho ntawm feem tseem ceeb neeg tua hluav taws los ntawm Venezuela, Juan 'El Niño’ Ruiz (14-0, 8 KO lub) yog teem rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib no Friday, Lub yim hli ntuj 21 nyob rau kiv puag ncig Park nyob rau hauv Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Ruiz yuav fim Mexican fighter, Juan Carlos Marquez ( 11-8-4, 5 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus teem rau rounds bout ntawm lub welterweight division.
Nyob rau hauv nws cov nag sib ntaus, Marquez yog yeej tiv thaiv qub undefeated fighter Gael Cota los ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab nyob rau hauv ib tug exciting sib ntaus, muaj nyob rau hauv Los Mochis.
“Kuv npaj yuav tau noj cov kev sib tw tawm tsam ib tug nrog sib ntaus uas paub nws khoom, thiab yog los tawm ib tug zoo yeej. Kuv twb muaj ib tug excelent kev kawm camp nrog kuv tus kws qhia René Miranda nyob rau hauv Tijuana, thiab kuv xav tias heev ntseeg tau tias kuv yuav coj rov qab lub yeej rau Venezuela. Peb ntseeg hais tias kuv lub sij hawm yog tam sim no, thiab kuv yuav kov yeej tej kev sib tw”- Hais Juan 'El Niño’ Ruiz, uas tiav lawm nws pib xyaum ua boxing hauj lwm nrog 214 yeej thiab tsuas 6 losses.
Tom qab ib tug 17-lub hlis hauj lwm, vim kev tswj teeb meem, lub hais Venezuelan boxer, muaj kev tswj kom rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib kawg Lub Xya hli ntuj 9 nyob rau hauv Tijuana, qhov uas nws tua nkag ib tug thawj round khob tawm tsam Charly Valdez.
Nyob rau hauv 2013, Ruiz ranked tooj 11 los ntawm lub ntiaj teb Boxing Association (WBA) after knocking out Nelson Lara in the fifth round, uas khwv tau nws lub Fedelatin siv.
Ruiz yog tswj los ntawm Ben Lieblein thiab Alfredo Rodriguez.

Premier BOXING CHAMPIONS RAU ESPN MEDIA rooj sab laj HU ntawv tseem ceeb


Nyem NTAWM NO Download MP3
Kelly Swanson
Ua tsaug rau koj, neeg teb xov tooj. Tsaug heev npaum li cas txhua leej txhua rau koom peb hnub no thiab rau lub tibneeg hu tauj coob boxing daim ntawv qhia hnub rau lub hlis no thiab tom ntej no. Peb nyob nraum pog txog no sib ntaus thiab tham nrog lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim Leo Santa Cruz thiab Abner mares. Abner yuav qhib tau hu.
Tab sis qhia rau koj ib tug me ntsis ntau ntxiv txog cov kev sib ntaus thiab ua rau lub qhia ntawm lub tua hluav taws, peb muaj ib tug tshwj xeeb heev tuaj sab nrauv koom peb, Ray Flores. Nws yog lub suab ntawm TGB Promotions thiab kuj yuav lub nplhaib announcer rau lub sib ntaus.
Ray, zoo siab txais tos rau lub rooj sib tham hu thiab peb tos ntsoov rau lub rooj sib hais los ntawm koj.
Ray Flores
Ua tsaug ntau ntau, Kelly. Peb cov pog rau lub sib ntaus sib tua ntawm Los Angeles, Leo Santa Cruz thiab Abner mares rau Saturday, Lub yim hli ntuj 29th ntawm Staples Center. Xyuas kom tseeb tias koj siv lub hashtag thaum tham txog kev sib ntaus, #PBConESPN, pib ntawm 10 p.m. THIAB.7 p.m. PT, nyob rau primetime thiab txhawb los ntawm TGB Promotions.
Daim pib pib thaum $25. Thiab kuv yuav qhia rau koj no, rau tag nrho cov koj listeners thiab txawj nyeem ntawv, lawv yuav mus ceev ceev. Nees nkaum tsib las yog qhov chaw uas lawv pib, thiab kuj Staples Center chaw ua hauj lwm.
Qhov no yog ib tug sib ntaus uas tau tham txog rau ib tug ntev heev lub sij hawm, 12-puag ncig matchup nyob rau hauv lub Featherweight cov kev faib. Nws yog tsis muaj lo lus nug yog ib qhov tseem xav fights ntawm lub xyoo, Tsov ntxhuav “Av qeeg” Raug Cruz thiab Abner mares.
Tsis tas li ntawd xav qhia rau koj paub hais tias cov undercard, uas yog yuav mus yuav scintillating, yog yuav mus yuav tau tshaj tawm nyob rau hauv lub tuaj hnub, ntxiv tag nrho sib ntaus lub lim tiam festivities yuav muab tshaj tawm raws li peb tau teev rau ib tug legendary hmo nyob rau ntawm lub Staples Center. Muaj ntau yam thiaj li amazing fights uas tau tshwm sim nyob rau lub Staples Center thiab tseem nyob rau hauv Los Angeles nyob rau hauv 50 xyoo, thiab qhov no sib ntaus tsis muaj lo lus nug yog yeej yuav nyob li ntawd them nqi yog hais tias tsis tshaj nws.
Tam sim no cia li qhia rau koj paub, los txog tom ntej no Tuesday, Lub yim hli ntuj muaj 18, Abner mares yuav mus qhib lub qhov rooj mus rau lub xov xwm rau ib tug xov xwm workout kev sib kho. Uas yog ntawm Del mares Gym, 6400 Garfield Avenue nyob rau hauv lub vaj nyob rau hauv California Tswb. Yog li ntawd, thov txog, Yog hais tias koj yog nyob rau hauv lub tawm, ntawm 10:30 a.m.. Abner yuav pib nws workout kom sai thaum11:00 a.m.
Tsis tas li ntawd rau cov neeg uas yog, vim hais tias qhov no yog ib tug zoo kawg li kev sib ntaus thiab kuv paub hais tias muaj yog ib tug ntau ntawm kev tshaj tawm thiab kev zoo siab kuj los ntawm lub Latin tawm raws li zoo, Kuv yuav mus tom ntej thiab ua ib tug ceev cov kev taw qhia nyob rau hauv Mev.
Tag nrho cov cai. Txoj cai tam sim no kuv tab tom yuav mus tom ntej thiab ua kom paub cov txiv neej koj nyob nraum no mus mloog thawj, nrog ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 29-1-1 (15 Kos), nws yog ib tug qub peb-division lub ntiaj teb champion, tej thiab gentlemen, ntawm no yog Abner mares.
Hlob Abner mares
Yog, txiv hlob. Kuv yuav tsis txhob tos mus muab tshaj tawm li ntawm Lub yim hli ntuj 29th. Kuv cia li xav hais tias kuv tiag tiag, tiag tiag pog, nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej (mus rau lub 29th, muab rau koj hais mav, lub) sib ntaus kiv cua, rau hauv xov xwm, txhua leej txhua nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no boxing. Nws yog ib tug yawm sib ntaus tawm tsam ib tug zoo fighter nyob rau hauv Leo Santa Cruz. Tsis txhob nco no sib ntaus. Tsis txhob nco no sib ntaus. Thov tuaj thiab kev pab txhawb nqa. Staples Center. Yog hais tias tsis, tab sis tsis nco nws rau ESPN. Nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau lwm lub caij nyoog ntawm lub ntiaj teb no npe thiab lwm sib ntaus, ib lub sijhawm zoo sib ntaus. Kuv pog yeej thiab nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau nws.
Yuav ua li cas npaum li cas muaj koj ntsia rau pem hauv ntej rau qhov no sib ntaus? Yuav ua li cas npaum li cas tau koj tus kheej ntsia rau pem hauv ntej rau qhov no particular showdown?
A. Niam
Kuv twb tau nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau qhov no sib ntaus rau ntau xyoo, ntau xyoo kiv cua tau pog, Kuv twb tau xav sib ntaus. Kuv twb tau hu tawm Leo no tag nrho lub xyoo, hu ua nws tawm hauv xov tooj cua qhia tau hais tias, nyob rau hauv tus neeg. Thiab nws yog thaum kawg no. Kuv yeej, pog yeej sib ntaus sib tua. Ib ob peb lub lis piam mus.
Kuv paub tias koj twb tau nyob rau hauv lub boxing ua lag ua luam rau kuv tsis paub yuav ua li cas tau ntau xyoo thiab neeg tua hluav taws hais no txhua lub sij hawm, “Oh, Kuv tsis tau tos, Kuv xav nws yog tag kis.” Tab sis ncaj ncees tseeb, Kuv xav tias nws yog tag kis. Kuv uas npaj txhij thiab kuv uas teem, Kuv yuav tsis tos.
Yog vim li cas koj xav hais tias, Abner hais tias cov sib ntaus tuaj ua ke tam sim no es tsis txhob ua ntej lawm? Tsis yog tus twg ntawm koj yog tiag tiag loj npe tshaj koj yog ib tug ob peb xyoos dhau los.
A. Niam
Kuv xav hais tias nyob rau hauv lub kawg ntawm lub hnub peb sib ntaus sib tua yeej hais tias peb ob leeg muaj, lub sib ntaus yog zoo nkauj npaum li cas mus rau teb koj lo lus nug Lub yim hli ntuj 29th. Yog hais tias peb saib, lwm yam kev sib ntaus qhov twg lub npe yog loj, cov qib yog loj lawv tshaj tawm kev sib ntaus super-loj, thiab peb txhua tus paub tias dab tsi tshwm sim thaum lub sij hawm sib ntaus lub sij hawm. Peb tsis xav tau ntau npaum li cas ntawm ib lub npe, kuv sab los yog Leo tus, vim hais tias qhov no yuav tsum yog ib tug exciting ib.
Yog li ntawd kuv xav hais tias lub yim hli ntuj 29th, peb yuav mus ua nws ib tug sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo. Kuv muaj tsis muaj lo lus nug nyob rau hauv kuv lub siab uas hais tias yuav tsum nws. Kuv xav tias hais tias qhov koj lo lus nug. Kuv paub tias kuv raug kev txom nyem ib swb mus rau ib tug zoo fighter, Leo Santa Cruz yog undefeated, nws tsis tau poob, nws tsis tau tsis tau swb thiab nws sib ntaus sib tua ib tug hungrier Abner mares, thiab nws yog ib tug tshaib plab fighter heev. Kuv tsis xav hais tias lub npe yog mus yuav ib tug teeb meem rau kev sib ntaus yuav tsum exciting.
Kuv twb wondering yog hais tias koj xav tias tej zaum nws yuav muaj tshwm sim ib me ntsis sai dua ntawd?
A. Niam
Ua Tsis. Nws yuav muaj tiam sis koj paub tej yam uas tshwm sim rau ib tug yog vim li cas thiab fights tau ua thaum lub sij hawm rau ua lag ua luam weird teeb meem, tab sis kuv xav tias nws yog lub sij hawm zoo meej rau ob. Leo muaj ntau kev, nws tau sib ntaus sib tua zoo, thiab kuv tus kheej, tom qab kuv yeej, Kuv twb tiv thaiv peb lub sij hawm thiab kuv mindset yog muaj. Yog li ntawd kuv xav tias nws yog ib tug zoo meej lub sij hawm rau ob leeg.
Yuav ua li cas yog koj xav hais txog ua kom pom tseeb ntawm cov pej xeem nyob rau hauv lub tsev ntawd?
A. Niam
Yog. Kuv pog. Nws tsis yog kuv thawj qhia tau tias. Kuv tsis paub yog hais tias koj nco ntsoov nws, tab sis kuv tiv thaiv Anselmo Moreno, ntsiab kev tshwm sim. Yuav ua li cas kuv hais tias yog, tias nws cia li yog ib tug loj kev xav kev tshwm sim. Kuv nco qab ua lub underdog rau cov uas sib ntaus vim hais tias ntawm Anselmo tus sib ntaus sib tua style. Lawv hais tias nws yog lub zoo meej style sib ntaus sib tua, thiab Abner mares yog ib tug mos mos, feemxyuam fighter. Kuv muaj pov thawj txhua leej txhua tsis ncaj ncees lawm. Kuv muab txhua leej txhua ib tug zoo qhia thiab kuv xav tias cov neeg sab laug lub arena zoo siab. Tias yog dab tsi yog yuav tshwm sim lub yim hli ntuj 29th. Kuv yuav tsis mus tu siab rau kuv tus kheej, Kuv yuav tsis mus rau tu siab kuv tsev neeg, thiab meej txaus, Kuv yuav tsis mus rau tu siab lub boxing kiv cua. Nws mus yuav ib tug zoo kawg li qhia tau tias. Kuv yuav npaj mus tawm xov xwm ib zaug dua.
Nws yuav ruaj ntseg hais tias koj xav mus ua kom zoo siab ntau li ntau raws li yeej qhov kev sib ntaus los yog koj txias nrog ntaus yeej txawm yog hais tias nws tsis yog raws li entertaining tab sis raws li ntev raws li koj tau txais cov W. Yuav ua li cas yog koj ua kom pom tseeb? Nws nkawd koj nyob nraum npaj rau muab tso rau hauv ib tug qhia tau tias.
A. Niam
Yog. Yog tsis muaj siab. Yog hais tias ib yam dab tsi, excitement. Yog hais tias ib yam dab tsi, nws cia li ib hnub tom hauj lwm uas nws yog ib tug loj tog. Tsev neeg los ntawm tag nrho cov tshaj Mexico, los ntawm tag nrho cov tshaj nws yog ib tug loj tog uas kuv muaj rau siab nyob rau hauv sib ntaus hmo ntuj. Yog li ntawd, muaj yog tias siab qhov twg koj xav kom lom zem lub folks, tab sis, ces koj muaj uas mindset qhov chaw uas koj muaj peev xwm ua rau nws ib qho yooj yim sib ntaus thiab tsis yog li ntawd ntau npaum li cas entertaining. Tab sis koj paub dab tsi, Kuv sim mus ua si ob leeg. Kuv sim yuav ntau tshaj ib tug nyob rau hauv fighter muaj, sim ua kom nws yooj yim raws li kuv tau. Tab sis yog twv dab tsi, lub Mexican lub plawv, warrior los tawm, thiab kuv ua nws ib tug nyuaj kev sib ntaus, thiab nyob rau thaum xaus ntawm lub hnub kuv cia li xav boxing kiv cua los mus tsev zoo siab.
Koj puas hais tias qhov no yog ib txojsia sib ntaus rau koj, ib yam dab tsi uas koj xav tau los yeej, yog li thaum twg koj dai rau lawv li, koj yuav ua tau zoo li, “Boom, peb tau txais hais tias ib tug ntawm Staples Center.”
A. Niam
Ua siab ncaj, Kuv tsis pom nws zoo li ntawd. Kuv txhais tau tias kev sib ntaus tau legendary tom qab lawv nyob nraum ua. Kuv xav hais tias yog peb txoj hauj lwm mus ua no sib ntaus ib yam ntawm cov zoo sawv daws yuav. Kuv xav hais tias kuv txoj hauj lwm yog cia li mus nyob rau hauv muaj thiab muab nws ib tug zoo sib ntaus. Thiab lub sib ntaus kiv cua yuav tau lub tsev hais plaub ntawm uas. Rau kuv nws cia li lwm sib ntaus, Kuv tsis xav txog siab nyob rau hauv kuv lub taub hau, cia li sib ntaus.
Yog li ntawd, cas koj xav hais tias nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev peb yuav mus saib tau tus Abner mares ntawm lub sij hawm no nyob rau hauv ib tug loj sib ntaus uas peb yuav tsis tau pom ib tug ob peb xyoos dhau los muaj kev sib ntaus tau ua ua ntej lawm?
A. Niam
Tsis doubt. Kuv yog nyob rau hauv lub ncov, Kuv yog nyob rau hauv ib tug zoo lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv kuv ua hauj lwm qhov chaw uas kuv yog ib tug peb-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb champion, undefeated thiab kuv saib zoo. Tsis ntseeg nyob rau hauv kuv lub siab txawm tam sim no, tom qab kuv yeej, Kuv twb ua txawm tias ib tug zoo dua fighter, vim hais tias tam sim no kuv paub dab tsi yeej yog, tam sim no kuv paub yuav ua li cas rov qab los thiab pib dua. Yog li ntawd nws yuav tsum yog tus zoo tshaj plaws Abner mares. Kuv xav tias nws yog lub sij hawm zoo meej rau kuv siab rau kuv tus kheej, Kuv tsis care txog nws, rau kuv tus kheej nws yog lub zoo meej lub sij hawm, thiab kuv yuav tsis tos.
Yog li no tus feem ntau kev mob siab koj tau muaj nyob rau hauv ib tug ntev lub sij hawm sib ntaus sib tua Leo Santa Cruz, thiab tham txog tus cwj pwm txawv thiab cov tsav?
A. Niam.
Kuv xav tias heev mob siab. Kuv tsis tshua muaj neeg teem. Kuv yuav tsis nco lub sij hawm uas kuv muaj li no. Nws yuav muaj rau hnub tim rov qab mus rau thaum kuv tau mus tom qab kuv thawj lub ntiaj teb title.
Yuav ua li cas koj xav tias kev puas siab thiab lub hlwb mus rau hauv lub sib ntaus, thiab yog dab tsi koj puas xav mus thiab qhia?
A. Niam
Kuv xav kom cia li mus thiab ua pov thawj tias kuv cov zoo fighter los txog rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29th, thiab kuv tus kheej cia li xav mus tawm thiab ua pov thawj tias kuv superior.
Yuav ua li cas yog cov kev xav nyob rau hauv koj lub camp, dab tsi yog qhov mindset thaum lub sij hawm txoj kev kawm camp? Thiab kuj, yuav ua li cas tseem ceeb yog sib ntaus sib tua Leo Santa Cruz thiab tau txais lub yeej tshaj nws?
A. Niam
Camp yuav zoo kawg li thiab kuv xav yog heev zoo. Muaj yog ib qho zog uas peb muaj nyob rau hauv camp. Qhov no sib ntaus yog heev tseem ceeb vim hais tias nws yog tus sib ntaus sib tua ntawm Los Angeles thiab ua tau mus tua Leo Santa Cruz, Kuv xav tuaj tawm thiab kuv xav tau kev pab kom tau cov W thiab ua pov thawj rau sawvdaws tias kuv yog tus zoo tshaj plaws ntawm lub cheeb tsam thiab ib tug ntawm cov saum toj kawg nkaus featherweights nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no.
Leej twg yog koj sawv cev no nyob rau hauv Los Angeles? Hawaiian vaj, Downey? Leej twg yog koj sib ntaus sib tua rau?
A. Niam
Kuv sawv cev kuv tus kheej – Kuv sawv cev kuv tus kheej, kuv tus kivcua ntsawj, thiab sawvdaws tias yog tom qab kuv.
Nrog Leo ua undefeated, ua koj xav tias Leo xav zoo ntawm invincible hais tias nws yeej tsis tau mus tom ntej thiab raug kev txom nyem ib tug swb ua ntej?
A. Niam
Txoj cai tam sim no Leo yog koj zoo heev txog nws tus kheej. Nws yuav ua kom raug thiab kuv yuav ua kom nws them. Kuv yuav mus qhia Leo Santa Cruz rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29th tias kuv yog tus superior fighter ntawm Staples Center.
Yuav ua li cas koj yuav mus teb tias cov neeg coob coob yog tsis tiag tiag nyob rau hauv nws haum?
A. Niam
Kuv yuav tsis txhawj txog qhov uas. Kuv tau mus tom ntej thiab ua nyob rau theem siab, thiab txawm kuv yuav ua li cas, Kuv yuav tawm mus muaj thiab tua nyuaj heev thiab tau cov neeg coob coob nyob rau hauv kuv sab los txog rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29th.
A. Niam
Cas. Kuv kawg saib yog kuv yuav npaj rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29, Kuv tsis tau tos. Leo Santa Cruz, Kuv paub tias koj nyob nraum mloog, Kuv npaj txhij. Koj hais mav muaj ib tug zoo ib tug.
R. Paj
Tag nrho cov cai, ua tsaug ntau ntau. Txoj cai tam sim no kuv yuav los qhia lub undefeated ob-division ntiaj teb no yeej nrog ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 30-0-1, 17 Kos. Sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Los Angeles, California, thov zoo siab txais tos Leo “Av qeeg” Raug Cruz.
Leo Santa Cruz
Ua tsaug rau koj nyob ntawm no nyob rau hauv no hu. Kuv cia li xav hais tias kuv pog; Kuv zoo siab heev thiab mob siab rau qhov no sib ntaus. Qhov no yog qhov loj tshaj kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv kuv ua hauj lwm thiab kuv yuav tsis tos.
Koj yuav piav vim li cas qhov no yog lub biggest sib ntaus ntawm koj cov hauj lwm?
Leo Santa Cruz
Nws yog thawj lub sij hawm kuv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, thiab ces kuj vim hais tias nws yog tus thawj lub sij hawm kuv yuav mus tua ib tug fighter uas yog nyob rau hauv ib tug loj theem, zoo li tus kiv cua hais tias, lawv xav kom kuv mus tua ib tug fighter uas yog nyob rau hauv cov neeg tseem ceeb theem fighter, thiab kuv xav hais tias mares tam sim no yog lub hardest tus nrog sib ntaus kuv puas tau ntsib. Yog li ntawd ntxiv kuv ua lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim yog zoo li tib excitement li kuv sib ntaus sib tua rau ib lub ntiaj teb title.
Yog koj npaj txhij mus muab pov nrog nws nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus uas yuav yog ib tug sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo.
L. Raug Cruz
Yog, ntawm chav kawm, Nyob rau hauv kuv lub siab no yog ib tug sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo vim hais tias peb nyob nraum ob Mexican txoj kev tua hluav taws, peb tuaj rau pem hauv ntej, sim ua kom haum tus kiv cua thiab kuv xav tias qhov no yog mus yuav ib tug zoo sib ntaus. Kuv xav tias nws yog ib tug zoo fighter thiab txhua yam, thiab kuv pom no sib ntaus zoo li yuav luag ib tug 50/50, nws yuav mus yog txoj kev vim hais tias nws yog ib tug zoo fighter, Kuv yog ib tug zoo fighter, vim li ntawd kuv xav hais tias nws yuav mus ua tau zoo kawg.
Leej twg ua koj xav hais tias yog cov nyiam nyob rau hauv no sib ntaus? Thiab yog vim li cas?
L. Raug Cruz
Zoo, thaum pib kuv xav tias mares yog tus nyiam, tab sis tam sim no kuv xav tias raws li kuv twb tau hnov ​​hais tias kuv yog tus nyiam tam sim no. Tab sis, zoo li ntau ntawm cov kiv cua, lawv muaj peev xwm tsis xaiv tog vim hais tias lawv paub qhov no sib ntaus yog tiag tiag nyuaj rau wb ob leeg, hais tias nws yog ib tug tiag tiag txawm sib ntaus. Yog li ntawd kuv xav hais tias peb yuav tsum cia nws mus August 29th saib leej twg yog tus zoo dua fighter hnub ntawd.
Koj puas tau xav txog qhov tau hais tias qhov no tej zaum yuav sib ntaus ua rau ib tug rematch los yog txawm trilogy?
L. Raug Cruz
Yog, ntawm chav kawm. Yog hais tias mares loses, Kuv paub tias nws yuav xav ib tug rematch. Yog hais tias kuv poob, Kuv yuav xav ib tug rematch. Yog li ntawd, tsis muaj leej twg yuav mus yuav xis tom qab qhov kev sib ntaus.
Abner mares hais rau peb hais tias nws yog tus kheej vim hais tias koj luag nyob rau hauv nws muag, Koj yuav koom tes nyob rau qhov no?
L. Raug Cruz
Kuv tsis luag nyob rau hauv nws lub ntsej muag thiab nws tsis yog ib tug tus kheej kev sib ntaus rau kuv, cia li kev, yog ib tug zoo sib ntaus, thiab nws yog ib tug 50/50 sib ntaus rau kuv.
Yog muaj tej yam kev ntxiv txug mus rau hauv no matchup tiv thaiv Abner mares.
L. Raug Cruz
Kuv sib ntaus sib tua rau mus tom ntej thiab ua ib tug ntiaj teb no yeej, sib ntaus sib tua rau Los Angeles. Uas ib leeg yog txug tag nrho rau nws tus kheej thiab raws li ntau li ntau kuv xav tau rau qhov no matchup nrog Abner mares.
Li cas ib tug yeej tshaj Abner mares ua rau Leo Santa Cruz?
L. Raug Cruz
Raws li kuv mus ua ntej thiab txav mus 126, Kuv xav los ua pov thawj rau sawv daws tias kuv yog tsim nyog thiab yog rau hauv lub Upper echelon nyob rau hauv lub featherweight division. Kuv xav mus tom qab lub ntiaj teb no title ntawm 126, thiab kuv paub tias kuv yuav ua tau li ntawd los ntawm sib ntaus sib tua thiab ua zoo heev thiab yeej tiv thaiv Abner mares.
Tau nws yeej ib txwm nyob rau hauv koj lub siab hais tias qhov no yuav tshwm sim sib ntaus?
L. Raug Cruz
Kuv pib kuv ua hauj lwm thiab kuv pom nyob rau hauv mares kuv ceeb thawj hoob kawm thiab nws tau tiag tiag zoo thoob plaws hauv nws cov hauj lwm. Kuv xav tias kuv muaj zoo li plaub, tsib fights thaum lub sij hawm thiab kuv paub hais tias tej zaum nyob rau hauv lub neej yav tom ntej peb yuav muaj lub ntsej muag txhua lwm yam thiab kuv yeej tsis tsis tau hais tias peb twb mus fim txhua lwm yam. Yog li ntawd, muaj, nws yog ib txwm nyob rau hauv kuv lub siab uas ntxov los yog tom qab peb mus rau lub ntsej muag txhua lwm yam.
Koj puas xav tias qhov no yog zoo li lub sijhawm zoo meej rau koj mus nkag rau hauv division?
L. Raug Cruz
Yog, ntawm chav kawm. Kuv xav tias nws yog ib qhov zoo tshaj plaws sib ntaus vim hais tias Abner mares yog ib tug natural featherweight cai tam sim no thiab nws yog ib tug zoo fighter thiab yuav ua li cas txhua yam. Yog li ntawd, tau ib tug yeej tawm tsam nws yog mus rau muab tso rau kuv nyob rau hauv lub loj theem, nws yuav muab kuv rau rau qib tom ntej thiab qhia tias kuv yuav npaj rau tus so ntawm lub tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub division.
Yog muaj tej taw tes nyob rau hauv koj lub hauj lwm nyob qhov twg lawm zoo ntawm tag kev cia siab, uas koj xav paub ntau tshaj ntawm koj cov hauj lwm?
L. Raug Cruz
Yog. Kuv xav mloog mus rau lub kiv cua thiab lub thuam, thiab ces kuv tias kheev lam kuv yuav xaiv thiab hais tias kuv yuav mus sib ntaus no fighter, thiab cia li mus rau tom ntej thiab tua nws. Tab sis kuv yuav tsum tau tawm nws mus rau kuv pab neeg. Lawv nyob nraum no los tiv thaiv kuv. Lawv paub tias dab tsi yog. Yog li ntawd yog vim li cas kuv mloog lawv thiab lawv paub dab tsi yog qhov zoo tshaj. Tab sis sai dua ntawd los yog tom qab, Kuv yuav mus tua cov sib ntaus uas tus kiv cua xav.
Leej twg ua koj xav hais tias tus kiv cua yuav tsum yog rau? Thiab koj puas xav tias lawv yuav mus nrhiav ib tug zoo sib ntaus thiab mus cheering rau tog twg los ib yam ntawm koj, raws li yuav ua li cas sib ntaus yog yuav, los yog muaj loyalty muaj raws li koj lub zej zog? Qhia rau peb ib tug me ntsis txog cov uas.
L. Raug Cruz
Kuv xav tias tus kiv cua yuav zoo li 50/50, ib nrab rau nws, ib nrab rau kuv. Kuv xav tias nws yuav mus sib npaug faib. Kuv xav tias tus kiv cua yuav tsum tau muab faib nruab nrab ntawm tag nrho ob qho ntawm peb. Ib nrab ntawm lawv yuav tsum cheering rau nws, ib nrab rau kuv.
Tab sis yog leej twg kuv xav tias tso rau lub zoo dua tua cov kiv cua yuav kom muaj hauv paus rau qhov kawg. Nws yog tiag tiag nyuaj kom tau nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib thiab muab tso rau hauv tus poj fights tus kiv cua yuav hlub. Kuv xav hais rau tus kiv cua uas.
Tom qab Abner raug kev txom nyem tsis tau rau Johnny Gonzalez, yuav Leo hais tias Abner yog ntau immobile thiab tsis xav mus koom ntau li ntau?
L. Raug Cruz
Tom qab ntawd tsis nws yeej ciali hais tias txoj kev, tab sis kuv to taub hais tias tuaj lub yim hli ntuj 29th, tias tag nrho cov uas yuav mus tawm lub qhov rais thiab Abner yog yuav tuaj rau pem hauv ntej thiab xav mus rau sawv ntsug thiab lag luam thiab kuv yuav tsum txaus siab ua tau oblige los ntawm, thiab ces peb yuav mus los ntawm muaj, thiab mus ntiv taw-mus-ntiv taw rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29th.
Abner tau hais txog koj, ib tug ntawm nws detriments yog qhov tseeb hais tias koj yog undefeated thiab hais tias koj tsis paub yuav ua li cas poob tab sis tsis nkag siab li cas nws yog ib yam li rau lub ntsej muag yeej, dab tsi li koj xav seb uas?
Kuv heev twj ywm, relaxed thiab focused. Kuv tsis xav tias yog ib tug detriment thiab kuv yuav mus muab tag nrho cov uas tham qab kuv. Kuv tsis koom los xij nyob rau hauv cov thoob khib nyiab tham, yog li hais lus, thiab kuv cia li tawm mus muaj thiab ua raws li kuv kev ua hauj lwm, heev twj ywm, txias thiab sau.
Koj twb pom Abner tua ntau lub sij hawm ua ntej obviously thiab koj paub nws cov style zoo nkauj zoo los ntawm. Yuav ua li cas koj xav hais tias yog lub tseem ceeb tshaj plaws uas koj yuav tau ua nyob rau hauv muaj kom paub tseeb tias koj tawm victorious?
L. Raug Cruz
Yog, nws tau zoo li rau, xya xyoo txij li thaum peb tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv sparring. Nws tau hloov ntau heev. Kuv tau hloov ntau heev. Peb nyob nraum yuav tuaj tawm nyob rau hauv thawj round thiab siv tej yam peb ua si npaj. Yog hais tias nws tsis ua hauj lwm, peb yuav tau hloov lub tswv yim li cas peb nyob nraum ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lub gym nrog kuv txiv. Tab sis peb muaj lub hom phiaj mus tua thiab mus tau rau hauv lub yeej. Peb yuav tawm mus muaj, ua li cas peb nyob nraum ua nyob rau hauv lub gym. Thiab ib zaug peb nyob nraum txog muaj, peb yuav paub yuav ua li cas sib ntaus sib tua thiab tau lub yeej.
Yog koj cob qhia kom tau ib tug stoppage?
L. Raug Cruz
Yog. The sooner the fight ends, lub zoo dua rau peb ib tug. Tsawg txim, tsawg hits. Tab sis yog lub stoppage tsis tuaj, peb yuav cia li muaj kev zoo siab nrog lub yeej. Peb yuav tawm mus muaj, yeej mares tej txoj kev uas peb yuav tau txais lub yeej, tias yog dab tsi yog ntau ib qho tseem ceeb.
K. Swanson
Tsov ntxhuav, Kuv muaj ib tug ntau nqe lus nug. Yuav ua li cas yog koj txiv tuav? Qhov no yog xws li ib tug loj sib ntaus rau koj thiab nws yog li ntawd lub siab lub ntsws. Peb twb pom nws lub sij hawm thiab lub sij hawm dua; nws yog koj tus txiv thiab koj tus kws qhia. Yuav ua li cas yog nws tuav txog?
L. Raug Cruz
Ua Tsis, nws yog tiag tiag pog. Nws cia li ntsiag to. Nws qhia rau kuv tsis txhawj txog dab tsi lwm yam tshaj li no sib ntaus. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev, tab sis rau tag nrho cov zog ua hauj lwm thiab txhua yam peb twb tau ua nyob rau hauv lub gym, nws yuav tuaj tawm zoo. Thiab yog hais tias nws tsis, lawv nyob nraum tseem yuav tsum muaj rau kuv tsis muaj teeb meem dab tsi tshwm sim nyob rau hauv lub sib ntaus. Tej zaum koj tsis tau, tej zaum koj yeej, tab sis peb yuav tsum tau feeb meej thiab teem nyob rau hauv dab tsi peb xav tau thiab paub hais tias peb yuav mus tawm muaj thiab muab tso rau hauv ib tug zoo qhia.
L. Raug Cruz
Kuv xav ua tsaug rau tag nrho cov kiv cua los mus rau lub sib ntaus, Lub yim hli ntuj 29, uas peb nyob nraum ob yawm Mev warriors thiab peb yuav mus thiab muab tus kiv cua ib tug zoo qhia, hais tias peb twb tau kev kawm yeej nyuaj, thiab tsis muaj leej twg xav poob. Yog li ntawd hais tias thaum uas tshwm sim, peb ob muab ib tug zoo qhia thiab ib tug heev tsov rog. Tsis txhob nco nws.
R. Paj
Cia li xav qhia rau txhua leej txhua tus paub, peb zoo siab rau hauv xov xwm yuav tsum vov Santa Cruz thiab mares. Tsis txhob nco nws, Lub yim hli ntuj 29th. Peb yog ob lub lis piam mus. Kuv yuav tsis txhob tos mus tau rau Los Angeles. Cov tag nrho lub West ntug dej hiav txwv yuav raug buzzing. Lub teb chaws yog mus yuav buzzing, vim hais tias koj tau txais no sib ntaus rau free TV, PBC Boxing dawb rau tag nrho cov. Nws yog yuav mus yuav 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.
Tsis tas li ntawd rau hauv xov xwm tawm muaj, tsis txhob hnov ​​qab txog rau hnub Tuesday, Lub yim hli ntuj muaj 18, Abner mares yuav muaj nws qhov rooj qhib mus rau lub xov xwm, Del mares Gym, 6400 Garfield Avenue nyob rau hauv lub vaj Tswb, California. Media mus txog muaj nyob rau ntawm 10:30 a.m. Abner pib nws workout ntawm 11 teev.
Peb yeej txaus siab rau. Peb yuav tsis txhob tos. Abner mares-Leo Santa Cruz. Nws mus yuav ib tug historic hmo ntuj rau boxing nyob rau hauv Los Angeles. Lub Staples Center yog mus yuav co ntxias lis thiab kuv yuav tsis tos. PBC rau ESPN, los txog lub yim hli ntuj 29th, 10 teev Eastern, 7:00 Pacific.
Xyuas kom tseeb tias yuav tau txais koj daim pib tam sim no. Lawv nyob nraum muag ceev. Lawv pib ntawm $25, ( thiab lub Staples Center chaw ua hauj lwm cheeb tsam.
Yuav tsis tos rau lub yim hli ntuj 29th, thiab peb yuav pom koj hais mav rau kev sib ntaus lub lim tiam nyob rau hauv Los Angeles.
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas, Ua raws li ntawm TwitterPremierBoxing, @ LeoSantaCruz2AbnerMares, ESPNBoxing, STAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions ThiabSwanson_Comm thiab ua ib cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv Facebook ntawm, Ua raws li cov kev sib tham siv #PBConESPN.