Category Archives: mekemeke

PREMIER BOXING toa ON CBS MEDIA korukī īngoa & Whakaahua

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai SKIP mahi whakangahau
Corpus Christi, Texas. (Mahuru 3, 2015) – Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga iCBS whawhai i honoa e pāpāho me te pā Rāpare i te īngoa i te PAL Faleva'inga i Corpus Christi faaineine ratou mo to ratou Rātapu, Mahuru 6 showdowns i American Bank Center.
Headlined te hui e te toa mua ao Anthony “Ko te Dog” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 Koó) tango i runga i Mexico o Marco Antonio “Te wai whakamate” Rubio (59-7-1, 51 Koó) a ngā āhuatanga i te rematch i waenganui i toa whā ao Jamie McDonnell (26-2-1, 12 Koó) me te ngangau whakaongaonga Tomoki “Ko te Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 Koó) ki te kapinga teata timata i 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Leija Battah Whakatairanga me Warriors Boxing, E utu i $109, $93, $49, $38 a $15, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko inaianei. E wātea ana i ngā tīkiti, te American Bank Center Pouaka Office mā te karanga Leija Battah Whakatairanga i ranei (210) 979-3302. Ki te ki atu tenei i te karanga waea Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000.
Tenei ko te aha te whai wāhi i ki te mea Rāpare:
“He nui Whakangungu. Kāore he amuamu. Ko te he puni whakaharahara a mahi katoa te mahi pakeke te.
“E mohio ana ahau ki Rubio he he toa nui. Ngā whawhai ia nga ingoa nui me te ia he hōia nui. Au oaoa ki te tiki i roto i te whakakai ki a ia e ahau.
“Ko ahau whawhai whakamutunga flat. Kāore he ngatahi. He tangata katoa o ratou ra. E kore e taea e koe te tiki me te whiriwhiri, te reira e tupu noa mai. Ähei e matau ki ahau, e matau ana, e kore e whawhai ahau kia rite ki taua. Ko te i roto i te mua, me te ahau rite ki te whawhai Rubio.
“I ahau etahi mākutu atu mua i roto i te puni, me i eke ahau ki te manawataki pai. Ahau koi i teie nei, ka mahi matou faanahoraa kua nui. Na te reira noa e pā ana ki te mau mai i te reira ki te mowhiti i runga i te ra whawhai, me te maka ana i runga i te whakaatu.
“E rapu ana ahau ki te haere atu ki reira, ka mahi i te mea e rave e ahau, i te mea unga iwi ki te doghouse. Ahakoa te mea he tauākī e kore ranei, Hiahia noa ahau i te wikitoria.”
Marco ANTONIO Rubio
“Kua hoatu e ahau toku kaha katoa ki tenei puni whakangungu. Kei rite ki te whawhai Dirrell matou. Te roroa ia, te ia kaha, me te te e ia tino uaua i roto i te whakakai. Kua oti i ahau te ara I mahara ahau ki. Aroha ana ahau ki te wero o te hoariri uaua.
“Ko ahau i te pae tino ngenge i muri i toku whawhai whakamutunga i muri i pera maha nga tau i roto i te mekemeke. I mohio tonu ahau e hoki mai ahau, no te mea he mekemeke toku ora. Kua mahi ahau mo 5 marama ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te āhua me te ahau i roto i te āhua nui.
“Ko te pakeke ki te hanga 160 mo te whakamutunga e rua, e toru nga whawhai. Mahue ahau rawa nui i roto i te sauna ki te hanga taimaha. Tena ko tenei i 168 Ite ahau nui. Tenei e kore e pā te kaha toku pahaki. Ko te tahi mea hou e te rapu atu ahau ki.
“Kua ahau i te tika mākutu hoa tenei puni. Au ahau i roto i te āhua pai, me te tino whai i ahau te rautaki e tika ana mō tēnei whawhai.
“Kua haere mai hoki ahau i ki tonu te kaha. Kite ahau ake nui whawhai i roto i te heke mai. Ite ahau nui, me te rite ki te tango i runga i ētahi atu whawhai katoa.”
Jamie McDonnell
“Kua kua ahau te mahi i runga i te tahi mau tikanga hou, me te ua papû e ahau, ka kawea e ia te tahi mau mea hou ki te tepu e kore ahau e mahara, engari whakaaro e taea e ahau ki te ohorere ia rawa ahau.
“Kua kua ahau te mahi i runga i noho i runga i oku nifó, me te hanga atu mana, engari he rota ano o te mahi i runga i toku kaupapa. He mea nui Defense no te mea Ua tūtohua ahau ki taua ringa matau i te patototanga ahau iho whawhai whakamutunga.
“Tika i ahau ki te hoatu te reira katoa. I te po whawhai ka haere mai te reira i huihui i roto i te whakakai. Au mana'o ahau e tau, te pai ake kua ahau ite.
“E tatou titiro atu ki te whiwhi i roto i reira, me te hanga i te tauākī tenei wa. E hiahia ana ahau ki te hanga i te tauākī mau i runga i te atamira ao. No wikitoria kātia tēnei wā, Ahau rite mo te mau tamaroa nui ahau.”
“Kua mea katoa i roto i te puni, kua haere pai me mohio tatou e, e tatou angitu i runga i te Sabati po.
“Tenei wa to tatou he mahere ara pai atu i te wā whakamutunga. Ahau rite hoki kāhua o toku hoariri, me te ki tetahi mea e taea e kawe e ia ki te mowhiti.
“Kua ako ahau McDonnell, a mohio ana ahau ki ona paruparu. E whakamahere tatou i runga i te tango i roto i a ia i tenei wa. E kore ahau e mutu noa i ahau te mutu.
“Whakaaro ahau riro ahau wa whakamutunga, me te whakamahere e ahau ki te whakamatau ko ahau te toa pai me te pai i toku taimaha. Ko te tino tata, engari tenei wa ka waiho toku kaha, me te rautaki nui rawa hoki ia.
“E kore matou i te tiki i te wikitōria wa whakamutunga, but I’m lucky to have this opportunity just a few months later on national TV. It’s a big fight for me and I need to win.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, follow i runga i TwitterPremierBoxingAnthonyDirrell, MAVenenoRubio, @ JamieMcDonnell1, TomokiKameda, SHOSports, WarriorsBoxingProm, LeijaBattahPR, AmericanBankCtr ASwanson_Comm,

Whakahokia whitu KO Artist Karepe Plant ki te Ring Rātū Hepetema 22 i runga i Fox Sports 1

Whakaahua Na Lucas Noonan
Nashville, TN (Mahuru 2, 2015) – Tūturu whitu amanaki, Karepe “Ringa Sweet” Plant (9-0, 8 Koó), hanga he hoki vave ki te mowhiti rite e fehangahangai ia he TBA hoariri i runga i Rātū, Mahuru 22, 2015 i te Sands Casino Resort i Peterehema, Pennsylvania. Te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i Fox Sports 1 Ka televise te kāri headlined e Julian Williams vs. Luciano Cuello. Plant will open up the telecast which begins at 9PM ET / 6PM PT ora i runga i Fox Sports 1.
Ki te whitu knockouts a tawhio tuatahi ki tona nama, Plant, he whetu maranga, is rapidly establishing himself as one of the most feared fighters in the middleweight division. He’s currently riding a seven fight knockout streak, ka kotahi anake haere te tawhiti i roto i tona mahi.
I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga, i tangohia e wahi i runga i August 15, 2015, Plant hei hoa kai te mutunga o wahia Zoltán Hara (20-6, 12 Koó) i ara o te knockout a tawhio tuatahi. Titiro hoki ki te Karepe Plant tonu ki te kāhua kaitaua ka sitepu ia ki te mowhiti i runga i Hepetema, 22.
“Ahakoa kua ahau i te torutoru knockouts a tawhio tuatahi, Rite tino ahau ki te tango i toku wa tiki toku matā i roto i toku whawhai me,” Na ka mea a Karepe Plant. “Aua'e râ, I’ve been able to get my opponents hurt early and get them out of there. I’m prepared to go the distance if I have to, engari kahore he feaa, ki te whiwhi ahau i te he moku hoariri, Kei te haere ahau mo te knockout.”
Whawhai i runga i te pouaka whakaata mō te wā tuatahi i roto i tona haerenga whakamutunga, Plant is relishing on the fact that his fight will be broadcasted live on Fox Sports 1. E whakahaeretia ana e Al HAYMON, Plant kite te heke mai kanapa.
“Ko te whakaongaonga tino ki te mohio ki aku pā katoa, me te whānau i te kāinga ka taea ki te rangi i roto i a mataara whawhai ki ahau,” Tonu Plant. “I tua atu, te hunga kahore nei i te whai wāhi ki te kite i ahau i roto i te mahi, will now get their opportunity. When you have a person like Al Haymon in your corner, te reira i te mana'o rawa makona, because you with hard work opportunities will be there. My goal is to keep working hard and take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. I’m very pleased to be making a quick return to the ring.

Ahmed ELBIALI ki te kanohi Peña ON FOX SPORTS 1

Whakaahua Na Team Elbiali
Miami, FL (Mahuru 2, 2015) – I Rātū, Mahuru 8, 2015 i te Palladium Hollywood i Hollywood, California, tūturu marama puncher mana taumahamaha, Ahmed Elbiali (11-0, 10 Koó) Kei te whakaritea ki te whawhai i runga i te wahi teata o te Premier Boxing Champions on Fox Sports 1 kāri headlined e Austin taraute (29-2, 16 Koó) vs. Joey Hernandez (24-3-1, 14 Koó). Elbiali will face an Fabian Pena (12-3-1, 8 Koó) in an 8-round bout. Te PBC telecast ka timata i 9PM ET / 6PM PTora i runga i Fox Sports 1.
Elbiali, i mohio ngā mo ia ringa taimaha, Ko tetahi o nga marohirohi whakaongaonga rawa i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama o. Ki te 90% knockout ōwehenga, Elbiali is being touted as the next great knockout artist. He’ll look to continue that trend against Pena.
“E rapu ana i nga wa katoa e ahau ki te mutunga i te whawhai wawe ki te whiwhi ahau i te he moku hoariri,” Said Ahmed Elbiali. “He tokorua o whawhai i haere nei te tawhiti mo te wa tuatahi, me te ua ahau pai mohio taea whawhai ahau ki te rauna i muri mai ki te titauhia. Ahau aroha ki te tuku i taku ringa rere a kawea whakaongaonga whawhai ki nga pā. E te aha ahau tamata i te rave i roto i toku whawhai katoa. I Mahuru 8, Ka kia titiro ahau ki te mahi i te taua.”
Ki te Al HAYMON ārahi i te umanga o Elbiali, Ko rangi te rohe.
“Te mahi ki a Al Haymon kua nui, kua hoki toku mahi.” Tonu Elbiali. “Fighting kotahi ano i runga i te TV te mea e kawe nui te rongo toku kāhua whawhai, and I’m very appreciative to Haymon for all his hard work. My goal is to become a world champion and be known as one of the most exciting fighters in my division.
Tickets utu $28.50 – $78.50 e kore e tae atu ki ngā utu, kei te ipurangi i runga i te hoko i roto i te tangata i te tari pouaka Palladium ranei i konei. Doors tuwhera i 5PM PT, ki te whawhai tuatahi teata tīmata i 6PM PT.

Whakatairanga Kingi o ki te whakaoti 4 E whakaatu ana i roto i 7 ra ki te kāri i Reading Fightin Phils Tuatahi Energy Stadium i runga i Rāpare, Mahuru 24

Tūturu Erik Spring & Nick Valliere i roto i pāngia motuhake
No te Tonu Tuku

Reading, PA (Mahuru 2, 2015)– I te po Rāpare, Mahuru 24, Ka tapae Whakatairanga Kingi o te po motuhake o te mekemeke i Reading Fightin Phils Tuatahi Energy Stadium.

Ka pērā i te whakaaturanga i te wiki femo'uekina mō Whakatairanga Kingi o rite te kamupene, whakaturia e Marshall Kauffman, Ka whakatairanga i ona o te hui wha i roto i te sieven ra.

I roto i te pāngia 6-a tawhio:

Nick Valliere (5-0, 2 KO o) o te awa te parawai,, Ka tangohia nj i runga i Maurice Amaro (2-9, 1 KO) o Philadelphia, PA i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.

Erik Spring (6-0, 1 KO) o te Reading, PA Te pakanga James Robinson (3-3-2, 1 KO o) o York, PA i roto i te a'ee Super Welterweight.

I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio:
Erietere Mendez (1-1) o te Reading, PA ka Honatana Acosta whawhai (0-1) o Repanona, PA.

Randy Easton (3-7-1, 3 KO o) o Sunbury, PA ka pro whawhai debuting Corey Morley o Philadelphia, PA.

Santario Martin (0-1) o Gainesville, E FL i runga i Fitzgerald Johnson (3-7, 1 KO) o Newark, NJ i roto i te a'ee whitu tekau.

Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia atu tata

Tickets utu $50 a $25 a kia hokona i 610-375-8469 ranei

Angatonú Mad Whawhai Sports Foaki e "Bombs atu 4" Oketopa 10 i roto i te Lakeland!

Mad Integrity Logo.png
No te Tonu Tuku
Lakeland, FL (Mahuru 2, 2015) - Mad Angatonú Whawhai Sports hoki mai ki a Lakeland ki te kāri mahi Kikī Rāhoroi, October 10 i te Florida Orange Takahanga Center.
Ka ngā te kāri he maha o totoka whetu maranga rohe i roto i ngā kēmu whakaongaonga. $30 whakauru whānui me te $60 VIP tickets for this family friendly event are on sale at ranei mā te toro Atomic Moko i Lakeland me Bulldog Mekemeke & Fitness i roto i Tampa. Katoa kau ma'u VIP tīkiti 21 tau me te pakeke ka riro pia noa i Hub Brew. Doors tuwhera i 6:30 pm ki te pere te whakatuwheratanga whakaritea hoki 7:30.
I roto i te hui matua o te ahiahi, amanaki Kōmāmā Reupena "Chino" whawhai Ozuna 28 whawhai hōia Bobby Hill o Mississippi. Ozuna, 4-1, Ko te hou atu te slugfest oaoa ki Yasmani Calzadilla wahi i haere mai ia atu te koaka ki te waha i te huri i roto i te whakatau. Ko te rongonui Wauchula, FL Māori kei te haere hoki tona wha tika wikitoria a ka rave i te reira i roto i te mua o te rōpū nui o ngā kaitautoko. Best tautuhia rite mātātoa, Pakanga maha whawhai nui o Hill tae toa ao Jose Benavidez, Mason Menard, Antonio Capulin, Bahá mamadjonov, Devonte Williams, Rashad Ganaway ko Karim Martinez i roto i ētahi atu.
Tūturu Junior whitu Armando "te Pūwhero" Alvarez ngá tona 7-0 lekooti ki a Jacksonville Juan Aguirre i roto i te a'ee mō tika whakamanamana Sunshine State.
Tahuri whetu whutupaoro mua Welterweight amanaki Leanthony "Tyga" Fleming anga chinned rino Randy Heddrick. Fleming, e ora ana, whawhai i roto i te Lakeland, takaro whutupaoro mō Kutztown University me Central Connecticut State i te aroaro o whara derailed tona mahi i runga i te paraipanatia.
I te wha pāngia undercard a tawhio, Rafael "Junito" Rivera o Tampa anga o Orlando Cleveland McClean me Quincy, A FL Leonardo Kenon tapawhā atu ki Georgia taketake Greg Faust. Paora "Pay Per Tirohia" Parker, "Kingi" Kenmon Evans, Ricky "Cowboy” Tomlinson a Tori ka katoa puta "whakawakia" Ramirez ki hoariri ki te kia kauwhautia.
E ngohengohe ana ki te huri i pāngia katoa.
"Kei oaoa no te tahi atu whakaaturanga i roto i te Lakeland matou,"Ka mea a Joey Orduna o Mad Angatonú Whawhai Sports. "Riro mai ia matou i te pahonoraa nui i to tatou whakaaturanga whakamutunga i roto i te Mei. Whawhai, me pā i tono e rua e pā ana ki to tatou kāri muri tata tonu. Ahau e tatari ahau te maha o barburners i runga i tenei kāri mai kua ka tatou i te rota o te kāinga titiro ki te whakamatau ia ratou. Ko te hoki Lakeland he wāhi nui mai te reira i waenganui i Tampa me Orlando. Tīmata Tickets i $30 na kia mohio ki te kawe i te utuafare katoa!"
Kia ka kauwhautia hohoro Ētahi atu pāngia me e wātea ana hoki whakahōu mā te haere ki

Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN’s Santa Cruz vs. Merehe Ka tuku i Audience Nui Rawa Mekemeke i runga i ESPN Mai tanguru 1998

Rawa-Whakatauria me te nuinga-Mātakina Mekemeke telecast Ake i runga i ESPN Deportes
ESPN Classic ki Air pô, Classic Inamata
The third edition of ESPN’s Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i ESPN te aroaro e kurahauao tāpiri (PBC i te ESPN) Rāhoroi raupapa-headlined e nuinga whakatau win Leo Santa Cruz o runga Apanere Merehe-i runga i, Aug. 29, tukua te whakarongo mekemeke nui i runga i ESPN mai tanguru 1998 (02/22/98 Mark Johnson vs. Arthur Johnson).
Kite te telecast e te toharite o 1,217,000 kaimätakitaki (P2 +)-ake 30 ōrau i te toharite o te rua telecasts PBC mua i runga i ESPN. Tiketike te telecast i 12:00-12:15ahau ki 1,641,000 kaimätakitaki (P2 +) kia rite ki Nielsen.
Telecast o te kaupapa i runga i ESPN Deportes Spanish-reo o ESPN Pine te 1.3 Hispanic HH US Rtg me 355,000 Pāniora kaimätakitaki-hanga i te reira i te telecast mekemeke-tauanga rawa me tino tiaki ai-ki ake rangi i runga i ESPN Deportes. Tiketike te telecast i 11:15-11:30 p.m. ki 453,000 kaimätakitaki.

Ka reair ESPN Classic te whawhai i te po nei i 7 p.m. AND hei Tauhira Inamata. I tua atu, ESPN Deportes ka anō-rangi te kāri katoa i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 5, i 7 p.m.


TWEET IT: Philadelphia Boxing Legend Joe Frazier statue to be unveiled at @XFINITYlive i runga i

E whitu 12 during free open-to-the public ceremony #JoeFrazierDay

Philadelphia, PA (Mahuru 1, 2015)XFINITY Live! Philadelphia is set to unveil a new 12-foot bronze statue commemorating Joe Frazier, one of the most iconic Philadelphia athletes in history, during a free, open-to-the-public ceremony at XFINITY Live! i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12 i 1 p.m. XFINITY Live! and Joe Hand Promotions were the lead contributors for this memorial.

Statue artist Stephen Layne recreated Frazier in mid-punch, depicting the moment after Frazier landed the punch that knocked down Muhammad Ali in the 15th round, i runga i Maehe 8, 1971. Frazier was the first fighter to defeat Ali.

I found my inspiration in a photo of Frazier flooring Ali with his powerful left hook,” Layne said. “The moment captured in the sculpture reflects the work ethic of Frazier and the city he called home.

Frazier won the 1964 Olympic gold medal in Tokyo and later finished with a professional record of 32-4-1, ki 27 knockouts. Two of the losses were epic rematches with Ali, tae atu i te “Thrilla i roto i te Manila” i roto i te 1975. Frazier also participated in the first sporting event ever at the Spectrum, i runga i Oketopa 17, 1967, winning with a knockout over Tony Doyle.

The City of Philadelphia commissioned Layne as the sculptor of the Joe Frazier Memorial Statue. He began with a 12-foot tall clay model, and upon approval, constructed a silicone mold. He then began the highly skilled bronze foundry work, finishing the over 1,200-pound bronze monument in 14-months. The process was proudly produced, created and constructed in the United States by Stratton Sculpture Studios of Philadelphia.

The new Frazier statue joins five other iconic Philadelphia sports moments, including Philadelphia FlyersGary Dornhoefer’s overtime playoff goal against the Minnesota North Stars in 1973; longtime Flyersgood luck charm Kate Smith singing her iconic version of God Bless America; 76ers legend Julius Erving taking a signature shot, Flyersgreats Bobby Clarke and Bernie Parent hosting the Stanley Cup commemorating of the team’s 1974 a 1975 toa, and Flyers all-time winningest coach Fred Shero.

XFINITY Live! Philadelphia
XFINITY Live! Philadelphia is a dining and entertainment district centered in the heart of the South Philadelphia Sports Complex. The one-of-a-kind venue features over a dozen restaurant and entertainment choices, whai wāhi: Broad Street Bullies Pub, PBR Bar & Grill (Professional Bull Riders), Philly MarketPlace, Victory Beer Hall and the first-ever NBC Sports Arena. XFINITY Live! is a joint partnership between Philadelphia-based Comcast Spectacor and Baltimore-based The Cordish Companies.


Cotto VU. Canelo E TAKE WĀHI SATURDAY, NOVEMA 21 AT Mandalay BAY mua CENTER I Las Vegas

Pāwhiritia HERE hoki Whakaahua
Credit Photo: Tom Hogan Photos Roc Nation Sports / Whakatairanga Boy / Golden

Pāwhiritia HERE hoki Videos

Credit Ataata: RingTV Live

BAYAMÓN, Puerto RICO (E whitu. 1, 2015) - Kati i roto i te-ra e rima, e wha-pa press tour ao i hanga kē tūnga i roto i Los Angeles, Mexico City a New York City, WBC,Ring Magazine ko Lineal whitu World Champion Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Koó) a mua-Time rua Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Koó) whakahaerehia te amuiraa press i runga i te Paraire, Aug. 28 i roto i te mua o te minenga oire i roto i te Maori Puerto Rico a cotto. Rau o te mau melo pāpāho me nga mano o te karanga pā ki tonu Coliseo Rubén Rodríguez kia kite cotto ko Canelo me o ratou kapa ahakoa te patua e Tropical Storm Erika te po i te aroaro o te rohe.


Ko oaoa te whakarongo press amuiraa rite te whawhai i hanga to ratou tomokanga ki te whakaaturanga pyrotechnic whakamīharo. The excitement in the crowd continued as both fighters faced off and spoke about their upcoming 12-round fight for Cotto’s WBC and Ring Magazine whitu tekau World Toa, e tango te wahi Rāhoroi, Nov. 21 i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas. I tua atu, Jose "Chepo" Reynoso, kaiwhakahaere me te kaiwhakangungu mō Canelo Alvarez, serenaded te tikaokao ki te he Beneath Kaiwaiata kau o te tino rangi Puerto Rican "Que bonito Puerto Rico,"I roto i te whakaaturanga o te faatura ki te pā i roto i te whakarongo.

Ko te mutu press amuiraa i roto i te Bayamón, Puerto Rico capped a busy week for Teams Cotto and Canelo. By the end of the week, Cotto ko Canelo tae e wha nga pa i roto i nga whenua e rua, puta noa e wha rohe wā, fononga 9,500 miles and encountering thousands of screaming fans in five days. Wherever they went, pā me te pāpāho i te buzz e pā ana ki te pupūtanga âwhina i waenganui cotto me Canelo, ki te maha hanga wawe matapae e te Nov. 21 Ka whitu aito e karaunatia 'Whawhai o te Tau.'


E i teie nei ahu atu whawhai e rua ki o ratou puni whakangungu tēnā i roto i Los Angeles i Wild Kāri Faleva'inga mo Miguel cotto me San Diego, Calif. hoki ki Canelo Alvarez faaineine no to ratou pupūtanga epic i runga i Nov. 21.


Kei raro he ngā whakaahua i te cotto ao wha-pa vs. Canelo press tour. Hoki te cotto oti vs. Canelo press taiwhanga tour image, pāwhiri HERE.



Los Angeles, California mō Aug. 24:

Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloLAPC_Hoganphotos11.jpg

AKE: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (tuarua mai i te mauī) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (matau) pose on August 24, 2015 i roto i te Los Angeles i muri i te amuiraa press ki te whana atu ratou e wha-pa press ao tour.

"Kei te korero te ao e pā ana ki tenei whawhai. Ko te hītori taonga i waenganui i Mexico a Puerto Rico hanga pono whakaongaonga tenei,"Whakatairanga Golden Boy Tiamana me te CEO Oscar De La Hoya i runga i Aug. 24 i roto i te Los Angeles.

Mexico, Mexico mō Aug. 25:

Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:Mexico City_01.jpeg

AKE: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (mahue) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (matau) pose on August 25, 2015 in Mexico City at a press conference to announce their world title fight on Whiringa 21, 2015 i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas, Nevada ka e kia hua, ka wehea ora e HBO Kia-Per-Tirohia.


"Tino mauruuru e ahau pōwhiritia konei tonu ahau i roto i Mexico, ka whakaaturia te whakaute nui ahau. Ko ōrite te tautoko o Mekisikoú. Ko te honore ki te whawhai Miguel cotto,"Ka meamua-Time rua Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez i runga i Aug. 25 i roto i te Mexico City.

NEW YORK, NEW mua ON Aug. 26:

Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloNYPC_Hoganphotos2.jpg

AKE: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (mahue) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (matau) kanohi atu i te tīmatanga o to ratou amuiraa press New York City ki te whakatairanga i to ratou ū mai HBO Pay Per Tirohia te whawhai i runga i Nov. 21 i roto i te Las Vegas.

"Ko te kēmu-ake o hanganga hautoa tenei, kāhua mahi kahore e-ma'iri, me te ngākau pā turanga, i te mea he kitea i te mano konei i tenei ra,"Ka mea a Roc Nation peresideni ko te tino o te Branding me Rautaki Michael Yormark i runga i Aug. 26 i roto i te New York City.

BAYAMÓN, Puerto Rico ON Aug. 28:


AKE: WBC ko Ring Magazine whitu World Champion Miguel cotto (pokapū mahue) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (tika pokapū) pose on August 28, 2015 i roto i te Bayamin, Puerto Rico at a press conference to announce their Whiringa 21, 2015 world championship fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, hua ka tohaina ora e HBO Kia-Per-Tirohia.

"Kei te haere ahau ki te tiki i tenei wikitoria hoki Ricans katoa Puerto huri noa i te ao,"Ka mea WBC ko Ring Magazine whitu World Champion Miguel cotto i runga i Aug. 28 i roto i te Kōkihiin, Puerto Rico.

Ki te whitu taitara ao i waenganui i a ratou, faahou faahiahia me ngā taumata teitei o te rongonui i roto i te whenua i to ratou fare, Cotto vs. Canelo Kei te te auaha ake ki te hei i te whawhai nui i roto i te mekemeke i tēnei tau, me te whawhai nui i roto i te hītori o te rongonui Puerto Rico vs. Mexico totohe.

Cotto vs. Canelo, he whawhai 12-a tawhio noa mo te WBC o cotto me Ring Magazine whitu tekau World Toa, e wahi Rāhoroi, Nov. 21 i nga Events Center Mandalay Bay i roto i te Las Vegas. Te aroaro o te whawhai e Roc iwi Sports, Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me Canelo Whakatairanga, ka tautoko e Corona tāpiri; Mexico, Ora i te reira ki te Tui i te reira!; O'Reilly Wāhanga aunoa a Tequila Cazadores. Ko te cotto vs. Tautoko Canelo press tour e JetSmarter. Ka hua te hui, ka wehea ora e HBO Pay-Per-Tiro timata i9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT. A pee i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #CottoCanelo.

Pāwhiritia HERE ki te uru i te cotto vs. Canelo press kete hiko mā te kupuhipa "CottovsCanelo".


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga,,,; te whai i runga i Twitter iRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, koMandalayBay; riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i,,,,; me te whai i runga i Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing KoMandalayBay. A pee i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #CottoCanelo.

ROMA Martinez ko Honatana OQUENDO Puerto Rico MEDIA korukī DAY & Whakaahua

Description: 9-12 High Stakes LH

Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos & Ataata

Credit: Whakatairanga anahera Vazquez / PR Best Mekemeke

DORADO, PR (E whitu. 1, 2015) – WBO Junior Lightweight Champion Roma “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 Koó) and WBO/IBF featherweight world-ranked Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo (25-4, 16 Koó) worked out for the press in Puerto Rico on Monday, Aug, 31 i roto i te mua o to ratou SHOWTIME PPV® fights against former world champions Orlando “Siri” Ka haere (42-13-2, 29 Koó) a Jhonny Gonzalez (58-9, 49 Koó), aua. Ka tango i te hui wahi i runga i Rāhoroi, E whitu. 12 i te MGM Grand Garden Arena i Las Vegas kitea e Tĭtĭ HIGH: Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto.


Mahi Martinez ko Oquendo te aroaro o te pāpāho i te Dorado Taone Faleva'inga i Dorado, Puerto Rico. Oti whawhai e rua i te wātū whakangungu tonu ki o ratou kaiwhakangungu mahi Raul Torres me Dennis Pantojas.


Ko te kupu tenei mea i te whawhai i ki te mea i roto i Rāhina o īngoa:


Roma "Rocky" Martinez

“Au faaineine ahau mo te whawhai nui i runga i Mahuru 12. Ka kite tangata katoa e te whawhai tuatahi ki Salido ko te pono 'War.' Tēnei wa a tawhio noa, Kei te whakamahere ahau ki te hoatu i aku pā te momo kotahi o te whawhai. Matapae ahau he slugfest mahi mutu-kore.


“Kei te mahi ahau toku rōpū me a kua mahi pakeke tino i roto i te puni whakangungu. Whakapono ana ahau e mahi tatou i nga mea katoa e hiahia ana ki te kia mahi. Ahau i roto i te āhua pai o toku mahi me au e whakamahere ahau ki te riro kotahi ano, rānei i te knockout whakatau ranei, engari ka riro ahau.


“Kua mahi matou ake i runga i te taha-ki-taha, i roto i-me-i roto i te kaupapa. Ki te kite ahau i te tukino ia ia wawe haere ahau ki te whakaoti ia ".


Raul Torres, A Martinez Trainer

“Rocky Ko te 100 ōrau rite hoki [Orlando] Ka haere. Kahore ahau e feaa e, e puta upootia tatou i mua ano.


“[Orlando] Salido Ko te toa e pai ki te haere i mua. Tu ana ia i roto i te mua o koutou, a haere ana ia i reira. Te uaua ia, engari ko tatou inäianei. He rite tatou. "


A Honatana Oquendo

“This is very important fight for me. This is my opportunity to put myself in the world title landscape. Eita vau e haere ki te tuku paheke atu tenei faingamālie i ahau.


“Jhonny Gonzalez Ko te hōia o 60 whawhai, e kore kia taea te tango e koe ki a ia whakahawea. Ko te matua takanga.


“Tenei ka waiho i te whawhai tuatahi i 130 pauna mo ahau, a taea e ahau te mea e, ua te puni whakangungu kua tino pai, pai atu i tūmanakohia.


"Ongo'i kaha e ahau. Whakaaro ahau ko te taimaha pai tenei mo ahau, Au whakamarie no te mea kahore ahau e whai ki te ngaro nui taimaha, me te taea ako'i pai.”


Dennis Pantojas, Kaiwhakangungu o Oquendo

“I moe maua i tetahi puni whakangungu tino pai. Honatana [Oquendo] e kore kua i tetahi raruraru me te ia tika i runga i te taimaha e hiahia ana matou.


“Kite ahau Honatana [Oquendo] arotahi atu, kaha ake ake. E kore e patu anake tatou i te omaoma, Kei te kaukau hoki tatou i te rota, me te ua tauturu e ia rota. "

# # #

Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga LLC., E utu i $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300 a $150 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E whāiti tīkiti ki waru (8) ia whare hoki utu tīkiti katoa te kahore te $150 kāwai tīkiti, whāiti nei ki te wha (4) ia te whare. Ki te ki atu tenei i te waea ranei ki te kāri matua nama i te, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Hoki e wātea ana ngā tīkiti mō te hoko ranei

"Tĭtĭ HIGH: Mayweather vs. Berto," he 12-a tawhio noa a'ee aito te ao Welterweight mō WBC me WBA taitara 147-pauna o Mayweather, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features aWBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, i te mea he rematch i waenganui Martinez Roma, a Orlando Salido, whakatairangatia ana e te i roto i te feohi ki PR Best Mekemeke. Also featured on the PPV telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, whakatairangatia ana e te i roto i te feohi ki Team Sauerland. Ko te a'ee PPV tuwhera poka toa mua ao Jhonny Gonzalez ki Puerto Rico a Honatana Oquendo i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa a'ee ono tekau teina.

Kia Whakarongo o te reira hoki te Girls - Marston, Smith & Ball Mahia whakaora Historic

I te Rāhoroi po, London kaiwhakatairanga Mark Lyon e Billy James-Elliott kawea te hui Ingarangi tuatahi ki te ngā toru wahine pāngia mekemeke ngaio, Heoi ki te whakatutuki i tenei tuatahi hītori mō Women o Mekemeke, te one tāimu'a, fakangofua ia nei hui i te taha o te Mekemeke Commission Malta, i ki patua te taumata maere o te raweketia, i tetahi atu whakahaere mekemeke me ratou mau hoa melo EBU.


Engari i te noho i runga i te tōrangapū, kia mihia ia katoa e whai wāhi i roto i te atamira o tenei hui hītori, kahore atu na i to nga kaimekemeke wāhine, i tangohia e wahi.


Team Mua GB kaipara (Putt koperea, Hammer Whiu me poroāwhio), Hanga o Peckham Shaunagh Brown tona tuatahi ngaio ki hoa debutant Xena Ball o Ireland.


Brown i te ngoikoretanga matua, te ia anake te ao kaimekemeke Wahine e whakataetae i roto i te wehenga Cruiserweight, na roto i te ia ki te whawhai i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha ki te hoariri etahi e rima tekau pauna taimaha atu ia.


Ko peka te a'ee ko te pihikete, kihai i puta te Londoner plucky kia fazed i katoa e pā ana ki te rerekētanga taimaha, i roto i te meka wawe ki runga ki taua mea, ko tango ia i te whawhai ki te Ball o Ireland.


Ball, he kaimekemeke taitamariki classy ki ringcraft pai ko rite matika rite mai ratou, ihirangi ki te tuku mai i te Londoner mua, i mua i takahi i mua ki rawa, tino tere ƒWhakaritenga ringa rua ki te faahepo i Brown hoki ki nga taura, puta noa i te a'ee.


Brown i te aro ki te rerekētanga i waenganui i te rahi ia me tona hoariri, taea ki te pana Ball atu i okioki i runga i ona pūkenga mekemeke pai ki te pouaka a ia ara i roto i te ati.


I muri rauna e wha o mariko mahi mutu-kore, piro kaitautoko Lee Murtagh te a'ee i manakohia o te Ireland Xena Ball 40-36, te kupu tika, kahore feaa, engari e kore e tino whakaatu i te kounga o te pai Brown o ki te mahi taumahatanga.


Hinga Kōmāmā Sam Smith i Leeds, Ko muri i roto i te mahi Yorkshire, nei i muri i kore iti iho i te whitu huringa o hoariri i roto i te mata ki runga ki te whawhai po, fehangahangai i Riga he debuting Alina Lisova i Latvia.


Smith, nei i roto i tona aito a'ee beat o mua ite Zsofia Bedo ki te mau i te taitara International Masters Kōmāmā, mooni Raniera Lisova, haehae ana i te kotiro Latvian debuting motu ke, me te tu ia ia i roto i tika meneti kotahi me tekau hēkona o te a tawhio tuatahi.


Ko te a'ee wahine whakamutunga o te po kite Woolwich, Ingarangi a London #1 runga (E rua Super whā ko Pauna-hoki-Pauna) me te kingi MBC International Super whā Champion Marianne Marston, i roto i te rounder aito-kore ono.


Ka rite ki te Sam Smith, Marianne i maha huringa o te hoariri, e iwa i roto i tona take unuhia atu, i roto i te hanga ki runga, me te pae hopea fehangahangai Riga, A Latvia Jekaterina Lecko, nei i roto i te Hune whawhai o Germany Alice Melina Kummer mo Tiamana te taitara Kōmāmā.


Whakatūtū iho Lecko te catwalk rite ko ia he tauira, ahakoa Marston, he tauira tūturu o mua, hanga nui atu tona tomokanga i roto i te aratau whawhai, wahia tahi ona karapu rite whakaae ki te whakahari o te tautoko i te ope wahine nui i roto i te haereraa i te.


Ko te rerekētanga i waenganui i te rua ko noa atu kitea, no te nekehia atu Marianne tautoko ia taimaha T-Shirt ki te whakaatu ia fakamātoato pipiripia Force.


Haere Marston tonu i runga i te ino, Lecko akina ki te whakawhirinaki i runga i akiritia atu tona werohanga i roto i te kaha rua ki te ārai i te Londoner whiwhi i roto i te whānuitanga, Marston kore anake ka i roto i te whānuitanga, engari ka timata ia kotahi i reira hoatu i te he haapiiraa mekemeke Latvian te ia pea ki te wareware i roto i te ia.


Te huri tātai haere Lecko ki rere atu ano taua, Heoi ko o te taumata i taua e ko ia taea ki te kati iho ringcraft o Marston ka hatepea atu i tetahi huarahi e mawhiti, i mua i te tārua i te Latvian i runga ki te taura ki te whakaeke ringa rua nanakia, te hua i tahoroa mō Lecko i tonoa ki te koaka ki noa e rima hēkona e toe o te a tawhio tuatahi.


Tīmata Marston te tuarua i roto i rite rua ki te tuatahi, tango i te whawhai ki a Lecko, nei ka timata inaianei i whiua e ringa matau nui i roto i te ngana ki te pupuri i Marston i te kokoru.


Ki tenei rauhanga te oreraa, e tika ana ki te kaupapa teitei o Marston, Anō Lecko ki te haere haere e pā ana ki, i oreore i te Londoner, ko kotahi ano taea ki te hatepea atu te whakakai me aua te Latvian ki te taura, ka timata tetahi huaki ringa rua, Lecko katoa e taea e ko hipokina ake me tumanako, tera e Kilisimasi Marston ia i roto i, e kore a muri i ia te mea he pakeke, ehara i te mea ko te whakaaro i taua ara te reira, marere kaitautoko Ken Curtis i roto i a poipoia atu te a'ee ki te whakaora Lecko i te knockout kī, i runga i te tohu kotahi meneti, me te rima tekau tuarua o te rua o a tawhio noa.


I muri i te Kaiwhakatairanga hui korero Mark Lyons poto e pā ana ki pāngia e toru nga Women o.


"Tuatahi hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki te kaimekemeke katoa i tangohia e wahi i roto ii teie pô o te whakaatu me te tikanga o taku katoa o ratou, OK farii ahau e kore i etahi o nga hoariri kati ki te taumata o to tatou kaimekemeke, engari e kore e ko e tetahi o te tetahi he whawhai.


E kore e taea e ahau te whakawhetai Xena, Jekaterina ko Alina nui mo te tiaki i te pāngia wahine, katoa marere enei tamahine i roto i i te meneti whakamutunga i muri i te maha wawau o faaho'i faahou te tika ki tuma i tetahi atu whakahaere.


Ko peka haere enei kotiro, ka ora te whakaaturanga, a i te whakahaere ia tatou ki te hanga hītori, Ko tatou te tuatahi ki te whai pāngia e toru wahine i runga i te hui mekemeke pro UK.


Fakatāutaha ahau whakaaro o Shaunagh whawhai ki a Xena ko te tu i roto i a'ee, no te mea e kore e tika i haere te reira i te tawhiti, engari no te mea ko te reira i te whawhai fantastic, ahakoa i reira ki te whawhai i taumahamaha rite reira he kore atu Cruiserweights i roto i te ao.


Ua pouri ahau mo Sam, Ko Alina te ara ngawari rawa hoki te tangata o ona pūkenga, te taua ki a Jekaterina, e kore ia ko tata ki te piha o te toa Marianne tika kia whawhai.


Ko te tino rerekētanga ko to tatou kotiro tino he ngaio i roto i nga ara, faaineine ratou no te whakataetae i roto i rite te ara ano i rite te kaimekemeke toa.


Titiro i Marianne, Ngakau rua ahau i reira he maha nga kaimekemeke toa e whai he taua tinana faahotu e, e kotiro he mōkihi waru, Ko ia hei whakaako ia kotahi i nga ra me te rākau hei ētahi kaimekemeke toa tino pūmanawa ki te whakarite me te whakaatu i te reira.


Ko ahau whakakake ki te whai i enei kotiro whawhai i runga i to tatou kaupapa me kore e taea e tatari mo te muri, to ratou tautoko i fantastic, kahore i kite ahau i pera maha mata'ita'i wahine i te kēmu mekemeke i mua i.


Hurihia i runga i Oketopa 23RD Fafau atu nei au i reira e pāngia atu wahine i runga i taua whakaaturanga rawa ".