Category Archives: mekemeke



Te hui wheako tahi hopea e homai pā mekemeke te whai wāhi ki te whakatau-a-te oha runga whawhai, rongonui mekemeke me te iwi ahumahi
in an up-close, tautuhinga whaiaro

Las Vegas (E whitu. 8, 2015) –
Eight-wā toa ao Thomas “Ko te Hitman” Whakapumautia Hearns e, e puta a ia i te tihokahoka i te Convention Center Las Vegas mo te tuarua ā-Pouaka Fan Expo e ka tango i te wahi Rāhoroi. Ka hāngai te Mekemeke Expo ki te Floyd Mayweather vs Andre Berto taitara whawhai, e tango i te wahi i muri mai i taua ahiahi, me Mexican Independence wiki.

Kei te wātea tuihono i tīkiti ki te Expo Pouaka Fan:

Hearns atu famously mohiotia rite “Ko te Hitman,” ka te kaimekemeke tuatahi i roto i te aamu ki te riro taitara ao i roto i te wha wehenga. E hoki riro ia te toa tuatahi i roto i te aamu ki te riro taitara rima ao i roto i te rerekē wehenga e rima. Te ingoa Hearns I Ring Magazine Fighter o te Tau i roto i 1980 a 1984 a kei te pai mohiotia hoki tona whawhai ki Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvin Hagler ko Roberto Durán. I tapurahia oia i roto i te Mekemeke Hall o Rongonui i roto i 2012.
Ka whai hoki Hearns i runga i te ringa, T-hāte, karapu me ngā pikitia hainatia hoki pā ki te hoko, me te pārekareka.

Hearns hono tona tāwhai tawhito Durán, Tim Bradley, Zab Hura, James Toney, Sergio Martinez, Shawn Porter, Mia St. John, Terry Norris, Joel Casamayor, Fernando Vargas, Ruslan Provodnikov, Ray Mancini, Jessie Vargas, Mike McCallum, Austin taraute, Kevin Kelley, kaitautoko Richard Steele, te Nevada mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui, te Kaunihera mekemeke Ao (WBC) me te Ao Mekemeke Association (WBA) i roto i te tīmatanga o fafauraa ki Pouaka Fan Expo o tenei tau.

Tēnei hui wheako tahi ahurei, i whakaaetia pā ki te whakatau, me te oha ki pakiwaitara mekemeke, toa mua, me te nāianei, me te tahi atu rongonui o te hākinakina, Räkau Mahuru whakamutunga. I tēnei tau, te Expo ka rere i10 a.m. ki 5 p.m. a kotahi ano, tukua pā i te whai wāhi ki te kohikohi tëneti, tango whakaahua, me te hokohoko hoko, me memorabilia.
Exhibitors pērā i taputapu mekemeke, kakahu, Ka whai pāpāho päpäho me ētahi atu kamupene waitohu te hunga e hiahia ana ki te whai wāhi i te whai wāhi ki te whakaatu i ō rātou hua ki te pā, me te ahumahi mekemeke katoa.
Tuatahi Expo Pouaka Fan o tērā tau ngā etahi nga toa tino rongonui, me te rongonui mekemeke o roto i te aamu tata nei. Tukinotia pā i ki toronga ki a Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr, Martinez, Amir Khan, Hura, Mikey Garcia,Toney, Riddick Bowe, Leon Spinks Terry Norris, Mau, Chris Byrd, Hehe James Leija, Lamon Brewster, Ray Mercer, Earnie Shavers, St-John, Erislandy Lara, Peter Quillin, Jean Pascal a Austin te taraute. Ano putanga ko Champion WBC nāianei Deontay Wilder, te whai mana Vinny Pazienza, Paora Williams, tuhia te kaikōrero Al Bernstein me te kaiwhakangungu Roger Mayweather o Mayweather Whakatairanga.
Ka haere tonu te rārangi o tae hoki o tenei tau Pouaka Fan Expo ki te kia kauwhautia i roto i te ra torutoru i muri ārahi ake ki te hui.
Hoki tetahi i roto i te ahumahi mekemeke waitohu ranei kamupene e hiahia ana ki te whai wāhi, ka waiho i te tihokahoka hei exhibitor whai wāhitanga tautoko ranei, tēnā whakapā Pouaka Fan Expo i:
Tau waea U.S.A: (702) 997-1927 ranei (514) 572-7222
Hoki tetahi pātai tēnā īmēra:
E wātea ana i ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i te Expo Pouaka Fan:
Tirohia te ataata promo mana o Box Fan Expo konei: /
Ka taea e koe te whai i Pouaka Fan Expo i runga i Twitter i:
a i runga i Facebook i:

Mayweather whakatairanga STARS Chris PEARSON, Ronald Gavril, GERVONTA Davis & Ngā Ashley THEOPHANE I MAHI undercard ON MAA, SEPTEMBER 12 MEI TE MGM GRAND GARDEN ARENA

Whawhai whakaongaonga pahika atu ki mua tĭtĭ HIGH: Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto
Ora i runga i SHOWTIME PPV® i 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT
Las Vegas (Mahuru 8, 2015) – Whetu whakaongaonga i te Whakatairanga Mayweather pūmau o whawhai ka whakakiia i te ra mahi-Kikī o pāngia undercard i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12 i te MGM Grand Garden Arena mua i te hui SHOWTIME PPV Tĭtĭ HIGH: Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto.
Ngā poka mahi undercard Chris “Young Kingi” Pearson (12-0, 9 Koó) ki Janks Trotter (9-1-1, 9 Koó) i roto i te whitu tekau a'ee 10-a tawhio noa, Ronald “Te oaoa” Gavril (13-1, 9 Koó) rite e ia i runga i Scott “Wai” Sigmon (25-7-1, 14 Koó) i roto i te 10-rauna o super mahi whitu, me te Ashley “Treasure” Theophane ko wai e fehangahangai Steve Upsher (25-4-1, 6 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa Welterweight teina attraction.
Mahi ētahi atu ka kite amanaki 20-tau-tawhito tūturu Gervonta Davis (11-0, 10 Koó) i roto i Baltimore tango i runga i Mexican-tau 23-tawhito Guillermo Avila (14-4, 11 Koó) i roto i te take Kōmāmā waru-a tawhio noa, me te tuatahi pro o Atlanta o Trakwon Pettis ki-tau 22-tawhito He Seay (0-0-1) o Martinsville, Virginia i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa pupūtanga super Kōmāmā.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga LLC., E utu i $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300 a $150 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E whāiti tīkiti ki waru (8) ia whare hoki utu tīkiti katoa te kahore te $150 kāwai tīkiti, whāiti nei ki te wha (4) ia te whare. Ki te ki atu tenei i te waea ranei ki te kāri matua nama i te, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Hoki e wātea ana ngā tīkiti mō te hoko i www.mgmgrand.comranei
Fanauhia i roto i Dayton, Ohio, Pearson Kua maere ki whakaora kaha i runga i Steve Martinez, Ka mea a El Harrak, Lanardo Tyner a mua hinga Acacio João Ferreira i tona wha whawhai whakamutunga. Titiro te-tau 24-tawhito ki te whakamatau atu tona mana nguha, ina e ia i runga i te kaha Trotter i roto i o Alberta, Canada. Ko te-tau 31-tawhito kei te haere mai atu i te knockout whakaora hoki-ki-hoki i roto i 2014.
He whawhai Romanian mana-meke i Las Vegas, Gavril hoki ki te mowhiti rapu mo tona tuatoru tika wikitoria. Piro ia whakatau whakaora i roto i tona rua pāngia whakamutunga mo Jessie Nicklow ko Oscar Riojas me nona hoki knockout whakaora mo Jose Berrio, Thomas Falowo a Tyrell Hendrix. Ko te 29-tau-tawhito, ka tapawha-atu ki Lynchburg, Virginia o Haimona i runga i Mahuru 12. Ko te-tau 28-tawhito kei te haere mai atu o te mutu Pipiri o Honatana Reid.
He nguha mātanga i Rānana engari i roto i te whawhai o Las Vegas, Theophane Kei te titiro ki te hanga i runga i tona win pūkenga rima-whawhai nāianei ka tomo ia ki te mowhiti i runga i Mahuru 12. Kua te-tau 35-tawhito kua i roto i te whakakai ki te maha 140 me contenders 147-pauna tae atu Danny Garcia a Pablo Hiha Cano, ngaro i te kuiti wahia-whakatau ki e rua. Tīmata e ia tona 2015 pakanga ki te wikitoria mo Mahonilai Montes i April. Faaite e ia te mowhiti ki te-tau 30-tawhito Upsher nei toa mua ao Andre Berto a Luis Collazo wero kua puta noa i tona mahi. Whawhai i roto i Philadelphia, patua tino tata ia Alejandro Rodriguez i Mei, a nona te wikitoria ki runga mua hinga kore Bayan Jargal.
# # #
Tĭtĭ HIGH: Mayweather vs. Berto,” he 12-a tawhio noa a'ee aito te ao Welterweight mō WBC me WBA taitara 147-pauna o Mayweather, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, i te mea he rematch i waenganui Martinez Roma, a Orlando Salido. Also featured on the PPV telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, whakatairangatia ana e te i roto i te feohi ki Team Sauerland. Ko te a'ee PPV whakatuwheratanga poka toa mua ao Jhonny Gonzalez ki Puerto Rico a Honatana Oquendo i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa mā super a'ee. SHOWTIME “Countdown Live” haamata 6:30 p.m. AND/3:30 p.m. PT ki te 10-a tawhio noa Welterweight super pupūtanga i waenganui Ishe Smith me Vanes Martirosyan.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, @ Romancito77, siri_salido, jhonnygbox, JonathanOquenmayweatherpromo, SHOSports MeSwanson_Comm ranei hei te mea powhiriwhiri i runga i Facebook, i, / TheRealAndreBerto, a

Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna Headlines Mekemeke i te Beach i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 26 i roto i te Beach Haven Memorial Park i roto i te Beach Haven, Nj

Plus ono-wa toa MMA taumahamaha “Nanakia” Brendan Barrett, Ian Green, Arturo Trujillo, Kennan Smith me Bienvenido Diaz

Beach Haven, New Jersey (Mahuru 8, 2015)I te Rāhoroi, Mahuru 26, i Beach Haven Memorial Park (I roto i waenganui i te Anga Moana & Engleside Resorts) at Engleside Avenue at the Beach in Beach Haven. New Jersey.
I roto i te hui matua, JR. Whitu Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna ka tango i tetahi wahi i roto i te a'ee 6-a tawhio noa.

Ka rapu LaManna mo tona win tika 2 rite riro ia te whakatau loto 6-a tawhio noa ki runga ki a Hohua Robertson i runga i August 7 i roto i te Atlantic City.

LaManna o Millville, New Jersey e ha lekooti o 17-1 ki 7 knockouts.
Fighting i roto i te 4-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga, ka riro “Nanakia” Brendan Barrett.
Barrett, o Little Egg Harbor, Nj, Ko te 6-wā toa MMA taumahamaha, hanga ana ahua mekemeke ngaio 2 e.
Ko ia 0-0-1 whawhai he he Unuunu e tautohetia ana ki a Hemi raua Rankin i te 8, 2009 i roto i te Philadelphia.
Te kitenga o ano mahi i roto i te pāngia 6-a tawhio noa, ka waiho Super whitu Ian Green (6-0, 4 KO o) o Paterson, Nj; Welterweight Keenan Smith (8-0, 3 KO o) o Philadelphia, PA; JR. Kōmāmā O'Shanique Foster (7-0, 4 KO o) o Orange, Texas
I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio noa: Welterweight Arturo Trujillo (6-0, 3 KO o) o Easton, PA ka whawhai i te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa.
JR. Kōmāmā Welcome Diaz (2-0, 2 KO o) o Prospect Park, Ka fehangahangai nj Hohua Arocho (3-10-4, 2 KO o) o Vineland, Nj i roto i te a'ee a tawhio wha.
Smith, Diaz, Te poipoi, te Trujillo E whakanuia ana e GH3 Whakatairanga.
Ka te kāri tonu ki atu pāngia e kauwhautia hohoro.
H.I.T.M Promotions will present Boxing at the Beach. The show will have 8 mekemeke ngaio ōrite taua wahi, ka tangohia āhua tetahi poraka i te one.
Timata te whawhai i 5:30 PM ki nga tatau te whakatuwheratanga i 4:30 PM ki tīkiti kopikopiko i $125 (rarangi 1 & 2), $100 (rarangi 3 a 4). $75 (rarangi 5-7) a $50 no te Urunga General and be purchased by clicking
Kia ka kauwhautia te katoa tata.

Ngā tūru o mahi i te Wāhanga. Tuatahi mai, I mahi Tuatahi.

Ko te hui waho tenei engari ka kia whakanohoia i roto i te teneti 11,000sq ft.

TRAILBLAZER ME NFL Coach DR. JUST WELTER, Fuoloa BOXING whakawa Patricia JARMAN ME Floyd Mayweather TE WHAEA Tepora Sinclair kia whai kororia AT Titans O TE mua: Parakuihi o toa whakahaerehia e Mayweather whakatairanga AT MGM GRAND ON MAA, SEPTEMBER 12

This Year’s Floyd Mayweather Fight-Day Tradition Marks
6utunga th o te whakanuitanga Semi-ā-tau
Las Vegas (Mahuru 8) – Whakatairanga Mayweather will bring together professionals from across the sports and entertainment industry on Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12 for another installment of the Titans o te Trade: Parakuihi o Champions. He Floyd Mayweather iho whawhai-ra, whāinga te parakuihi āhua-ā-tau ki te waihanga i tētahi kaha whitiwhiti roto ngaio kanorau i roto i te ahumahi, me te whakahonore te hunga kua whai wāhi ki te pai ki atu wahine i roto i te parae. Titans o te Trade: Parakuihi o Champions Ka tango i te wahi i MGM Grand Convention Center me e wātea ana tīkiti mō te hoko i i konei.
Ko te hui whana atu te ra whakaongaonga o te mekemeke rite Floyd Mayweather ka taahi i roto i te mowhiti mo te wa whakamutunga e ahiahi rite e ia i runga i Andre Berto i MGM Grand i Las Vegas. Te Titans o te Trade: Parakuihi o Champions supports a strong community of professionals who aspire to positively impact the sports and entertainment industry. In bringing together a large group of highly influential individuals on one of the biggest days in boxing, hoa me hoa e taea ki te faaite i te mau aamu, whatunga me te whakanui angitu tahi i te tahi o.
I tēnei tau, te Titans o te Trade Committee is thrilled to present awards to honor the following recipients:
Dr. Anake Welter e whakanuia ki nga Titans o te tohu Trade, rite kua meinga e ia hītori mā te hoko i te kaiako wahine tuatahi i roto i te National Football League (NFL). Ko te wā ia he puni / tōmua roto linebacker kaiako mō Arizona katinara o te NFL.
Tepora Sinclair e te aroaro ki te Golden rimarima Tohu. Ko te whaea whakakake o 12-wā toa ao kaimekemeke Floyd Mayweather me rua tamahine Deltricia me Fannie ia. Mai i te huru maha-uaua e karapoti ana ia ia utuafare i roto i to ratou Māori Rapids Grand, MY, ki te ora i te ora fakahoko i roto i Las Vegas, Ms. Sinclair faaitoito katoa o ana tamariki ki te ara i runga io ratou huru, me te tohe mo te pai te ora ka taea. Pinepine Mayweather huanga tona mahi angitu extraordinarily ki tona whaea me ona karere.
Patrica Jarman ka riro i te Tohu hiranga mo ona takoha ki te ahumahi mekemeke ano he whakawa, roto e rave rahi atu mau ohipa. Ko te wā ia he Tiati International Mekemeke, ka peresideni runga 130 pāngia taitara huri noa i te ao, tae atu UFC, Muay Thai, Big Knockout mekemeke me te kororia whana Mekemeke whawhai. I Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12, Ka whakawa Jarman te rematch tino tūmanako i waenganui Orlando Salido me Roma “Rocky” Martinez, e puta i runga i te Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto undercard.
Ka takoha te wahi o puta te hui o ki te Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation’s Advancement of Women in Sports and Entertainment Scholarship. Haere hoki ētahi atu mōhiohio.
“Ia wa manaaki tatou tenei parakuihi, Kua oho ano i te mau taata e whakaponohia, me te tautoko to tatou i roto i to tatou ahumahi ahau,” ka mea a Nicole Craig, Vice te peresideni o Marketing me Operations mo Mayweather Whakatairanga. “Ko te ahuareka tūturu ki te tokanga'i tenei kaupapa e hopoi mai tahi na maha ngaio kanorau, me te kitenga i tupu te reira i runga i te tau kua aroha ahau.”
Te Titans o te Trade: Parakuihi o Champions Kei te tautoko e: MGM Grand, Showtime Networks Inc., Guy Jam Capital, Saks Fifth Avenue, Swanson Communications, Fnom, Subzero Whakaora, Arctic, Miru vodka, Tea tere, Te whakaora aau me te Wildflower.

Floyd Mayweather MEDIA CALL AMUIRAA tuhinga

Leonard Ellerbe
Te hinaaro nei au ki te whakawhetai katoa mō te karanga i roto i te i tenei ra ki te whakarongo ki te kotahi a Floyd “Money” Mayweather. Ko te aroaro o te whiwhi tatou ki Floyd, Te hinaaro nei ahau ki te whakauru i te Matua Vice te peresideni a Kaiwhakahaere General o SHOWTIME, Stephen Espinoza, nei te haere ki te hanga i te tahi kōrero.
Stephen Espinoza
Mihi tino nui Leonard. Ka rite ki te nuinga o koutou e mohio, Episode 1 o te WÄTEA KATOA “Mayweather vs. Berto” premiered Paraire whakamutunga. I matou tau mamata rahi i runga i te whatunga mo te po tuatahitia. I roto i te meka, ko tuatahitia po mātakitaki o taua wāhanga i runga i par ki te mamata mo te tuatahitia o “Roto Mayweather vs Pacquiao.”
Na kei tatou tino hari ki te nui o te aro e te whakaputa e KATOA URU. Ki te mea kua kore i kite koe i te reira, Ko reira e wātea ana i runga i te tika paetukutuku SHOWTIME, i runga i te hongere YouTube, a o te akoranga toutou puta noa te maha nga wa whatunga.
Episode 2 o te WÄTEA KATOA “Mayweather vs. Berto” Ka AIR tenei Rāmere i 10:35 p.m. AND ki te toru o wāhanga premiering i runga i te Paraire mua tonu i te paunatia-i roto i.
Ka rite ki te whiwhi tatou ki te whawhai wiki, rite mua SHOWTIME me CBS e tautoko tenei whawhai puta noa i tüäpapa katoa. Ka te whakahere matou awa ora o te hui wiki tata nga whawhai tae e rua hui te press mo e rua i te hui matua me te undercard, te i roto i-paunatia me Countdown Live i runga i Rāhoroi mua tonu i te utu-ia-tirohanga nei e ngā te whawhai ora i waenganui i Ishe Smith me Vanes Martirosyan.
Kei te whakakitea ano SHOWTIME me CBS Sports Whatunga matarohia whawhai i te mahi o Floyd, i Andre Berto, me nga whawhai undercard tae ai te Whawhai o te Tau i tenei tau, te a'ee tuatahi i waenganui i Rocky Martinez me Orlando Salido. Ko te wātea i runga i SHOWTIME i runga i Demand me CBS Sports Whatunga. Leonard, tango i te reira atu.
L. Ellerbe
Te pai whakawhetai ki a koutou a Tepene mo te hunga kōrero. E haere tatou i ki te tapahi tonu ki te whai. Te hinaaro nei au ki te whakauru ke atu i papatu 12-wā te ao, akomanga taimaha rerekē e rima, Floyd “Money” Mayweather.
Floyd Mayweather
Hey katoa. Mauruuru koutou Leonard. Mauruuru koutou Kelly. Mauruuru koutou Steve. Mihi katoa e te i runga i te raina. Mauruuru ahau ki a koutou takatu hipoki i ahau puta noa i te tau. Kia whiwhi a i runga i ki te karanga.
He aha koutou whakaaro i runga i te kaitäkaro rite Serena Williams i tona whai o tona ara record me te koe i runga i Mahuru 12?
F. Mayweather
Ahau tino pai ki a Serena Williams. Mea ratou hanga e pūkete ki te pakaru. Ahau tika rawa whakakake o ia me te mea i mahia e ngā ia i roto i tona mahi. Ngā mahia e ia te tahi mau mea whakamiharo i roto i tona mahi. Ko te whakamiharo noa i ta ia. Ahau i muri ia ia 100%. Ki te te noho arotahi ia e taea te haere tonu ia ki te wahi i ngā pūkete.
E rua koutou ko Serena he hohonu ki o koutou thirties, aha e mea mo te taumata o te haamo'araa e kua whakakitea e rua o koutou takatu ki tou mahi?
F. Mayweather
Genetics. Whakaaro ahau e te paari whiwhi koe, te uaua e koe ki te mahi. Ko te kua mea i mahia e ahau. Ko te paari whiwhi ahau, te maro ahau mahi.
E whakaaro tonu koe i te toa o te whawhai Canelo-cotto rite tou hoa tauwhainga 50 – rite koutou whawhai 50 kaua?
F. Mayweather
E koe tika whiwhi ki te mahi Floyd Mayweather? Kia mohio koe kua mea i mahia e ahau ki a Canelo, Pacquiao, ko cotto. Na ahau i roto i ki a ratou, e whawhai ahau ki a ratou he aha i roto i toku whawhai 50?
Rongo ahau ki a koutou te mea tika, “He aha e whawhai ahau tetahi o ratou i roto i toku whawhai 50?” e te mea ki te tangi rite koutou whakaaro ki reira, ka waiho i te whawhai 50. Kei te he koe i te tauiraa o te aau i runga i tou mahere whakatā?
F. Mayweather
Kaua e. 49 Ko toku whawhai whakamutunga. I mua i te haere koe i runga i ki te pātai, E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki a koe mo te tuhinga pai i tuhituhia e koe e kawea te tangata ki ahau.
Mauruuru koe. Te he koe i whakaaro tuarua no o koutou kōrero o mua e pā ana ki reira te pea te whawhai 50?
L. Ellerbe
Rite kua mea ahau, ka mea Floyd kua he maha o ngā wā, tenei ka waiho tona whawhai whakamutunga. E kore e taea e te aha i te tangata haere atu i te i ngā ia i te mahi rongonui, nga mea katoa rite e hiahia ana ia ki te faatupu i a kia meatia? Na ka meatia e ia ngā reira tona ara.
Ko e hiahia ana koe ki te mahi i roto i te whakatā i tetahi atu mea e whai koutou i roto i te ngakau i reira?
F. Mayweather
Well kua ka tatou te rōpū waiata Team Money. Kua hoki kua mahi ahau mo nga tau i runga i whakatairanga konohete. Ko te Mayweather Music Group, to tatou e rave rahi toi rerekē e te haa nei tatou.
Kua ka tatou i te aho āhua Bad Medina. Kei te mahi ia i runga i te toa kakahu rerekē wha, e rima. Ia kua he kotahi. Ngā whakatika ia i te “Kino” Medina raina āhua. E tatou te mahi ano hoki i runga i toku raina hu. Ano e matakitaki ana oku tamariki haere i roto i te kāreti. Whakaaro ahau he tino nui to ratou kura.
Kei whakaaro koutou e ka whiwhi koe i taua patito ki te haere mai hoki, ano te wa whakamutunga mutu koe, a ka hiahia koe ki te rave i te reira ano? He tahi mea e waiho koutou e whakatuwhera te pea o?
F. Mayweather
No Kei te haere ahau ki te pana noa te rohe mo tenei whawhai, ka kite i te aha ahau e nehenehe e rave i.
L. Ellerbe
Let me touch on this. Just over the last week I received three major movie offers. Na tatou kakato e ti'aturi e, i taea e Floyd kia puhoi whai wāhi i roto i te ahumahi whakangahau no te mea ko tenei te mea ia e. Ka rite ki ahau ka mea, E mohio ana ahau mo te take i ki tuku te whakangahau nui e haere mai to tatou ara e te mea tino tahi mea te haere e ki te noho i te rota o tona wa.
E matau koutou he aha e reira e te iwi e kore e taea e whakaaro he aha e waiho e koe te hākinakina i te tihi o te kēmu?
F. Mayweather
Well kahore he tangata kei roto i oku hu. Mea nui toku hauora. Ki te piri koe a tawhio noa tetahi mea roa rawa, Ka taea e tetahi mea tupu. E kore au tino āwangawanga e pā ana ngaro, engari e hiahia ana ahau ki te whai i te ngakau koi. Ka taea e hanga e koe he rota o te moni, engari e hiahia ana tonu koe ki te e taea ki te kōrero, haere, a ka whai i te ngakau koi.
He aha koe e whakaaro ka mahue koutou e pā ana ki te mekemeke i muri ia koutou i muri ia?
F. Mayweather
Apii ahau tonu i roto i te hākinakina. Kua hokona e ahau kia maha nga whawhai, na reira te kahore e haere ahau ki te mahue tino e pā ana ki te hākinakina. Kua ahau whawhai e ahau e mahi ki runga i te rā. He te haere tonu ki te waiho i te toa o te ao i muri haere mai ana i Mayweather Whakatairanga. Ka tatou i te rota o te whawhai. Whakaaro ahau J'Leon Love he ake i muri. Na ka kite tika matou pehea whakaari katoa i roto i.
Nei o koutou hoariri tino rite te Berto, tetahi whawhai koutou ki te aroaro o?
F. Mayweather
Au tino ahau e kore e tino. I muri i te whawhai kei runga taea e koe te ui ahau e uiraa, me te reira e taea te ahua o ahau haamaramarama koutou, ka kia mohio koutou.
He tetahi mea e whakaaro ki a koutou i te ohipa rahi a'e o koutou mahi i reira?
F. Mayweather
Whakaaro ahau nga whawhai te whakatangihanga a te matua,. Katoa 48 whawhai te whakatangihanga a te matua,. Nga whawhai, tau 49 Ko te hoki tino nui. Ko faufaa nga whawhai i roto i te tākaro i te matua, i roto i toku mahi. Kotahi atu ahakoa, toku mahi e kore te ki runga reira. E kore koe e taea e kaitirotiro tetahi.
E whai koe i tetahi tatarahapa i to koutou mahi?
F. Mayweather
E kore faka'ise'isa ahau ia Al Haymon i te timatanga.
I tetahi whakatata koutou e pā ana ki te matamua o te Christen te MGM Arena hou?
L. Ellerbe
I nga wa katoa i reira te he rota o te nounou i roto i reira, me te hiahia noa ahau ki te ūkui e ake. Kua kore kua whakatata tatou e MGM e pā ana ki tetahi mea rite pā reira ki te whakatuwheratanga o te ao. Rite kua ahau ka mea te maha o ngā wā i tēnei ka waiho whawhai whakamutunga a Floyd. He MGM tino mahere ki to ratou whakatuwheratanga o to ratou ao, me to tatou he hononga nui ki a ratou, me ahau mohio katoa e haere mai ana ratou ki runga ki, Ka tahuri te reira i roto i nui.
Kei te te te kaitapere i roto i te tahi mau motini pikitia te tahi mea e hiahia ana koe ki te tiki ki hiahia?
F. Mayweather
Kua whakatata ahau i runga i te maha taime. Otiia kaua Hiahia kia ahau i muri i te scenes. Ahau tika ite rite i ahau toku wa ki te whiti i roto i teie nei ao o te mekemeke. Otira e kore tatou e matau ki ta mau te heke mai. Te haapa'oraa i Just whiti i oku maihao, me te ki tetahi mea e tae mai toku ara na ka tango matou te painga tonu o te reira.
E maere e koe i te faaino katoa kua mahia e koutou kōwhiringa o Andre Berto mo tenei whawhai?
F. Mayweather
Kihai ano ahau i mohio. Mahia katoatia e ahau i nga ra katoa he haere ahau ki te omaoma, Whakangungu ahau. Waiho ahau, Haere kai ahau, a ka haere kite whakaaturanga i runga i te Unuhia, haere ki te kiriata, haere maita, haere hokohoko. Ko te tino e pā ana ki reira, a tika te i okiokinga te kāinga. Te reira e kore e tino e mea faufaa te hunga whiriwhiri e ahau. E haere ana ratou ki te faahapa tonu. E haere mai ana ki te rohe.
E whakararuraru i te reira koutou, te faaino katoa e taea te tiki e koe e pā ana ki tō mahi?
F. Mayweather
Kaua e. E kore ahau e kite i reira. E kore ahau e mohio e pā ana ki te reira. Ahau i taea e iti tiaki. Takoha taata ngā ki te mataara. Kia mataara ki te hiahia koe ki te mataara. Ki te kore koe e hiahia ki te mataara, e kore e mataara. Tuhia e pā ana ki te reira, ki te hiahia koe ki te tuhituhi e pā ana ki te reira. Ki te kore koe e hiahia ki te tuhituhi e pā ana ki te reira, te mahi e kore e. E kore ahau e mea ki ki te tuhituhi koe pai, ahakoa kino, tika tonu ki te tuhituhi. Pukepuke ahau hāngai.
Ko e tahi atu tumu i koe whakaaro koutou whawhai whakamutunga tenei? E kore Hei te whakahē a muri ake?
L. Ellerbe
Kaua e, mārama te faaino ai i roto i reira, e te tika pöuri, iwi e tika ki te whai i to ratou whakaaro. Kua aha, kua Floyd taea ki te mahi ki tona mahi, kua ngā ia e taea ki te rave i te reira ki tona ara. Tona ara Kei te arotahi ki runga i te aha ia ki te mahi, te mahi i te ringa, a kahore te whakaaro e pā ta te tangata atu te kupu.
He aha te te maha o hokona utu-ia-tirohanga e pai kia whawhai tenei he angitu nui hoki koe fakafo'ituitui?
F. Mayweather
Ka waiho nga tau te mea e ratou. Anake mea e taea e ahau. E kore e taea e ahau te mea i tetahi tau ngā, engari ka tika to tatou ki te kite.
Kia pehea te mahi koe i te kōeke i roto i te mōkihi tenei mahi e ono-whawhai e kua mahi koe?
F. Mayweather
Hiahia noa ahau ki te riro me te haere i roto i runga i runga.
Ki te he to koutou whawhai whakamutunga tenei, he aha te te auraa o taua tau 49 i runga i tou ara i roto i?
F. Mayweather
Katoa me nga whawhai takaro he kī matua me he maha tenei 49.
E ite koe rite no Andre Berto kahore ki te ngaro i te taime, e tatau te katoa ia ia i roto i, te mahi whakaaro koutou e e hanga a ia he hoariri atu mōrearea?
F. Mayweather
Aupito. Mana'o ia rite kahore ki te ngaro ia, a ka whakaaro ahau e, no ka koe i te taata hoatu e ngā i roto i taua āhuatanga, hanga ana e ia te mahi ki a ia e nui uaua no te mea ka eke ia ha faingamālie ki kia kotahi o nga eé runga i roto i te hākinakina, ina ahau i roto i.
Ko te rite ki te mea ratou i roto i te whutupaoro, tetahi homai Rātapu. Mea ahau tetahi hoatu Rāhoroi, Ka taea e tetahi mea tupu. Na ahau ineine. Au rite ahau pae tino hinengaro me. Ahau i roto i runga āhua. Ahau rite. Au e ahau tino mohio te ia i roto i runga āhua me te rite ia. Otiia e kore e haere au e ahau ki te kaitirotiro ia.
Ka taea e koe e korero ki a matou pehea e noho koutou arotahi a te tino e kore e tenei mea atu katoa pōturi koe ki raro, meinga ki a koe e tau'a ia ranei?
F. Mayweather
E hiahia ana ahau ki te riro noa rite hiahia ana ia ki te riro. Ahau e mahi i roto i, Au e aki ana ahau i ahau i nga ra katoa. Ka rite ki te whiwhi ahau pakeke ahau uaua te mahi. Mau e ahau whakaaro tenei puni ahau sparred te rota atu, He rota atu tau turaki i ahau i ahau. Tenei whawhai, Whakaaro ahau e ahau mahi uaua tenei whawhai atu i ahau mo te whawhai Pacquiao.
Ko to koutou ahua o te ngakau e te haere tenei ki te waiho i te whawhai whakaongaonga ake mo te pā no te mea o te hoa tauwhainga e whiriwhiria e koe?
F. Mayweather
Well, o te akoranga. Te reira tonu whaiaro tiaki-e pā ana ki, engari mauruuru ahau nga pā. Te mahi ahau. Ahau e kore Nostradamus engari ki te haere koe titiro i te uiuitanga tawhito, Korero ahau e pā ana ki Pacquiao, he aha i haere ratou ki te mea, he aha i haere ratou ki te mahi i a e founga haere taua whawhai i ki te haere.
Na ka koe ki te ite pea tata katoa i runga i whiriwhiria e te waea Pacquiao. Katoa e mea e puta noa i te tau i ko i ahau i kona, Ko ahau mataku, kihai i taea e ia whiua Pacquiao. I hoatu e ratou ki a ia i tenei. Ka hoatu e ratou ki a ia kia maha ekea me te katoa-wā nui te ia.
Otiia i enei iwi katoa ki te kai ratou kupu. Na, ki te he katoa-wā nui te ia, Na te aha e meinga e ahau e? Ki te mea ratou te ia te toa o te rau tau, aha te hanga i ahau e? Na ka meatia e ratou te reiti i ahau a, ka he i runga i toku whawhai, anake te mea e taea e ahau te whakapono i roto i ahau, me whakapono i roto i toku pūkenga. Kei te haere ahau ki te kia te Best Ake noa te ra e mate ahau.
L. Ellerbe
Te hinaaro noa rite ahau ki te whakawhetai katoa mo te karanga i roto i a ka titiro atu tatou ki te kitenga katoa i runga i te whawhai wiki. Te haere ki te waiho i te wiki whakaongaonga, me te e haere tatou i ki te whai i te nui po o mai whawhai Rāhoroi muri po.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, AndreBerto, BadouJack, StGeorgeGroves, @ Romancito77, sirisalido, jhonnygbox, JonathanOquenmayweatherpromo, SHOSports MeSwanson_Comm ranei hei te mea powhiriwhiri i runga i Facebook,, / TheRealAndreBerto, a

Titiro Maere Super-mā whitu Phenom Mario Barrios patoto i Torres i roto i wha Rauna

Photo e Team Barrios

San Antonio, TX (Mahuru 6, 2015) – Tītohunga Super-mā whitu, Mario Barrios pai ake ki (11-0, 6 Koó) ki tetahi atu knockout autaia, stopping his opponent Jose Torres cen, i te 2:10 mark of round four. Kite Battah Whakatairanga a Warriors mekemekepromoted the event from American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas, which aired live on Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i CBS.
I roto i te kohao a huri noa, Whakamahia Barrios tona tiketike, me te tae ki te tino, keeping Torres at bay with a powerful jab. Torres, i rere hoki te ora aroha, did everything he could to survive. After dominating for the first three rounds, Barrios turned up the heat. In the round four, Ka puta mai i roto i Barrios pu mura, a ka u te matau mahue rua ki Torres’ te hiero, aru e te pere laiki ki te ate, ending the bout. Ki te te win, Kite Barrios ia ano he ope ki te kia tatau ki roto i te wehenga super-mā.
“Ko te whawhai pai tenei mo ahau, ano ahau i runga i toku laka mo te taitara ao,” Said Mario Barrios. “I definitely want to get right back in the gym to start working on some things I know I can improve on. Because Torres was giving me a lot of movement, I had to make some adjustments. Once I figured him out, E mohio ana ahau e haere ana ahau ki te mutu ia. The super-featherweight division is wide open for me to march up the rankings. Ki te Al HAYMON guiding my career, I know I’m going to have some golden opportunities to shine. I’m looking forward to my next fight.

Anthony DIRRELL ngoi ana Marco ANTONIO Rubio i tona huarahi KI whakatau loto ON PREMIER BOXING toa ON CBS



I Corpus Christi, Texas


Jamie McDonnell tonu WORLD whā TITLE WITH mua Kikī-MAHI I rematch ki TOMOKI KAMEDA


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Lucas Noonan / Pirimia Boxing Champions

Corpus Christi, Texas (E whitu. 6, 2015) - Anthony "Te Dog" Dirrell (28-1-1, 22 Koó) piro te whakatau loto whakamīharo i runga i Marco Antonio "El Veneno" Rubio (59-8-1, 51 Koó) Rātapu ahiahi i roto i te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i CBS hui matua i te Bank Center i Corpus Christi American, Texas.


Whakamatauria Dirrell ki kia nohopuku rawa hoki Rubio rite ia tamau whiua te tautōhito Mexican ki te tokua, a ko kaha ki te whakahaere i te whawhai. Whakairihia uaua Rubio puta noa i te whawhai, tonu ki te haere mai i mua i roto i tona whakamātau ki te hopu Dirrell.


Riro Dirrell e kaute o 100-90 i runga i te katoa kaiwhakawa e toru scorecards ka whakakitea e ia ano i atu mahue i roto i te tank ka unuhia atu e ia he backflip i roto i te whakakai tika hēkona i muri i te pere whakamutunga.


I roto i te hui tahi-matua, Jamie McDonnell (27-2, 12 Koó) whakamahia pēhanga nui ki te mate Tomoki “El Mexicanito” Kameda (31-2, 19 Koó) i te whakatau loto, ka pupuri tona taitara whā ao.


McDonnell a Kameda haere hoki, me te puta noa i te take 12-a tawhio noa e kite McDonnell faaohipa pēhanga ki ona ārai ōrite i titiro Kameda ki te piro ki te porotiti nui.


Ko taea ki te piro i te knockdown i roto i te taka noa whakamutunga ki te matau koi maui e tonoa Kameda ki te koaka McDonnell. Kameda me tona kokonga tohe e te knockdown kia kua kingi te pepa, engari ki te kahore he pai. Ngä tatau te kaiwhakawa 'i 116-11, 115-112 a 117-110.


Tenei ko te aha te whawhai i ki te mea Rātapu:




“I ahau i te po atu ka whawhai ahau Badou Jack, but everyone saw my jabs and straight punches. Ahau i neke a ka tino hopu ia e ahau.


"Rubio Ko te toa uaua engari ko ahau e taea ki te whakahaere i te whawhai ki toku tere, me ngā pūkenga. Ua ite au i tino pai i roto i reira.


“Te tikanga e ahau tetahi atu i pere i te taitara te ao.”


Marco ANTONIO Rubio


"Ko ia te toa tino nohopuku. Tamata e ahau ki te pana me te pana ko ia e kore e taea e kitea e ahau.

"Aroha ana ahau ki mekemeke. Ka whakahokia tiki ahau i roto i te omaoma, me te tereina mo tetahi whawhai no te mea ko tenei te mea e ahau aroha ki te mahi i.

"Mauruuru e ahau nga pā katoa nei i tenei ra ahau i tautoko. Whawhai e ahau mo ratou. "


Jamie McDonnell


"Kihai ahau i whakaaro ko te reira te whakatau i tautohetia, no te mea ua ite au i nga wa katoa i roto i te mana, me te whakapono ahau i riro ahau i te whawhai whakamarie.


"Ko taku werohanga te kī i roto i te whawhai, a ko reira he patu nui hoki ahau. Ahau tika i ki te tino e Piri tonu ahau ki te mahere kēmu i tatou kua mahi i runga i hoki i runga i waru wiki.


“A, no te maturuturu iho ahau ki a ia i roto i te taka noa whakamutunga, Whakaaro ahau i ia paheke he iti moka, Tamata e ahau ki te noho atu. Otiia i mau ahau ki a ia. I muri i taua mohio ahau hiri ahau te wikitoria.


“Haere katoa kia rite ki te mahere. Ko te mahere ko ki pouaka a ia, ka hopu ia ia ki etahi matā nui.”




“Whakaaro ahau riro ahau i tenei whawhai mārama atu te rota atu i te whawhai whakamutunga.


“Aru ahau to tatou mahere maitai. I ahau nga mea katoa e tika ana.”


* * *

PBC i runga i CBS I whakatairangatia ana e Leijah Battah Whakatairanga me Warriors Mekemeke.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing AnthonyDirrell, MAVenenoRubio, @ JamieMcDonnell1, TomokiKameda, SHOSports, WarriorsBoxingProm, LeijaBattahPR, AmericanBankCtr ASwanson_Comm,

riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i

Joel Brunker Meinga ki Flip te Hōtuhi i Ingarangi apopo Night ki hinga Warrington

'Selby vs. E Kia Warrington ki Taihoa. Ka waiho te reira ahau anō-ōrite Selby Next.”
E ai ta te nguha Ahitereiria Joel Brunker e korero katoa o tona hoariri a muri ake, tūturu Josh Warrington, anga Champion IBF nāianei Lee Selby i roto i te pupūtanga o katoa-UK e moot ina ia Warrington tona mate tuatahi apopo po (Rāhoroi, Mahuru 5).
Brunker (28-1, 16 Koó) i New South Wales, ka fehangahangai oire hero Warrington (21-0, 4 Koó) mo te WBC International me Commonwealth (British Empire) Toa mā whitu i te Tuatahi Direct Arena, Leeds, Yorkshire i roto i te Basileia United.
“Ko te pāpāho i runga i konei e pupuri ana korero e pā ana Josh Warrington whawhai Lee Selby muri i roto i te pupūtanga o katoa-English, otiia e kore e arotahi ratou nui i runga i te mea te e pā ana ki ki te tupu,” Said Brunker. “Au e haere mai ahau i roto i apopo po ki te tango i Warrington i!”
Mate mahi anake o Brunker ko ki Selby i Oketopa 2014. I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga, Brunker tangohia ake te International Oceania Mekemeke Organization Super mā Championship mā te maturuturu me tu Ray Laspinas o te Philippines i rua rauna tanguru whakamutunga i te Club Richmond i Richmond, New South Wales, Ahitereiria.
“He aha kia ratou kia whiwhi rite hoki ko toku rematch ki Selby no e te mea kei te haere ki te pa, me tenei wa ka waiho e ahau rite hoki ia ia,” Tonu Brunker.
“Titiro ratou ki te kia e titiro Joel ahua runga konei, me te korero e pā ana te whawhai Selby, me te mea te reira te foregone mutunga,” mea tahi-kaiwhakatairanga o Brunker, Greg Cohen o Greg Cohen Whakatairanga (me Arama Wilcock o Whakatairanga FightCard). “Ko te he hape nui i runga i te wahi o ratou ki te kaitirotiro Hoera no te haere mai ia i roto i konei ki te whakaturia ake he rematch ki Selby i te patu i tenei taata tūturu.”
Mō Greg Cohen Whakatairanga
Ko e taha o pūeru whakatairanga pirimia o te mekemeke, Greg Cohen Whakatairanga (GCP) Ko te ingoa pai-te whakaute mō te atamira-ao o te piha haapiiraa ngā kaupapa mekemeke ngaio, me te whakatairanga i whawhai ngaio whiriwhiri i roto i te ao.
Kua kaiwhakarewa me te CEO Greg Cohen kua whai wāhi ki te mekemeke ngaio i roto i te ngā aravihi mai te mutunga o nga 1980, Papatūānuku tona mahi me te whakatakoto ia ano he kaipakihi mekemeke te ao murere.
Kitea e tona kaha ki te wahi, a ka whakawhanake taranata mata, Cohen tuatahi hanga matua whakatairanga mo tona arata'iraa mohio o, i roto i te tokomaha noa atu, mua WBA Junior whitu Champion Austin “No te feaa” Taraute, o tei tauturu i Cohen aratohu i unknown 'amanaki New Mexico ki te whiriwhiri taumata superstar utu-ia-tirohanga.
I tua atu ki te Taraute, Kua mahi Greg Cohen Whakatairanga ki te ingoa whakapumautia pērā i te toa kotahi, e rua-wā taumahamaha o mua Hasim “Ko te Kamaka” Rahman me-wa-nui katoa maha-taimaha ao o te piha toa James “Rama Out” Toney.
Cohen whakatairanga maha toa ao, me te superstar mekemeke Zab Hura tēnei wā, superstar wahine o mekemeke Amanda Serrano, me te toa mua ao Kendall Holt, me te contenders ao-tauanga o nāianei tae atu runga Cruiserweight tūturu Lateef Kayode, -wā roa whitu whiriwhiri “Tikanga” Joe Greene, Kōmāmā artist KO Ihimaera Barroso, runga mā super Arash Usmanee, Canadian hero Kōmāmā me te TV mahi Tony Luis; WBA rima-wa Irish National Amateur Champion, Dennis Hogan; me amanaki Kōmāmā Ahitereiria Josh Kingi.
Kua whakahaeretia Greg Cohen Whakatairanga ngā mekemeke-ao o te piha i roto i te wāhi pai rawa puta noa i te United States me te ao, me te hoki whakapehapeha kua whakaratohia taranata ihirangi me / ranei mo e rave rahi whatunga pouaka tae CBS Sports Whatunga, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Whatunga, CBS Sports Whatunga, MAORI a FOX Sports Net.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga Kimihia tatou i runga i Facebook, Twngati: GCPBoxing.

"URU KATOA: Mayweather vs. Berto "wāhanga 2 Topenga:

"Ahau rite ki te whakairi ai ki runga, ka noho wa ki aku tamariki ... kihai i whawhai te nuinga e mutu te whai i te kōwhiringa." - Floyd Mayweather

"URU KATOA: Mayweather vs. Berto "Episode 2

Premieres te pō nei i 10:35 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME®


Pāwhiritia HERE ki mataara, share, ka whakaū i tenei ataata:


Kua Floyd Mayweather kua huritao i runga i tona mahi, me te tuu i roto i te aamu rite faaineine ia ki te mea e tūmanakohia ana ki te hei ki tana whawhai whakamutunga Rāhoroi muri ki Andre Berto. Check out this clip from the Sports Emmy® Raupapa tohu-toa WÄTEA KATOA ki te whakarongo ki nga whakaaro o Floyd i runga i whakatā, me te kore e mahue i Episode 2 o WÄTEA KATOA: Mayweather vs. Berto te po i 10:35 p.m. AND/PT i te SHOWTIME.


Tĭtĭ HIGH: Mayweather vs. Berto - Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12, ORA i runga i SHOWTIME PPV® Mai MGM Grand i Las Vegas.


# # #


MŌ "tĭtĭ HIGH: Mayweather VU. Berto ":

"Tĭtĭ HIGH: Mayweather vs. Berto,” a 12-round world championship bout for Mayweather’s WBC and WBA Welterweight World Titles takes placeRāhoroi, E whitu. 12 i MGM Grand i Las Vegas, a ka whakanuia e Mayweather Whakatairanga te ka tautoko e Tecate. Ka hua te hui, me te tohaina ora e SHOWTIME PPV® (8:00 p.m. AND/5:00 p.m. PT). Ka ngā te hui tahi-matua te rematch i waenganui Martinez Roma, a Orlando Salido mo te WBO Junior Kōmāmā World Taitara. Te Martinez vs. Ka haere fight will follow Mayweather Promotions’ own Badou Jack "Te Ripper" making his first defense of the WBC Super Middleweight World title against mandatory challenger "Saint" George Groves. Ko te Jack vs. Te aroaro Groves whawhai kei roto i te rōpū ki Team Sauerland. Ko te whawhai teata tuatahi utu-ia-tirohanga ko te 10-a tawhio noa pupūtanga mā super ngā puncher mana Mexican Jhonny Gonzalez ki Puerto Rico o A Honatana Oquendo. E te hui e wātea ana i roto i Spanish i roto i te hōtaka ororongo Tuarua (SAP).


Tickets for the live event at MGM Grand are on sale now and are priced at $150, $300, $500, $750, $1,000 a $1,500.


Mayweather vs. Ka whakaaturia Berto i runga i te mata nui roto i te whare puta noa i te whenua mā te rapu Events. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi


Economides tohe Taitara ki Ankrah I undercard o Roy Jones Jr-Tony Moran i runga i Hepetema 12



I waru noa ra ki te wa sitepu o Chester Paora Economides ki te mowhiti whakahaere i te korero tuatahi o tona World Mekemeke Federation (WBF) Intercontinental Super whā karauna, ki a Ghana kake Ankrah, i runga i te Stephen Vaughan ka whakanuia hui kōrero, i te Aintree Equestrian Centre i te Rāhoroi 12th Mahuru, headlined nei e tuatahi ake whawhai UK Roy Jones Jr o, ki Tony Moran.


Economides, nei sensationally mutu a Hungary Rawiri Kanalas i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa hoki i roto i August whakamutunga tau ki te mau i te WBF Intercontinental, kahore he tangata ke ki Championship mahi, ka noaa mua te karauna WBF International tika wha nga marama i mua me te whawhai mo te taitara Area Welsh i rerekē wehenga taimaha e rua.


Ankrah, rite Economides, Ko te hoki he kaimekemeke Championship mātanga, ka noaa taitara e rua te Kana whā ko Te Hau-ā-uru Awherika Mekemeke Union whā me te wero hoki e rua karauna te Commonwealth me WBO International.


Ahakoa kia te Kana nga bookies mārama tino, e tika ana ki tona lekooti pai o 24 toa (15 i te Tuhinga) a 5 parekura, ki Economides ' 17 toa (4 i te Tuhinga) a ia hoki 5 parekura i runga i tona record, he maha o te pai mohiotia pundits Ingarangi e bucking te au, matapae e ka mutu Economides Ankrah.


Ora te pūtake mō tenei oranga e kua tae mai katoa o te whakauru mutu Economides 'e wha i runga i te wā o te marama kotahi tekau ma rua, me te kore tetahi o ona hoariri e wha i roto i taua wa mua te tuarua a tawhio noa, me te rite ki te ki te tāpiri wahie ki te ahi o tenei tautohe, tohu ratou ki te meka i meinga Economides te tuatahi ki te mutu i te tino roa e rua wā Commonwealth taitara kaiwero Ihaka Quaye.


Kihai Economides kia unu ki te nounou ka korero ia e pā ana ki te whawhai ka ū mai.


"Te reira te he atamira nui tenei tetahi, Ahau na oaoa ki te hei i runga i tenei pire rite tino tautoko mo te whawhai taitara Roy Jones Jr ko Tony Moran.


Haurangi engari kinda ahau wareware e pā ana ki toku whawhai ake i te tuatahi, Ka e ahau he bit oaoa rawa e pā te whawhai Roy Jones.


A pai inaianei katoa, me te Au kakato ahau e arotahi ana ki Mahuru 12th e mohio ana ahau ki ahau i te mahi i runga i whawhai kake Ankrah oku ringa matua, te ia uaua, Ka taea e whawhai ia ko kahore raruraru ahau, nui atu rite ahau hoki ia.


Ko te whawhai te tika i runga i te wiki atu a Au tino titiro atu ahau ki a te reira, i te atamira nui te reira engari e kore e whakararuraru i ahau i katoa.


Te haere ki te waiho i te hui o te wa kia te tangata e kore kua whakatika ratou tikiti ano, tiki ia ratou i teie nei i mua i te reira te mutunga rawa, tenei te haere ki te he rawa, po rawa motuhake, e kore e taea e tatari. "


Tickets, utu £ 40, £ 60, £ 100 a VIP Ringside £ 150 mo te Stephen Vaughan Whakaū Roy Jones Jr. Tony Moran MBC International Cruiserweight Championship hui Poutohu haere i te Aintree Equestrian Centre i Liverpool i runga i Rāhoroi Mahuru versus 12th 2015 E wātea ana inaianei, hoko i runga i te raina i a karanga ranei 0333 200 0905.


Hoki, mo tenei hui e angalelei o te Mekemeke Komihana Malta -