Category Archives: mekemeke

Tūturu Radivoje Kalajdzic ki rainamatua "Bombs atu 4″

October 10 Fight Poster.jpg
No te Tonu Tuku
Lakeland, FL (Mahuru 17, 2015) - Ka kupu matua Mad Angatonú Whawhai taumahamaha marama Tūturu Radivoje "Hot Rod" Kalajdzic Sports’ "Bombs atu 4" Rāhoroi, October 10 i te Florida Orange Takahanga Center i Lakeland.
Tickets ki "Bombs atu 4" e $30 mo te whakauru whānui me te $60 no te VIP. Ko ratou e wātea ana i teie nei i ranei mā te toro Atomic Moko i Lakeland me Bulldog Mekemeke & Fitness i roto i Tampa. Katoa kau ma'u VIP tīkiti 21 tau me te pakeke ka riro pia noa i Hub Brew. Doors tuwhera i 6:30 pm ki te pere te whakatuwheratanga whakaritea hoki 7. I mua ki te hui matua, Ka waiata American whiringa Idol Jeremy Rosado te waiata motu.
Fanauhia i roto i te Bosnia, Neke Kalajdzic ki St. Petersburg, FL i roto i 1998 huaina a kua reira tona whare ake mai. Rite "Hot Rod" noa Best mohiotia, hanga te-tau 24-tawhito i tona tuatahi ngaio i roto i 2011 e whai ake nei i te mahi runaruna poto me kua kahore poto o autaia kua. He pūmanawa kaimekemeke-puncher ki te nui o te aravihi i homai atua-, Kalajdzic he 19-0 ki 12 toa i te knockout me mau whakaora mīharo i runga i nguha mua Otis Griffin me te Lionel Thompson.
Kalajdzic e farerei i te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa hohoro, ka kawea te a'ee te i roto i te feohi ki DiBella mahi whakangahau.
"Kei fiefia ki te whai Hot Rod whawhai mo tatou tatou "ka mea a Joey Orduna o Mad Angatonú Whawhai Sports. "Kua i ahau te pai ai o te mātakitaki whawhai ia i te aroaro o, a ka ngā ia he rota o te taranata. E kore ia e mataku i te wero i whakapai ahau ki a ia mo a kei te mahi i toku matchmaker ki DiBella whakangahau i runga i te kimi i te hoariri kounga hoki ia rite tatou korero. Hot Rod Ko te tua nui ki tenei kāri whakaongaonga, me te tino utu te utu o te whakauru. "
WAUCHULA, A FL Ruben "Chino" inumia Ozuna te ki te whakatau hōia pakeke-tere Bobby Hill o Mississippi i roto i te hui āhua-matua o te ahiahi. Ozuna, 4-1, kua me te kāhua hoa tahi ka whai i te rōpū nui o kaitautoko tautoko ia ia mo tenei whakataetae Kōmāmā. Ko tētahi o eé uaua o te mekemeke mau, Hill o fehangahangai he maha o runga whawhai i roto i tona 28 whawhai mahi.
Miami taketake Armando "te Pūwhero" Alvarez e tona 7-0 kaute i runga i te raina, ina tutaki ki hoa Sunshine State pugilist Juan Aguirre o Jacksonville i roto i te whakataetae whitu teina.
Cruiserweight Paora "Pay Per Tirohia" Parker o Toledo, OH hoki ki te mowhiti i roto i te a'ee attraction motuhake ki te TBA hoariri. Ka haere mai te whakauru ia e rua o Parker whakamutunga mā Tuhinga ki hoariri ki te ngā 12-1 record engari kei te titiro ia ki te fakaakeake i te Pipiri TKO hinga ki Vyacheslav Shabranskyy.
I te wha pāngia undercard a tawhio, Rafael "Junito" Rivera o Tampa anga o Orlando Cleveland McClean, Quincy, A FL Leonardo Kenon tapawhā atu ki Georgia Māori Greg Faust me whenua tino Leanthony "Tyga" Fleming o Lakeland ka whakamatautau ana taranata versus Randy Heddrick o Louisiana. Tori "whakawakia" Ramirez, Christina Swanson-Campfort, Michael Guillen, Ka puta "Kingi" Kenmon Evans a Ricky "Cowboy" Tomlinson katoa ki kia kauwhautia hoariri.
E ngohengohe ana ki te huri i pāngia katoa.
Tata e ngā mōhiohio tāpiri e wātea ana, me te pā e taea te pupuri ake ki Mad Angatonú mā te toro / MadIntegrityFightSports.


E whitu tūturu Tuhinga Erickson Lubin ON Orlando LORA I CO-MAIN MAHINGA LOLOTONGA pakanga a WILKY CAMPFORT Ronaldo Montes I kaiwahi i teata
Karepe Truax Whakaū Hei Pepeke Mai a'ee Hōtaka
Nā Ki Take Medical
Ētahi atu! Prospects Dennis Galarza, Samuel Figueroa a Willie Jones
Tawhio Out Full Night o Mahi Roto te Arena
Whawhai teata Hei Kia kite Nationwide I Patupatu TV me Timata I 9 P.M. AND
Winter PARK, Fla (Mahuru 17, 2015) – Tūturu amanaki Welterweight Jamal James (17- 0, 9 Koó) ka tangohia i runga i te kaha Juan Carlos “Meringue” Abreu (18-1, 17 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa hui matua o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions – Ko te rauna Panuku i runga i Patupatu TV a i runga i Rāmere, Mahuru 18 i katoa Sail ora i Full Sail University i Winter Park, Florida.
Karepe Truax i takoha ki te haere atu i tona whawhai ki Fernando Guerrero e tika ana ki ngā take hauora.
Ko te hui tahi-matua o te ahiahi, ka faatito whetū maranga tūturu Erickson “Ko te Hammer” Lubin (11-0, 8 Koó) ki mātanga Mexican Orlando Lora (31-5-3, 19 Koó) i roto i te take 10-a tawhio noa. Haamata mahi teata i 9 p.m. AND i runga i Patupatu TV a ora rere i runga i ki nguha Welterweight super “Silky” Wilky Campfort (20-1, 11 Koó) tango i runga i pakeke-patu Ronaldo “Wild” Montes (16-2, 14 Koó) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio.
Mahi undercard ētahi āhuatanga Welterweight tūturu Samuel Figueroa (8-0, 4 Koó) tango i runga i hoa hinga koreFernando Paliza (4-0, 4 Koó) i roto i te whawhai a tawhio ono, Orlando o Dennis Galarza (9-1, 6 Koó) pakanga Uribe Bernardo(14-4, 10 Koó) i roto i te waru rauna o super mahi mā whitu me te Welterweight tūturu Willie Jones (4-0, 2 Koó) tango i runga i Jamal Harris (3-0, 1 KO) i roto i te take a tawhio ono.
He tikiti mo te hui ora i runga i te hoko inaianei, me te e utu i $50 no te nohoanga i rahuitia, me te $25 no te whakauru whānui me te taea te hokona e karanga Warriors Boxing i (954) 985-1155 ranei mā te toro Taea hoki te hokona tīkiti i roto i Ticket Force i karanga (877) 840-0457.
Fanauhia i roto i te Haiti engari whawhai i roto i Fort Lauderdale, Florida, E kore kua ngaro Campfort mai i te rua o tona whawhai pro i roto i 2009. Kua ngaio whawhai i roto i te US i te-tawhito-tau 30, Ngā Moutere Keimana, Dominican Republic me tona whenua-Haiti. Ngā riro ia rima whawhai mai te timatanga o 2014 tae atu ki ngā tūnga o Milton Nuñez me Devon Moncrieffe. Ka ātete ia i Barranquilla, A Colombia Montes nei e hanga ana U.S. tuatahi.
He toa tūturu i roto i te Anasco, Puerto Rico, Titiro Figueroa ki te hanga i te mana'o ka sitepu ia i roto i nga taura i runga i Mahuru 18. Kua Kua Ko te-tau 24-tawhito kua wikitoria rua i roto i 2015 e hinga Jose Valderrama me James Robinson. E ia i runga i Paliza i roto o Sinaloa, Kua reirahia ake e wha whakaora Mexico nei tahuri pro i Hānuere o tenei tau, me te i te Tuhinga roto i taua wa.
E whawhai e kore e matara atu i tona Orlando Māori-tau 22-tawhito te Galarza, Florida ka tomo ia ki te mowhiti i runga i Mahuru 18. Tomo ia tenei whawhai ki whakaora e wha-tika i roto i te tawhiti. Anga ia i te Uribe 25-tau-tawhito i roto i Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico hanga nei e te rua o tona U.S. tīmatanga.
Whawhai i roto i Tampa, Florida, te Jones whakaongaonga ka meinga e tona tīmatanga tuatahi o 2015 hei wāhanga o te mahi undercard i runga iMahuru 18. Kite te-tawhito-tau 23 o te haerenga whakamutunga hinga ia William Lorenzo i roto i te whawhai i roto i Puerto Rico. Te ātete ia i hoa Harris hinga kore-tau 23-tawhito i roto i o Pensacola, Florida.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, BounceTV, EricksonHammerLWarriorsBoxingPromFullsail MeSwanson_Comm me te whai i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConBounce, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i, a
Bounce TV is carried on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. Bounce TV is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) kötuitui i runga i te pouaka whakaata, me te ngā i te ranunga hötaka o taketake, me te atu-whatunga raupapa, pikitia nekehanga tapere, motuhake, ora hākinakina me te ake. Bounce TV has grown to be available in more than 85 miriona mau fare puta noa 90 mākete me 90% Awherika utuafare pouaka whakaata American o — tae katoa o te mākete pouaka runga AA. I roto i nga kaiwhakatū o te Patupatu TV he whika rongonui Amerika Ambassador Andrew Young, a Martin Luther King III. No te wāhi hongere rohe, toro

Mario Barrios Exicted Mō Making Rapid Hoki ki te Ring 9/6 i roto i te Alabama

Whakaahua Na Lucas Noonan – PBC
San Antonio, TX (Mahuru 17, 2015) – Super-mā tūturu sensation, Mario Barrios (11-0, 6 Koó), hanga he hoki tere ki te mowhiti rite ka whawhai ia he TBA hoariri i runga i te Wilder vs. Duhaupas kāri, tango te wahi i te Arena Legacy i Birmingham, Alabama, Rāhoroi, Mahuru 26.
Tenei ka waiho i te tuatoru a'ee 8-a tawhio mo te San Antonio, Texas taketake. I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga i tangohia e wahi i runga i Mahuru 6 i roto i te Corpus, Christi, TX, Piro Barrios he TKO te wha whakamīharo tawhio noa ki runga Jose Cen Torres. He tinana koperea ki te ate mutu te a'ee i te 2:10 tohu o te a tawhio noa. Titiro ki te noho hohe, Kei te relishing Barrios i te whai wāhi ki te whawhai i runga i tetahi atu kāri kōtaha tiketike.
“Tenei ka waiho i toku whawhai tuarua i roto i te Mahuru me ahau tino pai ki te ara toku mahi kei te haere.” Said Mario Barrios. “Ahau aroha noho itoito me au te kimi ahau maitai atu i roto i te whakakai ki ia whawhai. Fighting i Alabama mo te wa tuatahi, i runga i te kāri nui ngā i te Campion taumahamaha o te ao, ka waiho he wheako nui. Ka taea e koe e mahara ki te ahau tangohia taku mahere kēmu i runga i toku hoa tauwhainga, te tangata e kia ai.”
Headlined PBC i te NBC e taumahamaha Deontay toa ao “Ko te rererangi Bronze” Wilder (34-0, 33 Koó) vs. Johann “Ngārara” Duhaupas (32-2, 20 Koó) ki te kapinga teata timata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT. Ka whakawhiti te haapurororaa ki NBCSN i runga i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT.

"A IT mana" - Floyd Mayweather ka ta Tuhinga MURI hinga Andre Berto


Credit Photo: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Mayweather vs. Taringa roa, Berto telecast tonu te whai i te

"URU KATOA: Mayweather vs. Berto hopearaa "


Pāwhiritia HERE Hoki te Arokite Video O hopearaa:


Whawhai whakamutunga Floyd Mayweather o, he tuuraki aravihi o Andre Berto, will premiere on SHOWTIME this Rāhoroi, E whitu. 19 i 9 p.m. AND/PT.


"E mea mōhiohio ... i ki te mohio, no te ki te whakairi ai ki runga koe,'' Korerotia Mayweather SHOWTIME Sports® pūrongo Jim Gray i muri i tona wikitoria loto whakatau mo Berto Rāhoroi whakamutunga i runga i SHOWTIME PPV® i te MGM Grand Garden Arena i Las Vegas.


"Kua kua ahau i roto i tenei hākinakina 19 tau, kua he toa ao 18 tau, wahia te pūkete katoa. There’s nothing else to prove in the sport of boxing.”


Ko te telecast roa o Mayweather vs. Berto ka whakauru i te teina rematch Kōmāmā taitara ao i waenganui i Martinez Roma me Orlando Salido, tetahi Whawhai o te kaitono Tau i roto i tenei matarohia Puerto Rico vs. Mexico totohe i mahue pā me te whawhai minamina he toru matchup.


Mayweather vs. Ka Berto kia whai tonu i te tuatahitia o "URU KATOA: Mayweather vs. Berto hopearaa. "Ko te Sports Emmy®Tohu-toa "Hopearaa" whiti te rama whakawā ki runga whawhai wiki, me tango kaimätakitaki i roto i te taura, ka ki te ngakau o te prizefighter rite kahore whakaatu atu i runga i te pouaka whakaata.

TEUTEU'I Puerto Rican Häkinakina CARLOS Ivan Velasquez ki te kanohi mā whitu AO Super TOA Javier Fortuna I Las Vegas RĀTŪ, SEPTEMBER 29 ON PREMIER BOXING toa’ “Rātū TOE-TO-TOE’ ON FS1 & FOX SPORTS

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Team Velasquez
Las Vegas, NV (Mahuru 16, 2015) – Iti iho i te rua wiki atu i tonaRātū, Mahuru 29 super-mā whitu pupūtanga taitara ao ki tūturu kaimekemeke toa ao Javier “Ko te Abejon” Fortune (28-0-1, 20 Koó), Carlos Ivan Velasquez (19-1, 12 Koó) is gearing up for the fight of his life. He fights on Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) TOE-TO-TOE RĀTŪS headlined e Fortuna vs. Velasquez, he whakaritea a'ee 12-a tawhio noa i te Poe i nikau Casino Resort i Las Vegas (9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT).
Velasquez I whanau i roto i Cataño, Puerto Rico te wahi ia me tona teina māhanga whakataetae e rua i roto i te mekemeke runaruna tipu ake. Ko ia he mema o te 2004 Kapa Puerto Rican Olympic mekemeke, engari riro ano hoki te tekau mā taitara i te Central American me Karipiana Games. Whakangungu i roto i Las Vegas, NV ki kaiwhakangungu mekemeke faaturahia Roberto Norris, Velasquez faaite i ona whakaaro i runga i te puni whakangungu, whawhai hoki Puerto Rico, me te nei i tana moe o te hoko i te toa ao.
I whawhai hoki nga pā Rican Puerto i roto i tenei tuatahi taitara faingamālie ao:
I was born and raised in Puerto Rico and I love my countrymen and country. Becoming a world champion is something I’ve been working hard for my whole life. From coming up as an amateur and Olympian to now, Kua moea e ahau e pā ana ki te toa i tenei taitara. The time has come to take my career to the next level. Being that this is my first world title shot, Ahau mateuteu kakato ki te whakaatu i te ao e ahau he toa nui, me te e opua e ahau ki te kawe mai i te taitara ki te kainga ki toku hapu katoa, hoa me te pā i runga i Mahuru 29th.”
I te whawhai toa tūturu ao Javier Fortuna:
“Whakaaro Fortuna te kotahi te whawhai nui i roto i te wehenga 130-pauna mo te take o, he’s never lost. But he’s never been in the ring with a technical fighter like myself. He has a lot of flaws that we are going to expose.
I tona taitara ao faingamālie haere mai ana i runga i FS1 & FOX Sports:
“He aha ahau e nehenehe e mea, I’m truly blessed to be fighting on PBC. FS1 and FOX Deportes are the new Rātū Night Fight channels. Rātū TOE-TO-TOE he nui hoki te hākinakina. I’m honored to be fighting in the main-event on a great network like FS1 and FOX Deportes. Boxing has now gone back to its glory days, a ka Ahau rite ki te marama ahau.”
I te whakangungu ki te kaiako hou Roberto Norris:
“Kitea e ahau i ahau i roto i te whakangungu tūranga whakamarie ki Roberto Norris, who is working great with the physical attributes that God has blessed me with. Being that Fortuna is a southpaw, Me whakatinana i tētahi mahere kēmu nui, and Norris has a masterful strategy in place. The knowledge that Norris conveys is really making a difference in my approach. I’m confident I’ll be able to dictate the pace of the fight and negate anything Fortuna tries to impose.
I te mahi ki te kaha, me te conditioning kaiako Ángel “Manatu” Heredia:
Angel Heredia is one of the best strength and conditioning coaches in boxing. With all the work we’ve done, I’ve never felt stronger going into a fight. His techniques are second to none. My stamina will be at peak performance when I step in the ring. I tua atu, Hopoi mai Manatu te rota o te wheako ki toku kokonga.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @ FOXSports1, PearlAtPalms KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook a

Hoki i roto i Amerika, Ruma whakarite ana mo te rere i taumahamaha taitara

E Eddie Chambers i runga i Galen Brown tenei Rāmere i te Claridge i Atlantic City

Atlantic City, Nj (Mahuru 16, 2015)– Tenei Rāmere po i te Claridge i Atlantic City, ao mua kaiwero taumahamaha o taitara, Eddie Chambers ka whawhai ano he taumahamaha i roto i te United States mo te wa tuatahi i roto i runga i nga tau e toru ka e ia i runga i Galen Brown i roto i te 8-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga i runga i te kāri e whakatairangatia ana e Whakatairanga Kingi o.

Ka te whakaaturanga e headlined e tetahi 8-a tawhio noa taumahamaha o a'ee e ka faatito Travis Kauffman (29-1, 21 KO o) tango i runga i Epifanio Mendoza (41-21-1, 35 KO o).

Ruma o Philadelphia, whakawerohia hoki te aito taumahamaha o te ao i roto i 2010 , i te tihi ia e Wladimr Klitschko i Düsseldorf, Germany.
Mai i reira, Kua Chambers kua ngana ana ki te tiki i hoki ki taua pae tiketike engari he mate totohe ki Tomasz Adamek me te mate ki Thabiso Mchunu i roto i Chambers’ kotahi ahua i Cruiserweight whakaaro ki te arai atu i tona ara hoki ki te tihi.
Huihui ruma ia, ka pau te wā rahi i roto i Ingarangi ki te whakangungu i roto i te puni o te kaiwero taitara whakahauanga Tyson riri, a ko taea ki te riro e rima tika (4 i te knockout) i roto i te Basileia United.
Na kei te hoki me te ia arotahi i runga i kotahi te ano te nguha taumahamaha runga, me te kowhetetia tetahi tupono i taumahamaha kororia.
“Mea katoa te haere tino pai. It has been a smooth transition coming back here,” ka mea Chambers.
“A, no te ahau ka haere ki Ingarangi, Haere ahau ki te whakaaro o te whakahau i reira, me te whiwhi nui whawhai i runga i reira. I learned a great deal of boxing, te ora, me te e pā ana ki ahau i Pita riri me te era atu o nga takatu. I was creating a life there. I just want to come back here now but I do plan to fight in England again. They have knowledgeable fight fans and they really embraced me.
Na hoki i roto i te Amerika, Kua inked ake Chambers ki Al Haymon me ongo'i ia e ko te wa e tika ana ki te hanga tetahi neke i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha tenei.
“Fighting tata ki te kāinga ko te āhuatanga pai ki te hoki mai ki. I have been able to train in familiar surroundings and I am just going to do my thing.
I roto i Brown, Kei te whawhai ia he hōia kopurepure nei i whawhai 75 wa ka tangohia i te maha toa mua, challengers taitara me te runga contenders.
“Ko ia he journeyman, engari faatura ahau whawhai katoa. Anyone who gets in the ring, Me faatura koe. He has fought 75 e mohio ana nga wa, me te rota o te tinihanga, me he rorirori, me te rereke.”
Chambers believes that he is close to getting back in position and it won’t be long that he is back fighting for the title.
“E noho nei ahau i taumahamaha. I want the bigger fights as soon as I can. I think because of my name, wheako, me te āheinga, Ka kaua mai e faingamālie wawe atu i muri mai, me te titiro atu ahau ki taua. I want to thank my team and fans for the continued support and look for me to get back into a big fight real shortly.
Also appearing in an 8-round bout will be Cruiserweight Keith Tapia (15-0, 10 KO o) o Santurce, Puerto Rico tango i runga i Anthony Caputo Smith (15-5, 10 KO o) o Kennett Square, PA

Ivan Golub (8-0, 6 KO o) o Brooklyn, Ka whawhai NY Pavel Miranda (19-10-1, 9 KO o) o Tijuana, Mexico in a Super Welterweight bout.

I roto i te pāngia 6-a tawhio:
Riria i Yuleussinov (3-0, 2 KO o) o Brooklyn, NY whawhai Justin Williams (4-10-2, 2 KO o) o Beaumont, Texas i roto i te whawhai Super whitu.
Danny Kelly (8-1-1, 7 KO o) o Washington, Ka whawhai DC Jimmy Suarez (3-6, 3 KO o) o Aguada, PR i roto i te a'ee taumahamaha.

I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio noa:

Alex Barbosa (4-2-1, 1 KO) o Philadelphia, Ka whawhai PA Jose Garcia (0-4) o San Juan, Puerto Rico i roto i te whakataetae mā whitu
Pavlo Ishchenko o Brooklyn, Ka meinga e NY tona tuatahi pro ki Nicholas Rodriguez (0-2-1) o Somerset, KY i roto i te whakataetae mā whitu.
Ka taea te hokona tikiti mo $100, $75 a $50 mā te pā ranei i karanga karanga 610 587 5950 ranei 609 868 4243

Del Valle Faauruhia e iwi Oquendo me Martinez

Del Valle wins.jpg
Bayamon, Puerto Rico (Mahuru 15, 2015) - Last Rāhoroi, mā whitu nguha Luis "Orlandito" kite Del Valle hoa Puerto Ricans Honatana Oquendo ko Ramon "Rocky" Martinez i whakaongaonga whawhai hei wāhanga o te undercard Floyd Mayweather-Andre Berto.
Ka ngaro e toru pāngia mua ki te whawhai i te taumata toa, Ko atu Oquendo ki te whakamatau e pai kia tona wa tuawha he ātahu ki e rua-wehenga titlist Jhonny Gonzalez o Mexico. He underdog nui, Patua Oquendo he knockdown a tawhio tuatahi ki te maturuturu Gonzalez te a tawhio noa rawa muri en huarahi ki te wikitoria whakatau nuinga whakangahau. Ko te nui o tona mahi te win me e ia i roto i te tūranga mō te pere taitara ao.
I muri i taua ahiahi, Martinez awhina tona aito WBO Super mā ki Orlando Salido. Mohiotia i roto i Puerto pā Rican mō rua patoto i roto i tino tauā Juan Manuel Lopez, Riro Salido taitara i 126 a 130 pauna, a ka titiro ki te takitaki i te mate o mua ki Martinez. I roto i te toru a tawhio noa, Piro Salido he knockdown i tautohetia engari mutu ia ia ake i runga i te koaka i muri i roto i taua tumanako angalelei o te Martinez ringa matau. Mai i reira, Whakakitea Martinez ko Salido i titiro he aha te Puerto Rico vs Mexico rite totohe pai te mekemeke, haere ki te whawhai tae noa ki te pere whakamutunga. Kingi te whawhai i te afa te utu, me te pea e te toru o kēmu tango i te wahi.
Ka rite ki tona teina Del Valle, 19-2, Kua i piki me ngā heke i roto i tona mahi. I roto i te 2011, piro ia pai riro i te mahi ki tino te whakaaro Dat Nguyen ki te hopu i te karauna NABA mā i roto i te New York City iti iho i te 24 haora i mua i te Puerto Rican Day Parade. Kia aroha mai, ka haere mai ana mate tokorua i runga i ngā wāhanga nui ki te toa o mua rua-wehenga ao Vic Darchinyan me te ake controversially ki nguha hinga kore Luis Rosa. I muri i te Maehe 2014 setback ki Rosa, Ka mau Del Valle wa atu i te whakakai me i homai he tuku i ona kirimana whakatairanga, me te whakahaere. Understanding e ko ia i roto i te wahi uaua atu i te tau torutoru i mua, ia āta arotakea ana kōwhiringa.
Tenei Maehe mua, Phillip Del Valle mā te kaute i te 8thTuhinga tawhio noa ki runga kaitiaki Roberto Castaneda me hainatanga ki Roc Nation Sports Jay-Z o. I muri i te win, whakangahau ia he torutoru e horo'a whawhai, me te hua noa ki te whawhai i te wa torutoru ake i roto i 2015. Ko te mahi i ana teina Heoi hoatu po Rāhoroi whakamutunga ia i roto i te pakirehua rerekē katoa ka haere ia ki te omaoma i te ata i muri mai.
"I tino faahiahia ahau e Rocky me Oquendo,"Said Del Valle. "I tukua e rua parekura maha engari kua kaha ia ratou na roto i te raveraa i runga i te atamira nui wiki whakamutunga. I muri te mātakitaki i te whawhai, Noho ahau hoki ka mohio e taea e ahau, ki te he faingamālie rite homai. Te reira faauru mau ahau uaua ki te whakangungu no te mea e hiahia ana ahau ki te hanga Puerto Rico whakakake!"
Te kore te huinga rā mōhiohio mō tana tukinga muri, Kei te tumanako Del Valle manako ia he wahi i runga i Miguel cotto-a Haora "Canelo" Alvarez undercard me fafau ki te whakaongaonga, ki te hoatu i te rave'a.
"Atu i tetahi atu whawhai e atu oaoa pā mekemeke Real mō cotto-Canelo tenei tau, tae atu Mayweather-Pacquiao. Ko te haere ki te tetahi atu pene nui i roto i te totohe Puerto Rico-Mexico. Hiahia kia te reira mai te moe pono ki te whawhai i runga i taua kāri ki te kaimekemeke Mexican runga. Au vēkeveke ki te whakaatu i te ao e Orlandito he hoki, he hihiri hoki ahau!"
Ka taea e Fans te whai Del Valle i runga i TwitterOrlanditoboxing.



Ētahi atu! Whakaongaonga taumahamaha me 2012 U.S. Häkinakina Michael Hunter me Tūturu Light taumahamaha Knockout Artist Ahmed Elbiali
Roto i te pāngia Motuhake
Tīkiti ON Tuhinga NOW!
Shelton, WA. (Mahuru 16, 2015) – Taumahamaha tūturu Gerald “Ko te Rooster Black” Washington, (16-0, 11 Koó) whawhai Amir “Hardcore” Mansour (22-1, 16 Koó) i roto i te hui matua 10-a tawhio noa i runga i te Rātū, October 13 putanga o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i FS1 a Fox Deportes i te Little Creek Resort Casino i Shelton, WA.
Ngā ano i runga i te kāri e 2012 United States Häkinakina me te taumahamaha tūturu Michael Hunter, (9-0, 6Koó) a te marama toi knockout taumahamaha Ahmed Elbiali, (12-0, 11Koó) i roto i te pāngia motuhake. Haamata kapinga teata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.
“Te rapu atu ahau ki takahi ki te mowhiti ki Amir Mansour,” ka mea a Washington. “Ko toku wa ki te hanga i te tauākī tenei. Ka meinga e ahau he tauira o Amir Mansour ki kia mohio te wehenga taumahamaha e reira te he mutoi hou i roto i te pa. No atu 'Mr. Guy Nice ', te reira te wā hoki ki ahau kawe i te mamae!”
“Kua kore noa mai tata Gerald Washington ki te tangata whawhai o toku ërä,” Said Mansour. “Kei a ia kore painga anake mo te tiketike, me te au a'usia ahau nui ki te tango i taua atu. Ko te ōrite ki ahau kei te haere ki te whakauru Washington ki te ao katoa hou o te whawhai me te au mohio kore te rite ia mo tenei momo o te whawhai.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $100, $60, $40, $30 a $20, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i runga i te hoko i roto i te Little Creek Casino Resort roto i to ratou paetukutuku i teie nei, ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-667-7711. E tū ana te Little Creek Casino Resort te i 91 Te. State Route 108 i roto i te Shelton, Washington 98584. Ka whakatuwhera Doors i runga i te po o te hui i 5 p.m. PT.
“Kei tino oaoa ki te hoki ki te Little Creek Resort Casino ki tenei kāri tino tatou,” mea Tom Brown o TGB Whakatairanga. “Washington ko Hunter e rua o te putanga mai nga whetu e tiaho i runga i te scene taumahamaha Amerika me Elbiali ko tetahi o te pai opuaraa marama taumahamaha roto i te mekemeke.”
He kaitākaro e rua-ara (mutunga whäiti me te mutunga ārai) i te University o Southern California, Washington pau wa ki te pupu Seattle Seahawks a Buffalo Pire mahi i runga i tona ara rereke i arahina ia ki te mekemeke. Ko te-tau 33-tau mahi ano i roto i te Navy, ano he mīhini topatopa i mua i te haere ki USC, a kihai i whiwhi ki tona timatanga i roto i te mekemeke ngaio noa 2012. Whawhai i roto i San Jose, California, Ko ia ano ki te ngaro i roto i tona feinga hou me tino tata patua Jason Gavern i Maehe, a ka kia anga tona whakataetae uaua ki Mansour.
He toa pēhanga whakaongaonga i roto i Wilmington, Delaware, Mansour looks for his third straight victory on October 13. The 43-year-old owns victories over Dominick Guinn, Epifanio Mendoza ko Kelvin Price. Mutu ana ngā haerenga whakamutunga e rua ki te knockout mīharo o Fred Kassi me te wikitoria mo Joey Dawejko.
Mai tahuri ngaio i roto i te tīmatanga o 2013 e whai ake nei i te London Olympic Games, te Hunter-tau 27-tawhito, whawhai i roto i Las Vegas, NV, Kua ki te whiti tonu. Ki te toru whakaora i roto i 2015, te whakamutunga e rua i te knockout ka titiro ia ki te haere ano ki te tīwae win.
He Māori o Kairo, Ihipa e noho nei ki Miami, Hanga FL te Elbiali-tau 24-tawhito te tere hoki ki te mowhiti e whai ake nei i te knockout a tawhio tuatahi o Fabiano Peno i runga i Rātū, Mahuru 8 i te tuatahi o FS1 o Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i te Hollywood, Palladium.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi aāinga, Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, gwgallonegro, hardcoremansourTGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i and i roto


Brooklyn (Mahuru 16, 2015)–Tonu te rārangi faahiahia no kaiwhakatairanga Dmitriy Salita ki te whakawhānui i, a maongo kaitiaki ahumahi ki te kounga o ngä kaitäkaro i raro i te kara Salita.
Kupu, te kaiwhakatairanga mekemeke Brooklyn-e hāngai ana te hanga i te ingoa rite te kaiwhakatairanga runga i raro i pakeke 40 i roto i te kēmu i teie mahana, Ko te whakakake ki te kauwhau i te hainatanga o Nikolay Potapov, te 13-0 (6 Koó) whā.

Whakatau te hai Russian 25-tau-tawhito te No. 11 i roto i bantamweights e Boxrec, a No. 14 i roto i te WBO, kaha mīharo hoki te kaimekemeke ki na torutoru haerenga ngaio.

“Ahau-te whakatairanga tahi ahau Potapov ki kaiwhakatairanga Russian Pavel Povlov, ko wai te peresideni o te kamupene whakatairanga Podolsk Fighting League,” Na ka mea a Word. “Nikolay he fiefia ki te whawhai i roto i te United States, a ka whakamatautau ko ia te pai i roto i te ao! Ki te hanga ngangau ano bantamweights, e hiahia ana ia ki te maka ia ia i roto i te ranunga me te he māia ka whiua e ia Jamie McDonnell, Tomoki Kameda, Randy Caballero ko Lee Haskins. nga challengers runga katoa me toa i roto i te wehenga!”

I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga whiua Potapov Jason Canoy, nei tauanga E kore te. 14 i roto i te WBC me No. 12 i roto i te IBF.

Nikolay Potapov i runga 180 runaruna whawhai a riro tauwhāinga motu me te ao tini, Said Word, haere mai atu tona angitu “Brooklyn Pakanga” kāri tū i Coney Island, i rere i runga i ESPN3.

Ko Potapov i runga i te te ara nohopuku; kua whawhai kua ia e wha tekau perei me tetahi tekau ma rua rounder.

Ka taea e pā whawhai titau ki te kite i te kaimeke nei e pai ki te kōkiri, pai ki te hei pukumahi, tuu ana nifó koroiroi, taia ngā ki te koronga kino…katoa i roto i te katoa, te ia he nguha toka-totoka.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo toronga

Teata a'ee ki Fred KASSI ascenceur KI 26 o Hepetema

Taupae, California (Mahuru 16, 2015) – I roto i te huringa o ngā te marama i mua ki tona a'ee matua-kaupapa whakaritea i runga i October 13, runga

U.S. amanaki taumahamaha Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (15-0, 14 KO o) Ka hoki inaianei ki te mowhiti i runga i te raupapa Mekemeke Champions Pirimia i runga i Mahuru 26 on prime time television. BREAZEALE, nana nei i whakatitiro ake te Pirimia mekemeke Champions Rangatū (PBC) tenei Pipiri mua, ka waiho te hui tahi-matua i runga i te kāri Wilder-Duhaupas i Birmingham, Alabama.
Te 2012 U.S. Tonu ka Häkinakina fehangahangai Cameroon taketake Fred Kassi (18-3-1, 10 KO o) in a scheduled 10-round bout. BREAZEALE, nei kua whakangungu pakeke i roto i te puni ko oaoa e pā ana te whai wāhi me te pono titiro atu ki tenei a'ee ka ū mai.

Photo c / o Pita Politanoff
Photo c / o Pita Politanoff

“A, no te ahau farii te piiraa i toku kaitohutohu Al Haymon tenei wiki mua tono ahau ki te ko ahau tuwhera ki oreore ana ake toku a'ee ki te 26, I was all for it. To be able to fight on prime time television on NBC is a blessing. I remember speaking with my grandmother before my last bout who doesn’t have cable and she was able to see me last time on regular television. It means a lot to me that she is able to watch me again.

I am also looking forward to this bout as it is headlined by Deontay Wilder. It’s no secret that I am gunning for him and I want that championship belt. I want to be the heavyweight champion of the world and this televised bout is a great opportunity to showcase my skills while gaining fans and will put me in that position for a shot at the title. I want to send a message that I’m coming for those belts”, Said Breazeale.
“Here Mai te pouri