Category Archives: mekemeke

Heavyweight contender Travis Kauffman chimes in on controversial decision with Chris Arreola

Reading, PA (Hakihea 14, 2015) -Tenei mua Rāhoroi night at the AT & T Center in San Anonio, Taumahamaha Travis Kauffman (30-2, 22 KO o) and former two-time world title challenger Chris Arreola engaged in a action packed bout that saw Arreola get a dubious split decision by scores 114-113 twice for Arreola and 114-113 for Kauffman.
Most accounts of the fight had Kauffman getting the decision, which included PBC ringside scorer Steve Farhood.
Kauffman o te Reading, PA. pushed the action and landed the more telling blows, which included a knockdown in round three from a jab-right hand combination. The fight validated Kauffman as a player in the division, but he wasn’t satisfied with just a good performance.
“Ite e ahau pai. I thought I did enough to win the fight. I had it 8-4 ranei 7-5 in my favor plus the knockdown,” said Kauffman after viewing the fight.
I dominated from rounds three to nine. I took off ten and eleven as I thought that I was secure with my lead. I dominated the twelfth round and after a three-punch combination, Chris went falling back and it looked like his glove touched the canvas. Kāore he mea he aha, I thought I won the twelfth round. I backed him up the entire fight. I dominated him at his own game.
Kauffman believes that he won over the crowd and those in attendance thought that he deserved the nod as well.
The crowd booed me as I came into the ring and cheered me when I left. I won them over and I won over the boxing public.
With the performance, Kauffman should be in line for another significant fight in the first quarter of 2016.
I spoke to my manager, Al Haymon and he said that bigger things are going to happen for me. Weather it is a rematch or someone else, Ko ahau rite mo taua. I showed that I am a force in the division. I worked for so long for this fight, so I am just going to take a week off and enjoy my kids and I will be right back in the gym. I am looking to be back sometime between February and April.
I appreciate all the fans. The ones that have been with me before the fight one the ones that became fans i runga i Rāhoroi.”
Said Kauffman’s father Marshall Kauffman, “I am very proud of Travis and what he did in the fight Just look at each of them and you could tell who took the beating in the fight. The worst case scenario, the fight it was 6-6 but Travis scored the knockdown that should have gave him the fight. I believe he will get another opportunity. He showed what he is capable of doing.

Photos by Joe TarleckyTeam Kauffman

Corito Stops Ellis as Gelder Outpoints Bogdanovic In Malta


I te Rāmere po, at the Aria Complex in San Gwann, Malta’s own Heavyweight King Billy Corito scored yet another emphatic victory, this time over late replacement, Great Britain’s Matt Ellis.


Originally Corito was lined up to face Lee Kellett, who unfortunately was unable to make it through the floods in Cumbria to compete against the local star on this special Stephen Vaughan promoted Malta versus UK charity event, Fight For Life in aid of Caritas.


In front of a packed house, both fighters started hard and fast, Ellis utilising his jab to good effect to stop the local hero getting in too close, however as the bout progressed nothing Ellis could do could stop Corito getting in close and letting rip with big rights to the body of the Englishman.


The first two rounds were very close, but the third was a different matter altogether, Corito started fast and backed the Englishman onto the ropes with some superb combinations, once there Corito proceeded to target the body and then around the thirty second mark let rip with a powerful body shot that sent Ellis to the canvas, then as referee Lee Murtagh began the count the Englishman’s corner threw the towel in, which was ignored and the referee continued to count Ellis out.


The official time of the stoppage was thirty three seconds of the third round.


Following his victory Corito was informed by Stephen Vaughan that his next fight will be in the United Kingdom, where he will fight in a six rounder on the undercard of Tasif Khan versus Isaac Quaye WBU Super Flyweight World Championship bout in Bradford on February 6th.


Prior to Corito-Ellis, local Light Heavyweight Goran Bogdanovic made his professional debut against Bilston, West Midlands, UK’s Jamie Gelder.


Gelder started hard and fast, taking the fight to Bogdanovic, and then continued to keep up the high pace of attack for the entire four rounds, forcing Bogdanovic to be defensive throughout.


Bogdanovic did have some success, backing the Englishman onto the ropes and letting rip with fast and furious combinations of his own, however not enough to capture any of the rounds.


After four sensational rounds of boxing Judges Nick Aish and Stephen Farrugia both scored it 36-40, whilst Judge Gwayn Bonsfield scored the bout 37-39, all in favour of Jamie Gelder.


Supporting the two professional bouts were a number of Malta vs UK Novice Pro bouts as well as two exhibition bouts featuring local fighters.

Whakatairanga Mayweather ke fokotu'u ma'u “Whārangi 4 Tīkiti” AROHA DRIVE KI AONGA “Whārangi FOR TOTS” PoLoKaLaMa FOR PBC runga i te Koi SHOW PARAIRE, HAKIHEA 18 MEI TE PEARL AT nikau Casino RESORT I Las Vegas

Whārangi taea te maturuturu OFF
Las Vegas (Hakihea 14, 2015) – Whakatairanga Mayweather ka mau te “Taonga tākaro 4 Tickets” puku aroha i roto i te mua o te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i Koi whakaatu tango te wahi Rāmere, Hakihea 18 i te Poe i Palms Casino Resort i Las Vegas.
Ka whai hua te puku aroha te “Taonga tākaro hoki Tots” te hōtaka, e whai ana ki te tuwha taonga tākaro ki ngā tamariki iti waimarie i roto i te wa hararei. Ka taea te maturuturu iho Taonga tākaro atu i te Ka rite ki Lounge i roto i te Nikau Casino Resort i runga i Rāpare, Hakihea 17 i 3 p.m. ki 6 p.m. a Rāmere, Hakihea 18 i 2 p.m. ki 7 p.m.
Fans nei te koha i te ha'uti puohu hou ka riro i te utunga huhu'i tīkiti i te Tari Pouaka Pearl Pikitia i te Palms Casino Resort. Ko uara Tikite $25 ki te rohe o te wha ia tangata.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, RealKidBlast, _ChrisPearson, GervontaDavis, SpikeTV, SpikeSports, MayweatherPromo, WarriorsBoxingProm,PearlAtPalms KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook a

Omar FIGUEROA pau ANTONIO Demarco roto i te primetime slugfest ON PREMIER BOXING toa ON NBC MEI TE AT&T CENTER I San Antonio

Victor Ortiz, Terrell GAUSHA & MARIO Barrios PICK UP whakaora i roto i PBC ON NBCSN MAHI
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Suzanne Teresa / Pirimia Boxing Champions
San Antonio (Hakihea 13, 2015) – Tūturu Omar “Panterita” Figueroa (26-0-1, 18 Koó) riro te slugfest kaha i runga i te toa mua ao Antonio DeMarco(31-6-1, 23 Koó) i roto i te primetime Rāhoroi po i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga iNBC i te AT&Center T i San Antonio.
Roaa Figueroa te whakatau loto i roto i te pakanga mahi-Kikī e kite i te taunga Texas-Māori ki te tonga i runga i 1000 nifó puta noa 12 rauna. Figueroa te nuinga te rauna tuatahi e ono o te whawhai, i whiua e te tini ngā, me te tango iti kino i hoariri ki tona.
Ora te hōia Mexican DeMarco tona pai mo te hawhe tuarua o te whawhai, a ko taea e ki te pinepine nifó mana ma ki te ino-whakaaro Figueroa whenua. I roto i te 11th-tawhio, Na kopiko DeMarco Figueroa ki te raupapa o headshots me ki te whai ia ia i roto i te raru nui ka puta. Ora ake nui ki te ora i te a tawhio noa, me te riro i te tumanako whakamutunga i roto i te kanohi o te katoa kaiwhakawa e toru Figueroa.
Maka ngā te whawhai 1160 nifó mana ki noa 519 ārai. U Figueroa 48 ōrau o ngā tītere kaha i hono DeMarco i runga i 45 ōrau o tana. Te 1092 ki 587 i taea painga putanga tokua mo Figueroa kua whakamatauria ki te riro i te rerekētanga rite ia-u i roto i hoariri tona 414 ki 225.
Ko te kaiwhakawa whakamutunga’ kaute i 116-112 a 115-113 rua.
I roto i te hui tahi-ngā, Chris “Ko te moepapa” Arreola (37-4-1, 31 Koó) roaa te wikitoria ritua-whakatau i runga i Travis “Toku Time” Kauffman (30-2, 22 Koó) i roto i te pupūtanga taumahamaha 12-a tawhio noa e noho ake ki te paru korero whawhai-mua i waenganui i nga hoa mākutu o mua.
Tīmata i roto i kaha Arreola, toa i te rauna tuatahi e rua i runga i te katoa kaiwhakawa e toru’ scorecards. I roto i te toru a tawhio noa, Hoatu Kauffman he huinga autaia ki te matenga, me te tinana i kakahuria Arreola i runga i te whāriki.
Tömuri te te knockdown Arreola iho ano Kauffman riro e rima rauna i waenganui i rauna e toru me te iwa i te whakaaturanga hīkoinga pai, me te kekeno tinana. I muri i te iti pupuhi e Kauffman i roto i te taka noa iwa, Ka mau Arreola ha ngaahi miniti ki te ora i mua i tonu te kaiwawao te mahi. Puta te wa anō ki te hoatu Arreola he hau tuarua rite oti ia kaha, ka tutakina te whawhai ki te mahi mīharo i roto i te toru rauna whakamutunga.
Ko e pā ana ki rite kuiti te whakatau ritua rite reira i taea e ki e rua kaiwhakawa’ te kaute i te a'ee 114-113 mo Arreola me te kaiwhakawa atu ki te kaute kotahi mo Kauffman. Arreola-u i roto i Kauffman 216-206 i roto i te nifó katoa, ka hono i runga i 57 ōrau o ngā tītere mana.
Headlining te NBCSN telecast mua, toa o mua te ao “Nanakia” Victor Ortiz (31-5-2, 24 Koó) hoki i te rauna yearlong ki te mutu Gilberto Sanchez-Leon (31-15-2, 13 Koó) i roto i te waru o tawhio o ratou a'ee Welterweight.
Ortiz I hoki e haere mai i te kawititanga pakaru i tukua i te mutunga o tana a'ee whakamutunga i roto i te Hakihea 2014 a ko kaha ki te whenua 50 ōrau o ana nifó mana. Haere mai te Tuhinga i 2:57 ki te waru o tawhio i roto i te a'ee whakaritea mō 10.
San Antonio-Māori Mario Barrios (14-0, 8 Koó) faahiahia i roto i te mua o tona pā oire i runga i tona ara ki tu Manuel maira (18-5, 11 Koó) 31 hēkona ki te ono o nga tawhio. Barrios whakakitea tika whakamate, tauranga 54 ōrau o ana nifó kaha, me te 46 ōrau o ana nifó katoa.
I roto i te NBCSN mahi e whai te haapurororaa primetime, 2012 U.S. Häkinakina Terrell Gausha (17-0, 8 Koó) i pupuri i tona record tino tonu, hinga Ka mea a El Harrak (12-4-2, 7 Koó) i roto i te whawhai whitu 10-a tawhio noa. Tuhia Gausha he knockdown i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa, a cruised ki te 100-89 whakatau rite ki nga mea katoa kaiwhakawa e toru.
“Ko te ahua o te whawhai ahau e aroha ki te kia i roto i enei. He iti te ngaru atu kua e pai ahau me whakaatu te reira i toku mata. Ko te he whawhai pai. E hiahia ana ahau i mea ai ahau pai engari i nga wa e ahau te mahi i te pai e taea e ahau.
“Toku faaotiraa Ko te aha te awhina i ahau riro i tēnei whawhai. E kore e haere au e ahau ki te ngaro i te whawhai. E kore ahau e whai i roto i ahau. Kua ahau i nga whara. I taea e whai i ahau he takakau e ngaro ana engari e haere tonu ahau ki te kitea he huarahi ki te riro i te whawhai.
“Ko te he huru nui. I taea e rongo ahau i te pā huro ahau i runga i a te reira i te mana'o nui. E mohio ana ahau i tautoko ahau i te iwi ki konei ki runga, me te ahau noa hiahia ki te hoatu i te reira taku katoa.
“Ko te ngakau katoa, me piro i roto i reira. Ko te aha whakawhirinaki ahau i runga i ka katoa atu hemo. To tatou pai te mahi matou ki te haere mai i roto i ki te wikitoria.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai i roto i te piha haapiiraa taimaha 140-pauna. Tupu te tahi mau mea i roto i te mana tatou o me tika hiahia matou ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu mo nga pā. Kei te whiwhi nui toku tinana, engari e hiahia ana ahau ki te mahi i te tahi mau mea i 140-pauna i mua i te neke ahau ake. E tatou te mahi i to tatou pai, e ako tatou e nahea ia rave i te mea e tika. Kei tatou i roto i te tukanga akoranga.
“Ite oku ringa tino pai. Titiro ratou rite ki nga ringa. Ko tehea te pai. Titiro toku kanohi ano he kanohi, noa te mata whiua ake.
“Antonio hoatu e ahau he rota o te faatura i muri i te whawhai, a ka korerotia e ia ki ahau e 'e fāmilí ko te mea tino nui.’ Tatou patunga tapu katoa i roto i te puni whakangungu me matou kei tika na mauruuru e whiwhi tatou ki te whawhai.
“Kua kore whakatane ahau i roto i ahau. Kua ahau i whawhai ki te whara, me te ati. Ko te tika e kore i roto i ahau ki te whakamutu.”
“Whakaaro ahau ka e ahau he Unuunu i roto o te whawhai, engari te ia i konei i roto i te kāwanatanga tana whare, ki tona mano te kāinga, a faatura e ahau te whakatau.
“Ko ia nui noa rawa. Kāore he ngatahi, engari e mohio ana ahau ko te aha i taea e ki te muri i te whawhai tonu ki ahau e ia e.
“I ia e aki noa ahau i mua, e aki ana ki ahau i mua, me te whakamahi i tana taimaha tinana, engari e kore ia i tukino i ahau i tetahi wa.”
“Kihai ahau i mamae i te knockdown, ko reira atu o te knockdown flash.”
“Unuhia e ahau i roto i roto i te rauna taitara. Ko ahau i roto i te āhua nui, ka ko e te rerekētanga i roto i toku toa.
I had to show him a little different look tonight and not just bull rush him. Haere mai ia ki ahau, e māmā ake te reira i hanga hoki ahau. Conditioning was the deciding factor tonight.
“Ae, E hoatu e ahau Travis Kauffman he rematch. Tetahi wa, e nehenehe ia tatou ia rave i te reira ano.
“Kua ahau ki te whiwhi i te whawhai taitara ao, me te whai ki te riro convincingly. Ki te whawhai ahau Deontay Wilder, Kua ahau ki te kia i roto i te āhua nui.
“Kei te haere ahau ki te tango i te tau faafaaearaa iti ki reira te utuafare whakamahere ahau i runga i te hoki i roto i te omaoma tika muri New Tau.”
Travis Kauffman
“E kore ahau i te kotahi anake i whakaaro riro ahau i te whawhai, whakaaro te mano katoa riro ahau i te whawhai. Whawhaitia e ahau te whawhai nui. Ahau i haere mai ki konei ki te riro. E kore ahau he slouch, Ahau i te toa. Kua kua ahau te mahi i tenei toku ora katoa.
I didn’t get the victory that I deserved tonight, engari ko ahau e taea ki te riro i runga i te mano, a riro ahau mo Amerika.
“Ka haere te mano i roto i te oaoa no te Chris. Mahue ratou huro hoki ahau.”
Victor Ortiz
“Ko ia he toa tino uaua. Ka eke ia etahi pakūtanga pai i roto i. E kore ahau e rite te hanga ngatahi. I roto i nga tau e toru, Kua anake whawhai ahau rua. He ko te rota o te waikura. Ko Au te oaoa noa ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te whakakai.
“Ahau i mamae katoa. Ua oaoa vau i mo e me rite ki te haere i mua.
“Ko i roto i toku mua toku mua. E hiahia ana ahau ki te haere hoki i te reira. Tetahi o nga Welterweights runga, E hiahia ana ratou e ahau.
“Ko maere tēnei puni. E kore noa Joel Diaz, engari kua te rōpū katoa i ki ahau 24/7 a kua kua ratou whakamataku. Ko te he rawa nui ki te whai i enei ahua o te iwi i roto i toku kokonga.
“I roto i te mua, Kitea tonu ahau i ahau e tupekepeke ana i te pū. Ua tauturu teie kaiako pōturi ahau ki raro,. Ko te tino tenei he taahiraa i mua.
“Au e ahau toku ake kino fakaanga. He te te rota ki te whakapai ake i runga i. I pai toku reflexes ko toku wā ko atu. Pea e tika ana ki te hohekore. Ahau na mauruuru no tenei faingamālie, me te whai ahau i te whai wāhi hou katoa ki te tae ki toku whāinga.”
MARIO Barrios
“Au te oaoa noa ki kua taea ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu nui mo toku utuafare e te mau hoa. Matau inaianei mana'o nui ahau au te. Kihai i taea e ahau hei tetahi oaoa ake.
“Tīmata tatou ki te mahere kēmu e faaafaroraa mahi atu to tatou werohanga, me te kato to tatou matā. Tiaki ia ki te mahi ake i te waenganui, me te e founga kitea e matou puare.
“I tetahi wāhi ko ahau rite ki te noho ki reira, me te whawhai ki a ia, engari e kore e ko e te mahere mo tenei whawhai. Ko te mahere ko ki te kia mātau, me e te mea ta tatou.
“Toku tiketike, me te rahi, ko te tahi mea mahi tonu tatou i runga i me te whakamahi i ki to tatou painga.”
Terrell GAUSHA
I’m very happy with my performance but I still have a lot of improvements to make in the gym.
“Mau ahau ia ki etahi pakūtanga tinana pai, a ko taua te rerekētanga.
“E kore matou e ngä tetahi, but I’m ready for someone in the top 10. Te hinaaro nei au ki te whawhai ano i roto i te Hui-tanguru ki te taea.”
# # #
I roto i te rōpū PBC i te NBC me NBCSN i whakatairangatia ana e Leija Battah Whakatairanga ki TGB Whakatairanga
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, , OmarFigueroaJr, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at a Highlights wātea

MARIO Barrios Tuhinga mīharo knockout

San Antonio, TX (Hakihea 12, 2015) – Rising whetu me sensation super-mā, Mario Barrios (14-0, 8 Koó), noho tūturu tonu ki te knockout te ono mīharo tawhio noa ki runga Manuel maira (18-5, 11 Koó). Ko te a'ee, i teata hei wāhanga o te PBC i runga i mau a NBCSN wahi i te AT&Center T i tona whenua o San Antonio, Texas.
Mai i te whakatuwheratanga a tawhio noa, Whakapumautia Barrios tona aroaro i roto i te whakakai rite u ia te tini matā mana, mostly to the body and head. A powerful right uppercut followed by a monstrous left hook sent Vides crashing to the canvas head first, mutu te a'ee i te 2:29 tohu o tawhio ono.
“Ua ite au i kaha haere ki te mowhiti i te po nei,” Said Mario Barrios. “We had a great training camp and I got a lot of good sparring to get me prepared for this fight. I got into a good rhythm early and kept my foot on the pedal. I had him hurt early but he was a very tough opponent and pushed me to the later rounds. By coach Bob Santos told me to start throwing more uppercuts and that’s when I landed that big shot in the sixth round. I followed the right uppercut with a left hook and got him out of there.
Ki te te win, Noho, ko wai kua runga i te ara nohopuku ngā, recorded his seventh victory of 2015. He’s very pleased to be staying active as he ascends to the top of the super-featherweight division.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai PBC me NBC mo tenei faingamālie.” Tonu Barrios. “To be part of the PBC series is a dream come true. My goal is to continue winning and become a PBC superstar. I also want to thank my team for all their hard work. I’m very happy with my performance and I couldn’t have done it without them. I’m looking forward to another busy year in 2016.

Regis PROGRAIS KNOCKS I ABEL Ramos I matchup o hinga Tuhinga 140-PAUNA I MATUA MAHINGA OFSHOBOX: THE NEW whakatupuranga ON SHOWTIME®

Zenunaj, Rārangi ko Baranchyk katoa Impress Ki knockouts

I Bayou City Takahanga Center I roto i Houston;

Taumahamaha kaiwero Artur Szpilka Faka'eke'eke I roto i telecast


Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos

Credit Photo: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME


HOUSTON (Dec. 12, 2015) - Regis Prograis te nuinga tūturu mua Apera Ramosen huarahi ki te TKO iwa-a tawhio noa i roto i te hui matua o ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ora i runga i SHOWTIME i runga i te Paraire i Bayou City Takahanga Center i Houston.


Papatono (16-0, 13 Koó) I te hono i te neke atu i te 5-1 whakawā i te toru rauna whakamutunga o te whawhai i te aroaro o Ramos 'kokonga ui kaiwawao Laurence Cole ki te mutu i te whawhai.


Ki te mate - me te hua o mua i roto i te quadrupleheader - ka Ramos te 139thtoa ki te tukua tona mate tuatahi i runga i te raupapa, whanaketanga amanaki.


Prograis was the more aggressive and effective fighter from the outset. U ia 53 ōrau o ana matā kaha whakaritea ki noa 28 ōrau mō Ramos i whiua e nui atu i 250 atu nifó katoa.


Ramos (14-1-2, 9 Koó) simply couldn’t deal with Prograis’ speed and movement. At the finish, ko ia he takirimatia te toto i te tapahia huri noa tona kanohi maui, me te tatua ka i runga i te tihi o tona matenga, a kihai i whakahoki mo te aroraa o nifó i tona hoariri tūturu.


"Ko te he whawhai maere,” Prograis said. “It was really, tino uaua, me te kore i whakaaro ahau i haere ahau ki te mutu ia, but I did. We stuck to the game plan and I am happy.


“He was really messed up. I don’t like to talk bad about my opponents, engari e ahau tino kino ia ia, me te whakaaro e pea ratou kia kua mutu te reira i mua. Koe e kore e hiahia ana ki te kino ia tangata e kino i te wahi e taea te pā te reira ratou i roto i te oma roa. "


I muri i te whawhai, Amuamu Ramos e kore ko ia te taua i muri i te reke upoko kōpeka i roto i te rima o e tuwhera te tapahia pawhare, i runga i te tihi o tona matenga.


Late-whakakapinga Dardan Zenunaj tukua amanaki Kōmāmā mua hinga kore Bryant Cruz te mate tuatahi o tona mahi i muri kaiwhakangungu Cruz ' Ronnie Shields called an end to the fight after the seventh round. Zenunaj was ahead 67-64 i runga i scorecards te kaiwhakawa e toru 'i muri i te whitu.


Cruz ko te toa atu hohe, tuatuku 754 nifó roto whitu rauna whakaritea ki noa 555 mo Zenunaj, engari ko te reira mārama i Zenunaj ū i te matā atu kaha.


Zenunaj (11-1, 9 Koó) knocked Cruz down midway through the fourth with a wide left hook. Cruz survived the round, but continued to eat a series of big shots to close the round. Cruz bounced back but couldn’t keep Zenunaj from picking his shots and landing damaging power punches. Zenunaj floored Cruz again with another strong blow in the final seconds of the seventh, Cruz whiua te tatau, engari Shields i kite nui a totitoti ana te whawhai, ka Cruz (16-1, 8 Koó) hoki ki te kokonga.


Zenunaj-u i roto i Cruz 40-24 i roto i te whitu, anake te wa i roto i te whawhai i ia-maka atu a waho-u Cruz.


"Ua hinaaro e ahau te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai mo te katoa o te iwi matakitaki, a meatia e ahau i te reira, na au e ahau ongo'i tino pai,” Zenunaj said. “He is really good, much stronger than I believed he would be. He hung in there, engari i ahau te mahi, a riro ahau.


"Ko teie mahana toku whawhai tuatahi i roto i te U.S. a e kore e waiho te reira i te whakamutunga. Next tau kei te haere ki te waiho i te tau nui hoki ahau. "


I muri i te whawhai, Kihai Cruz hanga i tetahi ngatahi mo te mahi matekiri.


“I came in really confident that I was going to win. I had almost seven weeks of training and this guy took the fight on a week’s notice.


"Ahau i haere mai i roto i te whakaaro haere ahau ki te riro, otiia kihai i haere ki reira toku ara e. He was a tough opponent. He came forward and hit me with some really awkward shots. He’s an awkward fighter and he hit me with different angles I hadn’t seen before. Hopukia ana e ia ki ahau i te ohorere, engari e te te ara kia kore e taea e tino ahau riri rawa ki ahau i tenei mate e mekemeke te. Ka hoki mai ahau kaha.


“I did everything I could and gave it my all. I tried to listen to the punch list from my coach, engari ia tika i ta'ita'ii roto-i ahau, ka hoatu ki a ia e ahau i te faatura katoa mo taua. "


I roto i te matchup o opuaraa whitu, Steve Rārangi piro te TKO a tawhio wha whakamīharo i runga i mua tūturu Hoiho Woodall. VIDEO Miramira:


I muri e rua tata rauna, Woodall knocked Rolls down midway through the third. While Rolls complained it was a slip, Woodall came out blazing after the count and legitimately hurt Rolls in the final minute of the round. Rārangi (13-0, 7 Koó) haere hoki ki te utu i roto i te wha o, landing nearly a dozen big right hands. With Woodall wobbling around the ring with his guard down, marere kaitautoko Laurence Cole i ki te aukati i te whakataetae i 2:46 o te a tawhio noa.


"I rite ahau ki te mahi i te mea i haere mai ahau i konei ki te mahi i,"Ka mea Rārangi, nei ki uta 41 ōrau o ngā tītere mana. “I didn’t agree with the knockdown, engari e te te āhua o te mekemeke. Ko e ahua o te mea kei te haere ki te tupu me te hiahia noa koe ki te tiki ake koe, kohikohi koe, ka whawhai i runga i.


"Kei te haere ahau ki te okioki i te moka, me te tino tika tōpuni i roto i, me te wātea."


Woodall (8-1-1, 5 Koó) amuamu e ko taimi halá, te mutu.


"Kihai ahau i whakaae ki te Tuhinga,” Woodall said. “I was caught on my ear so that threw off my balance a little bit, but I was totally fine. I’m wise enough to take a knee if I wasn’t able to continue, but that wasn’t the case. I definitely feel that was a premature stoppage but I’m not a sore loser.


"Na te reira hoki ki te poari tuhi. I need to sit down with my manager and get back to training camp. I know it’s soon to say this after the fact, but I’ll definitely be looking for the rematch at some point. Ko, hoki inaianei, te reira hoki ki te poari tātuhi. "


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te telecast, Ivan Baranchyk (9-0, 8 Koó) patototanga i mua tūturu Shadi Shehadeh (9-1-2, 5 Koó) ki te kai on o ngā matā kaha i 2:28 o te a tawhio tuatahi.


Southpaw Polish Arthur Pin whākī kaitātari mātanga ShoBox Steve Farhoodi roto i Rāmere o telecast rite faaineine ia ki te wero tūturu WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder i runga i Rāhoroi, Jan. 16 i runga i SHOWTIME. During the interview, Fakatokanga Szpilka Wilder e te haere mai ia ki te tango i tona whitiki:


"Artur Szpilka he toa taumahamaha heke mai, future Polish champion and a wonderful person. E kore e taea e ahau tatari, kotahi. E kore e taea e ahau tatari.


“I was so excited. When I was very young I dreamed that one day I would be champion, and now I have that opportunity. Thank you to the champ for giving me the chance. But you don’t see what you’re doing. This is no joke. This is no (expletive) kata.


“This is very important for Polish fans. This is when I change my story, puta ke ano toku ora, change what people think about Polish people here. Polish people have heart, we have everything. And now I must show everyone what I want. I am so confident, you will see. E kore e taea e ahau tatari.


"Whakarongo, I don’t care what everyone thinks. I care what my team thinks. I care what my family, taku iwi whakaaro.


“I’m going to kick his ass. Remember, Sharing, I’m going to kick your ass. Happy Holidays, Sharing. Do not sleep.”


Te ShoBox quadrupleheader ka anō-rangi i runga i Rāhina, Dec. 14 i 10 p.m. AND/PT runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME a ka kia wātea i runga i SHOWTIME ON tono® timata Rāhoroi, Dec. 12


Barry Tompkins ka karanga te ShoBox mahi i te ringside ki Farhood me te toa o mua ao Raul Marquez i te tavini ei tohunga kaitätari. Ko te kaihanga matua ko Gordon Hall ki Richard Gaughan te whakaputa me te Rick Phillips aratai.


Jennings VU. Ortiz ON HBO BOXING muri i pouri ® KI TUHAA te KĀRI Tuhinga o oaoa AT tahuri Stone Resort Casino I Verona, NEW mua ON Tīhema. 19

Tickets i runga i Sale Na!
Los Angeles (Dec. 11) – He tonu te po o te mahi tiai pā i runga i Rāhoroi, Hakihea 19 rite taumahamaha nguha taitara ao Bryant “Poroporoaki-poroporoaki” Jennings (19-1, 10 Koó) me te whetu Cuban tūturu Luis “Ko te Real Kingi Kong” Ortiz (23-0, 20 Koó) whawhai mo te wā WBA Heavyweight World Taitara i runga i HBO mekemeke I muri Pōurititiro i 10:15 p.m. AND/PT te aroaro e Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i te whai wāhi ki te Gray Shaw Productions. Ko te undercard o te hui, ka kite ano toru oranga pāngia undercard kotahi ngā te hokinga mai o te superstar Cuban Yuriorkis Gamboa (24-1, 17 Koó), rite ia tapawhā atu ki Hylon Williams Jr. (16-1-1, 3 Koó) i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā 10-a tawhio noa i te Tahuri Stone Resort Casino i roto i te Verona, New York i runga i HBO Latin Mekemeke i 12:15 a.m. AND/PT (rīpene whakaroa) te aroaro i roto i te feohi ki Whakatairanga SMS.
Ngā roto i pāngia atu-TV e hinga whitu super D'Mitrius Ballard (10-0, 7 Koó) tango i runga i Palāsilá toa taukei Fabiano “Pit Bull” Huruhuru (11-3-1, 8 Koó) i roto i te 6 ki 8 – whawhai a tawhio noa, me te katoa-Puerto Rico tukinga 10-a tawhio noa ki waenganui o Manati o Jorge “E ngaro” Melendez (28-5-1, 26 Koó) ko Bayamon o Steven Martinez (15-2, 12 Koó).
Ka rite ki whakahuatia i mua, Nicholas “Tuaina ki te tangata” Wai (26-0, 21 Koó) whawhaiJason “El Canito” Sosa (18-1-3, 14 Koó) i roto i te teina matchup Kōmāmā 10-a tawhio rite te āhuatanga tahi-matua o te HBO mekemeke I muri wahi pouri o te undercard teata kawea e Runga Kapa. I roto i te HBO Latino® Wahi Mekemeke o te po teata, Cuban light heavyweight contender Yunieski Gonzalez (16-1, 12 Koó) whawhai i roto i Miami, Florida ka fehangahangai te tūturu kaha-puncher, Vyacheslav “Lion Heart – Chigonsky” Shabranskyy (14-0, 12 Koó) o Los Angeles i roto i te 10-a tawhio marama hui matua taumahamaha te aroaro i roto i te rōpū e Star Mekemeke. Ētahi atu, ao mua nguha taitara, “King” Gabriel Rosado (21-9, 13 Koó) o Philadelphia hanga i tona hokinga tino tūmanako ki te mowhiti ki mua IBF Welterweight World Champion Hohua “Grand te Kaiwhakaako” Clottey (39-4, 22 Koó) o Accra, Ghana, in a 10-round junior middleweight co-main event. The HBO Latino Boxing event will start at 12:15 a.m. AND/PT (rīpene whakaroa) ranei e whai ake nei tonu te HBO mekemeke I muri telecast Pōuri.
Tikiti mo te Dec. 19 HBO mekemeke I muri tīmatanga Dark me HBO Latin Mekemeke hui i $25, $35 a $60 no te tūru ringside me utu e hāngai ana, me te he e wātea ana i te tahuri Tari Pouaka Stone Resort te te karanga 315-361-7469 online ranei i Ticketmaster (
A 2004 Olympic Gold mētara mō Cuba, GUANTANAMO taketake Yuriorkis Gamboa ko tetahi o nga toa rahi ki te paetahi i te hōtaka mekemeke runaruna Cuban, e kore, kua ka mutu ia te hanga hītori rite te ngaio. Na e noho ana i roto i Miami, kua taitara toru ao riro te Gamboa-tau 33-tawhito kē, hinga nga momo o Orlando Salido, Daniel Ponce de Leon me Darleys Parete. I muri i te mate ana'e o tona mahi i roto i te whawhai o te kaitono Tau ki Terence Crawford i Pipiri o 2014, E rima marama i muri mai poipoia hoki Gamboa ki te knockout hangarau o Joel Montes de oca, a inaianei hanga e ia tona hoki ki te mowhiti i runga i Hakihea 19.
A Houston Hylon Williams Jr. Ko te runaruna whakapaipai ia ia, toa PAL Motu me National Golden karapu taitara i te whiwhi ano he wahi hei kē i runga i te 2008 Kapa United States Olympic. As a pro, “Lil’ CED” Kua riro katoa engari e rua o ana pāngia pro, ki tona Unuunu tino tata ki Jason Litzau i August e haere mai ana i muri i te roa, tata ki te toru-tau. I Hakihea 19, riro ia ia i te whai wāhi ki te hanga i te tauākī ki te ao mekemeke ki te taea hinga ia Gamboa.
Ngingio i roto i tonutia katoa i super, Washington, A DC D'Mitrius Ballard ko tetahi o nga opuaraa runga i te rohe o te United States te te whakaputa e whawhai atu ao-te piha haapiiraa atu i tetahi atu enei ra. Showing tona kaha ki te pouaka me te bang i roto i whakaora tata i runga i Hohua Ovando a Juan Carlos Rojas, Kei te titiro te Ballard-tau 22-tawhito ki te mutunga o te tau ki te knockout ka anga ia i te hoariri ki te whakatau i roto i te a'ee ono-a tawhio noa.
Kua putu Fabiano Pena o Los Angeles i te lekooti mīharo o te tekau ma tahi whakaora mai i tona tuatahi ngaio i roto i te Balneario Rincao, Santa Catarina, Brazil i tanguru o 2013, haere i reira e ia i runga i ki te titau wātea te taitara Cruiserweight Beresiria ki Lourival Luiz Da Silva e taua tau. I hanga ano e ia tona U.S. waiata i roto i 2014 whakamanamana he wini ki Dave Valykeo i te Wheeling Island Casino Racetrack i Wheeling, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia, a ka patua te papaki kohatu ki kotahi te wikitoria, ngaro e toru i roto i 2015. Ka rapu Pena faaoraraa rite te tango ia i runga i te hoariri mea whakanoho iho ki āu roto i D'Mitrius Ballard.
He puncher mana e whakaora nei i nga knockouts aroha Puerto pā whawhai Rican, 26-Jorge tau-tawhito “Ko te ngaro” Kua riro Melendez e rave rahi taitara rohe i runga i te tau, engari i muri i ngangau he ngarohanga karapīpiti e rua-whawhai ki te mutu 68-rua o Antonio Rodriguez i Pipiri, Kei te mau te tangata whenua Manati e arotahi ana ki te oti i 2015 ki tetahi atu win, me te timata i tona imiraa i te hōnore taitara ao i roto i 2016.
Rangatira o te whakauru i roto i te wha o tona rima pāngia whakamutunga, Steven Martinez pēke mana whawhai-tu i roto i tona ringa, a ki iwa o tona 12 knockouts haere mai i roto i te toru rauna iti iho ranei, Ka ia kia tumanako ki te hanga mahi poto o Melendez i roto i tenei whawhai mo Puerto whakapehapeha Rican. Otiia nui atu, ki te wikitoria i runga i tenei nguha hōia, Ka taea e te Martinez 25-tau-tawhito tīmata ki te hanga i tona tere ake te arawhata kara o.
Tikiti mo te Dec. 19 HBO mekemeke I muri tīmatanga Dark me HBO Latin Mekemeke hui i $25, $35 a $60 no te tūru ringside me utu e hāngai ana, me te he e wātea ana i te tahuri Tari Pouaka Stone Resort te te karanga 315-361-7469 online ranei i Ticketmaster (
Jennings vs. Ortiz is a 12-round heavyweight bout fight for the WBA Interim Heavyweight Title presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Corona, Mexico – Ora te reira ki te Belive te reira! ko Carmelita Chorizo. Walters vs. Sosa Ko te 10-a tawhio noa a'ee Kōmāmā teina te aroaro e Top Kapa i roto i te feohi ki Whakatairanga Peltz mekemeke me Whakatairanga Warriors Mekemeke. Doors tuwhera i 6:00 p.m. AND a haamata whawhai tuatahi i 6:05 p.m. AND, me te HBO mekemeke I muri telecast pouri haamata ora i 10:15 p.m. AND/PT.
Gonzalez vs. Shabranskyy, Kei te he 10-a tawhio noa te marama taumahamaha a'ee te aroaro e te Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i te feohi ki Star Mekemeke. Haamata te telecast HBO Latin Mekemeke i 12:15 a.m. AND/PT (rīpene whakaroa).
Kaihautū o te kaupapa, tonu tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Oneida iwi o ki te wehewehe ake ka rite ki te ūnga pirimia mō ngā kēmu mekemeke whakawhitinga angitū. TeHakihea 19 ka tohu whawhai tahuri hui mekemeke motu-teata Stone Resort Casino o 16 i roto i te toru tau, cementing i te huihui ano he tūruhi mō knockout teata whawhai. Kei roto i te pae apatoerau no New York, tuku te huihui ūnga whakangahau-ao o te piha, me te petipeti, Maatamaata tohu-toa, he ranunga kanorau o wharekai, kaukau papai e rua me ngā kōwhiringa nightlife e rave rahi.
Pāpāho ngaio tono taipitopito tuakiri mo te Hakihea 19 Me whakapā whawhai Kelly Abdo, Tahuri Kaiwhakahaere Stone Resort Casino Public Relations i (315) 366.9291 ranei
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga,,, a Follow on Twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing, TRboxing, StarBoxing, HBOBoxing, TurningStone Ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i, /,,, ranei Tatapau Black. Tirohia tatou i runga i InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, StarBoxing, TurningStone. A pee i te aparauraa na roto i te te whakamahi i #JenningsOrtiz me #WaltersSosa

I muri i win fakafiefia, LaManna & Rising Boxing Promotions build towards future

Haké Whakatairanga Mekemeke Mataora faahiahia whakaatu tuatahi
ATLANTIC CITY (HAKIHEA 11, 2015)–Po Rāhoroi Mutunga, Thomas LaManna hanga he rerenga angitu ki te wehenga Welterweight i te tupa'ihia te whakatau loto 8-a tawhio noa ki runga ki Ariere Vasquez i te Claridge Hotel i roto i te Atlantic City.
Ko te kāri i te aroaro i roto i te mua o te mano tākare i te te tata-hokona atu Claridge, i ngā te ope I-Arena, ka whakaratohia hoatu noa ki te mano, puta noa i te ahiahi.
Rising Whakatairanga Star whawhai feinga kāri ki te riro atu tahi hoa, me te pāhekoheko i roto i, i, i roto i te whakakai.
Ko te angitu o te whawhai, e rua i roto i te whakakai me i te tari pouaka kua he vēkeveke mo te utunga i muri o Rising Whakatairanga Mekemeke te hapori uta, petipeti te i whakaritea mo February 20.
“Tino pai ki te kounga o te whawhai, me te turanga i runga i Rāhoroi ko te Claridge Hotel, ” Ka mea a Debbie LaManna o Rising Whakatairanga Mekemeke. “Our mission with the promotion is to have good and competitive fights that will have the crowd excited throughout the night We had some in-house entertainment that had the crowd involved as well. I think we accomplished everything we set out to do and it is a great building block for our February show.

Whakamahia LaManna he täoro kanorau o nifó rite te mahi te tinana ngā, ārai me te pai i te ringa tika i ngā ngā o te whawhai. Whakakitea LaManna toheroa rite ko Vasquez kēmu i wā kahaki i roto i te maui tonu i taea ki te haere i roto i te nui LaManna. Ko te koha anake hoki LaManna ko i tango ia he wāhi mō iti whiu i roto i te taka noa e wha engari ko ia e taea ki te e kaute o 79-72 rua me te 78-73.

LaManna, 148 lbs o Millville, Nj Ko 19-1. Vasquez, 144 lbs o Managua, Nicaragua he 12-12-2.

Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna Post whawhai uiuiraa, Hakihea 5, 2015

I roto i te 6-a tawhio noa taumahamaha o co-āhuatanga, Willis Lockett Ko taea ki te riro i te whakatau loto 6-a tawhio noa ki runga ki a Hoani Lennox.

Riro Lockett te a'ee i runga i te kaha o te ū i te raupapa o ringa matau Nini e titiro pai, engari e kore tukino i Lennox. Lennox ko atu itoito i te mau taime a ka i roto i te tahi mau whiu korero engari kihai i nui rite Lockett i riro i ngā kaute o 59-55 rua me te 58-56.

Lockett Ko inaianei 14-14-4. Lennox he 13-4.

Quian Davis hanga mahi poto o Santario Holdbrooks i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa whakaritea taumahamaha o a'ee.

Davis ko katoa i runga i Holdbrooks i te pere whakatuwhera, a roa te whawhai tika 26 hēkona.

Davis ko 1-0-1 ki 1 knockout. Holdbrooks he 0-3.

Alshamar Johnson a Villi Ataahua whawhai ki te Unuunu 4-a tawhio whakangahau i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.

Takatu rua ka mau taufetongi te te rangatira i roto i te whawhai, me nga rauna i tata, a ngā nui o koromatua ki te mahi koromatua. Ka mau ia toa he he kāri i 39-37. Kotahi kāri tai'o noa i 38-38.

Bello he 3-1-1. Johnson he 1-1-1.

Kite te a'ee whakatuwheratanga debuting Ecuadorian Luis Perozo piro te mutu a tawhio 1 mo Davonta Steele i roto i te hōtaka Jr 4-a tawhio noa. Welterweight a'ee.

Perozo, nei inaianei e noho i roto i te Kuini, Maturuturu iho New York Steele i te pere tinana me mutu te whawhai i 2:11.

Perozo I hanga i tona tuatahi pro. Steele o Concord, NC he 0-2.

I roto i te rōpū whakatairangatia ana te whakaatu i te Haké Whakatairanga Mekemeke ki Vincent M. Gulfstream Whakatairanga o Ponte
Instagram: risingpromo



Kaimätakitaki taea te mataara te katoa-Brooklyn pupūtanga I roto i Reality Mariko I Pūhara Maha




Photos: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME


NEW YORK, NY - Hakihea 8, 2015 - Hoki te wā tuatahi ake, Kua tukua he kēmu mekemeke kua i roto i te taatoaraa i roto i 360 tohu mooni mariko immersive, rite SHOWTIME riro te rawa TKO tuatahi a tawhio noa i hui matua i te Rāhoroi i waenganui WBA whitu World Champion Daniel Jacobs 'me te kaiwero tūturu mua Pita Quillin. Kua wātea i roto i te hui matua katoa-Brooklyn i hanga 360 ataata i mowhiti-taha, hoatu pā he wheako mekemeke inä. Engrosses te ataata mooni mariko kaimätakitaki i roto i te matchup o te Middleweights runga, anga atu i roto i te pirimia o to ratou mahi, te wahi o Brooklyn Jacobs (31-1, 28 Koó) won the “Battle For Brooklyn.” The 360 Ko viewable i runga i te rīpene SHOWTIME Sports 'YouTube hongere*, te SHOWTIME mekemeke Facebook whārangi, i runga i te Gear VR Samsung mā te MILK VR taupānga me te Littlestar VR taupānga mō te Samsung Gear VR, iOS me Android.


Ko e wātea ana i tēnei wā Ki te hiahiatia te telecast, i runga i SHOWTIME te Wā® and on the SHOWTIME streaming service. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event happened live on SHOWTIME on Saturday night at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Te meneti kotahi ki te whawhai, U Jacobs he tika tonu ki te whare o Quillin a rerenga ki te patunga o nifó i ko hoariri tona ki nga taura. Tutuki ana Quillin mua, a ka titiro kaitautoko Harvey Taungia i roto i te kanohi o Quillin ka totitoti ana te whawhai i waho i te kaiwero ake mo te koaka.


The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is David Dinkins Jr. with Bob Dunphy directing. Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i





Local Favorite Regis Prograis Headlines ki
Prospect Top hoa Apera Ramos i Takahanga Main
Mai i Bayou City Takahanga Center I roto i Houston


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME


HOUSTON (Dec. 10, 2015) - Waru whawhai, tae atu ki ngā opuaraa tūturu whitu, ki te lekooti ngā o 92-1-5, paunatia-i roto i te Rāpare mo te ShoBox: Ko te Generation Newquadrupleheader tango te wahi apopo / Rāmere, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT) i Bayou City Takahanga Center i Houston.


Headlining te DiBella whakangahau- a ka waiho Savarese Whakatairanga-ka whakanekehia hui amanaki pūmanawa rohe Regis Prograis (15-0, 12 Koó), nei anga hoa hinga kore Apera Ramos (14-0-2, 9 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa hui matua super Kōmāmā.


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Bryant Cruz (16-0, 8 Koó) e ki runga ki Belgium o Dardan Zenunaj (10-1, 8 Koó) i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā waru-a tawhio noa.


Te whakaawhiwhi i te telecast, Hoiho Woodall (8-0-1, 5 Koó) a Steve Rārangi (12-0, 6 Koó) taupatupatu i roto i te whitu kēmu e waru-a tawhio noa, a nohopuku-aranga Ivan Baranchyk (8-0, 7 Koó) kanohi Shadi Shehadeh (9-0-2, 5 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio kēmu super Kōmāmā.


Pauna Official:

Super Lightweights Takahanga Main - 10 Rauna

Regis Prograis - 140 Pauna

Apera Ramos - 139 Pauna


Lightweights Co-Āhuahira - 8 Rauna

Bryant Cruz - 132¾ pauna

Dardan Zenunaj - 131½ pauna


Middleweights - 8 Rauna

O nga hoiho o Woodall - 159¼ pauna

Steve Rolls - 159½ pauna


Super Lightweights - 8 Rauna

Ivan Baranchyk - 139¼ pauna

Shadi Shehadeh - 141¾ pauna




"Ko ia te hoariri uaua atu i te takatu kua fehangahangai ahau, me te taata nui, engari au e haere mai ahau ki te riro.


"Kua kua ahau e noho ana i roto i Houston whawhai aua whawhai Mexican tiketike mo te whakamutunga 10 tau. I know how to fight tough guys like that. I know what he’s bringing.


"Kihai ahau i te tiki i te knockout [ki Amos Cowart], i te mea he aha ahau i hinaaro, engari i ahau te whenua i te rota o te nifó.


"Whakaaro ahau ki te ahau i kino Ramos wawe ka taea ki te tango i a ia i roto i ahau, engari ite e ahau e kore e tukino i ahau e ia.


“I have a lot of people coming out from New Orleans. I’m not worried about the crowd – I’m here to do what I have to do.


“We can fight on the inside and pound it out or fight on the outside. We’re ready for anything.”


ABEL Ramos:

"E kore ahau e ite rite ahau e haere ana i roto i rite ki te underdog i katoa. Kua ahau nui atu wheako runaruna me te ake o te mata i ahau ki runga ki a ia.


"E haere koe tenei wa ki te kite i te mau Apera Ramos. Au mana'o ahau tino pai. Au ahau ineine me te makatuunga. E haere koe ki te kite i te iti moka o te mea katoa i roto i te mowhiti i runga i te Paraire.


"Te ia [Papatono] te taata tino pukumahi i roto i te whakakai me te kaitauhiuhi o te rota o te nifó engari ka kite tatou e nahea tatou i te reira i roto i hapai i te whakakai.


"E mohio ana ahau ka taia e ia he rota o te nifó me whakapono ahau e taea e ahau te mea i te taua, engari pai. Kua maka e ia he rota, but they’re not effective. Going anywhere from eight to 10 rauna, Kua ahau he painga ki te kakahu ia ki raro.


"E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakatapua tenei whawhai ki toku whanaunga Margarito Camacho e haere atu o te whakaeke ngakau tenei Rāhina i anake 43 tau. "


Bryant Cruz:

"Kua ahau e noho i konei [Houston] and training here. I’m trained by the best with Ronnie (Shields) and I’ve learned a lot from him. I’m getting a lot of attention with him as my trainer and I’m getting to learn much more about myself as a fighter and my technique.


“Of course I believe there’s always more to learn and with a trainer like Ronnie I’ve gained much more confidence. I feel the difference improving my technique.


"I te tahi taime noa i ahau te parapara [ki te tiki pukuriri] a ahau e hiahia ana ki te haere i reira, ka hoatu te pēhanga ki runga ki te tino ki te pai i te mano.


"Te ia [Dardan] not hard to look for and he likes to come forward. I know he will be right in front of me and I know what to look for there.


"Au e ahau te taata New York, na konei i roto i te Houston ahau he iti moka i roto i toku huānga, but I do have some people from back home coming out to support me. I am going to go out there and go for it.


"E hiahia ana ahau ki te hoatu ki runga ki te whakaatu pai engari haere ano hoki ahau ki te waiho i te toa atamai, me te haere i roto i te mahere kēmu toku ki te mahi i te mea i haere mai ahau i konei ki te mahi i.


"I mohio ahau ko ahau nui e pā ana mekemeke i muri i toku mākutu wā tuatahi. Ua whiua e ahau ake, a mohio ahau kihai i taea e hoatu e tika ahau te taata e. I muri i taua, Mutu ahau paati, mutu inu a tīmata rere, me te whakangungu. A, no te hoki haere ahau i mohio ahau ko ahau rite ki te whiua a ia, ka mea ai ahau.


"Mai tīmata ahau, Kihai i ngaro ahau i te ra kotahi i roto i te omaoma; ara, no te kore ahau e whakangungu ahau mo te whawhai Au tonu whakangungu ahau, ka pai ki te mahue i te ra i roto i te omaoma. "



"Moving ki Oxnard ki te mahi ki a Robert (Garcia) has been a big step in my career. I’ve sparred with (Vasyl) Lomachenko, Mikey (Garcia), (Ihu) Cuellar, Brandon Rios, etahi te whawhai pai o roto i te mekemeke o.


"I tohungia ahau ki Lomachenko mō te whā wiki mo tona whawhai whakamutunga.


"Ko toku whawhai tuatahi i muri i neke ki Oxnard tenei na tatou e oaoa ki te whakaatu i te mea ta tatou i tei mahi i runga i, whakaatu pehea kua pai ake tatou.


"Tango ahau i tenei whawhai i runga i pānui poto, but we’ve been working in the gym. This is a good opportunity for us. This is the fight we’ve been waiting for. He’s undefeated but beatable.


"E kore ko ahau pe'ape'a no te mea ko ahau e wha anake e pā ana ki pauna atu-taimaha.


"Au e ahau te momo o te taata e hiahia ana ki te whawhai i te mai- whawhai.


“I knew that if I wanted to make a real name for myself in boxing I would have to go after it myself. I knew I would have to come to America for I wanted to accomplish.


“I have watched Cruz and I know the way he fights. It’s all mental. I have that drive – I’d die in the ring. I’ve seen Cruz and he doesn’t have that.”


Hoiho Woodall:

"Kua matou mahi ki a Ronnie Shields mō marama e pā ana ki e rima i teie nei, sparring with Jermall Charlo and Edwin Rodriguez. Having those guys around is a great experience. I’m always in competition with them, e aki ana ahau ki te rohe, me te ako i a ratou.


"E e ahau he huarahi fakanatula pukuriri, ara, no te tīmata ahau hei runaruna i 14 tau-tau. Now I am working off different approaches and know that I just need to let my hands go. Ronnie is putting the finishing touches on me.


"Na roto i te whakangungu kua ako ahau rerekē huarahi ki toku kāhua. Mai ko eé rerekē i roto i a ki ia o te rerekē whawhai ako ahau momo rerekē. Ko ahau tonu i roto i te whakataetae ki te ako atu, a ko whakangungu ahau tonu.


"E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaatu i te kaiwhakawa, me nga pā pēhea te nui o te tikanga tenei whawhai ki ahau. E haere ana ahau ki te kia pukuriri engari ka whawhai mohio me te.


"Ko te whawhai faufaa hoki ahau tenei ahau kua no te mea kua anake i roto i te nuinga o toku whawhai, engari tenei te wa e mama e konei fakataha ki toku teina, tuahine me te teina i roto i--ture. Toku mama Ko nui toku faaururaa a ki te whai ia ia i konei te tikanga o te ao ki a ahau. "


STEVE Rolls:

“He’s a young hungry guy that is coming to fight. E kore ahau e ahau tango ia ia whakahawea ana. This is definitely the toughest fight for both of us.


"Ite ahau nui. Kua i ahau e ono ki te waru wiki o te whakangungu, me te ite e ahau nui, me te rite.


"Ua hi'o ahau he iti moka [o Woodall] and learned about him. He looks aggressive and has a good amateur background, rite te mahi ahau.


"Tukua e ahau toku kaiwhakangungu mataara te rīpene whawhai, me te tika kite ahau mea katoa e hiahia ahau ki te kite. Ahau aroha ki te whakanui ana hoki i te hape o toku hoa tauwhainga.


"Pai atu ake ake ahau ite. I roto i te rere, me te whakangungu e ahau ite nui, pai atu i te wa i ahau i roto i toku uofulu. Noa'tu o toku matahiti, Ite tonu ahau e kore i tae noa ahau toku pirimia.


"Na, ano he toa, Ahau nui atu māia me te ake māhorahora ki toku rautaki ahau.


“I’ve been waiting for this opportunity to fight on national TV against an undefeated guy. This is my big shot.”



“I have been training very hard for this fight. This opportunity is what I have been working so hard for.


"Ka rite ki te kuao, toa hihiri, E hiahia ana ahau ki te ki te whakapai ake, me te kahore hoki e mutu te mahi ki te whiwhi pai i nga ra katoa tonu.


"A, no te ahau te tuatahi tīmata whakangungu, ara hei runaruna, Ite e ahau te pūmanawa, me te pānga o toku tokua kaha.


“I do not stop training. I am extremely motivated and will keep working harder than anybody else to get where I want to be.”


SHADI Shehadeh:

“I am not worried that I took the fight on short notice. I stay prepared and I have been in the gym staying in good shape.


“I am always busy. When I’m not working, Ahau i roto i te whakangungu omaoma.


"E mohio ana ahau e hiahia ana ahau ki te uru te reira ki runga, get inside and outside. I’m going to throw out a little bit of everything.”


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ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ki āu fifi kua ngā taranata taitamariki. Te ShoBox kaupapa, ko te ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 65 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox me te matatau ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.