Arhiva Categorie: box

Susținerea puternică a lui Oscar De La Hoya motivul principal pentru care Gilberto „Zurdo” Ramirez a semnat cu Golden Boy

LAS VEGAS (Martie 1, 2021) - Concurent mondial neînvins la categoria grea ușoară și fost campion mondial super-mijlociu, Gilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez (41-0, 27 KO), a semnat recent un contract promoțional exclusiv cu Golden Boy Promotions, în primul rând din cauza sprijinului puternic de la care va primiOscar De Lay Hoya și echipa sa.

„În cele din urmă,”A explicat Ramirez, în vârstă de 29 de ani, „Golden Boy a înțeles obiectivele și agenda pe care mi le-am propus și am simțit sprijinul puternic al lui Oscar și al echipei sale. Este o înțelegere cu mai multe lupte, cu potențial pentru ceva mai lung, până la această primă experiență. Din toate conversațiile pe care eu și echipa mea le-am purtat cu Golden Boy, M-am simțit confortabil cu ei și cu oportunitățile viitoare care vor apărea din relația noastră.

„Oscar este un tip grozav și nu a fost decât o plăcere să mă ocup de el și echipa sa. Pe măsură ce relația mea cu Golden Boy continuă să crească, Sunt sigur că noi (Oscar) va deveni mai aproape. Este un campion și unul dintre cei mai mari care a dantelat mănușile vreodată. Aștept cu nerăbdare să lucrez cu el îndeaproape. ”

Obiectivul lui Ramirez este de a deveni campionul mondial incontestabil de greutate ușoară, ceva ce va avea o șansă mai bună de a realiza cu Golden Boy în colțul său.

"(Campion mondial WBA Super Light HeavyweightDmitryBivoL (17-0, 11 KO) este cineva care a fost mereu pe radar și în care am încredere deplină (Matchmaker Golden Boy) Robert Diaz să pun laolaltă cele mai bune lupte pentru mine,”A adăugat Ramirez. „Unificarea a fost întotdeauna scopul. Știu că sunt cel mai bun din divizie și sper să fac acest lucru pentru cărțile de istorie în viitorul apropiat. ”

Decembrie trecut, Ramirez și-a lansat propria companie de promovare, Promotii Zurdo, care va rămâne activ.

„Promoțiile Zurdo vor continua și vor rămâne active,A spus Ramirez. "Mergand inainte, toate luptele mele cu Golden Boy vor fi în asociere cu Zurdo Promotions. Voi găzdui lupte în Mexic pentru a fi o punte de legătură între America Latină și Statele Unite. Există un talent extraordinar în acea regiune și sper să folosesc platforma mea pentru a ajuta și a sprijini luptătorii defavorizați din Mexic. "

Ramirez, care este prevăzut să se întoarcă în ring în luna mai, este în prezent clasat pe nr. 1 de WBC, precum și nr. 4 și nr. 5, respectiv, de către WBA și WBO.


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Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions

Stare de nervozitate:  @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

Despre Zurdo Promotions:  Zurdo Promotions este principalul promotor de sporturi / evenimente de luptă cu sediul în Statele Unite și Mexic. Condus de neînvinsul campion mondial, Gilberto „Zurdo” Ramirez. Zurdo Promotions se străduiește să fie cel mai bun din toate domeniile pentru a stabili noul standard în box. Vizitați-ne


ShoBox continuă sărbătorirea 20lea An de aniversare cu difuzare prin difuzare cu opt perspective cu record total de 102-4-2

NEW YORK - martie 1, 2021 -Unul dintre cei mai rapizi potențiali ai boxului, Brandun Lee, se va întoarce în „Fight Sphere” la Mohegan Sun din Uncasville, Conn., pentru a treia oară când îl ia pe Samuel Teah miercuri, Martie 10 locuiesc pe SHOWTIME la 9 p.m. ET / PT în evenimentul principal foarte ușor al unuiShoBox: Noua generatie emisiune de televiziune.

Lee vs. Teah titrează o carte cu patru lupte care conține opt perspective promițătoare cu un record combinat de 102-4-2.

Artistul knockout în vârstă de 21 de ani, Lee (21-0, 19 KO) din La Quinta, Calif., va căuta să-și extindă seria impresionantă de KO până la 13 când el se confruntă cuShoBox veteranul Samuel Teah (17-3-1, 7 KO) în 10-a rundă bout super-usoare. Evenimentul co-principal va vedea neînvinsul Misael Lopez (11-0, 5 KO) luptă odată cu Jordan White (10-1, 8 KO) într-o luptă în opt runde și două perspective dure neînvinse se vor ciocni în a doua luptă a nopții ca Steven Ortiz din Philadelphia (11-0, 3 KO) se confruntă cu Jeremy Hill (14-0, 9 KO) într-un meci usor cu opt rundă. În deschizătorul de programe de televiziune, 22-perspectiv de vârstă de un an, Victor Padilla (8-0, 7 KO) face luiShoBoxdebutează împotriva unui alt băiat Philadelphia neînvins, Thomas Velasquez (10-0-1, 6 KO), într-un concurs de opt runde super-pene.

Televiziunea cu patru lupte este promovată de DiBella Entertainment și D.&D Box.

„10 martieShoBox eveniment, de sus până jos, reprezintă perfect filosofia pe care seria și-a propus să o îndeplinească în timpul nostru 20 ani în box,”, A spus Gordon Hall, producător executiv pentruShoBox: Noua generatie. „Spectrul complet de perspective va fi afișat în acest eveniment, de la noii veniți la vârsta de vârstă, până la un luptător la ușa unei lupte pentru campionatul mondial. În lupta de deschidere avem un triplu campion național amator la Victor Padilla, care este la începutul carierei sale profesionale promițătoare la 8-0, face saShoBox debut, în timp ce în vârful facturii este Brandun Lee, una dintre cele mai promițătoare perspective în box, asumându-și cea mai grea provocare împotriva unuiShoBox veteranul Samuel Teah.ShoBox este terenul final de încercare pentru potențiali și vom afla multe despre toți acești luptători martie 10 pe SHOWTIME. ”

„Toți cei opt luptători concurează în martie 10 la Mohegan Soarele va fi testat, și tocmai asta esteShoBox Seria este despre. Sunt mândru că promovez un astfel de eveniment egal de sus în jos,”, A spus Lou DiBella, Președintele Dibella Divertisment. “Portoricanul ușor Victor Padilla este un artist knockout cu mâini fulgerătoare și se va confrunta cu filozoful neînvins Thomas Velasquez. Junior lightweight Misael Lopez returns toShoBox following his series debut, an upset over touted favorite James Wilkins, now taking on heavy-hitter Jordan White. Philadelphia lightweight Steven Ortiz also returns to the series, after debuting with a win against unbeaten Wesley Ferrer, competing against undefeated New Orleans prospect Jeremy Hill. În evenimentul principal, towering power-puncher Brandun Lee squares off against crafty veteran Samuel Teah, in his biggest test to date.

Lee vs. Teah – 10-Round Super Lightweight Main Event Bout

The highly regarded Lee made quick work of the previous two opponents he faced at Mohegan Sun Arena in 2020, scoring a highlight-reel first-round KO of Jimmy Williams onShoBox in October and a third-round stoppage of Dakota Linger in December. Lee has knocked out all but two of his professional opponents and owns 12 eliminatorii din primul tur. Antrenat de tatăl său Bobby, Lee a luptat de patru ori 2020, inclusiv un TKO din runda a treia asupra lui Camilo Prieto într-unul din evenimentele sportive finale care vor avea loc înainte ca pandemia COVID-19 să închidă lumea sportului pentru câteva luni în martie.

Lee a avut o carieră decorată de amatori, cu un record estimat de 196-5. El a fost 2015 S.U.A.. Campion Național Junior, luând acasă medalia de aur la 145 de lire sterline. Cu mâini fulgerătoare care alimentează puterea, entuziasmul Lee s-a luptat cu cei de genul lui Mikey Garcia, Devin Haney, Mauricio Herrera, Timothy Bradley Jr., și Thomas Dulorme.

„Tocmai m-am antrenat în La Quinta, rămânând în siguranță și sănătos și concentrându-mă asupra a ceea ce trebuie să fac pentru a avea o altă performanță impresionantă,”, A spus Lee. „Văd că Teah este un pumn bun în interior și are o viteză bună. El este un pumn de volum, dar în afară de asta, Nu văd multe lucruri pe care nu ar trebui să le pot face față. Sunt foarte încântat să mă întorc laShoBox la evenimentul principal, astfel încât fanii mei să mă poată vedea în direct la televizor, pentru că fanii vor să vadă knockout-uri, așa că asta le voi da eu ”.

Da, născut în Liberia și luptând din Philadelphia, a avut noroc mixt peShoBox. Un veteran cu trei lupte din seria de dezvoltare, Teah a obținut o decizie unanimă față de atunci neînvinsul lui O'Shaquie Foster din 2015 dar a renunțat la o decizie majoritară în Montana Love în 2018. Cel mai recentShoBox, Teah a obținut o decizie unanimă asupra lui Kenneth Sims Jr.. în luna noiembrie 2018. Tânărul de 33 de ani Da, care nu a început boxul decât la vârsta de 19, deține, de asemenea, o victorie impresionantă asupra lui Sonny Fredrickson și l-a învins pe Dieumerci Nzau ultima oară în martie 2020.

„Nu mă deranjează să fiu subdog și nu va fi prima dată pentru mine,A spus Teah. "Eu amShoBox câștigă împotriva lui O'Shaquie Foster și Kenneth Sims, Jr., și parcă întotdeauna funcționez mai bine atunci când luminile și camerele sunt focalizate asupra mea. Aștept cu nerăbdare provocarea ".

Lopez vs.. Alb - Opt rundă Super Featherweight Bout

Născut în Sonora, Mexic, și crescut în Denver, Colo., Lopez a avut o carieră de amator de succes înainte de a deveni profesionist 2016. A întocmit un disc amator de 50-5, câștigând aur la 2010 Turneul mănușilor de argint din Colorado și Turneul mănușilor de aur din Colorado 2009 și 2015. Cel mai bun câștig profesionist în carieră al lui Lopez a apărutShoBox în luna septembrie 2018 când l-a depășit pe James Wilkins, care l-a lovit cu putere într-o luptă intensivă. Antrenat de tatăl său Evenezer, Lopez a adăugat de atunci două victorii, inclusiv un TKO din primul tur asupra lui Richard Flores.

„Nu vă pot spune cât de emoționat sunt să mă întorcShoBox și, de data asta, cu o echipă atât de puternică în spatele meu,”, A spus Lopez, în vârstă de 24 de ani. „Îmi respect promotorul, Lou Dibella, mult și nu mă îndoiesc că mă poate pune în poziția de a deveni campion. Sunt pregătit pentru provocare și abia aștept 10 martie.”

Washington, D.C.. nativ White a fost un fost nr. 1-amator clasat, acumulând o 145-16 record. A fost coleg de echipă cu viitorii campioni mondiali Devin Haney și Shakur Stevenson în echipa națională de turism Junior, concurând la Campionatele Mondiale de juniori de la Kiev, Ucraina în 2013. White a devenit profesionist la 18, câștigând primele sale patru lupte, trei prin eliminare, înainte de a pierde o decizie în fața colegului său dușman neînvins, Adam Lopez. White a revenit de atunci câștigând șase lupte la rând, inclusiv un TKO din runda a șaptea peste perspectiva neînvinsă de Ronaldo Solis. White, 23, este vărul lui 2000 S.U.A.. Olimpianul Clarence Vinson.

“Sunt onorat pentru această ocazie de a lupta la SHOWTIME împotriva neînvinsului Misael Lopez,”, A spus White. „Îi respect jocul de luptă, dar aștept cu nerăbdare să afișez setul meu de abilități superioare. La martie 10, vor fi lumini, camere, și multă acțiune.”

Ortiz vs. Hill - Buton ușor de opt runde

Ortiz, în vârstă de 27 de ani, a dezvoltat un cult în regiunea sa natală, luptând de șapte ori în zona mai mare a Philadelphia. Ortiz a obținut cinci victorii consecutive în „Orașul dragostei frățești” înainte de a-și face victoriaShoBoxdebut în septembrie 2018, o victorie prin decizie majoritară împotriva lui Wesley Ferrer, invinsă de atunci, în Shawnee, Okla. Ortiz a obținut două victorii 2019, incluzând o decizie unanimă asupra filozofului neînvins anterior Jeremy Cuevas, dar nu s-a luptat în 2020. Un amator realizat, Ortiz este de cinci ori campion al mănușilor de aur din Pennsylvania, un medaliat cu bronz la Mănușile Naționale de Aur și un medaliat cu aur la Mănușile Naționale de Argint.

“Pandemia a fost un obstacol major pentru mine și cariera multor alți luptători, desigur, dar m-a ținut concentrat,”A spus Ortiz. „Am rămas în sala de gimnastică pregătindu-mă când a venit ocazia, și iată-l. Hill este un înalt, luptător incomod, dar sunt pregătit pentru provocare. Nu contează cine este în fața mea, Sunt aici pentru a lupta. Aceasta va fi a doua mea luptă pe SHOWTIME și simt asta, de data asta, Voi reveni mai puternic, atât mental cât și fizic. Publicul va vedea ce este mai bun din mine. ”

Jeremy Hill din New Orleans își combină mărimea unică, precizie și putere în ambele mâini în interiorul inelului, cu spectacol și carismă în afara acestuia. Un amator de succes care a urcat până la Nr. 4 clasat în S.U.A.. amator ușor, Hill a câștigat campionul masculin de elită la Campionatele Mondiale Ringside din 2017 și a devenit profesionist în aprilie 2018 după postarea unui 55-10 înregistrare în rândurile neplătite. Deal, 28, va ieși dintr-un TKO peste Travis Castellon în noiembrie, dar va înfrunta primul său adversar neînvins în Ortiz de când a învins 1-0 Lashawn Alcocks în a patra sa luptă profesională. De asemenea, el deține o decizie unanimă asupra lui Xavier Wilson, care a fost înfrânt atunci în iulie, una dintre cele patru victorii ale lui Hill în 2020.

“Sunt încântat și recunoscător pentru oportunitate,”, A spus Hill. „Am muncit din greu și m-am străduit să am o șansă ca asta. Simt că sunt în așteptare pentru acest tip de luptă și acest tip de expunere, așa că sunt gata să le arăt tuturor ce pot face. Sunt pe cale să intru la televiziunea națională.”

Padilla vs.. Velasquez - Opt-round Super Featherweight Bout

Padilla, 22, s-a născut în Vieques, Puerto Rico, și în prezent trăiește și luptă în afara Berlinului, NJ. Acțiunea completă, punerea în forță a oprit pe toți, cu excepția unuia dintre provocatorii săi profesioniști, inclusiv șase adversari care nu au reușit să iasă din prima rundă. Ultima sa ieșire în ianuarie 2020, Padilla avea nevoie doar 2:46 să-l oprească pe Israel Suarez-Olmeda. Padilla a devenit profesionist în decembrie 2016 după o carieră stelară de amatori care a inclus trei Campionate Naționale și un record de 90-7. Se antrenează alături de foștii campioni mondiali Tevin Farmer și Jason Sosa sub antrenorul Raul „Chino” Rivas.

“Primul si cel mai important, Vreau să-i mulțumesc lui Dumnezeu, familia mea și echipa mea pentru că m-au menținut pozitiv în aceste momente grele,”, A spus Padilla. „Sunt foarte încântat de această oportunitate de a-mi prezenta abilitățile în fața unui public național. Am sacrificat multe pentru a ajunge la acest punct în carieră. Este nevoie de multă dedicare pentru sport și sunt încrezător că va da roade. Acesta a fost 13 ani lungi de muncă grea pentru a arăta lumii cine este Victor Padilla și, martie 10, va începe un nou capitol. Thomas Velasquez este un luptător bun și acesta este un meci bun, dar să câștige cel mai bun om.”

Velasquez, un alt nativ din Philadelphia, și-a făcut debutul profesional în 2015 și părea să se ridice rapid printre rânduri, câștigând primele sale nouă lupte, inclusiv cinci prin eliminatoriu. O remiză cu Tyrome Jones în septembrie 2017 și-a oprit cariera până aproape, întrucât nu s-a mai luptat până 2020 când a marcat un KO din turul al treilea asupra veteranului Gustavo Molina în meciul său de întoarcere. Tânărul de 25 de ani va căuta să recâștige elanul pe care l-a avut mai devreme în carieră, cu o victorie asupra apreciatului Padilla. Ca un amator, Velasquez avea un 30-3 a înregistrat și a câștigat mănușile de aur din Pennsylvania State. Este instruit de Hamza Muhammad, care pregătește, de asemenea, nou-încoronatul campion mondial WBO Junior Featherweight Stephen Fulton Jr..

„Nu aș putea fi mai fericit să am această ocazie de a arăta lumii ce pot face,”, A spus Velasquez. „Nu contează cine stă în colțul opus, I fight to provide a better life for my twin daughters. I look forward to putting on a spectacular performance on March 10 and leaving that ring with my unbeaten record intact.

International Boxing Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer and boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Producatorul executiv este Gordon Hall cu Richard Gaughan producerea si Rick Phillips conducerea.

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Marie-Eve Dicaire determined underdog against Claressa Shields inSuperwomenPPV this Friday Night

MONTREAL (Martie 1, 2021) – Unbeaten underdog Marie-Eve Dicaire, the reigning IBF female super welterweight World champion, has fully prepared physically and mentally for this Friday night’s undisputed showdown against undefeated WBC and WBO title holder and self-proclaimed GOAT Claressa Shields(10-0, 2 KO).

A tribute to International Women’s Day, “SUPERMUNI: SCUTURI VS. DICAIRE” will be broadcast live in USA on InDemand Pay Per View and streamed live on FITE.TV, and in Canada On Canal Indigo, Bell TV, Shaw TV and streamed live on FITE.TV and YOOP. începând de la 9 p.m. ȘI / 6 p.m. PT, from Dort Financial Center in Flint, Michigan. (To pre-order on FITE.TV Mergi la www.fitetv/watch/shields-vs-decaire/2p8qn/).

Dicaire (17-0), a popular French-Canadian boxer, understands and fully appreciates the significance of “SUPERMUNI”, and what an upset victory would do for her building brand, particularly outside her native Canada.

I allowed myself to be excited,” Dicaire explained. “I know it is a significant fight, but I made sure I’m focused on the task I need to accomplish and not the outcome of the fight. My strategy is based on my skills. Where she puts her focus is up to her. On my side, I did everything I had to get ready for this fight. And I am!

I’ve always said that boxing is a passion, and I am happy to make a living out of it,” she said. Dar, mie, it is more than that. It is a way to inspire people, to change society’s mentality. I want to achieve greatness to inspire people to dream big and this is what this fight is all about to me.

Anul trecut, 2-time Olympic boxing gold medalist Shields, who will be fighting Dicaire at home in Flint, Michigan, signed a multi-year deal with mixed-martial-arts promoter PFL. Her transition to MMA will reportedly happen this year.

Dicaire, ironic, was a world amateur champion in karate before transitioning to boxing, in which she has defeated five world champions.

My karate background has always been a powerful tool for me in terms of mindset and work ethic,” Dicaire commented. “I was built in martial arts and I think it is what made me the strong athlete that I am now.

Acest vineri seara Shields vs. Dicarie will determine the No. 1 woman in the super welterweight division, if not in all of boxing.


Texas Twins Jordan & Josh Jenkins on special Mission to Write American Boxing History

2020 USA National Boxing ChampionshipsMare. 25-Aprilie. 4, in Shreveport, Louisiana

Colorado Springs, Poală. (Martie 1, 2021) — Texas twins Tachina (L) și Iordania (R) Jenkins are on a mission to become the first twins ever to be on a Team USA Olympic Boxing Team.

They will both be competing in the elite division at the 2020 Statele Unite ale Americii Box Campionatele Naționale, postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic from last December to March 25 – Aprilie 3, in Shreveport, Louisiana.

The Jenkins twins have overcome numerous obstacles in Dallas, primarily their father’s long incarceration, subsequently getting into trouble and constantly fighting others in school. And that doesn’t even include COVID-19 restrictions that limited gym time and eliminated tournament competition this past year.

They were fortunate to have their grandfather, târziu Guilford Childress, who was the most significant male influence in their lives. “We played all sports but were getting into trouble fighting in school,” older brother by 1 minute Josh said. “Our grandfather took us to the gym, but our mother didn’t want us to box. He and my godfather, Darryl Thomas, who was also a father figure for us, trained us. Our grandfather used to come to school when we got in trouble. He was our disciplinarian. He’d take us right out of training at the gym or stop us from sparring for two weeks. He didn’t just want us to be champion boxers, he wanted us to become mature men.

“Two years ago, Greg Hatley became our trainer. Everything changed for us when we started being trained by Coach Hatley. Our styles completely changed, and we started settling down in the ring, and picking spots. Coach Hatley has had a big impact on our lives. He’s taught us how to be men. He’s a roofer and he taught us how to roof, change oil and tires, and save our money for later.”

The twins work for Amazon in a warehouse. Jordan is a brawling lightweight, while welterweight Josh is more of a boxer. Have they ever switched places and fought under the other’s name? “Everybody asks us that,” laughed Jordan. "Nu Face, Josh is bigger than me.”

They’ve been competing in the elite division for the past couple of years, and both have reached the semifinals of major tournaments, but they’re ready to break out at the upcoming National Championships.

The Jenkins twins have had their training impacted. like most other amateur boxers, but not terribly, yet different from what they were used to. At first there were limitations at their gym, but once restrictions opened-up, they were able to train more often, spread out more than normal at the gym while working out, and COVID-19 tested monthly.

The dream for “Twin Nation”, coined by their grandfather when Josh and Jordan were in the seventh grade, is becoming the first twins on a Team USA Boxing Olympic Team, something late grandfather first mentioned to them. “We want to be the first twins on the US Olympic Boxing Team so kids can look up to us,” Jordan noted. “We want to prove that kids labeled as bad can still be successful growing up in an environment like ours. A lot of friends we grew up with are dead or in jail. We’ve worked had to change our lives and we’re looking ahead to Paris (site of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games)."

Their remarkable journey reaches a new level at the Nationals. They aren’t in a rush to go pro, nici. Oh, they both intend to be professional boxers, but only when they’re ready as a tandem.

“We’re humble,” Josh concluded. “We’ve had a lot of bumps and bruises. We could have gone left or right. A lot of our friends went one way, but we went the other way, și
became boxers.”

Stare de nervozitate: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing, @JJ_showtimejosh, @jj.tkeoverjordan
Facebook: /USABoxing

Undefeated RayJay Bermudez: Super lightweight prospect flying under the radar

BOSTON (Februarie 25, 2020) - UndefeatedRayJay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (12-0, 9 KO) has tried to stay busy and progress, developmental-wise, fighting three times during the pandemic, including a recent title-winning performance south of the border.

The 22-year-old Bermudez, fighting out of Albany (NY), stopped journeymanRynell Griffin in five rounds last November in New Hampshire, and he followed that up in December with a third-round technical knockout ofEver Ceballos in Mexico to capture the vacant American Boxing Federation’s (ABF) Americas West super lightweight championship.

“Mexico was a humbling experience,” Bermudez said after his ABF title-winning performance. “I’m honored to have had the opportunity to go to another country and fight for a professional title. I fought a tough, scrappy Mexican veteran, who was game from the beginning, but my plan was to stay composed and break him down. And that’s exactly want I did to score a third-round TKO and advance my record to 11-0 cu 8 knockouts. Thank you to everybody who tuned on the This is only the beginning of something special!"

In his most recent fight earlier this month, Bermudez returned to Mexico for a stay busy fight, oprireMario Israel Vera round four.

Despite his unbeaten run, Bermudez is still fighting under the radar, at least on a national basis, dar 2021 promises to be a breakout year for him, desigur, pending pandemic restrictions in 2021.

Bermudez, who is managed by Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker, is trained by his uncleHector Bermudez, who has trained five world champions includingTJ Doheny șiJavier Fortuna

RayJay looked great in his last fight,” Roach commented. “He stuck to the game plan and broke his opponent down. We as a team are really happy where he is at right now. We will start stepping up the competition this year. Our goal will be to get him a regional title and get him ranked. This will be an exciting year to be a part of RayJay’s team.

Stabilitatea în creștere a boxerilor înzestrați din Fighter Locker include super-greutatea din CaliforniaRocco „So Cal Kid” Santomauro (20-1, 6 KO), West Haven, CT super welterJimmy „Furtuna liniștită” Williams (16-5-2, 5 KO), super-mijlocie„Uimitorul” Shawn McCalman(6-0, 4 KO), S.U.A.. Armata super bantamweightDaniel Bailey, Jr. (2-0, 1 KO), categorie ușoarăLeonel de los Santos (2-0, 2 KO), o 2-timp Republica Dominicană Olimpian, pro-debutant în greutatea pană din BostonTroy Anderson, Jr., pro-debut în Republica Dominicană welterweightJuan Solano, și Salt Lake City, Frații Utah, super-usoareIgnacio Chairez (7-0-1, 4 KO) și ușorGabriel Chairez (3-0, 2 KO). 



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20-1 California super flyweight Rocco Santomauro signs with Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker

BOSTON (Februarie 23, 2021) – Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker has announced it has signed California super flyweightRocco „So Cal Kid” Santomauro (20-1, 6 KO) to an exclusive managerial contract.

The 33-year-old Santomauro, fighting out of Apple Valley, CA, is riding a 7-fight win streak since suffering his only loss as a professional to then 14-0Diego De La Hoya nearly five years ago.

“I’m 33,” Santomauro said, but I definitely feel I’m in my prime. My skill level is at its best and I’m always improving. When it comes to getting in there with top guys, I’ve been in the ring with many world champions, outside of fights, and I’ve more than held my own. It’s all a matter of timing and I feel mine is here. I believe I’m very close to a major fight right now at super flyweight. It’s all a matter of getting myself in the right position and I feel like, chiar acum, I have the right team to do so with Ryan Roach and Fighter Locker backing me.

“I signed a managerial contract with Ryan and his Fighter Locker because I knew it was a good move. After managing myself the last year and a half, I knew I needed trustworthy help to get to the next level. Ryan and I were friends on social media. I was aware he was signing fighters with Fighter Locker, so I began to watch and study him to see how he was with his fighters. Having liked what I sawRyan being there for his fighters and building a good relationship with him talking from time to timewe were able to come to an agreement to take me to that next level and get a major fight.”

“I’m excited to add such a veteran fight to our stable,” Roach commented. “Rocco checks all the boxes in terms of what a manager looks for in a fighter. He has great ring IQ. He’s fast with great defense, and Rocco a very energetic fighter. He is close to a world title shot; one or two more fights and we will be fighting top super flyweights. Rocco has what it takes to beat those guys.”

The son of an Italian father who wanted his son to be an “animal,” Rocco was born with a fighting spirt, aggressive in nature as a child, and inspired byRocky Marciano.  Rocco got into boxing, in large part, due to following in the footsteps of his older brother, who was a decorated amateur boxer. He first boxed because of his brother, then through a local boxing club in Hesperia (CA), in addition to practicing at home as he watched his favorite fighters on ESPN Classic.

Santomauro’s amateur career never really took off. He lived in an area with very little boxing, and needed to travel to box, which resulted in him deciding when he was older to take control of his boxing career by moving to Las Vegas. He developed his skills there and decided in 2009 to turn pro after suffering what he felt was a bad decision at the USA Nationals.

An energetic boxer who is a smart, aggressive counter puncher, Santomauro also checks in on the body, and brings excitement into the ring. His best fight to date was his most recent (Noiembrie. 7, 2020), când sa opritChristian Omar Henriques (10-4-2) in the sixth round of their fight in Tijuana.

“I was backed by Fighter Locker and my team,” Rocco noted. “I went in focused and mentally trained properly to do what I had to do against a game, younger opponent with a winning record. I knocked him outWe did it intelligently and were able to hit all the marks performance-wise.”

Training and fighting during a pandemic have been challenging, to say the least, and being a super flyweight only compounds the problem.

“It’s been very difficult getting fights as an American super flyweight,” Santomauro added, “especially coming down in weight from featherweight and then junior featherweight. Nobody was willing to give me the opportunity, nor did they think I could fight at that weight class having debuted as a junior lightweight. I was basically put on the shelf, turned down left and right as a free agent with 14-1 record at that time. I reached a 1 ½ year layoff, getting only lowball offers against short notice opponents. My trainerJulian Chua, and I decided it would be smart to start fighting in Mexico, where there were super flyweights to fight.

“Training during the pandemic has been absolute hell for me, closed out of almost all gyms but grateful for being able to visit, from time to time, the Wild Card Boxing Gym and Churchill Boxing Club. But that wasn’t what I was used to. I had to do a lot of what I call ‘Rocky 4’ training on my own to stay fit. I was also lucky enough to build good relationships in Mexico with my promoter, so I was blessed to always have the option of staying busy in Tijuana. And I did.”

Acum, Roach and Fighter Locker have Santomauro’s back, and his future is promising.

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers includes, Troy, NY ABF American West super ușorRay Jay „Distrugătorul” Bermudez(12-0, 9 KO), Toronto, Canada welterweight West Haven, CT super welterJimmy „Furtuna liniștită” Williams (16-5-2, 5 KO), super-mijlocie„Uimitorul” Shawn McCalman(6-0, 4 KO), S.U.A.. Armata super bantamweightDaniel Bailey, Jr. (2-0, 1 KO), categorie ușoarăLeonel de los Santos (2-0, 2 KO),, o 2-timp Republica Dominicană Olimpian, pro-debutant în greutatea pană din BostonTroy Anderson, Jr., pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweight Juan Solano, și Salt Lake City, Frații Utah, super-usoareIgnacio Chairez (7-0-1, 4 KO) și ușorGabriel Chairez (3-0, 2 KO). 



FACEBOOK:  /blocator de luptă, /roccosantomauro

STARE DE NERVOZITATE:  @RoachRyan, @RoccoSantomauro

INSTAGRAM: @ RyanRoach82, @RoccoSantomauro

DESPRE FIGHTER LOCKER: Infiintata in 2019, Fighter Locker este o agenție sportivă cuprinzătoare care administrează boxeri profesioniști. Fighter Locker ajută, de asemenea, la mărcile boxerilor, găsindu-și vocea cu un serviciu 100% personalizat. Fighter Locker nu crede cu adevărat în modelele de lucru. Crede în modele de optimizare a parteneriatului în mișcare.

Fighter Locker folosește patru pași creativi, deoarece crede în „fundamentul este totul”: 1. conceput cu înțelepciune, 2. restrâns creativ, 3. Judecat cu mândrie, 4. puternic vizat.


“I don’t know how he feels, but I’m willing to die in the ring. I’m willing to put my life on the line.” – Broner

“I don’t have anything to lose, so AB better bring his A-game against me.” – Santiago

Former Four-Division World Champion Adrien Broner Returns to the Ring to Face Undefeated Jovanie Santiago Live on SHOWTIME® Saturday, Februarie 20 in a Premier Boxing Champions Event

Click HERE for Photos from
Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

*Editor’s Note: Evenimentul principal, previously announced as a super lightweight fight, will now be contested at the welterweight limit (147 lbs.) following a mutual decision from both fighters.

Uncasville, Conn. – February 18, 2021 – Former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “The Problem” Broner and Jovanie Santiago met face to face Thursday at the final press conference to preview their main event attraction taking place this Saturday, Februarie 20 trăi pe SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

The popular Broner (33-4-1, 24 KO), who by the age of 26 had captured world titles at 130, 135, 140 și 147 de lire sterline, will end his two-year hiatus from boxing and continue his quest for a fifth world title by returning to face the unbeaten Santiago (14-0-1, 10 KO) in a 12-round welterweight bout.

The press conference also featured former heavyweight world title challenger Dominic Breazeale and highly touted contender Otto Wallin, who will square off in the 12-round co-feature of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast, and former world champion Robert Easter Jr. and contender Ryan Martin who will meet in a 12-round super lightweight bout to open the telecast.

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions. Breazeale vs. Wallin is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday:


“I’ve had so many great performances and I’m looking forward to another great performance Saturday night. I know he’s coming to fight, he’s undefeated and he’s hungry. Anybody who fights a name like Adrien Broner is going to always train to their best ability so I’m not looking at this as a fight where I just go in and destroy this guy. I’m just going to go to do what I have to do to get the victory – look good inside and outside the ring.

“I feel like I’m going to be a world champion again, din nou, mereu. Until I’m really done with boxing. Da, I took two years off from boxing, retired and let my body heal and rest. I just feel like I’ve got what it takes to win more championships in different weight classes so that’s what I’m going to do.

"La sfârșitul zilei, he’s here because of me and everybody in this room is here because of me, so that’s special. sambata seara, the only thing that’s going to be special is this whooping I’m giving out. He’ll know then. Santiago hasn’t been punched yet. When you punch somebody, they talk different. He ain’t going to be talking like that after Saturday.

“I went through a lot of things, sincer. Intr-o zi, I just woke and said, ‘I’m done.’ In order to change, you’ve got to make change or you’ll steady get caught up doing the same thing. I cut a lot of stuff, I stopped doing a lot of stuff and I got myself together. It was a long road to get to where I’m at today and now I’m here.

"Asculta, if you got a belt, just hold on to it. I’m coming to sweep it all up; WBA, WBO, WBC, IBF. I’m coming to get them all.

“Just expect a hell of a show. I know he’s coming to fight, He’s from Puerto Rico, ei vin să lupte. But I didn’t just do all this training to go into the ring and not fight. So he’s got to know that if he comes to a war, he’s going to be in a war too. He better be coming with a lot of equipment because I’ve got a lot of equipment coming with me. I’m just ready to put it all on the line. I don’t know how he feels, but I’m willing to die in the ring. I’m willing to put my life on the line. I don’t know how far he’s willing to go. He might start thinking about his kids, grandkids, aunts, nieces, I don’t know.

“From the time I was six years old, I never took a break from boxing. So that’s what I did. Acum, I’m missing boxing again, I’m back in it and we’re back to it on Saturday night.

“It’s been a hell of a training camp. Maybe one of the toughest because I had to get back in rhythm, coming back and losing all that weight and working as hard as I do. I didn’t want an easy fight so I picked a guy like Jovanie Santiago because I know he’s going to push me and bring the best out of me. That’s what I know about him. E un luptător bun, an undefeated fighter, and he’s not here to lose.

“I know a lot of people don’t know these guys, but guys like Jovanie can be very dangerous because a lot of people don’t know him. I know better, he’s coming to fight, he’s a good fighter and undefeated, so I have to stay on my A-game. I’m going in to get the victory – whatever presents itself. If the knockout presents itself, I’m taking it. You don’t get paid for overtime but I’m definitely coming to get my win.

“The overall goal is to get past this fight first. În box, you can’t look past no opponent. I don’t care how everything looks on paper. În box, you’re only one punch away from a knockout and that’s on both ends. So what I’ve got to do is go in, get my victory, get my hands raised first, and then we’re gonna go to the drawing board. So the plan for me is to get my victory Saturday night.

“Everything happens for a reason and I think this is going to be a great start. Like I said before, I didn’t want no easy out. I could have taken a pushover, but I’m not doing that. I love competition. I want somebody to test me, bring the best out of me, and that’s why I picked Jovanie Santiago. Saturday night is going to be a great fight.”


“This is a great opportunity for me. sambata seara, I’m going to show who I am. I’m going to show Adrien Broner that I’m ready to fight.

“Whatever Broner brings to the table, I’m going to beat him on Saturday night. Sunt gata pentru această luptă. At this point, Broner might think he has an easy fight, but he’s in the wrong. I’m here to fight, I’m here to win. Suntem gata.

“This Saturday night is going to be a war and it’s going to be a victory for Puerto Rico. I’m ready to die in the line like we say in Puerto Rico.

“I know this is the biggest fight of my career. He’s a big name and I’m going to try and win for Puerto Rico. Winning this fight would be the best thing that’s happened in my career and my name would get a lot bigger in the boxing world.

“I don’t have anything to lose. Adrien Broner has everything to lose Saturday night so he better bring his A-game against me. A win for me would catapult me into a world title shot.

“AB always puts on a show so on Saturday I have to be ready to put on my own show against AB. He is a good champion but I’ve trained really hard in the gym and I’m going to show it on Saturday.

“I think Adrien Broner thinks that I’m an easy fight for him, but he’s wrong about that. I think Broner is going to let go of his hands because he sees me as a weak opponent. He’s definitely overlooking me.

“Whatever Broner brings to the table, I’m going to be ready for it. If he moves, I’m going to move with him. If he wants to brawl, I’m going to brawl. Whatever he does, I’m going to do it better than he does.”


“It’s true you’re only as good as your last fight, but at the same time I feel like this is my coming out party. It feels like my pro debut. I’ve been off for a long time and had a great training camp so I’m ready for Saturday night.

“After my last fight against (Deontay) Wilder I took a few days to digest the loss and then was back in the gym about 10 days later. I didn’t want to harp on it or let it bother me. There wasn’t really a sense of urgency, but I knew there were going to be changes and I knew they had to be done in the next couple of weeks. I focused on my eating and my training and, desigur, the biggest change of all was my trainer change from Virgil Hunter to Abel Sanchez.

“Switching to Abel and training up in Big Bear has been huge and something I wish I would have done years ago. Abel actually has something written on the wall that says, ‘Imagine what if.’ And I imagine ‘what if’ every night. Cum am spus, I wish I would have done this a year ago, but my conditioning and my confidence are at an all-time high.

“Some people might have thought I would have wanted to get back in there with a pushover, but I’ve always wanted to fight the top guys. I saw the Otto Wallin fight and the performance he gave against Tyson Fury and then Travis Kauffman. When the name was brought to my attention, I jumped all over it. I knew that the boxing world would respect the fight against myself and Otto.

“I don’t think Otto’s been in there with a big, puternic, athletic guy like myself. Mike Tyson said it best: ‘Everyone’s got a game plan until you get punched in the mouth.’”


“Everybody wants to ask about my fight with Tyson Fury and they forget that I’ve done a lot more than that. But it was a great performance and I understand that most people hadn’t seen me fight before, it was a great fight and it was better than what most people thought. I’m kind of over that now. I want to move forward. It’s nice to move forward. It’s nice to be on SHOWTIME fighting with Breazeale, who has a good name. So hopefully with this fight, I beat him and move on so people can see I’m able to beat good guys.

“I think I’m more well-rounded than Breazeale. De asemenea, you can’t forget that I’m actually 6’ 6”, 240, so I’m not that small. I know a lot of people look at me like I’m smaller but I’m not that small. Acestea fiind spuse, Eu sunt mai deștept, got a great team, we’ve had a great camp and I’m really good too. I’m faster than Dominic, I have better footwork, better defense, and better defense. So I’ve got to bring all of that in there, do what I’m good at and I’ll be fine.

“I think a win will hopefully help me move past Fury. But also it will put my name up there, to solidify my spot there. I don’t think this fight will get me a title shot but it will be a good shot on the way.

“I think you can expect a good fight, two good fighters. Dominic probably feels he has a point to prove and probably going to come out and be aggressive and try to come after me. I’m sure I won’t have to look for him and I’m ready for that. People can expect an exciting fight and a good night of boxing.

“Dominic is an aggressive guy so I have to be smart. I have to be who I am and set him up and I think I will be able to do that.

“I don’t feel a lot of pressure. I just have to be myself and I have to do what I do, what I’m good at. This is a big opportunity for me so I try to be positive. I waited a long time to get to this level, I’m finally here and I’m not going back.”


“I’ve been in some brawls, but I really haven’t ever shown my true boxing abilities. Me, Mike Stafford and my father (Robert Paști, Sr.) just worked on boxing and being myself.

“During COVID it really set me down and being off for all that time and never really knowing when I would get that call to get back in the ring. So I really had to focus up and I had to be ready whenever I was given that phone call. It motivated me. Mai Mult, I had to look over my son and make sure he was alright. So it really put a different drive in me. This pandemic really set everything back, but we’re more than ready.

“140 is definitely the place for me to be right now. That’s the future. We’re worried about present right and capturing this title at 140.

“I’m just worried about me and showing my skills and everything we’ve worked on in training and this camp.”


“We fought in the amateurs and he beat me so there’s definitely a little chip on my shoulder there. I want to get back at him and let him know that I’m not a 16-year-old kid anymore.

“This fight is going to put me right back up there to be in a position to fight any of the champions or top contenders in the division. This fight is definitely going to steal the show.

“I’m focused. My mind is clear. This fight right here gets me excited. We’re two Ohio fighters with history – I’ve got a chip on my shoulder. It’s going to be an action-packed fight and I’m going to bring it. I’m not really surprised that Easter says he doesn’t see much difficulty in fighting me. I kind of expected him to say that. Easter is Easter.

“It’s going to be very important that I let my hands go against Easter. I feel that this fight is going to have so much action. I’m clear minded. Sunt gata. sambata seara, we’re going to get in there and let it fly.

“Words can’t explain how excited and anxious I am for this, to tell you the truth. I’m just so ready for Saturday night. I’m ready to get the weigh-in over with, get under the lights on Saturday night and put on a show. It’s going to be an entertaining fight. A lot of people are saying a lot of things about me based on the Josh Taylor fight. Așa, it’s kind of like I’m battling two things.

“Easter just needs to come with it on Saturday night. I always knew this fight with Robert Easter was going to happen. I don’t know why, but I just always knew that we would meet again in the ring. I think it’s because we were both in Ohio – he was in Toledo and I was in Cleveland – and I just always thought I’d get this fight. I just didn’t think it would happen like this in a bubble.”

For more information visit,, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at

# # #

Broner vs. Santiago will see former four-division world champion Adrien Broner return to the ring to face undefeated Puerto Rican Jovanie Santiago in a 12-round welterweight bout in the main event Saturday, Februarie 20 locuiesc pe SHOWTIME la 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT de la Mohegan Sun Arena din Uncasville, Conn. in a Premier Boxing Champions event. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also pit former heavyweight world title challenger Dominic Breazeale against highly touted contender Otto Wallin in the 12-round co-feature. The telecast opener features former world champion Robert Easter Jr. facing off against contender Ryan Martin in a 12-round super lightweight bout. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions. Breazeale vs. Wallin is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.

Richard Brewart Jr. Training Camp Quotes

Photo by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxing Promotions

CORONA, CA (Februarie 18, 2021) – Undefeated middleweight, Richard “Cool Breeze” Brewart Jr. (8-0, 4 KO), va lua pe Nathan Weston (6-0-2, 2 KO), această duminică, Februarie 21, 2021, pe Thompson Boxing Promotions în primul rând 3.2.1. Box event of the year. The 6-round bout will serve as the main event of the evening.

The co-feature will see undefeated super bantamweight, Katsuma Akitsugi (4-0, 1 KO), facing fellow unbeaten prospect, Arnold Dinong (7-0, 1 KO). In the opening 4-round bout, Nelson Oliva will be making his pro debut against Uriel Gonzalez (5-6-1, 5 KO) in the middleweight division.

The free stream will air live this Duminică, Februarie 21, 2021, on the Thompson Boxing Promotions website (, as well as their Facebook și YouTube pages, in addition to Lupta Hub TV. 3.2.1. Boxing will take place at the Omega Products International Event Centru în Corona, CA, and will start at 3:30 p.m. PT / 6:30 p.m. ȘI.

Here is what Richard Brewart Jr. had to say about his upcoming fight with Weston, training camp with coach Henry Ramirez, și mai.

On his recent training camp:
“I’ve been in the gym with my coach Henry Ramirez, working on a lot of defensive drills and I am seeing the time I have put in paying off. I learned a lot in my last fight, and I know that I am close to some big opportunities, so I’m super focused. It’s been a very productive training camp to say the least.”

On his matchup with Nathan Weston:
“I have heard of Weston, I know he’s been in a couple of camps with big names like Golovkin and Munguia, but I know that I am different. This is a chance for me to show my talent against a well-respected opponent and someone who is coming to win. My power is starting to emerge more and more with each fight, and I feel my power will break him down. I’m going to make this fight uncomfortable for him by throwing a lot of power shots.

On what a win will do for his career:
“I am about to beat back-to-back undefeated fighters, and that is something a lot of fighters with less than ten fights don’t do. I am looking to make a statement in the middleweight division, and let the rest of the contenders know that I am coming.”

On fighting on 3.2.1. Box:
“Thompson Boxing has always taken great care of me and I appreciate them keeping my busy. Each fight I have been on for 3.2.1 Boxing has been exciting and fan-friendly. My last fight against Louis Hernandez was considered by some to be one of the best fights last year, and I know this fight will be just as good, if not better. I look forward to fighting on future 3.2.1 Boxing cards for the rest of 2021.

Beto Duran will operate as the blow-by-blow commentator with expert commentary by Doug Fischer and the returning Steve Kim. Jessica Rosaleswill serve as the onsite ringside reporter.

3.2.1 Box is sponsored by Thompson Building Materials, transforming spaces in beautiful places; Omega Products International, the leading stucco manufacturer in the United States; Henry / Fortifiber, moisture system control as easy as 1,2,3; and Makita, rule the outdoors.

Pentru mai multe informații, regular updates on our fighters, Evenimente, and promotions, va rugam sa vizitati You can also follow the conversation on social media, please use #321Boxing and #ThompsonBoxing.

Please check our Facebook Pagină, watch our YouTube channel on Thompson Boxing TV and follow us on Instagram și Stare de nervozitate @ThompsonBoxing.
Lupta Hub TV is a proud Media Partner with Thompson Boxing’s 3.2.1. Boxing shows and a great resource for all things Boxing.

Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, Jr. Benefited from sparring with undisputed world lightweight champion Katie Taylor

BOSTON (Februarie 17, 2021) – Boston featherweightTroy Anderson, Jr.  hasn’t made his pro debut yet, but he did get the opportunity to recently spar with undisputed world lightweight championKatie Taylor (17-0, 6 KO), the 2012 Olympic gold medalist from Ireland, who was a 5-time AIBA world champion as an amateur.

The 28-year-old Anderson, who is managed by Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker, was supposed to make his pro debut earlier this year in Mexico. He showed up but his opponent tested positive for COVID-19 and their fight was canceled.

Taylor frequently travels from Ireland to Connecticut, where she prepares for fights with her trainerRoss Enamait.    

Anderson, a union Sheetmetal worker in local 17, was a decorated amateur who won a gold medal at the 2016 Turneul Rocky Marciano, as well as The New England’s Tournament twice in 2018-2019, and won Central Division of the New England Golden Gloves Tournament twice and runner-up twice during his four-year (2016-2019) run. He also competed in three national tournaments.

Anderson benefitted from being a southpaw when his trainerMarc Gargaro, was contacted by Enamait about needing a lefthanded sparring partner for Taylor. “I’ve only sparred with her once,” Anderson said, “but I believe I will be getting more work with Katie at her training camp in the near future. I’ve already been asked back for more sparring.

“In the ring, Katie is patient, ascuțit, and quick with her combinations. She also doesn’t waste any movements all all. She is very tough and aggressive. Outside the ring, she is very nice, always smiling when talking, and a generous, decent human being.”

There’s nothing better for a young boxer than to train and spar with a world-class athlete, even if it’s a female against a male, the experience in invaluable.

I believe getting experience with a world champion helped me build up my confidence. It definitely opened my mind and eyes to trying new things like different movements and combinations, as well as make sure my defense and foot work was on point. Learning to become better at changing the tempo of combinations I was throwing. Also, realizing the things Katie did during and after sparring, understanding her mentality, and letting me know and see what it takes to be the best in the world, will help me grow big-time as a boxer.

“It is a little different sparring a woman but, sincer, it helped me work on my craft in areas I’ve been trying to improve on. I am still available to give and get good, solid work and effort. It’s expanding my mind, I was still able to pick and choose when to dig hard shots to make sure I was still solidly sparring for her, unlike with guys’ majority of punches are thrown hard.

Ortiz’ managerRyan Roach comentat: “This is a great opportunity for Troy. Anytime you share the ring with a world champion, even sparring, is a great way to elevate your level of confidence. As many know there are a lot of levels to this sport and these opportunities are crucial in building a fighter. I am really proud of Troy. His debut got pushed back, but he’s stayed in the gym and remains positive waiting for his shot. He has a great coach and team at Nonantum Boxing.”

Sparring Taylor may not have erased the disappointment of Anderson’s pro debut being canceled; totuși, the experience will surely make him a better fighter.

“Sparring a world champion was unbelievable,” Anderson concluded. “Just having the opportunity to step foot in the ring with world champion Katie Taylor was amazing. Literally, leading up to the day of sparring, that’s all I could focus on and think about. I was extremely locked in, because I wanted to give Katie Taylor good work and show her that reaching out to my coach Marc was not a mistake, and his words about me were solid. Seeing how Katie is when moving, throwing combinations, and on defense picking and choosing when to be aggressive and not, is unexplainable. It was truly a blessing and I will forever be grateful and thankful for the experience and opportunity to be able to spar with a world champion, Katie Taylor”



FACEBOOK:  /blocator de luptă

STARE DE NERVOZITATE:  @RoachRyan, @_troyandersonjr

INSTAGRAM: @ RyanRoach82

DESPRE FIGHTER LOCKER: Infiintata in 2019, Fighter Locker este o agenție sportivă cuprinzătoare care administrează boxeri profesioniști. Fighter Locker ajută, de asemenea, la mărcile boxerilor, găsindu-și vocea cu un serviciu 100% personalizat. Fighter Locker nu crede cu adevărat în modelele de lucru. Crede în modele de optimizare a parteneriatului în mișcare.

Fighter Locker folosește patru pași creativi, deoarece crede în „fundamentul este totul”: 1. conceput cu înțelepciune, 2. restrâns creativ, 3. Judecat cu mândrie, 4. puternic vizat.

Brewart Jr. vs. Weston New Main Event for 3.2.1. Box

CORONA, CA (Februarie 8, 2021) – Due to sickness, semimijlocie Saul Bustos (13-0-1, 7 KO) will have to step down from his scheduled 8-round bout with Todd Manuel (18-17, 5 KO), that was set to be the main event for Thompson Boxing Promotions 3.2.1. Boxing show on Sunday, Februarie 21, 2021.

A battle of unbeaten middleweights will now serve as the new main event as Richard “Cool Breeze” Brewart Jr. (8-0, 4 KO), se va confrunta cu Nathan Weston (6-0-2, 2 KO), in a 6-round bout.

Undefeated super bantamweights, Arnold Dinong (7-0, 1 KO) și Katsuma Akitsugi (4-0, 1 KO) will square off in the 6-round co-main event. In the opening 4-round bout, Nelson Oliva of Fontana, CA, will be making his pro debut against Uriel Gonzalez (5-6-1, 5 KO) in the middleweight division.

The free stream will air live on the Thompson Boxing Promotions website (, as well as their Facebook și YouTubepages, in addition to Lupta Hub TV. 3.2.1. Boxing will take place at the Omega Products International Event Centru în Corona, CA, and will start at 3:30 p.m. PT / 6:30 p.m. ȘI.

“It’s unfortunate that Bustos got sick, but I think we rebounded nicely,” said promoter Ken Thompson. “Brewart Jr. vs. Weston and Dinong vs. Akitsugi are two great fights pitting undefeated fighters who will be putting their “0’s” on the line.”

“This card will continue to be very explosive as both our main and co-main events have hungry, tineri, unbeaten fighters going to battle,", A declarat Alex Camponovo, Thompson Boxing’s general manager and creator of 3.2.1 Box. “I’m expecting a lot of fireworks to be on display.”

Beto Duran will operate as the blow-by-blow commentator with expert commentary by Doug Fischer and the returning Steve Kim. Jessica Rosaleswill serve as the onsite ringside reporter.

3.2.1 Box is sponsored by Thompson Building Materials, transforming spaces in beautiful places; Omega Products International, the leading stucco manufacturer in the United States; Henry / Fortifiber, moisture system control as easy as 1,2,3; and Makita, rule the outdoors.

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