kategorie Argief: boks

Marie-Eve Dicaire learned invaluable lesson from Claressa Shields fight

MONTREAL (Maart 31, 2021) – Popular Canadian boxerMarie-Eve Dicaire learned an invaluable albeit disappointing lesson in her decision-loss to now-undisputed world super welterweight championClaressa Shields (11-0, 2 Uitklophoue) on the March 3rd “SUPERWOMEN” pay-per-view event.

Dicaire (17-1) suffered her first loss as a professional and in boxing that often leads in one direction or the opposite: learning from the overall experience and improving as a boxer or continue fighting as just a former world champion chasing opportunity.

Two weeks after the Shields fight, Marie-Eve was right back in training, rather than wallowing in her first loss and feeling sorry for herself.

“Clearly,” Dicaire said, “I learned a lot. I went right back to the gym with a precise plan to take my boxing to another level. I’ve realized many things, some good and some bad, but it will definitely help become a more complete fighter.

“After two weeks off, I had more than enough. Also, during the last year we experimented with a new way to work. I go to the gym for intense training for a few weeks, then take a few days off to rest. This method has brought me to another level, so we decided to work this way for my upcoming camp, because I felt great in the ring. I’m an overachiever. I can’t rest when I know I lost. I needed to get the work done to enjoy true vacations. I know I will be in the ring again soon.”

Losses ultimately lead to changes but Dicaire’s goal of becoming undisputed world champion remains the same. What’s changing, al, is her style, at least to some degree, especially considering she has zero knockouts during her pro career.

“I was born ready, so the sooner, hoe beter,” Dicaire spoke about winning another world title. “I want to become a unified, undisputed world champion and this is why I am already back to work. We’re working on improving some of my weaknesses that weren’t a priority before. I’ll be working on improving my power and inside fighting during this training camp.”

Dicaire also learned that her support system has grown, remarkably, even after the initial setback on her otherwise undefeated record.

“I thought I was going to deal with the loss alone with my family and close friends,” Dicaire concluded, “but it’s been the exact opposite. I have never experienced so much support from fans during my entire career. It is like everybody is aware I have everything it takes to become champion of the world again and they’re with me during this new journey.”


'Ek kan nie wag om almal die nuwe Andy Ruiz Jr.. Mei 1, omdat ek nou meer gemotiveerd is as wat ek nog nooit tevore was nie,”- Ruiz

'Ek is opgewonde vir Mei 1 want dit gaan beslis 'n
rock 'em sock' em type of fight. ”- Arreola

Voormalige Unified Heavyweight World Champion Andy Ruiz, Jr. &
All-Action swaargewig Chris Arreola Preview Showdown
Opskrif FOX Sports PBC Pay-per-View Saterdag, Mei 1 uit
Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Kalifornië

Klik HIER vir perskonferensie-video
(Krediet: PBC op FOX, Wagwoord: !2ca2?qS)

CARSON, CALIF. (Maart 30, 2021) - Voormalige verenigde wêreldkampioen in swaargewig Andy "The Destroyer" Ruiz Jr.. en die swaargewig Chris "The Nightmare" Arreola van alle aksies het Dinsdag tydens 'n virtuele perskonferensie 'n voorskou van hul kragmeting gesien voordat hulle in 'n FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View-hoofbyeenkoms Saterdag veg, Mei 1 van Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Kalifornië,

Die betaal-per-kyk-aksie begin om 9 namiddag. ET / 6 pm. PT en sien hierdie botsing tussen twee Mexikaans-Amerikaanse swaargewigte bo-op 'n propvol vol-Mexikaanse boks-ekstravaganza. Die gestapelde betaalkaart-onderkaart-mede-funksie sal die voormalige wêreldkampioen Omar "Panterita" Figueroa sien, Jr. bots met Abel Ramos in 'n twaalf-ronde weltergewig-stryd. Opspraakwekkende superweltergewig-kandidaat Sebastián "The Towering Inferno '' Fundora pak die erg treffende Jorge" El Demonio '' Cota aan in 'n 12-ronde-stryd en die opkomende weltergewigster Jesús Ramos, Jr. Duels Amerikaanse. Olimpiese speler Javier “El Intocable” Molina vir 10-rondes weltergewig-aksie.

Die geleentheid word bevorder deur TGB Promotions. Kaartjies is nou te koop en kan by AXS.com gekoop word. Dignity Health Sports Park sal in beperkte hoedanigheid oop wees vir ondersteuners, met al die gaste wat sosiaal gedistansieerd bly en onderhewig aan plaaslike en staatsgesondheidsriglyne gedurende die hele geleentheid.

Die FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View is 'n prys van $49.99.

Die swaargewigte is tydens die perskonferensie deur hul bekende afrigters vergesel, met Eddy Reynoso wat Ruiz se huidige kamp bespreek, en Joe Goossen wat Arreola se voorbereidings ontleed. Hier is wat die perskonferensie-deelnemers Dinsdag moes sê:


'Ek is regtig gemotiveerd vir Mei 1. Ons oefen albei hard en werk elke dag vir hierdie een. My mentaliteit is waar dit moet wees en ek is gereed om 'n wonderlike vertoning te lewer.

'Eddy sien die potensiaal wat ek het, en hy het vir my gesê dat ek gedissiplineer moet word as ek saam met hom gaan werk. Ek dink nie ek was ooit waar nie 100 persent toegewy tot nou toe. Ek is omring deur groot kampioene soos Canelo Alvarez, Oscar Valdez en Ryan Garcia, wat my help motiveer en dit is 'n seën om elke dag by Eddy te leer.

'Om met Eddy te werk, het my mentaliteit help verander. Sy mentaliteit is dat ons niks as vanselfsprekend kan aanvaar in hierdie sport nie. Ons het aan baie verskillende dinge gewerk en ek het die vermoë om baie nuwe dinge saam met Eddy te doen. Ek kan nie wag om vir almal die nuwe Andy Ruiz Jr.. Mei 1 omdat ek nou meer gemotiveerd is as wat ek nog nooit tevore was nie.

'Ek het baie geleer by elke afrigter wat ek gehad het, en ek is dankbaar vir almal. Saam met Eddy, hy hou daarvan om elke slag en elke beweging in die ring te vervolmaak. Die vlak van detail is iets wat ek nog nooit op hierdie vlak gehad het nie.

'Arreola is 'n vegter wat baie slae kan slaan. Hy is sterk, maar ons gaan by die wedstrydplan hou en gedissiplineerd bly.

'Om my laaste stryd te verloor, was verwoestend. Ek het nie die dinge gedoen wat ek moes doen nie. Dit was die belangrikste stryd in my loopbaan. Ek het my hele lewe lank gewag om kampioen te word en ek het dinge begin doen wat ek nooit gedink het ek sou kon doen nie. Ek wil nie weer dieselfde foute maak nie, en dit is 'n groot deel van wat my motiveer.

'Noudat ek gewig op die regte manier gedaal het, Ek voel ongelooflik. Ek voel dat ek baie meer dinge kan doen wat ek nog nie voorheen kon doen nie weens my liggaam. Die hemel is die limiet vir my.

'Ek het nog steeds 'n wrok in my binneste oor die tweede Anthony Joshua-stryd, want ek wil nie weer op daardie pad gaan nie. Ek wil net gedissiplineerd bly vir hierdie stryd en al die groot gevegte in my toekoms.

'Ek het van Arreola geleer dat ons albei vegters is. Ons gee nie op nie. Ons ontvang graag slae en gee dit terug. As ons in daardie ring is, dis net besigheid.

'Dit gaan 'n stryd met alle aksies wees. Ek weet Arreola oefen baie hard en ek is opgewonde vir alles wat hy gaan bring. Ek kan nie wag om al my verbeterings aan die mense daarbuite te wys nie. '


'Dit is 'n stryd wat ek gesien het kom sedert die eerste keer dat ek Andy gespaar het. Destyds was hy net 'n popperige kind en ek het niks aan hom gedink nie, totdat hy daardie hande gooi. Daardie hande was vinnig en dodelik. Ek het op daardie stadium geweet dat hierdie stryd eendag sou kom.

'Ek was 'n rukkie gereed vir hierdie stryd. Op 'n stadium wou hy soos ek wees, en nou wil ek soos hy wees en swaargewigkampioen word. Hy het alles verdien wat hy gekry het, en nou is dit my tyd om alles te doen om die geskiedenis te verander en te bewys dat ek 'n elite-swaargewig is.

'Ek het alles in opleiding gegee, maar ons gaan aanhou werk. Ek is opgewonde vir Mei 1 want dit gaan beslis 'n soort geveg wees. '

'Ek weet dat Andy sterk lyk en dit 'n groot stryd gaan maak. Dit is 'n stryd waaroor mense moet praat. Daar is meer werk om te doen, maar ek sal gereed wees om die wêreld op Mei te skok 1.

'Dit was nie soseer die uitset wat vir my verbeter het in die Adam Kownacki-stryd nie, maar dit is die feit dat ek combo's kon gooi toe ek wou. Ek glo dat die slegste wat ek in die stryd moes kry, gelykop was. Óf manier, my plan is om in nog 'n beter toestand te wees vir hierdie stryd teen Ruiz.

'Daar is nie te veel dinge waaroor ek in my lewe spyt is nie. Ja, Ek het later in my loopbaan meer dissipline gevind, maar ek is nie een wat te veel op die verlede steun nie. Daar is niks wat ek kan verander nie, behalwe wat more gebeur.

'Noudat ek hierdie nuwe toegevoegde energie in my het, en regtig hierdie nuwe liefde vir die spel, dit maak dit vir my makliker om in die gimnasium te kom en na Joe te luister.

'Andy was baie beskeie toe ek hom die eerste keer bespaar het. Ek het nie gedink dat hy die handspoed en vaardighede sou hê wat hy gehad het nie. Ek het daardie dag 'n onbeskofte ontwaking gehad. Ons het mekaar die hande opgelê. In plaas daarvan om op te hou, hy het aangehou kom. Dit was 'n prettige sparring-sessie. Daarom was ek een van die mense wat voorspel het dat hy Joshua die eerste geveg gaan klop.

'Ek weet dat ek 'n slim spelplan moet saambring. Aan die einde van die dag, ons gaan die rock 'em sock' em oomblikke hê. Andy het baie handspoed. So ek weet dit as ek nie my hande terugbring nie, Ek sal gevang word. '

EDDY REYNOSO, Ruiz’s Trainer

'Andy het soveel tyd gegee en was so toegewyd aan sy werk in die gimnasium. Ons is opgewonde vir Mei 1. Hy is gemotiveerd en leer elke dag baie.

'Ons weet dit op Mei 1 ons gaan te doen hê met 'n aggressiewe vegter wat sy beste gaan lewer. Andy is opgewonde oor die uitdaging wat Arreola bied.

'Mei 1 gaan die tweede begin van Andy se loopbaan wees. Dit is die begin van sy strewe om weer kampioen te word. Ons respekteer Arreola, maar ons gaan daar ingaan om die werk op Mei gedoen te kry 1.

'Andy is sterk en hy het 'n geweldige fokus. Ek moet Andy gelukwens met sy poging en toewyding tot dusver. Ek glo dit op Mei 1, almal gaan 'n baie ander en verbeterde Andy Ruiz Jr..

'Ek het met Andy en sy hele span gesels en hulle het ons die vertroue gegee dat Andy hard sou werk. Hy het presies dit gedoen. Die fokus is dat hy weer wêreldkampioen word. Daar is baie groot vegters in swaargewig, maar ons glo almal dat Andy met hierdie harde werk gaan wys wie hy regtig is. '

JOE GOOSSEN, Arreola’s Trainer

'Dit is twee vegters wat bekend is vir wat hulle die beste doen, en dit gaan vir die uitklophou. Hulle laat dit dadelik van die openingsklok af vlieg.

'Eddy oefen Andy tans en dit is 'n wonderlike wedstryd, net soos ek en Chris is 'n goeie wedstryd. Ek verwag dat albei vegters in 'n fantastiese vorm sal wees. Ek weet dat Eddy nie Andy sou oplei nie, tensy hy die program toegewy het.

'Ons oefen nou al maande. Chris was baie toegewyd en het sy vaardighede verskerp om vir Mei gereed te wees 1. Albei ouens wil wen. Die druk is op albei ouens om hard daarvoor te werk. Geen ou glo dat hulle die 'b-kant' is nie en dit is hoe hulle moet voel. As u twee vaardige vegters met daardie mentaliteit het, dit gaan 'n groot stryd wees.

'Wanneer het u ooit Chris of Andy in 'n slegte stryd gesien?? Hulle gee albei alles en as ek nie vir Chris opgelei het nie, Ek sal beslis kyk. As dit alles gesê en gedoen word, Ek glo dit gaan 'n stryd wees wat in die geskiedenisboeke opgeneem word.

'Andy se styl is Andy se styl. Soos hy self gesê het, die verskil is wat hy met 'n ander liggaam kan doen. Dit gaan 'n nuwe en verbeterde styl wees. Dit is moeilik om u hele styl te verander, maar hy gaan wys dat hy sy styl bygevoeg het. '

TOM BROWN, President van TGB Promotions

“Dignity Health Sports Park is die voorste buiteboks-lokaal in die VS.. Dit was die tuiste van 'n paar ware moderne klassieke. Iets spesiaals gebeur as vegters in daardie tonnel afstap. Dit is soos gladiators wat die Colosseum binnekom.

“Andy Ruiz Jr vs.. Chris Arreola is gewaarborg dat dit weer 'n groot stryd sal wees tussen twee Mexikaans-Amerikaanse krygers uit Suid-Kalifornië. Dwarsdeur hul geskiedenis, die oomblik toe hulle die ring binnestap, hierdie vegters het boksondersteuners geëlektrifiseer.

'Hierdie stryd sal 'n skraal fees wees. Albei vegters het ondersteunersvriendelik, all-action style en dit is veilig om te sê dat Ruiz en Arreola nog nooit in die ring gestap het om net te wen nie - hulle wil die uitklophou hê. Dit gaan dus bomme weg wees op Mei 1.

'Ons is baie opgewonde oor hierdie betaal-per-kyk-kaart met vier all-action-gevegte. Ons begin die aksie met die jong vooruitsig, Jesus Ramos, wat Javier Molina aanvat in 'n wedstryd wat die toekoms van die boks is teenoor 'n veteraan-Olimpiese. Ons het ook 'n opkomende ster in Sebastian Fundora teen 'n ware mededinger in Jorge Cota. Meer, die mede-hoofbyeenkoms met Omar Figueroa teen Abel Ramos het die potensiaal om 'n Mexikaanse Gatti vs.. Ward tipe stryd. ”

# # #

Ruiz vs. Arreola sal die voormalige verenigde swaargewig-wêreldkampioen Andy "The Destroyer" Ruiz sien, Jr. veg die all-action swaargewig Chris "The Nightmare '' Arreola in die hoofwedstryd van 'n all-Mexikaanse boks ekstravaganza op Saterdag, Mei 1 'n FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View van Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Kalifornië.

Die betaal-per-kyk begin om 9 namiddag. ET / 6 pm. PT en het die voormalige wêreldkampioen Omar “Panterita” Figueroa, Jr. bots met Abel Ramos in die twaalf-ronde weltergewig-mede-hoofbyeenkoms. Sensasionele super-weltergewig-kandidaat Sebastián "The Towering Inferno '' Fundora pak die erg treffende Jorge" El Demonio '' Cota aan in 'n twaalf-ronde stryd en die opkomende weltergewigster Jesús Ramos, Jr. tweestryde Amerikaanse. Olimpiese speler Javier “El Intocable” Molina vir 10-rondes weltergewig-aksie in die betaal-per-kyk-opener.

Vir meer inligting: besoek www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage en www.foxdeportes.com, volg op TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes en @TGBPromotions word 'n aanhanger op Facebook by www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Guadalajara, Mexiko (Maart 30, 2021)It is Official!! — The Legend Anderson Silva has agreed to fight Julio Chavez Jr. in “Tribute to the Kings” in a boxing match on Saturday June 19th to be broadcast on Pay Per View in North America.

Anderson Silva, considered by many to be the greatest MMA fighter of all time, will take on former WBC Middleweight Champion of the world Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. in a boxing match on June 19th at Jalisco Stadium in Guadalajara, Mexiko. Silva of Curitiba Brazil was the longest reigning middleweight Champion for the UFC and compiled a record of 34 victories with 11 losses and 23 stunning knockouts. His boxing record is 13 - 1. Chavez, Jr. het 'n rekord van 52-5-1 met 34 uitklophoue.

When I look back at my journey, I see that nothing has been in vain!
I am extremely happy for the opportunity to test my boxing skills with Julio César Chávez Jr. I train continuously, always am striving for resilience and to overcome obstacles. Fighting is my everlasting breath,” said Silva.

“I have rededicated myself to the sport I love and I will be ready to face anyone in the Light Heavyweight division starting with Silva. I will be prepared to be victorious on June 19th,” said Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

Keith Schoen, of Schoen Entertainment, working in concert with Armando Bareño of Global Sports Streaming (GSS) have secured the deal with Anderson Silva for this bout with Julio Chavez Jr. The promoter for this event is Jorge Toscano of Toscano Boxing Promotions and Saul Rios of Borizteca Boxing Promotions who are represented by Attorney Gino Mazzanti.

This promises to be an epic battle between two superior fighters with a global fan base. Everyone associated with this Pay-Per-View promotion, and fight fans from around the globe are super enthusiastic to see these two great fighters meet in the ring,” said Keith Schoen. Anderson Silva is represented by ICM Partners, and managed by Talize Sayegh of Ducais Talent Management.

Said Jorge Toscano of Toscano Promotions, “We are excited to complete this deal and bring an entertaining night of boxing for the combat sport community.”

Fellow co-promoter Saul Rios of Borizteca Boxing said, “Anderson Silva is the greatest MMA fighter, and a great boxer so to have him fight Chavez Jr. for his first fight after leaving the UFC makes for an intriguing night of boxing.”

Armando Bareño of Global Sports Streaming stated, ““When you hear the names Chavez, Camacho, & Alvarez you know those are big names in boxing. Now adding Silva’s name to boxing; this made a special night even bigger with the GOAT of MMA fighting in a boxing match.”

This Massive Event “Tribute to The Kings” will be live on Pay-Per-View and will also feature a special Exhibition bout that will see Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. make his final ring appearance against Hector Camacho Jr. Camacho will be honoring the legacy of his late Hall of Fame father.



Beskrywing word outomaties gegenereer
“I’m coming there to take a win home to Philadelphia and look good doing it, by any means,” – Ennis

Rising Welterweight Star Ennis Battles Former World Champion Sergey Lipinets Saturday, April 10 Woon op Showtime® in a Premier Boxing Champions Event

Klik HIER vir Foto's van Amanda Westcott / Showtime

PHILADELPHIA (April 1, 2021) - Onoorwonne weltergewig Jaron “Boots” Ennis will look to cement his status as a rising star in the welterweight division when he takes on rugged former world champion Sergey Lipinets in a 12-round battle that headlines action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, April 10 from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. in 'n Premier Bokskampioenskap-byeenkoms.

The 23-year-old Ennis will be facing the toughest competition of his career in Lipinets, as he enters the ring in his first SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event. Representing the fighting city of Philadelphia, Ennis has used sublime boxing skills and power in both hands to make his claim as the city’s next great champion.

Ennis put together a 16-fight knockout streak that included becoming the first person to stop Juan Carlos Abreu when he blasted out the longtime challenger in the sixth round in August 2020. Ennis was unable to extend that streak in December 2020, when his fight against Chris van Heerden was declared a no-contest after round one due to a clash of heads causing a severe cut on Van Heerden’s forehead.

Trained by his father Bozy Ennis, Ennis shared his thoughts on training camp, Lipinets and more below:

On headlining his first Showtime Championship Boxing card:

“It has made my schedule a little crazier. Being in the main event on SHOWTIME brings more attention, but I like it. I like being in the spotlight. I like to shine, so it’s nothing new to me. Now it’s fight time. I am locked in and ready to rock and roll.”

On training camp:

“We always do four-minute rounds in camp. I’ve been doing that since I was a baby. That’s another reason why I don’t sit down when I fight, because I am so used to the four-minute rounds. The three-minute rounds go by real fast on fight night. One thing we added this camp was the underwater treadmill work.”

On his final preparations:

“The week before the fight, we are winding it down and sharpening up. It’s been a great training camp. I have been getting better and better each and every day, and I can’t wait to perform next Saturday.”

On facing his first former world champion:

"Hy is 'n goeie vegter, but it doesn’t mean anything to me. It’s just another day in the office. He’s a regular person just like anyone else.”

On Sergey calling him a ‘typical Philly fighter’:

“I guess he knows I’m tough, gritty and I’m ready to rumble. I’m coming there to take a win home to Philadelphia and look good doing it, by any means.”

On his knockout power:

“I don’t think I have my man strength yet. I feel it will be one or two more years until I fully have my man strength. The crazy part is, I feel like in a fight, I still haven’t thrown a real power shot and really sat down on a punch yet. Everything I’ve been knocking guys out with has been all natural strength.”

On how he views his knockout streak:

“Some people might look at a knockout on April 10 as die 17ste consecutive knockout, some might view it as the start of a new knockout streak. Vir my, I don’t really care as long as I come out victorious. That’s all that matters to me. I’m not looking for a knockout but I’m going to take it if it comes.”

# # #

Ennis vs.. Lipinets will see rising welterweight star Jaron “Boots” Ennis face former world champion Sergey Lipinets in a 12-round showdown headlining action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, April 10 from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. in 'n Premier Bokskampioenskap-byeenkoms.

In die Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP boks mede-funksie, 'n paar swaar treffende weltergewigte vierkantig af as Eimantas Stanionis takes on former world title challenger Thomas Dulorme in 'n WBA-titelverdelger van die WBA-weltergewig. Die televisie-aanvangsknop bevat IBF Junior Bantamgewig-wêreldkampioen Jerwin “Pretty Boy” Ancajas verdediging van sy titel teen Jonathan Rodriguez in 'n twaalf-ronde wedstryd.

Die geleentheid word bevorder deur TGB Promotions. Ennis vs.. Lipinets word bevorder in samewerking met D&D Boks.

Vir meer inligting besoek www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, volg op Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing en @TGBPromotions op Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing en @TGBPromotions of word 'n aanhanger op Facebook by www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Heralded Prospect Jalen Walker in Action on Saturday night in Miami

Los Angeles, SOOS (Maart 19, 2021) -This Saturday night, one of the top prospects in boxing will be back in action at the Miami Airport Hilton in Miami, Florida as undefeated featherweight Jalen Walker takes on grizzled veteran Julian Aristule in a bout scheduled for six-rounds.
Walker of Los Angeles is 7-0 with six knockouts and is looking to add his most experienced foe to his resume.

After a successful amateur career that saw him amass a record of 108-13, and was a three-time National PAL champion; Two-Time Silver Medal winner in the Junior Olympics; Time-Time Silver Medal winner in the Adidas Nationals among his endless accolades. Walker turned professional at the age of 17.

Walker won his first six bouts in Tijuana, Mexico before winning his American debut, which was a unanimous decision over Diuhl Olguin.
I am ready to put on a show. I have put in a lot of hard work for this fight. I have seen a little bit of Aristule. I do not look at too much of my opponents, I let my team do that, but what I have seen is that he is on his way out,” Said Walker.

Aristule of Argentina has had a successful career by amassing a record of 34-14 met 17 uitklophoue, and is a former WBO Latino Super Bantamweight champion. He defeated two undefeated fighters, and has wins over several more quality opponents.

The ambitious Walker kept in good shape during the Coronavirus lockdown, and was ready for action when he took on Olguin last December 20th.

“Ek het nog nooit opgehou opleiding. I stayed in shape, and continued to run and spar,” continued Walker.

Walker, who started boxing at age seven as he followed in the footsteps of his father Norman and grandfather, who were both amateur boxers.
Walker is one of the most followed boxers on social media as he boasts over137,000 followers on Instagram knows that platforms like that are very important in today’s world of sports and entertainment.

I think the key to that is consistency. When I first started getting 1,000 views or so, I thought it was a big deal. I had about 6,000 followers before my pro debut, and it has continued to grow. When I start to fight on bigger cards, I can see that even skyrocketing. There are many world champions that don’t get nearly the views that I get. I am just waiting patiently, and when everything happens, things will click perfectly, It is going to be big.

Walker has gained valuable experience sparring with several world champions such as Danny Roman, Angel Acosta, Joseph Diaz Jr. and Murodjon Akhmadaliev .

Jalen is on the cusp of signing with a major promoter, and he knows that he brings a lot to the table both in and out of the ring.
I bring what I can do as a fighter, but also with social media, that even helps promote their events when I am fighting. I am the total package
Walker is managed by Waterfront Boxing, which is headed up by the duo of Rene Symonds and Clement Kwan.

The pair see a huge future for Walker.

“Our job as managers to a top talent like Jalen is to build a foundation for him to showcase his talents, flourish as a brand and to develop as a young man,” said Kwan.

Symonds added, “Jalen is an incredibly exciting fighter who eats, slaap en asemhaal boks. We’re incredibly proud of how active he has been during the pandemicwith five outings last year. This bout against a 48-fight veteran is another step towards fulfilling his destiny

Undisputed Welterweight Champion Jessica McCaskill looking for Biggest names in Boxing

McCaskill eying showdowns with Taylor and Shields

Chicago, IL (Maart 17, 2021) – Fresh off her second consecutive victory over future Hall of Famer, Cecilia Braekhus, undisputed welterweight champion, Jessica McCaskill is looking to fight the biggest names on the female circuit.

McCaskill of Chicago, easily outpointed the legendary Braekhus by scores of 100-89, 99-90 en 98-91 to win her fifth consecutive and raise her record to 10-2.

I felt my aggression was really good, just keeping the pressure non-stop, and we are ready for what is next. She was running in, and crowded herself, and I figured if she was going to run in, I would have to get at least one or two shots off, and she kept doing it, so I kept doing it as well. I wanted to move and show some more angles, but she kept coming straight in, so she was right there,” said McCaskill.

A fight with Katie Taylor might be the next thing on the agenda. If that is what it is, that would be great. If that does not work out, then there are a couple of other names out there. As for Claressa Shields, McCaskill thinks a fight with her can happen, “That could be a possibility if Claressa could come down to 147 pond. Op die eerste, she said that she would not give up any weight, and now she is saying she would, so we are just going to have to see if they are going to take this seriously.

Said McCaskill’s promoter, Leon Margules van Warriors Boxing, “Jessica proved yet again that she is one of the top fighters in the world. She has now dominated the fighter that has been the long-time pound for top boxer. We would love to fight anyone, and a fight with Katie Taylor would most certainly have a different outcome then their first fight. Fights with Taylor or Claressa would be historic fights as it would match two of the reigning undisputed champions against each other.
Photos/Matchroom Boxing


Jose Martinez and Israel Gonzalez Battle to Majority Draw in Co-Main Event, Alma Ibarra Earns Unanimous Decision Over Maricela Cornejo, and Joe Ward Avenges Lone Professional Loss Against Marco Delgado


Krediet: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Ring City USA

Click Here for Photos from Tonight’s Ring City Event

Click Here to Watch Fierro’s Comeback Knockout Victory

San Juan, PUERTO RICO – March 18, 2021 -Angel Fierrorose from the canvas twice en route to a stunning comeback knockout win in the sixth round against former world championAlberto Machadoas the latest chapter of the iconic Puerto Rico vs. Mexico ring rivalry was written in the Ring City USA main event, live on NBC Sports Network from Albergue Olimpico (Olympic Center) in Salinas, Puerto Rico.

Tijuana’s Fierro (18-1-1, 14 Uitklophoue) handed Machado (22-3, 18 Uitklophoue) of Rio Piedras his first professional loss in Puerto Rico, following a hot start from the former junior lightweight world champion. Machado, 30, scored a knockdown in each of the first two rounds with well-placed right-hand counter punches. Fierro displayed a durable chin and beat the count easily both times, signaling that he was not hurt by the crunching power punches. Fierro was down 48-45 on all three judges’ scorecards at the time of the stoppage.

“I’m happy, I faced a top-notch fighter tonight in Alberto Machado,” said Fierro, who was a three-to-one underdog. “He is world class and dropped me twice. But I am ecstatic that I was able to come back and beat a fighter of his caliber.”

The 22-year-old lightweight turned the fight around in the fourth round as he dedicated himself to a vicious body attack against Machado. The body work paid dividends as he found openings throughout the fifth and sixth round, ultimately leading to a vicious left hand that sent the former titlist to the canvas for the first and only time in the fight. Fierro credited finding his second wind to his two-year-old daughter back in Mexico.

“He dropped me twice in the beginning of the fight,” added Fierro. “When I got back to my corner, I told them, ‘remind me of my daughter.’ Because with this fight I can change her life and that’s exactly what they did after the third round. They motivated me and that’s exactly what I did.”

Prior to the fight, Fierro told the Ring City USA broadcast team, “the best judge is a knockout when you’re fighting in someone else’s hometown.” The Mexican warrior, who replaced undefeated prospect Hector Tanajara on one week’s notice, delivered on his promise to take matters into his own hands.

“We found a lot of gaps in Machado’s game in the sixth round,” stated Fierro. “I took advantage of them and I turned it around. I told you in the interview (voor die stryd), I didn’t come here to be a tourist in Puerto Rico. I came here to win.”

Immediately preceding the main event, Ierland seJoe Ward (3-1, 2 Uitklophoue) avenged his only professional loss with a dominating unanimous decision victory overMarco Delgado(7-2, 5 Uitklophoue) in their six-round light heavyweight tilt. In Oktober 2019, the 15-time Irish National Champion Ward faced Delgado in his professional debut and suffered a dislocated kneecap which led to a technical knockout victory for the Turlock, Kalifornië. moedertaal. Under the tutelage of two-division world champion Joey Gamache, the 29-year-old Ward displayed his spectacular amateur pedigree as he attempts to fast-track his pro career.

In the second fight of the telecastAlma Ibarra (7-1, 4 Uitklophoue) earned a hard-fought unanimous decision overMaricela Cornejo (13-4, 5 Uitklophoue) in an eight-round middleweight fight. Two of the ringside judges scored seven rounds for Ibarra (79-73) while the third saw it 77-75 for the winner. Ibarra, who hails from Monterrey, Mexiko, brought the fight to the Los Angeles native throughout the fight and was the far busier fighter.

“Now the world knows who Alma Ibarra is and what she is made of,” said the victor. “To everyone, I was a stranger. And to fight against someone who is very recognized worldwide in Maricela Cornejo and beat her, this opened many doors for us.”

Ibarra, 32, returned from a 16-month layoff following her first professional defeat against Raquel Miller in 2019. Ibarra, who had a successful amateur career, looked comfortable as she commanded the ring against the seasoned professional in 33-year-old Cornejo. Ibarra, a natural welterweight, was fighting at the heaviest weight of her career (156 lbs.).

“I felt very good, baie sterk, as this is a division that I am not used to,” said Ibarra. “I always fight in lower divisions, we had to go up two divisions to take this great opportunity, and well, I think we were not wrong to take this risk.”

In the co-main event of the evening, which kicked off the four-fight main card on NBC Sports NetworkJose “Chiquiro” Martinez(21-1-3, 14 Uitklophoue) of Mayaguez, P.R. enIsrael Gonzalez (26-4-1, 11 Uitklophoue) of Cabo San Lucas, Mexiko, fought to a majority draw in their 10-round bantamweight affair. While one ringside judge gave Gonzalez, 24, the edge on the scorecards (96-94), the remaining two judges scored it identically at 95-95. Ring City’s unofficial scorer Steve Smoger had Gonzalez edging the hometown fighter 97-93.

“I felt his punches, but I was the superior fighter tonight,"Sê Gonzalez. “He might have won three rounds but it’s OK. I’m thankful to Puerto Rico and all of the people that gave me an opportunity to be here.”

The 28-year-old Martinez did his best work on the inside as he attempted to neutralize the five-inch reach advantage of the younger Gonzalez and led on two of the scorecards through the midway point of the fight. Intussen, Gonzalez flashed excellent hand speed in the back-and-forth affair and stole many of the later rounds when he found his second wind. This marked the third draw for Martinez over his last seven fights and the first for Gonzalez.

“I feel happy, satisfied with the work I did,” said Martinez. “I understand that I was fighting against a strong opponent and that I won. I pushed more. I was on top of him, but these things happen in boxing. Now it’s a matter of continuing to train, maintain myself and seek that title opportunity.”

Following the co-main event between Martinez and Gonzalez, Ring City USA paid tribute to the late Marvelous Marvin Hagler, who died at the age of 66 Saterdag. A member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame, Hagler reigned as the undisputed middleweight champion for several years and participated in several classic bouts in the 1980s.

“The beautiful part of Marvelous Marvin Hagler, if you had the chance to be around him, is that he was authentic,” said blow-by-blow announcer Bob Papa. “Just as he was in the ring was how he treated you outside of the ring. He is truly one of the greatest champions of all time.”

Earlier in the evening, live on Twitch in the U.S. and around the world, Angel Acosta (22-2, 21 Uitklophoue) of Barrio Obrero Santurce, Puerto Rico, earned a victory on the scorecards for the first time in his professional career, verdien 'n eenparige besluit oorGilberto Mendoza (17-10-3, 8 Uitklophoue) of Baja California, Mexiko, in an eight-round super flyweight fight. Fighting in his hometown of Salinas, Edwin Valentin(10-0, 9 Uitklophoue) remained perfect with a fifth-round technical knockout victory over fellow Puerto RicanHector Marengo(7-15-4, 4 Uitklophoue). In the opening fight of the evening, Jose Romeinse (11-0, 5 Uitklophoue) van Bayamon, Puerto Rico, bestedRoque Junco(10-8-1, 6 Uitklophoue) via unanimous decision in an eight-round welterweight fight.

Calling all the action ringside in Puerto Rico was former two-time welterweight champion Shawn Porter joined by NBC Sports blow-by-blow commentator Bob Papa. Brian Campbell served as fight night analyst with Curran Bhatia reporting from ringside. The executive producers of tonight’s presentation ofRing City USA: Machado vs. Fierro on NBC Sports Network were Eric Weinberger, Jeff Huggins & Frank Samuel. The telecast was produced by David Gibson and directed by Matt Celli.

Tonight’s full four-fight telecast will be available to watch on-demand on the NBC Sports App with authenticated sign-in.

Ring City USA returns next Thursday, Maart 25 on NBC Sports Network to close out its three-event residency in Puerto Rico as one of the biggest fights in women’s boxing will take center stage between seven-division world champion and future Boxing Hall of FamerAmanda Serrano and three-division titlistDaniela Bermudez for Serrano’s WBO and WBC featherweight world titles. Follow Ring City USA onFacebookTwitterenInstagramfor the latest updates or visitwww.ringcityusa.com vir meer inligting.

About Ring City USA

Ring City, which launched in 2020, is boxing’s newest sports media platform. Working in tandem with a variety of promoters and talent, its new boxing series places an emphasis on competitive matchups that genuinely test the fighters and excite the fight fans. Ring City provides great fights in the ring and compelling shoulder programming outside of the ring. Ring City is the proving ground where up-and-coming talent can earn their stripes and launch themselves into the upper echelon of boxing stardom.



Beskrywing word outomaties gegenereer
Swaar treffende weltergewigte Eimantas Stanionis en Thomas Dulorme-tweestryd in die WBA-titeluitskakel; IBF Junior Bantamgewigkampioen, Jerwin Ancajas, verdedig die titel teen Jonathan Rodríguez in die televisie-opener

NEW YORK - Maart 17, 2021 - Toenemende ster in weltergewig Jaron “Boots” Ennis staan ​​voor sy moeilikste toets in die strewe na 'n wêreldtitel-skoot, terwyl hy sy eerste SHOWTIME-KAMPIOENSKAPSBOKS opskrif® teen die voormalige wêreldkampioen Sergey Lipinets. Hierdie formidabele deelnemers vergader in 'n twaalf-ronde, kruispad veg Saterdag met weltergewig-wêreldtitel-implikasies, April 10 woon op Showtime by 9 namiddag. ET / 6 pm. PT van Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. in 'n Premier Bokskampioenskap-byeenkoms.

In die Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP boks mede-funksie, 'n paar swaar treffende weltergewigte vierkantig af as Eimantas Stanionis neem nog 'n stap in die klas terwyl hy die voormalige wêreldtitel-uitdager in die gesig staar Thomas Dulorme in 'n WBA-titelverdelger van die WBA-weltergewig. Die televisie-aanvangsknop bevat IBF Junior Bantamgewig-wêreldkampioen Jerwin “Pretty Boy” Ancajas verdediging van sy titel teen Jonathan Rodriguez in 'n twaalf-ronde wedstryd.

Die geleentheid word bevorder deur TGB Promotions. Ennis vs.. Lipinets word bevorder in samewerking met D&D Boks.

'Ennis vs.. Lipinets is 'n fantastiese stryd in die weltergewig-afdeling wat 'n stygende krag in Ennis uitspreek teen 'n voormalige wêreldkampioen in Lipinets.,Sê Tom Brown, President van TGB Promotions. 'Dit is 'n baie kompeterende stryd wat 'n boeiende botsing van style bied en groot gevolge sal hê vir die toekoms van die 147-pond-afdeling.. Nog 'n opspraakwekkende jong weltergewig sal die beste wen in die mede-funksie behaal, terwyl Eimantas Stanionis sy taaiste toets tot nog toe in die veteraan Thomas Dulorme pak. Jerwin Ancajas, kampioen van 115 pond, wil 'n indrukwekkende negende titel verdedig teen Jonathan Rodríguez, Mexiko., en al die bestanddele is beskikbaar vir 'n aksiebelaaide aand op SHOWTIME 10 April. ”

Ennis (26-0, 24 Uitklophoue) is die nuutste in die pantheon van uitstaande Philadelphia-vegters, sublieme boksvaardighede te kombineer met natuurlike krag in albei hande. Na talle verskynings op ShoBox: Die nuwe generasie, die 23-jarige Ennis het die eerste keer sy eerste SHOWTIME-KAMPIOENSKAP-BOXING-uitsending gegradueer. Hy is in die laaste wedstryd teen Chris van Heerden, Ennis ry 'n reeks 16 agtereenvolgende uitklophoue. Daardie reeks het geëindig toe die geveg ná die eerste ronde gestaak is weens 'n toevallige botsing van koppe wat 'n ernstige snywond op Van Heerden se voorkop veroorsaak het..

"Ek is opgewonde om weer op 10 April terug te wees," het Ennis gesê. 'Dit is die tipe geveg waarop ek gewag het. Ek kan nie wag om op te tree en 'n pragtige vertoning te lewer nie. Julle sal sien dat iets spesiaals uit my kom vegaand. Ek is opgewonde om die hoofgebeurtenis te wees. Dit is tyd dat ek skyn!"

Die 31-jarige Lipinets (16-1-1, 12 Uitklophoue) homself gevestig as 'n mag by 140 pond toe hy die IBF-wêreldtitel verower met 'n oorwinning oor Akihiro Kondo in 2017. Hy verloor die titel aan die vier-afdeling wêreldkampioen Mikey Garcia in 2018 en beweeg toe op na weltergewig in 2019. Hy het kennis geneem dat hy 'n aanspraakmaker op weltergewig sou wees, toe hy 'n indrukwekkende oorwinning oor die twee afdelings, Lamont Peterson, behaal het. 2019. Gebore in Kazakstan en verteenwoordig Rusland, Lipinets woon nou in Woodland Hills, Kalifornië en word opgelei deur die bekende afrigter Joe Goossen. Lipinets lewer in Oktober 'n hardegewende meerderheidstryd teen die onoorwonne Custio Clayton 2020.

'Oefening is uitmergelend en ek werk hard saam met Joe Goossen om op my bestaand op my beste te wees,”Sê Lipinets. 'Ons gaan moeilik, jong vegter in Ennis wat dink ek is 'n springsteen vir hom. Maar soms trap trapklippe jou op, en ek sal my bes doen om hom op April op te stoot 10. Ek doen net my bes om voorbereid te wees op wat ek verwag om 'n hondegeveg te wees. Elke aanhanger wat boks ken, weet dat dit 'n ware oorlog gaan wees en die moeite werd om in te skakel. Ek verwag dat ons soms in 'n telefoonhokkie sal veg, maar ek verwag ook dat hy sy reikwydte sal probeer gebruik en soms op 'n afstand moet veg. Maar maak nie saak wat hy doen nie, Ek sal gereed wees vir hom. '

Stanionis (12-0, 9 Uitklophoue) het 'n rits indrukwekkende oorwinnings saamgestel toe hy die vooruitsig tot die kandidaat opgeklim het. Hy betree die wedstryd teen Dulorme met vier agtereenvolgende uitklop-oorwinnings. Die 26-jarige van Litaue, wat nou in Kalifornië woon en oefen, lyk indrukwekkend toe hy drie vaste oorwinnings in behaal 2019, klop Samuel Figueroa via eenparige beslissing en teken vroeë stop teen Julio Cesar Sanchez en Evincii Dixon. Die onoorwonne weltergewig het die afdeling op die hoogte gebring met die rugbyspelende oorheersende hoofwedstryde in November en Desember 2020, toe hy die negende ronde uitdraf oor Justin DeLoach en Janer Gonzalez onderskeidelik.

'Dit is my eerste keer dat ek op SHOWTIME veg, en dit voel soos 'n droom wat waar geword het,”Het Stanionis gesê. “Dulorme is ervare en is al lank 'n goeie vegter. Op papier, dit is my moeilikste geveg, maar ek is gereed. Ek sal voorbereid wees op alles wat hy bring. Met ons style, dit gaan 'n oorlog te wees. Ek is nou gereed om te veg. Iemand gaan onder en maak nie saak wat gebeur nie, die ondersteuners gaan wen. ”

Die 31-jarige Dulorme (25-4-1, 16 Uitklophoue) het 'n stewige CV bymekaargemaak 140 en 147 pond tydens sy loopbaan, klim in die ring saam met die wêreldkampioen Yordenis Ugas, Jessie Vargas en Terence Crawford. Gebore in Marigot, Guadeloupe maar veg uit en verteenwoordig Carolina, Puerto Rico, Dulorme het teruggekeer van 'n verlies teen Crawford vir 'n titel van 140 pond deur 'n rugby-uitklophou aan te teken, gevolg deur 'n skrale beslissingsverlies vir Yordenis Ugas, die weltergewig in die eerste plek. Die wêreldtitel-uitdager kom met Jaman James se eenparige beslissingsverlies voor in sy laaste stryd in Augustus.

"Ek is baie opgewonde vir hierdie stryd op 10 April," het Dulorme gesê. 'Ek het kort gekom in my laaste stryd om die titel, maar 'n oorwinning teen Stanionis sal my weer in die posisie plaas wat ek wil hê. Hy is jonk en sterk, maar ek het baie meer ervaring en ek sal dit in die ring wys en dit sal my lei tot 'n oorwinning. ”

Verteenwoordig die Filippyne, Ancajas (32-1-2, 22 Uitklophoue) was net 15 jaar oud toe hy deur die bokslegende Manny Pacquiao opgemerk is. Die jong vegter het geblom met Pacquiao se leiding, die eerste wêreldkampioen onder Pacquiao se promosie-vaandel geword toe hy McJoe Arroyo vir die IBF Wêreld Junior Bantamgewig-titel uitgewys het in September 2016. Die 29-jarige Southpaw het sedertdien nog nie verloor nie en sal die negende verdediging van sy titel verdedig as hy Rodríguez aandurf.. In sy mees onlangse uitstappie in Desember, Ancajas het Miguel Gonzalez in ses rondes gekeer.

'Ek sien baie uit daarna om weer in April na die ring terug te keer 10 vir my eerste geveg op SHOWTIME,”Het Ancajas gesê. 'Almal ken die groot wedywering tussen die Filippyne en Mexiko, en ek sien daarna uit om nog 'n plofbare stryd by daardie geskiedenis te voeg. Veggeesdriftiges weet waar al die aksiegevegte tans is, en dit is die 115 pond-afdeling. Ek is dankbaar vir hierdie geleentheid en beplan om die meeste daarvan te benut. '

Mexiko se Rodríguez (22-1, 16 Uitklophoue) het die bynaam "Titan" gekry vanweë sy wonderlike mag. Sedert hy in Maart 'n omstrede verlies aan Jose Martin Estrada Garcia gehad het 2018, die 25-jarige het ses aaneenlopend gewen, insluitende 'n uitklopoorwinning oor Julian Yedras in Desember verlede jaar. Hy gaan sy Amerikaanse. debuut teen Ancajas.

“This is the opportunity of a lifetime for me,” said Rodríguez. “When I started boxing, it was my dream to fight for the world title and win it. April 10, all of my dreams and hard work will come true when I hear ‘and the new IBF champion of the world.’”

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosts the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handles blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Three Hall of Famers round out the telecast team: ringside reporter Jim Gray, boxing historian Steve Farhood as unofficial scorer, and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The executive producer is four-time Emmy® award winner David Dinkins, Jr. Die televisie-opname word vervaardig deur Raymond Smaltz en onder leiding van Chuck McKean. Die voormalige junior middelgewig-wêreldkampioen Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez en die sportvoorspeler Alejandro Luna dien as kundige ontleders in Spaans oor sekondêre klankprogrammering. (SAP).

Vir meer inligting besoek www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, volg op Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing en @TGBPromotions op Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing en @TGBPromotions of word 'n aanhanger op Facebook by www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Third-Generation Boxer Kayla Gomez Cornered by Mother and Grandmother / 2020 USA National Boxing Championships Mar. 25-April. 4, in Shreveport, Louisiana

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (Maart 15, 2021) – There is no more of a family affair in USA Boxing thanKayla Gomez’s, in which her motherCrystal Aceves, and grandmotherCindy Aceves, work her corner.

They will be together once again at the 2020 USA Boxing Nasionale Kampioenskappe, postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic from last December to March 25 – April 3, in Shreveport, Die.

The 18-year-old Gomez, who lives in El Paso (TX), is a youth flyweight (112 lbs.) bokser, who finished second at the 2019 Nasionale Kampioenskappe, highlighting her first year in Youth competition. She has a growing supply of gold medals having finished on top at the 2019 & 2018 Western Regional Open, 2018 & 2017 Junior Open Championships, en 2018 & 2017 Eastern Regional Open. She is also a 5-time National Junior Olympic champion (2015 deur 2019).  

A self-described multi-dimensional boxer, Kayla is a counter puncher and consummate boxer, displaying veteran-like “ringmanship,” but also capable of being a technical brawler and pressure fighter. She first started boxing in 2012 after watching a documentary on the 2012 Olympics.

“The inspiration of the boxers training to earn a gold medal motivated me to learn this unique sport,” Gomez explained. “I dedicate my whole life to boxing and as of right now, amateur boxing has impacted my life in a positive manner, paving my way in the near future to earn different accolades and experience for an Olympic gold medal and my pro career.”

Her mother, Crystal, is an amateur boxer who has competed in many tournaments. She will not compete in these championships this year because she is fully focused right now on her daughter and her future. She will be competing at other 2021 tournaments.

“As a boxer, my mom knows what it’s like to be in my position, so instead of getting mad at me, she gives me alternatives to do when I’m feeling low or not myself to have a better chance of being the best fighter I can be,” Kayla explained what it’s like having her mother and grandmother working her corner. “We all have a great relationship and work well in the ring together. They understand what it’s like to be in my position.”

A high school senior, Kayla is in a K-12 program for an online school due to her busy schedule. She does plan to attend college and share her boxing with educational opportunities.

“My education is just as important as my boxing,” She concluded. “I will attend college and work really hard to accomplish my goal of earning a gold medal at the 2024 Olympics and beginning my pro career afterwards.”

Kayla Gomez is a legacy boxer with a promising future.



Twitter: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

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Facebook: /USABoxing

OOR VSA BOKS:  The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United States’ athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, develop character, support the sport of boxing, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.


Reaffirming its committed support of professional boxing around the world, Brains Bioceutical Corp., a leading manufacturer of THC-free cannabidiol (CBD) products, proudly announces the addition of one of the UK’s most promising young prospects, undefeated super bantamweight Shabaz “The Maverick” Masoud (7-0, 1 KO), to its growing stable of athletic brand ambassadors.

With the foot-speed of a laser pointer, an awkward but virtually impregnable defense, and blazingly fast hands that seldom miss the mark, the 25-year-old British Pakistani native of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, in the UK often bears an uncanny stylistic resemblance to his superstar idol, former featherweight showman Prince Naseem Hamed.

Undefeated in his young professional career, the formidable Masoud is yet to lose even a single round on any judge’s scorecard. Masoud will proudly adorn his trunks with Brains Pure CBD branding on Friday, Maart 19, when he faces countryman Louis Norman at Bolton Whites Hotel in Bolton, Lancashire, UK and streaming live on ESPN+at 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST. The IFL TV broadcast of the card is expected to start at 7:30 pm (GTM).

“We are in the hurt business,” said Masoud, “and bumps and bruises and even nagging injuries are just part of the game. Brains Pure CBD really helps with the wear-and-tear my body goes though in training camp everyday. Not only does it help to speed my recovery time from minor injuries, but it also helps me get to sleep at night, so I’m always my best in the gym. And it’s not full of mystery chemicals that might get you in trouble with the boxing commissions.

Brains is all-natural, plant-based product with zero prohibited THC. That’s clinically researched and tested by leading sports authorities. Like with any opponent, I did my research and have found that not all CBDs are created equally. Brains is the only CBD I trust. I’m very happy to be partnering with them on a product I very much believe in for my run to the world championship.”

Brains Bioceutical, who have sponsored several recent boxing events worldwide, have also joined forces with 18-0 welterweight standout Custio Clayton of Canada, MTK’s recent “The Golden Contract” Light Heavyweight tournament and world-renowned UK-based trainer of champions, Ben Davison’s state-of-the-art Performance Centre, located outside London, Engeland.

Incidentally, Davison, who has worked with a long list of boxing luminaries including Josh Taylor and Billy Joe Saunders, as well as heavyweight king Tyson Fury previously, has given Masoud an important seal of approval by signing on as his trainer.

“Masoud has the potential of a pound-for-pound-level fighter,” said Davison. “I believe he can achieve that. He’s like Naz was in his prime and he has all the same swagger and showmanship. He’s also a good kid who works hard in the gym to reach his goals. That’s why I was happy to find out he had been acquired by the Brains Bioceutical people who are innovating CBD’s countless benefits for an athletes’ rest and recovery.”

Brains will also have a presence on the ring canvas at the Hotel Plaza in Quebec City, Kanada, Dinsdag, Maart 16, for promoter Yvon Michel’s upcoming event “The Homecoming,” his first in 16 maande. Die $29.99 PPV card is headlined by a rematch featuring WBC #1 bridgerweight Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (26-1, 18 Uitklophoue) and Sylvera “Sly” Louis (8-5, 4 Uitklophoue) in die agt-ronde hoofren.

“Shabaz Masoud is a welcome addition to our worldwide team of athlete ambassadors,” said Ricky Brar, hoof uitvoerende beampte & Voorsitter, Brains Bioceutical Corp. He has the skills and the personality to become boxing’s newest superstar and Brains Pure CBD will be right by his side.”

“As the makers of one of the world’s purest CBD products, tested by a World Anti-Doping Agency approved lab, Brains Pure CBD is ideal for fighters,” Brar continued. We’re proud of our roles in the lives of some of the bravest competitors in all of sport.”

“The Homecoming” will be livestreamed by FITE worldwide on the FITE mobile app, all major OTT apps and website (FITE.tv), begin by 8 namiddag. EN / 5 namiddag. PT, for USD $29.99 (available in English or French). It will also be available in Canada via Canal Indigo, Bell TV, Shaw TV and YOOP for $39.99 CDN.

You can follow Shabaz Masoud’s journey on his social media accounts.
Twitter: @ShabazMasoud
Instagram: shabaz_maverick_masoud

Brains Bioceutical Corp is a leader in certified production of naturally sourced active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. Brains Bioceutical is one of the only cannabinoid active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturers in production today and is involved in academic and clinical trials across the globe.

Vir meer inligting, besoek: www.brainspure.com or Instagram: @brainspure