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不败的超轻量级轰动人物奥马尔·华雷斯 (Omar Juárez) 在 FOX PBC 格斗之夜联合主赛事中对阵阿根廷选手埃利亚斯·阿劳霍 (Elías Araujo) & 福克斯本周六驱逐出境, 四月 17 从洛杉矶出发

SAN ANTONIO, TX. (四月 14, 2021) – 不败的超轻量感觉 奥马尔“闪电” 华雷斯 当他对阵阿根廷选手时,他将寻求继续提升 140 磅级的排名 埃利亚斯·“大男子主义”·阿劳霍 本周六将在 FOX PBC Fight Night 联合主赛事和 FOX Deportes 上进行 10 轮对决, 四月 17 从洛杉矶神社礼堂和博览馆出发.

21岁的华雷斯 (10-0, 5 科斯) 将在主导后恢复行动 2020 他在自己的履历上增添了四场胜利. 这包括第一次打到八回合, 他两次以一致判定战胜了达科塔·林格和威利·肖.

布朗斯维尔, 得克萨斯人最近在 12 月三次击败劳尔·奇里诺 (Raul Chirino),取得首轮淘汰赛胜利. 他的 2021 将以他面对阿劳霍的方式开球 (21-2, 8 科斯), 一位阿根廷拳手,在纸面上是华雷斯职业生涯中最严峻的考验.

以下是华雷斯对于面对考验所说的话, 训练营等等:


“这是圣安东尼奥的另一场残酷训练营,教练里克·努涅斯 (Rick Nunez) 带领. 我们与一些非常强硬的陪练伙伴进行了很多艰苦的回合. 我一直致力于在保持良好防守的同时投出更多强力球. 我已经做出了所有必要的牺牲,以保持生命中最好的状态,本周六我将处于最佳状态。”

关于他即将与埃利亚斯·阿劳霍(Elias Araujo)的比赛:
“阿劳霍有着良好的记录和丰富的经验, 他打架的次数是我的两倍. 由于阿劳霍只在美国打过一次仗。, 我知道他要来战斗, 所以我期待着战争. 这将是我职业生涯迄今为止最艰难的战斗, 我会为他带来的一切做好准备。”

在制作他的 2021 首次亮相福克斯:
“我很感激能够再次参加 FOX PBC 格斗之夜. 这是一个让我兴奋的大舞台,我只想为粉丝们奉献一场精彩的表演. 它不会比 FOX 更大, 所以当我说我已经准备好放开我的手时,请相信我。”


“我来是为了在这场战斗中发表声明. 阿劳霍从未被阻止, 所以尽早结束这场战斗将是一件从未有人做过的特别的事情. 球迷们可以期待看到我投出很多充满恶意的强力球。”

# # #

信息Harrison VS. 佩雷拉
哈里森VS. 佩雷拉将见证前 WBC 超次中量级世界冠军托尼·“Superbad”·哈里森上场,在福克斯 PBC 格斗之夜和福克斯周六体育频道的超次中量级主赛中对阵左撇子布莱恩特·“Goodfella”·佩雷拉, 四月 17 从洛杉矶神社礼堂和博览馆出发.

电视报道开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT 并以不败的新晋竞争者 Omar “El Relampago” Juárez 在 10 轮超轻量级联合主赛中对阵 Elías Araujo. 电视转播揭幕战将见证小维托·米尔尼基的回归. 在八回合的次中量级对决中对阵詹姆斯·马丁.

该活动将由 TGB Promotions 推广,并将在没有粉丝到场的情况下在神社礼堂和博览厅举行, AEG 场地, 洛杉矶市中心.

观众可以即时串流中国人民银行显示了FOX体育和FOX NOW应用程式或FOXSports.com. 此外, 所有的程序都可以在FOX体育的SiriusXM频道 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions @WarriorsBoxingProm, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Four-Part Documentary Series Chronicling The Rivalry and The Era

of Durán, 哈格勒, 赫恩斯, and Leonard

Premieres Sunday, 六月 6, 在 8 P.M. ET / PT

Exclusively on SHOWTIME 

图片来源: The Ring Magazine via Getty Images

纽约 - 四月 15, 2021 – From 1980 通过 1989, four great champions and future Hall of Famers raised the level of their sport. It was boxing at its best, at its most enthralling. Over the span of one glorious decade, they fought each other nine times.Roberto “Manos de Piedra” Durán, 奇妙的马文·哈格勒, Thomas “The Hitman” Hearns 糖光芒伦纳德, known collectively as the “Four Kings,” formed a fierce rivalry and arguably the greatest period in the history of the sport.

SHOWTIME SPORTS DOCUMENTARY FILMS will be presentingTHE KINGS, a four-part series chronicling the four fightersdramatic and divergent ascents to greatness and the legendary matches they produced. They dominated an era of their own creation, but not each other. The weekly series premieres on Sunday, 六月 6 在 8 P.M. AND / PT在Showtime, with all episodes being made available across the network’s on-demand and streaming platforms at premiere.

Today marks the 36th anniversary of the epic middleweight championship battle between Hagler and Hearns. Long considered the high-water mark of the Four Kings era, Hagler-Hearns stands out for the drama and brutal non-stop action that was compressed into just over eight minutes from start to finish. The fight and the opening stanza were consensus Fight of the Year and Round of the Year, 分别, but many consider both as one of, 否则该, all-time best in their respective categories.

下面, please find the observations and recollections of those who covered that fight, many who are featured inTHE KINGS.      

I remember the week of the fight, Hagler wore a baseball hat with ‘WARon the front, 我以为, ‘eh, the usual pre fight hype’until the first bellthen I said, “WOW, Hagler was right.

– 泰迪地图集, Hall of Fame trainer and boxing analyst

I covered the fight as a columnist for The New York Times. Here was my leadUntil Thomas Hearns fell, with the assistance of a smashing right to the face by Marvelous Marvin Hagler, and was ruled the loser at 2:01 第三轮, hardly a second passed that one of the fighters wasn’t throwing and landing a stunning blow.

– Ira Berkowringside for The New York Times

The excitement at the outdoor arena at Caesars Palace was palpable. As I sat ringside I did something I now do regularly before a match. When both Hagler and Hearns had entered and were in the ring I took my headsets off just to feel the emotion of the crowd better. I wanted to live that moment. 现在, I do that before every big match just before it begins. At the end of the first round, I said on the telecast, ‘This is one of the best rounds in middleweight boxing history.I may have been underselling it.”

– 铝伯恩斯坦, SHOWTIME Boxing analyst / 马戏团, called the fight as part of the live closed-circuit telecast team

I knew trouble was brewing when in the last leg of their nationwide press tour, Marvin stuck dinner napkins in both ears as Tommy stood to continue three weeks of boasting about a third-round knockout. ‘He’s half right,’ Hagler later groused. The first round sucked the air out of the arena and the finish was Hagler’s violent response to all the forces he believed had tried to deny him greatness his whole career. Marvin took all his frustrations out on poor Tommy and left him in a heap on the floor, broken like an old beach chair.”

– 罗恩·博尔赫斯, ringside for the Boston Globe

I was sitting first-row ringside that night next to Ed Schuyler Jr., the great AP boxing writer. We were anticipating a good fight, but we had no idea how good. The bell rang and suddenly Hagler and Hearns were fighting in a fury that was hard to comprehend and just as hard to describe. When the round ended, I remember looking at Schuyler shaking my head, not saying a word, and he did the same to me back. It was like ‘What did we just see?’ I’ve seen thousands of fights, but to this day that three minutes of mayhem is forever etched in my mind. No need to watch the old video, I remember it almost punch by punch. Greatest first round ever, and top five in greatest fights I’ve ever covered.

– 蒂姆·达尔伯格, ringside for the Associated Press

A wise old journalist once told me, ‘If you’re covering a fight, or anything for that matter, that’s truly sensational, don’t try to write it that way. Underplay it.’ I think of that advice whenever anybody mentions Hagler-Hearns. For fight fans, it was invigorating, inspiring, incredibleeverything we could ever hope for. For fight writers, it was a bit different. How could we describe that first round without overstepping our boundsSometimes it’s easier being a fan.

– 史蒂夫Farhood, SHOWTIME Boxing analyst / Covered the fight as senior writer for KO magazine

I will always remember sitting in the truck, as the producer of the telecast, and telling Marc Payton, the director, to stick with the hand-held camera in the last minute of the first round, mesmerized that they had planted themselves in front of 相机. It was the longest three minutes of action in my entire career. I turned to Marc at the end of the round and just asked, ‘What the hell was that?’ It was actually a more emphatic expletive than that.

– Ross Greenburgexecutive producer of the fight telecast

At the end of the first round I was literally speechless. The action had been so incredibly intensethey had attacked each other with the kind of ferocity you only see in a horror moviethat I had watched it all with my mouth wide open, and in the dry desert air my mouth had become completely bone dry, so I was unable to get a word out when Ian Darke asked me for my comment. Eventually I managed to say, ‘That’s the greatest round of boxing I’ve ever seen.And all these years later, it still remains so.

– 科林·哈特, ringside for The Sun and BBC Radio

Whenever I’m asked to name the most exciting sporting event I ever attended, I respond, ‘Hagler-Hearns.Never do I have to explain.

– Barry Horn, ringside for the Dallas Morning News

Greatest first round in the history of boxing at any weight. Hearns hits him with the best right hand he ever threw, wobbles him, opens a cut on his forehead but two rounds later Marvin fights off the blood and knocks him out. Seventy years covering boxing and I never saw anything like it.

– Jerry Izenberg, ringside for The Star-Ledger

Being at ringside for the eight minutes of fury known as the Marvin Hagler-Thomas Hearns fight was as close as anyone could come to understanding the days of gladiators in the Roman Colosseum. The first round was all-out warfare with both fighters exchanging their best power shots. Hearns tried to box in the second, but Hagler wouldn’t let him, and when the blood started pouring from a cut on Hagler’s forehead in the third and there was a danger the fight might be stopped, Hagler later said, ‘It turns me on, the monster comes out.Boy, did it! I never will forget the image of one of Hearns’ handlers cradling him like a child and carrying him to the corner, which is why I led with that picture. Easily the most savage boxing match I’ve witnessed between two all-time greats.

– Greg Logan, ringside for Newsday

Although the action and drama lasted eight-plus breathless minutes, it actually was over in the first minute or so when KO star Hearns landed a flush right and Hagler didn’t blink. It was then I realized that Hagler, normally a patient stalker, had signaled his intention to use his middleweight strength to challenge a big welterweight by pounding his chest defiantly just before the opening bell rang. A night and fight to remember.

– 拉里商人, ringside commentator for delay telecast

Obviously the greatest round of boxing I’ve ever seen, let alone called. One of those moments that you knew the magnitude of as it was happening. That first round felt like it was a half hour long.

– 巴里·汤普金斯, SHOWTIME Boxing analyst / ringside to call the delay fight telecast

I didn’t know what to expect since it was my first time watching a fight at a movie theater. Whites and Blacks in Memphis only socialized around sports back then. It was a mixed crowd in the theater, but the same reaction: pure joy and excitement. Everyone stood throughout the entire fight. It was violent, 勇敢, and thrilling.”

– George Willis, covering from a closed-circuit outlet in Memphis for The Commercial Appeal

I covered that fight, and many others, for The Detroit News. I’ll never forget the absolute savagery in the way Hearns and Hagler went at each other from the opening bell, and the way the crowd roared with every punch. One telling moment: Hearns connected with a wicked left hook that turned Hagler half around from the force of the punchbut never fazed him. It has been called the greatest short fight in history, and that stands up to this day. The first round set the tone. I remember after the fight someone asked Larry Merchant of HBO how he scored that first round. ‘I gave them both 11,he replied. That said it all.

– Mike O’Hara, ringside for The Detroit News

My memory of the first roundaction so immediate and reckless that spectators were left breathless. So were the reporters at ringside. I was there for the Boston Globe, and I remember the veteran scribes who sat paralyzed after the bell, unable to type or scratch notes, me included. A deep gash opened above Hagler’s right eye, and Hearnsright hand fractured. In the third round, with blood running down Hagler’s nose, the referee stopped the bout and asked Hagler if he could continue. Hagler snapped‘I’m not missing him, am I?’ When the bout resumed Hagler attacked quickly, bounced three long rights off of Hearns’ 头, and watched him twist downward to the canvas.

– Steve Marantzringside for the Boston Globe

I remember how difficult it was, on a tight deadline, to give justice to that spectacular first round. How many superlatives could I pack into the story without inducing nauseaHagler quietly, confidently selling the fightsimply, wearing a cap with ‘Waremblazoned on the front. Then that nail-hard infantryman, coming, always coming after Hearns. Hearns out on his feet, chin on referee Richard Steele’s shoulder and then carried to his corner. I can still hear the crowd roaring throughout the short fight, knowing all of us were witnessing a brawl for the ages.

– 约翰·菲利普斯, ringside for Reuters

What I remember about this war was there was no feeling (each other) out, they just came out slugging from the opening bell! It was so loud outside at Caesars Palace, the most iconic venue, that made this fight even more special. I wish more fights were outside. I also thought that Referee Richard Steele did a great job and just let them fight!”

– Marc RatnerNevada State Athletic Commission Inspector for Hagler-Hearns

Hagler-Hearns was the first major fight I covered and the first time I was ever in Las Vegas. I was there to do sidebars and run quotes for Greg Logan, who was doing the main story for Newsday. I got a seat in press row when press row was truly ringside, literally within 10 feet of the ring apron. And after the incredible first round, I was on my feet, my legs quivering, when I noticed all the other older, more grizzled reporters were standing too, stunned by what we all had just seen. At that moment, Eddie Schuyler of the AP turned to me and deadpanned in that sardonic manner of his, ‘You know, 孩子, they aren’t all like this.He turned out to be right. Over the next 38 years and who knows how many first rounds, I have yet to see another one like that.

– Wally Matthewsringside for Newsday

THE KINGS is produced by Box To Box Film in association with Ingenious Media. The series is executive produced by James Gay-Rees (Amy, Senna, Drive To Survive) and Paul Martin (马拉多纳, Drive To Survive), produced by Fiona Neilson (Oasis: Supersonic, 酷玩乐队: A Head Full of Dreams) and directed by Mat Whitecross (Oasis: Supersonic, Road To Guantanamo, 酷玩乐队: A Head Full of Dreams).

欣欣网络公司. (SNI), ViacomCBS Inc.的全资子公司。, owns and operates the premium service SHOWTIME®, 其中包含广受好评的原创系​​列, 挑衅性纪录片, 票房热门电影, 喜剧和音乐特别节目以及激烈的运动. SHOWTIME 可作为跨所有主要流媒体设备和 Showtime.com 的独立流媒体服务提供, 以及通过电缆, 星展银行, 电信和流媒体视频提供商. SNI also operates the premium services THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ and FLIX®, 以及所有三个品牌的按需版本. SNI markets and distributes sports and entertainment events for exhibition to subscribers on a pay-per-view basis through SHOWTIME PPV®. 欲了解更多信息, 到www.SHO.com.

强力拳击手“El Explosivo”米格尔·马杜尼奥 (22-0, 20 科斯) 汤普森在美国首次亮相 3.2.1. 拳击

电晕, 例如 (四月 13, 2021) - 汤普森拳击促销 周日返回, 4月18日, 2021, 又一个充满动感的战斗之夜 3.2.1. 拳击回归,带来三场激动人心的比赛. 前超轻量级世界冠军争夺者, 彼得 “扎尔” 彼得罗夫 (41-6-2, 22 科斯), 谁安排了演出开幕, 现已注销.

8轮主赛事包括 鲁本 “高手” 托雷斯 (14-0, 11 科斯) VS. 迭戈·孔特雷拉斯 (11-3, 5 科斯), 将保持完好无损. 8轮联合主赛现在将展示墨西哥强力拳手, 米格尔·“爆炸者”·马杜尼奥 (22-0, 20 科斯) VS. 伯格曼·阿吉拉尔 (15-6-1, 5 科斯). 揭幕战将上演 TBP 乔治·“玉玉”·阿科斯塔 (10-1, 1 KO) VS. 埃德加 “皮托·卢皮洛” 拉米雷斯 (17-16-1, 14 科斯) 超轻量级比赛安排 6 轮.

免费流将在汤普森拳击促销网站上直播 (www.thompsonboxing.com), 以及他们的 Facebook的YouTube的
页. 3.2.1. 拳击比赛将在 欧米茄产品国际活动 中心 科罗纳, 例如, 并将开始于 2:00 P.M. PT / 5:00 P.M. AND.

马杜尼奥, 谁来自瓜萨韦, 墨西哥, 将在美国首次亮相. 这位淘汰赛艺术家双手握有权力,并承诺本周日在擂台上展现凶猛.

“我想让我的美国首秀成为难忘的一天, 展示了上帝赐予我的速度和力量的巨大表现,” 米格尔·马杜尼奥说道, 谁要来美国. 土壤第一次将在圣达菲斯普林斯安家, 例如. “任何看过我战斗的人, 知道我喜欢出重拳. 我迫不及待地想在周日下午对阵阿吉拉尔。”

“我们很高兴向世界展示马杜尼奥的才华,”发起人说 肯·汤普森. “不幸的是,彼得·彼得罗夫无法前往美国, 但我们觉得我们有一场精彩的比赛来填补空缺。”

“每个人都应该收看这个孩子马杜尼奥,“说 亚历克斯Camponovo, 汤普森拳击的总经理和创始人 3.2.1 拳击. “由于疫情,我们被迫推迟了他在美国的首秀,我相信他会抓住刚刚为他打开的机会。”

贝托杜兰 将作为逐一评论员与专家评论 道格·菲舍尔史蒂夫金. 杰西卡·罗萨莱斯 将担任现场马戏团记者.

3.2.1 拳击 由汤普森建材赞助, 在美丽的地方改变空间; 欧米茄产品国际, 美国领先的灰泥制造商; 亨利 / 强化, 水分系统控制就像 1,2,3, 和牧田, 统治户外.

欲了解更多信息, 定期更新我们的战士, 事件, 和促销, 请访问 ThompsonBoxing.com. 您也可以关注社交媒体上的对话, 请使用 #321Boxing 和 #ThompsonBoxing.

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打集线器电视 是 Thompson Boxing 的骄傲媒体合作伙伴 3.2.1. 拳击表演和所有事物的重要资源 拳击.


Four-Part Documentary Series Premieres

星期天, 六月 6 在 8 P.M. ET/PT Exclusively on SHOWTIME

包含人物的图片, 运动



照片: [L-R] Stephen Green-Armytage; Michael Brennan; Getty Images; Getty Images

纽约 - 四月 12, 2021  -  在拳击中, it is said that styles make fights. 从 1980 通过 1989, it was the style of four great fighters that not only made legendary fights, it ushered in a boxing renaissance. The fierce rivalry between world champions and future Hall of Famers known as the “Four Kings” –Roberto “Manos de Piedra” Durán, 奇妙的马文·哈格勒, Thomas “The Hitman” Hearns 糖光芒伦纳德 – produced a Golden Age defined by the nine world championship fights between them and solidified their place among the greatest to ever live.

SHOWTIME SPORTS DOCUMENTARY FILMS today announcedTHE KINGS, a four-part series chronicling the four fightersdramatic and divergent ascents to greatness and the legendary matches they produced. The weekly series premieres on Sunday, 六月 6 在 8 P.M. ET /PT on SHOWTIMEwith all episodes being made available across the network’s on-demand and streaming platforms at premiere.

THE KINGS spotlights boxing’s evolution from the end of Muhammad Ali’s era to the era of the Four Kings, set against the seismic political and socio-economic shifts taking place in the United States. The Four Kings rose to fame as the presidency of Jimmy Carter and economic recession gave way to the boon of 1980s capitalism and excess harnessed by the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. 灌木. Through in-depth interviews and archival footage, the series also examines the very personal battles that each man waged on his unique journey to the center of the sports world.

“These four men defined an era in boxing,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨说, 总统, SHOWTIME体育. “Their individual stories, forever linked by the spectacular battles they waged, reflect a tumultuous period in American culture and history.THE KINGS takes the viewer beyond the glorious action of some of history’s most memorable prizefights to illuminate each man’s dramatic journey and the societal context that made them stars of sports and popular culture.”

Following a brief fallow period in the wake of Ali’s retirement, boxing was revitalized when Leonard became a world champion in 1979 and waged his first battle with Durán in 1980. From that point, the Four Kings engaged in a decade-long run of riveting fights that far outperformed any other sport in attention and revenue. They were the most popular stars of sports and American culture.

从 1979 通过 1985, as a mark of their incredible achievements, the Boxing Writers Association of America bestowed these men the coveted title of “Fighter of the Year” annually with the lone exception of 1982 – with Leonard, Hagler and Hearns each winning twice. In the nine world title fights between them, there were four knockouts and three of the bouts were recognized by午夜凶铃 magazine as “Fight of the Year.” 午夜凶铃 magazine “Round of the Year” (and to many, the round of all time) from round one of Hagler-Hearns is, 也许, the most iconic single round of boxing of all time. FittinglyTHE KINGS premieres in the 45th anniversary year of Leonard winning an Olympic gold medal, and the 40th anniversary year of the welterweight world title unification battle between Leonard and Hearns, widely considered their greatest fight and a symbol of the era.

THE KINGS is produced by Box To Box Film in association with Ingenious Media. The series is executive produced by James Gay-Rees (Amy, Senna, Drive To Survive) and Paul Martin (马拉多纳, Drive To Survive), produced by Fiona Neilson (Oasis: Supersonic, 酷玩乐队: A Head Full of Dreams) and directed by Mat Whitecross (Oasis: Supersonic, Road To Guantanamo, 酷玩乐队: A Head Full of Dreams).

欣欣网络公司. (SNI), ViacomCBS Inc.的全资子公司。, 拥有和经营的付费电视网络SHOWTIME®, 电影频道 和FLIX®, 并且还提供了精彩表演ON DEMAND®, 电影频道 ON DEMAND和FLIX ON DEMAND®, 而网络的认证服务SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. 欣欣数码有限公司, SNI的全资子公司, 操作单机流媒体服务SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, 星展银行, 和电信提供商, 并通过亚马逊作为独立的流媒体服务, 苹果®, 谷歌, LG智能电视, Oculus Go, 年®, 三星智能电视, Xbox One 和 PlayStation®4. 消费者还可以通过亚马逊的主要视频频道订阅SHOWTIME, 苹果电视频道, AT&现在的电视, 富宝电视, 葫芦, Roku频道, Sling TV和YouTube TV. 观看者还可以在以下计算机上观看Showtime.com. SNI营销和分销的体育和娱乐活动的展览用户在付费观看基础上,通过SHOWTIME PPV®. 欲了解更多信息, 到www.SHO.com

四位国家冠军明星将参加 4 月 24 日举行的历史性英国女子职业拳击赛事 2021

六次, 五级世界冠军和发起人 李·麦卡利斯特英国人 & 爱尔兰拳击局 (比巴) 共同宣布历史性的全女子职业拳击赛事, 题目 让战斗开始 – 狮子, 与赏金竞赛相关, 黑索金, Empire Pro 磁带和 Go 运动 & 娱乐 将于 4 月 24 日星期六在英国举行 2021 并将播出 直播且免费观看FITE电视 以及全球更多的线性和数字渠道 (请查看本地列表)

迄今为止 让战斗开始 系列, 现场直播的 FITE电视 并在英国延迟播出 体育频道网 (Freeview/YouView 频道 265), 在所有活动中都设有女性比赛.

就职 让战斗开始 活动发生于7月18日 2020 并主持了十次踢拳世界冠军的专业拳击比赛处女作 凯特琳福伦 对PBC国际银牌冠军 海梅·贝茨.

战斗开始II, 在9月4日星期五现场直播 2020, 特色三场女比赛, 第一位精选的PBC国际银牌超级轻量级​​冠军 尼古拉·霍普韦尔塔莎·博伊斯(Tasha Boyes), 卡上还包括精英业余明星霍莉·托尔埃莉·库尔森 谁使各自的专业拳击首次亮相 海梅·贝茨贝西·弗格森.

让战斗开始吧——母狮们, 与赏金竞赛相关, 黑索金, Empire Pro 磁带和 Go 运动 & 娱乐 4 月 24 日在阿伯丁北方酒店闭门举行 2021 将进入纪录册,成为不仅在英国而且在欧洲首次举办的全女子职业拳击赛事.


尼古拉·霍普韦尔 是一名全国发展冠军以及地区和国家业余英格兰拳击蝇量级冠军,拥有多个盒子杯冠军. 4月24日 尼古拉·霍普韦尔 她将第三次参加职业比赛,并面临对阵谢菲尔德的严峻考验 朱丽叶·温特

霍莉·托尔 是 5 时间ABA全国冠军! 五年内以三种不同重量连续获胜 !! 巨大的荣誉和前所未有的! 霍莉还是英格兰国家拳击青年轻量级冠军和多个拳击杯冠军,其中包括爱尔兰冠军. 霍莉·托尔, 谁将第二次出现在 让战斗开始 系列, 面对前踢拳新星 麦克洛克伦的朋友谁在该赛事上首次亮相职业拳击比赛.

埃莉·库尔森 三届全国决赛入围者和英格兰拳击全国青年中量级冠军,并再次获得多个盒子杯冠军.埃莉·库尔森 还将在系列中第二次亮相, 这次她面对 埃丝特·科尼卡(Esther Konecna) 来自捷克共和国.

第四位是前英国队成员、三届 ABA 冠军 当归芬奇, 谁将参加羽量级拳击比赛. 当归芬奇 她迎来了一场艰难的职业拳击首秀,对手是什鲁斯伯里的前 PBC 国际超轻量级银牌冠军 海梅·贝茨

加入荣获殊荣的冠军法定人数 让战斗开始 – 狮子, 与赏金竞赛相关, 黑索金, Empire Pro 磁带和 Go 运动 & 娱乐 事件是;

前精英业余, 南希尔兹’ 埃斯特尔·斯科特(Estelle Scott), 将与其他职业新人进行职业首秀 柯斯蒂·比斯瓦斯(Kirsty Biswas) 来自米德尔斯堡.

曼彻斯特前PBC国际超轻量级银牌冠军 索菲·瓦利(Sophie Varley), 现在参加超级蝇量级比赛, 将面临娜塔莎博伊斯.

让战斗开始吧——母狮们, 与赏金竞赛相关, 黑索金, Empire Pro 磁带和 Go 运动 & 娱乐 将于4月24日举行 2021 并将现场直播并免费观看 FITE电视, 阿沃网络, 体育频道网络, 索韦托电视台 以及全球更多的线性和数字渠道 (请查看本地列表)




Welterweight Prospect Eimantas Stanionis Notches Unanimous Decision Over Thomas Dulorme in WBA Title Eliminator; IBF Junior Bantamweight Champion Jerwin Ancajas Defends Title Against Jonathan Rodríguez in Televised Opener SHOWTIME®“他有很好的出拳能力

Click HERE for Photos from Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

Click Here to Watch Jaron Ennis’ Sixth-Round Knockout

安卡斯维尔, 康涅狄格州. - 四月 10, 2021 - 次中量级新星冉冉升起 杰伦“靴子”恩尼斯 aced the toughest test of his professional career with a sensational sixth-round knockout win over former world champion 谢尔盖Lipinets in the main event on Saturday night’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast, live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州, 在英超拳击冠军赛.

The win puts Philadelphia’s Ennis (27-0, 25 科斯) one step closer to his first world title opportunity as he dismantled the former 140-pound world champion over six rounds of their welterweight battle. As he has done often throughout his career, the 23-year-old switched effortlessly between an orthodox and southpaw stance and exhibited tremendous power from both sides. Ennis finished the fight with an eye-popping 53% connect rate on his power punches and out-landed Lipinets 91 到 48.

“I’ll always be hard on myself when I look back at my performance,”埃尼斯说. “My goal is to keep getting better, sharper, faster and stronger so I can become world champion. As long as I keep fighting top guys, 我很开心. I feel like I will be world champion by the end of this year or beginning of next year. Patience is the key though.”

The 32-year-old Joe Goossen-trained Lipinets (16-2-1, 12 科斯) of Woodland Hills, 加利福尼亚州。, showed determination in weathering the onslaught of combinations from Ennis. An uppercut floored the Kazakhstan-born Lipinets and sent him to the canvas for the second time in his professional career in the fourth round. Prior to tonight, Lipinets had only been down in his other professional loss which came at the hands of four-division world champion Mikey Garcia.

“Lipinets has been in there with the best before, so I wasn’t surprised he held up for a while,” added Ennis. “I knew he’d be durable. That’s why I didn’t jump on the gas right away. I just took my time and broke him down.”

在第六轮, Ennis poured it on Lipinets from all angles as he beautifully assembled combinations. The budding superstar has yet to go past the sixth round in his professional career as he has amassed a remarkable 89% 淘汰赛比. Ennis was up 49-45 on two scorecards and 50-44 on the final judges’ card prior to the right hook to left uppercut combination that resulted in the fight being stopped at 2:11 第六轮比赛中. Saturday night marked Ennis’ first time headlining SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING

“I think I graduated tonight,” stated Ennis. “It’s on the up and up now. It’s onto bigger and better fights now.”

在精彩表演拳击锦标赛的共同特征, a pair of hard-hitting welterweights went toe-to-toe as Eimantas Stanionis (13-0, 9 科斯) beat former world title challenger托马斯Dulorme (25-5-1, 16 科斯) via unanimous decision in a WBA Welterweight Title Eliminator. This was the most difficult challenge of the rising 26-year-old’s career as Dulorme took him past the ninth round for the first time. The three ringside judges scored the fight 115-113, 116-112 和 117-111.

“It’s been a dream since I was a kid watching SHOWTIME to be on this stage,” said Stanionis. “I’m proud of what I’ve achieved. I’ve had a long hard journey to get here, but it’s been worth it.”

The two fighters combined for nearly 1,400 punches in their exciting welterweight battle. Stanionis outlanded the 31-year-old Dulorme 232 到 193 and edged his opponent with higher connection percentages across the board. Most notably, Stanionis worked well behind his powerful jab, 着陆 123 total throughout the 12-round fight.

“Dulorme always threw back at me, even if I hurt him,” stated Stanionis, who is one step closer to becoming Lithuania’s first world champion. “I knew that if I was wild, he could have caught me with a good shot. I have more confidence in myself now because I know I can go 12 rounds with a good fighter. I know how the pressure will hit me now. 什么都可以在这项运动中发生, so I made sure I was prepared coming into this fight.”

在 10 圆, a nasty cut opened above the left eye of Dulorme which was ruled by referee Harvey Dock to have resulted from a punch. The fight came to a fantastic finish as the Lithuanian prospect went for the knockout in the 12 round but the veteran Dulorme did not subdue to the pressure.

在转播揭幕战, IBF Junior Bantamweight World Champion Jerwin “Pretty Boy” Ancajas (31-1-2, 22 科斯) successfully defended his title for the ninth time with a unanimous decision victory over Jonathan Rodríguez (21-2, 16 科斯) in an action-packed 12-round affair. The victory extends Ancajas’ streak of consecutive title defenses to nine, which marks the most of any current world champion. Fighting out of the Philippines, the 29-year-old controlled the pace of the fight with a consistent dedication to the body, where he landed 131 他 232 总拳.

“I’m very happy to get the win. I waited a long time for the opportunity to get back in the ring and it’s exciting to win in my first fight on this stage fighting on SHOWTIME,” said Ancajas. “This was my toughest fight so far. It was the hardest of any of my nine defenses and it’s exciting that it was on a big card. I trained hard for this opportunity and it feels great to get the win.”

The title fight featured back-and-forth action with Mexico’s Rodriguez pressuring and baiting the champion to fight him at close distance. At the end of the eighth round, Ancajas finished a flurry of punches with a huge right hand that sent Rodriguez to the canvas for the first time in his career.

“I thought he was going to be stopped because I saw him look at his corner and it didn’t look like he wanted to go on,” continued Ancajas. “But he got up and fought and I respect him for doing that.”

The ringside judges scored the fight 115-112, 116-111 和 117-110 for Ancajas, while unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood tallied the fight at 114-113. Farhood agreed with the three official judges in giving the final three rounds to Rodriguez. 尽管放弃了决定, the 25-year-old Rodriguez impressed fight fans with his tremendous determination and high-level skill in his first world title fight and U.S. 登场.

“I don’t think it was a just decision,”罗德里格斯说. “I thought maybe a split decision, and I would accept it a little more. But we knew coming in that the judges were against us in this fight.”

上周五晚上, BELLATOR on SHOWTIME took center stage at Mohegan Sun Arena with the first fight of the BELLATOR MMA Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix that saw current heavyweight champion Ryan Bader avenge his 2012 loss to Lyoto Machida with a dominating unanimous decision to move onto the next round. Bader made an appearance on Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast to reflect on his impressive victory.

“It was very sweet [to get revenge]. It was a gauge to see how far I’ve grown, 因为 2012. And I’ve done a lot, and he’s done a lot. So to go out there and implement my game plan and stick to what we do and go out there and be victorious, it couldn’t be sweeter.”

周六 精彩表演拳击锦标赛 telecast will replay Sunday, 四月 11 在 9 A.M. ET/PT and Tuesday, 四月 13 在 10 P.M. ET on SHOWTIME EXTREME.

资深体育解说员布赖恩·卡斯特主持了 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 电视转播,而多才多艺的格斗运动配音员 Mauro Ranallo 与名人堂分析师 Al Bernstein 和三项世界冠军 Abner Mares 一起处理了逐一击球动作. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the telecast team: ringside reporter Jim Gray, 拳击史学家史蒂夫·法罗德(Steve Farhood)作为非官方得分手, 和世界知名的环播音员麦侬JR. 执行制片人是四次艾美奖得主大卫·丁金斯, JR. The telecast was produced by Raymond Smaltz and directed by Chuck McKean. 前初中量级世界冠军 Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez 和体育解说员 Alejandro Luna 担任西班牙语二级音频编程专家分析师 (SAP).

该活动由TGB Promotions推动. 恩尼斯VS. Lipinets was promoted in association with D&d拳击.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 在 Instagram 上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Photos by Team Petrov
MADRID, 西班牙 (四月 8, 2021) – Super lightweight contender, 彼得 “扎尔” 彼得罗夫 (41-6-2, 22 科斯), is looking to propel himself back into the world title picture as he believes his third chance will be the charm. 第一, Petrov must defeat 伯格曼 “Snake” 阿吉拉尔 (15-6-1, 5 科斯) on Thompson’s 3.2.1. 拳击 事件, next Sunday, 4月18日, at the Omega Products Event Center in Corona, 例如. The bout, scheduled for 8-rounds, will be the opening fight on the three-fight card.

The free stream will air live on the 汤普森拳击促销 网站 (www.thompsonboxing.com), 以及他们的 Facebook的YouTube的 页. 3.2.1. 拳击比赛将在 欧米茄产品国际活动 中心 科罗纳, 例如, 并将开始于 2:00 P.M. PT / 5:00 P.M. AND.

Here is what Petr Petrov had to say about his upcoming fight, training from Madrid, 西班牙, a potential future world title shot, 多.
On his upcoming bout against Aguilar:

This is a chance to show how far I’ve grown as a fighter. I truly believe I’m the best version of myself and having 丹尼·萨莫拉 in my corner for this fight will be a big help. I want to put on a great performance that has people wondering how I would fare against top level guys. Aguilar is a tough durable guy who has been in the ring with some good fighters, so I know he’s coming to fight.”

On recent training camp:

I’m wrapping up my final days of training camp in Madrid, 西班牙, and I’m feeling very strong. Being home, and refocusing, gave me a new perspective. I arrive to the U.S. 这个星期天, which is plenty of time to acclimated to the time change. I feel more an enthused than ever.


I have been out of the ring for a year-and-a-half, even though I had three fights since my loss to 伊万Baranchyk, but that is the fight people remember. I want people to see my improvement and realize I can be a force at the 140 磅. division.”

On how far he believes he’s away from a world title shot:

I think with a couple of wins I’ll be in line for a title eliminator if I put on exciting performances. 同 Jose Ramirez乔希·泰勒 fighting to unify the division, I think soon some belts will open up. I have to perform and be ready to succeed at each and every step along the way. I’m hoping by the end of 2021 I can be in a big fight with a world champion.

贝托杜兰 将作为逐一评论员与专家评论 道格·菲舍尔史蒂夫金. 杰西卡·罗萨莱斯 将担任现场马戏团记者.

3.2.1 拳击 由汤普森建材赞助, 在美丽的地方改变空间; 欧米茄产品国际, 美国领先的灰泥制造商; 亨利 / 强化, 水分系统控制就像 1,2,3, 和牧田, 统治户外.

欲了解更多信息, 定期更新我们的战士, 事件, 和促销, 请访问 ThompsonBoxing.com. 您也可以关注社交媒体上的对话, 请使用 #321Boxing 和 #ThompsonBoxing.

请检查我们的 Facebook的 页面, 看我们的 YouTube的 汤普森拳击电视频道并关注我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 @ThompsonBoxing.

打集线器电视 是 Thompson Boxing 的骄傲媒体合作伙伴 3.2.1. 拳击表演和所有事物的重要资源 拳击.

重量级拳王安德烈·费多索夫周六重返赛场, 4 月 17 日,在好莱坞塞米诺尔硬石酒店和赌场对阵 Mahammadrasul Majidov, 佛罗里达州和 DAZN 直播

费城 (APRIL 8, 2021)–前 Boxcino 重量级冠军, 和, 当前的竞争者, 安德烈Fedosov 周六,他将对阵马哈马德拉苏尔·马吉多夫 (Mahamammadrasul Majidov),重返赛场, 4 月 17 日,好莱坞塞米诺尔硬石酒店及赌场, 佛罗里达.

舒亚的费多索夫, 俄罗斯, 将首次在擂台上亮相 2021, 并有记录 31-3 同 25 击倒.

前 Boxcino 冠军, 他在自己的祖国开始了他的职业生涯, 他在美国的职业生涯非常成功, 因为他有记录 12-2 同 11 击倒, 其中包括获得三场淘汰赛胜利并赢得 Boxcino 重量级冠军

Fedosov, 谁是由横幅促销和报童拳击推广的, 前WBO洲际和WBA Fedlatin重量级冠军.

莫吉多夫是 3-0 三场淘汰赛, 并且是三届世界业余冠军.

“我很高兴能回到擂台. 疫情让我退缩了, 但我准备4月17日出发. 我知道我的对手是一位获得荣誉的业余爱好者, 但我是一位非常有经验的专业人士. 这将是战斗之夜的不同之处,” 费多索夫说

“以胜利, 安德烈 (Andrey) 重返重量级拳坛. 他有能力打败任何人, 期待他4月17日的精彩表现, 说横幅促销总统, 阿蒂Pelullo.

“我很高兴能成为横幅促销团队的一员. 我们期待安德烈有出色的表现,并努力成为重量级的顶级竞争者,” 报童拳击促销活动的加里·麦卡锡说道.

报童拳击促销活动的史蒂夫·伯曼 (Steve Burman) 说道, “对于安德烈来说,这将是一场伟大的战斗. 我迫不及待地想让安德烈上场展示他是世界顶级重量级人物之一. 以胜利, 天空是他成功的极限。”

这场比赛将在 DAZN 上进行直播.

关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请像 横幅促销的Facebook页面, 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing

Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas on special mission to become heavyweight & bridgerweight World ChampionImportant announcement

魁北克市, 安大略, 加拿大 (三月 24, 2021) – Fresh off his recent third-round stoppage of Sylvera “Sly” Louis 在他们的复赛, 世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 别. 1 rated bridgerweight 奥斯卡“KABOOM”里瓦斯 (27-1, 19 科斯) is on a special mission to not only become the first bridgerweight world champion but capture the world heavyweight crown as well.

一 2008 哥伦比亚奥海, Rivas is currently rated as the WBC’s No. 1-rated contender in the bridgerweight division (-224 磅。), 和No. 9 in The Ring magazine’s heavyweight rankings.

Prior to his rematch with Louis, Rivas hadn’t fought in 20 months due mainly to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. 从未在少, “Kaboom” remained professional, training throughout his ring absence, and now he’s positioned to fight for the inaugural WBC bridgerweight title.

“I love this sport,” Rivas said from his Montreal home. I dedicate my life to boxing. I never stopped training because I love it and I can’t live without it. 我是运动员! The pandemic didn’t make things easy for me or anybody else, especially for a natural heavyweight like me.

“In the ring, I am having fun, and that’s what drives me. After I was able to knockdown my opponent (圣路易斯) 在第一轮, my coach asked me to take advantage of the opportunity to box because I hadn’t fought in 20 个月. I hadn’t stepped in the ring and that’s what I enjoy every minute of.”

Even though he’s on the precipice of winning his first world title, as a bridgerweight fighter, Rivas will not be fully satisfied without becoming a 2-division world champion.

“I want to be the bridgerweight and heavyweight World champion without a doubt,”他解释道. “My mission is timeless. For some reason, the big boys in the heavyweight division don’t want to fight me. There would have been good reasons for 迪安·惠特 to give me a rematch, to clear any doubts! I love 泰森怒 but when he was looking for a dance partner last December, my name was dropped first even though we had the same promoter. I can only assume that they consider I am too dangerous for them. By becoming the WBC bridgerweight World champion, I assume that those big boys will be more intrigued to fight me, 我不能等待. 现在, more than ever.

“I am a heavyweight and I always tried to stay under 235 pounds throughout my career to exploit my speed, so the bridgerweight class became a natural fit for me. 现在, I am aiming to become champion of the world in two divisions. Bring them all on!”

Rivas’ most likely will know who his opponent will be for the WBC bridgerweight title fight in June in the coming days. The names often mentioned are No. 3 额定 科比詹宁斯(24-4, 14 科斯), 2-time world heavyweight title challenger, or built-up South African cruiserweight, 别. 2 排名 Kevin Larena (26-1, 13 科斯).

“My team has been working very hard during this unbelievable time (大流行) to organize a significant fight for me.” Rivas noted. “I just can’t wait to step back into the ring with anybody.”

Rivas still has unfinished business with Whyte, who is the only pro to defeat Rivas, albeit under questionable circumstances. 去年八月, Whyte won a 12-round unanimous decision, after been knockdown with an uppercut in the 9 圆, in their vacant WBC Interim heavyweight title fight, but prior to their fight, unbeknownst to Team Rivas, Whyte had apparently tested positive for a banned substance during training camp. A UK Anti-Doping investigation somehow later cleared Whyte of any wrongdoings.

去年八月, Whyte was knocked out in the fifth round by 亚历山大Povetkin in their WBC Interim title fight and Povetkin will defend his title this weekend in Gibraltar versus Whyte.

Oscar Rivas can’t wait to let his fists go “Kaboom” on his next opponent, whomever and whenever that is, as he continues his special mission.

脸书: @groupeyvonmichel
插页: @groupeyvonmichel
推特: yvonmichelGYM



Groupe Yvon Michel 是一家专业的拳击推广机构, 成立于 2004 伊冯·米歇尔, 亚历山德拉·克罗夫特和伯纳德·巴尔, all still active within the company, which is the most prolific organization in the history of professional boxing in Canada. Since its founding GYM has organized 155 魁北克的活动, participated in 36 international galas outside of Quebec. Six boxers became world champions, 约阿希姆Alcine, 让·帕斯卡尔, 阿多尼斯史蒂文森, 阿图尔Beterbiev, Eleider Alvarez and Marie-Eve Dicaire. Sixteen of the organization’s boxers have fought 48 world championship bouts with an excellent record of 24 胜, 22 损失和 2 借鉴. During this period major American television networks were more active than ever in coming to Quebec to broadcast GYM’s most important events. 上 34 occasions major American networks presented a GYM event, an exceptional showcase of Quebec knowledge including HBO (8), 开演时间 (7), ESPN2 (10), Wealth TV (4), 斯派克电视 (2), ESPN (1), CBS (1) and NBC Sports (1).



LAS VEGAS (三月 31, 2021) – 前世界超中量级冠军吉尔伯托“Zurdo创作”拉米雷斯 (41-0, 27 科斯) 正在狩猎,他的目标是不败的俄罗斯人, 阿图尔Beterbiev 和德米特里·比沃尔, 分别, 卫冕 WBC/IBF 和 WBA 超轻重量级世界冠军。

29岁的拉米雷斯, 最近与谁签订了独家促销合同霍亚的金童促销活动, 目前排名没有. 4 和No. 5, 分别, 由WBA和WBO。

拉米雷斯对贝特比耶夫最近的比赛并不满意,他想知道比沃尔过去在哪里 1 年半, 因为他还没有上过擂台。

在他的第一次战斗中 519 天 (十月. 12, 2019), 贝特比耶夫出现了生锈和可能老化的迹象 (36) 在他的期间 10 回合技术淘汰了他相对不知名的德国对手, 亚当你的 (19-2-1, 10 科斯).  现在, 贝特比耶夫正在谈论下一场与四月冠军的战斗 10 乔·史密斯, JR. (26-3, 21 科斯) 与马克西姆·弗拉索夫 (45-3, 26 科斯) 四月 10 争夺空缺的 WBO 175 磅级冠军。弗拉索夫, 顺便, 2015年,拉米雷斯经过10轮一致判定击败。

“我对他的期望更高 (Beterbiev),”拉米雷斯谈到了贝特比耶夫与戴内斯的战斗。 “我认为他在比赛的大部分时间里看起来都平淡无奇。 他能暂时帮我系腰带真是太好了, 但他应该知道我是为了所有的硬件而来,并将把冠军带回给我在墨西哥的人民。”

比沃尔在一场战斗中没有出拳 17 个月, 自从12回合一致判定获胜以来列宁卡斯蒂略.  而不是为了捍卫自己的 WBA 超级冠军头衔而与“名牌”拳手对决, Bivol 将于五月回归 1ST 在伦敦对阵某人克雷格·“蜘蛛”·理查兹 16-1-1, 9 科斯), 世界拳击协会编号. 8-从未在英国以外的地方参加过比赛的轻重量级选手。

“我一直说德米特里·比沃尔是最艰难的挑战,”拉米雷斯补充道, “这就是为什么我想让这场战斗发生。 我知道他即将迎来一场比赛,希望他保持不败,这样我们就能在今年夏天进行一场大型比赛。”



Website:  www.ZurdoPromotions.com 

Instagram的: @祖多拉米雷斯, 约翰·拉米雷斯

叽叽喳喳:  @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

关于 Zurdo 促销活动:  Zurdo Promotions 是首屈一指的格斗运动/赛事推广商,总部位于美国和墨西哥。由不败的世界冠军带领, 吉尔伯托·“祖尔多”·拉米雷斯。 Zurdo Promotions 致力于成为各个领域的佼佼者,以树立拳击新标准。请访问我们www.ZurdoPromotions.com