Kategori Arsip: tinju


MIAMI – (Bulan Juni 3, 2021) – Juara dunia dua divisi Badou Jack akan menghadapi tak terkalahkan Bukit Dervin dalam pertarungan kelas berat ringan 10 ronde yang menjadi laga Mayweather vs. Acara co-main PPV Paul SHOWTIME hari Minggu ini, Bulan Juni 6 dari Stadion Hard Rock di Miami Gardens.

Colina menggantikan Jean Pascal, yang awalnya dijadwalkan untuk menghadapi Jack sebelum gagal dalam tes narkoba pra-pertarungan.

Siaran bayar-per-tayang akan mulai tayang langsung di 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT dan akan menampilkan mantan juara 154 pon terpadu Jarrett Hurd “Cepat” mengambil Luis Arias dalam pertarungan 10 ronde, ditambah mantan penerima lebar bintang NFL Chad Johnson akan melakukan debut tinjunya dalam pertandingan eksibisi melawan petarung serba bisa Brian Maxwell.

Tiket untuk acara langsung dijual sekarang di Ticketmaster.com.

Lahir di Stockholm, Dongkrak (22-3-3, 13 Biaya), yang mewakili negara asal ayahnya di Gambia di 2008 Olimpiade, sekarang tinggal di Las Vegas. Jack memenangkan gelar dunia 168-pon dengan keputusan mayoritas melawan Anthony Dirrell di 2015 dan berhasil mempertahankan sabuk tiga kali sebelum mendapatkan hasil imbang mayoritas dengan susah payah melawan James DeGale dalam salah satu pertarungan terbaik tahun 2017. Dalam pertarungan pertamanya di 175 pon, Jack menghentikan Nathan Cleverly untuk merebut gelar kelas berat ringan WBA sebelum berjuang untuk mendapatkan hasil imbang mayoritas melawan juara WBC saat itu Adonis Stevenson pada Mei. 2018. Setelah menjatuhkan pertarungan sempit ke Pascal di 2019, Tamasya terakhir Jack membuatnya mendapatkan keputusan bulat atas Blake McKernan pada bulan November 2020.

Colina, 33 tahun (15-0, 13 Biaya) tinggal di Medellin, Kolumbia, dan merupakan penduduk asli Venezuela. Dia masuk dalam waktu singkat untuk melakukan debutnya di Amerika Serikat melawan Jack. Colina telah berkompetisi di kelas menengah super dan kelas berat ringan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan menjalani enam pertarungan beruntun hingga Juni. 6. Colina telah berlatih dengan pelatih terkenal Stacy McKinley selama dua bulan terakhir di Pantai Pompano, Florida.

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Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul adalah pertarungan eksibisi khusus yang dipersembahkan oleh Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO dan Mavathltcs yang akan berlangsung pada hari Minggu, Bulan Juni 6 di Stadion Hard Rock di Miami Gardens, Fla. Siaran, yang sedang diproduksi oleh SHOWTIME PPV, akan udara hidup awal di 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT dan dapat dibeli sekarang di SHOWTIME.com dan FANMIO.com. Undercard akan menampilkan juara dunia dua divisi Badou Jack dalam kontes 10 ronde melawan Dervin Colina yang tak terkalahkan, ditambah mantan juara kelas welter super terpadu “Swift” Jarrett Hurd melawan Luis Arias dalam pertarungan 10 ronde dan dalam pertarungan PPV keempat, mantan penerima lebar bintang NFL Chad Johnson akan melakukan debut tinjunya dalam pertandingan eksibisi empat ronde melawan petarung serba bisa Brian Maxwell.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi bit.ly/mayweatherpaul, www.SHO.com/sports, www.FANMIO.com. Ikuti di Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, MayweatherPromo, @ShowtimeBoxing dan @FANMIO dan di Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @MayweatherPromotions, @ShowtimeBoxing dan @FANMIO.

Jose sanchez vs. Kutipan Kamp Pelatihan Andrew Strode

KORONA, SEPERTI (Bulan Juni 1, 2021) – Kelas bulu tak terkalahkan, Jose “Tito” Sanchez (6-0, 4 Biaya) dan Andrew Strode (6-0, 1 KO) dijadwalkan untuk bentrok pada edisi berikutnya 3.2.1. Tinju dipersembahkan oleh Thompson Tinju Promosi. Kedua prajurit memberikan pemikiran mereka sebagai penutup hari-hari terakhir kamp pelatihan. Pertarungan 6 ronde akan menjadi pembuka pada kartu 3-pertarungan.

Judul akan menjadi Michael "The West Texas Warrior" Dutchover (14-1, 10 Biaya), siapa yang dipromosikan bersama Banner Promosi, melawan Ivan Leon Benitez(14-4-1, 6 Biaya) dalam pertarungan kelas welter junior 8 ronde.

Acara co-main 6 putaran akan menampilkan Richard “Angin Dingin” Brewart Jr. (9-0, 4 Biaya) vs. Donte Stubbs (6-1, 2 Biaya).

Streaming gratis akan ditayangkan langsung di situs web Thompson Boxing Promotions (www.thompsonboxing.com), serta mereka Muka Buku dan YouTube halaman.

3.2.1. Tinju akan berlangsung di Pusat Acara Internasional Produk Omega di Corona, SEPERTI, dan akan dimulai pada 2:30 p.m. PT / 5:30 p.m. DAN.

Inilah yang dikatakan Jose Sanchez tentang kamp pelatihan baru-baru ini, pertarungannya dengan Strode, dan lagi.

Pada pelatihannya baru-baru ini: “Camp telah besar. Saya sangat termotivasi dan saya siap untuk menampilkan versi terbaru dari diri saya. Saya merasa bahwa menghadapi sesama petarung yang tak terkalahkan menginspirasi saya lebih banyak di gym untuk mendorong lebih keras. Saya selalu berlatih keras, tapi ini adalah jenis pertarungan yang membuatku tertarik untuk menjadi profesional. Saya siap untuk naik peringkat dengan kemenangan. Tanganku akan terangkat setelah pertarungan ini.”

Pada pertarungannya dengan Andrew Strode:“Saya tahu bahwa saya lebih berbakat daripada lawan saya, tapi aku juga tahu itu karena dia adalah petarung yang tak terkalahkan, dia sangat percaya diri. Ini adalah petarung tak terkalahkan kedua yang saya hadapi hanya dalam tujuh pertarungan. Saya pikir itu mengatakan banyak tentang saya dibandingkan dengan divisi kelas bulu lainnya. Saya ingin menghentikannya seperti yang saya lakukan pada lawan terakhir saya yang tak terkalahkan karena itu akan menjadi pernyataan besar.”

Saat membuatnya 2021 debut:“Senang rasanya bisa kembali ke ring dan kembali beraksi. Saya telah keluar dari ring selama lebih dari setahun dan menggunakan waktu saya dengan bijak di gym, tetapi saya juga tahu bahwa waktu berdering penting pada tahap ini dalam karier saya. Saya ingin mendapatkan kemenangan besar dan kembali secepat mungkin.”

Saat berjuang 3.2.1 Tinju tanpa penggemar:“Saya ingin berterima kasih kepada Thompson Boxing karena telah banyak membantu saya di awal karir saya, membimbing saya, membangun saya menjadi pejuang seperti saya hari ini. Saya suka cara mereka memperlakukan petarung, dan rasanya seperti keluarga, bukan perusahaan. Saya tidak ingin bersama promotor lain. Ini akan menjadi pertama kalinya saya bertarung tanpa penggemar sehingga akan menarik untuk melihat bagaimana saya bereaksi. Intinya adalah saya datang untuk bertarung.”
Andrew Strode memberikan pemikirannya tentang kamp pelatihan baru-baru ini, pertarungannya dengan Sanchez dan banyak lagi:

Di kamp pelatihannya baru-baru ini:“Kami kembali ke dasar dan bekerja keras di gym. Saya sangat fokus untuk pertarungan ini. Kebanyakan orang tidak tahu, tapi saya telah mengalahkan lima petarung yang tak terkalahkan dalam enam pertarungan saya. Saya telah pergi di jalan untuk melakukannya juga. Saya dalam olahraga untuk bertarung dengan yang terbaik dan kamp ini sangat bagus.”

Tentang pertarungannya dengan Jose Sanchez:“Sanchez adalah petarung yang baik, Aku tahu dia lebih kecil dariku, meskipun bertarung di kelas berat yang lebih tinggi, yang menurut saya menarik. Saya tidak punya hal buruk untuk dikatakan tentang dia, dia telah melakukan semua yang dia butuhkan sampai saat ini, tapi aku berbeda dari orang lain yang pernah dia lawan. Dia akan segera menyadari bahwa dia melakukan kesalahan dalam pertarungan ini. Tidak ada yang bisa dia lakukan untuk menghentikanku. Saya keluar di atas.”

Saat membuatnya 2021 debut:“Sangat menyenangkan untuk kembali karena saya pada dasarnya keluar dari PHK dua tahun yang sulit karena karir saya berjalan dengan sangat baik untuk memulai.. Saya tidak pernah kehilangan fokus di gym dan ini adalah kesempatan yang sangat besar bagi saya untuk menunjukkan kepada dunia keahlian saya karena pertarungan akan ditayangkan langsung di internet. Semua orang saya akan mendengarkan dan saya tidak sabar untuk melepaskan tinju saya.”

Tentang pertempuran di California pada 3.2.1. Tinju:“Merupakan suatu kehormatan untuk bertarung dengan kartu Thompson Boxing, Saya menonton streaming mereka, dan mereka sangat profesional. Saya suka apa yang mereka lakukan dengan membuat penggemar terlibat dalam perkelahian, serta menampilkan bakat yang sedang naik daun. Saya melihat petarung seperti Daniel Roman, dan Tim Bradley, dan menyadari bahwa mereka mulai dengan Thompson Boxing, jadi itu masalah besar berada di salah satu kartu mereka. Bertarung di California selalu menyenangkan karena cuaca. Ini adalah waktu yang tepat dan saya siap untuk pergi!”

Beto Duran akan beroperasi sebagai komentator pukulan demi pukulan dengan komentar ahli oleh Doug Fischer dan Steve Kim. Jessica Rosales akan bertindak sebagai reporter ringside di tempat.

3.2.1 Tinju disponsori oleh Bahan Bangunan Thompson, mengubah ruang di tempat yang indah; Produk Omega Internasional, produsen plesteran terkemuka di Amerika Serikat; Henry / Membentengi, kontrol sistem kelembaban semudah 1,2,3, dan Makita, memerintah di luar ruangan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, pembaruan rutin pada pejuang kami, Peristiwa, dan promosi, silakan kunjungi ThompsonBoxing.com. Anda juga dapat mengikuti percakapan di media sosial, silakan gunakan #321Boxing dan #ThompsonBoxing.

Silakan periksa kami Muka Buku Halaman, perhatikan kami YouTube saluran di Thompson Boxing TV dan ikuti kami di Instagram dan Kegugupan ThompsonBoxing.Melawan Hub TV adalah Mitra Media yang bangga dengan Thompson Boxing's 3.2.1. Pertunjukan tinju dan sumber yang bagus untuk semua hal Tinju.

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DJ Zamora III Mencetak TKO di Debut AS

LAS VEGAS, NV (Bulan Juni 1, 2021) – Sensasi kelas bulu berusia 18 tahun, “Mesin Perang” DJ Zamora III (4-0, 3 Biaya), sangat mengesankan dalam debutnya di AS, mencetak TKO ronde ketiga melawan Brandon Trout, seorang petarung MMA, yang membuat debut pro-nya di tinju. Acara tersebut berlangsung di Outlaw Saloon di Cheyenne, Wyoming, dan dipromosikan oleh Pon 4 Promosi Pound.

Zamora, yang dikelola oleh Bob Santos, menunjukkan kepemimpinan ring yang hebat saat dia mendiktekan kecepatan pertarungan dari ronde pembukaan. Ikan forel, kidal, melakukan yang terbaik untuk memberikan tekanan tetapi ditolak karena Zamora menjaga jarak dengan jab . yang berpendidikan. Di babak tiga, Zamora, yang juga kidal, menangkap Trout dengan hook kanan yang merusak yang mengejutkannya. Zamora melihat bahwa Trout terluka dan melepaskan serangkaian pukulan, memaksa wasit untuk menghentikan pertarungan di ronde ketiga.

“Rasanya luar biasa membuat debut AS saya melawan lawan tangguh seperti Trout,” kata Zamora III, yang dilatih oleh ayahnya, Demler Zamora II. “Saya senang bahwa saya bisa mendapatkan beberapa putaran yang bagus di. Tiga pertarungan pertama saya terjadi di Meksiko, jadi senang bertarung di negara asalku my. Saya siap untuk membawa karir saya ke level selanjutnya.”

“Putraku menunjukkan banyak kedewasaan dalam pertarungan ini,” menyatakan Demler Zamora II, ayah dan pelatih DJ III. “Trout bukanlah pertarungan yang mudah. Anak ini dalam kondisi sangat baik dan dia akan datang. Saya senang DJ tetap tenang ketika Trout datang dengan agresif. Anak saya tetap pada rencana permainan dan menangkapnya dengan kail cek yang bagus, dan menghabisinya seperti seorang profesional sejati.”

“DJ adalah petarung yang sangat terampil dengan bakat yang luar biasa.” Bob Santos tersebut. “Anda tidak pernah tahu apa yang Anda dapatkan dari seorang petarung sampai dia melangkah melawan lawan yang tangguh. Ini adalah ujian yang bagus untuk melihat di mana dia berada dan dia lulus dengan warna-warna cerah. Langkah saya selanjutnya untuknya adalah memberinya kesempatan di kartu PBC. Saya berharap dia bisa bertarung empat kali lagi pada akhir tahun.”

Itu Kembar Kembar, Chavez dan Malaikat, serta kelas menengah super Malaikat chavez, yang dijadwalkan untuk bertarung di kartu ini, pertarungan mereka dibatalkan karena lawan mereka kelebihan berat badan sepuluh pon pounds. Angel Chavez’ opponent never showed up.

“Breakout” Possible swan song for Steve Vukosa, Statement time for Mike Marshall

QUINCY, Massa. (Bulan Juni 1, 2021) – The main event on the June 26th “Breakout” card, presented by Granite Chin Promotions, matches two New England heavyweights heading in opposite directions, Steve "The Gentle Giant” Vukosa (13-1, 5 Biaya) dan “Fly” Mike Marshall (5-1, 4 Biaya).

The evening card of another Granite Chin day-night doubleheader (separate admissions) is headlined by the 10-round main event for the vacant NABA United States Heavyweight Championship between Vukosa (13-1, 5 Biaya) who will possibly be fighting for the final time – win, kalah, atau seri — and reigning New England heavyweight champion Marshall.

Vukosa, fighting of out Quincy, MA, is a former WBC U.S. Heavyweight Champion, which he captured in 2019 when he won an 8-round unanimous decision against Joe Cusumano (18-2, 16 Biaya). During his 20-year pro boxing career, Vukosa’s gained invaluable experience sparring at the famed Wild Card Boxing gym in Los Angeles as a sparring partner for world champions James Toney, Evander Holyfield dan Wladimir Klitschko. He’s also driven a bus for the past 15 years for the Mass Bay Transportation Authority, mulai dari 4 p.m. and finishing around 2 pagi, after which he does his run in. But he’s now 44 with a wife and three children and his boxing clock is ticking.

“I’m still fighting because I love it,” Vukosa explained. “It’s hard to walk away from something you’re good at. This one fight and it could be the end. My wife will be happy. My body is starting to fall apart: tangan, back and knees. They’ve been killing me. I used to be quick and fast, now I’m slow. I just want to have a good fight, menang, or lose, but I want to win. I really enjoyed by days at Wild Card, those sparring sessions were like real fights, and my amateur days with trainer Jimmy Farrell.

“I saw my opponent when he won the New England title, saya terkesan. (promotor)Chris (Traietti) called asking if I’d fight him, I accepted because I like to fight and a good challenge. I’m looking forward to the fight.”

The 36-year-old Marshall, fighting out of Danbury, CT, has won his last two fights, both on Granite Chin shows at the same venue as his upcoming match with Vukosa, including his N.E. title-winning performance last November against Justin “Crazy Train” Rolfe. Marshall isn’t looking at his opponent as over the hill because of Vukosa’s advance age, but he does plan to make a statement that, semoga, will get him positive exposure outside of New England.

“I know he’s a veteran pugilist, a pupil of Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, who was an awesome fighter in his own right,” Marshall remarked. “This is boxing, apa pun bisa terjadi. My job is to prepare for anything. I’ve had the best quality sparring in house with the No. 1 amateur heavyweight, Fernely Felix, Jr. My team works very hard, My manger, A.J. Galante, asked me to be sharper in my last fight (3-round KO of Tracey Johnson April lalu), so I did what he asked me to do. My cornerman Austin Ampeoquio keeps me sharp with the mitts, and my head coaches David McDonough dan Bennie ‘The Jet’ Little do a good job pushing me as well.

“I know Steve comes to fight and I’m looking forward to an exciting night of boxing. We are two warriors going toe-to-toe in the ring, putting on a show for boxing fans who really enjoy the sport of boxing, not this YouTube celebrity garbage that’s going on right now.”

“Steve ran into some bad luck after the Cusumano win,” Granite Chin president Chris Traietti commented. “A few fights fell through, then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. We literally had a fight in Germany fall out the day we were set to leave for the airport. After that we lost a lot of the steam from the Cusamano fight and kind of had to reassess. He picked up a tune-up fight a few months ago, but we now have to either regain some momentum by winning a fight like this or finally have Steve ride off into the sunset. This fight with Marshall will be no picnic. Dia telah meledak di kancah lokal dengan beberapa pertunjukan yang mengesankan.

“Seperti banyak orang yang datang ke pertarungan, Saya tidak tahu bagaimana pertarungan ini terjadi, yang membuat acara utama menjadi luar biasa. Satu hal yang akan saya katakan, terlepas dari apa yang Steve suka membuat orang percaya, jika dia memenangkan pertarungan ini, itu tidak akan menjadi pertarungan terakhirnya. Peluang nol untuk itu! Jika Marshall menang, Saya tidak ragu dia akan mendapatkan pertarungan televisi dalam waktu dekat di jaringan besar. ”

Dalam acara unggulan 8 putaranround, mantan N.E. juara kelas berat Rolfe (5-2-1, 4 Biaya), Fairfield, ME, akan menghadapi penantang Meksiko Jose Humberto “Olimpico” Corral (20-26, 12 Biaya) untuk gelar kelas berat ABF Atlantik yang kosong.

Juara kelas welter New England Mike "Orang Jahat" Ohan, Jr. (12-1, 6 Biaya), berjuang keluar dari Holbrook, MA, akan mempertahankan gelarnya dalam pertandingan 8 ronde melawan orang yang berpikiran marahTyrone “Tangan dari Batu” Luckey (13-14-4 (9 Biaya).

Undefeated Holyoke, MA kelas welter Denzel “Double Impact” Whitley (4-0, 3 Biaya) will be in his first scheduled 6-rounder versus Anthony Andreozzi (0-1), of Swansea, MA. Indianapolis junior welterweight Dewayne Wisdom will be in his 66th pro fight against Nelson "Chino" Perez (2-0, 2 Biaya) dalam ronde 6.

Also slated to be in action on the undercard, semua dalam pertarungan 4-putaran, is Weymouth, MA kelas welter Eric “Gladiator” Goff (1-0) vs. Aquilando Brandao (0-3), Holyoke junior middleweight Carlos Abel Castillo (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Jay Gregory (0-3), Woburn, MA middleweight Julien “Black Dragon” Baptiste (2-0, 2 Biaya) vs. Rodrigo Almeida (2-10, 2 Biaya), Framingham, MA light heavyweight Saul “Spider” Almeida (0-13-4) vs. pro-memulai debutnya Steve Sumpter, Lawrence, MA junior lightweight Kevin Rodriguez (0-1) wajah Ryan Venable (2-4), terkalahkan Puerto Rico super menengah Jelame Garcia (7-0, 6 Biaya) vs. Larry “Slo Mo” Smith (12-47-2, 8 Biaya), and Worcester’s (MA) 3-time New England Golden Gloves champion Demek “Hightower” Edmonds (1-0, 1 KO) vs. pro-memulai debutnya Wallace Nass Silva.

The pro segment of the afternoon’s Pro-Am card will be headlined by ABF Atlantic Cruiserweight Champion Yan “Wild Thing” Pellerin (11-1, 5 Biaya) defending his title against Lewiston, ME challenger Cristiano Pedro, fighting out by way of Angola, in an 8-round fight.

Other pro fights, all 4-rounders, include Canadian heavyweight Alexis Barriere (1-0, 1 KO) vs. New York’s pro-debuting Andrew Nolan, Methuen (MA), kelas berat ringanAndrew Perez dalam debut profesionalnya vs.. Jesus Cintron (1-18-2), Springfield (MA) super ringan Ian “Dinamite” Garcia (0-0-1) vs. Andy Aiello (1-4-1), of Bridgewater, MA, New York light heavyweight Scott Lampert (1-2, 1 KO) vs. Yhago Goncalves (0-3), of Portsmouth (ME) by way of Brazil, and Springfield’s pro-debuting super middleweightLaurent Humes vs.pro-debuting Philipe Martins, of Marlborough, MA.

The inaugural “Granite Chin Invitational” tournament, pitting some of the best amateur boxers in New England in the semifinals round, in the USA Boxing-sanctioned event during the afternoon portion of the day-night doubleheader. The semifinals winners will advance to the tournament’s championship final August 28th at New England Sports Center.

Some of the top N.E. amateur boxers expected to compete include 2021 USA National Championships gold medalist Arika Skoog, the 2-time N.E. Golden Gloves champion out of Newton (MA); 2-time N.E. Juara Sarung Emas Tashawn Ward, a featherweight from Providence (RI); dan middleweights James Maner, 2019 N.E. Golden Gloves champion from Providence, and 2-time N.E. Juara Sarung Emas Mike Fontanez, of Nashua (N.H).

Tiket yang memberikan promosi dan harga $25.00 (Day Show) / $40.00 (Night Show) for general seating (unassigned). Unassigned ringside seating will be available at $35.00 per seat during the day show. The night show will offer ringside tables (assigned and seats 4) untuk $300.00 and are available to purchase online at www.ticketriver.com(Pencarian: Granite Chin Invitational for the day show, Breakout for night show).

Pintu terbuka di 12:15 p.m. AND dan 7:15 p.m. DAN (malam) with the first bouts, masing-masing, di 12:30 p.m. AND dan 7:30 p.m. DAN.

Kegugupan: @Granite_Chin

McAllister KO Djarbeng – Menambahkan Gelar WBO ke Koleksi Penghargaan Kejuaraannya

Ringside Report: Gianluca Di Caro
Photographs courtesy of Alistair Campbell

Six time, Five Division World Champion Lee McAllister not only successfully defended the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Intercontinental title he secured in Accra, Ghana back in March this year, but also added the vacant Organisasi Tinju Dunia (WBO) Africa Zone Championship belt to his huge collection, following a fourth knockout of Ghanaian Richmond Djarbeng on the LET BATTLE COMMENCE IV event that took place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen on Saturday 29th May 2021.

Fifty lucky fans were ringside to watch the UK’s most decorated boxer in action, as LET BATTLE COMMENCE IV was the first boxing ‘test’ event in Scotland, which hopefully will lead to more fans, preferably up to full capacity, being able to attend boxing events from next month as the pandemic restrictions are relaxed further.

Millions more tuned in to watch the live and free to view the Globally broadcast event on FITE, VIVA LIVE, PPV LIVE as well as the numerous digital and linear channels that also carried the live broadcast.

There wasn’t that much action initially in the first round, so much so that world renowned Championship Referee Roger Barnor stepped in and ‘encouraged’ the protagonists to stop tentatively testing and throw some real punches in anger, which they did in style during the dying seconds of the round.

The first minute of the second stanza contained more action than the entire first round, albeit much of it being testing shots, well that is until around mid-point when McAllister burst into action, letting rip with a succession of blistering shots to send Djarbeng down to the canvas.

Have to say I was mightily surprised that Djarbeng was able to beat the count, tapi dia, and on the restart the ‘Aberdeen Assassin’ calmly strode over and let rip another flurry of scintillating powerful Exocets to body and head to send the Ghanaian to the deck for a second and surely final time – tapi tidak, much to everyone’s surprise Djarbeng, yang jelas dalam banyak rasa sakit, once again managed to make it to his feet before Roger Barnor finished the count.

On the restart once again McAllister went on the attack, yet somehow Djarbeng managed to survive the onslaught and even let rip with some shots of his own.

Round three was an edgy affair, with both fighters working off their jabs, Djarbeng proved to be quite durable, I for one was surprised when he shrugged off some seriously vicious shots to the head as the round progressed.

The fourth was by far the best round so far, action wise, and once again the Ghanaian showed just how tough he was as once again he survived some seriously powerful shots, to both body and head, that clearly hurt him.

As the round progressed McAllister landed more big shots, after which Djarbeng would grab hold of the increasingly aggressive McAllister. This tactic didn’t do the Ghanaian many favours as the Aberdeen Assassin just kept letting rip and the inevitable happened, Djarbeng crashed to the deck for a third time following a huge right-left combination to the head, this time though Djarbeng just couldn’t rise to his feet and was clearly in a lot of pain. Referee Roger Barnor waived the fight off with just twelve seconds of the round remaining.

WBO Africa’s Samir Captan presented both Championship belts as PBC President Russell Jaques was busy co-commentating alongside Sportanarium Radio’s Trevor Lake.

Preceding McAllister-Djarbeng was a fantastic lightweight contest between Denny’s Kevin Traynor and Tilbury Village’s debuting Jay Cartwright, who stepped in with just a day notice after Traynor’s original opponent Nicaraguan Jose Aguilar failed to gain entry into the UK after flying in from Spain.

The first round was phenomenal, it was all action with both protagonists giving everything for virtually every second of the round. I couldn’t split them and neither could referee Roger Barnor.

Round two was another full on war, boy oh boy did these warriors go for it! However the pace had a seriously detrimental affect on Cartwright, he was out on his feet as he headed back to his corner at the end of the round, so much so that his corner summoned over Roger Barnor and retired his charge in the corner.

Plaudits to Jay Cartwright, he was expecting to be making his professional debut in Colchester on the 31st July 2021, yet bravely agreed to take the fight at very short notice, even though he had not had any time to prepare fully for this contest.

The third bout of the evening see Aberdeen’s Nathan Beattie in action against another late replacement, Belfast’s Marty Kayes who stepped in when Nicaraguan Christian Narvaez, who like Aguilar was refused entry to the UK after flying in from Spain as a replacement for original opponent Dundalk’s Michael Kelly.

At this point I think I should mention that it was Kayes’ wedding anniversary the following day and somehow got his wife Julia’s permission to cancel their planned evening out to take the fight, I think that may just set the scene perfectly.

Kayes was clearly in the mood for a good scrap, right from the opening bell of the contest he took control of centre ring and just kept forcing Beattie onto the back foot before letting rip with shot after shot.

It really wasn’t that much different in the second, don’t get me wrong Beattie landed the best shots by far in each round, just not enough of them to secure either of the rounds.

Beattie started to get more proactive in the third and again landed the most telling shots, but still it was the Irishman that was dictating the proceedings, the same in the fourth and final round.

At the end of four action packed rounds Nate Dog’s fans were clearly expecting their hero to secure the win or at worse a draw, but when Referee Lee Murtagh’s scorecards were announced they fell into a stunned silence as they declared a 40-38 points victory in favour of Marty Kayes

The second fight of the night pitted Aberdeen’s Craig Dick (2-0-0) against Essex based Lithuanian hard-man Tomas Vaicickas (1-2-0) in a four round Heavyweight contest.

Dick is a renowned heavy hitter and Vaicickas is extremely durable, so nobody could or would have expected the contest to come to it’s conclusion after just 47 detik, but it did, following Dick letting rip with a huge powerful hook to the body that sent the Lithuanian to the canvas just twenty seconds into the round.

I was surprised when Vaicickas made the count and continued but not that surprised he was to return to the deck seconds later following another big hook to the ribs.

The opening contest featured local big hitting youngster Liam Allan in action against Belfast’s Darren Burns

What a cracking opening round, both lads vying to control centre ring, some very tasty bombs were thrown by both protagonists, a cracking round to watch.

Both lads started the second stanza more cautiously, Burns was the first to throw a big shot, but Allan, who is remarkably agile for a big lad, moved just enough to prevent it landing, Allan then took to the front foot backing up Burns before letting rip with a huge right to send the Irishman to the canvas.

Burns made the count, but on the restart Allan moved in and let rip with a big left, followed by a left-right combination that rocked Burns, Allan continued the assault with another powerful left-right to send Burns down for the second time .

Again Burns made the count, this time Allan stepped in on the restart and let rip with a massive right to send the tough as nails Irishman down to the canvas where he ended doubled up, Referee Lee Murtagh was so concerned he immediately waived the fight off and summoned Burns’ corner and the medical team to the ring.

I’m pleased to say the medical team wasn’t needed and the official time of the stoppage was one minute and fifty four seconds off the second round.

Have to say it was really great to be at an event with fans in attendance again, even though there was only fifty allowed, it may sound crazy but even though the fans were instructed by the authorities to stay seated and just offer polite clapping at the end of the fights, the atmosphere was so different from the ‘behind closed doors’ events that had preceded over the past year.

For reference, as I am sure a lot of people will be wondering how Lee Mcallister was eligible to compete for the WBO Africa region Championship, this was explained on the British & Irish Boxing Authority’s website on the result page, which states; It should be noted that Mr McAllister was eligible to compete for the World Boxing Organization (WBO) Africa Championship due to his Ghana National Championship (and PBC Intercontinental Championship) victory over Collinson Korley on the 7th March 2021 in Accra, Ghana – it should also be noted Mr McAllister was eligible to compete for the Ghana National Championship as well as the World Boxing Organization (WBO) Africa Zone Championship due to family heritage.

Finally if you missed the live broadcast of LET BATTLE COMMENCE IV, you can still catch up as free to view replays are available on FITE athttps://www.fite.tv/watch/let-battle-commence-iv/2p9er/or check listings for replays on your local TV listings or if in UK the entire event will be available on demand via Sports Channel Network (Channel 265 on Freeview.YouView) from next weekend.


Subriel Matias dan Gary Antuanne Russell Notch

Kemenangan Knockout Besar

Gambar yang berisi orang, olahraga, tinju, melompat

Deskripsi dibuat secara otomatis

KlikDISINI untuk Foto dari Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

KlikDISINI untuk Foto dari Sean Michael Ham / Promosi TGB

CARSON, CALIF.(Mei 29, 2021) -Nonito Donaire adalah juara sekali lagi. Empat belas tahun setelah dia memenangkan gelar dunia pertamanya, “Filipino Flash” memperkuat kredensial Hall of Fame-nya dengan kemenangan KO ronde keempat yang sensasionalNordine Oubaaliuntuk merebut gelar WBC World Bantamweight Sabtu malam di acara utama SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING dari Dignity Health Sports Park di Carson, Kalif. dalam acara Premier Boxing Champions.

“Raja telah kembali,Donaire berseri-seri sesudahnya. “Saya suka keramaian. Semua temanku, keluarga, semua penggemar tinju yang keluar terima kasih banyak. Kalian luar biasa.”

Donaire berusia 38 tahun (41-6, 27 Biaya) sekarang menjadi juara dunia tertua di 118-pon. Dia menyelesaikannya dengan tangan kiri yang telah menjadi kartu panggilan karirnya saat dia menjatuhkan Oubaali (17-1, 12 Biaya) total tiga kali.

“Berada di usia ini bukanlah pertanyaannya, ini tentang kinerja saya,” kata Donaire. “Tentang kemampuanku untuk tumbuh. Saya percaya tidak masalah berapa usia Anda, tapi seberapa kuat mentalmu. Apa yang saya pelajari dari [Naoya] Pertarungan Inoue adalah aku kembali. Saya masih bisa bersaing di level ini. Sepanjang waktu saya tidak berkelahi, saya sedang belajar. Saya siap untuk yang berikutnya.”

Mengikuti ronde pertama yang terasa, Donaire pergi bekerja di detik, berjalan Oubaali ke bawah dan melawan dengan efek berdebar. Donaire mencetak knockdown pertama di awal set ketiga, menjatuhkan Oubaali dengan hook kiri counter khasnya. Orang Prancis itu bangkit dengan kaki goyah dan Donaire menerkam, mendaratkan lebih banyak pukulan besar sampai pukulan kiri lainnya menjatuhkan Oubaali hanya sepersekian detik sebelum putaran berakhir. Lagi, Oubaali berjuang untuk berdiri, linglung namun mau berjuang.

Akhir datang dengan cepat di yang keempat. Donaire dengan ahli mengarahkan Oubaali di sekitar ring, menjepitnya ke tali di mana pukulan kiri membuat Oubaali ambruk ke kanvas untuk ketiga kalinya dan terakhir. Wasit Jack Reiss segera membatalkannya. Waktu resmi penghentian adalah 1:52 dari putaran keempat.

“Tiga dekade menjadi juara dunia. Juara dunia sembilan kali. Itu luar biasa,” kata Donaire. “Saya datang ke sini dan saya merasa sangat baik. Hari ini saya tahu persis apa yang akan terjadi. Saya tahu persis apa yang akan saya lakukan. Saya pikir saya hanya sangat fokus di gym. aku sangat, sangat fokus. Saya hanya merasa sangat senang masuk dan saya bersyukur mendapatkan kesempatan ini.

“Malam ini adalah sesuatu yang harus saya buktikan kepada dunia bahwa saya kembali dan saya lebih kuat dari sebelumnya. Dia adalah pria yang sangat tangguh. Saya pikir akhirnya untuk saya, ada level haruskah aku lebih bersabar? Atau haruskah saya melakukannya?? Sesuatu yang saya pelajari dalam pertarungan Inoue adalah untuk membunuh. Dan itulah yang saya lakukan. saya sabar, tapi aku tahu dia cukup terluka sehingga aku bisa membawanya keluar.”

Dalam co-fitur, Puerto RicoSubriel Matias (17-1, 17 Biaya) memberikan tampilan pukulan kuat lainnya power, mogok sebelumnya-tak terkalahkanBatyr Jukebayev (18-1, 14 Biaya) sampai tendangan sudut Jukembayev menghentikan pertarungan setelah delapan ronde yang memukau.

“Saya pikir ini yang diharapkan semua orang. Semua orang tahu itu akan menjadi perang yang hebat,” kata Matias. “Ini akan berakhir dengan KO apakah saya akan tersingkir atau Jukembayev akan tersingkir.. Saya hanya senang saya yang menjatuhkannya.”

Matias membuktikan dirinya sebagai salah satu yang terbaik di divisi bertumpuk, tapi kemenangan terakhir ini tidak mudah. Jukebayev dari Kazakhstan keluar dengan kuat, mendaratkan kombinasi pukulan hook-kanan kanan di lantai atas dari posisi kidalnya yang menarik perhatian Matias pada awalnya.

Jukebayev mendorong kecepatan di detik. Matias mulai melepaskan tangannya di yang ketiga, melempar kombinasi ke kepala dan tubuh. Kedua kombatan sekarang sepenuhnya dihangatkan, menyiapkan panggung untuk putaran keempat yang bisa menjadi kandidat untuk “Round of the Year.”

Itu dimulai ketika sebuah hook kiri yang keras membuat Jukebayev terhuyung-huyung dan membawanya ke kanvas. Matias berusaha untuk menutup pertunjukan tetapi Jukembayev bertahan, membersihkan kepalanya dan mulai mendaratkan tembakannya sendiri. Dengan satu menit tersisa di bait, Jukembayev mengejutkan Matias dengan umpan silang kiri. Alih-alih clinching, Matias melawan api dengan api, membawa orang banyak keluar dari tempat duduk mereka dengan aksi kaki-ke-kaki sampai bel berbunyi.

Matias tidak pernah berhenti maju. Mengikuti seperenam satu sisi, Jukebayev kembali ke sudutnya dengan kedua mata bengkak tertutup. Bolak-balik terjadi di ronde ketujuh saat Jukembayev memukul Matias dengan dua hook kanan menjelang akhir ronde..

Matias kembali ke kursi pengemudi di ronde kedelapan, menggebrak Jukebayev dengan kedua tinjunya. Total, dia mengalahkan Jukebayev dengan 100 pukulan (234/608 untuk 134 /409) dan lebih akurat (38.5% untuk 32.8%). Akumulasi pukulan sudah cukup untuk meyakinkan sepak pojok Jukembayev untuk meminta pertarungan dihentikan.

“Dia tahu dia tidak akan rugi. Dia masuk dan melakukan segalanya dengan kuat,” kata Matias. “Dia tahu bahwa yang bisa dia lakukan hanyalah menjatuhkan saya untuk menang. Saya akan melakukan hal yang sama. Itu adalah hati seorang pejuang dan dia memiliki semua rasa hormat saya.

“Setelah putaran keempat itu, Maksud saya dia adalah petarung yang sangat kompetitif, jadi itu berubah menjadi perang setelah itu. Tanganku naik ke dia juga. Itu adalah pertarungan besar. Saya pasti memiliki lawan lain yang sangat bagus, tapi ini adalah salah satu yang telah memberi saya ujian terberat. ”

Di pembuka siaran, Gary Antuanne Russell (14-0, 14 Biaya) melanjutkan pendakiannya ke peringkat super ringan. Russell yang tak terkalahkan menjadi yang pertama menghentikan yang kasarJovanie santiago (14-2-1, 10 Biaya), mendominasi Santiago sampai wasit Sharon Sands menghentikan pertandingan setelah ronde keenam atas saran tendangan sudut Santiago.

“Tujuannya adalah mengeluarkan pria itu sesegera mungkin dan keluar tanpa cedera,” kata Russel. “Saya hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa Santiago adalah lawan kelas-A. Banyak orang mengira dia mengalahkan Adrien Broner. Saya ingin Adrien Broner sekarang.”

Dengan kakak laki-laki dan Juara Kelas Bulu Dunia WBC Gary Russell Jr. bekerja di sudutnya, Gary Antuanne mengendalikan aksi dari bel pembukaan opening. Itu 2016 Olympian melakukan jab dan langsung meninggalkan posisi kidal, menjentikkan kepala Santiago ke belakang beberapa kali pada awalnya.

Russell, 24, terus mendarat di kiri di yang kedua dan ketiga. Di awal keempat, dia mengikuti lurus ke kiri ke tulang rusuk dengan hook kanan pendek di lantai atas yang menjatuhkan Santiago ke lutut. Santiago dari Puerto Rico dengan gagah berani bangkit dan selamat dari serangan lanjutan untuk keluar dari ronde.

“Yang penting bagi saya adalah untuk mengeksekusi putaran demi putaran, dan putaran demi putaran, Saya mengeksekusi lebih dan lebih. Ayahku menyuruhku pergi ke tubuh, kait kanan di lantai atas. Dia terbuka untuk itu,” kata Russel.

Russell tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda melambat meskipun diperpanjang lebih dari empat ronde untuk pertama kalinya dalam karir profesionalnya. Ketinggian Ibukota, Md. produk mengalahkan Santiago di babak keenam, mendaratkan kombinasi hukuman di seluruh frame. Beberapa saat kemudian, pertarungan dihentikan.

“Sangat penting bagi saya untuk tampil jadi saya tidak hanya dikenal sebagai adik laki-laki Gary Russell,” kata Russel, yang mendarat 146 dari 444 pukulan (32.9%). “Saya berasal dari latar belakang petarung yang luar biasa. Kami sedang membangun sebuah dinasti.

“Seberapa cepat saya ingin kembali ke ring? Jika saya bisa bertarung dengan kartu Deontay Wilder, itu akan sangat bagus.”

Siaran SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING hari Sabtu akan diputar ulang pada hari Minggu, Mei 30 di 9 a.m. ET/PT pada SHOWTIME dan Senin, Mei 31 di 10 p.m. ET/PT pada SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Penyiar olahraga veteran Brian Custer menjadi pembawa acara siaran SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING sementara suara olahraga tempur serbaguna Mauro Ranallo menangani aksi pukulan demi pukulan bersama analis Hall of Fame Al Bernstein dan juara dunia tiga divisi Abner Mares. Three Hall of Famers melengkapi tim siaran SHOWTIME – reporter pemenang penghargaan Emmy® Jim Gray, pencetak gol tidak resmi Steve Farhood dan penyiar cincin terkenal di dunia Jimmy Lennon Jr. Produser Eksekutif adalah David Dinkins, Jr., Produsernya adalah Ray Smaltz dan Sutradaranya adalah Chuck McKean. Juara dunia kelas bantam super tiga kali Israel Vazquez dan penyiar olahraga Alejandro Luna menjadi analis ahli dalam bahasa Spanyol di Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

# # #

Kelas Berat Ringan Khalil Coe Mencetak gol penghentian ronde ke-2 yang spektakuler dalam debut Pro

NEW YORK (Mei 29, 2021)- Khalil Coe tampak seperti pemain profesional berpengalaman saat ia memenangkan debut profesionalnya dengan penghentian ronde ke-2 yang tegas atas Nathaniel Tadd dalam pertarungan kelas berat ringan empat ronde yang dijadwalkan di Mandalay Bay di Las Vegas.

Pertarungan dimulai di DAZN Stream

Dalam satu putaran, Coe menjatuhkan Tadd dua kali. Knockdown pertama datang saat dia melukai Tadd dengan tembakan tubuh. Coe menindaklanjuti dengan serangkaian tembakan tubuh yang mengirim Tadd ke kanvas. Coe langsung kembali ke tubuh itu, dan mendaratkan pukulan besar dan ke bawah pergi Tadd untuk kedua kalinya. Di babak kedua, Itu adalah kiri lain ke tubuh yang mengirim Tadd ke bawah untuk ketiga kalinya, dan pertarungan dihentikan di 1:10.

Coe, 176.2 lbs Jersey City, NJ adalah 1-0 dengan satu KO. Tadd, 179 pon Houston adalah 2-5.

“Saya pikir saya melakukannya dengan baik. Saya mendengarkan sudut saya, dan menjalankan rencana permainan. Saya membuat semua orang menonton dan saya menghargai semua orang. Kami mengerjakan banyak pemotretan tubuh. “Steppa Besar” di sini,” kata Coe

Coe dikelola bersama oleh David McWater dari Split-T Management dan Keith Connolly, dan dipromosikan oleh Matchroom Boxing.

Foto oleh Ed Mulholland / Matchroom Tinju



Devin Haney (25-0 15 Biaya) – defending WBC World Lightweight title against Jorge Linares

“I’m happy he said this was the best training camp and he’s in the best shape of his life. I want the best Jorge Linares so when I win that there’s no excuses and the world knows he came in 100 per cent.

“This is the time I’ve been waiting for; this is the moment and my time to finally shine against an incredible opponent and thinks he can put up a good fight and win against me. Ini adalah kesempatan besar bagi saya, this is time to show everything I’m made of.

“Like Jorge said, this is a whole new level but I’m ready for it. It’ll be a very dominant performance; I think the world will be surprised at what kind of performance it is. I think even Jorge will be surprised at what type of fighter I am.”

Bill Haney – trainer and father of Devin Haney

“As you know, we’ve always talked about getting Devin in that right fight that will catapult his career, we believe Jorge Linares is that guy. We’re thankful to Linares for stepping up and giving Devin that opportunity to once and for all show that he’s an elite fighter.

“We have appreciation for Matchroom and how long you’ve been patient. We’ve both tried to get those names in the ring, finally now on Saturday we have that name in Jorge Linares. We hope that he comes and brings his all, we hope to have a healthy and very competitive Jorge Linares so Devin actually can show he’s an elite fighter.

“These are the kind of fights that bring out the best in a fighter. A young fighter like Devin with so much in his toolbox, arsenal full of different kinds of punches. It’s just a great opportunity, we want Jorge to come at his best and bring out those things so we can showcase to the people what a wonderful talent he is.

“You’ll see Devin make a statement, he’s ready for this moment. It’s a euphoric moment, now we get a chance to be on the big stage, our home away from home in Vegas, we look forward to Saturday night, it’s going to be amazing.”

Jorge Linares (47-5 29 Biaya) – challenges Devin Haney for the WBC World Lightweight title

“I’m very excited to be here in Vegas again, I’m next to the lightweight world champion Devin Haney, so this is a big opportunity of my life. I had a great training camp in Japan for a long time with my brother but now I’m here. I’m very excited for Saturday night.

“I feel much better than before, against Kevin Mitchell, Anthony Crolla, Vasiliy Lomachenko, I think this is the best and more important training camp – a big opportunity in my life. I’m here a couple more days.

“I’ve fought a lot of big fights, 52 perkelahian, di Inggris, USA, Amerika Latin, this time I’ve come back to Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay. It’s in amazing fight against an amazing young champion, it’s so exciting to show everyone who I am, how much experience I have and how good I feel.

“I respect Haney’s comments, thinking about after this fight, talking about Lopez and everyone in the lightweight division. Me too, I’m thinking about being a champion again and then fighting with the best in the division. There’s a lot of good opponents and champions, I need to be ready for that again.”

Chantelle Cameron (13-0 7 Biaya) – defends her WBC World Super-Lightweight title against Melissa Hernandez

“I’m delighted to be here, and I can’t wait to get in there Saturday and put on a show. I’m a natural fighter, Saya melakukan apa yang saya lakukan, I don’t talk much I just let my hands do the talking.

“I’m always spiteful but now it’s added a bit more spice into it. I can’t wait to get in there now and get down to the action.

“I’m not going to look past Melissa, she’s a former world champion and has got a lot of experience but I’m the better fighter. Things for me are going to go forward and I’ve got a long journey ahead of me – I’m not stopping here.”

Melissa Hernandez (23-7-3 7 Biaya) – challenges Chantelle Cameron for the WBC World Super-Lightweight title

"Sabtu, expect fireworks. Women’s boxing is back to stay, I was one of the pioneers and I’m here to prove that I still have it and pay homage to all the women that came before me.

“We busted out asses for so long to finally be on these huge cards and to be getting paid more than we used to. When I was fighting, our purses weren’t even enough to pay our rent, now we have women building empires off it – it’s amazing to be here.

“To clear things up about the banter that went on between us, it was taken out of context by somebody chasing clout. I heard what I heard, at the end of the day, the fight is happening. I’m happy I had that extra time to train because she’s a badass, I’m here to prove that I’m a little bit more of a badass.”

Jason Quigley (18-1 14 Biaya) – defends WBO NABO Middleweight title against Shane Mosley Jr.

“This is a massive opportunity, big stage, capital of professional boxing here in Las Vegas. It’s a great platform for us to get on the stage, showcase our skills and give our absolute best come fight night.

“Once that bells rings there’s always going to be fireworks., especially with a great fight like this on the line. We both know what this fight means to us, we both know where this fight can put us in our careers. You can definitely expect fireworks come fight night.”

Shane Mosley Jr. (17-3 10 Biaya) – challenges Jason Quigley for the WBO NABO Middleweight title against Jason Quigley

“I’m grateful to be a part of this, it’s a great card and I’m grateful to be here and have this opportunity. This is everything I’ve wanted; this is my opportunity. I’m going to take advantage of that and do my best.

“I’m in this sport because I want to be known as my own man, I want to be known as Shane Mosley Jr. That’s why I’m here and that’s what I’m going to do.

“That’s why they come to watch the fights, we put on good shows. Golden Boy, Matchroom, both put on great shows and that’s what we’re expected to do.”

Robert Diaz – VP/Matchmaker, Emas Boy Promotions

“I want to wish both fighters good luck, I know once the bell rings you guys are concentrated on one thing only. This fight means so much to both Jason and Shane, it’s such an important fight, it’s a very even fight and a fight nobody wants to miss. They both know what a win on Saturday night is going to do for their career.

“I know both fighters very well, I’ve known Shane since he was a boy working with his father. I’ve known Jason since his pro debut working his whole career with Golden Boy – I’ve become very attached to both. They’re both very similar outside the ring, they’re gentlemen. There hasn’t been once bad thing said between them, but once that bell rings they’re not friends. Percayalah padaku, they’re both coming to knock each other out. May the best man win.”

Martin J. Bangsal (24-1-2 11 Biaya) – faces Azinga Fuzile in a final eliminator for the IBF World Super-Featherweight title

“This is my time now to shine. Las Vegas, the bright lights and big city, that’s what I’m here for. To deal with this guy here, itu semua bisnis, I’m fighting on Saturday night for me. I’m going to deal with him in good fashion and show the US public who I am. Azinga Fuzile knows who I am, he’ll definitely know my name Saturday.

“Azinga is a good fighter, it’s going to make for good fight but I’m 100% confident I’m going to do a job on this guy. Dia bagus, slick fighter but I’ve definitely got all the tools in my arsenal to deal with him in good fashion on Saturday night.

“I’ve put it all in at camp, I’ve done all that I’ve needed to do, it’s all on Saturday night now. The talking means nothing, I’ve prepared, I’m mentally and physically there, I’m ready to put on a good show on Saturday night and excite the fans.”

Azinga Fuzile (14-1 8 Biaya) – faces Martin J. Ward in a final eliminator for the IBF World Super-Featherweight title

“I’m ready for the fight, I’ve been preparing for three months for the fight. Saya siap, I can’t wait for Saturday to beat Martin. Aku berjanji Anda, Martin, Aku akan menang. I signed the contract to fight and that’s what I’m going to do on fight night.

“I’m too good for Martin. I’ve seen his videos, watched him fight, then I said I can fight him in a way that I can beat him easily. Pertama, I didn’t know about him, when I was checking the ratings looking at the guys on top. I found out who he was when they said I must fight Martin Ward. He will know me better, who Azinga is and what he’s capable of.

“I won’t say how I’m going to beat him; you’re all going to see it on Saturday. My fight with Rakhimov, what happened, happened, I had to move on. Now I’m facing this guy, I need to take him out of my way. I’m ready to show the people of Las Vegas beautiful boxing.”

Khalil Coe – makes professional debut

“I’m looking forward to the journey with Matchroom, I already put on a show and I’m grateful to be on this card for my pro debut. The talent that’s going behind me, I want to stand out just as well as they do.

“This is what I’ve been waiting on my whole career, I never thought I would be signed with Matchroom so that’s a big plus. I’m going take advantage and do what I’ve got to do and put it on for the fans.

“There’s going to be a big difference. Some people just think I only have a right hand, I’m only a puncher, but I have footwork, elusiveness, and power. You never know what I’m going to bring to the fight.”

Reshat Mati (9-0 7 Biaya) – fights Ryan Pino in his tenth pro fight.

“I’m looking to be active as much as possible. I’m looking for big fights, to get my name out there, you told me to go down to 140lbs, we ventured slowly, worked our way down and make a big impact.

“I’ve learned just to stay calm. In the amateurs it’s three rounds, it’s quick. The main thing is to stay loose, listen to your coaches and stay active as much as possible. It’s better to stay active because the times you have off tests you to how you come back to those adversities. First I’ve got to deal with this guy Saturday and then work our way to the next fight.”

Ramla Ali (2-0) – faces Mikayla Nebel in her third pro fight

“I can’t believe I’ve been given the opportunity to fight in the boxing capital of the world, Vegas, so early on in my career. I can only feel grateful, humbled, and honored to be part of such an amazing card. I love Jorge Linares, I grew up watching him, I think he’s amazing and him versus Haney is going to be electric.

“I think there was a little twitter war going on this morning, someone took what I said out of context. What I meant was you’ve got these amazing fighters in the world, Lomachenko, Shields, Katie Taylor, who have done so much in the amateurs, won everything there is to possibly win, if they wanted to fight for a World title in their first fight, they’d be deserved of it. I want to feel deserved of a World title and to feel like a World champion when I feel ready. I don’t want to be pushed into it when I don’t feel ready.

“I’m really excited for when those opportunities will arise, I never shy away from a challenge and if fighting those girls means that it’s the next step to a world title then so be it.”


WBC Bantamweight World Champion Oubaali Takes On Future Hall Of Famer Donaire This Saturday, Mei 29 Hidup Pada SHOWTIME® In A Premier Boxing Champions Event From
Dignity Health Sports Park In Carson, Kalif.

Klik DISINI untuk Foto dari Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Klik DISINI untuk Foto dari Sean Michael Ham / Promosi TGB

CARSON, CALIF. (Mei 27, 2021) – WBC Bantamweight World Champion Nordine Oubaali dan Hall of Famer masa depan Nonito Donaire went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before their world title showdown taking place this Saturday, Mei 29 live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California., memimpin acara Premier Boxing Champions.

The press conference also featured hard-hitting contender Subriel Matias dan tak terkalahkan Batyr Jukebayev, who meet in the co-main event for a 12-round IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, dan tak terkalahkan 2016 DIRI KITA. Olimpiade Gary Antuanne Russell dan Jovanie santiago, who square off in a 10-round super lightweight clash that opens the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

Acara ini dipromosikan oleh TGB Promotions. Tiket sedang dijual sekarang dan dapat dibeli di AXS.com. Dignity Health Sports Park akan terbuka untuk penggemar dalam kapasitas terbatas, dengan semua tamu tetap menjaga jarak secara sosial dan tunduk pada pedoman kesehatan lokal dan negara bagian selama acara berlangsung.

Berikut adalah apa yang para pejuang harus mengatakan Kamis:


"Iya nih, we’ve sparred but training is training. When you go into a fight, it’s not the same. Every fight is different and I know on Saturday I will put on a great show with Nonito Donaire because I know he’s a good boxer but I know I’m the best. I trained so hard for this and now I’m ready to fight. I want to show everybody that the best two bantamweights in boxing today are fighting on Saturday.

"Iya nih, he’s had an outstanding career and he has power but I believe I have more power than him. I know I have the power. He’s a good boxer but I’m the world champion and on Saturday I’m going to show the world who is the best. I know I am the best. I respect Nonito. He’s had a good career but I’m the best in the division.

“The difference in the fight is going to be I want to win more. I want to continue to make history and stay as the world champion in this division. I know that it’s my time. I want this more than he does.

“If I’m victorious, why not have my next fight be for the unification? I want to make history every time and this is my motivation. I’m here because I love boxing and I want to face the best boxers every time. I’m facing Nonito Donaire and that’s great for my career. I just like to fight and this is my life.”


“It would be great to win the title at 38 years old and become the oldest champion at 118 pon, but let’s keep it going. Let’s make it 40. Let’s make it 42. There ain’t no stopping me. Mental, I’m very grateful but at the same time I’m just very ready.

“I’m always healthy and the reason why I can compete with anybody is because I keep myself healthy and I work hard. There’s nothing less than 100 percent every time I’m in that gym.

“I’m very hard-headed so I don’t always do what people tell me to do. People can say that it’s their time. But I also have my time and I’m always going to be the one who concedes their time or makes that decision. It’s still my time.

“It’s going to be a great fight. Oubaali is the champion for a reason. He’s been through it in terms of the amateurs and making it here. So we’re not underestimating any of that. But I’ve fought in this venue many times and I always make magical fights in the first place. It’s always going to be magical with me. I’m a unicorn.

“The difference in this fight is going to be my hunger. He’s younger than me but I have the hunger. We both have an objective and that’s what’s going to make this a great fight.

“I want to fight the best out there. I want the rematch with Naoya Inoue and I want to get all the belts. The only thing I haven’t accomplished in boxing is becoming undisputed champion. I’ve done everything else. Fighter of the Year. Knockout of the Year. Multiple championships. Four-division champion. You name it. That’s my main goal. Get the belt and put them all together.

“Bantamweight is my real weight. I’ve always fought in the heavier division because of the excitement, the challenge and the lucrative offer or the names at that time. Saat Ini, I’m here where I belong and this is where I’m really strong.

“The layoff will not be a factor at all. The time off helped me out. Just being out of the ring helped my body recover. And the eagerness and the hunger is there more than ever. It was a blessing for me.”


“I will be his toughest test without question and come Saturday night, everybody will find out why I’m saying that.

“I believe him when he says that he has the tools to get a stoppage on Saturday. But it’s not just a matter of saying, on Saturday night he has to prove it. If it’s going to come out of your mouth, then you have to prove it.

“We’re both knockout artists and with what we’re looking at, this fight should not finish by a decision.

“I don’t have much to say about that fight against Petros Ananyan. Those that saw me lose, I lost. There’s nothing I can say about it. But those that know boxing know that I’ve been progressing and improving and you all will see that on Saturday.”


“I had a great training camp. I am ready for Saturday night. I know that he’s a good fighter but I promise that I will be ready.

“We will see Saturday night whether it’s going to end in a knockout. I’ll show you what I’m made of and you will all see.”


“I’m in the hurt business. He’s a slugger. If he wants to come in there and slug with me, he will feel my power. He will see how intelligent I am. Not just mentally, but physically with my hands. Seperti saya katakan, I’m in the hurt business. I come to hurt.

“Pardon my lack of Spanish, but what you are going to see is, ‘la violencia.’ He’s going to bring his pressure. He’s going to bring punches in bunches and I believe that’s all he can bring. If he’s been training and trying to perfect himself for my style of fighting, that’s fine. You’re not supposed to come in here one-dimensional. A diamond shines from all sides.

“The only thing I can say is this venue is going to promote blood, sweat and tears and the desire of people to be great. I’m definitely one of them. I’ve been in the gym giving my blood, my sweat and my tears and I’m bringing all of that to this venue come Saturday night.

“I definitely want to stay more active. That’s always been my plan. The pandemic slowed things down. Fans always tell me they want to see me get back in there…I just tell them, me too. The fighters aren’t the ones pulling all of the strings. Should I be more active? Tentu saja. I want to be more active.

“I want to show that I’m the cream of the crop. I’m a superstar. The light hasn’t been shining on me because there’s a lot of other things going on. Sampai saat itu, you’re going to have to wait and see. Come Saturday, it will be a great show. There will be some sparks and fireworks. I have an opponent that’s not willing to lay down. If he’s not willing to, I must make him lay down.”


“I know that he’s a good fighter. An Olympian. He’s young and he’s going to come fight. I’m going to come to fight too, so if the fight finishes early, then it finishes early.

“I just have to work round-by-round, throw punches and win one round at a time. After I beat Russell, everybody is going to be on my side.

“This is my weight. This is where I’m most comfortable. I’ve always been a 140-pounder and Saturday that’s what I’m going to demonstrate.

“This time, I’m fighting at my actual weight. Saya merasa kuat. I’m coming to work round-by-round and on Saturday everybody will see what I’m all about.”

# # #

Oubaali vs. Donaire will pit undefeated WBC Bantamweight World Champion Nordine Oubaali against future Hall of Famer Nonito Donaire in a long-awaited 12-round championship showdown live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Mei 29 dari Dignity Health Sports Park di Carson, Kalif. dalam acara Premier Boxing Champions.

Dalam SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING co-fitur, hard-hitting contender Subriel Matías takes on undefeated Batyr Jukebayev in a 12-round IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, saat tak terkalahkan 2016 DIRI KITA. Olimpiade Gary Antuanne Russell wajah Jovanie santiago in a 10-round super lightweight clash to open the telecast.

Acara ini dipromosikan oleh TGB Promotions.

Tiket sedang dijual sekarang dan dapat dibeli di AXS.com. Dignity Health Sports Park akan terbuka untuk penggemar dalam kapasitas terbatas, dengan semua tamu tetap menjaga jarak secara sosial dan tunduk pada pedoman kesehatan lokal dan negara bagian selama acara berlangsung.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, ikuti di Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Lineups set for King’s Promotions Day-Night Doubleheader on Saturday, June 5th at the 2300 Arena di Philadelphia

Devar Ferhadi takes on Blake Mansfield in Afternoon Main Event
Brandon Robinson battles Genc Pllana in Nightcap Feature
Philadelphia, PA (Mei 27, 2021)– A huge day and night of professional boxing is now set for Saturday June 5th pada 2300 Arena di Philadelphia.

King’s Promotions will present two shows that will begin at 3 PM and 8 PM ET respectively.

Headlining the afternoon card will be super middleweight’s Devar Ferhadi (8-0, 7 Biaya) of Frederick, Maryland and Blake Mansfield (7-3-1, 4 Biaya) dari Burlington, North Carolina in a fight scheduled for eight-rounds.

Dalam pertarungan enam putaran:

Greg Outlaw (8-0, 3 Biaya) dari Bowie, Maryland taking on Andrew Rodgers (4-9-2, 2 Biaya) of Elkhart, Indiana in a junior welterweight fight.

Joseph Jackson (16-0, 12 Biaya) of Greensboro, NC battles Terrance Williams(5-4-1, 1 KO) Harrisburg, PA in a junior middleweight contest.

Edgar Torres (8-0-1, 4 Biaya) dari Springfield, VA. perkelahian Keshon Hutchinson (7-5, 1 KO) Reading, PA in a junior middleweight contest.

In four-round Contests Lawrence Murtagh akan membuat debut pro melawan Christian Bermudez (2-0, 2 Biaya) in a battle of Brooklyn based junior welterweights.

In a battle of first-timers, Isaac Haynes dari Albany, New York will fight Quadir Albright of Philadelphia in a junior welterweight bout.
The night action will feature a much anticipated eight-round super middleweight clash between Brandon Robinson (15-2, 10 Biaya) of Philadelphia and Genc Pllana (8-1-1, 4 Biaya) of Hagerstown, Maryalnd.

Dalam pertarungan enam putaran:

It will be a battle of Keystone state lightweights as Osvaldo Morales (4-0, 2 Biaya) dari Harrisburg, Perkelahian PA James Bernadin (3-0-1, 2 Biaya) Lancaster, PA

Jonathan Rodriguez (8-1, 3 Biaya) Betlehem, Perkelahian PA Sebastian Baltazar(1-4) Tacoma, Washington in a bantamweight fight.

Rasheed Johnson (7-3, 3 Biaya) of Philadelphia squares off with Rafiq Muhammad (4-0, 2 Biaya) dari Richmond, VA in a welterweight fight.

Khainell Wheer (4-1, 4 Biaya) Betlehem, PA takes on Vincent Baccus (4-2-1, 3 Biaya) of Okmulgee, OK in a super middleweight affair,

Dalam pertarungan empat ronde.

Elia Morales (7-0, 4 Biaya) dari Trenton, NJ perkelahian Andres Abarco (2-4) of Normandy Park, Washington in a welterweight contest.

Pro memulai debutnya Eric Monroe of Philadelphia fights Roudly Lolo (0-0-1) dari Harrisburg, PA in a middleweight fight.

Both cards will be streamed live on BXNGTV.com

ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF $50 General Admission Tickets remain for both shows, dan dapat dibeli dengan menelepon 610-587-5950 or at Pivott Boxing (2807 North 6th Street in Philadelphia, 215-398-5766)