Arhiva Categorie: box


„Experiența mea în interiorul și în afara ringului a dus la asta. Acum este momentul să pun totul în joc,”- Charlo

„Aceasta este lupta vieții mele... Șansa de a deveni de necontestat este justă 10 zile distanță și abia aștept," - Castan

WBC unificat, Campionul WBA și IBF, Charlo, se luptă cu Campionul Mondial WBO Castaño într-o confruntare incontestabilă pentru titlul de 154 de lire sâmbătă, Iulie 17 În direct la SHOWTIME de la AT&Centrul T din San Antonio în cadrul evenimentului Premier Boxing Champions

SAN ANTONIO (Iulie 7, 2021) – WBC unificat, Campion mondial WBA și IBF Jermell Charlo și campion mondial WBO Brian Castano a luat parte la o conferință de presă virtuală miercuri pentru a-și anticipa lupta pentru campionatul incontestabil de 154 de lire sterline, care titrează acțiunea în direct pe SHOWTIME sâmbătă, Iulie 17 de la AT&Centrul T din San Antonio într-un eveniment Premier Boxing Champions.

Biletele pentru evenimentul live, care este promovat de Lions Only Promotions și TGB Promotions, sunt în vânzare acum și pot fi achiziționate prin

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOX începe la 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT și îi vor vedea pe puternicul campion unificat Charlo și pe excitantul argentinian Castaño mergând în picioare, deoarece toate centurile din campionatul super welter sunt în joc pentru prima dată în era celor patru centuri..

Aici este ceea ce luptătorii au avut de spus miercuri:


"Avem 10 mai sunt zile și sunt entuziasmat. Acesta este cel mai important moment din viața mea. Îmi place asta. Fac asta de când eram copil. Experiența mea în interiorul și în afara ringului a dus la asta. Acum este momentul să pun totul în joc.

„Castaño va lăsa totul în ring. Deci nu jucăm niciun joc. M-am antrenat foarte greu. Am adăugat lucruri care m-au făcut mai bun pentru că știu cu adevărat că aceasta va fi o luptă grozavă.

„Îmi place statul meu natal, Texas, și îmi place să lupt acolo. Suntem crescuți diferit. Suntem un stat care a purtat propriile noastre războaie. Acesta este uriaș. Este o luptă moștenită pentru mine și sunt gata pentru ea.

„Știu ce am în ring. Când e timpul pentru a lupta, Devin instantaneu cel mai bun războinic care există acolo.

„Am suferit toată viața, așa că nu există nimic pe lumea asta care să mă facă să sufăr mai mult decât prin ceea ce am trecut când am crescut. Castaño este un mare luptător care pune multă presiune. Dar îmi cunosc abilitățile și îmi cunosc puterea. Fiecare lovitură pe care o arunc este dominantă și fiecare lovitură pe care o arunc este dureroasă pentru adversarul meu. Am o mulțime de abilități unice în mine și voi aduce câteva trucuri în această luptă.

„Nu l-am lovit încă pe Castaño, așa că nu știu ce va face bărbia lui când îl voi lovi.. Știu că are o inimă mare. O să fac doar ceea ce fac, ceea ce toată lumea știe că fac. Toată lumea vede ce pot face de fiecare dată când intru în ring.

„M-am simțit foarte bine în cantonament. Mai bine decât m-am simțit vreodată. Sunt în floare acum și mă simt mai puternic luptă cu luptă. Am dezvoltat fiecare tabără.

„Eu am curele pe curele și el are o centură. Sunt gata să iau și cureaua aceea. Am fost atent la ceea ce a făcut. Nu am stat doar de când m-am luptat cu Jeison Rosario. am lucrat.

„În acest moment, nu sunt îngrijorat de ceea ce se întâmplă după această luptă. Mă pot concentra doar pe ceea ce am în fața mea. Sunt vizionat de tunel chiar acum. Asta îmi doresc și nu văd nimic în afară de victoria din iulie 17.

„Veți vedea un Jermell Charlo mai dezvoltat în iulie 17. Vă garantez că veți vedea un luptător de top liră-la-liră. În orice moment, lupta asta s-ar putea termina.

„Aceasta este o luptă majoră pentru că este istorie pentru mine și familia mea. Este enorm pentru toți cei pe care îi reprezint și asta m-a susținut în toți acești ani. Era timpul să intrăm acolo pentru această luptă. Curelele și banii nu sunt în mintea mea. Ceea ce am în minte este moștenirea.

„Nu mulți oameni beneficiază de aceste oportunități. Această luptă va consolida o mulțime de lucruri diferite în mintea oamenilor despre Charlos.”


„Aceasta este oportunitatea mea. Aceasta este lupta vieții mele. Eu sunt campion mondial și Charlo este campion mondial. Șansa de a deveni de necontestat este justă 10 zile distanță și abia aștept. Acesta este timpul meu. Această luptă este atât de importantă pentru viața mea. Sper să devin de necontestat în iulie 17 pentru țara mea și pentru susținătorii mei latini.

„Aceasta este una dintre cele mai importante lupte din istoria Argentinei. Este pentru patru curele, de necontestat la 154 de lire sterline. Este o oportunitate grozavă pentru echipa mea, managerul meu, familia mea și cel mai important, pentru mine. Aceasta va fi cea mai grea luptă din cariera mea.

„Charlo este un mare luptător, nu există nicio îndoială. Dar am venit aici pentru a-mi face treaba și voi veni în față. Sunt genul de luptător care merge mereu după tine. Sunt mereu acolo să te presez. Chiar dacă Charlo a spus că nu am nimic din ce să nu fi văzut până acum, nu a văzut pe nimeni cu stilul meu de luptă.

„L-am văzut pe Charlo doborând o mulțime de luptători cu o singură lovitură. Este ceva de care trebuie să fii atent. Totuși, Am mai multă varietate în arsenalul meu decât oricine a mai luptat înainte. Dacă trebuie să fiu mai agresiv și să merg după mai multă putere în loc de finețe, fii sigur că îl pot doborî și pe el.

„Rugina inelului nu va fi deloc o problemă. Mă antrenez în fiecare zi. Mă duc de trei ori pe săptămână. M-am antrenat de două ori pe zi în ultimul timp. Sunt în ritm și în formă. Vin după cele patru curele.

"In iulie 17, Pot garanta că îmi voi descoperi sufletul, Îmi voi lăsa inima în ring și voi face tot ce îmi stă în putere pentru a deveni necontestat, campion unificat al lumii.

„Cred că și Charlo este în floarea carierei sale. De aceea am căutat această luptă. Aceasta este lupta pe care am căutat-o ​​pentru că amândoi suntem în cel mai bun moment al carierei noastre, si vreau sa profit de ea.

„Sunt în căutarea gloriei. Vreau să fiu primul din istorie care să fiu campion incontestabil la 154 lire sterline în era celor patru centuri și, de asemenea, să fie unul dintre cei mai buni boxeri argentinieni și latino-americani care au trăit vreodată. Mă duc pentru toate. O să las totul acolo sâmbătă seara și nu există niciun motiv pentru care să nu pot fi atât unul dintre cei mai buni luptători liră la liră, cât și unul dintre cei mai buni boxeri argentinieni vreodată..

"Dacă câștig, gloria ar fi egală cu un potențial titlu la Cupa Mondială din Argentina anul viitor. Totuși, fotbalul este diferit pentru că ai 10 alte persoane pe care te poți baza. Messi are 10 coechipieri cărora le poate trece mingea atunci când lucrurile devin grele, dar când sunt în ring sunt pe cont propriu. Boxul este mai mult o provocare individuală. Când sunt de frânghii, Trebuie să ies singur din asta. Gloria și entuziasmul unei victorii ar fi aceeași cu o Cupă Mondială din Argentina pentru țara mea.

„Această oportunitate de a face istorie pentru țara mea și pentru oamenii din America Latină scoate la iveală emoții foarte puternice în mine. Nu vreau să-mi dezamăgesc oamenii din America Latină din toată lumea. Simt o imensă mândrie de asta și sunt la înălțime provocării.

„Nu am avut ocazia să-l cunosc pe Manu Ginobili, dar este o icoană în sportul argentinian. Este unul dintre cei mai buni din toate timpurile și ceea ce reprezintă este iconic atât ca sportiv, cât și ca persoană. Are atât admirația, cât și respectul meu.

„Sunt conștient că oamenii s-ar putea să nu mă cunoască, dar sunt aici pentru a-mi crea propria cale și pentru a-mi deschide propriul drum. Știu că nu m-am luptat atât de mult în ultima vreme și poate că asta face parte din motivul pentru care oamenii nu mă cunosc, dar am refuzat luptele împotriva adversarilor care nu erau de calibru cu care voiam să-l înfrunt. Scopul meu a fost întotdeauna să mă înfrunt cu cei mai buni dintre cei mai buni și cu elita diviziei mele. Am această șansă acum și voi demonstra de ce merit această șansă și de ce merită urmat.”

Teen Sensation Hollie Towl Challenges For WIBA Youth World Championship Honors Sept 4th

Londra – Monday 5th July 2021

Teen Sensation Hollie Towl Challenges For Championship Honours Sept 4th.

Towl versus Obisanya WIBA Youth World Championship showdown co-headlines Historic Professional Boxing Event in Brighton

Exactly one year to the day from her 2020 Professional Boxing Debut, former Five-Time, Three Division English Amateur National Champion Hollie Towl is set to compete for her first Pro Boxing Championship Accolade, when she faces Nigeria’s unbeaten 19 de ani Abosede Obisanya for the Women’s International Boxing Association (WIBA) Featherweight Youth World Title at the Hilton Brighton Metropole on Saturday 4th September 2021.

On September 4th Towl will officially become the United Kingdom’s youngest person to compete for professional boxing Championship honours, and should she be successful in her quest she will be in prime position to equal or even better the modern era’s current youngest World Champion Devin Haney’s incredible championship achievements.

Haney won the World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World Championship, with a TKO victory over Mexico’s Maximino Toala martie 2017, cand el a fost 18 ani, and then at the age of just 20 an, 11 months and six days went on to become the youngest person in modern times to win the full World title.

Co-Headlining the event, titled ‘Battles At The Beach’, is Towl’s equally talented Boyle’s XBox Gym mate 19 de ani Eleanor Coulson, who faces a yet to be announced opponent for the Women’s International Boxing Association (WIBA) Middleweight Youth World Championship.

Coulson was the reigning National Amateur Champion when she made her professional debut in September last year and, like Towl, is unbeaten in the professional ranks and is also on track to be eligible to compete for full World Championship honours before her twentieth birthday.

The stacked support card is headed by a further Championship battle, when Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International Super Flyweight Champion Nicola Hopewell goes toe to toe with Spain based Vanessa Taborda for the World Boxing League (WBL) European Super Flyweight Crown.

Neînvins Lewis Mulberry is set to face Nicaragua’s Christian Narvaez in a four round contest, as a warm up ahead of his highly anticipated PBC British Title fight against Denny’s Kevin Traynor later in the year.

Former Amateur standouts Angelica Finch și Kirsty Biswas are set for their second pro outings, against Czech Republic’s Nicola Hubalkova and Serbia’s Marijana Dosovic respectiv.

Rochester’s Jay Jackson has a tough fight on his hands when he faces Nicaragua’s Jose Aguilar in a four round Super Featherweight contest. Also facing tough South American opposition is Nottingham’s Martin Reffell, who is pitted against Frederick Castro.

Colchester’s Calvin Carruthers makes his fourth pro outing against Nottingham’s Garfield Mushore in a four round Super Featherweight contest.

Ashford, Kent’s Jack Way makes his pro debut against fellow debutant Tyler Smith într-o patru rundă concurs semigrea, similarly pro debutants Connor Brazil și Callan Harley will face each other in a four round Welterweight contest.

Alvis Berzins makes his pro debut against Southend’s Dan Ballard in a four round Cruiserweight contest, also competing in the Cruiserweight division is Richard Herrick, împotriva unui adversar care urmează a fi anunțate.

Towl versus Obisanya, for the WIBA Featherweight Youth World Championship and Coulson versus TBA for the WIBA Middleweight Youth World Championship co-headline the Sportanarium Events and Assassin Promotions & Management co-promoted BATTLES AT THE BEACH, in association with Visit Brighton, Scope Eyecare, KC Sofas, Hilton Brighton Metropole, Sportanarium Radio, Race Nation and Go Sports & Divertisment, that takes place at the Brighton Hilton Metropole on Saturday 4th September 2021.

Tickets available NOW at


Rising Lightweight Contender Michel Rivera Scores Impressive
Knockout Victory in Co-Main Event

Faceți clic pe AICI pentru Fotografii din Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/
Premier box Campionilor

CARSON, CALIF. (Iulie 4, 2021) - Stea în ascensiune nepierdute Chris “Primetime” Colbert cruised to a unanimous decision victory over Tugststogt Nyambayar Saturday night to retain his Interim WBA Super Featherweight title in the main event of action live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif. in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

The 24-year-old Colbert (16-0, 6 KO) rode a dominant jab to victory as he landed 112 across the 12 rounds according to CompuBox, buoying a 218 pentru 78 advantage in punches landed. The Brooklyn-native used the jab to set up a variety of effective power punches that he was able to land from orthodox and southpaw stances.

We had a tremendous training camp,” said Colbert. “We sparred a lot with a bigger guy in Michel Rivera, so I had a lot of practice using my speed and jab in camp. The jab is always a key in this sport.”

Mongolia’s Nyambayar (12-2, 9 KO), who now fights out of Los Angeles, stepped in to fight Colbert on less than two weeks’ notice, replacing former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa after he suffered a training camp injury. Nyambayar had successful moments in his 130-pound debut, with Colbert even noting the Olympic silver medalist’s power, but he was unable to keep up a sustained attack or keep the busier Colbert from controlling the tempo.

He carried power for a 126-pounder,” said Colbert. “Boxing is about hitting and not getting hit. I had to use my Muhammad Ali tactics and float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. This was a great fight and ‘Tugdid a great job coming in off only a week and a half of training for me. I take off my hat to him and wish him nothing but the best in his career.
Colbert’s post-fight interview:

Colbert rode his versatile offensive arsenal to a big advantage on the scorecards and statistically, dominating Nyambayar in punches landed as he connected on 106 power punches to 78 total punches landed by Nyambayar. După 12 runde, the judges’ scores confirmed Colbert’s dominance, as he won the decision with scores of 117-111 și 118-110 de două ori.

“I’m number one in the WBA,” said Colbert. “So you know what time it is. I’m going to follow the plan and see what happens next.”

În cazul în care co-principal, rising lightweight contender Michel Rivera (21-0, 14 KO) scored a highlight-reel knockout over Jon Fernandez (21-2, 18 KO) in the eighth round of their WBA Lightweight Title Eliminator.
Watch the knockout here:

“I’m so excited and beyond happy to get this win,", A spus Rivera. “Fernández was a strong, experienced opponent that forced me to change the game plan I had going in.”

An unbeaten Dominican fighter who now trains in Miami, Rivera seemed to take control of the action in round four, as he began to find a home for the straight right hand that would eventually end the fight. The tables turned momentarily in round six however, as Fernandez connected with a clean right hand to the head that put Rivera on the canvas for the first time in his career.

“I knew since the first round that I would have to be careful with him,", A spus Rivera. “He had heavy hands and was taller than me, but I was faster and more skilled overall.”

The 23-year-old was able to weather the storm brought by the Spaniard Fernandez and made it through the round despite the knockdown. After regaining his momentum in the seventh round, Rivera broke through with a decisive right hand that crumpled Fernandez early in the eighth, prompting referee Jack Reiss to wave off the bout 44 seconds in the frame. Rivera held an 87 pentru 76 advantage in punches landed, and connected on 37% de pumni sale de putere, comparativ cu 27% from Fernandez.

“I want the fight with Rolando Romero next,", A spus Rivera. “Once I do face him, I would like to go up against Gervonta Davis or Teofimo López.”

Before the night of fights, SHOWTIME host Brian Custer interviewed Bellator MMA No. 1-ranked Featherweight contender A.J. McKee, who will face current champion Patricio Pitbull in the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Grand Prix final on July 31 at The Forum in Los Angeles.
McKee interview:

“I am going to go out there and dig into my bag of tricks and I am going to shock the world,” McKee said. “He’s done a lot for the sport and he has been my target for a long time, ever since I started to come up. I’ve been calling his name for 17 fights and it is time now to get it on.”

Asked if this fight was for the No. 1 spot on the Bellator pound-for-pound list, McKee said: “Definitely. Hands down. This fight is for the pound-for-pound best, Ma simt, in lume. La 145 de lire sterline, there’s not too many guys that can stop myself or Pitbull.”

McKee added: “This is not going the distance. Stilistic, it’s a bad match up for him. Nothing personal but my style is not a good match up for him…. I have to stay long, keep positioning and my feet. Distance is a big part of this fight. And catching him on the angle.”

Immediately following the SHOWTIME telecast, Acces nelimitat: Davis vs. Barrios Epilogue premiered on the network. It is also available now on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube page and can be watched AICI.

Saturday’sSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGtelecast will replay Sunday, Iulie 4 la 9 a.m. ET/PT pe SHOWTIME EXTREME. On Monday, Iulie 5, Gervonta “Tank” Davis vs. Mario Barrios will re-air and will include the exciting Erickson Lubin vs. Jeison Rosario WBC Super Welterweight title eliminator at 10 p.m. ET/PT pe SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The executive producer is four-time Emmy® award winner David Dinkins, Jr. The telecast was produced by Ray Smaltz III and was directed by Chuck McKean. Former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

Pentru mai multe informații vizitați,, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook at


Three-Fight Telecast Features Five Fighters with Undefeated Records

NEW YORK– July 2, 2021 -ShoBox: Noua generatiecelebrates its 20-year anniversary with a three-fight card headlined by two exciting undefeated super middleweight prospects asKalvin Henderson ia peIsaiah Steen in a 10-round main event clash Friday, Iulie 23 trăi pe SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. ET / PT) from the Heartland Events Center in Grand Island, Neb.

The popular seriesShoBox debuted in Atlantic City on July 21, 2001 și a produs 84 fighters who later went on to win a world title. Just like it has for the past 20 an, the upcoming tripleheader will feature prospects matched tough with a combined record of 81-1-5, including five boxers who have yet to taste defeat at the professional level.

Henderson (14-0-1,10 KO) matches up against knockout artist Steen (15-0, 12 KO) in the first 10-rounder for both fighters. The co-feature pitsShoBox veteranJanelson Bocachica (17-0, 11 KO) of Detroit against 21-year-oldShinard Bunch (15-1, 13 KO) într-un 10-a rundă semimijlocie bout. In a battle of unbeatensMartino Jules(10-0-2, 2 KO) fețeAram Avagyan (10-0-2, 4 KO) in an eight-round featherweight affair.

“This is a milestoneShoBox event and we could not be more excited,"said Gordon Hall, who has served as the executive producer ofShoBox: Noua generatie since its inception. “As we celebrate two decades ofShoBox iulie 23, we will stay true to our ethos to match undefeated, developing prospects tough. În evenimentul principal, undefeated 168-pound prospects with decorated amateur pedigrees will seek a career-best win. The co-feature has the return of fast-rising Janelson Bocachica in a difficult style matchup against the power-punching Bunch, while the opener features a battle of unbeatens that could steal the show.ShoBox remains the sport’s ultimate proving ground for prospects and this event on July 23 is the perfect way to kick off our next decade.”

Evenimentul, which is promoted by Marshall Kauffman’s Kings Promotions in association with Holden Productions and Salita Promotions, brings together fighters from seven different boxing promotional and management teams.

Kalvin Henderson vs. Isaiah Steen – 10-round Super Middleweight Main Event

Henderson vs. Steen is a matchup that was originally scheduled forShoBox în luna octombrie, before Henderson withdrew during fight week with an illness.

Born in Fort Worth, Texas, Henderson currently resides and trains out of Fayetteville, Ark., where he was a six-time Arkansas state champion in the amateurs competing in 70 lupte. Se întoarse pro în 2016, winning his first 12 fights before fighting Genc Pllana to a draw in 2019. Henderson has prior experience at the Heartland Events Center, knocking out Justin Baesman at the venue in March.

Following high school, Henderson received a music scholarship from the University of Arkansas as a percussionist and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Music Education in 2012. The 30-year-old Henderson is promoted byMarshall Kauffman’s Kings Promotions.

“Two undefeated guys coming in on the main event,” said Henderson, who is married with five children. “I know he has a good amateur pedigree and he throws good combinations. He is bringing it and I am bringing it. The third time’s a charm to finally make this fight happen. This is the next step in my career. A lot of fighters have been onShoBox and have gone on to amazing careers, and now it’s my turn to do the same.”

Like his half-brother, S.U.A.. Olympian Charles Conwell, the 24-year-old Steen of Cleveland also had a successful amateur career with a record of 85-15. In his last fight in November, Steen stopped Colombia’s Juan De Angel with a fifth-round TKO. In February of 2020, Steen needed less than a round to stop Kenneth Council in Hammond, Ind.Steen is co-promoted by Holden and Lou DiBella and managed by David McWater of Split-T Management.

“I have been going from training camp to training camp,” Steen said. “I am going to mix it up, and out box him with a lot of jabs. Then when I see his weakness, I am going to get him out. Kalvin is a come-straight-forward fighter and he punches hard. I was supposed to fight him before, so this fight has been brewing for a while.”

Janelson Bocachica vs. Shinard Bunch – 10-round Welterweight Bout

A native of Puerto Rico and fighting out of Detroit, Mich., Bocachica is just 22 years old and already has five years of pro experience, including two appearances onShoBox. This will be his third appearance on the series in nine months. He is coming off his best win to date, a majority decision win over previously unbeaten Mark Reyes, Jr. Un agresiv, come-forward fighter, Bocachica began boxing at age eight, won four consecutive Ringside Championships (2011-14), Campionatele Naționale PAL și 2015 Mănuși de aur din Detroit. Se mândrește cu un record amator de 60-5 and beat Brandun Lee in the finals to win the 2014 S.U.A.. Junior National Olympics. Este instruit de tatăl său, Nelson figueroa. Bocachica is managed by McWater and co-promoted by King’s Promotions and Salita Promotions.

“This is whatShoBox is known for: matching up fighters for great fights,” Bocachica said. “Shinard Bunch is a step up in competition. He is from the same gym as Mark Reyes, and you saw what I did to him, Iulie 23, it will be much of the same. Fighting on SHOWTIME has helped with my profile. When I went to Puerto Rico, people knew who I was because of my previous experience onShoBox. Being on the platform has brought me many new fans.”

Bunch is a Queens, N.Y.-native living and training in Trenton, NJ. Just 21-years-old, Bunch has been active with five fights in 2020 and five fights thus far in 2021. Bunch has more than 400 amateur fights and started boxing at age 7. He was rated as high as No. 3 in the nation at the 2016 Nationals. Currently riding a 13-fight winning streak, Bunch’s only pro loss came in 2019 in just his third fight, a unanimous loss to Paul Kroll. Bunch is managed by Russell Peltz.

“We are coming to work and make a statement,” Bunch said. “I really do not know too much about my opponent. I know he is a pressure fighter. I am not taking this fight lightly. This is a big fight, and we are going to box smart. This is a blessing to have an opportunity like this. Fighting onShoBoxis something that I have always dreamed of.”

Martino Jules vs. Aram Avagyan – 8-round Featherweight Bout

The 23-year-old southpaw Jules from Allentown, Pa., is coming off his best victory to date in an ESPN bubble fight last July, earning a majority-decision win over Aleem Jumakhonov. Jules is a 2015 Olympic Trials qualifier and had a 60-15 amateur record since turning pro in 2016 and slowly climbing up the featherweight rankings. Jules was scheduled to make hisShoBox debut in January, but his opponent fell ill the morning of his fight and the fight was called off.

“I am grateful for getting this fight,” said Jules, who is promoted by Kings Promotions and managed by Trifon Petrov. “This is something I have been waiting for a year now. I was supposed to fight onShoBox înainte, but the fight fell out. I have been staying ready. adversarul meu este dur, and he comes ready to fight. He has a lot of merit to him, and that is pushing me to be better and I am excited to fight someone that will make me perform at my best.”

Fighting under the Salita Promotions banner, the 30-year-old Avagyan returns toShoBox for the third time facing his fourth consecutive unbeaten fighter. În ianuarie, Avagyan and Panama’s Jose Nunez fought to a majority draw. Avagyan survived two early knockdowns in his debut against then-unbeaten Dagoberto Aguero to earn a majority decision in the lastShoBox telecast before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the sports world for several months in Martie 2020.

Born and raised in Yerevan, Armenia, and now residing in California, Avagyan is a decorated amateur with more than 300 lupte. He captured two Bronze Medals at the European Championships and represented Armenia at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

“I’m always hungry and want to fight and the fact that it will be on the 20-year anniversary of ShoBox is doubly motivating to put on a great show,”, A spus Avagyan. “I’m gradually gaining shape and I have another month to show my best side to all boxing fans. I promise that I’m going to war on July 23. Don’t miss this event and the war of the warrior!"

International Boxing Hall of FameBarry Tompkins will call the action with fellow Hall of FamerSteve Farhood, Fostul campion mondialRaul Marquez and special guestAl Bernstein. Producătorul executiv esteGordon Hall cuRichard Gaughanproducerea șiRick Phillips director.

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DespreShoBox: Noua generatie

Anul acesta, the critically acclaimed prospect developmental seriesShoBox: Noua generatie, sărbătorește sale 20lea anniversary on the air as it continues to match top young talent tough. Since its inception in July 2001, theShoBox Filozofia este de a televiza interesant, meciuri competitive oferind în același timp un teren dovedind pentru perspectivele care doresc-mulțime plăcut și determinat să lupte pentru un titlu mondial. Unele dintre lista tot mai mare de 84 luptatori care au apărut peShoBox și avansate pentru a acumula titluri mondiale include: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Ciad Dawson, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams and more.

CHRIS COLBERT VS. TUGSTSOGT NYAMBAYAR FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES AND PHOTOSUnbeaten Rising Star Chris Colbert Faces Hard-Hitting Contender Tugstsogt Nyambayar This Saturday, Iulie 3 Live pe SHOWTIME

Faceți clic pe AICI pentru Fotografii din Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Faceți clic pe AICI for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/
Premier box Campionilor

CARSON, CALIF. (Iulie 1, 2021) – Unbeaten Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris “Primetime” Colbert and hard-hitting contender Tugstsogt “King Tug” Nyambayar faced off Thursday at the final press conference before they meet in the main event of action live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Iulie 3 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif.

Also featured at Thursday’s press conference were unbeaten rising star Michel Rivera and lightweight contender Jon Fernández, who square off in the co-main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Pentru a deschide transmisiunii, SHOWTIME will air a special replay of last Saturday night’s exciting pay-per-view main event fight between Gervonta Davis and Mario Barrios.

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at

Aici este ceea ce luptătorii au avut de spus joi:


“I was going to knock [Yuriorkis] Gamboa out cold, and now ‘King Tug’ has to take the knockout.

“My hard work is finally paying off. All I have to do is stay focused, dedicated, and disciplined, and then I’ll be the face of boxing in a couple of years.

“This venue is really known for wars. Come Saturday night I’m definitely going to bring the heat.

“I’m ready for this fight. Nyambayar knows he’s in for trouble on Saturday. Nobody out there can take a fight with me on a week-and-half notice and not be in for trouble.

“Me and Michel Rivera got a lot of rounds in together during training down in Miami. We did a great job all camp and I’m just ready and excited to get in the ring.

“I’ve been knocking out everyone they put in front me. They still don’t give me the respect I deserve yet. I just have to keep doing my thing on Saturday night and embarrass him.

“I can’t tell you if he’s my toughest opponent yet. I know that he’s not beating me, and that’s a promise. There’s no way a 126-pounder will come up in weight and beat me.

“He’s a fighter with only one loss, he can come back from that. But it’s not going to matter on Saturday night. He’s supposed to be confident in himself. He can’t say he’s going to get washed Saturday, but that’s what is going to happen.

“I appreciate ‘Tug’ for taking the fight, but Saturday night I’m going to get in there, dominate and beat him up. This is a Nissan vs. a Lamborghini, and I’m the Lambo.

“I agree that ‘King Tug’ might be better opposition than Yuriorkis Gamboa would have been. But it doesn’t matter if it was Gamboa, ‘King Tug’, or Arnold Schwarzenegger in there with me, it was always going to be the same outcome on Saturday night.

“My hair is orange this week as a dedication to the cause of fighting Multiple sclerosis. One of my friends, Dave, back in New Jersey has it and he told me his story of how he was paralyzed as a kid and also had MS. Then I saw him on the Stairmaster in the gym the next day for like an hour. I saw that and realized there’s no excuses I can make for not being in the gym. I do the different hair colors to make people feel special. I want them to know that I’m fighting for them.

“Nobody in the 130-pound division can beat me. I’m going to continue to prove that every time I step into the ring. I’m going to deliver a dominating performance. Don’t be surprised when I stop him.

“I don’t think this is going past 10 runde. I’m going to keep proving that I have power on Saturday night. I’m not discrediting his skills, but I’m just different.”


“I’m really excited for this fight. It’s my first fight at 130 pounds and I want to show what I can do. I’m ready for this opportunity.

“Just know this, we are here to win. My team is here to win. I’m ready for Chris Colbert. Asta e.

“I don’t care that I’m fighting on short notice at a higher weight. I believe in myself. I can fight at 122, I can fight at 126 and I can fight at 130.

“Two weeks’ notice is enough for me. If I didn’t take the fight, Colbert wouldn’t have a fight. So he should be thankful. Let’s see what happens. I’m going to whoop his ass.

“I believe in my speed and I believe in my power. I believe in myself. I just want to test myself. This is a good opportunity versus a good fighter.”

“I don’t think that he can stop me. Watch me on Saturday night. Sunt gata.

“I’m not worried about anything he says. I’m just focused on the sight. I really believe in myself and that I’m going to hurt him on Saturday night.

“Colbert has similar speed compared to Gary Russell Jr., so it’s not going to be anything I haven’t seen before. The adjustments from the Russell fight have been made in the gym over time.

“I’m very happy to be fighting at Dignity Health Sports Park because Los Angeles is my second home. It’s very exciting to be fighting here and with a crowd there watching. The Mongolian fans are going to show up on Saturday.”


“I had a good camp and I have a good team, led by Herman Caicedo who is my coach along with Jukka Toivola. I know that this is a good opportunity and I worked so hard for this fight. I’m so excited for July 3 and I know that this is my chance to show I’m great and to shine.

“Jon Fernandez is a good boxer and he’s a good puncher. I don’t know much about him, but I know that he’s Spanish and he’s a tall guy. He hits hard but I’m in the type of condition to be great in this fight.

“I’m sure that on July 3 when people are watching the fight, they will see who the best boxer is. I’m ready for everything. If he wants to fight instead of box, I will fight too. I have the skills. I believe that I am faster than him. I don’t have problems with his height. You can see in my past fights where I was fighting at 144, and I looked good with big boxers too. I don’t have a problem with it. Everybody will have to tune in July 3 pe SHOWTIME, and they will see Michel Rivera beating Jon Fernandez.

“I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. I’m Dominican, and in the Dominican Republic you don’t get much opportunity. I came here and I am making my name. Everybody will know that I’m ready to fight the top names at 135 – the best boxers. I have the skills and the talent. I’m young and I’m pretty, prea.

“It’s good that he sounds confident. I am confident too. That makes for a great war. He has a lot of knockouts, but they weren’t against any boxers like me. I’m focused. Cum am spus, he’s a good boxer, but I’m better. I’m trusting my talent and I’m trusting my condition.

“My perspective remains the same after this press conference. Fernandez is a proud fighter and I expect nothing less than what he said. I’m also a proud fighter and I’m convinced that I’m better than him. I consider myself better prepared and ready to be considered one of the top boxers in the 135-pound division.

“Training with Chris Colbert was a great experience, and the sparring sessions were awesome. He made me better, just like I made him better. Este o persoană grozavă. My fellow Dominican fighter Jeison Rosario wished me luck and told me he knows I’m going to be a world champion someday, and that he will be supporting me and watching the fight from the Dominican Republic.

“Of course I believe that I am the next world champion from the Dominican Republic. I can beat all of the top boxers, the top five, in the 135-pound division. I want to make my name at 135 because I know this is a strong division now. I want everybody to know me at this weight.

“I promise a good fight. Everybody will see the next superstar in the ring on July 3.”


“I’m very excited to be here for this fight. Training camp in Madrid and Mexico have been great. We’ve had an outstanding preparation. I’m facing a great opponent in Michel Rivera, but this is the door I need to open to be in the big leagues of boxing. I don’t plan on missing out on this chance.

“I’m glad he’s confident in his abilities, but I think this is a 50-50 match. It’s going to be a great fight and we’re definitely on the same level. There’s no difference in skill levels. I’m going to use my height and show off my boxing ability on Saturday night.

“Rivera is a very good boxer, and has many skills, but I believe that I have equal skills and more power. If I get the opening, I can knock Rivera out.

“I promise that we’re going to put on a great show and deliver fireworks in the ring. My hand will be raised when the fight is over.

“There’s nothing like fighting in Los Angeles. I have already been here before, but nothing can compare to being in the big show.

“Everyone in Spain is supporting me. My city of Bilbao has sent me all its love and they believe in me 100%. Even some famous soccer players have reached out to me. Players from Athletic Bilbao and (former Spain national team striker) Fernando Torres.

“I would like to win in order to open the door for other Spaniard boxers who come behind me and relish this opportunity – like my brother Eker, who is about to make his professional debut. I want to make him proud and put Spain on the map as far as boxing is concerned.

"Dacă câștig, it’s not just because of my power. It’s going to be a close fight, but I’m going to give everything I have to come out with the victory.”

# # #

Colbert vs. Nyambayar will undefeated Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris “Primetime” Colbert face hard-hitting contender Tugstsogt “King Tug” Nyambayar sâmbăta, Iulie 3, headlining the live SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif., in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with a special replay of last Saturday night’s exciting pay-per-view main event fight between Gervonta Davis și Mario Barrios prior to the live co-main event from California featuring unbeaten rising star Michel Rivera battling lightweight contender Jon Fernández.

Pentru mai multe informații vizitați,, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook

Jimmy Williams’ career revitalized after defeating Yuri Foreman

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BOSTON (Iulie 1, 2021) – Former college football star, boxer super welter Jimmy „Furtuna liniștită” Williams, recently defeated his first world champion, Yuri Foreman, and the veteran New Haven, Connecticut fighter’s boxing career has been revitalized.

Acest trecut martie 6lea, Williams (18-5-2, 6 KO) was originally supposed to fight Foreman, who withdrew after the weigh in due to sickness. Williams stayed in training camp, took a stay busy fight, and continued preparing for Foreman.

Williams won an 8-round majority decision against Foreman (35-4, 10 KO) two weeks ago this Saturday in Atlanta for the vacant Universal Boxing Organization (UBO) International and American Boxing Federation (ABF) STATELE UNITE ALE AMERICII super welterweight championships.

Williams dropped Foreman twice in the sixth round and won the decision by judges’ scores of 77-73, 77-73, 75-75. “Thirty-seconds more and I think I would have stopped him,” Williams said.

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Maistru, lupta din Brooklyn, a capturat Asociația Mondială de Box (WBA) titlu mondial super welter în 2009, când a câștigat o decizie unanimă în 12 runde față de campionul în apărare Daniel Santos (32-3-1). Williams and Foreman sparred many years ago at the Joe Grier Boxing Academy in Patterson, New Jersey.

“I’ve been chasing him a long time,” Williams noted. “I stayed in camp when our fight was canceled, took a confidence-building fight, and stayed ready for Yuri. He is a good boxer, not a brawler, and he was in tremendous shape. Yuri’s very intelligent in the ring and fighting him was a good learning experience for me. De exemplu, he was working behind his jab to try and get me to lunge. I had to think more in the ring against him.

“I’m sure he was disappointed after the fight, but he’s a world champion who was in against Miguel Cotto and two of his other losses were to world champions (Cotto andErislandy Lara). This was a huge opportunity for me. I’m excited about my career again. We’ll wait and see what fights are ahead for me.

Williams was a standout cornerback at Southern Connecticut State University who was invited to several NFL tryout camps. He came close to making the cut with the then-Oakland Raiders. “Quiet Storm” has been promoted by Jimmy BurchfieldDivertisment și sport clasic (CES) since he turned pro in 2013.

“This is Jimmy’s biggest win of his career,” Williams’ manager Ryan Roach (Fighter Locker) comentat. “He just opened a lot of doors for himself. I’m proud of him, he worked hard. He made the sacrifices champions make. Taking out a name like Yuri Foreman is why fighter’s go to work every day. We are working on his next fight date now. Stay tuned, ‘Quiet Storm’ fans.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers include California super flyweight Rocco „So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 KO), Troy, NY ABF American West super ușor Ray Jay „Distrugătorul” Bermudez (12-0, 9 KO), Toronto, Canada welterweight West Haven, CT UBO International ABF USA super welterweight Jimmy „Furtuna liniștită” Williams (18-5-2, 6 KO), super-mijlocie „Uimitorul” Shawn McCalman (7-0, 4 KO), super-cocoș Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey, Jr. (6-0, 4 KO), categorie ușoară Leonel de los Santos (3-0, 3 KO), o 2-timp Republica Dominicană Olimpian, Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), pro-debut în Republica Dominicană welterweight Juan Solano, și Salt Lake City, 2016 Brazilian Olympic silver medalist Yuberjen Martinez, Brazilian Olympian Jorge Vivas, Colorado super middleweight Marvin “Too Much” Cordova, Jr. (23-2-1, 12 KO), West Palm Beach, FL light heavyweight Robert Daniels, Jr. (4-0, 4 KO), Frații Utah, super-usoare Ignacio Chairez (8-0-1, 5 KO) și ușor Gabriel Chairez (4-0-1, 2 KO).

FACEBOOK: /blocator de luptă
INSTAGRAM: @ RyanRoach82
DESPRE FIGHTER LOCKER: Infiintata in 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.
Fighter Locker folosește patru pași creativi, deoarece crede în „fundamentul este totul”: 1. conceput cu înțelepciune, 2. restrâns creativ, 3. Judecat cu mândrie, 4. sharply targeted.



Salita Promotions wishes to congratulate women’s pound-for-pound #1 boxer and three-division world champion Claressa Shields for being nominated for a 2021 ESPY Award for Best Boxer.

Presented by Capital One and the ESPN network, the ESPY’s allow fans to choose the yearly winners by way of online voting.

Aside from making her successful MMA fighting debut in June, Shields (11-0-0, 2 KO) made history last March by dethroning Canada’s Marie-Eve Dicaire and becoming the first boxer in the four-belt era, male or female, to be an undisputed champion in two divisions. She also retained her WBC and WBO junior middleweight titles with the victory and claimed Dicaire’s IBF belt, as well as the vacant WBA Championship.

Shields is in strong company with the other nominees, including unified super middleweight champ Canelo Alvarez, unified lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez and WBC Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury.


“Claressa is a once-in-a-generation athlete who is taking women’s combat sports and her fight for equality, inside and outside the ring, to new heights every time she steps into the ring,” said her promoter, Dmitriy Salita. “She is an example to young athletes and especially young female athletes that with hard work you can reach your dreams. 2021 is another history-making year for Claressa with no end in sight to what she can accomplish.”

# # #

About Salita Promotions
Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 de Dmitriy Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, HBO, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network, UFC Fight Pass, DAZN, ESPN+ and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

Check the Salita Promotions YOUTUBE CHANNEL for regular updates of the modern world’s greatest fighters, contenders and prospects in action.


Photos by Sergey Baranov / @fightphoto_official

(Iunie 28, 2021) WBO #3, IBF #7, WBC #14 bantamweight Nikolai Potapov continued his “Hunt for The Monster” on Sunday morning (Iunie 27) by scoring an eight-round unanimous decision over Tanzania’s Oscar Richard.

Fighting in the main event of a 14-fight event at the Soviet Wings Sport Palace in Moscow, Russia and live on Russian TV and Salita Promotions’ YOUTUBE CHANNEL, Potapov (23-2-1, 11 KO) showed off his world-class skills by dominating the game Richard (7-4-1, 2 KO) de-a lungul.

Potapov, of Podolsk, Rusia, was happy to stay busy with the victory and hopes it continues to propel him to the fight he wants: a shot at three-weight world champion and current unified bantamweight world champion Naoya “The Monster” Inoue of Japan.

“I commend my opponent,” said Potapov, post-lupta, “he had no fear in him. It felt good to get in eight good rounds after six months. I am sharp and ready to slay ‘The Monster’ as soon as I get him in a ring.”

Potapov, who had over 180 lupte amatori și a câștigat numeroase turnee naționale și internaționale, says the vaunted Inoue is nothing he hasn’t seen before.

“I’ve beaten hard punchers like him before,” said Potapov of Inoue. “I know his style inside and out and beating him will not be a problem. Bring me ‘The Monster!’”

Potapov’s long-time promoter, Dmitriy Salita, says that Potapov’s focus has been on Inoue for a long time.

“Since the first time he saw Inoue fight he’s been saying he knows how to beat him,„Said Word. “All his experience fighting around the world, he says he knows exactly how to nullify a fighter who relies on his power like that.”

Cuvânt, who presented the event on his popular YOUTUBE CHANNEL says he’s happy with the large viewership who were allowed to watch several exciting overseas prospects before their North American debuts.

“I am delighted that we were able to provide boxing fans with an opportunity to watch free live boxing featuring some of the best contenders and prospects from Russia,„Said Word. “Thousands of fans tuned in, participated in a live chat and talked boxing. NostruYOUTUBE CHANNEL has been a phenomenal platform to give needed exposure to talent from around the world and connect them with the boxing community. There is much more to come in the coming months!"

# # #

About Salita Promotions
Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 de Dmitriy Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, HBO, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network, UFC Fight Pass, DAZN, ESPN+ and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

Check the Salita Promotions YOUTUBE CHANNEL for regular updates of the modern world’s greatest fighters, contenders and prospects in action.

41-0 Gilberto “Zurdo” Barrera needs to get past Sullivan Barrera to get world light heavyweight title shot

Streaming live July 9th on DAZN from L.A.

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LOS ANGELES (Iunie 28, 2021) – Undefeated former WBO Super Middleweight Champion and Gilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez (41-0, 27 KO), currently a highly ranked light heavyweight contender, will have a lot on the line July 9lea against world light heavyweight title challenger Sullivan Barrera (22-3, 14 KO), including world title fight implications and, ultimately, his boxing legacy,

Zurdo vs. Barrera, presented by Golden Boy Promotions, will be streamed exclusively on DAZN, live from Banc of California Stadium, home of the Los Angeles Football Club (pro soccer), located in downtown Los Angeles.

To get a world light heavyweight title shot against any of the reigning champions – WBC & IBF Artur Beterbiev (16-0 (16 KO), WBA Super Dmitry Bivol (18-0, 11 KO) or WBO Joe Smith (27-3, 21 KO) – Barrera stands in Ramirez’ way in the 12-round Zurdo vs. Barrera main event. Ramirez is ranked No. 3 de către WBA și WBO, precum și nr. 5 de IBF.

That’s what the fans want but I’m not sure if these fighters are ready for me,” Ramirez boldly said about Beterbiev, Bivol and Smith. “I wasn’t impressed by any of the three in their recent bouts. They can run as much as they want, but they can’t hide forever. I know I’m the best in the division and, sooner or later, I will be snatching each of the belts and taking their souls one by one.”

Ramirez, care a împlinit recent 30 (Iunie 19), was the first Mexican fighter to capture a world super middleweight title, which he relinquished in 2019 to move up to the light heavyweight division, in which he is 2-0 (2 KO) după ce a învins Tommy Karpency(29-6-1) și Alphonso Lopez (32-3) last December to capture the North American Boxing Federation (NABF) crown.

A decorated Cuban amateur boxer (285-27 record), 39-year-old Barrera defeated future pro world champions such as Ciad Dawson,
Shumenov Beibu și Mariano Natalio Carrera prior to defecting from Cuba to Miami and turning pro.

Barrera, fighting out of Cuba by way of Miami, este 3-3 vs. past or present world champions with victories against Jeff Lacy (WTKO4), Karo Murat (WKO12) șiFelix Valera (WDEC10), losing to BivoL (TKO12), Fierar (DEC10), and Hall of FamerAndre Ward (Decembrie 12).

“I always expect the best from my opponents,” Ramirez noted. “Barrera is a professional and I know he will be ready when the lights are on. He displayed that he’s a strong fighter when he beat and broke Joe Smith, Jr.’s jaw in their bout. A victory for Barrera can resurge his career and alter my path; așa, I prepare for the best version of Barrera, and I will not let anything deter my goals.

“I’ve been working hard. There’s new stuff I’ve been fine tuning and I can’t wait to showcase it July 9lea. Come fight night, I know all my hard work will pay off.”
Biletele sunt la pretul de $150, $100, $75, $50 și $35, excluding applicable service charges, and available to purchase at www.bancocaliforniastadium ș

Site web:
Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions
Stare de nervozitate: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

WBA Super Middleweight Champion David Morrell Jr. Scores Sensational First-Round Knockout Win Over Mario Cázares in FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event & on FOX Deportes from The Armory in Minneapolis

Brandon Glanton Defeats Efetobor Apochi by
Split Decision in Cruiserweight Co-Main Event Action

All Rivera Defeats Omar Juárez by Majority Decision
in a Stellar Super Lightweight Affair

Faceți clic pe AICI Pentru fotografii
Credit: Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

MINNEAPOLIS (Iunie 27, 2021) – Cuban sensation and unbeaten WBA Super Middleweight Champion David Morrell Jr. (5-0, 4 KO) defeated challenger Mario Cázares (12-1, 5 KO) with a knockout just 2:32 in to the first round of their contest that headlined FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes on Sunday from The Armory in Minneapolis.

“I didn’t expect that to end so quickly,” said Morrell. “I thought it would be more like a five or six round fight. Totuși, once Cazares stepped in the ring, I noticed that he was not ready to fight on my level. He wasn’t ready for this kind of test or this level of fight.”

On the devastating knockout, Morrell said, “When I saw the opening, I took him out. When I hit him, I saw his legs wobble and I knew he was gone, completely out.”

“I’m ready for anyone at 168 pounds and now the world can see it,” continued Morrell. “I would love to fight Caleb Plant. I’m ready to fight Plant. He’s an excellent boxer, but I’m ready to go.”

In the co-main event on FOX, Cruiserweight Brandon Glanton (14-0, 11 KO) învins Efetobor Apochi (11-1, 11 KO) by split decision in their 10-round bout. Glanton scored a knockdown to close out the sixth stanza as Apochi fell into the ropes. That knockdown proved the difference as judge Nelson Vazquez scored the bout 96-93 for Apochi, but was overruled by judges Mike Fitzgerald and John Mariano who both scored the contest 95-94 for Glanton. The loss is the first of Apochi’s professional career.

“I knew it was a close fight because at the very end he didn’t hurt me, but I staggered,” said Glanton. “We always talk about balance in the gym, deși. I got the split decision because balance is something that we constantly work on. He didn’t hurt me, that’s why I was able to keep fighting.

“Thank God the judges saw it the right way,” continued Glanton. “That knockdown is something we worked on in the gym. I hope the boxing world sees what my coach is doing. The small details, the intricate things, make the difference in a fight like this. All the little details that he schools me on is what he told me would be the difference in this fight, and I’ll be damned if it wasn’t.”

"Ce pot spune?” asked Apochi. “I thought I won the fight. Am folosit jab meu, showed some heart, had some good movement in there, but I’m not the judges. I don’t know what they saw, but I thought that I did what I had to do. E un tip dur. I won’t take anything away from him. He took some tough shots and he was still there.”

On the possibility of a rematch, Glanton said, “If they want the rematch, then I’ll do it again. I think I’ve proven what I needed to prove, but it’s easier the second time.”

"Desigur, I want a rematch with Glanton,” continued Apochi. “I want a rematch with him right now!"

In the FOX telecast opener, All Rivera (22-5, 18 KO) învins Omar “El Relámpago” Juárez(11-1, 5 KO) by majority decision in 10-round attraction, giving Juárez the first loss of his professional career. Rivera scored a knockdown in the ninth frame, which was the difference in the contest as judge Scott Erickson scored the fight a 95-95 trage, but judge Octavio Rodriguez scored the bout 95-94 for Rivera and judge Kyle Shiely scored the fight 95-93 for Rivera.

“I was confident that I was going to get the decision,", A spus Rivera. “I was blocking a lot of the shots that Juárez was throwing. I was landing the more powerful punches. Juárez was doing good work in there, but we were landing the more effective shots. I feel like when I hurt him I maybe could have done a little more to get him out of there early and avoid the decision. But he’s a stronger fighter and I respect his talent.”

Juárez said, “I honestly thought that I did enough to get the win. I did get knocked down. There was one round where I stayed in there and took a couple hits, but I felt like I was the smarter fighter in there. I adjusted well and I thought I did well over all. Almost all of the greats have losses and I know I’m going to be great one day. I just have to fight through this adversity.”

On their professional experience levels, Rivera said, “I’ve been in the ring 27 times now professionally, and I think Juárez is still a kid who’s developing his skills. I’ve fought some of the best fighters around. I’ve won belts. Așa, I definitely think my experience played a difference tonight.”

“He was the better man today,” Juárez concluded. “I’m not going to take anything away from him. He’s a hard fighter. He’s from the Philippines, which has a lot of strong fighters. I respect him a lot, but I’ll be back.”

When asked about the knockdown, Rivera said, “We actually worked on that shot in camp. We also worked on the follow-up sequence. Așa, when it landed my corner wanted me to take it to the body to finish him, dar el este un luptător dur.

“I’m here for any 140-pound fighter that wants to step in there with me,” concluded Rivera.

In FS1 PBC Fight Night action, Nathaniel Gallimore (22-5-1, 17 KO) învins Leon Lawson(14-1, 7 KO) by majority decision in a 10-round super welterweight showdown. Judge John Mariano scored the bout 95-95, while judges Patrick Morley and Mike Fitzgerald scored the contest 96-94 și 97-93 respectively for Gallimore. Potrivit Compubox, Gallimore landed 78 total punches to Lawson’s 66.

The FS1 co-feature showcased light heavyweight prospect Atif Oberlton (3-0, 3 KO) scoring a technical knockout over Jasper McCargo (4-2-2, 2 KO) la :44 mark of the fifth round of their scheduled eight-round bout. Oberlton landed a sequence of punches that sent McCargo to the canvas near the end of round four. Oberlton then jumped on McCargo early in the fifth round, landing a left to the belt line that buckled McCargo and forced referee Gary Miezwa to call a stop to the action.

The FS1 telecast opener featured super welterweight prospect Travon Marshall (2-0, 1 KO) înfrângerea Ruben Torres (4-2, 1 KO) într-un concurs de patru rotund. Marshall was able to shut Torres out by unanimous decision (40-35, 40-35, 40-35).

The event was promoted by TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing.

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