Catégorie Archives: boxe

Boxing Sensation Thomas Wu Turns Pro; Signs with Tim VanNewhouse

Cleveland, Ohio (Juillet 28, 2021)–Tim VanNewhouse has announced the signing of highly touted 21-year old Thomas Wu to a managerial contract.

Wu, who resides in Arcadia, COMME, is of Chinese and Vietnamese heritage. He is a four-time amateur national champion, and had an overall amateur mark of 85-11.

“Aside from his incredible talent, he brings an outside ring presence that
most fighters are striving for,” said VanNewhouse, who believes that Wu has all the intangibles to be a star along with the requisite talent to succeed in the pro ranks.

En 2018 Thomas Wu created the floating ball challenge on social media that garnered over 100 million combined impressions on ESPN and Sportscenter, Barstool Sports and Ridiculousness.

VanNewhouse stated, “In the fight game we tend to get excited about the
next big prospect and most of the time it’s too early to tell how far
someone will go. Cependant, I can’t help but to be enthusiastic about this
kid. He has star-power looks, is charismatic and has all the ability I look
for in a young aspiring champion. I’m thrilled to be working with his team.

Wu, who graduated from Temple City High says, “I’m excited to be working with Tim and the team he is building for me to take the next step in my career. This is a thrilling new journey for my father and I to be on. We worked hard to get to these next steps”.

To help get prepped for the pro-ranks Wu competed in his first pro-style
exhibition where he fought against MTK Globals Australian pro boxer Michael Pengue.

Official Infamous Wu vs Micheal Pengue Victory 8 Boxe “Legends of Hoan Kiem” <>


“The past several years we have had many offers to turn professional from guys like PBC, Cameron Dunkin and Top Rank, ” said his father, Tommy, who trains him. “But it’s still been a challenge for us to find the right person to take my son into the pros. Tim is someone I have followed and known for years and he’s that guy for us. We trust in him and going forward he will guide us into making the best business decisions for us in boxing.

An announcement will be forthcoming on Wu’s professional debut, and who will be promoting him.

Wu is the second signing by VanNewhouse since his resignation from Split-T Management this past spring.

His first signing was two-time U.S. amateur champion Najee Lopez. VanNewhouse is regarded as one of the sport’s rising managers and among the best talent scouts in America.

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Le retour du concurrent poids lourd JD Chapman se poursuit

Juillet 28, 2021, Fort Smith, Arkansas - Le concurrent américain des poids lourds JD "The Natural" Chapman (30-0, 26 KO) poursuit son retour surprise en juillet 31, 2021 quand il affronte le gardien vétéran Terrell Jamal Woods (24-49-9) à la maison, à Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Woods a récemment fait match nul avec le concurrent russe des poids lourds Alexander Ustinov (36-4) et est réputé pour tester les meilleurs combattants, ayant emmené au loin l'ancien champion du monde Dominick Quinn, et les meilleurs prospects tels que Michael Hunter (21-1) tout Nicholas Musterek (9-0).

JD "Le Naturel" Chapman (30-0), est revenu à la boxe en juin 5, 2021, après treize ans de licenciement. Au moment de sa retraite, Chapman a été classé par à peu près toutes les organisations de notation et a été considéré comme l'une des meilleures chances des États-Unis de récupérer le titre des poids lourds. Avec son retour, Chapman est immédiatement devenu l'un des prétendants poids lourds dont on parle le plus.

On lui a demandé s'il n'était pas trop tôt pour combattre un adversaire aussi dangereux que Terrell Jamal Woods si tôt dans son retour, Chapman a dit avec son humilité habituelle, "Jamal Woods est dur et sera un bon test pour moi car je suis rouillé et loin de l'endroit où j'étais.. Cependant, si je ne peux pas passer par des gars comme Jamal, Autant raccrocher mes gants et prendre ma retraite pour de bon cette fois.

Dit son promoteur Edward Mendy, "JD Chapman est le" prochain grand espoir américain ". N'en déplaise à Deontay Wilder et Andy Ruiz, mais aucun poids lourd américain n'a aujourd'hui une meilleure chance de remporter le titre mondial que Chapman Period. JD a la taille, la puissance, les compétences et l'expérience pour affronter l'un des cinq meilleurs poids lourds aujourd'hui. Je suis tellement content de ses progrès, Je serais ravi de le confronter à n'importe quel autre poids lourd du top dix aujourd'hui. Mais avant, il doit réussir le test de Wood.

Le prochain combat de Chapman, Juillet 31, 2021 combattre Terrell Jamal Woods, aura lieu à la River Valley Combat Academy à Fort Smith, Arkansas.

À propos de JD Chapman
Né John David Chapman en mars 1983, JD Chapman ne s'est pas battu en amateur. Plutôt, il a commencé à se battre dans les compétitions du concours Toughman avant de devenir pro 2002. Chapman a choisi le nom “The Natural” comme il est originaire de l'Arkansas, “L'État naturel”.

Après avoir combattu principalement des gars avec des records perdants ses quatorze premiers combats, JD Chapman a intensifié ses efforts et n'a jamais combattu un autre adversaire avec un record de défaites. Dans le processus, il a accumulé 30 gagne avec 26 des victoires par KO (taux de défonce supérieur à 90%). Aussi, Chapman a battu plusieurs prétendants et gardiens connus. Ses adversaires les plus notables étaient Edward Gutierrez, basé à Chicago, qui était 15-0-1 entrer dans le combat, Le vétéran de New York John Carlo qui possédait alors un 14-1 record, et son compatriote invaincu du Mid-West, Matt Hicks, puis 7-0.

Chapman a également remporté plusieurs titres régionaux des poids lourds, dont le titre IBF Southern Regional, le titre du Conseil nord-américain de boxe, le titre WBC Latino et le titre Arkansas State. Juste au moment où il semblait que Chapman était à l'aube de la célébrité, il a tout raccroché et est monté au coucher du soleil.

Au moment de sa retraite en 2008, Chapman était considéré comme un concurrent majeur des poids lourds et était le chouchou de la presse de boxe. Il a reçu une couverture et une exposition considérables dans la presse de boxe et a été présenté à plusieurs reprises à la télévision. Plus important, Chapman a été classé parmi les dix premiers par tous les principaux organismes de sanction, à l'exception de la WBC, ce qui lui a valu une cote mondiale de 14.

Il est entraîné par l'ancien champion de MMA Brian Foster. Le retour de Chapman est guidé par Edward Mendy de Lion Heart Boxing Productions.

Split-T Management signe le poids lourd Devon Young

NEW YORK (Juillet 26, 2021) – Split-T Management a signé un contrat de gestion avec le poids lourd Devon Young.

Le 22 Young, âgé d'un an, est originaire d'Aiken, Caroline Du Sud, et a compilé une impressionnante 42-12 marquer comme amateur.

“Je pense que c'est génial. Dave McWater est l'un des meilleurs managers de la boxe, Cela me mettra dans une excellente position pour réaliser mes rêves, et c'est devenir champion du monde,” dit le jeune. “Split-T a de nombreux combattants talentueux, et je suis reconnaissant de les rejoindre. Je prévois de faire mes débuts pro le 4 septembre en Colombie, Caroline Du Sud. Je suis un boxeur-puncheur plus agressif et j'aime m'avancer. je suis très sportif, J'ai hâte de montrer au monde mes talents”

En tant que combattant amateur, Les jeunes ont réussi à 2020 Essais olympiques, et a été champion de qualification de l'Ouest en 2017 & 2018, et la 2015 Championne des Jeunes. Il était aussi un 2014 Champion olympique junior.

Young a la distinction d'être le dernier combattant à avoir battu l'actuel super-lourd olympique américain Richard Torrez

Les prouesses athlétiques de Young s'étendent au-delà du ring car il était un joueur de football vedette des deux côtés du ballon qui a obtenu une bourse d'études au Georgia Military College en tant que demi offensif et attaquant..

Devon est formé par son oncle Terry Cade, qui était lui-même un ancien boxeur professionnel.

Nahir Albright et Mark Dawson remportent des événements principaux lors de spectacles consécutifs lors du week-end de Crossroads Promotions RDR

PHILADELPHIA (Juillet 26, 2021)-Ce week-end passé,, RDR Promotions a organisé deux incroyables soirées de boxe mettant en vedette des combattants du monde entier.

Les deux événements, qui provenait de la 2300 Arena à Philadelphie ont été diffusés en direct à un public mondial sur
Le week-end, doublé “Carrefour” a vu deux événements principaux spectaculaires qui ont vu Nahir Albright remporter le titre des poids légers de la NABA avec un titre des poids légers en huit rondes contre Jeremy Hill vendredi. Dans l'événement principal de samedi, Mark Dawson Jr. a remporté huit rounds à l'unanimité contre le dur Ivan Pandzic dans une bataille de poids welters invaincus.


Nahir Albright a remporté la plus grande victoire de sa carrière alors qu'il remportait une décision unanime en huit rounds contre Jeremy Hill pour remporter le titre NABA des poids légers au 2300 Arena à Philadelphie.

Il y a eu des rounds serrés avec chaque gars appuyant sur l'action à différents moments du combat. Albright a semblé prendre le dessus sur l'action alors qu'ils se dirigeaient vers le tronçon. Les derniers tours ont vu Albright prendre le contrôle et clairement prendre le dessus sur l'action et il est revenu à la maison avec la victoire par dizaines de 79-73 deux fois et 78-74.

Albright, 133.6 livres de Sicklerville, NJ est 13-1. Colline, 135.2 livres de la Nouvelle-Orléans, LA est 15-2.

Muhsin Cason démoli Tristan James en marquant un arrêt au troisième round de leur combat de cruiserweight à quatre rounds.

Cason a décroché un crochet du gauche qui a mis James durement sur la toile et le combat a été arrêté.

Casson, 197.3 livres de Las Vegas est maintenant 8-0 avec cinq coups de grâce. Jacques, 194 livres de Des Moines, IA est 4-4-2.

Julien Smith a marqué un arrêt explosif au premier tour de Derrick Whitley Jr dans un poids welter prévu.

Smith a décroché une droite en plein essor qui a envoyé Whitley pour le compte à 2:58.

Forgeron, 144.8 livres de Country Club Hills, IL est 5-0 avec quatre coups de grâce. Whitley, 147.6 livres de Springfield, MA est 6-2-1.

Ryan Schwartzberg a marqué un bouleversement en arrêtant Ryan Umberger, invaincu auparavant, au 2e tour de leur affrontement en quatre tours des poids moyens juniors.

Schwartzberg a attrapé Umberger avec un gros crochet gauche qui a blessé Umberger. Schwartzberg a continué à battre Umberger, mais Umberger a attrapé Schwartzberg avec plusieurs coups durs.

Umberger était toujours bancal depuis le premier barrage et s'est fait prendre avec plusieurs coups durs sur les cordes et le combat a été arrêté à 1:41.
Schwartzberg, 156.3 livres de Danemark, FL est 1-1-1 avec un KO. Omberger, 155.3 livres de Bensalem, PA est 4-1.

Du-Shane Crooks a remporté une décision majoritaire en six rounds contre Bernard Thomas dans un combat des super-moyens.

escrocs, 167.7 lb de plume de mai, JAM remporté par des dizaines de 60-54, 59-55 et 57-57 et est maintenant 16-2. Thomas, 168.8 livres de Kansas City, MO est 6-11.

Steve Galeano est resté invaincu avec une décision unanime en six rounds contre Marquis Hawthorne dans un combat junior poids welter.
Galeano, 143.1 livres de Bronx, NY remporté par les scores de 60-54 deux fois et 59-55 et est maintenant 8-0. Aubépine, 138.8 livres de Waco, TX est 8-15.

Majordome Raekwon est resté invaincu avec une décision unanime en quatre rounds contre Diemerci Nzau dans un combat de poids welters.
Majordome, qui dominait le combat à distance, a été déduit un point pour avoir craché son embout buccal dans le cadre final. Il a également été coupé à l'œil droit au troisième tour.

Majordome, 138.8 livres gagnées par 39-36 scores sur toutes les cartes, et est maintenant 3-0. Nzau, 144 livres de Silver Spring, MD est maintenant 11-15.

Résultats du samedi soir

Ce fut une bataille de poids welters invaincus qui a mis en évidence RDR Promotions 2e nuit de spectacles consécutifs comme Mark Dawson a remporté une décision unanime de huit rondes sur l'imposant Ivan Pandzic au 2300 Aréna dans le sud de Philadelphie.

Les premiers tours ont vu Pandzic essayer d'utiliser son cadre de 6'4" avec des tirs de l'extérieur. Ses tirs ont été largement inefficaces, et Dawson a pu atteindre la distance où il a pu atterrir des contre-coups solides. Pandzic a été entraîné dans une fusillade à plusieurs reprises, ce qui a fait le plus grand plaisir de Dawson alors qu'il a eu raison des échanges qui ont conduit Pandzic à être renvoyé chez lui avec sa première défaite par des dizaines de 79-73, 78-74 et 77-74.

Dawson, 148 lbs de Philadelphie est 9-0-1. Pandzic, 146.2 livres de Rancho Cucamonga, CA est 13-1-1.

Sean Hemphill est resté invaincu alors qu'il battait systématiquement Robert Burwell dans un combat des super-moyens.

Le moment de l'arrêt était 2:39 pour Hemphill, 171 livres de la Nouvelle-Orléans, LA qui est maintenant 13-0 avec huit KOs. Burwell, 173 livres d'Orlando, FL est maintenant 9-5.

Jabril Noble a fait des débuts professionnels réussis avec un arrêt au deuxième tour de Deijerro Revello dans un combat super poids plume.
Noble a laissé tomber Revello au deuxième tour avec un crochet du gauche. Il l'a terminé quelques secondes plus tard avec un autre crochet du gauche qui a laissé tomber Revello et le combat a été interrompu à 1:12.

noble, 132.2 lbs de Philadelphie est 1-0 avec un KO. Revello, 131.2 livres de Brighton, Le CO est 0-2.

Rasheen Brown est resté invaincu avec une décision unanime en six rounds contre Prisco Marquez dans un combat poids plume.
Brown a laissé tomber Marquez avec une ligne droite à gauche à la fin du premier tour.
En un tour de cinq, c'est une gauche au corps qui a mis Marquez sur le pont.
Brun, 129 livres de Philadelphie gagnées par des dizaines de 60-52, 59-53 et 58-55 et est maintenant 10-0. Marquez, 127.9 lbs d'Austin, TX est 4-4-1.

Edgar Joe Cortes a remporté une décision unanime en six rounds contre Roberto Pucheta dans un combat de super poids coq.
Cortes, 122.8 lbs de Millville, NJ remporté par des dizaines de 58-56 sur toutes les cartes et est maintenant 9-6-1. Pucheta, 121.9 livres de Jalisco, MEX est 10-19-2.

Joe Jones a éliminé le vétéran Dhafir Smith au troisième tour d'un combat de six tours de cruiserweight prévu.

Dans le deuxième tour, Jones dropped Smith with a hard right hand. Dans la troisième manche, Jones landed 10 consecutive blows that forced referee Shawn Clark to stop the bout 18 secondes dans la ronde.

Jones, 194.6 lbs de Jersey City, NJ est 12-4 avec neuf KOs. Forgeron, 198.6 lbs of Upper Darby, PA est 28-26-7,

David Stevens remained undefeated with a four-round unanimous decision over Montrel James in a light heavyweight fight.
Stevens, 174.8 livres de lecture, PA remporté par des dizaines de 40-36 sur toutes les cartes, et est maintenant 6-0. Jacques, 173.8 lbs of Saint Louis, MO est 1-6.



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Janelson Figueroa Bocachica Fights Shinard Bunch to a Split Draw in Co-Feature; Martino Jules Registers Unanimous Decision Win Over Aram Avagyan in Telecast Opener on SHOWTIME®

Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

GRAND ISLAND, Bec. – July 23, 2021 - Super middleweight prospect Isaiah Steen est resté invaincu, registering a close unanimous decision victory over Kalvin Henderson sur 20e anniversaire de ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération sur AFFICHER L'HEURE® Friday night in front of a raucous Cornhusker crowd at the Heartland Events Center.

C'était le 258e ShoBox show and a night of celebration for the long-running and storied series that began in 2001 and has seen 84 ShoBox alum go on to win world titles. The night consisted of three hard-fought contests featuring young prospects matched tough, which has been a signature of the series for the past 20 ans.

Cleveland’s 24-year-old Steen (16-0, 12 KOs) won the main event by just two rounds on one scorecard, 96-94, et 97-93 on two other cards against the 31-year-old Henderson (14-1-2,10 KOs) de Fayetteville, Arche., in the first 10-round fight of both fighters’ careers.

“It was a close decision because in the first few rounds I wasn’t going by the game plan and was just trying to get him out like I usually do in my fights,”A déclaré Steen, who is the half-brother of 2016 U.S.. Olympian Charles Conwell, who cheered Steen on from ringside. “It would have looked good to have the knockout, but beating him like I did was more amazing.”

Henderson narrowly edged out Steen in two of the three punch-stat categories, out-jabbing him 20% (47-236) à 18% (50-281) and earning a 2% edge in total punches, 28% à 26%. Steen barley nudged past Henderson in the power-punching department, 42% à 41%, with Steen landing 58 de 138 and Henderson 59 de 144.

“I thought it was a close fight and that I lost by a close decision,” Henderson said. “I lost my right hand in Round 4 because I tore my shoulder and from then on, I used the left to try and control the pace.”

Henderson added: “I could have cut the ring off a little bit more. I didn’t want to let him know I couldn’t use my right hand because I knew he would try and take advantage of it. My coach told me to try and fake the right hand like I was going to throw it, and then hit him with the left hand. We followed our game plan, and everything we wanted to do.”

Steen knows his future is bright and he wants to share the limelight with his brother on August 29 as Conwell is fighting on the undercard of a highly anticipated SHOWTIME PPV event in Cleveland.

“I want to get added to the undercard of my brother’s fight on the Jake Paul-Tyron Woodley card in my hometown,"Il a dit. “I want to bring it back to Cleveland next month.”

In the co-feature pitting a pair of 22-year-olds, Shinard Bunch (15-1-1, 13 KOs) et Janelson Figueroa Bocachica (17-0-1, 11 KOs) fought to a controversial split draw in a 10-round welterweight bout. One judge scored the fight 97-93 in favor of Bunch, une 96-94 in favor of Figueroa Bocachica and the final judge 95-95.

Bunch of Trenton, N.J., and Figueroa Bocachica of Detroit were both close in punches thrown with 399 for Bunch and 390 for Figueroa Bocachica. Bunch used his jab throughout the fight, atterrissage 68 de 217 and landed 30.8% de ses coups de puissance.

“Of course I thought I won the fight,” said Bunch. “I honestly feel like I won it. Even his coach said I won the fight. I landed the more powerful shots, even boxing-wise; sticking and moving. The only thing I could do better was get a knockout. I feel like I hurt him plenty of times. I don’t know what the judges were watching.”

Figueroa Bocachica said he thought he won the fight. “I felt like he didn’t land anything that hurt me and I applied the pressure. I didn’t agree with the judges, but I’m the fighter not the judge. I could have put pressure from beginning instead of the end. I could have used the jab more. I was being lazy with my right hand because I was going to knock him out. Those are things I need to learn.”

Il ajouta: “Oh yeah, there will be controversy after this. It comes with the sport.”

The telecast opener featured a highly competitive fight in a battle of unbeatens with Martino Jules (11-0-2, 2 KOs) scoring a unanimous win over ShoBox vétéran Aram Avagyan (10-1-2, 4 KOs) in an eight-round featherweight affair. Les juges ont marqué la lutte 77-74, 78-73 et 79-72 all in favor of Jules.

The 24-year-old southpaw Jules from Allentown, Pa., scored a key knockdown in the last 45 seconds of the eight-round fight. Following a solid counter left hand landed by Jules, Avagyan slipped, stumbling to his knees in what was ruled a knockdown by referee Mark Nelson.

“What a turn of events in the last minute of the fight!», A déclaré ShoBox blow-by-blow commentator Barry Tompkins immediately following the knockdown.

“He kept jumping right toward me, so I just kept listening to my corner and going with the left,” said Jules, qui a débarqué 85 de son 295 power punches to Avagyan’s 122 de 316. “As soon as he got caught with the left he was off-balance and the left leg slipped and that was it.”

Fighting under the Salita Promotions banner, the 30-year-old Avagyan originally from Yerevan, Arménie, and now residing in California, was fighting on ShoBox for the third time and facing his fourth consecutive unbeaten fighter.

Jules knew it was close entering the final round. “I think the knockdown really helped me secure the round,"Il a dit. “Once he got knocked down he was rushing in to try and get the back, which helped me since I could control the pace a little bit more.”

International Boxing Hall of Famer Tompkins called the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer Al Bernstein and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Le producteur exécutif était Gordon Hall avec Rich Gaughan à la production et Rick Phillips à la direction.

L'événement, which was promoted by Marshall Kauffman’s Kings Promotions in association with Holden Productions, Salita Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, brought together fighters from seven different boxing promotional and management teams.

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Split-T Management signs Heavyweight Prospect Antonio Mireles; 2020 USA Super Heavyweight Olympic Trial Champion

2020 USA Super Heavyweight Olympic Trial Champion

NEW YORK (Juillet 21 2021) – Split-T Management is pleased to announce the signing of its biggest athlete in 6’9Iowa-native Antonio Mireles.

Mireles, 24 years-old of Des Moines, Iowa is affectionately known asThe Lincoln Giantbecause of his tremendous stature and status as a graduate of Lincoln High School in Des Moines.

“Je suis très heureux de signer avec Split-T Management. They had their eye on me as an amateur. They saw me in a few tournaments and they were impressed. The goal was the Olympics and now I am ready to turn professional,” said Mireles.

I am a boxer, I like to keep my opponents at bay and use my range. I am out in Oxnard training with Robert Garcia and hopefully will make my debut in September.

I am as excited about signing Antonio as anyone I’ve ever signed,” a déclaré David McWater de Split-T Management. “I think he has the ability to be heavyweight champion of the world some day and the opportunity to be a tremendous star.

Mireles, of Mexican-American descent, initially began boxing at the Des Moines PAL at the age of 12 and started competing at 15. He was guided for his entire amateur career by a pair of two strong coaches in John Saunders and Elly Nunez.

In his relatively brief, but extremely successful run in the amateurs, Mireles compiled a record of 28-4 avec 10 KO – culminating in winning the 2020 USA Olympic Trials in the Super Heavyweight division. He was also a 2019 Champion National Golden Gloves, une 2019 Eastern Elite Amateur Champion and a five-time Iowa Golden Gloves Champion.

Mireles has already impressed new coach Robert Garcia in his transition to the pro ranks, with Garcia noting his new fighters dedication, boxing skills, et “great poweras reasons for a successful future together.

Irish light heavyweight Thomas O’Toole Shipping up to Boston Signs with Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker

Irish light heavyweight Thomas O’Toole
Shipping up to Boston
Signs with Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker

Thomas O_Toole.jpg

BOSTON (Juillet 20, 2021) – Like so many of his fellow Irish boxers, amateur standout Thomas O’Toole is following the green and gold path from Ireland to Boston, after signing a managerial contract with Ryan RoachCasier du combattant.

The 23-year-old O’Toole is a promising light heavyweight prospect who captured top honors at the 2019 Irish Elite Championships. L'année dernière, the Irish southpaw upset pre-tournament favorite Tony Browne in semifinals of the Irish Elite Championships, and he lost by split decision in the final to Emmet Brennan, who is representing Ireland in Tokyo at the Olympics.

Irish boxers who’ve moved to the Boston area as a base for their professional careers include WBO World Super Middleweight Champion Stevie “Celtic Warrior” Collins (36-3, 21 KOs – 1986-97), WBA World light middleweight title challenger Sean Mannion (42-14-1, 13 KOs) - 1979-93), et des poids lourds Kevin “The Clones Colossus” McBride (35-10-1 (29 KOs) - 1992-2011), best known as the man who knocked “Iron” Mike Tyson à la retraite.

“I’ve only heard good things about Ryan, and I like the family aspect he talked about for his fighters,” O’Toole explained why he signed with Fighter Locker. “I know every manager will talk about how they will take care of you, but I really believed you, and I trust you will get a great promoter for me when the time comes. Plus, you have some Olympians, so you’re not taking just any and all fighters to sign. You want champions, which was the main thing for me. Knowing I’m in a stable with Olympians/national champions is great.

“I always intended to turn pro after Tokyo and had interest in waiting around for 2024 (next Olympics in Paris). It all worked out. I achieved more than I had hoped as an amateur an at just 23, I can’t wait to see what the next few years bring.”
O’Toole is tentatively scheduled to make his pro debut September 25e à Boston.
“Signing Thomas was very special to me,” manager Ryan Roach said. “He is one of the best in Ireland and in a very elite class. We talked a few times and we really hit it off. Vendredi dernier, he shot me a message saying, ‘I’m all yours.’ I was ecstatic.

He really is a great fighter with a lot of skill. He’s a southpaw with some serious pop. Thomas is very young, so we will see which weight class suits him well. Boxing fans in New England, particularly in Boston, will love him. He’s a great person and fighter.”

L'écurie croissante de boxeurs talentueux de Fighter Locker comprend le super poids mouche de Californie Rocco «So Cal Kid» Santomauro (21-1, 6 KOs), Troy, NY ABF American West super léger Ray Jay «The Destroyer» Bermudez (12-0, 9 KOs), ABF USA super welterweight Jimmy «Quiet Storm» Williams (18-5-2, 6 KOs), ABF American West super middleweight champion «L'incroyable» Shawn McCalman (8-0, 4 KOs), super coqs Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey, Jr. (7-0, 4 KOs), léger Leonel de los Santos (3-0, 3 KOs), une 2-heure République dominicaine Olympien, Poids plume de Boston Troy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), poids welter pro-débutants en République dominicaine Juan Solano, Salt Lake City, 2016 Brazilian Olympic silver medalist Yuberjen Martinez, Brazilian Olympian Jorge Vivas, Colorado super middleweight Marvin “Too Much” Cordova, Jr. (23-2-1, 12 KOs), West Palm Beach, FL light heavyweight Robert Daniels, Jr. (4-0, 4 KOs), Frères de l'Utah, ABF American West lightweight champion Ignacio Chairez (9-0-1, 5 KOs) et léger Gabriel Chairez (4-0-1, 2 KOs).

FACEBOOK: /combattant
TWITTER: @RoachRyan
INSTAGRAM: @ RyanRoach82

À PROPOS DE FIGHTER LOCKER: Établi en 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.
Fighter Locker utilise quatre étapes créatives, car il croit en "la fondation est tout": 1. conçu avec sagesse, 2. sobre de manière créative, 3. Fièrement jugé, 4. sharply targeted.


Rising Unbeaten Contender Antonio Russell Steps Up To Battle Former World Champion Emmanuel Rodríguez For Interim
WBA Bantamweight Title in Co-Main Event

Former World Champion Rau’shee Warren Duels Damien Vázquez In Telecast Opener at 10 p.m. HE / 7 h, heure. PT

Billets en vente maintenant!

CARSON, CALIFORNIE. (Juillet 15, 2021) – Two-division world champion Guillermo Rigondeaux will face bantamweight world champion John Riel Casimero for his WBO belt onSaturday, Août 14 live on SHOWTIME headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Californie.

L'émission de télévision Showtime commence à BOXE CHAMPIONNAT 10 p.m. HE / 7 h, heure. PT and will also see rising unbeaten contender Antonio Russell face the toughest test of his career in former world champion Emmanuel Rodríguez as they vie for the WBA Interim Bantamweight Title in the co-main event. Coup d'envoi de la télédiffusion, ancien champion du monde Rau'shee Warren duels Damien Vazquez in a 10-round bantamweight bout.

L'événement est promu par TGB Promotions. Les billets sont en vente maintenant et peuvent être achetés sur

“Guillermo Rigondeaux is one of the most skilled fighters in all of boxing and he will seek to add to his resume against the exciting three-division champion and reigning 118-pound titlist John Riel Casimero,» A déclaré Tom Brown, Président de TGB Promotions. “These are two fighters who have accomplished a lot in the sport, but each can elevate themselves to new heights with a victory on August 14. En cas de co-principal, Antonio Russell looks to announce himself as the next Russell brother in line for a world title, against the sturdiest test of his career in Emmanuel Rodríguez. Opening up the night of bantamweight duels, Rau’shee Warren can step closer to regaining a bantamweight championship when he faces Damien Vázquez. These three fights will have huge implications on the future of the bantamweight division, which always provides great action for the fans.”

A longtime champion of the 122-pound division, Rigondeaux (20-1, 13 KOs) moved down in weight and captured a WBA bantamweight title against Liborio Solis in February 2020 sur Showtime. Depuis qu'il est professionnel 2009 après l'une des meilleures carrières amateurs de l'histoire, Rigondeaux has showcased masterful technical skills that made him a unified super bantamweight world champion and perennial member of the pound-for-pound list. Un double médaillé d'or olympique pour son Cuba natal, Rigondeaux s'est fait un nom avec des victoires contre Nonito Donaire, Rico Ramos and Joseph Agbeko.

“This is a big fight for me and my team because we have a chance to win that WBO title,»Dit Rigondeaux. “Fighting on SHOWTIME once again is going to be fun and I’m grateful for the opportunity. Although I’ve been out of the ring for well over a year, I’m still in great shape and have plans to ruin Casimero’s dreams. I know he has a lot of power, but he’s fighting a man with excellent boxing skills and a high ring IQ. I’m going to box circles around Casimero and show him what ‘El Chacal’ is all about. My trainer Ronnie Shields, and I have been working on some new tricks, so don’t be surprised if I knock him out.”

The 32-year-old Casimero (30-4, 21 KOs) of Ormoc City, Leyte, Philippines will make his second title defense in this August 14 match, having successfully defended it for the first time by knocking out Duke Micah in September 2020. Casimero trains in Las Vegas and originally won the title with an impressive third-round stoppage of Zolani Tete in November 2019. The three-division champion had previously captured titles at flyweight and light flyweight in a career that dates back to 2007. This will be his third career fight in the U.S. and his second to take place at Dignity Health Sports Park.

“I am very excited to be back on SHOWTIME and fighting in Southern California where a lot of Filipino fans can come see me fight,” said Casimero. “I look forward to defending my title against Guillermo Rigondeaux. Rigondeaux is known to a lot of Filipino fans for beating my fellow countryman Nonito Donaire . I will show the boxing world how to beat Rigondeaux and send him into retirement once and for all.”

The middle brother between WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Jr. et 2016 U.S.. Olympian Gary Antuanne, Antonio Russell (18-0, 12 KOs) announced his arrival amongst the bantamweight division contenders with a technical decision over former world champion Juan Carlos Payano in December 2020 sur Showtime. The 28-year-old from Capitol Heights, Md. est devenu professionnel en 2015 after an impressive amateur career. After four wins in 2019, Russell kicked off 2020 defeating Jesus Martinez in February.

“I’m very excited for this fight on August 14 sur Showtime,»A déclaré Russell. “I’ve put in the work and I’m always ready to fight, no matter when the call comes. I’m so focused right now. Rodriguez is the only thing on my mind and I’m ready to put on a show.”

The 28-year-old Rodríguez (19-2, 12 KOs) returns to action after dropping a controversial split-decision to Reymart Gaballo last December on SHOWTIME. Fighting out of Manati, Puerto Rico, Rodríguez won the IBF Bantamweight World Title with a unanimous decision victory over Paul Butler in 2018 and successfully defended it against then-unbeaten Jason Moloney. Rodríguez went on to lose the title to unbeaten champion Naoya Inoue in their May 2019 title bout.

“I can’t wait to get back in the ring for this fight,” said Rodríguez. “Everyone knows what happened in my last fight against Gaballo. Ce temps, I’m not leaving it up to the judges. I’m going for the knockout and a statement victory.”

Garenne (18-3, 4 KOs) bounced back from a close decision loss in a world title fight against then unbeaten former champion Nordine Oubaali in January 2019 by earning decisions over Gilberto Mendoza and Sharone Carter. A southpaw from Cincinnati, Ohio, Warren won the WBA Bantamweight World Championship with a majority decision over Juan Carlos Payano in 2016 and lost the title the next year to Zhanat Zhakiyanov by split-decision. The 34-year-old became the first three-time Olympic boxer from the U.S. when he qualified for consecutive Olympic teams in 2004, 2008 et 2012.

“Vázquez is not the type of fighter that can compete with me,” said Warren. “When they sent me the name, I looked at one of his fights and 10 seconds was all I needed to see. I really want to face Rigondeaux, but I’m going to handle this and I’m going to wait until I get who I want to get. I’ve been sparring with a lot of top amateurs and that’s been keeping me sharp. They throw punches in bunches and they’re keeping me on my toes heading into August 14.”

The 24-year-old southpaw Vázquez (15-2-1, 7 KOs) was born in Thornton, Col. and now fights out of Las Vegas. The younger brother of former two-time champion Israel Vázquez, he most recently lost to super bantamweight champion Brandon Figueroa last September after having previously scored a stoppage win over Alejandro Moreno in February of 2020. Vázquez turned pro in 2013 and reeled off 14 consecutive wins to begin his career in the paid ranks.

“This is a great opportunity for me,” said Vázquez. “I turned pro at sixteen-years-old, so I took a much needed break after the Brandon Figueroa fight. Now I’m back and more ready than ever. I’m back fighting at bantamweight and that’s for sure the best weight for me going forward. I’m ready to show the world what I’m capable of. Cela va être une guerre. Warren is a world class fighter, but if he thinks this is an easy fight, then he is totally mistaken and I’ll prove it on August 14.”

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Joahnys Argilagos Victorious with Dominating Unanimous Decision in Miami

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (Juillet 12, 2021) – Undefeated bantamweight prospect,Joahnys Argilagos (7-0, 3 KOs), qui est géré par Jesse Rodriguez, was victorious this past Friday, Juillet 9, 2021, against a game Juan Pablo Meza (4-2, 1 KO). Fighting in his first 8-round bout, Argilagos dominated the entire fight, winning every round on two of the judge’s scorecards. L'événement, titled “GOT TALENT XIII”, was promoted by M&R Boxing Promotions.

De la manche d'ouverture, Argilagos, une 2016 Médaillé de bronze olympique, used his exceptional boxing ability to land punches on Meza from multiple angles. Argilagos was in control throughout the bout and was surprised that Meza made it to the final bell. Scorecards lus 80-72 deux fois et 78-74, all in favor of Argilagos.

“I give Meza a lot of respect for making it to the end of the fight,” said Argilagos. “I was hitting him with a lot of clean shots, and he wouldn’t go down. I had him hurt on multiple occasions, but he showed a lot of determination, and continued to survive. I’m happy with my performance and being that this was my first eight round bout, I’m looking forward to my first ten rounder, which might be by the end of this year.”

“Argilagos’ talent was on display and everyone watching in Miami can see that he has the pedigree to become a force in the bantamweight division,” stated manager Jesse Rodriguez. “We have a potential TV fight that is on the table for August, and if we get that fight, more people will get to see this kids’ incredible talent.”

Now back in Las Vegas, Argilagos will immediately start training with coach Pedro Roque, at the Prince Ranch Boxing gym.

“My body feels great, and I’ll be right bac in the gym as I came out of this fight with no injuries,” continued Argilagos. “If all goes as planned, I’ll be back in the ring next month. I’m ready to fight anyone they put in front of me.”


Paul Takes Next Step In Pro Boxing Journey Against

Hard-Hitting Woodley In Homecoming Fight at

Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland, Ohio

Tickets Go On Sale Thursday, Juillet 22

LOS ANGELES(Juillet 12, 2021) – Global superstar and professional boxerJake “The Problem Child” Paulwill take on the toughest test of his burgeoning boxing career when he squares off against former UFC championTyron "The Chosen One" Woodleyin the main event of a professional boxing event onDimanche, Août 29 àRocket Mortgage FieldHouse à Cleveland, Ohio, survivreShowtime PPV.

After dominating the first three opponents of his professional boxing career, Paul continues to step-up the caliber of his competition against Woodley, a decorated mixed martial arts champion and striking specialist who held the UFC title from 2016 à 2019. Le dimanche, Août 29, Paul will look to thrill his legions of fans and silence his critics in front of his hometown Cleveland crowd in the eight-round cruiserweight main event, which will be contested at a 190-pound catchweight.

Paul and Woodley will go face-to-face at a press conference in Los Angeles on Tuesday to preview their highly anticipated showdown. The press conference will stream live on theSHOWTIME Sport chaîne YouTube etJake Paul’s YouTube channel.

The special Sunday night event is produced and presented by Most Valuable Promotions and SHOWTIME PPV. The pay-per-view telecast, which begins live at 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT is produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV. It will feature an undercard complete with high-stakes, professional boxing showdowns including Puerto Rican star and WBC/WBO Featherweight World ChampionAmanda « The Real Deal » Serranodefending her titles against super bantamweight world championYamileth Mercado.

Barstool Sportsbook is The Official Sports Betting Partner for the event, in a unique, fully integrated partnership.

Tickets for the live event will be available for purchase on Friday, Juillet 22, à

The 24-year-old Paul (3-0, 3 KOs) is a world-renowned content creator. He began his professional boxing journey in January 2020 and has proven to be an influential participant in the sport’s landscape with his outsized personality and quickly developing skill set. The Cleveland-native is fighting out of Puerto Rico under the eye of former pro boxing contender B.J. Fleurs, who has been training Jake from his first professional fight. After knocking out YouTube star AnEsonGib and former NBA star Nate Robinson in his first two outings, Paul made quick work of former MMA champion Ben Askren in April with a first-round knockout. With the win over Askren, Paul notched his first victory over a seasoned professional fighter and now takes on an even bigger challenge in Woodley.

“I grew up going to Cavs, Browns and Indians games on the weekends, dreaming as a little kid of one day being in a position to put on a show for my hometown like they did,” said Paul. “On August 29, that dream comes true. My biggest challenge to date, in front of the city that made me, on pay per view for the world to see me knockout a UFC champion. I’m also thrilled to have Amanda Serrano on this card. She stands out as the most prolific KO artist in women’s boxing. What a night this is going to be!"

Combats de St. Louis, Missouri, Woodley (19-7-1 MMA enregistrement) has a storied career in combat sports. He became UFC champion in July 2016, defeating Robbie Lawler in the first round, and went on to defend his title successfully four times. Before competing in the UFC, Woodley fought in the Strikeforce MMA promotion on SHOWTIME and compiled an 8-1 record from 2009 par 2012. Widely considered one of the most dangerous punchers in UFC history, Woodley earned 14 de son 19 wins by way of TKO or submission.

I’m a grown ass man,” said Woodley. “I don’t play games with kids. They brought me in to take the trash out. You’re welcome!”

Serrano is the most decorated fighter in women’s boxing history with a professional record of 40-1-1 avec 30 KO. She was born in Puerto Rico and raised in Brooklyn, New York, where she trains alongside her sister, former featherweight champion Cindy Serrano. The 32-year-old has won titles in every division between 115 et 140 livres, earning belts in those two divisions just four months apart with fights in September 2018 and January 2019. Serrano won her WBC and WBO featherweight world championship belts in a high-profile showdown against Heather Hardy in 2019 and most recently she defended her titles with a knockout win over three-division world champion Daniela Bermudez in March.

Chihuaha, Mexico’s Mercado (18-2, 5 KOs) has held the super bantamweight title since November 2019 and will look to become a two-division champion on August 29 when she challenges Serrano. The 23-year-old won the title via unanimous decision over Fatuma Zarika, avenging a previous defeat to Zarika in Mercado’s first attempt at the championship. Mercado rides a six-fight winning streak into this showdown, including victories over Julissa Guzman and previously unbeaten Angelica Rascon in 2021.

This is the first live sporting event co-produced by Jake Paul’s Most Valuable Promotions. Jake Paul and Nakisa Bidarian will be Executive Producers of the event.

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