Category Archives: Havaskor MMA




Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun: Lewiston, Meyn (Dekabr 6, 2016) -New Angliya sur (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Fevral 11, 2017 with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE.” Avvalroq bugun, the fight promotion announced the first amateur fight confirmed for the card. Genri Klark (3-2) duch rejalashtirilgan Alex Clark (3-2) 140-funt bir catchweight da.


Henry Clark fights out of the Choi Institute in Portland, Meyn. With wins over the likes of Sheldon Bang (2-2) and Fred Lear (4-2), Henry earned a shot at the NEF Amateur Bantamweight Title earlier this year. The finish of the bout was mired in controversy as Henry contended that the referee stoppage resulting in a technical knockout victory for Johnny Crafts (4-1) was actually the result of an illegal eye poke suffered by Clark.


I’m coming into to this fight with an iron will and a desire for violence,” declared Henry Clark. “After my last loss, I can guarantee it will not go that way for me again. I’m the best 135-pounder in Maine, and I’m here to prove that. After I take what I want from Alex, there’s only one place for me to go and that’s a championship fight. I look forward to facing the challenges Alex will bring.


Alex Clark is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Meyn. He recently returned to the NEF cage after an extended leave of nearly three years from active competition. At “NEF 26” O'tgan oy, Alex lost a hard-fought battle against Florida’s Shawn Lunghi (2-0). He will be looking to bounce back from that loss atNEF 27,and he promises an exciting contest for fight fans.


I’m super excited about this fight,” said Alex Clark. “Henry is a tough guy with absolutely no quit in him. He’s not afraid to stand and exchange and has good BJJ to back it up. This is an awesome matchup between a couple of strong willed warriors, but I think my strength and athleticism is going to be the difference. Styles make fights and there’s no doubt that this one will be a crowd pleaser.


NEF’s next event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE” bo'lib oladi Shanba, Fevral 11, 2017 da 7 p.m. Chiptalar da boshlanadi $25 va endi sotuvga bor yoki COLISEE quti ofisini chaqirib 207.783.2009, extension 525.


Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “New England sur."



Lewiston, Meyn (Dekabr 5, 2016) -New Angliya sur (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Fevral 11, 2017 with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE.” Avvalroq bugun, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Josh “Hook On” Harvey (2-0) uchrashadi Richie Collingham (3-3) 145-lira bir jang og'irligi.


Harvey is a former NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Champion. U pro o'girilib 2016 after a stellar amateur career that saw him amass a record of 5-1 while facing some of the best the region has to offer. In his pro debut, Harvey submitted Matt Denning (3-4) in Lewiston last spring. He would follow up that victory with a win over Zenon Herrera (0-5) avgust oyida. Harvey is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Meyn.


I’m training for the fight I want, and this opponent is just one more step closer to where I am going,” said Harvey of the upcoming bout with Collingham. “Wishing him a healthy training camp and that he shows up.


When Richie Collingham steps foot in the NEF cage on Fevral 11 it will have been nearly a decade since his last fight. Now training out of Lakes Region Vale Tudo in New Hampshire, Collingham has not actively competed since 2007. He was very active on the California MMA circuit at that time and put together a string of submission victories.


I’m very excited about stepping into the cage with a tough fighter like Josh Harvey and fighting for NEF and putting on a good show for everyone,” said Collingham. “I’m putting in hard work and February 11th can’t come soon enough.


NEF’s next event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE” bo'lib oladi Shanba, Fevral 11, 2017 da 7 p.m. Chiptalar da boshlanadi $25 va endi sotuvga bor yoki COLISEE quti ofisini chaqirib 207.783.2009, extension 525.


Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “New England sur."


Russia dominates 2016 World MMA Championship Sweeps all 7 weight classes

Team Russia celebrates its victory with (markaz) Jangchilardan biri Fedor Yemelyanenkodir
(photo gallery of new champions below)
Monte Carlo, Monaco (Dekabr 1, 2016)- Team Russia parlayed its recent European Championship domination into a repeat performance at this past weekend’s World MMA Championship, by sweeping all seven weight classes in Studio City, Macau, Xitoy.
Close to 100 fighters competed, vakili 23 countries including Russia, Qozog'iston, Ispaniya, Avstraliya, Belgian, Xitoy, Kolumbiya, Frantsiya, Chex Respublikasi, Hong Kong, Tojikiston, Germaniya, Vengriya, Macao, Nepal, Hindiston, Janubiy Koreya, Ukraina, Qirg'iziston, Moldova, O'zbekiston, Chinese Taipei and Italy.
Russian middleweight Gamzat Hiramagomedov and light heavyweight Magomed Ankalayev are repeat world champions.
In team scoring, Asian team champion Kazakhstan won two Silver and four Bronze medals, Ukraine two Silver and two Bronze, Czech Republic one Silver and two Bronze, Chinas one Silver and two Bronze, Kyrgyzstan two Bronze, and one Bronze for France, Hindiston, Spain and Moldova.
I would like to thank each athlete of our National MMA Team, our coaches, doctors and all the Russian MMA Union employees,” said MMA living legend Jangchilardan biri Fedor Yemelyanenkodir, WMMAA honorary president and president of the Russian MMA Union. “The fighters had a long way, put in a lot of effort, and made it to the top. Despite an ever-growing competition level, our athletes achieved 100-percent of the set goals thanks to a great training camp, fight strategy and their spirit.
We are proud to have two-time world champions in Magomed Ankalayev and Gamzat Hiramagomedov. It’s a pleasure to follow the fighterspersonal evolution from fight to fight. The world champions will receive their accolades of Sports Master of International Level.”
Bu yerda har bir vazn toifasida natijalarini bir borini bo'ldi:
Bantamweight BO'LIM: -61.2 kg (135 lbs.)
1. Omar Nurmagomedov (Rossiya)
2. Artur Mykytenko (Chex Respublikasi)
3. Mirat Bekishev (Qozog'iston)
3. Chun Bo Yuan (Xitoy)
Tuklar BO'LIM: -65.8 kg (145 lbs.)
1. Kurban Taigibov (Rossiya)
2. Elnur Veliev (Ukraina)
3. Uulu Mustafa Rakhmatilla (Qirg'iziston)
3. Roman Molodij (Frantsiya)
Engil BO'LIM: -70.3 kg (154 lbs.)
1. Murad Ramazanov (Rossiya)
2. Sheng Liu (Xitoy)
3. Altynbek Bakhtygeldinov (Qozog'iston)
3. Leos Brichta (Chex Respublikasi)
Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn BO'LIM: -77.1 kg (170 lbs.)
1. Alibeg Rasulov (Rossiya)
2. Goyta Dazaev (Qozog'iston)
3. Syed Abdul Nazzeur Ibrahim (Hindiston)
3. Uulu Tologon Rakhmanberdi (Qirg'iziston)
Middleweight BO'LIM: -84 kg (185 lbs.)
1. Gamzat Khiramagomedov (Rossiya)
2. Idris Gezalov (Ukraina)
3. Murad Abdurahmanov (Qozog'iston)
3. Rong Fan (Xitoy)
Engil vazn toifasida bo'linish: -93 kg (205 lbs.)
1. Magomed Ankalaev (Rossiya)
2. Robert Lau (Germaniya)
3. Erkinbek Inzhel (Qozog'iston)
3. Darwin Rodriguez (Ispaniya)
Vazn toifasida bo'linish: +93 kg (+205 lbs.)
1. Amirkhan Isagadzhiev (Rossiya)
2. Alimzhan Suleimanov (Qozog'iston)
3. Viktor Pavlichek (Chex Respublikasi)
3. Nicolae Scorohod (Moldova)
World bantamweight champion Omar Nurmagomedov
World featherweight champion Kurban Taigibov
World lightweight champion Murad Ramazanov
World welterweight champion Alibeg Rasulov
World middleweight champion Gamzat Khiramagomedov
World light heavyweight champion Magomed Ankalaev
World heavyweight champion Amirkhan Isagadzhiev
Twitter: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa
Haqida WMMAA: The goal of the World MMA Association is to provide unbiased structure and guardrail the growth of MMA as the official world governing body for Mixed Martial Arts. A notijorat tashkilot yilda tashkil etilgan 2012, WMMAA standartlashtirilgan va tartibga solinadigan tashkil rivojlantirish uchun bir vazifaga, shu jumladan, raqobat, ta'lim, vazifasini, sinov va o'sish zarur. Bundan ko'proq 50 mamlakatlar WMMAA a'zo berilgan.

“Dumaloq 7, Nokaut operatsiyasi” Randy Couture-ning G.I uchun xayriya tadbiri. Ushbu yakshanba oqshomida CBS Sports Network-da efirga uzatiladigan Foundation

Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun
Las Vegas, (Noyabr 25, 2016) – The “Dumaloq 7, Nokaut operatsiyasi” havaskor aralash yakkakurash va gepling kartasi, Tuff-N-Uff tomonidan Neon Star Media bilan birgalikda taqdim etilgan, TONIGHT efirga uzatiladi (Nov. 27), da boshlangan 11 p.m. VA / 8 p.m. PT bo'yicha CBS Sport Network.
Ettinchi yillik “Nokaut operatsiyasi,” o'tgan shanba kuni kechqurun Las-Vegas markazidagi tadbirlar markazida bo'lib o'tdi, Randy Couture-ning G.I ga yordam berish uchun yaratilgan. Jamg'arma yarador askarlar va ularning oilalari uchun mablag 'yig'ish va xabardorlikni oshirish.
To'qqizta havaskor MMA jangida hamma uchun bir narsa bor edi, shulardan to'rttasi unvon kamarlariga tegishli edi, Bellator's ishtirokidagi oltita super-jangli kurash Ryan Couture, sobiq UFC jangchisi Uliss Gomes va hozirgi UFC qiruvchisi Entoni Birchak, sobiq Bellator qiruvchisi va faol harbiylar, Maykl Parker, sobiq sher jangchisi Fanni Tommasino, va hozirgi Combate Americas qiruvchisi va sobiq Tuff-N-Uff qiruvchisi, Kyra Batara.
Veteran MMA diktorlari Sean Wheelock, Joey Varner va tirik afsona Couture barcha harakatlarni ringdan jonli ravishda chaqirdi.
Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation yarador askarlar va ularning oilalari uchun zarur ko'mak va xizmatlar beradi, Kimga ko'p Shikast Ampütasyonlu qaytish, qurol yaralar, kuyish va portlash shikastlanishga. Daromadning yuz foizi "Nokaut" operatsiyasi ko'proq pul yig'ish va ko'plab yarador askarlar va ularning oilalariga yordam berish bo'yicha sa'y-harakatlarini davom ettirish paytida beriladi.. Uning saxiy homiylari va xayr-ehsonlari yordamida, “Knock operatsiyasi” dan ko'proq pul yig'gan edi $170,000 bu yilgi tadbirga kirish.
CBS Sports Network-dan AQSh bo'ylab mahalliy kabel orqali foydalanish mumkin, video va telco provayderlari va DirecTV kanalida sun'iy yo'ldosh orqali 221 va Network Kanal tashki 158. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, to'liq dasturiy jadvalini, shu jumladan, va qanday qilib CBS Sport Network olish, borish
Twitter: @shaxzoda, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture

“Dumaloq 7, Nokaut operatsiyasi” Randy Couture-ning G.I uchun xayriya tadbiri. Jamg'arma yakshanba kuni efirga uzatiladi, Nov. 27 CBS Sport Network

Las Vegas, (Noyabr 22, 2016) – The “Dumaloq 7, Nokaut operatsiyasi” havaskor aralash yakkakurash va gepling kartasi, Tuff-N-Uff tomonidan Neon Star Media bilan birgalikda taqdim etilgan, efirga Yakshanba, Noyabr 27 (11 p.m. VA / 8 p.m. PT) bo'yicha CBS Sport Network.
Ettinchi yillik “Nokaut operatsiyasi,” o'tgan noyabr oyida bo'lib o'tdi. 19th Downtown Las Vegas Tadbirlar markazida, Randy Couture-ning G.I ga yordam berish uchun yaratilgan. Jamg'arma yarador askarlar va ularning oilalari uchun mablag 'yig'ish va xabardorlikni oshirish.
Bu hayajonli, noyob xayriya tadbirida ajoyib janglar kechasi va imzo qo'ygan qo'lqoplar namoyish etilgan ajoyib jim auktsion namoyish etildi Randy Couture, Lyuk Rokxold, Miesha Tate va Kulrang Meynard, uchun chiptalar Criss Angel, Asrlar toshi va Konsertdagi afsonalar, va boshqa ko'plab narsalar. To'qqizta havaskor MMA jangida hamma uchun bir narsa bor edi, shulardan to'rttasi unvon kamarlariga tegishli edi, Bellator's ishtirokidagi oltita super-jangli kurash Ryan Couture, sobiq UFC jangchisi Uliss Gomes va hozirgi UFC qiruvchisi Entoni Birchak, sobiq Bellator qiruvchisi va faol harbiylar, Maykl Parker, sobiq sher jangchisi Fanni Tommasino, va hozirgi Combate Americas qiruvchisi va sobiq Tuff-N-Uff qiruvchisi, Kyra Batara.
Veteran MMA diktorlari Sean Wheelock, Joey Varner va tirik afsona Couture barcha harakatlarni ringdan jonli ravishda chaqirdi.
“Tuff-N-Uff buyuk mamlakatimiz uchun juda ko'p fidoyilik ko'rsatgan jasur harbiy xizmatchilarimizga mablag 'yig'ish va ongni etkazishda yordam berishdan faxrlanamiz.,” Tuff-N-Uff bosh direktori Jeff Meyer dedi. “MMA-ning Future Stars bilan jang kartasini to'plashimiz mumkin bo'lgan eng ozgina yordam va biz qila oladigan narsa, shuningdek, MMA-da ishtirok etgan ba'zi katta nomlar. Ushbu ajoyib hodisani xayrli maqsadda birlashtirishga yordam bergani uchun barchaga minnatdorchilik bildira olmaymiz.”
Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation yarador askarlar va ularning oilalari uchun zarur ko'mak va xizmatlar beradi, Kimga ko'p Shikast Ampütasyonlu qaytish, qurol yaralar, kuyish va portlash shikastlanishga. Daromadning yuz foizi "Nokaut" operatsiyasi ko'proq pul yig'ish va ko'plab yarador askarlar va ularning oilalariga yordam berish bo'yicha sa'y-harakatlarini davom ettirish paytida beriladi.. Uning saxiy homiylari va xayr-ehsonlari yordamida, “Knock operatsiyasi” dan ko'proq pul yig'gan edi $170,000 bu yilgi tadbirga kirish.
“Tuff-N-Uf tomonidan qo'llab-quvvatlanganim uchun qanchalik minnatdor ekanligimni ayta olmayman, Las-Vegas shahar markazidagi tadbirlar markazi va "Las-Vegas" ning Las-Vegas shahri 7, Nokaut operatsiyasi’ va yarador faxriylar,” Couture izoh berdi. “Biz XCGIF-da sizning yordamingiz va bu boradagi yordamingizni qadrlaymiz.
“Biz jangchilarimizni qiyinchiliklarga qarshi kuchli hissiy reaktsiyalarni bostirishga o'rgatamiz, jismoniy va hissiy og'riqlarga toqat qilish, jarohat va o'lim qo'rquvini engish. Harbiylar bizning harbiy kuchlarimizning jangovar qobiliyatiga salbiy ta'sir ko'rsatmasdan ushbu konditsionerning intensivligini pasaytira olmaydi. Bu Catch-22. Sovuq haqiqat - bu harbiy xizmatchilar, oddiygina qilib aytganda, Kasbiy tayyorgarligi natijasida o'zlarini o'ldirishga qodir va biz yutqazayapmiz 22 bir kun. Bu o'zgarishi kerak. Biz jangchilarimizni ular uchun muvaffaqiyatni belgilaydigan narsa haqida qayta o'qitishimiz kerak.”
“Bu jang va janjalning ajoyib kechasi bo'ladi. Hissangiz uchun barchangizga rahmat.”
CBS Sports Network-dan AQSh bo'ylab mahalliy kabel orqali foydalanish mumkin, video va telco provayderlari va DirecTV kanalida sun'iy yo'ldosh orqali 221 va Network Kanal tashki 158. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, to'liq dasturiy jadvalini, shu jumladan, va qanday qilib CBS Sport Network olish, borish
Twitter: @shaxzoda, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture


Tuff-N haqida- Uff: 22 yillik jangovar sport tashkiloti, Las-Vegasda joylashgan TUFF-N- O'FF eng yaxshi havaskor aralash jang san'atlarini taqdim etadi (MMA) millatdagi harakat. Bu bugungi kunda sportning eng katta yulduzlarini tug'dirdi, sobiq UFC vazn chempioni Ronda Ruzi, UFC va Strikeforce faxriysi Rayan Kuture va yarim o'rta vazn toifasidagi UFC Alan Juban. TUFF-N-UFF boshqa ko'plab MMA sportchilarining karerasini o'sishda yordam berdi, shu jumladan Jessamyn Dyuk, Ashlee Evans-Smith, Tonya Evinger, Jon Fitch, Jesse Forbes, Chris Holdsworth, Brad IME'lerle, Jimmy Jones va Jesse Taylor. Yilda 2013, TUFF-N- O'FF UFC Xalqaro Jang haftaligi tadbirlari jadvaliga kiritilgan birinchi jangovar sport tashkilotiga aylandi. Yilda 2014,

TUFF-N- O'FF ikkinchi tadbirini taqdim etdi Payshanba, Iyul 3 Texas stantsiyasiga yashash, ketma-ket ikki yil UFC Xalqaro Fight haftaligi jadvaliga kiritilgan birinchi musobaqa targ'iboti sifatida maqomga ega bo'lish. TUFF-N- O'FF o'zining 20 yillik yubileyini shanba kuni nishonladi, Iyun 7, 2014, ustidan bilan 15,000 ShK ventilyatorlari, Tomas va Mack markazi ichida sotilgan-out jonli tadbirda. Yilda 2014, TUFF-N- O'FF Xalqaro aralash yakkakurashlar federatsiyasi bilan hamkorlik qildi (IMMAF) taqdim etish, UFC Xalqaro kurash haftaligi doirasida 2014, -ilk havaskorlik MMA bo'yicha jahon chempionati. Jeff Meyer TUFF-N kompaniyasining bosh direktori- O'FF va tashkilotni marhum akasiga bag'ishlab boshqaradi, Barri Meyer, TUFF-N kompaniyasiga asos solgan- UFF 1994. TUFF-N- O'FF MMA sportini rivojlantirish va ushbu sport turini rivojlantirishga sodiqdir “MMAning kelajakdagi yulduzlari”.
Neon Star Media MChJ haqida: Neon Star Media - bu bizning mijozlarimiz uchun yuqori samarali brend-integratsiya tajribalarini yaratadigan marketing va kontent kompaniyasi, noyob orqali amalga oshirildi “hikoya qilish” natija berish paytida mijozning mahsulot xabarlarini tezkor ko'tarish imkoniyatini beradigan yondashuv. Neon Star Media-da, biz har xil sport tadbirlari bilan munosabatlarimizdan foydalanib, mijozlar ommaviy axborot vositalarining mablag'larini maksimal darajada oshiramiz, kabel kanallari, raqamli platformalar va boshqa ijtimoiy media nashrlari. Biz jalb qilish uchun mijozlarimiz bilan ishlaymiz, barcha platformalardagi tinglovchilar bilan o'z xabarlarini tasdiqlash va targ'ib qilish 24/7.
D Las-Vegas haqida: D Las Vegas yangi mahsulotni etkazib beradi, baquvvat munosabat va shahar Las-Vegas bilan sinonim qiziqarli atmosfera. yangi kazino mehmonlar safarlarini 629 rekonstruksiya qilingan xonalar va lyuks xonalar hamda zamonaviy va vintage qavatlarga ega noyob ikki darajali kazino. Mexnat, pivo va muzlatilgan ichimliklar Longbar da kazino ichida va D Bar Fremont Street eng murakkab ko'paymoqda. D D Grill-da zamonaviy amerika tariflarini taklif qiladi, Joe Vicari ning Andiamo Italiya Steakhouse Amerika Coney ho'l bo'lib ketdi va premium biftek va to'g'ri Italiya ovqatlarni da Detroit afsonaviy Coney Dogs. D Las-Vegas Showroom mukofot sovrindori kechki ovqat teatr va Broadway ishlab chiqarish musiqa ko'lamli mashhur o'yin-kulgi xususiyatlari, Komediya va yana. D ni kuzatib boring Facebook va Twitter.
Downtown Las Vegas Tadbirlar Markaz haqida: Uchinchi Sit burchagida joylashgan. va Carson Ave. qarshisida D Las Vegas, Downtown Las Vegas Tadbirlar markazi uchun sig'dira mumkin 11,000 Mehmonlar va davlat zamonaviy bosqichi xususiyatlari, ovoz va yorug'lik. ochiq-havo dizayn, ham sayyohlar va mahalliy aholi uchun taklif va konsertlar uchun mukammal joy taklif etadi, konventsiyalar va boshqa keng ko'lamli tadbirlar. Downtown Las-Vegas ozod ruh quchoq, yangi makon birinchi kontsert, shu jumladan, kurator voqealar liniyasi-yuqoriga mezbonlik qiladi, Oziq-ovqat festivallar va yana. makon ham valyuta sifatida Vikipediya qabul qilish Las-Vegas birinchi ko'ngilochar alyans hisoblanadi. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif yoki Facebook amal, Instagram va Twitter da @dlyventsentr.

2016 World MMA Championships November 26-27 Aomin

Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun

Monte Carlo, Monaco (Noyabr 22, 2016)- The best amateur mixed-martial-arts fighters in the world will compete Nov. 26-27 at the World MMA Championships in Studio City, Macau, Xitoy.
Close to 100 fighters have registered to compete. The 2016 Evropa (Rossiya) and Asian (Qozog'iston) team champions head a list that includes Spain, Avstraliya, Belgian, Xitoy, Kolumbiya, Frantsiya, Chex Respublikasi, Hong Kong, Tojikiston, Germaniya, Vengriya, Macao, Nepal, Hindiston, Janubiy Koreya, Ukraina, Qirg'iziston, Moldova, Taiwan and Uzbekistan.
We’re looking forward to the World MMA Championship in Macau on Noyabr 26-27,” WMMAA president Vadim Finkelchtein dedi. “We expect spectacular, competitive fights.
The WMMAA Congress will also be held to discuss MMA issues relative to children and women, as well as countries being decided to host the 2017 Evropa, Asian and World MMA Championships. A judicial committee will also be created and seminars held for coaches, judges and medical specialists in each country.
Twitter: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa
Haqida WMMAA: The goal of the World MMA Association is to provide unbiased structure and guardrail the growth of MMA as the official world governing body for Mixed Martial Arts. A notijorat tashkilot yilda tashkil etilgan 2012, WMMAA standartlashtirilgan va tartibga solinadigan tashkil rivojlantirish uchun bir vazifaga, shu jumladan, raqobat, ta'lim, vazifasini, sinov va o'sish zarur. Bundan ko'proq 50 mamlakatlar WMMAA a'zo berilgan.

2016 World MMA Championships November 26-27 Aomin

Monte Carlo, Monaco (Oktyabr 28, 2016)- Jahon Mixed Martial Arts assotsiatsiyasi (WMMAA) prezident Vadim Finkelchtein has formally announced that the 2016 World MMA Championships will be held Noyabr 26-27 Aomin, Xitoy.
The recent European MMA Championships went very well,” Finkelchtein said. “The Russian National Team once again demonstrated the highest results of competition. In Russia, the fighters are real strong fighters, who repeatedly prove their highest level at the European and World Championships, winning a very difficult competition. The bar has been set significantly high. We have seen athletes from Germany, Ukraina, and Belarus participating at these events. Ukrainians are no longer that far behind the Russians and German fighters have become much stronger in a relatively short time. In addition to The Championships, we held a judicial seminar, where we discussed many important issues regarding the development of our sport. Umumiy, I think everything was great.
We’re looking forward to the World MMA Championship in Macau on Noyabr 26-27. We expect the participation of athletes to represent 40 uchun 50 countries around the world. Many have already applied; despite the long distance they must travel to fight. The World MMA Championship will be held at a new venue in Macao Studio City. Bu katta bo'lgan, new complex that is entirely covered in marble with construction costs reaching about $3 billion. I have examined it and the scope of the building is stunning.
“Hozir, we can say that the championship will have a lot of representatives from Latin America, Asia and Vaurope. The African region is under developed right now, so only a few countries are participating from there, but Australia and New Zealand are competing. We expect spectacular, raqobatbardosh jang. We will also be arranging the next WMMAA Congress, where a lot of MMA issues relative to children and women will be discussed. We will decide what countries will host the Vauropean, Asian and World MMA Championships next year, as well as create a judicial committee. We shall discuss the time of the mandatory reference date of sport by each country, considering all the athletes, and then fix it. We will solve the issue of holding seminars that are mandatory for coaches, judges and medical specialists in each country. We are still a relatively young organization, so there are still shortcomings. But we are moving forward and working hard to improve.
Twitter: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa

FAAMM on a roll as new WMMMA Argentina


(L-R) – WMMAA Argentina president Diego Fernandez &
WMMAA Pan-American Division president Tomas Yu
Monte Carlo, Monaco (Oktyabr 27, 2016)- The future of the new World MMA Association (WMMAA) Argentina is bright with unlimited opportunities for future growth, largely due to Argentina’s youths continuing to drive increased consumption of healthier lifestyles.
FAAMM, the Argentinean MMA Federation, restructured its organization under the leadership of president Diego Fernandez to earn WMMAA Pan-American Division’s fastest growing federation to date.
One of my main objectives was to share the organization’s (FAAMA) story with the government and the private sector community to bring its competitive advantages to light,” Fernandez explained in an interview with ENLACE. “I also leveraged the WMMAA skills and resources to help guide the due diligence and restructing to emerge with the proudly earned name, WMMAA ARGENTINA.
Transforming the organization from an association to a federation and now known to the world as WMMAA Argentina was the largest progressive step we’ve completed to date in the organization’s history. The business model as the new WMMAA Argentina is very straightforward: our job to help our nation’s athletes.
The new Argentina has a prominent footprint with many qualified board members. The new WMMAA Argentina is well positioned to offer customized solutions that drive increased value, developed from a mere structure provider into a services and solutions organization for the sport in all aspects.
WMMAA Argentina has solid reporting, industry-leading analytics and repeatable methodologies, plus hard-working members, collogues and full support from the WMMAA Pan-American Division.
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Lewiston, Meyn (Oktyabr 21, 2016) – New England sur (NEF) presents its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 26: SUPREMACY,” shanba kuni, Noyabr 19 Androscoggin Bank Tigzirt da. Avvalroq bugun, NEF executives announced the full fight card for the event which will be the fight promotion’s grand finale for 2016.


Asosiy tadbirda, “The” Rayan Sanders (10-8) uchrashadi Jon Lemke (5-6) in a professional lightweight bout. It will be Sandersfirst fight in Lewiston since November 2014. Much has been made of the fact that Sanders and Lemke are former teammates. The bout is considered adream matchby Maine fight fans, especially those from the Bangor-area familiar with the rivalry between Sanderscamp Young’s MMA and Lemke’s camp Team Irish.


The co-main event of the evening will feature an interestingcoach vs. trener” jang. “Sinmasin 2.0” Derek Shorey (4-7), head of the Shatterproof Combat Club, is scheduled to face Ruthless MMA & Boxing founder Josh Parker (4-8) in a professional featherweight contest. Shorey is coming off a big win in Rhode Island earlier this fall, while Parker will be returning to the MMA cage after spending the last three years competing as a boxer.


Rounding out the professional portion of the card will be undefeated prospect Aaron “Shafqatsiz” Lacey (3-0) va Taylor Trahan (6-6) tuklar Butning. Lacey and Trahan both submitted their respective opponents atNEF 25” O'tgan oy. Many local followers of the sport feel that Lacey is just a handful of wins away from getting the call to the major league of the sport. Trahan will be looking to play the role of spoiler while also avenging the loss of his Team Link teammate John Santos (3-5) to Lacey in Bangor this past August.


The amateur portion of the card will be headlined by a heavyweight title fight between Nik “The Guardian” Gulliver (3-0) va Yorgan DeCastro (2-2). DeCastro stepped up to the plate to face Gulliver when no other heavyweight in the region would do so. Gulliver has been on a path of destruction, ripping through three opponents in a combined two minutes.


Two women’s fights are on tap forNEF 26.JessicaThe Black WidowBorga (2-2) returns from Florida to meet Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Brianne Genschel (0-0). Genschel’s First Class MMA teammate “Hollywood” Hannah Sparrell (1-1) will also be in action against Fernanda Araujo (4-4-2).


Jay Jack and Amanda Buckner’s The Academy in Portland, Maine will send two new fighters to the cage atNEF 26.Chad Pierce (0-0) will debut against Shatterproof’s Lyman Curtis (0-0), paytda Phil Chiasson (0-0) javob Rik Seymour (0-0) of 3Ronin Athletics. Both bouts will take place in the 155-pound lightweight division.


The fullNEF 26” kurash karta (o'zgartirilishi mumkin va Meyn kurash sport Hokimiyati tasdiqlash):





155 Rayan Sanders 10-8 (Young’s) vs Jon Lemke 5-6 (Team Irish)


145 Josh Parker 4-8 (Shafqatsiz) Derek Shorey vs 4-7 (Shatterproof)


145 Aaron Lacey 3-0 (Young’s) vs Taylor Trahan 6-6 (Team Link)



265*TITLE Nick Gulliver 3-0 (Birinchi sinf) vs Yorgan DeCastro 2-2 (SSSF)

265 Kevin Smith 3-2 (Young’s) vs Ras Hylton 2-0 (Birinchi sinf)


210 Mike Swan 0-0 (Choi) vs Joe Krech 0-2 (Mustaqil)


185 Nash Roy 2-2 (Young’s) vs Chris Smith 1-0 (Berserkers)


170 Darren Ducharme 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs Tom Burgess 2-0 (Berserkers)


155 Ken Dann 0-3 (Mustaqil) vs Angelo Rizitello 0-1 (Shatterproof)


155 Chad Pierce 0-0 (Academy) vs Lyman Curtis 0-0 (Shatterproof)


155 Phil Chiasson 0-0 (Academy) vs Rik Seymour 0-0 (3Ronin atletika)


145 Alex Clark 3-1 (Young’s) vs Shawn Lunghi 1-0 (S. Tampa Jiu Jitsu/MMA)


145 Hannah Sparell 1-1 (Birinchi sinf) vs Fernanda Araujo 4-4-2 (Mudofaa Edge)


135 Brianne Genschel 0-0 (First Class/Foundry) vs Jessica Borga 2-2 (Chempionlar)


135 Fred Lear 3-2 (Young’s) vs Robby Fraser 1-1 (S. Tampa Jiu Jitsu/MMA)


The opening bell on Saturday, Noyabr 19 uchun o'rnatiladi 7 p.m. Chiptalar da boshlanadi $25 va mavjud yoki COLISEE quti ofisini chaqirib 207.783.2009, extension 525.


Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, follow them on Twitter @nefightsand join the official Facebook group “New England sur."




Lewiston, Meyn (Oktyabr 17, 2016) – New England sur (NEF) presents its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 26: SUPREMACY,” shanba kuni, Noyabr 19 Androscoggin Bank Tigzirt da. Avvalroq bugun, NEF executives announced the addition of an amateur heavyweight title bout to the fight card. Nick Gulliver (3-0) duch rejalashtirilgan Yorgan DeCastro (2-2) to fill the vacant NEF MMA Amateur Heavyweight Championship.


Gulliver is a member of John Raio’s First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Meyn, as well as the Foundry Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Farmington, Meyn. Making his MMA debut in 2015, Gulliver scorched his first two opponents via first-round technical knockout prior to facing Dave Smith (2-1) last spring at “NEF 22.” It took Gulliver a mere 28-seconds to dispatch Smith. Hamma yilda, Gulliver’s first three opponents have lasted barely over a combined two minutes in the cage with him. He will be looking to continue that dominance of the NEF amateur heavyweight division on Noyabr 19 and claim its top prize.


I would like to thank NEF for the opportunity to fight again,” said Gulliver. “This is the biggest fight of my life. I’m excited to be fighting for the heavyweight title belt on November 19th in front of my family and friends. My goal in this sport was to get a title belt, but something bigger than that was to fight for the belt in front of my father. When I started back in June of last year my coach John Raio told me I would someday fight for the belt. This day has come and now it’s my time to finish what I set out to do.


My father was not able to make my last fight because he was too sick. When I found out about this fight I called my parents and told them I would be fighting for the belt and my dad said he would do everything he could to make it. Shunday, not only am I looking for a victory, but I’m looking to do it in front of my father.


This fight is also big since my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu coach Brianne Genschel will be fighting alongside me. Brianne has been working so hard for this and she deserves this fight and for her hand to be raised. I’m also excited to have longtime friend and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt Shawn Smith in my corner which is also an honor. I truly want to thank The Foundry and First Class MMA for all the support and dedication they have had with me and my training.


I believe this will be a great fight and I’ll have to show people a side of me they have not been able to see yet and I look forward to that. I greatly respect my opponent for taking this fight and wish him the best of luck. To my fans be ready for the Guardian to come out like you have never seen him before. I appreciate this opportunity and I’ll do my best to put a smile on everyone’s face. I would also like to thank my wife Heather for all the help and support she has given me.


A native of Portugal, Yorgan DeCastro came to the United States with a solid kickboxing background. He began competing in mixed-martial-arts in 2014, quickly rattling off a pair of victories on fight cards in Massachusetts. Noyabr 19 will be DeCastro’s debut on Maine soil, and he plans to return home to South Shore Sportfighting (SSSF) with the heavyweight title belt in tow.


I’m excited for the opportunity to showcase my skills in front of a new crowd,” said DeCastro. “I don’t plan on letting the fight go the distance, but I’m ready for whatever he brings to the table. I’ve faced tougher opposition, so I know I’m prepared.


The opening bell on Saturday, Noyabr 19 uchun o'rnatiladi 7 p.m. Chiptalar da boshlanadi $25 va mavjud yoki COLISEE quti ofisini chaqirib 207.783.2009, extension 525.


Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, follow them on Twitter @nefightsand join the official Facebook group “New England sur."


New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.