Boyington e Harrison ON abril 11: PODER é lenda

Lewiston, Maine (Febreiro 10, 2015) - A noite estaba xuño 16, 2012. Over 3,000 fans encheu a Androscoggin Banco Colisee para Fights Nova Inglaterra’ (NEF) “NEF III” mixed-de artes marciais (MMA) evento. In the main event of the evening was former two-time Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Heavyweight Champion da Tim Mundial “O Maine-IAC” Sylvia (31-10). Sylvia was competing for the first time ever in his home state of Maine. Media outlets, tanto a nivel local e nacional, descended on Lewiston that night for the big event. National cable station HDNet (agora “TV AXS”) enviou un equipo de rodaxe completa e produtor para cubrir a entrega pro da tarxeta da loita para o seu programa semanal Dentro MMA.


12 segundos nocaute de Randy Smith de Sylvia (13-15-1), con todo, was not the story that night. The real story coming out of the event was the emergence of not one, pero dous, new stars before a national audience. Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-7), xa sostendo a primeira vez na historia KO Maine MMA, added to his legend with a Taekwondo spinning-hook kick that left his opponent unconscious and earned Boyington the quickest knockout in NEF at the time at 10-seconds. Momentos despois, Jamie Harrison (5-1) rematou o seu adversario cunha técnica pouco ortodoxa ground-and-pound alcumado “The Lobster Soco” por Dentro MMA co-anfitrión Bas Rutten (28-4-1). Both finishes were caught on camera by AXS TV, and both were seen by fight fans the world over on television and the internet. The road to Abril 11, 2015, “NEF XVII,” e un enfrontamento entre Boyington e Harrison, fora pavimentada.


Nos meses e anos vindeiros, Boyington would become the face of NEF MMA. Leaving a trail of broken opponents in his wake, Boyington pasaría a capturar a vaga Campionato NEF MMA Lightweight en setembro 2014 derrotando Jesse “O Viking” Erickson (3-4). Weeks later, Boyington and Erickson would rematch with Boyington once again emerging victorious. Harrison had, se, cortar Tollison Lewis (0-3) con abandono imprudente só momentos antes, leading many to speculate that the time for the Boyington-Harrison showdown had finally arrived. In the hours that followed, ambos os dous lados acordaran coa loita e ao escenario estaba montado para abril 11, 2015 en Lewiston no “XVII NEF.” Both athletes squared off in the cage last Saturday at “NEF XVI” para anunciar oficialmente o ataque, que será un de cinco rounds para Lightweight Campionato do Boyington.


“Estou me sentindo na parte superior do mundo,” dixo Boyington cando contactado para comentar. “A pausa serviu ao seu propósito e, aínda que eu sinto que teño forzas, como un xogo de MMA ben redondeado, máis loitas profesionais, máis experiencia con adversarios de alto nivel e confort nesta área – Sei que todo isto é irrelevante, porque a alta que eu estou agora agora e ansia de entrar no cage e divertirse , xunto cun rigoroso convicción comigo mesmo NOT que perder e para entreter a multitude me deixa máis confiado que nunca para comezar o traballo feito. I respect Jamie very much. El é resistente e presenta retos e eu tiven a miña visión sobre el por un longo tempo, studying him and knowing we would cross paths eventually. Lucky for me, Eu son un inferno de un wrestler. I see what’s coming. Fans, this fight is unlike anything else you will ever see. Make sure you’re in attendance to witness what I’m about to do. I have no problem proving the critics wrong. Just be there and don’t blink. This is a big stage fight, Vou probar iso.”


“Estou moi animado para volver na gaiola NEF para esta gran oportunidade,” comentou Harrison. “Bruce is on a hot streak and so am I. The title belt around my waist has been a long time coming and it will be bittersweet to do it in front of all my family, amigos, and fans. This fight will have a lot of fireworks and you will not want to look away for a second.


“Estes son os dous machos alfa do roster NEF,” said NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “Cando eles andan nunha sala, everyone knows it. But we all know that there can only be one alpha male in the pride. En Abril 11 en Lewiston, imos determinar cal é o verdadeiro macho alfa cando estes dous leóns chocan.”


Seguinte evento de MMA do NEF, “NEF XVII,” está programa para ocorrer enAbril 11, 2015 no Colisee Androscoggin Bank en Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-7) vai defender o título dos leves NEF MMA contra o número un contendor Jamie Harrison (5-1). Alén, Jarod “Último momento” Lawton (4-1) atenda Dennis Olson (12-7) nun concurso welterweight. Os ingresos para “NEF XVII” comezan en só $25 e xa están á venda no ou chamando ao taquilla en Colisee 207.783.2009 X 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at Alén, you can watch NEF videos at, seguilos no Twitternefights e xuntarse ao grupo en Facebook oficial "New England Loitas".


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