Barroso and Camp Offer Sincere Respect for ‘Future Former Champion’ Crolla

Heading into his showdown with WBA World Lightweight Champion Anthony Crolla (30-4-3, 12 Kos) Sabotsy ity night at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, UK, WBA #1-rated contender and interim champion Ismael Barroso (19-0-2, 18 Kos) and his team wish to offer their sincere respect to thefuture former champion.
He is a true champion,” said Barroso of Crolla. “There were easier domestic fights for more money he could have taken, but he wanted to do the right thing and face his top challenger. I admire him for that.
Indrisy anefa fa, the murderous punching Barroso, ny El Tigre, Venezuela, says he’ll be ending the brave Englishman’s run as champion amin'ny sabotsy alina.
“Izy (Crolla) won the WBA title by an upset last year and he’s a likeable man,” continued Barroso, “but all good things come to an end. When they help him up after the fightAsabotsy, he will have all my respect and I wish him very well for the rest of his life.
Greg Cohen, promoter of Barroso, agrees with his fighter’s sentiment.
Anthony is a true champion, but he’s in way over his head in this one. And him being in his home country and the fans backing him, that only makes Ismael that much more determined. Crolla has had a great and surprising run as champion, but there’s not much anyone can do for him in the face of the kind of power he’s up against.
About Greg Cohen Promotions
Iray amin'ireo ady totohondry ny Premier fampahafantarana Outfits, Greg Cohen Promotions (GCP) dia tsara-kaja anarana ho izao tontolo izao-kilasy staging matihanina zava-mitranga sy ny fanandratana ny ady totohondry sangany matihanina mpiady manerana izao tontolo izao.
Mpanorina sy CEO Greg Cohen dia tafiditra amin'ny ady totohondry matihanina amin'ny fahaiza-manao isan-karazany hatramin'ny faramparan'ny taona 1980, noho ny fanatsarana ny asa tanana sy ny fametrahana ny tenany ho toy ny mahira-tsaina mpandraharaha ady totohondry iraisam-pirenena.
Nampiavaka noho ny fahaizany ny mamantatra sy hampivelatra manta talenta, Cohen voalohany nanao fampahafantarana lohateny lehibe ho an'ny manam-pahaizana tari-dalana ny, eo ny maro hafa, WBA teo aloha Junior Middleweight Tompon-daka Austin “Tsy Isalasalana” Atendro, izay Cohen nanampy mpitarika avy amin'ny tsy fantatra New Mexico fanantenana ho sangany-karama isaky ny fari-view superstar.
Ankoatra ny trondro, Greg Cohen Promotions niara-niasa tamin'Andriamanitra nametraka anarana toy ny teo aloha, ary roa-tafaray fotoana tompon-daka sokajy mavesatra Hasim “The Rock” Rahman sy ny rehetra,-andro-maro-lanja lehibe kilasy tompon-daka eran-James “Jiro Out” Toney.
Cohen currently promotes WBA Interim World Lightweight Champion Ismael Barroso, Undefeated WBA NABA Heavyweight Champion and world-rated contender Jarrell Miller, undefeated WBA NABA Middleweight Champion and world-rated contender Robert Brant, former world champion Kendall Holt, as well as current world-rated contenders including long-time elite middleweight “Holazaina Tamin'ilay hoe:” Joe Greene, ambony Super featherweight Arash Usmanee, Canadian maivana sy TV hetsika mahery fo Tony Luis; WBA sy dimy andro irlandey National Amateur Champion, Dennis Hogan; ary Aostralia maivana fanantenana Josh King.
Greg Cohen Promotions nampiantrano izao tontolo izao-kilasy ady totohondry zava-nitranga ao amin'ny toerana tsara indrindra nanerana an'i Etazonia sy izao tontolo izao, ary tamim-pireharehana ihany koa nanome talenta sy / na afa-po ho an'ny fahitalavitra maro tambajotra anisan'izany CBS Sports Network, HBO, Fotoana Fampisehoana, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG sy FOX Sports Net.
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