Baltimore Boxing returns with “Super Brawl of Boxing” January 26

બાલ્ટીમોર, એમડી (જાન્યુઆરી 9, 2018) – Jake Smith Baltimore Boxing will host their first show of 2018 when they present the “Super Brawl of Boxing” શુક્રવારે, જાન્યુઆરી 26 at Michael’s Eighth Ave in Glen Burnie, એમડી.

ટિકિટો $40 are available by going to or calling 410-375-9175. અંતે ઓપન દરવાજા 6:30 and the first fight is scheduled for 8:30.
Baltimore Boxing is also pleased to announce that 5-time world champion and the subject of the movie “Bleed for This” Vinny Paz will be on hand to meet fans. Paz is a regular at Baltimore Boxing cards and local fight fans have adopted him as if he were one of their own.
This Olympic style boxing card is headlined by a title unification between Maryland State Middleweight champ Deshawn “Soulsnatcher” Chase of Baltimore Boxing and East Coast belt holder Marquis Moore of Salisbury’s Main Street Boxing Gym. Chase is one of Baltimore’s better amateurs and a regular at Michael’s Eighth while Moore is a well-schooled boxer that believes both titles will be his come the 26th.
This excellent evening of boxing also feature the debut of former NFL player Leon Joe. A standout linebacker at the University of Maryland, Joe was listed by Street & Smith as an All American Honorable mention in 2003. The next year, the Chicago Bears drafted Joe in the 4th round and he played in Super Bowl XLI. He later spent time with the Arizona Cardinals, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Buffalo Bills, Jacksonville Jaguars and Detroit Lions before playing two years in the Canadian Football League.
Baltimore Boxing’s ‘Super Brawl of Boxing” also serves as a fundraiser for Tina Frost. પર ઓક્ટોબર 1, ફ્રોસ્ટ માથા લાસ વેગાસ સમૂહ શૂટિંગ દરમિયાન ગોળી ચલાવવામાં આવી હતી. તેના જમણા આંખ દૂર કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું અને સુધારણા સુવિધા સમય વીતાવ્યો. અસલમાં બૉલટિમુર થી, 28 વર્ષીય ફ્રોસ્ટ અર્ન્સ્ટ માટે CPA તરીકે કામ કરતો હતો & સાન ડિએગો માં યંગ પરંતુ તેના પરિવાર સાથે મેરીલેન્ડમાં પાછા છે. ફ્રોસ્ટ કરી દીધું મહાન પ્રગતિ જ્યારે, તે લાંબા માર્ગ અને તબીબી બીલ કે માત્ર વધવા માટે ચાલુ રહેશે એક ટેકરાની છે.
ફ્રોસ્ટ કુટુંબ સહાય કરવા, બાલ્ટીમોર મુક્કાબાજી એક હશે 50/50 ચિઠ્ઠીઓ નાખીને વેચવું અને શાંત હરાજી. તે અસમર્થ બનાવવા માટે તે દાન કરવા પ્રોત્સાહિત કરવામાં આવે છે
“What happened to Tina is incredibly said,"જેક સ્મિથ જણાવ્યું હતું કે. “She was professionally successful and had everything going for her in life. It is a true tragedy what happened to her and all of the other shooting victims in Las Vegas. Baltimore Boxing’s fans have done a great job of getting behind the causes we support and we hope everybody is able to come out on the 26th to help raise money for the Frost family.”
ટિકિટો $40 are available by going to or calling 410-375-9175. અંતે ઓપન દરવાજા 6:30 and the first fight is scheduled for 8:30.

એક જવાબ છોડો