All posts by FNU47


LOS ANGELES Bellator MMA is proud to announce that undefeated Valerie Loureda (3-0) will continue to compete inside the Bellator cage after signing an exclusive multi-year, multi-fight extension to remain with the ViacomCBS-owned promotion.

“I am pleased to have re-signed with Bellator,” Loureda said. "Beti esan dudan bezala, I am here to show the world the true martial artist that I am and chase the flyweight belt. I was born for this, I am a natural born fighter.”

Undefeated to start her mixed martial arts career, a run that has been spent entirely with Bellator, the 22-year-old Loureda has immediately made a mark on the flyweight division by emphatically winning all three of her fights. A 4th dan taekwando black belt who was a former member of the U.S. Olympic team, “Master” Loureda is a proud Miami resident who spends a great deal of her time training at American Top Team. Azkenaldian, Loureda made her 2020 debut inside Bellator’s “FightSphere” at Warrior 243, stopping Tara Graff in the second round, a finish that garnered worldwide media attention and that earned over 11 million views through Bellator’s social media platforms.

Re-live Valerie Loureda’s emphatic stoppage victory from Warrior 243 hemen.

Loureda competes in Bellator MMA’s flyweight division, a weight class currently championed by ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane and includes other top athletes the likes of Liz Carmouche, Juliana Velasquez, Alejandra Lara, Denise Kielholtz, Malin Hermansson, besteen artean.

Please visit informazio osagarria.

Garaitu gabeko super pisu ertaineko aurreikuspenak Juan Barajas & Jose Resendiz Headlining RJJ Boxing Promotions txartela



LAS VEGAS (Abuztua 11, 2020) - Garaitu gabeko super pisu ertaineko irtenbideakJuan "Just Business" Barajas (11-0, 7 Kos) etaJose “Toro” Resendiz (11-0, 8 Kos) titular Abuztua 27garren RJJ Boxeo UFC FIGHT PASS-en® gertaera, Honela hasten 10:30 p.m. ETA / 7:30 p.m. PT, Marinaterra hoteletik & Bainuetxea San Karlosen, Sonora, Mexiko.

RJJ Boxing-en lehen ikuskizuna urtarrilaz geroztik 30garren Toppenisheko Yakima Legends kasinoan, Washington, ekitaldi hau baino bi gau lehenago ospatuko da, Abu. 25garren toki berean, garaitu gabeko kanporaketa mexikarraren espezialista buruSantiago "Somer" Dominguez (21-0, 16 Kos) aurkaJose Rosario Cazarez (20-5-1, 10 Kos), streaming zuzenean UFC FIGHT PASS-en ere.

Barajas, Victorville CA-tik borrokan, pisu ertaineko altu altu samarra da, 6 '4 "zutik 80" irismen abantailatsuarekin, nor bere etxean sentitu beharko litzateke borrokan 8garren denbora Mexikon. Barajasek bere adierazpen garaipena erregistratu zuen, gaur arte, atzera maiatzean 2019, 18-4-3ren aurka 10 txandako gehiengoaren erabakia irabazi zueneanLanell hauspoa Menfisen. UFC FIGHT PASS debutean duela urtebete, Barajasek 8 txandako aho bateko erabakiaren aurka irabazi zuen 20-7-1 Fidel Hernandez Tucsonen, THE.

Gogaituta dagoen Resendiz, aukera bikain hau aprobetxatzea espero duena, 8 borrokako kanporaketa jokatzen ari da garaitu gabeko irtenbideen borroka honetara.

Beste power puncher bat, Mexikoko arinaLuis "Sparring" Gallegos (16-0, 15 Kos) Mexikoko lagunen kalitatezko aurkariari aurre egiteko garaian gora egiten duOscar "Terrible" Flores (12, 12 Kos) 8 txandan, ekitaldi paregabea. Borroka honek ez du urruntzen asmatzen, bi borrokalari mexikarrek baitute 27 kanporaketa konbinatuak 28 garaipen. 15 egiteko 16 (Gallegos) eta 12 12 (Flowers).  Gallegos, 22, Mexikoko 14 aldiz txapeldun nazionala izan zen, eta ezin izan zuen Mexikoko Boxeo Olinpikoko Taldera sailkatu zoritxarreko lesioa zela eta.

Izar gorakorraLester Martinez (4-0, 4 Kos) aurpegiakAbraham "Pan" Hernandez (8-2, 4 Kos), Mexikoko, sei txandan borroka arin batean. Lehengo urtean, Martinezek bere debuta profesionalean egin zuen etxean Guatemala Hirian, oso baldintza arraroetan, 3 aldiz hartzen, 2-zatiketaRicardo "Matador" Mayorga (32-11-1, 26 Kos), Martinezek bigarren itzulian gelditu zuenetik berriro borrokatu ez duena. 24 urteko Martinez, boxeolari afizionatu nabarmena zen, bere aurretik munduko txapeldun izateko misioan dago 10garren pro borroka.

Garaitu gabeko Colorado welter pisuaJose Arellano (8-0, 5 Kos), Mexikokoa, cumpleFlavio Cesar Santos (6-1) 6 txandetako partida batean UFC FIGHT PASS streaming zuzenean irekitzen den partida batean.

Gainera, txartelean borrokatzeko programatuta dago, UFC-tik kanpoko borroka borroka, Phoenix-en estreinakoaren arina daJose Miguel Valenzuela bere aurkari mexikarraren aurka, Guillermo “El Gratano” Borboa (1-2-1, 1 KO), 4 txandan egindako borrokan. Gutxienez txartel gutxiko beste borroka batzuk iragarriko dira.

Txartela aldatu egin daiteke.

UFC FIGHT PASS-en izena emateko, mesedez, edo deskargatu UFC aplikazioa.



Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass

ROY JONES JR, BOXEAREN SUSTAPENAK: Urtean sortua 2013 Roy Jones munduko 10 aldiz txapeldunaren eskutik, Jr.. eta Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr.. (RJJ) Boxeo Promozioak boxeoa berrasmatzeko bidean da.  RJJ-k dagoeneko eragin handia izan du boxeo komunitatean urte gutxian.  UFC Fight Pass-erako eduki pozgarria sortzen, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN eta beIN Sports herrialde osoko leku onenetako batzuetan, RJJk frogatu du kirolaren zientzia gozoa konkistatzen ari dela.

Munduko borroka hiriburuan oinarritua, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxeo Promozioak erritmo bizian gailurrera igotzen ari da, talentu gaztea bere hazkunde egonkorrari gehituz: NABF super euli pisuko txapelduna, WBC #16, WBA #14 eta IBF #7 Jade Bornea (15, 10 Kos), bi aldiz munduko tituluaren erronka WBO #11 pisu galanta Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 Kos), Kendo Castaneda pisu welterreko NABA txapeldun ohia,  John Vera behin-behineko Munduko Erdi Mailako tituluaren erronka ohia (19-1 (1 KO), garaitu gabeko Connor Coyle pisu ertaineko prospektiba (12-0, 5 Kos), garaitu gabeko Juan Barajas super pisu ertaineko prospektiba (11-0, 7 Kos) eta WBC World Youth pisu handiko Alexander Flores ohia (18-2-1, 16 Kos).  

UFC FIGHT PASS BURUZ®UFC BORROKA PASS® borroka kiroletarako munduko harpidetza digitaleko zerbitzu nagusia da. Urtean abiarazi zenetik 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS orain baino gehiagotan eskuragarri dago 200 herrialdeak eta lurraldeak. UFC FIGHT PASSek bere kideei sarbide mugagabea eskaintzen die UFC FIGHT PASS zuzeneko aurrekariak ikusteko; mundu osoko borroka arte mistoak eta borroka kirolak bizi; serie originala eta programazio historikoa; ezaugarri bereziak; atzean dagoen edukia; elkarrizketa sakonak; eta borroka kirolen munduari buruzko minutuko erreportajeak. UFC FIGHT PASS harpidedunek ere badute 24/7 sarbidea munduko borroka liburutegi handienera, baino gehiago agertzen da 20,000 dozenaka borroka erakunderen borrokak, baita UFC historiako borroka guztiak ere. Fight zaleek UFC FIGHT PASS sar dezakete ordenagailu pertsonaletan, iOS eta Android gailu mugikorrak, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire telebista, Chromecast, Urtea, Samsung telebista adimendunak, LG telebista adimendunak, eta Sony telebistak Android TVrekin. Informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez 

Newest MMA promotion Ikon fighting federation to launch september 24 in mississippi

Streaming Live and Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS® 

LAS VEGAS (Abuztua 10, 2020) – Veteran combat sports promoterKeith Veltre has announced the debut of MMA’s newest promotional company, iKON Fighting Federation (iKON), September 24 at Biloxi Civic Center in Biloxi, Mississippi.

All iKON events, held in association with Roy Jones, Jr.. (RJJ) Boxeo Promozioak, will be streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports.

Veltre, who also announced the hiring ofDean Toole as iKON’s matchmaker, is the CEO and co-founder of RJJ Boxing Promotions and Kinektic submission grappling, both streaming events exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“I have always lived by the motto, when businesses are downsizing during tough times, I either acquire or expand,” Veltre said. “I take advantage of times like this to rollout new adventures and MMA has always been in my game plan. I have always attached myself to a great team and bringing in Dean Toole as lead matchmaker was a no brainer, and I promise Ikon will deliver fireworks. I am thankful to have a great broadcast partner, UFC BORROKA PASS, and we’re excited to launch our first Ikon event with UFC FIGHT PASS on September 24garren."

Toole added, “Being the founder and CEO of Island Fights, on UFC FIGHT PASS, it sometimes gets overlooked that I’m also the matchmaker for all of our professional events. I couldn’t be happier for this opportunity to continue doing what I’m best at and matchmake fights for iKON Fighting Federation.

“I had the privilege of being hired by Keith Veltre and UFC FIGHT PASS in December for the Quinet Ultra event and I think they liked working with me and my staff. I hope we made a good impression. I’m very excited to get started and do what we do best and that’s get these athletes to UFC.”

Full details and matchups will soon be announced.

UFC FIGHT PASS-en izena emateko, mesedez edo deskargatu UFC aplikazioa.


Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Twitter: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

UFC FIGHT PASS BURUZ®UFC BORROKA PASS® borroka kiroletarako munduko harpidetza digitaleko zerbitzu nagusia da. Urtean abiarazi zenetik 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS orain baino gehiagotan eskuragarri dago 200 herrialdeak eta lurraldeak. UFC FIGHT PASSek bere kideei sarbide mugagabea eskaintzen die UFC FIGHT PASS zuzeneko aurrekariak ikusteko; mundu osoko borroka arte mistoak eta borroka kirolak bizi; serie originala eta programazio historikoa; ezaugarri bereziak; atzean dagoen edukia; elkarrizketa sakonak; eta borroka kirolen munduari buruzko minutuko erreportajeak. UFC FIGHT PASS harpidedunek ere badute 24/7 sarbidea munduko borroka liburutegi handienera, baino gehiago agertzen da 20,000 dozenaka borroka erakunderen borrokak, baita UFC historiako borroka guztiak ere. Fight zaleek UFC FIGHT PASS sar dezakete ordenagailu pertsonaletan, iOS eta Android gailu mugikorrak, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire telebista, Chromecast, Urtea, Samsung telebista adimendunak, LG telebista adimendunak, eta Sony telebistak Android TVrekin. Informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez


Unified Welterweight Champion Errol Spence, Jr.. Battles Two-Division Champion Danny Garcia in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Showdown To Highlight Exciting Slate of Shows 

LOS ANGELES (Abuztua 8, 2020) – FOX Sports and Premier Boxing Champions announced today an exciting slate of boxing shows that will include action in some of the sportshottest divisions and is highlighted by the highly anticipated showdown between unified welterweight champion Errol “Egiaren” Spence, Jr.. eta bi zatiketa txapeldun Danny “Swift” Garcia headlining the first in a series of FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-Views on Saturday, Azaroa 21.

The FOX PBC Fight Night return schedule kicked off tonight with JamalShangoJames taking on Thomas Dulorme for the WBA Interim Welterweight title from AEG’s Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. The schedule includes six events that will be broadcast on FOX, one FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View and 11 shows on FS1, running from August 8 through the end of the year. Initially the live events will be held without fans in attendance at the Microsoft Theater at L.A. Los Angelesen bizi.

The PBC back on FOX Sports is what we’ve all been working towards,” said Bill Wanger, Exekutiboa presidenteordea, Head of Programming and Scheduling, FOX Sports. “We’re looking forward to showcasing some of the top boxers in the sport on FOX, FS1, FOX Deportes and PPV throughout the rest of the year.

See below for the FOX, FOX Deportes and FOX PPV Schedule for the remainder of 2020.



Jamal James vs. Thomas Dulorme – Interim WBA Welterweight Title

David Morrell Jr. vs. Lennox Allen – Interim WBA Super Middleweight Title

Omar Juarez vs. Willie ShawSuper Lightweight Special Attraction

Top welterweight contender JamalShango” James (26-1, 12 Kos) meets Thomas Dulorme (25-3-1, 16 Kos) for the Interim WBA Welterweight Title headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. James of Minneapolis has battled his way through a string of tough opponents to get to the threshold of a welterweight championship and will have to defeat Dulorme of Puerto Rico to take that last big step. In just his third pro fight, David Morrell (2-0, 2 Kos), who had an outstanding amateur career in the Cuban system, will meet Lennox Allen (22-0-1, 14 Kos) of Brooklyn for the Interim WBA Super Middleweight championship in the co-feature. Exciting super lightweight prospect Omar Juarez (7-0, 4 Kos) clashes with Oakland’s Willie Shaw (12-1, 8 Kos).


Shawn Porter vs Sebastian FormellaWBC/IBF Welterweight Title Eliminator

Sebastian Fundora vs. Nathaniel GALLIMORE – Super Welterweight Co-Main Event

Joey Spencer in a Six-Round Super Welterweight Special Attraction

Two-time welterweight champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter (30-3-1, 17 Kos) will take on Germany’s Sebastian Formella (22-0, 10 Kos) in a WBC/IBF eliminator headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. Higadura, who was born in Akron, Ohio and lives in Las Vegas, Datozen da off bat 2019 Fight of the Year contender against Errol Spence, Jr., where he dropped a narrow split decision for the WBC and IBF titles. The undefeated Formella of Lauenburg, Germany will be making his U.S. debut. In the co-feature undefeated super welterweight sensation SebastianThe Towering InfernoFundora (14-0-1, 9 Kos) takes on Nathaniel Gallimore (21-4-1, 17 Kos) in a major step up fight. Sensational super welterweight prospect Joey Spencer (10-0, 7 Kos) will also appear on the card in a six-round special attraction.


Erislandy Lara vs. Greg Vendetti – WBA Super Welterweight Title

Alfredo Angulo vs. Caleb Truax – IBF Super Middleweight Title Eliminator

Former super welterweight champion Erislandy “American Dream” Lara (26-3-3, 15 Kos) battles Greg Vendetti (22-3-1, 12 Kos) for the WBA Super Welterweight Title headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. Lara, a former Cuban amateur standout, has fought all of the top 154-pound boxers in the sport, including Saul “Canelo” Alvarez. Vendetti of Stoneham, Mass., will be looking to earn his first world championship. The co-feature will see battle-tested veteran Alfredo Angulo (26-7, 21 Kos) take on former super middleweight champion Caleb Truax (31-4-2, 19 Kos) in a 168-pound title eliminator. A special six-round attraction will also be announced for the broadcast.


Yordenis Ugas vs. Abel Ramos – WBA Welterweight Title

Rances Barthelemy vs. Alberto PuelloInterim WBA Super Lightweight Title

Jesus Ramos in an Eight-Round Super Lightweight Special Attraction

Top welterweight contender Yordenis Ugas (25-4, 12 Kos) takes on Abel Ramos (26-3-2, 20 Kos) for the WBA Welterweight Title headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. Ugas, who was born in Cuba but now lives and trains in Las Vegas, has been one of the most active welterweights in the sport the last three years and will look to capture a welterweight title in his second attempt. The only man standing in his way is Ramos, who scored a stunning victory with a TKO stoppage that came with one second left in his fight against Bryant Perrella on FOX in February. Co-Ezaugarri In, former two-division champion and super lightweight contender Rances Barthelemy (27-1, 14 Kos) clashes with unbeaten Alberto Puello (17-0, 9 Kos) for the WBA Super Lightweight Interim title. Hard-sakatuz, undefeated prospect Jesus Ramos (12-0, 11 Kos) will also appear in an eight-round super lightweight special attraction.







Errol Spence, Jr.. vs. Danny Garcia – WBC & IBF Welterweight World Titles

Undefeated unified welterweight world champion Errol “Egiaren” Spence, Jr.. (26-0, 21 Kos) returns to defend his titles against two-division world champion Danny “Swift” Garcia (36-2, 21 Kos) in one of the most anticipated boxing matches of the year headlining a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT. Spence of Desoto, Texas will be entering the ring for the first time since being involved in a horrendous single-car accident where he was thrown from the vehicle before it crashed in Dallas last October. Philadelphia’s Garcia, a former unified super lightweight champion and a welterweight champion, aims to reclaim the WBC title he lost in a disputed decision to Shawn Porter and also pick up the IBF belt



The FS1 broadcast begins at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT after the FOX PBC Fight Night broadcast and features welterweightMykal Fox (22-1, 5 Kos) hartzea Lucas Santamaría (10-1-1, 7 Kos) in a 10-round fight, sensational 18-year-old prospectVito Mielnicki Jr.(5-0, 3 Kos) borrokalariChris Rollins (3-1, 2 Kos) sei-biribilak super welterweight bout batean, and in an eight-round clash of unbeaten heavyweight prospectsLuis Peña (6-0, 6 Kos) aurpegiakMichael Coffie (9-0, 6 Kos) to kick off the action.


The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT following FOX PBC Fight Night.


The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT preceding FOX PBC Fight Night.


The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT preceding FOX PBC Fight Night.










The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT preceding FOX Sports PBC PPV.




The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT preceding FOX PBC Fight Night.




LOS ANGELES– On Friday, August 21, Bellator’s “FightSphere” atMOHEGAN eguzkia Arena Uncasville, Conn. will host a light heavyweight world title main event bout featuring two-division Bellator champRyan Bader (27-5, 1 NC) defending his 205-pound championship against Russia’sVadim Nemkov (11-2).

The evening’s co-main event sees fomer world championJulia Budd (13-3) take on Connecticut’sJessy Miele (9-3) in a featherweight clash.

Warrior 244: Bader vs.. Nemkovairs live onParamount Network etaDAZN Ostirala, Abuztua 21 at 10 p.m. ETA / 21:00. CT. Preliminary action will stream onBellator MMA’s YouTube channel. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming days.

A winner of seven out of eight contests at both heavyweight and light heavyweight, Bellator’s double champ Ryan Bader will make his first light heavyweight title defense since defeating “King Mo” LawalMatt Mitrione etaFedor Emelianenkoen route to winning Bellator’s 2018 Heavyweight World Grand Prix and becoming world heavyweight champ. Fighting out of Chandler, Ariz., the former two-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler out of Arizona State University began his professional career by winning season eight ofUltimate Fighter. “Darth” continued his path of dominance by collecting victories over some of the 205-pound division’s top talent, including career wins overPhil Davis(x2), Linton Vassell, “Rampage” Jackson, Rashad Evans, Rafael “Feijão” Cavalcante and Ovince Saint Preux. Azkenaldian, Bader fought heavyweightCheick Kongo to a no contest following an accidental eye poke.

The 28-year-old Russian powerhouse Vadim Nemkov, who is undefeated over his last six fights and a perfect 4-0 in Bellator since signing in 2017, will enter his first-ever title shot in MMA fresh off a submission win against former middleweight world championRafael Carvalho. With that victory, Nemkov has defeated some of the best athletes Bellator has to offer, including three former champions consecutively in CarvalhoPhil Davis etaLiam McGeary. A three-time Russian national sambo championNemkov trains alongside the legendary Fedor Emelianenko in Stary Oskol, Russia for the standout Team Fedor.

Former Bellator featherweight world champion Julia Budd has won 11 of her last 12 muturretan, including seven victories since signing with Bellator in 2015. After defeating Dutch legend Marloes Coenen for the inaugural Bellator women’s featherweight world title atWarrior 174, the Gibson MMA-product and Port Moody, British Columbia native has gone on to collect victories over top contendersOlga RubinArlene Blencowe etaTalita Nogueira. With seven of her 13 career victories coming by way of knockout or submission, “The Jewel” will look to jump back into title contention with a statement win on August 21.

With an impressive career mark of 9-3, Jessy Miele will look to parlay her most recent win over former Bellator title contenderTalita Nogueirawhen she competes atBellator 244.Hailing from Waterbury, Conn. the 35-year-old is currently in the midst of a four-fight unbeaten streak and was slated to compete againstLeslie Smith atBellator 241before it was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. Profesionalki borroka geroztik 2014, and competing against the likes of Nogueira and Charmaine Tweet along the way, “The Widowmaker” will undoubtedly face the stiffest test of her nearly six year-career when she meets Budd on August. 21.

EguneratuaWarrior 244: Bader vs.. NemkovTxartel nagusia:

Paramount Network and DAZN

10 p.m. ETA / 21:00. CT

Light Heavyweight World Title BoutRyan Bader (27-5, 1 NC) vs.Vadim Nemkov(11-2)

Luma Pisuko Ko-Ekitaldi Nagusia: Julia Budd(13-3) vs.Jessy Miele(9-3)

Heavyweight Feature BoutRoy Nelson(23-19) vs.Valentin Moldavsky(9-1)

Updated Preliminary Card:

Bellator MMA’s YouTube Channel

Pisu ertaineko aurrez aurrekoa: John Salter(17-4) vs.Andrew Kapel(15-6)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Adam Piccolot(12-3) vs.Sidney Outlaw(14-4)

Pisu galantak aurrez aurre: Erik Perez(19-7) vs.Joshua Hill(19-3)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Lucas Brennan (2-0) vs.Will Smith (3-1)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Vladimir Tokov(7-0) vs.Chris Gonzalez(4-0)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Lance Gibson Jr.(3-0) vs.Shane Kruchten(12-5)

*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke.

Please informazio osagarria.


SFT MMA And Xtreme’s american debut august 13 in miami

“SFT 23 VR: Jeffrey vs. Assis”

Streaming live & exclusively onFITE.TV pay per view

MIAMI (Abu. 6, 2020) — The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically altered plans in combat sports, particularly for Brazil-based SFT MMA & Xtreme (Standout Fighting Tournament), which planned to make its American debut last June at Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood, Florida. Its long-awaited American debut will finally take place on Thursday, Abuztua 13, with “SFT 23 VR: Jeffrey vs. Assis”, in a closed show at Wynwood Studios in Miami, Florida.

“SFT 23 VR: Jeffrey vs. Assis” will be streamed live and exclusively worldwide on pay per view via the FITE app and website (, Honela hasten 7 p.m. EDT / 4 p.m. PDT, for $14.95. It’ll also be taped live and air at future dates on regional television throughout the U.S. on United Fight Alliance (UFA), as well as on Brazilian television.

Only fighters and one corner person each, a skeleton staff including television production crew, officials, and commission members will be allowed onsite. No fans, media, or ring-card girls. SFT will provide masks and be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and encouraging everyone to follow all COVID-19 recommendations. Everybody will be tested for COVID-19 the day prior to the weigh in, at the weight in, and during the day of the event.

“Our plan was for SFT MMA & Xtreme to have a circuit, starting in Brazil, and then promoting shows in the United States and Mexico,” SFT president David Hudson esan. “The Coronavirus changed everything. Our show last Saturday night in Sao Paulo, Brasilen, was canceled after we had the weigh in, but we wanted to do the right thing and paid everybody involved.

“We can’t wait for U.S. fans to watch our product to understand what they’ve been missing. SFT gives fans what they want: lehiakorra, action-packed fights in a completely different form of entertainment. We’re having our August 13garren show in Miami because we want to increase awareness, particularly in the United States, of our unique product of combat sports entertainment. Our shows are regularly broadcast on one of the five national television networks in Brazil. We have five of the top seven pound-4-pound MMA fighters in Brazil and we want to bring some U.S. talent to fight in Brazil. Two fighters from this show will be given a chance to fight in Brazil and then, hopefully, at the Seminole Hard Rock later this year.”

The main event pits Canadian middleweightAaron Jeffrey (7-2-0, (SFT: 0-0-0) against BrazilianBruno “Brunao” Assis (9-4-0, SFT: 0-0-0) in their SFT MMA debuts. Styles make fights and Jeffrey, No. 1 rated middleweight in the Province of Ontario, will be looking for his sixth knockout, while Assis, No. 1-rated fighter in the State of Minas, has his sights set on his seventh submission finish.

American lightweightFrank “The Praying Mantis” Buenafuente (10-4-0, SFT: 0-0-0), fighting out of Garfield, New Jersey, takes on Mexico’s No. 4-puntuatutakoakDaniel “Danger” Vega (12-3-0, SFT: 1-0-0) in the co-featured event. Buenafuente, who has a strong wrestling background, will be making his SFT MMA debut. Vega defeatedFabio Gasolina at “SFT 12” held in Mexico.

An SFT Xtreme (striking & kicking with 4-ounce gloves, no ground fighting) match will showcase Brazilian-native kickboxing legendMaycon Oller, who now fights out of Tustin, California, against World kickboxing championJadar Alves, Brasilgo, in what promises to be a sensational showdown.

A grappling match will be on tap as well, pitting two of Brazil’s leading middleweightsMarkus “Maluco” Perezaurka Luis “Buscape” Firmino.

The opening bout on the main card finds American lightweightsJornel “A1” Lugo(3-0-0, SFT: 0-0-0) etaContavious Romious (4-0-0, SFT: 0-0-0) in a well-matched battle of two undefeated prospects.

The preliminary card offers strong support. BrazilianRegivaldo “Handstone” Carvahlo (5-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0) faces AmericanRaymond “Godson” Ramos (5-4-0, SFT: 0-0-0) fighting at a 140-pound catchweight in SFT debuts for both fighters, and two other SFT debut fighters, BrasilgoLucas Alexandre (0-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0) and his American opponentShawn Brown (2-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0), square-off in a featherweight fight.

Also fighting on the preliminary card are Puerto Rican lightweightsOrlando Santana (2-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0) etaJames Hay(2-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0), American light heavyweightsJoshua DaSiveira (1-0-0, SFT 0-0-0) and pro-debutingCody Rolling, and American bantamweightsSal Guerriero (1-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0) versusJohn “The Baptist” Birdson (0-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0). 

The card is subject to change.

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Undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World Champion David Benavídez Defends Title Against Former Title Challenger Alexis Angulo Headlining Premier Boxing Champions Event Saturday, Abuztua 15 Live SHOWTIME on

Rising Contender Rolando Romero Takes on Fellow Unbeaten Jackson Maríñez for WBA Interim Lightweight Title


Heavyweights Go Toe-to-Toe as Otto Wallin Battles Travis Kauffman

On Telecast Beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

NEW YORK– Abuztua 5, 2020 – Undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World ChampionDavid “El Bandera Roja” Benavídezbere titulua defendatuko du antzinako munduko titulua Challenger aurkaAlexis Anguloin a Premier Boxing Champions event Saturday, August 15 live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecast hasten da 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features rising lightweightRolando “Rolly” Romeroikaskide unbeaten hartuJackson Maríñezin a 12-round battle for the interim WBA Lightweight Title, while heavyweight contendersOtto WallinetaTravis Kauffmansquare off in a 10-round showdown.

“David Benavídez will look to keep his perfect record intact, continue to display his superstar potential and further cement his positioning in the stacked 168-pound division,” esan zuen Tom Brownek, TGB Promozioak lehendakaria. “As an undefeated world champ, Benavídez can expect a strong challenge from Alexis Angulo, which should create an action-packed main event on SHOWTIME. Combined with a battle of hungry unbeaten lightweights in ‘Rolly’ Romero and Jackson Maríñez, plus a heavyweight slugfest between Otto Wallin and Travis Kauffman, this shapes up to be another can’t miss night of high-stakes action.”

“It’s going to be great to be in the corner of David ‘El Bandera Roja’ Benavídez on fight night,” said Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing, who is recovering from a recent surgery. “I feel so good and so strong and I truly can’t wait to be there to support the youngest super middleweight champion in history.”

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing. The Romero vs. Maríñez bout is co-promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

The 23-year-old Benavídez (22-0, 19 Kos) defends his belt after defeating two-time super middleweight champion Anthony Dirrell in September, stopping him in nine rounds. Benavidez is trained by his father José Sr., alongside his brother and former title challenger, José Jr. In 2017, he became the youngest super middleweight champion in boxing history by defeating Ronald Gavril on SHOWTIME at just 20 urte zaharra. Representing his native Phoenix, Ariz. Benavídez went from a 15-year-old prodigy sparring with Gennady Golovkin and Peter Quillin, to world title contender with a 10-fight knockout streak from 2015 bidez 2017, including a highlight-reel knockout of Rogelio Medina with a seven-punch combination that earned him his first championship fight.

“It’s been almost a year since the last time I fought, so I’m very eager to get back in the ring and give the fans a great fight,” said Benavídez. “Training camp has been amazing. Zorionez, my dad opened his own gym just before the pandemic, so we’ve had private training and been able to safely bring in sparring partners to help me work. I’m facing a very tricky and rugged fighter, so I’m taking him very seriously. I feel like I can take advantage of some openings in his defense and look for the knockout like I do every fight.”

Born in El Bordo, Colombia and now fighting out of Miami, Fla., Angulo (26-1, 22 Kos) enters his second world title opportunity on a three-fight winning streak, including two triumphs over previously unbeaten fighters. Angulo stopped Reinaldo Gonzalez in 2018 in his first fight since losing a decision to then-super middleweight champion Gilberto Ramirez earlier that year. He scored a decision victory this January over Anthony Sims Jr. to put himself in position to again challenge the best in the division.

“I’m ready for anything that happens in the ring on August 15,” said Angulo. “This is going to be a great fight for the fans because of the style I bring to the ring. Benavidez is a strong champion, but my style will be too much for him and I will have my hand raised on fight night.”

Las Vegas kanpo Fighting, Nev., Romero(11-0, 10 Kos) added three knockout victories to his tally in 2019 before his 2020 debut saw him stop previously unbeaten Arturs Ahmetovs in February. A fast-rising prospect in the Mayweather Promotions stable, the 24-year-old is ranked No. 10 by the WBA and will look to extend his six-fight knockout streak on August 15.

It feels great to return to the ring and to be fighting for such a great opportunity,", Esan Romero. “This has been the best camp of my career, and I’ll just say this, if a pandemic is holding you back from training, then you don’t want it bad enough. I already believe I should be here with the top guys, but the world will actually get to see that I am who I say I am. I’m confident in my abilities as a fighter and I have the best in the business, Floyd Mayweather, behind me. I think this fight will end fairly quickly, but you will get to see the growth in me as a fighter. This is another fight that will further prove I’m here to stay. Sign up for KO’s!”

“This is a big step up for Rolando, and he’s been waiting for the opportunity to showcase his talent,” said Leonard Ellerbe, Mayweather Promozioak zuzendari nagusia. “He has a big test ahead to prove himself. This is going to be another one that you don’t want to miss, so tune-in to SHOWTIME on Saturday, August 15.”

The 29-year-old Maríñez (19-0, 7 Kos) holds the WBA’s No. 6 sailkapena, which he earned with victories over Rolando Giono and Kenin Betancourt while picking up eight wins between 2018 eta 2019. Representing his native Santo Domingo, Dominikar Errepublika, Maríñez was successful in his U.S. debut in December of last year, stopping Yardley Armenta Cruz in two rounds.

“I’ve had a great training camp for this fight,” said Maríñez. “I’ve been sparring with Vergil Ortiz and Jose Ramirez, plus other fighters in Robert Garcia’s gym, and it’s gotten me ready to step into the ring. I know that Romero is a tough and durable fighter, so it won’t be easy, but I’m going to do anything I can to bring the title back home.”

Wallin (20-1, 13 Kos) will return to the ring for the first time since he nearly defeated Tyson Fury in September 2019, when he opened up a gruesome cut over Fury’s right eye with a legal punch that nearly halted the fight. While the 29-year-old lost a decision, he proved his mettle as a potential future heavyweight champion. Representing his native Sundsvall, Suedian, Wallin trains in New York with former champion Joey Gamache.

“I’m very happy to finally be back in the ring,” said Wallin. “It’s been a long and crazy year in many ways and it feels great to be getting ready to step back into the ring. I’ve been training steady since the Fury fight and I feel like I’ve developed my game in a lot of ways. Kauffman is a tough veteran that can both come forward or box if he wants to. He’s a fan friendly fighter and I have to be ready at all times. We have a great game plan as always and I’m in excellent shape. I know I have all the tools to beat Kauffman.”

A veteran of the heavyweight landscape, Kauffman (32-3, 23 Kos) owns a ledger that includes challenges of top heavyweights including Luis Ortiz, Chris Arreola and Amir Mansour, besteen artean. The Reading, Pennsylvania native lost his most recent bout to Ortiz, following a 2018 triumph over Scott Alexander.

“This is my first training camp in seven years without Brother Naazim Richardson, but I know that he wouldn’t want me to leave camp and he’d want me to stay focused,” said Kauffman. “Having him pass away while I was in camp was one of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with, but there’s adversity in every camp I’ve had. I wouldn’t feel right if there wasn’t adversity to overcome. Nire aita, Marshall, stepped back in as my head trainer. We know we’re facing a young, hungry fighter, but I have more experience than him and I don’t think he can last 10 rounds with me when I’m at 100% like I’ll be on August 15.”

Additional non-televised action will include super middleweight contenderAlantez Fox(26-2-1, 12 Kos) battling Ghana’sHabib Ahmed(27-1-1, 18 Kos) in an eight-round attraction.

#          #          #

Informazio, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing jarraitu, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook

Undefeated super middleweight prospect “The Amazing” Shawn McCalman Latest to join Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker

BOSTON (Abuztua 4, 2020) – Another promising prospect has been added to Ryan Roach’s growing Fighter Locker stable“The Amazing” Shawn McCalman(4-0, 2 Kos), a super middleweight out of Aurora, Colorado.

“I had a great conversation with Ryan when (his co-head coach and former world championVernon Phillips introduced us,” McCalman spoke about signing a managerial contract with Fighter Locker. “We met and he was someone who genuinely cares about his fighters. He made a point that his fighters are like family to him. I’ve seen in the short time I’ve known him that he puts his fighters in position to succeed. Honestly, I think that’s rare in boxing, and I really appreciate that about Ryan.”

“Shawn and I had a great conversation and we clicked right away,” Roach commented. “ It made sense for the two of us. It’s always exciting for me getting a new fighter and Shawn really has it all. He’s fast and strong and has been in camps with world-class boxers. This is a great opportunity. I’m looking forward to Shawn showcasing his skills and climbing the ranks.”

Colorado-native McCalman, who had a 65-7 Erregistro amateur, was a 3-time Colorado State Golden Gloves champion, as well as a 3-time regional winner. The 26-year-old McCalman made his pro debut September 22, 2018, denean postuan amaitu zuenJake Featherman in the opening round. He has since defeated, in orderIsaiah William Reyez (WTKO2), Damarian Kelly (WDEC4) and 5-2Lorawnt Nelson (WDEC6) in his most recent fight this past January.

Former World championTony Harrison has used McCalman has his chief sparring partner, including his World Boxing Council (WBC) World super welterweight-winning performance in 2018 of defending champion previously undefeated (31-0) Jermell Charlo.  

“The Roach name is well respected in the boxing sphere and the opportunity presented itself to bind our legacy was too good to pass up,” McCalman noted. “I’m a young, Goseak, talented diamond in the rough. Ryan taking a chance means a lot and I think the two of use together will accomplish great things. Once this train gets going there’s no stopping it. So, jump aboard now… stop world championship level!"

McCalman joins Fighter Locker’s growing stable that includes a talented Ukrainian trio of North American Boxing Association (Era) super welterweight title holderStanyslav Skofokhod (19-2, 16 Kos), word-rated welterweightKaren Chukhadzhian (16-1, 7 Kos) eta super arinZoravor Petrosyan (7-0, 3 Kos).  Other Fighter Locker stablemates include Dominican welterweightJuan Carlos “Merengue” Abreu (23-5-1, 21 Kos), the former IBF Youth World super lightweight champion; Lynn, MA super welterweightKhiry Todd (10-1, 8 Kos),Dorchester, MA welterweightGabriel Duluc (15-3, 4 Kos), Troy, NY super lightweightRayJay Bermudez, Toronto, Canada welterweightJeff “The Trouble 1” Tabrizi (8-3, 7 Kos), New Haven, CT super welterweightJimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (16-3-2, 5 Kos), super featherweight Jesus Vasquez, Jr., plus Irish National championPaul Ryan, who will fight as a welterweight in the pro ranks, eta U.S. Army super bantamweightDaniel Bailey, Jr..  The latter two will make their pro debuts when boxing returns in full.



FACEBOOK:  /fighterlocker

TWITTER:  @RoachRyan

INSTAGRAM: @RyanRoach82


LOS ANGELES – Bellator MMA and Pluto TV, ViacomCBS companies, today announced that they have partnered to launch an exclusive channel on Pluto TV with iconic, action-packed past matches showcasing legendary talent and champions all from Bellator’s extensive library of content. The Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV officially launched today with nonstop, adrenaline-rich entertainment and can be found in the “Sports” category on the leading, free streaming television service in the US.

The Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV will debut with more than 500 fights from Bellator’s vast collection of past events. Fans will see historic bouts featuring current world champions Ryan Bader,Douglas Lima, Patricio “Pitbull” eta ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane, as well as other iconic names and top talent in the sport, Barne Fedor Emelianenko, Michael Chandler, Gegard Mousasi,Quinton "Ilusioz" Jackson, A.J. McKee, Benson Henderson, Jake Hager, Michael "Venom" Page eta Chael Sonnen.

The Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV can be accessed directly by clicking here:

“I am excited for the launch of the Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV that will feature unlimited access to our extensive content library,"Esan Bellator presidente Scott Coker. “This is a great way to increase the promotion’s visibility across additional ViacomCBS platforms, while giving our fans the opportunity to relive these incredible moments from inside the Bellator cage.”

“We are excited to welcome a renowned and respected mixed martial arts organization like Bellator MMA to Pluto TV. Being a part of the ViacomCBS organization affords us unique access to a coveted portfolio of premium brands and properties with built-in fanbases, like Bellator, that further differentiates the types of programming we can stream on Pluto TV,” states Amy Kuessner, SVP of Content Strategy & Global Partnerships at Pluto TV. “The launch of Bellator MMA as an exclusive channel on Pluto TV brings free and easy access to millions of new and existing fans, with premium content that is guaranteed to really pack a punch.”

Pluto TV offers hundreds of channels and thousands of movies and television series on-demand to a domestic audience of over 24 million users. Baino gehiago 100,000 hours of premium content available on the platform, Pluto TV is available across all major mobile, connected TV and web-based devices and has a global footprint spanning three continents across 22 Herrialde.

Please visit eta informazio osagarria.


Two Sensational Female Fights Feature on LET BATTLE COMMENCE II Live on FITE TV August 15th

Promoter Lee Mcallister announced earlier that there will be two female contests on the upcoming LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK, which takes place ‘behind closed doors’ at the OYO Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast exclusively live by FITE TV on Saturday 15th August 2020.

The first of the all female battles features on the UK #1 eta Munduko #27 Ranked Super Flyweight Worksop’s Nicola Hopewell in action against Leeds’ Tasha Boyes.

Back on March 7th, just before the UK went into lockdown, Hopewell secured her #1 UK ranking onBoxRanking.Com via a sensational second round knockout victory over Ghana’s Anita Addy at the Hoops Basketball Centre in Barrow-on-Furness.

As an Amateur Hopewell, a former England Pathway Squad member, shared the ring with a host of top class fighters including Commonwealth Gold Medalist and now undefeated pro boxer Lisa Whiteside and GB boxer Tori Ellis Willetts who is on the pathway for the Olympics. During her time at the Team GB facility in Sheffield Hopewell also sparred with the likes of double Olympic Gold Medalist Nicola Adams as well as WBC International Championship Challenger Nina Bradley and IBO and WBC World Champion Terri Harper.

Hopewell’s opponent on the 15th August will be 28 year old Tasha Boyes from York, who only got into boxing a couple of years ago, after hearing about two sisters whose parents had died in the Manchester Bombing and she wanted to do something to help them in some way, so she decided to participate in a ‘White Collar’ boxing event to raise money for the orphaned sisters. Boyes continued competing successfully on the unlicensed scene, competing in further Charity events to raise funds for those more in need than herself, until earlier this year. On the 15th August Boyes will be making making her professional debut

Nicola Hopewell and Tasha Boyes careers may have been via very different routes, but come the 15th August their journeys will lead them into the very same ring.

The second of these mouthwatering fights features two pro debutante’s in action against each other, when Sheffield’s sensational Five Time National Amateur Champion Star Hollie Towl goes toe-to-toe with the World Boxing Council (WBC) Muay Thai World Champion Natacha De Almeida from Switzerland.

Towl began boxing at the age of 11 years and during her esteemed Amateur career Towl secured numerous accolades including;

East Midlands Champion 2015 – 2020

National Champion 2014-2020 at three different weight classes

East Midlands box cup champion 2018 eta 2019.

National association of boys and girls club champion 2019.

Esker Irish box cup champion 2019.

Esker Irish box cup silver medal 2018.

England boxing winter box cup champion 2019.

Hull box cup champion 2019 eta 2020.

National welterweight champion belt holder 2019.

Xbox academy champion of champions belt holder two years running 2018-2020.

Towl was invited to join the England Boxing National Pathway Squad and has sparred WBC World Champion Terri harper and Commonwealth Champion Nina Bradley.

Towl’s opponent on the 15th August, 28 year old Natacha De Almeida, is the current WBC and PFF Muay Thai World Champion.

Martxoan 2019 De Almeida travelled to Bukom Boxing Arena in Accra, Ghana, where she faced and beat the bookies favourite Malaysian Dolphina Waltertony, to secure the coveted Green WBC Belt.

De Almeida has always had world class stand-up skills, so the transition to Professional Boxing should not be too much for the Muay Thai World Champ.

The full card for LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in Association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK, which takes place on Saturday 15th August 2020 and will be broadcast exclusively live on FITE TV, da:

1) Middleweight

Sei aldiz, Five Division World Champion, and Promoter of the LET BATTLE COMMENCE series, Lee McAllister makes his first appearance on the series and faces Spain based Nicaraguan Edwin Palacios in the headline fight. Palacios has stated he’s up to the challenge and to expect fireworks.

2) Featherweight

Sensational Teen former Amateur Star Hollie Towl will be making her professional debut against equally sensational World Boxing Council (WBC) Muay Thai World Champion Natacha De Almeida from Switzerland, who will also be making her professional boxing debut.

3) Welterweight

Unbeaten Jack Jones (4-0-0) from Leeds is set to take on Nicaraguan hard man Michael Isaac Carrero, after his original opponent Dean Porter withdrew.

4) Super Flyweight

A truly mouthwatering contest sees PBC International Bronze Champion Nicola Hopewell go toe to toe with exciting Tasha Boyes from York, nor den bere debut profesionala egiten dizu.

5) Middleweight

Liverpool’s Scott Mcintyre (4-1-0) is intent on making a major statement when he takes on seriously tough Nicaraguan Wilmer Gonzalez (21-18-1), as just a few fights back Gonzalez KOd a former WBF European and International Champion, the very same Champ responsible for the only loss on the Liverpudlian’s record.

6) Super Featherweight

Denny’s Kevin Traynor (2-0-0) will need to be at his best when he takes on the current International Masters Champion Pablo Narvaez from Nicaragua.

7) Heavyweight

The final fight of the night will pit debutant against debutant as Craig Dick takes on Michael Bassett, both the big lads have stated they will be looking to make a big impression on the 15th August.

Lee Mcallister versus Edwin Palacios headlines LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK and will take place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast exclusively live on FITE TV on Saturday 15TH AUGUST 2020.


Please support LET BATTLE COMMENCE partners:

Papa John’s PizzaNeon Energy DrinkOYO Northern Hotel, AberdeenEmpire Pro TapesRDX SportsGo Sports & Aisialdia – Boxing & Mixed Martial Art Fighters Union (BMMAFU) – Pro Boxing Records (formerly Fight fax) – Box RankingFite TV – Kirol Kanalen Sarea (SCN) – British & Irlandako Boxeo Agintaritza (BIBA).