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Perfect connection Gilberto“Zurdo” Ramirez & Trainer Julian Chua

LAS VEGAS (Toukokuu 25, 2021) – Back in February of 2019, World Boxing Organization (WBO) Super Middleweight ChampionGilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez had made a decision to move up to fight in the light heavyweight division, and he was searching for a new head trainer.

Ramirez (41-0, 27 KOs) immediately connected with a then 28-year-oldJulian Chua, a former amateur boxer who had been training boxers atFreddie Roach’s famed Wildcard Boxing Club in Hollywood, California. “Zurdo” and Chua are now 2-0 (2 KOs) and preparing for a mega-fought later this year, ideally, against undefeated World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Light Heavyweight ChampionDmitry Bivol (17-0, 11 KOs).

How Ramirez ended up with Chua as he head trainer isn’t a typical boxing story. After all, “Zurdo” was the first Mexican world super middleweight champion, sporting a 29-0 pro-ennätys, and only 27 when they first met.

Ramirez’ managerDavid Suh, conducted a search to hire Ramirez’ chief second. He had a list that included some of the top trainers in the industry, as well as a young, relatively unknown – at least outside of southern California – in Chua.

“I don’t know how I got on that list,” a humble Chua said. “There was going to be a tryout of sorts to determine who would work with ‘Zurdo.’ We trained together in Long Beach (where Ramirez was training) and then I met with David for coffee. He asked if I was interested in becoming the head trainer. We trained together a little more. He liked the way I trained, and we got along well. I texted David saying we liked working together and that I was interested in becoming his head trainer.

“We clicked right away, and we learned things about each other and how we liked to train. I study a lot and do a lot of research of how he had been trained, because I wanted to help him to improve. I was getting four fighters ready in LA and “Zurdo” couldn’t go there for sparring. I said I couldn’t leave these fighters and go to Santa Barbara. “Zurdo” respected me even more for not jumping ship from those four fighters for a better opportunity. We still wanted to work with each other, and ‘Zurdo’ made it work. I went to Long Beach twice a week, he came to Wildcard three times.”

Ramirez won his light heavyweight debut April 12, 2019, kunTommy Karpency (29-6-1) voinut jatkaa jälkeen neljän kierroksen, followed last December 18th kanssa 10th round stoppage ofAlfonso Lopez (32-3) to capture the North American Boxing Federation (NABF) otsikko.

Chua was trained by Roach when he was an amateur from Indiana, but when Chua started at Wildcard, Roach’s assistantEric Brown became Chua’s mentor. During his training career atWildcard West Boxing, known now as Churchill Boxing in Santa Barbara, Chua has trained several world champions in boxing and MMA.

The 29-year-old Ramirez, who recently signed an exclusive promotional contract withOscar De La Hoya’s Golden Boy Promotions, is currently ranked No. 3 by the WBA and WBO. “Zurdo” returns to action July 9th in Los Angeles againstSullivan Barrera (22-3, 14 KOs).

Whether it’s Bivol, or the other world light heavyweight champions — Artur Beterbiev jaJoe Smith – “Zurdo” and Chua are preparing to beat the best for Ramirez to wear the coveted World championship crown in a second division.


Verkkosivusto:  www.ZurdoPromotions.com

Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions

Viserrys:  @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

SFT hallitseva Brasilian kansallinen MMA rankings

SAO PAULO, Brasilia (Toukokuu 25, 2021) – Hävittäjät SFT:n tallissa, MMA Premiumin mukaan, hallitsi toukokuun Brasilian kansallista MMA-listaa.

Miesten punta puntaa -luokituksessa, SFT-vakaahävittäjät valloittivat kolme neljästä parhaasta paikasta: 2, Marcos "Babuino" de Santos (33-13-1, SFT: 3-0-), 3. Wellingtonin "Predator" Prado (11-2-0, SFT: 5-1-0), 4. Thiago "Manchinha" Silva (19-9-0, (SFT: 0-1-0).

"Baboo" ja "Predator", vastaavasti, ovat myös huippuja 2 rankattuja höyhenpainoja, kun taas Junior jaAcacio "Pieni" dos Santos (13-3-0, SFT: 2-0-0) sijoittui yksi-kaksi kevyen raskaansarjan sarjassa.

SFT-naiset sijoittuivat myös toiseksi ja kolmanneksi naisten punta puntaa -luokituksessa, vastaavasti, olkipainoillaJulia Polastri (8-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0) jaKarine "Killer" Silva (13-4-0, SFT: 2-0-0). 

SFT pyyhkäisi naisten kärkisarjan kolmen parhaan sijan, järjestyksessä, kanssa Karine "Killer,"joka oli SFT 2020 Vuoden vastaanottaja, Gisele "Gi" Moreira (9-4-0, SFT: 1-0-0) jaSidy Rocha (12-8-2, SFT: 0-1-0).

"SFT perustettiin vuonna 2018 elokuva- ja tuotantoyhtiömme toimesta,”SFT:n presidenttiDavid Hudson sanoi. ”Kaksi tapahtumaa tuotettiin, mutta sitten olimme odotustilassa viisi vuotta, ja tuolloin, Minulla ei ollut mitään tekemistä SFT:n kanssa. Kun tapahtumat jatkuivat 2018, Ihmettelin, miksi maalla, jolla oli tärkeä rooli MMA:n ja UFC:n luomisessa, ei ollut maailmanluokan promootiota. Analysoituaan mitä tehtiin ja osallistuttuaanSFT 4 Brasiliassa, Olin varma, että ongelma oli siinä, miten asiat hoidettiin. Päätin kävellä pois elokuvateollisuudesta ja omistin elämäni MMA:lle.

"Omalla johdollani, SFT:llä on ollut aivan uusi tapa mainostaa MMA:ta. Jokainen tekemäni päätös, Monet sanoivat minulle, että olin väärässä, ja se johtaisi SFT:n päättymiseen. Numerot eivät valehtele ja kiitos Jumalalle, Minulla on numerot, jotka osoittavat, että olin oikeassa., Kuitenkin, niin innovatiivisia ja jopa hulluja ideani ovat olleet, Tiesin, että päivän päätteeksi taistelujemme piti olla huippuluokkaa. Minulla oli 3 vuoden suunnitelma ja tavoitteeni oli huippu 10 Brasilialaiset hävittäjät SFT:n jokaisessa painoluokassa, lukuun ottamatta niitä, joilla oli sopimukset Brasilian ulkopuolella."

SFT on alustavasti valmis palaamaan heinäkuun 10. päivänäSFT 27 Brasiliassa.

”Olimme matkalla tavoitteemme saavuttamiseen, mutta pandemia sai meidät pysähtymään myös vuoden puolelle,Hudson selitti. "Epäaktiivisuuden vuoksi, monet taistelijamme putosivat huipulta 5 ja 10 kansallisissa rankingissa. Meillä on edelleen paljon Brasilian parhaista tallissamme ja heinäkuussa palaamme kuukausittaisilla tapahtumillamme. Olen varma, että vuoden päästä, asiat palaavat raiteilleen, ja olemme lähempänä tavoitettamme.

”Osa strategiaamme oli järjestää tapahtumia Yhdysvalloissa, mutta Yhdysvaltoihin matkustaville brasiliaisille on edelleen matkustusrajoituksia. Heti kun pystymme tuomaan taistelijamme Yhdysvaltoihin taistelemaan, me teemme, ja sitten olemme askeleen lähempänä tavoitteeni saavuttamista."


Verkkosivusto: www.sftcombat.com

Facebook: /SFT.combat, davidhudson.SFT

Viserrys: @SFTCombat, @SFTUSA

Instagram: @SFTCombat, @DavidHudson.SFT

You Tube: /SFTCombat, /SFTUSA, /SFTBrasil

Marvin Cordova, Jr. & Robert Daniels, Jr. Join Fighter Locker stable

BOSTON (Toukokuu 25, 2021) – Veteran boxer Marvin “Much Too Much” Cordova, Jr(kuvassa yllä) and promising prospect Robert Daniels, Jr. (kuvassa alla) are the latest additions to Ryan Roach’s growing Fighter Locker stable.

"Herra. (Sorkkarauta) Burchfield (Cordova’s promoter) linked me up with Marvin,” Roach said. We had a few short conversations on the phone, and it just happened. Marvin is very passionate about the sport, and he’s read to show the worked he still has a lot left in his tank. He truly is a special fighter with a high-caliber resume including opponents likeVictor Ortiz ja Joselito Lopez. He has a great team around him now and we are really looking forward to getting him going.

“Robert is a great young man coming from a family just like mine. I am ready to get him going with a great trainer in Kevin Cunningham. I am proud to add him to the Fighter Locker team. He is really a talented fighter that had a few bad breaks early on in his career. He had managerial issues and so forth. Look for Daniels Jr. during the next year!"

The 36-year-old Cordova (23-2-1, 12), is a super middleweight from Pueblo, Colorado. A solid amateur who was a bronze medalist at the 2002 US-. Under-19 and 2003 Poliisi Athletic League, Cordova turned pro in 2014, but his pro career has been interrupted because spent 8 years in prison. He also defeated future pro world champion Daniel Jacobs

"Olen 36 but a young 36,” Cordova said. “I started boxing at 4. I had 242 amateur fights and was chosen as one of the top amateur boxers in the country. kulutin 8 years in prison, and it made me a better person and hungrier fighter. I have some unfinished business to take care of. I really beat Joselito Lopez (Lopez won an 8-round decision). I hit him with a big shot in the sixth round, but they let him stay down for 4 minuuttia, claiming he was hit low.”

In his last fight this past January, Cordova captured the NBA super middleweight title by stopping 56-30-3 Hector Velazquez in round four, adding to his awards display case that also includes his Interim WBC Youth World, WBA NABA U.S. light welterweight, and GBU Youth light welterweight title belts.

“Ryan Roach believes in me,” Cordova noted. “I’m stronger and ready for the next step. I had talked with a friend, Jimmy Williams, about signing with a good manager. He told me Ryan was a good manager who loves his fighters and really cares about him. My promoottori, ‘Mr. B’ (Jimmy Burchfield), hooked me up with Ryan. He calls to make sure I’m good and he can get me to the elite level once again.”

Daniels (4-0, 4 KOs) is the son of former WBA cruiserweight World champion Robert “Preacher Man” Daniels (49-10-1, 41 KOs), who became world champion in 1989, when he decisioned the future Hall of Famer Dwight Muhammad Qawi.

“There’s a little bit of added pressure as the son of a world champion boxer,” southpaw Daniels admitted. I’ve heard things like ‘he’s not going to be like his father, he doesn’t have what it takes to be world champion.’”

Now fighting out of West Palm Beach, Florida, Miami native Daniels is now trained byCunningham. Managerial issues resulted in him fighting only four times as a pro during his nearly 5-year career.

“I was introduced to Ryan by my friend, Daniel Bailey (a member of Fighter Locker), and I believe Ryan can get me to a world title,” Daniels remarked. “The main reason I signed with Ryan is I like his personality. He’s easy to talk with and before I even signed with him, he reached out to me to see how things were going. And that’s a big reason why I did sign with him.

“I was supposed to sign with managers are few times, but it never went anywhere, and I wasn’t getting fights. I have this great opportunity now and I’m going to take full advantage of it.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers include California super flyweight Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 KOs), Troija, NY ABF American West super lightweight Ray Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (12-0, 9 KOs), Toronto, Canada welterweight West Haven, CT super welterweight Jimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (17-5-2, 6 KOs), Super keskisarjan “The Amazing” Shawn McCalman (7-0, 4 KOs), US-. Army super bantamweight Daniel Bailey, Jr. (5-0, 4 KOs), kevyt Leonel de los Santos (2-0, 2 KOs), a 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweight Juan Solano, and Salt Lake City, 2016 Olympic hopeamitalisti Yuberjen Martinez, Utah brothers, huippukevyet Ignacio Chairez (8-0-1, 5 KOs) and lightweight Gabriel Chairez (3-0-1, 2 KOs).

WEBSITE: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
FACEBOOK: /fighterlocker
TWITTER: @RoachRyan
INSTAGRAM: @RyanRoach82

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: Perustettu vuonna 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.

Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.


LOS ANGELES, KUTEN (Toukokuu 24, 2021) – One of the most exciting welterweights in all of boxing returns on June 19, 2021, kun Blair “The Flair” Cobbs (14-0-1, 9 KOs), battles decorated amateur and veteran of the sport, Brad Solomon (29-3, 9 KOs). The ten-round bout, taking place at the University of Texas at El Paso’s Don Haskins Center, will air live on DAZN as the first televised fight on the Jaime Munguia vs. Maciej Sulecki kortti.

I haven’t fought in over a year and it is time for the most electrifying man in all of boxing to give the fans a show,” said Cobbs in-between rounds at his new home, Wild Card Boxing Gym in Hollywood, Kalifornia. “I wanted a tough opponent, and Brad Solomon is just that. His losses have only been to really good fighters and he has over twice the experience as me as a professional, so I am ready to show the world who I am! It’s time for the Wooo man to get busy.”

Blair is nearing the point to fight some of the world-ranked fighters, the fans love him, he has a great style, and he is a talented fighter,” said Cobb’s manager,Greg Hannley, CEO of Prince Ranch Nyrkkeily. “We’re expecting a lot from Blair, and I see him in a big fight amongst one of Golden Boy Promotions best fighters by the end of the year, that is the goal for Blair.

Cobbs last fought on Valentine’s day weekend of 2020, winning a split decision over Samuel Kotey Neequaye. Cobbs has been out of the ring for a year-plus and has made changes to his team that he feels will help him moving forward in his career.

I made a decision to move to Hollywood and train with Freddie Roach at the Wild Card Boxing Gym, because I needed a change,” said Cobbs. “Being in the gym with Freddie every day and seeing all the great fighters and new faces has me excited all over again. I really want to make my legacy known as one of the top guys in the sport.
# # #

Munguia vs. Sulecki is a 12-round fight for the WBO Intercontinental Middleweight Title presented by Golden Boy in association with Zanfer Promotions and Warrior’s Boxing. The event is sponsored by Tecate “The Official Beer of Boxing,” Hennessy “Never Stop. Never Settle” and “BetOnlineYour Online Sportsbook Experts.” The fight will take place on Saturday, Kesäkuu 19 Don Haskins Center El Paso, Texas and will be streamed live exclusively on DAZN worldwide, excluding Mexico.

Liput Munguia vs. Sulecki are on sale now and are priced at $200, $100, $60 ja $35 ei myös palvelu-. In an effort to promote social distancing, tickets will be sold in pods/groupings of 2, 3, 4 ja 6 people only. Voit ladata puhelimitse suuri luottokortilla, puhelu 915-747-5234. Tickets will also be available for purchase at http://www.utepspecialevents.com tai www.ticketmaster.com.

For fans who have already purchased tickets for Saturday, Huhtikuu 24 and would like to still attend Munguia vs. Sulecki, your tickets and seating location are still valid for the new date and no further action is required.

Lisätietoja, vierailu www.goldenboypromotions.com ja DAZN.com. Follow on Twitter @GoldenBoyBoxing and @DAZNBoxing. Tule faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa www.facebook.com/GoldenBoy ja https://www.facebook.com/DAZN. Follow on Instagram @GoldenBoy and @DAZNBoxing. Follow the conversation using #MunguiaSulecki.


Kuva, jossa on henkilö, Urheilu

Kuvaus luotu automaattisesti


c-Cris Cyborg (24-2, 1 NC) voitti #4-Leslie Smith (12-9-1) kautta TKO (lakot) at 4:51 pyöreän viisi

Cris Cyborg after retaining the title:

“I knew she was tough and I’ve fought her before. I know her and respect her and she’s a real fighter. I knew with her it would be a great match, because she’s capable and she’s tough."

“I was really working in sparring to keep going and going because I knew it was going to be this way. I noticed I enjoyed it a little more. It’s going to be 16 years as a professional fighter this month so I started to enjoy it in there."

“I’ve been working on grappling my whole life but I just feel like I’m getting better and better every day. I got a black belt, but it’s like a white belt because I’m always learning."

“I’ve been doing this 16 vuotta, I’ve got four titles. But before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’ So, I’d like to fight with Cat Zingano and I will ask Scott Coker. Because before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’”

#6-Leandro Higo (20-5) voitti Darrion Caldwell (15-5) jaetulla päätös (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

“I’ve been waiting for this fight for three years now. It’s exactly how I wanted it to go. I used my wrestling and I used my jiu-jitsu. I’m a complete fighter and I’m ready for any fighter on the planet because I believe I’m the best. I knew I had lost the first round, but in the second when he was throwing all those elbows and cut me open, I’m from a poor family in Brazil and that was nothing I hadn’t seen before. I felt happy being in that cage with blood all over me.

“He ended up taking me down in the second and I went for a kimura, which is something I’m very accustomed to doing, but he reversed it but then he didn’t do anything and I hit him with a lot of strikes on bottom. A lot of elbows and strikes and I stayed very on bottom and he wasn’t doing anything. That’s why I won the second and third round.”

“I think that I deserve a title shot. I just beat three of the biggest names in the game and I just beat a former world champion. And nobody has beaten the top three guys of this world-class caliber like I have done in three consecutive wins. I’m going for that world title and that’s what’s next for me. So let’s make it fast.”

#3-Austin Vanderford (11-0) voitti #4-Fabian Edwards (9-2) kautta yksimielinen päätös (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Austin Vanderford following his unanimous decision win:

“I like my fights bloody, whether it’s me or my opponent. I’ll get a scab. But hats off to Fabian who cut me up a little bit. But happy to get the win.”

“He was a big, strong guy. I started feeling him give me that head and arm choke. Valitettavasti, I didn’t capitalize on it. But I knew what I was going to do. I was going to just grind it out. He’s a good striker so I had to be careful but I felt good. Wrestling … it’s my heart. I’m ready for the next step.”

Jaleel Willis (15-2) voitti Maycon Mendonca (11-5) kautta yksimielinen päätös (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Hannah Guy (3-1) voitti #8-Valerie Loureda (3-1) kautta yksimielinen päätös (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Hannah Guy following her first win inside the BELLATOR cage…

“I felt like I had really good cardio, so that was awesome because I was really worried about that a little bit. I’m so thankful she took the fight and I’m so thankful BELLATOR gave me this opportunity.

“I thought I was going to finish with the triangle (tukehtua), rehellisesti. She just slipped right out of there, so that was awesome of her. Her defense was really good. I was really impressed with that. I didn’t know what her ground game was but it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

“Grappling is just where I want to be if you’ve seen any of my other fights. My striking has really improved a lot though so I’m hoping to change that. But grappling has always been my strong suit. I didn’t want to just depend on my grappling, but I thought I landed some shots pretty well a few times. In this fight I thought I could see when the punches were coming. And I was able to defend a little bit better and how I’ve grown. So I’m just really proud of myself right now.”

Alustava Card:
Sinä Awad (24-13, 1 NC) voitti Nate Andrews (16-4) kautta KO (lakot) at 3:16 of round one
#7-Grant Neal (6-0) voitti #8-Tyree Fortune (5-1) via jättämisestä (taka-alasti kuristin) at 4:20 of round one
Sumiko Inaba (2-0) voitti Kristina Katsikis (1-2) kautta TKO (lakot) at 3:35 kierroksen kolme
Aviv Widodo (6-0) voitti Sean Felton (5-3-1) via jättämisestä (kantapää koukku) at 1:17 of round one
#9-Davion Franklin (3-0) voitti Tyler Kuningas (12-10) ja kautta KO 2:02 of round one
#7-Leah McCourt (5-1) voitti 6-Janay Harding (6-5) via jättämisestä (kolmio kuristimen) at 2:42 kierroksen kaksi
Danny Sabatello (11-1) voitti Brett Johns (17-3) kautta yksimielinen päätös (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Aleksanteri Shabli (20-3) voitti #9-Alfie Davis (14-4) kautta yksimielinen päätös (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Käy Bellator.com lisätietoja.



Four-Part Documentary Series Premieres

Sunnuntai, Kesäkuu 6 at 8 PM ET / PT

Tekstiä sisältävä kuva, book

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NEW YORK – toukokuu 21, 2021 - Showtime Sports Documentary Films has released the official trailer and poster art for the upcoming documentaryTHE KINGS, a four-part series chronicling the fierce rivalry between world champions and Boxing Hall of Famers known as the “Four Kings” –Roberto “Manos de Piedra” DuránMarvelous Marvin HaglerThomas “The Hitman” Hearns, jaSugar Ray Leonard. Premiering Sunday, Kesäkuu 6 at 8 p.m. ET / PT Showtime, the series chronicles the four fightersdramatic and divergent ascents to greatness and the legendary matches they produced.

To watch and share the trailer, Siirry: https://s.sho.com/3whPJTt

THE KINGS spotlights boxing’s evolution from the end of Muhammad Ali’s era to the era of the Four Kings, set against the seismic political and socio-economic shifts taking place in the United States. The Four Kings rose to fame as the presidency of Jimmy Carter and economic recession gave way to the boon of 1980s capitalism and excess harnessed by the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Pensas. Through in-depth interviews and archival footage, the series also examines the very personal battles that each man waged on his unique journey to the center of the sports world.

THE KINGS is produced by Box To Box Film in association with Ingenious Media. The series is executive produced by James Gay-Rees (Amy, Senna, Drive To Survive) and Paul Martin (Diego Maradona, Drive To Survive), produced by Fiona Neilson (Oasis: Supersonic, Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams) and directed by Mat Whitecross (Oasis: Supersonic, Road To Guantanamo, Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams).


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ENKELIT - Päätapahtuma Bellator 262 perjantaina, Heinäkuu 16 will feature undefeated 125-pound world champion Juliana Velasquez (11-0) making the first defense of her title against BELLATOR Kickboxing’s Flyweight World Champion and No. 4 sijoittui Denise Kielholtz (6-2). The card emanates from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. and airs live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

A limited number of tickets starting at $60 go on sale beginning Friday, Kesäkuu 4, with a special presale starting on Thursday, Kesäkuu 3 alkaen 10 a.m. kohteeseen 10 p.m. JA, and can be purchased at Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

The preliminary portion of BELLATOR MMA 262: Velasquez vs.. Kielholtz alkaa 5:30 p.m. JA / 2:30 p.m. PT and will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Urheilullinen YouTube-kanava ja Pluto TV. Lisäotteluista tiedotetaan myöhemmin.

Hailing from Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, the 34-year-old Velasquez makes the first defense of her flyweight title since dethroning inaugural champion Ilima-Lei Macfarlane at Bellator 254 in December of last year. Sitting in the No. 2 slot on the BELLATOR women’s pound-for-pound rankings, Velasquez is a former Brazilian national champion in judo, a martial arts discipline she began training at age four. The Team Nogueira product has been a dominant force throughout her unblemished 11-fight professional career, including six wins under the BELLATOR banner.

“I’m extremely excited and happy to get back in the BELLATOR cage and defend my title for the first time,” said Velasquez. “I’ve been training really hard, and I’m fully prepared to put on an incredible performance for my fans. Denise has been a great champion in the BELLATOR kickboxing ring, but this MMA belt is mine and it will be going back to Brazil with me after the fight.”

Already the reigning BELLATOR Kickboxing Flyweight World Champion, Kielholtz is looking to capture the promotion’s MMA gold as well when she straps on the BELLATOR MMA gloves for the seventh time. The Dutch striking sensation, known to fans as “Miss Dynamite,” is riding a four-fight MMA winning streak, including a first round knockout over former title challenger Kate Jackson at Bellator 247 viime lokakuussa. Much like her opponent, the 32-year-old Kielholtz holds a black belt in judo with multiple titles as a member of the Dutch National Judo Team.

“This is the moment I’ve been waiting for since I was a child,” said Kielholtz. “My journey in martial arts started when I was nine years old. I have earned multiple championships from kickboxing and judo and I feel like the universe has put everything together. All the hard work, all the sacrifices I have made in my life have all led me to this opportunity. This will be the crowning achievement of my career. This is mine.”

# # #

BELLATOR MMA 262: Velasquez vs.. Kielholtz Main Card:
Perjantai, Heinäkuu 16 - 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Flyweight World Title Main Event: C-Juliana Velasquez (11-0) vs. #4-Denise Kielholtz (6-2)

Alustava Card:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube-kanava | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube-kanava | Pluto-TV
5:30 p.m. JA / 2:30 p.m. PT

Lisätietoja tulevista BELLATOR MMA -tapahtumista, vierailu BELLATOR.com.


(Kuva pistetilanne: Esther Lin / Showtime)

“Barrios is coming with power, and you know for sure I’m coming with power. Voi paras mies voittaa," – Davis

“We’ve never faced fighters like each other before. We’re going to see on June 26 if it’s the right move for him," – Lähiöissä

Four-Time World Champion Gervonta Davis Seeks Title In A Third Division Against Unbeaten Super Lightweight Champion Mario Barrios Headlining A SHOWTIME PPV® Lauantai, Kesäkuu 26
In A Premier Boxing Champions Event From State Farm Arena In Atlanta

Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvia Esther Lin / Showtime

Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Mayweather Promotions

ATLANTA (Toukokuu 20, 2021) – Four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis and undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios went face-to-face Thursday at a press conference to preview their SHOWTIME PPV main event taking place Saturday, Kesäkuu 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

One of boxing’s biggest stars at just 26-years-old, Davis will take on a career-defining challenge in the undefeated Barrios, as he sets his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class. With a victory, Davis will hold world championships in three different divisions simultaneously, a feat only accomplished by a few fighters in history. Standing in his way is the undefeated 26-year-old Barrios, who owns a 9-0 record with eight knockouts during his 140-pound reign and holds a six-inch height advantage over Davis.

Davis returns to fight at State Farm Arena after selling out the venue in December 2019 during a star-studded event that saw him stop former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa in the 12thand final round to capture a lightweight title.

Tickets for the live event at State Farm Arena, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promotions and TGB Promotions, go on sale tomorrow, Perjantai, Toukokuu 21 at 10 a.m. JA, ja voi ostaa osoitteesta ticketmaster.com.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday at State Farm Arena:


“Camp has been great for me. We know that Barrios is a bigger guy and that he can punch. We’re working hard each day in the gym, because we’re going up against a big task on June 26.

“We all have challenges we go through in life, and that’s what makes us strong. This is another challenge that I have on my road to success. I’m ready to walk through it and keep pushing.

“We know this is a dangerous fight. Barrios is coming with power and you know for sure I’m coming with power. Voi paras mies voittaa.

“I took this fight because I want to be great. All the other big names at lightweight had scheduled fights so I felt like I wanted to go out and beat the best fighter out there for me.

“Even if he is bigger than me on fight night, sillä ei ole väliä. This is all part of the sport. My goal is to break him down. If I can get him out of there, I’ll get him out of there. If it goes 12 kierrosta, olkoon niin. He’s big and strong, but he’s never faced anyone like me.

“We have to wait and see what happens on fight night. Different styles dictate what I need to show in the fight. We’ll see what he brings to the table, and then we’ll capitalize off of it.

“I’m not worried about losing any speed by adding weight. I’m going to be quick regardless. I think I’m going to be at my best at 140-pounds.

“Like all of the rest of my fights, this is going to be action packed. Don’t go get popcorn during the fight, because it could end at any moment. I bring what boxing needs, and that’s excitement. We all know when I fight, it’s never a boring fight. Alkaen ensimmäisellä kierroksella, until whenever it ends, I just keep coming, in all of my fights. That’s what you’re going to see June 26.”


“This is a huge opportunity for me. ‘Tank’ called me out. I know he’s trying to do something great, but this is a dangerous fight for him. It’s going to be an action-packed fight. We’ve never faced fighters like each other before. We’re going to see on June 26 if it’s the right move for him.

“I fight to represent my city and my people. I’m going to go out there and do my best to make everybody proud.

“They might be looking at my fight against Batyr Akhmedov closely. But I think he has a totally different style and that this fight will be different than what they expect if they just watch that match. I don’t know what they see in me to want this fight, but none of it matters to me. All the questions are going to be answered on June 26.

“’Tank’ is jumping up two weight classes. He’s doing something a lot of great fighters have done. He even said it: this isn’t an easy fight for him. We’re ready to face the best version of ‘Tank’ that anyone has ever seen and it’s going to be war.

“I was surprised when his name was brought up to me. But whether you like ‘Tank’ or not, he has one of the biggest names in boxing. This is the type of fight that can skyrocket my name up there to the top level of the sport.

“’Tank’ is a good fighter and a very explosive fighter. There is the question of whether he’s bringing his power up to 140. I don’t have any concerns about it though. He’s the guy who has to show people he can handle my power at this weight.

“I’m excited to be fighting in Atlanta. This is my first time here actually but I know the fans here are very passionate. I’m expecting to see a great turnout here at State Farm Arena.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, Toimitusjohtaja Mayweather Kampanjat

“’Tank’ is a generational fighter. He has certain abilities that others just don’t. He’s special, but this is a dangerous fight for him. This is a tremendous challenge and I’m really excited for this fight.

“Atlanta is a hot market. Obviously the first fight they had in a long time was ‘Tank’ vs. Yuriorkis Gamboa and it was a packed sold out crowd in this building. The fans really enjoyed it. The city needs big events like this. We told the fans we were coming back and here we are.

“’Tank’ is chasing history. When you look back at a lot of all-time greats, they’ve gone through things no one else ever has. Looking to be a three-division champion at 26 years old is another example of him chasing greatness like that.

“’Tank’ is the most exciting fighter in the entire sport and he gives the fans what they want to see. He puts butts in seats. People gravitate to the way he fights. This new generation of fans that we have, they love him.”

# # #

Davis vs. Barrios will see four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis set his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class when he faces undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios in a SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, Kesäkuu 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The pay-per-view telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature a battle of two top 154-pound contenders as Erickson “Hammer” Lubin faces former unified champion Jeison Rosario in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Former unified super welterweight champion Julian “J-Rock” Williams returns to the ring to take on Brian Mendoza in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast.

The event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Promotions and TGB Promotions. The Akhmedov vs. Mendez fight is promoted in association with World of Boxing.

Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, seurata Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, Instagramissa @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ja https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

Multi-World boxing champion Amanda Serrano to headline iKON 7 MMA tapahtuma

LAS VEGAS (Toukokuu 20, 2021) – Multiple World boxing champion Amanda ”The Real Deal” Serrano tahtoa otsikko -kuvaketta 7, presented by iKON Fighting Federation, the mixed-martial-arts division of Roy Jones Jr. Nyrkkeily, Kesäkuu 11th at Benito Juarez Auditorium in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Meksiko.

-kuvaketta 7 will be streamed live and exclusively JUNE 11 päällä UFC FIGHT PASS®, klo 10 p.m. JA / 7 p.m. PT. Rekisteröityminen UFC FIGHT PASS -peliin, maailman johtava taistelulajien digitaalinen tilauspalvelu, osoitteessa www.ufcfightpass.com or download the UFC app.

Puerto Rico native Serrano, taistelevat ulos Brooklyn, New York, on 1-0-1 in mixed-martial-arts competition. She will face pro-debuting Valentia Garcia, Meksikon, vuonna -kuvaketta 7Päätapahtuma. One of the greatest female boxers of all-time, Serrano is a 10-time, 7-division World champion, who sports a remarkable 40-1-1(30 Kos) pro-ennätys.

“We are thrilled to have Amanda Serrano headlining our card,” iKON Fighting Federation president Keith Veltre sanoi. “She is a great boxing champion, one of the all-time best, who is going to make waves in MMA. She can really fight! Her fight is also a continuation of the terrific Puerto Rico versus Mexico sports rivalry.”

In co-varustellun tapahtuma, Las Vegas fighter Johnny “The Paradox” Parsons (6-2-0, -kuvaketta: 2-0-0) kasvot Ricardo “Woody” Chavez (5-1-0), Meksikon, at a 175-pound catchweight.

Undefeated Tucson welterweight Pete “Dead Game” Rodriguez, a familiar iKON fighter, goes for his fourth straight victory without a lossall in iKON competition – versus Mexican opponent Roberto “Pixley 2B” Pixley (5-1-0).

Scheduled to fight on the undercard is Yakima, Washington featherweight Jorge “The Natural” Alcala (4-1-0) vs. Sergio “The Animal” Cortez (3-2-0), Hong Kong female featherweight Ramona Pasqual (4-2-0) vs. pro-Debytoidessaan Guadalupe Guzman, Miami by way of Egypt welterweight Manmoud Sebie vs. Enrique Hernandez in a battle of pro-debuting fighters, pro-debuting female flyweights Rosselyn Chavira, Tucson (AZ) ja Sofia Salacar, and Mexican featherweights Luis “Mano” Garcia (1-2, -kuvaketta: 1-1-0) vs. pro-Debytoidessaan Enkeli rivera.

Kortti voivat muuttua.


Verkkosivustot: http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
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Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

“Breakout” headliner NABA U.S. Heavyweight title fight Steve Vukosa vs. Mike Marshall Day-Night Doubleheader June 26 Derry, N.H.

Day-Night Doubleheader June 26 Derry, N.H.

QUINCY, Massa. (Toukokuu 20, 2021) – “Breakout,” presented by Granite Chin Promotions, will feature two heavyweight title fights as part of another day-night doubleheader on June 26th atNew England Sports Center Derry, New Hampshire.

The night card is headlined by the 10-round main event for the vacant NABA United States Heavyweight Championship between agelessSteve “The Gentle Giant” Vukosa (13-1, 5 KOs) jaMike “Fly” Marshall (5-1, 4 KOs). 

Vukosa, fighting of out Quincy, MA, is a former WBC U.S. Heavyweight Champion, which he captured in 2019 when he won an 8-round unanimous decision againstJoe Cusumano(18-2, 16 KOs).

The reigning New England Heavyweight Champion, Marshall won his belt last November at the same venue as his upcoming fight with Vukosa, when the Danbury, CT fighter took an 8-round unanimous decision fromJustin “Crazy Train” Rolfe.

Former N.E. heavyweight champion Rolfe (5-2-1, 4 KOs), representing Fairfield, ME, will face his Mexican opponentJose Humbert “Olimpico” Corral (20-26, 12 KOs), in the 8-round, co-featured event for the vacant ABF Atlantic heavyweight title.

“I am excited to be coming back to Derry with another doubleheader, featuring open-class amateurs and local professionals,” Granite Chin presidentChris Traietti sanoi. “I try to grow and develop the Granite Chin brand every show. Bringing in an elite level amateur tournament is a great way to introduce local fans to the future of the sport and help me develop relationships with amateur boxers.”

Undefeated Holyoke, MA welterweightDenzel Whitley (4-0, 3 KOs) will be in his first scheduled 6-rounder versusAnthony Andreozzi (0-1), of Swansea, MA. Lawrence, MA junior lightweightKevin Rodriguez (0-1) kasvotRyan Venable (2-4) in a 4-round battle.

Also slated to be in action on the undercard, all in 4-round bouts against opponents to be determined, are Weymouth, MA welterweightEric “Gladiator” Goff (1-0), Holyoke junior middleweightCarlos Castillo (1-0, 1 KO), and Woburn, MA middleweightJulien “Black Dragon” Baptiste (2-0, 2 KOs).

A Pro-Am card will feature the inaugural “Granite Chin Invitational” tournament, pitting some of the best amateur boxers in New England in the semifinals round, in the USA Boxing-sanctioned event during the afternoon portion of the day-night doubleheader. The semifinals winners will advance to the tournament’s championship final August 28th at New England Sports Center.  

Some of the top N.E. amateur boxers expected to compete include 2021 USA National Championships gold medalistArika Skoog, the 2-time N.E. Golden Gloves champion out of Newton (MA); 2-time N.E. Golden Gloves mestariTashawn Ward, a featherweight from Providence (RI); ja middleweightsJames Maner, 2019 N.E. Golden Gloves champion from Providence, and 2-time N.E. Golden Gloves mestariMike Fontanez, of Nashua (N.H).:

The pro segment of the afternoon’s Pro-Am card will showcase ABF Atlantic Cruiserweight ChampionYan “Wild Thing” Pellerin (11-1, 5 KOs) defending his title against Lewiston, ME challengerCristiano Pedro, fighting out by way of Angola in an 8-round fight.

Other pro fights, all 4-rounders, include Canadian heavyweightAlexis Barriere (1-0, 1 KO) vs. New York’s pro-debutingAndrew Nolan, Methuen (MA), valo raskaansarjanAndrew Perez hänen pro debyyttinsä vs. TBA, Springfield (MA) huippukevyetIan “Dinamite” Garcia (0-0-1) vs.Andy Aiello (1-4-1), of Bridgewater, MA, New York cruiserweightScott Lambert(1-2, 1 KO) vs.Yhago Goncalves (0-3), of Portsmouth (ME) by way of Brazil, and Springfield’s pro-debuting light heavyweightLaurent Humes vs.pro-debutingPhilipe Martins, of Marlborough, MA..

Liput ovat myynnissä ja hinnoitellaan $25.00 (Day Show) / $40.00 (Night Show) for general seating (unassigned). Unassigned ringside seating will be available at $35.00 per seat during the day show. The night show will offer ringside tables (assigned and seats 4) varten $300.00 and are available to purchase online atwww.ticketriver.com (Haku: Granite Chin Invitational for the day show, Breakout for night show).

Ovet avataan klo 12:15 p.m. JA ja 7:15 p.m. JA (yö) with the first bouts, vastaavasti, at 12:30 p.m. JA ja 7:30 p.m. JA.