כל ההודעות שנכתבו על ידי FNU47

Corito’s War With Pylypenko Ends In Dramatic Bloody Fashion

דו"ח: ג'יאנלוקה די קארו

ביום שישי evening at the MedAsia Playa in Sliema, Malta, local promoter Darren Casha pulled all the stops out to present one of the most exciting nights of Boxing and Music to herald the end of the summer season on the Islands.

I’ve been to some sensational events over the years, but have never attended anything like this before.

Firstly the location, which was right on the shores of the Mediterranean, and seriously I mean right on the shore, as the ring was set up across one of the swimming pools at the stunning MedAsia Playa, literally just a couple of meters at most from the shimmering Mediterranean Sea.

The music, well what can I say, no less than Dance Chart toppers Phats and Small performed throughout the event and when not actually performing vocalist Ben Ofoedu MCd the Boxing element.

Talking of which let’s get down to the boxing, well the start of the boxing element at least, as prior to the actual fights a minutes silence as well as a Ten Bell Salute were made for the legendary Jake LaMotta, who passed away just a few days before as well as for former Polish American Boxer and Kronk Coach Peter Pozyczka who passed away exactly 12 months to the day.

Peter’s daughter Victoria, who had travelled from California to Malta for the anniversary of his death, was is attendance as a special guest and was invited into the ring to talk about her father, who had fought in Malta back in the 1990s and was so taken with the people and the beautiful Islands that Victoria felt Malta would be the perfect place to scatter his ashes on the anniversary of his passing.

OK, now onto the Boxing. The headline bout was a pro Heavyweight contest between Malta’s own Billy ‘The Hitman’ Corito and Ukrainian Igor ‘The Beast’ Pylypenko.

Pylypenko received a genuinely warm welcome from the eight hundred or so revellers in attendance, but when Ben Ofoedu announced the imminent arrival of local hero Corito the decibel level went off the dial.

Round one see both protagonists go straight on the attack, Pylypenko throwing out big straight jabs in an effort to stop the hard charging Corito landing any of his trademarked big swooping shots. As the round progressed the big Ukrainian used his height and reach advantage to good effect, stepping in and letting rip with big right and left combinations before stepping back before Corito could land anything significant. However that didn’t deter the Hitman, he just walked his way through, taking the odd shot here and there, before getting his shots off on the inside. Cracking all action round.

עוד מאותו הדבר בשני, although at times the fight turned into a hybrid form of boxing/MMA with the big Ukrainian tying up Corito each time he came on the inside, and on the odd occasion literally hooking his leg round Corito’s as well as rather suspect use of his head. So it came as no surprise that Corito sustained a rather nasty cut above his right eye.

The third round wasn’t much different, except Corito stepped up a gear and was able to find the room and land some sensational shots, one of which sent Pylypenko to the canvas. It was a very bad round for the Ukrainian, points wise, as referee also deducted a point after catching Pylypenko again using his head when in close combat.

The fourth was again a full on war and unfortunately quite early on there was another clash of heads, not sure if deliberate or not by the Ukrainian, but the after affect being a serious cut over the left eye of the Maltese Champ.

With blood covering his face Corito had the appearance of a Gladiator in full battle at the Colosseum, and the way he fought he would have fitted right in, clearly realizing there was a chance the bout would be stopped Corito went to war throwing huge shots, whilst many landed solidly, the big Ukrainian soon reverted to tying his opponent up and backing him onto the ropes in a relatively vain attempt to prevent further big shots landing.

About midway through the round, referee Charlie Cardona called time out and had Corito’s corner wipe some of the blood from his face. The fight resumed with Corito very much on the ascendance but a minute or so later there was another close quarters clash of heads. This time the referee called time out and signalled for the ringside Doctor to inspect the cuts, following the inspection the Doctor signalled that the cuts were way too serious for the contest to continue and Referee Charlie Cardona waved the contest off on the two minutes and forty-nine seconds mark of the fourth round and declared the contest a ‘Technical Draw”.

Prior to the headline Corito-Pylypenko contest were three exhibition bouts, the first being a Malta Vs UK contest between local lass Marie Claire Church and Sophie Gelder from Sheffield, which was followed by an all Maltese contest between Team Corito’s Way boxers Redent Galea and Paul Zammit and the final exhibition bout see Malta based Former World Champion Scott Dixon against Bradford’s Chucky Robson, who had taken time of from his honeymoon to take part.

As I said at the beginning this was one serious special event and the location was, well what can I say, just phenomenal. I just hope that Darren Casha does another just like this next year, if he does I’m booking my flights right away.

פרוספקט סופר זבוב ללא הפסד DAMIEN “סוכר” VASQUEZ חוזר לטבעת אוקטובר, 14 במקסיקו

צילום מאת מריו סראנו – צוות ואזקוז
לאס וגאס, NV (ספטמבר 24, 2017) – סיכוי משקל-זבוב ללא הפסד, דמיאן “סוכר” Vazquez (11-0, 6 קוס), עושה את חזרתו לזירה אוקטובר 14, 2017, ב Palenque de la Feria ב Aguascalientes, מקסיקו. מאבק זה, מתוכנן ל 8 סיבובים, יציין את הפעם השלישית השנה בה ווסקז יכנס לזירה, כשהוא נראה להאריך הוא רצף הניצחונות. בקרוב יוכרז על יריב.
“זו הרגשה טובה לדעת שאחזור לזירה אחרי שרק לפני שנלחמתי לפני כמה שבועות.” סעיד ואסקס. “הקרב האחרון שלי קרה באוגוסט 31רח ' ואני מרגיש מצוין. המחנה התחיל ואני הולך להיות מוכן לכל מי שצוות ההנהלה שלי יניח מולי. אני נוסע שוב למקסיקו כדי לסמן את הטריטוריה שלי. אני אוהב להילחם שם כי ההמונים מאוד רועשים. אל תעשה שום טעויות בקשר לזה, אני לוקח בסערה את חטיבת המשקל העל.”
אומן משותף על ידי אלוף העולם לשעבר, קלארנס “עצמות” אדמס, דמיאן וזקז הוא אחיו הצעיר של אלוף העולם לשעבר במשקל על-משקל פעמיים לשעבר, ישראל Vazquez, המשמש גם כמאמן המשותף שלו. עצמות וישראל מאמנים את ואצקז ב איגרוף ראנץ הנסיך חדר כושר בלאס וגאס. אגרוף של פרינץ ראנץ ' גרג האנלי, מנהל יחד עם אביו את דמיאן, אוסקר ואסקז. לדמיאן יש חברת קידום מכירות משלו מבצעי סוכר.
“אני מאוד גאה בבני ובמה שהוא השיג עד כה בקריירה שלו.” אמר אוסקר ווזקז. “הוא הפך ללוחם הצעיר ביותר שזכה בתואר ה- NABF בגיל 17, אחרי שהפכתי למקצוען בגיל 16. טסנו פנימה ג'ונתן לקונה, משקל-על-טבעי טבעי ממקסיקו, לעזור לדמיאן להתרגל להילחם בחבר'ה גדולים יותר. הוא נראה חד ממש, והוא הולך להיות נפיץ בקרב הזה.”
“כאן במתקן האגרוף של פרינץ ראנץ 'אנו מתגאים בכך שהפכו את לוחמינו לטובים יותר, בכך שהם נותנים להם את הכלים הדרושים כדי להפוך לאלופי עולם.” אמר גרג האנלי, “עצמות אדמס וישראל ווזקז, שתי אלופות עולם לשעבר, הם מאמנים מצוינים והמתקן שלנו הוא ביתם של כמה מתאגרפים מרהיבים. עולם האיגרוף יראה את עליית חדר הכושר הזה, וכל לוחמינו. דמיאן הוא כישרון מיוחד ואני רואה אותו נלחם על תואר משמעותי בקרוב.”
“אחי משתפר עם כל קרב,” אמר האח והמאמן המשותף ישראל ווזקז. “אני רואה את השיפור שלו בחדר הכושר על בסיס יומי. המטרה שלנו היא להגיע למקסיקו בעוד כמה שבועות ולהצהיר. דמיאן מוכן לקחת את הקריירה לשלב הבא.”
“דמיאן הוא לוחם ממש טוב.” אמר המאמן המשותף קלרנס “עצמות” אדמס, “הוא מגיע בסדר גמור. אין ספק שיש לו לב כמו אחיו ישראל, והכישורים שלו הם עליתיים לדעתי. אני יודע שהילד הזה יכול לעשות כמה דברים מיוחדים בספורט הזה אם הוא ימשיך בדרך שהוא נמצא בה עכשיו.”
# # #

Undefeated Bantamweight sensation Christian Carto ready for toughest test to date when he takes on Alonso Melendez this Friday night at the 2300 זירה בפילדלפיה

מסיבת עיתונאים, יום רביעי, September 27th at The 2300 זירה ב 6 PM ET TO BE STREAMED LIVE ON KING’S PROMOTIONS FACEBOOK PAGE
Loaded card also features
Carlos Rosario taking on Jerome Conquest in Lightweight showdown
Mykal Fox squares off with Marlon Aguas
David Gonzales battles Darius Ervin

Erik Spring fights Anthony Prescott

פלוס ברנדון רובינסון, Amir Shabazz and Robert Irizarry in action

Weigh-in יום חמישי, September 28th at The Stadium Holiday Inn TO BE STREAMED LIVE ON KING’S PROMOTIONS FACEBOOK PAGE AT 6 PM ET


לשחרורו מיידי

פילדלפיה, הרשות הפלסטינית (ספטמבר 25, 2017) –ביום שישי לילה, משקל משקל בלתי מנוצחכריסטיאן קרטו will headline a 10-bout card when he takes on his toughest foe to date inAlonso Melendez ב The 2300 זירה ב פילדלפיה.
הכרטיס מקודם על ידי קידום של המלך.
Carto (11-0, 11 קוס) of Philadelphia has developed into one of the top prospects in the Philadelphia region and combined with his growing fan base, Carto has become a must-see attraction.
Everything has gone great in camp. I feel really good for Friday,” said Carto.
In Melendez, he is fighting a tough fighter from Mexico who sports an impressive mark of 14-1 עם 12 knockouts.
I have seen a few videos of him, and I know he is a southpaw. הוא לוחם טוב, and on paper it looks like he is my toughest fight, but I can tell you for sure after the fight.
Ever since he was an amateur, Carto has been a popular fighter, drawing large crowds, but since becoming a professional, Carto is starting to build into an attraction, where he is starting to acquire more and more fans with each fight.
I am starting to notice that my fan base is growing. That makes me feel good that people want to come out and see me fight.
This being his 12th fight ב 14 חודשים, Carto has kept a busy schedule, and should everything go well ביום שישי לילה, Carto could see more action as 2017 closes out.
I definitely want to get one more for sure and possibly two more fights before the year ends, but first things first is Friday and it’s going to be a good night of boxing.
Two fights scheduled for the Eleven Sports broadcast will pit
קרלוס רוסאריו (7-2, 4 קוס) of Pennsuaken, New Jersey and ג'רום כיבוש (8-2, 1 KO) of Philadelphia will meet in a highly anticipated eight-round lightweight bout.
Mykal פוקס (14-0, 4 קוס) של Forestville, MD ייקח על Marlon Aguas (9-1, 4 קוס) of Quioto Ecuador in a eight-round welterweight bout.
בהתקפים שש-עגולים:
Maynard Allison (9-1, 6 קוס) of Philadelphia meets חואן רודריגז (7-7-1, 5 קוס) של Haymarket, Virginia in a junior lightweight bout.
דוד גונזאלס (8-2-2, 2 קוס) פילדלפיה קרבות דריוס ארווין (4-1) of Los Angeles in a super lightweight bout.
אריק האביב (9-1-2, 1 KO) רידינג, הרשות הפלסטינית תילחם אנתוני פרסקוט (6-7-2, 2 קוס) של צ'רי היל, NJ in a super welterweight fight.

בהתקפים ארבעה-עגולים:
ברנדון רובינסון (6-1, 5 KO של) של דרבי עליון, PA battles George Sheppard (1-2) של נורפולק, VA in a super middleweight bout.
רוברט Irizarry (3-1-1) של צ'רי היל, קרבות NJ בריאן פרז (2-7-1, 1KO) של קרוליינה, Puerto Rico in a super featherweight fight.
Rasheed Johnson (1-1) פילדלפיה קרבות Demetrius Williams (1-3) of Philadelphia in a welterweight tussle.
Amir Shabazz (4-1) של פילדלפיה יהיה ליישב את עם Alan Lawrence (1-0, 1 KO) ניוארק, NJ in a light heavyweight bout.
The first bout begins at 7 PM ET and the broadcast will begin at 9 PM ET.
Tickets for this great night of boxing can be purchased at www.2300arena.com ל $100, $75 ו $50
בערך באחת עשרה ספורט:
ELEVEN ספורט זמין 70 מיליון בתים ברחבי העולם בבלגיה, איטליה, לוקסמבורג, פולין, סינגפור, טייוואן וארה"ב. הושק בארה"ב מרס 2017, ELEVEN הספורט מוקדש אספקה ​​מקומית ברמה עולמית וספורט בינלאומי ובידור אורח חיים "עבור האוהדים". אוהדי ספורט יטופלו כדי שילוב ייחודי של מתעוררים וספורט הוקם בשילוב לספק בידור חי ומרתק ומשכנע, הצבת הצופה אל תוך לב ליבה של הפעולה.
כמונו בפייסבוק: סטודנטים ספורט סוזה
עקוב אחרינו בטוויטר: @ElevenSportsUSA
עקבו אחרינו ב Instagram: סטודנטים ספורט סוזה

Fast-Rising Undefeated Junior Welterweight Eddie Ramirez Meets Rugged Former Champion Antonio DeMarco in Primetime Battle

Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & ספורט FOX
יום שבת, אוקטובר 14 ממרכז StubHub בקרסון, קליפורניה.
CARSON, קליפורניה. (ספטמבר 25, 2017) – Undefeated rising junior welterweight contender אדי רמירז (17-0, 11 קוס) will step up and take on former world champion אנטוניו דה מרקו (32-6-1, 23 קוס) in a 10-round match to open the television broadcast of the Premier Boxing Champions card on FOX and FOX Deportes on יום שבת, אוקטובר. 14 ממרכז StubHub בקרסון, קליפורניה.
סיקור טלוויזיוני מתחיל ב 7:30 p.m. ו/4:30 p.m. PT. and is headlined by sensational three-division champion Leo “רעידת אדמה” Santa Cruz defending his featherweight world title against Chris Avalos and four-time world champion Abner Mares defending his 126-pound championship against once-beaten Andres Gutierrez.
כרטיסים לאירוע בשידור חי, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, מתומחרים ב $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, ו $250 והם מוצעים עתה למכירה. לרכישת כרטיסים, visit AXS.com.
The 25-year-old Ramirez has made rapid progress this year in a 2017 that saw him jump from prospect to contender. He started the year with a rousing ninth-round TKO over then unbeaten Ryan Karl on פבואר. 2 and followed that up with a victory over veteran Erick Bone in June. Fighting out of Aurora, אילינוי, Ramirez won three times in 2016, including a knockout victory over then undefeated Kevin Watts.
I’m trying to make a statement, and if I’m able to take him out, I’ll take him out,” said Ramirez. “But I’m also going to be smart at the same time. He’s a veteran southpaw and a former champion, but his time is up and my time is now. So we’re prepared for whatever comes our way. I’ll do whatever it takes to win. I’ve been in a lot of tough fights, but they’ve all been worth it to get me prepared to become a world champion. I’ve been sparring with some big, tough guys and I’m ready to take on another one to get up there with the top fighters in the division.
The 31-year-old DeMarco of Tijuana, Mexico has an outstanding resume, which includes matches against Adrien Broner, Rances ברתלמי, עומר פיגרואה, ג 'וניור, and Jessie Vargas. DeMarco won the lightweight world championship with a TKO victory over Jorge Linares in 2011 and successfully defended it twice before losing it to Broner in 2012. Most recently DeMarco won a unanimous decision over Luis Solis in their 10-round bout in February.
This is a very important fight at this point for my career,” דה מרקו אמרו. “I’m going to prove that I still have a lot to give in this sport and this wide-open division. Ramirez is a young, undefeated fighter and a very tough opponent, but I’ve been in a lot of big fights and as a former champion, I definitely believe that he has never faced an experienced southpaw opponent like me. I’ll wear him down, round-by-round and if the knockout presents itself, I’ll definitely go for it.

I know he’s a dangerous fighter, but I’m very calm and confident because of the experience I’ve gained and the camp I’m having. I know the truth about myself, and emotionally and physically, אני 100 percent.

Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. בנוסף, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
עקוב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, TGBPromotions, FOXSports, FOXDeportes ו@Swanson_Comm והפך לאוהד בפייסבוק בwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/התקשר ספורט סטארו www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. הבהרה זמינה ב www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC בFOX & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, באר Finest.


SAN ANTONIO, TX (ספטמבר 25, 2017) – האחרון יום שבת at the Alamodome, בסן אנטוניו, TX, סיכוי סופר-משקל חצי כבד, דניאל “The Beast” Baiz (10-1, 5 קוס), scored a victory against Yunier Calzada (6-2-1, 1 KO), in a hard fought 4-round slugfest. המנוהל על ידי Prince Ranch Boxing’s Greg Hannley, Baiz showed his hometown fans why he is must watch boxing.
Toe-to-toe action commenced from the opening bell as both Biaz and his opponent Calzada, went right at each other. Biaz, אִטֵר, was throwing hard punches, landing his signature straight left throughout the entire fight, in addition to his powerful right hooks. Calzada, stood his ground, but was getting beat to the punch. Calzada had his moments, but was outworked by Biaz, who was determined to come out victorious in front of his hometown fans. The fight was fought in a phone-booth for four rounds and the fans were thrilled to see these two warriors go at it. בסוף, Biaz came out on top as the score cards read 39-37 פעמיים, ו 40-36, all in favor of Daniel.
I’m just wanted to give my hometown fans a great show.said Daniel Baiz, “This was my first time fighting at the Alamodome and it was a great experience. Calzada was a very tough opponent but I wasn’t going to be denied in front of all my family and friends. I know with hard work, I can put myself in a great position to land a big fight.
Daniel is a hungry fighter who works hard in the gym.” מנהל גרג האנלי האמור, “I know he’s going to be a tough out for anyone who steps in the ring with him. He’s learned a lot since suffering his first loss a couple of fights ago. He’s always in great shape and I know with a few more fights, he’ll be ready to step up in competition. He’s one of the most crowd-pleasing fighters I know and he has the heart of a champion. In this fight he showed why he’s so poplar to all those who’ve seen him fighthe’s truly a beast.

Former Title Challenger Tony Harrison Returns to Action to Take on Mexico’s Paul Valenzuela Jr. יום שבת, אוקטובר 14 מהמרכז ברקליס בברוקלין

יותר! Featherweight Champion Cindy Serrano Enters the Ring
& Unbeaten Local Prospects Richardson Hitchins, ג'וליאן סוסה & Chordale Booker Feature on Exciting Night of Undercard Attractions
BROOKLYN (ספטמבר 25, 2017) – Former title challenger טוני הריסון (24-2, 20 קוס) will return to the ring in a 10-round middleweight bout against פול ולנסואלה ג'וניור. (20-5, 14 קוס) as part of an exciting night of undercard bouts on יום שבת, אוקטובר 14 מרקליס המרכז, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.
Additional action will see featherweight world champion סינדי סראנו (26-5-3, 10 קוס) from Brooklyn making her Barclays Center debut in an eight-round special attraction bout.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy “החלום האמריקאי” לארה defending against undefeated טרל Gausha באירוע המרכזי של אליפות אגרוף Showtime. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins live at 10 p.m. ו/7 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “Iron Man” Charlo taking on top contender אריקסון “פטיש” לובין ו “סוויפט” ג'ארט Hurd making his first title defense against tough former world champion אוסטין “אין ספק ש” פורל.
Tickets to the event are on sale now and start at $50 (לא כולל תשלומים החלים). כרטיסים ניתן לרכוש ב ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com או על ידי התקשרות 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. הנחות קבוצה זמינות על ידי קורא 844-BKLYN-GP.
A trio of exciting local prospects will compete in their hometown as 2016 האיטי אולימפי ריצ'רדסון היצ'ינס (2-0, 1 KO) fights in a four-round welterweight bout, ברוקלין של ג'וליאן סוסה (9-0-1, 3 קוס) enters the ring for a six-round welterweight attraction and unbeaten prospects square-off for eight rounds of super welterweight action as Brooklyn’s Chordale בוקר (7-0, 4 קוס) פוגש Malcolm McCallister (9-0, 8 קוס).
Rounding out the night of fights are Justin Hurd (3-0, 3 קוס), brother of 154-pound champion Jarrett, in a six-round super welterweight bout against Georgia’s Steven Andrade (3-2, 2 קוס) וללא הפסד דילן פרייס (3-0, 3 קוס) in a four-round junior bantamweight affair.
The 27-year-old Harrison scored an explosive ninth-round stoppage of Sergey Rabchenko last July at Barclays Center to earn his world title shot earlier this year in which he lost a spirited contest against Jarrett Hurd. The Detroit-native was unbeaten in his first 21 קרבות פרו, recording 10-straight knockouts between 2013 ו 2015 and owns victories over Cecil McCalla, Fernando Guerrero and Tyrone Brunson over his seven-year pro career. He will take on the 30-year-old Valenzuela Jr. out of Baja California Sur, Mexico who has won three of his last four contests.
The older sister of five-division champion Amanda, Cindy became a world champion last year when she defeated Calixta Silgado to capture the WBO Featherweight World Championship. Born in Puerto Rico but raised and fighting out of Brooklyn, she defended her title successfully in May by defeating Paola Torres. Serrano is unbeaten in her last 12 contests dating back to 2012 and will be making her Barclays Center debut on October 14.
# # #
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ו www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment

Ruben Villa and Michael Dutchover remain undefeated with wins in Ontario, קליפורניה

לשחרורו מיידי
פילדלפיה, PENN./ORANGE, קליפורניה. (שבע. 25, 2017) – Heralded prospects, משקל נוצה וילה רובן and junior lightweight מייקל הולנברובר remained perfect with unanimous decision victories this past יום שישי night in Ontario, קליפורניה.
וילה רובן (8-0, 4 קוס) של סלינות, קליפורניה. displayed his superior talent by out boxing veteran Ernesto Guerrero (26-20, 18 קוס) of Mexico through six rounds. Villa swept all three scorecards (60-54) to continue an impressive start to his young career.

In what was perhaps his toughest test to date, Villa performed admirably and displayed his quickness by darting in and out of danger, all the while landing power shots to the head and body.

We had a game plan for Guerrero, and we executed it perfectly,” Villa said. “We gave him different looks and fought him from different angles. I don’t think he ever got comfortable.

Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.

הולנדיובר (6-0, 4 קוס) של מידלנד, טקס. knocked down Mexico’s Carlos Flores (4-6-1, 3 קוס) in the opening round to get things going on his way to a unanimous decision sweep (40-35).

Throughout the fight, Dutchover snapped his left jab to set up an inside attack that left Flores bruised and battered by the fourth round.

I had a lot of success working off the jab,” said Dutchover, who is co-promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “I’m happy with the win. I’ll rest for a little, and then I’ll be back in the gym working to get better.

Photos by Carlos Baeza / תומפסון אגרוף
לעדכונים שוטפים על הלוחמים שלנו, אירועים, ומבצעים, בבקשה תבדוק דף קידום באנרים בפייסבוק , ועקוב אחרינו הלאה Instagram and Twitter BannerBoxing.


Former World champions clash as Anthony Crolla takes on Ricky Burns ביום שבת אוקטובר, 7ה
חי על AWE – עושר של בידור
סן דייגו (ספטמבר 22, 2017) -Below are promotional videos for the אוקטובר 7 fight between former world champions Anthony Crolla and Ricky Burns.
ב יום שבת אחר הצהריים, אוקטובר 7, A pair of former world champions will collide as former lightweight world champion אנתוני Crolla battles former three-division champion ריקי ברנס in a scheduled 12-round lightweight clash at the מנצ'סטר ארנה במנצ'סטר, אנגליה, and will be broadcast LIVE & EXCLUSIVELY IN THE UNITED STATES ב AWE- עושר של בידור. The broadcast will begin at 2 PM ET /11 אני PT
The fight will also be available on www.klowdtv.com on the AWE Channel.
Crolla vs Burns Promotional Video number 1
Crolla vs Burns Promotional Video number 1
Crolla vs Burns Burns Promotional video number 2
Crolla vs Burns Burns Promotional video number 2
על אגרוף בשידור חי AWE

AWE LIVE אגרוף כולל התקפי אליפות וחיסול אליפות עולם בשידור חי לראווה הלוחמים המרגשים ביותר של היום. מאז השקתה של אירועי האגרוף בשידור חי של AWE ב 2011, AWE has featured over 50 קרבות אליפות העולם.

AWE has brought boxing fans some of the most exciting and controversial bouts, including the matchup of Ricky Burns against Ray Beltran for the world title. AWE featured live and exclusively the crowning of American Terence Crawford over Ricky Burns. אוהדי AWE עדים כוח הנפץ של משקל כבד בלתי מנוצח טייסון זעם מספר פעמים על הרשת, כולל הנצחון של הזעם על קווין ג'ונסון. ב 2017, AWE was the exclusive United States television provider of the historic matchup between legendary British heavyweight David Haye and Tony Bellew.

אודות AWE – עושר של בידור

עושר של בידור (“AWE”) כולל מגוון רחב של סגנונות חיים ותכנות בידור מנסיעות אקזוטיות ובתים שערורייתיים לחיות אגרוף אליפות עולם. AWE is available on over a hundred cable systems, כולל AT&T U-פסוק, ch 147 ו 1147 בHD, Verizon טלוויזיה FiOS, ch 169 ו 669 בHD. and DirecTV, ch 387.
לקבלת מידע נוסף, אנא בקר ב www.awetv.com.

Olympian Nico Hernandez remains undefeated Tramaine Williams, ארמנדו אלוורז & Zhilei Zhang victorious

לשחרורו מיידי
PALM CITY, קנזס (ספטמבר 24, 2017) – The name of last night’s “אגרוף KO הלילה: Step Upevent certainly was appropriate as 2016 מדליסט ארד אולימפי ניקו הרננדז had to overcome a major obstacle to remain undefeated at Hartman Arena in Palm City, קנזס.
“אגרוף KO הלילה: Step Up!” was a presentation of KO Night Boxing LLC., in association with Roc Nation Sports and Hartman Arena, sponsored by Mort’s Cigar Bar, Jimmy Egg and Twister City Harley-Davidson. The action was taped live for future airing on CBS Sports Network.
St. Louis southpaw Kendrick “Uprising” Latchman outweighed regular flyweight Hernandez by more than 10 pounds when the two fighters entered the ring because Hernandezscheduled opponent, Basyzbek Baratov (2-1-2), abruptly pulled out of the fight after the weigh in due to a contractual disagreement. Hernandez weighed in at 113 קילו, Baratov was 112, which was the contracted weight. The Kansas Athletic Commission, עם זאת, automatically allows one-pound over for all non-title fights. Baratov refused to fight but Latchman agreed to fight at a 125-pound catchweight. Hernandez gained four pounds and the fight was on.
Wichita hero Hernandez was unmoved by the late change, largely due to his standout amateur career, in which his opponents often changed at the last moment. Latchman (1-5-1, 1 KO) is a pro boxer-MMA hybrid fighter who is 6-3 (5 קוס) בMMA, including a 55-second stoppage of 14-7-1 Cody Land ביולי השנה.
Latchman buzzed Hernandez in the first round, much to the chagrin of the Hernandezloud hometown crowd. ארצות הברית. Olympian displayed a good chin and went on to win a six-round unanimous decision to improve his pro record to 3-0 (2 קוס).
They (his corner and fans) were nervous,” the 21-year-old Hernandez said after the fight, “אבל אני לא היה. My coach (father לואיס הרננדז) told me to feint and go in, but I lunged a little too much. היי, I’m staying in my division (Flyweight) before moving up in weight.
Nico had to step up, fighting a new opponent on 24-hour notice, along with the difference in their weights,” אמרגן John Andersen העיר. “Everything turned out okay but it wasn’t an easy fight. My palms were a little sweaty in the first round when he got hit hard, but Nico pulled out the win and he’ll be an even better fighter because of this experience. His father said Nico had never been hit like that before. It was a good card and the crowed was really into it.
KO Night Boxing LLC announced that Hernandez would return דצמבר 2 to headline another show at Hartman Arena.
USBA No. 2- rated featherweight Tramaine “The Might Midget” וויליאמס (13-0, 5 קוס), fighting out of New Haven (CT), cruised to his 13ה victory without a defeat, taking a one-sided 10-round unanimous decision over Derrick Murray (13-3, 5 קוס), במקרה שיתוף בהשתתפות.
Key West, FL welterweight Armando “ג 'נטלמן: אלוורז (17-0, 11 קוס) נשאר בלתי מנוצח, winning a 10-round unanimous decision against Hungarian champion GaborSquirrelGorbics (23-8, 14 קוס) in a competitive Special Welterweight Attraction. Alvarez is the WBC Latino welterweight title holder.
Undefeated Chinese heavyweight prospect ZhileiBig BangZhang (18-0, 14 קוס), the reigning WBO Oriental champion, צורך רק 2:28 to stop veteran Byron “הדוב” Polley(30-22-1, 13 קוס). Zhang, as well as Williams, are promoted by Roc Nation Sports.
In the most dramatic fight of the night, Los Angeles heavyweight Scott Alexander (13-2-2, 7 קוס) rebounded from being decked, as well as a pre-fight cut, to knockout 361-pound ריצ'רד “סילוארבאק” קארמק (15-12-1, 12 קוס) בסיבוב השני. Alexander suffered a cut on his shin that resulted from a step breaking as he entered the ring.
Milwaukee junior middleweight Akeem שחור (3-1, 1 KO) won three of four rounds on all three judgesscorecards for a four-round unanimous decision over Marcus Neal (2-2, 2 קוס).
Wichita light heavyweight Jeff Strum pitched a shutout in his pro debut against Topeka’s (KS) previously unbeaten Chris Ortega (3-1-1), winning all four rounds in impressive fashion.
תוצאות מלאה להלן:
תוצאות רשמי
אירוע מרכזי – FEATHERWEIGHTS
ניקו הרננדז (3-0, 2 קוס), וויצ'יטה
WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 59-55)
Kendrick Latchman (1-5-1, 1 KO), St. לואיס, MO
טרמיין וויליאמס (13-0, 5 קוס), ניו הייבן, CT
WDEC10 (98-91, 98-91, 97-92)
Derrick Murray (13-3, 5 קוס), St. לואיס, MO
ארמנדו אלוורז (17-0, 11 קוס), Key West, FL
WDEC10 (100-90, 98-92, 96-93)
Gabor Gorbics (23-8, 14 קוס), בודפשט, הונגריה
במשקל כבד
Zhilei Zhang (18-0, 14 קוס), לאס וגאס, NV
WKO1 (2:28)
Byron Polley (30-22-1 (13 קוס), Saint Joseph, MO
Scott Alexander (13-2-2, 6 קוס), לוס אנג'לס, כגון
WKO2 (1:45)
Richard Carmack (15-12-1, 12 קוס), קנזס סיטי, MO
במשקל כבד LIGHT
Jeff Strum 1-0), וויצ'יטה, KS
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
Chris Ortega (3-1-1), Topeka, KS.
Akeem שחור (3-1, 1 KO), מילווקי, WI
Wdec4 (39-36, 39-36, 39-36)
Marcus Neal (2-2, 2 קוס), קנזס סיטי, MO.
טוויטר: @KONightBoxing
פייסבוק: www.facebook.com/NeonStarSE
עקוב @Nicomhernandez בטוויטר Instagram

Brandon Halsey defeats Mikhail Ragozin by Decision in light heavyweight Super Fight

Aleksander Doskalchuk captures inaugural
M-1 Challenge flyweight championship
אתגר M-1 83 תוצאות

Brandon Halsey recorded his first M-1 Global victory
קאזאן, רוסיה (ספטמבר 23, 2017) – American MMA fighter ברנדון “בול” האלסי, fighting as a light heavyweight for the first time, won a hard-fought, three-round unanimous decision over his Russian opponent, מיכאיל Ragozin, in yesterday’s (יום שבת) אתגר M-1 83: TATFIGHT 5 אירוע מרכזי, marking the first international MMA event ever held in Kazan, רוסיה.
בשיתוף התכונה, אלכסנדר Doskalchuk became the first M-1 Challenge flyweight champion.
Eight different countries – רוסיה, ארה"ב, אוקראינה, גאורגיה, קזחסטן, ברזיל, קירגיזסטן, and Netherlandswere represented by fighters in this international event.
The 30-year-old Halsey (10-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), fighting out of Huntington Beach, קליפורניה, was a standout wrestler at the California State University in Bakersfield. He is a former two-time Bellator whose decision to move up to light heavyweight from middleweight, after him being stopped in the opening round ofאתגר M-1 79 this past June to Russian MMA star אלכסנדר Shlemenko, proved correct as he won a three-round decision over Ragozin for his initi al M-1 Global victory, establishing himself as a leading contender for the coveted M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title.
Doskalchuk (8-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), של אוקראינה, used a choke hold to force Russian flyweight ואדים “Bad Santa” Malygin (11-3-1, M-1: 2-2-1) to tap out in the second round. Doskalchuk became the first M-1 Challenge flyweight champion.
In other main event action, גאורגיה קל ראול Tutarauli (18-3-0, M-1: 6-1-0) took a three-round unanimous decision over previously undefeatedולדימיר Kanunnikov (8-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0, של רוסיה; משקל נוצה אמריקניתנייט “הרכבת” Landwehr (9-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0) stopped his Russian foe,מיכאיל Korobkov (13-3-1, M-1: 1-3-1), על אגרופים בסיבוב השני; Kazakh bantamweight Sergey Morozov (10-3-0, M-1: 5-2-0) אגרוף החוצה Luan Fernandes (8-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) in the second fame.
נייט “הרכבת” Landwehr celebrated his first M-1 win
The judges were very busy working the undercard as only two fights ended before the full distance with Russian featherweight knocking out his countryman, -שדורג פרו Rinat Shakirov בסיבוב השלישי, ורוסי קלים ויקטור קולסניק (11-3-1, M-1: 2-0-1) doing the same to Netherlands kickboxing specialist Brian Hooi (14-7-0, M-1: 0-1-0), only in the opening round.
במשקל כבד אור אוקראיני ואדים Shabadash (5-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0) ו bantamweight רוסית אלכסנדר Osetrov won unanimous decisions over, בהתאמה, רוסי Kirill Kusmin (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0) והופעת בכורה Lenar Suleymanov, של רוסיה.
Russian light weight Alik Albagachiev (4-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) took a majority decision win from Russian רוסלן Khisamutdinov (4-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0) ו welterweight רוסית Vadim Sinitsyn (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) had the exact same outcome versus Timur Gilimzyanov (4-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0). קל ברזילאיDiego Davela (18-6-1, M-1: 1-1-1) ו Busurmankul Abdibait Uulu (8-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1), של קירגיזסטן, fought to a three-round split draw.
תוצאות מלאה וגלריית תמונות בהמשך:
אירוע מרכזי – במשקל כבד LIGHT
ברנדון האלסי (10-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), ארה"ב
מיכאיל Ragozin (8-3-0, M-1: 3-1-0), רוסיה
אלכסנדר Doskalchuk (8-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), אוקראינה
ואדים Malygin (11-3-1, M-1: 2-2-1), רוסיה
(Doskalchuk Won M-1 Challenge flyweight title)
ראול Tutarauli (18-3-0, M-1: 6-1-0), גאורגיה
ולדימיר Kanunnikov (8-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), רוסיה)
נייט Landwehr (9-2-0 (M-1: 1-0-0), ארה"ב
WKO/TKO (אגרופים – 1:31)
מיכאיל Korobkov (13-3-1, M-1: 1-3-1), רוסיה
סרגיי מורוזוב (10-3-0, M-1: 5-2-0), קזחסטן
WKO / TKO2 (אגרופים – 4:48)
Luan Fernandes (8-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), ברזיל
CARD הראשוני
במשקל כבד LIGHT
ואדים Shabadash (5-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), אוקראינה
Kirill Kuzmin (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), רוסיה
Vadim Sinitsyn (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), רוסיה
Timur Gilimzyanov (4-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), רוסיה
דייגו דאבלה (18-6-1, M-1: 1-1-1), ברזיל
Busurmankul Abditbait Uulu (8-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1), קירגיזסטן
ויקטור קולסניק (11-2-1, M-1: 2-0-1), רוסיה
WKO / TKO1 (אגרופים – 3:36)
בריאן היי (14-7-0, M-1: 0-1-0), הולנד
Alik Albagachiev (4-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), רוסיה
רוסלן Khisamutdinov (4-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), רוסיה
Imanov Nidzhat (2-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0)
WKO / TKO3 (אגרופים)
Rinat Shakirov (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), רוסיה
אלכסנדר Osetrov (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), רוסיה
Lenar Suleymanov (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), רוסיה


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CALENDAR M-1 אתגר מקרה:
אתגר M-1 84: אוקטובר 27, 2017 בסנט. פטרסבורג, רוסיה
אתגר M-1 85: נובמבר 10, 2017 במוסקבה, רוסיה