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Fan-friendly fight series looks to build on four-month 750,000 audience while showcasingRockin’ borbe 48: The Return of The Hebrew Hammer.

NEW YORK (Sedam. 27, 2017) – Having recently eclipsed the 750,000-view milestone through the first four months of the series, Facebook FIGHTNIGHT UŽIVO will showcase top-notch talent for the fourth time during the month of September četvrtak, partnering once again with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing to deliver free fisticuffs to fight fans everywhere. Na 7:30 poslije podne. live from Long Island sutra noć, “The Hebrew HammerCletus Seldin takes centerstage for the first time u 16 mjeseci, headlining “RockinFights 48from The Paramount in Huntington.

We’re glad to partner with Star Boxing once again. Our FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series started with Star Boxing on our first show back on Svibanj 11, and now we’ve grown to a total audience over three-quarters of a million, s 108,000 views per show and 80,000 fight fans on the page,” rekla Mark Fratto, Principal and Director of Business Development, Linacre Media. “Četvrtak night’s show is coming together quickly and we’re pleased that fight fans from all over Long Island and all over the world will be able to tune in to catch some excellent matchups via the Star Boxing Facebook page and our FIGHTNIGHT LIVE page.

In the 10-round junior welterweight main event, tough former French champion Renald “Lionheart” Garrido (19-15-2, 3 Kos) looks to derail the long-awaited return of Long Island’s own Hebrew Hammer” Cletus Seldin (19-0, 16 Kos). An exciting matchup also awaits between two veteran warriors, kao CourtneyKing PennPennington Brooklyn (11-3-2, 5 Kos) comes off of his May unanimous decision win over world title contender Delvin Rodriguez only to meet knockout artist Steven “Hitman” Martinez The Bronx (18-3, 13 Kos) in an eight-round junior middleweight affair. Red-hot New England prospect “Radnja” Anthony Laureano (4-0, 2 Kos) makes his Empire State debut as part of the Facebook lineup and Vincenzo D’Angelo (2-0-1) of Bayside, Queens, looks to stay unbeaten to open the show.

Star Boxing CEO DeGuardia had these comments about the stream, “Not only will there be an exciting card from top to bottom at The Paramount sutra noć, but the entire world will be able to watch from Long Island to France and beyond, live streamed right to your home from the Star Boxing Facebook page. We are excited to partner with the very successful FIGHTNIGHT LIVE production team for the second time to bring free boxing to hundreds of thousands of homes.

Over the first four-plus months of programming, the numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of almost 108,000 fight fans tuning in per event. The Sept. 9 “Pravi posao promocije: carstvo” od Resorts World Casino (225,000), August HZZ “Super Subota” od Foxwoods (203,000), rujna. HZZ “Twin River Twinbill” od Lincoln, R.I. (157,000), the July Roy Jones Jr. “Desert Showdownfrom Phoenix (63,000), the MaySlugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun (45,000), the JuneRosemont Rumble” iz Chicaga (32,000) and the Sept. DiBella “Petak Night Foxwoods Fights” (32,000) saw a total of almost 14,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 755,253-plus users across all devices.

Osim sirovih gledanosti brojevima, Potpuno interaktivni, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 122,819 kolektivni žive Post angažmana (17,700-plus po emisiji), including almost 88,000 “sviđa” ili “voli,” više od 13,000 comments and 4,200-plus shares. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 posto ljudi, 24 posto žena. The top demographic is comprised of males aged 25-34, koji obuhvaća oko 30 posto publike, U prosjeku.

The Sept. 9 “Pravi posao promocije: carstvo” set a new bar with 224,658 views and the Sept. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Kolovoz. 26 Foxwoods “Super Subota” Show ističe pojedinačno 3,336 live hours of content viewed, while the Sept. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 viewer interactions including almost 39,000 “sviđa” ili “voli.”

U četvrtak noć, Sedam. 28, live from The Paramount on Long Island, fanovi mogu očekivati ​​visoke utjecaja, više kamera strujanja zajedno s grafikom, animacije, Ponovne, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer Michael Woods of the TalkBox Podcast, and The Ring and analyst Xavier Porter of, Notorious Boxing and theShoot the 5radio show. Pružiti gledateljima s potpuno interaktivni ringside iskustvo, komentatori će pitati i odgovoriti na pitanja iz publike Facebook tijekom emitiranja.

Stvorio i producirao Linacre medija iz New Yorka, FIGHTNIGHT UŽIVO Serija ima profesionalnih spikera, više kutova kamere, televizijske grafike, replays i iza-the-scene pristup i intervjui. Preneseni pokazuje dostupni globalno, gdje god je Facebook dostupan. Inicijativa ne samo da omogućuje fanovima iz cijelog svijeta za podešavanje u, ali i daje gore-i-dolaze borci globalne platforme da predstave svoje sposobnosti, daje promotorima pristupačan “prijenos” rješenje i daje sponzorima mogućnost da dođete do masovne publike putem marke sadržaj.

More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Fall 2017 Datumi će biti službeno objavljeni u nadolazećim tjednima.

FIGHTNIGHT UŽIVO je dostupan online na: /

Pratiti sve akcije putem društvenih medija na FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE na Facebooku, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE na Instagram i @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ na Twitteru, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Za najnovije Linacre Media događanja i raspored emitiranja, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Polish Contender Mateusz Masternak Meets Once-Beaten Stivens Bujaj in World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Reserve Match Saturday, Listopad 21 u Prudential Centru u Newarku, NJ.

Više! Unbeaten Polish Super Welterweight Maciej Sulecki Takes On Former Title Challenger Jack Culcay
Na čelu s prvakom Cruiserweighta Muratom Gassievom, bivšim prvakom Krzysztof Wlodarczyk
u Četvrtfinalna akcija WBSS-a
NEWARK, NJ. (Rujan 27, 2017) – Tvrdoglavi poljski kandidat Mateusz Masternak (39-4, 26 Kos) borit će se jednom pobijeđeni Stevens Bujaj (16-1-1, 11 Kos) u 10-kolu Svjetske bokserske superserijske rezervne utakmice na Subota, Listopad 21 u Prudential Centru u Newarku, NJ.
Dodatna akcija će uključivati ​​super-težinski dvoboj u 10 kola između neporaženog poljskog suparnika Maciej Sulecki (25-0, 10 Kos) i bivši naslov izazivač Jack Culcay (22-2, 11 Kos).
Listopada 21 događaj je na čelu s prvakom IBF-a Murat “Željezo” Gassiev i bivši svjetski prvak Krzysztof Włodarczyk skretanje u četvrt-finalnoj akciji Svjetske bokserske super serije.
“Ovo će biti fantastičan show za fanove da izađu i provedu noć punu akciju Listopad 21 u Newarku, New Jersey,” rekao je Richard Schaefer, Predsjednik i izvršni direktor Ringstar Sportsa. “Poljski ponos bit će u punoj snazi, jer Mateusz Masternak i neporaženi Maciej Sulecki preuzimaju jake protivnike u važnim utakmicama dok love aspiracije svjetskog naslova. To će naravno dovesti do glavnog događaja i konačnog četvrtfinala krucijalne težine Svjetske bokserske supersezone, šutke prvaka Murata Gassieva protiv bivšeg prvaka iz Poljske,Krzysztof Wlodarczyk.”
Promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, tickets for the live event are on sale now and are available Tickets are also available to purchase at the Prudential Center box office.
“U svojoj top formi znam da mogu pobijediti bolje borce od Bujaja,” rekao je Masternak. “Mislim da mi ne može nauditi. Svaka je borba važna, boks te to uči svaki dan. Ali Bujaj je odskočna daska do mojih velikih borbi. Kaže da me prije nekoliko godina pobijedio u sparingu, ali kako je to moglo i proći da je odlazio brže nego što je stigao? Nemam vremena pogriješiti i izgubiti takvu borbu, tako da ću biti spreman na sve kad uđemo u ring.”
Borba izvan Vroclava, Poljska, Masternak je izborio vrh prvaka i izazivača u kruzer diviziji i ulazi u ovu borbu pobjednik njegova posljednja tri natjecanja. 30-godišnjak se borio protiv Tonyja Bellewa, Grigory Drozd i Youri Kalenga, dok su također pokupili europsko prvenstvo u krutoj težini, pobjedom nad Juhom Haapojom. Masternak se tijekom karijere borio u devet zemalja i vraća se borbi protiv Sjedinjenih Država. prvi put od svog četvrtog pro bota u 2006.
“Spremite se vidjeti najbolje Stivens Bujaj ikad,” rekao je Bujaj. “Ja sam trenirao dva, ponekad i tri puta dnevno. Ovim sportom se bavim od kad sam bio 15 godina star, i sve se svodi na ovaj trenutak. Ovo je moje svjetsko prvenstvo. Bit će to borba mog života i spremna sam učiniti sve što treba. Ranije sam sparitirao Masternaka i dominirao sam osam rundi i oni su me poslali kući. Spreman sam završiti ono što sam započeoListopad 21!”
Albanski borac koji živi u New Yorku, Bujaj je bio dvostruki njujorški prvak Zlatne rukavice prije nego što se uključio u borbu 2010 i pobijedio u svojoj prvoj 18 pro botovi. 27-godišnjak je tri puta pobijedio u 2016, uključujući pobjedu nad tada neporaženim Sergiom Ramirezom prije nego što je ispustio utakmicu s neporaženim Constantinom Bejenaruom. Bujaja su tijekom karijere ometale povrede, ali vraća se u ring zdrav i spreman da nastavi uspon na vrh divizije.
Predstavljajući Varšavu, Poljska, Sulecki je oduzeo svoju najimpresivniju pobjedu do sada prošle godine, kada je zaustavio tada neporaženog protivnika Huga Centeno Jr. u 10th i završni krug njihove borbe. 28-godišnjak je od tada pokupio pobjede nad Damiamom Bonellijem i Michi Munozom jer traži svjetsku titulu od 154 kilograma. Sulecki će se drugi put vratiti u Prudential Center nakon što je nokautirao Josea Miguela Berrija 2015 na mjestu u Newarku.
Culcay je izvorno rođen u Ekvadoru, ali odrastao je u Njemačkoj i Indiji 2008 zastupao je Nijemce na 2008 Olimpijske igre. 32-godišnjak je bio dominantan u osvajanju svog prvog 14 profesionalno se bori i skuplja WBA među-kontinentalni superveleslalomski naslov. Culcay je sastavio još jedan niz pobjeda u sedam borbi i osvojio WBA privremeni superveleslalomski naslov WBA, prije nego što je odustao od odlučivanja u ožujku, Demetriju Andradeu, svjetsku titulu..
Za više informacija posjetite worldboxingsuperseries.s ili

Slijedite na Twitteru @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar i postati fan na Facebook-u a zvjezdice Sport. Večerašnju borbu promovisao je Ringstar Sports u suradnji sa Svjetskom bokserskom super serijom.


30/09/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Mairis Briedis vs. Mike Perez (WBC svijet)
Riga Arena, Riga, Letonija

07/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Chris Eubank Jr vs. Avni Yildirim (IBO Svijet)
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle, Stuttgart, Njemačka

14/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
George Groves vs. Jamie Cox (WBA super)
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

21/10/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Włodarczyk (IBF Svijet)
Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, SAD

28/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Rob Brant

Kongresna dvorana u Schwerinu, Njemačka

Broj sudionika: 16
Broj pojaseva: 7
Broj svjetskih prvaka: 6
Broj bivših svjetskih prvaka: 3
Broj neporaženih boraca: 9
Kombinirani zapis sudionika: 423 pobjeda, 17 gubici, 294 Kos


Glavni događaj:
JEFF “Lights Out” HUGHES
Tickets are on sale NOW through at Arena Theatre

HOUSTON, Teksas – Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA) officials announced today LFA will return home to Houston, TX for LFA 26.
The main event will feature LFA Heavyweight Champion RichardThe Black EagleOdoms defending his title for the first time since he won it at LFA 15. Standing opposite him in the cage will be Ohio’s Jeff “Lights Out” Hughes. LFA 26 – Odoms vs. Hughes takes place Petak, 3. studenog at the Arena Theatre in Houston, Teksas. Cijeli Glavna kartica će biti na televiziji uživo i zemlje na AXS TV na 9 poslije podne. I / 6 poslije podne. PT.
Ulaznice za LFA 26 – Odoms vs. Hughes are available for purchase NOW at Arena Theatre.
Odoms (13-3), a full time San Antonio police officer, is currently riding a two-fight win streak, both of which were in LFA, and has finished both opponents. The latest win culminated in Odoms, who also is a veteran of Legacy FC, winning the vacant LFA Heavyweight Title when he submitted previously undefeated Jared Vanderaa (6-1) u petom krugu.
Hughes (7-1) will look to capitalize on his nickname “Lights Out” when he tries to take away Odoms’ teškoj naslov. Hughes is currently ranked as one of the top regional heavyweights in the Midwest and has wins over Strikeforce and Bellator veterans, including a highlight reel KO when he knocked out Strikeforce veteran Jason Riley with a spinning wheel kick.
The co-main event will feature LFC and LFA veteran Bilal Williams (8-4) moving up in weight to take on another LFC veteran in Larry “Tae Kwon” Crowe (9-6) in what is sure to be a very fun fight for everyone watching, as both fighters rarely go the distance. Williams fought five times u jednoj godini for LFC, even taking fights on short notice and became a fan favorite with his relentless style. Crowe was another LFC favorite who was always looking for the knockout with his explosive power, which earned him two shots at the LFC Middleweight Title. Williams and Crowe are coming off of losses to recently-signed UFC fighters, and are looking to prove they belong in the big show.
Glavni Card (Televiziji na AXS TV-u 9 poslije podne. I / 6 poslije podne. PT):
Main Event | Heavyweight Title Bout (265 lb)
Richard Odoms (13-3) (prvak) vs. Jeff Hughes (7-1)
Co-Main Event | Srednjoj Bout (185 lb)
Bilal Williams (8-4) vs Larry Crowe (9-6)
Lagan Bout (155 lb)
– Kolton Englund (5-2) vs. Thomas Webb (13-4)
Pero Bout (145 lb)
– Cameron Graves (5-1) vs. Charles Cheeks (11-6)
Ženska slama borba (115 lb)
– Itzel Esquivel (2-1) vs. Nicolle Caliari (3-1)
Poluteškoj Bout (205 lb)
Jon Harris (10-6) vs. Aaron Davis (8-5)
Bantamweight Bout (135 lb)
Adrian Yanez (5-2) vs. David Acosta (5-2)
U Rujnu 2016, RFA and Legacy FC officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) s početkom u siječnju 2017. RFA i Legacy FC lansirao je karijere od preko 100 sportaši koji su dosegli vrhunac MMA natječući se u UFC.
LFA 26 will mark the third LFA event to take place in Houston, where Legacy Fighting Alliance is headquartered. Dodatne informacije o LFA 26 Uskoro će biti objavljen. Cijeli Glavni kartica LFA 26 će biti na televiziji uživo i zemlje na AXS TV-u 9 poslije podne. I / 6 poslije podne. PT.
Molimo posjetite za bout ažuriranja i obavijesti. LFA je na Facebooku na Legacy Fighting Alliance. LFA je također na Instagramu na @LFAfighting i Twitter na @LFAfighting.

Mairis Briedis vs. Promjena vremena početka kartice Mikea Pereza u Kanadi na Super kanalu – 2 PM / I

Mairis Briedis vs. Mike Perez
Četvrtfinale WBSS krucijalne težine
Provjetravanje živim u Kanadi Ove subote
Isključivo na SUPER KANAL
(Fotografska usluga Svetske bokserske super serije)
Edmonton, Kanada (Rujan 27, 2017) – Vrijeme početka za ove subote je zračenje u Kanadi dodatnih World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) turnirska akcija, uz Svjetsko boksersko vijeće (WBC) Svjetski prvak u krutoj težini Mairis jelen (22-0, 18 Kos) protiv izazivačaMikrofon “Buntovnik” Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), je 2 poslije podne. I / 11 a.m. PT, ekskluzivno na Super Channel uživo iz Riga Arene u Rigi, Letonija.
Preliminarne emisije počet će emitirati na Super Channel u 2 poslije podne. I / 11 a.m. PT, planiran je početak glavnog događanja Briedis-Perez 5 poslije podne. / 2 poslije podne. PT.

Četiri uzbudljive borbe na “Elk vs. Perez” kartica, promovirao Sauerland Event, emitirat će se Kanadom isključivo na Super Channelu.

Sve borbe i borci su podložne promjenama.
Sedam. 9 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Berlinu, Njemačka
WBO Cruiserweight World Championship
Oleksandr Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Kijev, Ukrajina
Marco Huck (40-5-1, 27 Kos), Berlin, Njemačka
(Usyk je zadržao titulu WBO krstarice)
Sedam. 16 – Super srednja četvrtfinala u Liverpoolu, UK
WBC Super Middleweight Diamond Championship
Callum Smith (23-0, 17 Kos), Liverpool, Merseyside, UK
Erik Skoglund (26-1, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Švedska
(Smith je osvojio naslov srednje super težine WBC Diamond)
Sedam. 23 – Četvrtfinalno krucijalno finale u San Antoniju, Teksas, SAD
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Miami, Florida, SAD putem Kube
Dmitrij Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Izazivač, Volgodonsk, Rusija
(Dorticos je zadržao naslov WBA krstarice)
Sedam. 30 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Rigi, Letonija
Svjetsko prvenstvo u krucijalnoj težini
Mairis jelene (22-0, 18 Kos), Prvak, Riga, Letonija
Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), Izazivač, Pluta, Irska putem Kube
Sve WBSS borbe bit će dostupne i na Super kanal na Potražnja.
Super Channel nedavno je emitirao velike boksačke događaje uživo poput Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga i Crawford vs. Indongo.
Za gledanje sve akcije World Boxing Super Series uživo, kao i uzbudljivije boks doći, Fanovi borbe u Kanadi mogu se obratiti lokalnom davatelju kablova i pretplatiti se na Super Channel i sve th

Robbery at the Cannery! Scoring Woes Continue in Las Vegas as Eduardo Ramirez Cheated by Bad Judging

Barthelemy-Ramirez Ends in Dubious Draw
A loud chorus of boos rang out as another controversial Las Vegas decision was rendered in Večeras je Leduan Barthelemy vs. Eduardo Ramirez featherweight battle at the Cannery Hotel & Casino u Las Vegasu.
Ramirez, Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Meksiko, seemed to have done more than enough to deserve the nod over a listless Barthelemy in the 10-round featherweight main event of a Premier Boxing ChampionsCuba vs. Meksiko” TOE-TO-TOE Utorak događaj, televised nationally on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes.
Nakon 10 rounds of pounding and chasing the exhausted Cuban around the ring, often landing multi-punch combinations to the head and body, Ramirez and corner rightfully celebrated their well-deserved upset victoryBut in Las Vegas boxing, nothing is certain, especially scoring.
While Judge Glen Trowbridge was able to pick the right winner at least (but by too tight a margin) na 96-94, the other two inexplicably scored the lopsided beating (Tim Cheatham) 95-95 and an unbelievable 97-93 Barthelemy from Patricia Morse Jarman.
This controversial scoring is the second time Las Vegas judges have made major blunders on national television in a short time, as it comes less than two weeks after the Canelo vs. GGG scoring debacle.
It is also not the first time Morse Jarman has been involved in controversial and highly questionable scoring.
Her decades of head-scratching scores include having Fernando Vargas ahead of Oscar De La Hoya at the time of De La Hoya’s 11th round stoppage victory, as well as having Beibut Shumenov winning 117-111 in a fight against Gabriel Campillo that Campillo clearly dominated and was robbed. Also among her long list of missteps, Morse Jarman had Marco Antonio Barrera beating Nasim Hamed by a mere three points in a fight regarded by all (except Morse Jarman) as a one-sided beating.
With the “nacrtati” Barthelemy escapes to 13-0-1, 7 Kos. Ramirez undeservedly sinks to 20-0-3, 7 Kos.

Unbeaten Featherweight Prospects Leduan Barthelemy & Eduardo Ramirez Fight to Split Draw in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday Night from the Cannery Hotel & Casino u Las Vegasu

Alejandro Salinas Defeats Duarn Vue in High-Octane
Super Featherweight Brawl
Bryan Figueroa Scores Decision Over Ivan Jimenez in
Battle of Unbeaten Prospects
Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing ChampionsFotografije biti dodan uskoro
LAS VEGAS (Rujan 26, 2017) – Neporaženi featherweights Leduan Bartolomej (13-0-1, 7 Kos) a Eduardo Ramirez (20-0-3, 7 Kos) fought to an exciting split draw in their 10-round brawl that headlined Premier Boks prvaka TOE do pete utorkom na FS1 i Boks prvakana Fox Deportes Utorak night from the Cannery Hotel & Casino u Las Vegasu.
The back-and-forth battle saw Barthelemy attempt to take advantage of his length early while Ramirez fought hard to do damage on the inside. By round four, Ramirez had begun to break through Barthelemy’s defense and by the sixth round he connected with Barthelemy repeatedly with no response to score a huge round in his favor.
I wanted to pressure him all the way through and take away his reach advantage,” said Ramirez. “I felt good the whole fight and he never hurt me at any point. I believed in my skills and I performed well.
It was a very tough, physical fight for both of us,” Said Bartolomej. “I didn’t feel 100 percent but I was able to work through it and I never felt hurt during the fight. He landed on me but I was able to keep my composure.
Barthelemy was able to recover and began to stifle Ramirez’s aggressiveness by pivoting effectively and landing punches from different angles. By the final round, the two fighters resorted to brawling on the inside, with both men landing big punches all the way to the final bell.
In the end the judgesscores reflected the close nature of the bout as one judge scored the fight 97-93 for Barthelemy while another judge scored the bout 96-94 for Ramirez. The fight was declared a split draw after the final score was announced as 95-95.
“Ja bi svakako boriti ga opet,” Said Bartolomej. “I’ll be ready for another great battle and I’ll get the clear victory this time.
I thought that I won the fight, it was a close fight but I believe that I did what I had to do to win,” said Ramirez. “I would fight him again and beat him even worse.
Additional action saw once-beaten Alejandro Salinas (9-1, 8 Kos) was able to earn a unanimous decision over rugged brawler Duarn Vue (12-1, 4 Kos) in their eight-round super featherweight contest.
The fight was defined by close quarters exchanges that began right after the opening bell as Vue charged Salinas and tried to navigate the distance and brawl with Salinas. The tide quickly turned for Salinas who established his right hand and connected several times cleanly with Vue’s head.
Vue did not stop attacking and forced Salinas to vary his attack and add in uppercuts and left hooks with his effective right hand. While Vue was able to tag Salinas as he tired into the later rounds, it was not enough to come back in the minds of the judges as all three scored the bout for Salinas by scores of 80-72, 79-73 a 77-75.
The opening bout saw Bryan Figueroa (13-0, 5 Kos) remain unbeaten and win a close decision over Ivan Jimenez (7-1-1, 4 Kos) in their six round lightweight fight.
Figueroa took his time early trying to utilize his height advantage to strike Jimenez from a distance and in round three he connected on a hard left hand that backed up and staggered his opponent. Jimenez was able to stay on his feet, and had success at times getting on the inside and hitting Figueroa with hooks, but was not able to land consistently enough.
The fiery exchanges continued through the sixth and final round with Figueroa eventually earning the decision on all three judgesscorecards by the score of 58-56.
# # #
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, ili povezanih uređaja, uključujući Apple TV, Android TV, vatra TV, Xbox One i Roku. Dodatno, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Pratite na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ISwanson_Comm i postanite fan na Facebook-u, a Izdvajamo dostupni na on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Sampson Boxing.

Unbeaten Super-Lightweight Phenom DEVINTHE DREAMHANEY Extends On Winning Steak, Talks Future

Photo by Team Haney
LAS VEGAS, NV (Rujan 25, 2017)Last Friday at the SugarHouse Casino, u Philadelphiji, PA, undefeated super-lightweight prospect, 18-year old sensation Devin “The DreamHaney, poboljšana za (17-0, 11 Kos) with a unanimous decision victory against Enrique Tinoco (16-5-3, 12 Kos) Meksika.
Tinoco, known for being a rugged fighter, was no match for Haney as he dominated from start to finish. Devin used his superior boxing skills to outclass Tinoco, working off angels, while landing his punches at will. U krugu četiri, Haney hurt Tinoco with a vicious straight right-cross, putting the Mexican native on wobbly legs, prompting a 10-8 round on one of the judges’ bodovima. Tinoco managed to survive to the final bell, but took a beating along the way. Final scorecards read 80-71, 80-72 dvaput.
Tinoco was a very durable opponent who’s been in the ring with some notable fighters,” said Devin Haney. “I knew if I stuck to my game plan, everything would work out. I’m only 18-years old, but I feel like a polished pro. With every fight, I’m learning something new. I just want to be the best possible fighter I can be. All the hard work is paying off.
S pobjedom, Haney, who currently holds the WBC Youth World Lightweight Title, has plans to get right back in the ring. Devin has already fought six times this year.
My goal is to fight three more times in 2017,said Devin Haney. “Last year I had nine fights, and I want to stay on that pace to close out the year. The team I have behind me is amazing. My father William and everyone he’s put on the team, their all doing a fantastic job guiding my career. I’m truly blessed to be where I’m at this stage of my life. I’m marching forward with the goal to become a world champion. I’m a hungry fighter, and I won’t be denied.

Undefeated Junior Welterweight MykalThe Porfessor” Lisica: “I am looking forward to performing in front of the Philly fight fans

Fox battles Marlon Aguas ovaj petak noć u 2300 Arena
Konferencija za novinare, Srijeda, September 27th at The 2300 Arena u 6 PM ET TO BE STREAMED LIVE ON KING’S PROMOTIONS FACEBOOK PAGE
Undefeated Bantamweight Christian Carto takes on Alonso Melendez in bantamweight main event
Loaded card also features
Carlos Rosario taking on Jerome Conquest in Lightweight showdown
David Gonzales battles Darius Ervin
Erik Spring fights Anthony Prescott

Plus Brandon Robinson, Amir Shabazz and Robert Irizarry in action

Weigh-in Četvrtak, September 28th at The Stadium Holiday Inn TO BE STREAMED LIVE ON KING’S PROMOTIONS FACEBOOK PAGE AT 6 PM ET


Za immediate release

Filadelfija, PA (Rujan 25, 2017) –Ovaj petak noć, undefeated junior welterweight Mykal Fox (14-0, 4 Kos) will make his Philadelphia debut when he takes on tough Marlon Aguas (9-1, 6 Kos) in an eight-round bout at The 2300 Arena u Philadelphiji.
Kartica promovira kraljevih Promocije.
U glavnom turniru, neporaženi bantam Christian Carto (11-0, 11 Kos) će borbaAlonso Melendez (14-1, 12 Kos) in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.
Fox-Aguas and CartoMelendez will be part of the broadcast on Eleven Sports beginning at9 PM ET / 6 PM PT, s prve borbe s početkom u 7 PM ET.
Also as part of the Eleven Sports broadcast,Carlos Rosario (7-2, 4 Kos) of Pennsuaken, New Jersey and Jerome Conquest (8-2, 1 KO) of Philadelphia will meet in a highly anticipated eight-round lightweight bout.
Fox Forestville, Maryland has had a flawless camp as he prepared for this potentially tough challenge.
My training went very well. My weight came off nicely, and I had great sparring. I feel very good as I head into this fight,” rekao je Fox.
In Aguas, he is facing a battled tested foe who has fought good competition in his home country of Ecuador and in Mexico. His lone defeated came in his last bout against then-undefeated prospect Ivan Golub.
Aguas fought against Golub, who is a known commodity. I know that Aguas has a good record and has power, and he has been 12 kola, so I expect to have to fight the whole time in there.
The King’s Promotions signee, Fox is looking forward to his maiden voyage into one of the great fight towns in Philadelphia.
Philly is a great fight town. I know a lot of people up there like Julian Williams, Tevin Farmer and Jesse Hart. Those guys are tough, and Philly has a lot of tough fighters. I am really looking forward to fighting in front of the Philly fight crowd.
Fox is really excited about what a win will do for him going forward.
This win will be a a good look for me because of his record. It will show people that I can handle myself against a battle tested opponent, and hopefully it will catapult me into a ShoBox opportunity, and keep me moving in my career. I want to thank everybody who has been rooting for me and following me.
U šest okruglih djeluje:
Maynard Allison (9-1, 6 Kos) of Philadelphia meets Juan Rodriguez (7-7-1, 5 Kos) of Haymarket, Virginia in a junior lightweight bout.
David Gonzales (8-2-2, 2 Kos) Philadelphije bitke Darius Ervin (4-1) of Los Angeles in a super lightweight bout.
Erik Proljeće (9-1-2, 1 KO) čitanja, PA će se boriti Antonije Prescott (6-7-2, 2 Kos) Cherry Hill, NJ in a super welterweight fight.

U četiri okrugle djeluje:
Brandon Robinson (6-1, 5 KO-a) of Upper Darby, PA battles George Sheppard (1-2) Norfolk, VA in a super middleweight bout.
Robert IRIZARRY (3-1-1) Cherry Hill, NJ borbe Bryan Perez (2-7-1, 1KO) od Karolina, Puerto Rico in a super featherweight fight.
Rasheed Johnson (1-1) Philadelphije bitke Demetrius Williams (1-3) of Philadelphia in a welterweight tussle.
Amir Shabazz (4-1) Philadelphia će trgu off s Alan Lawrence (1-0, 1 KO) od Newark, NJ in a light heavyweight bout.
The first bout begins at 7 PM ET and the broadcast will begin at 9 PM ET.
Tickets for this great night of boxing can be purchased at za $100, $75 a $50
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LOS ANGELES – One year removed from its previous event at the world-famous Forum, Bellator returns to Los Angeles to kick off its 2018 schedule with a championship bout on Saturday, Siječanj 20.

The main event features two of the best 170-pounders in the world, kao šampion Douglas Lima (29-6) defends his Bellator welterweight world title against Rory MacDonald (19-4) in a thrilling five-round matchup.

A special Bellator Nation presale takes place Srijeda, Sedam. 27 and Thursday, Sedam. 28, while tickets go on sale to the general public starting Petak, Sedam. 29 na 10 a.m. PT and can be purchased at the Forum box office, as well as The event will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network (formerly named Spike TV) na 9 poslije podne. I/8 poslije podne. CT, while preliminary action will stream on and the Bellator Mobile App. Dodatni borbe bit će objavljeni u narednim tjednima.

Borba iz Atlante, Ga., Douglas “The Phenom” Lima has been ruling the roost at 170-pounds in Bellator for the better part of three years. With wins against the likes of Lorenz Larkin, Andrey Koreshkov, Paul Daley and Ben Saunders, the 29-year-old has quietly placed himself among division’s elite. A winner of 17 od njegova posljednja 19 natjecanja, the American Top Team product remains set on showing the world how dominant he is.


Over the last several years, “The Red King” Rory MacDonald has become the most popular Canadian mixed martial artist due to his classic stand-up wars and wins over some of MMA’s best in Nate Diaz, Tyron Woodley, B.J. Penn and Demian Maia. A training partner of Georges St-Pierre at the world-renowned TriStar Gym in Montreal, the 28-year-old joined Bellator’s welterweight fray in 2016 and immediately made an impact by submittingPaul Daley na Bellator 179 u drugom krugu.


Updated Bellator Card:

Welterweight World Title Main Event: Douglas Lima (29-6) vs. Rory MacDonald (19-4)




About Bellator:

Bellator is a leading mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Pod vodstvom veterana borbe promotorske Scott Coker, Bellator je dostupna na gotovo 1 billion people worldwide in over 160 Zemlje. U Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Bellator can be seen on SPIKE, the combat sports television leader. Bellator is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, live događaj orkestracija, Razvoj borac / odnosi, mjesto nabave, Stvaranje sponzorstvo / razvoj, Međunarodna licenciranje, marketing, oglašavanje, publicitet i provizija odnosi. Bellator is based in Hollywood, Kalif. and owned by entertainment giant Viacom, dom svjetskih premijera zabavnih brandova koji povezuju s publikom kroz zanimljiv sadržaj preko televizije, film, online i mobilne platforme.

O Spike:

Spike  is available in 98.7 million  homes and is a division of Viacom Media Networks. Jedinica Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks is one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. Spike’s Internet address is and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, visit Spike’s press site at  Follow us on Twitter  spiketvpr  for the latest in breaking news updates, iza-scene informacija i fotografija.


Mairis Briedis vs. Četvrtfinale Mike Perez WBSS krucijalne kategorije

Provjetravanje živim u Kanadi Ove subote
Isključivo na SUPER KANAL
(Fotografska usluga Svetske bokserske super serije)
Edmonton, Kanada (Rujan 26, 2017) – World Boxing vijeće (WBC) Svjetski prvak u krutoj težini Mairis jelen (22-0, 18 Kos) riskira svoj svjetski naslov i neporaženi rekord protiv izazivača rođenog iz Kube Mikrofon “Buntovnik” Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos) ove subote kada je visoko konkurentna World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) turnir se nastavlja s više četvrtfinalnih akcija, s početkom u 5 poslije podne. I / 2 poslije podne. PT, emitirati uživo u Kanadi ekskluzivno na kanalu Super Channel iz Riga Arene, Letonija.
The “Elk vs. Perez” čestitka će kanadskim bokserskim fanovima pružiti još jednu priliku da gledaju nagradne igrače svjetske klase koji se takmiče na WBSS turniru u vrijednosti 50 milijuna dolara, žive iz Latvije, isključivo na Super Channel, koja je u Kanadi stekla prava za emitiranje svjetske serije Super boks od MP & Silva, vodeća tvrtka svjetski mediji koji pruža medijskih prava, digitalni, tehnologije i sponzorstva usluge.
32-godišnji Briedis, koji je u svojoj najnovijoj borbi osvojio svjetski naslov WBC-a u krutoj težini, prihvativši jednoglasnu odluku od 12 kola bivšeg svjetskog prvaka Marco “Capt'n” Huck (40-3-1) prošlog travnja u Njemačkoj. Bivši europski prvak u kickboxingu, Briedis će imati izrazitu prednost boreći se protiv Pereza kod kuće u Rigi, Letonija.
“Stvarno sam sretan što mogu pokrenuti Svjetsku boksersku super seriju kod kuće pred vlastitom publikom,” Rekao je Briedis. “Borimo se da osvojimo trofej Muhammad Ali, ali i sam stavljam u pitanje svoj svjetski naslov. Ovo je velika stvar. Za Latviju, ovo će biti prvo veliko svjetsko prvenstvo u povijesti, pa se nadam da ću vidjeti rasprodanu arenu.
“Iz mog prethodnog iskustva s latvijskom publikom, Doista mogu reći Mikeu Perezu da mu boks pred publikom u Rigi neće biti lak. Zajednica boksača širom svijeta naučit će koliko strastveni i glasni mogu biti ljubitelji Latvije! Moj pripremni kamp do sada ide jako dobro i mogu uvjeriti svoje obožavatelje da ću biti u najboljem redu kad 30th rujna stiže.
“Ovo je prva borba turnira, prva obrana mog WBC World cruiserweight naslova, i stvarno sam sretna što ću to moći napraviti pred domaćom publikom. Na ovom turniru nema lakih borbi. Mike Perez već se iznio u diviziji teške kategorije i čini se da je u obliku svog života spuštajući se na kruto težinu.”
Sa sjedištem u Corku, Irska, odakle se potukao s Kube, Perez će se boriti kao krstaš samo drugi put kad je kampanje za većinu svojih 9 Dvogodišnja profesionalna karijera u teškoj kategoriji. 31-godišnji jugozapadnjak ne boji se boriti se s Briedisom u njegovom dvorištu i ostaje samouvjeren.
“To je prilika za cijeli život,” Primijeti Perez. “Borbe u Latviji nisu problem za mene. Baš me briga gdje se borim. Borit ću se bilo gdje. Osjećam se dobro, Uvjeren sam, i radujem se Rigi. Imam priliku postati svjetskim prvakom u svojoj prvoj borbi na turniru, pa nisam mogao tražiti bolje.
Breidis je dobar šampion, ali jedva čekam da vratim pojas kući. Sretan sam što se borim za trofej Muhammad Ali-a i postao sam neprikosnoveni prvak u krutoj težini na ovom turniru. Ne sumnjam da ću učiniti upravo to. Naporno sam radio ovih nekoliko godina i zaista sam se posvetio tome da dobijem ovu priliku i nitko me neće iskoristiti za to. Imam puno iskustva i kao amaterski i kao profesionalni, puno sposobnosti i sada u kruzer težini puno brže stojim i mogu bacati brže kombinacije, pa se osjećam kao puno bolji borac. Doista vjerujem da mogu osvojiti trofej Muhammad Ali. Tako ja to vidim. Mislim da ću pobijediti. Ne vidim nikoga da je pobjeđuje. Najbolji sam kruzer na natjecanju.”
The “Elk vs. Perez” pobjednik će se probiti u polufinale i suočiti se sa WBSS br. 1 sjeme, neporažena Svjetska bokserska organizacija (WBO) cruiserweight prvak Oleksandr “Mačka” Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), koji su zaustavili Hucka u 10th kolo njihovih WBSS četvrtfinala bori se ovog rujna. 9 u Berlinu.
Četiri uzbudljive borbe na “Elk vs. Perez” kartica, promovirao Sauerland Event, emitirat će se Kanadom isključivo na Super Channelu.
U suradnji opremljenog događaja, bivši WBO cruiiserweight svjetski prvak Krzysztof Glowacki (27-1, 17 Kos), opasni Poljak koji je prije godinu dana ironično izgubio pojas od naslova Usyka, klizava je prema licuLeonardo Damian Bruzzese (18-3, 6 Kos), Italije putem Argentine, u WBSS krucijalnoj težini za zamjenske borbe u 10 kola. Također emitiranje uživo na Super Channelu je lagana utakmica u 10 rundi u teškoj kategoriji između Norvežanina Tim Robin (16-3, 9 Kos) a Sergej Gorokhov (8-2, 6 Kos), Rusije. Pronalazi otvarač televizora 2016 Olimpijski brončani Filip Hrgovic, Srbije, debitirajući protiv neporažene Belgije u teškoj kategoriji Ali Baghouz (10-0-1, 6 Kos) u osam okrugli nastup.
Sve borbe i borci su podložne promjenama.
Sedam. 9 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Berlinu, Njemačka
WBO Cruiserweight World Championship
Oleksandr Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Kijev, Ukrajina
Marco Huck (40-5-1, 27 Kos), Berlin, Njemačka
(Usyk je zadržao titulu WBO krstarice)
Sedam. 16 – Super srednja četvrtfinala u Liverpoolu, UK
WBC Super Middleweight Diamond Championship
Callum Smith (23-0, 17 Kos), Liverpool, Merseyside, UK
Erik Skoglund (26-1, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Švedska
(Smith je osvojio naslov srednje super težine WBC Diamond)
Sedam. 23 – Četvrtfinalno krucijalno finale u San Antoniju, Teksas, SAD
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Miami, Florida, SAD putem Kube
Dmitrij Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Izazivač, Volgodonsk, Rusija
(Dorticos je zadržao naslov WBA krstarice)
Sedam. 30 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Rigi, Letonija
Svjetsko prvenstvo u krucijalnoj težini
Mairis jelene (22-0, 18 Kos), Prvak, Riga, Letonija
Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), Izazivač, Pluta, Irska putem Kube
Sve WBSS borbe bit će dostupne i na Super kanal na Potražnja.
Super Channel nedavno je emitirao velike boksačke događaje uživo poput Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga i Crawford vs. Indongo.
Za gledanje sve akcije World Boxing Super Series uživo, kao i uzbudljivije boks doći, boriti navijača u Kanadi mogu se obratiti davatelju kabelsku pretplatu na Super kanal i sve to nudi svojim, uključujući premium serije, filmove i još mnogo toga, za nisko kao $9.95 na mjesec.
O Super kanalu
Super kanalaje nacionalna televizijska mreža premium pay, koji se sastoji od četiri HD kanala, četiri SD kanala, i Super Channel On Demand.
Misija Super Channela je zabaviti i angažirati kanadsku publiku pružajući jedinstven i ekskluzivan zabavni doživljaj. Temeljni temelj integriteta i odgovornosti, posvećujemo se provođenju inovativnih strategija programiranja i neusporedivom timskom radu koji gledateljima pruža izuzetnu vrijednost i raznolikost.
Super Channel je u vlasništvu kompanije Allarco Entertainment 2008 Inc., medijska kuća sa sjedištem u Edmontonu.
Super Channel trenutno je dostupan na Bell TV, Shaw Direct, Rogers Anyplace TV, Shaw Cable, Cogeco kabel, Pristup komunikacijama, Bell Alliant TV, Izvorski kabel, SaskTel, MTS, Novus, EastLink, TELUS, Videotron, Westman Communications i ostali regionalni davatelji.
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