Mae'r holl swyddi gan FNU47


PHILADELPHIA – Rising Philadelphia lightweight Damon Allen Jr., 13-0-1, 5 Kos, will be honored asThe One to Watchfor the Philly fight scene, at the 10th Annual Briscoe Awards, ar Dydd Sul, Hydref 15, 2017.

Since his debut in 2013, Allen has been steadily rising in the lightweight division, and now finds himself on the brink of a major breakthrough. With Golden Boy as his promoter, and an impressive skillset in the ring, Allen is well-positioned to soon step into the spotlight.

For these reasons, Philly Boxing History, a non-profit organization dedicated to celebrating and documenting the Philadelphia fight scene, named Allen theOne to Watchand will present him with a Briscoe Medal at their annual event this weekend.
It’s an honor and makes me feel like my hard work is not going unnoticed,” Allen said of his Briscoe Award. “I truly believe I’m the ‘one to watch’, and the next big talent coming from the City of Brotherly Love.

The Briscoe Awards are named in honor of legendary Philly middleweight Bennie Briscoe and the trophies given awaythe Briscoe Statue and the Briscoe Medalall bear the deceased icon’s likeness. The event brings together the local boxing community, including the award winners, their families, past and present boxers, ymladd cefnogwyr, other boxing people, and general sports fans.

This is the tenth year for the Briscoe Awards, which are presented by Philly Boxing History Inc., a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization, dedicated to preserving and celebrating Philadelphia’s great boxing legacy. Past winners at the Briscoe Awards include Bernard Hopkins, Danny Garcia, Steve Cunningham, and many others.

The event returns to Xfinity Live! Philadelphia, the central hub of Philly’s sports stadiums, lleoli yn 1100 Pattison Avenue in South Philadelphia. Admission is $5, and tickets can be purchased at or by calling 609-377-6413. Everyone is welcome.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, please call John DiSanto, 609-377-6413 /

The 10th Annual Briscoe Awards will be held on Dydd Sul, Hydref 15, 2017, 1-4 PM, at Xfinity Live!, 1100 Pattison Avenue in South Philadelphia.

Rite Hook Promotions News and Notes

Hydref 10, 2017 (Biloxi, MS) – Rite Hook Promotions has run a successful string of professional boxing shows in the Biloxi area, yn fwyaf diweddar Gorffennaf 29 at the Climb Event Center in nearby Gulfport. Rite Hook CEO William Hunter opened doors for local fighters and multiple boxers signed under the Rite Hook Promotions banner through his fight cards along with various relationships he has with promoters across the US.
• Rite Hook Promotions’ Javonn “Pinkie” Barnes agreed to fight welterweight contender Karim Mayfield Hydref 21in his hometown of San Francisco, MEGIS. The undefeated Barnes, who is from Atlanta, was in training camp preparing for the opportunity and Mayfield stirred the pot by trash talking on Barnes’ social media pages. To the surprise of Barnes and Hunter, a contact never came and Mayfield is instead fighting Miguel Dumas of Mexico.
Hunter believes that the 5’11 Barnes’ size was a concern for Mayfield. The last foe Mayfield, 5’7, faced 5’11 or taller was back in 2008. Although the Mayfield fight is off the table, Barnes will continue to receive world class sparring when he joins Regis Prograis’ training camp to help him prepare for his upcoming bout against Viktor Postol. Hunter is negotiating to get Barnes on the undercard.
• Mike “ConcreteBissett came up short in his Awst 25 challenge for the NABF heavyweight championship against hard-hitting Laron Mitchell. Bissett, a natural cruiserweight who has a reputation for taking on all comers, entered the fight with an injury and a 30-plus pound weight disadvantage. A throwback fighter, Bissett looks to get back on track in the near future.
• Hunter is partnering with a group headed by Florida Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Pete Fernandez to start a promotional firm called Fight Night Promotions. The company is hosting their first show Dydd Gwener, Tachwedd 10 at the Bryan Glaser Family JCC in Tampa, FL. Like Hunter’s vision with Rite Hook, Fight Night Promotions will help build and promote local talent. Fighters currently scheduled to appear on the 10th include female sensation Jazmine Artiga, who Hunter believes is a superstar in the making, and Ivan Franco. More information on the card will be announced shortly.

Rhagolwg New Jersey di-guro Julian Rodriguez Yn cystadlu mewn Atyniad Pwysau Welter sy'n Uchafbwyntiau Gweithredu Undercard Dydd Sadwrn, Hydref 21 yn Prudential Center yn Newark N.J..

Mwy! 2016 Olympiaid Eimantas Stanionis, Efe Ajagba & Rhagolwg Diguro Digwyddiad Powell IV Cystadlu mewn Pyliau ar wahân
NEWARK, N.J. (Hydref 9, 2017) – Rhagolwg lleol Julian Rodriguez (16-0, 10 Kos) yn dychwelyd i'r cylch wrth i'r brodor o New Jersey amddiffyn ei record berffaith mewn pwl pwysau welter chwe rownd sy'n tynnu sylw at noson gyffrous o atyniadau tan-gerdyn ymlaen Dydd Sadwrn, Hydref 21 o'r Ganolfan Darbodus yn Newark, N.J.
Hyrwyddir gan Ringstar Sports ar y cyd â World Boxing Super Series, mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad byw ar werth nawr ac ar gael Mae tocynnau hefyd ar gael i'w prynu yn swyddfa docynnau'r Ganolfan Darbodus.
Yr Hydref 21 pennawd y digwyddiad yw ornest chwarterol pwysau mordeithio Pwysau Super World Series Super Box rhwng Hyrwyddwr IBF Murat Gassieva chyn-bencampwr pwysau'r byd mordeithio Krzysztof Wlodarczyk yn byw ar Rwydwaith CYNULLEIDFA. Mae pyliau dan sylw hefyd yn cynnwys cystadleuydd o Wlad Pwyl Masternak Mateusz yn wynebu cael ei guro unwaith Stevens Bujaj mewn gêm wrth gefn pwysau mordeithio WBSS a chystadleuydd Pwylaidd diguro Maciej Sulecki ymgymryd â chyn-heriwr teitl Jack Culcay.
Hefyd yn cystadlu mewn pyliau tan-gardiau mae 2016 Olympiad o Lithwania Eimantas Stanionis (3-0, 3 Kos), sy'n mynd i mewn i'r cylch ar gyfer ymladd pwysau welter wyth rownd, 2016 Nigeria Olympaidd Efe Ajaba (1-0, 1 KO) mewn ornest pwysau trwm chwe rownd a gobaith diguro cynyddol Arian Powell IV (4-0, 3 Kos) yn erbyn Detroit’s Antonio Urista (9-2, 2 Kos) mewn chwe rownd berthynas pwysau welter super.
Mae talgrynnu noson yr ymladd yn bwysau welter pwerus dros ben Skender Halili(14-2, 13 Kos) o Kosovo mewn pwl chwe rownd yn erbyn Samuel Amoako (19-15, 16 Kos) a phwysau mordeithio Nigeria Efetobor Apochi (2-0, 2 Kos) mewn gornest bedair rownd yn erbyn Lawrence Gabriel (1-1-1).
Yn cynrychioli Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., Rodriguez wedi cael gyrfa amatur serol a oedd yn cynnwys a 2013 Teitl Menig Aur Cenedlaethol, a 2012 U.S. Medal arian Pencampwriaethau Amatur a smotyn fel eilydd ar y 2012 U.S. Tîm Olympaidd. Mae'r chwaraewr 22 oed wedi parhau i greu argraff ers troi pro i mewn 2013, yn curo yn naw o'i gyntaf 10 ymladd. Mae Rodriguez wedi ennill buddugoliaethau dros Jerry Belmontes a Dario Ferman yn 2017 a bydd yn ymladd yn ei wladwriaeth enedigol am y tro cyntaf ers iddo stopio Peter Oluoch yn rownd un yn Prudential Center ym mis Mai 2015.
Amatur medrus yn cynrychioli Kaunas, Lithwania, Stanionis yn edrych i ddod yr ymladdwr nesaf o Ddwyrain Ewrop i wneud sblash yn yr Unol Daleithiau. Cafodd y chwaraewr 23 oed a 141-19 recordio fel amatur ac ennill pedair pencampwriaeth genedlaethol hŷn cyn ennill aur yng Nghymwysydd Olympaidd Ewrop i ennill ei daith i'r 2016 Gemau. Enillydd medal aur yn y pwysau welter yn y 2015 Pencampwriaethau Bocsio Amatur Ewropeaidd, Mae Stanionis wedi creu argraff ar y nifer sy'n taro allan yn ei dri chychwyn cyntaf ers troi'n pro ym mis Ebrill, gan gynnwys dinistr rownd gyntaf Oscar Valenzuela ym mis Medi.
Mae'r 23-mlwydd-oed Ajagba ar fin troi'n pro ar ôl curo'r od a gwneud y 2016 Gemau Olympaidd Rio i gynrychioli ei wlad enedigol yn Nigeria. Er iddo golli yn y chwarteri olaf, Gwnaeth Ajagba sblash trwy gyflwyno rîl uchafbwynt yn ei bwt agoriadol yn erbyn Trinidad a Tobago. Yr ymladdwr o'r enw “King Kong” hefyd enillodd fedal aur gemau Affricanaidd yn ystod ei yrfa amatur drawiadol a gyflwynodd rownd gyntaf yn ei ymddangosiad cyntaf ym mis Gorffennaf.
Ganed yn yr Almaen, lle'r oedd ei gyn dad bocsiwr wedi'i leoli yn y fyddin, Powell IV cysegrodd ei hun i focsio am byth pan symudodd ei deulu yn ôl i'r Unol Daleithiau. mewn 2011. Mae'r chwaraewr 19 oed wedi gwneud enw iddo'i hun yn gyflym ers hynny, ennill y 2016 Pencampwriaeth Genedlaethol Pwysau Welter Ieuenctid i ennill y safle uchaf yn yr adran 152-punt gan USA Boxing. Ymladd allan o Fort Mitchell, ar linell dalaith Alabama a Georgia, Mae Powell wedi sgorio buddugoliaethau stopio mewn tair o'i bedair buddugoliaeth pro.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i worldboxingsuperseries.gyda neu

Dilynwch ar Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar a dod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook yn ac Chwaraeon Star. Heno hyrwyddwyd ymladd gan Ringstar Sports mewn cydweithrediad â World Boxing Super Series.


14/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
George Groves vs.. Jamie Cox (WBA Super)
Yr Arena SSE, Wembley, Llundain, Y Deyrnas Unedig

21/10/17 – Rownd Derfynol Chwarter Pwysau Cruiser:
Murat Gassiev vs.. Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (Byd IBF)
Center Prudential, Newark, New Jersey, UDA

27/10/17 – Rownd Gynderfynol Super Middleweight:
Juergen Braehmer vs.. Rob Brant

Neuadd y Gyngres yn Schwerin, Yr Almaen

Nifer y cyfranogwyr: 16
Nifer y gwregysau: 7
Nifer o bencampwyr y byd: 6
Nifer o gyn-bencampwyr y byd: 3
Nifer y diffoddwyr heb eu heffeithio: 9
Cofnod Cyfun o'r cyfranogwyr: 423 ennill, 17 colledion, 294 Kos

Trefnwyd gan Comosa AG, bydd Cyfres Super Boxing y Byd yn cychwyn ym mis Medi 2017, yn cynnwys yr adrannau Pwysau Cruiser a Super Middleweight. Ymhob dosbarth pwysau, bydd wyth bocsiwr elitaidd yn brwydro mewn twrnamaint dileu ar ffurf braced, gyda phedair rownd yr wyth olaf (cwympo 2017), dwy rownd gynderfynol (yn gynnar 2018) ac un rownd derfynol (Mai 2018). Mae hyn yn golygu saith gornest orau i bob dosbarth pwysau, a chyfanswm o 14 ymladd yn Nhymor Un i'w llwyfannu mewn prif leoliadau ledled y byd. Bydd enillwyr Cyfres Super Boxing y Byd yn derbyn y Wobr Fwyaf mewn Bocsio yn haeddiannol, Tlws Muhammad Ali. Ewch i'n gwefan WorldBoxingSuperSeries.gyda am ragor o wybodaeth neu dilynwch @WBSuperSeries ar Twitter, Facebook, neu Instagram.


PHILADELPHIA – Crowd-pleasing welterweight of the 1950s, Gil Turner will become the sixth recipient of a gravestone by the Philly Boxing History Gravestone Program. A fundraising campaign to pay for the Turner monument will be launched as part of the 10th Annual Briscoe Awards event, ar ddydd Sul, Hydref 15, 2017, at Xfinity Live! Philadelphia, yn dechrau am 1:00 PM. Turner’s children and other family members will attend the event ar ddydd Sul.

Philly Boxing History Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating the great legacy of Philadelphia boxing. Five area boxers have been previously honored by the program, including Matthew Saad Muhammad, Gypsy Joe Harris, Tyrone Everett, Garnet “Siwgr” Hart, and Eddie Cool.

Turner became a sensation in the early 1950s, when he reeled off 31 yn ennill yn syth (25 by KO) to start his career. The streak stretched until July 7, 1952, when Turner faced off against welterweight champion Kid Gavilan, at Municipal Stadium in South Philly. Turner fought on even terms with the champ until round eleven, when theCuban Hawkswooped in and retained his crown by TKO. Turner fought for another six years, but never again vied for a world title. He retired in 1958 with an overall record of 56-19-2, gyda 35 knockouts. Turner was a popular TV fighter throughout the 1950s and fought numerous big names such as Joey Giardello, Johnny Saxton, Ike Williams, Gene Fullmer, Carmen Basilio, Beau Jack, and many others.

He died in 1996, and currently rests in an unmarked grave in North Philadelphia. Once the necessary funds are raised, the monument is expected to be placed in 2018. Tax deductible donations to the effort can be made at the event or by calling John DiSanto at 609-377-6413.

The Briscoe Awards are named in honor of legendary Philly middleweight Bennie Briscoe and the trophies given awaythe Briscoe Statue and the Briscoe Medalall bear the deceased icon’s likeness. The event brings together the local boxing community, including the award winners, their families, past and present boxers, ymladd cefnogwyr, other boxing people, and general sports fans.
This is the tenth year for the Briscoe Awards, which are presented by Philly Boxing History Inc., a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization, dedicated to preserving and celebrating Philadelphia’s great boxing legacy. Past winners at the Briscoe Awards include Bernard Hopkins, Danny Garcia, Steve Cunningham, and many others.
The event returns to Xfinity Live! Philadelphia, the central hub of Philly’s sports stadiums, lleoli yn 1100 Pattison Avenue in South Philadelphia. Admission is $5, and tickets can be purchased at or by calling 609-377-6413. Everyone is welcome.
Am fwy o wybodaeth, please call John DiSanto, 609-377-6413 /

The 10th Annual Briscoe Awards will be held on Sunday, Hydref 15, 2017, 1-4 PM, at Xfinity Live!, 1100 Pattison Avenue in South Philadelphia.



Darrion Caldwell (11-1) trechu Eduardo Dantas (20-4) drwy benderfyniad unfrydol (48-47, 48-47, 50-45)


Quote from Darrion Caldwell: "I have been waiting for this moment for my whole life. Darrion Caldwell is the Bellator bantamweight champion, that has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? I want to be an active champion, I want to bring some prestige to this belt. You’ll be hearing from me very soon.”


Emmanuel Sanchez (16-3) trechu Daniel Straus (24-8, 1 CC) drwy gyflwyno (tagu triongl) yn 1:56 o rownd tri


Quote from Emmanuel Sanchez: “Since I signed with Bellator I’ve always taken on everyone Scott Coker has put in front of me. Nothing is changing now, so tell me, who’s next? It doesn’t matter what weight class, or who it is, I’ll fight anyone.”

Pat Curran
(23-7) trechu John “Macapa” (21-3-2) drwy benderfyniad unfrydol (29-28, 30-27, 30-26)


Quote from Pat Curran: “It felt so great to get back inside the Bellator cage. This was the calmest, most composed I’ve ever felt while competing. Nawr, one job is done and I can focus on my other. But let me make one thing clear, I want that belt.”


Leandro Higo (18-3) trechu Joe Taimanglo (23-8) drwy benderfyniad unfrydol (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)


Quote from Leandro Higo: "Tonight was my first step towards getting back to where I belong. During my debut, I was filling in on short notice and unfortunately missed weight. Ar gyfer y frwydr hon, I made sure to come in at 135-pounds to show my commitment to becoming a world champion. It doesn’t matter who wins tonight’s main event, the bantamweight belt will be mine.”


Manny Muro (9-3) trechu Emmanuel Rivera (6-2) drwy benderfyniad unfrydol (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Sean Holden (6-2) trechu Shakir McKillup (7-6) drwy TKO (punches) yn 4:39 o rownd dau

Carrington Banks (7-0) trechu Steve Kozola (8-1) drwy benderfyniad unfrydol (30-27, 30-25, 30-25)

Chance Rencountre (11-2) trechu Justin Patterson (9-4) drwy gyflwyno (D’Arce choke) yn 2:58 o un rownd

Teagan Dooley (6-2) trechu DeMarcus Simmons (1-1) drwy gyflwyno (Americana) yn 2:12 o rownd dau

Westin Wilson (5-2) trechu L.J. Hermreck (3-3) drwy gyflwyno (tagu cefn-noeth) yn :55 o rownd dau

Kendall Carnahan (6-1) trechu Daniel Carey (3-2) drwy benderfyniad unfrydol (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Ernest James (1-0) trechu Ray Jones (0-1) drwy TKO (punches) 2:53 o un rownd




LOS ANGELES – The Bellator women’s featherweight championship will be up for grabs on Dydd Gwener, Rhagfyr. 1 pan Julia Budd (10-2) defends her title in a rematch against Arlene Blencowe (10-6) yn Bellator 189 inside WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, Okla., the same venue where Budd captured the inaugural belt earlier this year.


Yn ogystal,, the co-main event of Bellator 189: Budd vs. Blencowe 2 will feature a middleweight contest pitting rising contender Chris Honeycutt (10-1) erbyn undefeated Rafael Lovato Jr. (6-0). Additional main card and preliminary bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.


The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on and the Bellator Mobile App. Mae tocynnau ar gyfer Bellator 189: Budd vs. Blencowe 2 are on sale now and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino and Resort box office, as well as Ticketmaster and


A STRIKEFORCE veteran, Budd enters the Bellator cage on Rhagfyr. 1 as the first and only women’s featherweight champion in promotional history. Currently in the midst of an eight-fight, six-year winning streak, the British Columbia native owns victories over the course of her career against Marloes Coenen, Germaine de Randamie, as well as Gina Carano in kickboxing. Budd has also previously competed at bantamweight, going toe-to-toe with both Amanda Nunes and Ronda Rousey during her tenure in STRIKEFORCE. Continuing the trend of taking on top-flight competition, Budd meets Blencowe at Bellator 189, in her second main event with Bellator.


The fighting pride of New South Wales, Awstralia, Arlene Blencowe enters her fight with Budd riding a three-fight winning streak, most recently edging out a split decision against Sinead Kavanagh ym mis Awst. A former world champion boxer under the World Boxing Federation and Women’s International Boxing Association, “Angerfist” nearly defeated Budd during their previous meeting at Bellator 162. A proud mother of two, the 34-year-old now has a chance to add more gold to her mantle, this time coming in the form of a Bellator MMA championship.


Since making the jump from welterweight to middleweight, the Fresno, Calif.-based Chris Honeycutt feels as though he is right at home in his newfound division. Riding a wave of momentum, which most recently culminated in a vicious stoppage against Kevin Casey, “The Cutt” must now get through BJJ ace Rafael Lovato Jr. The undefeated Lovato Jr. has experienced his own wave of success since signing with Bellator, including a submission victory over Mike “Biggie” Rhodes. These two middleweights will meet in the co-main event of Bellator 189: Budd vs. Blencowe 2 in an exciting battle between a two-time NCAA Division I Wrestling All-American at Edinboro University taking on a World Jiu-Jitsu and World No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu champion.


Diweddarwyd Bellator 189: Budd vs. Blencowe 2 Fight Card:

Women’s Featherweight World Title Main Event: Julia Budd (10-2) vs. Arlene Blencowe (10-6)

Middleweight Co-Main Event: Chris Honeycutt (10-1) vs. Rafael Lovato Jr. (6-0)

Top 154-Pound World Champions & Contenders Hit New York Next Week Ahead of Saturday, Hydref 14 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Fighters Share Their Thoughts & Experiences Fighting in New York Ahead of Premier Boxing Champions Event
BROOKLYN (Hydref 6, 2017) – Six of the top 154-pound world champions and contenders will look to put on a show for the fans in New York as they prepare to enter the ring for a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader Dydd Sadwrn, Hydref 14 gan Barclays Center, cartref BROOKLYN BOCSIO®.
Pennawd digwyddiad Premier Champions Boxing yw Erislandy “Y Freuddwyd Americanaidd” Laradefending against undefeated Terrell Gausha. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “Iron Man” Charlo taking on top contender Erickson “Morthwyl” Lubin ac “Swift” Jarrett Hurd making his first title defense against tough former world champion Austin “Dim Doubt” Brithyll.
Yr undefeated 2012 U.S. Olympian Gausha is the only fighter on the card who will be making his Barclays Center debut. Fodd bynnag, the Cleveland-native has fought once in New York before and looks forward to a return, this time on itsbiggest stage.
I’m absolutely thrilled to be able to fight at Barclays Center and add my name to the list of great fighters who have competed there,” said Gausha. “There’s something special about fighting in New York. The energy from the fans is really unique. I think I’m the perfect guy to come in and handle that pressure and have it elevate my game.
Gausha faces WBA Champion Erislandy Lara, who won a decision against Austin Trout in their 2013 title showdown at Barclays Center. Y tro hwn, Lara looks forward to taking advantage of his elevated role as the main event of this show.
My memories of fighting at Barclays Center were incredible,” meddai'r Lara. “I put on one of my best performances against a great champion in Austin Trout and I’m looking to be even better onHydref 14. To be headlining in New York is incredibly special and important to me. There’s no better time to be at my very best than in front of these fans.
Both WBC Champion Jermell Charlo and WBC No. 1 contender Erickson Lubin delivered sensational knockouts to make their Barclays Center debuts in 2017. Charlo made his first world title defense in April by stopping Charles Hatley and wants nothing else but to take care of business when he returns to the squared circle at Barclays Center.
I’m honored to be fighting in Brooklyn,” Said Charlo. “This is another exciting fight card like the last time I was here. I did what I had to do in April. I let my opponent run his mouth and then I took care of him. I’m going to let that happen again. I can’t wait for another opportunity to grow my fan base here in New York.
Lubin has the strongest connection to the city of the six fighters, as he has made his training camp in nearby Hackensack, N.J., and is frequently able to visit his mother, who is living in Queens. He delivered a one-punch knockout of Jorge Cota at Barclays Center in March on CBS to earn this title opportunity on Hydref 14.
My last fight was my first ever in New York as a pro or amateur, and it was a memorable one,” said Lubin. “I left the crowd satisfied and entertained them with my squat and hit him with an overhand to knock him out. New York is like my second home and I love it here.
I love visiting my mom in Queens and eating all the Haitian food she cooks, but I have to wait until after the fight to enjoy it. I’ve really embraced training up here though. We didn’t want to break camp at all. So we came up here for the press conference and were able to get in a workout that day. I’ll be a thousand percent ready once fight week rolls around.
For IBF Champion Jarrett Hurd and former champion Austin Trout, New York has been a place for career-defining moments. For Hurd, ei Mawrth 2016 stoppage of Mexican Olympian Carlos Molina at Barclays Center buoyed him towards his world title shot and eventually championship triumph.
When I beat an Olympian like Carlos Molina, that was definitely when I first thought that I was a fighter who could win a world title and it proved I could compete against anybody,” meddai'r Hurd. “I think I picked up some fans in New York between that and beating the ‘Brooklyn Rocky’ Frank GALARZA. New York always shows me love, so I feel it’s my duty to give them something to cheer about.
I’m excited to be in New York because it’s very close to my home in Maryland too. I’m organizing buses for my fans to come up and watch me so I’m expecting another great atmosphere on fight night.
Already a world champion, Trout had the opportunity to face future Hall of Famer Miguel Cotto in 2012 yn Efrog Newydd, and he was able to rise to the occasion that the stage demanded. He dominated Cotto over 12 rounds in his first start in New York and although he faltered in his return to New York against Lara, he remains fond of fighting in The Big Apple.
New York is always a great place to be,” Dywedodd Brithyll. “I had the biggest moment of my career in New York, but I want to make up for my last fight at Barclays Center, so fans can definitely expect fireworks on Hydref 14. Im 'yn dod i ymladd.
My mother was born and raised in New York so I always look forward to the opportunity to compete here. My favorite thing to do is go to a Chinese restaurant on Avenue X after the fight with my family and I’m hoping to do that as a two-time world champion after this fight.

Tickets to the event are on sale now and start at $50 (heb gynnwys ffioedd sy'n gymwys). Tickets can be purchased at, neu drwy ffonio 800-745-3000. Gellir prynu tocynnau hefyd yn Swyddfa Docynnau American Express yng Nghanolfan Barclays. Gostyngiadau grwpiau ar gael drwy ffonio 844-BKLYN-GP.

# # #
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy “Y Freuddwyd Americanaidd” Lara defending against undefeated Terrell Gausha in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins live at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “Iron Man” Charlo taking on top contender Erickson “Morthwyl” Lubin and “Swift” Jarrett Hurd making his first title defense against tough former world champion Austin “Dim Doubt” Brithyll.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i,, dilyn ar Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook

FNU Dangos Campau Ymladd: Special Guest Angel Manfredy

Tom, Tony and Rich are back together again for another episode of the FNU Combat Sports Show. This week’s combat sports show touches on a variety of subjects, from UFC 216 to Andre Ward’s retirement. We also feature a special interview with former pro boxer Angel Manfredy.


Show Opening:

Angel Manfredy Interview:

Top 154-Pound World Champions & Contenders Hit New York Next Week Ahead of Saturday, Hydref 14 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Tripleheader from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Fighters Share Their Thoughts & Experiences Fighting in New York Ahead of Premier Boxing Champions Event
BROOKLYN (Hydref 6, 2017) – Six of the top 154-pound world champions and contenders will look to put on a show for the fans in New York as they prepare to enter the ring for a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader Dydd Sadwrn, Hydref 14gan Barclays Center, cartref BROOKLYN BOCSIO®.
Pennawd digwyddiad Premier Champions Boxing yw Erislandy “Y Freuddwyd Americanaidd” Lara defending against undefeated Terrell Gausha. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “Iron Man” Charlo taking on top contender Erickson “Morthwyl” Lubin ac “Swift”Jarrett Hurd making his first title defense against tough former world champion Austin “Dim Doubt” Brithyll.
Yr undefeated 2012 U.S. Olympian Gausha is the only fighter on the card who will be making his Barclays Center debut. Fodd bynnag, the Cleveland-native has fought once in New York before and looks forward to a return, this time on itsbiggest stage.
I’m absolutely thrilled to be able to fight at Barclays Center and add my name to the list of great fighters who have competed there,” said Gausha. “There’s something special about fighting in New York. The energy from the fans is really unique. I think I’m the perfect guy to come in and handle that pressure and have it elevate my game.
Gausha faces WBA Champion Erislandy Lara, who won a decision against Austin Trout in their 2013 title showdown at Barclays Center. Y tro hwn, Lara looks forward to taking advantage of his elevated role as the main event of this show.
My memories of fighting at Barclays Center were incredible,” meddai'r Lara. “I put on one of my best performances against a great champion in Austin Trout and I’m looking to be even better on October 14. To be headlining in New York is incredibly special and important to me. There’s no better time to be at my very best than in front of these fans.
Both WBC Champion Jermell Charlo and WBC No. 1 contender Erickson Lubin delivered sensational knockouts to make their Barclays Center debuts in 2017. Charlo made his first world title defense in April by stopping Charles Hatley and wants nothing else but to take care of business when he returns to the squared circle at Barclays Center.
I’m honored to be fighting in Brooklyn,” Said Charlo. “This is another exciting fight card like the last time I was here. I did what I had to do in April. I let my opponent run his mouth and then I took care of him. I’m going to let that happen again. I can’t wait for another opportunity to grow my fan base here in New York.
Lubin has the strongest connection to the city of the six fighters, as he has made his training camp in nearby Hackensack, N.J., and is frequently able to visit his mother, who is living in Queens. He delivered a one-punch knockout of Jorge Cota at Barclays Center in March on CBS to earn this title opportunity on Hydref 14.
My last fight was my first ever in New York as a pro or amateur, and it was a memorable one,” said Lubin. “I left the crowd satisfied and entertained them with my squat and hit him with an overhand to knock him out. New York is like my second home and I love it here.
I love visiting my mom in Queens and eating all the Haitian food she cooks, but I have to wait until after the fight to enjoy it. I’ve really embraced training up here though. We didn’t want to break camp at all. So we came up here for the press conference and were able to get in a workout that day. I’ll be a thousand percent ready once fight week rolls around.
For IBF Champion Jarrett Hurd and former champion Austin Trout, New York has been a place for career-defining moments. For Hurd, ei Mawrth 2016 stoppage of Mexican Olympian Carlos Molina at Barclays Center buoyed him towards his world title shot and eventually championship triumph.
When I beat an Olympian like Carlos Molina, that was definitely when I first thought that I was a fighter who could win a world title and it proved I could compete against anybody,” meddai'r Hurd. “I think I picked up some fans in New York between that and beating the ‘Brooklyn Rocky’ Frank GALARZA. New York always shows me love, so I feel it’s my duty to give them something to cheer about.
I’m excited to be in New York because it’s very close to my home in Maryland too. I’m organizing buses for my fans to come up and watch me so I’m expecting another great atmosphere on fight night.
Already a world champion, Trout had the opportunity to face future Hall of Famer Miguel Cotto in 2012 yn Efrog Newydd, and he was able to rise to the occasion that the stage demanded. He dominated Cotto over 12 rounds in his first start in New York and although he faltered in his return to New York against Lara, he remains fond of fighting in The Big Apple.
New York is always a great place to be,” Dywedodd Brithyll. “I had the biggest moment of my career in New York, but I want to make up for my last fight at Barclays Center, so fans can definitely expect fireworks on Hydref 14. Im 'yn dod i ymladd.
My mother was born and raised in New York so I always look forward to the opportunity to compete here. My favorite thing to do is go to a Chinese restaurant on Avenue X after the fight with my family and I’m hoping to do that as a two-time world champion after this fight.
Tickets to the event are on sale now and start at $50 (heb gynnwys ffioedd sy'n gymwys). Tickets can be purchased at, neu drwy ffonio 800-745-3000. Gellir prynu tocynnau hefyd yn Swyddfa Docynnau American Express yng Nghanolfan Barclays. Gostyngiadau grwpiau ar gael drwy ffonio 844-BKLYN-GP.
# # #
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy “Y Freuddwyd Americanaidd” Lara defending against undefeated Terrell Gausha in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins live at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “Iron Man” Charlo taking on top contender Erickson “Morthwyl” Lubin and “Swift” Jarrett Hurd making his first title defense against tough former world champion Austin “Dim Doubt” Brithyll.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i,, dilyn ar Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella,@TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,,


Portland, Maine (Hydref 6, 2017) - Ymladd Lloegr Newydd (NEF) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland on Dydd Gwener, Tachwedd 3, 2017 at Aura with “NEF 31: The Old Port.” Yn gynharach heddiw, the fight promotion announced the full fight card for the event featuring a full slate of professional and amateur mixed-martial-arts bouts.

Maine fan-favorite Paul Gorman (10-9) is scheduled to take on James “The FlyinHawaiianBlair (5-1) in the main event of the evening. Gorman, the former NEF bantamweight titleholder and a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt out of the Academy in Portland, makes his return to the NEF cage after a three-year absence. Blair is a hot prospect from the world-renowned American Top Team in Coconut Creek, Florida where he trains alongside a veritable murderersrow of current and former world champions like Mike Brown (26-9), Tyron Woodley (18-3-1), and Joanna Jędrzejczyk (14-0) just to name a few.

Reigning NEF Professional Middleweight Champion CJ Piser (3-0) will be in action when he takes on Crowsneck Boutin (2-3) in a non-title affair. Ewer captured the 185-pound title over the summer when he submitted Mike Hansen (5-6) yn “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor.Boutin will be coming off a year-long layoff from competition.

The Blackpool RipperMatt Probin (0-0) makes his pro MMA debut against rugged veteranJosh Parker (6-9). Both Probin and Parker have extensive backgrounds as professional boxers. Probin has trained and competed in Muay Thai in Thailand. Parker is the founder of Ruthless MMA & Boxing of Waterville, Maine.

John “Dosbarth Cyntaf” Ray (2-8) will come out of retirement to face Zenon “K-Bar” Herrera (0-5). Raio last fought in the summer of 2015. He is the head coach of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Maine. Herrera, a veteran of both the United States Army and Marine Corps, is looking for his first win since joining the professional ranks two years ago.

The amateur side of the card will feature a total of three title fights. NEF Amateur Heavyweight Champion Nick “The Guardian” Gulliver (4-0) will defend his strap against WWE signeeTerrance Jean-Jacques (2-0), tra Nate Boucher (2-0) ac Justin Witham (3-4) square off for the vacant flyweight title. Alex Walker (4-1) ac Hilarie Rose (4-3) will make history when they battle for the first-ever NEF women’s championship in the strawweight division.

The Walker-Rose fight will be one of four female bouts featured on theNEF 31amateur card. Carol Linn Powell (0-0), wife of former NEF Professional Lightweight Champion and current UFC competitor Devin Powell (8-3), is scheduled to make her cage debut against Francesca Morabito (0-0). Jayda “Lil Killah” Bailey (0-0) makes her debut just eight days after her 18th birthday, the legal minimum age for competing in MMA in Maine, in a bantamweight bout with Danae Dostie (0-0) tra Sarah Matulis (0-0) ac Chelsea Elizabeth(0-0) face off in yet another double amateur debut.

The fullNEF 31” Cerdyn frwydr (agored i newid a chymeradwyaeth y Combat Awdurdod Chwaraeon Maine):



180 CJ Piser 3-0 (MMA Ifanc) vs Crowsneck Boutin 2-3 (Annibynnol)


150 John Ray 2-8 (Dosbarth Cyntaf MMA) vs Zenon Herrera 0-5 (Annibynnol)


145 Josh Parker 6-9 (MMA ddidostur & Bocsio) vs Matt Probin 0-0 (CMBJJ/Young’s MMA)


135 Paul Gorman 10-9 (Mae'r Academi) vs James Blair 5-1 (American Top Team)




265*TEITL Nick Guilliver 4-0 (c) (First Class /Foundry) vs Terrance Jean-Jacques 2-0 (Cyswllt Tîm)


125*TEITL Nate Boucher 2-0 (CMBJJ) vs Justin Witham 3-4 (Clwb Brwydro yn erbyn annrylliadwy)


115 *TEITL Alex Walker 4-1 (Kaze) vs Hilarie Rose 4-3 (USMMA)

265 Matt Glover 1-1 (Berserkers MMA) vs Jason Maes 0-2 (Kenney’s MMA)


175 Carlton Charles 1-0 (Charles Family Fighting/Fire&Iron Athletics) vs Nate Evans 0-0


170 Mohammed al Kinani 0-0 (Evolution Athletix) vs Phil Pearson 0-1 (Dosbarth Cyntaf MMA)


170 David Grant 0-0 (Evolution Athletix) vs Tom Rials 0-0 (Nostos)


155 Will McCall 1-2 (Evolution Athletix) vs Chad Pierce 1-0 (Mae'r Academi)


155 Nick Banks 0-0 (Sefydliad Choi) vs Emmett Huber 0-1 (Mae'r Academi)


155 Garry Carr 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs David Hart 0-1 (Kenney’s MMA)

135 Sarah Matulis 0-0 (Clwb Brwydro yn erbyn annrylliadwy) vs Chelsea Elizabeth 0-0 (Dosbarth Cyntaf MMA)


135 Danae Dostie 0-0 (Kenney’s MMA) vs Jayda Bailey 0-0 (MMA Ifanc)


135 Carl Langston 6-9 (MMA Ifanc) vs Henry Clark 3-3 (Sefydliad Choi)


135 Kam Arnold 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Caleb Costello 3-4 (MMA Ifanc)


135 Carol Linn Hawkins 0-0 (Nostos) vs Francesca Morabito 0-0 (Sefydliad Choi)


Digwyddiad cymysg ymladd-celfyddydau nesaf NEF, “NEF 31: The Old Port,” will see the company debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Dydd Gwener, Tachwedd 3, 2017. Mae tocynnau ar werth nawr ar